LASIK Emergencies
LASIK Emergencies
LASIK Emergencies
Dr. Samir A. Melki and Dr. Ali Fadlallah have no financial or proprietary interest in the materials
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To Dr. Dimitri Azar, my refractive surgery mentor, whose deep
analysis, honest assessment, and unequalled passion and energy
always were and will remain the guiding principles in my daily
To all my fellows who have kept me on my toes and were bold
enough to challenge established viewpoints.
To my wife, Rania, and my children, Philip and Alexi, for their
love, support, and belief in my work.
—Dr. Samir A. Melki
Preparing Instruments
LASIK instrument trays can be divided into the following 2 dif ferent
areas: used instruments area and sterile instruments area.
• Used instruments area
º Sterile gloves
º Interface pack (one for each eye)
• Sterile instruments area
º 2 small piles of 4 × 4 gauze
º Eye patch (one 4 × 4 gauze folded with tape)
º Drape: Tegaderm (3M Company; one for each eye or adhesive
º 2 balanced salt solution (BSS) tubes per eye
º 2 packs of Weck-Cel sponges (Beaver Visitec)
º Syringe filled with BSS (3 cubic centimeters with 25 grams cannula)
º 2 flap lifters
º Curved forceps
º Skin marker
Figure 1-1. LASIK tray: 1-Sterile gloves, 2-4 x 4 gauze, 3-Eye patch, 4-Tegaderm, 5-BSS
tubes, 6-Weck-Cel sponges, 7-Syringe filled with BSS, 8-Flap lifters, 9-Eye speculum,
10-Curved forceps, 11-Skin marker, 12-Interface pack.
Preparing Patient
• Place the head cover (cover hair and ears).
• Place the gauzes between the head cover and the ears (Figures 1-2 and
• Apply anesthetic drops (one drop is instilled in each eye).
• Apply Betadine 5% (Alcon Labs) on the patient’s skin (mainly on eye-
brows, upper eyelid, and lower eyelid).
• Close the contralateral eye.
• Ask the patient to maintain a chin-up position.
º The patient’s hands may rest on his or her chest or he or she may
be given a teddy bear to hold and squeeze instead of squeezing his
or her eyelids.
The Normal LASIK Procedure 3
Identification of Sources of Error Specific
to Laser Vision Correction*
Error# Sources of Error Specific to LVC
1 Patient name
2 Date of birth
3 Type of procedure (LASIK, PRK)
4 Aim (distance, near)
5 Optical zone
6 Preoperative sphere: plus or minus
7 Preoperative sphere power: first digit
8 Preoperative sphere: first decimal
9 Preoperative sphere: second decimal
10 Preoperative cylinder power: plus or minus
11 Preoperative cylinder power: first digit
12 Preoperative cylinder power: first decimal
13 Preoperative cylinder power: second decimal
14 Preoperative cylinder axis: first digit
15 Preoperative cylinder axis: second digit
16 Preoperative cylinder axis: third digit
17 Wavescan or laser input sphere: plus or minus
18 Wavescan or laser input sphere: first digit
19 Wavescan or laser input sphere: first decimal
20 Wavescan or laser input sphere: second decimal
21 Wavescan or laser input cylinder power: plus or minus
22 Wavescan or laser input cylinder power: first digit
23 Wavescan or laser input cylinder power: first decimal
24 Wavescan or laser input cylinder power: second decimal
25 Wavescan or laser input cylinder axis: first digit
26 Wavescan or laser input cylinder axis: second digit
27 Wavescan or laser input cylinder axis: third digit
28 Nomogram adjustment
LASIK = laser in situ keratomileusis; LVC = laser vision correction; PRK = photorefractive
* This list of 28 items relates to each eye having refractive surgery.
6 Chapter 1
Figure 1-4. IntraLase FS60 (Abbott Medical Optics) platform. Please note the sticker at
the bottom right corner of the screen. This has been devised to facilitate communica-
tion between the surgeon and the laser operator when indicating in which direction
to move a decentered flap. Instead of pointing to the desired direction, the surgeon
requests a certain number of clicks in the direction of a certain clock hour.
Figure 1-9. Syringe should range between 2 mL and 3 mL (maximum 4 mL) when suc-
tion is applied manually.
Figure 1-10. Green light on screen (suction 1 and suction 2) indicates appropriate
suction pressure.
º Apply suction
■ Manually for IntraLase platform: Syringe piston should indicate
a maximum of 4 mL during suction (Figure 1-9).
■ Automatically in WaveLight FS200: Accomplished by pressing
the suction pedal. Green light on screen indicates appropri-
ate suction pressure (Figure 1-10). Some signs of good suction
include mydriasis and blackout.
10 Chapter 1
■ Suction may be repeated 3 to 4 times if unsuccessful. Closing the
eye for 3 to 4 minutes is needed before any extra attempt (this
may decrease chemosis and the risk of extensive subconjunctival
hemorrhage). The suction ring can drift due to excessive
chemosis. Decentering the suction ring superiorly may facili-
tate centration while reapplying suction, as the ring tends to slide
back into the previously created groove. Consideration can be
given to applying a drop of naphazoline to minimize chemosis,
but that may lead to pupillary dilation.
• Applying the cone
º Insert the cone firmly in the femtosecond laser tray without touch-
ing the glass (loose cone insertion may end up with difficult dock-
ing and a decentered flap).
º Raise the patient to the glass.
º Fit the cone in the suction ring.
■ WaveLight FS200
◆ The 2 red lights focused on the cornea should cross to be
slightly defocused to allow good applanation.
◆ Move bed up and laser down to fit the cone inside of the ring.
Slight suction ring rotation around the cone may initiate laser
■ IntraLase: 3 dif ferent ways are possible
◆ Suction ring lock ON: This happens simply by introducing the
cone inside of the ring and then releasing the lock (to block
cone movement).
◆ Suction ring lock OFF: Press on the suction ring when
glass touches the upper surface of the ring. Further upper
bed movement and laser down movement are needed for
◆ Suction ring lock OFF: Allow 5 to 6 seconds of continuous
laser down movement after the glass touches the upper sur-
face of the ring. Then press on the suction ring to allow cone
movement inside of the ring. Usually, no further movement is
needed for applanation.
º Hard docking (Figure 1-11)
■ No liquid interface is seen in periphery (between the glass and
the cornea).
■ Increases the risk of OBL, but decreases the risk of uncut flap
º Soft docking (Figure 1-12)
The Normal LASIK Procedure 11
Figure 1-11. Hard docking. No liquid meniscus is seen at glass edges (red arrow).
Figure 1-12. Soft docking. Liquid meniscus seen at glass edges (red arrow).
Figure 1-13. Moving the flap outside of the central circle (red
arrow) may shrink the flap diameter.
Figure 1-14. Moving the flap outside of the central circle may
shrink the flap diameter.
º Look for any contact between the cone and the nose. If there is any,
redock with the head now tilted further to the opposite side.
• Flap centering
º Look on the screen to check how well the cornea is being applanated.
º Appropriate adjustment on the LASIK flap is done on the laser
computer software.
º Center the flap planned on the computer with the pupil center.
■ With the IntraLase platform, moving the flap outside of the cen-
tral circle (Figures 1-13 and 1-14) may shrink the flap diameter.
Turning the pocket off may help to increase the size of the flap
(Figure 1-15).
The Normal LASIK Procedure 13
Figure 1-15. Turning the pocket off may help to increase the size
of the flap.
Microkeratome LASIK
• Preoperative checklist
º Recheck the patient’s name, date of birth, eye being treated, and
refractive correction.
• Explain to the patient that the part of procedure involving a
microkeratome will probably be the most uncomfortable for him or
her, as he or she may feel pressure and/or black out.
• Head positioning: Depends mainly on eye and nose configuration.
º Deep set orbit and large nose: Tilt the patient’s head to get access to
the cornea.
14 Chapter 1
º Ask the patient to maintain a chin-up position to optimize eye
• Instill an anesthetic in the eye.
• Instruct the patient to keep both eyes open.
• Place a plastic drape (Tegaderm) on the upper and lower eyelids.
º Lashes should be isolated for sterility and to prevent them from
jamming the microkeratome.
• Apply speculum on the eye.
º Maximum exposure is needed to ensure a clear path for the
• Center the eye under the laser by asking the patient to look at the red
blinking light (VISX STAR S4 IR [Abbott Medical Optics]) and the
green blinking light (WaveLight EX500 [Alcon Labs]).
• Mark the eye inferiorly using a 3 mm marked well: Place 2 to 3 asym-
metric marks.
• An anesthetic can be reinstilled.
• Applying the suction ring.
º Choice of ring depends on factory nomogram (eg, keratometry,
pachymetry, ablation zone).
º Confirm microkeratome readiness prior to suction.
º Check the microkeratome blade.
º In deep set orbits, gentle pressure on the speculum may proptose the
globe and facilitate suction ring placement.
■ A chin-up position may be helpful.
º The suction ring should be centered in a way to provide 1 to 2 mm
beyond the superior limbus in the area where the hinge will be
■ > 2 mm: This may increase the risk of hemorrhage.
■ < 1 mm: This may induce a decentered flap.
º After establishing the correct ring position, apply firm pressure
before applying suction.
º Apply suction.
■ Signs of good suction include mydriasis and blackout.
■ Check intraocular pressure (fixed tonometer or
■ Fix any decentration, buy releasing suction and restarting the
• Applying the keratome
The Normal LASIK Procedure 15
º The head is dropped on the pivot prior to engagement.
º Look for any contact between the head and the eyelids.
º In cases of a prominent lower cheek, the surgeon may use his or her
finger or may ask an assistant to retract the skin.
º The head is activated by pressing the forward pedal.
º After complete rotation, press the backward pedal.
º Release suction.
º If the head stops prematurely, an attempt at continued forward is
accepted. Never go backward and then forward. Best practice is to
go forward and abort the procedure.
º Release suction.
Excimer Procedure
• Reinstill the anesthetic in the eye.
• Instruct the patient to keep both eyes open.
• Place plastic drape (Tegaderm) on the upper eyelids (for microkeratome
LASIK use the same drape).
• Center the eye under the laser by asking the patient to look at the red
blinking light (VISX STAR S4 IR) and green blinking light (WaveLight
• Mark the eye inferiorly using the marking pen; a small marking
between the flap and the peripheral cornea is enough for guiding
flap repositioning in the femtosecond laser. This step is not needed in
microkeratome LASIK.
• An anesthetic can be reinstilled at this step.
• Rinse the surface of the eye with one BSS tube.
• Dry the surface of the eye with a Weck-Cel sponge.
• Lift the flap.
º Step 1: The flap lifter is introduced perpendicularly at the flap/
stroma intersection. The flap interface is penetrated.
º Step 2: Release the first adherence between the flap and the stroma
at the hinge area and then exit at the side cut on the opposite side.
º Step 3: Flap/stroma adherence is then released by 3 consecutive wip-
ing movements from the hinge toward the inferior flap area. The
third wipe movement happens by overlapping at the exit created
during step 2.
º Flap lifting is more simple in microkeratome LASIK because adher-
ence is inexistent.
16 Chapter 1
Figure 1-16. Drying with a Weck- Cel sponge between the flap and the cornea
gives a symmetrical “ring of light.”
Carr JD, Stulting RD, Thompson KP, Waring GO III. Laser in situ keratomileusis: surgical
technique. Ophthalmol Clin North Am. 2001 Jun;14(2):285-94.
Maldonado MJ, Nieto JC, Piñero DP. Advances in technologies for laser-assisted in situ
keratomileusis (LASIK) surgery. Expert Rev Med Devices. 2008 Mar;5(2):209-29.
Robert, MC, Choi, CJ, Shapiro FE, Urman RD, Melki S. Avoidance of seri-
ous medical errors in refractive surgery using a custom preoperative checklist.
J Cataract Refract Surg. 2015 Oct;41(10):2171-8.
Loss of Suction
Figure 2-2. Suction ring was reapplied, and the raster pass resulted in com-
plete flap creation. Ablation was subsequently performed on both eyes.
Intraoperative corneal pachymetry revealed a flap thickness of 87 μm. On the
first day after surgery, the patient had an uncorrected distance visual acuity of
20/25 in each eye, with LASIK flaps clear and well-centered on slit lamp exami-
nation. At the 2-month follow-up visit, uncorrected distance visual acuity was
20/20 in each eye.
22 Chapter 2
Figure 2-4. Second laser pass was done with disabling the raster cut and decreasing
the side cut diameter to 8.7 mm. Ablation was subsequently performed on both eyes.
Intraoperative corneal pachymetry revealed a flap thickness of 101 μm. On the first day
after surgery, the patient had an uncorrected distance visual acuity of 20/20 in each
eye, with LASIK flaps clear and well-centered on slit lamp examination. At the 2-month
follow-up visit, uncorrected distance visual acuity was 20/20 in each eye.
1. Muñoz G, Albarrán-Diego C, Ferrer-Blasco T, Javaloy J, García-Lázaro S. Single
versus double femtosecond laser pass for incomplete laser in situ keratomileusis
flap in contralateral eyes: visual and optical outcomes. J Cataract Refract Surg.
2. Rosman M, Hall RC, Chan C, et al. Comparison of efficacy and safety of laser in situ
keratomileusis using 2 femtosecond laser platforms in contralateral eyes. J Cataract
Refract Surg. 2013;39(7):1066-1073.
3. Ang M, Mehta JS, Rosman M, et al. Visual outcomes comparison of 2 femto-
second laser platforms for laser in situ keratomileusis. J Cataract Refract Surg.
28 Chapter 2
Faktorovich E. Femtodynamics. Thorofare, NJ: SLACK Inc; 2009.
Melki S, Azar DT. LASIK complications: etiology, management, and prevention. Surv
Ophthalmol. 2001;46(2):95-116.
Shah DN, Melki SA. Complications of femtosecond-assisted laser in-situ keratomileusis
flaps. Semin Ophthalmol. 2014;29(5-6):363-375.
Syed ZA, Melki SA. Successful femtosecond LASIK flap creation despite multiple suction
losses. Digit J Ophthalmol. 2014;20(1):7-9.
Air Bubbles in the
Anterior Chamber
Anterior chamber (AC) gas bubbles are an occurrence specific to the fem-
tosecond laser.1 It is hypothesized that gas bubbles enter through Schlemm’s
canal.2 Some authors believe that the bubbles may be due to misdirected
femtosecond laser pulses on the aqueous3; however, imaging with optical
coherence tomography was performed and does not appear to support the
theory that gas bubbles migrate into the AC through the trabecular mesh-
work.3 This is not consistent with our experience, where gas bubbles invari-
ably enter the AC through the trabecular meshwork.
Studies comparing complication rates between the microkeratome and
femtosecond-created flaps found that gas bubbles were present in the AC
only in the femtosecond group (0.3%).4,5 Air bubbles appear more frequent-
ly in the inferonasal quadrant (> 50%).6 When air bubbles are present, they
will interfere with pupil tracking in 50% of cases.6 Surgery can be completed
later the same day in almost all cases without further complication by allow-
ing the bubble(s) to resorb.
Figure 3-2. VISX brand laser was used for the excimer procedure.
Figure 3-3. Dimming the light during the tracker registration was helpful to activate
the tracker.
32 Chapter 3
Figure 3-4. Ablation was subsequently performed. On the left eye, the flap diameter
was decreased to 8.9 mm. No air bubble was seen in the AC, and the excimer proce-
dure was uneventful. On the first day after surgery, the patient had an uncorrected
distance visual acuity of 20/25 in each eye with LASIK flaps clear and well-centered
on slit lamp examination. At his 2-month follow-up visit, uncorrected distance visual
acuity was 20/20 in each eye.
• Decrease flap diameter on the fellow eye by 0.5 mm and turn off the
• During excimer laser treatment, dimming the light during the tracker
registration can be helpful to allow more reliable pupil tracking.
Figure 3-6. VISX laser was used for the excimer procedure. Dimming the microscope
light and asking the patient to look down did not lead to successful tracking.
Figure 3-7. Patient was asked to wait before proceeding with excimer laser treatment.
The air bubble resorbed partially 1 hour later.
Figure 3-8. Ablation was subsequently performed. On the left eye, the flap diameter
was decreased to 8.9 mm. No air bubble was seen in the AC, and the excimer proce-
dure was uneventful. On the first day after surgery, the patient had an uncorrected
distance visual acuity of 20/20 in each eye, with LASIK flaps clear and well-centered
on slit lamp examination. At his 2-month follow-up visit, uncorrected distance visual
acuity was 20/20 in each eye.
Air Bubbles in the Anterior Chamber 35
Figure 3-9. Photograph taken at the end of the surgery showing that small air bubbles
can be suitable with tracking activation.
1. Farjo AA, Sugar A, Schallhorn SC, et al. Femtosecond lasers for LASIK flap cre-
ation: a report by the American Academy of Ophthalmology. Ophthalmology.
2. Soong HK, de Melo Franco R. Anterior chamber gas bubbles during femtosecond
laser flap creation in LASIK: video evidence of entry via trabecular meshwork.
J Cataract Refract Surg. 2012;38(12):2184-2185.
3. Utine CA, Altunsoy M, Basar D. Visante anterior segment OCT in a patient with gas
bubbles in the anterior chamber after femtosecond laser corneal flap formation. Int
Ophthalmol. 2010;30(1):81-84.
4. Srinivasan S, Rootman DS. Anterior chamber gas bubble formation during femtosec-
ond laser flap creation for LASIK. J Refract Surg. 2007;23(8):828-830.
5. Moshirfar M, Gardiner JP, Schliesser J, et al. Laser in situ keratomileusis flap com-
plications using mechanical microkeratome versus femtosecond laser: retrospective
comparison. J Cataract Refract Surg. 2010;36(11):1925-1933.
6. Robert MC, Khreim N, Todani A, Melki SA. Anterior chamber gas bubble
emergence pattern during femtosecond LASIK-flap creation. Br J Ophthalmol.
Faktorovich E. Femtodynamics. Thorofare, NJ: SLACK Inc; 2009.
Shah DN, Melki S. Complications of femtosecond-assisted laser in-situ keratomileusis
flaps. Semin Ophthalmol. 2014;29(5-6):363-375.
Buttonholed Flaps and
Vertical Gas Breakthrough
Microkeratome LASIK
A buttonholed flap occurs when the microkeratome blade travels more
superficially than intended and enters the epithelium/Bowman’s complex.
Buttonholes may be partial thickness if they transect Bowman’s layer or full
thickness if they exit through the epithelium. The incidence of buttonholes
ranges between 0.2% and 0.56%.1,6 No clear etiology has been identified for
this complication. Presumed risk factors include the following:
• High keratometric values, although this is not consistent with our
• Previous incisional keratotomy.
• Pre-existing surface lesion (eg, pterygium, corneal scars).
Figure 4-6. Flap lift did not result in a full-thickness buttonhole (red arrow) (see
Figure 4-15). Excimer laser treatment was uneventful. Surgery was uneventful in the
fellow eye.
Figure 4-10. Flap lift resulted in small buttonhole in the periphery (red arrow). Excimer
laser treatment was uneventful. Surgery was uneventful in the fellow eye.
• A flap with peripheral black VGB not involving the visual axis may be
lifted carefully if the surgeon determines that a buttonhole in this area
is acceptable.
• Consider using flap forceps to gently lift the flap to prevent any tear.
2-month follow-up visit, the uncorrected distance visual acuity was 20/15 in
each eye and topography pattern was within normal limits in the left eye.
Figure 4-17. Photograph showing the buttonhole during flap lifting. Surgery was
aborted, and a surface refractive procedure was planned several weeks later (as dis-
cussed in Chapter 15).
Femtosecond LASIK
A careful slit lamp examination prior to surgery should reveal areas of
scarring that are typically the precursors to vertical bubble breaks. Eyes that
have had previous radial keratotomy surgery are also at higher risk of verti-
cal gas dissection. The incidence of splaying the radial keratotomy incision
can be high and may be due to gas breakthrough or from the mechanical
lifting. Surface ablation may be a safer approach in these situations.
Buttonholed Flaps and Vertical Gas Breakthrough 51
No: Stage 2 Yes: Stage 3
Yes No Ingrowth Ingrowth pro- individual-
small and gressive and/ ized
non-progressive or threatening
1. PTK 50 μm 1. 20% alcohol stromal melting
2. PRK for 60 seconds
3. MMC 0.02% 2. PRK PTK until
x 60 seconds 3. MMC 0.02% x Proceed as in ablation of
60 seconds Stage 1 epithelial
Microkeratome LASIK
Avoid cutting the flap if the intraocular pressure is low due to low suc-
tion. Set the microkeratome to a deeper cutting depth if keratometry read-
ings show evidence of a steep cornea, assuming that the amount of intended
myopic correction to be treated allows such modification. Most refractive
surgeons follow such an approach, setting the cut-off point at 46 to 48
diopters (D), although no definitive supportive study exists in the literature.
52 Chapter 4
1. Melki S, Azar DT. LASIK complications: etiology, management, and prevention. Surv
Ophthalmol. 2001;46(2):95-116.
2. Srinivasan S, Herzig S. Sub-epithelial gas breakthrough during femtosecond laser flap
creation for LASIK. Br J Ophthalmol. 2007;91(10):1373.
3. Shah DN, Melki S. Complications of femtosecond-assisted laser in-situ keratomileusis
flaps. Semin Ophthalmol. 2014;29(5-6):363-375.
4. Prakash G, Agarwal A, Kumar DA, et al. Femtosecond sub-bowman keratomileusis:
a prospective, long-term, intereye comparison of safety and outcomes of 90- versus
100-µm flaps. Am J Ophthalmol. 2011;152(4):582-590.
5. Pietilä J, Huhtala A, Jääskeläinen M, Jylli J, Mäkinen P, Uusitalo H. LASIK flap
creation with the Ziemer femtosecond laser in 787 consecutive eyes. J Refract Surg.
6. Harissi-Dagher M, Todani A, Melki S. Laser in situ keratomileusis buttonhole: clas-
sification and management algorithm. J Cataract Refract Surg. 2008;34(11):1892-1899.
Muñoz G, Albarrán-Diego C, Sakla HF, Pérez-Santonja JJ, Alió JL. Femtosecond laser in situ
keratomileusis after radial keratotomy. J Cataract Refract Surg. 2006;32(8):1270-1275.
Muñoz G, Albarrán-Diego C, Sakla HF, Javaloy J. Femtosecond laser in situ keratomileusis
for consecutive hyperopia after radial keratotomy. J Cataract Refract Surg.
Opaque Bubble Layer
Figure 5-6. Excimer laser treatment (WaveLight EX500 [Alcon Labs]) was then
Figure 5-11. Optical zone was then evaluated from the adher-
ent area to the center of the pupil to guarantee at least a 6-mm
treatment zone.
1. Mrochen M, Wullner C, Krause J, Klafke M, Donitzky C, Seiler T. Technical aspects
of the WaveLight FS200 femtosecond laser. J Refract Surg. 2010;26(10):S833-S840.
2. Kanellopoulos AJ, Asimellis G. Three-dimensional LASIK flap thickness variability:
topographic central, paracentral and peripheral assessment, in flaps created by a
mechanical microkeratome (M2) and two dif ferent femtosecond lasers (FS60 and
FS200). Clin Ophthalmol. 2013;7:675-683.
3. Faktorovich E. Femtodynamics. Thorofare, NJ: SLACK Inc; 2009.
4. Jung HG, Kim J, Lim TH. Possible risk factors and clinical effects of an opaque bubble
layer created with femtosecond laser–assisted laser in situ keratomileusis. J Cataract
Refract Surg. 2015;41(7):1393-1399.
5. Liu CH Sun CC, Hui-Kang Ma D, et al. Opaque bubble layer: incidence, risk factors,
and clinical relevance. J Cataract Refract Surg. 2014;40(3):435-440.
6. Kanellopoulos JA, Asimellis G. Essential opaque bubble layer elimination with novel
LASIK flap settings in the FS200 femtosecond laser. Clin Ophthalmol. 2013;7:765-770.
7. Shah SA, Stark WJ. Mechanical penetration of a femtosecond laser-created laser-
assisted in situ keratomileusis flap. Cornea. 2010;29(3):336-338.
8. Salomão MQ, Wilson SE. Femtosecond laser in laser in situ keratomileusis. J Cataract
Refract Surg. 2010;36(6):1024-1032.
9. Pietilä J, Huhtala A, Mäkinen P, Salmenhaara K, Uusitalo H. Laser-assisted
in situ keratomileusis flap creation with the three-dimensional, transportable
Ziemer FEMTO LDV model Z6 I femtosecond laser. Acta Ophthalmol. 2014
Shah DN, Melki SA. Complications of femtosecond-assisted laser in-situ keratomileusis
flaps. Semin Ophthalmol. 2014;29(5-6):363-375.
Free Flaps
Microkeratome LASIK
A free flap results from unintended complete dissection of the corneal
flap. Flat corneas (K < 42 diopters [D]) are more prone to this complication.
Often, a free flap is thinner than intended. Intraoperative factors leading to
a free flap include the following:
Melki SA, Fadlallah A.
LASIK Emergencies: A Video Primer (pp 63-72).
63 © 2018 SLACK Incorporated.
64 Chapter 6
• Inadequate suction ring placement.
• Lack of synchronization between translational keratome movement
and oscillatory blade movement.
• Malposition and misadjustment of the thickness foot-plate or the “stop”
mechanism during assembly of microkeratomes (early models of cer-
tain horizontal microkeratomes eg, Bausch + Lomb’s ACS keratome).
• Microkeratome jam, preventing microkeratome head reversal to free
the cap. This might prompt the surgeon to release the suction, thus
lifting the instrument with an incarcerated flap, resulting in a free flap.
The reported incidence of true free flap during micokeratome LASIK
ranges from 0.01% to 1% in large sample studies.3
Figure 6-4. While the flap was being pushed down with the irri-
gation cannula, its tight adherence to the lid speculum resulted
in a full detachment of the superiorly located hinge.
Figure 6-7. On the first postoperative day, the free flap was
clear and well-centered. The suture was removed under direct
visualization at the slit lamp without complications. At 3 months
postoperatively, the free flap was clear and well-centered. The
corrected distance visual acuity was 20/20 with a refraction of
-2.50 sphere (preoperative monovision target).
Figure 6-8. Initial surgery resulted in a free flap. The flap was retrieved inside
the microkeratome head.
Figure 6-12. Creation of a free LASIK flap with an automated microkeratome. (A) Following
placement of a longitudinal corneal incision at the proposed hinge site, the vacuum shaft is
aligned so the arrow on the suction ring points superiorly (12 o’clock position). (B) The free
flap is inspected on the superior surface of the microkeratome head. (C) A dot of gentian
violet is applied to the most peripheral epithelial edge of the flap on the side facing the
surgeon. (D) After the flap is retrieved, it is placed on the corneal bed, epithelial side up. A
Mendez Degree Gauge is placed on the cornea with the 0 degree reference mark aligned
at the 12 o’clock position (corresponding to the position of the arrow on the suction ring).
Microkeratome LASIK
The incidence of free flaps may be reduced if the surgeon ensures ade-
quate suction, inspects the blades, adjusts the plate thickness according to
corneal curvature, and pays attention to the following guidelines:
• Avoid cutting the flap if the intraocular pressure is low.
• Use larger suction rings in flat corneas.
• Inspect the microkeratome blade under the operating microscope
before engaging it in the suction ring to rule out manufacturing or
other preoperative damage.
LASIK Enhancement
Identify the hinge prior to lifting the flap. Surgeons who routinely use
superior hinges may not recognize that an old flap has a nasal hinge and
may therefore tear it inadvertently. Areas of old epithelial ingrowth may
result in scarring and lead to a thin or melted flap that could easily tear
upon lifting.
72 Chapter 6
1. Pietilä J, Huhtala A, Jääskeläinen M, Jylli J, Mäkinen P, Uusitalo H. LASIK flap
creation with the Ziemer femtosecond laser in 787 consecutive eyes. J Refract Surg.
2. Todani A, Al-Arfaj K, Melki SA. Repositioning free laser in situ keratomileusis flaps.
J Cataract Refract Surg. 2010;36(2):200-202.
3. Melki SA, Azar DT. LASIK complications: etiology, management, and prevention.
Surv Ophthalmol. 2001;46(2):95-116.
Choi CJ, Melki S. Loose anchoring suture to secure a free flap after laser in situ
keratomileusis. J Cataract Refract Surg. 2012;38(7):1127-1129.
Shah DN, Melki SA. Complications of femtosecond-assisted laser in-situ keratomileusis
flaps. Semin Ophthalmol. 2014;29(5-6):363-375.
Flap Tears
Microkeratome LASIK
Flap tears can also occur with microkeratome LASIK, and are mainly
associated with concomitant complications, such as thin and irregular flaps.
Figure 7-11. Irregular flap construction due to poor suction. Stromal bed is inadequate
for the excimer laser treatment.
Figure 7-12. Surgery was aborted, and future refractive surgery was planned.
Microkeratome LASIK
As with free flaps, the incidence of flap tears may be reduced if the sur-
geon ensures adequate suction, inspects the blades, adjusts the plate thick-
ness according to corneal curvature, and pays attention to the following
• Avoid cutting the flap if the intraocular pressure is low.
• Inspect the microkeratome blade under the operating microscope
before engaging it in the suction ring to rule out manufacturing or
other preoperative damage.
82 Chapter 7
1. Ang M, Mehta JS, Rosman M, et al. Visual outcomes comparison of 2 femto-
second laser platforms for laser in situ keratomileusis. J Cataract Refract Surg.
2. Moshirfar M, Gardiner JP, Schliesser J, et al. Laser in situ keratomileusis flap com-
plications using mechanical microkeratome versus femtosecond laser: retrospective
comparison. J Cataract Refract Surg. 2010;36(11):1925-1933.
Shah DN, Melki SA. Complications of femtosecond-assisted laser in-situ keratomileusis
flaps. Semin Ophthalmol. 2014;29(5-6):363-375.
Incomplete Flaps
Microkeratome LASIK
Incomplete flaps may occur with microkeratome LASIK after loss of suc-
tion. Microkeratome jamming due to either electrical failure or mechanical
obstacles may also result in incomplete flaps. Lashes, drape, loose epithe-
lium, and precipitated salt from the irrigating solution have been recognized
as possible impediments to smooth keratome head progression. Incomplete
flaps also occur when the gear advancement mechanism jams or is inad-
equate. The incidence of incomplete flaps with microkeratome LASIK varies
between 0.23% and 1.2%.3
Figure 8-1. Initial surgery resulted in a suction loss during the raster cut. The raster and
side cuts were not repeated in this case.
Figure 8-2. Flap lifting revealed adherence at the same place where suction was lost.
Surgery was aborted, and the patient underwent a surface refractive procedure 9
days later.
Figure 8-4. Flap lifting was not possible. Surgery was aborted, and
the patient underwent a surface refractive procedure 14 days later.
Figure 8-13. Optical zone was reduced to 6 mm, and the excimer laser treatment was
Figure 8-33. Risky maneuver showing blade #15 used to extend the dissection plan.
Ablation was subsequently performed.
Microkeratome LASIK
The incidence of incomplete flaps may be reduced if the surgeon ensures
adequate suction, inspects the blades, adjusts the plate thickness according
to corneal curvature, and pays attention to the following guidelines:
• Avoid cutting the flap if the intraocular pressure is low.
• Use larger suction rings in flat corneas.
• Inspect the microkeratome blade under the operating microscope
before engaging it in the suction ring to rule out manufacturing or
other preoperative damage.
104 Chapter 8
1. Davison JA, Johnson SC. Intraoperative complications of LASIK flaps using the
IntraLase femtosecond laser in 3009 cases. J Refract Surg. 2010;26(11):851-857.
2. Shah DN, Melki SA. Complications of femtosecond-assisted laser in-situ
keratomileusis flaps. Semin Ophthalmol. 2014;29(5-6):363-375.
3. Nakano K, Nakano E, Oliveira M, Portellinha W, Alvarenga L. Intraoperative
microkeratome complications in 47,094 laser in situ keratomileusis surgeries.
J Refract Surg. 2004;20(5 Suppl):S723-S726.
Ang M, Mehta JS, Rosman M, et al. Visual outcomes comparison of 2 femtosec-
ond laser platforms for laser in situ keratomileusis. J Cataract Refract Surg.
Faktorovich E. Femtodynamics. Thorofare, NJ: SLACK Inc; 2009.
Melki SA, Azar DT. Lasik complications: etiology, management, and prevention. Surv
Ophthalmol. 2001;46(2):95-116.
Muñoz G, Albarrán-Diego C, Ferrer-Blasco T, Javaloy J, García-Lázaro S. Single ver-
sus double femtosecond laser pass for incomplete laser in situ keratomileusis
flap in contralateral eyes: visual and optical outcomes. J Cataract Refract Surg.
Rosman M, Hall RC, Chan C, et al. Comparison of efficacy and safety of laser in situ
keratomileusis using 2 femtosecond laser platforms in contralateral eyes. J Cataract
Refract Surg. 2013;39(7):1066-1073.
Syed ZA, Melki SA. Successful femtosecond LASIK flap creation despite multiple suction
losses. Digit J Ophthalmol. 2014;20(1):7-9.
Irregular Flaps
Femtosecond LASIK
An irregular flap may happen after suction loss and a repeated flap cut
attempt. Another risk factor for an irregular second pass is the disappear-
ance of the transient opaque bubble layer before performing the second
femtosecond pass. Irregular flap incidence with femtosecond LASIK is
Microkeratome LASIK
Irregular flaps (bileveled, bisected, or with a notch) may result from
poor suction, damaged microkeratome blades, or irregular oscillation.
Irregular flap incidence with microkeratome LASIK varies between 0.09%
and 0.2%.1,2
Figure 9-5. Flap was repositioned, and surgery was aborted. On the
first day after surgery, the patient had a corrected distance visual acu-
ity of 20/40 with a clear LASIK flap on slit lamp examination. At his
4-month follow-up visit, his corrected distance visual acuity was 20/25
with −2.50 −0.50 × 90 (see Figure 9-14). He underwent a surface refrac-
tive procedure with 40 seconds of mitomycin-C 0.02% 1 week later.
Figure 9-9. Flap was repositioned, and the surgery was aborted. On the first day after
surgery, the patient had an uncorrected distance visual acuity of 20/50 with LASIK
flaps clear and well-centered on slit lamp examination. At his 1-month follow-up
visit, uncorrected distance visual acuity was 20/20. He underwent a surface refractive
procedure with 40 seconds mitomycin-C 0.02%. His uncorrected visual acuity 1 month
later was 20/20.
Figure 9-11. Flap lift showed an irregular stromal bed in the paracentral pupillary area
(red arrow). The excimer laser treatment was uneventful. At his 2-month follow-up
visit, uncorrected distance visual acuity was 20/20.
Figure 9-13. Stromal bed was inadequate for the excimer laser
Microkeratome LASIK
The incidence of free flaps may be reduced if the surgeon ensures ade-
quate suction, inspects the blades, adjusts the plate thickness according to
corneal curvature, and pays attention to the following guidelines:
• Avoid cutting the flap if the intraocular pressure is low.
• Use larger suction rings in flat corneas.
• Inspect the microkeratome blade under the operating microscope
before engaging it in the suction ring to rule out manufacturing or
other preoperative damage.
Irregular Flaps 115
1. Stulting RD, Carr JD, Thompson KP, et al. Complications of laser in situ keratomileusis
for the correction of myopia. Ophthalmology. 1999;106(1):13-20.
2. Lin RT, Maloney RK. Flap complications associated with lamellar refractive surgery.
Am J Ophthalmol. 1999;127(2):129-136.
Melki SA, Azar DT. LASIK complications: etiology, management, and prevention. Surv
Ophthalmol. 2001;46(2):95-116.
Shah DN, Melki S. Complications of femtosecond-assisted laser in-situ keratomileusis
flaps. Semin Ophthalmol. 2014;29(5-6):363-375.
Epithelial Defect
Figure 10-4. Iatrogenic epithelial defect induced during flap repositioning (red arrow).
Figure 10-5. Epithelial defect was repositioned, and a contact lens was placed at the
end (red arrow).
Figure 10-6. Iatrogenic epithelial defect induced during flap lifting (red arrow).
Figure 10-7. Epithelial defect was repositioned, and a contact lens was placed at the
The initial surgery on the left eye resulted in an epithelial defect from
flap repositioning (video 10; time: 0 minutes 30 seconds; Figures 10-6 and
Some practical measures are as follows:
• Try to reposition the epithelial defect.
• Place a contact lens at the end of the procedure.
122 Chapter 10
Figure 10-10. Flap lifting was not possible. Surgery was aborted, and the patient
underwent a surface refractive procedure 11 days later.
1. Kezirian GM, Stonecipher KG. Comparison of the IntraLase femtosecond laser
and mechanical keratomes for laser in situ keratomileusis. J Cataract Refract Surg.
2. Feder R, Rapuano C. The LASIK Handbook: A Case-Based Approach. Second edition.
Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 2013.
3. Moshirfar M, Gardiner JP, Schliesser JA, et al. Laser in situ keratomileusis flap com-
plications using mechanical microkeratome versus femtosecond laser: retrospective
comparison. J Cataract Refract Surg. 2010;36(11):1925-1933.
Shah DN, Melki S. Complications of femtosecond-assisted laser in-situ keratomileusis
flaps. Semin Ophthalmol. 2014;29(5-6):363-375.
Thin and Thick Flaps
Femtosecond LASIK
Cavitation bubbles from the femtosecond laser can dissect upwards
toward the epithelium and may stay below the Bowman’s membrane to
create a focal or diffuse thinning in the flap. Also, air bubbles may diffuse
accidently deeper, creating a thick flap.
Figure 11-7. Flap was repositioned, and the surgery was aborted. A surface
refractive procedure was performed 1 week later.
Figure 11-8. Initial surgery resulted in a thin flap. The red arrow shows the intersection
between a full-thickness and an epithelial flap. Flap was repositioned, and the surgery
was aborted. A surface refractive procedure was performed 1 week later.
Figure 11-14. Flap was unable to be lifted, and the surgery was aborted. A
surface refractive procedure was performed 2 weeks later.
Microkeratome LASIK
The incidence of thin flaps may be reduced if the surgeon ensures ade-
quate suction, inspects the blades, adjusts the plate thickness according to
corneal curvature, and pays attention to the following guidelines:
140 Chapter 11
• Avoid cutting the flap if the intraocular pressure is low.
• Inspect the microkeratome blade under the operating microscope
before engaging it in the suction ring to rule out manufacturing or
other preoperative damage.
1. Melki SA, Azar DT. LASIK complications: etiology, management, and prevention.
Surv Ophthalmol. 2001;46(2):95-116.
2. Ang M, Mehta JS, Rosman M, et al. Visual outcomes comparison of 2 femto-
second laser platforms for laser in situ keratomileusis. J Cataract Refract Surg.
3. Moshirfar M, Gardiner JP, Schliesser J, et al. Laser in situ keratomileusis flap com-
plications using mechanical microkeratome versus femtosecond laser: retrospective
comparison. J Cataract Refract Surg. 2010;36(11):1925-1933.
Shah DN, Melki S. Complications of femtosecond-assisted laser in-situ keratomileusis
flaps. Semin Ophthalmol. 2014;29(5-6):363-375.
Decentered Flaps
Figure 12-4. Initial surgery resulted in a decentered flap. The flap was repositioned,
and the surgery was aborted. A surface refractive procedure was performed 1 week
later. At 2 months postoperatively, the flap was clear and well-centered with no signs
of epithelial ingrowth. The uncorrected visual acuity was 20/20.
Microkeratome LASIK
The incidence of decentered flaps may be reduced when using
microkeratome if the surgeon ensures adequate suction, inspects the blades,
adjusts the plate thickness according to corneal curvature, and avoids cut-
ting the flap if the intraocular pressure is low.
146 Chapter 12
1. Melki SA, Azar DT. LASIK complications: etiology, management, and prevention.
Surv Ophthalmol. 2001;46(2):95-116.
2. Ang M, Mehta JS, Rosman M, et al. Visual outcomes comparison of 2 femto-
second laser platforms for laser in situ keratomileusis. J Cataract Refract Surg.
3. Moshirfar M, Gardiner JP, Schliesser J, et al. Laser in situ keratomileusis flap com-
plications using mechanical microkeratome versus femtosecond laser: retrospective
comparison. J Cataract Refract Surg. 2010;36(11):1925-1933.
4. Shah DN, Melki S. Complications of femtosecond-assisted laser in-situ keratomileusis
flaps. Semin Ophthalmol. 2014;29(5-6):363-375.
Hemorrhage and Bleeding
Femtosecond LASIK
Subconjunctival hemorrhage can occur with IntraLase platforms (Abbott
Medical Optics) when the syringe is applied too quickly or released too
quickly during the suction application. It can also occur when multiple
suction applications are needed due to suction loss. Bleeding from limbal
vessels may also occur at the edge of the flap. It is seen most commonly
in patients with limbal neovascularization and prior contact lens use.
Limbal neovascularization as a result of rosacea, atopy, and meibomian
gland dysfunction may also contribute to subconjunctival hemorrhage.
Subconjunctival hemorrhage incidence is noted in 68.9% of eyes with the
IntraLase (Abbott Medical Optics) platform but none with the VisuMax
Femtosecond Laser (Zeiss).1 This is thought to be secondary to the variation
in the docking mechanisms. For instance, suction is applied to the sclera
with the IntraLase laser as compared to cornea with the VisuMax laser.1
Bleeding incidence is less than 1% with the femtosecond laser.
Microkeratome LASIK
Subconjunctival hemorrhage can occur with microkeratome LASIK from
the suction ring. Micropannus formation is commonly seen with soft contact
lens wear, and hemorrhage may occur if the microkeratome pass transects
these vessels. This complication may be frequently encountered with larger
flaps (9 to 9.5 mm) and larger treatment zones needed for hyperopia. With
the microkeratome, subconjunctival hemorrhage incidence is between 50%
and 70%.3 Bleeding incidence is less than 1% with the microkeratome.1,3
• Dry the blood from the interface before applying excimer laser
• Keep drying the periphery during laser treatment.
• Irrigate the interface to avoid any residual blood.
Figure 13-8. Dry the stromal interface before applying the treat-
ment. Excimer laser treatment (WaveLight EX500 [Alcon Labs]) was
then uneventful. Irrigating the interface after treatment was also
performed to avoid any blood in the interface.
The slow and controlled application of suction and release is impor tant in
preventing bleeding. Large peripheral flaps are more commonly associated
with an increased risk of transecting peripheral blood vessels. Flaps that
154 Chapter 13
are decentered and closer to the limbus on one side are also at greater risk.
Avoiding superior flap decentration and making a smaller flap can prevent
bleeding in patients with neovascularization. Although brimonidine has
been used in the past to minimize the risk of bleeding, it has been reported
to increase the risk of flap dislocation.2
1. Rosman M, Hall RC, Chan C, et al. Comparison of efficacy and safety of laser in situ
keratomileusis using 2 femtosecond laser platforms in contralateral eyes. J Cataract
Refract Surg. 2013;39(7):1066-1073.
2. Aslanides IM, Tsiklis NS, Ozkilic E, Coskunseven E, Pallikaris lG, Jankov MR. The
effect of topical apraclonidine on subconjunctival hemorrhage and flap adherence in
LASIK patients. J Refract Surg. 2006;22(6):585-588.
3. Yildirim R, Devranoglu K, Ozdamar A, Aras C, Ozkiris A, Ozkan S. Flap compli-
cations in our learning curve of laser in situ keratomileusis using the Hansatome
microkeratome. Eur J Ophthalmol. 2001;11(4):328-332.
Feder R, Rapuano C. The LASIK Handbook: A Case-Based Approach. Second edition.
Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 2013.
Shah DN, Melki S. Complications of femtosecond-assisted laser in-situ keratomileusis
flaps. Semin Ophthalmol. 2014;29(5-6):363-375.
Special Considerations
The following are 5 main factors that may coexist and result in difficult
docking: small palpebral fissure (Figure 14-1), lid squeezing, conjunctival
chalasis (Figure 14-2), deep orbit, and par ticular nose shape.
Lid Squeezing
This may exert pressure on the suction ring, and lead to loss of suction.
Prompting the patient to relax and adding an anesthetic drop may help.
Furthermore, putting an anesthetic in the fellow eye and asking the patient
to keep that eye open can assist in keeping the surgical eye open. Using a lid
speculum may improve exposure to get the vacuum ring into the eye and
counteract lid squeezing.
Figure 14-2. Photograph showing conjunctival chalasis and lid squeezing during a
docking attempt.
Conjunctival Chalasis
Sometimes, patients have loose redundant conjunctiva. In these cases,
the conjunctiva closes the suction port rather than the eyeball itself, giving
pseudosuction. Pushing the lid speculum down (if used during docking) or
pushing the conjunctiva away with a suction ring (prior to suction initia-
tion) may help to initiate suction.
Special Considerations 157
Deep Orbit
In patients with deep orbit, docking is more difficult due to difficult
access to the surface of the eye. Pushing down slightly on the lid speculum
(if used during docking) can help to get more clearance. Using a lid specu-
lum may improve exposure to get the vacuum ring onto the globe.
One of the most common fears about LASIK surgery is pain. Many
prospective LASIK patients are afraid that they will experience discomfort
since the procedure is performed while they are fully conscious. A mild
sedative (eg, diazepam 10 mg) is given to patients to ensure that they remain
comfortable during the procedure, and numbing drops are applied to the
eyes before the surgery begins.
Relaxation techniques can also work.1 The following types of relaxation
techniques exist: autogenic relaxation, progressive muscle relaxation, and
visualization. With autogenic relaxation, visual imagery and body aware-
ness are used to reduce stress. A person repeats words or suggestions in his
or her mind to relax, both mentally and physically. With progressive muscle
relaxation, a patient focuses on the difference between muscle tension and
relaxation to become more aware of physical sensation. This is done by tens-
ing muscles for 5 seconds and relaxing them for 30 seconds. A good place
to start would be the toes. Visualization involves forming mental images
of calming places or situations. The object is, not just to visualize, but also
to use as many senses as possible, including smell, sight, sound, and touch.
On rare occasions, one will encounter patients who have extreme
anxiety—if not an outright phobia—about an eye examination. Not only
will they refuse all drops, but there is also absolute defiance toward any
tonometry or touching of the eyelids. If feasible, these cases can be done
under general anesthesia in a surgery center.
Special Considerations 159
1. Kamath PS. A novel distraction technique for pain management during local anesthe-
sia administration in pediatric patients. J Clin Pediatr Dent. 2013;38(1):45-47.
Shah DN, Melki S. Complications of femtosecond-assisted laser in-situ keratomileusis
flaps. Semin Ophthalmol. 2014;29(5-6):363-375.
Syed ZA, Melki SA. Successful femtosecond LASIK flap creation despite multiple suction
losses. Digit J Ophthalmol. 2014;20(1):7-9.
Management of
Postoperative Complications
While some recommend proceeding with scraping the epithelium and
performing a photorefractive keratectomy (PRK)/LASIK laser ablation
(Figures 15-1 and 15-2), this approach may not be feasible in high myopic
patients due to the appearance of subepithelial haze.
Figure 15-3. Identifying and lifting the flap edge carefully to avoid flap tear due to
underlying scarring or melting.
Implantation of epithelial cells in the interface may be due to seeding
during surgery or migration under the flap. Most of these cells will dis-
appear without consequences. More concerning is epithelial ingrowth that
is contiguous with the flap edge. This can progress to involve the visual axis
with irregular astigmatism and possible flap melting. Epithelial growth at
the interface may be more common after enhancement procedures due to
adjacent epithelial abrasions with increased cell proliferation.
Nonprogressive epithelial ingrowth should be monitored. Hyperopic
shift is an early indicator of possible underlying stromal melt. This may
result in loss of BCVA. Epithelial cells under the LASIK flap should be
managed aggressively if they progress toward the visual axis or if they
induce stromal melting. The flap is lifted, the stromal bed and the flap
undersurface are thoroughly irrigated and scraped, and the flap is reposi-
tioned (Figures 15-3, 15-4, 15-5, and 15-6). Epithelial cell debridement can
be achieved mechanically with a #15 blade or with dedicated instruments
(eg, Yaghouti LASIK Polisher [ASICO]), or by using excimer laser bursts in
phototherapeutic keratectomy mode.
Video: 0 minutes 58 seconds
164 Chapter 15
Figure 15-4. Scrape the bed with a blade and/or a LASIK flap lifter.
Management can range from light stroking with a moist microsponge
or instrument at the slit lamp to lifting the flap and stretching radially fol-
lowed by repositioning (Figures 15-7, 15-8, and 15-9). Recalcitrant folds may
require the removal of the central epithelium as it may prevent the flatten-
ing of the folds due to epithelial hyperplasia in the crevices formed by the
folds. Suturing the flap can also be considered if the striae do not resolve
(Figure 15-10). Flap folds are managed more successfully if the intervention
is initiated as soon as they are recognized to be visually significant.
Video: 3 minutes 45 seconds
166 Chapter 15
Figure 15-9. Stretch the flap radially, and massage the underside of the flap.
Management of Postoperative Complications 167
A dislodged flap should be repositioned immediately (Figures 15-11 and
15-12). Generally, the longer it has been since the displacement, the more
extensive the treatment, as epithelial hyperplasia may fill the crevices of the
folded flap. The underside of the flap and the stromal bed may need to be
scraped to remove any epithelial ingrowth. Any folds should be stretched
out, and epithelial debridement may be needed to flatten any recalcitrant
flap folds.
Video: 6 minutes 32 seconds
168 Chapter 15
Figure 15-11. Localized flap trauma. Clean the bed, irrigate the interface, and then
reposition the flap.
If an epithelial defect is noted intraoperatively, a higher index of suspi-
cion for epithelial ingrowth should be maintained (Figures 15-13, 15-14,
15-15, and 15-16). An attempt at repositioning the loose epithelium should
be performed. Alternatively, the epithelium can be gently debrided and a
contact lens can be applied. These measures help with pain control and with
170 Chapter 15
Figure 15-15. Scrape flap. A Melki LASIK flap stabilizer (Rhein Medical, Inc) can be used
for this step.
Figure 15-16. Flap suturing at 2 opposite positions may help to keep the flap edge
flattened, allowing an easier path for epithelial cells to repopulate the flap surface.
1. Melki SA, Azar DT. LASIK complications: etiology, management, and prevention.
Surv Ophthalmol. 2001;46(2):95-116.
2. Shah DN, Melki S. Complications of femtosecond-assisted laser in-situ keratomileusis
flaps. Semin Ophthalmol. 2014;29(5-6):363-375.