Leisure Suit Larry 8
Leisure Suit Larry 8
Leisure Suit Larry 8
This game and walkthrough contain scenes of nudity, strong sexual content,
strong language, and alcohol consumption. If you are under the age of
18 or are easily offended by such content read no further. Reader
discretion is advised.
1. Introduction
2. Version History
3. Censorship in the game.
4. Interacting with the environment in Wander Mode
5. Game Mode Types
5.1 Chat
5.2 Quarters
5.3 Bartending
5.4 Rhythm Games
5.5 Slaps
5.6 Whack a Mole
5.7 Whack a Pole
5.8 Avoidance
5.9 Wet T-Shirt
5.10 Photo Shoots
5.11 Posing
6. Walkthrough Main Story Missions
6.1 Phase one: Sally Mae, Ione, Analisa
6.2 Phase two: Luba, Zanna, Harriet
6.3 Phase three: Beatrice, Charlotte, Bilzarbra
6.4 Phase four: Tilly, Koko, Lesbian Ione
6.5 Phase five: Barbara Jo, Morgan, Suzi
6.6 Endgame
6.7 Post Game
7. Optional Side Quest Missions
7.1 First Porn Fairy
7.2 Sweet Lou
7.3 Sweetwater Pimping
7.4 Russell Makeover
7.5 Frat
8. Item Locations
8.1 Money
8.2 Secret Tokens
8.3 Quest Items
9. Merchant/Vending Machines
10. Porn Fairy Locations
11. Non Mission mini-games
12. Game Rankings
13. Cheats, Glitches, and Easter Eggs
14. Taking Screen Shots (PC Version Only)
16. Contact Information
17. Credits
1. Introduction
I am MysticWeirdo also known by my real name Warren Grieder.
Leisure Suit Larry Magna: Magna Cum Laude is an adult oriented game which
follows the antics of Larry Lovage, the nephew of Larry Laffer who starred in
the original series of Leisure Suit Larry Games. You will play several
mini-games as you guide Larry on his attempts to get lucky with the various
women at Walnut Log Community College.
This game is available for the Xbox, PC, and PS2. If anyone can supply
PS2 specific information for the sections on Wander Mode and Game Mode it
would be appreciated.
2. Version History
Version 1.3.5: Decemember 4, 2004: Correction to Blizarbra's third chat and
Tilly's third chat sequence has been added. Alternation strategy for the
Julius photo shoot added.
Version 1.3.4: November 23, 2004: Added info on when Larry Laffer will sell
his secret item. Added addition info on viewing the movies outside of the
program. Two more easter eggs added. More info on wimping out costs and
secret token amounts added under Game Mode Types.
Version 1.3.3: November 16, 2004: Corrected Secret Token amouth for Fourth
painting from coffee booth in Art Gallery. Added amount of Money the Art
Classroom Porn Fairy gives. Correct Secret Token amount for VIP room Porn
Fairy. Correct Secret Token amount for Stage with Spanking Cross in VIP room.
Included detail on wimp out costs under Game Mode Types.
Version 1.3.2: November 15, 2004: New money location for Frat House. Corrected
money amount for Nice Streets bushes by left gate. New money location added
for Nice Streets. Corrected Secret Token amount for Dance Floor in the Dance
Club. New Secret Token location for Dance Club. Corrected number of secret
tokens given by Sorority House porn fairy. Money location in Crappy Street
added. Corrected secret token amount for Hairy Humpers in the Plaid Mart.
Version 1.3.1: November 14, 2004: New money locations in Dorm Hall and Main
Campus. New Secret Token Location in Library. Corrected Secret token amount
for recliner in Greek Quad.
Version 1.2.3, November 7, 2004: Corrected and added some of the money and
secret token amounts.
Version 1.2.2, November 4, 2004: Added strategy to get five light photos in
Koko's photo shot.
Version 1.2.1, Oct 27, 2004: Updated screen shot information. Move PC and
XBOX quarters strategy from Sally Mae's quarter game to the Quarters
subsection of the Mini-Games section.
Version 1.2, Oct 26, 2004: Added information on animated models in the
character viewer. Added section of screen shots for the pc version. Added
mention of the Adult Only version in the censorship section.
Version 1.1.5, Oct 24, 2004: One more secret token location added. Glitch
where Larry can walking into the stage in Titty City added.
Version 1.1.4, Oct 22, 2004: Two more secret token locations added.
Version 1.1.3, Oct 22, 2004: Added Swingles van secret token location on the
main campus. Added some info on viewing the sfd cutscene files outside the
game. Added glitch with a censor bar in the Swingles Chat. Put a note beside
the Everybody Naked secret in the merchants section on how to earn more secret
tokens since I've received several emails about it.
Version 1.1.2, Oct 21, 2004: Peep hole glitch confirmed on PS2 version. Fixed
a typo in the game ranking percentages.
Version 1.1.1, Oct 19, 2004: Corrected Titty City Catwark money amount. Added
secret token location in Main Campus. Add glitch to get on top of Swingles
van. Put some good photo op/photo evaluator combos in the money section.
Version 1.1, Oct 18, 2004. Added non story mode panty raid game. Two secret
token and one money location added. Peep hole glitch confirmed on PC version
in addition to Xbox. Several typos fixed.
Version 1.0.1, Oct 17, 2004. I neglected to add the last porn fairy's reward,
it has now been added.
Version 1.0, Oct 17, 2004. Finished Walkthrough, money and secret token
locations for Titty City and the VIP room. Added missing Secret Token
location in the Lab. Added fixed sequence for the Rebel Spank mini-game.
Added improved description for location of Main Campus porn fairy and reward
given by the last porn fairy. Added Xbox glitches sent to me. Added game
rankings section. Improved Table of Contents
Version 0.83, Oct 16, 2004: Updated information on Tilly's Photo shoot mission
based on several submissions I received. Added last porn fairy location thank
to a submission. Completed one more girls walkthrough and walkthrough for the
last Frat sidequest.
Version 0.78, Oct 16, 2004: Added walkthrough for one more girl. Completed
walkthrough for the Russell Makeover sidequest and fixed error in the
sequence. Added prerequisite information for Swingles 3, Swingles 4, and
Lesbian Ione.
Version 0.71, October 15, 2004: Added walkthrough for two more girls and
fourth frat sidequest.
Version 0.62, October 15, 2004: Added walkthrough for one more girl. Also
added money and secret token locations for Tilly's Office. Added several
Whack-a-mole sequences submitted by Colonel Paladin. Corrected the sequences
in Bilzabra's Tantrum game and the Frat Drink Mixing game thanks to Colonel
Version 0.56, October 14, 2004: Added walkthrough for one more girl and four
sidequests. Added one more photo evaluator. Include a cheat that was
submitted to me.
Version 0.49, October 13, 2004: Added walkthroughs for two more girls. Also
added more token and money locations and 4 porn fairy locations.
Version 0.35, October 12, 2004: Added walkthroughs for two more girls and a
sidequest. Also added more token and money locations and a porn fairy
Version 0.20, October 11, 2004: Added non story/sidequest mini-game, first
four porn fairy locations, walkthroughs for three more girls and one
sidequest. Several token and money locations added.
Version 0.10, October 11, 2004: Initial Version of the guide, framework for
the guide laid out and several sections completed. Walkthrough for first girl
3. Censorship in the game.
The NTSC (North American) version of the has a censor bar over the lower body
to keep the game within the M rating category. Apparently this censor bar
will not be present in the PAL (European) version of the game. The game has
been banned in Australia.
Please do not contact me with questions on how to remove the censor bar.
VUGames is releasing an Adult Only version of the PC version for the North
American audience. The censor bars will be absent in this version and some of
the girls ending movies will be extended. Gameplay should be the same.
4. Interacting with the environment in Wander Mode
Xbox: Use the left thick to move about
PC: Use the arrow keys
Xbox: Hold left trigger while moves
PC: Use the left shift to toggle walking and running
Camera Angle
XBox: Use the Right Thumbstick to adjust the camera
PC: Use the mouse to adjust the camera
First Person
PC Only: Press C to toggle first person mode
Examine Object
Larry gives a description of the item when examining.
Xbox: B button
PC: Spacebar or right mouse button
Activate Object
This includes talking (speech balloon icon), entering another area (door
icon), buying items/services (price tag icon) or selling photos (film icon),
playing mini-game (joystick icon), or chatting with a babe (lips icon). If
there's no activate icon, using activate may yield money or secret tokens.
Xbox: A button
PC: Enter or Left Mouse button
If your confidence is high you can pose for people to maintain your
confidence. Can be used to keep your confidence high. Cycle through the
displayed sequence to pose.
You can take picture with your camera to sell to Photo Evaluators. Make sure
there are more than one light lit before taking a picture to be evaluated
otherwise you take a loss of the $1 evaluation fee.
Xbox: Press black to toggle the Camera on and off. Move Larry with the left
thumbstick, aim the camera with the right thumbstick, use up and down on the
d-pad to adjust the zoom.
PC: P or * on the number pad toggles the camera. + and - or the mouse wheel
adjusts the zoom. The arrow keys move Larry and the mouse aims the camera.
While it make boost your confidence level, being drunk can hinder you in game
Access the pause menus access several features:
Black Book: The black book list your current objective, your acquired items
and outfits, and information on girls you've met and which mission you've
completed for them. You can replay a completed mission by selecting it on the
girls page of the black book. The black book also contains stats one some of
your accomplishments (or lack thereof) during the game.
Extras: View bonus art, character models of the girls and Larry's various
costumes, bonus options (Naughty and nude modes if unlocked), and game
5. Game mode types
There are several types of mini-games that you'll play as you progress through
the game. If you lose a game three times the game will offer to make the game
easier for you. If you loss a game six times you will be presented with a
chance to wimp out and progress past the mini-game without playing it.
The cost for wimping out increases as you progress through the cost. Initial
the cost is 1 secret token. After completing "Swingles 1" the cost goes up to
2 secret tokens. After completing "Swingles 2" the cost goes up to 3 secret
tokens. After completing "Swingles 3" the cost goes up to 4 secret tokens.
After completing "Swingles 4" the cost goes up to 5 secret tokens. After
compling the Swingles finals the cost goes up to 6 secret tokens.
While the game will let you wimp out of the non story games don't waste tokens
on these as they don't count towards the completion percentage.
Try not to wimp out too often or you may to be able to afford all of the
secrets. An email from ollie who's obtained a perfect in all games except the
Julius photo shoot, indicated that there are at least 397 extra tokens, and
that there'd be enough to wimp out of all the games if you went back and got a
perfect on them later.
On my last play through collecting all of the secret tokens listed in this
guide, I calculate there is the potential for 398 secret tokens. If you wimp
out on all of the story/sidequest games leaving the current Swingles to last
you'll use 335 secret tokens. (If you do the Swingles games as early as
possible and no side quests this number could rise to 444 barring
prerequisites I may not have considered.) These numbers assume you don't
waste secret tokens on non-story/sidequest minigames.
5.1 Chat
In the Chat mini-game you guide Larry's conversion by moving the swimming
sperm around red obstacles with either lower your heart score while picking up
the green items which raises you heart score. The sperm gets harder to
control when you're drunk so avoid the drink icons. Picking up a coffee icon
sobers you up a bit. Snowflake icons briefly freeze the sperm's vertical
movement. Bomb icons destroy some of the other icons, which may be good or
You need to finish this game with a green border on the heart to win. The
main conversion options are controlled when you pick up one of the items in
the vertical columns with two red items and one green item. If you win the
game and have picked of all the green items from the conversation points (the
green hearts don't count you'll earn a perfect for the game.
5.2 Quarters
Quarters is a drinking game where Larry and his opponent take turns tossing
quarters into a drink glass. Each time a coin lands in the glass the other
player takes a drink (and remove an item of clothing in the strip versions).
The first player to get the other player completely drunk (or naked in the
strip version) wins. A perfect win is earn for never missing the cup.
Sometimes a pile of money appears. You can earn bonus money by hitting it
instead of the cup but it will cost you a perfect and possibly the victory.
Xbox controls: Pull back the left thumbstick to wind up and push forward to
throw. If you miss you get a message telling you that one or both was to long
or too short. Adjust your aim accordingly.
XBOX strategy: pulling the left thumbstick about halfway back and pushing it
halfway forward seems to be effect.
PC control: Pull back the mouse to wind up and push it forward to throw. You
might find it easier to use the down and up arrow keys if you miss to the left
or right.
PC strategy: quickly tapping the down arrow, and then quickly tapping the up
arrow seems to work well.
5.3 Bartending
This is essential the old arcade game "Tapper". Move Larry between four rows
of customers distributing flyer, drinks or other items to them. You can move
Larry down the rows to catch items being throw back and to pick up tips.
Unlike the original tapper you can't warp from the top to the bottom so Larry
need to take the long way.
You can lose a life if one of the customers reaches the end of the row, if you
throw and item on a row when there are no customers to catch it, or it you
to catch an item being thrown back.
Clear all the waves to win, and earn a perfect if you do so without losing a
Xbox Controls: Use the left thumbstick to move Larry and the A button to
PC Controls: Move Larry with the arrow keys throw item with the enter key.
The dancing and trampoline game require you the match the rhythm of presented
to when by selecting the correct button/direction at the right time.
Correct choice raise you heart meter and wrong choices lower it. Win by
finishing with a green bordered heart (or by getting your opponent naked in
the strip versions). Finish with no misses to earn a perfect.
Xbox Controls: Use the left thumbstick or d-pad to match the direction and the
A button to match the button.
PC Controls: Use the arrow keys to match the directions and the enter key to
match the button.
5.5 Slaps
In Slaps, while on offense, you build up power and attempt to slap you
opponents hand before she can pull them away. If you can fake her out you
have a prime opportunity to slap her hands when she puts them back in. Each
time you slap her hands her hurt meter increase. If you miss or the time runs
out you switch to defense.
On defense try to second guess your opponent and pull you hand away to avoid
getting slapped. You opponents facial express or body movements will give you
an early warning of when the slap in coming. If you get hit your hurt meter
rises. You switch back to offense if the slap misses.
The winner is the first player to max out their opponents hurt meter (or get
them naked in the strip version). Get a perfect win by not getting hit.
XBox controls: Use the B button to increase power, the X button (or tap A) to
fake, hold the A button to slap or withdraw hands while on defense.
PC controls: Tap Space to increase power, shift to fake, and enter to slap or
withdraw hands.
The drink mixing, painting, and spanking games involve selecting the
appropriate button when it appears. If you select the wrong button or are too
slow in selecting the correct button you'll take a miss. If a dollar sign
icon appear you can get some bonus cash by selecting that button but it will
usually mean taking a miss. Get through the game before using up all your
misses to win. If you don't take any misses you'll earn a perfect.
PC Controls: Press the arrow keys when the corresponding symbol appears on the
Xbox Controls: Move the Left Thumbstick up and down to move the paddles.
5.8 Avoidance
The avoidance games involve Larry streaking past bystander, picking up items,
or performing a number of other tasks within a time limit. There are one or
more guards, goons, or other ruffians that seek to stop Larry that need to be
avoids. Some of the games gives Larry a supply of Cheese Mummies that Larry
can use to distract his pursuers. Getting all of the items/streaking all
bystanders will earn a perfect win. Some of the game will all you to win with
a few missed targets.
Xbox Controls: Use the Left Thumbstick to move and the A button to drop some
Cheese Mummies.
Xbox Controls: Use the arrow keys to move and the enter key to drop some
Xbox Controls: Use the Left Thumbstick to aim and press the A button to fire.
If you get six decent shots you'll get a win. The Special Camera Lens from
the light beside the Swingle Stage is essential for this game as it allow you
to zoom in close enough to max out the camera meter. Six maxed out camera
meter photos should get you a perfect but mileage may vary, one photo shoot I
did this (nonstory Art Classroom - Model's Chair) and still didn't get the
perfect, however ollie has sent a strategy for getting this perfect.
Xbox Controls: Left Thumbstick moves Larry, the d-pad adjusts the zoom, and
the right thumbstick aims the camera. Use the A button to take pictures.
PC Controls: + and - or the mouse wheel adjusts the zoom. The arrow keys
move Larry and the mouse aims the camera.
5.11 Posing
The posing game see Larry spreading information or school spirit to help out
someone. Larry need to move to this person to recharge and the need to tell a
group of one or more people the information with a short time period.
Tell the information to the required number of people within the time limit to
get a perfect win. Time can be extended by running over the time extension
start that may be available.
Xbox Controls: Left Thumbstick moves Larry and the A button use the pose.
PC Controls: Use the arrow keys to move Larry and the enter key to use the
6. Walkthrough Missions
NOTE: If you want to replay any of the story/sidequest games select them in
the black book.
For the chat game I list the order of the rows the main green conversion icons
appear in. Keep in mind you'll need to avoid other obstacles between the
points, T=top row, M=middle row, B=Bottom Row
For the rhythm games, I use the U=up, D=down, L=left, R=right, B=button.
You begin the game in Larry's dorm room. Your uncle will give you a tutorial
on examining and using objects. Use the bed to receive 10 Secret tokens. If
you want play Whack-a-Pole on the TV to boost your confidence (plus 5
secret tokens if you get a perfect).
Exit to the dorm hall after the tutorial or skip it if you prefer.
When in doubt of where to go, refer to the black book in the pause menu. It
will tell you where to find the available missions.
6.1 Phase one: Sally Mae, Ione, Analisa
Areas accessible:
Dorm Hall
Main Campus
Greek Quad
Frat House
Ione's and Luba's Room will be accessible for part of this phase.
Sally Mae
After leaving your dorm room head down the hall to your right to you first
encounter with a girl, Sally Mae. Sally Mae is continuation of the tutorial.
Uncle Larry tell you to examine her, do so. After examining Sally Mae activate
her again to begin the first game.
Chat 1
This is a chat game. The green story points appear in this sequence:
After winning the chat game walk over to the Mixes Drink Station and activate
it to start a Whack-A-Mole drink mixing game. You're allow four misses out of
35 in this game. The correct buttons sequence is
Chat 2
Walk back to Sally Mae and activate her to start a second chat game with her.
The sequence of conversion points is: MMBMBMTMMMMTB
Turn on the radio and talk to Sally Mae again to play a dancing rhythm game.
You may want to visit the vending machine and purchase the Dance Album to get
an advantage her, if you need money, play the drink mixing mini-game here.
This game is fairly short and should give you much trouble. The correct
buttons sequence is:
Chat 3
Activate Sally Mae again to play a third chat game with her.
The conversation point sequence is: MMTBTBTBTTTMMMTMBMMMTM
After winning the chat game, activate Sally Mae once more to play a game of
quarters with her.
After winning the quarters game watch Sally Mae's final movie and obtain her
token of affection.
You're now back in your room, and its time to track down a second girl.
Leave your room and head down the hallway to the right. Go down the stairs and
through the doors to the main campus. Watch the Swingles cut scene with Uma.
While you're here activate the light to the rear of the Swingles stage to get
the Super Camera Lens.
Cross the foot bridge to the left of the dorm exit. Follow the path down the
stairs to the Alpha Bull statue. Go up the stairs by the bull and go through
the doors in the library.
Inside the library go up the stairs behind the librarian and turn to the left.
You see Ione sitting at a table.
Chat 1
Activate Ione to begin a chat game. The sequence of green conversation points
for this game is: TMMBMTTBBMTTT
After winning the chat game, Uncle Larry tells you that he's seen the
Commissar with the bottle of cognac that you need to find for Ione. Head out
of the library and go to the Greek Quad to the right of the Alpha Bull.
Bum Dance
Once your in the Quad, you'll notice a bum walking around the side walk.
This is the Commissar. The to him to activate a dancing rhythm game. The
pattern for this game is:
Now that you has the cognac head back to the dorms and go to Luba's and
Ione's room, it the door with the flashing lights in case you missed it.
Enter the room and activate the Drawer to get the Nail Clippers while you're
Chat 2
Activate Ione to start another chat game. The sequence of green conversion
Chat 3
Head back to Ione's room after the quarter's game. Activate Ione for another
chat game. The sequence of green conversion points is:
Head Back to the Greek Quad and talk to the girl in the black outfit. This
is the third girl, Analisa
Chat 1
Activate Analisa to start a chat game. The sequence of green conversion points
Chat 2
Analisa goes into the Frat House. You need to pay Supernaut $10 to gain
access. Inside the Frat House go straight ahead to where Analisa is standing
by a pool. Talk to her to star another chat game. The sequence of green
conversion points is: TMMBMBBBMMTBMMTMBTTT
Make sure you're sober and then activate Analisa again to start a strip
trampoline game. Get three of the following five sequences right to get
Analisa down to her lingerie:
Chat 3
The game immediately go into another chat game. The sequence of green
conversion points is: TMBMBBTBMMTMBMBBBB
You go straight into this avoidance game from the chat. The optimal route to
get the 10 keys goes from the trampoline, across the wooden bridge, down the
stairs, around the Alpha bull to the left, up the library stairs, past the
vending machine to the top of the hill above the archway. Go down the hill
and back up the stairs under the archway, use the cheese mummies to distract
the goons there and head for the dorm doors.
If you want you can do the Frat Trampoline side quest. Otherwise, head to the
Swingles stage and talk to Uma.
Swingles 1
You need to have finish two of the first three girls to play this game.
6.2 Phase two: Luba, Zanna, Harriet
New Areas:
Nice Streets
Dance Club
Sorority House
We're now in the second phase of the game with three new girls available.
Head through the gates by the Swingles sets on the way to the fourth girl Luba
who is in the Power Station Dance Club which is next to the closed tunnel.
Chat 1
Luba is the first girls you'll see after entering the club standing just ahead
of you at the bar. You need to be drunk to talk to Luba, so buy a couple of
beers or a Cheatin' Woman at the bar before talking to her to start a chat
game. The sequence of green conversion points is: TMBMBBBTMMMMMMTTMB
Head to the trampolines on the main campus for the next game. Being drunk
doesn't effect this trampoline game as much as usual, probably because Luba's
drunk as well. The sequence for this game is
Chat 2
Go back to the dance club and activate Luba for another chat game. There's a
lot of alcohol in this chat so you'll need to get could at leading the sperm
to catch the long sequence of green icons in the middle row that appear at the
end of the chat. The sequence of green conversion points is:
Sober up before going the Drink Station at the bar to make a drink for Luba.
The sequence for this Whack-a-mole game is:
Have a couple of beers and talk to Luba again to play a game of quarters.
Chat 3
Immediately after the quarters game you enter another chat game.
All Conversions points are in the top row in this chat game.
Head back to the Greek Quad. Zanna will be standing by the door near the
Chat 1
Activate Zanna to start a chat game. The bombs in this chats will clear some
obstacles. The sequence of green conversion points is: TMBBBTTBMMTBTBT
You immediately enter an avoidance game. Avoid the INS agents while pickup
the 30 keys on the walkway and the grassy area around the fountain. Use
cheese mummies to distract the INS agents if necessary. Head for the Main
Campus exit once you have all the keys.
Chat 2
Return to the Greek Quad. Zanna's standing on the sorority house patio.
Activate here for another chat game. The sequence of green conversion points
Zanna enters the sorority house after the quarters game. Acquire the Snazzy
Suit from the College Guy by the frat house and go into the sorority house
after her. You need to be wearing the Snazzy suit to talk to Zanna again, go
into the black book and select it to put it on.
Chat 3
Activate Zanna to start the next chat game. The sequence of green conversion
You go straight into a strip trampoline game. If you're to drunk after the
last chat abort after you loss the first attempt and sober up. Get three of
these five sequences correct to win:
Head back to the main campus a find Harriet near the Alpha Bull. You need a
bit of confidence to talk to her, have a drink or play a mini-game to boost it
if necessary.
Chat 1
Activate Harriet to start a chat game. There are a lot of green heats near
end of the game to boost your heart meter. The sequence of green conversion
Activate Harriet again to play slaps. Harriet bobs her hips before she
so if your on defense watch for that.
Chat 2
Head to the dance club and activate Harriet for another chat game. The
of green conversion points is:
Chat 3
The game immediately takes you to another chat game back in the Main Campus.
The sequence of green conversion points is: TTMBBBTTTTBTBT
Activate Harriet again to start a Twiggy posing game. You're the school
mascot, Twiggy, distributing school spirit at least 10 students. The are 8
students in the area around Harriet and the Swingles Stage, so you need to
2 student in the direction of the library. One is at the bottom of the stairs
through the archway, and another is standing by the Alpha Bull. There are
extensions by the dorm entrance, the trampolines, and behind the billboard to
give you a little extra time, just down go out of your way to pick them up.
If you haven't already you may want to do the second Frat sidequest.
Otherwise head back to the Swingles stage and activate Uma.
Swingles 2
You need to have completed four of the first six girls to play the second
Swingles game which is a dancing rhythm game follow Analisa lead. The sequence
to follow is:
6.3 Phase three: Beatrice, Charlotte, Bilzarbra
New Areas:
Crappy Street
Lefty's Too
Plaid Mart
Art Gallery
Art Classroom
We're now in the third phase of the game with three new girls available.
Head back to the library. Buy the Geek outfit from the Librarian and turn
left to head into the lab.
Chat 1
Put on the Geek outfit so you can talk to Beatrice, who is in the office to
the left of the Lab Entrance. Activate her to start a chat game. The sequence
of green conversion points is: TTMMTBBMMTMMM
Now walk out of Beatrice's office and go into the other room. Activate the
Monkey Feed Room Door to start a bartending game. You need to clear 5 stages
to win the game. Catch any plates being thrown back. If you having trouble
initials, the monkeys become a lot slower if you accept the offer to make the
game easier after the third loss.
Go back to Beatrice and activate her to begin a quarters game against the
monkey, Leopold.
Chat 2
Activate Beatrice again for a very difficult chat game. You'll need to get
very good at zig zagging through red obstacles to win her since there is
little margin for error. If your heart in the green at the end of Leopold's
long speech where he lusts after Beatrice, or the first green icon puts you
into the green you can coast rest of the way up the middle and there are five
green icons in the middle and only four red icons. The sequence of green
conversion points is: TMBBTMMMMMMMM
If you planning on wimping out on only one game do it now. This game is
doable but only with a lot of practice and patience.
Chat 3
You go immediate into another much easier chat game. The sequence of green
conversion points is: TMBBTBTBTTMMMBMMMMMB
Now you go straight into a Whack-a-pole game, with a banana instead of a penis
in the center. Until all the other games you can't go into wander mode when
you lose, you must keep playing until you win or wimp out (from the pause
Chat 1
Head back to the main campus. Get a bit of confidence and activate,
Charlotte, the girl with the megaphone in front of the Biff Barf Performing
Arts Center, to start a chat game. The sequence of green conversion points is:
Activate charlotte again for another chat game. The sequence of green
Activate Charlotte and pay $10 to play a Whack-a-mole game that see you
defacing the Alpha Bull. The sequence you need to follow is:
Chat 3
You'll find yourself facing the Bum Cakes Erotic Bakery with Beatrice and
Leopold in front of you. Activate either one to start an avoidance game where
you need to get Leopold to safety. There are 37 keys to collect that are
laying on the streets. Avoid Beezer and the Goons, using cheese mummies if
necessary. After getting all of the key go to the right gate to the main
Buy the preppy outfit, and the head to the Crappy Streets, either through the
gate between the Frat and Sorority, or through the manhole on the Nice
Streets. Go into the Plaid Mart (If went through the manhole, go down the
street past the Titty City strip club and turn right. The Plaid Mart is the
first building on the right. If you came from the Greek Quad follow the road
past Lefty's Too, Spartacus, and Capt' Slappins' Spank Shanty to the Plaid
Chat 1
Put of the preppy outfit and make sure you have some confidence. Inside the
plaid mart, activate the woman in the blue outfit, Bilzarbra, to start a chat
game. The sequence of green conversion points is: TTMBMBBMTTMMMTMBMMBBMBBBBMM
You go straight into a Whack-a-mole game outside the Spartacus gay bar. The
sequence to follow is:
LRULD UDLRL DLLUL (Thanks to Captain Paladin for pointing out the error)
Chat 2
Inside Spartacus head to the right to where Bilzarbra's waiting. Activate her
and pay $10 to play a chat game. There's a lot of alcohol here and several
cameras (which, although providing a nice zoom in on the breasts, do a lot of
damage to the heart meter) to avoid. You'll need to pay $10 every time you
repeat this game.
Head over to the Art Gallery in Nice Streets near the main campus gates. Head
to the hallway to the right and enter the Art Classroom. Bilzarbra is
standing to the right by a trashcan. Activate her to play a photo shoot game.
Zoom in on her and try to snap photos with at least 4 lights (you can get away
with 3 four light and 3 three light photos). You need 160 points to win, the
number point needed to win decrease after the make the game easier option is
Chat 3
Another difficult chat game starts immediately. Do your best to avoid the
alcohol or it will be hard to steer around the obstacles. Watch out for the
four diagonal sets of camera in close success, try to sneak up diagonally
through one or two of them to avoid having your head completely drained. The
sequence of green conversion points is: TTTMMTMTBMTMBBTBMMTMTM
(Thanks for the correction Spo)
If you want you can do 2 side quest for the Commissar, one for Sweetwater, and
the third Frat side quest.
Swingles 3
You need to have completed six of the first nine girls to play the second
Swingles game.
Head to the Swingles set and activate Uma. In this posing game, hookers are
using the Swingles van to conduct their business. Deliver insults to 8 of
their customer to drive them away, but make sure the ladies are out of earshot
or you'll lose. There a time extension by the van if you require it.
6.4 Phase four: Tilly, Koko, Lesbian Ione
New areas:
Tilly's office is now open in the Sorority House
The new girls that are announced at the beginning of the fourth phase are
Tilly and Koko. You also get a second chance with Ione who is now a lesbian.
Head over to the Greek Quad. You need a fully accessorized Snazzy suit to
talk to Tilly who's standing by a bench near the Frat. Buy the accessories
from the College Guy here and wear the suit. Also make sure you have some
confidence before trying to talk to Tilly.
Chat 1
Activate Tilly to play a chat game. Watch out for ice and alcohol in this
chat. The sequence of green conversion points is:
Enter the Frat House to play a photo shoot game. In this game your trying to
take 6 photos of Scott who's strutting about the upper floor of the Frat.
Zoom in on him and take photos of him when he poses. A score of 160 is
requires to win this game (Thank c0ldb33r and Cordata). I was only able to
observe the reduced score of 120 for winning this game I got too close to
Scott when trying to move fully zoomed in. If you get to close to Scott.
You'll hear a warning that sounds like "hey, get outta here" and lose
instantly (Thanks Cordata.)
Chat 2
Tilly's office in the Sorority House is now open. Head there and activate
Tilly. The start a difficult chat game. Try to avoid the alcohol at the
beginning or you'll have trouble with the obstacles towards the end. Most
likely you'll need to lead the gaps between the obstacles while drunk. The
sequence of green conversion points is: TMBBTMTTTMM
Now go to the Nice Streets outside the Art Gallery. Tilly is standing outside
by the gallery sign. Activate Tilly to begin an avoidance game. Here you
must defile at least 9 of 11 painting by urinating on them. Sweetwater while
start chasing you once you start urinating, you can distract him with Cheese
Mummies if necessary. He probably won't follow you upstairs where you can
defile 4 paints, but you'll still need to defile 5 of the 7 that are
downstairs while dodging him. Make sure you stand far enough back so you can
hit the paintings and try turning while urinating to maximize the damage done.
If you need to recharge, there's a water bottle by the coffee booth.
Chat 3
A chat game starts immediately. There' a string of green heart in the middle
row near the end that can help fill your heart meter, just be careful not to
hit the bomb just before them that will destroy them. If you manage to stay
sober early on it will be much easier to get this string of hearts.
Head to the Crappy Streets. Tilly is standing outside Lefty's Too. Activate
her to start an avoidance game. Gather the 25 decoder piece while avoiding
the security guards, using cheese mummies to distract them if necessary.
Start by grabbing the pieces by the manhole, heading down the back alley. Grab
the pieces neat to entrance to the Greek Quad and go down the street. You'll
likely need to use your cheese mummies in the final stretch from by the
vending machine to the alley between the Spank Shanty and the Plaid Mart.
Head for the manhole after gathering all of the decoder pieces.
Chat 1
Head to Nice Streets and activate the mime, Koko, across the crosswalk from
the Art Gallery for a chat game. This shouldn't be too difficult as the only
obstacles that can lower the heart meter are the conversation points. The
sequence of green conversion points is: TMMBMBTTBBTBMMBTMBTMMMTBTTBTBTBTBM
You immediately enter a posing game. Mime for at least 12 people to win this
game. Try to pose for several people at a time. There a time extensions near
Koko if your in need of it.
Chat 2
Follow Koko into the art gallery. She's behind the counter at the coffee
booth. Activate her to start a chat game. Again the only obstacles that can
lower the heart meter are at the conversation points.
The sequence of green conversion points is: TMMTTTBBMMMTBTBMBTM
Activate Koko again to play a photo shoot game with her. Zoom in and try to
get four and five light close-ups of her face which seem to score better than
close-ups of other areas. You have a better chance of getting a five light
photo if there a painting behind Koko in the shot when she's posings (Thanks
jfren484). Win by getting 300 points.
Chat 3
Activate Koko for another chat game. Again the only obstacles that can lower
the heart meter are at the conversation points. The sequence of green
Ione (Lesbian)
You'll need to have finished Ione and Charlotte for Lesbian Ione to be
Go to the Spartacus gay bar in Crappy Streets. You'll need the Cool Outfit so
buy it from the vending machine outside. Wear the Cool Outfit and activate
Guy Dahm behind the bar to start a bartending game. Clear 4 waves of thirsty
customers to win.
Chat 1
Activate Guy again to play a chat game. The sequence of green conversion
Chat 2
You immediately go to the next chat game. The sequence of green conversion
points is: TMBBTMTT
Make sure you have some confidence. Activate Ione to start a dancing rhythm
game that follows Helmut's lead.
Chat 3
Activate Ione again for another chat game. There are a lot of heart near the
end so this shouldn't present much of a challenge if you were sober to begin
with (There is no alcohol in the chat.) The sequence of green conversion
Watch Lesbian Ione's final movie and receive her token of affection.
If you want you can do the fourth Frat side quest.
Swingles 4
You need to have completed eight of the first twelve girls to play the second
Swingles game.
You may want to make sure you've purchase the Squirt Gun from the Plaid Mart.
Head to the Swingles stage and activate Uma for a wet t-shirt contest. Get at
least 7 of the 10 girls wet to win. The girls emerge from the left. Shoot
them with the water gun when they move their arms away from their breasts. If
a water bottle appears you can shoot it to refill your gun.
6.5 Phase five: Barbara Jo, Morgan, Suzi
New Areas:
Titty City
VIP Room
You're now in the final phase of the game. The last three girls are now
available: Barbara Jo, Morgan, and Suzi
Barbara Jo
Chat 1
Chat 2
If you activate Barbara Jo again again you'll get a hint to go to your room
and call her on the phone. Do so for another Chat game. The sequence of green
conversion points is: TTMMBBBMTMMTM
Return to the sorority house and activate Barbara Jo. Activate her and pay
$15 to take her to a Wet T-shirt contest at Lefty's Too. The girls will
emerge from the door on the left. Shoot them when they're remove their arms
from their breast. If a water bottle appears you can shoot it for a refill.
Soak down five of the eight girls to win. Barbara Jo is the last girls so
you'll want to make sure you soak her down.
Chat 3
Go back to the Sorority House and activate Barbara Jo for another chat game.
The sequence of green conversion points is: MMBMBBMTBTMMMTTMBBTMBMBBBB
Immediately following the chat, you be prompt to pay $15 of play quarters
against Barbara Jo. Do so if you have the money. Otherwise go make some
money and come back to the Sorority House and activate Barbara Jo again to
After you win the quarters game, Barbara Jo will give you her token of
Go to the library. Morgan wants some coffee so mix some up at the drink
station by the library door. Each attempt costs $15 to play this Whack-a-mole
game. The speed on this game is insane so you'll likely need to accept the
offer to make the game easier after three losses. The losses don't need to be
in the same session, so don't worry if you didn't bring enough money. Thanks
go to Colonel Paladin for sending me this sequence to follow for this game:
Chat 1
You'll need a fully accessorized Geek Outfit to talk to Morgan. buy the
accessories from the Librarian. Wear the outfit and activate Morgan to start
a difficult chat game. Do your best to avoid the alcohol and obstacles. The
sequence of green conversion points is: TTTMTMTBMBTTTBBMTBTBMTMTBMBMBT
Chat 2
You immediately start a strip slaps game with Morgan. When on defense watch
for her mean stare and withdraw your hands a second later.
Chat 3
Another somewhat difficult chat game starts immediately. The sequence of green
A streaking game start immediately. Streak by 16 people. Avoid any guys you
streak past. After you've streaked by 16 people you can leave by the library
door. Or instead, if you streak all 18 people, counting Leopold, the game end
immediately with a perfect.
Before you can start Suzi's missions there are two missions you need to
complete to gain access to the VIP room. While the game lists them as side
quests, they are not optional, so they'll be listed here rather than the
sidequest section.
First you'll need to activate Lucius, the bouncer outside the VIP room
entrance in the Dance Club. He'll ask you to help his brother Julius. Julius
is the bouncer outside the Titty City Strip Club. Go there and talk to him.
Julius Photo
Julius wants you to take some pictures of Helmut at the Spartacus gay bar. Go
to Sparactus and a photo shoot game will start when you enter.
NOTE: This game is impossible to win without the Super Camera Lens in the
lights by the Swingles stage. Make sure you have it.
To win this game you'll need to taking several 5 light zoomed in photos of
Helmet's crotch area when he poses. Its hard to move about when fully zoomed
in so you'll likely need to zoom to get into position for the next shot. The
required score is 350 (or 310 if you've made the game easier after losing a
few time).
Alternate strategy: Walk behind Helmut and take zoomed in butt shots instead.
These score slightly lower than the crotch shots but its easier to navigate.
Lucius Handshake
After completing the photo shoot you find yourself inside Titty City. Exit to
Crappy Street. While your here go buy the accessories for the Cool outfit
from the Vending Machine since you'll need them to talk to Suzi.
Return to the Dance club and activate Lucius again. This will start a secret
handshake rhythm game. The sequence to follow is:
Chat 1
Wear a fully accessorize Cool Outfit, make sure you have some confidence, and
activate Suzi who stand near the Juke box to the left when you enter the VIP
room. This starts a chat game. There are do heart damaging obstacles in this
game. The sequence of green conversion points is: TMBMBTMMMMMTT
Chat 2
You're now outside the Dance Club with Suzi. Activate her to begin another
cat game. You need to stay sober in this game to have any chance here. The
sequence of green conversion points is: TMBMBTMMM
Rock n Roll
Activate Suzi again to start a rock and roll rhythm Game. Unlike the other
rhythm games the directions are not called out ahead, instead you hear notes
representing the directions. If you're tone deaf or otherwise musically
challenged, you'll need to rely on the visual clues in the rhythm scroll. The
sequence to follow is:
Chat 3
Activate Suzi again, she'll either be on stage or back by the dance club.
This will start a chat game. The are not heart meter damaging obstacles here
other than the conversation points, just some ice and alcohol. The sequence of
green conversion points is: TMBBTBTBMTTTT
Activate Suzi, either by the Dance Club or on stage, to play a spanking watch
a mole game. This game is insane fast, you may need to wait for the slow down
after losing three times. Thanks go to Colonel Paladin for sending me this
sequence for this game:
Suzi will give you her token of affection after she's received a good
Now would be a good time to wrap up any outstanding sidequests.
6.6 Endgame
Swingles Chat
Head to the Swingles stage and activate Uma. She'll tell you to go to Titty
City. You'll go there automatically where you'll enter a cat with Barbara Jo,
Morgan, and Suzi. Stay sober and avoid the damaging obstacles in this
difficult chat. The sequence of green conversion points is:
The game proceeds automatically to the Dance Club, where you'll enter a
dancing rhythm game with the two remaining girls. The sequence isn't fixed
this time so stay alert and do your best to follow the leads of the two girls.
If you need to exit after the first loss to sober up activate Uma in the Dance
club to resume the dancing game.
Activate one of the two remaining girls to watch the other ones ending and the
closing credits.
6.7 Post Game
Uma Chat
After the credits have finished rolling activate Uma on the Swingles set for
one final chat game. The sequence of green conversion points is:
7. Optional Side Quest Missions
7.1 First Porn Fairy:
Finding the first Porn Fairy by the sorority house peephole counts as a side
quest in the game rating percentage. Activate the magazine on the ground near
the peep hole and enjoy the cut scene. The remain porn fairies can now be
This sidequest becomes available starting in the third phase of the game.
Talk to the Commissar by the Plaid Mart to play a photo shoot game where
you're taking photos of Sweet Lou. This game is easier with the Super Camera
Lens. Try to take zoomed in photos of her ass to get 4 and 5 light photos.
Score 190 to win (the amount decreases after losing three time and accepting
the offer to make the game easier).
After winning the Sweet Lou Photo game you can talk to the Commissar again to
start a chat game with Sweet Lou. The sequence of green conversion points is:
This sidequest becomes available starting in the third phase of the game.
Talk to the Sweetwater, the pimp near to door to Spartacus. In this posing
game, Sweetwater wants you to convince 10 girls to come work for him. You
should find enough girls be on the street between Sweetwater and Lefty's back
alley, and between Sweetwater and the Captain's Shanty. There are a few time
extends if you need them.
This sidequest become available starting in the fifth phase of the game.
Go to the Dorm Hall outside Luba and Ione's room. Activate Russell to start
a makeover Whack-A-Mole game. Thanks go to Colonel Paladin for sending me this
sequence for this game:
You'll be in Ione's and Luba's Room after the makeover. Be sure to get the
nail clippers while you're here if you didn't before since you won't be able
to get back in again.
7.5 Frat
This sidequest is available from the beginning of the game. Talk to Big Daddy
War Pig by the fireplace in the Frat and pay him $10 to start this game.
This game find you on the Trampoline following Barbara Jo's lead. The
sequence for the game is:
Mixed Drinks
This sidequest become available in the second phase of the game, if you
completed the Frat Mission. Talk to Big Daddy War Pig and pay him $10 to start
a Drink Mixing whack-a-mole game. The sequence to follow is:
LDRLUUR (Thank to Colonel Paladin for the correction)
This sidequest becomes available starting in the third phase of the game, if
you've already finished to first two Frat missions. Talk to Big Daddy War Pig
and pay him $10 again. This will start a posing game where you need to invite
10 college girls to a frat party. You lose the game if you invite a guy so
make sure any guys are well out of range when inviting the girls.
Panty Raid
This side quest becomes available starting in the fourth phase of the game, if
you've already finished the first three Frat mission. Talk to Big Daddy War
Pig and pay him $10 again. This will start an avoidance game that see you on
a panty raid in the Sorority House. Head upstairs to collect the 30 panties
from the upper floor while avoiding the Sorority Girls. Use your cheese
mummies wisely to distract them. After collecting all the panties head for
the door of the Sorority house to finished this game.
This side quest becomes available starting in the fifth phase of the game, if
you've already finished the first four Frat missions. Talk to Big Daddy War
Pig and pay him $10 to play a streaking avoidance game. You need to streak by
at least 15 people to win, while avoiding Beezer and any guy you've already
streaked. Chess mummies can by used to distract your pursuers if necessary.
Head to the Frat house once you've streaked 15 people to exit the game.
You'll be treated to the final frat cut scene after completing the streaking
8. Item Locations
8.1 Money
Money can be found by search various object in the game, winning certain
mini-games, or taking good photos to be evaluated.
If you've purchased the naughty mode for a girl from Nigel and take pictures
of her when she poses you can make a lot of money when you get the photos
evaluated. Some good locations with girls and nearby photo evaluators:
Analisa in the dance club: sell the photos at the coat check.
The 4 cheerleaders in Greek Quad: sell to College guy by Sorority House.
The Broke Ass-Ho in Crappy streets: sell to Sweetwater
Morgan in the Library: sell to Tenured Professor.
(thanks to yonderboy for the following)
Helmut's (crotch area) in Spartacus: to the Gay Guy (in yellow)
Dorm Hall:
The Ziegler's door: $5
Werewolf vending machine: $1
Billboard by front desk: $1
Anal Plugs vending machine: $1
Main Campus:
Tree by P.C Hammer Memorial Building: $1
Tree by exit to Greek Quad: $3
Tree near Swingles Set: $10
Momma Bimbo Hillel House sing: $1
Dictionary: $3
Bookshelves near Nigel: $3
Left end of Mural: $3
Third computer from right: $3
Bookshelf near stripper: $3
Greek Quad:
Bush to left of the phone just to the right of entrance from the main campus:
Bush in corner near the cheerleaders: $2
Bush near the trashcan by the cheerleaders: $2
Frat House:
Trash Bags: $1
Old Couch: $1
Rocking door: $1
Kegs to right of pool:$1
Nice Streets
Bushes near left gate to main campus: $20,$2
Bushes near right gate to main campus: $2
Bushes near train tracks: $2
Bushes near Koko: $2
Dance Club
Bar: $10 (thanks harry349 for the correction)
Sorority House:
Quality chair: $5
Emergency Tampon Dispenser by Higgins Room: $1
Sink: $5
Crappy street:
Schwanstucker Adult Toy Factory: $10
Fanny Funbags poster: $1
Velvet Illusions ticket booth: $2
Hotel Door at ground level: $3
Street Lamp between Lefty's and Spartacus: $1
Bar: $3
Toilet: $3
Condom machines: $3
Lefty's Too:
Moose Head: $1
Cloth towel dispenser: $1
Red Light Classifieds: $1
Plaid Mart:
Family Planning: $2
Homey Beef: $2
Soda Machine: $2
Cockless porn section: $2
Art Gallery:
Fifth painting from coffee booth: $1
Painting by guest book: $1
Art Classroom:
Trashcan: $1
Fan: $1
Butcher Paper: $1
Porn Fairy: $50
Tilly's Office:
Drawer filled with cash: $10
Titty City:
Catwalk: $25
Door and the back of the right upper level: $5
First Champagne Room door to the left: $5
Peanut barrel by right stairs: $5
VIP Room:
Loaded Dice Whiskey: $1
Larry's Room:
Bed: 10 Token
Dorm Halls:
Fire Extinguisher by Vending Machines: 1 Token
Crime Scene: 10 Tokens
Front Desk: 3 Tokens
Microwave: 1 Token
Main Campus:
Billboard near Alpha Bull: 3 ST
Alpha Bull: 9 ST
Plant to right of library door: 3 ST
Porn Fairy in niche behind archway: 25 ST
Gutter Drain by trampolines: 3 ST (Thanks J Dunville)
Swingles Van: 9 ST (Thanks Andreas "Surfin" Gassen)
Bookshelves by lesbian: 3 ST
Book Cart: 3 ST
Right end of Mural: 5 ST
Second computer from left: 1 ST
Bookshelves upstairs to right of dictionary: 3 ST
Greek Quad
Recliner by Frat House: 3 ST
Watering can at Sorority House: 3 ST
Bukkokas' Fountain: 9 ST
First Porn Fairy by peep hole in Sorority House: 15 ST
Frat House:
Kegs to left of pool: 5 ST
Drunk Guy: 1 ST
Slightly open door: 3 ST
Shriner Bear Rug: 3 ST (Thanks Andrew Murray)
Nice Streets:
Palm Tree by right gate to main Campus: 3 ST
Second Palm Tree from left gate to main Campus: 3 ST
Merkin's Creations door: 5 ST
Road Construction sign: 9 ST
Bum Cakes: 5 ST
Porn Fairy near railroad tracks: 10 ST
Walnut Log Comm. College (flowerbed between Main Campus gates): 5ST
Dance Club:
Stool near entrance: 3 ST
Dance Floor: 5 ST
Two piece of modern art upstairs about the coat check: 6 ST
Sorority House:
Hazing Feather: 3 ST
Cat on sofa: 3 ST
Sorority Seal: 3 ST
LaToya's Room: 3 ST
Emergency Tampon Dispenser by Sondra's Room: 3 ST
Porn Fairy in the ? Door: 20 ST
Bulletin Board: 1 ST
Test Tubes: 5 ST
Penises of the Animal Kingdom poster: 3 ST
Computer (by Leopold's Cage): 1 ST
Crappy Street:
Road Closed sign: 3 ST
Double Barrel Dolly Poster: 3 ST
Terms of En-Rear-ment Poster: 3 ST
Close Encounter's From Behind Poster: 3 ST
Hotel door on upper landing: 3 ST
Sweetwater's Trunk: 10 ST
Podium: 3 ST
Hand Dryer: 3 ST
Left Urinal: 3 ST
Mural on dance floor wall: 3 ST
Closet (near vibrating dildo): 3 ST (Thanks Andrew Murray)
Lefty's Too:
Employee's Only Door: 5 ST
Toilet: 5 ST
Plaid Mart:
Wrestling Memorabilia: 3 ST
Fireworks: 3 ST
Gloppie Machine: 3 ST
Hairy Humpers porn section: 5 ST
Snack Shafts (near Sweet Lou): 3 ST (thanks harry349)
Art Gallery:
Cookies: 1 ST
Fourth painting from coffee booth: 5 ST
Bulletin board outside classroom: 3 ST
Potted Plant on stairs: 3 ST
Art Gallery Porn Fairy (painting upstairs by camera): 20 ST
Curators photo: 3 ST
Art Classroom:
Sketches: 1 ST
Discarded Strap On: 5 ST
Great Artists of the 20th Century Poster: 1 ST
Poster of David: 3 ST
Tilly's Office:
Breakfast Tray: 1 ST
Trophy Case: 1 ST
Victrola (old record player): 3 ST
Vicious Piranha: 20 ST
Titty City:
Double Barrel Dolly poster: 1 ST
Maria Maracas poster: 1 ST
Cocoa Nuts poster: 1 ST
Fanny Funbags poster: 1 ST
Peanut Barrel to left of stage: 3 ST
Third Champagne room door to the left: 30 ST
Fat Sam's Gold Record Past top of left stairs: 3 ST
Fat Sam's Gold Record Past top of right stairs: 15 ST
VIP Room:
Powder Keg Bourbon poster: 3 ST
Marty Party poster: 3 ST
Ash Tray in corner booth: 3 ST
Stage with Spanking Cross: 4 ST
Porn fairy by stage: 25 ST
8.3 Items
Bonus Items:
The Bonus items are purchased from the various incarnations of Nigel, the post
makeover Russell, and Larry Laffer.
8. Loading Screens 1
9. Loading Screens 2
10. Loading Screens 3
11. Loading Screens 4
12. Loading Screens 5
The strip items convert several of the non story/sidequest mini-games into
stripping games. This can make some of the games easier to win.
40. Naughty 1
41. Naughty 2
42. Naughty 3
43. Naughty 4
44. Naughty 5
45. Naughty 6
Story Girls appear naked. NTSC Version has a censor bar over the lower
portions so only topless nudity is available.
The various endings of the game. One is given to you for free depending on
girl you choose at the end.
Helper Items:
50. Dance Album
Start dance games with more heart.
Unless stated otherwise the items can be purchased from various merchants.
54. Gauntlets
Keep power up in slaps
Larry can acquire several alternate outfits.
Outfits and accessories can be purchase from various merchants.
69. Cool Outfit
Outfit require for some Lesbian Ione missions.
Outfit and accessories need to talk to Suzi.
76.Calculator Watch
Geek Outfit Accessory
81. Beeper
Preppy Outfit Accessory
83. Visor
Preppy Outfit Accessory
84. Snazzy Suit
Outfit needed to talk to Zanna
Outfit and accessories need to talk to Tilly.
9. Merchants/Vending Machines
This is a complete list of the games merchants and their wares and prices.
The prices followed by ST are in Secret Token the rest are in dollars.
Some of the wares may not be available until you'll complete certain mission
or purchase prerequisite items.
Dorm Hall
Vending Machine in hallway near Luba's and Ione's room
Coffee - 3
Dance Album - 10
Bonus Art 6 - 3 ST
Nude Others - 16 ST
View Others - 16 ST
Main Campus
Porn Fairy (post game in niche by the archway near the Alpha Bull)
End with Love - 3 ST
End with Pain - 3 ST
End with Boobies - 3 ST
Naughty 5 - 35 ST
Naughty 6 - 40 ST
Bonus Art 7 - 3 ST
Bar Diploma 10
Geek Outfit 10
Bow Tie 5
Calculator Watch 10
Pocket Protector 10
Thick Glasses 10
Shoulder Sweater 5
Beeper 10
Expensive Watch 19
Visor 10
Intramural Slaps (mini-game) - 0
Drink Station
Coffee - 3
Espresso - 8
Choco Mocha Creme - 15
Tenured Professor:
Photo Evaluation
Greek Quad
College Guy by Sorority:
Photo Evaluation
Frat House
Beer - 1
Gator Country - 1
Moonshine Sonata - 1
Canadian Quarter - 10
Nice Streets
Vending Machine near railroad
Beer - 1
Cheatin' Woman - 3
Coffee - 3
Makeup Kit - 10
Mime Time (mini-game) - 0
Prep Outfit - 15
Shoulder Sweater - 10
Beeper - 10
Expensive Watch - 10
Visor - 10
Art Gallery
Nigel (Phase 4, just outside Art Classroom)
Bonus Art 4 - 3 ST
Loading Screens 4 - 5 ST
Nude Tilly - 12 ST
Nude Koko - 12 ST
Nude Lesbian Ione - 12 ST
Naughty 3 - 25 ST
Dance Club
Coat Check:
Photo Evaluation
Beer - 5
Cheatin' Woman - 3
Coffee - 5
Dance Contest (mini-game) - 0
Rebel Quarters (mini-game) - 0
Wild Quarters (mini-game) - 0
Snazzy Suit - 15
VIP Room
Beer - 1
St Gordo's - 2
Cheatin' Woman - 3
Espresso - 8
Rebel Spank (mini-game) - 0
Nigel (Phase 5)
Strip Suzi - 16 ST
Strip Suzi 2 - 16 ST
Strip Barbara Jo - 16 ST
Strip Morgan - 16 ST
Loading Screens 5 - 5 ST
Bonus Art 5 - 3 ST
Nude Morgan - 14 ST
Nude Suzi - 14 ST
Nude Barbara Jo - 14 ST
Naughty 4 - 30 ST
Crappy Streets
Photo Evaluation
Lefty's Too
Don Dokken:
Beer - 1
Gator Country - 1
Pruno - 2
Moonshine Sonata - 2
Mini Paint Roller - 10
Quarters Fun (mini-game) - 0
Wet T-Shirt Game (mini-game) - 0
Cool Outfit - 15
Bitchin Gloves - 10
Pocket Chain - 10
Handle Bar Heaven - 10
Studly Hat - 10
NOTE: If you don't have enough secret tokens to purchase this go to the girls
page in the black books and select missions you don't a secret token Icon
beside to replay them. When you get a perfect (fireworks screen) you'll earn
five secret tokens, repeat with other missions you didn't earn a perfect on
until you have enough tokens. The non story minigames you don't have perfects
on can be played as well.
Factory Worker or Gay Person in yellow near The Closet
Photo Evaluation
Plaid Mart
Malt Liquor or Sweet Lou
Gator Country - 1
Moon Shine Sonata - 1
Cough Syrup - 2
St. Gordo's - 2
Cheatin' Woman - 3
Preppy Outfit - 15
Baby Oil - 5
Spanking Paddle - 10
Plaid Promo (mini-game) - 0
Titty City
Stripper Photo (mini-game) - 10
Nude Spank (mini-game) - 20
The Pussy Willow (Exotic Dance Show) - 10
The Wild Plum (Exotic Dance Show) - 10
The Maori Muscle (Exotic Dance Show) - 10
Beer - 1
Cheatin' Woman - 3
10. Porn Fairy Locations
Most of the porn fairies are found by activating a magazine that's laying on
the floor or ground at these locations. Fairies 5 and 8 are exceptions.
(Thanks to Colonel Paladin for suggesting I include this information.)
1. First Porn Fairy is on the ground by the peep hole in the Sorority House,
gives 15 ST and activates the other porn fairies.
3. In the niche behind the archway at the stairs leading up from the Alpha
Bull: 25 ST
Start from the bull go behind the billboard/post-it board to get to the nook
(thanks Darren Carlyle) to get there or just pick up the porn fairy after one
of the scenes where you sneak out the window of your room.
After the end of the game this porn fairy will be back as a secrets merchant.
4. By the bushes near the railroad track in Nice Streets: Gives 10 secret
7. In the Crappy Streets dead end by the vending machine: Judd's Number
8. In the upstairs painting by the camera in the Art Gallery gives: 20 ST.
11. Non Mission mini-games
Unlike the story/sidequest games, most of these games down have a
predetermined sequence.
Dorm Hall
Mixed Drink Station - Drink Mixing Whack a Mole game.
Win $5 for winning this game. Losing will cost you $2.
Larry's Room
TV - Whack a Pole
Win this game for a 20% confidence boost.
Main Campus
Streaking - Get Drunk at the vending machine by the library to activate the
Main Campus Streaking avoidance game. Avoid Beezer.
Win 2% per person streaked boost to confidence.
Vending Machine:
Twiggy Pep Rally - Posing Game
Intramural Slaps: Play Slaps against Morgan, Can be a stripping game.
Receive a 20% confidence boost for winning.
Monkey Feeding Room - Bartender Game
Greek Quad
Streaking - Get drunk in the Frat house or from the College Guy standing by in
to activate the Greek Quad Streaking avoidance game. Avoid Beezer.
Win 2% per person streaked boost to confidence.
Sorority House
Patio Door - Trampoline rhythm game against Barbara Jo, can be a stripping
Kelly's Room (the one straight ahead at the end of the center hall) - Panty
Raid avoidance game. Collect the 30 panties and head for the doors while
avoiding the girls, use cheese mummies if necessary.
Nice Streets
Streaking - Get Drunk at the vending machine or in the Dance club or VIP room
to activate the Nice Streets streaking avoidance game. Avoid Beezer.
Win 2% per person streaked boost to confidence.
Vending Machine:
Mime Time - Posing Game
Dance Club
Dance Contest - Rhythm dance with Analisa, can be a stripping game.
Bet $2-8. Win 20% boost to confidence. Lose 10% confidence for losing.
VIP Room
Rebel Spank: Spanking Whack-a-mole game with Suzi, can be a stripping game.
This game has a fixed sequence (Thanks Colonel Paladin):
Art Classroom
Models Chair: Photo Shoot of Bilzarbra
Crappy Street
Streaking - Avoidance game. Get Completely Drunk at the vending machine or in
any of the four establishments here. Avoid Nigel.
Lefty's Too
Don Dokken:
Quarter Fun (Bilzarbra, stripping game if unlock purchased)
Bar or Guy Dahms:
Dance Party - Rhythm Dance following Helmut's Lead
Plaid Mart
Sweet Lou or Malt Liquor:
Plaid Promo - Bartending Game
Titty City
Stripper Photo - Take photos of Zena to be rated
12. Game Rankings
There are 15 Game Ranking that depend on your completion percentage. The
percentage based on how many of the 109 story mode games (90-six missions each
for fifteen girls, 7-swingle games and Uma post game chat, 5-Frat, 2-Sweet
Lou, 1-Sweetwater, 1-Julius, 1-Lucius, 1-Russell, 1-First Porn Fairy) you've
completed and the number of 105 items you've found.
13. Cheats, Glitches, and Easter Eggs
Gordon Shum has sent me this cheat for viewing the cut scenes in the PC
version before you've earn them.
The video for the cut scenes are located (assuming a default install)
C:\program files\VUGames\Leisure Suit Larry - Magna Cum Laude\Data\Cinema\FMV
Make a copy of one of the above files and rename to one of these below.
Backup up the file your renaming it to first.
Start the game and watch the in game movies instead of the intros!
Solo761 wrote that the PowerDVD5 dvd software could play the above sfd files.
marc adds:
a couple points on the movies...
1) to watch the .sfd's with powerdvd, windvd or likely otheres, you first
need to rename the file to .mpg or another recognized mpeg extension.
2) if you do this, you get no sound :(
(I tried this with windvd on beatrice's final movie and crashed the program
so mileage may vary.)
Joe sent me this glitch for the Xbox versions, this glitch has been confirmed
to work on the PC version as well by Cordata, and on the PS2 version by
Christian Mazyck:
On the PC change the X and Y axis controls while peeking through the hole.
Thank to Darren Carlyle for sending me a glitch where its possible to get on
top of the Swingles van by running in the front of it. According to a post
by ThE MaSTeR 3, you need to have high enough confidence to by skipping to
get there. I needed to wiggle around a bit in front to get on top of the van.
A post by JEDIJT76 on the Gamefaqs message boards for the PS2 version of the
game indicates that, if after purchasing the the "Everybody Naked" secret,
you play the "Swingles Chat" three times, and try again immediately after the
first two without returning to wander mode, there will be no censor bar on
Zena in the third attempt.
"I discovered that Larry can walk through the stage at Titty City and get
great shots of Zena from underneath. You basically have to be on the same
side as the Bartender and walk Larry around and get him to slip between the
barstool and ASSt. dean Abrahamson and he can walk through the stage."
I've confirmed this myself, you may need high confidence. Wiggle Larry around
at the front of the stage at he'll eventually walk into it (Larry actually
steps onto a stool and then into the stage). Once there, you can get up close
to Zena as Erik mentioned or look around behind the curtains or go behind the
bar with Linus.
TrickyZ sent me this observation on what causes characters to be animated in
the Character View in the extras menu.
In the PC version, depending on which wander area you are in, for example the
Dance Club, when you pull up the model viewer, which ever girls are in that
area with you, (in this case Analisa and Luba) will be displayed in an
animated form rather than the standard motionless pose. Larry always appears
as an animated form, included his various outfitted forms. If Larry is
currently 'drunk' in wander mode, his models will swagger drunkenly as well.
The person that sent me this requested to remain anonymous
In Titty City, if you do the 3rd strip tease, then the spank, then the 1st
strip tease, she remains stripped, and the photos that can be taken are 5 bars
every time. Worth 23 bucks a shot. Very profitable. Hope it works for you!
Satnam sent:
One thing your faq has missing is an easter egg after you complete the game.
In the art gallery the paintings change when you cause a loading screen to
appear by playing an old game or viewing a movie. They change from normal to
crude drawings to porn movie 'stills."
14. Taking Screen Shots (PC Version Only)
These instructions for taking zoomed in screen shots when using the camera was
sent to me by harry349.
Note: Steps d to f can be used to take screen shots when not using the camera.
Any menus/mouse cursors with not appear in the shots.
This document is Copyright 2004 MysticWeirdo aka Warren Grieder.
All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by
their respective trademark and copyright holders.
This file may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for
personal, private use. It may not be placed on any web site or
otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission,
except GameFaqs and IGN. Use of this guide on any other web site or as
a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation
of copyright.
16. Contact Information
For suggestions and/or corrections for this guide please email:
mystic.weirdo [at] gmail.com
Please include LSL FAQ in the subject of any email regarding this FAQ.
17. Credits
Thanks go to the following:
Sierra Entertainment Inc, High Voltage Software and Vivendi Universal for
making this great game.
Thanks go to Mike for pointing out a porn fairy location I hadn't added yet,
and a typo.
Thanks go to Gordon Shum for submitting the cheat to view the cut scenes in
the PC Version.
Thanks to c0ldb33r, Cordata, and Gibby for providing the full score for
Tilly's photo game. Further thanks to Cordata for also providing this score as
well as the reason why I lost instantly in this game.
Thanks to thekingofra for telling me the location of the last porn fairy.
Thanks to Joe for sending the Sorority House peep hole glitch for the Xbox.
Thanks to Cordata and Erik Joramo for confirming the Sorority House peep hole
glitch for the PC version.
Thanks to Sven Dahlstrand for finding the non story mode panty raid game.
Thanks to J Dunville for finding the secret tokens in the Gutter Drain by the
Main Campus trampolines.
Thanks to Christian Mazyck for confirming the peep hole glitch for the PS2.
Thanks to Dan Wright for the correction to the game ranking percentages.
Thanks to Andreas "Surfin" Gassen for pointing out my omission of the secret
tokens from activating the Swingles van.
Thanks to JEDIJT76 for posting the glitch with the censor bar on the Gamefaqs
message boards.
Thanks to Andrew Murray for the secret tokens location in the Shriner Bear
Rug in the Frat House, and in the "Closet" in Spartacus.
Thanks to harry349 for the screen shot instructions and for the corrections
and additions to the money and secret token amounts.
Thanks to jfren484 for providing the strategy to get five light photo in
Koko's photo shoot.
Thank to ollie for providing the strategy for Bilzarbra non story photo shoot
and the potentential number of extra secret tokens.
Thanks to marc for providing the info on renaming the sfd files to mpg to
view them in other software.
Thanks to yonderboy for suppying info on selling photos of Helmut to the Gay
Guy in Spartacus.
Thanks to the person who sent me the easter egg for profitable photos of Zena.
Thanks to Satnam for the information on the art gallery picture change.
Thanks to Spo for correcting Blizarbra third chat sequence and supplying
Tilly's third chat sequence.