17-HP Hydr System
17-HP Hydr System
17-HP Hydr System
H ig h - P r e s s u r e H y d r a u lic B a s ic s
H P H y d r a u lic P o w e r S u p p ly
H P H y d r a u lic A c tu a to r s a t N a tu r a l G a s S y s te m V a lv e s
H P H y d r a u lic A c tu a to r s a t F u e l O il S y s te m V a lv e s
H P H y d r a u lic A c tu a to r s a t N O x W a te r S y s te m V a lv e s
O M - P ic tu r e H y d r a u lic S y s te m
I P o w e r G e n e r a tio n
P le a s e n o te :
V a lv e s a r e a lw a y s s h o w n in th e d e e n e r g iz e d p o s itio n
E x a m p le : S o le n o id d e e n e r g iz e d : s p r in g p u s h e s p is to n to th e le ft
D e p e n d in g o n its d e s ig n a v a lv e c a n o c c u p y in te r m e d ia te p o s itio n s .
E x a m p le : Im p u ls e lin e s ´ p r e s s u r e a t th e p is to n fr o n t fa c e s p lu s
s p r in g fo r c e in flu e n c e p ilo t v a lv e p is to n p o s itio n w h ic h m a y
b e in te r m e d ia te
B a s ic P r in c ip le s in H ig h - P r e s s u r e H y d r a u lic D ia g r a m s
I P o w e r G e n e r a tio n
F ix e d P r e s s u r e V a r ia b le P r e s s u r e
( d e p e n d in g o n
v a r ia b le th r o ttle = d r a in a g e flo w )
S p a c e w h e re
P re s s u re
in te r m e d ia te p r e s s u r e
S u p p ly
s h o u ld b e a d ju s te d
C o n s ta n t T h r o ttle
V a r ia b le T h r o ttle
( C o n tr o l V a lv e )
D r a in
C o n s ta n t T h r o ttle / V a r ia b le T h r o ttle P r in c ip le
fo r a d ju s tin g h y d r a u lic p r e s s u r e to in te r m e d ia te v a lu e s
Gas Turbine Hydraulic Control Equipment
Description of Auxiliary Systems Hydraulic Oil System
Refer also to: (RTD), MBX01CT101, provide local and remote indication
of the reservoir fluid temperature.
List of Control Settings (SREL) 3.1-0210 The reservoir is equipped with a breather
List of Measuring Instruments 3.1-0220 MBX01AT001. The built-in filter minimizes the intrusion of
List of Electrical Loads 3.1-0230 dirt into the hydraulic oil reservoir.
Equipment List 3.1-0240
P+I Diagram, Hydraulic System 3.1-9010
Specification for Hydraulic Oils 3.1-0251 Hydraulic Supply Pumps
Two AC motor-driven variable displacement pumps,
Settings, limits and measuring ranges of the items of MBX02AP001 /MBX02AP002, are mounted on top of the
equipment listed here are given in the List of Measuring hydraulic fluid reservoir. Each pump is capable of supplying
Instruments, the Equipment List and the List of Control the total requirements of the system. One pump is normally
Settings (SREL). This description only gives guideline operating with the other acting as a standby. The operating
values. pump can be pre-selected. The adjustable relief valves,
MBX02AA191/MBX02AA193, control the pumps so that the
General System Description displacement of the operating pump is automatically varied
to meet the system demand. These valves ensure a
The hydraulic supply system provides pressurized constant discharge pressure of 16 MPa (160 bar, 2320
hydraulic fluid for operation of the control actuators in the PSI). Loss of operating pump discharge pressure,
content is not permitted without express written authority.
auxiliary equipment. System components are mounted on detected by the pressure transmitter MBX03CP101, will
the hydraulic power unit (HPU). automatically start the standby pump. The discharge lines
Hydraulic fluid is contained in a reservoir, which is of the two pumps merge downstream of the supply line
equipped with instrumentation for status and protective filters. A check valve, MBX03AA201/MBX03AA202, is
functions. Fluid is pumped from the reservoir by one of two located at the discharge of each pump to prevent backflow
redundant pumps. through the standby pump.
If the primary pump should fail, the standby pump will Pressure relief valves, MBX02AA192/MBX02AA194,
automatically start to ensure a continuous supply of adjusted at 18 MPa (180 bar, 2610 PSI), are installed
or design, are reserved.
Siemens AG 3.1-9000-0592/1
Power Generation MBX 0905E-X
Gas Turbine Hydraulic Control Equipment
Description of Auxiliary Systems Hydraulic Oil System
Filter set differential pressure is monitored by failure of the operating pump and an initiated pump
MBX06CP002. An alarm indication necessitates switching changeover from operating pump to standby pump.
to the standby filter and replacing the dirty filter element.
Oil, which enters the reservoir, passes that filter (re- Pressure Monitoring
circulating oil, returning oil and oil which is filled in through
valve MBX06AA252). This reliably ensures that no debris Pressure transmitter, MBX03CP101, monitors hydraulic
enters the system. power unit discharge pressure directed to the system.
The conditioning loop may be isolated by closing valve Dependent of the signals of the pressure transmitter:
MBX06AA251. Oil then flows directly back into the tank − The standby pump is switched on during the start-up of
through the check valves, MBX06AA191/MBX06AA192, the GT, in addition to the operating pump
which function as pressure relief valves and limit the gear − The standby pump is additionally switched on if the
pump discharge pressures. pressure drops below the lower value of pressure
A double resistance temperature device (RTD), threshold P.Hyd.02, e. g. 14,5 MPa (145 bar, 2103 PSI)
MBX06CT101 and thermometer MBX06CT501, provides − During operation the standby pump can be switched off
remote and local indication of the temperature upstream manually after reaching the upper value of pressure
the filter set. threshold P.Hyd.02, e. g. 15 MPa (150 bar, 2175 PSI)
Pressure transducer MBX06CP102 indicates the − High pressure is indicated, if pressure exceeds
pressure upstream the filter set. threshold P.Hyd.05, e.g. 17 MPa (170 bar, 2465 PSI).
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Siemens AG 3.1-9000-0592/2
Power Generation MBX 0905E-X
Gas Turbine Hydraulic Control Equipment
Description of Auxiliary Systems Hydraulic Oil System
Siemens AG 3.1-9000-0592/3
Power Generation MBX 0905E-X
I P o w e r G e n e r a tio n
H P H y d O il C o o le r
H P H y d P r e s s M e a s B lo c k
H P H y d P u m p D r iv e
B u ffe rs
H P H y d O il F ilte r s F illin g C o v e r & B r e a th e r
a t p u m p d is c h a r g e
H P H y d r a u lic P o w e r S u p p ly
s Power Generation
Control plate
Swash plate Upper
Driven (not rotating) Driven idle point
idle point
(not active)
Flow control
Adjuster for
swash plate angle Flow control pressure
P r e s s u r e r e lie f v a lv e
( e x te r n a l, a d ju s ts s u p p ly p r e s s u r e )
1 6 0 b a r ( a d ju s ta b le )
M n = 1 4 5 0 1 /m in
A F lo w
c o n tr o l v a lv e
V a lv e s w ith
in te r m e d ia te
C o n tro l
p o s itio n s
lin e B
P re s s u re
F lo w d e c r e a s e s c o n tr o l v a lv e
( b lo c k e d in
p o s itio n
a s s h o w n )
F lo w in c r e a s e s
C o n tr o l p is to n
R e s e t p is to n
C o n n e c tio n s
to / fro m ta n k
A x ia l P is to n P u m p C o n tr o l
Gas Turbine Hydraulic Control Equipment
Description of Auxiliary Systems Hydraulic Oil for Fuel Oil
Refer also to: principle, the control valves are located downstream of the
emergency stop valves.
List of Control Settings (SREL) 3.1-0210 The control system proper—i.e. the speed controller,
List of Measuring Instruments 3.1-0220 load controller, temperature controller, the startup and
List of Electrical Loads 3.1-0230 shutdown controller, together with the hydraulic oil supply
Equipment List 3.1-0240 station which supplies the valve actuators—is described
P+I Diagram, Fuel Oil 3.1-4010 elsewhere.
Hydraulic Oil System 3.1-9000
P+I Diagram, Hydraulic System 3.1-9010
P+I Diagram, Hydraulic Oil for Fuel Oil System 3.1-9110 FO HÖ-VB-SSV
FO PO FL CV/ESV Premix burners
FO return line FO DO RL CV
This description covers the actuators of the safety MBN53AA151 MBN52AA051
MBN53AA151 MBN52AA051
content is not permitted without express written authority.
actuators as appropriate, to provide the required fuel flow The KKS identifiers of the control and emergency stop
for the various operating modes of the gas turbine. valves and the respective function levels of the associated
actuator, measuring and control devices are listed in Table
The configurations of the emergency stop and control
valves are illustrated in Fig. 1, valve designations are as
Fuel oil premix feed line control valve with emergency Valve Emergency stop
stop function valve
Fuel oil diffusion feed line control valve with emergency
stop function FO DO FL CV/ESV MBN14AA151 MBX88
Siemens AG 3.1-9100-0592/1
Power Generation 0905E-X
Gas Turbine Hydraulic Control Equipment
Description of Auxiliary Systems Hydraulic Oil for Fuel Oil
limit switches mounted on the actuator piston rods servo valve is comprised of an initial pilot stage with a
(MBN14/23AA051-S11, -S12, -S21, -S22). permanent magnet control motor (torque motor), a
The actuators of the two feed line control valves are of hydraulic preamplifier (employing a nozzle impingement
an identical design. The same applies to the actuators of plate system) and a second stage comprised a spool-type
the two emergency stop valves in the feed lines. control valve with four metering edges. The second stage
also functions as a hydraulic power amplifier.
Control devices are implemented in the actuator
housings in line with the respective task requirements and The valve actuator, together with the control device, is
are explained in the following text. an integral component of the control circuit. The position
or design, are reserved.
Siemens AG 3.1-9100-0592/2
Power Generation 0905E-X
Gas Turbine Hydraulic Control Equipment
Description of Auxiliary Systems Hydraulic Oil for Fuel Oil
B01/B02/B03). These sensors output an analog current A positive current at the controller output opens the fuel
signal that is taken as the actual position and fed back to oil control valve and a negative current closes it. The
the position controller. greater the current, the faster the fuel oil control valve
The FO DO FL CV/ESV and the FO PO FL CV/ESV are opens or closes.
components of the dual element shutoff device in the The hydraulic settings of the servo valve are such that
supply line to the FO diffusion and FO premix burners, in the event of a loss of electric power supply (e.g. broken
respectively. In addition to controlling the amount of oil wire) the fuel oil return line control valve always assumes
supplied, they are also used to rapidly and reliably shut off its OPEN position.
the fuel mass flow to the FO burners when necessary. To increase control valve lift, the flow of hydraulic fluid
Closure of the control valve in the event of trip is triggered is directed across the metering surface of the second stage
by deenergizing solenoid pilot valve MBX87/88AA002 into the lower hydraulic cylinder plenum. Upward piston
(deenergize-to-trip principle). Deenergization of the travel compresses the closing spring and displaces the
solenoid pilot valve depressurizes the lower plenum, hydraulic fluid from the upper plenum into the tank. The
allowing the spring to rapidly close the emergency stop closing force for the actuator is generated by the spring, i.e.
valve. Control oil acting on the actuator piston of the 2-way the servo valve is actuated such that hydraulic oil is
cartridge valve is depressurized and flows back to the tank. displaced by spring force from the lower to the upper
Hydraulic oil pressure generated by the spring plenum via the servo valve. Actuator piston travel is
(MBX87/88AS002) in the hydraulic cylinder opens the registered by the non-contact position sensor. This sensor
spring-loaded control piston of the 2-way cartridge valve outputs an analog current signal that is taken as the actual
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and the hydraulic oil in the lower plenum flows through the position and fed back to the position controller.
2-way cartridge valve into the depressurized space above
the piston (upper plenum). The spring force of the
preloaded closing springs acting on the control piston is so
Control Devices of the Feed Line
low that only a slight pressure differential between Emergency Stop Valves
connections A and B is required to hold the 2-way cartridge The control devices of the feed line emergency stop
valve closed. Consequently the 2-way cartridge valve is valve actuators (MBX75/77AS001) are each essentially
capable of switching large oil flows at low pressure drop, comprised of one solenoid opening valve
or design, are reserved.
thus ensuring that the FO control valve actuator achieves (MBX75/77AA031), one 2-way cartridge valve
short closure times. The spring reliably closes the control (MBX75/77AA051), one solenoid pilot valve
valve. (MBX75/77AA001), one pressure filter (MBX75/77AT001)
as well as the measuring points (MBX75CP401 - ...404 or
Control Devices of the Return Line MBX77CP401 - ...404).
Control Valve To open the emergency stop valve, the solenoid pilot
valve (MBX75/77AA001) and the solenoid opening valve
The actuator for the FO DO RL CV (MBN53AA151) in (MBX75/77AA031) are energized, the latter, with a slight
the return line of the fuel oil burner system includes the delay.
control device (MBX86AS001). The latter, essentially
Energizing the solenoid pilot valve (MBX75/77AA001)
comprised of a servo valve (MBX86AA101), a pressure
pressurizes the upper plenum of the spring-loaded piston in
filter (MBX86AT001) and two measuring points
the cartridge valve (MBX75/77AA052), thus closing the
cartridge valve and preventing the hydraulic fluid from
Servo valve MBX86AA001 controls actuator piston draining from the lower plenum of the actuator through the
travel. It comprises a pilot stage with a torque motor and cartridge valve and into the upper actuator plenum and/or
hydraulic preamplifier and a second stage with a pilot valve to the return line to the tank.
that has four metering edges. The second stage also
Subsequent energizing of the solenoid opening valve
functions as a hydraulic power amplifier.
(MBX75/77AA031) supplies hydraulic fluid to the lower
The valve actuator, together with the control device, is plenum. Upward piston travel compresses the closing
an integral component of the control circuit. The position spring and displaces the hydraulic fluid from the upper
controller sends a positioning signal to the servo valve in plenum into the return line to the tank.
the form of a load-independent current, which changes the
Closure of the emergency stop valve
flow of hydraulic oil from the oil supply station at a level
Siemens AG 3.1-9100-0592/3
Power Generation 0905E-X
Gas Turbine Hydraulic Control Equipment
Description of Auxiliary Systems Hydraulic Oil for Fuel Oil
solenoid pilot valve depressurizes the lower plenum, The OPEN and CLOSED positions of the emergency
causing the spring to rapidly close the emergency stop stop valve MBP13AA051 are each monitored by two
valve. Control oil acting on the actuator plenums of the 2- inductive position limit switches located in the actuator unit
way cartridge valves is depressurized and flows back to the (MBN14/23AA051-S11, -S12, -S21, -S22).
tank. Hydraulic oil pressure generated by the spring in the Closing of the emergency stop valve is achieved by
hydraulic cylinder (MBX75/77AS002) opens the spring- deenergizing solenoid valve MBX79AA002 (deenergize to
loaded control piston of the 2-way cartridge valve and the close principle). The solenoid valve is equipped with a
hydraulic oil in the lower plenum flows through the 2-way closing spring which is compressed when the two solenoid
cartridge valve into the depressurized space above the coils are energized.
piston (upper plenum). The spring force of the preloaded
Consequently the fail-safe emergency stop valve is
closing springs acting on the control piston is so low that
closed if voltage supply to the solenoid is interrupted.
only a slight pressure differential between connections A
When solenoid valve MBX79AA002 is energized, hydraulic
and B is required to hold the 2-way cartridge valve closed.
fluid flows into the lower plenum and displaces the piston
Consequently, the 2-way cartridge valve is capable of
upward. This displaces hydraulic fluid in the upper plenum
switching large oil flows at low pressure drop, thus
into the return line. This interaction opens the emergency
ensuring that the emergency stop valve actuator achieves
stop valve. The closing spring of the emergency stop valve
short closure times. The spring reliably closes the
is now compressed. Deenergization of the solenoid valve
emergency stop valve. When the trip signal is received, the
depressurizes the lower plenum, causing the closing spring
solenoid pilot valve (MBX75/77AA001) and the solenoid
to rapidly close the emergency stop valve. In the event of a
opening valve (MBX75/77AA031) are simultaneously
content is not permitted without express written authority.
trip, hydraulic oil present in the lower plenum flows into the
deenergized. This interrupts the connection to the pressure
upper plenum and/or the return line to the tank.
line. Fail-safe, rapid closure of the valve is, however,
ensured by deenergization of the solenoid pilot valve alone.
Solenoid valves
Control Devices of the Return Line All trip initiating solenoid valves are equipped with two
Emergency Stop Valve coils. The design of the solenoid valves is fail safe.
Consequently emergency stop valves and the control
The control device MBX79AS001 associated with the
or design, are reserved.
Siemens AG 3.1-9100-0592/4
Power Generation 0905E-X
Gas Turbine Hydraulic Control Equipment
Description of Auxiliary Systems Hydraulic Oil for Natural Gas Valves
The control system proper—i.e., speed control, load Three inductive position sensors (MBP21/22/23AA151-
control, temperature limit control, startup and shutdown B01/-B02/-B03) are mounted on the piston rod of each
control valve actuator.
Siemens AG 3.1-9200-0592/1
Power Generation MBX 0905E-X
Gas Turbine Hydraulic Control Equipment
Description of Auxiliary Systems Hydraulic Oil for Natural Gas Valves
so low that only a slight pressure differential between controller as the actual position. Of these output signals,
connections A and B is required to hold the 2-way cartridge the maximum value is used for control actions.
valve closed. Consequently the 2-way cartridge valve is Closure of the control valve on trip is triggered by
capable of switching large oil flows at low pressure drop, deenergizing solenoid-type pilot valve MBX82AA002
thus ensuring that the control valve actuator achieves short (deenergize to close principle). On deenergization of the
closure times. The Belleville spring stack reliably closes the solenoid-type pilot valve, the lower plenum is
control valve. depressurized, causing the closing spring to rapidly close
the emergency stop valve. In the event of trip hydraulic
Control Device of the Pilot Gas Control fluid in the lower plenum flows through the solenoid-type
pilot valve into the depressurized space above the piston
Valve (MBX82AS001)
(upper plenum) and/or into the return line to the tank.
The control device MBX82AS001 associated with the
actuator of the pilot gas control valve MBP23AA151
essentially comprises servo valve MBX82AA101, solenoid-
Control Devices of the Emergency Stop
type pilot valve MBX82AA002, pressure filter MBX82- Valve (MBX70AS001)
AT002, and measuring points MBX82CP401, MBX82402, The control devices of the emergency stop valve
MBX82404. actuator essentially comprise solenoid-type opening valve
During normal operation solenoid-type pilot valve MBX70AA031, 2-way cartridge valve MBX70AA051,
MBX82AA002 is energized. This prevents the oil in the solenoid-type pilot valve MBX70AA001, pressure filter
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Offenders will be liable for damages. All rights, including
content is not permitted without express written authority.
The reproduction, transmission or use of this document or its
lower plenum from draining through the solenoid-type pilot MBX70AT002, as well as measuring points MBX70CP401,
valve into the upper plenum and/or into the return line to MBX70402, MBX70403, MBX70404.
the tank. To open the emergency stop valve, solenoid-type pilot
Servo valve MBX82AA101 controls actuator piston valve MBX70AA001 and solenoid-type opening valve
travel. It comprises a pilot stage with a torque motor and MBX70AA031 are energized, the latter with a slight delay.
hydraulic preamplifier and a second stage with four By energizing solenoid-type pilot valve, the upper
metering edges. plenum of the spring-loaded piston in the cartridge valve is
The valve actuator, together with the control device, is pressurized, thus closing the cartridge valve and
or design, are reserved.
an integral component of the control loop. The position preventing the flow of hydraulic fluid from the drain in the
controller sends a positioning signal to the servo valve in lower plenum of the actuator through the cartridge valve
the form of a load-independent current, which changes the and into the upper plenum and/or into the return line to the
flow of hydraulic oil from the oil supply station at a level tank.
proportional to the signal current, but with a high Subsequent energization of solenoid-type opening
amplification. valve supplies hydraulic fluid to the lower plenum. Upward
A positive current at the controller output opens the piston travel compresses the closing spring and displaces
control valve and a negative current closes it. The greater the hydraulic fluid from the upper plenum into the return
the current, the more rapidly the control valve opens or line to the tank.
closes. Closure of the emergency stop valve in the event of trip
The hydraulic settings of the servo valve are such that is triggered by deenergizing solenoid-type pilot valve
in the event of loss of current signal (e.g., broken wire) the (deenergize to close principle).
control valve always assumes its “OPEN” position. Deenergizing the solenoid-type pilot valve
To increase control valve lift, hydraulic fluid is directed depressurizes the lower plenum, allowing the Belleville
across the metering surface of the second stage into the spring stack to rapidly close the emergency stop valve.
lower hydraulic cylinder plenum. Upward piston travel Control oil acting on the actuator piston of the 2-way
compresses the closing spring and displaces the hydraulic cartridge valve flows back to the tank in the depressurized
fluid from the upper plenum back into the tank. condition. Hydraulic oil pressure generated by the Belleville
The closing force of the actuator is generated by the spring stack MBX70AS002 in the hydraulic cylinder opens
closing spring, i.e., the servo valve is actuated such that the spring-loaded control piston of the 2-way cartridge
hydraulic oil is displaced by spring force from the lower to valve and the hydraulic oil in the lower plenums flows
the upper plenum via the servo valve. Actuator piston travel through the 2-way cartridge valve into the depressurized
is registered by three non-contact displacement sensors: space above the piston (upper plenum).
MBP23AA151-B01/-B02/-B03. These sensors output an The spring force of the preloaded closing springs that
analog current signal that is fed back to the position acts on the control piston is so low that only a slight
Siemens AG 3.1-9200-0592/3
Power Generation MBX 0905E-X
Gas Turbine Hydraulic Control Equipment
Description of Auxiliary Systems Hydraulic Oil for Natural Gas Valves
position limit switches (MBP21AA151-S21/-S22/-S23) for hydraulic preamplifier and the second a hydraulic power
the “CLOSED” position). amplifier.
The OPEN and CLOSED positions of emergency stop The valve actuator, together with the control device, is
valve MBP13AA051 are each monitored by two inductive an integral component of the control loop. The position
position limit switches located in the actuator unit controller sends a positioning signal to the servo valve in
(MBP13AA051-S11, -S12, -S21, and -S22). the form of a load-independent current, which changes the
Control devices are implemented in the actuator flow of hydraulic oil from the oil supply station at a level
housings in line with the respective task requirements and proportional to the signal current, but with a high
are explained in the following. amplification.
A positive current at the controller output opens the
control valve and a negative current closes it. The greater
Control Devices, General the current, the more rapidly the control valve opens or
(MBX70/80/81/82AS001) closes.
Each of the control devices is connected to the The hydraulic settings of the servo valve are such that
hydraulic oil supply station by one supply and one return in the event of loss of current signal (e.g., broken wire) the
line. control valve always assumes its “CLOSED” position.
Each control device is protected by a dedicated To open the valve, hydraulic oil is supplied to the lower
pressure filter (MBX70/80/81/82AT002). An optical fouling plenum via the metering edges of the second stage.
display (MBX70/80/81/82CP502) is provided to monitor Upward piston travel compresses the closing spring and
rights created by patent grant or registration of a utility model
Offenders will be liable for damages. All rights, including
content is not permitted without express written authority.
The reproduction, transmission or use of this document or its
fouling of each filter. If fouling of a given filter causes displaces the hydraulic fluid from the upper plenum into the
pressure to exceed a certain level, this is indicated by a return line to the tank.
change in color. To close the valve, oil is routed via the metering edges
The actuator control devices provided for the natural of the second stage from the lower plenum to the upper
gas diffusion and natural gas premix burner control valves plenum and/or return line to the tank. The valve disk is
(NG DB CV and NG PB CV) are identical and are actuated in the close direction by spring force, displacing
described collectively. hydraulic oil from the lower plenum through the servo valve
and into the upper plenum and/or the return line to the
or design, are reserved.
and the hydraulic oil in the lower plenum then flows through
by the two-stage servo valve MBX80AA101/MBX81AA101.
the 2-way cartridge valve into the depressurized space
This servo valve has two stages, the first comprising a
above the piston (upper plenum). The spring force of the
preloaded closing springs that acts on the control piston is
Siemens AG 3.1-9200-0592/2
Power Generation MBX 0905E-X
Gas Turbine Hydraulic Control Equipment
Description of Auxiliary Systems Hydraulic Oil for Natural Gas Valves
pressure differential between connections A and B is When trip is triggered, the solenoid-type pilot valve and
required to hold the 2-way cartridge valve closed. the solenoid-type opening valve are simultaneously
Consequently the 2-way cartridge valve is capable of deenergized. This interrupts the connection to the pressure
switching large oil flows at low pressure drop, thus line. Fail-safe, rapid closure of the valve is ensured by
ensuring that the emergency stop valve actuator achieves deenergization of the solenoid-type pilot valve alone.
short closure times. The Belleville spring stack reliably
closes the emergency stop valve.
rights created by patent grant or registration of a utility model
Offenders will be liable for damages. All rights, including
content is not permitted without express written authority.
The reproduction, transmission or use of this document or its
Siemens AG 3.1-9200-0592/4
Power Generation MBX 0905E-X
Gas Turbine Hydraulic Control Equipment
Description of Auxiliary Systems Hydraulic System for Water Injection
Refer also to: The control system proper—i.e. water flow control,
together with the hydraulic oil supply station which supplies
List of Control Settings 3.1-0210 the valve actuator units—is described elsewhere.
List of Measuring Instruments 3.1-0220 The KKS identifiers of the control and emergency stop
List of Electrical Loads 3.1-0230 valves and the respective function levels of the associated
Equipment List 3.1-0240 actuator, measuring and control devices are listed in
Water Injection 3.1-7000 Table 1.
P+I Diagram, Water Injection 3.1-7010
Hydraulic Oil System 3.1-9000
KKS Function
P+I Diagram, Hydraulic Oil 3.1-9010
Control/emer- level
P+I Diagram, Hydraulic Oil for Water Injection 3.1-9310 Valve
gency stop Actuator
valve devices
Settings, limits and measuring ranges of the devices
listed here are given in the List of Measuring Instruments, HP EMU DO ESV MBU41AA051 MBX50
Equipment List and List of Control Settings (SREL). This HP EMU PO ESV MBU46AA051 MBX51
description only gives guideline values. HP EMU DO CV/ESV MBU41AA151 MBX60
Table 1: KKS Designations Assigned
content is not permitted without express written authority.
compact actuator units. the valve and is integrated into the actuator unit. The piston
The valve control devices position and switch the area is identical in the two cylinder plenums and pressure
valves by controlling the hydraulic oil supplied to the valve is applied from one side only. The valve can only be
actuators as appropriate, to provide the required fuel flow opened when the actuator is supplied with hydraulic fluid
for the various operating modes of the gas turbine. under pressure. The spring in the actuator applies the force
necessary to close the valve. The piston rod is made of
The following valves are used:
stainless steel and has a hard chromium finish.
Three inductive position sensors (MBU41AA151-
High-pressure emulsion diffusion operation emergency B01/B02/B03 and MBU46AA151-B01/B02/B03) with
stop valve integrated electronics and plug connections are mounted
− HP EMU PO ESV on the piston rod of each actuator.
High-pressure emulsion premix operation emergency The OPEN and CLOSED positions of the emergency
stop valve stop valves are each monitored by two inductive position
− HP EMU DO CV/ESV limit switches mounted on the actuator piston rods
(MBU41/46AA051-S11, -S12, -S21, -S22).
High-pressure emulsion diffusion operation control
valve with emergency stop function Control devices are implemented in the actuator
housings in line with the respective task requirements and
are explained in the following text.
High-pressure emulsion premix operation control valve
with emergency stop function.
Control Devices—General
In each of these cases, an emergency stop valve and a Each of the control devices is connected to the
control valve are connected in series. As a matter of hydraulic supply station by one supply and one return line.
Siemens AG 3.1-9300-0592/1
Power Generation MBX 0905E-X
Gas Turbine Hydraulic Control Equipment
Description of Auxiliary Systems Hydraulic System for Water Injection
identical and therefore described jointly. Likewise, the two due to a broken wire) the control valve always assumes its
control devices (MBX50AS001 and MBX51AS001) CLOSED position.
associated with the emergency stop valve actuators are To open the valve, hydraulic oil is supplied to the lower
identical and therefore described jointly. plenum via the metering edges of the second stage.
Each of these control devices is protected by a 10µm Upward piston travel compresses the closing spring and
pressure filter (MBX50AT002, MBX51AT002, MBX60- displaces the hydraulic fluid from the upper plenum into the
AT002, and MBX61AT002). A visual fouling indicator return line to the tank.
(MBX50CP501, MBX51CP001, MBX60CP501, MBX61- To close the valve, a connection is opened between the
CP501) is provided to monitor fouling of each filter. A lower plenum and the upper plenum and/or tank return line
color-coded indication is displayed on the actuator filter via the metering edges of the second stage. The valve is
assembly if the differential pressure across the filter closed by spring force, forcing hydraulic oil from the lower
exceeds a predetermined set point.. plenum through the servo valve and into the upper plenum
and/or the return line to the tank. Actuator piston travel is
Control Devices of the Control Valves registered by three non-contact position sensors
MBP41AA151-B01/B02/B03 or MBP46AA151-
The respective control devices of the control valve B01/B02/B03. These sensors output an analog current
actuators are essentially comprised of the servo valves signal that is taken as the actual position and fed back to
MBX60AA101 and MBX61AA101, the cartridge-type 2-way the position controller.
pilot valves MBX60AA052 and MBX61AA052, the solenoid
The HP EMU DO CV and the HP EMU PO CV are
content is not permitted without express written authority.
The hydraulic settings of the servo valve are such that The control devices of the supply line emergency stop
in the event of a loss of electric power supply (for example valve actuators are essentially comprised of the solenoid
Siemens AG 3.1-9300-0592/2
Power Generation MBX 0905E-X
Gas Turbine Hydraulic Control Equipment
Description of Auxiliary Systems Hydraulic System for Water Injection
opening valves MBX50AA031 / MBX51AA031, the 2-way MBX50AS002 / MBX51AS002 in the hydraulic cylinder
(cartridge-type) pilot valves MBX50AA051 / MBX51AA051, opens the spring-loaded control piston of the 2-way
the solenoid pilot valves MBX50AA001 / MBX51AA001, the cartridge valve and the hydraulic oil in the lower plenums
pressure filters MBX50AT001 / MBX51AT001 as well as flows through the 2-way cartridge valve into the
the measuring points MBX50/51CP401/402/403/404. depressurized space above the piston (upper plenum). The
To open the emergency stop valve, the solenoid pilot spring force of the preloaded closing springs acting on the
valve MBX50AA001 / MBX51AA001 and the solenoid control piston is so low that only a slight pressure
opening valve MBX50AA031 / MBX51AA031 are differential between connections A and B is required to
energized, the latter with a slight delay. hold the 2-way cartridge valve closed. Consequently the 2-
way cartridge valve is capable of switching large oil flows at
By energizing the solenoid pilot valve MBX50-
low pressure drop, thus ensuring that the emergency stop
AA001 / MBX51AA001 the upper plenum of the spring-
valve actuator achieves short closure times. The spring
loaded piston in the cartridge valve (MBX50-
reliably closes the emergency stop valve. When the trip
AA052 / MBX51AA052) is pressurized, thus closing the
signal is received, the solenoid pilot valve MBX50-
cartridge valve and preventing the flow of hydraulic fluid
AA001 / MBX51AA001 and the solenoid opening valve
from the drain in the lower plenum of the actuator through
MBX50AA031 / MBX51AA031 are simultaneously de-
the cartridge valve and into the upper plenum and/or into
energized. This interrupts the connection to the pressure
the return line to the tank.
line. Fail-safe, rapid closure of the valve is, however,
Subsequent energizing of the solenoid opening valve ensured by de-energization of the solenoid pilot valve
MBX50AA031 / MBX51AA031 supplies hydraulic fluid to alone.
content is not permitted without express written authority.
causing the spring to rapidly close the emergency stop to only one of the coils is interrupted, the second coil is
valve. Control oil acting on the actuator plenums of the 2- able to hold the solenoid valve in position.
way cartridge valves is depressurized and flows back to the
tank. Hydraulic oil pressure generated by the spring
Siemens AG 3.1-9300-0592/3
Power Generation MBX 0905E-X
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