Application Sheet New Plant
Application Sheet New Plant
Application Sheet New Plant
RM3. Number of shifts per day & time of shifts (__) _____________________
RM4. Design rendering for how many hours per day (____)
RM5. How many rendering operators do you currently have, per shift (____)
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RM10. How do you want to convey ground raw material to cooking?
CO1. It is our understanding that you want Continuous cooking, how many?
FP7. Will truck scales be incorporated in this layout, or do you want another type
scale such as load cells, etc._____________________________________
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FS2. How do you want to clean fat: ____________________________________
Pre Screen with Sweco ?
Brand Preference
If Centrifuge – Location
¾ Elevated
¾ Floor mounted
Alloy Fats and Fines Screener
FS4. Do you want clean storage tanks to be inside or outside the building______
FS6. How quickly do you want to load fat trucks from storage tank__________
DAF1. Please give us details regarding how you want to process DAF, including DAF
transfer system, storage, cooking, etc._________________________
HR1. What type condenser do you want - shell and tube or air condenser
Cooling Tower
HR4. What water temperature do you want to generate in the shell and tube_____
HR5. Do you have adequate hot water storage, and what is your hot water storage
capacity. NOTE ALLOY has (2) 42,000 Gallon Units in stock___________
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HR6. Do you want any special controls for the heat recovery system___________
Lagoon Capacity ?
AP1. Do you have a preferred vendor, and/or prefer a certain type air scrubber
AP2. Do you want to scrub high intensity odors, in addition to room air
AP3. How many room air exchanges are required per hour________________
BO1. For rendering - how many boilers do you have and what are their capacities
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EL1. What level of control are you looking for _______________________
Basic Controls
Operator Feedback
Management Feedback
Data Acquisition
EL4. Lighting:
1. Size - dimensions______
2. One or Two stories, type, etc.______
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EL4. Will you be the General Contractor:_____
1. Electrical
2. Plumbing
3. Civil Engineering
4. Building
5. Engineering Drawings
1. Conceptual Drawings____________
2. Budget Quote___________________
3. Detailed Drawings_______________
4. Placement of Order_______________
5. Installation______________________
Start Date Approx._______________
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