Chemical Composition and Bioactive Compounds of Garlic (Allium Sativum L.) As Affected by Pre-And Post-Harvest Conditions: A Review
Chemical Composition and Bioactive Compounds of Garlic (Allium Sativum L.) As Affected by Pre-And Post-Harvest Conditions: A Review
Chemical Composition and Bioactive Compounds of Garlic (Allium Sativum L.) As Affected by Pre-And Post-Harvest Conditions: A Review
) as
Department of Agriculture Crop Production and Rural Environment, University of
Mountain Research Centre (CIMO), ESA, Polytechnic Institute of Bragança, Campus
Address correspondence to: Spyridon A. Petropoulos, University of Thessaly, School
Garlic (Allium sativum L.) is considered one of the twenty most important vegetables,
with various uses throughout the world, either as raw vegetable for culinary purposes,
as also an ingredient in traditional and modern medicine. Further, it has been also
proposed as one of the richest sources of total phenolic compounds among the usually
compounds in human diet. This review aims to examine all the aspects related with
garlic chemical composition and quality, focusing on bioactive properties of the final
since they exert a great contribution to the effective bioactive properties of garlic,
including its derived products. The determinant effects of pre-harvest (genotype and
(CID 9881148); allicin (CID 65036); alliin (CID 87310); allixin (CID 86374); γ-
(CID 90814902).
Key words: allicin; alliin; bioactive compounds; garlic extracts; phenolics; S-allyl-
cysteine sulfoxides
1. Introduction
Garlic (Allium sativum L.) is one of the most important vegetables throughout the
24.255.303 tonnes of dry bulbs (FAO, 2013). The importance of garlic is due to its
use not only for culinary but also for therapeutic and medicinal purposes in both
traditional and modern medicine. It is consumed either as raw vegetable (fresh leaves
or dried cloves), or after processing in the form of garlic oil, garlic extracts and garlic
The main quality feature of garlic products is the distinct flavor of cloves, as the result
responsible compounds for that flavor are sulfur-containing non-volatile amino acids
Putman, & Zhao, 1993; Horníčková, Kubec, Cejpek, Velíšek, Ovesná, & Stavelíková,
2010). Apart from their flavor attributes, these sulfur compounds are also responsible
for the renowned medicinal properties of garlic (Figure 2), and additionally may
are known (Banerjee, Mukherjee, & Maulik, 2003). Other important volatile
compounds (Figure 1), with prominent bioactive properties are ajoenes (Block et al.,
allixin and S-allyl-cysteine (Jabbes, Arnault, Auger, Dridi, & Hannachi, 2012; Kopeć,
Piątkowska, Leszczyńska, & Elżbieta, 2013), and sulfides, such as diallyl-, methyl
allyl-, and dipropyl mono-, di-, tri- and tetra-sulfides (Table 2), which are formed
after the decomposition of thiosulfinates (Lanzotti et al., 2014). The volatile nature of
these bioactive compounds is highly correlated with the defensive mechanisms of
garlic plants against pests and several pathogens, being their release combined with
cell damage and plant tissue lesions (Hile, Shan, & Block, 2004). The most
after the disruption of the cell membrane, causing the α,β-elimination of alliin and
other sulfoxides, located at the cytoplasm level, by the enzyme alliinase, located at the
However, apart from its volatile compounds, garlic is also highly rich in vitamins
(especially P, K and Se) (Pekowska and Skupień, 2009), being even considered a rich
sapogenins, phenolic compounds, nitrogen oxides and amides and proteins (Lanzotti
methyl cysteine are important intermediates in the metabolic pathway for ACSO’s
biosynthesis, being even considered as the storage pools of nitrogen and sulfur
(Jabbes et al., 2012). Further, garlic has been also suggested as one of the richest
whereas highly ranked regarding the per capita consumption in human diet (Lanzotti
et al., 2014). However, there is a great variation in the total phenolic contents,
observed not only among the various genotypes and ecotypes, but also dependent to
the cultivation practices and growing conditions (Volk and Stern, 2009). Other quality
traits related with the chemical composition, such as total soluble solids, pH and
carbohydrate contents, have also shown a great variation among genotypes, regardless
On this basis, the present review aims to present all the recent studies regarding the
focus in how they can be affected by various pre-harvest factors and post-harvest
2. Pre-harvest factors
Various factors that determine the chemical composition of garlic are involved in the
production process and, therefore could be a useful mean to enhance the quality and
the bioactive properties of the final product. Among these factors, the selection of the
genotype is pivotal, with a great variety of cultivars to choose from according to soil
and climate requirements, thus allowing for high quality products without
compromising the total yield. Cultivation practices, particularly the irrigation regimes
and fertilization schedules are also equally important, once they not only contribute to
covering the crop requirements in water and nutrients, and to avoiding the stress
conditions, but also play a strong inference that could beneficially affect the chemical
2.1 Genotype
choice of cultivar, according to the climate requirements and market needs, must be
essential aiming the quality of the final product. The fact that garlic is propagated
asexually in many areas around the world, making farmers use of cloves from the
previous growing season, as well as that the existence of various ecotypes comprises
different cytotypes, being cultivated in certain areas for many decades, may raise the
Candido, Logozzo, Miccolis, & Spagnoletti, 2001). The existent biodiversity and
variation related with the biochemical properties of garlic has been increasingly
reported. For example, Hirata, Abdelrahman, Yamauchi, & Shigyo (2014) assessed
the content of 103 garlic clones collected from various regions throughout the world
in S-allyl-cysteine sulfoxide and total phenolics, and observed a wide variation on the
chemical composition. Based on these results, the authors concluded that this
conditions during the expansion and diffusion processes of cultivation throughout the
Banerjee, Jadhav, & Lawande (2011), also observed the existence of variations in
sulfoxides contents among 93 garlic ecotypes, and suggested that breeding status,
morphological features (bulb colour) and place of origin have lower significant effect
According to Beato, Orgaz, Mansilla, & Montaño (2011), the selection of cultivar
may be a useful means to increase the total phenolics and ferulic acid contents,
regardless of the growing conditions. Chen et al. (2013 evaluated 43 garlic cultivars
for their phenolic compounds (total phenolics and flavonoids contents) and
(ferric ion reducing antioxidant power), CUPRAC (cupric ion reducing antioxidant
capacity), and MCA (metal chelating activity)], and to the measured parameters, the
authors observed a great variation among the tested cultivars. They also identified
composition, regarding total phenolics and flavonoids contents, and also antioxidant
activity. In a similar manner, Fanaei, Narouirad, Farzanjo, & Ghasemi (2014), stated
that significant differences occurs in garlic pungency and suitability for long storage
and cooking among various genotypes, whereas Jabbes et al. (2012) observed a
other hand, differences on the chemical composition and quality of garlic genotypes
may be associated with bulb skin color. For example, Gadel-Hak, Moustafa, Abdel-
Naem, & Abdel-Wahab (2011) studying six garlic genotypes with different skin color
(three with white and three with purple color), founded significant differences in
terms of vitamin C and total fractionated oil contents (higher in purple color
genotype), as also in the total phenolic compounds and total flavonoids contents
final products. Beato et al. (2011), studied the effect of various growing conditions by
cultivating ten garlic genotypes at four different locations, and reported that although
growing location did not affect total phenolics and ferulic acid contents, a significant
Hong, Lee, & Moon (1997), also reported that growing conditions affects the alliin
content, as also that fructan content was the combined result from the interaction of
location and genotype. Similarly, Montaño, Beato, Mansilla, & Orgaz (2011) studied
the organosulfur compounds content (three γ-glutamyl peptides and four cysteine
sulfoxides) derived from various garlic cultivars and ecotypes, grown at four different
locations of Spain. Based on their findings, the authors suggested that although both
genotype and location had a significant effect, the impact of genotype was higher to
one of the γ-glutamyl peptides and hardly significant to alliin and isoalliin contents.
Thus, from their results it was possible to conclude that the organosulfur compounds
different locations.
2.3 Irrigation
Irrigation of garlic is essential not only to achieve the maximum potential of yield but
also the highest quality of the final product. Despite the importance of irrigation for
the quality of most of the vegetables, to our knowledge, so far no reported studies are
garlic. However, Csiszár et al. (2007) have reported that mild water deficit (a decrease
in soil water content by 40%) during the growing season, as implemented by water
holding for one week at the stage of 3 to 5 leaves, cause significant changes in
2.4 Fertlization
intensive and thorough fertilization regime must be carried out to ensure high yields
Kebede, Getachew, & Sharma (2014) have suggested the application of 92, 40 and 30
kg ha-1 of N, P and K respectively, in order to achieve the maximum yield and quality
of garlic bulbs. In fact, high amounts of nitrogen (300 Kg ha-1) in two different forms
expressed by high pyruvic content, and nitrate accumulation in plant tissues (640 mg
g-1 dry weight), respectively (Ershadi, Noori, Dashti, & Bayat, 2010). In addition,
correlated with alliin content in garlic bulbs, the effect of nitrogen in organosulphur
Sulfur is the most important nutrient in terms of garlic quality (Figure 3), once is
the amino acid cysteine, next to the addition of S-(2-propenyl) side chain and
The application of sulfur during the growing season may significantly increase the
alliin content in garlic bulbs, whereas high nitrogen rates exert an adverse effect, or
even no effect (Bloem et al., 2010; Bloem et al., 2011; Huchette et al., 2007). In
addition, leaf extracts from sulfur treated plants revealed to be a higher content in
alliin than non-treated plants, and therefore a more pronounced therapeutic potential
Apart from alliin, sulfur application has been reported to increase the content of other
glucosinolates (Figure 3), both in garlic bulbs and leaves (Bloem et al., 2010; Bloem,
Haneklaus, & Schnug, 2011). Moreover, sulfur fertilization in rosy garlic plants
(Allium roesum L.) has been reported to have a beneficial effect on the flavor and
carbohydrates (Imen, Najjaa, & Neffati, 2013). However, the effect of sulfur
(Figure 3); however, further tests should be carried out in order to confirm the
beneficial effects of the sulfur application and, subsequently to adapt the fertilization
According to Hatwal, Kavita, Choudhary, & Singh (2015), the application of sulfur,
either in the form of ZnSO4 (0,4%) or in the elemental form (25 kg ha-1), and
vermicompost (15 t ha-1) apart from increase the yield, also improves the garlic cloves
quality, in terms of total soluble solids, ascorbic acid, crude protein and sulfur
contents. Moreover, Ghasemi et al. (2015) showed that the foliar application of Se,
and humic acid via irrigation water, even at low dosage (10 µg mL-1 and 10 kg ha-1 for
Additionally, the carbohydrates content is also related with garlic bulbs quality,
stage, allowing for a larger bulb filling period and, then translocation of biosynthetic
products from leaves to bulbs (Argüello, Ledesma, Núñez, Rodríguez, & Goldfarb,
Alliin content in garlic bulbs can be affected by many factors during the cultivation
particular attention, once is essential for the quality of the final product, is the
harvesting stage. According to Bloem et al. (2010), alliin is being translocated from
leaves (where its biosynthesis takes place) to bulbs, with an increasing trend during
growing season. Although at the earlier growth stages, alliin is accumulated in leaves,
as bulb formation initiates and plant approaches harvesting stage alliin and its
precursors are translocated and stored in bulbs. Therefore, late harvesting could be
used to enhance the alliin content and, consequently, to improve the bioactive potency
of the final product. Montaño et al. (2011) reported, for the first time, that although
the organosulfur compounds content is highly dependent of the genotype, the alliin
and isoalliin contents might be manipulated by adjusting the planting date, with late
Although farming systems (intensive, conventional and organic farming) have been
pointed to affect not only garlic plant growth and yield, but also the quality of the
quality features, such as allicin content has been observed so far (Mizraei, Liaghati, &
Mahdavi, 2007).
3. Post-harvest conditions
Natural products, in particular those derived from plant sources, have been used over
the years, for multiple purposes, not only on their pure forms and crude extracts, but
also their individual bioactive compounds (Santhosha, Jamuna, & Prabhavathi, 2013).
In fact, there are increasing reports evidencing the direct influence of the maturation
process, chemical composition, consumption forms (such as, fresh, cooked, dried,
etc.), humidity, fractioning level and harvesting time on the final bioactive potential
of numerous natural matrices (Medina and Garcia, 2007; Thomas, 1999). Particularly,
processing and storage steps have deserved a pivotal relevance, since slight
matrices (Cantwell, Hong, Kang, & Xie, 2001; Rahman, 2007a; Thomas, 1999). Thus,
and based on the latest scientific findings, different preparations have been preferably
indicated rather than other, depending on the type of clinical affection occurred.
In the case of garlic, its health benefits arise from a wide variety of chemical
compounds, and probably from their synergistic interactions (Amagase, 2006). Thus,
and since natural matrices possess a complex chemistry, it is feasible to suppose that
ingredient, depending on the desirable result. Furthermore, the efficacy and the
methods employed, while their safety mainly depends on the storage conditions
3.1 Processing
Agro-industrial, alimentary and other biotechnological processing techniques are
widely used to improve the efficacy and bioavailability of numerous matrices, as well
not new that some civilizations widely used to use several solvents, such as alcohol,
wine, milk and vinegar to soak and, then extract several bioactive ingredients
(Amagase, 2006). Recently, and over to the last years, numerous studies have shown
processing steps. In fact, several reports have shown considerable variations on the
Among to the most commonly used processing methods, used in food and
pharmaceutical industries, blanching comprises the one of the major importance, and
usually applied to garlic; as part of this procedure, peeled garlic cloves are exposed to
high temperatures, using water, steam, microwaves, radio frequencies and infrared
irradiation (Szymanek, 2011). This technique aims to retain colour and texture, to
avoid microbial infections and to hinder enzyme activity after peeling (Jaiswal,
Gupta, & Ghannam, 2012). Kinalski and Noreña (2014) have reported that blanching
being these detrimental effects improved with the increase of time and temperature
Garlic can be consumed in the form of extracts, either from raw or dried powder
garlic cloves. Lemar, Turner, & Lloyd (2002) observed that using fresh garlic extract
preparations exerted a higher anti-Candida potential than using dried garlic powder
extracts. The authors stated those conclusions through evaluation of the effects on the
Candida cells morphology and growth inhibition (Lemar et al., 2002). Moreover,
other authors have reported that fresh garlic extracts should be preferably used and
widely recommended in case of microbial infections (Chudzik, Malm, Rajtar,
Kolodziej, & Polz-Dacewicz, 2010), as well as those derived from aqueous extracts
(Belguith et al., 2010), since the most prominent effects were achieved by using these
garlic preparations. Apart from garlic extracts, Yamazaki and Okuno (2008) have
reported that warming cloves at 55 °C, for a period of up to two weeks, was more
effective and less time consuming for alliin accumulation comparing to soaking in
aqueous ethanol.
such as blanching, boiling, frying and microwaving, did not significantly affect the
polyphenols and tannins) and antioxidant activities of garlic (Gorinstein et al., 2009;
prolonged exposure (>20 min) at 100 °C (Gorinstein et al. 2009). In a recent study,
carried out by Locatelli, Altamirano, González, & Camargo (2015), the effect of
various pre-cooking (chopped, crushed and whole cloves) and cooking treatments
(OSCs) from garlic cloves was examined. The obtained results revealed significant
differences between the various treatments applied, mostly due to different degrees of
processing and exposure times to high temperatures. So, and based on these findings,
it can be suggested that stir-frying of crushed or chopped cloved is the most preferable
cooking treatment, since it allows the formation of OSCs which are not detected in
raw form, due to alliinase activation. In contrast, de Queiroz et al. (2013) reported that
garlic occurs after boiling and frying, in spite these differences appears to be
Locatelli et al. (2015). Moreover, Cavagnaro, Camargo, Galmarini, & Simon (2007)
suggested that the crushing of garlic cloves prior to the cooking treatments (over-
heating, boiling and microwaving) seems to alleviate the lost of antiplatelet activity
and reduction of the thiosulfinates content. In the same line, Song and Milner (2001)
confirmed that crushing of garlic cloves before cooking is essential for retaining their
anticancer properties.
On the other hand, the chemopreventive effects of garlic extracts, including its
investigated. Park, Park, & Park (2009) studied the antioxidant and antigenotoxic
effects of several extracts derived from garlic and detected a higher content of total
phenolic compounds in aged-garlic extracts (AGE), when compared with raw and
heated garlic extracts (RGE and HGE, respectively). Moreover, the authors observed
that despite the occurrence of a decrease in total phenolic contents and antioxidant
activity, after the heating process, garlic extracts retain their antioxidant and
Hanano, & Niwano (2006) also founded that garlic extracts, after suffers a short-time
radical scavenging activity) as also content in phenolic compounds. Hong and Kim
(1997) after assessing the chemopreventive properties of diallyl sulfides (DAS), garlic
extracts, and diallyl disulfides (DADS), they observed different protective effects in
rat livers and lungs, which were directly dependent on the garlic preparation used
(DAS, garlic extracts or DADS). The authors also stated that the chemopreventive
according to the used compound, the carcinogen, and the organ site investigated, apart
from that these actions revealed to be more complex than previously widely assumed
(Hong and Kim, 1997). In fact, organosufur compounds are among the most
Nishimura, 2003; Hong and Kim, 1997; Rahman, 2007a), because apart from their
unstable and easily decomposed. So, after garlic suffers minor processing techniques,
Moreover, and although garlic oil preparation is a well established technique used in
the garlic processing, according to Fujisawa, Suma, Origuchi, Kumagai, Seki, &
Ariga (2008), allicin is very unstable when infused in vegetable oil; so, it quickly
loses their chemical and biological potential, comparing to ethanol and water
infusions. Thus, it is possible to infer that the most important bioactive properties of
garlic oil derived from other organosulfur compounds, which not allicin. Further, their
instability is the major concern in garlic supplements, since the excipients and
In this sense, it is clearly evident that manufacturing processes markedly affect the
final composition and consequently the bioactivity of garlic by-products (Figure 4).
But, despite of the currently available wide variety of garlic supplements, they mainly
fall into one of the four general categories: dehydrated garlic powder, garlic oil, garlic
oil macerate and aged garlic extract (AGE) (Amagase, 2006). Furthermore, and not
least important, is the fact that among other requisites, manufacturers must ensure the
safety, stability and efficiency of garlic supplements, and all the garlic by-products
3.2 Storage
Taking into account the pivotal importance of several plant products, being some of
them included in the condiments and spices group, and used both for culinary and
medicinal purposes (such as garlic), assuring proper and safe storage conditions is
proved to be of the major importance (Figure 4). Proper storage conditions are crucial
to retain the high quality of garlic and its derived by-products, taking into account the
3.2.1. Time
Storage time is an involved and pivotal functional determinant for the garlic bioactive
maximum after 8 weeks of storage at 20±2 °C, whereas for organosulfur compounds
and polyphenols, the maximum content was observed between 6 and 8 weeks of
storage, followed by a significant decrease after that time period (Fei, Tong, Wei, &
De Yang, 2015). These results has been confirmed by Veríssimo et al. (2010), who
reported that allicin content decreased over the storage time, while the antioxidant
activity and total phenolics content increased. On the other hand, Horníčková et al.
(2010) aiming to investigate the total content of the three main sulfur-containing
determine the related changes on their sulfoxides contents during storage, they
observed a pronounced increase of the S-alk(en)ylcysteine sulfoxides contents. This
to sulfoxides, rather than to the loss of water (Horníčková et al., 2010). However, the
minor garlic constituent, its content has a crucial importance from a technological
(Horníčková et al., 2010). Thus, in order to avoid the occurrence of this process,
garlic should be processed as soon as possible, after harvested. But, aside from these
undesirable effects for the food and pharmaceutical industries, in some situations
higher levels of free S-alk(en)ylcysteine sulfoxides are beneficial, once these amino
2010). Thus, depending on the final objective and utilization of the garlic raw
material, different procedures must be adopted, being its storage for several weeks
prior to processing, one of the mostly recommended treatment for garlic-based dietary
3.2.2. Temperature
Storage temperature is also an important factor that displays a pivotal influence on the
garlic cloves at low temperatures (5 °C), also known as conditioning, has been
reported to affect the expression of 1-SST gene which is related with fructan
metabolism and consequently with carbohydrate and total soluble solids content
Horníčková et al. (2010) observed an increase in the total amount of the major S-
garlic bulbs of 58 genotypes were stored at 5 °C. According to Ichikawa, Ide, & Ono
(2006), the storage at low temperatures induces the conversion of γ-glutamyl peptides
into sulfoxides, such as allin and isoallin. Moreover, when storage at high
observed. However, isoalliin is further converted into cycloalliin, thus affecting the
Veríssimo et al. (2010) observed that the antioxidant potential of garlic decreases,
amylase and invertase enzymes contents in garlic under low temperatures, they
which consequently stimulated its sprouting. Additionally, the authors reported that
during the chilling treatment days, chlorophyll, carotenoid, amylase and investase
contents increased significantly, reaching the highest levels on the 30th day after
3.2.3. pH
Physicochemical conditions, such as pH value, which directly reflects the acidity and
alkalinity of multiple products, also has an important effect on the final quality of
potential. For example, Mattos, Silva, & Moretti (2010) studied the physicochemical
and functional characteristics of fresh and processed garlic, derived from different
origins/cultivars, which showed significant variations. The authors observed the the
most acidic cultivar, i.e. cv. Peruano, presented the lower antioxidant activity.
Furthermore, the authors observed that freeze-dried garlic presented lower contents in
bioactive compounds, among them phenolic compounds (Mattos et al., 2010). On the
other hand, several reports have shown that pH value largely affects/determines the
among them thiosulfinates formation, and consequently their release after the rupture
of cloves (Rahman, 2007a). A representative example, and along the same line with
alliinase. Kopec et al. (2013) concluded that the optimum pH value that contributes to
its stability ranges from 4-4.8, whereas at pH values lower than 3.5 or during thermal
3.3. Conservation
Industrial advances have been also increasingly exploited towards to improve the
are among the most commonly used biotechnological techniques, aiming to ensure the
and organoleptic characteristics of garlic, during the post-harvest period (Figure 4).
The potential of modified/controlled to improve and retain the quality of garlic and its
derived by-products has been thoroughly studied. Xihong, Zhaojun, Xiuli, & Li
(2010) evaluated the influence of different packaging conditions (15 days of storage at
4ºC) on fresh-cut garlic sprouts. The authors observed that modified atmospheres, in
this case polyvinyl chloride (PVC) plastic bags containing a steady-state atmosphere
of 5.8 kPa O2 + 7.0 kPa CO2, were the bags in which fresh-cut garlic sprouts
reached/showed the best quality (Xihong et al., 2010). In the same line, Cantwell et al.
(2001) studying the effects of different storage conditions (mainly variyng O2 and
CO2 contents) on the final quality, sprout growth, decay and discoloration of garlic
bulbs, they concluded that atmospheres containing CO2 provide beneficial effects,
when the CO2 percentage was >15%, several injuries appeared after 4-6 months of
storage. Thus, the authors conclued that for fresh peeled garlic, atmospheres
containing CO2 (5-15%) or low O2 content (1-3%) revealed to be the most effective in
3.3.2. Irradiation
Irradiation techniques have been also increasingly studied, mainly by assessing their
ability to improve the garlic shelf life. For example, their efficiency to inhibit the
garlic sprouting and mitosis has already been evidenced by Pellegrini, Croci, & Orioli
(2000). The authors observed that low gamma radiation doses showed no effects,
process (Pellegrini et al., 2000). Pérez, Aveldaño, & Croci (2007), evaluated the
effects of gamma rays in garlic bulbs, and they observed that a dose of 60 Gy, for 8
months, provoked a considerable reduction in lipid and fatty acid contents, with a
concomitant reduction of garlic bulbs sprouting occurrence. Finally, the authors
concluded that lipids and fatty acids are deeply involved in the normal biosynthetic
process of sprout growth and, therefore, the long-term effects of irradiation must be
interpreted as the delay or slowing down of this process (Pérez et al., 2007).
However, the radiation process has been also recommended and even applied to avoid
The curing process is a non-recent and widespread practice among industries that
involves a heat treatment of products prior to other processes. In fact, several reports
have confirmed that curing has positive effects on fruit quality and reduces storage
losses, without affecting the acidity and color index of numerous foods. Thus, in the
case of garlic, a proper curing treatment may confer promissory benefits, namely
contributing to improving their shelf life and stability during the storage period.
Matan, Matan, & Ketsa (2012) applied heat curing by subjecting garlic oil at 100 ºC
major constituent of garlic oil), and at the same time a slight induction of diallyl
sulfide decomposition. Therefore, they concluded that heat curing could possess a key
role on the enhancement of the antifungal activity of garlic oil (Matan et al., 2012).
Furthermore, it has been also pointed that the best garlic flavor develops during the
Thus, and despite the current advances, the deepening knowledge on this field should
4. Conclusions
practices, genotype selection and growing conditions. However, special care must be
also taken through the processing chain, since the organosulfur compounds
responsible for the bioactive properties of garlic are very unstable and highly
among different garlic populations and ecotypes must be valorised in order to select
improve the garlic and its derived-products quality. The latest aspect is particularly
preservation is easier.
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Figure 1. Stereochemical structure of the most representative bioactive constituents
from Allium sativum L.: alliin, allicin, allyl sulfide, (E)-ajoene, (Z)-ajoene and 1,2-
Antibacterials Antihyperglycemic
Antifungals Antihyperlipidemic
Antiprotozoal Antiplatelets
Antiviral Anthrombotics
Figure 2. Bioactive properties of the most abundant garlic constituents, sulfur-containing compounds.
Sulfur application
Garlic content: Conditioning factors
• cysteine • Genotype
• cysteine sulfoxides • Environmental
• glutathione conditions
• glucosinolates • Light
• alliin content • Temperature
• Carbohydrate content
Figure 3. Most important determinant factors to the garlic quality during to the fertilization process
Figure 4. Schematic presentation of post-harvest factors related with garlic quality.
Table 1. Most representative bioactive properties of allicin from Allium sativum L., including it related mechanisms of action.
Inhibition of acetyl-CoA synthetases Rahman, 2007b)
Inhibition of spore germination and hyphae growth
Induction of glutathione oxidation, leading to a shift of the cellular redox-potential
Induction of apoptosis (“oxidative route”)
Antioxidant Radicals trapping (Borlinghaus et al., 2014;
Interaction with thiol containing proteins Capasso, 2013; Kopec et
Scavenging of hydroxyl radicals al., 2013; Rabinkov et al.,
Inhibition of superoxide and NO production 1998; Rahman, 2007b)
Modification of SH-dependent activities
Cardioprotective Inhibition of platelet aggregation (Kopec et al., 2013;
Reduction of the blood pressure Kumar et al., 2013;
Alteration of the lipid profile Rahman, 2007a,b)
Improves the vasodilatation
Induction of the Nrf2/Keap1 system
Ability to suppress cholesterol biosynthesis (i.e. through inhibition of the squalene-
monooxygenase and acetyl-CoA synthetase enzymes)
Imunomodulatory Strength the activity of immune cells (Borlinghaus et al., 2014;
Modulation of macrophage secretory and cellular activities Kopec et al., 2013; M. S.
Inhibition of spontaneous and induced TNF-α secretion of pro-inflammatory cytokines and Rahman, 2007)
Table 2. Widely renowned biological functions of the most abundant bioactive compounds of garlic