Warechowska2019 Article EvaluationOfPhysicochemicalPro
Warechowska2019 Article EvaluationOfPhysicochemicalPro
Warechowska2019 Article EvaluationOfPhysicochemicalPro
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Abstract The consumers interest in organic food and 35.6 mJ. Flours made from primitive rye grain have a
farmers’ search for cultivars with increased usefulness for higher content of ash and free phenolic compounds, lower
organic farming have contributed to the revival of ancient starch content and similar antioxidant potential relative to
cereal species and their launch onto the food market. In common rye flours. The results of the amylograph test
view of the above, the aim of this study was to determine revealed that primitive rye flours were characterized by
the physicochemical properties, antioxidant potential and high baking quality. The primitive rye flours can be alter-
baking quality of grain and flour of primitive rye (Secale native ingredients for bread making and provide health
cereale var. Multicaule Polish: Krzyca), and to compare advantage such as higher content of phenolic compounds.
these parameters with open-pollinated and hybrid cultivars However, further research is needed to analyze variations
of common rye. The following determinations were made: in the properties of primitive rye grain and flour resulting
the morphological and mechanical properties of grain, from changes in environmental and climatic conditions.
milling energy and the protein, starch, ash and free phe-
nolic content of the analyzed flours, their amylograph Keywords Primitive rye grain Primitive rye flour
characteristics and antioxidant potential. It was found that Physicochemical properties Flour baking quality Free
primitive rye has shorter kernels, lower thousand-kernel phenolics Antioxidant activity
weight and a higher contribution of redness in color com-
pared with common rye. In primitive rye grain rupture
force was determined at 68.9 N and rupture energy at Introduction
J Food Sci Technol
Rye bread is a rich source of biologically active com- 2018). In addition the rye breads on sourdough has been
pounds, including antioxidants and dietary fiber, mainly shown better antioxidative properties compared to wheat
arabinoxylans (Zieliński et al. 2008; Banu et al. 2010; bread (Banu et al. 2010; Konopka et al. 2014). Flour from
Pihlava et al. 2018; Jonsson et al. 2018). It has been shown primitive rye grain poses an attractive alternative to com-
that the consumption of rye bread and other rye products mon rye flour. However, the physical properties of grain (in
(primarily as wholegrain products) provides health benefits particular properties that are essential for designing milling
(Jonsson et al. 2018; Koistinen et al. 2018). Rye from systems) and the baking quality of flour have to be deter-
primary and secondary centers of origin in Transcaucasia mined before primitive rye can be used in the milling and
and areas east of the Caspian Sea spread to northern Europe baking industries. The relevant information is scant in the
as a wheat weed. Primitive rye was more resistant to the literature. However, Vejražka et al. (2011) investigated the
cold winters and the nutrient-deficient and acidic soils of physical properties and milling quality of S. cereale var.
northern Europe than wheat, and with time, it became the Multicaule cv. Lesan. The S. multicaule grain did not differ
main breadmaking cereal in this region. Primitive rye (S. in physical properties from standard cultivars rye (S. cer-
cereale var. Multicaule, Polish: Krzyca) can be grown eale), but cv. Lesan, showed lower milling yields. The
under difficult soil conditions. Its’ Polish (Krzyca, Ikrzyca, baking quality, nutritional value and health-promoting
Skrzyca) and Czech and Slovak (Kribica) names denote a properties of primitive rye flour have been investigated by
spark, and they were coined in an era of fire-fallow culti- Konopka et al. (2017b). No published data is available on
vation when arable fields were created by burning forests the physical, milling quality, flour quality and antioxidant
(Michalova 2000). Primitive rye was appreciated for its potential of Primitive rye (S. cereale var. Multicaule)
high yield and resistance to very difficult environmental genotype Krzyca.
conditions. In the past, flour made from primitive rye was The aim of this study was to determine the physico-
not highly valued on account of its dark color which was chemical properties, antioxidant potential and baking
associated with poverty rather than high nutritional value. quality of grain and flour of primitive rye (S. cereale var.
However, primitive rye flour was recognized for its sweet Multicaule), and to compare these parameters with open-
taste and the prolonged freshness of bread (Podyma et al. pollinated and hybrid cultivars of common rye (S. cereale
2013). Primitive rye is also known as midsummer rye L.). These studies can contribute to the popularization of
because it was sown on Midsummer’s day. Early-sown rye primitive rye genotype Krzyca.
was first cut as green fodder for cattle, and then left in the
field over winter to produce grain in the spring. Primitive
rye has never been modified through breeding, and it is an Materials and methods
endangered species. The introduction of programs aiming
to protect relict species (genetic biodiversity) has increased Plant material
the availability of primitive rye seeds for organic farming.
Primitive rye is generally grown on the poorest soils, and it The experiment was performed on organically grown grain
is characterized by lower yields (1.5 to 2.5 t ha-1) than of primitive rye (S. cereale var. Multicaule). The evaluated
open-pollinated and hybrid rye cultivars for breadmaking. genotype was obtained by breeding grain from the collec-
According to the results of investigations, the demand tion of the Plant Breeding and Acclimatization Institute—
for organic foods is on the rise (Dias et al. 2015). On the National Research Institute in Radzików, Poland. Two
other hand, the food market is highly competitive, which organically grown cultivars of common rye (S. cereale L.),
forces producers to search for new food ingredients. including open-pollinated rye cv. Dańkowskie Złote and
Primitive rye could be an alternative ingredient in the hybrid rye cv. KWS Bono, were used as the reference
milling and baking industries. Its grain is more abundant in standards. Open-pollinated rye cv. Dańkowskie Złote was
free phenolics, flavonoids, sterols, tocopherols and car- placed on the Polish National List of Agricultural Plant
otenoids than common rye grain (Konopka et al. 2017b). Varieties (COBORU) in 1968 and remains the oldest reg-
This suggest higher health-promoting properties of Krzyca. istered rye variety, which best testifies to its unique prop-
The grain of primitive rye is characterized by a higher erties. Hybrid rye cv. KWS Bono was registered in Poland
share of the seed coat, and the resulting bread has a sweet in 2014. Primitive rye and both common rye cultivars were
and honey-like aroma which is highly valued by consumers grown in an organic farm in Godki near Olsztyn in north-
(Konopka et al. 2017b). In the baking of primitive rye eastern Poland (53°490 5300 N, 20°140 2000 E).
breads is used sourdough fermentation by lactic acid bac-
teria. Sourdough fermentation causes reduction the phy-
tates contents thanks to which it contributes to the
increasing the bioavailability of minerals (Koistinen et al.
J Food Sci Technol
Grain analysis The sample was shaken for 10 min (vibration amplitude of
1.5 mm). The fraction that passed through the 200 lm
The qualitative parameters of grain were evaluated with the sieve was regarded as extracted flour. Flour yield was
use of standard methods. The moisture content of rye determined as the percentage of straight-grade flour.
kernels was determined based on PN-EN ISO 712: 2012
method, kernel weight was determined based on AACC Particle size analysis
method 55-31 (2002). Thousand-kernel weight was deter-
mined for each sample with the use of an electronic kernel The size distribution of flour particles was determined by
counter (Kernel Counter LN S 50A, UNITRA CEMI, laser diffraction analysis (LDA) using the Malvern
Poland) and an electronic scale (WPE 120, Radgwag, Mastersizer 2000 analyzer (version 5.22, Malvern Instru-
Poland, d = 2 mg). The geometric parameters of grain ments, Malvern, UK) according to the AACC 55-40-01
were measured manually with an electronic caliper (2002). The arithmetic average size of particles in extrac-
(D = ± 0.05 mm). Grain and flour color was analyzed with ted, and wholemeal flours were calculated. The average
the Minolta CR 400 Chroma Meter (CR 400, Konica size of flour particles was determined by summing up the
Minolta, Japan). Grain color was expressed by parameters products of particle size (di) and volume fraction (ui):
L*, a* and b* of the CIELAB system. Individual kernels davg = SUM(ui di). The size of flour particles d(0.1),
were subjected to a quasi-static compression test in the d(0.5) and d(0.9) (lm) corresponding to the maximum
AXIS system (Poland) equipped with the FB-500 diameter of 10%, 50% and 90% of flour particles, respec-
dynamometer with a measuring range of 0–500 N and a tively, was determined. The span of volume-based size
vertical stand with STAV power drive system. Compres- distribution was determined as follows: SPAN = (
sion force and head displacement were registered by a PC d(0.9) - d(0.1))/d(0.5).
connected to the device. Every kernel was placed between
two parallel plates and compressed with a constant velocity Flour and dough analysis
of 0.1 mm min-1 until the achievement of a fixed distance
of 0.3 mm between the plates. The mechanical properties The flours were evaluated for ash content (ICC method
of grain were expressed by rupture force (Fr) and force at 104/1, ICC 1990) and protein content (Kjeldahl method;
the end of compression (Fe). Rupture energy (Erc) and total KjelFlex K-360 distillation unit, Büchi, Germany; N5.7).
compression energy (Et) were calculated (Dziki et al. Starch content was determined by the polarimetric method
2014). The compression test was performed on 30 ran- according to Standard PN-EN ISO 10520: 2002 with the
domly selected rye kernels, and the arithmetic average of Carl Zeiss Jena 730083 polarimeter with the PGH Rund-
the measured parameters, were calculated for each cultivar. funk-Fernsehen type G power transformer. The activity of
a-amylase was determined in the Falling Number Appa-
Grain milling and grain milling energy ratus 1800 (Petren, Sweden) in the Hagberg-Petren test
according to Standard PN-EN ISO 3093: 2010. The amy-
Two types of flour were produced in the milling test: lograph test was conducted in a Brabender amylograph
extracted flour and wholemeal flour. The moisture content (type 800145) according to Standard PN-EN ISO 7973:
of grain was brought up to approximately 15% (on a wet 2016-01. The water absorption at dough consistency of 500
basis), and grain was ground in the Quadrumat Junior roller BU were determined according to a standard procedure
mill (BrabenderÒ, Germany). The sifting roller was (ICC 115/1, ICC 1992) with use Farinograph-E (Braben-
removed from the mill to obtain middlings (wholemeal). der, Duisburg, Germany).
Kernel samples (125 g) from each rye genotype/cultivar
were weighed to the nearest 10 mg on the WLC 2/A1 Preparation of rye flour extracts
electronic scale (Radwag, Poland) and milled in the labo-
ratory. Twenty-five samples of each genotype/cultivar were The antioxidant activity and the free phenolic content of
milled. The specific milling energy Er (kJ/kg) was calcu- flours were determined in flour samples extracted thrice
lated with the following formula: Er = (Ec - Es)/mg, with 80% methanol. Flours were extracted in the MSC-100
where: Ec—total energy consumed by the mill; Es—energy thermo-shaker incubator (Hangzhou Allsheng Industries)
required for initiating the motion of ground particles (Es for 15 min at 1400 rpm and a temperature of 22 °C. The
was calculated by multiplying active power in idle mode by supernatant was separated in an Eppendorf shaker (type
milling time); mg—mass of milled sample (kg). Fifteen 5810R) for 10 min at 10,000 rpm and a temperature of
replicates of middlings from each rye cultivar were sepa- 22 °C.
rated with a sieve shaker (Analysette3ÒFritsch, Germany)
equipped with sieve 200 lm openings and a collection pan.
J Food Sci Technol
Determination of free phenolic content kernels weight is dependent on the growth conditions and
cultivar (Järvan et al. 2018). Primitive rye grain did not
The content of free phenolic compounds was determined differ significantly in width (2.48 mm) from the grain of
spectrophotometrically with the Folin–Ciocalteau reagent open-pollinated and hybrid cultivars, but it was character-
(Merck) according to Konopka et al. (2012). The color ized by smaller average kernel length (6.69 mm). The
reaction was carried out by adding the Folin–Ciocalteau average thickness of primitive rye kernels (2.00 mm) was
reagent (0.5 mL), 14% sodium carbonate (3 mL) and dis- similar to the thickness of hybrid rye kernels and signifi-
tilled water (6.5 mL) to the polyphenol extract. After cantly smaller than the thickness of open-pollinated rye
mixing, the solution was left for 60 min, and absorbance kernels. The kernels of the evaluated rye cultivars were
was measured against the reagent sample (without the characterized by considerably smaller width and thickness
phenolic extract) at a wavelength of 720 nm with the than the grain analyzed by Jouki et al. (2012), where the
UNICAM UV/Vis UV2 (ATI Unicam, Cambridge, UK) above parameters were determined at 4.65 mm and
spectrophotometer. The content of free phenolic com- 3.18 mm on average, respectively.
pounds was expressed as mg D-catechin (Sigma Aldrich) In the color analysis, the average value L* of primitive
equivalent per 100 g of sample dry mass. rye grain (51.3) was significantly higher than in hybrid rye
(47.3) and lower than in open-pollinated rye (54.3). The
Antioxidant analysis grain of primitive rye was characterized by a higher con-
tribution of redness (a* = 5.24) in comparison with the
The antioxidant potential of flour samples was determined grain of common rye cv. Dańkowskie Złote (a* = 4.24)
in the DPPH (2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl) radical scav- and KWS Bono (a* = 3.29), but it did not differ signifi-
enging assay according to Konopka et al. (2017a). The cantly from the reference rye in the value of the b* (19.04).
extracts were added to a DPPH (Sigma Aldrich) solution According to Zykin et al. (2018), the color of cereal grain is
(0.2 mmol L-1 in methanol), and the mixture was shaken determined mainly by the content of anthocyanin pigments.
and incubated in the dark at room temperature for 30 min. The mechanical properties of cereal grain play a very
Absorbance was measured at 517 nm against methanol, important role in the milling process (Ponce-Garcı́a et al.
using FLUOstar Omega multi-mode microplate reader 2016). The force needed to deform grain has to be accu-
(BMG LABTECH, Offenburg, Germany). Antioxidant rately determined for the purpose of designing grain har-
capacity was determined based on a curve of % vesting and processing equipment. In primitive rye grain,
DPPHscavenging activity of different Trolox (Sigma rupture force was determined at 68.9 N, force at the end of
Aldrich) concentrations in methanol and expressed as lmol compression—at 95.3 N, rupture energy—at 35.6 mJ, and
Trolox per 100 g of flour dry mass. total compression energy—at 81.5 mJ (Table 1). The rup-
ture force of primitive rye grain was significantly lower
Statistical analysis compared with the open-pollinated cultivar. The remaining
parameters (Fe, Erc and Ee) did not differ significantly
The results were processed statistically using Statistica for across the analyzed cultivars. The average specific milling
Windows v. 10 software (StatSoft Inc.). The data were energy of primitive rye grain (95.3 kJ kg-1) was approxi-
analyzed by one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA). The mately 11% higher relative to the open-pollinated cultivar
significance of differences between means was determined and approximately 29% lower relative to the hybrid culti-
by Tukey’s test (p B 0.05). The data were also subjected to var. Milling energy is determined by the milling method
Pearson correlation coefficient analysis. The results were and the properties of grain, mainly moisture content, kernel
regarded as statistically significant at p B 0.05. size and hardness and the degree of milling (Dziki et al.
2014; Warechowska et al. 2016). In a study by Rydzak
et al. (2012), energy consumption during the milling pro-
Results and discussion cess of a mixture of rye grain with similar moisture con-
tent, ground in the same type of a mill, was higher than that
Physicochemical properties of grain noted for primitive rye grain in our study. In the work of
Hameed Hassoon and Dziki (2017), the milling energy of
The physical properties of the grain of primitive rye and rye grain ground in a hammer mill ranged from
common rye cv. Dańkowskie Złote (open-pollinated cul- 66.2 kJ kg-1 (grain with 10% moisture content) to
tivar) and cv. KWS Bono (hybrid cultivar) are presented in 133.6 kJ kg-1 (grain with 18% moisture content).
Table 1. The thousand-kernel weight (TKW) of primitive
rye was low (21.6 g) compared with common rye cultivars,
and its bulk density was determined at 756.3 kg m-3. The
J Food Sci Technol
J Food Sci Technol
Table 2 Particle size characteristics of extracted and wholemeal flours made from primitive rye and common rye grain
Flour type Genotype/cultivar davg (lm) d(0.1) (lm) d(0.5) (lm) d(0.9) (lm) SPAN (-)
Extracted flour Primitive rye 73.8b ± 0.7 ** 14.5b ± 0.3 54.6b ± 1.1 220.6a ± 2.9 3.78b ± 0.04
c c c b
Dańkowskie Złote (OP*) 80.0 ± 0.3 17.6 ± 0.2 67.5 ± 0.6 235.6 ± 4.2 3.23a ± 0.06
a a a a
KWS Bono (H) 71.0 ± 0.5 13.2 ± 0.4 50.8 ± 0.8 220.5 ± 3.1 4.08c ± 0.06
Wholemeal flour Primitive rye 74.8b ± 1.2 18.4a ± 1.3 245.2a ± 37.6 938.3a ± 82.2 3.78a ± 0.25
c b a b
Dańkowskie Złote (OP) 84.2 ± 0.9 24.1 ± 1.3 295.0 ± 37.4 1123.2 ± 101.0 3.74a ± 0.22
a a a b
KWS Bono (H) 73.4 ± 1.1 20.5 ± 1.6 318.6 ± 82.3 1080.0 ± 97.2 3.43a ± 0.51
*OP open-pollinated cultivar, H hybrid cultivar
**Values given as the average values ± SD. Values marked with the same letters in columns for the same type of flour are not significantly
different at p B 0.05
Flour yield, flour quality characteristics and baking with a high content of non-starch polysaccharides. The
quality surface of sifting rye flour is 25–30% larger than required
for wheat flour (Arendt and Zannini 2013).
The quality characteristics of extracted and wholemeal The protein content of wholemeal flour (9.59%) and
flours from primitive rye and common rye grain are pre- extracted flour (5.91%) from primitive rye grain was sig-
sented in Table 3. The extraction rate of primitive rye flour nificantly higher in comparison with the corresponding
(49.8%) was similar to that of hybrid rye flour (48.9%), and flours from open-pollinated rye and was similar to hybrid
significantly lower than the extraction rate of flour from rye flours. The protein content of primitive rye flours was
open-pollinated rye (53.5%). Rye flour has a lower typical of rye flour (Konopka et al. 2017b; Järvan et al.
extraction rate than wheat flour because the endosperm is 2018). The total protein content of rye is generally lower in
difficult to separate from the seed coat, especially in grain comparison with wheat (6.5–14.5% on average) (Arendt
Table 3 Quality characteristics of extracted and wholemeal flours from primitive rye and common rye grain
Quality parameter Flour type
Extracted flour Wholemeal flour
Primitive rye Dańkowskie Złote KWS Bono (H) Primitive rye Dańkowskie Złote KWS Bono
(OP*) (OP) (H)
J Food Sci Technol
and Zannini 2013). The ash content of wholemeal (1.92%) flours were less viscous, and similar results were noted in
and extracted (0.59%) flours from primitive rye was sig- an earlier study (Konopka et al. 2017b). The optimal
nificantly higher in comparison with flours made from parameters of rye flour for breadmaking are determined in
open-pollinated and hybrid cultivars (wholemeal flour— the following range: falling number: 125–200 s, viscosity:
higher by 16% and 27%; extracted flour—higher by 10% 400–600 AU, final starch gelatinization temperature:
and 22%, respectively). The starch content of wholemeal 63–68 °C (Beck et al. 2011; Konopka et al. 2017b). In view
flour and extracted flour from primitive rye (54.9% and of the above, the analyzed flour from primitive rye grain
64.9%, respectively) was considerably lower relative to the was characterized by high baking quality, but its maximum
corresponding flours from the reference rye cultivars. amylograph viscosity was lower in comparison with the
Similar observations were made by Konopka et al. (2017b). remaining rye flours, which can decrease bread volume
The color analysis revealed that unlike wholemeal (Ste˛pniewska et al. 2018). The water absorption capacity of
flours, extracted flours differed significantly in lightness wholemeal and extracted flours from primitive rye grain
(Table 3). The value of L* was highest in extracted flour was higher relative to the corresponding flours from open-
from primitive rye grain. Both wholemeal and extracted pollinated rye, but lower in comparison with hybrid rye
flours from primitive rye were also characterized by the flours. The hydration capacity of flour is affected by its
highest contribution of redness, which could be attributed protein and polysaccharide content, degree of milling and
to their high ash content. The value of the correlation starch damage (Drakos et al. 2017). Finely ground flour has
coefficient between ash content and a* was determined at a higher water absorption capacity.
R = 0.98. Flour whiteness is determined by the values of
L* and a*, and it is an important parameter which influ- Content of free phenolic compounds and antioxidant
ences consumer acceptance. The most desirable flours are potential
characterized by low values of a* and high values of L*
(Drakos et al. 2017). Flour lightness is correlated with its Rye flour is a rich source of phenolic compounds (Zieliński
ash content (Protonotariou et al. 2014). High ash content et al. 2008; Pejcz et al. 2015; Konopka et al. 2017b; Pih-
increases contamination with seed coat residues and lava et al. 2018) which deliver health benefits due to their
decreases the value of L*. Particle size can also influence antioxidant potential (Pejcz et al. 2015). The content of
the color of flour. Flours with a higher proportion of fine phenolic compounds and the antioxidant activity of flour
particles are characterized by higher L* values (Gómez are altered during baking. The relevant changes are
et al. 2009). The falling number denotes the presence of a- induced by numerous factors, including fiber content,
amylases in flour, and it was determined at 129 s in recipe, fermentation, baking process and the formation of
wholemeal flour and 137 s in extracted flour from primitive Maillard reaction products (Banu et al. 2010; Konopka
rye (Table 3). The falling number of both extracted and et al. 2014; Pejcz et al. 2015). The content of free phenolics
wholemeal flours from primitive rye grain was lower in and the antioxidant potential of extracted and wholemeal
comparison with the corresponding flours from the flours from primitive rye and common rye are presented in
remaining rye cultivars. The extraction process clearly Table 4. The content of free phenolics ranged from 8.31 to
influenced the falling number, and wholemeal flours were 12.6 mg/100 g DM in samples of extracted flours, and
characterized by lower falling numbers. In sourdough from 48.16 to 58.57 mg/100 g DM in samples of whole-
bread, a low falling number is more desirable due to high meal flours. Primitive rye flours were most abundant in free
amylolytic activity which rapidly initiates the fermentation phenolics whose content was approximately 4.7 times
process (Zieliński et al. 2008). In the current study, prim- higher in wholemeal flour than in extracted flour. Similar
itive rye flour was most suitable for the production of results were reported by other authors (Konopka et al.
sourdough bread. In wholemeal and extracted flours from 2014). However, the above findings do not correspond to
primitive rye, starch gelatinization began at a temperature the antioxidant activity of primitive rye flour. The DPPH
of 51.5 °C and 48.8 °C and was completed at 63.8 °C and radical scavenging activity of extracted flour from primi-
64.1 °C, respectively. In wholemeal and extracted flours tive rye (52.7 lM TE/100 g) was approximately two-fold
from primitive rye, the temperature marking the beginning higher than in flour from open-pollinated rye, and com-
and end of starch gelatinization was 2.2 °C and 11.6 °C parable with hybrid rye flour. The DPPH radical scaveng-
lower and 2.2 °C and 14.7 °C lower, respectively, than in ing activity of wholemeal flour from primitive rye (200 lM
the corresponding flours from rye cv. KWS Bono. Starch TE/100 g) was similar to that noted in the corresponding
gel viscosity in primitive rye flour (288 in wholemeal flour flour from open-pollinated rye (186.9 lM TE/100 g) and
and 610 in extracted flour) was lower than in flours from lower than in hybrid rye flour (235.7 lM TE/100 g). The
open-pollinated and hybrid ryes. Wholemeal and extracted analyzed parameter was approximately 3.8-fold higher
flours differed significantly in starch viscosity. Wholemeal (primitive rye), 8-fold higher (open-pollinated rye) and 4.2-
J Food Sci Technol
Table 4 Content of free phenolic compounds and the antioxidant potential of extracted and wholemeal flours from primitive rye and common
Flour type Genotype/cultivar Free phenolics (mg/100 g of DM) DPPH (lM TE/100 g of DM)
fold higher (hybrid rye) in wholemeal flours than in Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the
extracted flours. Zieliński et al. (2008) observed a reverse Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (http://crea
tivecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use,
trend in rye flours in the DPPH test. A positive correlation distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided you give
was observed between the content of free phenolic com- appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a
pounds and the antioxidant potential of the analyzed flours link to the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were
(R = 0.95). made.
American Association of Cereal Chemists (2002) Approved methods
A thorough knowledge of the attributes of primitive rye of the AACC, 10th edn. American Association of Cereal
grain is essential for obtaining food products of the highest Chemists, St. Paul
quality. The results of this study indicate that primitive rye Arendt EK, Zannini E (2013) Rye. In: Arendt EK, Zannini E (eds)
Woodhead publishing series in food science, technology and
(S. cereale var. Multicaule) has shorter kernels, lower nutrition, cereal grains for the food and beverage industries, 1st
thousand-kernel weight and a higher contribution of red- edn. Woodhead Publishing, Philadelphia, pp 221–242. https://
ness in color compared with common rye grain. Primitive doi.org/10.1533/9780857098924.220
rye grain is suitable for milling. Its mechanical properties, Banu I, Vasilean I, Aprodu I (2010) Effect of lactic fermentation on
antioxidant capacity of rye sourdough and bread. Food Sci
milling energy, flour yield and the granulometric compo- Technol Res 16:571–576. https://doi.org/10.3136/fstr.16.571
sition of flours are typical of common rye grain. Both Beck M, Jekle M, Selmair PL, Koehler P, Becker T (2011)
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contain more ash and less starch than common rye flours. as affected by transglutaminase. J Cereal Sci 54:29–36. https://
The results of the amylograph test revealed that primitive Bucsella B, Molnár D, Harasztos AH, Tömösközi S (2016) Compar-
rye flours were characterized by high baking quality. ison of the rheological and end-product properties of an
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hybrid cultivars). However, further research is needed to 04.00
analyze variations in the properties of primitive rye grain Dziki D, Cacak-Pietrzak G, Miś A, Jończyk K, Gawlik-Dziki U
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Acknowledgements This publication was funded by the University processes on quality characteristic of rye flour. J Sci Food Agric
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