Univariate Time Series Models: Gianluca Cubadda
Univariate Time Series Models: Gianluca Cubadda
Univariate Time Series Models: Gianluca Cubadda
Gianluca Cubadda
Universita di Roma "Tor Vergata"
The information set is the series itself and its position in time.
We now review some basic concepts in time series analysis, along with
simple and essential tools for descriptive analysis.
The main descriptive tool is the plot of the series, by which we represent
the pair of values (t; yt) on a Cartesian plane.
The graph can immediately reveal the presence of important features, such
as trend and seasonality, structural breaks and outliers, and so forth.
0.9 7.5
10 0.0
1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000
sample variance: ^ (0) = T 1 T
t=1 (yt y )2
sample autocovariance: ^ (k) = T 1 T
t=k+1 (yt y )(yt k y)
The ACF is estimated by ^(k) = ^ (k)= ^ (0); the barplot (k; ^(k)) is
the correlogram. If yt WN( 2), then T 1=2 ^(k) ! N(0; 1).
2.2 Ergodicity
Since j=0 j j j < 1 implies that j!1
lim j = 0, we could approximate
(L) by its "truncated" version e(L) such that
e = j; j m
j 0; j > m
where m ! 1 and m=T ! 0 as T ! 1.
However, the "best" approximation of a 1 order polynomial is obtained
by a rational polynomial, i.e.
(L) ' ;
Pp j; p < 1
(L) = 1 j=1 j L
(L) = 1 + j=1 j Lj ; q < 1
The demeaned AR(1) process: In view of the above equation, we see that
any stationary AR(1) process can be rewritten as a zero-mean AR(1)
(yt ) = (yt 1 ) + "t
From the demeaned AR(1) process we easily get
Var(yt) = (0) = E[(yt )yt] = E[ (yt 1 )yt + "tyt]
= (1) + 2
since E[(yt )"t] = E[("t + "t 1 + 2"t 2 + )"t] = 2.
(1) = E[(yt )yt 1] = E[ (yt 1 )yt 1 + "tyt 1]
= (0)
since E[(yt 1 )"t] = E[("t 1 + "t 2 + 2"t 3 + )"t] = 0.
(k) = k
yt = m + yt 1 + "t
It is a non-stationary AR(1) process since = 1. By recursive substitutions
we get
Pt 1
yt = y0 + mt + j=0"t j
Treating the initial condition y0 as xed, it's easy to compute the moments:
E(yt) = y0 + mt
Var(yt) = t 2
Cov(yt; yt k ) = (t k) 2 0 k<t
which vary over time.
The term m is called the drift of the RW.
AR(2) processes: The AR(2) process is generated by the equation
(k) = 1 (k 1) + 2 (k 2) + + p (k p); k = 1; 2; : : : ; p
Stationarity: Since the condition j j j j < 1 holds, the MA(q ) process
is always stationary and ergodic.
MA(1) processes: The MA(1) process is generated by the equation
yt = + "t + " t 1
with 2 = ~2 ~ 2. Hence, (1) = 1 =(1 + 2) = =(1 + 2) in both cases.
The two processes have identical properties and cannot be discriminated
from the rst two moments. This problem is known as non-identi ability
and is remedied upon by constraining in the interval (-1,+1).
The term invertibility stems from the possibility of rewriting the process as
an in nite autoregression, AR(1), with coe cients j that are convergent:
yt + 1yt 1 + 2yt 2 + + k yt k + = m + "t ; j jj < 1
(L) = 1 p
1L pL ;
(L) = 1 + 1L + + q
Remark: the polynomials (L) and (L) should have no common roots,
otherwise a reduction of the orders p; q would occur after cancelling the
common roots.
Stationarity: yt is stationary if the roots of the AR polynomial (L) lie
outside the unit circle.
Stationarity implies that yt can be written as an MA(1) process with
declining coe cients:
Remark: When the model parameters are estimated, the above formula
underestimates the true sample variability.
3.6 Forecasting the random walk
yt(h) = mh + yt
"t(h) = "t+h + "t+h 1 + + "t+1
2 (h) = h 2
Beveridge and Nelson (1981) proved that any ARIMA(p; 1; q ) process can
be decomposed as the sum of a RW (with drift) and an I(0) process.
Indeed, by expanding the polynomial (L) on 1 we get
(L) = (1) + (1 L) (L)
P 1
where (L) = j LJ is such that j = i and lim j j j = 0.
j=0 i>j j!1
Hence, we can rewrite the Wold representation as
yt =
+ (1)"t + (1 L) (L)"t;
By cumulating both sides of the above equation we nally have
yt = y0 + t + (1)"t j + (L)" ;
| {z }t
j=0 I(0) = "cycle"
| {z }
RW with drift = "stochastic trend"
4.2 Seasonality
Seasonal Di erences:
s =1 Ls = (1 L)(1 + L + + Ls 1)
where s denotes the number of seasons in an year. Usually, s = 4 or 12.
(L) (Ls) d D
s yt = + (L) (Ls)"t;
where (Ls) = 1 s 2s P s is the seasonal AR
1L 2L PL
polynomial in Ls with order P , and (Ls) = 1 + 1Ls + 2L2s + +
Qs is the seasonal MA polynomial with order Q.
Normality tests on residuals et = b yt. Jarque{Bera test; under
H0 : " t i:i:d:N (0; 2), the test statistic (based on the sample
3rd and 4th moments of the residuals) converges to a 2(2).
In practice, estimate all the ARMA models whose orders are at maximum
pmax,qmax, then choose the ARMA(p ; q ) such that one of the following
is satis ed:
2 p+q
(p ; q ) = arg min AIC (p; q ) = ln ^ + 2 ;
(p ; q ) = arg min HQIC (p; q ) = ln ^ 2 + 2 ln ln T ;
(p ; q ) = arg min BIC (p; q ) = ln ^ 2 + ln T :
where AIC (HIC) [BIC] stands for Akaike (Hannan-Quinn) [Bayes] IC.
For T > 15, the penalty term of AIC (BIC) is the smallest (largest)
one ) for the sample sizes typically used in economics and nance,
AIC tends to choose less parsimonious models than BIC, HQIC is a
middle way.
BIC and HQIC asymptotically choose the true orders with probability
one, whereas AIC has a non-null probability of choosing an overpara-
meterized model even in the limit.
yt = + t + ut;
(L)ut = "t:
If (L) = (1 L) (L) and all the (p 1) roots of (L) lie outside the
unit circle ) yt is DS. Notice that in this case we have (1) = 0:
If all the roots of (L) lie outside the unit circle ) yt is TS.
Dickey-Fuller (DF) test: assume that ut is an AR(1) process. By premul-
tiplying both sides of the rst UC equation with (L) we get:
yt = ( ) +( ) t + yt 1 + " t ; =( 1);
| {z } | {z }
yt = + yt 1 + " t ; =( 1);
and we still perform a t test for H0 : = 0 vs. H1 : 2 ( 2; 0). Notice
that under H0 we have: yt = "t ) the drift is null.
yt = yt 1 + "t; =( 1);
and we again perform a t test for H0 : = 0 vs. H1 : 2 ( 2; 0).
Remark: The distribution of the test statistic is not invariant to the deter-
ministic kernel. Each of the three tests has its own critical values. They
were tabulated by Fuller (1977).
Augmented Dickey-Fuller (ADF) test: assume that ut is an AR(p) process.
Rewriting the AR polynomial as
y (L) y y p 1; y
=1 1L ::: p 1 L j = i
and premultiplying both sides of the rst UC equation with (L) we get:
yt = ( + y(1) )+ ( )t+ yt 1 + j yt j +"t; = (1):
| {z } | {z }
In a linear time series model the IRF is time invariant and a function of h
If yt I (1),
yt = + (L)"t;
the IRF is given by the deterministic rst order di erence equation:
IRF(h) = IRF(h 1) + h
with starting value IRF(0) = 1; thus,
IRF(h) = 1 + 1 + + h
(cumulation of psi-weights)
Measures of persistence: Let yt I (1), yt = + (L)"t.