REF615 Product Guide

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REF615 ANSI 5.0 FP1

Feeder protection and control
2 R E F 6 1 5 A N S I 5 . 0 F P 1 F E E D E R P R OT E C T I O N A N D C O N T R O L

Table of contents

03 1. Description 28 19. Inputs and outputs

03 2. Standard configurations 30 20. Station communication

14 3. Protection functions 35 20. Technical data

15 4. Application 65 21. Local HMI

24 5. Supported ABB 66 22. Mounting methods

66 23. Relay case and plug-in
25 6. Control unit

26 7. Measurements 66 24. Selection and ordering

26 8. Power quality
67 25. Accessories and
26 9. Fault location ordering data
26 10. Disturbance recorder 68 26. Tools
27 11. Event log 69 27. Cyber security
27 12. Recorded data 70 28. Terminal diagrams
27 13. Condition monitoring 75 29. Certificates
27 14. Trip-circuit supervision 75 30. Inspection reports
28 15. Self-supervision 75 31. References
28 16. Fuse failure supervision 76 32. Functions, codes and
28 17. Current circuit symbols
supervision 79 33. Document revision
28 18. Access control history

REF615 ANSI 5.0 FP1
Feeder protection & control

1. Description 2. Standard configurations

REF615 is a dedicated feeder protection and con- REF615 is available in five alternative standard
trol relay designed for the protection, control, mea- configurations. The standard signal configuration
surement and supervision of utility substations can be altered by means of the signal matrix or the
and industrial power systems including radial, graphical application functionality of the Protec-
looped and meshed distribution networks with tion and Control Relay Manager PCM600. Further,
or without distributed power generation. REF615 is the application configuration functionality of
a member of ABB’s Relion® product family and part PCM600 supports the creation of multi-layer logic
of its 615 protection and control product series. functions using various logical elements, including
The 615 series relays are characterized by their timers and flip-flops. By combining protection
compactness and withdrawable-unit design. functions with logic function blocks, the relay con-
figuration can be adapted to userspecific applica-
Re-engineered from the ground up, the 615 series tion requirements.
has been designed to unleash the full potential of
the IEC 61850 standard for communication and in- The relay is delivered from the factory with default
teroperability between substation automation de- connections described in the functional diagrams
vices. for binary inputs, binary outputs, function-to-func-
tion connections and alarm LEDs. Some of the sup-
The relay provides main protection for overhead ported functions in REF615 must be added with the
lines and cable feeders in distribution networks. Application Configuration tool to be available in the
The relay is also used as backup protection in appli- Signal Matrix tool and in the relay. The positive
cations, where an independent and redundant pro- measuring direction of directional protection func-
tection system is required. tions is towards the outgoing feeder.

Depending on the chosen standard configuration,

the relay is adapted for the protection of overhead
line and cable feeders in isolated neutral, resis-
tance grounded, compensated and solidly
grounded networks. Once the standard configura-
tion relay has been given the application-specific
settings, it can directly be put into service.

The 615 series relays support a range of communi-

cation protocols including IEC 61850 with Edition 2
support, process bus according to IEC 61850-9-2
LE, Modbus® and DNP3.
4 R E F 6 1 5 A N S I 5 . 0 F P 1 F E E D E R P R OT E C T I O N A N D C O N T R O L

Figure 1. Functionality
overview for standard
configuration D

REF615 V5.0 FP-1 ANSI Func Appl D

51P-1 50P-1 50P-2 50P-3 46-1


49F-1 37-1 46PD 46-2

Load 50
Prof. BF-1

51N-1 BF-1

51G 50G-1 50G-3 HIZ-1 51NHA1



792 384
13 23 33
Available with Harmonic-based earth-fault option
3 Available with Reclosing option
Available with Arc Flash Detection(AFD) option
Available with RTD option

Figure 2. Functionality
overview for standard
configuration F

Υ or Δ Δ

3 3

REF615 V5.0 FP1 ANSI Func Appl F

50P-3 46-1 46-2 46PD 49F-1 59G


50 67/ 67/ 67/

BF-1 51P-1 51P-2 50P-1

67/ 67/ 67/ 27-1

51N-1 59-1
51N-1 51N-2 50N-1

59-2 27-2

21YN- 21YN- 21YN-

67NIEF 50G-1 11 21 31

HIZ 51NHA3 32N-32 32N-22 32N-12




14 24 34 795 386
Available with Admittance-based earth fault option 59N-1
Available with Wattmetric-based earth fault option
Available with Harmonic-based earth fault option
3 4
Available with Arc Flash Detection(AFD) option
Available with Reclosing option 59N-2
Available with RTD option
6 R E F 6 1 5 A N S I 5 . 0 F P 1 F E E D E R P R OT E C T I O N A N D C O N T R O L

Figure 3. Functionality
overview for standard
configuration L

Va, Vb, Vc

REF615 V5.0 FP1 ANSI Func Appl L

50P-3 51P-1 46-1 46-2 46PD 49F-1 INR-1 27-1

32Q- 50
32U-1 32U-2 51P-2 50P-1 50P-2
279 BF-1 27-2 78V-19

32R/ 32R/ 67/ 67/ 67/ 67/

27-3 59-1
32O-1 32O-2 51P-1 51P-2 50P-1 50P-2

67/ 67/ 67/ 67/

51N-1 47-1 59-2
51N-1 51N-2 50N-1 50N-2

50N-1 50N-2 50N-3

21YN- 21YN- 21YN-
67NIEF 51G 11 21 31
52 HIZ 51NHA3 32N-32 32N-22 32N-12

60-1 81-3

50G-1 50G-2
81-6 81-4

27R-17 257
1 4
2 4
3 4 19
795 386
Available with Admittance-based earth fault option 27RT-
Available with Wattmetric-based earth fault option 29
3 3
Available with Harmonic-based earth fault option 21FL- 59N-1
Available with Arc Flash Detection(AFD) option 18
5 27RT-
Available with Reclosing option
Available with RTD option 39
Available with IEC 61850-9-2LE option 59N-2
Available with Fault locator option
Available with interconnection option


Figure 4. Functionality
overview for standard
configuration N

Υ or Δ Δ

3 3

REF615 V5.0 FP1 ANSI Func Appl N

50P-3 51P-1 46-1 46-2 46PD 49F-1 INR-1 27-1 59G


32Q- 50
32U-1 32U-2 51P-2 50P-1 50P-2
279 BF-1 27-2 78V-19

32R/ 32R/ 67/ 67/ 67/ 67/

27-3 59-1
32O-1 32O-2 51P-1 51P-2 50P-1 50P-2

67/ 67/ 67/ 67/

51N-1 47-1 59-2
51N-1 51N-2 50N-1 50N-2

87A7 47-2
50N-1 50N-2 50N-3

87B7 47U-1
21YN- 21YN- 21YN-
67NIEF 51G 11 21 31
87C7 47U-2
52 HIZ 51NHA3 32N-32 32N-22 32N-12

60-1 81-3

50G-1 50G-2
81-6 81-4

27R-1 25
1 81-5
14 24 34 19
795 386
Available with Admittance-based earth fault option 27RT-
Available with Wattmetric-based earth fault option 29
3 3
Available with Harmonic-based earth fault option 21FL- 59N-1
Available with Arc Flash Detection(AFD) option 18
5 27RT-
Available with Reclosing option
Available with RTD option 39
Reserve the 3 current inputs for HIB protection when used 59N-2
Available with Fault locator option
Available with interconnection option
8 R E F 6 1 5 A N S I 5 . 0 F P 1 F E E D E R P R OT E C T I O N A N D C O N T R O L

Figure 5. Functionality
overview for standard
configuration P

Υ or Δ

REF615 V5.0 FP1 ANSI Func Appl P

51P-1 50P-1 50P-2 50P-3 46-1


37-1 46-2 INR-1

50 67/ 67/
27-1 27-2
BF-1 50P-1 50P-2

59-1 59-2
51N-1 50N-1 50N-2 50N-3

47-1 47-2
67/ 67/
50N-1 50N-2

27R-1 27R-2

52 51G 50G-1 50G-2 50G-3

60-1 60-2


AFD- AFD- AFD- 793 21FL-11
12 22 32

Available with Fault Locator option 59N-1 59N-2
3 2
Available with Arc Flash Detection(AFD) option
Available with Reclosing option

Table 1. Standard configurations

Description Std. conf.

Non-directional overcurrent and ground fault protection and circuit-breaker condition monitoring (RTD option) D
Directional overcurrent and ground fault protection, voltage-based protection and measurements, and circuitbreaker condition monitoring
(RTD option), and voltage remanent protection F
Directional and non-directional overcurrent and ground fault protection with multifrequency neutral admittance, voltage, frequency and
power based protection and measurements, and circuit-breaker condition monitoring (sensor inputs, optional power quality, fault locator,
interconnetion protection and synchro-check and voltage remanent protection with IEC 61850-9-2 LE) L
Directional and non-directional overcurrent and ground fault protection with multifrequency neutral admittance, voltage, frequency and
power based protection and measurements, high-impedance differential protection, synchro-check and circuit-breaker condition monitoring
(optional power quality, fault locator, interconnection protection and voltage remanent protection) N
Directional overcurrent and ground fault, voltage and voltage remanent protection and power system metering for two tie breakers with
synchro-check P

Table 2. Supported functions

Function IEC 61850 ANSI D F L N P

Three-phase non-
directional overcurrent
protection, low stage PHLPTOC 51P 1 2(19) 2 1
Three-phase non-
directional overcurrent 1(19)
protection, high stage PHHPTOC 50P 2 1 2 2
Three-phase non-
directional overcurrent
instantaneous stage PHIPTOC 50P-3 1 1 1 1 1
Three-phase directional
overcurrent protection,
low stage DPHLPDOC 67/51P 2 2 2(19)
Three-phase directional
overcurrent protection, 1(19)
high stage DPHHPDOC 67/50P 1 2 1 2
Non-directional earth-
fault protection, low 1(5) 1(5), (19) 1(5) 1(5)
stage EFLPTOC 51N, 51G 1(4) 1(4), (19) 1(4) 1(4)
Non-directional earth-
fault protection, high 2(4) 2(4) 2(4)
stage EFHPTOC 50N, 50G 1(4) 1(4) 2(5) 2(5) 2(5)
Non-directional earth-
fault protection, 1(5), (19) 1(5) 1(5)
instantaneous stage EFIPTOC 50N-3, 50G-3 1(4) 1(4), (19) 1(4) 1(4)
Directional earth-fault
protection, low stage DEFLPDEF 67/51N 2(4), (9) 2(5)10) 2(4), (9), (19)
Directional earth-fault
protection, high stage DEFHPDEF 67/50N 1(4), (9) 2(4), (10) 2(4), (9), (19) 2
earth-fault protection 1) EFPADM 21YN (3)(1), (4), (9) (3)(1), (4), (11) (3)(1), (4), (9)
Wattmetric-based earth-
fault protection 1) WPWDE 32N (3)(1), (4), (9) (3)(1), (4), (11) (3)(1), (4), (9)
earth-fault protection INTRPTEF 67NIEF 1(9), (15) 1(11), (15) 1(9), (15), (19)
Harmonics-based earth-
fault protection 1) HAEFPTOC 51NHA (1)(1), (15), (19) (1)(1), (15), (19) (1)(1), (15), (19) (1)(1), (15), (19)
overcurrent protection NSPTOC 46 1 1 1 1 1
Phase discontinuity
protection PDNSPTOC 46PD 1 1 1 1
Residual overvoltage 1(B1)
protection ROVPTOV 59N/59G 39) 311) 39), 19) 1(B2)
Three-phase 1(B1)
undervoltage protection PHPTUV 27 3 3 319) 1(B2)
Three-phase overvoltage 1(B1)
protection PHPTOV 59 3 3 319) 1(B2)
10 R E F 6 1 5 A N S I 5 . 0 F P 1 F E E D E R P R OT E C T I O N A N D C O N T R O L

Table 2. Supported functions, continued

Function IEC 61850 ANSI D F L N P

Three-phase non-
directional overcurrent
protection, low stage PHLPTOC 51P 1 2(19) 2 1
Three-phase non-
directional overcurrent 1(19)
protection, high stage PHHPTOC 50P 2 1 2 2
Three-phase non-
directional overcurrent
instantaneous stage PHIPTOC 50P-3 1 1 1 1 1
Three-phase directional
overcurrent protection,
low stage DPHLPDOC 67/51P 2 2 2(19)
Three-phase directional
overcurrent protection, 1(19)
high stage DPHHPDOC 67/50P 1 2 1 2
Non-directional earth-
fault protection, low 1(5) 1(5), (19) 1(5) 1(5)
stage EFLPTOC 51N, 51G 1(4) 1(4), (19) 1(4) 1(4)
Non-directional earth-
fault protection, high 2(4) 2(4) 2(4)
stage EFHPTOC 50N, 50G 1(4) 1(4) 2(5) 2(5) 2(5)
Non-directional earth-
fault protection, 1(5), (19) 1(5) 1(5)
instantaneous stage EFIPTOC 50N-3, 50G-3 1(4) 1(4), (19) 1(4) 1(4)
Directional earth-fault
protection, low stage DEFLPDEF 67/51N 2(4), (9) 2(5)10) 2(4), (9), (19)
Directional earth-fault
protection, high stage DEFHPDEF 67/50N 1(4), (9) 2(4), (10) 2(4), (9), (19) 2
earth-fault protection 1) EFPADM 21YN (3)(1), (4), (9) (3)(1), (4), (11) (3)(1), (4), (9)
Wattmetric-based earth-
fault protection 1) WPWDE 32N (3)(1), (4), (9) (3)(1), (4), (11) (3)(1), (4), (9)
earth-fault protection INTRPTEF 67NIEF 1(9), (15) 1(11), (15) 1(9), (15), (19)
Harmonics-based earth-
fault protection 1) HAEFPTOC 51NHA (1)(1), (15), (19) (1)(1), (15), (19) (1)(1), (15), (19) (1)(1), (15), (19)
overcurrent protection NSPTOC 46 1 1 1 1 1
Phase discontinuity
protection PDNSPTOC 46PD 1 1 1 1
Residual overvoltage 1(B1)
protection ROVPTOV 59N/59G 39) 311) 39), 19) 1(B2)
Three-phase 1(B1)
undervoltage protection PHPTUV 27 3 3 319) 1(B2)
Three-phase overvoltage 1(B1)
protection PHPTOV 59 3 3 319) 1(B2)
Positive-sequence 1
undervoltage protection PSPTUV 47U 1 119) 219)
Negative-sequence 1 1(B1)
overvoltage protection NSPTOV 47 1 119) 219) 1(B2)
Three-phase remnant 1(B1)
undervoltage protection MSVPR 27R (1)(19), (26) 1 1(B2)
Frequency protection FRPFRQ 81 3(19) 6(19)
Three-phase thermal
protection for feeders,
cables and distribution
transformers T1PTTR 49F 1 1 1 1
differential protection
for phase A HIAPDIF1 87A 1(19)
differential protection
for phase B HIBPDIF 87B 1(19)

Table 2. Supported functions, continued

Function IEC 61850 ANSI D F L N P

differential protection
for phase C HICPDIF 87C 1(19)
Circuit breaker failure 1(B1)
protection CCBRBRF 50BF 1 1 1 1 1(B2)
Three-phase inrush
detector INRPHAR INR 1 1 1 1 1
Switch onto fault CBPSOF SOTF 119) 119) 119) 119)
2 2 2 2 2
Master trip TRPPTRC 86/94 (3)(22) (3)(22) (3)(22) (3)(22) (3)(22)
Arc protection ARCSARC AFD (3) (3) (3) (3) (3)
Multipurpose protection MAPGAPC MAP 18(19) 18(19) 18(19) 18(19) 18(19)
Fault locator SCEFRFLO 21FL (1)(19) (1)(19) (1)(19)
Loss of phase PHPTUC1 37 1
High-impedance fault
detection PHIZ HIZ 1(19) 1(19) 1(19)
Underpower protection DUPPDPR 32U 2 2
Reverse power/
directional overpower
protection DOPPDPR 32R/32O 2(19) 2(19)
admittance-based earth
fault protection MFADPSDE 67YN 1(19) 1(19)
Interconnection functions
Directional reactive
power undervoltage
protection DQPTUV 32Q-27 (1)(19) (1)(19)
Low-voltage ride-
through protection LVRTPTUV 27RT (3)(19) (3)(19)
Voltage vector shift
protection VVSPPAM 78V (1)(19) (1)(19)
Power quality
Current total demand
distortion CMHAI PQI (1)(17), (19) (1)(17), (19) (1)(17), (19)
Voltage total harmonic (1)17), 19), B1)
distortion VMHAI PQVPH (1)(17), (19) (1)(17), (19) (1)17), 19), B2)
(1)(17), (19), (B1)
Voltage variation PHQVVR PQSS (1)(17), (19) (1)(17), (19) (1)(17), (19), (B2)
Voltage unbalance VSQVUB PQVUB (1)(17), (19) (1)(17), (19) (1)(17), (19)
Circuit breaker control CBXCBR 52 1 1 1 1 2
Disconnector control DCXSWI 29DS 2(19) 2(19) 2(19) 2(19) 2(19)
Earthing switch control ESXSWI 29GS 1(19) 1(19) 1(19) 1(19) 1(19)
Disconnector position 1 1 1 1 1
indication DCSXSWI 52-TOC, 29DS 2(19) 2(19) 2(19) 2(19) 2(19)
Earthing switch 1 1 1 1 1
indication ESSXSWI 29GS 1(19) 1(19) 1(19) 1(19) 1(19)
Autoreclosing DARREC 79 (1) (1) (1) (1) (1)
Synchronism and
energizing check SECRSYN 25 (1)(19), (26) 1(19) 1
Conditioning monitoring and supervision
Circuit breaker condition 1(B1)
monitoring SSCBR 52CM 1 1 1 1 1(B2)
Trip circuit supervision TCSSCBR TCM 2 2 2 2 2
Current circuit
supervision CCSPVC CCM 1 1 1(19) 1
"Current transformer
supervision for
scheme for phase A" HZCCASPVC MCS 1(19)
12 R E F 6 1 5 A N S I 5 . 0 F P 1 F E E D E R P R OT E C T I O N A N D C O N T R O L

Table 2. Supported functions, continued

Function IEC 61850 ANSI D F L N P

"Current transformer
supervision for
scheme for phase B" HZCCBSPVC MCS 1(19)
"Current transformer
supervision for
scheme for phase C" HZCCCSPVC MCS 1(19)
Fuse failure supervision SEQSPVC 60 1 1 1(19) 1(B2)
Runtime counter for
machines and devices MDSOPT OPTM 1(19) 1(19) 1(19) 1(19) 1(19)
Load profile record LDPRLRC LOADPROF 1 1 1 1 1
Three-phase current
measurement CMMXU IA, IB, IC 1 1 1 1 1
Sequence current
measurement CSMSQI I1, I2, I0 1 1 1 1 1
Residual current
measurement RESCMMXU IG 1 1 1 1 1
Three-phase voltage 1
measurement VMMXU VA, VB, VC 1 (1)(19), (26) 2 2
Residual voltage
measurement RESVMMXU VG 1 1 1
Sequence voltage
measurement VSMSQI V1, V2, V0 1
Single-phase power and
energy measurement SPEMMXU SP, SE 1 1 1 1
Three-phase power and
energy measurement PEMMXU P, E 1 1 1 1
RTD/mA measurement XRGGIO130 X130 (RTD) (1) (1) (1)
Frequency measurement FMMXU f 1 1 1 1
"IEC 61850-9-2 LE
sampled value sending
23), 26)" SMVSENDER SMVSENDER (1) (1) (1) (1)
"IEC 61850-9-2 LE
sampled value receiving
(voltage sharing) 23),
26)" SMVRCV SMVRECEIVER (1) (1) (1) (1)
"Minimum pulse timer 2 3 3 2 2
(2 pcs)" TPGAPC 62TP 2(19) 1(19) 1(19) 2(19) 2(19)
Minimum pulse timer (2
pcs, second resolution) TPSGAPC 62TPS 1(19) 1(19) 1(19) 1(19) 1(19)
Minimum pulse timer (2
pcs, minute resolution) TPMGAPC 62TPM 1(19) 1(19) 1(19) 1(19) 1(19)
Pulse timer (8 pcs) PTGAPC 62PT 2 (19)
2 (19)
2 (19)
2 (19)
Time delay off (8 pcs) TOFGAPC 62TOF 4 (19)
4 (19)
4 (19)
4 (19)
4 (19)
Time delay on (8 pcs) TONGAPC G2TON 4 (19)
4 (19)
4 (19)
4 (19)
4 (19)
Set-reset (8 pcs) SRGAPC SR 4 (19) 4 (19) 4 (19) 4 (19) 4 (19)
Move (8 pcs) MVGAPC MV 2(19) 2(19) 2(19) 2(19) 2(19)
"Generic control point
pcs)" SPCGAPC SPC 2(19) 2(19) 2(19) 2(19) 2(19)
"Analog value scaling
(4 pcs)" SCA4GAPC SCA4 4 (19) 4 (19) 4 (19) 4 (19) 4 (19)
"Integer value move
(4 pcs)" MVI4GAPC MVI4 1(19) 1(19) 1(19) 1(19) 1(19)
Generic up-down
counters UDFCNT CTR 4 (19) 4 (19) 4 (19) 4 (19) 4 (19)

Table 2. Supported functions, continued

() = optional
1) One of the following can be ordered as an option; Admittance based E/F, Wattmetric based E/F or Harmonics based E/F. The option is an addition to the existing E/F of the
original configuration. The optional E/F has also a predefined configuration in the relay. The optional E/F can be set on or off.
2) Multi-purpose protection is used for, for example, RTD/mA based protection, or Analogue Goose
3) Light only
4) Io selectable by parameter, Io measured as default
5) Io selectable by parameter, Io calculated as default
6) Io calculated is always used
7) IoB calculated is always used
8) IoB calculated and 3IB are always used
9) Uo selectable by parameter, Uo measured as default
10) Uo calculated and negative sequence voltage selectable by parameter, Uo calculated as default
11) Uo calculated is always used
12) Uo measured is always used
13) IoB measured is always used
14) IoB measured and 3IB are always used
15) Io measured is always used
16) IoB selectable by parameter, IoB measured as default
17) Power quality option includes Current total demand distortion, Voltage total harmonic distortion and Voltage variation.
18) Available in IED and SMT but not connected to anything in logic.
19) Must be added with ACT to be available in SMT and in IED.
20) Uob measured is always used for unbalance protection with unearthed single Y connected capacitor bank.
21) The Iunb measurements values will be taken from this block and put in Measurent view.
22) Master Trip included and connected to corresponding HSO in the configuration only when BIO0007 module is used. If additionally the ARC option is selected, then ARCSARC
is connected in the configuration to the corresponding Master Trip input.
23) Only available with COM0031-0037
24) Power quality option includes only Current total demand distortion
25) Unbalance voltage measurement for capacitor bank for REV615
26) Only available with IEC 61850-9-2
LV) The function block is to be used on the low voltage side in the application
HV) The function block is to be used on the high voltage side in the application
NT) The function block is to be used on the neutral side in the application
TR) The function block is to be used on the terminal side in the application
BS) The function block is to be used on the bus side in the application
EX) This function to be excluded from the Integration Test Data generation
14 R E F 6 1 5 A N S I 5 . 0 F P 1 F E E D E R P R OT E C T I O N A N D C O N T R O L

3. Protection functions Enhanced with optional hardware and software,

The relay offers directional and non-directional the relay also features three light detection chan-
overcurrent and thermal overload protection as nels for arc fault protection of the circuit breaker,
well as directional and nondirectional ground-fault busbar and cable compartment of metal-clad
protection. Some standard configurations allow as indoor switchgear.
an option admittance-based, harmonics-based or
wattmetric-based ground-fault protection to be The arc-fault protection sensor interface is avail-
used in addition to directional earth-fault protec- able on the optional communication module. Fast
tion. Further, the relay features sensitive earth- tripping increases staff safety and security and
fault protection, phase discontinuity protection, limits material damage in an arc fault situation. A
transient/intermittent earth-fault protection, over- binary input and output module can be selected as
voltage and undervoltage protection, residual over- an option - having three high speed binary outputs
voltage protection, positive-sequence undervolt- (HSO) it further decreases the total operate time
age and negative-sequence overvoltage protection. with typically 4...6 ms compared to the normal
Frequency protection, including overfrequency, un- power outputs.
derfrequency and frequency rate-of-change pro-
tection, is offered in relays with standard configu-
rations L and N. The relay also incorporates
optional three-pole multishot autoreclosing func-
tions for overhead line feeders.

The standard configurations L and N additionally

offer multifrequency admittance-based earth-fault
protection providing selective directional earth-
fault protection for high-impedance grounded net-
works. The operation is based on multifrequency
neutral admittance measurement utilizing funda-
mental frequency and harmonic components in Uo
and Io. A special filtering algorithm enables de-
pendable and secure fault direction also during in-
termittent/restriking earth faults. It provides a
very good combination of reliability and sensitivity
of protection with a single function for low ohmic
and higher ohmic earth faults and for transient and
intermittent or restriking earth faults.

4. Application The standard configuration L include one conven-

The feeder protection relay can be supplied either tional residual current (Io) input and three com-
with directional or non-directional ground-fault bi-sensor inputs for phase currents and phase volt-
protection. Directional ground-fault protection is ages. The connection of the three combi-sensors is
mainly used in isolated neutral or compensated made with RJ-45 type connectors. Sensors offer
networks, whereas non-directional ground-fault certain benefits compared to conventional current
protection is intended for directly or low imped- and voltage instrument transformers. For example,
ance grounded neutral networks. The relay can also current sensors do not saturate at high currents,
be used for protection of ring-type and meshed they consume less energy and they weigh less. In
distribution networks as well of radial networks voltage sensors the risk of ferro-resonance is elimi-
containing distributed power generation. nated. The sensor inputs also enable the use of the
relay in compact medium voltage switchgears, such
The standard configuration D offer non-directional as ABB’s ReliaGear® ND Digital, Advance® Digital,
ground-fault protection for outgoing feeders and SafeGear® Digital, eliminating the need of ded-
equipped with phase current transformers. The re- icated PT compartments. Further, the adapters also
sidual current for the ground-fault protection is de- enable the use of sensors with Twin-BNC
rived from the phase currents. When applicable, the connectors.
core-balance current transformers can be used for
measuring the residual current, especially when The standard configuration L includes directional
sensitive earth-fault protection is required. The overcurrent and directional ground-fault protec-
standard configuration F offer directional ground- tion, phase-voltage and frequency based protec-
fault protection with phase voltage and residual tion and measurement functions. The analog mea-
voltage measurement. Furthermore, the standard surements include one conventional residual
configuration F include current circuit supervision current (Io) input and three combi-sensor inputs
and fuse failure supervision for incoming feeders for phase currents and phase voltages. The pro-
provided with busbar voltage measurement. In ad- vided functionality supports the use of the stan-
dition, the standard configuration F offers direc- dard configuration in power systems, where power
tional overcurrent protection, overvoltage and un- is generated in the plant itself and/or derived from
dervoltage protection, positive-sequence the distribution network. The standard configura-
undervoltage and negative sequence overvoltage tion L includes an optional power quality function
protection and residual voltage protection. which enables monitoring and detecting current
and voltage harmonics and short duration system
disturbances. The standard configuration L also
features an optional impedance-measuring fault lo-
cation function suitable for locating shortcircuits
in radial distribution systems and ground-faults in
effectively and low-resistance earthed networks.
The standard configuration L has been pre-config-
ured especially for ABB switchgear; for example,
ReliaGear ND Digital. The use of standard configu-
ration L is however not restricted for switchgears
only but provides the highest functionality level
with sensor inputs for phase currents and phase
voltages. Standard configuration L is not designed
for using all the available functionality content in
one relay at the same time. In order to ensure the
performance of the relay, the user specific configu-
ration load is verified with the Application Configu-
ration tool in PCM600.
16 R E F 6 1 5 A N S I 5 . 0 F P 1 F E E D E R P R OT E C T I O N A N D C O N T R O L

Completed with the optional synchrocheck func- In addition to directional ground-fault protection,
tion, voltage remant protection, and process bus one of these three functions can be ordered as an
with sampled values of analog phase voltages, re- option: admittance-based, harmonics-based or
lays with standard config. L ensure a safe intercon- wattmetric-based earth-fault protection. Admit-
nection of two networks. tance- and wattmetric-based earth-fault protec-
tion functions are available for standard configura-
The standard configuration N provides the highest tions L and N. Harmonics-based earth-fault
functionality level of all standard configurations. It protection is available for standard configurations
is delivered as preconfigured, in the same way as D, F, L and N. The admittance-based earth-fault
other 615 standard configurations. It is typically re- protection ensures a correct operation of the pro-
configured when taken into use. This allows flexibil- tection even though the connection status informa-
ity in standardizing one type of REF615. Depending tion of the Petersen coil is missing. The standard
on the specific feeder application the appropriate configurations L and N additionally offer multifre-
functionality can be selected and own configura- quency admittance-based ground-fault protection.
tions can be created with the Application Configu-
ration tool in PCM600. Standard configuration N is The configuration P provides the ideal functionality
not designed for using all the available functional- for the implementation of Main-Tie-Main and Main-
ity content in one relay at the same time. In order to Tie-Tie-Main Automatic Transfer Schemes. With Di-
ensure the performance of the relay the user spe- rectional and non-directional overcurrent protec-
cific configuration load is verified with Application tion, for one breaker, and six voltage inputs for
Configuration tool of PCM600. undervoltage, overvoltage, negative-sequence volt-
age, and voltage remnant protection. The voltage
remnant protection is ideal for the implementation
Automatic Transfer schemes with motor loads con-
nected to the bus, where supervision is required to
prevent re-energizing the motors, before the power
is at an acceptable level. The configuration P is
completed with synchro-check functionality for the
implementation of Automatic Transfer Schemes
where the incoming sources would be paralleled
momentarily to increase reliability.

Figure 6. Substation Figure 6 shows a substation example with overcur-
example with overcur-
rent and ground-fault protection using the stan-
rent and ground-fault
protection using the dard configuration D. Additionally voltage and fre-
standard configuration D
quency based protection is used with standard
configuration F. The relays are equipped with op-
tional arc protection function enabling fast and se-
lective arc protection throughout the switchgear.
Additionally for the feeder with overhead line the
optional autoreclosing function is used.

REF615 Conf D


Υ or Δ

REF615 Conf F REF615 Conf F

3 3
51P/50P 51P/50P
50BF 50BF
67G/51G/50G 67G/51G/50G
49F 79
52 AFD
52 AFD

Cable Overhead
18 R E F 6 1 5 A N S I 5 . 0 F P 1 F E E D E R P R OT E C T I O N A N D C O N T R O L

Figure 7. Substation Figure 7 illustrates a substation example in low im-
example in low impedance
pedance grounded network using the D and N stan-
grounded network using
the D and N standard dard configurations with overcurrent, ground-fault
configurations with over-
and thermal protection for the outgoing feeder ca-
current, ground-fault and
thermal protection for the bles. The relays are equipped with optional arc pro-
outgoing feeder cables
tection function enabling fast and selective arc
protection throughout the switchgear. Additionally
the optional fault locator function is used in stan-
dard configuration N for the calculation of fault dis-
tance from the substation.

REF615 Conf D


REF615 Conf D REF615 Conf N

3 3
51P/50P 51P/50P
50BF 50BF
51G/50G 51G/50G
49F 49F
52 AFD
52 21FL

Cable Cable

Figure 8. Application ex- Application example with single busbar switchgear
ample with single busbar
arrangement is shown in Figure 8. Current sensors
switchgear arrangement
(Rogowski coil) and voltage sensors (voltage di-
vider) are used for the measurements in standard
configurations L. The used main protection func-
tions are overcurrent, ground-fault and voltage
based protection. 27R and 25 functions are pro-
vided via IEC 61850-9-2LE for the implementation
of automatic transfer schemes in mains and tie


Va, Vb, Vc Va, Vb, Vc

REF615 Conf L REF615 Conf L

67P/51P/50P 67P/51P/50P
3I 3I
50BF 50BF
67G/51G/50G 67G/51G/50G
27 27
52 27R via IEC 61850-9-2LE 52 27R via IEC 61850-9-2LE
25 via IEC 61850-9-2LE 25 via IEC 61850-9-2LE


Va, Vb, Vc Va, Vb, Vc

3I REF615 Conf L 3I REF615 Conf L REF615 Conf L 3I REF615 Conf L 3I REF615 Conf F

51P/50P 51P/50P 67P/51P/50P 51P/50P 51P/50P

50BF 50BF 50BF 50BF 50BF
67/51G/50G 67/51G/50G 67N/51N/50N 67/51G/50G 67/51G/50G
52 52 27R via IEC 61850-9-2LE
52 52
25 via IEC 61850-9-2LE

IEC 61850-9-2LE
20 R E F 6 1 5 A N S I 5 . 0 F P 1 F E E D E R P R OT E C T I O N A N D C O N T R O L

Figure 9. Application ex- In the application example in Figure 9, a single bus
ample with single busbar
bar switchgear is arranged into two bus sections
switchgear arranged into
two bus sections sepa- separated with bus coupler. Standard configura-
rated with bus coupler
tion F is used in the outgoing feeders with optional
Arc Flash detection for increased safety. The syn-
chro-check and voltage remnant functions are used
in standard configuration N in the incoming feed-
ers, and configuration P in the tie breaker. Standard
configuration P has 6 voltage inputs to be able to
monitor decaying voltage in the buses for the im-
plementation of Automatic Transfer Schemes.


Υ or Δ Υ or Δ
REF615 Conf N REF615 Conf N
3 3
67P/51P/50P 67P/51P/50P
3 3
50BF 50BF
67G/51G/50G 67G/51G/50G
27 27
52 27R 52 27R
25 25

Υ or Δ 3 Υ or Δ
3 1 3 1

REF615 Conf F REF615 Conf F REF615 Conf P REF615 Conf F REF615 Conf F

3 3 3 3 3 3
51P/50P 51P/50P 67P/51P/50P 51P/50P 51P/50P
50BF 50BF 50BF 50BF 50BF
67/51G/50G 67/51G/50G 67N/51N/50N 67/51G/50G 67/51G/50G
52 52 27R
52 52

Figure 10. Application Figure 10 illustrates an application example of sin- cables. Additionally, an optional autoreclosing
example of single busbar
gle busbar switchgear using the most comprehen- function is used for the feeders with overhead line.
switchgear using the
most comprehensive sive standard configuration N and P. The used main The relays are equipped with optional arc protec-
standard configura-
protection functions overcurrent, ground-fault and tion function enabling fast and selective arc pro-
tion N and standard
configuration P voltage based protection. Also thermal protection tection throughout the switchgear. Standard con-
is used for the protection of the outgoing feeder figuration P in the tie breaker is used for the
implementation of automatic transfer schemes.


Υ or Δ Υ or Δ
REF615 Conf N REF615 Conf N
3 3
67P/51P/50P 67P/51P/50P
3 3
50BF 50BF
67G/51G/50G 67G/51G/50G
27 27
52 27R 52 27R
25 25

Υ or Δ 3 Υ or Δ
3 1 3 1

REF615 Conf N REF615 Conf N REF615 Conf P REF615 Conf N REF615 Conf N

3 3 3 3 3 3
51P/50P 51P/50P 67P/51P/50P 51P/50P 51P/50P
50BF 50BF 50BF 50BF 50BF
67/51G/50G 67/51G/50G 67N/51N/50N 67/51G/50G 67/51G/50G
49F 79 27 49F 79
52 AFD
52 AFD 27R
52 AFD
52 AFD

Cable Overhead Cable Overhead

line line
22 R E F 6 1 5 A N S I 5 . 0 F P 1 F E E D E R P R OT E C T I O N A N D C O N T R O L

Figure 11. Protection Figure 11 illustrates the protection and control of
and control of outgoing
the point of close coupling between the utility and
feeder with standard
configuration F distributed generation with standard configura-
tion N.


Υ or Δ
REF615 Conf N
52 27

Υ or Δ
3 1

REF615 Conf F

3 51P/50P
52 AFD
REG615 Conf C
Υ or Δ 32R/32O/32U
Δ V0a
3 51P/50P

G Distributed


Figure 12. Application In the application example in Figure 12, single bus-
example of busbar
bar switchgear has been arranged into two bus
differential protection
covering two zones using sections separated with bus coupler. Standard con-
standard configuration N
figuration N is used with high-impedance differen-
tial protection for busbar and covering two zones
with two protection relays.

REF615 Conf N REF615 Conf N

Y 87A 87A Y
Υ or Δ
87B 87B Υ or Δ
87C 87C
3 3

3 3

REF615 Conf N REF615 Conf N

3 67P/51P/50P 67P/51P/50P
50BF 50BF
67G/51G/50G 67G/51G/50G
27 27
52 27R 52 27R
25 25

3 3
Υ or Δ 3 Υ or Δ
3 1 3 1

REF615 Conf N REF615 Conf N REF615 Conf P REF615 Conf N REF615 Conf N

3 3 3 3 3 3
51P/50P 51P/50P 67P/51P/50P 51P/50P 51P/50P
50BF 50BF 50BF 50BF 50BF
67/51G/50G 67/51G/50G 67N/51N/50N 67/51G/50G 67/51G/50G
49F 79 27 49F 79
52 AFD
52 AFD 27R
52 AFD
52 AFD

3 3 3 3

Cable Overhead Cable Overhead

line line

varistor and
24 R E F 6 1 5 A N S I 5 . 0 F P 1 F E E D E R P R OT E C T I O N A N D C O N T R O L

5. Supported ABB solutions situations by using the data historian and event
The 615 series protection relays together with the handling features of COM600S. The historical data
Substation Management Unit COM600F constitute can be used for accurate monitoring of process and
a genuine IEC 61850 solution for reliable power dis- equipment performance, using calculations based
tribution in utility and industrial power systems. To on both real-time and historical values. A better un-
facilitate the system engineering, ABB's relays are derstanding of the process dynamics is achieved by
supplied with connectivity packages. The connec- combining time-based process measurements with
tivity packages include a compilation of software production and maintenance events.
and relay-specific information, including single-line
diagram templates and a full relay data model. The COM600F can also function as a gateway and pro-
data model includes event and parameter lists. vide seamless connectivity between the substation
With the connectivity packages, the relays can be devices and network-level control and management
readily configured using PCM600 and integrated systems, such as MicroSCADA Pro and System
with COM600F or the network control and manage- 800xA. GOOSE Analyzer interface in COM600S en-
ment system MicroSCADA Pro. ables the following and analyzing the horizontal IEC
61850 application during commissioning and oper-
The 615 series relays offer native support for IEC ation at station level. It logs all GOOSE events
61850 Edition 2 also including binary and analog during substation operation to enable improved
horizontal GOOSE messaging. In addition, process system supervision.
bus with the sending of sampled values of analog

currents and voltages and the receiving of sampled Table 3. Supported ABB solutions
values of voltages is supported. Compared to tradi-
tional hard-wired, inter-device signaling, peer-to- Product Version

peer communication over a switched Ethernet LAN Substation Management Unit 4.0 SP1 or later
COM600F 4.1 or later (Edition 2)
offers an advanced and versatile platform for
power system protection. Among the distinctive 9.3 FP2 or later
MicroSCADA Pro SYS 600
features of the protection system approach, en- 9.4 or later (Edition 2)
abled by the full implementation of the IEC 61850 System 800xA 5.1 or later
substation automation standard, are fast commu-
nication capability, continuous supervision of the
protection and communication system's integrity,
and an inherent flexibility regarding reconfigura-
tion and upgrades.This protection relay series is
able to optimally utilize interoperability provided
by the IEC 61850 Edition 2 features.

At substation level, COM600F uses the data con-

tent of the baylevel devices to enhance substation
level functionality. COM600F features a Web
browser-based HMI, which provides a customizable
graphical display for visualizing single-line mimic
diagrams for switchgear bay solutions. The SLD
feature is especially useful when 615 series relays
without the optional single-line diagram feature
are used. The Web HMI of COM600F also provides
an overview of the whole substation, including re-
lay-specific single-line diagrams, which makes in-
formation easily accessible. Substation devices and
processes can also be remotely accessed through
the Web HMI, which improves personnel safety.

In addition, COM600F can be used as a local data

warehouse for the substation's technical documen-
tation and for the network data collected by the de-
vices. The collected network data facilitates exten-
sive reporting and analyzing of network fault

Figure 13. ABB power
system example using
Relion relays, COM600S
and MicroSCADA Pro/
System 800xA
MicroSCADA Pro/
System 800xA

Utility: IEC 60870-5-104

Industry: OPC


Ethernet switch PCM600 Ethernet switch PCM600

Analog and binary horizontal Analog and binary horizontal

GOOSE communication IEC 61850 GOOSE communication IEC 61850

6. Control the relay. The binary inputs and outputs of the ex-
REF615 integrates functionality for the control of a ternal I/O module can be used for the less time crit-
circuit breaker via the front panel HMI or by means ical binary signals of the application. The integra-
of remote controls. In addition to the circuit tion enables releasing of some initially reserved
breaker control the relay features two control binary inputs and outputs of the relay in the stan-
blocks which are intended for motor-operated con- dard configuration.
trol of disconnectors or circuit breaker truck and
for their position indications. Further, the relay of- The suitability of the relay's binary outputs which
fers one control block which is intended for mo- have been selected for controlling of primary de-
tor-operated control of one earthing switch control vices should be carefully verified, for example, the
and its position indication. make and carry as well as the breaking capacity
should be considered. In case the requirements for
Two physical binary inputs and two physical binary the control-circuit of the primary device are not
outputs are needed in the relay for each controlla- met, the use of external auxiliary relays should be
ble primary device taken into use. Depending on considered.
the chosen standard configuration of the relay the
number of unused binary inputs and binary outputs The large graphical LCD of the relay's local HMI in-
varies. Further, some standard configurations also cludes a single-line diagram (SLD) with position in-
offer optional hardware modules that increase the dication for the relevant primary devices. Interlock-
number of available binary inputs and outputs. ing schemes required by the application are
configured using the signal matrix or the applica-
If the amount of available binary inputs or outputs tion configuration functionality of PCM600. De-
of the chosen standard configuration is not suffi- pending on the standard configuration, the relay
cient, the standard configuration can be modified also incorporates a synchrocheck function to en-
to release some binary inputs or outputs which sure that the voltage, phase angle and frequency on
have originally been configured for other purposes, either side of an open circuit breaker satisfy the
when applicable, or an external input or output conditions for safe interconnection of two net-
module, for example, RIO600 can be integrated to works.
26 R E F 6 1 5 A N S I 5 . 0 F P 1 F E E D E R P R OT E C T I O N A N D C O N T R O L

7. Measurements • Current harmonics

The relay continuously measures the phase cur- • Voltage harmonics
rents, the symmetrical components of the currents
and the residual current. If the relay includes volt- The voltage unbalance and voltage variation func-
age measurements, it also measures the residual tions are used for measuring short-duration volt-
voltage, the phase voltages and the voltage se- age variations and monitoring voltage unbalance
quence components. Depending on the standard conditions in power transmission and distribution
configuration the relay additionally offers fre- networks.
quency measurement. The relay also calculates the
demand value of the current over a user-selectable, The voltage and current harmonics functions pro-
pre-set time frame, the thermal overload of the vide a method for monitoring the power quality by
protected object, and the phase unbalance based means of the current waveform distortion and volt-
on the ratio between the negative-sequence and age waveform distortion. The functions provides a
positive-sequence current. short-term three-second average and a long-term
demand for total demand distortion TDD and total
Furthermore, the relay offers three-phase power harmonic distortion THD.
and energy measurement including power factor.
9. Fault location
The measured values can be accessed via the local The relay features an optional impedance-measur-
HMI or remotely via the communication interface of ing fault location function suitable for locating
the relay. The values can also be accessed locally or short-circuits in radial distribution systems. Earth
remotely using the Web HMI. faults can be located in effectively and low-resis-
tance earthed networks. Under circumstances
The relay is provided with a load profile recorder. where the fault current magnitude is at least of the
The load profile feature stores the historical load same order of magnitude or higher than the load
data captured at a periodical time interval (demand current, earth faults can also be located in isolated
interval). The records are in COMTRADE format. neutral distribution networks. The fault location
function identifies the type of the fault and then
8. Power quality calculates the distance to the fault point. An esti-
In the EN standards, power quality is defined mate of the fault resistance value is also calculated.
through the characteristics of the supply voltage. The estimate provides information about the pos-
Transients, short-duration and long-duration volt- sible fault cause and the accuracy of the estimated
age variations and unbalance and waveform distor- distance to the fault point.
tions are the key characteristics describing power
quality. The distortion monitoring functions are 10. Disturbance recorder
used for monitoring the current total demand dis- The relay is provided with a disturbance recorder
tortion and the voltage total harmonic distortion. featuring up to 12 analog and 64 binary signal chan-
nels. The analog channels can be set to record ei-
Power quality monitoring is an essential service ther the waveform or the trend of the currents and
that utilities can provide for their industrial and key voltages measured.
customers. A monitoring system can provide infor-
mation about system disturbances and their possi- The analog channels can be set to trigger the re-
ble causes. It can also detect problem conditions cording function when the measured value falls be-
throughout the system before they cause customer low or exceeds the set values. The binary signal
complaints, equipment malfunctions and even channels can be set to start a recording either on
equipment damage or failure. Power quality prob- the rising or the falling edge of the binary signal or
lems are not limited to the utility side of the sys- on both.
tem. In fact, the majority of power quality problems
are localized within customer facilities. Thus, By default, the binary channels are set to record ex-
power quality monitoring is not only an effective ternal or internal relay signals, for example, the
customer service strategy but also a way to protect start or trip signals of the relay stages, or external
a utility's reputation for quality power and service. blocking or control signals. Binary relay signals,
such as protection start and trip signals, or an ex-
The protection relay has the following power qual- ternal relay control signal via a binary input, can be
ity monitoring functions: set to trigger the recording. Recorded information
is stored in a non-volatile memory and can be up-
• Voltage variation loaded for subsequent fault analysis.
• Voltage unbalance

11. Event log 13. Condition monitoring

To collect sequence-of-events information, the re- The condition monitoring functions of the relay
lay has a nonvolatile memory capable of storing constantly monitor the performance and the condi-
1024 events with the associated time stamps. The tion of the circuit breaker. The monitoring com-
non-volatile memory retains its data even if the re- prises the spring charging time, SF6 gas pressure,
lay temporarily loses its auxiliary supply. The event the travel time and the inactivity time of the circuit
log facilitates detailed pre- and post-fault analyses breaker.
of feeder faults and disturbances. The considerable
capacity to process and store data and events in The monitoring functions provide operational cir-
the relay facilitates meeting the growing informa- cuit breaker history data, which can be used for
tion demand of future network configurations. The scheduling preventive circuit breaker maintenance.
sequence-of-events information can be accessed
either via local HMI or remotely via the communica- In addition, the relay includes a runtime counter for
tion interface of the relay. The information can also monitoring of how many hours a protected device
be accessed locally or remotely using the Web HMI. has been in operation thus enabling scheduling of
time-based preventive maintenance of the device.
12. Recorded data
The relay has the capacity to store the records of 14. Trip-circuit supervision
the 128 latest fault events. The records can be used The trip-circuit supervision continuously monitors
to analyze the power system events. Each record in- the availability and operability of the trip circuit. It
cludes, for example, current, voltage and angle val- provides open-circuit monitoring both when the
ues and a time stamp. The fault recording can be circuit breaker is in its closed and in its open posi-
triggered by the start or the trip signal of a protec- tion. It also detects loss of circuit-breaker control
tion block, or by both. The available measurement voltage.
modes include DFT, RMS and peak-to-peak. Fault
records store relay measurement values at the mo-
ment when any protection function starts. In addi-
tion, the maximum demand current with time
stamp is separately recorded. The records are
stored in the non-volatile memory.

Figure 14. Recording

and event capabil-
ities overview
IEC 61850-8-1


IEC 103



(FIFO) 1024

(FIFO) 128

Fault summary;
Trip timestamp, Function, Currents, Voltages, etc.
(FIFO) 2048

System and security-related events;

Configuration changes, Control, Login, etc.


Load profile
...7 yrs Historical load data captured at a periodical
time interval (Demand interval 1...180min)

Function specific data

Min/max demand currents, Operation counters, etc.

History view
28 R E F 6 1 5 A N S I 5 . 0 F P 1 F E E D E R P R OT E C T I O N A N D C O N T R O L

15. Self-supervision three sensor inputs for the direct connection of

The relay’s built-in self-supervision system continu- three combi-sensors with RJ-45 connectors. As an
ously monitors the state of the relay hardware and alternative to combi-sensors, separate current and
the operation of the relay software. Any fault or voltage sensors can be utilized using adapters. Fur-
malfunction detected is used for alerting the oper- thermore, the adapters also enable the use of sen-
ator. A permanent relay fault blocks the protection sors with Twin-BNC connectors.
functions to prevent incorrect operation.
The phase-current inputs are rated 1/5 A. Two op-
16. Fuse failure supervision tional residual-current inputs are available, that is,
Depending on the chosen standard configuration, 1/5 A or 0.2/1 A. The 0.2/1 A input is normally used
the relay includes fuse failure supervision function- in applications requiring sensitive earth-fault pro-
ality. The fuse failure supervision detects failures tection and featuring core-balance current trans-
between the voltage measurement circuit and the formers. The three phase-voltage inputs and the
relay. The failures are detected either by the nega- residual-voltage input covers the rated voltages
tive sequence-based algorithm or by the delta volt- 60...210 V. Both phase-to-phase voltages and
age and delta current algorithm. Upon the detec- phase-to-earth voltages can be connected.
tion of a failure, the fuse failure supervision
function activates an alarm and blocks voltage-de- The phase-current input 1 A or 5 A, the residual-cur-
pendent protection functions from unintended rent input 1 A or 5 A, alternatively 0.2 A or 1 A, and
operation. the rated voltage of the residual voltage input are
selected in the relay software. In addition, the bi-
17. Current circuit supervision nary input thresholds 16…176 V DC are selected by
Depending on the chosen standard configuration, adjusting the relay’s parameter settings.
the relay includes current circuit supervision. Cur-
rent circuit supervision is used for detecting faults All binary inputs and outputs contacts are freely
in the current transformer secondary circuits. On configurable with the signal matrix or application
detecting of a fault the current circuit supervision configuration functionality of PCM600.
function activates an alarm LED and blocks certain
protection functions to avoid unintended opera- See the Input/output overview table and the termi-
tion. The current circuit supervision function calcu- nal diagrams for more information about the in-
lates the sum of the phase currents from the pro- puts and outputs.
tection cores and compares the sum with the
measured single reference current from a core bal- Optionally, a binary input and output module can
ance current transformer or from separate cores in be selected. It has three high speed binary outputs
the phase current transformers. (HSO) and it decreases the total operate time with
typically 4...6 ms compared to the normal power
18. Access control outputs.
To protect the relay from unauthorized access and
to maintain information integrity, the relay is pro-
vided with a four-level, rolebased authentication
system with administrator-programmable individ-
ual passwords for the viewer, operator, engineer
and administrator levels. The access control applies
to the local HMI, the Web HMI and PCM600.

19. Inputs and outputs

Depending on the standard configuration selected,
the relay is equipped with three phase-current in-
puts and one residualcurrent input for non-direc-
tional earth-fault protection, or three phase-cur-
rent inputs, one residual-current input and one
residual voltage input for directional earth-fault
protection or three phase-current inputs, one re-
sidual-current input, three phase-voltage inputs
and one residual voltage input for directional
earth-fault protection and directional overcurrent
protection. Standard configuration L includes one
conventional residual current (Io 0.2/1 A) input and

Table 4. Input/output overview

Std. Conf. Order code digit Analog channels Binary channels

5-6 7-8 CT VT Combi- sensor BI BO RTD mA
AF 4 - - 18 4 PO + 9 SO - -
AC/AD 4 PO + 5 SO
- -
FB 4 - - 18 + 3 HSO
AD 4 - - 12 4 PO + 6 SO
FC/FD 4 PO + 2 SO 6 2
FE 4 - - 12 + 3 HSO
AG 4 5 - 16 4 PO + 6 SO - -
AE/AF 4 PO + 2 SO
- -
F FC 4 5 - 16 + 3 HSO
N AG 4 5 - 12 4 PO + 6 SO 2 1
FE/FF 4 PO + 2 SO 2 1
FC 4 5 - 12 + 3 HSO
AH 1 - 3 8 4 PO + 6 SO
DA 4 PO + 2 SO
FD 1 - 3 8 + 3 HSO
AK 4 5 - 15 4 PO + 6 SO
P AK 4 PO + 2 SO
FH 4 5 15 + 3 HSO
30 R E F 6 1 5 A N S I 5 . 0 F P 1 F E E D E R P R OT E C T I O N A N D C O N T R O L

20. Station communication pled values using IEC 61850-9-2 LE protocol. The in-
The relay supports a range of communication pro- tended application for sampled values shares the
tocols including IEC 61850 Edition 2, IEC 61850-9-2 voltages to other 615 series relays, having voltage
LE, Modbus® and DNP3. Operational information based functions and 9-2 support. 615 relays with
and controls are available through these protocols. process bus based applications use IEEE 1588
However, some communication functionality, for for high accuracy time synchronization.
example, horizontal communication between the
relays, is only enabled by the IEC 61850 communica- For redundant Ethernet communication, the relay
tion protocol. offers either two optical or two galvanic Ethernet
network interfaces. A third port with galvanic Eth-
The IEC 61850 protocol is a core part of the relay as ernet network interface is also available. The third
the protection and control application is fully Ethernet interface provides connectivity for any
based on standard modelling. The relay supports other Ethernet device to an IEC 61850 station bus
Edition 2 and Edition 1 versions of the standard. inside a switchgear bay, for example connection of
With Edition 2 support, the relay has the latest a Remote I/O. Ethernet network redundancy can be
functionality modelling for substation applications achieved using the high-availability seamless re-
and the best interoperability for modern substa- dundancy (HSR) protocol or the parallel redundancy
tions. It incorporates also the full support of stan- protocol (PRP) or a with self-healing ring using
dard device mode functionality supporting differ- RSTP in managed switches. Ethernet redundancy
ent test applications. Control applications can can be applied to Ethernet-based IEC 61850, Mod-
utilize the new safe and advanced station control bus and DNP3 protocols.
authority feature.
The IEC 61850 standard specifies network redun-
The IEC 61850 communication implementation sup- dancy which improves the system availability for
ports monitoring and control functions. Addition- the substation communication. The network redun-
ally, parameter settings, disturbance recordings dancy is based on two complementary protocols
and fault records can be accessed using the IEC defined in the IEC 62439-3 standard: PRP and HSR
61850 protocol. Disturbance recordings are avail- protocols. Both the protocols are able to overcome
able to any Ethernet-based application in the stan- a failure of a link or switch with a zero switch-over
dard COMTRADE file format. The relay supports si- time. In both the protocols, each network node has
multaneous event reporting to five different clients two identical Ethernet ports dedicated for one net-
on the station bus. The relay can exchange data work connection. The protocols rely on the duplica-
with other devices using the IEC 61850 protocol. tion of all transmitted information and provide a
zero switch-over time if the links or switches fail,
The relay can send binary and analog signals to thus fulfilling all the stringent real-time require-
other devices using the IEC 61850-8-1 GOOSE (Ge- ments of substation automation.
neric Object Oriented Substation Event) profile. Bi-
nary GOOSE messaging can, for example, be em- In PRP, each network node is attached to two inde-
ployed for protection and interlocking-based pendent networks operated in parallel. The net-
protection schemes. The relay meets the GOOSE works are completely separated to ensure failure
performance requirements for tripping applica- independence and can have different topologies.
tions in distribution substations, as defined by the The networks operate in parallel, thus providing ze-
IEC 61850 standard (<10 ms data exchange be- ro-time recovery and continuous checking of re-
tween the devices). The relay also supports the dundancy to avoid failures.
sending and receiving of analog values using
GOOSE messaging. Analog GOOSE messaging en-
ables easy transfer of analog measurement values
over the station bus, thus facilitating for example
the sending of measurement values between the
relays when controlling parallel running transform-

The relay also supports IEC 61850 process bus by

sending sampled values of analog currents and
voltages and by receiving sampled values of volt-
ages. With this functionality the galvanic interpanel
wiring can be replaced with Ethernet communica-
tion. The measured values are transferred as sam-

Figure 15. Parallel HSR applies the PRP principle of parallel operation frame it sent, the sender node discards the frame
redundancy proto-
to a single ring. For each message sent, the node to avoid loops. The HSR ring with 615 series relays
col (PRP) solution
sends two frames, one through each port. Both the supports the connection of up to 30 relays. If more
frames circulate in opposite directions over the than 30 relays are to be connected, it is recom-
ring. Every node forwards the frames it receives mended to split the network into several rings to
from one port to another to reach the next node. guarantee the performance for real-time applica-
When the originating sender node receives the tions.


Ethernet switch Ethernet switch

IEC 61850 PRP

REF615 REF620 RET620 REM620 REF615

32 R E F 6 1 5 A N S I 5 . 0 F P 1 F E E D E R P R OT E C T I O N A N D C O N T R O L

Figure 16. High availabil- The choice between the HSR and PRP redundancy the ring topology act as unmanaged switches for-
ity seamless redun-
protocols depends on the required functionality, warding unrelated data traffic. The Ethernet ring
dancy (HSR) solution
cost and complexity. The self-healing Ethernet ring solution supports the connection of up to 30 615
solution enables a cost-efficient communication series relays. If more than 30 relays are to be con-
ring controlled by a managed switch with standard nected, it is recommended to split the network into
Rapid Spanning Tree Protocol (RSTP) support. The several rings. The self-healing Ethernet ring solu-
managed switch controls the consistency of the tion avoids single point of failure concerns and im-
loop, routes the data and corrects the data flow in proves the reliability of the communication.
case of a communication switch-over. The relays in

SCADA Devices not supporting HSR

Ethernet switch

Redundancy Redundancy Redundancy

Box Box Box

IEC 61850 HSR

REF615 REF620 RET620 REM620 REF615


All communication connectors, except for the front When the relay uses the RS-485 bus for the serial
port connector, are placed on integrated optional communication, both two- and four wire connec-
communication modules. The relay can be con- tions are supported. Termination and pull-up/down
nected to Ethernet-based communication systems resistors can be configured with jumpers on the
via the RJ-45 connector (100Base-TX) or the fiber communication card so external resistors are not
optic LC connector (100Base-FX). If connection to needed.
serial bus is required, the 9-pin RS-485 screw-ter-
minal can be used. An optional serial interface is The relay supports the following time synchroniza-
available for RS-232 communication. tion methods with a time-stamping resolution of 1
Modbus implementation supports RTU, ASCII and
TCP modes. Besides standard Modbus functional- Ethernet-based
ity, the relay supports retrieval of time-stamped • SNTP (Simple Network Time Protocol)
events, changing the active setting group and up-
loading of the latest fault records. If a Modbus TCP With special time synchronization wiring
connection is used, five clients can be connected to • IRIG-B (Inter-Range Instrumentation Group - Time
the relay simultaneously. Further, Modbus serial Code Format B)
and Modbus TCP can be used in parallel, and if re-
quired both IEC 61850 and Modbus protocols can
be run simultaneously.

DNP3 supports both serial and TCP modes for con-

nection up to five masters. Changing of the active
setting and reading fault records are supported.
DNP serial and DNP TCP can be used in parallel. If
required, both IEC 61850 and DNP protocols can be
run simultaneously.

Figure 17. Self-healing
Ethernet ring solution

Client A Client B

Network A
Network B

Managed Ethernet switch Managed Ethernet switch

with RSTP support with RSTP support
34 R E F 6 1 5 A N S I 5 . 0 F P 1 F E E D E R P R OT E C T I O N A N D C O N T R O L

The relay supports the following high accuracy time Required accuracy of grandmaster clock is +/-1 μs.
synchronization method with a time-stamping res- The relay can work as a master clock per BMC algo-
olution of 4 μs required especially in process bus rithm if the external grandmaster clock is not avail-
applications. able for short term.
• PTP (IEEE 1588) v2 with Power Profile
The IEEE 1588 support is included in all variants
The IEEE 1588 support is included in all variants having a redundant Ethernet communication mod-
having a redundant Ethernet communication mod- ule.
In addition, the relay supports time synchroniza-
IEEE 1588 v2 features tion via Modbus, and DNP3 serial communication
• Ordinary Clock with Best Master Clock algorithm protocols.
• One-step Transparent Clock for Ethernet ring to-
• 1588 v2 Power Profile
• Receive (slave): 1-step/2-step
• Transmit (master): 1-step
• Layer 2 mapping
• Peer to peer delay calculation
• Multicast operation

Table 5. Supported station communication interfaces and protocols

Interfaces/protocols Ethernet Serial

100BASE-TX RJ-45 100BASE-FX LC RS-232/RS-485 Fiber optic ST
IEC 61850-8-1 • • — —
IEC 61850-9-2 LE • • — —
DNP3 (serial) — — • •
DNP3 TCP/IP • • — —

• = Supported

20. Technical data

Table 6. Dimensions

Description Value
frame 177 mm
Width case 164 mm
frame 177 mm (4U)
Height case 160 mm
Depth case 201 mm (153 + 48mm)
complete protection relay 4.1 kg
Weight plug-in unit only 2.1 kg

Table 7. Power supply

Description Type 1 Type 2

100, 110, 120, 220, 240 V AC, 50 and 60 Hz 24, 30, 48, 60 V DC
Nominal auxiliary voltage Un
48, 60, 110, 125, 220, 250 V DC
Maximum interruption time in the auxiliary
50 ms at Un
DC voltage without resetting the relay
38...110% of Un (38...264 V AC) 50...120% of Un (12...72 V DC)
Auxiliary voltage variation
80...120% of Un (38.4...300 V DC)
Start-up threshold 19.2 V DC (24 V DC × 80%)
Burden of auxiliary voltage supply under DC <13.0 W (nominal)/<18.0 W (max.)
quiescent (Pq)/operating condition AC <16.0 W (nominal)/<21.0 W (max.) DC <13.0 W (nominal)/<18.0 W (max.)
Ripple in the DC auxiliary voltage Max 15% of the DC value (at frequency of 100 Hz)
Fuse type T4A/250 V

Table 8. Energizing inputs

Description Value
Rated frequency 50/60 Hz ± 5 Hz
Current inputs Rated current, In 0.2/1 A1) 1/5 A 2)
Thermal withstand capability:
- Continuously 4A 20 A
- For 1 s 100 A 500 A
Dynamic current withstand:
- Half-wave value 250 A 1250 A
Input impedance <100 mΩ <20 mΩ
Voltage input Rated voltage 60...210 V AC
Voltage withstand:
- Continuous 240 V AC
- For 10 s 360 V AC
Burden at rated voltage <0.05 VA
1) Ordering option for ground current input
2) Ground current and/or phase current

Table 9. Energizing input (sensors)

Description Value
Current sensor input Rated current voltage (in secondary slide) 75 mV...9000 mV1)
Continuous voltage withstand 125 V
Input impedance at 50/60 Hz 2...3 MΩ2)
Voltage sensor input Rated voltage 6 kV...30 kV3)
Continuous voltage withstand 50 V
Input impedance at 50/60 Hz 3 MΩ
1) Equals the current range of 40...4000 A with a 80 A, 3 mV/Hz Rogowski
2) Depending on the used nominal current (hardware gain)
3) This range is covered (up to 2*rated) with sensor division ratio of 10 000:1
36 R E F 6 1 5 A N S I 5 . 0 F P 1 F E E D E R P R OT E C T I O N A N D C O N T R O L

Table 10. Binary inputs

Description Value
Operating range ±20% of the rated voltage
Rated voltage 24...250 V DC
Current drain 1.6...1.9 mA
Power consumption 31.0...570.0 mW
Threshold voltage 16...176 V DC
Reaction time <3 ms

Table 11. RTD/mA measurement (XRGGIO130)

Description Value
100 Ω platinum TCR 0.00385 (DIN 43760)
250 Ω platinum TCR 0.00385
100 Ω nickel TCR 0.00618 (DIN 43760)
120 Ω nickel TCR 0.00618
250 Ω nickel TCR 0.00618
Supported RTD sensors 10 Ω copper TCR 0.00427
Supported resistance range 0...2 kΩ
RTD inputs Maximum lead resistance (three-wire
measurement) 2 kV (inputs to protective earth)
Response time <4 s
RTD/resistance sensing current Maximum 0.33 mA rms
Operation accuracy Resistance Temperature
± 2.0% or ±1 Ω ±1°C
10 Ω copper: ±2°C
Supported current range 0…20 mA
mA inputs Current input impedance 44 Ω ± 0.1%
Operation accuracy ±0.5% or ±0.01 mA

Table 12. Signal output X100: SO1

Description Value
Rated voltage 250 V AC/DC
Continuous contact carry 5A
Make and carry for 3.0 s 15 A
Make and carry for 0.5 s 30 A
Breaking capacity when the control-circuit time constant L/R<40 ms 1 A/0.25 A/0.15 A
Minimum contact load 100 mA at 24 V AC/DC

Table 13. Signal outputs and IRF output

Description Value
Rated voltage 250 V AC/DC
Continuous contact carry 5A
Make and carry for 3.0 s 15 A
Make and carry for 0.5 s 15 A
Breaking capacity when the control-circuit time constant L/R<40 ms, at
48/110/220 V DC 1 A/0.25 A/0.15 A
Minimum contact load 10 mA at 5 V AC/DC

Table 14. Double-pole power output relays with TCS function

Description Value
Rated voltage 250 V AC/DC
Continuous contact carry 8A
Make and carry for 3.0 s 15 A
Make and carry for 0.5 s 30 A
Breaking capacity when the control-circuit time constant L/R<40 ms, at
48/110/220 V DC (two contacts connected in series) 5 A/3 A/1 A
Minimum contact load 100 mA at 24 V AC/DC
Trip-circuit supervision (TCS):
• Control voltage range 20...250 V AC/DC
• Current drain through the supervision circuit ~1.5 mA
• Minimum voltage over the TCS contact 20 V AC/DC (15...20 V)

Table 15. Single-pole power output relays

Description Value
Rated voltage 250 V AC/DC
Continuous contact carry 8A
Make and carry for 3.0 s 15 A
Make and carry for 0.5 s 30 A
Breaking capacity when the control-circuit time constant L/R<40 ms, at
48/110/220 V DC 5 A/3 A/1 A
Minimum contact load 100 mA at 24 V AC/DC

Table 16. High-speed output HSO with BIO0007

Description Value
Rated voltage 250 V AC/DC
Continuous contact carry 6A
Make and carry for 3.0 s 15 A
Make and carry for 0.5 s 30 A
Breaking capacity when the control-circuit time constant L/R <40 ms, at
48/110/220 V DC 5 A/3 A/1 A
Operate time <1 ms
Reset <20 ms, resistive load

Table 17. Front port Ethernet interfaces

Ethernet interface Protocol Cable Data transfer rate

Standard Ethernet CAT 5 cable with
Front TCP/IP protocol RJ-45 connector 10 MBits/s

Table 18. Station communication link, fiber optic

Typical max.
Connector Fiber type1) Wave length length2) Permitted path attenuation3)
MM 62.5/125 or 50/125 μm
LC glass fiber core 1300 nm 2 km <8 dB
MM 62.5/125 or 50/125 μm
ST glass fiber core 820...900 nm 1 km <11 dB
1) (MM) multi-mode fiber, (SM) single-mode fiber
2) Maximum length depends on the cable attenuation and quality, the amount of splices and connectors in the path.
3) Maximum allowed attenuation caused by connectors and cable together
38 R E F 6 1 5 A N S I 5 . 0 F P 1 F E E D E R P R OT E C T I O N A N D C O N T R O L

Table 19. IRIG-B

Description Value
IRIG time code format B004, B0051)
Isolation 500V 1 min
Modulation Unmodulated
Logic level 5 V TTL
Current consumption <4 mA
Power consumption <20 mW
1) According to the 200-04 IRIG standard

Table 20. Lens sensor and optical fiber for arc protection

Description Value
Fiber optic cable including lens 1.5 m, 3.0 m or 5.0 m
Normal service temperature range of the lens -40...+100°C
Maximum service temperature range of the lens, max 1 h +140°C
Minimum permissible bending radius of the connection fiber 100 mm

Table 21. Degree of protection of flush-mounted protection relay

Description Value
Front side IP 54
Rear side, connection terminals IP 10
Left and right side IP 20
Top and bottom IP 20

Table 22. Environmental conditions

Description Value
Operating temperature range -25...+55ºC (continuous)
Short-time service temperature range -40...+85ºC (<16h)1), 2)
Relative humidity <93%, non-condensing
Atmospheric pressure 86...106 kPa
Altitude Up to 2000 m
Transport and storage temperature range -40...+85ºC
1) Degradation in MTBF and HMI performance outside the temperature range of -25...+55 ºC
2) For relays with an LC communication interface the maximum operating temperature is +70 ºC

Table 23. Electromagnetic compatibility tests

Description Type test value Reference

1 MHz/100 kHz burst disturbance test IEC 61000-4-18
IEC 60255-26, class III
IEEE C37.90.1-2002

• Common mode 2.5 kV

• Differential mode 2.5 kV
3 MHz, 10 MHz and 30 MHz burst disturbance IEC 61000-4-18
test IEC 60255-26, class III
• Common mode 2.5 kV
Electrostatic discharge test IEC 61000-4-2
IEC 60255-26
IEEE C37.90.3-2001
• Contact discharge 8 kV
• Air discharge 15 kV

Table 23. Electromagnetic compatibility tests (continued)

Description Type test value Reference

Radio frequency interference test
10 V (rms) IEC 61000-4-6
f = 150 kHz...80 MHz IEC 60255-26, class III

10 V/m (rms) IEC 61000-4-3

f = 80...2700 MHz IEC 60255-26, class III

10 V/m ENV 50204

f = 900 MHz IEC 60255-26, class III

20 V/m (rms) IEEE C37.90.2-2004

f = 80...1000 MHz
Fast transient disturbance test IEC 61000-4-4
IEC 60255-26
IEEE C37.90.1-2002
• All ports 4 kV
Surge immunity test IEC 61000-4-5
IEC 60255-26
• Communication 1 kV, line-to-earth

• Other ports 4 kV, line-to-earth

2 kV, line-to-line
Power frequency (50 Hz) magnetic field IEC 61000-4-8
immunity test
• Continuous 300 A/m
• 1...3 s 300 A/m
Pulse magnetic field immunity test 1000 A/m IEC 61000-4-9
6.4/16 μs
Damped oscillatory magnetic field immunity test IEC 61000-4-10

•2s 100 A/m

• 1 MHz 400 transients/s

Voltage dips and short interruptions 30%/10 ms IEC 61000-4-11
60%/100 ms
60%/1000 ms
>95%/5000 ms
Power frequency immunity test Binary inputs only IEC 61000-4-16
IEC 60255-26, class A

• Common mode 300 V rms

• Differential mode 150 V rms

Conducted common mode disturbances 15 Hz...150 kHz IEC 61000-4-16
Test level 3 (10/1/10 V rms)
Emission tests EN 55011, class A
IEC 60255-26
• Conducted

0.15...0.50 MHz <79 dB (μV) quasi peak

<66 dB (μV) average

0.5...30 MHz <73 dB (μV) quasi peak

<60 dB (μV) average
• Radiated

30...230 MHz <40 dB (μV/m) quasi peak, measured at 10 m


230...1000 MHz <47 dB (μV/m) quasi peak, measured at 10 m


1…3 GHz <76 dB (μV/m) peak

<56 dB (μV/m) average, measured at 3 m

3…6 GHz <80 dB (μV/m) peak

<60 dB (μV/m) average, measured at 3 m
40 R E F 6 1 5 A N S I 5 . 0 F P 1 F E E D E R P R OT E C T I O N A N D C O N T R O L

Table 24. Insulation tests

Description Type test value Reference

2 kV, 50 Hz, 1 min IEC 60255-27
Dielectric tests 500 V, 50 Hz, 1 min, communication IEEE C37.90-2005
5 kV, 1.2/50 μs, 0.5 J IEC 60255-27
Impulse voltage test 1 kV, 1.2/50 μs, 0.5 J, communication IEEE C37.90-2005
Insulation resistance measurements >100 MΩ, 500 V DC IEC 60255-27
Protective bonding resistance <0.1 Ω, 4 A, 60 s IEC 60255-27

Table 25. Mechanical tests

Description Type test value Reference

IEC 60068-2-6 (test Fc)
Vibration tests (sinusoidal) IEC 60255-21-1 Class 2
IEC 60068-2-27 (test Ea shock)
IEC 60068-2-29 (test Eb bump)
Shock and bump test IEC 60255-21-2 Class 2
Seismic test IEC 60255-21-3 Class 2

Table 26. Environmental tests

Description Type test value Reference

• 96 h at +55ºC IEEE C37.90-2005
Dry heat test • 16 h at +85ºC1) IEC 60068-2-2
• 96 h at -25ºC IEEE C37.90-2005
Dry cold test • 16 h at -40ºC IEC 60068-2-1
• 6 cycles (12 h + 12 h) at +25°C…+55°C, IEEE C37.90-2005
Damp heat test humidity >93% IEC 60068-2-30
• 5 cycles (3 h + 3 h) IEEE C37.90-2005
Change of temperature test at -25°C...+55°C IEC60068-2-14
IEEE C37.90-2005
• 96 h at -40ºC IEC 60068-2-1
Storage test • 96 h at +85ºC IEC 60068-2-2
1) For relays with an LC communication interface the maximum operating temperature is +70°C

Table 27. Product safety

Description Value
LV directive 2006/95/EC
EN 60255-27 (2013)
Standard EN 60255-1 (2009)

Table 28. EMC compliance

Description Value
EMC directive 2004/108/EC
Standard EN 60255-26 (2013)

Table 29. RoHS compliance

Description Value
Complies with RoHS directive 2002/95/EC

Protection functions

Table 30. Three-phase non-directional overcurrent protection (PHxPTOC)

Characteristic Value
Depending on the frequency of the measured current: fn ±2 Hz
PHLPTOC ±1.5% of the set value or ±0.002 x In
Operation accuracy ±1.5% of set value or ±0.002 x In
PHHPTOC (at currents in the range of 0.1…10 x In)
and ±5.0% of the set value
PHIPTOC (at currents in the range of 10…40 x In)
Minimum Typical Maximum
IFault = 2 x set Start value 16 ms 19 ms 23 ms
Start time 1) 2)
IFault = 10 x set Start value 11 ms 12 ms 14 ms
IFault = 2 x set Start value 23 ms 26 ms 29 ms
Reset time Typically 40 ms
Reset ratio Typically 0.96
Retardation time < 30 ms
Operate time accuracy in definite time mode ±1.0% of the set value or ±20 ms
Operate time accuracy in inverse time mode ±5.0% of the theoretical value or ±20 ms 3)
RMS: No suppression
DFT: -50dB at f =
n x fn, where n = 2, 3, 4, 5,…
Peak-to-Peak: No suppression
Suppression of harmonics P-to-P+backup: No suppression
1) Set Operate delay time = 0,02 s, Operate curve type = IEC definite time, Measurement mode = default (dpends on stage), current before fault = 0.0 × I n, fn = 50 Hz, fault current in
one phase
with nominal frequency injected from random phase angle, results based on statistical distribution of 1000 measurements
2) Includes the delay of the signal output contact
3) Includes the delay of the heavy-duty output contact

Table 31. Three-phase non-directional overcurrent protection (PHxPTOC) main settings

Parameter Function Value (range) Step

Start value PHLPTOC 0.05...5.00 × In 0.01
PHHPTOC 0.10...40.00 × In 0.01
PHIPTOC 1.00...40.00 × In 0.01
Time multiplier PHIPTOC 0.05...15.00 0.01
Operate delay time PHLPTOC and PHHPTOC 40...200000 ms 10
PHIPTOC 20...200000 ms 10
Definite or inverse time
Operating curve type1) PHLPTOC Curve type: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 17, 18, 19
Definite or inverse time
PHHPTOC Curve type: 1, 3, 5, 9, 10, 12, 15, 17
PHIPTOC Definite time
1) For further reference, see the Operation characteristics table
42 R E F 6 1 5 A N S I 5 . 0 F P 1 F E E D E R P R OT E C T I O N A N D C O N T R O L

Table 32. Three-phase directional overcurrent protection (DPHxPDOC)

Characteristic Value
Depending on the frequency of the measured current: fn ±2 Hz
DPHLPDOC ±1.5% of the set value or ±0.002 x In
Operation accuracy ±1.5% of set value or ±0.002 x In
(at currents in the range of 0.1…10 x In)
±5.0% of the set value
DPHHPDOC (at currents in the range of 10…40 x In)
Minimum Typical Maximum
Start time 1) 2)
IFault = 2.0 x set Start value 39 ms 43 ms 47 ms
Reset time Typically 40 ms
Reset ratio Typically 0.96
Retardation time < 35 ms
Operate time accuracy in definite time mode ±1.0% of the set value or ±20 ms
Operate time accuracy in inverse time mode ±5.0% of the theoretical value or ±20 ms 3)
Suppression of harmonics DFT: -50dB at f = n x fn, where n = 2, 3, 4, 5,…
1) Measurement mode and Pol quantity = default, current before fault = 0.0 × In, voltage before fault = 1.0 × Un, fn = 50 Hz, fault current in one phase with nominal frequency injected
from random phase angle, results based on statistical distribution of 1000 measurements
2) Includes the delay of the signal output contact
3) Maximum Start value = 2.5 × In, Start value multiples in range of 1.5...20

Table 33. Three-phase directional overcurrent protection (DPHxPDOC) main settings

Parameter Function Value (range) Step

Start value DPHLPDOC 0.05...5.00 × In 0.01
DPHHPDOC 0.10...40.00 × In 0.01
Time multiplier DPHxPDOC 0.05...15.00 0.01
Operate delay time DPHxPDOC 40...200000 ms 10
1 = Non-directional
2 = Forward
Directional mode DPHxPDOC 3 = Reverse -
Characteristic angle DPHxPDOC -179...180°
Definite or inverse time
Operating curve type1) DPHLPDOC Curve type: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 17, 18, 19
Definite or inverse time
DPHHPDOC Curve type: 1, 3, 5, 9, 10, 12, 15, 17
1) For further reference, see the Operation characteristics table

Table 34. Three-phase non-directional overcurrent protection (PHxPTOC)

Characteristic Value
Depending on the frequency of the measured current: fn ±2 Hz
EFLPTOC ±1.5% of the set value or ±0.002 x In
Operation accuracy ±1.5% of set value or ±0.002 x In
EFHPTOC (at currents in the range of 0.1…10 x In)
and ±5.0% of the set value
EFIPTOC (at currents in the range of 10…40 x In)
Minimum Typical Maximum
IFault = 2 x set Start value 16 ms 19 ms 23 ms
Start time 1) 2)
IFault = 10 x set Start value 11 ms 12 ms 14 ms
IFault = 2 x set Start value 23 ms 26 ms 29 ms
Reset time Typically 40 ms
Reset ratio Typically 0.96
Retardation time < 30 ms
Operate time accuracy in definite time mode ±1.0% of the set value or ±20 ms
Operate time accuracy in inverse time mode ±5.0% of the theoretical value or ±20 ms 3)
RMS: No suppression
DFT: -50dB at f = n x fn, where n = 2, 3, 4, 5,…
Suppression of harmonics Peak-to-Peak: No suppression
1) Measurement mode = default (depends on stage), current before fault = 0.0 × I n, fn = 50 Hz, earth-fault current with nominal frequency injected from random phase angle, results
based on statistical distribution of 1000 measurements
2) Includes the delay of the signal output contact
3) Maximum Start value = 2.5 × In, Start value multiples in range of 1.5...20

Table 35. Non-directional earth-fault protection (EFxPTOC) main settings

Parameter Function Value (range) Step

Start value EFLPTOC 0.010...5.000 × In 0.005
EFHPTOC 0.10...40.00 × In 0.01
EFIPTOC 1.00...40.00 × In 0.01
Time multiplier EFLPTOC and EFHPTOC 0.05...15.00 0.01
EFLPTOC and EFHPTOC 40...200000 ms 10
Operate delay time
EFIPTOC 20...200000 ms 10
Definite or inverse time
Operating curve type1) EFLPTOC Curve type: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 17, 18, 19
Definite or inverse time
EFHPTOC Curve type: 1, 3, 5, 9, 10, 12, 15, 17
EFIPTOC Definite time
1) For further reference, see the Operation characteristics table
44 R E F 6 1 5 A N S I 5 . 0 F P 1 F E E D E R P R OT E C T I O N A N D C O N T R O L

Table 36. Directional earth-fault protection (DEFxPDEF)

Characteristic Value
Depending on the frequency of the measured current: fn ±2 Hz
DEFLPDEF ±1.5% of the set value or ±0.002 x In
Operation accuracy ±1.5% of set value or ±0.002 x In
(at currents in the range of 0.1…10 x In)
±5.0% of the set value
DEFHPDEF (at currents in the range of 10…40 x In)
Minimum Typical Maximum
Start time 1) 2) IFault = 2 x set Start value 42 ms 46 ms 49 ms
IFault = 2 x set Start value 58 ms 62 ms 66 ms
Reset time Typically 40 ms
Reset ratio Typically 0.96
Retardation time < 30 ms
Operate time accuracy in definite time mode ±1.0% of the set value or ±20 ms
Operate time accuracy in inverse time mode ±5.0% of the theoretical value or ±20 ms 3)
RMS: No suppression
DFT: -50dB at f = n x fn, where n = 2, 3, 4, 5,…
Suppression of harmonics Peak-to-Peak: No suppression

1) Set Operate delay time = 0.06 s,Operate curve type = IEC definite time, Measurement mode = default (depends on stage), current before fault = 0.0 × I n, fn = 50 Hz, earth-fault current
with nominal frequency injected from random phase angle, results based on statistical distribution of 1000 measurements
2) Includes the delay of the signal output contact
3) Maximum Start value = 2.5 × In, Start value multiples in range of 1.5...20

Table 37. Directional earth-fault protection (DEFxPDEF) main settings

Parameter Function Value (range) Step

DEFLPDEF 0.010...5.000 × In 0.005
Start value
DEFLPDEF 0.10...40.00 × In 0.01
DEFLPDEF and DEFHPDEF 1 = Non-directional
Directional mode 2 = Forward
3 = Reverse 0.01
DEFLPDEF 0.05...15.00 10
Time multiplier
DEFHPDEF 0.05...15.00 10
DEFLPDEF 50...200000 ms
Operate delay time
DEFHPDEF 40...200000 ms
Definite or inverse time
DEFLPDEF Curve type: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 17, 18, 19
Operating curve type1)
Definite or inverse time
DEFHPDEF Curve type: 1, 3, 5, 15, 17
1 = Phase angle
2 = IoSin
3 = IoCos
4 = Phase angle 80
Operation mode DEFxPDEF 5 = Phase angle 88
1) For further reference, see the Operation characteristics table

Table 38. Admittance-based earth-fault protection (EFPADM)

Characteristic Value
At the frequency f = fn
Operation accuracy ±1.0% or ±0.01 mS
(In range of 0.5...100 mS)
Minimum Typical Maximum
Start time 1) 2)
56 ms 60 ms 64 ms
Reset time 40 ms
Operate time accuracy i ±1.0% of the set value or ±20 ms
Suppression of harmonics -50 dB at f = n × fn, where n = 2, 3, 4, 5,…
1) Uo = 1.0 × Un
2) Includes the delay of the signal output contact, results based on statistical distribution of 1000 measurements

Table 39. Admittance-based earth-fault protection (EFPADM) main settings

Parameter Function Value (range) Step

Voltage start value EFPADM 0.01...2.00 × Un 0.01
1 = Non-directional
Directional mode EFPADM 2 = Forward -
3 = Reverse
1 = Yo
2 = Go
3 = Bo
Operation mode EFPADM 4 = Yo, Go -
5 = Yo, Bo
6 = Go, Bo
7 = Yo, Go, Bo
Operate delay time EFPADM 60...200000 ms 10
Circle radius EFPADM 0.05...500.00 mS 0.01
Circle conductance EFPADM -500.00...500.00 mS 0.01
Circle susceptance EFPADM -500.00...500.00 mS 0.01
Conductance forward EFPADM -500.00...500.00 mS 0.01
Conductance reverse EFPADM -500.00...500.00 mS 0.01
Susceptance forward EFPADM -500.00...500.00 mS 0.01
Susceptance reverse EFPADM -500.00...500.00 mS 0.01
Conductance tilt Ang EFPADM -30...30° 1
Susceptance tilt Ang EFPADM -30...30° 1

Table 40. Wattmetric-based earth-fault protection (WPWDE)

Characteristic Value
Depending on the frequency of the measured current: fn ±2 Hz
Current and voltage:
Operation accuracy ±1.5% of the set value or ±0.002 × In
±3% of the set value or ±0.002 × Pn
Start time 1), 2) Typically 63 ms
Reset time Typically 40 ms
Reset ratio Typically 0.96
Operate time accuracy in definite time mode ±1.0% of the set value or ±20 ms
Operate time accuracy in IDMT mode ±5.0% of the set value or ±20 ms
Suppression of harmonics -50 dB at f = n × fn, where n = 2,3,4,5,…
1) Io varied during the test, Uo = 1.0 × Un = phase to earth voltage during earth fault in compensated or un-earthed network, the residual power value before fault = 0.0 pu, fn = 50 Hz,
results based on statistical distribution of 1000 measurements
2) Includes the delay of the signal output contact
46 R E F 6 1 5 A N S I 5 . 0 F P 1 F E E D E R P R OT E C T I O N A N D C O N T R O L

Table 41. Wattmetric-based earth-fault protection (WPWDE) main settings

Parameter Function Value (range) Step

2 = Forward
Directional mode WPWDE -
3 = Reverse
Current start value WPWDE 0.010...5.000 × In 0.001
Voltage start value WPWDE 0.010...1.000 × Un 0.001
Power start value WPWDE 0.003...1.000 × Pn 0.001
Reference power WPWDE 0.050...1.000 × Pn 0.001
Characteristic angle WPWDE -179...180° 1
Time multiplier WPWDE 0.05...2.00 0.01
Definite or inverse time
Operating curve type1) WPWDE
Curve type: 5, 15, 20
Operate delay time WPWDE 60...200000 ms 10
Min operate current WPWDE 0.010...1.000 × In 0.001
Min operate voltage WPWDE 0.01...1.00 × Un 0.01

Table 42. Transient/intermittent earth-fault protection (INTRPTEF)

Characteristic Value
Depending on the frequency of the measured current: fn ±2 Hz
Operation accuracy
±1.5% of the set value or ±0.002 × Uo
Operate time accuracy ±1.0% of the set value or ±20 ms
Suppression of harmonics -50 dB at f = n × fn, where n = 2,3,4,5,…

Table 43. Transient/intermittent earth-fault protection (INTRPTEF) main settings

Parameter Function Value (range) Step

1 = Non-directional
Directional mode INTRPTEF 2 = Forward -
3 = Reverse
Operate delay time INTRPTEF 40...1200000 ms 10
Voltage start value INTRPTEF 0.05...0.50 × Un 0.01
1 = Intermittent EF
Operation mode INTRPTEF -
2 = Transient EF
Peak counter limit INTRPTEF 2...20 1
Min operate current INTRPTEF 0.01...1.00 × In 0.01

Table 44. Harmonics-based earth-fault protection (HAEFPTOC)

Characteristic Value
Depending on the frequency of the measured current: fn ±2 Hz
Operation accuracy
±5% of the set value or ±0.004 × In
Start time 1), 2) Typically 77 ms
Reset time Typically 40 ms
Reset ratio Typically 0.96
Operate time accuracy in definite time mode ±1.0% of the set value or ±20 ms
Operate time accuracy in IDMT mode 3) ±5.0% of the set value or ±20 ms
-50 dB at f = fn
Suppression of harmonics
-3 dB at f = 13 × fn

1) Fundamental frequency current = 1.0 × In, harmonics current before fault = 0.0 × In, harmonics fault current 2.0 × Start value , results based on statistical distribution of 1000 mea-
2) Includes the delay of the signal output contact
3) Maximum Start value = 2.5 × In, Start value multiples in range of 2...20

Table 45. Harmonics-based earth-fault protection (HAEFPTOC) main settings

Parameter Function Value (range) Step

Start value HAEFPTOC 0.05...5.00 × In 0.01
Time multiplier HAEFPTOC 0.05...15.00 0.01
Operate delay time HAEFPTOC 100...200000 ms 10
Definite or inverse time
Operating curve type1)
HAEFPTOC Curve type: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 17, 18, 19
Minimum operate time HAEFPTOC 100...200000 ms 10

1) For further reference, see the Operation characteristics table

Table 46. Negative-sequence overcurrent protection (NSPTOC)

Characteristic Value
Depending on the frequency of the measured current: fn ±2 Hz
Operation accuracy
±1.5% of the set value or ±0.002 x In
Minimum Typical Maximum
Start time 1) 2) IFault = 2 x set Start value 23 ms 26 ms 28 ms
IFault = 10 x set Start value 15 ms 18 ms 20 ms
Reset time Typically 40 ms
Reset ratio Typically 0.96
Retardation time < 35 ms
Operate time accuracy in definite time mode ±1.0% of the set value or ±20 ms
Operate time accuracy in inverse time mode ±5.0% of the theoretical value or ±20 ms 3)
Suppression of harmonics DFT: -50dB at f = n x fn, where n = 2, 3, 4, 5,…
1) Negative sequence current before fault = 0.0, fn = 50 Hz, results based on statistical distribution of 1000 measurements
2) Includes the delay of the signal output contact
3) Maximum Start value = 2.5 × In, Start value multiples in range of 1.5...20

Table 47. Negative-sequence overcurrent protection (NSPTOC) main settings

Parameter Function Value (range) Step

Start value NSPTOC 0.01...5.00 × In 0.01
Time multiplier NSPTOC 0.05...15.00 0.01
Operate delay time NSPTOC 40...200000 ms 10
Definite or inverse time
Operating curve type1)
NSPTOC Curve type: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 17, 18, 19

1) For further reference, see the Operation characteristics table

Table 48. Remnant undervoltage protection (MSVPR)

Characteristic Value
±4% of setting or ±0.01 x Vn (70 Hz > = f > 20 Hz)
Operation accuracy
±10% of setting (20 Hz > = f ≥ 10 Hz)
Minimum Typical Maximum
Pickup time 1)

30 ms 75 ms 140 ms
Reset time < 180 ms
Reset ratio Depends on the relative hysteresis setting
Retardation time < 45 ms
Trip time accuracy ±1.0% of the set value or ±20 ms
Suppression of harmonics Operates only in RMS mode

1) Includes the delay of the signal output contact

2) Operate time delays do not account for variation due to pickup delay
48 R E F 6 1 5 A N S I 5 . 0 F P 1 F E E D E R P R OT E C T I O N A N D C O N T R O L

Table 49. Phase discontinuity protection (PDNSPTOC)

Characteristic Value
Depending on the frequency of the measured current: fn ±2 Hz
Operation accuracy
±2% of the set value
Start time <70 ms
Reset time Typically 40 ms
Reset ratio Typically 0.96
Retardation time <35 ms
Operate time accuracy in definite time mode ±1.0% of the set value or ±20 ms
Suppression of harmonics DFT: -50 dB at f = n × fn, where n = 2, 3, 4, 5,…

Table 50. Phase discontinuity protection (PDNSPTOC) main settings

Parameter Function Value (range) Step

Start value PDNSPTOC 10...100% 1
Operate delay time PDNSPTOC 100...30000 ms 1
Min phase current PDNSPTOC 0.05...0.30 × In 0.01

Table 51. Residual overvoltage protection (ROVPTOV)

Characteristic Value
Depending on the frequency of the measured current: fn ±2 Hz
Operation accuracy
±1.5% of the set value or ±0.002 x Un
Minimum Typical Maximum
Start time 1) 2)
UFault = 2 x set Start value 48 ms 51 ms 54 ms
Reset time Typically 40 ms
Reset ratio Typically 0.96
Retardation time < 35 ms
Operate time accuracy in definite time mode ±1.0% of the set value or ±20 ms
Suppression of harmonics DFT: -50dB at f = n x fn, where n = 2, 3, 4, 5,…

1) Residual voltage before fault = 0.0 × Un, fn = 50 Hz, residual voltage with nominal frequency injected from random phase angle, results based on statistical distribution of 1000
2) Includes the delay of the signal output contact

Table 52. Residual overvoltage protection (ROVPTOV) main settings

Parameter Function Value (range) Step

Start value ROVPTOV 0.010...1.000 × Un 0.001
Operate delay time ROVPTOV 40...300000 ms 1

Table 53. Three-phase undervoltage protection (PHPTUV)

Characteristic Value
Depending on the frequency of the measured current: fn ±2 Hz
Operation accuracy
±1.5% of the set value or ±0.002 x Un
Minimum Typical Maximum
Start time 1) 2)
UFault = 0.9 x set Start value 62 ms 66 ms 70 ms
Reset time Typically 40 ms
Reset ratio Depends on the set Relative hysteresis
Retardation time < 35 ms
Operate time accuracy in definite time mode ±1.0% of the set value or ±20 ms
Operate time accuracy in inverse time mode ±5.0% of the theoretical value or ±20 ms3)
Suppression of harmonics DFT: -50dB at f = n x fn, where n = 2, 3, 4, 5,…

1) Start value = 1.0 × Un, Voltage before fault = 1.1 × Un, fn = 50 Hz, undervoltage in one phase-to-phase with nominal frequency injected from random phase angle, results based on
statistical distribution of 1000 measurements
2) Includes the delay of the signal output contact
3) Minimum Start value = 0.50, Start value multiples in range of 0.90...0.20

Table 54. Three-phase undervoltage protection (PHPTUV) main settings

Parameter Function Value (range) Step

Start value PHPTUV 0.05...1.20 × Un 0.01
Time multiplier PHPTUV 0.05...15.00 0.01
Operate delay time PHPTUV 60...300000 ms 10
Definite or inverse time
Operating curve type 1)
PHPTUV Curve type: 5, 15, 21, 22, 23

1) For further reference, see the Operation characteristics table

Table 55. Three-phase overvoltage protection (PHPTOV)

Characteristic Value
Depending on the frequency of the measured current: fn ±2 Hz
Operation accuracy
±1.5% of the set value or ±0.002 x Un
Minimum Typical Maximum
Start time 1) 2)
UFault = 1.1 x set Start value 23 ms 27 ms 31 ms
Reset time Typically 40 ms
Reset ratio Depends on the set Relative hysteresis
Retardation time < 35 ms
Operate time accuracy in definite time mode ±1.0% of the set value or ±20 ms
Operate time accuracy in inverse time mode ±5.0% of the theoretical value or ±20 ms3)
Suppression of harmonics DFT: -50dB at f = n x fn, where n = 2, 3, 4, 5,…

1) Start value = 1.0 × Un, Voltage before fault = 0.9 × Un, fn = 50 Hz, overvoltage in one phase-to-phase with nominal frequency injected from random phase angle, results based on
statistical distribution of 1000 measurements
2) Includes the delay of the signal output contact
3) Maximum Start value = 1.20 × Un, Start value multiples in range of 1.10...2.00

Table 56. Three-phase overvoltage protection (PHPTOV) main settings

Parameter Function Value (range) Step

Start value PHPTOV 0.05...1.60 × Un 0.01
Time multiplier PHPTOV 0.05...15.00 0.01
Operate delay time PHPTOV 40...300000 ms 10
Definite or inverse time
Operating curve type1)
PHPTOV Curve type: 5, 15, 17, 18, 19, 20

1) For further reference, see the Operation characteristics table

50 R E F 6 1 5 A N S I 5 . 0 F P 1 F E E D E R P R OT E C T I O N A N D C O N T R O L

Table 57. Positive-sequence undervoltage protection (PSPTUV)

Characteristic Value
Depending on the frequency of the measured current: fn ±2 Hz
Operation accuracy
±1.5% of the set value or ±0.002 x In
Minimum Typical Maximum
Start time 1) 2) UFault = 0.99 x set Start value 52 ms 55 ms 58 ms
UFault = 0.9 x set Start value 44 ms 47 ms 50 ms
Reset time Typically 40 ms
Reset ratio Depends on the set Relative hysteresis
Retardation time < 35 ms
Operate time accuracy in definite time mode ±1.0% of the set value or ±20 ms
Suppression of harmonics DFT: -50dB at f = n x fn, where n = 2, 3, 4, 5,…
1) Start value = 1.0 × Un, positive-sequence voltage before fault = 1.1 × Un, fn = 50 Hz, positive sequence undervoltage with nominal frequency injected from random phase angle, results
based on statistical distribution of 1000 measurements
2) Includes the delay of the signal output contact

Table 58. Positive-sequence undervoltage protection (PSPTUV) main settings

Parameter Function Value (range) Step

Start value PSPTUV 0.010...1.200 × Un 0.001
Operate delay time PSPTUV 40...120000 ms 10
Voltage block value PSPTUV 0.01...1.00 × Un 0.01

Table 59. Negative-sequence overvoltage protection (NSPTOV)

Characteristic Value
Depending on the frequency of the measured current: fn
Operation accuracy
±1.5% of the set value or ±0.002 × Un
Minimum Typical Maximum
Start time 1) 2) UFault = 1.1 x set Start value 33 ms 35 ms 37 ms
UFault = 2.0 x set Start value 24 ms 26 ms 28 ms
Reset time Typically 40 ms
Reset ratio Typically 0.96
Retardation time < 35 ms
Operate time accuracy in definite time mode ±1.0% of the set value or ±20 ms
Suppression of harmonics DFT: -50dB at f = n x fn, where n = 2, 3, 4, 5,…
1) Negative-sequence voltage before fault = 0.0 × Un, fn = 50 Hz, negative-sequence overvoltage with nominal frequency injected from random phase angle, results based on statistical
distribution of 1000 measurements
2) Includes the delay of the signal output contact

Table 60. Negative-sequence overvoltage protection (NSPTOV) main settings

Parameter Function Value (range) Step

Start value NSPTOV 0.010...1.000 × Un 0.001
Operate delay time NSPTOV 40...120000 ms 1

Table 61. Frequency protection (FRPFRQ)

Characteristic Value
f>/f< ±5 mHz
Operation accuracy ±50 mHz/s (in range |df/dt| <5 Hz/s)
df/dt ±2.0% of the set value (in range 5 Hz/s < |df/dt| < 15 Hz/s)
f>/f< <80 ms
Start time 1) 2)
df/dt <120 ms
Reset time <150 ms
Operate time accuracy ±1.0% of the set value or ±30 ms

Table 62. Frequency protection (FRPFRQ) main settings

Parameter Function Value (range) Step

1 = Freq<
2 = Freq>
3 = df/dt
Operation mode FRPFRQ 4 = Freq< + df/dt -
5 = Freq> + df/dt
6 = Freq< OR df/dt
7 = Freq> OR df/dt
Start value Freq> FRPFRQ 0.9000...1.2000 × fn 0.0001
Start value Freq< FRPFRQ 0.8000...1.1000 × fn 0.0001
Start value df/dt FRPFRQ -0.2000...0.2000 × fn/s 0.005
Operate Tm Freq FRPFRQ 80...200000 ms 10
Operate Tm df/dt FRPFRQ 120...200000 ms 10

Table 63. Three-phase thermal protection for feeders, cables and distribution transformers (T1PTTR)

Characteristic Value
Depending on the frequency of the measured current: fn ±2 Hz
Operation accuracy Current measurement: ±1.5% of the set value or ±0.002 × In (at currents
in the range of 0.01...4.00 × In)
Operate time accuracy 1) ±2.0% of the theoretical value or ±0.50 s

1) Overload current > 1.2 × Operate level temperature

Table 64. Three-phase thermal protection for feeders, cables and distribution transformers (T1PTTR) main settings

Parameter Function Value (range) Step

Env temperature Set T1PTTR -50...100°C 1
Current reference T1PTTR 0.05...4.00 × In 0.01
Temperature rise T1PTTR 0.0...200.0°C 0.1
Time constant T1PTTR 60...60000 s 1
Maximum temperature T1PTTR 20.0...200.0°C 0.1
Alarm value T1PTTR 20.0...150.0°C 0.1
Reclose temperature T1PTTR 20.0...150.0°C 0.1
Current multiplier T1PTTR 1...5 1
Initial temperature T1PTTR -50.0...100.0°C 0.1

Table 65. High-impedance differential protection (HIxPDIF)

Characteristic Value
Depending on the frequency of the measured current: fn ±2 Hz
Operation accuracy
±1.5% of the set value or ±0.002 × In
Minimum Typical Maximum
Start time 1) 2) IFault = 2.0 x set Start value 12 ms 16 ms 24 ms
IFault = 10.0 x set Start value 10 ms 12 ms 14 ms
Reset time < 40 ms
Reset ratio Typically 0.96
Retardation time < 35 ms
Operate time accuracy in definite time mode ±1.0% of the set value or ±20 ms
1) Measurement mode = default (depends on stage), current before fault = 0.0 × I n, fn = 50 Hz, fault current with nominal frequency injected from random phase angle, results based
on statistical distribution of 1000 measurements
2) Includes the delay of the signal output contact
52 R E F 6 1 5 A N S I 5 . 0 F P 1 F E E D E R P R OT E C T I O N A N D C O N T R O L

Table 66. High-impedance differential protection (HIxPDIF) main settings

Parameter Function Value (range) Step

Operate value HREFPDIF 1.0...50.0%In 0.1
Minimum operate time HREFPDIF 40...300000 ms 1

Table 67. Circuit breaker failure protection (CCBRBRF)

Characteristic Value
Depending on the frequency of the measured current: fn ±2 Hz
Operation accuracy
±1.5% of the set value or ±0.002 × In
Operate time accuracy ±1.0% of the set value or ±20 ms
Reset time Typically 40 ms
Retardation time < 20 ms

Table 68. Circuit breaker failure protection (CCBRBRF) main settings

Parameter Function Value (range) Step

Current value CCBRBRF 0.05...2.00 × In 0.05
Current value Res CCBRBRF 0.05...2.00 × In 0.05
1 = Current
CB failure mode CCBRBRF 2 = Breaker status -
3 = Both
1 = Off
CB fail trip mode CCBRBRF 2 = Without check -
3 = Current check
Retrip time CCBRBRF 0...60000 ms 10
CB failure delay CCBRBRF 0...60000 ms 10
CB fault delay CCBRBRF 0...60000 ms 10

Table 69. Three-phase inrush detector (INRPHAR)

Characteristic Value
At the frequency f = fn
Current measurement:
Operation accuracy ±1.5% of the set value or ±0.002 × In
Ratio I2f/I1f measurement:
±5.0% of the set value
Reset time +35 ms / -0 ms
Reset ratio Typically 0.96
Operate time accuracy +35 ms / -0 ms

Table 70. Three-phase inrush detector (INRPHAR) main settings

Parameter Function Value (range) Step

Start value INRPHAR 5...100% 1
Operate delay time INRPHAR 20...60000 ms 1

Table 71. Switch onto fault (CBPSOF)

Characteristic Value
Operate time accuracy ±1.0% of the set value or ±20 ms

Table 72. Switch onto fault (CBPSOF) main settings

Parameter Function Value (range) Step

SOTF reset time CBPSOF 0...60000 ms 1

Table 73. Arc protection (ARCSARC)

Characteristic Value
Operation accuracy Depending on the frequency of the measured current: fn ±2 Hz
Minimum Typical Maximum
Operate time Operation mode = "Light 9 ms3) 12 ms3) 15 ms3)
+current"1), 2) 4 ms4) 6 ms4) 9 ms4)
9 ms3) 10 ms3) 12 ms3)
Operation mode = "Light only"2) 4 ms4) 6 ms4) 7 ms4)
Reset time Typically 40 ms
Reset ratio Typically 0.96
1) Phase start value = 1.0 × In, current before fault = 2.0 × set Phase start value , fn = 50 Hz, fault with nominal frequency, results based on statistical distribution of 200 measurements
2) Includes the delay of the heavy-duty output contact
3) Normal power output
4) High-speed output

Table 74. Arc protection (ARCSARC) main settings

Parameter Function Value (range) Step

Phase start value ARCSARC 0.50...40.00 × In 0.01
Ground start value ARCSARC 0.05...8.00 × In 0.01
1 = Light+current
Operation mode ARCSARC 2 = Light only -
3 = BI controlled

Table 75. Multipurpose protection (MAPGAPC)

Characteristic Value
Operation accuracy ±1.0% of the set value or ±20 ms

Table 76. Multipurpose protection (MAPGAPC) main settings

Parameter Function Value (range) Step

Start value MAPGAPC -10000.0...10000.0 0.1
Operate delay time MAPGAPC 0...200000 ms 100
1 = Over
Operation mode MAPGAPC -
2 = Under

Table 77. Fault locator (SCEFRFLO)

Characteristic Value
At the frequency f = fn

±2.5% or ±0.25 Ω

Measurement accuracy ±2.5% or ±0.16 km/0.1 mile

±2.5% or ±50 Ω

±5% or ±0.05
54 R E F 6 1 5 A N S I 5 . 0 F P 1 F E E D E R P R OT E C T I O N A N D C O N T R O L

Table 78. Fault locator (SCEFRFLO) main settings

Parameter Function Value (range) Step

Z Max phase load SCEFRFLO 1.0...10000.00 Ω 0.1
Ph leakage Ris SCEFRFLO 20...1000000 Ω 1
Ph capacitive React SCEFRFLO 10...1000000 Ω 1
R1 line section A SCEFRFLO 0.000...1000.000 Ω/pu 0.001
X1 line section A SCEFRFLO 0.000...1000.000 Ω/pu 0.001
R0 line section A SCEFRFLO 0.000...1000.000 Ω/pu 0.001
X0 line section A SCEFRFLO 0.000...1000.000 Ω/pu 0.001
Line Len section A SCEFRFLO 0.000...1000.000 pu 0.001

Table 79. High-impedance fault detection (PHIZ) main settings

Parameter Function Value (range) Step

Security Level PHIZ 1...10 1
1 = Grounded
System type PHIZ -
2 = Ungrounded

Table 80. Reverse power/directional overpower protection (DOPPDPR)

Characteristic Value
Depending on the frequency of the measured current and voltage:
f = fn ±2 Hz
Operation accuracy 1)
Power measurement accuracy ±3% of the set value or ±0.002 × Sn
Phase angle: ±2°
Start time 2), 3) Typically 45 ms
Reset time Typically 30 ms
Reset ratio Typically 0.94
Operate time accuracy ±1.0% of the set value of ±20 ms
Suppression of harmonics -50 dB at f = n × fn, where n = 2, 3, 4, 5,…
1) Measurement mode = “Pos Seq” (default)
2) U = Un, fn = 50 Hz, results based on statistical distribution of 1000 measurements
3) Includes the delay of the signal output contact

Table 81. Reverse power/directional overpower protection (DOPPDPR) main settings

Parameter Function Value (range) Step

Start value DOPPDPR 0.01...2.00 × Sn 0.01
Operate delay time DOPPDPR 40...300000 ms 10
2 = Forward
Directional mode DOPPDPR -
3 = Reverse
Power angle DOPPDPR -90...90° 1

Table 82. Underpower protection (DUPPDPR)

Characteristic Value
Depending on the frequency of the measured current and voltage:
fn ±2 Hz
Operation accuracy 1)
Power measurement accuracy ±3% of the set value or ±0.002 × Sn
Phase angle: ±2°
Start time 2), 3) Typically 45 ms
Reset time Typically 30 ms
Reset ratio Typically 1.04
Operate time accuracy ±1.0% of the set value of ±20 ms
Suppression of harmonics -50 dB at f = n × fn, where n = 2, 3, 4, 5,…
1) Measurement mode = “Pos Seq” (default)
2) V = Vn, fn = 50 Hz, results based on statistical distribution of 1000 measurements
3) Includes the delay of the signal output contact

Table 83. Multifrequency admittance-based earth-fault protection (MFADPSDE)

Characteristic Value
Depending on the frequency of the measured voltage:
Operation accuracy fn ±2 Hz
±1.5% of the set value or ±0.002 × Un
Start time 1) Typically 35 ms
Reset time Typically 40 ms
Operate time accuracy ±1.0% of the set value of ±20 ms
1) Includes the delay of the signal output contact, results based on statistical distribution of 1000 measurements

Table 84. Multifrequency admittance-based earth-fault protection (MFADPSDE) main settings

Parameter Function Value (range) Step

2 = Forward
Directional mode MFADPSDE -
3 = Reverse
Voltage start value MFADPSDE 0.01...1.00 × Un 0.01
Operate delay time MFADPSDE 60...1200000 10
1 = Adaptive
Operating quantity MFADPSDE -
2 = Amplitude
Min operate current MFADPSDE 0.005...5.000 × In 0.001
1 = Intermittent EF
Operation mode MFADPSDE 3 = General EF -
4 = Alarming EF
Peak counter limit MFADPSDE 2...20 1

Table 85. Operation characteristics

Characteristic Value (range)

1 = ANSI Ext. inv.
2 = ANSI Very. inv.
3 = ANSI Norm. inv.
4 = ANSI Mod inv.
5 = ANSI Def. Time
6 = L.T.E. inv.
7 = L.T.V. inv.
8 = L.T. inv.
9 = IEC Norm. inv.
Operating curve type
10 = IEC Very inv.
11 = IEC inv.
12 = IEC Ext. inv.
13 = IEC S.T. inv.
14 = IEC L.T. inv
15 = IEC Def. Time
17 = Programmable
18 = RI type
19 = RD type
5 = ANSI Def. Time
15 = IEC Def. Time
17 = Inv. Curve A
18 = Inv. Curve B
Operating curve type (voltage protection) 19 = Inv. Curve C
20 = Programmable
21 = Inv. Curve A
22 = Inv. Curve B
23 = Programmable
56 R E F 6 1 5 A N S I 5 . 0 F P 1 F E E D E R P R OT E C T I O N A N D C O N T R O L

Interconnection functions

Table 86. Directional reactive power undervoltage protection (DQPTUV )

Characteristic Value
Depending on the frequency of the measured current and voltage:
fn ±2 Hz
Reactive power range |PF| <0.71
Operation accuracy Power:
±3.0% or ±0.002 × Qn
±1.5% of the set value or ±0.002 × Un
Start time 1) 2) Typically 46 ms
Reset time < 50 ms
Reset ratio Typically 0.96
Suppression of harmonics DFT: -50 dB at f = n × fn, where n = 2, 3, 4, 5,…
1) Start value = 0.05 × Sn, reactive power before fault = 0.8 × Start value , reactive power overshoot 2 times, results based on statistical distribution of 1000 measurements
2) Includes the delay of the signal output contact

Table 87. Directional reactive power undervoltage protection (DQPTUV) main settings

Parameter Function Value (range) Step

Voltage start value DQPTUV 0.20...1.20 × Un 0.01
Operate delay time DQPTUV 100...300000 ms 10
Min reactive power DQPTUV 0.01...0.50 × Sn 0.01
Min Ps Seq current DQPTUV 0.02...0.20 × In 0.01
Pwr sector reduction DQPTUV 0...10° 1

Table 88. Low-voltage ride-through protection (LVRTPTUV)

Characteristic Value
Depending on the frequency of the measured voltage:
Operation accuracy fn ±2 Hz
±1.5% of the set value or ±0.002 × Un
Start time 1) 2) Typically 40 ms
Reset time Based on maximum value of Recovery time setting
Operate time accuracy ±1.0% of the set value or ±20 ms
Suppression of harmonics DFT: -50 dB at f = n × fn, where n = 2, 3, 4, 5,…

1) Tested for Number of Start phases = 1 out of 3, results based on statistical distribution of 1000 measurements
2) Includes the delay of the signal output contact

Table 89. Low-voltage ride-through protection (LVRTPTUV) main settings

Parameter Function Value (range) Step

Voltage start value LVRTPTUV 0.05...1.20 × Un 0.01
4 = Exactly 1 of 3
Num of start phases LVRTPTUV 5 = Exactly 2 of 3 -
6 = Exactly 3 of 3
1 = Highest Ph-to-E
2 = Lowest Ph-to-E
Voltage selection LVRTPTUV 3 = Highest Ph-to-Ph -
4 = Lowest Ph-to-Ph
5 = Positive Seq
Active coordinates LVRTPTUV 1...10 1
Voltage level 1 LVRTPTUV 0.00...1.20 ms 0.01
Voltage level 2 LVRTPTUV 0.00...1.20 ms 0.01
Voltage level 3 LVRTPTUV 0.00...1.20 ms 0.01
Voltage level 4 LVRTPTUV 0.00...1.20 ms 0.01
Voltage level 5 LVRTPTUV 0.00...1.20 ms 0.01
Voltage level 6 LVRTPTUV 0.00...1.20 ms 0.01
Voltage level 7 LVRTPTUV 0.00...1.20 ms 0.01
Voltage level 8 LVRTPTUV 0.00...1.20 ms 0.01
Voltage level 9 LVRTPTUV 0.00...1.20 ms 0.01
Voltage level 10 LVRTPTUV 0.00...1.20 ms 0.01
Recovery time 1 LVRTPTUV 0...300000 ms 1
Recovery time 2 LVRTPTUV 0...300000 ms 1
Recovery time 3 LVRTPTUV 0...300000 ms 1
Recovery time 4 LVRTPTUV 0...300000 ms 1
Recovery time 5 LVRTPTUV 0...300000 ms 1
Recovery time 6 LVRTPTUV 0...300000 ms 1
Recovery time 7 LVRTPTUV 0...300000 ms 1
Recovery time 8 LVRTPTUV 0...300000 ms 1
Recovery time 9 LVRTPTUV 0...300000 ms 1
Recovery time 10 LVRTPTUV 0...300000 ms 1

Table 90. Voltage vector shift protection (VVSPPAM)

Characteristic Value
Depending on the frequency of the measured voltage:
Operation accuracy fn ±1 Hz
Operate time 1) 2) Typically 53 ms

1) fn = 50 Hz, results based on statistical distribution of 1000 measurements

2) Includes the delay of the signal output contact

Table 91. Voltage vector shift protection (VVSPPAM) main settings

Parameter Function Value (range) Step

Start value VVSPPAM 2.0...30.0° 0.1
Over Volt Blk value VVSPPAM 0.40...1.50 × Un 0.01
Under Volt Blk value VVSPPAM 0.15...1.00 × Un 0.01
7 = Ph A + B + C
Phase supervision VVSPPAM -
8 = Pos sequence
58 R E F 6 1 5 A N S I 5 . 0 F P 1 F E E D E R P R OT E C T I O N A N D C O N T R O L

Power quality functions

Table 92. Voltage variation (PHQVVR)

Characteristic Value
Operation accuracy ±1.5% of the set value or ±0.2% of reference voltage
Reset ratio Typically 0.96 (Swell), 1.04 (Dip, Interruption)

Table 93. Voltage unbalance (VSQVUB)

Characteristic Value
Operation accuracy ±1.5% of the set value or ±0.002 × Un
Reset ratio Typically 0.96

Control functions

Table 94. Autoreclosing (DARREC)

Characteristic Value
Operate time accuracy ±1.0% of the set value or ±20 ms

Table 95. Synchronism and energizing check (SECRSYN)

Characteristic Value
Depending on the frequency of the voltage measured: fn ±1 Hz
±3.0% of the set value or ±0.01 × Un
Operation accuracy Frequency:
±10 mHz
Phase angle:
Reset time < 50 ms
Reset ratio Typically 0.96
Operate time accuracy in definite time mode ±1.0% of the set value or ±20 ms

Table 96. Synchronism and energizing check (SECRSYN) main settings

Parameter Function Value (range) Step

-1 = Off
1 = Both Dead
2 = Live L, Dead B
3 = Dead L, Live B
Live dead mode SECRSYN -
4 = Dead Bus, L Any
5 = Dead L, Bus Any
6 = One Live, Dead
7 = Not Both Live
Difference voltage SECRSYN 0.01...0.50 × Un 0.01
Difference frequency SECRSYN 0.001...0.100 × fn 0.001
Difference angle SECRSYN 5...90° 1
1 = Off
Synchrocheck mode SECRSYN 2 = Synchronous -
3 = Asynchronous
Dead line value SECRSYN 0.1...0.8 × Un 0.1
Live line value SECRSYN 0.2...1.0 × Un 0.1
Max energizing V SECRSYN 0.50...1.15 × Un 0.01
1 = Continuous
Control mode SECRSYN -
2 = Command
Close pulse SECRSYN 200...60000 ms 10
Phase shift SECRSYN -180...180° 1
Minimum Syn time SECRSYN 0...60000 ms 10
Maximum Syn time SECRSYN 100...6000000 ms 10
Energizing time SECRSYN 100...60000 ms 10
Closing time of CB SECRSYN 40...250 ms 10
60 R E F 6 1 5 A N S I 5 . 0 F P 1 F E E D E R P R OT E C T I O N A N D C O N T R O L

Condition monitoring and supervision functions

Table 97. Circuit-breaker condition monitoring (SSCBR)

Characteristic Value
±1.5% or ±0.002 × In
(at currents in the range of 0.1…10 × In)
Current measuring accuracy
(at currents in the range of 10…40 × In)
Operate time accuracy ±1.0% of the set value or ±20 ms
Travelling time measurement +10 ms / -0 ms

Table 98. Current circuit supervision (CCSPVC)

Characteristic Value
Operate time 1) < 30 ms
1) Including the delay of the output contact

Table 99. Current circuit supervision (CCSPVC) main settings

Parameter Function Value (range) Step

Start value CCSPVC 0.05...0.20 × In 0.01
Max operate current CCSPVC 1.00...5.00 × In 0.01

Table 100. Current transformer supervision for high-impedance protection scheme (HZCCxSPVC)

Characteristic Value
Depending on the frequency of the current measured: fn ±2 Hz
Operation accuracy
±1.5% of the set value or ±0.002 × In
Reset time < 40 ms
Reset ratio Typically 0.96
Retardation time < 35 ms
Operate time accuracy in definite time mode ±1.0% of the set value or ±20 ms

Table 101. CT supervision for high-impedance protection scheme (HZCxSPVC) main settings

Parameter Function Value (range) Step

Start value HZCCBSPVC 1.0...100.0 %In 0.1
Alarm delay time HZCCBSPVC 100...300000 ms 10
Alarm output mode HZCCBSPVC -

Table 102. Fuse failure supervision (SEQSPVC)

Characteristic Value
Operate time1) NPS function UFault = 1.1 × set Neg Seq voltage <33 ms

UFault = 5.0 × set Neg Seq voltage <18 ms

Delta function ΔU = 1.1 × set Voltage change rate <33 ms

ΔU = 2.0 × set Voltage change rate <24 ms

1) Includes the delay of the signal output contact, fn = 50 Hz, fault voltage with nominal frequency injected from random phase angle, results based on statistical distribution of 1000

Table 103. Runtime counter for machines and devices (MDSOPT)

Description Value
Motor runtime measurement accuracy 1) ±0.5%
1) Of the reading, for a stand-alone relay, without time synchronization
62 R E F 6 1 5 A N S I 5 . 0 F P 1 F E E D E R P R OT E C T I O N A N D C O N T R O L

Measurement functions

Table 104. Three-phase current measurement (CMMXU)

Characteristic Value
Depending on the frequency of the measured current: fn ±2 Hz
Operation accuracy ±0.5% or ±0.002 × In
(at currents in the range of 0.01...4.00 × In)
DFT: -50 dB at f = n × fn, where n = 2, 3, 4, 5,…
Suppression of harmonics
RMS: No suppression

Table 105. Sequence current measurement (CSMSQI)

Characteristic Value
Depending on the frequency of the measured current: f/fn = ±2 Hz
Operation accuracy ±1.0% or ±0.002 × In
at currents in the range of 0.01...4.00 × In
Suppression of harmonics DFT: -50 dB at f = n × fn, where n = 2, 3, 4, 5,…

Table 106. Residual current measurement (RESCMMXU)

Characteristic Value
Depending on the frequency of the current measured: f/fn = ±2 Hz
Operation accuracy ±0.5% or ±0.002 × In
at currents in the range of 0.01...4.00 × In
DFT: -50 dB at f = n × fn, where n = 2, 3, 4, 5,…
Suppression of harmonics
RMS: No suppression

Table 107. Three-phase voltage measurement (VMMXU)

Characteristic Value
Depending on the frequency of the voltage measured: fn ±2 Hz
Operation accuracy At voltages in range 0.01…1.15 × Un
±0.5% or ±0.002 × Un
DFT: -50 dB at f = n × fn, where n = 2, 3, 4, 5,…
Suppression of harmonics
RMS: No suppression

Table 108. Residual voltage measurement (RESVMMXU)

Characteristic Value
Depending on the frequency of the measured current: f/fn = ±2 Hz
Operation accuracy
±0.5% or ±0.002 × Un
DFT: -50 dB at f = n × fn, where n = 2, 3, 4, 5,…
Suppression of harmonics
RMS: No suppression

Table 109. Sequence voltage measurement (VSMSQI)

Characteristic Value
Depending on the frequency of the voltage measured: fn ±2 Hz
Operation accuracy At voltages in range 0.01…1.15 × Un
±1.0% or ±0.002 × Un
Suppression of harmonics DFT: -50 dB at f = n × fn, where n = 2, 3, 4, 5,…

Table 110. Three-page power and energy measurements (SPEMMXU and PEMMXU)

Characteristic Value
At all three currents in range 0.10…1.20 × In
At all three voltages in range 0.50…1.15 × Un
At the frequency fn ±1 Hz
Operation accuracy ±1.5% for apparent power S
±1.5% for active power P and active energy1)
±1.5% for reactive power Q and reactive energy2)
±0.015 for power factor
Suppression of harmonics DFT: -50 dB at f = n × fn, where n = 2, 3, 4, 5,…
1) |PF| >0.5 which equals |cosφ| >0.5
2) |PF| <0.86 which equals |sinφ| >0.5

Table 111. RTD/mA measurement (XRGGIO130)

Parameter Value (range)

100 Ω platinum TCR 0.00385 (DIN 43760)
250 Ω platinum TCR 0.00385
100 Ω nickel TCR 0.00618 (DIN 43760)
Supported RTD sensors
120 Ω nickel TCR 0.00618
250 Ω nickel TCR 0.00618
10 Ω copper TCR 0.00427
Supported resistance range 0...2 kΩ
Maximum lead resistance (threewire
RTD inputs 25 Ω per lead
Isolation 2 kV (inputs to protective earth)
Response time <4 s
RTD/resistance sensing current Maximum 0.33 mA rms
Resistance Temperature
Operation accuracy ±1°C
± 2.0% or ±1 Ω
10 Ω copper: ±2°C
Supported current range 0…20 mA
mA inputs Current input impedance 44 Ω ± 0.1%
Operation accuracy ±0.5% or ±0.01 mA

Table 112. Frequency measurement (FMMXU)

Characteristic Value
±5 mHz
Operation accuracy
(in measurement range 35...75 Hz)
64 R E F 6 1 5 A N S I 5 . 0 F P 1 F E E D E R P R OT E C T I O N A N D C O N T R O L

Other functions

Table 113. Pulse timer (PTGAPC)

Characteristic Value
Operate time accuracy ±1.0% of the set value or ±20 ms

Table 114. Time delay off (8 pcs) (TOFPAGC)

Characteristic Value
Operate time accuracy ±1.0% of the set value or ±20 ms

Table 115. Time delay on (8 pcs) (TONGAPC)

Characteristic Value
Operate time accuracy ±1.0% of the set value or ±20 ms

21. Local HMI diagram. The SLD view can also be accessed using
The relay is available with two optional displays, a the Web browser-based user interface. The default
large one and a small one. The large display is SLD can be modified according to user require-
suited for relay installations where the front panel ments by using the Graphical Display Editor in
user interface is frequently used and a single line PCM600. The user can create up to 10 SLD pages.
diagram is required. The small display is suited for
remotely controlled substations where the relay is The local HMI includes a push button (L/R) for lo-
only occasionally accessed locally via the front cal/remote operation of the relay. When the relay is
panel user interface. in the local mode, it can be operated only by using
the local front panel user interface. When the relay
The LCD display offers front-panel user interface is in the remote mode, it can execute commands
functionality with menu navigation and menu sent from a remote location. The relay supports the
views. The display also offers increased front-panel remote selection of local/remote mode via a binary
usability with less menu scrolling and improved in- input. This feature facilitates, for example, the use
formation overview. In addition, the large display of an external switch at the substation to ensure
includes a user-configurable single line diagram that all relays are in the local mode during mainte-
(SLD) with position indication for the associated nance work and that the circuit breakers cannot be
primary equipment. Depending on the chosen stan- operated remotely from the network control center.
dard configuration, the relay displays the related
measuring values, apart from the default single line

Table 114. Large display

Character size(1) Rows in the view Characters per row

Small, mono-spaced (6 × 12 pixels) 10 20
Large, variable width (13 × 14 pixels) 7 8 or more

1) Depending on the selected language

Figure 18. Large display
66 R E F 6 1 5 A N S I 5 . 0 F P 1 F E E D E R P R OT E C T I O N A N D C O N T R O L

22. Mounting methods Mounting methods

By means of appropriate mounting accessories, the • Flush mounting
standard relay case can be flush mounted, semi- • Semi-flush mounting
flush mounted or wall mounted. The flush mounted • Semi-flush mounting in a 25° tilt
and wall mounted relay cases can also be mounted • Rack mounting
in a tilted position (25°) using special accessories. • Wall mounting
• Mounting to a 19" equipment frame
Further, the relays can be mounted in any standard
19” instrument cabinet by means of 19” mounting Panel cut-out for flush mounting
panels available with cut-outs for one or two relays. • Height: 161.5 ±1 mm
• Width: 165.5 ±1 mm

Figure 19. Flush mounting Figure 20. Semi-flush mounting Figure 21. Semi-flush mount-
ing in a 25º tilt

164 6
177 18 190



1 53

23. Relay case and plug-in unit 24. Selection and ordering data
The relay cases are assigned to a certain type of Use ABB Library to access the selection and order-
plug-in unit. For safety reasons, the relay cases for ing information and to generate the order number.
current measuring relays are provided with auto-
matically operating contacts for shortcircuiting the Product Selection Tool (PST), a Next-Generation
CT secondary circuits when a relay unit is with- Order Number Tool, supports order code creation
drawn from its case. The relay case is further pro- for ABB Distribution Automation IEC products with
vided with a mechanical coding system preventing emphasis on, but not exclusively for, the Relion
the current measuring relay units from being in- product family. PST is an easy to use, online tool al-
serted into relay cases intended for voltage mea- ways containing the latest product information.
suring relay units. The complete order code can be created with de-
tailed specification and the result can be printed
and mailed. Registration is required.

A link to the tool can be found here.


25. Accessories and ordering data

Table 115. Cables

Item Order number

Optical sensor for arc protection, cable length 1.5 m 1MRS120534-1.5
Optical sensor for arc protection, cable length 3.0 m 1MRS120534-3
Optical sensor for arc protection, cable length 5.0 m 1MRS120534-5
Optical sensor for arc protection, cable length 7.0 m 1MRS120534-7
Optical sensor for arc protection, cable length 10.0 m 1MRS120534-10
Optical sensor for arc protection, cable length 15.0 m 1MRS120534-15
Optical sensor for arc protection, cable length 20.0 m 1MRS120534-20
Optical sensor for arc protection, cable length 25.0 m 1MRS120534-25
Optical sensor for arc protection, cable length 30.0 m 1MRS120534-30

Table 116. Mounting accessories

Item Order number

Semi-flush mounting kit 1MRS050696
Wall mounting kit 1MRS050697
Inclined semi-flush mounting kit 1MRS050831
19” rack mounting kit with cut-out for one relay 1MRS050694
19” rack mounting kit with cut-out for two relays 1MRS050695
1) Cannot be used when the protection relay is mounted with the Combiflex 19" equipment frame (2RCA032826A0001)
68 R E F 6 1 5 A N S I 5 . 0 F P 1 F E E D E R P R OT E C T I O N A N D C O N T R O L

26. Tools The relay connectivity package is a collection of

The protection relay is delivered as a preconfigured software and specific relay information, which en-
unit. The default parameter setting values can be ables system products and tools to connect and in-
changed from the frontpanel user interface (local teract with the protection relay. The connectivity
HMI), the Web browser-based user interface (Web packages reduce the risk of errors in system inte-
HMI) or Protection and Control IED Manager gration, minimizing device configuration and setup
PCM600 in combination with the relay-specific con- times. Further, the connectivity packages for pro-
nectivity package. tection relays of this product series include a flexi-
ble update tool for adding one additional local HMI
PCM600 offers extensive relay configuration func- language to the protection relay. The update tool is
tions. For example, depending on the protection activated using PCM600, and it enables multiple
relay, the relay signals, application, graphical dis- updates of the additional HMI language, thus offer-
play and single-line diagram, and IEC 61850 com- ing flexible means for possible future language up-
munication, including horizontal GOOSE communi- dates.
cation, can be modified with PCM600.

When the Web HMI is used, the protection relay can

be accessed either locally or remotely using a Web
browser (Internet Explorer). For security reasons,
the Web HMI is disabled by default but it can be en-
abled via the local HMI. The Web HMI functionality
can be limited to read-only access.

Table 117. Tools

Description Version
PCM600 2.8 or later
Web browser IE 10.0 or IE 11.0
REF615 Connectivity Package 5.1 or later

Table 118. Supported functions

Function Web HMI PCM600

Relay parameter setting • •
Saving of relay parameter settings in the relay • •
Signal monitoring • •
Disturbance recorder handling • •
Alarm LED viewing • •
Access control management • •
Relay signal configuration (Signal Matrix) - •
Modbus® communication configuration (communication management) - •
DNP3 communication configuration (communication management) - •
Saving of relay parameter settings in the tool - •
Disturbance record analysis •
XRIO parameter export/import • •
Graphical display configuration - •
Application configuration - •
IEC 61850 communication configuration, GOOSE (communication
configuration) •
Phasor diagram viewing • -
Event viewing • •
Saving of event data on the user's PC • •
Online monitoring - •
• = Supported

27. Cyber security

The relay supports role based user authentication
and authorization. It can store 2048 audit trail
events to a nonvolatile memory. The non-volatile
memory is based on a memory type which does not
need battery backup or regular component ex-
change to maintain the memory storage. FTP and
Web HMI use TLS encryption with a minimum of 128
bit key length protecting the data in transit. In this
case the used communication protocols are FTPS
and HTTPS. All rear communication ports and op-
tional protocol services can be deactivated accord-
ing to the required system setup.
70 R E F 6 1 5 A N S I 5 . 0 F P 1 F E E D E R P R OT E C T I O N A N D C O N T R O L

28. Terminal diagrams

Figure 22. Terminal
diagram of standard
configuration D

Figure 23. Terminal
diagram of standard
configuration F
72 R E F 6 1 5 A N S I 5 . 0 F P 1 F E E D E R P R OT E C T I O N A N D C O N T R O L

Figure 24. Terminal
diagram of standard
configuration L

Figure 25. Terminal
diagram of standard
configuration N

The protection relay features an automatic

mechanism in the CT connector when
plug-in unit is detached
74 R E F 6 1 5 A N S I 5 . 0 F P 1 F E E D E R P R OT E C T I O N A N D C O N T R O L

Figure 26. Terminal
diagram of standard
configuration P
X120 X100
+ 1
BI 1 Vaux
2 - 2
3 3
4 5
BI 3
BI 4 6
7 1)
IB 8
10 9
11 10
13 11
IG 12
14 13
1 PO3
BI 1
2 17
3 19
BI 2 TCM-1 18
5 22
BI 3 PO4
7 VA(2) TCM-2
8 24
9 VB(2)
13 VA(1)

BI 1
3 2)
4 BI 2

BI 3 X110
7 BI 4 SO1
8 17
9 BI 5 2) SO2
10 18
BI 6 20
11 22
12 BI 7 21
13 SO4
BI 8 24

BI 1

2 2)
BI 2

BI 3

BI 4 X110
6 15

7 16
BI 6 19
2) HSO2
BI 7 20
9 Alternative HSO3
BI 8
10 Module 24

X13 Light Sensor

Input 1

X14 Light Sensor

Input 2

X15 Light Sensor

Input 3
1). The IED features an automatic short-circuit
mechanism in the CT connector when
plug-in unit is detached.
2). Order selectable. Optional.

29. Certificates
DNV GL has issued an IEC 61850 Edition 2 Certifi-
cate Level A1 for Relion® 615 series. Certificate
number: 7410570I-OPE/INC 15-1136.

DNV GL has issued an IEC 61850 Edition 1 Certifi-

cate Level A1 for Relion® 615 series. Certificate
number: 74105701-OPE/INC 15-1145.

Additional certificates can be found on the product


30. Inspection reports

KEMA has issued an Inspection report for REF615,
“Comparison between hardwired and GOOSE per-
formance of UniGear switchgear panels with
REF615 and REF630 Feeder Protection and Control
IEDs based on IEC 62271-3”. Report number:
70972064-TDT 09-1398. The Inspection report con-
cludes in its summary, apart from the performance
comparisons, that “both the REF630 and REF615
comply to the performance class P1 message type
1A “Trip” for distribution bays (transfer time <10
msec) as defined in IEC 61850-5”.

31. References
The portal
provides information on the entire range of distri-
bution automation products and services.

The latest relevant information on the REF615 pro-

tection and control relay is found on the product
page. Scroll down the page to find and download
the related documentation.
76 R E F 6 1 5 A N S I 5 . 0 F P 1 F E E D E R P R OT E C T I O N A N D C O N T R O L

32. Functions, codes and symbols

Table 119. Functions included in the relay

Function IEC 61850 ANSI


Three-phase non-directional overcurrent PHLPTOC1 51P-1 (1)

protection, low stage PHLPTOC2 51P-1 (2)
Three-phase non-directional overcurrent PHHPTOC1 51P-2 (1)
protection, high stage PHHPTOC2 51P-2 (2)
Three-phase non-directional overcurrent
protection, instantaneous stage PHIPTOC1 50P/51P (1)
Three-phase directional overcurrent DPHLPDOC1 67-1 (1)
protection, low stage DPHLPDOC2 67-1 (2)
Three-phase directional overcurrent
protection, high stage DPHHPDOC1 67-2 (1)
Non-directional earth-fault protection, low EFLPTOC1 51N-1 (1)
stage EFLPTOC2 51N-1 (2)
Non-directional earth-fault protection, high
stage EFHPTOC1 51N-2 (1)
Non-directional earth-fault protection,
instantaneous stage EFIPTOC1 50N/51N (1)
DEFLPDEF1 67N-1 (1)
Directional earth-fault protection, low stage
DEFLPDEF2 67N-1 (2)
Directional earth-fault protection, high stage DEFHPDEF1 67N-2 (1)
EFPADM1 21YN (1)
Admittance-based earth-fault protection EFPADM2 21YN (2)
EFPADM3 21YN (3)
WPWDE1 32N (1)
Wattmetric-based earth-fault protection WPWDE2 32N (2)
WPWDE3 32N (3)
Transient/intermittent earth-fault protection INTRPTEF1 67NIEF (1)
Harmonics-based earth-fault protection HAEFPTOC1 51NHA (1)
Non-directional (cross-country) earth-fault
protection, using calculated Io EFHPTOC1 51N-2 (1)
NSPTOC1 46 (1)
Negative-sequence overcurrent protection
NSPTOC2 46 (2)
Phase discontinuity protection PDNSPTOC1 46PD (1)
ROVPTOV1 59G (1)
Residual overvoltage protection ROVPTOV2 59G (2)
ROVPTOV3 59G (3)
PHPTUV1 27 (1)
Three-phase undervoltage protection PHPTUV2 27 (2)
PHPTUV3 27 (3)
PHPTOV1 59 (1)
Three-phase overvoltage protection PHPTOV2 59 (2)
PHPTOV3 59 (3)
PSPTUV1 47U+ (1)
Positive-sequence undervoltage protection
PSPTUV2 47U+ (2)
NSPTOV1 47O- (1)
Negative-sequence overvoltage protection
NSPTOV2 47O- (2)

Table 119. Functions included in the relay (continued)

Function IEC 61850 ANSI

FRPFRQ1 81 (1)
FRPFRQ2 81 (2)
FRPFRQ3 81 (3)
Frequency protection
FRPFRQ4 81 (4)
FRPFRQ5 81 (5)
FRPFRQ6 81 (6)
Three-phase thermal protection for feeders, cables and distribution
transformers T1PTTR1 49F (1)
High-impedance based restricted earth-fault protection HREFPDIF1 87NH (1)
High-impedance differential protection for
phase A HIAPDIF1 87A(1)
High-impedance differential protection for
phase B HIBPDIF1 87B(1)
High-impedance differential protection for
phase C HICPDIF1 87C(1)
Circuit breaker failure protection CCBRBRF1 51BF/51NBF (1)
Three-phase inrush detector INRPHAR1 68 (1)
Switch onto fault CBPSOF1 SOTF (1)
TRPPTRC1 94/86 (1)
TRPPTRC2 94/86 (2)
Master trip TRPPTRC3 94/86 (3)
TRPPTRC4 94/86 (4)
TRPPTRC5 94/86 (5)
ARCSARC1 50L/50NL (1)
Arc protection ARCSARC2 50L/50NL (2)
ARCSARC3 50L/50NL (3)
Multipurpose protection
Fault locator SCEFRFLO1 21FL (1)
High-impedance fault detection PHIZ1 HIZ (1)
Reverse power/directional overpower DOPPDPR1 32R/32O (1)
protection DOPPDPR2 32R/32O (2)
Multifrequency admittance-based earth-fault protection MFADPSDE1 67YN (1)
78 R E F 6 1 5 A N S I 5 . 0 F P 1 F E E D E R P R OT E C T I O N A N D C O N T R O L

Table 119. Functions included in the relay (continued)

Function IEC 61850 ANSI

Interconnection functions
Directional reactive power undervoltage
protection DQPTUV1 32Q,27 (1)
Low-voltage ride-through protection LVRTPTUV2 27RT (2)
Voltage vector shift protection VVSPPAM1 78V (1)
Power quality
Current total demand distortion CMHAI1 PQM3I (1)
Voltage total harmonic distortion VMHAI1 PQM3V (1)
Voltage variation PHQVVR1 PQMV (1)
Voltage unbalance VSQVUB1 PQVUB (1)
Circuit-breaker control CBXCBR1 I <-> O CB (1)
DCXSWI1 I <-> O DCC (1)
Disconnector control
DCXSWI2 I <-> O DCC (2)
Earthing switch control ESXSWI1 I <-> O ESC (1)
DCSXSWI1 I <-> O DC (1)
Disconnector position indication DCSXSWI2 I <-> O DC (2)
DCSXSWI3 I <-> O DC (3)
ESSXSWI1 I <-> O ES (1)
Earthing switch indication
ESSXSWI2 I <-> O ES (2)
Autoreclosing DARREC1 79 (1)
Synchronism and energizing check SECRSYN1 25 (1)
Condition monitoring and supervision
Circuit-breaker condition monitoring SSCBR1 CBCM (1)
Trip circuit supervision TCSSCBR1 TCM (1)
Current circuit supervision CCSPVC1 MCS 3I (1)
Current transformer supervision for high-impedance protection scheme for
Current transformer supervision for high-impedance protection scheme for
Current transformer supervision for high-impedance protection scheme for
Fuse failure supervision SEQSPVC1 60 (1)
Runtime counter for machines and devices MDSOPT1 OPTM (1)
Disturbance recorder RDRE1 DFR (1)
Load profile record LDPRLRC1 LOADPROF (1)
Fault record FLTRFRC1 FAULTREC (1)
Three-phase current measurement CMMXU1 3I (1)
Sequence current measurement CSMSQI1 I1, I2, I0 (1)
Residual current measurement
VMMXU1 3V (1)
Three-phase voltage measurement
VMMXU2 3V (2)
Residual voltage measurement RESVMMXU1 Vn (1)
Sequence voltage measurement VSMSQI1 V1, V2, V0 (1)
Three-phase power and energy measurement PEMMXU1 P, E (1)
RTD/mA measurement XRGGIO130 X130 (RTD) (1)
Frequency measurement FMMXU1 f (1)
IEC 61850-9-2 LE sampled value sending SMVSENDER SMVSENDER

Function IEC 61850 ANSI

IEC 61850-9-2 LE sampled value receiving
(voltage sharing) SMVRCV SMVRCV
Minimum pulse timer (2 pcs)
Minimum pulse timer (2 pcs, second resolution) TPSGAPC1 TPS (1)
Minimum pulse timer (2 pcs, minute resolution) TPMGAPC1 TPM (1)
Pulse timer (8 pcs)
Time delay off (8 pcs)
Time delay on (8 pcs)
Set-reset (8 pcs)
Move (8 pcs)
Generic control point (16 pcs)
Analog value scaling
Integer value move MVI4GAPC1 MVI4 (1)

33. Document revision history

Table 120. Functions included in the relay

Document revision/date Product version History

A/Aug. 2017 5.0 FP1 First release

ABB Distribution Solutions
Distribution Automation
P.O. Box 699
FI-65101 VAASA, Finland
Phone: +358 10 22 11

ABB Inc.
655 Century Point
Lake Mary, FL 32746, USA
Phone: +1 800 222 1946 1MAC103085-PG REV B OCT 2019

© Copyright 2019 ABB. All rights reserved.

Specifications subject to change without notice.

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