Elements of Urban Planning: Commucations
Elements of Urban Planning: Commucations
Elements of Urban Planning: Commucations
Urban Planning is an art and science of ordering the use of land and siting of
buildings and communication routes so as to secure the maximum practicable
degree of economy, convenience, and beauty.
• An attempt to formulate the principles that should guide us in creating a civilized
physical background for human life whose main purpose is thus . foreseeing and
guiding change.
An art of shaping and guiding the physical growth of the town creating
buildings and environments to meet the various needs such as social, cultural,
economic and recreational etc. and to provide healthy conditions for both rich and
poor to live, to work, and to play or relax, thus bringing about the social and
economic wellbeing for the majority of mankind
It is also a poxes of helping a community, identify its problems and its central
values, formulating goals and alternative approaches to achieving community
objectives, and avoiding undesired consequences of change. This press of
planning results in frameworks for coping with change. Some are concepts that
serve guides to action, such as the goal of becoming a major distribution center or
of encouraging investment in the cote of the city. Some are regulatory, reflecting
the desires of the community to encourage good development and discourage bad
Roads ways
Rail ways
Water ways
Air ways
Commucations systemic the parts of cities and help shape theme and enable
jsdfnetworks and together form the total movement system of city
Built up area
Residential building
Public /semi public building
Commercial building
Industrial building
Building the most pronounced elements in urban they shape and
articulate space by forming the street walls of the city well designed
building work together to create a sense of place
Open areas
Play fields
Public spaces
Open lands
Grave yards
Barren yards
Open areas the living room and the green part of a city that weaves through
out It is where people come together to enjoy the city and each other open
areas make high quality life in the city possible the landscape helps define
the character and beauty of city and creates soft contrasting spaces and
Public amenities
Post office
Fire brigade
Re fire deposits
Police station
public amenities are services provide to public such as education, health
,play grounds, public toilets, community centers , post office ,fire brigade
Green belts
Green belts is non development zone on the periphery of the town .it
prevents the haphazard sprawls of the town restricting its size .it essence
green belt is an invisible line designating border around a certain area
preventing development of the area and allowing wild life to return and be
established green ways and green hedges have linear character and way run
across the town and not around the town
A lot of care should taken while providing housing accommodation to
different categories of people .it should be made sure that there is no
developments of slums and in future if occurs it must be dis courage and
removed by the authorities when a land use plan is made zones for
independent housing mild rise buildings high rise building are allocated
The town must be provided with suitable facilities at easy access so that
there is least time consumed from work place to residency .the residential
format of transportation planning process is planning process is based up
on two fundamental assumptions
1st the various land use activities that are pursued at both origin and
2nd that a relation ship inevitably emerges from these movement demands
which not only be readily quantified but also remains constant in future
As per size of town enough space must be given for the recreation centers
for general public
The following are the factor which determines its demands
Population growth , changing work pattern , in come , education, car
owner ship
These are the things are necessary at the time of plotting the recreation
in any area .keeping there aspects in mind a planner can easily provide
such recreation which is up to date and also for the necessities of future
The town should be divided into suitable zones such as commercial zone ,
industrial zone , residential zone , etc. and suitable rules and regulations
should be formed for the of each zone
Public building
It includes every thing a community needs to support its residents, capital
buildings , libraries ,museums , parks, parking structures , conference
centers ,court houses ,fire station , police station, other administrative
spaces and offices
Planner is concerned with thousands of such projects worth in
billions these projects or buildings are design by planner keeping in
mind the assessments
From public construction services professional excellence thus he
achieve his goal by these skills and meet the requirements of public
planner keep in mind that the building should be sophisticated
following success and community identity
Roads systems
Roads network hierarchy is very important the efficiency of any town is
measured by the layout of its roads . a ninely designed road system puts a
great impression he minds of people ,especially the visitors to the town .the
provision of faulty road system in the initial stages of town foundation
proves to be too difficult and costly to repair on re –arrange in future