University of Tripoli
University of Tripoli
University of Tripoli
Distributions Of Residence Times for
Chemical Reactors
Prepared by:
F. shaku
Fall 2020
In the core of Chemical Engineering is the reactor design that includes most of all
scientific disciplines. The reactor,in general, are treated ideally: mixed and plug-flow
patterns. Unfortunately, it is observed in the real world a very different behavior from
that expected. Thus, to characterize nonideal reactors is used, among others, residence
time distribution function E(t), mean residence time tm and cumulative distribution
function F(t).
The aim of this paper illustrated issue of reactors make to deviation from ideality And
methods to describe the nonideal reactor such: RTD distribution residence time and
function E(t), cumulative distribution function F(t)…
In addition, How to use the residence time data and function to make predication of
conversion & exit concentration by using two model (segregation model, maximum
mixedness model).
In finally, we compare between Ideal reactors & models the part of conversion.
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The Chemical Reaction Engineering (CRE) that includes in its scope the design of
reactors uses information, knowledge and experience from areas such as
thermodynamics, mass transfer, chemical kinetic, fluid mechanics, heat transfer and
economic analysis. [1]
In general, the modeling processes involved in CRE establishes idealized systems, with
assumptions of perfect mixing in the CSTR (Continuous Stirred Tank Reactor), slug flow
in PFR (Plug Flow Reactor) and uniform composition in the case of Batch Reactors.
However, in spite of the simplified mathematical treatment, many of cited assumptions
lead to real reactor behavior itself far from ideal, mainly with the capacity and products
distribution with significant
Deviation from the two ideal flow patterns can be caused by channeling of fluid, by
passing of fluid, or by creation of stagnant regions (dead Zone) in the vessel as shown
Figure (1).[2].
Figure (1) : Nonideal flow patterns which may exist in process equipment.
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Overall, three interrelated factors make up the contacting or flow pattern to account
deviations from idealities mentioned:
1.The RTD or residence time distribution of material which is flowing through the vessel.
2.The state of aggregation of the flowing material, its tendency to clump and for a group
of molecules to move about together.
Light was placed just in the first statement. Thus, the residence-time distribution (RTD)
is a characteristic of the mixing that occurs inside the chemical reactor [1].
The RTD is one of the important parameters that can provide information on the
characteristics or hydrodynamics of the process plant or reactor. the RTD, which was first
developed by danckwerts (1953) have been widely utilized to diagnose possible system
malfunctions, such as bypassing, leakage, blockage, channeling, fouling and back mixing,
as well as to help estimate the quality of mixing. radiotracers technique uses a radioactive
source and scintillation detectors to accurately detect plant production anomalies (iaea,
2001; iaea, 2008). [1]
The tracer must be a nonreactive specie, easily detectable and should have physical
properties close to the reacting mixture, in other words, it should be soluble in the system.
in addition, among others, the tracer’s behavior must reflect the material flowing through
the reactor.
There are, mainly, two used methods of tracer’s injection called pulse input and step
In a pulse input, tracer is, suddenly, injected in one shot into the feed stream, entering the
reactor in as short a time as possible. since the step input consider a constant rate of tracer
addition from an initial time, t = 0 before it, there is no tracer been added to the feed. the
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outlet concentration is measured over time, in both methods showed figure (2). in order to
become more understandable
The disadvantage of pulse input are injection must be done in a very short time when the
c-curve has a long tail, the analysis can give rise to inaccuracies, amount of tracer used
should be known however, require very small amount of tracer compared to step input.
In step input advantage are: the positive step is usually easy to carry out experimentally
than the pulse test , alse the total amount of tracer in the feed over the period of test does
not have to be known as it does in the pulse test .
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Danckwerts introduced the concept of `fluid element', meaning a small volume of fluid
continuous properties, such as concentration, can still be defined. The RTD function,
external residence time distribution, E(t), measures the time that the various fractions of
`fluid element' reside in the reactor (macromixing); it gives no information about the
mixing details at a molecular level (micromixing). The expressions of the RTD functions
can be derived for the ideal reactors, as well as for any association of PFR and CSTR
The E(t) function of a real reactor can be obtained experimentally using stimulus-
response techniques, by well-known methods of tracer injection.
If an impulse of tracer is injected at the inlet, and its outlet concentration C(t) is measured
as function of time, the experimental RTD function, E(t), is obtained from the expression
Ct (t)
E ( t )= ∞ (1)
∫ C t ( t ) dt
1- Segregation model
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To determine the mean conversion in the effluent stream we must average the
conversions of all of the various globules [3]
[ of those globules
spending between = ¿
timet∧t +dt
¿ the reactor
d X́ = X(t) * E(t)dt
d X́
=X ( t ) E(t )
X́ = ∫ X ( t ) E (t ) dt
NA0 dt = - rA V = k CAV = k NA =k NA0 (1 – X)
=k ( 1−X )
Solve for X(t) we have
X(t) = 1 – e-kt
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∞ ∞
X́ = ∫ X ( t ) E (t ) dt = ∫ ( 1 – e−kt ) E ( t ) dt
0 0
∞ ∞
= ∫ E ( t ) dt -∫ e−kt E ( t ) dt
0 0
X́ = 1- ∫ e
E ( t ) dt
The globules at the far left of correspond to the molecules that spend a long time in the
reactor while those at the far right correspond to the molecules that channel through the
reactor. In the reactor with side entrances, mixing occurs at the earliest possible moment
consistent with the RTD. Thus the effect of mixing occurs as early as possible throughout
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the reactor, and this situation is termed the condition of maximum mixedness The
approach to calculating conversion for a reactor in a condition of maximum rnixedness
will now be developed. In a reactor with side entrances, let ʎ be the time it takes for the
fluid to move from a particular point to the end of the reactor. ln other words, A is the life
expectancy of the fluid in the reactor that point[3]
Moving down the reactor from left to right, ʎ decreases and becomes zero at the exit. At
the left end of the reactor. ʎ approaches infinity or the maximum residence time if it is
other than infinite.
Consider the fluid that enters the reactor through the sides of volume ΔV in Figure . The
fluid that enters here will have a life expectancy between ʎ and ʎ+dʎ. The fraction of
fluid that will have this life expectancy between the product of the total volumetric flow
rate. υ0 and the fraction of the total that has life expectancy between ʎ and ʎ+dʎ. is E(ʎ) d
ʎ. That is the volumetric rate of fluid entering through the sides of volume ΔV is υ0 E(ʎ)
Ah. Δ ʎ
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The volumetric flow rate at h. ui, is the flow rate that entered at bAk. plus what entered
through the sides vo E(h)M, i.e.,
v ʎ = v ʎ +d ʎ + v0E(ʎ)Δ ʎ
The volumetric Row rate vo at the entrance to the reactor (X= 0) is zero because the fluid
only enters through the sides along the length.
Integrating equation with limits vʎ = 0 at ʎ = ∞ and v ʎ = v ʎ at ʎ = ʎ, we obtain
v ʎ = v0 ∫ E ( ʎ ) d ʎ = v0 [ 1 – F( ʎ ¿ ¿
ΔV = υ0 [ 1 – F( ʎ ¿ ¿ Δʎ
rA ΔV = rA υ0 [ 1 – F( ʎ ¿ ¿ Δʎ
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[ at ʎ¿+ dʎ ] + [ through¿ side ]- [ Out ] +[ generation
at ʎ by reaction ]
CA0 E(ʎ) + [ 1 – F( ʎ ¿ ¿ dʎ
- CA E(ʎ) + rA [ 1 – F( ʎ ¿ ¿= 0
dX E (ʎ )
-CA0 d ʎ = rA + CA0 [1 – F( ʎ )]
dX rA E(ʎ )
= + (X )
dʎ CA 0 [1 – F (ʎ )]
A sample of the tracer was injected as a pulse to batch reactor,which carried out
irreversible first order (k= 0.1min^-1) in liquid phase , and the effluent concentration was
measured as a function of time, resulting in the data shown in Table
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T(min) 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
C(gm/L 0 3 5 5 4 2 1 0.2 0
We want to compare the conversion In Ideal CSTR.PFR,& Segregsion model
0 0 0 0 0
40 0 0 0 0
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40 40
∫ C ( t ) dt = ∫ C ( t ) dt
0 0
= 3 (0+ 4*3+2*5+2*5+2*4+4*2+2*1+4*0.2+0)
= 101.3 (g*min/m3)
C(t) C (t)
E(t) = 101.3
∫ C ( t ) dt
t 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
C 0 3 5 5 4 2 1 0.2 0
E(t) 0 0.03 0.05 0.05 0.04 0.02 0.01 0.00 0
Mole balance
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dX −ra
dV Fao
Rate law
Ca= Cao*(1-X)
dX KCao∗(1− X)
dV vo∗Cao
X=1- e vo∗K =1−e−1.513=0.779
Mole balance
Rate law
- ra=Kca
Ca= Cao*(1-X)
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K∗Cao∗(1−X )
τ∗K 0.1∗15.13
X= = =0.602
1+ τ∗K 1+0.1∗15.13
X =1-∫ ( e )∗E ( t ) dt =1−0.288= 0.712
Reactor Conversion
From results show in table the prediction conversion based on residence time is between
PFR & CSTR which the performance of reactor is nearest the PFR than CSTR.
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Chapter 13 is shown the principles of how to deal with nonideal reactors but Not
description of detailed of models
In Chapter 14 more detailed on models.
2. Levenspiel, Octave. Chemical reaction engineering. John Wiley & Sons, 1999.
H. Scott Fogler." Chemical Engineering Education 27, no. 4 (1993): 161-167.
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