Science Portfolio

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Science Portfolio

5477-Vismaya Viswanathan


1. What is the difference between a reflex action and walking?

Ans​.Reflex action is:
● Generally a quick action in response to a stimulus where sudden action without thinking
is needed.
● Reflex action is controlled through the ​reflex arc ​in which signal is transferred from the
sensory nerve to the motor nerve directly through a relay neuron. Thus in reflex action
the signal travels very quickly.
● The complex process of thinking ​does not ​take place in reflex action.
● Reflex action is mediated and controlled by the ​spinal cord.
Walking on the other hand is:
● Not ​a quick action in response to a stimulus.
● It is a well controlled action by the brain.
● Different centers of the brain control the body’s posture and balance of the body during
● During walking the brain is conscious all the time about the action and it also controls
the direction in which the person is walking.

2. What happens at the synapse between two neurons?

Ans. ​Synapse is the microscopic gap between two neurons ​where electric signal (impulse) is
transferred from nerve ending of first neuron to the receiving dendrites of the second
neuron. ​When the impulse reaches the nerve ending of the first neuron it releases chemicals
called ​neurotransmitters​ ​into the synapse. These neurotransmitters are received by the
dendrites of the next neuron to start the e​lectric impulse again.Thus in the synapse the
impulse travels in the form of neurotransmitters, which pass on the signal to the next
neuron. In the next neuron electrical impulse is again generated and carried forward.

3. How do we detect the smell of an agarbatti (incense stick)?

Ans: When the gas produced by the agarbatti is inhaled it passes through the nose. When the
gas passes over the ​Olfactory receptors ​(s​mell receptors) present in the Nasal cavity an
electric signal is generated in the olfactory receptors. This signal is sent to the ​Cerebrum
​(fore-brain) where it is detected as smell.

4. What is the role of brain in reflex action?

Ans: The brain plays an important part in controlling ​Conditioned Reflex Actions. ​For example,
A person learns from his childhood that by applying brakes to a moving vehicle (Eg. Bicycle)
it can be stopped. This information is stored in his brain as a permanent memory. Now at
time when he is moving a vehicle and suddenly somebody comes in the way he instant
(quickly or reflexively) applies the brakes without thinking. It is here that the brain plays its
role of supplying the information for application of the brakes.

5. What are plant hormones? List the phytohormones along with its function.

​ Plant hormones (also called Plant Growth Regulators)​ are the chemical
substances in plants that control the growth and other activities in plants. These are:


Auxins ➢ Control the tropic (growth related) movements of the plants

(Growth hormone) in response to light, gravity, touch etc by increasing the size
of cells.
➢ Under the influence of Auxins the plant stem bends towards
unidirectional light where as the roots bend away from it.

Gibberellins ➢ Stimulate stem elongation and leaf expansion.

➢ Its application causes stem Elongation in small plants such
as cabbage.
➢ Spraying sugarcane plant with gibberellins increases the
stem size thus increasing the yield.

Cytokinins ➢ Produced in regions of the plant body where rapid cell

division occurs, such as root tips, developing shoot buds
and young fruits and seeds.
➢ Cytokinins promote growth by stimulating cell division.

Ethylene ➢ Causes ripening of the fruits.

Abscisic acid ➢ Inhibits (i.e., slows down) the growth in different parts of
(stress hormone) the plant body.
➢ It also inhibits germination of seeds.
➢ It also causes the drying and falling of older leaves, wilting
of leaves.
6​. How is the movement of leaves of the sensitive plant different from the movement of
shoot towards light?

7. How do Auxins promote the growth of a tendril around a support?

Tendrils are modified leaves and stems present in some climbing plants such as the
plant. These tendrils twine i.e., wrap around some support and help the plant to climb up.
​When the tendril touches a rough solid support, auxin hormone causes more growth on the
side of tendril away from the stem and less growth on the side touching the stem. ​As a result,
the tendril circle around the support forming a spring like structure, which supports the
tender stem of the plant.
8. How does chemical coordination take place in animals?
In Animals chemical coordination is by chemicals called ​Hormones ​produced by
endocrine glands. The endocrine glands of the body form a system called the Endocrine
​The endocrine glands release a chemical compound that would diffuse all around the
original cell.If other cells around have the means to detect this compound using special
molecules on their surfaces,then they would be able to recognise information and even
transmit it.
The table given below lists the different endocrine glands, their hormones and the functions
controlled by the hormones.

Pituitary gland Below the brain Growth hormone Promotes the body growth by synthesis and
deposition of proteins in the tissues,promotes growth
of bones and muscles.

Thyroid gland In the neck Thyroxine Controls protein,carbohydrate and fat metabolism
,increase the metabolic rate,increases physical and
mental growth of the body,maintains the basal
metabolic rate in the body.

Pancreas Below the stomach Insulin Reduces amount of blood glucose,Increase the use of
glucose in the tissues and storage of glucose as
glycogen in liver and muscles.

Adrenal gland On the top of each Adrenalin Stress hormone.Helps to face stress.The heart beats
kidney faster, resulting in supply of more oxygen to our
muscles. The blood to the digestive system and skin is
reduced due to contraction of muscles around small
arteries in these organs. This diverts the blood to our
skeletal muscles. The breathing rate also increases
because of the contractions of the diaphragm and the
rib muscles.

Testes In scrotum of the Testosterone secretes at time of puberty.Stimulates sperm

male production,Helps in the development of male
secondary sexual characteristics.

Ovaries In the abdomen of Estrogen Secretes at time of puberty.Development of female

females sex organs,regulates menstrual cycle etc

Hypothalamus Part of brain Releasing hormone Stimulate pituitary gland to release hormones.

9.Wh​y is the use of iodized salt advisable?

Iodine ​is a mineral. It is needed for the normal functioning of thyroid gland and the
of thyroxine hormone, which is very necessary for the normal physical and mental growth of
the body. Thyroxine hormone also controls proper metabolism and use of proteins,
carbohydrates and fats in the body.
​ Deficiency of Iodine in the body causes the following problems.
● Thyroid gland is not able to work properly and produce sufficient amount of thyroxine.
causes enlargement of the gland, a condition called ​Goitre​.
● Due to deficiency of Thyroxine hormone normal physical and mental growth does not
take place.
Hence, to supplement iodine in the diet (food), iodized salt is advisable.

10. How does our body respond when adrenaline is secreted in the body?
Adrenalin is also called stress hormone. It is secreted by the adrenal gland when the
body is under stress. Adrenalin helps the body to face stress by
➢ increasing the respiration rate
➢ It increases heart beat so that more blood flows in the arteries to supply oxygen and
glucose to the tissues for faster respiration.
➢ It increases blood flow to the skeletal muscles of arms and legs by dilating the arteries of
these organs.
➢ It increases the blood sugar (i.e., glucose) level.

11. Why are some patients of diabetes treated by giving injections of insulin?
Insulin ​hormone produced and released by the​ pancreas ​helps in controlling the​ blood
sugar level​. It helps in changing the extra glucose present in the blood to glycogen and
storing it in the liver and body muscles.In patients ​suffering from Diabetes,insulin is not
produced​ in sufficient quantity to control the blood sugar (glucose) level. Their blood sugar
level may increase abnormally after having food rich in starch and sugar. So they are given
injections of insulin after a meal so that blood glucose level becomes normal. The normal
level of blood glucose is 80-100 mg per 100 ml of blood.

12. What is the function of receptors in our body? Think of situations where receptors do
not work properly. What problems are likely to arise?
Receptors are specialized tips of nerve cells in sense organs to receive stimulus (information)
from the environment.. Examples of receptors are
a​: Rod and cone cells are present as receptors in the retina of the eyes. They generate
impulse when light falls on them. This electric impulse is carried to the brain to give us the
sensation of sight.
b​. Olfactory receptors are present in the nasal cavity to detect smell of different materials.
c​. Gustatory receptors are present in the tongue to detect taste of different food items that we
If the receptors do not work properly, proper information will not be sent to the brain and
the brain will not able to incite proper action. For example, an old man whose eye sight has
become weak may not be able to see a car speeding on the road and meet with an accident.

13. How does Phototropism occur in plants?

Phototropism is the growth movement in response to unidirectional stimulus of light. It is
seen in plant stems, roots, leaves and even in flower heads ( Eg. Sun flower).Plant stems
positive phototropism by bending in the direction of light. This curvature in the stem towards
light is due to the hormone called Auxin, which is produced in the stem tip. Auxin causes more
elongation on the side of the stem, which is opposite to light i.e., darker side.On the lighted
side there is less cell elongation. This causes the stem to bend in the direction of light.

14. Which signals will get disrupted in case of spinal injury?

Spinal Cord ​is the elongated part of the nerve cord i.e., the Central Nervous System. It runs
inside the backbone, which protects it from injury. The main function of Spinal Cord is i​t
serves as an intermediate in the reflex arc, where signals are transferred from
sensory neurons to motor neurons for quick action. In case of spinal injury all the above
mentioned functions will get disrupted and the norma​l flow of signals in the whole body will
not take place. This may cause paralysis or non-functioning of muscles in different parts of
the body.

15. What is the need for a system of control and coordination in an organism?
A living organism has to interact with different factors in the environment. These may
be light, temperature, food, water or any other thing. For proper interaction, with these
factors of the environmental system is needed that receives the information from outside,
processes the information and incites a proper response in the organism. There should also
be coordination between organs and organ systems inside the body so that they interact and
so that normal state of the body is maintained (which is called ​homeostasis​).

16. How are involuntary actions and reflex actions different from each other?
Involuntary actions and reflex actions are two different types of actions.
Involuntary actions ​on the one hand are such actions, which are not under the control of our
will. For example, the movement of iris muscles to adjust the size of the pupil of the eye is an
involuntary action.
Reflex actions ​on the other hand are actions towards emergency situations. For example, if a
person accidentally touches a hot object he withdraws his hand instantly without being
of his action for a fraction of a second. Reflex action is controlled by the reflex arc in which
sensory nerves pass on the signals to the motor nerves in the spinal cord. There is
no involvement of thought process in it.

17. Differentiate between nervous and hormonal mechanisms for control and coordination
in animals.

Nervous Control Hormonal Control

➢ Nervous control is through electric ➢ Hormonal control is by the specialized

signals produced and conducted by chemicals called Hormones produced

the by
nerve cells of the nervous system. the Endocrine glands.
➢ Nerve signals can reach only up to ➢ The hormones are carried by the
those parts or cells of the body which blood to the target organs and so can
are connected by nerves. reach to every cell of the body.
➢ Nervous responses are very fast ➢ Hormonal responses are slow because

responses because nerve impulses travel hormones are produced in very less
fast and cause quick action. quantity and have to be transported by
➢ Nerve responses last for a very short the blood to the site of action.
➢ Hormonal responses last for a very
time long time.

18. What is the difference between the manner in which movement takes place in a
sensitive plant and the movement in our legs?

19.Differentiate between motor and sensory nerves.


Nerves which carry electric Nerves that carry the

impulse from the sense signal from brain and
organ to the brain. spinal cord to muscles
and glands situated in
different parts of the
body for the action.

20. What is reflex action? Explain giving an example. What is reflex arc?
Reflex action is a quick action in response without involvement of the thought process​. It is
controlled through the ​spinal cord​ in which transfer of impulse takes place from sensory
neuron to the motor neuron. The path through which the signal travels during reflex action is
called the reflex arc. As the ​reflex arc is a shorter route reflex action takes place in a fraction
a second.
For example, if a person accidentally hits something on the leg, the pain receptors in the skin
receive the pain and generate an electric signal. This impulse is sent by the sensory neuron to
the spinal cord. In the spinal cord the impulse is transferred quickly to the motor neuron,
which relays it to the leg muscles for quick action.

21. Explain the structure of the human brain and mention the functions of its various
​T​he Fore Brain​- ​It is the largest part of the brain. It consists of the following parts
❖ Cerebrum​- It is the most important and largest part of the forebrain. It is divided into
two halves called the ​Cerebral Hemispheres​.Each hemisphere has many ​convulsions
to ​increase the surface area​ of the Cerebrum. The functions of Cerebrum are-
● Receiving Sensory signals from various sense organs and receptors and carry signals
from the brain to different parts..
● Storing memory of different experiences and using this memory to generate proper
● It is the seat of understanding language, memory, knowledge and logical thinking.
❖ Thalamus​- It is situated underneath (i.e., below) the Cerebrum.
● Its function is to coordinate the incoming sensory signals to the Cerebrum and outgoing
motor signals from it.
❖ Hypothalamus​- It is situated under the Thalamus. Its functions are-
● It controls many of the body’s important activities and feelings such as hunger, thirst,
temperature regulation, sleep, emotional behavior.

b. ​The Mid Brain​- Connects forebrain and hindbrain. It controls many involuntary actions of the
c.The Hind Brain​- It consists of the Pons, Cerebellum and Medulla Oblongata.
❖ Pons​- It is a bulging structure situated below the midbrain. It consists of large bundles of
nerve fibres that interconnect different regions of the brain.
❖ Cerebellum​- It is located at the lower back side of the brain under the cerebrum. Its
functionsare as follows-Maintaining the posture and balance of the body by controlling
the muscles, It also controls the voluntary actions of the body by controlling motor
signals coming from the Cerebrum.
❖ Medulla Oblongata​- It is long stalk like lowermost portion of the brain stem. At the
lower side it is connected with the Spinal Cord. It controls many involuntary actions such
as salivation,vomiting, blood pressure, respiration and heartbeat.

22. What are tropic movements in plants? Explain giving examples.

The ​directional growth movements ​in plants due to unidirectional stimuli like light,
touch etc, causing the bending of stem or root in the direction of the stimulus are called
tropic movements. The examples of tropic movements are:
a. Phototropism​: The bending of the plant stem or root due to the effect of unidirectional light
is called phototropism. Plant stems are positively phototrophic, i.e., they bend towards
unidirectional light. This helps the plant to get more sunlight for photosynthesis.
Photo trophic response is due to Auxin hormone, which is produced in the stem tips. This
hormone diffuses down into the stem and causes more cell elongation in the darker side
the stem. This causes the stem to bend in the direction of light.Plant roots are negatively
phototrophic i.e., they tend to bend away from the light.
b. Geotropism​: The roots of plants bend down and grow towards the soil due to gravity. This is
called geotropism. This is due to the effect of Auxin hormone, which is produced in the tip of
the roots and causes cell elongation in the root cells which are on the side away from soil.
This causes the roots to bend down towards the soil.Plant stems are negatively geotropic
they tend to grow away from the s​oil.
c. Hydrotropism​: Roots of plants bend and grow towards the part of soil which has higher
moisture (water). This is called hydrotropism. Plant roots show stronger hydrotropism than
geotropism. Thus, the roots show more tendency to grow towards water rather than towards
gravitational pull of the earth.
d. Chemotropism​: This tropic movement is shown by the pollen tubes that bend and grow
through the style. This is due to the chemicals t​hat are present in the style and stimulate the
pollen tube to grow downwards. Many fungi show chemotropism by growing towards food
containing sugars and other nutrients.
e. Thigmotropism​: The bending of plant parts due to contact (touch) is called thigmotropism. It
​is seen in plant tendrils, which coil around the object and take support in climbers.​ For
example,thigmotropism is seen in pea tendrils. The bending of the tendrils is under the
of Auxin hormone which causes unequal growth by cell elongation in the part of the tendril
away from the support.

23.​ How does the nervous tissue cause action?

In the neuromuscular junction When a nerve impulse reaches the muscle, the muscle fibre
must move by changing their shape. This is possible as muscle cells have special proteins that
change both their shape and arrangement in the cell in response to nervous electrical impulses.
When this ​happens​ new arrangements of these proteins give the muscle different shapes.
24. What is feedback mechanism in hormonal control? Explain giving example.
The functioning of the Endocrine gland to produce a hormone is controlled by feedback
mechanism. For exampl​e-Pancreas produces the hormone Insulin which lowers the blood
glucose level. Normally pancreas produces less amounts of insulin. But when blood glucose
level increases (after having food), pancreas gets a signal to increase insulin production. It
produces more insulin, to lower the blood glucose and bring it to normal level. As the blood
glucose level decreases insulin production is also reduced by the pancreas.

GRADE - X [2020-21]

Biology - Test Paper 16March 2020

Duration: 40 Mins Max.Marks: 15

Marks Obtained:
Life Processes

1. In which of the following groups of organisms, food material is broken down outside the body [1]
and absorbed?
(a) Mushroom, green plants, Amoeba
(b) Yeast, mushroom, bread mould
(c) Paramecium, Amoeba, Cuscuta
(d) Cuscuta, lice, tapeworm

2. Which of the following equations is the summary of photosynthesis? [1]

(a) 6CO2 + 12H2O → C6H12O6 + 6O2+ 6H2O
(b) 6CO2 + H2O + Sunlight→ C6H12O6 + O2+ 6H2O
(c) 6CO2 + 12H2O + Chlorophyll + Sunlight→ C6 H12O6 + 6O2 + 6H2O
(d) 6CO2 + 12H2O + Chlorophyll + Sunlight→ C6H12O6 + 6CO2+ 6H2O

3. Two green plants are kept separately in oxygen free containers, one in the dark and the other
in continuous light. Which one will live longer? Give reasons. [2]
The plant which is kept in the dark is unable to carry out photosynthesis and hence the container would be filled with
CO2 within a very short span of time. Lack of oxygen in the container would kill the plant. On the other hand, the plant
kept in light would be able to carry out photosynthesis and thus convert CO2 into oxygen. Hence, this plant would live for
a longer duration.

4. Enlist the steps involved in the process of photosynthesis.

# Absorption of light energy by chlorophyll
# Conversion of light energy to chemical energy and splitting of water molecules into
hydrogen and oxygen.
# Reduction of carbon-dioxide to carbohydrates

5. Why do desert plants keep their stomata closed during day time? How do they carry out the
process of photosynthesis if their stomata is closed during day? [3]
Such plants undergo CAM photosynthesis as they open up their stomata during night and take in CO2. Stomata remains close
during the day time to prevent the loss of water by transpiration. They store the CO2 in their cells until the sun comes out and
they can carry on with photosynthesis during the day time.

6. a. Name the green dot like structures in some cells observed by a student when a leaf
peel was viewed under a microscope. What is this green colour due to?
b. State two functions of stomata.
c. How do guard cells regulate the opening and closing of stomatal pore? [5]

The opening and closing of stomata are controlled by the guard cells. When water flows into the guard cells, they swell up
and the curved surface causes the stomata to open. When the guard cells lose water, they shrink and become straight thus
closing the stomata.

Chapter 4 - Carbon and its Compounds

1. Bonding in Carbon

• Carbon form covalent bonds.

Formation of covalent bond: Covalent bond formation involves sharing of electrons

between bonding atoms which may be either same or different.

Covalency: The number of electrons contributed by an atom for sharing is known as its

• Characteristics of covalent compounds:

(i) These compounds are molecular in nature (i.e. they exist as single molecules)

(ii) These are insoluble in water and soluble in benzene, kerosene and petrol etc.

(iii) These compounds are poor conductor of electricity.

2. Allotropy in Carbon

The property due to which an element exists in two or more forms, which differ in their
physical and some of the chemical properties is known as “Allotropy” and the various forms
are called “Allotropes”.

• Carbon exists in two allotropic form (i) crystalline (ii) amorphous.

• The crystalline forms are diamond, graphite and fullerene whereas the amorphous
forms are coal, charcoal, lamp black etc. In fullerene the first one identified was C60,
which has carbon atoms arranged in the shape of a football.
3. Unique Nature of Carbon
• Catenation: The property of elements to form long chains or rings by self-linking of
their own atoms- through covalent bonds is called catenation. The extent of
catenation depends upon the strength of the bonds between the atoms involved in

4. Saturated and Unsaturated Carbon Compounds

In saturated compounds the valencies of all the carbon atoms are satisfied by single bonds
between them.

While in the unsaturated compounds, the valencies of all the carbon atoms are not satisfied
by single bonds, thus to satisfy their valencies, they form double or triple bond between the
carbon atoms.

5. Straight chain compounds: The compounds which contain straight chain of carbon atoms
e.g. normal butane (C4H10), normal pentane (C5H12) etc.

6. Branched chain compounds: Those compounds which are branched.

e.g. iso-butane (C4H10), isopentane (C5H12), neopentane (C5H12) etc.

7. Closed chain compounds or Ring compounds:

Cyclic compounds are called closed chain or ring compounds e.g. cyclohexane (C6H12),
cyclopentane (C5H10), cyclobutane (C4H8), cyclopropane (C3H6) etc.

8. Hydrocarbons

All those compounds which contain just carbon and hydrogen are called hydrocarbons.

Saturated Hydrocarbon (Alkanes): General formula is CnH2n+2.

n = number of carbon atoms.
In this, the carbon atoms are connected by only a single bond.
For example; Methane (CH4), Ethane (C2H6) etc.

Unsaturated Hydrocarbons
Alkenes: General formula is CnH2n, where n = number of carbon atoms.
In this, the two carbon atoms are connected by double bond.

Alkynes: General formula is CnH2n-2, where n = number of carbon atoms. In this, the two
carbon atoms are connected by triple bond.

9. Isomerism: Compounds having the same molecular formula, but different structural
formula and properties are known as Isomers and this phenomenon is known as Isomerism.
Structural Isomerism: Compounds having the same molecular formula, but different
structures are called Structural isomers.

Example: Isomers of butane (C4H10)

10. Functional Group

The atom or group of atoms which determine the properties of a compound is known as
functional group. e.g. —OH (alcohol), —CHO (aldehyde), > C = C < (alkene), — C ≡ C —
(alkyne) etc.

11. Homologous Series

A series of compounds in which the same functional group substitutes hydrogen in a carbon
chain is called a homologous series.


Series of organic compounds having the same functional group and chemical properties and
successive members differ by a CH2 unit or 14 mass units are known as Homologous series.

e.g. CH3Cl and C2H5Cl differ by a —CH2 unit.

Characteristics of a Homologous Series :

● All the members of a homologous series can be represented by the same general

● Any two adjacent homologues differ by 1 carbon atom and 2 hydrogen atoms in their
molecular formulae.

● All the compounds of a homologous series show similar chemical properties.

● With increase in the molecular mass the gradual change in the physical properties occurs.

● The 14 u is the difference in the molecular masses of any two adjacent homologues.

12. Nomenclature

Chemists developed a set of rules, for naming organic compounds based on their structures
which are known as IUPAC rules.

The IUPAC name of an organic compound consists of three parts.

Prefix – word root – Suffix

Word Root: A word root indicates the nature of basic carbon skeleton.

In case a functional group is present, it is indicated in the name of the compound with
either as a prefix or as a suffix.

While adding the suffix to the word root the terminal „e‟ of carbon chain is removed. If the
carbon chain is unsaturated then the final `ane‟ in the name of the carbon chain is
substituted by „en& or yne‟ respectively for double and triple bonds.

Name the Compounds By Following Order

Prefix + Word Root + Suffix

Elements are classified broadly into two categories based on properties:

Metals: Iron, Zinc, Copper, Aluminium etc.
Non – metals: Chlorine, Nitrogen, Hydrogen, Oxygen, Sulphur etc.
Some elements show properties of both metals and non – metals, e.g. Silicon, Arsenic,
Germanium. They are called metalloids.
Comparison of physical and chemical properties of metals and non – metals: -


1. Physical States Metals are solid at room temperature. Non-metals generally
Except mercury and gallium. exist as solids and gases,
except Bromine.
2. Melting Point and Metals generally have Non-metals have low
Boiling Point high and except gallium and and except
caesium diamond and graphite
3. Density Generally high. Generally low
4. Malleability and Malleable and ductile. Neither malleable nor
Ductility ductile.
5. Electrical and thermal Good conductors of heat Generally poor
conductivity and electricity. conductors of heat and
electricity except graphite.
6. Lustre Poses shining lustre. Do not have lustre
except iodine.
7. Sonorous sound Give sonorous sound Does not give
when struck. sonorous sound.
8 Hardness Generally hard except Na, K Solid non-metals are
generally soft except

Comparison of Chemical Properties of Metals and Non-metals: -


Reaction with Metal + Oxygen → Metal oxide Non-metal + Oxygen →Non-metal
Oxygen 4Na(s) + O2(g) →2Na2O(s) oxide
4Al(s) + 3O2(g) →2Al2O3 C + O2 →CO2
Metals form basic oxides S + O2 →SO2
Zn and Al form amphoteric oxides (they Non-metals form acidic
show the properties of both acidic and oxides.CO and H2O are neutral
basic oxides) oxides(they are neither acidic nor
Most of the metal oxides are insoluble in basic in nature) Non- metal oxides
water Some of them dissolve to form Alkali are soluble in water
Na2O(s) + H2O(l) →2NaOH(aq) They dissolve in water to form
SO2 + H2O →H2SO3
Reaction Metals react with water to form metal Non-metals do not react with
with water oxides or metal hydroxide and H2 gas is water, steam to evolve hydrogen
released. gas. Because non-metals cannot
2Na(s) + 2H2O(l) →2NaOH + give electrons to hydrogen in water
H2(g) + heat so that it can be released as H2 gas.
Reaction Metal + Acid →Metal salt + Hydrogen Non-metals do not react with acids
with dilute HCl: to release H2 gas
Acids Mg(s) + 2HCl(aq)→ MgCl2(aq) + H2(g) Reason- Non-metals cannot loose
H2SO4 electrons and give it to Hydrogen
2Na(s) + H2SO2→ Na2SO4(aq) +H2(g) ions of acids so that the gas is
HNO3 released.
Metal + HNO3→ H2 gas is not displaced.
Reason- HNO3 is strong oxidizing agent.
*Only Mg and Mn, react with very dilute
nitric acid to liberate hydrogen gas.

Reaction When metals react with salt solution, more When non-metals react
with salt solutions reactive metal will displace a less reactive with salt solution, more reactive
metal from its salt solution. non-metal will displace a less
CuSO4(aq) + Zn(s)→ ZnSO4(aq) + Cu(s) reactive non-metal from its salt
2NaBr(aq) + Cl2(g)→ 2NaCl(aq) +

Properties of ionic compounds

1. Physical nature : solid and hard due to strong force of attraction. (generally brittle)

Melting point and have high M.P and B.P, as large amount of heat energy is required
2. :
boiling point to break strong ionic attraction.
3. Solubility : soluble in water and insoluble in kerosene and petrol.

Conduction of
4. : ionic compounds in solid state-----does not conduct electricity.

Reason—Ions cannot move due to rigid solid structure. Ionic compounds conduct electricity in molten

Reason-- Ions can move freely since the electrostatic forces of attraction between the oppositely charged
ions are overcome due to heat.
Common Salt
& Chlor-Alkali
By Sara, Hessa, Ditthi &
Introduction: Sodium Chloride
Sodium Chloride
Sodium chloride, commonly known as salt, is an ionic compound with the
chemical formula NaCl, representing a 1:1 ratio of sodium and chloride ions It
is soluble in water , ammonia , glycerol, methanol, and Formic acid…

Why is it good for our body?

Sodium is an electrolyte that regulates the amount of water in your body.

Sodium also plays a part in nerve impulses and muscle contractions. Sodium
chloride is used to treat or prevent sodium loss caused by dehydration,
excessive sweating, or other causes.

Sodium Hydroxide
Common salt-A raw material for chemicals
The common salt thus obtained is an important raw material for various materials
of daily use such as sodium hydroxide, baking soda , washing soda, bleaching
powder and many more. Let’s see how one substance is used for making all the
different substances.
Sodium Chloride
+ Water When electricity is passed
through an aqueous solution of
--------> Sodium Hydroxide + sodium chloride (called brine),
Chlorine gas + Hydrogen gas it decomposes to form sodium
hydroxide. The process is called
chlor-alkali process because of
2NaCl(aq) + 2H2O(l) the products formed-- chlor for
chlorine and alkali for sodium
→ 2NaOH(aq) + Cl2(g) hydroxide.
+ H2(g)
Chlorine gas(-ve) is given off at the
anode(+ve), and hydrogen gas(+ve)
at the cathode(-ve).

The three products products

produced in this process is useful.
Products produced
and their uses Brine containing NaOH
Used in de-greasing metals,
Chlorine gas (Cl2) soaps and detergents, paper
Used in water treatment, swimming making, artificial fibers.
pools, PCV, disinfectants, CFCs,
These are important products
Hydrogen gas (H2) formed from the chlor-alkali
Used in fuels, margarine, process.
ammonia, and for fertilizers.
HCl uses- Bleach uses-
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variety of products.
1.What is an aqueous solution of sodium chloride called?

2.What is the chor-alkali process? Why is it called so?

3. X is given off at the anode and hydrogen gas as well as Y are formed at the cathode in the
chor-alkali process.
(i)Identify X and Y.
(ii)Name some of the uses of X.
1.An aqueous solution of sodium chloride is known as brine.

2.When electricity is passed through an aqueous solution of sodium chloride, it decomposes

to form sodium hydroxide. This process is called the chlor-alkali process.It is known so
because of the products formed– chlor for chlorine and alkali for sodium hydroxide.

3.(i) X is Chlorine gas and Y is Sodium hydroxide solution.

(ii)Water treatment, swimming pools, PVC, disinfectants, CFCs, pesticides.

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