Chandigarh: Urban Planning Concepts
Chandigarh: Urban Planning Concepts
Chandigarh: Urban Planning Concepts
Presented By Gauri Avasak Natasha Mathur Pardhu Kamineni Picture of LE CORBUSIER with the Master Plan of Chandigarh
American architects Albert Mayer and Mathew Novicki were the first architects to be appointed for the project. After the death of Novicki in 1950, Le Corbusier was commissioned.
Judicial Court and State Assembly Buildings designed by Le Corbusier
The primary module of citys design is a Sector, a neighborhood unit of size 800 meters x 1200 meters. Each SECTOR is a self-sufficient unit having shops, school, health centers and places of recreations and worship. The population of a sector varies between 3000 and 20000 depending upon the sizes of plots and the topography of the area.
First Concept Proposal for the Residential Development in QT8 by Piero Bottoni
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City Level Public Green Space with Artificial Water Body Free- Flowing Green Space, connecting the entire site Semi-Private Green Areas for neighborhood pockets Private Green Areas for Residential Units
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Images of various sculptures and Public Green Areas in the Leisure Valley
A Large Central Complex was to be proposed at the center of the site housing the Church and other public facilities like Sports Complex, Assembly Hall, etc.
The Central Sector of the city, Sector 17, is the main Public Congregation area of the city. It houses all major Shopping Complexes, Sports Facilities and Congregation Spaces.
The Basic Building Typology is observed as extremely Rectilinear with similar proportions.
In both the developments the smaller individual Residential Units are arranged around central common Green Spaces, although the shapes are different.