Business Case Study Examples
Business Case Study Examples
Business Case Study Examples
University of Potsdam
I. Introduction 3
II. A Case Analysis Framework 3
A. Analyze and Record the Current Situation 4
B. Analyze and Record Problems and Their Core Elements 7
C. Formulate, Evaluate, and Record Alternative Courses of Action 8
D. Select, Implement, and Record the Chosen Alternative Course of Action 8
III. Guidelines for an Operational Approach to Case and Problem Analysis 8
IV. Pitfalls to Avoid in Case Analysis 9
V. Communicating Case Analyses 10
A. The Written Report 10
B. The Oral Presentation 12
VI. Conclusion 12
Rasche/Seisreiner: Guidelines for Business Case Analysis
I. Introduction
Cases assists in bridging the gap between classroom learning and the so-called real world of
management. They provide us with an opportunity to develop, sharpen, and test our analytical skills at:
- Assessing situations.
- Sorting out and organizing key information.
- Asking the right questions.
- Defining opportunities and problems
- Identifying and evaluating alternative courses of action.
- Interpreting data.
- Evaluating the results of past strategies.
- Developing and defending new strategies.
- Interacting with other managers.
- Making decisions under conditions of uncertainty.
- Critically evaluating the work of others.
- Responding to criticism.
The use of business cases was developed by faculty members of the Harvard Graduate School
of Business Administration in the 1920s. Case studies have been widely accepted as one effective way
of exposing students to the decision-making process.
Basically, cases represent detailed descriptions or reports of business problems. They are usually
written by a trained observer who actually had been involved in the firm or organization and had some
dealings with the problems under consideration. Cases generally entail both qualitative and quantitative
data which the student must analyze and determine appropriate alternatives and solutions.
The primary purpose of the case method is to introduce a measure of realism into management
education. Rather than emphasizing the teaching of concepts, the case method focuses on application
of concepts and sound logic to real-world business problems. In this way the student learns to bridge
the gap between abstraction and application and to appreciate the value of both.
The primary purpose of this paper is to offer a logical format for the analysis of case problems.
Although there is no one format that can be successfully applied to all cases, the following framework is
intended to be a logical sequence from which to develop sound analyses. This framework is presented
for analysis of comprehensive management cases; however, the process should also be useful for
shorter cases, incidents, and problems.
II. A Case Analysis Framework
A basic approach to case analyses involves a four-step process. First, the problem is defined.
Second, alternative courses of action are formulated to solve the problem. Third, the alternatives are
analyzed in terms of their strengths and weaknesses; and fourth, an alternative is accepted and a
course of action is recommended. This basic approach is quite useful for the student well versed in case
analysis, particularly for shorter cases or incidents. However, for the newcomer this framework may well
be inadequate and oversimplified. Thus, the following expanded framework and checklists are intended
to aid the student in becoming proficient at case and problem analysis.
Rasche/Seisreiner: Guidelines for Business Case Analysis
Rasche/Seisreiner: Guidelines for Business Case Analysis
2. A few giants and a relatively small Price cutting by smaller companies may
number of „independents.“ bring strong retaliation by giants.
Examples: Follow-the-leader pricing.
Auto industry. Antitrust action against the giants is a
Oil industry. hazard.
Tire industry. Monopolistic prices.
Meat processors. Squeeze on the independents.
High capital costs to enter the industry.
Phase 3: The firm. The third phase involves analysis of the firm itself not only in comparison with
the industry and industry averages but also internally in terms of both quantitative and qualitative data.
Key areas of concern at this stage are such factors as objectives, constraints, management philosophy,
strengths, weaknesses, and structure of the firm.
Phase 4: The management program: Although there may be internal personnel or structural
problems in the corporation itself that need examination, typically an analysis of the current corporate
strategy is the next phase. In this phase the objectives of the firm are analyzed in terms of agreement,
soundness, and attainability. Each element of the management toolbox as well as other areas, such as
business research and information systems, is analyzed in terms of whether it is internally consistent
and synchronized with the goals of the business unit and firm. Although cases often are labeled in terms
of their primary emphasis, such as “Pricing” or “Advertising”, it is important for the student to analyze the
corporate strategy and entire management toolbox, since a change in one element will affect the entire
management program.
In performing the analysis of the current situation, the student should analyze the data carefully to
extract the relevant from the superfluous. Many cases contain information that is not relevant to the
problem, it is the student’s job to discard this information to get a clearer picture of the current situation.
As the analysis proceeds, a watchful eye must be kept on each phase to determine (1) symptoms of
problems, (2) current problems, and (3) potential problems. Symptoms of problems are indicators of a
problem but are not problems in and of themselves. For example, a symptom of a problem may be a
Rasche/Seisreiner: Guidelines for Business Case Analysis
decline in sales in a particular sales territory. However, the problem is the root cause of the decline in
sales – perhaps the field representative quit marketing sales calls and is relying on phone orders only.
The following is a checklist of the types of questions that should be asked when performing the
analysis of the current situation.
Checklist for Analyzing the Current Situation
Phase 1: The environment.
1. Are there any trends in the environment that could have an effect on the industry, firm, or
management program?
2. What is the state of the economy ? Inflation? Stagflation? Depression?
3. What is the cultural, social, and political atmosphere?
4. Are there trends or changes in the environment that could be advantageous or
disadvantageous to the industry, firm, or management program? Can the management
program be restructured to take advantage of these trends or changes?
Phase 2: The industry.
1. What industry is the firm in? What class of industry? Are there other industries the firm is
competing with?
2. What is the size of the firm relative to the industry?
3. How does the firm compare in terms of market share, sales, and profitability with the rest
of the industry?
4. How does the firm compare with other firms in the industry in terms of a financial ratio
5. What is the firm’s major competition?
6. Are there any trends in terms of government control, political, or public atmosphere that
could affect the industry?
Phase 3: The firm.
1. What are the objectives of the firm? Are they clearly stated? Attainable?
2. What are the strengths of the firm? Managerial expertise? Financial? Copyrights or
3. What are the constraints and weaknesses of the firm?
4. Are there any real or potential sources of dysfunctional conflict in the structure of the
5. How are the functional departments (e.g. marketing, financial services, controlling, HR…)
structured in the firm?
6. What is the corporate culture of the firm? What kind of management style is preferred?
How do employees communicate?
Phase 4: The management program.
1. What are the objectives of the management program? Are they clearly stated? Are they
consistent with the objectives of the firm? Is the entire management toolbox structured to
meet these objectives?
2. What management concepts are at issue in the program? Is the management program
well planned and laid out? Is the program consistent with sound management principles?
If the program takes exception to management principles, is there a good reason for it?
3. To what target market is the program directed? Is it well defined? Is the market large
enough to be profitably served? Does the market have long-run potential?
4. What competitive advantage does the management program offer? If none, what can be
done to gain a competitive advantage in the market place?
Rasche/Seisreiner: Guidelines for Business Case Analysis
5. What products are being sold? What is the width, depth, and consistency of the firm’s
product lines? Does the firm need new products to fill out its product line? Should any
product be deleted? What is the profitability of the various products?
6. What promotion mix is being used? Is promotion consistent with the products and product
images? What could be done to improve the promotion mix?
7. What channels of distribution are being used? Do they deliver the product at the right
time and right place to meet consumer needs? Are the channels typical of those used in
the industry? Could channels be made more efficient?
8. What pricing strategies are being used? How do prices compare with similar products of
other firms? How are prices determined?
9. Are business research and information systematically integrated into the management
program? Is the overall management program internally consistent?
10. Are (senior/middle) managers capable to translate strategy into action? Are managers
excellent in action or just in talking?
The relevant information from this preliminary analysis is now formalized and recorded. At this
point the analyst must be mindful of the difference between facts and opinions. Facts are objective
statements, such as financial data, whereas opinions are subjective interpretations of facts or situations.
The analyst must make certain not to place too much emphasis on opinions and carefully consider any
variables that may bias such opinions.
Regardless of how much information is contained in the case or how much additional information
is collected, the analyst usually finds that it is impossible to specific a complete framework for the
current situation. It is at this point that assumptions must be made. Clearly, since each analyst may
make different assumptions, it is critical that assumptions be explicitly stated. One authority suggests
that, when presenting a case, the analyst should distribute copies of the assumption list to all audience
members. In this way confusion is avoided in terms of how the analyst perceives the current situation
and how others can evaluate the reasonableness and necessity of the assumptions.
Rasche/Seisreiner: Guidelines for Business Case Analysis
Rasche/Seisreiner: Guidelines for Business Case Analysis
2. Read the case again thoroughly. Underline relevant information and take notes on
potential areas of concern.
3. Review outside sources of information on the environment and the industry. Record
relevant information and the source of this information.
4. Perform comparative analysis of the firm with the industry and industry averages.
5. Analyze the firm.
6. Analyze the management program.
7. Record the current situation in terms of relevant environmental, industry, firm, and
management program parameters.
8. Make and record necessary assumptions to complete the situational framework.
9. Determine and record the major issues, problems, and their core elements.
10. Record proof that these are the major topics.
11. Record potential courses of actions.
12. Evaluate each initially to determine constraints that preclude acceptability.
13. Evaluate remaining alternatives in terms of costs and benefits.
14. Record analysis of alternatives.
15. Select an alternative.
16. Record alternative and defense of its selection.
17. Record the who, what, when, where, how, and why of the alternative and its
6. Narrow vision analysis. Although cases are often labeled as a specific type of case, such as
“Pricing”, “Product”, “Personnel” and so forth, this does not mean that other variables should be
ignored. Too often students ignore the effects that a change in one management element (e.g.
investment) will have on the others (e.g. financing).
7. Realism. Too often analysts become so focused on solving a particular problem that their solutions
become totally unrealistic. For example, suggesting a $1 million advertising program for a firm with
a capital structure of $50,000 is an unrealistic solution.
8. The business research solution. A quite common but unsatisfactory solution to case problems in
business research, for example, “The firm should do this or that type of business research to find a
solution to their problem.” Although business research may be helpful as an intermediary step in
some cases, business research does not solve problems or make decisions. In cases where
business research is recommended, the cost and potential benefits should be fully specified in the
case analysis.
9. Rehashing the case material. Analysts sometimes spend considerable effort rewriting a two- or
three-page history of the firm as presented in the case. This is unnecessary since the instructor and
other students are already familiar with this information.
10. Premature conclusions. Analysts sometimes jump to premature conclusions instead of waiting until
their analysis in completed. Too many analysts jump to conclusions upon first reading the case and
then proceed to interpret everything in the case as justifying their conclusions, even factors that are
logically against it.
V. Communicating Case Analyses
The final concern in case analyses deals with communicating the results of the analysis. The
most comprehensive analysis has little value if it cannot be communicated effectively. There are two
primary media through which case analyses are communicated – the written report and the oral
1. Definition.
2. Classification.
3. Technology.
4. Political-legal-social factors.
5. Industrial guidelines and trends.
6. Financial indicators.
C. Firm.
1. Objectives.
2. Constraints.
3. Management philosophy.
4. Strengths.
5. Weaknesses.
6. Structure.
7. Culture.
D. Management program.
1. Objectives.
2. Constraints.
3. Strengths.
4. Weaknesses.
5. Target market(s).
6. Product considerations.
7. Promotion considerations.
8. Pricing considerations.
9. Channel considerations.
10. Information and research considerations.
11. Managerial capabilities.
E. Assumptions about current situation.
II. Problems.
A. Primary problem(s)
1. Symptoms.
2. Proof.
B. Secondary problem(s)
1. Symptoms.
2. Proof.
III. Alternatives.
A. Alternative 1.
1. Strengths and benefits.
2. Weaknesses and costs.
B. Alternative 2.
1. Strengths and benefits
2. Weaknesses and costs.
C. Alternative 3.
1. Strengths and benefits.
2. Weaknesses and costs.
Rasche/Seisreiner: Guidelines for Business Case Analysis