Board Exam Reviewer

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1 MINING METHODS 001: A controlling factor in determining the choice of spatial position

mining method between open pit operation and underground of ore body
method.*spatial position of ore body
2 MINING METHODS 002: A type of drill used in stoping and raising stoper
operations. (airleg, stoper, sinker, raise climber)*stoper
3 MINING METHODS 003: Underground mining method used by small- gophering
scale miners. (gophering, cut-and-fill, glory hole, top slicing)*gophering

4 MINING METHODS 004: Underground mining method which utilizes room and pillar
natural support for openings that result from ore extraction.*room and
5 MINING METHODS 005: Slope of the final pit limit that defines final pit slope
geographically the boundaries of the open pit reserves.*final pit slope
6 MINING METHODS 006: Wood or steel member of a shaft that are hanging bolt
hitched or protruded into the wall to support the weight of certain
members of shaft sets.*hanging bolt
7 MINING METHODS 007: Mining method that is exclusively by retreating block caving
method with the cut-off grade serving only to define to fringes of major
ore zones.*block caving
8 MINING METHODS 008: Which piece of equipment removes materials bucket wheel
by pulling its bucket toward the machine?*bucket wheel excavator excavator

9 MINING METHODS 009: A small-scale method of recovering gold in channel

placer deposits using long wooden troughs with crossbars to check water
10 MINING METHODS 010: An example of underhand stoping.(top slicing, top slicing
resuing, shrinkage, cut-and-fill)*top slicing
11 MINING METHODS 011: A term commonly used in coal mining for an entry
adit or a gently inclined shaft.*entry
12 MINING METHODS 012: The drilling rate of the blast hole rig depends all of the above
primarily on: (rotary speed and bit thrust, rock type, flushing medium, all
of the above)*all of the above
13 MINING METHODS 013: This mining method is generally used for block caving
deposits where the ore is structurally weak and where faulting and rock
fracturing predominates.*block caving
14 MINING METHODS 014: This mining method is basically an overhand shrinkage
stoping system in which a portion of the broken ore accumulates until the stoping
stope is completed.*shrinkage stoping
15 sublevel stoping

16 MINING METHODS 016: This is a type of placer mining: (strip mining, hydraulicking
quarrying, open cut mining, hydraulicking)*hydraulicking
17 MINING METHODS 017: An aid in mine planning and design. (pick and computer
shovel, computer, brunton compass, shaft)*computer
18 MINING METHODS 018: A positive ore reserve is synonymous measured ore
to...*measured ore
19 MINING METHODS 019: Mining method most applicable in high grade resuing
but narrow veins.*resuing
20 MINING METHODS 020: An underground mining method which is block caving
economically comparable to open pit mining.*block caving
21 MINING METHODS 021: A ___________ is ideally applicable to open no answer
cast coal mining in the Philippines.(no answer)*pass*no answer
22 MINING METHODS 022: Mining method that is exclusively by retreating open pit
method with the cut-off grade serving only to define the fringes or major
ore zones.*open pit
23 MINING METHODS 023: A method in which any overburden is stripped open pit
and transported to a disposal area to uncover the mineral deposit.*open
24 final pit slope

25 MINING METHODS 025: A controlling factor in determining the choice of stripping ratio
mining method between open pit operation and underground
method.*stripping ratio
26 MINING METHODS 026: If mineral deposits that are otherwise prime block caving
candidates for recovery by open pit mining occur at uneconomic depth,
and underground method must be considered, then what is your logical
choice. (longwall mining, block caving, room and pillar, cut and fill)*block
27 MINING METHODS 027: The angle measured in degrees of deviation bench slope
from the horizontal, at which the earthy rock material will stand in an
excavated terrace like out in an open pit mining or quarry.*bench slope

28 MINING METHODS 028: Mining method where caving and subsidence room and pillar
occur with substantial pillar extraction.*room and pillar
29 MINING METHODS 029: A method which is intended for the recovery of placer mining
heavy minerals from mainly alluvial or placer deposits using water to
excavate, transport and/or concentrate the mineral.*placer mining*placer

30 MINING METHODS 030: Includes those methods which are rely on water aqueous
or a liquid solvent to recover minerals from the earth, either by hydraulic extraction
action or solution attack.*aqueous extraction
31 MINING METHODS 031: A method in which a high pressure stream of hydraulicking
water is directed against a placer bank to undercut and cave
32 MINING METHODS 032: A method in which the extraction carried out on in-situ leaching
a mineral in place.*in-situ leaching
33 MINING METHODS 033: Mining method which has a wide range of cut and fill
applications. This is because of its selectivity, good recovery, and
applicability under an unpredictable rock conditions.*cut and fill
34 MINING METHODS 034: Fiducial interval is used in ore reserve statistical
estimation when the valuable technique being used is method
_____________.*statistical method
35 MINING METHODS 035: This mining method is generally employed in sublevel stoping
steeply dipping bedded deposits with fairly uniform grade where the
stopes are mined from sublevels.*sublevel stoping
36 MINING METHODS 036: In long hole fan blasting, the optimum fan angle 60 to 90
lies between ___ to ___ based on the ratio of ore to waste sizes.*60 to
37 MINING METHODS 037: A geophysical exploration technique most spontaneous
applicable to porphyry copper deposits.*spontaneous polarization polarization
technique technique
38 MINING METHODS 038: The most reliable method of determining the atomic
gold content of an ore.*atomic absorption spectrophotometry absorption
39 MINING METHODS 039: Small blocks of ore are systematically extracted none of the
and replaced by a prismatic skeleton of timber sets, framed into an above
integrated support structure and backfilled floor by floor.(stull stoping,
square set stoping, cut and fill, none of the above)*none of the above*d

40 MINING METHODS 040: An exploitation method used in fairly flat-lying, longwall

thin tabular deposits in which a long face is established across a panel
between sets of entries and retreated or advanced by narrow cuts, aided
by the complete caving of the roof and hanging wall.*longwall

41 MINING METHODS 041: A supported mining method where ore strength cut and fill
is moderate to strong; rock strength: weak to fairly weak; deposit size:
tabular to irregular; deposit dip: moderate to fairly steep; deposit size: thin
to moderate; ore grade: fairly high.(stull stoping, square set, cut and fill,
longwall mining)*cut and fill*c
42 MINING METHODS 042: Mine opening over haulage level through which chinaman's
ore from the stope above is drawn to the waiting trucks as planking is chute
removed.*chinaman's chute
43 MINING METHODS 043: The process of ejecting grout (mixture of grouting
cement and sand) into crevices of rock, usually through a borehole drilled
into the rock to be grouted.*grouting
44 MINING METHODS 044: The spraying of mine roadways with concrete guniting
to give a measure of support presents a smooth surface to the air current
and prevent weathering.*guniting
45 MINING METHODS 045: The ore tonnage estimated largely on the broad geologic reserve
knowledge of the geologic character of the deposits and for which there
are few, if any samples or measurements.*geologic reserve

46 MINING METHODS 046: One (stope) in which the ore above the point of overhand stope
entry to the stope is attacked, so that severed ore tends to gravitate
towards discharge chutes and is self-draining.*overhand stope

47 MINING METHODS 047: A method of mining using a system of gloryhole

haulageways beneath the block of the ore which has its top surfaces system
exposed by the removal of the overburden. Over the haulageways are
chutes that extend up to the surface, and are spaces at intervals of 50
feet or at any other convenient distance.*gloryhole system
48 MINING METHODS 048: A process for mining sulfur in which frasch process
superheated water is forced into the sulfur deposits for the purpose of
melting the sulfur.*frasch process*frasch
49 MINING METHODS 049: A local term for vein or ore.*nava nava
50 MINING METHODS 050: Geostatistical method of determining the krigging
average grade of an orebody from drillhole sample assays. It can also
provide directional grade trends.*krigging
51 MINING METHODS 051: It uses chemical reagent. (flotation, thickening, flotation
amalgamation, filtering)*flotation
52 MINING METHODS 052: Slusher system of block caving is a method that semi-
is: select the letter: (a) semi-mechanized high labor intensive operation; mechanized
(b) low-mechanized, low labor intensive operator; (c) low-mechanized, high labor
high labor intensive operation; (d) highly-mechanized, high labor intensive
intensive operation*semi-mechanized high labor intensive operation*a operation

53 MINING METHODS 053: LHD is of block caving is a method that is: highly-
select the letter (a) applicable to one that has fine fragmentation; (b) mechanized,
semi-mechanized, high labor intensive operation ; (c) low-mechanized, low labor
low labor intensive operator; (d) highly-mechanized, low labor intensive intensive
operation*highly-mechanized, low labor intensive operation*d operation

54 MINING METHODS 054: The most commonly used mining methods in low-mechanized
narrow veins are normally: select the letter: (a) highly mechanized resulting in low
resulting in high productivity; (b) low-mechanized resulting in high productivity
productivity ; (c) low-mechanized resulting in low productivity; (d) highly
mechanized resulting in low productivity*low-mechanized resulting in low

55 MINING METHODS 055: The common problem of resuing mining low level of
method in narrow vein is: select the letter only: (a) its nonselectivity (b) technology
low level of technology employed and rock stability problem (c) low employed and
productivity (d) relatively high cost of operation*low level of technology rock stability
employed and rock stability problem*b problem
56 MINING METHODS 056: Cut-and-fill with ramp in the stope is a variation mechanized
of cut-and-fill which offers: select the letter: (a) low mechanization level of alternative of
operation (b) mechanized alternative of cut-and-fill method (c) low cut-and-fill
production operation (d) labor intensive operation*mechanized alternative method
of cut-and-fill method*b
57 MINING METHODS 057: The ramp method of cut-and-fill is best suited no answer
for: (short veins, massive or flat orebodies, long ore veins or continuous
beds, flat narrow veins)-- no answer type:pass*pass
58 MINING METHODS 058: A sublevel retreat with backfill is found in the cut and fill in
structure as:*cut and fill in slices slices
59 MINING METHODS 059: The analysis of the method in side veins vertical crater
suggest that it is the safest method of mining known today.*vertical crater retreat
60 MINING METHODS 060: Factors in selecting mining method, that rely on technological
mine recovery dilution and flexibility of methods (geotechnical properties, factors
economic consideration, technological factors, geologic and hydrologic
conditions)*technological factors*technological

61 MINING METHODS 061: These factors are probably the most important spatial
determinant, because they largely decide the choice of the method. characteristics
*spatial characteristics
62 MINING METHODS 062: Detailed surface investigation of target area in III
prospecting (Phase I,II,III,IV)*III
63 MINING METHODS 063: Hydraulicking includes all the following except selective
one: (unconsolidated materials/can automate operations/low mining operations
cost/selective operations)*selective operations*d
64 MINING METHODS 064: All are true for solution mining except on: (low low dilution
mining cost/low dilution/high productivity/good health and safety)*low
65 MINING METHODS 065: Shrinkage stoping are classified as: (a) large all of the above
scale method, (b) moderate to small scale (c) small scale method (d) all
of the above*d
66 MINING METHODS 066: All are the factors in choosing mining method marketing
except on: (a) spatial characteristic of deposit (b) geologic conditions (c) factors
technological factors (d) marketing factors*marketing factors*d

67 MINING METHODS 067: Placer mining may require substantial waste no answer
disposal system because of (a) both overburden stripping and waste
injection involved (b) unable to dump waste regularly (c) continuous
mineral processing (d) all of the above (no answer type: pass)*pass

68 MINING METHODS 068: It is an independent mining organization where safety

the department head has direct consultation with the manager.*safety department
69 MINING METHODS 069: The cheapest and low recovery of leach in-situ leaching
mining.*in-situ leaching
70 MINING METHODS 070: Detailed reconnaissance in prospecting which II
includes ore dressing test. (phase I,II,III,IV))*II
71 MINING METHODS 071: The ultimate depth of the optimum pit limit in no answer
open pit and underground on an early point in time in order to: (a)
determine the mineable size by open pit method of the ore reserve (b)
determine the pit slope (c) determine the ore to waste stripping ratio (d)
guarantee on production on deeper levels -- (no answer type:
pass)*pass*no answer

72 MINING METHODS 072: A method for surface highwall or outcrop auger method
recovery of coal by boring or excavating opening into the seam beneath
the overburden.*auger method*auger mining*auger
73 MINING METHODS 073: The underwater excavation of placer deposit, dredging
usually carried out from a floating vessel which may incorporate
processing and waste disposal facilities.*dredging
74 MINING METHODS 074: The loading point beneath a stope using gravity drawpoint
to move bulk material downward and into a conveyance, by a chute or
loading machine.*drawpoint
75 MINING METHODS 075: It is the working face of an opening.*breast breast
76 MINING METHODS 076: The broken, caved and mined-out portion of the gob
77 MINING METHODS 077: Portion of a deposit overlying an excavation crown pillar
and left in place.*crown pillar
78 MINING METHODS 078: The country rock boundary adjacent to a wall rock
deposit.*wall rock
79 MINING METHODS 079: It is a funnel-shaped excavation formed at the bell
top of a raise to move bulk material by gravity from a stope to a
80 MINING METHODS 080: A narrow, vertical or inclined opening slot
excavated in a deposit at the end of a stope to provide a bench face.*slot

81 MINING METHODS 081: The term applied to the timbering or the collar
concrete around the mouth or to of a shaft.*collar
82 MINING METHODS 082: Sometimes referred to as open cut mining. It open pit mining
can be employed in any mineral deposit of any rock type lying near or on
the surface.*open pit mining*open pit
83 MINING METHODS 083: Type of mining in which large quantities of hydraulic mining
water under pressure directed through pipes and nozzles (giants) are
utilized to disintegrate the deposit.*hydraulic mining
84 MINING METHODS 084: A surface or near-surface deposit, usually detrital deposit
tabular and maybe of considerable aerial extent, containing mineral
particles in detritus.*detrital deposit*detrital
85 MINING METHODS 085: Near-surface generally implies depths of less 500
than ____ feet.*500
86 MINING METHODS 086: Basically a continuous large-volume digging dredge
machine attached to a gravity concentrating facility (jigs, etc) with waster
removal systems, contained on a floating platform.*dredge
87 MINING METHODS 087: Open pit excavation from which ore is removed glory hole
by gravity through a raise or raises connecting to underground
haulageways.*glory hole
88 MINING METHODS 088: It is the oldest method of mining both coal and room and pillar
most metallic ores.*room and pillar method*room and pillar
89 MINING METHODS 089: It is the process wherein large quantities of hot frasch process
water are introduced through wells drilled into buried deposit of native
sulfur.*frasch process*frasch
90 MINING METHODS 090: A method for mining free gold deposits in river dredging
91 MINING METHODS 091: A surface mining method where the overburden strip mining
is stripped first and dumped at the same time. Then the orebody is
mined, horizontally in a single bench.*strip mining
92 MINING METHODS 092: The method suits coal deposits that are flat and room and pillar
tabular with dips not to exceed 12". The coal seams are mined by
creating rooms and leaving pillars in a regular pattern.*room and pillar

93 MINING METHODS 093: A method for mining weak veins and used a top slicing
great deal of timbers. The whole width of the vein is mined in horizontal
slices starting from the top. The timber sets are blasted down after each
slice is completed before the next slice is started.*top slicing

94 MINING METHODS 094: It is timbered stope but classified as a self- stull stope
supporting opening because the timbers are not used as support but to
provide working platforms for miners. The method is applicable to very
narrow veins so that the timbers to be used are normally 5-6 ft.*stull
95 MINING METHODS 095: A method of caving that utilizes the weight of block caving
an ore column that is being caved to crush itself into sizes small enough
to pass through draw points that have been prepared beforehand.*block
96 MINING METHODS 096: A horizontal opening in or near an ore body and drift
parallel to the course of the vein or long dimension of the ore body.*drift

97 MINING METHODS 097: A horizontal or near-horizontal underground tunnel

passage that is open to the atmosphere at both ends.*tunnel
98 auger method
99 dredging
100 MINING METHODS 100: A method of stoping wherein the wall rock on resuing
one side of the vein is removed before the ore is broken. Employed on
narrow veins, less than 30 in (76 cm), and yields cleaner ore than when
wall and ore are broken together.*resuing
101 MINING METHODS 101: A method of stoping in which the ore is broken resuing
down first and then the waste or vice versa; usually the one which breaks
easier is blasted first. The broken waste is left in the stope as filling, and
the ore is broken down on flooring laid on the fill to prevent admixture of
ore and waste. Resuing is applicable where the ore is not frozen to the
walls and works best if there is considerable difference between the
hardness of the ore and of the wall rocks.*resuing

102 MINING METHODS 102: Ore for which estimates are based on an indicated ore
assumed continuity and may or may not be supported by samples or
measurements.*indicated ore


Mining methods 102
Coal mining 43
Rock mechanics 56
Blasting 84
Geology 83
Mineral Resources 9
Mining laws 100
Mine economics 160
uncategorized 272

1 COAL MINING 001: Strata means (beds or layers, beams or bars, coal beds or layers
seams, surrounding rocks)*beds or layers*beds*layers*a
2 COAL MINING 002: Goaf means (in-situ rock, caved roof materials, coal caved roof
refuse, powdered coal)*caved roof materials*b materials
3 COAL MINING 003: Where the microenvironment is located in a longwall at the face
operation. (at the face, at the roof, at the floor, in the entire panel)*at the
4 COAL MINING 004: It is one of the high extraction methods of mining longwall mining
coal underground.*longwall mining*longwall
5 COAL MINING 005: It is the most important geographical factor climate
influencing coal formation, which affects the rate of floral growth and the
degree of preservation of accumulated plant materials in a peat
6 COAL MINING 006: It is a liquid, very viscous, hydrocarbon not tar
extractable from oil wells.*tar
7 COAL MINING 007: A solid petroleum that occurs as a component of kerogene
8 COAL MINING 008: The two predominant methods in underground coal pillar extraction
mining. (a) pillar extraction and longwalling (b) shortwall mining and pitch and longwalling
mining (c) room-and-pillar and breast stoping (d) hydraulic mining and
stop-and-pillar mining*pillar extraction and longwalling*a
9 COAL MINING 009: In room-and-pillar mining, this method is more continuous
preferred than the conventional mining method because separate unit mining
operations are eliminated or performed by a single high-performance
mining machine. It is also more efficient than the latter, lends more easily
to, and benefits from simulation analyses for improving its
performance.*continuous mining

10 COAL MINING 010: This method is a variation of room-and-pillar mining pitch mining
and is used when the deposit dip exceeds 15 degrees. The necessary
modification is to mine cross-pitch to reduce the effective haulage
grades.*pitch mining
11 COAL MINING 011: This phenomenon in longwall mining is a result air blast
brought about by the violent collapse of the goafs compressing the cavity
underneath the main roof. The occurs when the roof is competent (e.g. a
massive limestone) and the face has advanced for a distance of 100 -
150m.*air blast
12 COAL MINING 012: After the collapse as in air blast, a redistribution of abutment
the overburden pressure occurs. Part of the load now rests on the goaf
and the remainder is partly carried by the _________.*abutment
13 COAL MINING 013: It is the practice of removing the gas contained in a methane
coal seam and adjoining strata before actual mining through wellbores drainage
drill holes, and pipelines.*methane drainage
14 COAL MINING 014: A mode of pillar failure wherein the pillar load floor heave
exceeds the foundation (floor) material's unconfined compressive
strength. The failure is manifested by upward deformation of the
floor.*floor heave
15 COAL MINING 015: Another pillar failure mode wherein the coals pillar, pillar scaling
due to backpressure, gradually scales off. This effective reduces the size
of the pillar, thereby reducing its strength and increasing the pillar
stress.*pillar scaling
16 COAL MINING 016: A beam failure mode wherein the roof materials rock fall
break due to its own weight and presence of natural fractures. The roof
debris falls into the opening. However, this is not stress-related.*rock fall

17 COAL MINING 017: A beam failure mode manifested by flexure of the flexure failure
roof under the influence of its own weight plus the weight of the material
underneath which is suspended from it by bolting and the weight of softer
material overlying it.*flexure failure*flexure
18 COAL MINING 018: The theory that assumes that each pillar carries its no answer
full share of the overburden load provided that the width of the panel is
as great as or greater than the mining depth and where the mining layout
is regular, i.e. where the pillars in a panel are of the same size. (no
answer type: pass)*no answer*pass
19 COAL MINING 019: A sudden spalling or collapse of the coalface caused face break
by stress concentration at the face resulting from goaf hang-ups and
presence of joints near and parallel to the surface. This happens under
strong roof and floor conditions.*face break
20 COAL MINING 020: A large-scale instability involving the failure of a pillar run
great number of pillars in a partial high extraction system. The massive
failure is caused by tremendous pressure transmitted to the pillars by a
strong roof.*pillar run
21 COAL MINING 021: The production cycle of operations in the room-and- cut+drill+blast+l
pillar mining of coal with conventional equipment is modified from the oad+haul
basic cycle by the insertion of cutting to improve breakage.
(a)cut+drill+blast+load+haul, (b) drill+blast+load+haul+cut, (c)
blast+load+haul+cut+drill, (d)

22 COAL MINING 022: A systematic means of evaluating performance and simulation

operational factors for optimizing cycle of operations in conventional
mining. This is done usually with the aid of computers.*simulation

23 COAL MINING 023: An inevitable outcome from the high-extraction subsidence

method of mining coal.*subsidence
24 COAL MINING 024: A coal mining support (post, bolt, peg, stake)*bolt bolt

25 COAL MINING 025: Effect of high stress on the face. (a) difficult coal easier coal
handling (b) easy coal conveying (c) harder coal cutting (d) easier coal cutting
cutting*easier coal cutting*d
26 COAL MINING 026: Effect of competent roofs (a) high load transfer (b) high load
low load transfer (c) subsidence (d) stability*high load transfer*a transfer
27 COAL MINING 027: Effect of corners in coal mining.(no effect, high high stress
stress concentrations, stable work place, rock falls)*high stress concentrations
28 COAL MINING 028: Dangerous joints. (a) joints striking perpendicular to joints striking
the face, (b) joints striking oblique to the face, (c) joints striking parallel to parallel to the
the face, (d) joints striking in any directions*joints striking parallel to the face
30 COAL MINING 030: If the coal is easy to cut, (a) there is a high there is a high
concentration at the face (b) there is a low stress concentration at the concentration at
face (c) no stress concentration exists (d) no hang-ups will occur*there is the face
a high concentration at the face*a
31 COAL MINING 031: Floor heave is a result of (a) low stress high stress
concentration and weak roof (b) high stress concentration and strong roof concentration
(c) low stress concentration and weak floor (d) high stress concentration and weak floor
and weak floor*high stress concentration and weak floor*d

32 COAL MINING 032: The advantage of a strong roof in longwalling is (a) easier coal
easier coal cutting (b) high stress concentration at the face (c) goaf hang- cutting
up (d) more load transferred to the abutment*easier coal cutting*a

33 COAL MINING 033: Disadvantage of a strong roof in longwalling is (a) high stress
low stress concentration at the face (b) harder coal to cut (c) roof failure concentration at
(d) high stress concentration at the face*high stress concentration at the the face
34 COAL MINING 034: When the goaf has fully developed, the extraction it begins to
panel(a) is finally stable (b) undergoes the transition phase (c) stress destabilize
build-up begins (d) it begins to destabilize*it begins to destabilize*d

35 COAL MINING 035: As the face advances, stress acting on it (increases, increases
decreases, fluctuates, will not change)*increases*a
36 COAL MINING 036: When the roof caves in longwalling (a) the abutment the stresses are
are completely relieved of their loads (b) the stresses are redistributed (c) redistributed
the load disappears (d) the load is doubled*the stresses are
37 COAL MINING 037: Violent caving of the roof happens when the (a) roof roof is strong
is weak (b) floor is strong (c) roof is strong (d) floor is weak*roof is
38 COAL MINING 038: Floor heaving happens when the (a) floor is weak floor is weak
and roof is strong (b) floor is strong and roof is strong (c) roof is weak and and roof is
floor is weak (d) roof is strong*floor is weak and roof is strong*a strong
39 COAL MINING 039: The strength of a coal pillar is dependent upon the structures
strength of the coal material and (height of pillar, width of pillar, structures present in the
present in the pillar, load imposed on the pillar)*structures present in the pillar
40 COAL MINING 040: Large pillars in a coal mine to protect smaller barrier pillars
ones.*barrier pillars*barrier
41 COAL MINING 041: Failure of a coal pillar by overstress.*bump bump
42 COAL MINING 042: The theory which implies that upon excavation of an pressure arch
opening in a coal seam, the redistributed stress forms an elliptical theory
arch.*pressure arch theory*pressure arch
43 COAL MINING 043: The coal mining method that best control coal longwall mining
bumps.*longwall mining*longwall*long wall
1 ROCK MECHANICS 001: The study of the properties, mechanical rock mechanics
behavior of rock, and the nature of stresses underground.*rock
2 ROCK MECHANICS 002: The term used to describe the intact rock rock material
between discontinuities; a hand specimen of a piece of drill core
examined in the laboratory might represent it.*rock material
3 ROCK MECHANICS 003: The total in-situ medium containing structural rock mass
features.*rock mass
4 ROCK MECHANICS 004: A rock mass parameter that quantifies rock quality
discontinuity by the ratio of the lengths of the individual pieces of core designation
recovered in a drill run, having lengths of 10 cm or greater, and the total
length of drill run.*RQD*rock quality designation
5 ROCK MECHANICS 005: Method of representing and analyzing the hemispherical
three-dimensional relations between planes and lines on a two projection
dimensional diagram.*hemispherical projection
6 ROCK MECHANICS 006: The maximum stress that the rock material can peak strength
sustain under a given set of conditions.*peak strength
7 ROCK MECHANICS 007: The stress-reduction effect given by one shielding effect
opening to another opening that is below and parallel to it.*shielding
8 ROCK MECHANICS 008: The stress that is deflected to the virgin blocks abutment stress
or blocks adjacent to the opening. The stress was formerly carried by the
block that has been extracted in creating the opening.*abutment stress

9 ROCK MECHANICS 009: The stress existing in a rock mass before the in-situ stress
excavation of an opening.*in-situ stress
10 ROCK MECHANICS 010: The rock in which the ore body is country rock
enclosed.*country rock
11 ROCK MECHANICS 011: Select the main reason why mechanics should c
be separated from classical engineering mechanics. (a) rock mechanics
has more inherent complexities compared to classical mechanics. (b) in
classical mechanics, the designer has a wider option for structural
materials while the rock mechanics engineer does not. (c) In rock
mechanics, the structural element, which is the rock, can still perform its
function even if the element has failed, while in classical mechanics the
load bearing capacity drops down to zero. (d) rock is weakest in tension
as opposed to structural steel in classical mechanics.*c

12 ROCK MECHANICS 012: Why do rocks often fail at the crown of a because of
tunnel? (a) because of tensile stresses. (b) they fail due to high vertical tensile stresses
stresses. (c) Due to high horizontal stresses. (d) because of shear
stresses*because of tensile stresses*a
13 ROCK MECHANICS 013: The stress divided by the strain.*modulus of modulus of
elasticity elasticity
14 ROCK MECHANICS 014: Transverse strain divided by the longitudinal poisson's ratio
strain is _________.*poisson's ratio
15 ROCK MECHANICS 015: The ability of a material to resist a shearing shear strength
force is ______.*shear strength
16 ROCK MECHANICS 016: The change in length divided by the original strain
length is called _______.*strain
17 ROCK MECHANICS 017: The stress above which the stress-strain yield point
relationship is not anymore directly proportional.*yield point
18 ROCK MECHANICS 018: Unconfined compressive strength of a rock is its resistance to
(a) its resistance to compression at zero confinement (b) its ability to compression at
withstand tension (c) its resistance to sliding along a plane (d) its ability to zero
withstand impact*its resistance to compression at zero confinement*a confinement

19 ROCK MECHANICS 019: The stress level beyond which the material failure point
cannot take any additional load.*failure point
20 ROCK MECHANICS 020: Shear strength is a material's ability to*resist resist sliding on
sliding on a plane a plane
21 ROCK MECHANICS 021: Tri-axial test is a rock test that shows the d
following (a) shear, compressive and tensile strengths (b) shear,
compressive strengths and friction angle (c) shear, compressive, tensile
strengths and friction angle (d) shear, compressive, tensile strengths,
friction angle and failure envelope*d
22 ROCK MECHANICS 022: Dynamic load (a) induced load (b) time- load imparted
dependent load (c) load imparted by earthquake (d) load repeated by earthquake
frequently or cyclic load*load imparted by earthquake*c
23 ROCK MECHANICS 023: Stress distribution means (a) stress change stress change
brought about by a disturbance (b) stress relief (c) relaxation (d) stress brought about
buildup*stress change brought about by a disturbance*a by a
24 ROCK MECHANICS 024: Uncontrolled disruption of rock accompanied rock burst
by violent release of energy.*rock burst
25 ROCK MECHANICS 025: The point load index, in rock mechanics, is 50
reported as the point load strength of a __-mm core.*50
26 ROCK MECHANICS 026: Rocks' slake durability index, essentially, is an strength
index to (a) strength reduction resulting from soaking (b) tenacity (c) reduction
hardness (d) abrasion resistance*strength reduction resulting from resulting from
soaking*a soaking
27 ROCK MECHANICS 027: The index of fissuring (IQ) of a rock is acoustic
determined through measurement of its ______ properties.*acoustic
28 ROCK MECHANICS 028: Hydraulic conductivity is synonymous permeability
29 ROCK MECHANICS 029: Modulus of rupture is synonymous flexural strength
with...*flexural strength
30 ROCK MECHANICS 030: The increase in volume associated with dilatancy
creation of new cracks during compression.*dilatancy
31 ROCK MECHANICS 031: It is the theoretical and applied science of the rock mechanics
mechanical behavior of rock masses.*rock mechanics
32 ROCK MECHANICS 032: It is concerned with the mechanical responses geomechanics
of all geological materials including soil.*geomechanics
33 ROCK MECHANICS 033: The concept that used to described the stress
intensity of internal forces set-up in a body under the influence of a set of
applied surface force.*stress
34 ROCK MECHANICS 034: It defines the shear stress components vanish, principal plane
that is possible to select a particular orientation for a plane such that it is
subject to normal stress.*principal plane
35 ROCK MECHANICS 035: It ranks second to isotropic elasticity in the modulus of
degree of expression of elastic symmetry in the material elasticity
behavior.*modulus of elasticity
36 rock material
37 ROCK MECHANICS 037: It is the total medium containing bedding rock mass
planes, faults, joints, and other structural feature.*rock mass
38 ROCK MECHANICS 038: It is the nature and distribution of structural rock structure
features within the rock mass.*rock structure
39 ROCK MECHANICS 039: The fractures on which identifiable shear faults
displacement has taken place.*faults
40 ROCK MECHANICS 040: The perpendicular distance between adjacent spacing
41 ROCK MECHANICS 041: Term used to describe the aerial extent or size persistence
of a discontinuity with a plane.*persistence
42 ROCK MECHANICS 042: The distance range of discontinuity spacing 60-200*60 to
which is considered as extremely close spacing. (in millimeters)*60- 200
200*60 to 200
43 ROCK MECHANICS 043: The distance range of discontinuity spacing less than
which is considered as very wide spacing. (in millimeters)*less than 20*<20
44 ROCK MECHANICS 044: It pertains to the surface unevenness and roughness
waiveness of the discontinuity relative to its mean plane.*roughness
45 ROCK MECHANICS 045: The distance separating the adjacent rock aperture
walls of an open discontinuity in which the intervening space is filled with
air or water.*aperture
46 ROCK MECHANICS 046: The term used to describe material separating filling
the adjacent rock walls of discontinuities.*filling
47 ROCK MECHANICS 047: It is the formation of planes of separation in the fracture
rock material.*fracture
48 ROCK MECHANICS 048: When the rock reach its maximum stress, strength
usually averaged over a plane, that the rock can sustain under a given
set of conditions.*strength
49 ROCK MECHANICS 049: It is the basic technique used in mapping scanline survey
surface or underground exposures.*scanline survey
50 ROCK MECHANICS 050: Set of line on the surface of the rock mass and scanline
the survey consists of recording data for all discontinuities that intersect
the scan line along its length.*scanline
51 ROCK MECHANICS 051: The most reliable way of exploring the interior core drilling
of a rock mass prior to mining.*core drilling
52 ROCK MECHANICS 052: The intersection of the plane and the surface great circle
of the plane.*great circle
53 ROCK MECHANICS 053: A line perpendicular to the plane and passing pole
through the center of the sphere at two diametrically opposite points is
called the ______ of the plane.*pole
54 ROCK MECHANICS 054: It is the process by which sudden loss of brittle fracture
strength occurs across a plane following little or no permanent
deformation.*brittle fracture
55 ROCK MECHANICS 055: When the rock can sustain further permanent ductile
deformation without losing load carrying capacity, this rock is deformation
experiencing...*ductile deformation
56 ROCK MECHANICS 056: It is the stress which governs the gross effective stress
mechanical response of a porous material.*effective stress
1 BLASTING 001: A small plastic tube coated internally with an explosive signal tube
powder so that it is capable of transmitting a shockwave along the length
of the tube.*signal tube
2 BLASTING 002: A type of exploder that has a dynamo, the armature of generator type
which is manually rotated through gearing from either a plunge rock-bar
or a twisting handle. It is usually used in series.*generator type*generator

3 BLASTING 003: A type of exploder that has one or more capacitors capacitor type
which are charged from either a battery or dynamo having a manually
rotated armature. It is suitable for series firing and most may be used to a
limited extent to firing series-in-parallel circuits.*capacitor type*capacitor

4 BLASTING 004: A type of exploder, which provides delay-firing intervals sequential type
of predetermined duration. A manually or mechanically rotated sequence
switch directs electrical energy to fire each detonator/circuit in turn as the
rotating arm passes over the appropriate contact.*sequential
5 BLASTING 005: A connection in an electrical firing circuit, which consists series-in-parallel
of a number of series, connected in parallel.*series-in-parallel connection
6 BLASTING 006: A connection in an electrical firing circuit in which the parallel-in-series
detonators are connected in parallel in a number of groups and the connection
groups connected in series.*parallel-in-series connection*parallel-in-
7 BLASTING 007: Gelled, saturated aqueous solutions usually containing water gel
suspended solids and consisting of water, oxidizing salts, fuel explosive
components, and various sensitizers.*water gel explosive*water gel

8 BLASTING 008: This kind of explosive consists of saturated aqueous emulsion

solutions of oxidizing salts, which are finely dispersed through a explosive
continuous oil phase. They may contain additional suspended solids and
various sensitizers.*emulsion explosive*emulsion
9 BLASTING 009: The separation of nitroglycerin or other nitrobody from exudation
the explosive as an oily liquid which may be retained inside or appear on
the outside of the wrapper.*exudation
10 BLASTING 010: The pressure wave transmitted through the air, caused airblast
by an explosion.*airblast
11 BLASTING 011: The intensity of sound which is the limit of human 120 decibels
tolerance.*120 decibels*120 dB*120 db*120db*120dB
12 BLASTING 012: The sound intensity limit at which structural damage 133 decibels
may occur.*133 decibels*133 dB*133 db*133dB*133db
13 BLASTING 013: These are created to provide free face for subsequent cut-off slots
production.*cut-off slots
14 BLASTING 014: This method of firing is used in ore production in open ring firing
and/or sublevel stoping.*ring firing
15 BLASTING 015: A term in block caving in which oversize boulders are boulder
broken at the grizzly level into sizes passable to the drawpoint.*boulder breakage
16 BLASTING 016: It is a method to destress a particular volume of a rock destress
mass using explosives for stability reasons.*destress blasting blasting
17 BLASTING 017: A type of controlled blasting to reduce the damage to perimeter
the rock remaining after a blast.*perimeter blasting blasting
18 BLASTING 018: An explosive ingredient whose function is to provide oxidizer
oxygen in the detonation process.*oxidizer
19 BLASTING 019: The best fuels for explosives are those with the highest hydrogen
_____________. *hydrogen content content
20 BLASTING 020: ANFO was first commercialized in 1955 as a mixture of 96 and 4
___% porous prilled ammonium nitrate and ___% fuel oil (distillate),
respectively.*96 and 4*96,4*96 & 4
21 BLASTING 021: Packaged ANFO is also available in the same form as 25
bulk, except it is ___ kg bags.*25
22 BLASTING 022: It is a unit which when detonated increases the booster
magnitude of detonation. It is usually positioned between the initiating
device and the main charge.*booster
23 BLASTING 023: It is a round flexible cord containing a central core of detonating cord
high explosive and used to initiate an explosive charge.*detonating cord

24 BLASTING 024: It is a high-velocity decomposition and exothermic detonation

reaction accompanied by the liberation of vast amounts of energy and
very hot gases at tremendously high pressure.*detonation
25 BLASTING 025: A detonation agent that has a speed of reaction high explosive
exceeding that of sound's.*high explosive
26 BLASTING 026: A very rapid burning but not an explosion.*deflagration deflagration

27 BLASTING 027: A kind of explosive that generates no shockwave and low explosive
hence no detonation pressure.*low explosive
28 BLASTING 028: This effect is due to the gas pressure action which is explosion
equally or more important than the shattering action in pressure
breaking.*explosion pressure
29 BLASTING 029: The point at which an explosive mixture has sufficient zero oxygen
oxygen to completely oxidize all the fuels, but not excess oxygen to react balance
with the contained nitrogen.*zero oxygen balance
30 BLASTING 030: Which of the following is an example of a low explosive? black powder
(slurry/black powder/emulsion/nitroglycerin)*black powder*b

31 BLASTING 031: Specially formulated mixtures that are safe to use in permissibles
flammable atmospheres in underground coal mines.*permissibles
32 BLASTING 032: Mixture of AN, water, and a fuel sensitizer, either slurry
explosive or non-explosive, were developed to extend the range of
properties of blasting agents.*slurry
33 BLASTING 033: An incendiary cord used to sequentially ignite safety igniter cord
fuses.*igniter cord*igniter
34 BLASTING 034: A cord which burns at a definite rate, and is used to safety fuse
initiate a plain detonator or a deflagrating explosive.*safety fuse
35 BLASTING 035: A super fine mixture of oxidizer solution encapsulated in emulsion
an oil/wax matrix.*emulsion
36 BLASTING 036: A capsule of case which contains a sensitive powerful detonator
explosive used for initiating other explosives and may not contain more
than 10 grams of total explosives by weight, excluding initiation or delay
37 BLASTING 037: A high explosive consisting essentially of a mixture of, dynamite
but not limited to nitroglycerin, nitrocellulose, ammonium nitrate, sodium
nitrate, and carbonaceous material.*dynamite
38 BLASTING 038: A small shell containing an explosive compound that is electric squib
ignited by electric current brought in through the lead wires.*electric squib

39 BLASTING 039: These are nearly horizontal holes drilled at the bottom of snake holes
the face of the bench. After enlarging by small charges of explosive, they
are blasted to bring down the bench at one or more shots.*snake holes

40 BLASTING 040: A method of blasting in which larges charges are fired in coyote blasting
small adits driven into the face of the quarry at level of the floor.*coyote
41 BLASTING 041: If the drill holes are too small to hold the necessary springing
charge of explosives, the bottom of the holes must be enlarges. This is
______. *springing
42 BLASTING 042: The first hole or group of holes fired in a drift or tunnel cut holes
face is known as ______.*cut holes
43 BLASTING 043: In straight dynamite, the term "straight" means that the dynamite
(a) dynamite contains no ammonium nitrate (b) dynamite contains no contains no
nitroglycerin (c) dynamite can be detonated without primer (d) dynamite ammonium
has a detonation velocity of 25,000 fps.*dynamite contains no ammonium nitrate
44 BLASTING 044: It is the percentage of nitroglycerin in the straight weight strength
nitroglycerin dynamite that produces the same deflection on the ballistic
mortar as an equal weight of explosive.*weight strength
45 BLASTING 045: Explosives designed for underground coal mines where permissible
the presence of explosive gases presents an abnormal blasting explosives
hazard.*permissible explosives*permissibles
46 BLASTING 046: It deflagrates (rapid burning) without production of an low explosive
intense shock wave. It can be set off by a flame.*low explosive
47 BLASTING 047: It is defined as an explosive susceptibility to sensibility
48 BLASTING 048: Inert materials placed after the explosive charge used to stemming
confine explosive energy.*stemming
49 BLASTING 049: The rock that is broken by blasting outside the intended back break
area.*back break
50 BLASTING 050: A quarry blasting method wherein succession of charges chambering
are fired in a borehole to open a chamber.*chambering
51 deck loading
52 BLASTING 052: A wall rock, usually vertical, either naturally formed or face
formed by blasting.*face
53 BLASTING 053: Rock that is thrown an excessive distance from the blast fly rock
site.*fly rock
54 BLASTING 054: Method of blasting in coal mines where hollow cylinders cardox
are charged with liquid CO2 under a pressure of 2000 lbs/square
55 BLASTING 055: The cheapest explosive next to ANFO.*slurry slurry
56 BLASTING 056: A method of loading blasthole in which the explosive deck loading
charge are separated by stemming or air cushion.*deck loading
57 BLASTING 057: It is a mixture of 90% nitroglycerin and 10% gelatin
58 BLASTING 058: Portion of blasthole which remains in the face after bootleg
59 BLASTING 059: A detonator which explodes after a pre-determined delay
fraction of a second.*delay detonator*delay
60 BLASTING 060: An explosive made by mixing sulfuric acid, nitric acid nitroglycerin
and glycerin.*nitroglycerin
61 BLASTING 061: The following are the effects of blasting on rock except weathering
one.(crushing/cracking/vibration propagation/weathering)*weathering*d

62 BLASTING 062: It is the distance between rows of blast holes parallel to burden
the major free face.*burden
63 BLASTING 063: The main explosive charge in a detonator.*base charge base charge

64 BLASTING 064: The had on pressure created by the detonation detonation

proceeding down the explosive column.*detonation pressure pressure
65 BLASTING 065: A detonation of an explosive charge at a time after its hangfire
designed firing time.*hangfire*hang fire
66 BLASTING 066: A slot cut in a coal of soft rock face by a mechanical kerf
cutter to provide a free space for blasting.*kerf
67 BLASTING 067: An overbreak control in which a series of very closely line drilling
spaced uncharged holes are drilled at the perimeter.*line drilling

68 BLASTING 068: Holes adjacent to the cutholes in a heading relievers

69 BLASTING 069: The ratio of the volume of a material in its solid state to swell factor
that when broken.*swell factor
70 BLASTING 070: A firing device that burns with the flash.*safety fuse safety fuse
71 BLASTING 071: At an operation using explosives, who should be able to all of the above
recognize explosives to be aware of their hazard potention? (a)all
supervisors; (b) the whole blast crew; (c) all office staff; (d) all plant
operator; (e) all of the above*all of the above*e
72 BLASTING 072: The VOD of ANFO is most influenced by: charge diameter
(temperature/prill size/charge diameter).*charge diameter*c
73 BLASTING 073: When watergel or emulsion explosives are stored for less sensitive to
periods far beyond their shelf life, they generally become: (a) less initiation
sensitive to initiation; (b) hazardous to move; (c) dry and powdery; (d)
completely harmless.*less sensitive to initiation*a
74 BLASTING 074: If any of the following items were noticed in the muckfile none of these
it would be safe to ignore and keep digging into: (detonating
cord/POWERGEL/ANFO/ANZOMEX/none of these).*none of these*e
75 BLASTING 075: In a 75-mm diameter blasthole charged with ANFO, Detacord,
which detonating cord would most likely cause desensitization: (a) 3.6g/m
Silvercord, 70g/m; (b) Hexicord, 10g/m; (c) Detacord, 3.6g/m*Detacord,
76 BLASTING 076: PRIMADET TLD'S are not at risk of causing firing time delay element
overlaps because: (a) delay element times are highly accurate; (b) each times are highly
one must initiate the next in the sequence; (c) they are not affected by accurate
symphatetic detonation.*delay element times are highly accurate*a

77 BLASTING 077: With the PRIMADET system it is possible to initiate up to 30

how many separately timed charges?*30
78 BLASTING 078: When delay detonators get old, the delay times get longer
generally (get longer/remain constant/get shorter).*get longer*a
79 BLASTING 079: If a cartridge of explosives containing a detonator gets may charge
jammed half way down a blasthole you (a) may push it firmly down with a ANFO up to the
wooden pole; (b) may charge ANFO up to the normal height; (c) must normal height
abandon the hole; (d) may pull it firmly back out of the obstruction.*may
charge ANFO up to the normal height*b
80 BLASTING 080: Which of the following items are safe from explosion in safety fuse
the presence of a lightning storm? (safety fuse/POWERGEL blasting
agents/non-electric detonator/ANFO in blastholes/detonating cord)*safety
81 BLASTING 081: If you find several lengths of PRIMADET signal tube examine the
sticking out from an area of poorly broken ground, would you (a) examine tubing to see if it
the tubing to see if it has fired; (b) wash down the area with lots of water; has fired
(c) evacuate the area and supervise digging out; (d) mark the area and
supervise its digging out; (e) redrill, charge and fire a relieving hole near
it.*examine the tubing to see if it has fired*a

82 BLASTING 082: It is possible to determine if a length of PRIMADET the presence of

tubing has fired by: (a) the cahnge in colour of the outer covering; (b) loose powder
cutting the tube and smelling the burnt powder; (c) the presence of loose inside the tubing
powder inside the tubing*the presence of loose powder inside the
83 BLASTING 083: Unauthorized fuel should not be used in ANFO because danger of fire or
of: (a) loss of water resistance; (b) danger of fire or explosion; (c) lack of explosion
energy output.*danger of fire or explosion*b
84 BLASTING 084: In the Bunch Block of a PRIMADET TLD it is important detonating cord
not to put together (a) more than 3 signal tubes; (b) heavy dury signal and signal tubes
tubes; (c) signal tubes with J hooks attached; (d) detonating cord and
signal tubes.*detonating cord and signal tubes*d
1 MINERAL RESOURCES 001: Within the Baguio District, where can you Acupan
find the bonanza deposits occur within the brecciated rim of the Balatoc
2 MINERAL RESOURCES 002: Numerous occurence of porphyry-type all of the
mineralization that have been identified. (Zambales Deposit, Sipatay, above*all
Negros deposit, Marinduque deposit, all of the above)*all of the above*all

3 MINERAL RESOURCES 003: The type of copper deposits of Lepanto vein type*vein
Consolidated Mining Company located at Mankayan, Benguet.*vein
4 MINERAL RESOURCES 004: What province can you find the biggest Zambales
single deposit of refractory chromite in the Philippines?*Zambales

5 MINERAL RESOURCES 005: The copper deposit contains recoverable maricalum

concentrations of molybdenum.*maricalum mining corporation*maricalum mining
6 MINERAL RESOURCES 006: The Nickel ore in Hinatuan, Surigao del gameirite
Norte.*gameirite type*gameirite type*gameirite
7 MINERAL RESOURCES 007: One of the largest producer of nickel in the rio tuba nickel
country located in Palawan.*rio tuba nickel mining corporation*rio tuba mining
8 MINERAL RESOURCES 008: Nickel ores characterized by high iron limonite
content (40-50%), and relatively low nickel (0.5-15%), cobalt (0.05-2%), type*limonite
magnesia (<5%), and silica (<10%).*limonite type*limonite
9 MINERAL RESOURCES 009: Mine which is located at Paracale, United Paragon
Camarines Norte.*United Paragon Mining Corporation Mining
1 MINING LAWS 001: Mine Waste and Tailings Disposal is also known as P.D. 1251
_____________:*P.D. 1251*pd 1251
2 MINING LAWS 002: Absolute ownership of both surface and Philippine Bill of
minerals.*Philippine Bill of 1902*phil bill of 1902 1902
3 MINING LAWS 003: The Indigenous People's Rights Act of 1997.*R.A. R.A. 8371
8371*ra 8371
4 MINING LAWS 004: The Philippine Mining Act of 1995.*R.A. 7942*ra R.A. 7942
5 MINING LAWS 005: The exact date of the approval of R.A. 7942.*March March 3, 1995
3, 1995*march 3, 1995
6 MINING LAWS 006: A document granted to a qualified person for the quarry permit
extraction and utilization of Quarry Resources.*quarry permit
7 MINING LAWS 007: Occupation fee for exploration permit per hectare or P5.00
fraction thereof per annum.*P5.00*5
8 MINING LAWS 008: Toxic substances hazardous and nuclear wastes R.A. 6969
control act of 1990.*R.A. 6969*ra 6969
9 MINING LAWS 009: Extended the implementing validity of P.D. E.O. 211
463.*E.O. 211*eo 211
10 MINING LAWS 010: The term for MPSA.*25 years renewable for a like 25 years
period*25 years renewable for a
like period
11 MINING LAWS 011: FTAA means*Financial or Technical Assistance Financial or
Agreement*financial or technical assistance agreement Technical
12 MINING LAWS 012: MPSA means*Mineral Production Sharing Mineral
Agreement*mineral production sharing agreement Production
13 MINING LAWS 013: The exact date of the approval of R.A. 7076.*June June 27, 1991
27, 1991*june 27, 1991
14 MINING LAWS 014: Revised implementing rules and regulations of R.A. DAO No. 96-40
7942.*DAO No. 96-40*dao no 96-40
15 MINING LAWS 015: The number of years of cost recovery period.*5 5 years
16 MINING LAWS 016: The Philippine Environmental Impact Statement P.D. 1586
System.*P.D. 1586*pd 1586
17 MINING LAWS 017: Sand and Gravel Law*MAO No. MRD 27*mao no MAO No. MRD
mrd 27 27
18 MINING LAWS 018: Maximum area for exploration permit on shore in 1000 blocks
any province that corporation may hold.*1000 blocks
19 MINING LAWS 019: A provincial governor may grant permit offshore that 2 hectares
corporations may hold.*2 hectares*2 has
20 MINING LAWS 020: The Mines Adjudication Board shall be composed of three members
how many members?*three members*3*three
21 MINING LAWS 021: Occupation fee for Minerals Agreements and P50.00
Financial or Technical Assistance Agreement.*P50.00*50 pesos*50
22 MINING LAWS 022: Occupation fee for Mineral P100.00
Preservation.*P100.00*100 pesos*100
23 MINING LAWS 023: Maximum area for Mineral Agreement onshore in 200 blocks
the entire Philippines that a corporation may hold.*200 blocks
24 MINING LAWS 024: Maximum area for Mineral Agreement offshore in 500 blocks
the entire Philippines that a corporation may hold.*500 blocks
25 MINING LAWS 025: Cancellation of Exploration Permit Mineral 2 consecutive
Agreement and FTAA is due to the failure to pay the taxes and fees due years
the government for (3 consecutive years/3 separate years/2 consecutive
eyars/2 separate years).*2 consecutive years*c
26 MINING LAWS 026: Any person undertaking exploration work illegally, P50,000
upon conviction, be penalized by a fine of not exceeding _________
27 MINING LAWS 027: Upon conviction, any person guilty of theft of 6 months to 6
minerals may be subject to imprisonment from (6 months to 6 years/6 years
years to 12 years/2 months to 12 years/12 years to 24 years).*6 months
to 6 years*a
28 MINING LAWS 028: The president of the Philippines who approved the Fidel V. Ramos
R.A. 7942.*Fidel V. Ramos*ramos
29 MINING LAWS 029: The maximum contact area onshore for FTAA that 1,000
may be granted for qualified person.*1,000 meridional blocks*1000 meridional
meridional blocks blocks
30 onshore
31 MINING LAWS 031: The maximum area for Quarry Permit.*5 hectares*5 5 hectares
32 MINING LAWS 032: The maximum area for Small-Scale Mining 20 hectares
Permit.*20 hectares*20 has
33 MINING LAWS 033: One meridional block contains how many hectares? 81 hectares
*81 hectares*81 has
34 MINING LAWS 034: Maximum contract area offshore for FTAA that may 4,000 blocks
be granted for qualified persons.*4,000 blocks*4000 blocks
35 MINING LAWS 035: Mineral Resources Development Decree of P.D. 463
1974.*P.D. 463*pd 463
36 MINING LAWS 036: Revised water usage classification Water Quality DAO No. 34
criteria.*DAO No. 34*dao no 34
37 MINING LAWS 037: Revised effluent regulators of 1990.*DAO No. DAO No. 35
35*dao no 35
38 MINING LAWS 038: Amending the revised rules and regulations DAO No. 21
implementing P.D. 1586.*DAO No. 21*dao no 21
39 MINING LAWS 039: Providing for programmatic compliance procedures DAO No. 11
within the EIS System, supplementing DAO No. 21.*DAO No. 11*dao no
40 MINING LAWS 040: Excise tax for gold according to Revenue 2 percent
Regulations No. 13-94.*2 percent*2%
41 MINING LAWS 041: Excise tax for Indigenous Petroleum of the Fair 15 percent
International market price on the first taxable sale.*15 percent*15%
42 MINING LAWS 042: The extraction or disposition of minerals.*utilization utilization

43 MINING LAWS 043: Revised Air Quality Standards of 1992.*DAO No. DAO No. 14
14*dao no 14
44 MINING LAWS 044: Excise tax for coal and coke.*P10.00/MT*10/mt P10.00/MT
45 MINING LAWS 045: Local Government Code of 1995.*R.A. 7160*ra R.A. 7160
46 MINING LAWS 046: Omnibus Investment Code of 1987.*E.O. 226*eo E.O. 226
47 MINING LAWS 047: Mining processing permit shall be issued by the DENR
(MGB Director/Mines Regional Director/DENR Secretary
Secretary/CENRO).*DENR Secretary*c
48 MINING LAWS 048: The maximum are under industrial sand and gravel 5 hectares
permit, granted by the PMCRB which a qualified person may hold at one
time is...*5 hectares*5 has
49 MINING LAWS 049: The doctrine that states that all minerals belong to Regalian
the state.*Regalian Doctrine*regalian Doctrine
50 MINING LAWS 050: All submerged lands in the exclusive economic zone Mineral
of the Philippines are declared as (Marine Reservations/Offshore Reservations
Reservations/Mineral Reservations/Aquatic Reservations).*Mineral
51 MINING LAWS 051: The primary government agency responsible for the Department of
conservation, management, development and proper use of the country's Environment
mineral resources.(MGB/Department of Mineral Resources/Dept of and Natural
Energy/DENR)*Department of Environment and Natural Resources*denr Resources

52 MINING LAWS 052: One example of Mineral Agreement is the (Financial Mineral
or Technical Assistance Agreement/Mining Lease Contract/Mineral Production
Production Sharing Agreement/Quarry Permit)*Mineral Production Sharing
Sharing Agreement*c Agreement
53 MINING LAWS 053: All proposed Mineral Agreement is the (a)The region The region
where the subject areas are located; (b) The Miners and Geosciences where the
Bureau Central Office; (c) the district office of the Mines and subject areas
Geosciences Bureau; (d) DENR Central Office.*The region where the are located
subject areas are located*a
54 MINING LAWS 054: A proposed Mineral Agreement is approved by the DENR
(a) Mines and Geosciences Bureau Director; (b) Miners and Geosciences Secretary
Bureau Regional Director; (c) DENR Secretary; (d) President.*DENR
Secretary*denr secretary*c
55 MINING LAWS 055: Mineral Agreement shall have a term of how many 25 years
years, renewable for another term?*25 years*25
56 MINING LAWS 056: The New Mining Act, R.A. 7942, states that small- R.A. 7076
scale mining shall continue to be governed by ___________. *R.A.
7076*ra 7076
57 MINING LAWS 057: Any qualified person may apply for a Quarry Permit Provincial
to the (a) Miners and Geosciences Bureau Director; (b) DENR Secretary; Governor
(c) Provincial Governor; (d) Provincial/City Mining Regulatory
Board.*Provincial Governor*c
58 MINING LAWS 058: To extract sand and gravel, quarry, or loose gratuitous
unconsolidated materials in pursuit of its projects, any government entity permit
may be granted a __________.*Gratuitous Permit*gratuitous permit

59 MINING LAWS 059: No person shall engage in the processing of Minerals

minerals without first securing a ___________.*Minerals Processing Processing
Permit*minerals processing permit*mineral processing permit Permit
60 MINING LAWS 060: No person under the age of __ years shall be 16
employed in any phase of mining operations.*16
61 MINING LAWS 061: Except during exploration, mining operations are Environmental
required to be covered by Environmental Clearance Certificates (ECC) Impact
based largely on (a) Initial Environmental Examination; (b) Project Assessment
Description; (c) Environmental Impact System; (d) Environmental Impact
Assessment.*Environmental Impact Assessment*d*eia

62 MINING LAWS 062: Hearing and deciding on cases involving mining Panel of
disputes shall be the responsibility of the __________.*Panel of Arbitrators
Arbitrators*panel of arbitrators
63 MINING LAWS 063: The total share in a Mineral Production Sharing Excise Tax
Agreement (MPSA) shall be the (Income Tax/Royalty/Excise Tax/Ad
Valorem Tax on mineral products).*Excise Tax*excise tax
64 MINING LAWS 064: In allocating occupation fees collected from mining 30 percent
contractors ____ (percent) goes to the province while the balance goes
to the municipality concerned.*30 percent*30%
65 MINING LAWS 065: Of the investment guarantees provided in the New Full Tax
Mining Act, ____________ is not included. (a) repatriation of Exemption
investments; (b) remittance of earnings; (c) freedom from expropriation;
(d) full tax exemption*Full Tax Exemption*d
66 MINING LAWS 066: The New Mining Act was passed by the _____ Ninth
Congress in 1995.*Ninth*9
67 MINING LAWS 067: The mining law that immediately preceded the New Executive Order
Mining Act was (E.O. No. 279/R.A. No. 7076/P.D. No. 463/R.A. No. No. 279
7160)*Executive Order No. 279*ra no 279*a
68 MINING LAWS 068: It is referred to as the Mining Engineering Law of the R.A. 4274
Philippines.*R.A. 4274*ra 4274
69 MINING LAWS 069: At least one registered mining engineer and one 25 to 50
registered foreman are required fro an entire operation employing (25 to persons
50/51 to 100/101 to 150/151 to 200) persons directly engaged in mining
and/or quarrying.*25 to 50 persons*25-50*a
70 MINING LAWS 070: It refers to co-production, joint venture or mineral Small-scale
production sharing agreement between the State and small-scale mining Mining Contract
contractor for the small-scale utilization of a plot of mineral land.*Small-
scale Mining Contract*small-scale mining contract
71 MINING LAWS 071: One of these persons is not a member of the Mines and
Provincial Mining Regulatory Board: (a) Small-scale mining Geosciences
representative; (b) Big-scale mining representative; (c) Provincial Bureau Director
Governor's representative; (d) Mines and Geosciences Bureau
Director.*Mines and Geosciences Bureau Director*d
72 MINING LAWS 072: The People's Small-scale Mining Protection Fund 15 percent
shall be ___ % of the national government share of the internal revenue
tax or production share due to the Government.*15 percent*15%*15

73 MINING LAWS 073: Under the Local Government Code, small-scale Provincial
mining shall be within the regulatory functions of the (DENR Governor
Secretary/Provincial Governor/Mines and Geosciences Bureau
Director/Municipal Mayor).*Provincial Governor*b
74 MINING LAWS 074: Under the "People's Small-scale Mining Act of 1991" 20 hectares
the extent of a small-scale mining area that may be awarded to the
qualified shall not exceed ___ hectares.*20 hectares*20 has
75 MINING LAWS 075: One form of mineral agreement between the Co-Production
Government and the Contractor wherein the Government shall provide Agreement
inputs to the mining operations other than the mineral resource is the
_____.*Co-Production Agreement*co-production
76 MINING LAWS 076: A Financial of Technical Assistance Agreement is President
negotiated by the DENR and approved by the
77 MINING LAWS 077: The Siruma White Clay Mineral Reservation is Camarines Sur
situated in what province? *Camarines Sur*camarines sur
78 MINING LAWS 078: It refers to an area bounded by one-half (1/2) minute one merigional
of latitude and one-half (1/2) minute of longitude, containing block
approximately eighty-one hectares.*one merigional block*merigional
79 MINING LAWS 079: It refers to the water, sea bottom and subsurface Exclusive
measured from the baseline of the Philippine archipelago up to two Economic Zone
hundred (200) nautical miles offshore.*Exclusive Economic
Zone*exclusive economic zone
80 MINING LAWS 080: The landward side of the mean low tide level onshore
including submerged lands in lakes, rivers and creeks.*onshore
81 MINING LAWS 081: It is an area closed to mining application (military military zone
zone/mineralized area/forest land/land covered by an expired mining
permit)*military zone*a
82 MINING LAWS 082: An area where mineral resources are found.*mineral mineral land
83 MINING LAWS 083: An act reducing the retirement age of underground R.A. 8556
mine workers.*R.A. 8556*ra 8556
84 MINING LAWS 084: It is an instrument issued by the Mines and exploration
Geosciences Bureau for the conduct of exploration with a term of two permit
years, renewable for like period but not to exceed six years.*exploration
85 MINING LAWS 085: An exploration permit within mineral reservation is MGB Director
approved and issued by the:*MGB Director
86 MINING LAWS 086: Which of the following does not belong to the Exploration
group? (Joint Venture/Co-production sharing agreement/Mineral Permit
Agreement/Exploration Permit).*Exploration Permit*d
87 MINING LAWS 087: The mineral processing should be prepared and metallurgical
signed by a ______. *metallurgical engineer engineer
88 MINING LAWS 088: It is a permit issued for the extraction, removal and industrial sand
disposition of sand and gravel and other loose or unconsolidated and gravel
materials covering an area of not more than 5 hectares for a term of 5 permit
years, renewable for like periods up to 25 years.*industrial sand and
gravel permit
89 MINING LAWS 089: It is a permit issued for the extraction, removal and exclusive sand
disposition of sand and gravel and other loose or unconsolidated and gravel
materials covering an area of not more than for a non-renewable period permit
of 60 days.*exclusive sand and gravel permit
90 MINING LAWS 090: It is a permit issued for the extraction, removal and commercial
disposition of sand and gravel and other loose or unconsolidated sand and gravel
materials covering an area of not more than 5 hectares, renewable for permit
like periods.*commercial sand and gravel permit
91 MINING LAWS 091: It is an instrument issued for the extraction, removal government
and disposition of sand and gravel and other loose or unconsolidated gratuitous
materials for public infrastructure projects covering an area of not more permit
than 2 hectares with a term not to exceed 1 year.*government gratuitous
92 MINING LAWS 092: Private gratuitous permit is only good for how many 60 days
days?*60 days*60
93 MINING LAWS 093: It is an instrument issued for the extraction, removal, guano permit
disposition and/or utilization of loose unconsolidated bat/bird excreta and
other organic fertilizer deposits in specific caves and/or confined sites for
a term of 1 year with area of not more than 5 hectares.*guano permit

94 MINING LAWS 094: A gratuitous permit should only extract not more 2,000 kilograms
than ____ kg.*2,000 kilograms*2000
95 MINING LAWS 095: It is an instrument issued for the processing of mineral
minerals with a term of 5 years renewable for like periods up to 25 processing
years.*mineral processing permit permit
96 MINING LAWS 096: It is an authority issued for the transport and/or ore transport
shipment of minerals and/or products.*ore transport permit permit
97 MINING LAWS 097: The FTAA is applied to (all minerals/metallic metallic
minerals only/all minerals except energy minerals/non-metallic minerals only
minerals)*metallic minerals only*b
98 MINING LAWS 098: The rate at which excise tax is levied on gold and 2 percent
chromite.*2 percent*2%
99 MINING LAWS 099: The occupation fee per hectare or a fraction thereof P50.00
per year for mineral agreements and FTAA outside mineral
100 MINING LAWS 100: The law otherwise known as the "Indigenous R.A. 8371
Peoples' Rights Act". *R.A. 8371*ra 8371
1 MINE ECONOMICS 001: The mine assets are considered valuable when plant and
they are able to produce and process the ore to a marketable/salable equipment
form.*plant and equipment*plant,equipment*equipment,plant

2 MINE ECONOMICS 002: An assay tone is (20/29.199/26.93/30) 29.167

3 MINE ECONOMICS 003: A 12-karat gold is __% gold.*50 50
4 MINE ECONOMICS 004: Void/pore spaces within a material expressed porosity
as a percentage of the total volume of material is called ______.*porosity

5 MINE ECONOMICS 005: Mineral that has sufficient utility and value that ore
can be extracted at a profit.*ore
6 MINE ECONOMICS 006: The type of sampling where each part of the probability
whole mass has an equal chance of being included in the sampling
sample.*probability sampling*probability
7 MINE ECONOMICS 007: It is the money paid for the use of borrowed interest
capital or money gained from the use of loaned capital or money.*interest

8 MINE ECONOMICS 008: It is a series of uniform payment occurring or annuity

payable at the end of each period (usually annually).*annuity
9 MINE ECONOMICS 009: The ratio of earnings from an investment to interest ratio
amount invested for a specified period.*interest ratio
10 MINE ECONOMICS 010: The rate of interest which deducts all the discount rate
earnings of a future sum to time.*discount rate
11 MINE ECONOMICS 011: The accounting process of converting the cost depreciation
of an asset into an expense account or cost over its estimated
12 MINE ECONOMICS 012: The sum of money that is invested today that present value
would be equivalent to a future sum.*present value
13 MINE ECONOMICS 013: The cost which is dependent upon the output or direct cost
volume of production.*direct cost*direct
14 MINE ECONOMICS 014: The worth of an asset at the end of its salvage value
economic life.*salvage value
15 MINE ECONOMICS 015: The volume of production at which the total break-even
revenue equals the total cost.*break-even volume volume
16 MINE ECONOMICS 016: The present value will always be ____ the less than
future value.*less than*<
17 MINE ECONOMICS 017: The compensation of an exhaustible natural depletion
resource to produce products or services.*depletion
18 MINE ECONOMICS 018: Investment cost that is written off for the non-cash cost
purpose by way of depreciation, depletion or amortization over a period
of time.*non-cash cost
19 MINE ECONOMICS 019: It refers to the money necessary to operate a working capital
business on a day-to-day basis and includes raw material inventory
accounts receivable and ready cash.*working capital
20 MINE ECONOMICS 020: The effect of porosity in the ore.(a) decrease in increase in
volume without any addition to weight; (b) decrease in volume with volume without
increase in weight; (c) increase in volume without any addition in weight; any addition to
(d) increase in volume*increase in volume without any addition to weight
21 MINE ECONOMICS 021: When price is above the equilibrium price, the surplus
quantity supplied exceeds the quantity demanded resulting to
22 MINE ECONOMICS 022: The minimum price set on a good or floor price
commodity.*floor price
23 MINE ECONOMICS 023: The density of ore in which the voids are rock specific
considered but excluding the moisture content.*rock specific gravity-dried gravity-dried

24 MINE ECONOMICS 024: It is the present worth of future earning minus purchase price
the present discounted expenditures necessary to ring the mine into
production.*purchase price
25 MINE ECONOMICS 025: Refers to the statistical data that are collected, time series
observed or recorded at regular time intervals.*time series
26 MINE ECONOMICS 026: The difference between the total cost or profit spread
producing the commodity and its selling price.*profit spread
27 MINE ECONOMICS 027: Ratio that compares the price of a commodity commodity price
against a chosen standard or average price which is taken as index
100%.*commodity price index
28 MINE ECONOMICS 028: Shows the trends of business and economic business cycle
conditions.*business cycle
29 MINE ECONOMICS 029: The price at which the quantity demanded equilibrium price
equals the quantity supplied.*equilibrium price
30 MINE ECONOMICS 030: The total interest earned which is directly simple interest
proportional to the amount borrowed, the interest rate and the number of
interest periods for which the amount loaned or principal is used.*simple
31 MINE ECONOMICS 031: The interest charges for any interest period compound
based on the remaining amount of the principal plus any accumulated interest
interest charges at the beginning of the period.*compound interest

32 MINE ECONOMICS 032: Refers to the interest rate quoted as an annual nominal interest
rate compounded at a certain number of periods other than one rate
year.*nominal interest rate
33 MINE ECONOMICS 033: The ratio of the amount of the annual return to effective interest
the total amount invested.*effective interest rate rate
34 MINE ECONOMICS 034: Refers to the compounding of the earned or discrete
accrued interest and principal at the end of each finite-length compounding
period.*discrete compounding
35 MINE ECONOMICS 035: Refers to the compounding of the accrued continuous
interest and principal continuously or at every moment of compounding
time.*continuous compounding
36 MINE ECONOMICS 036: Series of uniform payments according or annuity
payable at the end of each period for n periods.*annuity
37 MINE ECONOMICS 037: Refers to the annuity that is due or payable at annuity due
the start of the interest period.*annuity due
38 MINE ECONOMICS 038: Refers to the annuity that is due or payable at immediate
the end of the interest period.*immediate annuity annuity
39 MINE ECONOMICS 039: Refers to the annuity in which first payment deferred annuity
begins at some date later than the end of the first period.*deferred
40 MINE ECONOMICS 040: Refers to the sum of money that would be present value
invested today to be equivalent to a future some or value that will accrue
over a certain period of time.*present value
41 MINE ECONOMICS 041: Causes a given present value to accrue or discount rate
accumulate to a given future amount or value.*discount rate
42 MINE ECONOMICS 042: To pay an amount by periodically charging off a amortize
portion of the amount usually by means of a sinking fund.*amortize

43 MINE ECONOMICS 043: As the loan is repaid, the total unpaid balance diminishing
draws interest until the remaining balance is paid.*diminishing annuity annuity

44 MINE ECONOMICS 044: Difference between total revenue and total profit
45 MINE ECONOMICS 045: Refers to the available capital or funds working capital
necessary to sustain normal producing operations.*working capital
46 MINE ECONOMICS 046: Costs which remain relatively constant indirect costs
regardless of the level of activity.*indirect costs*indirect cost
47 MINE ECONOMICS 047: Costs which varies in direct proportion to output variable costs
or volume.*variable costs*variable cost
48 MINE ECONOMICS 048: Costs which contain both fixed and direct semi-variable
costs.*semi-variable costs*semi-variable cost costs
49 MINE ECONOMICS 049: All product costs other than raw materials and overhead costs
direct labor.*overhead costs*overhead cost
50 MINE ECONOMICS 050: Sum of variable and fixed costs incurred in total costs
producing certain quantity or output.*total costs
51 MINE ECONOMICS 051: Product of the quantity or output sold at the set total revenue
selling price.*total revenue
52 MINE ECONOMICS 052: A measurement in monetary terms, for the use cost
of resources for some purpose.*cost
53 MINE ECONOMICS 053: Expenditures for the purchase of plant and capital
equipment.*capital expenditures*capital expenditure expenditures
54 MINE ECONOMICS 054: The capital expenditure required to start a first cost
project and carry it to an operational level.*first cost
55 MINE ECONOMICS 055: Costs incurred in the various phases of operating costs
operations geared towards production.*operating costs
56 MINE ECONOMICS 056: Ordinary costs required for the upkeep of maintenance
property and restoration required when equipment are damaged but not costs
replaced.*maintenance costs
57 MINE ECONOMICS 057: The level of volume of sales where marginal break-even
income equals the total fixed costs.*break-even point point
58 MINE ECONOMICS 058: A report used to evaluate the performance of a income
project or a business by comparing its revenue and its related expenses statement
for a particular period.*income statement
59 MINE ECONOMICS 059: Refers to the total value of the products revenue
produced for a particular period.*revenue
60 MINE ECONOMICS 060: Those directly derived from the operations of operating
the business or project, like sales, commissions and fees earned for revenues
service business.*operating revenues
61 MINE ECONOMICS 061: Those derived from other sources aside from non-operating
the main project like interests, dividends, rentals and royalties.*non- revenues
operating revenues
62 MINE ECONOMICS 062: Refer to all expenditures incurred for a expenses
particular period in connection with the operation of the project or
63 MINE ECONOMICS 063: Represents the excess revenue earned over net income
the related expenses for a given period.*net income
64 MINE ECONOMICS 064: Economic resources owned by a business assets
entity which are used in the generation of income or revenue out of the
65 MINE ECONOMICS 065: Assets that have definite physical forms, such tangible assets
as land.*tangible assets
66 MINE ECONOMICS 066: Assets that do not physically exists, such as intangible
legal claims or rights.*intangible assets assets
67 MINE ECONOMICS 067: Debts or obligations of a business.*liabilities liabilities

68 MINE ECONOMICS 068: Those that may be paid within one year or current liabilities
within the operating cycle, whichever is longer.*current liabilities
69 MINE ECONOMICS 069: Liability arising from the purchase of goods or account payable
services on credit.*account payable
70 MINE ECONOMICS 070: A liability arising from loans where there is a note payable
formal written promise to pay a certain amount of money plus interest at
a definite future time.*note payable
71 MINE ECONOMICS 071: Represents the amount invested in the capital stock
business by its owners.*capital stock
72 MINE ECONOMICS 072: The basic capital stock which possesses the common stock
basic rights of ownership which are the right to vote, etc.*common stock

73 MINE ECONOMICS 073: It is used to recover previous investment.*non- non-cash cost

cash cost
74 MINE ECONOMICS 074: The method used to measure the profitability of profitability
an investment.*profitability analysis analysis
75 MINE ECONOMICS 075: The chance/probability of the elements or parts non-probability
of a mass or body of being included in the sample cannot be sampling
estimated/determined.*non-probability sampling
76 MINE ECONOMICS 076: In this type of non-probability sampling, various quota sampling
groups in the population are determined and the sample is drawn/taken
to have the same percentage/number or quantity in it.*quota sampling

77 MINE ECONOMICS 077: It refers to a large group of units/elements/parts population or

comprising the total units/elements/parts under investigation from which universe
facts of interest are gathered. We can equate this term to a mass or body
of rocks.*population or universe*population*universe

78 MINE ECONOMICS 078: It refers to the representative portion of a sample

universe/population or a mineral mass/body. It can be an element or
portion, unit or an element.*sample
79 MINE ECONOMICS 079: Which is the most precise in choosing of depends upon
sampling method? (a) depends upon the nature of the deposit; (b) the character of
depends upon the number of size of sample; (c) depends upon the the mineral
character of the mineral occurrence/deposit; (d) based on the concept of occurrence/dep
the randomness*depends upon the character of the mineral osit

80 MINE ECONOMICS 080: Which is different from the group: (a) dump bulk or grab
samples/stockpile samples; (b) placer samples; (c) borehole/drill hole samples
samples; (d) bulk or grab samples*bulk or grab samples*d
81 MINE ECONOMICS 081: A type of drillhole sampling (specifically core none of the
drilling) where a reservoir called a Calyx collects the core and sludge, given choices
which are collected as samples. (a) drive-pipe; (b) churn; (c) long-hole
drilling; (d) none of the above*none of the given choices*none of the
82 MINE ECONOMICS 082: The act of enriching or impoverizing (that is, sample salting
introducing or removing values from) the samples for test purposes either
intentionally or accidentally.*sample salting
83 MINE ECONOMICS 083: It refers to the degree of the relative importance sample
or weight or influence that a sample exerts on or affects the true value weighing or
when combined with other samples. (central limit theorem / statistics / sample
sample weighing or sample influence / area of influence)*sample influence
weighing or sample influence*c
84 MINE ECONOMICS 084: It measures the relative variations or deviation coefficient of
of values from the mean. This is also known as the coefficient of variation
uniformity.*coefficient of variation
85 MINE ECONOMICS 085: It refers to the error committed in the relative error of
determination of the sample mean, relative to the true value of the ore the mean
body.*relative error of the mean
86 MINE ECONOMICS 086: It is the present worth of future earnings minus purchase price
the present discounted expenditures necessary to bring the mine into
production.*purchase price
87 MINE ECONOMICS 087: In a general sense it is a measurement of the cost
use of resources for some purpose expressed in monetary terms.*cost

88 MINE ECONOMICS 088: Those cost which remain relatively constant fixed or indirect
regardless of the level of activity.*fixed or indirect cost*fixed cost*indirect cost
89 MINE ECONOMICS 089: Which is not a variable or direct cost? depreciation
(royalties/raw materials/labor/depreciation)*depreciation*d
90 MINE ECONOMICS 090: Which is not a direct cost? maintenance
91 MINE ECONOMICS 091: Those cost which vary in direct proportion to variable or
the output or volume.*variable or direct cost*variable direct cost
92 MINE ECONOMICS 092: ____ is a method of ore reserve estimation that geostatistics
involves the application of the mathematics or random functions to the
reconnaissance of mineral deposits.*geostatistics
93 MINE ECONOMICS 093: The consumption of an exhaustible natural depletion
resource to produce products or services is termed as _____.*depletion
94 MINE ECONOMICS 094: Which is not considered as operating cost? plant and
(labor / power and fuel / supplies and materials / plant and equipment
equipment)*plant and equipment*d
95 MINE ECONOMICS 095: Which is not considered as capital cost? (mine maintenance
development / exploration / acquisition of property / cost
maintenance)*maintenance cost*d
96 MINE ECONOMICS 096: It refers to the amount of revenue left after marginal income
deducting variable cost.*marginal income or distribution*marginal or distribution
97 MINE ECONOMICS 097: Difference between the total revenue and direct gross margin
cost.*gross margin
98 MINE ECONOMICS 098: Difference between total revenue and total profit
99 MINE ECONOMICS 099: Product of the quantity/volume or output sold at total revenue
the set selling price.*total revenue
100 MINE ECONOMICS 100: The total revenue does not include ___ and maintenance
___. (a) operating costs and fixed income; (b) fixed income and non- cost and
operating income; (c) maintenance cost and operating cost; (d) gross operating cost
income and profit*maintenance cost and operating cost*c
101 MINE ECONOMICS 101: The ways to increase profit is to (a) increase all of the given
the selling price; (b) increase the volume to increase sales; (c) decrease choices
selling price to increase sales (d) all of the above*all of the given
102 MINE ECONOMICS 102: Marginal income expressed as a percentage of marginal income
revenue (sales)*marginal income ratio ratio
103 MINE ECONOMICS 103: Which of the following variables affect profit? all of the
(a) change in selling price or number of units; (b) change in total fixed aforementioned
cost; (c) change in variable cost; (d) all of the above *all of the
104 MINE ECONOMICS 104: In sampling, the number or size of samples homogeneous,h
depends upon the nature of the deposit. In general, _______ deposits eterogeneous
require fewer samples compared to that of ______
105 MINE ECONOMICS 105: Which is not a non-probability sampling? (a) systematic
systematic sampling; (b) accidental or incidental sampling; (c) quota sampling
sampling; (d) purposive sampling*systematic sampling*a
106 MINE ECONOMICS 106: Which is not a probability sampling? (a) simple statistical
random sampling; (b) multi-stage sampling; (c) systematic sampling; (d) sampling
statistical sampling*statistical sampling*d
107 MINE ECONOMICS 107: The two types of dump/stockpile sampling are trenching and
(a) stratified and random; (b) trenching and test pitting; (c) channeling test pitting
and trenching; (d) test pitting and grubbing*trenching and test pitting*b

108 MINE ECONOMICS 108: To be able to determine the consistency or true value
grave of the entire mass, all of the whole mass should be taken and
subjected to appropriate test which will give as the ____ of its
consistency. (sample value / true value / true consistency / approximate
value)*true value*b
109 MINE ECONOMICS 109: It refers to a range of value set about which the confidence
mean, at a certain degree of confidence will lie with such range of interval or
values.*confidence interval or fiducial interval*confidence interval*fiducial fiducial interval
110 MINE ECONOMICS 110: It refers to the probability of certainty, i.e. the degree of
most common ____ are 95% and 99% which means that there is only 5% confidence
and 1%, respectively, room for error that the man will not lie within the
confidence interval.*degree of confidence
111 MINE ECONOMICS 111: If refers to the least mining width that a vein minimum
can be mined conveniently at the least dilution.*minimum stoping width stoping width

112 MINE ECONOMICS 112: Cost which contain both fixed and variable semi-variable or
cost: the increase in cost as a result of changes in the volume/output but mixed cost
not in direct proportion to the volume.*semi-variable or mixed cost*semi-
variable cost*semi-variable*mixed cost*mixed

113 MINE ECONOMICS 113: Which is not a fixed or indirect cost? (rent / royalties
insurance / property taxes / royalties)*royalties*d
114 MINE ECONOMICS 114: All product costs other than raw materials and overhead costs
direct labor.*overhead costs*overhead cost*overhead
115 MINE ECONOMICS 115: The isopach method of ore reserve estimation contour
relies mainly in ___. *contour
116 MINE ECONOMICS 116: (triangle method / cross-section method / inverse distance
general milling method / inverse distance) is a statistical method of
reserve estimation.*inverse distance*d
117 MINE ECONOMICS 117: The specific gravity of an ore is an expression density of water
of the ratio of the density of that ore to the _______.*density of water

118 MINE ECONOMICS 118: The area of the cross-section of an ore body is planimeter
determined using _____.*planimeter
119 MINE ECONOMICS 119: A prediction that involves the explanation of forecasting
events which will occur at some future time.*forecasting
120 MINE ECONOMICS 120: Method or tool of forecasting that consists of least square
finding the equation of a line.*least square method method
121 MINE ECONOMICS 121: It is a list of prices and the quantities that a demand
supplier or group of suppliers would be willing and able to offer for sale
over a period of time.*demand
122 MINE ECONOMICS 122: When price is below equilibrium, quantity shortage
demanded exceeds quantity supplied resulting in ____.*shortage
123 MINE ECONOMICS 123: The average/mean value that is based upon mode
the most number of occurring values.*mode
124 MINE ECONOMICS 124: The expression "x + or minus 1.96" is known as 95% confidence
the _____. (a) confidence interval; (b) 95% confidence interval; (c) 99% interval
confidence interval; (d) 100% confidence interval*95% confidence
125 MINE ECONOMICS 125: The expression "1/(1+r)^n" is known as the discount factor
_______.*discount factor*discounting factor
126 MINE ECONOMICS 126: The accelerated depreciation that is based sum-of-the-
upon the ration of the remaining years of useful life to the sum of the years-digit
years of useful life is called ______.*sum-of-the-years-digit depreciation
depreciation*sum of the years digit*syd
127 MINE ECONOMICS 127: Rentals, taxes, interest, depletion are examples indirect cost
of what kind of cost?*indirect cost*indirect
128 MINE ECONOMICS 128: The financial report which shows the financial balance sheet
position of a business entity by summarizing all its assets, liabilities and
owner's equity is the _____. *balance sheet
129 MINE ECONOMICS 129: The obligations of a business entity that may current liabilities
be paid within one year or within the operating cycle are known as
_____. *current liabilities
130 MINE ECONOMICS 130: The valuation method which considers uniform Hoskold Present
earnings during the life of the mine and provides for the redemption of Value
the capital investment at the end of the life of the mine is known as.
*Hoskold Present Value
131 MINE ECONOMICS 131: The percentage of income earned by a project Rate of
to the capital invested in the project is known as the _____. *Rate of Investment
132 MINE ECONOMICS 132: The practice of financing assets with borrowed leverage
capital is termed _____.*leverage
133 MINE ECONOMICS 133: Moisture which an ore could possibly hold mineral specific
which is also the moisture of saturation.*mineral specific gravity and gravity and
porosity porosity
134 MINE ECONOMICS 134: Tonnage of ore depends on (a) grade at time of all of these*d
examination/evaluation; (b) cost-price relationship of projected mining
method (include cut-off grade); (c) rate of output; (d) all of the these*all of
135 MINE ECONOMICS 135: _____ is the writing-off or extinguishing of or amortization of
repayment of a borrowed capital or loan by charging off or setting aside capital
periodically a certain amount of money or sum from an earning or
income.*amortization of capital
136 MINE ECONOMICS 136: _____ is an account to which periodic sinking fund
payments or changes (usually yearly) are made for the purpose of
recovering or replacing a capital investment.*sinking fund
137 MINE ECONOMICS 137: The required sum of capital to fund a project is diminishing
usually made available at the beginning of the project and a portion of the annuity
earnings is set aside regularly to repay the total capital (oftentimes in the
form of a loan).*diminishing annuity
138 MINE ECONOMICS 138: _____ is the allocation of the cost of a plant depreciation
asset to the periods in which the asset is useful and
139 MINE ECONOMICS 139: _____ allocates the cost of an asset equally to no answer*pass
each year of its useful life. (no answer)*no answer*pass
140 MINE ECONOMICS 140: _____ recognizes relative large amounts of accelerated
depreciation in the early years of use and reduced amounts in the later depreciation
years.*accelerated depreciation
141 MINE ECONOMICS 141: _____ refers to the actual number of years that service life
the asset is kept.*service life
142 MINE ECONOMICS 142: The _____ of an asset is the number of years economic life
of use that minimizes the equivalent cost of holding the item
(asset).*economic life
143 MINE ECONOMICS 143: _____ the depreciation cost is multiplied each sum-of-the-
year by a fraction of which the numerator is the remaining years of useful years digit
life and the denominator is the sum of the years of useful life.*sum-of-the- method*sum-of-
years digit method*sum-of-the-years digit*syd the-years
144 MINE ECONOMICS 144: _____ is the pro-rate allocation of the cost of a depletion
natural resource to the number of units removed.*depletion
145 MINE ECONOMICS 145: _____ the cost of an asset is divided by the units-of-output
estimated units of output during the useful life of the asset.*units-of- method
output method
146 MINE ECONOMICS 146: _____ is present worth of future earnings purchase price
minus the present discounted expenditures necessary to bring the mine
into production.*purchase price
147 MINE ECONOMICS 147: _____ charged before the mineral or mineral excise tax
product is extracted and sold.*excise tax
148 MINE ECONOMICS 148: _____ difference between the total revenue gross margin
and direct costs.*gross margin
MINE ECONOMICS 149: The proportions of various sub-groups in the quota sampling
population are determined and the sample is drawn/taken to have the
same percentage/number or quantity in it.*quota sampling
MINE ECONOMICS 150: An identified or selected group is proposive
sampled.*proposive sampling sampling
MINE ECONOMICS 151: Each and every element in the population has simple random
an equal chance of being drawn or included in the sample.*simple sampling
random sampling
MINE ECONOMICS 152: Sampling - samples to be taken are selected in biased random
a predetermined order.*biased random
MINE ECONOMICS 153: The elements of a population are grouped into multi-stage
a hierarchy of units and sampling is done in successive units or in sampling
stages.*multi-stage sampling
MINE ECONOMICS 154: Applied to on-homogeneous population where stratified
it is subdivided into homogeneous groups called strata from which the sampling
samples are taken.*stratified sampling
MINE ECONOMICS 155: _____ refers to the characteristics of the parameters
universe population.*parameters
MINE ECONOMICS 156: Drilling - prospecting/exploring alluvial or other drive-pipe
soft deposits, produces cuttings or sludge as samples which are panned
to obtained a concentrate sample.*drive-pipe
MINE ECONOMICS 157: Drilling - for moderately hard and relatively churn
shallow deposits produces samples composed of sludge and
MINE ECONOMICS 158: For sample taken from an orebody with known volume of
thickness and surface area. The sample will represent the entire volume influence
of the orebody.*volume of influence
MINE ECONOMICS 159: Determining the average assay value from from raw data
reported values with or without considering sample parameters such as
location, thickness, volume, etc.*from raw data
MINE ECONOMICS 160: Refers to the extent by which the values are variation
dispersed or spread out or vary from the main.*variation

1 GEOLOGY 001: The deformation caused by stress.
79 GEOLOGY 079: It is the series of mafic to ultramafic rocks.
3 GEOLOGY 003: A change in form.
37 GEOLOGY 037: A structure made by mafic lavas because they consolidated under
6 GEOLOGY 006: A slow deformation under small stresses acting over a long period of
27 GEOLOGY 027: Polished and striated surfaces that result from friction along the fault
7 GEOLOGY 007: An angle measured in a vertical plane perpendicular to the strike of
the bedding plane.
23 GEOLOGY 023: A fault along which the displacement has been essentially parallel to
the strike of the fault.
9 GEOLOGY 009: The line occupying the lowest part of a fold.
41 GEOLOGY 041: An inclusion that has obviously been derived from some older
formation genetically unrelated to the igneous rock itself.
12 GEOLOGY 012: An anticlinal uplift that has no distinct trend.
13 GEOLOGY 013: A divisional plane or surfaces that divide rocks, and along which
there has been no visible movement parallel to the plane or surface.
14 GEOLOGY 014: Ruptures along which the opposite walls have moved past each
53 GEOLOGY 053: The world's largest refractory chromite mine in Coto, Zambales is
better described as ______________.
16 GEOLOGY 016: Movement along faults that has no rotation of the block related to
each other.
56 GEOLOGY 056: Rutile, sphene, and ilmenite are the principal minerals for which
18 GEOLOGY 018: The vertical component of dip separation.
38 GEOLOGY 038: A lava that has a smooth, billowy surface.
5 GEOLOGY 005: A law stating that strain is directly proportional to stress.
21 GEOLOGY 021: Set of faults that has essentially the same dip and strike.
22 GEOLOGY 022: A fault along which the hanging wall has moved up relative to foot
46 GEOLOGY 046: The volcanic equivalent of granite.
60 GEOLOGY 060: Gossans are weathering derivatives of ________________.
25 GEOLOGY 025: Right-handed strike slip fault is also called ______.
26 GEOLOGY 026: Rough surfaces due to the relative movement along a fault plane
that indicates the direction in which glacial ice is moving.
54 GEOLOGY 054: The permeability of rocks with smaller pores is (lower, higher, the
same, no relation).
28 GEOLOGY 028: Some of the rock along the fault may pulverize into a fine grain
29 GEOLOGY 029: It consists of angular to subangular fragments of various sizes,
characteristically associated with a more finely crushed matrix.
10 GEOLOGY 010: A fold that is concave upwards.
31 GEOLOGY 031: A relatively steep, straight slope at any height.
32 GEOLOGY 032: It consists of several thrust faults dipping in the same direction.

33 GEOLOGY 033: The region in front of an overthrust is called _________.

35 GEOLOGY 035: ___________is a map that places rocks in their presumed positions
prior to folding and thrusting.
36 GEOLOGY 036: A block generally long compared to its width, that has been lowered
relative to the blocks on either side.
66 GEOLOGY 066: Circular or arcuate faults that bound a circular area or a part of
circular area.
11 GEOLOGY 011: A fold in which the two limbs dip at equal angles in the same
76 GEOLOGY 076: Branch of geology that deals with the form, arrangement and
structure of the rock and especially with the description, representation and analysis
of structure chiefly on and moderate to small scale.
39 GEOLOGY 039: A lava which consists of irregular blocks that are covered by
irregular blocks.
8 GEOLOGY 008: The sides of a fold are called _____.
40 GEOLOGY 040: A very coarse-grained rock, in which the minerals are 3 cm or more
in diameter due to the presence of volatiles during crystallization.
30 GEOLOGY 030: A micro breccia that maintained its coherence during deformation.

19 GEOLOGY 019: The horizontal component of the dip separation.

74 GEOLOGY 074: A continental crust with a thickness of 30-80 km.
42 GEOLOGY 042: A rock containing phenocrysts.
17 GEOLOGY 017: The total displacement upon the movement of a fault; it is the
distance measured on the fault surface between two formerly adjacent points situated
on opposite wall of the fault.
44 GEOLOGY 044: Tabular plutons that are parallel to the bedding or schistosity of the
adjacent rocks.
15 GEOLOGY 015: The complement of a dip; that is equal to 90 degrees less than the
angle of true dip.

48 GEOLOGY 048: Fumaroles play an important role in the formation of

______________ minerals.
72 GEOLOGY 072: A surface of erosion or non deposition that separates younger strata
from older rocks.
50 GEOLOGY 050: The geochemical process involved in laterite formation is generally
initiated by the removal of ________________.
51 GEOLOGY 051: Which of the following minerals may form from the precipitation of
saline waters: (fluorite, gypsum, garnierite, talc).
82 GEOLOGY 082: The basic unit of a geologic map is the
55 GEOLOGY 055: Cobalt is now being mined and recovered locally from ___________
24 GEOLOGY 024: Left-handed strike slip fault is also called ______.
57 GEOLOGY 057: One of the unique minerals found in the Philippines which earned
the official name of Luzonite has the same chemical composition as __________.

58 GEOLOGY 058: The formation of manganese nodules in the ocean floor involves
growth essentially by ___________ process.(physical, chemical, organic, nuclear).
59 GEOLOGY 059: The exploration aid which involves measurement of the electrical
conductivity of the sulphide minerals is called __________.
34 GEOLOGY 034: A large body of rock that has moved forward more than one mile
from its original position, either by overthrusting or by recumbent folding.
61 GEOLOGY 061: Reefs are sometimes reservoirs of oil because of their (a)
composition (b) organic derivation (c) vuggy, porous cavernous structure (d)
45 GEOLOGY 045: The color of the powdered mineral is called _________.
63 GEOLOGY 063: It is considered as long angle fault.(below 90 degrees/below 45
degrees/below 35 degrees/45 degrees)
2 GEOLOGY 002: A change in volume.
43 GEOLOGY 043: A body is said to be _________ if the contacts are parallel to the
bedding or schistosity of the older rocks.
67 GEOLOGY 067: Fault wherein net slip is parallel to the strike of the fault.
68 GEOLOGY 068: Angle between the fault plane and vertical plane that strikes parallel
to the fault.
83 GEOLOGY 083: It is the process whereby a one uniform magma may yield rocks of
varying composition.
69 GEOLOGY 069: Intersection of the fault with the surface of the earth.
70 GEOLOGY 070: The fault which one block moves to the right relative to the opposite
49 GEOLOGY 049: Igneous rocks formed by slow crystallization beneath the surface of
the earth are collective called.
47 GEOLOGY 047: The splitting away of scale-like layers of rock from an exposed or
soil-covered surface.
73 GEOLOGY 073: It refers to the oceanic crust with a thickness of 5-15 km.
64 GEOLOGY 064: Fault along which the hanging wall moves down relative to the
77 GEOLOGY 077: It is directly above the focus.
78 GEOLOGY 078: The true source an earthquake.
62 GEOLOGY 062: Relatively short faults that overlap each other.

80 GEOLOGY 080: Introduction of water into a mineral.

81 GEOLOGY 081: The amount of energy released by an earthquake.
71 GEOLOGY 071: The fault which one block moves to the left relative to the opposite
52 GEOLOGY 052: The host rock of diamond is a pipelike intrusion of _____________.

4 GEOLOGY 004: A deformation that is, if the stress is withdrawn, the body returns to
its original length, shape and size.
pillow structure




strike-slip fault






pahoehoe lava
hooke's law
parallel faults
thrust fault

dextral fault




peripheral faults

isoclinal fold


Aa lava



sialatic crust
net slip



en echelon






sinistral fault



below 45
thrust fault

strike-slip fault


fault line
dextral fault

plutonic rocks


simatic crust
normal fault

en echelon fault

sinistral fault


1 MINE PLANNING 001: The volume of production at which total revenue break-even
equals the total cost.*break-even volume volume
2 MINE PLANNING 002: The freeing or detaching of large masses of rock rock breakage
from its parent deposit.*rock breakage
3 MINE PLANNING 003: The activity, occupation, and industry concerned mining
with the extraction of minerals.*mining
4 MINE PLANNING 004: The sequence of unit operations used to cycle of
accomplish mine development or exploitation.*cycle of operation operation
5 MINE PLANNING 005: Employed to accomplish rock penetration dynamic loading
particularly in percussive drilling.*dynamic loading
6 MINE PLANNING 006: The process of forming a direct hole or kerf on a rock penetration
rock surface usually mechanically but sometimes hydraulically or
thermally.*rock penetration
7 MINE PLANNING 007: The second level in engineering evaluation in engineering
which the various operational concepts are quantified and compared study
resulting in designs and costs.*engineering study
8 MINE PLANNING 008: Method used for ore reserve estimation that geostatistics
involves the application of mathematics of random functions to the
reconnaissance of mineral deposits.*geostatistics
9 MINE PLANNING 009: Employed in non-coring exploration in shallow rotary drilling
holes in soft to medium-hard ground, either rock or soil.*rotary drilling
10 MINE PLANNING 010: They resemble open pits but the benches are quarries
lower and nearly vertical.*quarries
11 MINE PLANNING 011: All operations involved in excavating or moving materials
bulk minerals during mining.*materials handling handling
12 MINE PLANNING 012: The concept of replacing the intermitted rapid excavation
operations of rock breakage and material handling in mining with a
system of continuous extraction.*rapid excavation
13 EM BOARD EXAMINATION QUESTIONS 001: An intrinsic method of time series
forecasting by studying time series statistical data.*time series analysis analysis

14 EM BOARD EXAMINATION QUESTIONS 002: It is the list of prices and demand

of the corresponding quantities that consumers are willing and able to
buy at each price per unit time.*demand
15 EM BOARD EXAMINATION QUESTIONS 003: It is the list of price and supply
the quantities that a supplier or group of suppliers, and would be willing
and able to offer for sale at each in the list per period of time.*supply

16 EM BOARD EXAMINATION QUESTIONS 004: Method or tools of moving average

forecasting that is an artificial series used to described the overall
behavior of a time series when the trend cannot be ascertained whether
linear, non-linear of part of a cycle or a mathematical equation is not
required.*moving average
17 EM BOARD EXAMINATION QUESTIONS 005: Represent the smooth or trend
regular underlying or the general long run behavior or movement of a
series over a fairly long period of time. It depicts the gradual growth or
decay or a combination of both of a particular time series observed over
a long period of time.*trend
18 EM BOARD EXAMINATION QUESTIONS 006: Refers to the fluctuations cyclical variation
which repeat themselves at a more or less regular interval; a periodic
movement which has a period of one year; movements in a time series
which recur year after year in the same month of the year with a more or
less the same intensity.*cyclical variation

19 EM BOARD EXAMINATION QUESTIONS 007: Refers to the irregular

unexplained variation no covered by any of the other components and fluctuation
generally considered as accidental or random in nature. They are totally
unpredictable.*irregular fluctuation
20 MINE SAFETY 001: A qualified mine safety engineer in a certain mining licensed mining
company should be (a) licensed metallurgical engineer with two years engineer with
experience in safety works; (b) licensed mining engineer with one year one year
experience in mining operation; (c) licensed geologist; (d) safety experience in
inspector. *licensed mining engineer with one year experience in mining mining
operation*b operation

21 MINE SAFETY 002: The class "A" mine underground has at least ___ 150
22 MINE SAFETY 003: The ideal number of members of a miner rescue 5
team should be __.*5
23 MINE SAFETY 004: Which class of mine has the most number of class A
workers?*class A*a
24 MINE SAFETY 005: The required number of safety engineers in a class one full-time
A mine.*one full-time*1
25 MINE SAFETY 006: The deputized safety inspector should have (a) five at least ten
years experience in safety work; (b) at least ten years in service in the years in service
company; (c) three years in underground safety; (d) one year in safety in the company
work.*at least ten years in service in the company*b
26 MINE SAFETY 007: The age requirement for an underground mine 18
worker is __.*18
27 MINE SAFETY 008: The total fatal and non-fatal lost-time accidents per accident
million man-hours worked.*accident frequency rate frequency rate
28 MINE SAFETY 009: The days lost per million man-hours accident
worked.*accident severity rate severity rate
29 MINE SAFETY 010: _______ shall mean those that will prevent the lost-time
injured from reporting to work on the working day following the day of accident
injury and thereafter.*lost-time accident
30 MINE SAFETY 011: An underground-surface mine which employs a total class C
of not more than 50 to 75 employees, respectively, is classified as
____.*class C*c
31 MINE SAFETY 012: A class A mine shall have at least (a) 1 part time 1 full time safety
safety inspector and a deputy inspector; (b) 1 part time safety engineer engineer and
and 1 full time safety inspector; (c) 1 full time safety engineer and full full time safety
time safety inspector; (d) 1 full time safety engineer.*1 full time safety inspector
engineer and full time safety inspector*c
32 MINE SAFETY 013: A class B mine shall have at least (a) 1 part time 1 full time safety
safety inspector and a deputy inspector; (b) 1 part time safety engineer engineer and
and 1 full time safety inspector; (c) 1 full time safety engineer and full full time safety
time safety inspector; (d) 1 full time safety engineer.*1 full time safety inspector
engineer and full time safety inspector*c
33 MINE SAFETY 014: A class C mine shall have at least (a) 1 part time 1 part time
safety inspector and a deputy inspector; (b) 1 part time safety engineer safety engineer
and 1 full time safety inspector; (c) 1 full time safety engineer and full and full time
time safety inspector; (d) 1 full time safety engineer.*1 part time safety safety inspector
engineer and full time safety inspector*c
34 MINE SAFETY 015: An employee may be designated as a Deputy Safety 10
Inspector by his employer if the employee has an experience in safety
work or mining operations for at least ___ years.*10
35 MINE SAFETY 016: Any mine working that will be driven under rivers, 25 meters
seas, or any accumulation of standing or running water on massive,
unbroken, or unfractured igneous rock shall have a thickness of ____
from the true river bed to the roof of the mine working.*25 meters*25 m

36 MINE SAFETY 017: Any mine working that will be driven under rivers, 50 meters
seas, or any accumulation of standing or running water on broken, or
fractured igneous rock shall have a thickness of ___ from the true river
bed to the roof of the mine working.*50 meters*50 m
37 MINE SAFETY 018: It is the Revised Mines Safety Rules and DENR
Regulations which was re-titled "MINE SAFETY AND HEALTH Administrative
STANDARDS" approved as Department Administrative Order by the Order 2000-98
DENR Secretary on December 200.*DENR Administrative Order 2000-
98*DAO 2000-98
38 MINE SAFETY 019: The most common cause of fatal accident in rock fall
underground mines.(rock fall/mechanical fault/cave-in/mine fire)*rock
39 MINE SAFETY 020: Excavations over ___ meters in depth shall be 2
supplied with at least one ladder for every three (3) meters or a fraction
40 MINE SAFETY 021: In road works, adequate warning signs shall be 50
provided at approaches of at least ___ meters from the working
41 MINE SAFETY 022: Excavations with depth of ___ meters or more shall 1.5
be properly shored and braced , otherwise these shall be retained to
prevent cave-ins.*1.5
42 MINE SAFETY 023: Fixed ladder shall be installed at an angle not 70
greater than ___ degrees from the horizontal.*70
43 MINE SAFETY 024: Fixed ladder shall be constructed with rungs placed 35
at equal intervals of ___ centimeters.*35
44 MINE SAFETY 025: In order to prevent coal dust explosion, coal dust 40
concentration in the air space shall not be more than ___ grams per
cubic meters of air.*40
45 MINE SAFETY 026: In handling coal deliveries, oxygen concentrations in 12
the air space shall not be more than ___ percent free oxygen by
46 MINE SAFETY 027: Coal stockpile shall be built on open, clean, well 3
drained ground, far from sources of heat and kept ___ meters within
acceptable height of a pile.*3
47 MINE SAFETY 028: When there is need to use hand held radio, cellular stop the vehicle
telephone and other similar communication devices, the driver shall (a)
stop the vehicle; (b) continue driving the vehicle; (c) slow down; (d)
increase the speed of the vehicle.*stop the vehicle*a
48 MINE SAFETY 029: Every mining company shall have a properly trained 3
central fire fighting brigades and fire drill shall be conducted at least once
in ___ months.*3
49 MINE SAFETY 030: For fire protection, all existing provisions of the Fire P.D. 1185
Code of the Philippines shall be followed. The said code as otherwise
known as ___.*P.D. 1185*pd 1185
50 MINE SAFETY 031: If a misfire occurs, the operator shall continue to 15
hold the tool in the firing position for not less than ___ seconds and shall,
until the cartridge has been ejected, keep the tool pointed in a direction
which will not cause injury should an explosion take place.*15

51 MINE SAFETY 032: Standard railing guards shall be at least ___ meter/s 1
in height.*1
52 MINE SAFETY 033: Standard railing guard shall have posts not more 2
than ___ meters apart and an intermediate rail halfway between top rail
and the floor.*2
53 MINE SAFETY 034: The ASME and ___ Codes shall govern the Philippine
inspection and installation of internal combustion engines.*Philippine Mechanical
Mechanical Engineering Engineering
54 MINE SAFETY 035: High voltage cables shall not be installed in any MGB Regional
mine without the approval of the concerned.*MGB Regional Office Office
55 MINE SAFETY 036: Cross bonds shall be used at intervals not 60
exceeding ___ meters of rail.*60
56 MINE SAFETY 037: On secondary tracks. at least one rail shall be 60
bonded or welded and cross bond installed at least every ___ meters.*60

57 MINE SAFETY 038: Trolley and bare feed wires shall be suspended at 2
least ___ meters above the rail and shall be kept reasonable tight at all
58 MINE SAFETY 039: In tunnels and manholes, no work shall be done on 2
any energized electrical conductor operating at one hundred fifty (150)
volts to ground unless ___ or more employees are present.*2
59 MINE SAFETY 040: Substations within ___ meters from any mine 35
opening shall be in vault or fire resistant rooms.*35
60 MINE SAFETY 041: Surface transformers shall be installed at least ___ 2
meters above the ground or enclosed in a vault, or by substantial fence
at least 1.5 meters in height.*2
61 MINE SAFETY 042: All safety engineer/safety inspector permits shall be 3
subject to renewal every ___ years by the Regional Office concerned.*3

62 MINE SAFETY 043: Cross bonds shall be used at intervals not 60

exceeding ___ meters of rail.*60
63 MINE SAFETY 044: On secondary tracks, at least one rail shall be 60
bonded or welded and cross bond installed at least every ___ meters.*60
64 MINE SAFETY 045: Trolley and bare feed wires shall be suspended at 2
least ___ meters above the rail and shall be kept reasonably tight at all
65 MINE SAFETY 046: In tunnels and manholes, no work shall be done on 2
any energized electrical conductor operating at one hundred fifty (150)
volts to ground unless ___ or more experienced employees are
66 MINE SAFETY 047: Substations within ___ meters from any mine 35
opening shall be in value or fire resistant rooms.*35
67 MINE SAFETY 048: Surface transformers shall be installed at least ___ 2
meters above the ground or enclosed in a vault, or by substantial fence
at least 1.5 meters in height.*2
68 MINE SAFETY 049: All surface engineer/safety inspector permits shall 3
be subject to renewal every ___ years by the Regional Office
69 MINE SAFETY 050: Main haulage levels with inadequate clearance shall 30
be provided with shelter holes placed not more than ___ meters apart
along the walkway side.*30
70 MINE SAFETY 051: It shall be prohibited for motormen or locomotive brakeman
operators to take signals from or allow cars to be coupled or uncoupled
by, or rail switched by anyone except the
71 MINE SAFETY 052: When using a light to signal a locomotive train to wave light
stop, (a) wave light horizontally; (b) wave light vertically; (c) wave light in horizontally
a circular motion; (d) give a flashing sign.*wave light horizontally*a

72 MINE SAFETY 053: When using a light to signal a locomotive train to wave light in a
move toward the source of signal, (a) wave light horizontally; (b) wave circular motion
light vertically; (c) wave light in a circular motion; (d) give a flashing
sign.*wave light in a circular motion*c
73 MINE SAFETY 054: When using a light to signal a locomotive train to wave light
move away from the source of signal, (a) wave light horizontally; (b) wave vertically
light vertically; (c) wave light in a circular motion; (d) give a flashing
sign.*wave light vertically*b
74 MINE SAFETY 055: When using a whistle to stop a locomotive train in 1 blow of a
motion, (a) 1 blow of a whistle; (b) 2 blows of a whistle; (c) 3 blows of a whistle
whistle; (d) 47 blows of a whistle.*1 blow of a whistle*a
75 MINE SAFETY 056: Any equipment, which produces, modifies, electrical supply
regulates, controls or safeguards the supply of electric energy. equipment
(transformer/appliance/electrical supply equipment/electric
motor)*electrical supply equipment*c
76 MINE SAFETY 057: A condition or practice that could reasonably be imminent
expected to cause death or serious physical injury or damage to property danger
prior to the adoption of appropriate measures to counter the
risk.*imminent danger
77 MINE SAFETY 058: Every employer shall ensure that a Central Safety 1 month
and Health Committee is established within ___ from the start of the
operation.*1 month*1 mo
78 MINE SAFETY 059: The Chairman of the Central Safety and Health Highest Official
Committee shall be the (Safety Engineer/Safety Inspector/Highest Official of the Minesite
in the Minesite/Company Physician).*Highest Official of the Minesite

79 MINE SAFETY 060: New employees having no underground mining 24

experience shall receive no less than ___ hours of training if they are to
work underground.*24
80 MINE SAFETY 061: All employees shall receive to less than 8 hours of 12
refreshing training no less frequency than once every ___ months.*12

81 MINE SAFETY 062: All underground mines shall have at least ___ 2
interconnected properly maintained openings to the surface.*2
82 MINE SAFETY 063: The manager shall never allow the storage of 50
flammable liquids or materials within ___ meter radius of any main
entrance to the underground mine.*50
83 MINE SAFETY 064: Trolley wires shall be installed not less than ___ 2
meters above the rails and all hangers shall be adequately insulated.*2

84 MINE SAFETY 065: Any building or structure other than explosive magazine
manufacturing building used for the storage of explosives and blasting
accessories. (silo/bin/magazine/warehouse)*magazine
85 MINE SAFETY 066: The person responsible for the overall direction, manager
control and supervision of the entire mining operation.*manager
86 MINE SAFETY 067: A penalty of PHP 10,000 is imposed to a mining Report fatal and
company for failure to (a) install corrective measures to mitigate unsafe serious
condition as defined in the annual safety and health program; (b) report accidents to
fatal and serious accidents to concerned RO within 15 days after the date concerned RO
of the accident; (c) give notice to the concerned RD within 24 hours of within 15 days
any fatal and non-fatal serious injuries; (d) submit monthly accident after the date of
reports or Safety and Health Program.*Report fatal and serious accidents the accident
to concerned RO within 15 days after the date of the accident*b

87 MINE SAFETY 068: The ____ may summarily suspend, whole or Director
partially, any activity related to mining operations, in case of imminent
danger to life or property, until the danger is removed, or until appropriate
measures are taken by the employer.
(Director/Secretary/President/Assistant Secretary)*Director
88 OTHER QUESTIONS 001: Broken, caved-in, mined out portion of the gob
89 OTHER QUESTIONS 002: The portion of the deposit underlying an sill pillar
excavation and left as a pillar.*sill pillar
90 OTHER QUESTIONS 003: Toward the working face, away from the mine inby
91 OTHER QUESTIONS 004: Away from the working face, toward the outby
92 OTHER QUESTIONS 005: A funnel-shaped excavation formed at the top bell
of a raise to move bulk material by gravity from a stop to a drawpoint.*bell

93 OTHER QUESTIONS 006: Secondary horizontal or near horizontal entry

opening usually driven in multiples.*entry
94 OTHER QUESTIONS 007: Opening or connection to the surface from an adit
underground excavation.*adit
95 OTHER QUESTIONS 008: Narrow vertical or inclined opening excavated slot
in a deposit at the end of stope to provide a face.*slot
96 OTHER QUESTIONS 009: Vertical or near vertical opening through orepass
which bulk material flows by gravity.*orepass
97 OTHER QUESTIONS 010: Horizontal opening used primarily for haulage way
materials handling.*haulage way*haulageway
98 OTHER QUESTIONS 011: Advancing in a near-horizontal direction; also breast
the working face of an opening.*breast
99 ORE DRESSING METALLURGY 001: Fire assaying is considered gravimetric
(volumetric/gasometric/gravimetric/wet method).*gravimetric*c
100 ORE DRESSING METALLURGY 002: It is used to separate Au from nitric acid
Ag.*nitric acid
101 ORE DRESSING METALLURGY 003: Used in commercial recovery of sodium cyanide
Au and Ag from their ore.*sodium cyanide*nacn
102 ORE DRESSING METALLURGY 004: A jaw crusher is a ____ primary
103 ORE DRESSING METALLURGY 005: The most common method of jigging
concentrating chromite ores.*jigging
104 ORE DRESSING METALLURGY 006: The process of separating the ore ore dressing
minerals from the gangue minerals.*ore dressing
105 ORE DRESSING METALLURGY 007: An active, readily fusible, acid flux borax
with a chemical formula Na2B4O7.10H2O.*borax
106 ORE DRESSING METALLURGY 008: It contains precious metals like Au matte
and Ag, also contains 35-36% copper.*matte
107 ORE DRESSING METALLURGY 009: The process of heating to an roasting
elevated temperature without fusion a metal or metallic compounds in
contact with oxygen, water vapors, etc.*roasting
108 ORE DRESSING METALLURGY 010: The process of electrochemically electrorefining
dissolving copper from impure anodes and selectively plating the
dissolved copper in pure form.*electrorefining
109 ORE DRESSING METALLURGY 011: It contains 40-50 kg/m3 of Cu, electrolyte
180-200 kg/m3 of H2SO4, brightening and smoothing agents.*electrolyte

110 001: Mining activity which relies heavily on manual labor using simple small-scale
implements and methods and do not use explosives or heavy mining mining
equipment.*small-scale mining*small scale mining*small scale

111 002: Rules and Regulations Governing the Granting of Processor's DENR
Permit Related to Small-Scale Gold Mining.*DENR Administrative Order Administrative
No. 05, Series of 1989*Dao no 05, series of 1989 Order No. 05,
Series of 1989
112 003: Generally pertains to loose gravel, soil or mud which has been alluvial
deposited by water.*alluvial
113 004: An alloy of mercury with another metal or metals.*amalgam amalgam
114 005: An act creating a People's Small-Scale Mining Program and for their P.D. 1899
purposes.*P.D. 1899*pd 1899
115 006: Refer to Filipino citizens who, individually or in the company of other small-scale
Filipino citizens, voluntarily for a cooperative duly licensed by the miners
Department of Environment and Natural Resources to engage, under the
terms and conditions of a contract, in the extraction or removal of
minerals or ore-bearing materials from the ground.*small-scale miners

116 007: Holder of an existing mining right.*claimowner claimowner

117 008: The removal of overburden from a placer deposit, coal bed or ore stripping
118 009: Guidelines in the issuance of Special Permits for pebble picking DAO No. 28,
along beaches.*DAO No. 28, Series of 1992*dao no 28, series of 1992 Series of 1992

119 010: Locality where eat least (50) miners (i.e. transient and local mines) gold rush area
are extracting more than 5 tons gold ore per day.*gold rush area

120 011: A natural material having plastic properties.*clay clay

121 012: The Local Government can issue a small-scale mining permit with 5 has and below
an area of ____.5 hectares and below*5 has and below
122 013: The Mines and Geosciences Bureau issues small-scale mining not exceeding
permit with an area of ____.*not exceeding 20 has*<20 has 20 has
123 014: Scattered, dispersed interconnected veins or veinlets.*disseminated disseminated
deposits deposits
124 015: Refers to the physical factors of the total surroundings of human environment
beings, including the land, water, atmosphere, climate, sound, odors,
tastes, the biological factors of animals and plants and the social factors
of aesthetics.*environment
125 016: The breakdown and transportation of earth materials at the erosion
126 017: A metasomatic process whereby sedimentary rocks are transformed granitization
to granitic rocks.*granitization
127 018: The pressure difference resulting from differences in elevation head
between the intake and discharge points for a liquid.*head
128 019: Titled owner of the land.*landowner landowner
129 020: Downslope movement of surface materials.*landslide landslide
130 021: Unusually thick veins or group of veins.*lode lode
131 022: Means materials whether solid, liquid or both segregated from the mill tailings
ores during concentration/milling operations which have no present
economic value to the generator of the same.*mill tailings
132 023: The process of recovering gold and silver mercury.*amalgamation amalgamation

133 024: An excavation made in the earth to extract minerals.*mine mine

134 025: An ore that yields a large margin of profit per ton.*high grade ore high grade ore
135 026: A naturally occurring substance, usually inorganic. having a definite mineral
chemical composition and distinctive physical characteristics.*mineral

136 027: Establishing Small-scale Mining as a New Dimension in Mineral PD 1899

Development.*P.D. 1899*pd 1899
137 028: Geologic occurrence of minerals in relatively concentrated mineral deposit
form.*mineral deposit
138 029: Mechanical concentration of heavy minerals.*placer deposit placer deposit
139 030: Process used to repair the impacts of mining on the environment.(no no answer
answer)*no answer*pass
140 031: Means soil and/or rock materials from surface or underground mine waste
mining operations with no present economic value to the generator of the
same.*mine waste
141 032: The activity, occupation and industry concerned with the extraction mining
of minerals.*mining
142 033: Mineral that have sufficient utility and value to be extracted at a ore
143 034: Economic occurrence of minerals that can be extracted at a ore deposit
profit.*ore deposit
144 035: The valueless dirt and material overlying the pay zone in a placer overburden
deposit or the valueless solid outcrop of an orebody.*overburden

145 036: Locality where less than 50 miners (i.e. transient and local miners) gold rush area
are extracting gold ore.*gold rush area
146 037: Grooves, channels, slats or wire screens in a sluice box or rocker to riffle
catch gold and other valuable minerals.*riffle
147 038: A consolidated aggregate of one or more minerals.*rock*rocks rock
148 039: Washing gravel through a sluice box.*sluicing sluicing
149 040: Refers to co-production, joint venture or mineral production sharing small-scale
agreement between the State and a small-scale mining contractor for the mining contract
small-scale utilization of a plot of mineral land.*small-scale mining
150 041: Criss-crossing veins or veinlets.*stockworks stockworks
151 042: A secondary mineral deposit in fracture.*vein vein
152 043: Rules and Regulations governing the Granting of Small-scale Mining Mines
Permits under P.D. 1899.*Mines Administrative Order No. MRD-41, Administrative
Series of 1984*mao no mrd 41, series of 1984 Order No. MRD-
41, Series of
153 044: The alteration of rock by such near-surface processes as the weathering
chemical action of air, water, plants and bacteria, and the mechanical
action of temperature change.*weathering
154 045: Rules and Regulations to Implement R.A. 7076 otherwise known as DAO No. 34,
"People's Small-scale Mining Act of 1991".*DAO No. 34, Series of Series of 1991
1991*dao no 34, series of 1991
155 046: Amendment to Mines Administrative Order No. MRD-41, Rules and Mines
Regulations Governing the granting of Small-scale Mining Permits under Administrative
P.D. 1899.*Mines Administrative Order No. MRD 41-A, Series of Order No. MRD
1984*mao no mrd 41-a, series of 1984 41-A, Series of
156 047: Implementing Guidelines for Small-Scale Mining Memorandum
Operations.*Memorandum Circular No. MRD-2, Series of 1985*memo Circular No.
circular no mrd-2, series of 1985 MRD-2, Series
of 1985
157 048: It is a crude method of alluvial hold ore mining wherein miners compressor
descend in a deep, narrow and inundated sinkhole. They breathe through mining
an ordinary plastic hose that is connected to an air compressor machine.
The gold ores are extracted with the use of picks and are placed inside
small sacks that will be then transported to the surface.*compressor

158 049: Additional Rules and Regulations Governing Small-Scale Mining Mines
Operations.*Mines Administrative Order No. MRD-50, Series of 1987 Administrative
Order No. MRD-
50, Series of
159 050: Rules and Regulations Governing the Granting of Small-scale MRDB
Mining Permits Covering Areas of Mineral Reservations.*MRDB Administrative
Administrative Order No. 3, Series of 1984*mao no 3, series of 1984 Order No. 3,
Series of 1984
160 051: It involves the washing of river gravel to retrieve the gold associated placer mining
with it. However, sufficient water supply is essential to successfully
achieve the task of recovering the gold.*placer mining
161 052: Amendment to MRDM Administrative Order No. 3.*MRDB MRDB
Administrative Order No. 3-A, Series of 1987*mao no 3-a, series of 1987 Administrative
Order No. 3-A,
Series of 1987
162 053: Small-Scale Mine Safety Rules and Regulations.*AO 97-30 AO 97-30
163 054: Two process employed by small-scale processors to retrieve gold CIP & CIL
from the ore.*CIP & CIL*cip,cil*cil,cip
164 055: The typical small-scale miners employ small and confined dog holes
excavations underground called ____.*dog holes*dogholes
165 056: Mining method that employs dog holes wherein miners utilize camote mining
highgrading of gold ore and place lower grad ore as waste.*camote
166 057: A method where high-pressure stream of water is directed against a hydraulic mining
placer bank to undercut and cave it by means of a device called the
hydraulic monitor.*hydraulic mining*hydraulicking*hydraulic

167 058: Device made in sections called box wherein riffles are fitted to sluice box
them.*sluice box
168 059: This is a circular sheet iron or wooden dish with sloping sides 10 to gold pan
16 inches in diameter, 2 to 2 3/8 inches in depth, with the side sloping at
35 to 45 degrees. It weighs 1 1/2 to 2 pounds.*gold pan
169 060: What is small-scale mining? (a) any mining operation in which the any mining
work is artisanal, either open cast or shallow underground mining, without operation in
the use of sophisticated mining equipment. (b) Mining operation in which which the work
the annual production does not exceed 100,000 MT or run-of-mine ore is artisanal,
(ROMO) and total capital investment not exceeding PhP 20 million. (c) either open cast
Mining operation that utilizes explosives and has an area exceeding 20 or shallow
hectares. (d) all of the above *any mining operation in which the work is underground
artisanal, either open cast or shallow underground mining, without the mining, without
use of sophisticated mining equipment*a the use of

170 061: In small-scale mining. the ratio of labor cost to equipment utilization 1 metric ton
cost to produce, process and market ___ of ore is equivalent to or
exceeding one.*1 metric ton*1 mt
171 062: The two major vein deposits in the Diwalwal Area are: (Cansibit & Balite and
San Jose/Balite & Buenas Tinago/Heine & Ntina/LArayan & Lalab)*Balite Buena Tinago
and Buena Tinago*b
172 063: The term of a small-scale mining permit under RA 7076 is ___ years 2
renewable for like periods.*2
173 064: The mining method employed by major companies in Diwalwal like sublevel stoping
J.B Management & Mining Corporation and Helica Mining
Corporation.*sublevel stoping
174 065: A device used to prevent escape of mercury into the retort
175 066: Any of several hard, inert materials such as sand, gravel, slag, or aggregate
crushed stone, used for mixing with a cementing or bituminous material
to form concrete, mortar, plaster or used along, as in railroad ballast or
graded fill.*aggregate
176 067: An act prohibiting the extraction of gravel and sand from beaches existing mining
and providing penalties therefor. Refers to perfected and subsisting right
claim, lease, license or permit covering a mineralized area prior to its
declaration as a people's small-scale mining area.*existing mining right

177 068: National Minerals Policy*EO 270 EO 270

178 VENTILATION 001: How many times of power required in order to 8 times the
develop twice the volume?*8 times the power*8 power
179 VENTILATION 002: The fan law states that in order to develop twice the 2 times velocity
volume, how many times the speed is required?*2 times velocity*2

180 VENTILATION 003: According to the fan law, twice the volume develops 4 times the
how many times the pressure?*4 times the pressure*4 pressure
181 VENTILATION 004: It is a type of ventilation which is efficient and mechanical
generally dependable.*mechanical ventilation ventilation
182 VENTILATION 005: The type of ventilation that utilizes the application of mechanical
fans, vents, tubings and baggings.*mechanical ventilation ventilation

183 VENTILATION 006: The type of ventilation in which density change in air natural
columns causes alteration in natural draft pressure resulting in ventilation
unpredictable air volume flow.*natural ventilation
184 VENTILATION 007: It results from pressure differential due to unequal natural
densities or weights of 2 air columns.*natural ventilation ventilation
185 VENTILATION 008: It is otherwise known as "natural draft".*natural natural
ventilation ventilation
186 VENTILATION 009: It is the underground mine gas otherwise known as nitrogen dioxide
the "laughing gas".*nitrogen dioxide*no2
187 VENTILATION 010: It is the underground mine gas otherwise known as hydrogen
the "stinkdamp".*hydrogen sulfide*h2s sulfide
188 VENTILATION 011: It is the underground mine gas otherwise known as carbon
the "sweetdamp".*carbon monoxide*co monoxide
189 VENTILATION 012: It is the underground mine gas otherwise known as carbon
the "whitedamp".*carbon monoxide*co monoxide
190 VENTILATION 013: It is the underground mine gas otherwise known as methane
the "marsh gas".*methane*ch4
191 VENTILATION 014: It is the underground mine gas otherwise known as carbon dioxide
the "choke" or "blackdamp".*carbon dioxide*co2
192 VENTILATION 015: The amount of oxygen in underground mines 20 percent
required under the "Revised Mines Safety Rules and Regulations" is ___
by volume.*20 percent*20%
193 VENTILATION 016: It is the "Revised Mines Safety Rules and Mines
Regulations" issued by the Department of Environment and Natural Administrative
Resources.*Mines Administrative Order No. MRD-51*mao no mrd-51 Order No. MRD-
194 VENTILATION 017: The maximum concentration allowed for hydrogen in less than 4.0%
underground mines as per "Revised Mines Safety Rules and by volume
Regulations".*less than 4.0% by volume*<4%
195 VENTILATION 018: The threshold limit value of sulfur dioxide as per 0.001% by
"Revised Mines Safety Rules and Regulations".*0.001% by volume
196 VENTILATION 019: The threshold limit value of oxides of nitrogen as per 0.0005% by
"Revised Mines Safety Rules and Regulations".*0.0005% by volume
197 VENTILATION 020: The threshold limit value of hydrogen sulfide as per 0.10% by
"Revised Mines Safety Rules and Regulations".*0.10% by volume*0.10% volume

198 VENTILATION 021: The threshold limit value of carbon monoxide as per 0.01% by
"Revised Mines Safety Rules and Regulations".*0.01% by volume*0.01% volume

199 VENTILATION 022: The threshold limit value of carbon dioxide as per 0.50% by
"Revised Mines Safety Rules and Regulations".*0.50% by volume*0.50% volume

200 VENTILATION 023: Hydrogen gas is explosive with this range of 4%-74% by
concentration. (1-71 / 7-77 / 10-80 / 4-74)% by volume.*4%-74% by volume
201 VENTILATION 024: Methane is explosive within this range of 5%-15% by
concentration.*5%-15% by volume*5-15% volume
202 VENTILATION 025: This does not cause mine explosion hazard. (coal mercury dust
dust/lead dust/sulfide dust/mercury dust)*mercury dust*mercury*d
203 VENTILATION 026: It is the amount of oxygen consumption of man at 180 cubic
vigorous activity.*180 cubic inches per minute*180 m3*180m3*180 inches per
204 VENTILATION 027: Specific gravity of oxygen.*1.1054 1.1054
205 VENTILATION 028: The oxidation and combustion of organic compounds carbon dioxide
otherwise called coke produce it.*carbon dioxide
206 VENTILATION 029: A gas brownish or reddish in color, bitter taste, oxide of
specific gravity is 2.263, also known as laughing gas.*oxide of nitrogen
nitrogen*nitrogen dioxide*no2
207 VENTILATION 030: The arrangement by which the intake or fresh air air crossing
current is made to cross the return or used air current.*air crossing
208 VENTILATION 031: A strong brick wall built at suitable places to seal stopping
galleries or other underground excavations to enable the air current to
flow into working places with minimum loss of pressure and prevent from
flowing to unwanted places.*stopping
209 VENTILATION 032: It consists of double doors, which are placed in the air lock
roadways so that when one door is opened, the other is closed.*air lock

210 VENTILATION 033: A part of centrifugal fan, which provides the factor for scroll casing
efficient static head build-up.*scroll casing
211 VENTILATION 034: A fan that produces pressure by imparting a axial flow fan
tangential acceleration to air as it proceeds through the fan impeller.*axial
flow fan
212 VENTILATION 035: It shows the amount of power consumed at different brake power
output rates; it is also used in the determination of the amount of power curve
needed to pass a particular volume of air.*brake power curve

213 VENTILATION 036: Two times the original volume of air means __ times 8
the power of the fan.*8
214 VENTILATION 037: A law of ventilation stating the pressure required no answer
changes as the square of velocity.(no answer)*no answer*pass
215 VENTILATION 038: The point of maximum explosion violence occurs at 9.5
___ % methane by volume, since at this point there is just enough
oxygen for complete combustion of the methane.*9.5
216 VENTILATION 039: In hydrogen sulfide gas, a simple test may be made brown
with lead acetate paper that turns into a shiny ____ through the formation
of lead sulfide if the gas is present.(brown/blue/pink/red)*brown*a

217 VENTILATION 040: The term for the temperature of the air at dew point
saturation.*dew point
218 VENTILATION 041: The ratio of water vapor present in a given volume of relative humidity
air to the water vapor present in a given volume of air to the water vapor
that would be present if the air is saturated at the same
temperature.*relative humidity
219 VENTILATION 042: The rate of increase of rock temperature with geothermal
increasing depth, which affects air temperature, is called gradient
_____.*geothermal gradient
220 VENTILATION 043: A term applied to a fan that handles the entire flow in booster fan
an airway and this serves to increase the quantity of air in
circulation.*booster fan
221 VENTILATION 044: The velocity at which the flow turned from streamline critical velocity
to turbulent condition is called _____.*critical velocity
222 VENTILATION 045: Produces pressure by imparting a tangential axial flow fan
acceleration to air as it proceeds through the fan impeller.*axial flow fan

223 VENTILATION 046: It is also called back 'pressure results' from the static head
inside of the bent tube or drift not being perfectly smooth, the air cannot
move along the tube or drift as fast as the fun would like to blow more air
into the airway thus producing friction.*static head
224 VENTILATION 047: It is a vertical or horizontal opening to the surface intake
where air enters and circulate inside the mine with the aid of different
225 VENTILATION 048: A type of anemometer suitable for measuring very pilot tube
high velocities than special anemometers.*pilot tube apparatus apparatus
226 VENTILATION 049: An underground mine gas also called Stink Damp. It hydrogen
comes from the decomposition of sulfide compounds.*hydrogen sulfide
227 VENTILATION 050: The practice of removing gas contained in a coal methane
seam and adjoining strata through wellbores, drillholes, and drainage
pipelines.*methane drainage
228 VENTILATION 051: The mixture of gases which remains in a mine after a after damp
mine fire or an explosion of fire damp or coal dust.*after damp
229 VENTILATION 052: A term applied to carbon monoxide, or atmosphere white damp
containing lethal quantities of carbon monoxide.*white damp

230 VENTILATION 053: A qualified mine safety engineer in a certain mining a licensed
company should be (a) a safety inspector; (b) a licensed geologist; (c) a mining engineer
licensed metallurgical engineer; (d) a licensed mining engineer with one with one year
year experience in mining operation.*a licensed mining engineer with one experience in
year experience in mining operation*d mining

231 VENTILATION 054: Class "A" underground mine has at least ____ 150
232 VENTILATION 055: Which mine has the most number of workers?*Class Class A
233 VENTILATION 056: The ideal number of members of a miner rescue 5
234 VENTILATION 057: The required number of safety engineers in a Class one full-time
A mine.*one full-time*1 full-time*1
235 VENTILATION 058: The deputized safety inspector should have (a) one at least ten
year experience in safety works; (b) three years experience underground; years of service
(c) five years experience in safety works; (d) at least ten years of service in the company
in the company.*at least ten years of service in the company*d

236 VENTILATION 059: Persons to work in an underground mine should be 18

at an age not lower than __.*18
237 VENTILATION 060: A Class A surface mine should have at least ___ 250
238 VENTILATION 061: A Class B. mine requires (a) at least one part-time at least one
safety engineer; (b) one full-time safety engineer; (c) one part-time and part-time safety
one full-time safety engineers; (d) one full-time and one part-time safety engineer
engineers.*at least one part-time safety engineer*a
239 VENTILATION 062: The temporary/safety inspector should renew its year
temporary license every (quarter/year/two years/three years).*year*b
240 VENTILATION 063: It is the disease which results from excessive silicosis
inhalation of silica dust.*silicosis
241 VENTILATION 064: It is the disease which results from excessive anthracosis
inhalation of coal dust.*anthracosis
242 VENTILATION 065: It is the disease which results from excessive asbestosis
inhalation of asbestos.*asbestosis
243 VENTILATION 066: It is the disease which results from excessive salivation
exposure to mercury.*salivation
244 VENTILATION 067: It is the disease which results from excessive pneumoconiosis
exposure to tin oxide.*pneumoconiosis
245 VENTILATION 068: The threshold value of silica as per "Revised Mines 5-50 mppcf
Safety Rules and Regulations".(5-50 mppcf/15-50 mppcf/25-70
mppcf/35-80 mppcf)*5-50 mppcf*a
246 VENTILATION 069: The threshold limit value of coal dust as per 20-40 mppcf
"Revised Mines Safety Rules and Regulations".(20-40 mppcf/40-60
mppcf/60-80 mppcf/80-100 mppcf).*20-40 mppcf*a
247 VENTILATION 070: The threshold limit value of asbestos dust as per 5 mppcf
"Revised Mines Safety Rules and Regulations".(1 mppcf/5 mppcf/10
mppcf/15 mppcf).*5 mppcf*b
248 VENTILATION 071: The threshold limit value of lead dust as per 0.2 mg/m3
"Revised Mines Safety Rules and Regulations".(0.1 mg/m3; 0.2 mg/m3;
0.3 mg/m3; 0.4 mg/m3).*0.2 mg/m3*b
249 VENTILATION 072: It is an undesired even in which the contact, the accident
exposure of the movement of a person to objects, equipment,
substances, conditions of other persons may or may not cause personal
injure, damage to property or delay.*accident
250 VENTILATION 073: It is the total fatal or nonfatal lost-time accidents per accident
million man-hours worked.*accident frequency rate frequency rate
251 VENTILATION 074: It is the number of days lost per million man-hours accident
worked.*accident severity rate severity rate
252 VENTILATION 075: The arrangement by the intake air (or fresh air) is air crossing
made to cross the return or used air current in the underground
workings.*air crossing
253 VENTILATION 076: It consists of double doors, which are placed on the air lock
road ways so that when on door is opened, the other is closed to avoid
short circuiting of ventilation current.*air lock
254 VENTILATION 077: It consists of several overlapping trips of non- curtain
flammable brattice cloth, hung from the roof, other replaces doors on
entries of bituminous coal mines, and on breast manways in anthracite
255 VENTILATION 078: It is a vertical opening in an underground mine downcast
where air is injected towards the ground.*downcast
256 VENTILATION 079: It is an opening to the surface where air, different exhaust
gases and dusts are withdrawn from the underground mine.*exhaust
257 VENTILATION 080: It is also called as "back pressure" which results from static head
the inside of the vent tube or drift not being perfectly smooth.*static head

258 VENTILATION 081: It is also called as "velocity pressure" which is the velocity head
force exerted by moving air.*velocity head
259 VENTILATION 082: It is the value or concentration of dust or gas at threshold limit
which nearly all humans can be exposed without endangering value
health.*threshold limit value
260 VENTILATION 083: It is a vertical opening in a mine where air flows from upcast
the underground mine to the surface due to change in pressure and
261 VENTILATION 084: It is made-up of brick walls built at suitable places to stopping
seal galleries, levels or other underground excavations in order to enable
the air current to flow into the working faces with minimum loss of
pressure and prevent the air current from flowing into unwanted
262 VENTILATION 086: It is a mixture of methane and air which is explosive firedamp
at 5%-15% methane.*firedamp
263 VENTILATION 087: It is a gaseous product of a mine fire or explosion afterdamp
which consist mainly of carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, water vapor,
nitrogen, oxygen, hydrogen, hydrocarbons and smoke.*afterdamp

264 VENTILATION 088: It is atmosphere depleted of oxygen with mixtures of blackdamp

10%-15% carbon dioxide and 85%-90% nitrogen but may contain varying
amounts of oxygen and methane.*blackdamp
265 VENTILATION 089: It consists of minute particles of solid and liquid smoke
matter suspended in atmosphere which consists of soot and tarry
266 VENTILATION 090: It is classification of fire which involves the Class A Fire
combustion of timber, refuse and/or other organic solids.*Class A
Fire*class a*a
267 VENTILATION 091: It is classification of fire which involves the Class B Fire
combustion of flammable liquids.*Class B Fire*class b*b
268 VENTILATION 092: It is classification of fire which involves the Class C Fire
combustion of electricity.*Class C Fire*class c*c
269 VENTILATION 093: It is the intersection of the fan curve and the duct fan operation
curve in a fan characteristic curve.*fan operation point point
270 VENTILATION 094: The sharp dip in the fan curve which represents an stall trough
operation that wastes substantial electric power and may damage the
fan.*stall trough
271 VENTILATION 095: This shows the relationship between the loads fan
imposed upon a fan and the fan's output in terms of the volume delivered characteristic
per unit time.*fan characteristic curve curve
272 VENTILATION 096: A coal mine section has a methane emission rate of 24,800 cubic
200 cubic feet per minute and a 0.2% methane concentration in the feet per minute
intake air. What is the required airflow if the threshold limit value of
methane is 1.0%? (24,800/23,400/26,500/22,200) cubic feet per
minute.*24,800 cubic feet per minute*a
1 MINING LAWS 001: A law creating the environmental impact statement P.D. 1586
system of the Philippines.
2 MINING LAWS 002: It is a 25-year program which provides an EPEP
operational link between the environmental protection and enhancement
commitments, under the implementing rules and regulations of the
Philippines Mining Act, as the issued environmental compliance
certificate under P.D. 1586.
3 Sustainable
MINING LAWS 003: It is the policy of the State to assure the availability,
sustainability and equitable distribution of the country's natural resources
through technically, financially, socially, culturally and environmentally
responsible manner towards the generation of the wealth creation without
sacrificing the needs and demands of tomorrow's generation.
4 MINING LAWS 004: It is a yearly program submitted at the start of each AEPEP
year which provides an operational link between the environmental
protection and enhancement commitments under the implementing rules
and regulations of P.D. 1586
5 MINING LAWS 005: The government official authorized to suspend MGB Regional
mining/quarrying operations in case of imminent danger to the Director
environment, public safety and health.
6 Mine
MINING LAWS 006: It is mine organization provided under P.D. 7942 Protection and
that will marshal the corporate resources needed to implement the Enhancement
environmental management programs of the company. Office
7 MINING LAWS 007: The staff bureau of the DENR who is responsible for Mines and
implementing laws, rules, regulations and policies on the mineral Geosciences
resources management and development. Bureau
8 MINING LAWS 008: The cash fund needed by the contractor in mine P5,000,000
9 MINING LAWS 009: It is a stage in the environmental impact statement scoping
system where information and assessment requirements are established
to provide the proponent with the scope of work of the environmental
impact statement.
10 initial
MINING LAWS 010: The document required of proponent describing the environmental
environmental impacts of mitigation and enhancement measures fro examination
projects or undertakings located in an environmentally critical area.
11 MINING LAWS 011: It is the exposure of public health or the public risk
environmental to toxic substances, hazardous or organic wastes,
extraction to natural resources, or activities or structures that could
endanger life, health, property or the environment.
12 stakeholders
MINING LAWS 012: These are persons or entities who may be
significantly affected by the projects or undertakings such as, but not
limited to members of the local community, industry, LGU, NGO and PO.
13 MINING LAWS 013: The monitoring trust fund to be maintained should P50,000
14 MINING LAWS 014: The staff bureau of the DENR who is responsible for EMB
implementing laws, rules and regulations and policies on the
15 Mine
MINING LAWS 015: It is the body created by the Mines and Geosciences Fund
Bureau Regional Office that administers the mine rehabilitation fund. Committee
16 SURVEYING 001: The line of reference passing the observed and the meridian
north-south directions.
17 geographic
SURVEYING 002: It is called true meridian if the poles used are ____ poles
18 magnetic
SURVEYING 003: If the poles used were magnetic, it is called ____. meridian
19 SURVEYING 004: The angle which a line makes with either the north or bearing
south end of the meridian or reference line.
20 SURVEYING 005: It is a magnetic bearing if the meridian used is magnetic
21 SURVEYING 006: The angle which a certain line makes end of a azimuth
meridian, measured clockwisely.
22 SURVEYING 007: The reference line used in an opening in order to gradient line
maintain its slop is ____.
23 point of
SURVEYING 008: The point where the curve leave the first tangent. curvature
24 point of
SURVEYING 009: The point where the curve joins the second tangent. tangency
25 SURVEYING 010: The point of intersection of the two tangents. vertex
26 intersection
SURVEYING 011: The angle of deflection between the tangent. angle
27 SURVEYING 012: In order to maintain the right direction/center of an center line
opening in underground, it is necessary to put a _____.
28 SURVEYING 013: The least number of persons needed in order to two
perform survey in an area.
29 METALLURGY 001: Quantitative determination in which metal or metals fire assaying
are separated from impurities by fusion processes and weighed in order
to determine the metal content.
30 parting
METALLURGY 002: Selective dissolution of silver and other base metals
from dore using dilute nitric acid solution leaving a dull gold flake.
31 METALLURGY 003: Added as a source of lead. litharge
32 METALLURGY 004: Weight of lead in grams prevented from being oxidizing power
reduced by 1 gram of a substance.
33 METALLURGY 005: Powerful basic flux and by far the cheapest one sodium
available. It melts at 852 degrees centigrade. It is often charged equal to carbonate
the weight of the ore sample.
34 METALLURGY 006: Active readily fusible, acid flux. It is often used as a borax
cover for crucible fusion.
35 METALLURGY 007: A fusible compound of earthy or metallic oxides and slag
silica and other acid constituents.
36 1000-1200
METALLURGY 008: Fusion is carried out at ______ temperature. centigrade
37 METALLURGY 009: The molten charge is poured in an inverted cone cast iron mold
called ____.
38 850-1000
METALLURGY 010: Cupellation temperature ranges from _______. centigrade
39 METALLURGY 011: An artificial sulphide of ore or more of the metals matte
most often encountered in the niter fusion of sulphide ore when the
charge is too acidic.
40 METALLURGY 012: 4RO 3SiO2 is a _____ slag. sesquisilicate
41 METALLURGY 013: RO SiO2 is a ______ slag. bisilicate
42 METALLURGY 014: Ores having no oxidizing nor reducing power. neutral ores
43 desulfurizing
METALLURGY 015: Something that has strong affinity for sulfur and agent
which is therefore capable of separating it from some of its substance.
44 METALLURGY 016: Something that converts compounds infusible at a flux
certain temperature into others which melts at this temperature.
45 METALLURGY 017: One assay ton is _____ g. 29.199 grams
46 METALLURGY 018: The formation of thick concentric rings of PbO that freezing
further stop oxidation of cupellation.
47 METALLURGY 019: The best ration of silver to gold in dore bead is the 2:1-3:1
optimum range of _____ Ag:Au.
48 METALLURGY 020: The ratio of silver gold in the dore that causes gold 6:01
to break up.
49 METALLURGY 021: In parting where selective dissolution of silver and 1:0.5-1:1
other base metals in the dore bead using dilute HNO3 has an acid
concentration of ____ (acid to water ratio).
50 sprouting
METALLURGY 022: It is caused by vigorous expulsion of oxygen on
rapid solidification of precious metal button. This does no harm unless
particles of the bead are completely ejected or unbroken off in cleaning.
51 METALLURGY 023: This acid causes spattering during dilution with hot sulfuric acid
52 METALLURGY 024: The sample for fire assaying is crushed and minus 100
pulverized to attain at least ___ mesh.
53 no answer
METALLURGY 025: In molding for cupel making, what is the pressure
range applied for the bone ash to have a good mold? ( No answer)
54 MINERALOGY 001: A type of chemical bond involving the transfer of ionic bond
55 MINERALOGY 002: A type of bonding that leads to sharing of valence covalent bond
56 MINERALOGY 003: A crystal habit resembling a bunch of grapes. botryoidal
57 MINERALOGY 004: A habit in which a layer of small crystals cover a ------>
58 MINERALOGY 005: A crystal appearance resembling slender plant-like dendritic
59 MINERALOGY 006: Property of minerals to break along planes of fracture
structural weakness.
60 parting
MINERALOGY 007: Conchoidal, hackly, and fibrous are kinds of ______.
61 MINERALOGY 008: Malleable, sectile, and ductile are varieties of tenacity
mineral ______.
62 MINERALOGY 009: When a mineral bends and does not return to its elastic
original form is said to be _____.
63 conchoidal
MINERALOGY 010: Quartz and glass exhibits a ____ type of fracture.
64 MINERALOGY 011: The color of a finely powdered mineral is called streak
65 MINERALOGY 012: The luster of a glass is called ____. vitreous
66 MINERALOGY 013: A type of luminescence in which the mineral triboluminescen
becomes luminous upon crushing, scratching, or rubbing. ce
67 MINERALOGY 014: A mineral softer than gypsum is _____. talc
68 MINERALOGY 015: If the light suffers no absorption on mineral, the colorless or
mineral is observed to be _____. transparent
69 MINERALOGY 016: Give the name: peacock ore bornite
70 MINERALOGY 017: Give the name: iceland spar calcite
71 MINERALOGY 018: Give the name: satin spar gypsum
72 MINERALOGY 019: Give the name: CuS chalcocite
73 MINERALOGY 020: Give the name: HgS cinnabar
74 MINERALOGY 021: Give the name: lodestone magnetite
75 MINERALOGY 022: Give the name: fools' gold pyrite
76 MINERALOGY 023: Give the name: NaCl halite
77 MINERALOGY 024: Give the name: KCl sylvite
78 MINERALOGY 025: Give the name: FeS2 pyrite
79 rutile,anatase,br
MINERALOGY 026: Give the name: TiO2 ookite
80 MINERALOGY 027: Give the name: AsS realgar
81 hematite or
MINERALOGY 028: Give the name: Fe2O3 limonite
82 MINERALOGY 029: Give the name: MgCO3 magnesite
83 MINERALOGY 030: Give the name: Fe3O4 magnetite
84 MINERALOGY 031: Give the name: FeCO3 siderite
85 MINERALOGY 032: Give the name: Pearl Spar dolomite
86 MINERALOGY 033: Give the name: Alabaster gypsum
87 MINERALOGY 034: Give the name: Sb2S3 stibnite
88 MINERALOGY 035: Give the name: CuFeS2 chalcopyrite
89 MINERALOGY 036: Give the name: Cu5FeS4 bornite
90 MINERALOGY 037: Give the name: ZnS sphalerite
91 MINERALOGY 038: Give the name: FeS pyrrhotite
92 MINERALOGY 039: Which is not a silicate mineral? ( olivine / cerrusite
amphibole / cerrusite / orthoclase )
93 MINERALOGY 040: Which is not a carbonate mineral? (witherite / barite
rhodochrosite / barite / calcite )
94 MINERALOGY 041: Which is not a sulfide mineral ( galena / bornite / cuprite
enargite / cuprite )
95 stibnite,
MINERALOGY 042: The principal ore of antimony. antimonite
96 MINERALOGY 043: A mineral compound resulting from a substitution pseudomorph
process in which the appearance and dimensions remain constant, but
the mineral which makes up the chief component of the compound is
replaced by another.
97 polymorphs
MINERALOGY 044: Minerals having identical compositions, but different
crystal structures as in: Graphite and diamond (C), calcite and aragonite
(CaCO3 ), andalusite and sillimanite and kyanite (Al2 SiO5 ), low quartz,
high quartz, cristobalite, tridymite, coesite, and stishovite (SiO 2 ).
98 MINERALOGY 045: The term "mineral" connotes the following except organically
for: (a) naturally occurring; (b) organically formed; (c) a solid with a formed
definite chemical composition; (d) homogeneous solid.
99 MINERALOGY 046: The following are minerals except for (diamond, pearl
sapphire, ruby, pearl).
100 MINERALOGY 047: Which among the following is not a mineral? (galena coal
/ chalcopyrite / coal / stibnite)
101 MINERALOGY 048: The following are ores of copper except (chalcocite / magnetite
enargite / magnetite / bornite)
102 MINERALOGY 049: The following are carbonate minerals except anhydrite
(magnesite / rhodochrosite / anhydrite / aragonite)
103 MINERALOGY 050: Which is not a polymorph? (anatase / brookite / rutile zircon
/ zircon)
104 MINERALOGY 051: Which is not a silica mineral? ( calcite / cristobalite calcite
/quartz / tridymite)
105 MINERALOGY 052: The following minerals are plagioclase except (albite oligocene
/ anorthite / oligocene / andesine)
106 MINERALOGY 053: Which of the following physical properties of diaphaneity
minerals is light dependent? ( specific gravity / magnetism / diaphaneity /
107 MINERALOGY 054: The following minerals are in the Moh's Scale of oligoclase
Hardness except ( oligoclase / orthoclase / apatite / fluorite )
108 MINERALOGY 055: The following are tools used for the determination of gypsum board
hardness using Moh's scale except ( copper coin / steel file / gypsum
board / finger nail )
109 MINERALOGY 056: Selenite is a crystalline variety of the mineral gypsum
( calcite / gypsum / anhydrite / aragonite )
110 MINERALOGY 057: Which of the following minerals has a metallic luster galena
( muscovite / chalcedony / galena / quartz )
111 MINERALOGY 058: Which of the following minerals is non-metallic? amethyst
(galena / pyrite / magnetite / amethyst)
112 MINERALOGY 059: Alabaster is a (a) crystalline gypsum; (b)fibrous massive
gypsum; (c) massive gypsum; (d) glassy gypsum. gypsum
113 MINERALOGY 060: "Black Jack" refers to ( galena / sphalerite / sphalerite
chalcopyrite / pyrite )
114 MINERALOGY 061: A mineral occurring as an aggregate of rounded oolitic
pellets is ( magnetic / malleable / oolitic / foliated )
115 cleavage
MINERALOGY 062: The tendency of a mineral to break in well-defined
directions is called ( luster / specific gravity / cleavage / magnetism )
116 (quartz /
muscovite /
MINERALOGY 063: Which of the following minerals has a perfect chalcedony /
cleavage. opal)
117 MINERALOGY 064: When a mineral can be readily crushed into fine brittle
powder it is said to be ( malleable / ductile / brittle / sectile )
118 MINERALOGY 065: Ions or group of ions which produce characteristic chromophores
colors in minerals are called ( chromitites / chromophores / chromium /
chromate )
119 MINERALOGY 066: Minerals whose color vary greatly due to the allochromatic
presence of pigments, impurities and inclusions are referred to as
( idiochromatic / vidiochromatic / allochromatic / hypochromatic )
120 MINERALOGY 067: Gypsum is a hydrous variety of anhydrite thus it water
differs with the additional content of ( sulfur / iron / water / silica )
121 MINERALOGY 068: Which of the following minerals effervesces in cold, calcite
dilute HCl ( anhydrite / chrysocolla / calcite / gypsum )
122 MINERALOGY 069: Which of the following minerals is non-magnetic sphalerite
( magnetite / pyrrhotite / maghemite / sphalerite )
123 MINERALOGY 070: Which mineral is harder than the fingernail. feldspar
( gypsum / talc / feldspar / graphite )
124 MINERALOGY 071: Pseudomorphism may take place through any of the deformation
following processes except for ( substitution / alteration / deformation /
encrustation )
125 MINERALOGY 072: Quartz are used in digital watches. This could be piezoelectricity
attributed to its property called ( triboluminescence / pyroelectricity /
piezoelectricity / fluorescence ).
126 MINERALOGY 073: The following mineral properties are dependent on luminescence
external light source except for ( chatoyancy / asterism / luster /
luminescence ).
127 MINERALOGY 074: Silver, platinum and copper belong to a mineral native metals
subdivision called ( native metals / semi-precious / jewelries / native
semi-metals ).
128 MINERALOGY 075: The following are varieties of corundum except for emery
( emerald / ruby / sapphire / emery ).
129 MINERALOGY 076: The common element between zincite and zinc
sphalerite is _____
130 MINERALOGY 077: Pyrrhotite is also called "magnetic pyrite." It differs iron content
with pyrite in ( sulfur content / oxygen content / iron content / copper
content )
131 MINERALOGY 078: The common anion of calcite, aragonite, magnesite, carbonate
and siderite is ___.
132 MINERALOGY 079: The common anion of barite, anhydrite, gypsum, sulfate
and alunite is ____.
133 MINERALOGY 080: The silica tetrahedra has ___ oxygen. four
134 MINERALOGY 081: The solid solution series forsterite-fayalite of olivine Fe
represents substitution of Mg by ___.
135 MINERALOGY 082: The following minerals belong to the pyroxene group fluorite
except for ( diopside / enstatite / hedenbergite / fluorite).
136 anorthite
MINERALOGY 083: Orthoclase is the potassium rich end of the alkali
feldspar; the calcium-rich end of the plagioclase feldspars is called ____.
137 MINERALOGY 084: The other series of the olivine group is the calcium
monticellite-kirschteinite join. This differs from the fayalite-forsterite series
by the presence of ___.

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