Written by
Ruth Brocklehurst
with Heary Brook. Kate Davies, Hazel Maskell
Cosrad Mason. Abigail Wheatley.
cel Fir Rok yon Flt Pe rs Pach
lusteated by
lan MeNes snd Giacinto Gaudenzi
Designed by
Stephen MoncrieffThe young queen
Peter eeereonce rac
SINE aac terete
etd ii ld oer
Ohta ere eee aera et
eet eee
other and er govern, Dept he
Learning to he a queen
eet Pe Vr ea
testy the ing and gen of Bi
lA ge gunn ed bd ore
era eee eee
The ent te orn rr owl wd
eee eee alee
‘where abe noted veryhing aed and hw se
Tee epily whens wong ts at
fee ey te ree ee
showed dha alhough he nas nos tobe go
‘Vesna wa fen sternal guictempered on
Public image
‘When Vicor
its eal
cnr bd en sper ~ George V nan
een in I, pubicopiion
oral ae os He
delay. Thc ge hd
‘dy ie ad seme peo
‘Queen Vietors family wee
iacoaam) (tase) Dobat Kt
Gan ley
Tete tegen| Victoria and Albertepic
Great exhibitions
1a 1851, he Vitor tage on thn esting
toc onions veto he age the Gr Ean.
Iver museraindel by Pince Abert ekbte
ain’ indary andi empire rar am enor
show of ore proce el maulctred gods howe
JnCrytl Puy ea ute ofan te
ik sell othe eet Hue Pin tee
(Cyl Pace ms dsgn by Jongh Paso.
soem arene he bd te aon a reo
The alg war the ino Kid ad pecaclr
pgeeaiak ceasing,
Qxcee Vcr pend he Gat Hsin ot
[May 1 RL, Ove tenet a nna of
pl fom alloter the oan vis Landon oe
IC Among te ive and nae igs shoe wee ae
Fo Rao ie Tuk aur and Tian
mae ent covered in nm Ha wha
role mnt athe machine al This hoe an
rvsome dl oe technol om ping
rowan hehing machine 0 tam egies, The
(Cyn Places ike wert fring
aoc don lh re rd def Ba
Albert’ legacy
“The Gra Eston ein Ober 1881, bsg
nade maser Prine Alert ined that money
tence Repl Coleg of Mac and Ar the
Trea Collage of Seen and eer mami
“Thesncadd the Netra try Mise oe
‘Sten Maneum and hati cle de Vita
tod Aa Maca, neyo fe msc wise
evar rye cold ee them Soo, mune
‘Salar elie pang opin owes arn ein
sretheao due
‘ones“Te Werontans ae
“Tie eronune
Victorian women :
Women's work
Veen Hel Man sro i ele
‘net bine tnd a mele ate
ved a 9 woma
ch lp on
aca “oman ns epee iba angio the se ~ ied Sac ee ee Ra
oe ui moat and virtual oer bk
Scayoeurm Jy) ‘singh oar match bone o bree
site Botan cee al Ge
thehooe, The maj wee emplne
‘haath male cunts Te hos
frais olism
sete al epee do al the
Feminine professionsPopular politics
| ote for women
United frontAt school
GamesBooks and the press
cation rl eet ht ron ee poole
sos ais me el ming tet ore
(Seip ic ren sere ore
Priming pews cable pub prit hoa
‘Toop ft pape oc mages aie ad
ne echigr ret hat ke col be ally
Theraed oo
Children’s books
Incary Vora ies mot ple hugh hat
lille hold red the i, dain bake
eae ete ete te
‘Ala changelin 18 when Leis Carl
pls! Alw Ader Wonder Ie
‘rien prey entrain, and was popular
f Thain hoe new en fr chen’ bok
t Themes varied ie caching mre resi
i inner cots oc bt Le Sia
Tedltiwesie ‘Ts dand Rand Rpg’ Jnl Boks 0
tease he nomense yes of Bard Len
; ee
Piotr the esaaee ‘Writing it oot
Geet fet pc Verio Ge pe ane
dll pendant Carle Dicken Mosca Mahalo
evar Gin pblhein ny para witheuch te,
fprtendngonacliFhanger tales tberexdes —Sacaant
fe entail
fable oped who drew huge anon of ge ane
{oie plc reign sha home andi Are.
‘The Viera tray tie jst a ch at
prople dood. Cheaply por poperick
Tabla, Known pen dreflincading
‘amano adrienne sd dete es
TERRES peas Tiny come ei par
hac tape 0 alos anyone cul ord
flea eee ela eee
ayaa a yatta te esi
Frm the IS th ipl arc were
peed in Bein nota even people wh cout
‘Sry bok cold re he ra
Urases bg oping up every ly 1900
‘herewere 35 of hem op and down the county
Read all about it!
Fs pts en
Tbaeaies eo pe om ml ego
eee ae ome
ca eecn ae at
een aay clare
Pnptangion ranuetpgetadien
Ce ee ee
ree ee
ete ee ees
cyThee Vevowans
“Tue acronis
In the home 5
ects deen akan Inserice
vlna cry ae Scat EE
ae eee pe
Senn Ething lea and tower ce tate
SELECESERL. Btueruamponation a ined the ang f nde eine,
petite dor andoee thn cowed ps seats
eracua ier ee Te pee
teverlghing and
Hired help
Moat middl-ds
ese day
Capertee Rice
see nein sere
: ‘Sinwer th dor ad aio the i
FER oc temen serve fond and
rn ae lp cosk rv
wefan The hur erlang and re
SS i of ba many eee
sina wovhebn ey topes
Mrs, Beeton
Every Vcoran heifer tora er
Tom cy a conceal hee
Werlat of books on how do thie One fhe
‘io fmmun na ela Best's Boal of
oneboll loagmnee ch gre br eer
Divetngagntie adi on how trish house, how tv
elect any and what doin meal merece
aire acrid enero tonsa sens
inte a ay cient die soul bevel