Learning Kit in Health 9: Quarter 4 (Week 3-5)

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Mount Carmel College

3200 Baler, Aurora

Basic Education Department

Junior High School Level

Learning Kit in Health 9

Quarter 4 (Week 3-5)

Name: _________________________________________________________________________
Grade and Section: ______________________________________________________________

Mrs. Charito B. Dumandal

Subject Teacher
Injury Prevention, Safety, and First Aid (Intentional)
(Lesson 1-5 / Week 3-5)

I. Objectives:
A. Demonstrate an understanding of the concepts and principles of safety education in the
prevention of intentional injuries.
B. Describe the types of intentional injuries.
C. Demonstrate ways to prevent and control intentional injuries.

II. Introduction:

Accidents or emergences may happen at the least expected time. Everyone should always be
prepared on what and what to so to be able to save lives.
Safety education means recognizing and avoiding hazards that cause disability and death.
Being aware of the safety education is always not enough, safety consciousness is a person
responsibility. The environment should always be kept safe and hazard-free.

III. Content: (Must Read!) ☺

Concept of Intentional Injuries

Intentional injuries pertain to self-harm, self-injury, and self-poisoning. The most common form of self-harm
includes: burning, scratching, and banging or hitting body parts. Self-harm is a symptom of borderline personality
disorder. This may include those who have:
• Anxiety disorders
• Schizophrenia
• Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
• Substance abuse
• Depression

Other persons use self-harm as a coping mechanism for temporary relief from internal feeling of anxiety,
depression, stress, or other related situations. Self-harm or intentional injury is often associated with trauma and
abuse including emotional and sexual abuse.
Eighty percent of self-harm includes stabbing or cutting the skin with a sharp object. Other ways include burning,
self-poisoning, alcohol abuse, and other forms related to anorexia and bulimia.

Signs of planned self-harm or intentional injury

• Saying “I wish I was dead”
• Thinking about killing oneself
• Feeling of hopelessness
• Previous suicide attempt
• Sudden change in behavior
• Withdrawal from friends and activities
• Increased use of alcohol and other drugs
• Mood swings, emotional outburst, high level or irritability or

Types of Intentional Injuries

Intentional injuries are injuries that are inflicted on purpose. It is also the use of force or power – threatened
or actual – against oneself, another person or against a group or community. It can also occur as a result of a willful
act meant to cause harm.

Intentional injuries include:

A. Kidnapping and Abduction
This is taking away a person against his/her will for ransom or for vengeance, dispute, or crime-related. Usually, it
is a child who is the victim.

Reasons for Kidnapping

• Gain a ransom or reward
• Facilitate a commission of a felony or fight
• Terrorize or inflict bodily injury
• Interfere with government or political function

B. Domestic Violence
It is violence that occurs at home or within the family. It is pattern of abusive behaviors by one partner against
another in an intimate relationship such as marriage, dating, family, or cohabitation.

Forms of domestic violence

• Physical aggression or assault such as hitting, kicking, slapping, and other related moves
• Threats
• Sexual abuse
• Emotional abuse
• Intimidation
• Stalking
• Harassment
• Spousal abuse
• Intimate partner violence
• Battering
• Abusive relationship

Signs of an abusive relationship

• Fear of partner
• When a partner belittles you or tries to control you
• Feeling or self-loathing
• Helplessness

Emotionally abusive relationship manifests the following:

• Calls the partner by names, insults, or continually criticize the partner
• Always jealous and does not trust his/her partner
• Isolate partner from family and friends
• Controls finances
• Threatens to hurt the partner of children
• Humiliates the partner in any way

C. Homicide
It is the killing of human being by another whether by partner or manslaughter. This usually
happens when there is robbery, vengeance, dispute, or conflict.

D. Suicide
It is the act of taking one’s own life voluntarily and intentionally. It is one of the top causes of
death in young adults. It is a significant problem outnumbering the common cause of
unintentional injury. Risk factors include:
• Psychiatric disease
• Levels of economic status
• Cultural change
• Degree of social support

E. Bullying
It is the use of force, threat, or coercion to abuse, intimidate, or aggressively
dominate others. The behavior is often repeated and habitual.
Types of Bullying:
1. Physical
This is involves physically hurting the victim like hitting, punching, or kicking.
2. Verbal
The use of name-calling or taunting
3. Relational
This pertains to destroying peer acceptance and friendships.
4. Cyber-bullying
This pertains to the use of electronic means like cellphones, instant messaging,
email, chat rooms or social media to harass, threaten, or intimate someone. It can
include acts such as making threats, sending provocative insults or racial or ethnic
slurs, gay bashing, attempting to infect the victim’s computer with a virus, and
flooding an email-inbox with messages.

F. Extortion
This is a criminal offense that involves obtaining money, property, or services from a person, entity,
individual, or institution through coercion. It is sometimes referred to as “protection racket” since the
one extorting money demands it as payment for protection from threats from unspecified other parties.
It is often practiced by organized crime groups.
This may also happen in school or in a community where persons blackmail other to extort money.

G. Stalking
This is the unwanted or obsessive attention by an individual or group towards another person. This
behavior is related to harassment and intimidation and may include following victim in person or
monitoring them from afar. Stalker may use threats and violence the frighten their victims resulting to
disruptions in the daily life of victims like changes in employment, residence, and phone numbers that
may take a toll on the victim’s well-being and lead to sense of isolation.

H. Acts of Terror
These are calculated uses of violence or threats of violence against civilians in order to attain
goal that are political, religious, or ideological in nature through intimidation, coercion, or
installing fear.

I. Illegal Fraternity-related Violence

Fraternities are social organization of men in different colleges and universities having
one purpose, interest, and activities. However, there are unscrupulous groups who have
infiltrated our society and organized fraternities to mask their illegal and violence-oriented
activities such as frat wars, rumbles, killings, and campus violence.

J. Gang and Youth Violence

Youth violence typically involves persons between the ages of 10 and 24. Gang and youth
violence is defined as the intentional use of physical force of power, threatened or actual,
against another person or a group or community that results in injury, death, psychological
harm, maldevelopment, or deprivation. Some criminal gang members are initiated to a group
by asking them to commit acts such as theft or violence to prove their loyalty.

K. Sexual Abuse and Harassment

Sexual abuse or molestation is forcing undesired sexual behavior by the offender upon
the victim. When the abuse involves sexual intercourse, it is termed as rape and can be
interchanged with the term sexual assault. Effects of child abuse include shame, self-blame,
depression, anxiety, trauma, sexual dysfunction, self-injury, suicidal ideation, stress, and
personality disorder. More so, the scar that was left on the victims could remain for years
after it happened.
Sexual harassment constitutes bullying a person wherein there is an inappropriate
promise of rewards in exchange for sexual favors. A person may use a position of authority to force another person
to engage in an unwanted sexual activity such as in the workplace and school.

Prevention and Management of Intentional Injuries

Avoiding all threats of injuries is vital to healthful living. Various ways to prevent and control intentional
injuries will help us to become more vigilant and proactive. Planning is an important step in assuring your own and
your family’s safety. It involves thinking on a short-term and long-term basis and being heavily armed in information
concerning the services, resources, and assistance available in case of emergencies.
The following practices on preventing and controlling intentional injuries may reduce the risk of physical and mental
Ways to Prevent and Control Intentional Injuries
a. Bullying (Cyberbullying)
All threats of harm and malicious messages must be reported to the police. If
you are being bullied, do not be afraid or ashamed. However, avoid communicating
with the cyberbully by blocking their cellphone number and/or deleting them from
your social media contacts. Be consistent in reporting all incidents on bullying until
it stops. Share the incident to your parents, teachers, or guidance counselor.

b. Stalking
Stalking is a serious crime that can cause severe emotional stress to the victim. It is advisable to seek
professional advice from your teacher, guidance counselor, or police. They can
provide you with assistance and support to keep you safe from harassment.
Reports may lead to a warning or even an arrest if the stalking persists. You can
inhibit stalking by:
1. Changing your daily travel routine as much as you can as well as the time
of leaving the house or work.
2. Going along with colleagues or friends to and from school or work.
3. Asking your relatives to fetch you or shopping with your family members
or friends
4. Protecting your personal information
5. Identifying safe places to stay without letting the stalker discover it.

c. Extortion
Extortion may be controlled through the 3R’s (Betteshanger, 2015), resist, record, and report. First, resist
extortion by using all means at the organization’s disposal. Then record the incident (e.g. video, voice, and paper
trail record) as a vital evidence of the company’s attempt to resist. Lastly, report the incident internally and
externally. Reporting is of critical importance most especially to the respective agency and the use of media to
notify the larger audience.

d. Gang and Youth Violence

Identified risk factors may lead young people to become violent. Some
approaches being used are as follows:
1. Involving parents and guardians to improve their skills in
communication, monitoring, problem-solving, and behavioral
2. Formulating and strengthening policies on safety and reducing
the risk for violence.
3. Providing counseling services to the high-risk youth and their
4. Providing community outreach programs to relate well with high-risk youth.
5. Providing early education to underprivileged children for future learning and success.

e. Illegal Fraternity-related Violence

Youth attendance to conflict resolution classes and skill-building trainings with community elders as
facilitators are encouraged. Engagement in various projects in school and community such as peer mentoring,
social skills workshops, and community development must be done to promote cooperation among members.
Moreover, an atmosphere must be created where new members can discuss their experiences without any
punishment and understand their roles and responsibilities in the group. Linkages with other organizations must
be established to discuss ways in which they can educate their members in accordance with certain policies.

f. Kidnapping and Abduction

Families and communities play a huge role in dealing with the stressful impact of kidnapping. The National
Bureau of Investigation (NBI) and the Philippine National Police (PNP) are branches of government that specialize
in dealing with kidnapping cases and provide intelligence on actual and potential threats in specific areas. To lessen
the acts of kidnapping, here are some helpful tips:
1. Always be alert and observe activities in your surroundings. If someone acts suspiciously, contact
immediately a security officer or local authorities.
2. Try to remember as many details as possible about the suspicious situation like the date, time, vehicle’s
make, color, and plate number, and description of passengers.
3. When traveling, keep all itineraries strictly confidential. Never disclose your schedule and other plans to
4. When taking a cab, hire a reputable one, and the route to be taken must be familiar to you. Carpooling is
g. Terrorism
It is fundamental for the government to anticipate threats, risks, and vulnerabilities to provide appropriate
security measures. Investigating the criminal activities in the area, understanding the tactics commonly employed
by criminals, and knowing the target people and locations must be
realized. The following can thwart the onset of terrorist activities.
1. Be vigilant at all times.
2. Keep the house locked even if you are inside. Lock all entrances
at night.
3. Secure the house keys. Change locks if keys are lost or stolen.
4. Survey your environment, and report any suspicious activity.
5. Avoid giving unnecessary personal or family information to
6. Stay in safe and secured places. Do not pass through dark and dangerous streets alone.
7. Always lock your car.

h. Domestic Violence
There are protective factors associated with domestic violence. These include social norms that promote
gender equality, quality response services, women’s economic stability, communication between the couple, and
women’s aggression against their husbands. Management of domestic violence includes medical services, law
enforcement, counseling, and others. Besides medical treatment, the victim is encouraged to attend counseling
sessions to manage the psychological effects of domestic violence that include assessment of the situation,
provision of safe shelter, advocacy, education, and crisis intervention programs. According to the Center for
Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), a key strategy in preventing domestic violence is the promotion of respectful
nonviolent relationships through individual, community and societal level change. Thus, early intervention must be
provided like school-based programs in the classroom especially for those children who were exposed early in an
atmosphere of violence inside their homes.

i. Suicide
Maintaining an open communication is of great importance in dealing with
persons with suicidal behavior. Providing family and social support, consulting You are not
with a psychologist or psychiatrist, and keeping a potentially harmful alone!
environment and hazardous objects out of a person’s reach are likewise
important measures. Moreover, using drugs therapeutically for alcohol abuse,
depression, or mental illness and attending psychotherapy sessions result in
positive outcomes in their behavior.

j. Sexual abuse and harassment

To prevent the likelihood of sexual abuse, the following are identified as protective
factors: parental use of reasoning in solving family conflicts, emotional health, and
connectedness, academic achievement, use of empathy, and concern for others.
Sexual abuse, harassment, or assault frequently happens and therefore must be
permanently stopped. Go to the nearest hospital if you are injured after a sexual assault. It
is recommended to consult a psychologist or legal counselor immediately since self-
management may not help ventilate the negative feelings associated with the trauma.

Protection and management of intentional injuries is quite challenging since the usual interest of the victim is
death or injury to himself or herself, or to others.
Immediate and temporary treatment should be administered to the victims of sudden injuries at home, at
school, or in the community. Treatment may vary according to the needs of the victim.
The following are suggested to manage or handle victim of intentional injuries:

1. Go to the area if the condition is already surveyed

2. Send someone to call for a doctor or professionals who are experts in administering treatment.
The following information should be given:
a. Place where the incident happened
b. Nature of the injury
c. People involved
d. Extent of the injury
e. Date and time of the incident
f. Treatment applied
3. Dentures should be checked and removed
4. Loosen belt or clothing when there is difficulty is breathing
5. Avoiding giving liquids to an unconscious victim
6. Maintain warmness of the victim
7. Avoid panic and control the crowd
8. Do not move a victim with head of neck injury
9. Check for other possible injuries
Other measures to manage intentional injuries include:
• Self-protection
• Prevent self-harm
• Promote culture of non-violence through healthful behaviors
• Report cases of violence to proper authorities
• Seek help from trusted individuals and health professionals
Youth suicide prevention includes:
• Increase public awareness on suicide prevention
• Improved youth access to appropriate prevention and intervention
• Expose the youth to meaningful and fruitful activities
• Careful and advance planning of activities for the youth both in school and community

ACTIVITY 1: Reflection or Reaction. (Essay writing using images)

A. Look for 3 different and recent news articles on the internet (or newspaper if you have any) which
shows intentional injuries in our country. Cut and paste on a sheet of paper or print the picture of
the article and write your answer on the space provided. Don’t forget to write the source of the
image. (5 points each)

Note: Cut here and submit this on the given deadline to be announced by your subject teacher/adviser.

Name: ______________________________________________________________________ Date: __________________

Year and Section: _______________________________________ Subject: Health 9 Score: ________________


(Paste picture here) ______________________________________________________________________


Source: _____________________________________________________________


(Paste picture here)


Source: _____________________________________________________________


(Paste picture here)

Source: _____________________________________________________________
ACTIVITY 2: Performance Task!
The Department of Health launched an all-out program and campaign to prevent intentional injuries at home, in
school, and in all places of the country. They hired the services of your advertising agency to create an
INFOMERCIAL with the aim to disseminate helpful and useful information about intentional injuries, preventive
measures, and how to manage situations involving common injuries. You will only choose 1 from the list below.
Take a video while doing the activity for a maximum of three minutes then send in my personal messenger account.
You may ask adult or guardian at home for assistance.
1. Bullying 3. Domestic Violence 5. Sexual Abuse
2. Suicide 4. Terrorism 6. Kidnapping
*Note: Be creative. You can watch infomercial of your chosen topic on YouTube for more ideas. You can also choose
Tagalog or English.
*Rubrics: This will be graded based on its comprehensiveness of content, organization of thoughts, voice quality,
and impact for 30 points.

ACTIVITY 3: Quiz Time, Self-Check!

Follow the instructions and answer the following activities.

Note: Cut here and submit this on the given deadline to be announced by your subject teacher/adviser.

Name: ______________________________________________________________________ Date: __________________

Year and Section: _______________________________________ Subject: Health 9 Score: ________________
I. Check the appropriate box for you.
Always Sometimes Never
1. I experience a suicidal attempt.
2. I turn to God whenever I am Faced with trials or difficulties.
3. I live a peaceful life.
4. I am happy and contented with my life.
5. I am open to my friends and family.

II. True or False. Write the correct word on the blank before each number.

_______1. Self-harm means hurting other people.

_______2. Intentional injuries mean self-harm.
_______3. Self-harm is often associated with trauma.
_______4. Burning is an example of self-harm.
_______5. Self-harm is used by other people as coping mechanism from depression.
_______6. Kidnapping is an example of intentional injuries.
_______7. Domestic Violence is violence that occurs at home.
_______8. Suicide is one of the top causes of death.
_______9. Extortion is a criminal offense.
_______10. Intentional injuries can be prevented and manage.

III. Identify what is being described in each number. Write the correct word on the blank.
_______________________1. An act of harming trough social network sites.
_______________________2. A pattern of behavior that makes one feel nervous, afraid, or in danger because of
someone’s repeated contact.
_______________________3. A coercive, criminal act of obtaining money, property or services.
_______________________4. A group of youth known to come from problematic family backgrounds.
_______________________5. An organization of young people with common interest, activity, and purpose.
IV. Generalization:

✓ Injuries can happen anytime and anywhere. It can happen at home or even at school. Sometimes
they happen because someone has the ill intention of doing so. Being vigilant about your own
safety can help prevent incidences of intentional injuries.

V. References:

MAPEH 9, Teachers Wraparound Edition, 2017, Phoenix Publishing House by Argie A. Concha, Carlo
Luis C. Ganzon, Jessica S. Tungala, Maria Gracia A. Fulgencio

MAPEH on the Go 9, Revised Edition, 2017, Sunshine Interlinks Publishing House, Inc., by
Fritzimarie R. Muyot, Maridina D. Garcia, Maria Clara G. Baarde Julie SJ. Mathews

Practical MAPEH 2018, Diwa Learning Systems Inc., by Jeffrey Raymond C. Abanto, Mar Anthony
S. Dela Cruz, Mary Joyce Moaje Aquino, and Nina L. Urbiztondo.

Good luck and God bless!

By: Ma’am Cha ☺

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