Character Focused Random Events For Towns: Michael J Winegar
Character Focused Random Events For Towns: Michael J Winegar
Character Focused Random Events For Towns: Michael J Winegar
Random Events
for Towns
Michael J Winegar
Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy this document for personal use only . Character Specific Random Town Events 1
about two days travel. For the sake of convenience, this
Introduction assumes that most towns are within about a week’s
journey of a city and most villages are within two days
The twinkling lights of the town are a welcome sight after travel (about 40 miles) of a town.
days on the road.
Altering and Rerolling
The following tables represent a way to generate random Risk is a fun and essential element to any random table.
events while visiting a town during or between adventures. That being said, the judgment of the Dungeon Master and
In an effort to make these events more personally the roleplaying desires of the player should always
interesting to unique characters, I’ve created a d100 table override what is written. There is a chance that a player
that can be altered to fit any combination of the standard character will assert something like, “My character would
Races, Classes, and Backgrounds found in the Player’s never do that.”
Handbook. If this is the case, alter the Event into something
believable for the player character. If this does not seem
When to Use easily possible (or is simply taking too much time)
As a general rule, you should have the players roll on the consider rerolling until something interesting happens for
Random Town Events Tables once per week or once per the character.
stay in town. You can increase or decrease the frequency as If a player rolls an Event that they have experienced
your group sees fit. before, consider treating it as a continuation of the
An important rule of thumb is to make sure everyone in previous Event, treat it as the same Event under different
the group rolls the same number of Random Events. If the circumstances, or simply reroll.
Ranger has an activity that keeps them out of town for a
whole week, the player can feel marginalized if the other Necessary Assumptions
characters get to roll seven times while they’re gone. It is, of course, impossible to make a Random Events Table
Also keep in mind that player characters should not be that fits perfectly with every campaign and every party of
bound by the table and should have plenty of freedom to adventurers. You should feel free to change anything and
pursue their own activities without consulting the Random everything to suit the needs and flavors of your campaign.
Events table. In an effort to make interesting, personal, and meaningful
Random Events, I’ve made a few assumptions about the
How to Use campaign world:
The Dungeon Master should:
Assumptions about the Region
• ASK the player what their character is doing for the day
or what they are trying to accomplish during this stay in • A class system with Upper (hereditary nobles and
town. rulers), Middle (wealthy merchants and minor nobles)
• ROLL d100 and consult the tables. and Lower (peasants, commonfolk, laborers, and the
• READ the entire entry to yourself. poor) divisions of society.
• THINK about the character who rolled the event and • A government that is a mix of hereditary titles, elected
how such an event would fit into or affect your campaign officials, and ruling councils.
world. If it just doesn’t make sense, consider rerolling or • There is a police force, called here the Town Watch.
altering the event to fit the needs of your game. Think • The population is cosmopolitan, but mostly human.
about whether or not the event in question affects more • Arcane magic is practiced openly by Wizards but is not
than one member of the group or offers an opportunity part of daily life for the vast majority of citizens.
in which more than one character might want to take • That characters frequent taverns and shops as places
part. for news, food, equipment, and company. They make
• SPEAK the bolded, first part of the entry out loud. The conversation when it is natural and are not actively
double slash ( // ) indicates that you should wait for a trying to hide their identity (as a Warlock might).
response from the character before reading further or • Players have filled out the Personality Traits, Ideals,
narrating how the rest of the event plays out. Bonds, and Flaws sections of the character sheet or
have made these decisions about their characters.
Regions and Areas • That characters keep up with activities consistent with
their Background. (If a charlatan or criminal is
Some Events have an effect on a Region or an Area. For
reformed, consider using a different Background table
purposes of these tables, a Region is considered a major
for rolls in town, possibly Guild Artisan to show they’ve
city and all cities, towns, and villages within about seven
gone straight.
days travel. An Area is a town and all villages within
Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy this document for personal use only . Character Specific Random Town Events 2
Keep in mind that players will often come up solutions
and options different than those presented within the
Gloss Over or Play It Out event. Whenever possible, use a player's suggestion over
The first rule for a random table like this is to run with it what you find in the event text.
when you’re having fun and wrap it up when it’s time to
move on. Use Events to Build the World
You should be especially mindful of how all members of You can use every opportunity presented here as a way to
the group are engaged. It can be a lot of fun for the Rogue to flesh out your campaign world and your characters. After
play out a daring heist, but not at the expense of the rest of an event, think about what new Bonds a character might
the players being bored. The random events presented form, how the event can shape their reputation, and how
here should be used as an interesting way to flesh out the event could affect rolls in the future in a positive or
characters and to give players roleplaying opportunities. negative way.
Gaining experience, advancing the main story, and finding Encourage characters to make note of their experiences
treasure should be the focus of party adventures rather and social connections. Remind them that these can be
than their time in town. used later to their advantage.
If you come across an Event in which all players wish to To aid you in keeping track of what happens in a given
participate, with a little creativity you can turn it into a full town, see Appendix 1: Town Record Sheet.
blown party adventure.
Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy this document for personal use only . Character Specific Random Town Events 3
D100 Random Town Events
006 Consult Class Table
016 Consult Race Table
026 Consult Background Table
You meet someone who expresses romantic interest in you. // It takes a DC 11
Charisma (Persuasion) check to keep the romance going and the Character must visit again
in 1d6 months or the romantic interest moves on. Roll 1d6 to see where the Character met
the love interest.
1. Farmer’s field just outside town
2. Tavern or inn where the character is staying
031 3. Outside a church
4. In a merchant’s shop
5. The Town Watchhouse
6. Noble’s manor
Alternately, the Character may choose to base their romance on Charisma (Deception)
checks, though if it fails the former love interest may try to exact revenge.
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You are nearby when a sizable residence catches fire. At least two people are trapped
inside the two-story building. // There are 1d4+1 people trapped inside. Characters can
make a DC 14 Constitution Save to rush inside the building and rescue one of the victims.
Success means the victim survives, on failure the victim dies. Either way the Character
takes 1d6 Fire Damage with each attempt. Characters who cast spells, use magic items, or
come up with clever ideas may have Advantage on as many rolls as you deem appropriate.
When all victims have been rescued or perish, you may roll 1d8 to see who they are:
032 1. A beggar who was hiding in the house.
2. A young kitchen servant
3. One of the cooks
4. One of the butlers
5. A member of the Town Watch who got trapped trying to rescue others
6. A distant (and not particularly well-liked) relative of the homeowner
7. A member of the homeowner’s immediate family
8. A young, attractive heir to a modest fortune
The town is in the middle of building or repairing its walls. They will pay for labor on
the walls or to bolster the Town Watch while it finishes. // Working on the wall or
033 standing guard pays 1gp and three meals per day. The environment is one of camaraderie
and pride in the town and working here is a good way to improve a character’s relationship
with the townsfolk and the Town Watch.
You find a person connected to someone you have a Bond with. // Have the character
look at their Bonds and decide what makes sense. If the character has multiple Bonds, you
can determine randomly where the connection lies. Is running into this person a good or
bad thing? Is it a reminder of painful memories or of a debt the Character owes? Does the
character have an obligation and are they fulfilling it? If the character does not wish to
interact with this person, it takes a DC 12 Dex (Stealth) check to avoid them.
A beggar woman discreetly gets your attention and says she has something of value
to sell you. // If the character follows her to a decrepit building, she presents a jeweled
035 dagger and asks 50gp for it. She will not answer any questions about where it came from
and asks the payment to be made in silver and copper pieces. The dagger is easily worth
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You meet a member of a famous musical troupe who sizes you up and thinks you
have what it takes to enhance their show in the town square that evening. Pay is
shared according to how well the performance goes. // If the character chooses to join
the performance, they make a Charisma (Performance) roll:
1-3: The show is a disaster. You miss your queues, flub your lines, and bring
part of the stage crashing down. Far from offering you a cut of the meager
profits, the troupe actually demands you pay 2d6 gold in damages.// If the
character refuses to pay, the troupe names the Fool character in all of their
plays after the character. In 1d4 months, that character’s name is synonymous
with silliness, idiocy, and bad manners in the region.
4-6: You perform poorly, sometimes tripping up the other members of the
troupe. The crowd still seems to enjoy the show but the troupe will not
welcome you again and they offer you 1d8 copper pieces as your share.
7-9: Once onstage, the troupe quickly realized you are out of your depth. They
sideline you for the rest of the performance and offer you 2d4 silver as
036 your cut.
10-12: You give an acceptable, if mediocre, performance. Your cut is 2d8 silver.
13-15: You acquit yourself well onstage. The crowd and the troupe enjoy
themselves and everyone goes home happy. Your cut is 1d6 gold.
16-18: You come off as an absolute natural and your performance blends
seamlessly with the troupe. The troupe happily pays you 2d4 gold as your
share and they give you a badge signifying your status as an honorary
member of the troupe. If you ever give up adventuring, there may be a
home for you on the road.
19+: Your performance is spectacular. Too spectacular. You steal every scene with
your dazzling display of entertaining talent. You overshadow the performances of
the troupe so greatly that the crowd chants your name for an encore and gives you all
the flowers meant for the other performers. The troupe grudgingly pays you 3d6
gold and they bid you a very cold farewell as they make excuses of an appointment in
another town. // In 1d4 months, the Character may catch word that the troupe has stolen
some of their material and are passing it off as their own.
You catch word that a non-human is to be hanged in the town square in just a few
hours. // If the character wants to know more a DC 12 Investigation reveals that the
evidence against the non-human is flimsy and probably motivated by prejudice. The offense
037 was not violent (petty theft, destruction of property, or something similar). It will take a DC
13 Charisma (Persuasion) check to get the authorities to accept the evidence. Alternately, a
DC 15 Dex (Stealth) check will get the accused out of town unseen. If the character fails the
Stealth check, the non-human is killed and the Character barely manages to escape.
A pair of young townsfolk want to become scholars in the nearest big city. They can't
pay for safe passage but if someone helps them get to the city, and they pass the
038 exams to get into the university, they promise to research anything you need in the
future. // If the characters don’t escort the young people themselves, safe passage with a
coach will cost 1sp per mile for them and their things.
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The locals have a bare fist fighting ring set up with a modest cash prize. // If a
character wants to participate, the DM rolls three 1d20+3 in secret and arranges the scores
from lowest to highest. These scores represent bouts with the three best fighters. A
character needs to beat the scores one at a time with a single unarmed Attack Roll per bout
to win the prize of 2d6X10gp. If two characters want to face each other, they make opposed
unarmed Attack Rolls, best of three, to determine the winner.
You are approached by a scholar who is trying to get donations for a new academy to
turn the town into a center of knowledge for the region. The scholar will gladly
accept cash, books, scrolls, maps, or anything else that would help set up the school.
040 A particularly generous donor might even get a building (or at least a classroom)
named after them. // It will cost 8,000gp to establish the academy and get the beginning
of a campus built. Without substantial help, the scholar will take 1d4 years to raise the
funds and 3d4 months after that to build.
The town is flooded with desperate, amateur miners after rumor has gotten around
that there's gold in the nearby hills. A few of them have taken to following you
around, gripping their pickaxes and muttering that someone has to know where the
gold is. // If the character is ever alone during their stay in town, they are jumped by 1d6
miners (use the Thug stats). The character must make a DC 13 Dex, Strength, or
Constitution Save (their choice) or be kidnapped and dragged out to the hills where the
miners interrogate them about the location of gold. The character escapes after 1d4 days
and what they do with the miners is up to them. If another party member notices the
character missing, it takes a DC 15 Wisdom (Survival) check to find and free them. This roll
may be made once per day.
You overhear an angry, drunken conversation amongst some farmers about a bank
owner who is forcing farmers off their family land and then renting it back to them.
One of them mutters that they ought to do something about it and they leave. // The
character may follow the farmers with a DC 8 Dex (Stealth) check. If the farmers notice they
are being followed, they grumble and go their separate ways. If the character continues to
follow them, the drunks try to set fire to some granaries on the edge of town, threatening
the food supply of the whole region. If the character tries to stop them, the farmers don’t
put up much of a fight. If the authorities are alerted, the farmers will hang for the offense.
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As you enter a shop, it quickly becomes apparent that the owner has been recently
robbed. Whatever you are looking for, there’s a 50% chance the shop doesn’t have it
and the owner desperately tries to sell you many things you may not need. // If the
character wants to find out more about the robbery, the owner tells them it happened 1d4
night ago and that the prime suspects are a group of caravan guards who left the morning
after. The Town Watch refuses to go after them. If the character wants to help, it will take
them a number of days equal to the 1d4 rolled earlier to catch the caravan. (Use your
043 judgment on what means of travel the character has available and how hard they want to
push themselves to decide how quickly they could catch up). Once with the caravan, it takes
a DC 12 Intelligence (Insight) or Wisdom (Perception) check to discover the stolen goods in
one of the wagons. The guards flee rather than fight. The caravan master, who did not know
about the robbery, is now left without protection and wants the character to pay 15gp for
the wagon if they intend to use it to get the goods back to the shop owner. Otherwise the
caravan master proposes to dump the stolen goods in the road and continue to the next
A member of the Town Watch has decided that you fit the description of a violent
criminal and wants you to come to the Guardhouse for questioning. The guardsman
politely insists this isn’t an official arrest… yet. // The guard is accompanied by 1d4
other guardsmen and if pressed will produce an illustrated registry with a sketch that does
indeed look like the character in question. If the character goes along with the guardsmen,
they spend the rest of the day answering questions and waiting for the guards to
corroborate their answers with various sources. All of their things are looked through and
if the guards find anything suspicious, they will ask about it and perhaps confiscate it. The
character is released late that evening.
If the character refuses, they need a DC 14 Strength or Dexterity (Acrobatics or Stealth)
check to get away, though they won’t be able to show their face openly in the town for some
time. If they fail the check, the guards pull their weapons and announce that the character is
under arrest, possibly escalating the encounter into Combat. If this happens, 2d4 additional
Guardsmen arrive 1d6 rounds.
If there is a chance that the character has been in this area and really could have committed
these crimes (think of the character’s Background and campaign history) then it takes a DC
16 Charisma (Deception) check to convince the guards to release them.
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It starts as a flicker at the edge of your vision, a misplaced shadow here or there, a
chill that makes you feel watched. By the end of the day you are certain you are being
haunted by some supernatural force. // A DC 10 Arcana or Religion check (or Nature by
someone with a connection to natural magic, such as a Druid or Ranger) reveals that the
character is being haunted by the spirit of an animal. Is it a beloved pet come with a
warning from beyond the grave? A creature bent on vengeance for some past torment? A
wild animal still on the hunt, not realizing it has passed on? Something the character ate
that didn’t agree with them? If you don’t want to choose something especially appropriate
for the character, you may roll 1d12 to see what the animal is:
1. Fish
2. Squirrel
3. Hound or Wolf
4. Cat
5. Deer or Elk
6. Horse
7. Bear
8. Bull
9. Ram
10. Hawk
11. Rat
12. Snake
A further DC 13 Arcana, Religion, or Nature check reveals that the animal will appear in
semi-corporeal form during the next full moon and at that time it can be appeased or
destroyed (if you have not established a campaign calendar, the next full moon is in 1d20
days). Until this done, the character sleeps poorly and has dreams about the animal.
Creatures of the same type as the spirit animal congregate around the character and other
natural creatures will shy away from them. No mount (not of the spirit animal’s type) will
allow the character to ride it without a DC 16 Animal Handling check every hour. They may
still ride in a cart or other similar vehicle. A Druid or Ranger’s Animal Companion is not
mechanically affected but its distaste can be felt.
During the full moon, the animal can be appeased by offering it 1d6x10gp worth of specially
blessed and prepared food. After it eats the food it disappears, leaving a palpable air of
relief and satisfaction. Alternately, the animal may be destroyed with a single successful
Attack Roll with a magic weapon or spell that attacks a target’s AC. The spirit animal’s AC
for this attack is 13. If the attack is unsuccessful, the creature disappears until the next full
moon and continues to haunt the character. Additionally, if the animal is neither appeased
nor destroyed after the first full moon, the character begins to smell strongly of the
haunting animal.
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The teenage child of a wealthy aristocrat has been arrested for vandalism. A servant
of the family hints to you that if someone else confessed to the vandalism, perhaps a
stranger in town who will soon be moving on, the family would make it worth their
while. The punishment is a public whipping and the offered payment is
1d6+1x100gp. // If the character agrees, the family pays half up front and half after the
whipping, which takes place the day after the “confession.” If pressed, the family will double
the amount.
Depending on what was vandalized, the character will have angered a number of citizens.
Roll 1d6 to see what was vandalized (though if the player didn’t ask specifics before
agreeing, it might be more fun to reveal this after the whipping):
046 1. Blasphemy on a religious building
2. Garbage in a public fountain
3. “Get back to work” on a poorhouse
4. Rude drawings on the mayor’s home
5. Racial slurs on a tavern that serves mostly non-human clients
6. Knocking over tombstones in the cemetery
If the character instead exposes the family’s plan to cover up the vandalism, then both the
vandal and the parent are publicly whipped and the character has certainly made an enemy
for life. It’s also possible that exposing the family will upset most of the other wealthy
families in the area.
In the dark of night, the town is attacked by goblins or other savage enemies. If the
town has a wall, some of the foes get inside long enough to set fire to a few buildings
and stir the whole town into a panic. // All characters in the city may participate in this
event by declaring that:
• I help fight the enemy on the town wall or at the gates
• I rescue people from burning buildings
• I guard the market district from enemies and looters
• I stand on the steps of a religious building and guard those inside
• I protect the estate of a wealthy family or the mayor
• I take advantage of the situation by doing a little looting myself or performing some
other illegal activity
• I guard the door of my favorite tavern
• I rescue some rare and expensive liquor, at least from the enemy
• I protect the most attractive person I can find
• I do something else in character (quietly set fire to another building, make religious
pronouncements, provide mood music, etc.)
DM NOTE: After the attack, think about who would be grateful to each character for their
contribution. The character who rolled this event should receive special recognition for
being one of the first on the scene, warning the town, or acting with special valor (assuming
they did something praiseworthy).
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A noble has perceived some dire insult. Unless you offer a very public apology, the
noble demands that you duel with rapiers to first blood tomorrow at dawn. //
Assuming the character has not actually done something to offend a local noble, it will take
a DC 17 Persuasion or Deception check to convince the noble to back down from the
challenge. If the character refuses to duel, they gain a reputation for cowardice and crude
048 manners in the region, especially among those of noble blood. If the character accepts the
challenge, the duel is decided with opposed Attack rolls wielding rapiers. The noble’s
Attack Modifier is 1d10. If the character rolls a 1, they are critically wounded by a rapier
thrust, they lose half of their hit points, and they suffer two levels of Exhaustion that cannot
be regained for 1d4 weeks. If the character rolls a 20, they accidentally kill the noble. There
are no legal repercussions but someone close to the noble is sure to seek revenge.
As you sleep, you somehow slip into a dream dimension full of shapes and places
both strange and familiar. It coalesces into labyrinth made of fear and regret. You
must escape or go mad. // It takes a DC 14 Charisma save to escape the dream. On failure,
the Character sleeps for another 12 hours and suffers a level of Exhaustion.
You are invited to apply for membership with an exclusive adventuring guild. // The
Character must roll 1d20 and add their character level. It takes a score of 20 to join the guild
and the roll can be made once per level. Members may deposit trophies or souvenirs from
their adventures to be displayed in the guild hall. Guild dues are 12gp per year and after
having been a member for 1d6 months and chronicled at least two adventures the Character
may sponsor other adventurers to join the guild.
During the night, you wake to find your room invaded by an imp, dire rat, pixie, or
some other Tiny monster. // If the character makes a successful Attack Roll against AC
18, they manage to kill or catch the creature. If they fail, the creature escapes. Either way,
051 there is a good amount of noise and something in the room is damaged. If the character has
the creature, the host is apologetic and offers to refund their money for the room. If the
creature has escaped, the host demands the character pay triple the price of the room to
repair the damages.
A careless custodian puts a notch, dent, or stain on some of your equipment or
clothing. // Think of the character’s lifestyle and habits and choose something that makes
sense. Even if they are scrupulous about maintaining their own equipment (a great many
052 Fighters wouldn’t trust the care of their weapons to anyone else) at some point they will
need clothing laundered or other equipment repaired (pouches, belts, backpacks, sleeping
rolls, etc.). The item is marred or ruined and if it costs more than 1d6x10gp the custodian
cannot afford to replace it.
A gang of 1d4+2 Thugs not of your race take to shouting racial epithets in your
053 direction. // If the character says anything back or makes any threatening move, the Thugs
laugh and scatter. Otherwise, the Thugs follow for 1d4 blocks before giving up.
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There has been a terrible murder in the night. If you wish, you may help apprehend
the murderer. // Roll 1d10 to reveal the victim.
The Victim
1. Member of the Town Watch one day before retirement
2. Hated government official
3. Friendly tavern server
4. Longtime beggar known throughout the town to be harmless
5. Profligate young noble
6. Unknown drifter
7. Beloved bard known for bawdy humor
8. Notorious criminal
9. Prosperous merchant
10. Hermit who lived several miles outside of town
The murderer’s identity can be discovered with a successful DC 14 Int (Investigation). Once
the identity is known, a DC 12 Wis (Insight) check is needed to determine the motive and
find evidence. These rolls may only be made once per character per day. If the Murderer’s
identity is not discovered, any roll to determine Motive is wasted. Once the Murderer and
Motive are known, the character may turn the murderer over to the authorities, mete out
justice, or let them go. After a successful check, roll 1d10 to discover the details of the case.
The Murderer
054 1. Member of the Town Watch suspected of corruption
2. Tavern keeper
3. Infamous highwayman known for his flamboyant style of clothing
4. Owner of a failing business
5. Laborer with a history of public drunkenness
6. Foreign noble who recently moved to the area
7. Lousy singer who has been kicked out of every tavern in town
8. Treasure hunter from a nearby city
9. Traveling salesman
10. Non-human refugee
The Motive
1. Unrequited love
2. Theological dispute
3. Murderer owed a debt
4. Victim owed a debt
5. Paid by a mysterious third party
6. Perceived insult
7. Murderer claims mind control and a DC 13 Arcana check reveals faint
Enchantment magic fading from their essence
8. Victim supposedly possessed a magic item
9. Revenge for a past wrong against their family
10. Self-defense
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Someone you have a Bond with needs help. // After deciding on an appropriate Bond,
the Character must either spend 2d4 days traveling them or send 1d6x100 gold.
You discover a gravestone bearing your full name in an overgrown cemetery behind
056 a decrepit church. // Could it be a distant relative, a dire warning, or is something more
supernatural going on?
There is a tavern in town where a number of famous, retired adventurers are known
to gather and tell stories. If you go to see them, there’s a chance one might take a
liking to you and teach you a thing or two. // If the character succeeds in a DC 16 Skill
057 Check of their own choosing, they can impress one of the retired adventurers enough to act
as their mentor. Each time the character passes through this town, and no more than once
per month, the mentor will give them special insight that grants the character 1d6 Bardic
Inspiration that lasts one week or until they use it.
As you are preparing for bed, you notice a brick where the mortar has been chipped
away. // If the character investigates, they find a love note and a noble’s signet ring. After
058 professing undying love with stomach-churning poetry, the note asks the reader to meet
just outside town at midnight. The ring is worth 1d6X100gp and the note is 1d20 years old.
It takes a DC 10+the years rolled Investigation check to find the rightful owner.
A wall nearby shimmers and melts into a faintly glowing portal about the size of a
large book. A bloodied human hand suddenly thrusts out of the portal as if reaching
for something. // If the character ignores the hand or attacks it, the hand withdraws and
the portal closes. If the character instead grips the hand and succeeds in a DC 9 Strength
check they pull from the portal a bloodied wizard in tattered robes. The portal closes and
the wizard lies on the ground panting for a moment. After asking what plane of reality this
is, the wizard expresses thanks, gives the character a Trinket and says perhaps they will
meet again someday before vanishing in a puff of smoke. If the character fails the Strength
check, they are sucked into the portal and experience a blind and deaf nightmare existence
of biting teeth and squeezing, writhing tentacles. 1d4 days later, the portal vomits them
back to their home plane with 1 hit point, four levels of exhaustion, and a permanent fear of
After hearing about your travels, a noble asks to speak to you in private. // If the
character swears on their immortal soul not to tell anyone about it, the noble describes an
ancestral artifact and stresses just how generous the family will be with their wealth and
influence to the one who returns it to them. The noble also candidly tells the character that
the family’s enemies would give almost anything to have it in their possession but the noble
will not say why. Choose or randomly generate a Rare magic item to appear in the
campaign soon and describe it to the character. The noble will pay double the market price
for it and the noble’s enemies will pay triple.
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You meet a mysterious hooded figure who seems to take great interest in your
adventures. // If the character fails a DC 12 Charisma Save, they tell the mysterious figure
061 everything about their recent travels and current goals. In the morning they awake with an
especially blinding headache and no one else remembers seeing the figure. If the character
makes the Save, they realize something is strange and the figure quickly leaves.
You wake in the middle of the night to see a glowing ghost at the foot of your bed
before it fades away. // Roll 1d10 to determine the nature of the ghost:
1. Someone from the character’s past
2. One of the character’s ancestors
3. Patron murdered in the bed the character is sleeping in
4. Terrible criminal executed for this crimes
5. Innocent person executed for a crime
6. Ancient ruler speaking an unfamiliar language
062 7. Wizard who claims not to be dead, just looking around
8. Confused person who died in a terrible accident
9. Murdered owner of the inn who claims their body is in the cellar (it is)
10. Famous hero of legend come to give the character a message of destiny
If pressed, the host will admit that the room has been haunted for some time and offers you
a partial refund. Many visitors report seeing different ghosts. A DC 15 Religion check can
put the ghosts to rest.
You wake in the morning feeling awful. Something you ate disagrees mightily with
you. // If the character fails a DC 14 Constitution Save, they suffer two levels of Exhaustion
that last 24 hours. If any other character ate at the same location, they too must make the
063 save or fall ill. If the character ate at more than one establishment, determine randomly
which one caused the food poisoning. If the character cares about the establishment (a
favorite tavern perhaps, or something owned by a friend or relative) then a DC 13
Investigation check can reveal that the food was poisoned by a business rival.
A noble proclaims publicly that the two of you are lovers. // Think about the
character’s Background, Class, Race, reputation, wealth, and recent behavior. Will the
family be impressed or outraged? Is the character already in a relationship? Roll 1d8 to see
what a catch this young noble is:
1. Physically attractive but petty, shallow, and spoiled
2. Dashing and courageous but not too bright
3. Moderately attractive and obsessed with climbing the social ladder
4. Extremely attractive to the eye but offensive to the nose
5. Kind and normally very shy. This pronouncement is severely out of character
6. From a house teetering on the edge of financial ruin
7. Bubbly, flighty, and likely to claim someone else as a lover next week
8. Very sorry, you’re not quite as rich and famous as they thought. Never mind.
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You spot a wanted criminal trying to lay low. The bounty is 1d10X10gp dead or
1d4x100gp alive. // It takes a successful Attack Roll vs AC 12 to kill the criminal or AC 17
to apprehend the criminal alive. If the player comes up with another way to incapacitate the
criminal (sleep spell, seduction) give the character the benefit of the doubt. The character
may also alert the authorities or help the criminal escape town in exchange for 1d6x50gp
payment or a promise to return the favor someday.
A person approaches you and says they want to give up the smuggling life but they
have one last bag of contraband to get rid of. This person promises they’ve never
hurt anyone directly and that they want to make a better life for their family. The
smuggler can’t dispose of the goods because the Town Watch is watching too closely.
Will you help get rid of it? // The contraband is worth 1d4X50gp on the black market. If
the character holds the contraband for 24 hours and is still in town, they are questioned by
the Town Watch and must succeed in a DC14 Deception check to avoid being arrested. You
can decide what’s appropriately illegal in your campaign or you can roll 1d8 to find out
066 what the smuggler was carrying.
1. Forged official documents
2. Counterfeit currency (2d6x100gp)
3. Hallucinogenic herbs (Mild euphoria and 3 levels of Exhaustion for 1d4 hours)
4. Thieves’ Tools (1d4+2)
5. Detailed blueprints of 1d6 wealthy manors
6. Subversive books
7. Rare animal parts
8. Forgery kits (1d4+2)
You hear about an estate sale going on at an old manor outside of town. // Almost
067 everything is tattered junk but the character can pay 1d10x10gp for an ornate box, itself
worth the amount. Inside is a Trinket (PHB page 160)
You overhear two seedy looking individuals talk about adding to their buried loot. //
With a successful DC 13 Stealth check, the character can follow them for the rest of the day
and into the night as they leave the town. Around midnight the individuals stop in a
clearing and start digging. After some time, they leave. If the character digs in the spot, roll
1d6 to see what they find:
068 1. 2d6X10gp
2. Stolen jewelry worth 1d4x50gp
3. Bloody human bones
4. A stash of Thieves’ Tools, a Disguise Kit, and a Forgery Kit
5. Dozens of rusty weapons
6. A stack of letters implicating a town official of corruption
In a tavern, you spy someone you’ve met on your previous travels. // With a successful
DC 9 Intelligence (Insight) check the character can remember the person’s name and a few
details about them. They offer to buy the character a meal and share news about the region.
If the character fails the check, the person is offended and dismisses them. (This might be a
fun time to see if the player can remember the name of an obscure NPC from several
sessions ago.)
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The Town Watch come to question you about one of your companions. // If any
member of the party has done anything illegal during this or a previous stay in this town,
the Town Watch have heard about it. If the character who rolled this event knows about
that illegal activity, they need to succeed in a DC 15 Deception check or be held for 1d4 days
070 for further questioning, during which time they look for the guilty companion in question.
The companion must succeed in a DC 16 Stealth check or face arrest. The guilty companion
may escape with a DC 12 Strength (Athletics) or Dexterity (Acrobatics) check but then the
character who rolled this event faces the punishment. If the character really knows nothing,
or no party member has done anything illegal, then the guards release them after an hour.
You discover that something you bought recently is a fake or so poorly made that it
has already fallen apart. // Have the character go over the last four things that they
071 bought or acquired and roll 1d4 to see what it is. If they purchased it during this stay in
town, they may want to confront the seller who will refund their money with a successful
DC 9 Charisma (Persuasion) check.
While walking through the crowded market, you feel a tug. // Someone tries to pick the
character’s pocket. Roll 1d20 against the character’s passive perception. If the roll succeeds,
072 they lose 1d10x10gp or something else in their pockets, pouches or bags. Were they
carrying anything of particular value or significance? If the roll fails, the pickpocket escapes
into the crowd.
A traveling fortune teller offers to give you a peak into a crystal ball for 1d20sp. //
Roll 1d10 to see the character’s fortune in the swirling mist of the crystal ball:
1. You’ll soon be swindled out of a small amount of money
2. Terrible pain in your future, loss and ruin
3. The crystal ball empties to clear glass. The confused fortuneteller knocks on
the side of it and shrugs.
073 4. Your past wrongs will catch up with you soon
5. A new romance will soon present itself
6. You will have excellent luck in your current endeavors
7. You should trust a friend when you don’t know what to do
8. Your present goal will not lead to a feeling of fulfillment
9. The real treasure will be friendship
10. You’ll soon become famous
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You catch word that a merchant has trapped some sort of creature in a cellar and is
looking for someone to dispose of it quietly, preferably without killing it. // The
merchant reveals that the creature is an exotic family pet that has gone feral. If possible, it
should be released into the wild. If you decide to help, make a Wisdom (Animal Handling)
1-9: The creature bites you savagely. You suffer 6 damage and your shirt is ruined.
The creature escapes and terrorizes the town for some days. The merchant is
074 blamed for it, causing his business to fail.
10-12: You can’t quite capture the creature. You are forced to either kill the creature
or let it go. If you let it go, see the result above for the creature escaping.
13-16: You capture the creature and are able to get it outside the city where it
streaks off into the countryside.
17+: You capture the creature and discover a small hooked claw with a poison gland
stuck in its skin. Once the claw is removed the animal returns to normal.
A marginalized group marches through the street, demanding better treatment and
respect. 1d4 people next to you give angry shouts and pick up rocks to throw. // Roll
1d8 to see who the group represents:
1. Non-humans
2. Women
075 3. Beggars
4. The unemployed
5. Refugees
6. The uneducated (several of their signs are spelled wrong)
7. Scholars
8. Wizards
When you go to sleep, you have unpleasant dreams of bone and blood. You wake up
feeling poorly rested. // These dreams continue until the character, or someone on their
behalf, performs a successful DC 16 Arcana or Religion check. This check can be made once
076 per day and must be done while the afflicted character is sleeping. Success reveals that one
of the items the character acquired recently has an aura of necromantic magic. Determine
randomly which item. It can be as small as a coin or an arrowhead. If the character has
these dreams for three nights in a row, they suffer a level of Exhaustion.
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You unintentionally discover proof that the mayor is embezzling funds meant for
town improvements. // If the character goes to the Captain of the Town Watch or another
authority figure with the evidence, the mayor is immediately arrested and, if the player
desires, the character receives a public commendation for your service. Alternatively, if the
character wishes to blackmail the Mayor, they must succeed in a DC 14 Charisma
(Intimidation). If the check fails, the Mayor agrees to pay the character hush money but
then quietly leaves town during the night. If the check succeeds, the character receives
1d6x100gp. No more than once per month, the character can stop back through this town
and roll 1d6. On a 3-6, the character receives that number x100gp. On a 1-2, the Mayor has
been arrested and the payments stop. If the character tries to bully the Mayor for more
money or sends a representative to collect the payment the Mayor quietly leaves town
without paying for that month.
You hear that two noble families are feuding over land. // With 2d4 hours of research
and a successful DC 11 History or Investigation check, the character can prove which family
078 is in the right (determine randomly which family). The character receives 2d4x100gp and a
promise that they have the favor of the noble family. They have also, however, made an
enemy out of the other family.
A questionable individual claims to have a few doses of a magic powder that
increases the speed of someone who takes it. It’s a great deal at just 1d4x10gp for
2d4 doses. // Taking the powder increases a character’s movement by 5 feet for 1d4
hours, after which they suffer a level of Exhaustion. After taking the first dose, if the
character goes 24 hours without taking another, they suffer a level of Exhaustion that does
not go away until they have been powder-free for 2d4 days. A successful DC 10 Nature
check reveals that the powder will actually increase speed but it takes a DC 17 Nature check
(use the same roll) to reveal the addictive nature.
You witness a mugging, burglary, or vandalism. // The crime is already committed by the
time the character can do anything about it and the perpetrator is quickly caught by the
Town Watch. Unless the character succeeds in a DC 12 Stealth or Deception check, the Town
080 Watch are alerted to their presence and the character must stay in town an extra 1d4 days
until the investigation is over. If the character leaves town before that time, the guards will
remember and may treat the character with suspicion and dislike the next time they are in
town. If the character cooperates, they can expect to get on the Town Watch’s good side.
You find a person who has been rude, cruel, or unkind to you in the past unconscious
in a deserted alley behind a tavern. // Think back on the character’s time in the town
081 and the surrounding area. Have they been treated badly by a tavern or shop owner? Turned
away by a sneering noble or obnoxious official? Once you’ve established the identity of this
person, the character has 3d4 minutes until someone else enters the alley.
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As you are walking alone, a bright light flashes in front of you, coalescing into a
humanoid form. The being speaks something to you in an unknown language and
disappears in another flash of light. // If the character tells any locals about the
082 experience, there is a 50/50 chance they will consider the character blessed or cursed by a
local spirit. Townsfolk will offer a blessed character any goods and services at half price.
Cursed characters can expect locals to either double their prices or refuse to do business
A newly created noble offers to pay you a stipend of 2d4x100gp per month if you
adventure in the family’s name and wear their livery over your other adventuring
clothes or armor. // Roll twice on the Color table (re-rolling duplicate results) and once
on the Symbol table to reveal the livery of the noble:
1. Bright Yellow 11. Magenta
2. Pale Yellow 12. Royal Purple
3. Sky Blue 13. Drab Gray
4. Navy Blue 14. Glittering Silver
5. Scarlet 15. Shining Gold
6. Maroon 16. Black
7. Unbelievably Bright Green 17. White
083 8. Forest Green 18. Off-white
9. Fiery Orange 19. Dirt Brown
10. Deep Purple 20. Hot Pink
1. Pig holding a human hand in its mouth
2. Griffon that is supposedly sleeping but looks like it is cowering
3. Crowing rooster
4. Wilted-looking flower
5. Dragon breathing a rainbow
6. Armored man whipping a running person
7. Rabbit surrounded by many smaller rabbits
8. Sword slashing a book
9. Sharp-fanged skeleton emerging from a grave holding a fiery scythe
10. Long string of letters in a language you are unfamiliar with
You discover a facility that trains apprentices or students in a set of skills with which
you are proficient. // Decide whether it makes sense for this facility to be public
knowledge or a secret. If the character agrees to spend 3 hours a day training others, they
084 receive free room and board. In addition, the facility will repair and maintain the
character’s equipment, store items for them in a secure location (no questions asked unless
the item poses an obvious threat or is unusually suspicious) and give you 1d4+1 trail
rations when you leave town.
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You meet an individual who shows great respect for your adventuring. You are
invited to a meeting in the basement of the tavern at midnight but told to come alone.
// If the character attends, they discover a meeting of rebels intent on overthrowing the
highest government of the land. Depending on how the nation is governed, they could be
chaotic good rebels fighting for basic rights or a group of greedy dissidents hoping to
capitalize on the chaos caused during a rebellion. If the character does not wish to get
involved, it takes a DC 12 Charisma (Deception) check to feign interest long enough to
escape. If the Deception fails, it takes a successful Attack roll against AC 14 to escape or else
the character is captured and it takes 1d4 days to escape. A member of the character’s party
can find the missing character with a successful DC 13 Intelligence (Investigation) check
and then a successful Attack roll against AC 14 or else they end up captured as well for an
additional 1d4 days. A party member looking for the missing character can make the
Investigation check once per day. After escaping, the characters are marked by the
rebellion as knowing too much.
After you have arranged your accommodations for your stay in town, you run into a
rival whom you learn will also be staying there for 2d4 days. // The rival does not have
to be someone that the character knows personally. The rival could be someone with a
competing set of skills, (for instance, Bards and other performers won’t want to share an
audience if it means splitting the profits) or someone in town with an opposing agenda.
They could be another adventurer enjoying slightly more success (or at least getting more
credit with the locals for their adventuring). Think back on the character’s Background and
history in the area to see if you can come up with a personal connection.
You meet a group of affable people who share your Race or Background. They have
experienced a great success recently and invite you to celebrate with them all week
long. // Carousing with the group every night will certainly be enjoyable but may quickly
become expensive. Depending on the character, you can make the choice or roll 1d4 to see
the makeup of the group and how expensive their tastes are:
1. Hardworking common folk or skilled laborers, 5gp per day
2. Successful merchants, skilled professionals, or moderately successful
adventurers, 20gp per day
087 3. Very successful merchants, guild members, lesser nobles, or veteran
adventurers, 50gp per day
4. High society nobles, government officials, famous adventurers, or merchants
with multiple enterprises, 100gp per day
If the character leaves the celebration early, they are quickly forgotten. If they celebrate
with the group for at least five consecutive days they make strong memories with their new
friends and can expect their support in the future.
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Whether it was something you did or a misunderstanding, you are no longer
welcome to stay at the place you have arranged. // Has the character done anything
recently to make a host upset or worried about the safety of their establishment? Is the
place full and someone of more importance has come along? Has the host gotten word that
the character may keep undesirable company (think of the character’s traveling
companions and their own actions in the area)? In any case, the character must find new
arrangements and they have no practical or legal recourse. Depending on where the
character was staying, a guild hall or a noble’s manor, this could have farther reaching
consequences. If there really seems no good reason for it, the character and host can
reconcile the next time the character visits this town.
As you are undressing after your travels on the road, you discover a new scar from
your recent adventures. Not even healing magic or potions always work perfectly. //
Either assign the character a scar that makes sense for their recent encounters, or roll 1d10
on the chart below to see where they’ve discovered the scar:
089 1. Left hip 6. Left calf
2. Right shoulder 7. Back of neck
3. Middle of the back 8. Right side
4. Left hindquarter 9. Left thigh
5. Top of right foot 10. Lower back
Folks in this town have heard of your exploits and are duly impressed. The stories
they’ve heard seem to feature you most prominently and while you enjoy special
treatment and recognition, all of your traveling companions are treated as servants,
sidekicks, or squires. // The character who rolled this event should be toasted at parties
and offered discounts at stores. The character’s companions should constantly be asked
fawning questions about their friend.
You are invited to a card game in the back room of a tavern. The evening passes in a
strange haze as you sit at a table with faceless figures. The cards in your hand hold
moving pictures that fill you with horror, wonder, and hilarity. At the end of the
night, you find yourself back in the common room of the tavern, unsure whether you
won or lost. When you ask the tavern keeper, you are told that there is no back room.
// Roll 1d8 to see which emotion was bet during the strange card game.
The blessed (or afflicted) character cannot feel that emotion until the next half-moon. If
your campaign does not feature a calendar, the next half-moon is in 1d6+3 days.
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You discover a stone doorstop that turns out to be an ancient tablet with curious
writing. // It takes a DC 9 Deception or Sleight of Hand check to pocket the tablet without
anyone noticing. If the owners notice it might be valuable, they will only part with it for
1d10x10gp. A museum or college will pay 1d4x100gp for it.
This town is home to a secretive order dedicated to fighting a certain evil. If you have
any prior experience fighting that evil, they might induct you into their ranks. // If
the character has a reputation for fighting the evil, can demonstrate knowledge of it, or
brings proof, the order will induct them into their ranks and give them an amulet or tattoo.
The order expects the character to bring proof of fighting the evil at least once per year. In
return, the order, and all of its chapters across the land, will always offer a room, food, and
equipment maintenance to the character. Choose an evil or roll XX to see what the secret
order fights against:
1. Aberrations
2. Undead
3. Fiends
4. Political Tyrants
5. Dragons
6. The Fey
You meet a conspiracy theorist who seems crazy at first but the longer you stay in
town the more you wonder if there’s some truth to the ramblings. // Come up with
your own campaign-specific conspiracy theories or roll 1d6:
1. The government is run by lizard people in disguise
094 2. Citizens should wear tin hats to avoid being mind-controlled
3. The Mayor was born in another country
4. A recent war didn’t actually happen
5. A church uses donation money to breed alchemical abominations
6. Being from another world walk among us
You get carried away boasting about your adventuring companions and you may
have just promised that one of them will perform a free service for the community. //
095 Determine randomly which companion has been volunteered for the service and decide on
an appropriately expensive, dangerous, or time-consuming task. If the companion doesn’t
go through with it, the entire adventuring party’s reputation takes a hit.
A cleric questions your faith and is belligerent about your beliefs. // What does the
Human character believe or choose not to believe? If the offending cleric belongs to the
same religion, perhaps they think the character is not living up to the standards. It takes a
096 DC 13 Persuasion, Insight, or Religion check to convince the cleric they are in the wrong. On
failure, the Human Character will find resistance whenever trying to get help or services
from that cleric’s faith in this town. If the interaction goes badly enough, it might affect the
character’s reputation in the entire region.
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There is a card game called Sorcery sweeping the region in which dueling players use
cards that represent summoning monsters and casting spells. A patron in a tavern
097 offers you a free pack to get started. // Playing Sorcery requires a set of cards costing
1gp. To play in a competitive league requires a deck of cards costing 2gp and bought within
the last six months. Games are decided with the best of three opposing Intelligence checks.
Someone claims that a piece of your equipment is a lost family heirloom. // Has the
character recently acquired something easily recognizable or is there something they’ve
never thought about being special? Ideas can include a piece of battered cookware with a
distinctive stamp on the bottom, a weapon with an unusual grip, or a cloak with unique
The claimant wants the item returned immediately with no remuneration. A DC 14
Persuasion or Deception check can convince the claimant to pay double the market price
for the item. On failure, the Town Watch gets involved and wants to confiscate the item
until an investigation can be completed, which will likely take 1d4 weeks. A DC 16
Investigation check reveals the truth (50% chance that the claimant is correct).
The mayor requests a private meeting with you. // If the character attends, the mayor
reveals a plan to create a hero for the town, which will raise morale. The mayor, and a few
close associates, know where to find a freshly dead, modestly sized dragon for the
character to pretend to have killed. The mayor doesn’t want to use a local because the story
might fall apart under too much scrutiny. A capable adventurer with a (mostly) good
reputation who will stop by every few months is the ideal candidate. Duties as town hero
include attending feasts, telling stories, cutting ribbons, and endorsing the incumbent
mayor for reelection.
An influential priest announces publicly that you are the Chosen One alluded to in
ancient prophecy. Though your exact destiny is unclear, the resources of the church
are at your disposal. // The church may not represent the attitude of an entire religion.
The church can provide free lodging, food, healing, and equipment maintenance in addition
000 to about 2,000gp per year in reasonable expenditures in the name of the prophecy. As time
goes on, if it does not seem clear that the character is working toward a great destiny, the
priest may decide someone else is the Chosen One after all. None of the church staff are
trained in combat or spells above 1st level. Some of the priests might be willing to drive a
cart or otherwise serve a player during their adventuring.
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D100 Event
Your outlandish clothing, tattoos, scars, weapons, or mannerisms have the local
001 populace on edge. // During this stay in town, you have Advantage on all Intimidation
checks and Disadvantage on all other social encounters involving Charisma.
Your host for the evening encourages you to sing songs from your homeland. If you
refuse, your host or audience may take it personally. // The character can make a DC 8
Performance check to get a round of applause and perhaps a free drink. If the check fails,
someone in the crowd makes fun of the barbarian character’s homeland or customs and
gets a big laugh from the crowd. If the check is 15 or higher, the locals are deeply moved
and the song quickly becomes a favorite in the area.
You find a fur trader who speaks a bit of your native language. He offers you a
discount on goods if you'll put in a good word with anyone you meet in your travels.
003 // Through the fur trader, the barbarian character may purchase any fur, leather, or hide
items at half price and can get any of their own items made of these materials repaired for
free when they come through town.
A local says or does something that may unwittingly provoke you into a full-blown
rage. // Think about what the character was trying to accomplish for the day and who they
plan to interact with. Whether it is someone the character is trying to deal with or simply a
passerby on the street. If you wish, you may ask the barbarian character to make a DC 10
Wisdom saving throw to put their rage in check and still accomplish their goals for the day
without hitting someone or leaving town.
After eyeing you up and down with a certain about of distaste, a noble offers to pay
you 1d4gp and a handful of glass beads to act as a guide on a hunting trip for 1d4
days. // Some example reactions could include:
005 ◦ Deposit the noble in the nearest horse trough
◦ Take the job and then leave the noble alone in the woods
◦ Impart the wisdom of the wild to the noble
◦ Use the opportunity to form a useful connection
An unscrupulous trader tries to take advantage of you by selling you useless baubles.
006 // The character must succeed in a DC 11 Wisdom (Insight) check to avoid being taken
advantage of, otherwise they spend 2d6gp on junk.
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It is the night for an important tribal ritual. Do you find a place in the nearby wild to
observe it alone? Do you let any outsider see or take part? Do you ignore the ritual,
007 seeking to leave behind your primitive roots? // Have the character think about their
Background and any totems or ancestors they venerate to create a ritual that will be
meaningful to them.
You meet another barbarian on a spiritual journey. // Roll 1d6 for more detail about
this other barbarian:
1. Member of your tribe
2. Reveres a similar spirit or animal
3. Reveres an enemy spirit or rival animal
4. From an enemy tribe
5. Tries to convince you to abandon your path for another
6. Wants to fight you
If the barbarians end up fighting, resolve the battle with three opposed Attack rolls (use +8
bonus for the NPC.) The loser is left bloody and scarred but alive.
You see a sign in the heavens or the weather. Are your ancestors or tribal spirits
striving to communicate some message to you? // Think about the character's
Background, recent history, and current goals. Is there a nudge you can give them to deepen
their connection to the campaign?
You meet an old barbarian who has retired to the quiet life of a farmer. // Encourage
the player to think about whether their barbarian character would look upon retirement as
010 something praiseworthy or contemptible. Shouldn’t all barbarians die in battle or the wild?
If the character wishes, however, the older barbarian invites them to stay whenever they
are in the area.
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D100 Event
Locals ask you to write a song about the area. // Encourage the Bard player to think
about their experiences in the area. Possible songs could include:
001 ◦ A pleasant, if forgettable ditty
◦ A song that seems complimentary at first but may take the locals weeks to
realize how slyly critical it is.
A rival bard has been spreading rumors about your lack of talent and calling your
adventures into question. This Bard will arrive in town in 1d4 days. // It’s up to the
character whether they want to call the rival out in public or plan something more
002 dastardly to happen in the shadows. For any opposed Performance or Persuasion rolls, use
the character’s own bonuses for the rival to represent someone of the same skill level. With
a successful DC 15 Stealth check, the Bard or an ally can make the rival’s favorite instrument
You hear someone singing a song about an adventure that you and your companions
were in, but all the names have been changed to heroes from this area. // If the
character confronts the local performer, it takes a DC 14 Persuasion check to do so without
angering the crowd, making it difficult to perform in this town for a while.
Locals tell you that a popular song about a hero from a neighboring region is actually
about a hero from their region and they beg you to sing the correct version. // It takes
1d4 days and a successful DC 12 Research check to find the truth. Determine randomly
which region has it correct.
A noble offers to pay you handsomely for spreading far and wide tales of his fictitious
005 deeds. // The noble starts with an offer of 1d6x10 per month and will double the offer with
a successful DC 13 Persuasion or Performance roll.
You receive messages from two different mayoral candidates asking you to use your
talents to influence an upcoming election. // What would intrigue the Bard character
most about the election? Is it the money, the fame, the chance to do good? If there is an issue
important to the Bard, determine randomly which candidate supports the issue most. The
election will happen in 1d4 weeks. If the Bard works for the one of the candidates, the pay is
100gp per week.
An enterprising businessman wants you to endorse local products far and wide. The
pay is 2d4x10gp per week plus commissions. // Roll 1d6 to determine the nature of the
1. Topical cream for sensitive parts 4. Heavily fried food
2. Ruffled undergarments 5. Modestly priced costume jewelry
3. Capes for all occasions 6. Perfumes and Colognes
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You are asked to judge a contest. // Roll 1d6 to see what the contest is:
1. Instrument playing 4. Fashion
2. Singing 5. Talent
3. Art 6. Theater
If the Bard instead wants to pick a winner that will please a certain group (at the cost of
artistic integrity), the Bard must make a DC 12 Insight check. On success, they choose a
selection that pleases the desired group (Nobles, commonfolk, artisans, etc.). On failure, their
selection angers the desired group.
A local musician challenges you to a duel. It is quickly apparent, however, that the
local’s skill level is nowhere near yours. // The Bard only needs a DC 5 Performance to
undeniably win the contest but the crowd, friends and family of the local, probably won’t
put up with much bragging.
An important festival is coming up in 2d4+1 days and you have been invited as a main
performer. The town has gone all out for the celebration and this could make or
break your reputation in this region for years to come. // The event comes down to a
single Performance roll. The Bard character may have Advantage on this roll if they spend
12 hours per day practicing until the festival. If the Bard has made any enemies, this is the
performance they should attempt to sabotage. The Bard’s companions can run interference
with any would-be saboteurs, otherwise the Bard may have to deal with it personally and
sacrifice their practice Advantage. On the night of the big performance, have the Mayor
introduce the Bard and then call for the Performance check:
Unmodified 1: An apocalyptic disaster. The town calls for the blood of the Bard
and the people riot. The Bard and companions barely escape with their lives,
leaving behind anything they were not carrying on their person. The Bard is
branded a wanted criminal for dangerously disturbing the peace and if they
ever show their face here again, they will likely be killed on the spot.
2-8: A catastrophic failure. People boo, throw things, and chase the Bard out of
010 town with any sharp item that comes to hand. The festival is ruined. The
Bard’s companions may eventually be welcome back in town but the Bard
never will be.
9-16: The performance goes well and all have a good time. The Bard is praised
and treated well for the remainder of their stay in town. In the months to
come, the festival itself is talked about as a great success but few people
remember the specifics of who performed unless reminded.
16+: An excellent performance. The Bard is the talk of the region and as the rest
of the festival fades from memory that one shining performance stands out.
The Bard will be welcome anywhere in the region and will never have trouble
finding a patron or free accommodations for themselves and their
Unmodified 20: A truly legendary performance. The crowd erupts into euphoria
that lasts through the night. Locals will fistfight to protect your good name.
The wealthiest people in the land beg to be your patron and to introduce you
to their highest social circles.
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D100 Event
Locals ask you to cast an augury for next year's harvest. // Roll a d20, if the result is
001 even the spiritual signs or omens are good, if it is odd the signs are bad. The people will
believe whichever result the Cleric tells them.
A young, inexperienced priest asks if you will listen to the confession of a terrible
murderer and perform the required last rites. // Here the Cleric has an opportunity to
shape the religious thinking of the local congregation. Does such a person deserve the last
rites of the Cleric’s religion? It takes a DC 11 Persuasion or Religion check to convince the
young priest to perform the duties and lead the congregation, otherwise some might think
the priest too weak. It takes two hours that evening for the Cleric to perform the duties.
A priest of your faith gets drink and belligerent in a tavern, cursing and telling people
to leave their faith. // It takes a DC 13 Persuasion or Religion check to denounce the
003 behavior and calm people down, though some of the damage has been done. If the Cleric
tells a superior about it, the offending priest will be stripped of their title and demoted to
acolyte. It takes an Attack Roll against AC 7 to knock the priest out.
You are made to feel unwelcome in this town, the majority of which belong to another
faith. // The prejudice against this Cleric should flavor the rest of their stay in town. For the
most part, the townsfolk won’t charge extra or refuse service, but any social advantages
normally enjoyed by the character should be mitigated.
A clergyman of your own faith denounces your adventuring ways, saying there are
better ways to spend your time in service. // If the Cleric wishes to debate the issue,
make opposed Religion checks to see who the local faithful consider to have the upper hand
in the theological debate. The debating NPC has a Religion bonus of +4.
The people of your faith in the area are well intentioned but it is quickly evident that
that are confused on a certain point of doctrine. If you try to correct them, they may
not take the criticism well. // If you wish to correct the teachings or behaviors of the
locals, make a DC 14 Persuasion, Religion, or Intimidation check. On success, you correct
their errant ways and, though some grumble, they express their gratitude and change the
practice. On failure, the people are angry at the meddling of an outsider and you are no
longer welcome at places of worship for your faith in this town for the rest of your stay.
Next time you come through this town, roll a d20. On 11 or better, they have corrected the
behavior, 10 or below, the wrong practices continue.
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You are asked to give a sermon at a church. // Have the Cleric select a topic for the
sermon. The sermon is scheduled to take place in a house of worship in 1d4 days. If the
Cleric spends at least 10 hours to preparing, you may give them Advantage on the following
Religion check:
Unmodified 1: The sermon is a disaster, full of incorrect references, misquotes,
conflicting advice, and confusing messages. So focused is everyone on watching
the complete wreck of your sermon that the alms box is robbed.
2-11: The sermon is unremarkable. You spot several parishioners asleep in the
benches. The local clergymen bid you a lukewarm goodbye.
12-19: You receive an enthusiastic response and there is a feeling of renewed
faith and hope as the congregation express their gratitude with the local clergy.
They invite you to speak again when you pass through town. The church enjoys a
noticeable bump in donations.
20+: You give the sermon of a lifetime. Your words are both fiery and compassionate,
admonishing the listeners for their wrongdoings but granting hope for a better future.
Criminals decide to turn themselves in and go straight. Lifelong drunks give up alcohol.
Nobles raise the wages of all in their employ and set up programs to help the poor. The
church receives an anonymous donation so large that they can build a poorhouse or
You meet an old friend from your days as an Acolyte. // Roll 1d6 to see how they have
fared over the years:
1. Gave up on religion entirely and works unhappily at a mediocre job
2. Has changed to another faith
008 3. Performs religious duties without much faith or enthusiasm
4. Seems to content to live a quiet life of contemplation
5. Works hard to grow the faith of the town and take care of the people
6. Is the leader of the most prosperous church or temple in the region
A small church of your faith has found an ancient manuscript written by an important
figure in your religious history. The manuscript is worth 2d4x1000gp. None of the
clergy in town are educated enough to interpret it and they are keeping it a strict
secret. There is no real security to speak of and the manuscript is kept in a flimsy
desk drawer. // This is the most important discovery of the local clergy’s lives and they are
009 reluctant to move the manuscript because they believe it came to them for a reason and that
if they give it up, they will never see it again. It takes a DC 16 Persuasion or Religion check
to convince the clergy to let you take the manuscript to a more secure location. If the
character tries to take the manuscript by force or threat, the clergy are heartbroken but
won’t try to stop it. If the cleric character leaves the manuscript in the town, there is a 50%
chance it’s been stolen by the next time they visit.
This town holds a sacred artifact of your faith, something that people often make
pilgrimages to see. // Think of what kind of artifact would make sense for the Cleric’s
religion. The item should be something like a mummified hand, piece of clothing, or tool
that holds little monetary value.
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D100 Event
The logging and hunting in this area are out of balance with what nature can cope
with. Herbivores are scarce and the starving predators are becoming more
aggressive. // It will take a DC 18 Persuasion check to convince someone in the
government to work toward curbing the destructive habits in the area.
The people of this town lean more toward the druidic practices instead of the city
002 based churches. You are welcomed heartily. // Social interactions for the Druid in this
town should be looked at in a favorable light or given Advantage.
A young noble casually drops a word from the secret druidic language, trying to
003 impress you. // If pressed or followed, you can discover that this noble stumbled upon a
sacred standing stone and is just repeating a phrase he found there.
Regular medicine and priests having failed her, a woman of a city faith turns to you
for help with a sick child. // It takes a DC 12 Nature check to identify the rare and magic
resistant disease. Once diagnosed, the Druid can make a DC 15 Nature check every day to
find the correct herbal ingredients. The child will survive for 2d4 days without a cure. If you
judge the Druid of sufficient power, you may declare that they are able to overcome the
diseases natural magical resistance and cure it that way.
You meet an herbalist who has a selection of rare items for sale at a modest price. //
If the Druid is looking for anything specific, there is an 80% chance that the herbalist has it
in stock or can get it in 1d4 days. Hereafter the Druid may use the herbalist as a contact in
the area for any rare plants or natural materials.
Signs of nature point toward a coming famine or drought in the area. You can try to
warn the locals or you can let nature take its course. // It take a DC 8 Charisma
(Persuasion) check to convince common folk of the coming disaster but it takes a DC 13
Charisma (Persuasion) check to convince someone who helps govern the town. If the Druid
succeeds in warning the populace, it may make those invested in the area resent
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A nature spirit appears to you. // Roll 1d6 to see how the nature spirit manifests itself:
1. In the fireplace of a tavern, no one else seems to notice
2. Quickly moving clouds at sunrise or sunset
3. Brief storm that leaves a message written in raindrops
4. The whispering sound of leaves across the ground
007 5. Reflection in a fountain that is briefly not your own
6. Spirit in the guise of a small animal
This is an ideal time to deliver a message or warning to the Druid from someone they have a
Bond with. If you have nothing specific in mind, this event can represent the Druid gaining
the favor of natural forces in the region. The Druid gains 1d6 Bardic Inspiration that lasts 24
hours (PHB pg. 53).
You meet another druid who ridicules you for traveling with your companions, not all
of whom share your beliefs or respect nature as much as they should. // Has one of the
Druid’s companions done something recently that another druid might disapprove of? Was
it bad enough to affect the Druid’s relationship with nature or other druids they meet?
The druidic elders of the area are meeting to discuss how they will deal with
expanding civilization. You are invited to attend the circle taking place at midnight on
the next full moon. // If you do not have a campaign calendar, the next full moon will take
place in 1d20 days. This is an ideal time to give the Druid a special mission or objective.
They could be assigned to look for a particular item, slay an unnatural creature, or gather
information useful to the council.
A drunk thug and his gang demand that you turn into an animal for their
entertainment. // If the Druid refuses, it takes a DC 12 Stealth or Dexterity check to escape
without trouble. Alternately, if it devolves into a non-lethal fistfight, make opposing Attack
rolls to see who ends up better off. The thugs Attack Roll Bonus is +3.
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D100 Event
Some of the families on the outlying farms would like more intensive combat
training, though doing so might make nearby nobles and landowners nervous. // If
the Fighter wants to spend 4 hours a day for 3d4 days training the families, the Fighter will
gain the Salt of the Earth Ability detailed in the Folk Hero Background but only for outlying
farms in this area. For every day spent training, there is a 10% chance that someone from
the ruling class demands that the Fighter stop or face charges for sedition.
You meet someone who wields the same chosen weapon as you. They can perform
several impressive tricks but you wonder how useful they would be in a fight. You can
002 learn the tricks yourself or challenge them to a sparring match to prove it's just fancy
spinning. // The sparring match is decided by the best of three opposed Attack Rolls. The
Fighter’s opponent has a +6 to the roll.
Locals are comparing war stories and scars. // It takes a DC 14 Charisma (Performance
or Intimidation) check to impress the locals and win free drinks and a meal for the night. If
003 the Fighter fails the check by 5 or more, the locals are alienated and no one wants to talk to
the Fighter for the rest of this stay in town. If the Fighter rolls a natural 1, it starts a bar fight
that everyone blames on the Fighter when the Town Watch shows up.
You meet an impressive warrior willing to teach you some new techniques if you
prove worthy. // It takes a DC 17 Attack Roll to impress the warrior enough to take the
004 Fighter on as a student. If the Fighter fails the rill can be attempted again on a subsequent
visit to town. This is a good opportunity for the Fighter to practice some new maneuvers in
preparation for leveling up and to form a useful martial contact.
Several farmers ask if you will help them obtain a good number of swords, spears,
and crossbows so that they can defend themselves. They’ve put together 2d4x20gp.
// One or two farmers owning a spear is one thing but having so much weaponry available
to the commoners will surely make the ruling class take note if they are found out. It takes a
005 DC 13 Charisma (Persuasion) check to convince the ruling class to allow the farmers to form
an officially sanctioned militia. If the Fighter supplies the weapons without notifying local
government, there is a 50% chance that 1d6 of the farmers will have been hung for sedition
when the Fighter next comes through town. Alternately, the Fighter may take their money
and leave but will lose all goodwill with common folk in the area.
You meet a pompous knight adored by the locals. It is evident from his movements
and polished equipment that he has hardly ever seen battle. // If the Fighter chooses, it
006 will be easy to embarrass the knight with questions or a test of arms. If the Fighter does
this, however, it takes a DC 12 Charisma check to retain the good-will of the locals after
embarrassing their champion.
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An establishment owner offers you room, board, and a discount if you provide extra
security 6 hours a day while you stay in town. You’ll have to wear the company
uniform. // Roll 1d4 to see what the establishment and uniform entail:
1. Bakery that requires you to wear an apron
007 2. Butcher who wants you to wear sausage links around your neck
3. Hat maker who wants you to switch hats once an hour without regard to
gender, color, or purpose of the hat.
4. A fur trader who wants you swathed head to foot in fur no matter the weather
The town is throwing a competition of physical prowess in the next 1d4 days with
modest cash prizes and bragging rights. // If the Fighter, or any member of the party,
wishes to participate, have them roll Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution checks and
record the numbers. Now roll three d20s for the rest of the competitors in each category
using bonuses of +1, +2, and +3. The winners receive 20gp and stylized belt buckles
commemorating their feats of prowess. You can make up your own events or roll on the
tables below:
Strength Dexterity
1. Smashing melons with bare hands 1. Catching a greased pig
2. Bending frying pans 2. Balancing jugs on the head
008 3. Pulling wagonloads of rock 3. Running along the top of a fence
4. Sheep lifting 4. Throwing rocks through open carriage
windows without hitting any of the
pottery stacked inside
1. Getting kicked by a horse
2. Drinking while being punched in the stomach
3. Eating live insects
Standing in a two-foot circle without sitting, sleeping, talking, eating, drinking, or relieving
yourself longer than anyone else.
Locals favor a board game all about military tactics. // To play the game, have a player
roll two Intelligence checks and one Wisdom check and record the results. A character with
significant knowledge of tactics or military training may receive Advantage on one or more
009 of these rolls. Oppose these results with like rolls from the opponent to determine the
winner (best of the three rolls wins). Games take one half hour and characters who take
time to play the popular game with locals should receive positive consideration during
social interactions.
Someone throws an egg at you, calling you a warmongering killer. // It takes a DC 13
Perception check to spot the thrower. Roll 1d6 to see who it is:
010 1. Ghostly person who fades away 4. Stall owner
2. Orphan in ragged clothing 5. Member of the Town Watch
3. Elderly person 6. Young noble
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D100 Event
Two scholars debate philosophy in the street, ignored by everyone else. // If the Monk
001 shows the slightest bit of interest, the scholars provide a ready source of information on the
area as well as a resource for philosophical or historical information in the future.
You see a young person trying to earnestly practice the martial arts while other local
002 youths ridicule them. // The young person provides a ready student if the Monk wishes to
spend a few hours a day teaching.
You see locals playing a tile game that originated in the place your teachings come
003 from. They are playing it wrong. // It takes a DC 11 Charisma (Persuasion) check to
convince the locals that they are playing the game wrong without getting on their bad side.
A local thug pushes you outside a tavern, saying you don't look so tough. // It takes a
DC 14 Dexterity Save to embarrass the thug with clever dodging without starting a fight,
004 after which the thug will leave. The Monk takes 1d4+2 damage and it starts a fight. Have the
Monk roll an Attack Roll opposed by the thug’s +4 Attack Roll. The tavern owner and the
Town Watch won’t take kindly to fighting in the streets, no matter who started it.
Another monk has been imprisoned for peacefully protesting the decadence of the
noble class. The monk is on a hunger strike and in real danger of starving to death in
005 the next 1d4 days. // The prison guards can be bribed with 1d6x10gp to let the
imprisoned monk escape but it takes a DC 17 Persuasion, Insight, or Religion check to get
the monk to eat or leave the prison.
A monastery just outside town has been ransacked and burned by bandits. // It takes
2d4 days and a successful Attack Roll against AC 15 to hunt down the bandits and bring
006 back some of the monastery’s goods. It takes 2d4 weeks to help rebuild the monastery. It
takes a DC 14 Persuasion check to convince a wealthy merchant or noble to fund the
rebuilding and cut the time in half.
A merchant is about to buy a poor monastery and convert it into his country manor.
// It takes a DC 15 Persuasion or Religion check to convince the merchant not to tear down
the monastery. If the Monk succeeds by 5 or more, the merchant agrees to restore and
upgrade the monastery instead.
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Your monastic philosophy is enjoying immense popularity in the area. // Social
008 interactions for the Monk in this town should be considered in a favorable light, even if you
don’t choose to grant Advantage on every interaction.
You see a drunk bully who is surprisingly adept at the martial arts. The Town Watch
say that it’s not worth interfering as long the drunk never uses a weapon or seriously
009 injures someone. // If the Monk wants to stand up to the drunk, make three opposed
Attack Rolls. The drunk’s unarmed Attack Bonus is +8. If the Monk wins, the drunk will
leave town. If the drunk wins and leaves the Monk unconscious in the street.
After reading an ancient scroll, a merchant spends does nothing but seek
enlightenment through meditation. The merchant’s family and employees struggle
010 with a failing business and mounting debts. They ask if you will intervene. // It takes a
DC 13 Persuasion or Religion check to convince the merchant to either sign the business
over to a relative or to take care of temporal things and meditate at more appropriate times.
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D100 Event
You overhear that many people are buying inferior goods from a merchant whom
they hate and they don’t know why. Something about it seems strange to you. // With
a DC 12 Insight, Investigation, or Arcana check, the Mystic can discover that the abrasive
001 merchant is unknowingly using a form of psychic compulsion. If the Mystic confronts the
situation, the merchant’s psionic power is brought out of their subconscious and it no
longer works. On a subsequent visit to the town, the merchant’s business has failed and
perhaps the merchant could become a nemesis or protégé of the Mystic.
This area is home to a sizable asylum for the mentally unwell. As you pass by, you
receive several psionic impressions from within its walls. // It takes a DC 12
Persuasion or Intimidation check to get the orderlies to let the Mystic in to speak with one
of the inmates. It takes a DC 13 Arcana check to bring a measure of peace to some of the
tormented minds. With enough visits, perhaps the Mystic could completely heal someone
and awaken their psionic powers.
The mayor of this town works hard for the common good and enjoys a reputation as
one of the best leaders in the history of the area. In particular, people talk about the
mayor’s force or personality and ability to get stubborn people to compromise. Some
003 of the stories make you suspicious. // It takes a DC 12 Insight, Investigation, or Stealth
check to learn that the mayor is a telepath, using psionic powers to influence people for the
good of the area. If the Mystic reveals to the mayor that they know, it could make a powerful
ally or a deadly enemy.
Places of healing in the area are treating more and more people suffering from
memory loss. Something about their stories strikes you as odd. // It takes a DC 14
004 Investigation or Arcana check to discover a psionic monster is to blame. It takes an Attack
Roll using your Psionic Ability against DC 15 to capture or kill the monster. On failure, it
You spot a sign only visible to the psionically sensitive. There is a chapter of a Mystic
Order in this town. // It takes a DC 13 Persuasion or Insight check to convince the Order to
share information, equipment, or training with the Mystic. If it is the same Order that the
Mystic belongs to, this check automatically succeeds. Roll 1d6 to see which Order has a
005 1. Avatar
2. Awakened
3. Immortal
4. Nomad
5. Soul Knife
6. Wu Jen
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Every night at midnight while you stay in town, you receive vague but threatening
telepathic messages. // A DC 15 Arcana or Investigation check reveals a wandering,
disturbed individual unaware that the thoughts are being broadcast. The thoughts are dark
and violent, should this person be allowed to wander free?
A mystic has established a Church of the Mind in this area. Adherents are encouraged
to share everything they have with others and to spend a large portion of their day
007 trying to awaken their own psionic talents. // Joining the church is free and simple. The
mystic and followers may be a ready source of knowledge, wisdom, or training but will not
be much help with material matters.
While alone, you are visited by a glowing, humanoid form. You instantly recognize a
mystic who has reached a new level of being. The form offers to answer one question
008 before it moves on. // If the Mystic character has had any mentors, this may be an
opportunity to reintroduce them. The experience is similar to casting the Commune spell.
(PHB pg. 223)
You wake up with a terrible pain in your mind’s eye. It seems to grow worse as the
day goes on. // During this stay in town, the Mystic has Disadvantage on all checks to sense
or perceive something psionically. The interference could be a psychic illness, a cosmic
event, or an artifact passing through the area.
You discovery a small shop, tucked away on a small street, that carries items of
interest to Mystics. // The shop carries meditation crystals, jewelry and clothing depicting
third eyes, guides to the astral plane, as well as other texts, scrolls, books, weapons, and
items appropriate to your campaign.
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D100 Event
A clergyman tells you that your companions are not worthy of your company. //
001 Depending on how the Paladin handles the censure, they may end up alienating the local
A priest loudly decries the paladin profession as glorifying and justifying violence. //
002 It takes a DC 13 Persuasion or Religion check to confound the priest and retain the goodwill
of the faithful in the area. On failure, the Paladin is treated coldly for the rest of the visit.
You are offered room and board at a local church if you join them for study, prayers,
003 and chores that take 2d4 hours per day. // If the Paladin stays at the church, they also
give 2d4 Trail Rations when the Paladin leaves.
You are asked to sit in for the local magistrate, who is gravely ill. // Magic healing has
004 done all it can for the magistrate, who now just needs rest. Filling in for the Magistrate takes
8 hours per day for 1d6 days and pays 3gp per day.
A local noble teenager is sentenced to be publicly whipped for repeated crimes. The
evidence is overwhelming. The sheriff asks you to administer the punishment
because everyone else fears reprisal for upholding the law. // If the Paladin goes
005 through with the punishment, it angers the noble family who will use their influence to
make things difficult for the Paladin in the future. If the Paladin advocates mercy, the noble
family is grateful but the sheriff fears it will embolden other noble youth to commit petty
The locals resent adventurers, especially those like you who make adventuring look
noble and good. Too many of their children leave and never return. // All members of
006 the party should be treated with a certain amount of coldness, but especially the Paladin
who rolled this result. Occasionally people shout, “Shame on you!” in the street. If the
Paladin or the party do some good in the area, the locals may start to soften.
A noble demands you escort a sinful child to a secluded monastery. The child says
there is no evidence of wrongdoing and tells you about the tyrannical rules of the
007 house. The monks of the monastery are renowned for their harsh methods of reform
for sinners. // The child is 10+1d6 years old. The monastery is 1d4 days travel from the
town and the child tells you they have a relative on the way they wish to live with.
A cleric asks for your help to denounce all celebration, frivolity, and excessive
displays of happiness. // Though austere and fanatical, the cleric has a certain following in
the area, especially among a few powerful nobles. It takes a DC 15 Religion check to win a
public debate with the cleric.
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Someone throws rotten fruit at you, crying that paladins are charlatans. // It takes a
DC 11 Perception check to spot and, if the Paladin wishes, confront the thrower. Roll 1d4 to
learn more about the thrower:
009 1. Family member passed away a few days after a paladin laid hands on them.
2. Once charged an exorbitant fee for healing magic by a paladin
3. Paid to do it by a figure in a dark cloak
4. The thrower is a failed paladin
Local have taken to casually swearing by your oath without really understanding
what it means. // Every day the Paladin stays in town, they may roll either a Charisma
(Persuasion) or Wisdom (Religion) check against a DC 13. On success, a few more of the
locals are convinced to stop swearing. It takes three such successes to get the entire town to
eventually stop using the oaths. On failure, the Paladin offends whomever they are dealing
with for the day.
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D100 Event
A noble offers to pay you 1d6gp to act as a guide on a hunting trip for 1d4 days. // The
noble will react badly to a refusal. If the Ranger wants to negotiate a better price, it takes a
DC 10 Charisma (Persuasion or Intimidation) check to triple the amount offered. The noble
is abrasive and ungrateful throughout the trip.
Last winter, the locals killed all the predators in the area and now the herbivores are
over abundant and eating all the harvest. To preserve their crops, locals have taken
to killing more animals than they can eat and leaving the carcasses to rot. // The
002 Ranger can earn 3gp per day hunting and gets to decide what to do with the carcasses.
Alternately, with a successful DC 13 Nature or Handle Animal Check the Ranger could lead a
number of predators into the area in an effort to find a more natural way to balance the
A noble offers you room, board, and 10gp per day if you will patrol his land a few
miles outside of town. The noble tells you to kill any trespassers without asking
questions. // If the Ranger agrees, roll 1d6 to see who they meet:
1. No one
The animal companion of a local druid rushes into town, trying to get some help for
004 its fallen master. // A DC 11 Handle Animal check convinces the animal that you have good
intentions. It takes 1d4 days to go and help the wounded druid.
Trophy hunting has become especially popular in the area and some hunters have
taken to leaving their quarries to rot after they take the trophy piece. // It takes a DC
005 17 Persuasion or Intimidation check to convince the nobles to change their habits. If the
Ranger spends 1d4 nights stalking and frightening the hunters with a DC 13 Stealth check,
they can have Advantage on the Intimidation check.
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You meet a member of the local archery club who will offer you membership if you
can beat a number of the members. // Have the Ranger make three Ranged Attack Rolls
and record the results. Roll three Attack Rolls for the archery club members at +3, +5, and
006 +7. Compare the results against the Rangers results starting with highest number against
highest number. If the Ranger wins two out of three times, they win a membership. When
the Ranger leaves town, the club will furnish a new bow, quiver of arrows, and 1d4 trail
Another ranger has been imprisoned for trespassing on land claimed by a noble. The
ranger claims to serve nature and does not abide by the imaginary lines of
civilization. // It takes a DC 14 Stealth Check to help the imprisoned ranger escape from
prison. On failure, the Ranger character manages to get away but is identified by one of the
Guards. For the next 1d4 months there are wanted posters of the Ranger in the area with a
100gp bounty for live capture.
The Town Watch could use the help of an experienced tracker to apprehend a
number of recently escaped criminals. The job pays 3gp per day and a bounty of
1d10x10gp per head as your share. // Tracking down the criminals takes two successful
DC 13 Survival checks with one check per day. If the Ranger accrues two failures before two
successes the trail goes cold and the criminals get away. If the Ranger succeeds in tracking
the criminals, the party recaptures 1d6 of them.
You meet a veteran ranger who claims that humans and civilization are just as much
a part of nature as all the rest and as such deserve protection. It seems like an excuse
009 to spend an awful lot of time in taverns while ignoring the welfare of the natural
world. // It takes a DC 13 Charisma (Persuasion) check to convince the veteran that their
life has fallen out of balance and that they should go spend some time in the wild.
Some kind of creature roars or howls all night long, preventing many townsfolk from
sleeping well and everyone’s nerves are on edge. // It takes a DC 14 Stealth check to find
and approach the creature. The Ranger can soothe the lonely animal with a DC 13 Handle
Animal check or it can be killed with a ranged Attack Roll against AC 14. This could be an
opportunity to provide the Ranger with a unique animal companion. You can decide what
the creature us or roll 1d6 to see what the creature is:
010 1. Hyena that laughs like a human
2. White panther with black teeth and claws
3. Heavily scarred wolf with one ear
4. Boar with two extra sets of tusks
5. Carnivorous ram
6. Giant frog with bright blue and yellow stripes
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D100 Event
You spot several individuals using Thieves’ Cant and discover that a mob boss is the
real power in town. Perhaps it would be mutually beneficial to offer your services. //
The Rogue can use Thieves’ Cant to communication with the others. It takes a successful DC
11 Charisma (Deception or Persuasion) check can gain an audience with the mob boss.
The owner of the inn you are staying at approaches you, saying you seem like an
experienced, discrete individual. // The fact is, a nondescript, middle aged person has
died in his room and the owner would greatly prefer someone dispose of the body with a
002 minimum of fuss. The Rogue is welcome to anything the person owned and the owner
future room and board will be covered. Among some valuables worth 1d6x10gp, the dead
person had a great deal of official documents. It would be quite easy to create a false
identity under this person’s name.
A tough sheriff has nearly stamped out crime in the area and punishments for
infractions are especially severe. // For this town, legal fines and imprisonment times in
this town are doubled. Public beatings and hangings happen every 1d4 days. Bribes are
50% less likely to be accepted and cost double.
Town Watchmen are extremely corrupt and it's easy to get away with almost
anything for a small bribe of 2d4x10gp.
For 3d4gp, you can set up an informant in town who will let you know about
underground doings in the area.
The Town Watch tries to detain you for 1d4 hours because you seem suspicious. // It
takes a DC 15 Stealth check to escape from the Guardsmen and the Rogue can’t walk openly
in town without a disguise for 1d4 months. If the Rogue goes along with the Guardsmen,
006 and hasn’t done anything illegal, they are released. If the Rogue has done something illegal,
it takes a DC 13 Deception check to get released. If this check fails, it takes a successful
Attack Roll against AC 18 to escape and the Rogue will be wanted in the area for 1d4+3
You learn through background channels that a wealthy merchant will pay
handsomely if someone springs her relation from prison. // It takes a DC 16 Stealth
check to sneak the merchant’s relation out of town. The Rogue can have Advantage on this
check if someone bribes the jailer with 100gp.
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A hated local is going for a hunting trip in a secluded area. It'd be a shame if
something happened to this person and if somebody paid for it to happen. // The fee
is 1d6x200gp. Stalking and killing the mark takes a DC 14 Stealth check followed by an
Attack Roll against AC 13. Roll on the tables below to see who the mark is and who will pay
for it:
1. Government official
2. Profligate noble
3. Mysterious drifter
008 4. Unhinged wizard
5. Greedy landlord
6. Racist merchant
1. Vengeful alchemist
2. Town Watch Sergeant
3. Rising Crime Lord
4. Dark Hooded Figure
5. Favorite Tavern Owner
6. The Mayor
You hear that there’s market in town for fencing or buying illegal goods, rare items,
and stolen merchandise. If you can find it. // The market moves dates and locations. It
takes a DC 18 Insight or Investigation check to find when the next market is being held and
where. On success, the Rogue discovers that the market will be held in 1d8 days. Roll 1d6
on the table below to find out where:
009 1. Noble’s country estate
2. Catacombs under a church
3. Cave in the woods
4. Upstairs room in a tavern
5. Abandoned warehouse
6. Government official’s basement
The sheriff has devised a program to pay a bounty and grant pardons to criminals
who turn in other criminals. Now no one in the area trusts one another. // The Rogue
will find it especially difficult to find black marketeers or get any help doing anything illegal
in this town unless they have an established contact who trusts them. If they do have a
contact in town, there’s a 50% chance the contact has been arrested and is in prison, eager
for revenge one whomever turned them in.
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D100 Event
A sign at all the gates in town announces that sorcerers are not welcome. // If a
Sorcerer reveals their presence, they will be cordially asked to leave by the Town Watch
and escorted outside the gates. If the Sorcerer or the Sorcerer’s companions resist, they will
be arrested.
The mayor of the town is an openly practicing sorcerer and the people genuinely
seem fine with it. // The Mayor and several other high-ranking officials and nobles will be
002 happy to speak with the Sorcerer character, even if they don’t practice themselves. This
would be a good opportunity to form a contact, do some research, or get access to magical
tomes on the subject of sorcery.
There is a terrible buzzing in your brain that gives Disadvantage on Concentration
and Arcana rolls. Additionally, it takes a DC 12 Constitution Saving throw to gain the
benefits of a long rest instead of gaining a level of Exhaustion. // This buzzing affects all
Sorcerers and Mystics in the party. A successful DC 13 Arcana check allows the Sorcerer to
track the magical interference to a statue of a town hero in a public square. If the statue is
destroyed or significantly damaged the buzzing stops but the townspeople will be angry.
In a bookshop, you find a book of sorcery bound in dragon hide and written in
Draconic. The book is priced at 10gp and the owner obviously has no idea of its true
value and can't read the language. // A DC 8 History or Arcana check reveals the true
004 value of the book is 1d6x100gp. If the Sorcerer succeeds in a DC 11 Deception check, the
book can be bought for 10gp. If the Deception check fails, the bookshop owner grows
suspicious and refuses to sell the book until it has been expertly appraised, a process that
takes 1d4 weeks.
You spot the telltale signs of an emerging sorcerer through small bits of wild magic in
a certain area of town. // Depending on attitudes toward sorcery in this region, the soon-
to-be sorcerer, and those around them, could be in danger. The Sorcerer character can find
005 the soon-to-be sorcerer with a DC 16 Arcana or Investigation check that can be made once
per day. Once located, it takes a DC 11 Stealth check to get the soon-to-be sorcerer out of the
town undetected. Alternately, it takes a DC 13 Persuasion check to convince the soon-to-be
sorcerer’s guardians to take appropriate action to get formal training.
A famous sorcerer is staying in town and may set you on the path to learning your
next bit of metamagic or more about the origin of your magic. // This is an opportunity
for the Sorcerer character to form a Bond with a mentor or perhaps, depending on how the
social interaction goes, set up a rival or nemesis.
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You speak with a pair of local wizards about the nature of magic. You feel that you’re
on the cusp of a mutual understanding about sorcerous magic when one of your flaws
threatens to ruin everything. // The Sorcerer needs to make a DC 14 Charisma
(Persuasion) or Wisdom (Insight) check to salvage the situation. Otherwise, the wizards end
the conversation awkwardly and the Sorcerer may have a hard time with the magical
community in this area for some time.
You dream about the ancient source of your magic and you wake with renewed
longing to understand the source and extent of your powers. // This would be an ideal
008 time to give the Sorcerer a clue about the origin of their magic or something that gives a
story reason for increasing their power. The dream could lead the Sorcerer to a book, scroll,
or item that helps with understanding sorcery.
A multi-colored lightning bolt strikes nearby, even if the sky is clear. Your powers
well up inside, threatening to express themselves explosively. // The Sorcerer feels the
painful urge to cast a spell of at least Level 1. If the Sorcerer attempts to suppress this
009 feeling, they must make a DC 15 Charisma check. On success, the Sorcerer does not cast a
spell but takes 4d6 psychic damage. On failure, the Sorcerer casts a random spell of the
highest level they have a slot for. If the Sorcerer has the Wild Magic feature, you can decide
to have them roll for that instead.
While browsing the market, you find a trinket that hums with faint, unfamiliar magic
when you pick it up. It costs 2d6gp. // Make up an interesting trinket or have the
Sorcerer roll on the Trinket Table. You can decide now or later if the item has any deeper
significance to the Sorcerer or the campaign.
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D100 Event
There is a great, hungry cloud over the town, shimmering with unfamiliar colors. The
cloud stretches a half mile beyond the town walls and no one can see it but you. While
001 under the cloud, you have darkvision and can see through one foot of wood, stone, or
metal. // If the Warlock attempts a long rest while under the cloud, they must succeed in a
DC 14 Charisma Saving Throw or suffer a level of Exhaustion instead.
The animals in town avoid you. It’s only a matter of time until someone notices. //
There is a 50% chance that wherever the Warlock stays for the night has a cat, dog, or other
domestic animal which will increase the chance that someone notices animals behaving
strangely around the Warlock which could lead to rumors or outright hostility.
You receive a mental summons from another warlock to meet at a crossroads at
midnight. // If the Warlock character heeds the call, roll 1d6 to see how the encounter
plays out. The other warlock:
1. Attacks you with a +5 Attack Bonus. Roll an opposed Attack Roll, the loser
barely escapes with their life.
003 2. Brings a message from your patron.
3. Serves a rival of your patron and tries to convince you to switch sides.
4. Lies dead in the center of the crossroads, killed in what looks like a ritual.
5. Hands you a trinket and disappears (Roll on the Trinket Table).
6. Begs you to take a message to your patron, whom the other warlock has
After midnight, a dream or vision guides you to a spot outside the town where you
find the corpse of a warlock who served your patron. You are instructed to burn the
body. // If anyone observes the Warlock burning the body, they will likely tell the Town
Watch or otherwise become suspicious.
You wake up to find dead insects spelling a message on your floor. It is a warning to
find another patron to serve before it leads to your ruin. // If the Warlock character has
had interactions with other warlocks or their patrons this could be construed as a threat or
an attempt to get the Warlock character to change allegiance.
You suffer a night of particularly horrific dreams. Make a DC 13 Constitution Saving
Throw or suffer a level of Exhaustion. // Think of the nature of the Warlock’s Pact. What
kind of dreams might this lead to? Has the Warlock had any experiences during the
campaign that might come back to haunt them?
A mad hermit with a history of violence lives somewhere nearby. Your patron tells
you to kill the hermit before world hears things it is not yet meant to know. // It takes
007 a successful Attack Roll against AC 14 to kill the hermit. If the attack fails, the hermit
escapes with a crazed cackle and it take 1d4 days to track the hermit down and try again.
Your patron will not be pleased with failure.
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Your patron tells you to find and destroy a certain book without reading it. // It takes
a DC 15 Investigation check to locate the book which can be purchased for 1d6x25gp or
stolen with a successful DC 13 Stealth check. The Investigation check can be made once per
008 day. If the Warlock reads some of the book before destroying it, the mind-bending horror of
it causes 3d6 psychic damage and lowers the Warlock’s Max HP by that amount for 2d4
days. The Warlock remembers nothing from the book and their patron is angered, amused,
or impressed.
You sense some great victory on the part of your patron, who is in an excellent mood
009 the next time you communicate. // The patron may be in the mood to forgive past
mistakes or to trust the Warlock with a greater responsibility.
A warlock serving a rival patron has laid a magical trap in the area specifically for
servants of your patron. // It takes a DC 14 Charisma Saving Throw to discover and avoid
the trap. If the Warlock character has any additional senses from their Pact or Invocations
you can grant Advantage on the roll. If the roll fails, the Warlock takes 3d6 damage of a type
appropriate for the rival patron (radiant, necrotic, psychic, etc.) and either receives a nasty
scar or the trap damages something they received from their patron.
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D100 Event
Local scholars are writing a book on magical creatures and seek your input. // The
001 Wizard can share insights and notes from encountered creatures and in return the scholars
can be a point of contact for researching magical creatures in the future.
An unscrupulous alchemist pays poor people a few copper pieces to perform magical
experiments on them, though none have proven fatal… yet. // It takes a DC 14
Persuasion or Intimidation roll to convince the alchemist to stop the practice. It takes a DC
15 Persuasion check to get someone in authority to put a stop to it.
The town is ruled by a council of wizards and the common folk have great respect for
003 the arcane arts. // While in this town, Wizard characters have Advantage on Charisma
checks when dealing with anyone who cannot cast spells.
A prominent cleric wants a public debate on the subject of divine magic versus the
arcane. // Any Wizards, Clerics, or Paladins are welcome to participate. The arcane debate
team might not welcome Sorcerers or Warlocks and the divine debate team might feel the
same about Druids. The teams need to have an equal number no greater than four on each
side. The format is to roll opposing D20s and add the relevant Skill modifiers for every
member of the team:
1. History vs. History
2. Arcana vs. Religion
3. Persuasion vs. Persuasion
The winners should receive special recognition around town for the next several months
and will enjoy an increase in reputation among their peers. Depending on how nasty the
debate gets and how gracious the winners are, lasting rivals or enemies might be created
The town and area surrounding it proves to be a treasure trove for spell components.
// Spell components under 100gp are 50% less expensive and components costing more
than that are discounted by 10%. Rare components or materials are 50% more likely to be
found here.
A retired wizard of great renowned lives in a nearby tower. If duly impressed, the
wizard might share a few magical secrets or even open up the tower’s extensive
library. // It takes a DC 18 Arcana check to impress the wizard and the check can only be
attempted once every 1d4 weeks. If the Wizard character succeeds, they are granted leave
to use the tower library. The library has copies of every Level 1 and Level 2 spell and there
is a 50% chance that a given spell of Levels 3-5 can be found there as well. Security
measures in and around the tower are extensive and combat encounters should be at least
Level 12.
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In a bookshop, two wizards are vehemently arguing over the merits of the different
schools of magic. // If the Wizard character wants to get involved, and possibly turn one or
both of the wizards into a future contact, determine the Arcane Tradition of the other two
007 wizards randomly (excluding Necromancy if that is not openly practiced in your world). It
takes a DC 11 Arcana or Charisma (Persuasion) check to mediate the argument and end it
with all parties feeling enlightened. The Wizard may have Advantage on the roll if they
share an Arcane Tradition with one of the other wizards.
You are asked to sit on a tribunal sentencing a local adept for magic crimes. // Roll
1d6 to see the nature of the crime and 1d6 to see the recommended punishment. It takes a
DC 13 Arcana, History, or Persuasion check to convince the tribunal to choose a punishment
other than the one they recommend. If rolled the crime and punishment seem too much at
odds, consider choosing another or coming up with a justification. Perhaps the adept is the
child of a wealthy noble or famous wizard and more likely to get away with it, maybe the
adept is a non-human with a history of bad behavior.
1. Turning an official’s hair or beard a shocking color
2. Smuggling illegal goods into and out of the town
008 3. The burning of a shop or tavern, though there were no fatalities
4. Ruining a town celebration
5. The severe frightening of livestock
6. Causing the accidental death of an innocent bystander
1. Death
2. 1d4 years hard labor
3. 2d4 month imprisonment
4. 1d4 days in the stocks
5. Banishment from the area on pain of imprisonment or death
6. 1d4 weeks community service
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A grand magical experiment is underway in the area. Though there might not be
immediate benefits, the boon it could grant to research cannot be overestimated. The
risks are also significant, after all, it was deemed too dangerous for a large city. // It
takes a DC 15 Persuasion or Arcana check to convince the experimenters to move to an
even more remote location, which will take 1d4 months. If the experimenters do not move,
roll 1d10: to see what happens.
1: Catastrophe. A magical explosion rocks the town, killing 2d10 civilians and injuring
twice that number. Half of the experimenters are killed and the other half are maimed
or scarred. If the Wizard character participated, they are horribly scarred. The
surviving experimenters are sure to be arrested and tried for dangerous magical
crimes if they don’t immediately flee the town.
009 2: Disaster. The experiment fails dangerously, killing one of the experimenters and
1d4-2 civilians. 1d6 people are injured, including any participating Wizard characters.
3-8: Inconclusive results. The experiment won’t be ready to try again for 2d4 months.
9: Moderate Success. The experimenters make some excellent headway and it causes a
stir in the community as they prepare to publish several papers on the subject.
Participating Wizard characters will enjoy a boost to their reputation and will find it
easier to gain entry into circles, clubs, colleges, and cabals of the wizard community in
the region. It will be 1d4 months until the experiment is ready to try again.
10: Brilliant Success. The experiment goes better than planned opening new facets of
magic that have only existed in theory. Participating Wizard characters should enjoy a
significant boost to their reputation and if they spend 2d4 days co-authoring a paper
on the study they can earn 1d6x10gp every month in royalties.
A scholar has a magical object but cannot figure out what it is used for. The scholar
asks if you'd be willing to hang on to it for a while to see if you come across an answer
in your travels. The item gives off an aura of magic and appears to be indestructible.
// Roll 1d8 to see what the object is and what school of magic it belongs to. At a later time,
the item could be used as a plot device or a reward for the Wizard character, perhaps
transforming into or gaining the properties of a magic item from the DMG.
1. A bracelet made of scaly hide that hums like a tuning fork when struck. (Abjuration)
2. A paintbrush with bristles that change shape and color, but only when no one is
looking at it. (Conjuration)
3. A short wand with a liquid-filled sphere on the end. Inside the sphere floats an eye and
010 everyone who looks at the wand reports that the eye is looking at them, even if two
people look at the same time. (Divination)
4. A rune-inscribed ring with a spinning center that only stops if you touch it.
5. A woven belt that smells strongly of wind and rain. (Evocation)
6. A green-tinted monocle that attaches to an earpiece by a mechanical arm. (Illusion)
7. A small animal skull with what looks like a coin slot in the top. When shaken, it jangles
with metallic noise. (Necromancy)
8. A piece of paper that can be folded into fantastically intricate shapes and then easily
smoothed out again. (Transmutation)
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D100 Event
You spot a dwarf who has shaved his beard and is trying his best to dress and act like a
human. // It takes a DC 12 Intimidation, Insight, or Religion check to convince the errant
dwarf to make a pilgrimage back to a dwarven homeland to get back in touch with his
You find a company of dwarf miners and merchants who are happy to swap news of
012 their travels. // The dwarves could have important information about the surrounding
area, especially hills, mountains, mines, and metals.
The area has been flooded with dwarven refugees fleeing an incursion of goblins. Until
the situation is resolved, the refugees could use donations of money or goods as well
as advocates for better living conditions. // If the Dwarf character helps the refugees in
any way, it will form a debt of gratitude with the clans involved.
There’s something strange about the stone foundations of this town. //A successful DC
12 Intelligence check reveals that the stone foundations of this town are much, much older
014 than anyone realized. There's a good chance there are hidden underground tunnels but it
could take a few weeks or months to break in, especially without alerting every treasure
hunter in the area.
A human merchant claims there are dwarf bandits in the area and eyes you warily. //
A DC 12 Investigation check shows the rumors to be true. It takes 1d4 days and a successful
Attack Roll against AC 17 to put a stop to the rascals giving dwarves a bad name. Success
yields 1d6x100gp in stolen loot that can either be kept or returned to its owners in town.
You meet an attractive dwarf who expresses romantic interest in you. // It takes a DC 9
Charisma check to keep the relationship going, though the Dwarf character needs to visit
again in 1d6 months or the romantic interest moves on. Roll 1d6 to see who the attractive
dwarf is:
1. Tavern server
016 2. Tavern owner
3. Blacksmith
4. Merchant
5. Jeweler
6. Miner
Several humans in the area claim to have converted to a dwarven religion. // It takes a
017 DC 13 Persuasion, Religion, or Intimidation check to convince the humans that they're better
off choosing a human religion.
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A dwarven youth has gotten into a fair amount of trouble. The parents, relations or
friends of your relations, ask if you'll drop the youth off with family at a nearby village
018 that is 1d4 days away. // There's a 50% chance that the village is the same direction the
adventuring party is headed next. The parents offer 1d6+3 good, homemade dwarven trail
rations as thanks.
There is a controversy in town over which dwarven clan owns a nearby mine and it
may come to blows. Any dwarf you meet wants to know which side you stand on. // A
019 DC 18 Investigation check proves the owner. If the Dwarf Character travels to the mine to
look for more clues they may have advantage on the roll. The mine is 1d4 days travel from
town. The investigation check can be made once per day in town.
A young adult human, from a middling merchant family, played a dangerous prank
that resulted in a wealthy dwarf’s beard being burned off. The dwarven community is
calling for years of indentured servitude in a mine. Human officials want to fine the
young person 1d4x100gp, which the merchant family cannot afford but could work off
over a number of years. // It takes a DC 14 Insight or Persuasion check to convince the
town officials and interested parties to rule either way. On failure, flip a coin to determine
which way the trial goes. If the Dwarf Character argued one way and failed, those argued
against hold a grudge.
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D100 Event
Homesteaders and farmers in this area mark their land by carving crude symbols into
011 living trees. // It would take weeks of impassioned pleas to change the practice and even
then there's no guarantee more than a few humans would change.
Many humans in the area have taken to wearing their hair in long, elven styles. Some
012 even ask your advice for braiding. // The Elf character will get on the good side of any
humans encouraged and will alienate any humans they try to discourage.
You are approached by a number of half-elven youth who want you to tell them about
013 the Elven homelands. // After the Elf character decides how to treat the half-elves, it turns
out that one of the youth is connected to a powerful noble family in the area.
There is a dispute between a band of elven rangers and nobles, who claim to own
several square miles of forest. // It takes a DC 12 Persuasion, History, or Insight check
allows the Elf to persuade the side of their choice. On failure, an elf and a noble are both
killed in a skirmish, raising racial tensions in the area.
You hear that one of your relations has married a human and lives somewhere in the
015 area. Are they happy? // There is a 50% chance that the couple is happy or miserable. If
unhappy, the elf wishes to return to elven lands and needs an escort.
You meet an attractive elf who expresses romantic interest in you. // It takes a DC 9
Charisma check to keep the relationship going, though the Elf character needs to visit again
in 1d6 months or the romantic interest moves on. Roll 1d6 to see who the attractive elf is:
1. Singer
016 2. Bowyer
3. Wood carver
4. Guide
5. Noble
6. Artisan
An elf who was banished from the elven lands asks you to take a letter to relatives if
you ever go back there. You know that families of the banished are forbidden to accept
letters. // There is a 50% chance that the family accepts the letter. If they do, they consider
themselves deeply indebted to the Elf character.
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You meet another elf whom you have not seen in many, many years. Time has faded
some of your feelings but perhaps you could still be of service to one another. // Have
the player think of their backstory and identify an elf they would have known many years
ago. What might have brought this elf into town? If you want, you can determine their
previous relationship by rolling below:
1. Romantic partner
2. Mentor
3. Pupil
4. Rival
5. Relation
6. You had a traumatic experience together
You meet an elven scholar who knows many things but shows extreme distaste for
other races and their short, miserable lives. // The scholar could be a good source for
019 information or spells in the future, as long as the Elf Character can handle the racism and
abrasive personality. If the scholar learns that the Elf Character has non-elven companions,
there's a 50% chance that the relationship ends.
In the dark of night, your vision pierces the gloom to see an attack in process down an
alley. // It takes an Attack Roll against a DC 13 to foil the attack and keep the victim alive.
Roll to see who the victim is after resolving the attack:
1. Beggar
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D100 Event
A human tavern is serving a recipe that most definitely came from your halfling
hometown. // Is the Halfling outraged or flattered? The Halfling can make a DC 10
Intelligence check to improve the dish and make it even more popular. On failure, the
Halfling’s meddling ruins the batch and the tavern angrily throws them out.
You meet an attractive halfling who expresses romantic interest in you. // It takes a DC
9 Charisma check to keep the relationship going, though the Halfling Character needs to visit
again in 1d6 months or the romantic interest moves on. Roll 1d6 to see who the attractive elf
1. Hospitality guide
012 2. Mayor’s personal cook
3. Pickpocket
4. Cartographer
5. Circus Acrobat
6. Squirrel Farmer
While perusing the stalls in the market, you spot an interesting bauble and pick it up.
You wait for some time for the seller to notice you and you begin to look more closely
013 at the bauble. Before you know it, you've walked away and no one has noticed. // The
Halfling can return the item and be accused of stealing it in the first place or simply walk
away. The item doesn’t need to be particularly interesting or useful.
An ignorant Town Watch spots you in a tavern and tries to get the landlord to kick you
out, saying children shouldn't be in such places. // It takes a DC 12 Persuasion check to
convince the Guard to find someone else to harass before the tavern owner asks the Halfling
to just leave because they don’t want trouble with the Guard.
The most renowned cook in this area is a halfling who takes a liking to you. The cook
will pay you handsomely for any interesting edibles, spices, and ingredients you bring
015 back from your travels. // The cook won’t take obviously disgusting things, like troll meat,
but will pay 1d6gp for unusual, edible plants and 1d6x10gp or more for things you deem
sufficiently edible but rare in this region.
The Captain of the Town Watch is a tough-as-nails halfling who makes it a special
point to tell the Guardsmen to keep an eye out for trouble-making halflings. // The
016 Captain is on a personal mission to get halflings taken more seriously by the big folk. The
Halfling Character will have a harder time finding anyone to help with illegal dealings and is
50% more likely to be convicted if arrested for a crime.
Local businesses have a good opinion of halflings and there is coin to be made for folk
who can work quickly and fit into small spaces. // The Halfling can make enough to
support a comfortable lifestyle by working 6 hours a day. Working with locals is a good way
to build trust in the community and form connections that could be valuable later.
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The halfling populace in this area feels threatened and they want a halfling hero to
teach them techniques for fighting those bigger than themselves. // If the Halfling
Character spends a total of 60 hours (at no more than 8 hours a day) training the halfling
population over the course of a year the halflings form a decent militia. There is, however, a
50% chance that arming and training the halfling population makes the rest of the town
nervous and they may not look kindly on the Halfling Character.
While eating in the tavern, someone plays a practical joke that ends with you covered
in food and drink. Do you laugh, plot revenge, or both? // The prankster could be a
random local, someone whom the Halfling knows, or even another member of the
adventuring party. It takes a DC 13 Intelligence or Performance check and 1d6gp to pull a
revenge prank. On failure, someone gets hurt or in trouble with the law when the prank goes
You and another halfling get embroiled in a game of escalating dares. Finally, you are
dared to walk into one of the nicer restaurants in town and do something terribly
rude, (but also very funny). // If the Halfling character refuses, the other halfling is
declared the winner. If the Halfling Character goes through with the dare, they are declared
the winner but it takes a DC 12 Stealth check to avoid getting arrested for disturbing the
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D100 Event
You find out that a distant relation lives in the area. // Consult the Human Character’s
backstory to come up with an appropriate relative. Alternatively, you may roll 1d6 to see
who the relation is:
1. Struggling farmer who won’t accept any money
There's an important issue coming up for the area and only humans are allowed to
vote. // It takes 1d4+1 days of campaigning and a DC 15 Persuasion or History check to
convince the rulers to allow non-humans to vote as well. Win or lose, the non-human
population of the area will appreciate the efforts.
The common folk in this area are wild for tales of adventure, especially if they can
013 hear them from a human just like them. // A DC 8 Performance check allows a Human
Character can make enough coin telling or writing stories to support a Modest lifestyle.
Humans in this town try so hard to be open-minded that they end up ignoring you in
favor of your non-human companions. Non-human citizens and customers are often
014 served first and given other preferential treatment. // If the Human Character travels
anywhere with a non-human companion, they will always take second place. Any business
they want to conduct in town takes twice as long.
A noble family, keen to make a lasting legacy, asks you to keep your eye out for some
worthy institution they can patronize. // The family is willing but picky. The institution
can be anywhere in the region and it takes a DC 17 Persuasion check to get the family to
agree. On failure, the family will always refuse to patronize that institution.
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You meet a newly ennobled family eager to make good matches for their unmarried
children. They are more interested in glory than money so a famous adventurer might
make an excellent match. // To be considered eligible to court the young nobles, have the
player roll 1d20 and add their character level. The DC is 21 and the roll can only be
016 attempted once per level or once every six months. Then they must succeed in courting the
noble, which requires three successful DC 10 Charisma rolls over a six month period with
one roll per month. If the courtship is successful, the Human Character marries into the
family, gains the Position of Privilege Background Feature, a country estate that generates
4000gp per year, and a dowry in the amount of 1d10x1000gp.
You meet someone who expresses romantic interest in you. // It takes a DC 9 Charisma
check to keep the romance going and the Human Character must visit again in 1d6 months
or the romantic interest moves on. Roll 1d6 to see who the romantic interest is:
1. Beggar with surprisingly nice teeth
A member of the Town Watch tells you that one of your companions looks like a
wanted criminal. // If one of the Human’s companions has done something illegal in this
018 region, then there’s a chance that there’s some truth to the claim. If there’s no chance that
the claim is true, it can be cleared up by the companion spending 1d4 hours with the Watch
while the Human Character vouches for their whereabouts during the last two months.
A merchant with a growing company wants to offer you a discount if you'll send back
information about competitors in other towns as you travel. // Choose the type of shop
019 that the Human character would be interested in patronizing (armorer, haberdasher,
brewer, etc.). For every competitor's information brought back, the merchant will grant a
stacking 10% discount on goods and services.
An institution has erected a new building or wing and is looking for a worthy human
to name it after. // The Human Character may suggest someone who has done a well-
known service for the area, including themselves if this applies. It takes a DC 15 Persuasion
check to get the institution to listen to the character’s recommendation.
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D100 Event
An important Dragonborn holiday will take place in the next 1d4 days. Will you be
able to find any other dragonborn to celebrate it with? // How important is dragonborn
culture to the character? How rare are dragonborn in your campaign? Have any characters
encountered a dragonborn in this town before? If not, there is a 10% chance that the
Dragonborn character can find them but it takes a DC 8 Charisma check to get along with
them long enough to celebrate the holiday.
You discover a half buried chunk of stone covered in draconic writing from an age
012 long past. // The stone is worth 1d6x100gp to a Dragonborn scholar or 1d6x25gp to a non-
Dragonborn scholar.
You meet someone who expresses romantic interest in you. // It takes a DC 9 Charisma
check (with advantage if the same color) to keep the romance going and the Dragonborn
Character must visit again in 1d6 months or the romantic interest moves on. Roll 1d6 to see
who the romantic interest is:
1. Mercenary of a different color
013 2. Explorer of a different color
3. Merchant of a random color
4. Wizard’s assistant of the random color
5. Librarian of the same color
6. Noble in exile of the same color
Everyone in this town seems to fear you. Shop owners flinch when you walk by and
people cross the street to avoid you. // The Dragonborn has advantage on all Intimidation
014 checks in this town and can use it unscrupulously to get lower prices for goods and services.
However, if the Dragonborn tries this more than twice per day the Town Watch arrives with
a paladin to tell the character they are not welcome in this town.
A blacksmith asks for your help to experiment with breath weapons in forging
weapons and armor. // The job pays 3gp per day for ten hours of work. If the Dragonborn
works at least 3 days, the blacksmith offers a weapon or suit of armor made this way at a
015 50% discount. The blacksmith believes that weapons and armor created this way may take a
while for the elemental magic of the breath weapons to “sink in,” but it’s also just a theory. If
you desire, the weapon or armor can become magic at a later date, gaining powers related to
the breath weapon used.
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A troop of dragonborn came through town recently with a secretive purpose. Someone
overheard them talking about ancient dragonborn areas, artifacts, and lore. // A DC 13
Investigation check reveals the next town where the troop was headed. In that town, the
Dragonborn Character can succeed in a DC 15 Investigation or Perception check to discover
an order of Dragonborn who will sell equipment emblazoned with the proud history of the
dragonborn. This order could also provide future mission or prove allies.
The town festival commemorates the deeds of a great hero. Will you play the dragon
the hero slays? // If the dragonborn is willing to be mocked and jeered during the
production, after the festival it builds considerable goodwill with the community for this and
future visits.
A dragonborn criminal has earned the death sentence in a highly public and
controversial case. The final request is for one of the dragonborn’s own kind to be the
headsman in 1d4 days. // A DC 14 Investigation check (which can be made once per day)
019 reveals whether or not the criminal is guilty (75% chance that they are guilty). The
Dragonborn Character can help the criminal escape with a successful DC 15 Stealth check. On
failure, the criminal is killed in the escape attempt. Alternatively, it takes a bribe of
1d6x100gp to convince the guards to let the dragonborn prisoner escape.
Someone asks you to take a look at a mysterious stone they found while digging a well.
It is covered with draconic runes. // If the Dragonborn Character attempts to read the
stone, have them make a DC 13 History check (one check per day). On success, the
020 Dragonborn receives a vision of a glorious dragonborn empire spreading across the globe.
The Dragonborn blacks out for 1d4 hours and wakes with their draconic heritage simmering
in their veins. The next time the Dragonborn uses their breath weapon the targets have
disadvantage on the saving rolls.
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D100 Event
People in the area are mad for gnome goods and culture and they will buy anything
from you at an inflated price if you tell them it is gnome-made. // If the Gnome practices
011 a profession it will yield double the normal results. An unscrupulous Gnome could charge
triple or even quadruple the normal price and with a DC 13 Deception check can get people
to buy goods that are not actually gnome-made.
You meet a gnome who expresses romantic interest in you. // It takes a DC 9 Charisma
check to keep the romance going and the Gnome Character must visit again in 1d6 months or
the romantic interest moves on. Roll 1d6 to see who the romantic interest is:
1. Construction worker
012 2. Alchemist
3. Herbal healer
4. Nature guide
5. Baker
6. Artisan
A pawnbroker asks your advice on the worth of several gnomish inventions in his
shop. He has no idea what they do and wants to know if they do anything dangerous.
// A successful DC 13 History or appropriate Tool Proficiency check allows the Gnome to
013 identify a dangerously unstable prototype for an automatic firestarter. The pawnbroker will
readily give it to the Gnome if asked. On failure to identify, or if the Gnome takes the
firestarter, it explodes in 1d12 hours, dealing 3d6 fire damage to everything in a 5-foot
radius and lighting anything flammable on fire.
Several small rodents complain to you that a young noble tortures them in a secluded
grove in the forest. // Once the grove is found, the young noble doesn’t show up for 2d12
014 hours. It takes a DC 12 Intimidation or Performance check to frighten the noble out of future
wrongdoing or it takes a DC 15 Persuasion check to get the noble’s parents or the authorities
to believe the story and intervene.
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You meet a gnomish tailor who will embroider scenes of your adventures on your
favorite jacket, robe, or shirt. // The embroidering costs 2gp per scene and takes 3d4
hours. If the Gnome Character frequently comes back with the embroidered item ruined,
scorched, or adventure-stained the tailor may refuse to work for them.
A gnome charlatan asks for your help to sell relatively worthless gems to the local
nobility. // The charlatan can be turned into the authorities but there is a 50% chance they
017 escape, vowing revenge. If the Gnome Character goes along with the con, it takes a DC 13
Deception check to sell the gems for 2d6x100gp which the charlatan will demand be split
A tinker offers you a part-time job with room and board if you'll help out in the shop
018 whenever you are in town. // This gives the Gnome a profession to pursue, a way to build
trust with the local populace, and a ready supply of tools for all proficiencies.
A wizard inventor is building a massive machine and needs help from someone who
can climb inside. // The machine is housed in a barn just outside town and is a mix of
mechanics and magic. Its purpose is a secret for now, and it may take some years to
complete, but it gives the Gnome a profession to pursue in town for 2gp per day. After some
time, the Gnome can form a Bond with the wizard who may be willing to offer magical
assistance or help with research.
There is a gathering of gnomish elders in the community who want to persuade all
gnomes to give up adventuring and spend more time among their own kind. // It takes
a DC 15 Persuasion check to give an impassioned plea to the elders, convincing them that
adventuring is a valuable contribution to the gnomish community and the world at large.
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D100 Event
Elves in the area are holding a private ceremony or ritual. You are not invited but any
full elves in the party are. // It takes a DC 15 Persuasion or History check to convince the
011 elves to let the Half-Elf Participate. Alternatively, it takes a DC 18 Stealth check to watch the
ceremony in secret. On failure, the elves spread news about your attempted meddling in
elven affairs.
The mayor of the town is a half-elf with a soft spot for outcasts. // If the Half-Elf
character needs something from a person in authority, especially anything having to do with
unfair racial treatment, they should find the mayor sympathetic and ready to help in a
reasonable way.
A member of the Town Watch takes to loudly calling you "half-breed" and other less
pleasant names regarding your heritage. // It takes a DC 12 Performance, Insight, or
013 Intimidation check to publicly make a fool of the guard, though it will likely be remembered.
Or, it takes a DC 14 Stealth check to pull a prank, steal something, or otherwise secretly harm
the offensive guard.
A popular tavern hosts an exclusive club for half-elves. Members meet weekly to swap
stories, favors, and information. // Membership can be offered to half-elves who
demonstrate they are proficient in at least 1d4+3 Skills. Many of the members have valuable
connections, not all of them legal.
The crowd in a tavern turns ugly while a half-elf bard is on stage. It starts with jeers
and throwing food followed by racial epithets. There are a lot of rowdy people
015 between the nervous half-elf and the door. // If the Half-Elf Character does anything to
distract the crowd (jump onstage, start a fight, crack a joke) the half-elf bard escapes the
tavern unharmed and will likely be grateful.
You meet someone who expresses romantic interest in you. // It takes a DC 9 Charisma
check to keep the romance going and the Half-Elf Character must visit again in 1d6 months or
the romantic interest moves on. Roll 1d6 to see who the romantic interest is:
1. Human tavern server
016 2. Half-elf instrument maker
3. Half-orc merchant
4. Human government official
5. Human aristocrat
6. Elf diplomat
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You see a position open for a substitute mediator to work in the courthouse for 1d4
days. The job pays 1d4gp per day and could be a way to build goodwill with several
parties as you resolve conflicts. // For each day worked, roll twice on the table below to
determine the parties involved. It takes a DC 14 Persuasion or Insight check to successfully
resolve the dispute. On success, both parties are happy, on failure, both are angry. In either
case, the Half-Elf character might get the brunt of their feelings.
017 Mediating parties
1. Government agency
2. Church
3. Landowners
4. Merchants
5. Town Watch
6. Race interest group (determine randomly)
Humans have unearthed a historical item claimed by both the dwarven and elven
communities. The dwarves ask you to talk to the elves, seeing that you've got the sense
of a human but ears that they hope will make the elves listen to reason. // It takes a DC
018 10 Investigation or History check to learn that the dwarves gave the item to the elves long
ago. However, the dwarves think the gift was not respected or it wouldn’t have been lost. It
takes a DC 13 Persuasion or Insight check to convince the parties that the Half-Elf character’s
decision is the correct one. On success, both parties are happy, on failure, both are angry.
An elf has heard bad things about half-elves, but you are the first they’ve ever met.
019 What kind of an impression do you make? // Have the player think of the Half-Elf’s Ideals
and Flaws. How would they square with elven culture in your world?
You meet a linguist who knows almost every language on the continent. // There is a
75% chance that the linguist knows a given language, though not a secret language like
Druidic. The linguist can be a resource for the party when a translation is needed at 3gp per
page of text. Also, if the Half-Elf (or another character with an intelligence of at least 13)
spends a total of six hours per day for 90 days over the course of a year, they can learn a new
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D100 Event
You overhear a farmer loudly comparing half-orc farm hands to livestock. // It takes an
Attack Roll against AC 10 to pick a fight with the farmer and friends. It takes a DC 13
Persuasion check to convince the half-orc farm hands to try their luck in a more open-
minded area.
You meet someone who expresses romantic interest in you. // It takes a DC 9 Charisma
check to keep the romance going and the Half-Orc Character must visit again in 1d6 months
or the romantic interest moves on. Roll 1d6 to see who the romantic interest is:
1. Human farmhand
012 2. Half-elf performer
3. Half-orc blacksmith
4. Half-orc caravan driver
5. Human aristocrat
6. Half-orc forester
There is a half-orc in town who is an expert with decorative scars. // The decorative
scars cost 5gp and take 8 hours per square foot (about the size of a half-orc’s upper arm or
one side of the chest). Scars could be tribal designs, animals, weapons, prayers, good luck
symbols, commemorations of heroic adventures, or anything else the half-orc desires.
Part of the town wall needs repair and some machinery has broken down. They're
014 paying extra for help with Strength 15 or better. // Laboring on the wall takes 10 hours
per day and pays 5gp. It also builds goodwill with the locals.
You spend a night in terrible dreams of orcs and tusks, blood and rage. When you
wake up, you have broken something in your room and disturbed the other guests
with your thrashing. // The broken item costs 1d10sp to replace. Unless the Half-Orc is a
regular customer here, there is a 50% chance the owner asks them not to come back.
The town watch has captured a half-orc dressed in hides. The half-orc claims to have
run away from a savage orcish tribe wants to live among humans. // If the Half-Orc
016 Character has a good reputation in this area, or succeeds in a DC 10 Persuasion check, the
Town Watch will let the savage half-orc out if the Half-Orc Character will act as chaperon for
2d4 days and will help them find a job.
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A noble family fears for the wellbeing of their spoiled teenagers. The family wants
someone to frighten and intimidate them in hopes it will help them rethink their lives.
// The job pays 10gp and involves threatening the teenagers at their manor while their
017 parents are supposedly away on business. It takes a DC 12 Intimidate the teenagers
sufficiently, though they may now have a life-long fear of half-orcs. On failure, one of the
teenagers is seriously injured leaping from a window during the charade. If this happens, the
noble family denies all knowledge of the deal and seeks to press charges against the Half-Orc.
You hear about a wrestling contest that will take place in 1d4 days. // To enter the
contest, have the Half-Orc make three Athletics checks and record the results. Then, roll
018 three 1d20+2 to represent the other contestants. Compare results starting with highest to
highest, next highest, and then lowest. Three wins is first place (Prize 75gp), two wins is
second place (25gp), and one win is third place (10gp).
A wealthy, influential half-orc merchant has tried very hard to cultivate a good
reputation and looks very unfavorably on any half-orcs causing trouble in town. // For
019 any Half-Orc with a reputation for causing trouble, or appearing to cause trouble, there is a
50% chance that a business will refuse service. Additionally, there is a 60% chance that
several members of the Town Watch are nearby at any given moment.
A drunk cries out that orcs are attacking the town and takes a swing at you. You didn't
start this fight, but if you finish it, you'll likely be blamed when the Town Watch shows
020 up. // It takes a DC 12 Intimidation or Athletics check to get out of the situation without
fighting. On failure, the Town Watch arrives and arrests both parties to spend the night in
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D100 Event
A townsperson spits on the ground in front of you and makes a sign against evil. // It
011 takes a DC 10 Intimidation or Deception check to convince the townsperson that you’ve
cursed them and they run away screaming.
A wild eyed, robed person shouts loudly that you have been summoned by a ritual and
must do their bidding. // It takes a DC 13 Intimidation check to scare the person off. It
012 takes a DC 10 Deception check to convince the person that you are under their control long
enough to find out where this person is staying and steal 1d6X25gp worth of golden chains,
amulets, and gemstones.
A church has been vandalized with Abyssal writing and you are the prime suspect. // If
the Tiefling has a solid alibi and local witnesses from the night before, the Town Watch
warily lets the matter drop. If the Tiefling has no such alibi and witness the guards detain
them for 2d4 hours before fining them 2d6gp.
A scholar has discovered a rare book that burns anyone without fiendish heritage. You
can make 1gp per hour if you read the book so that it can be transcribed. // Reading the
014 book out loud takes 3d4+3 hours and can be done during multiple stays in town. If the
Tiefling finishes reading, there is a 50% chance that next time in town the scholar has
another book to read.
You meet another Tiefling who has been through difficult experiences due to your
015 shared heritage. // This is a chance for the Tiefling to create a contact or Bond with another
Tiefling. Will the relationship turn romantic? Will it lead to some adventure in the future?
A young priest follows you around, loudly praying that your tail and horns will fall off
and that your soul will be saved. // It takes a DC 12 Intimidation check to scare the priest
away. Convincing the priest to change their viewpoint takes a DC 15 Persuasion or Religion
A building catches fire and there is someone stuck inside. // It takes a DC 13 Athletics
check to rescue the person, during which the Tiefling takes 2d6 Fire damage. If successful the
townspeople celebrate the Tiefling as a hero. Perhaps this is a turning point in how Tieflings
are viewed in the area.
A member of the Town Watch tells you to keep your hood up or helmet on to avoid
scaring the locals. Probably best if you stay indoors as much as possible. They don't
018 want any trouble and supposedly it’s as much for your protection as anyone !!br0ken!!
// The Tiefling should feel unwelcome in this town and like the Town Watch is always
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A hooded figure catches your attention with a hand signal you don't recognize. The
figure asks quietly if you are the messenger sent from the Great Patron. // It takes a DC
14 Deception check to convince the figure that the Tiefling really is the messenger. On
019 failure, the figure angrily attacks the Tiefling by hurling a spell before disappearing. On
success, the figure hands the Tiefling a scroll in an unfamiliar language and disappears. The
scroll contains instructions for a midnight ritual during the winter solstice and the Tiefling
may have angered a powerful being by interfering.
You meet a human who claims to have once been a Tiefling. They tell of a certain
alchemist in a faraway land who can make the change permanent for a price. // This
020 story can have as much truth to it as you desire. The journey should be long and the price
steep. Perhaps it would require a series of increasingly difficult or morally compromising
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Other Races
D100 Event
You meet someone who expresses romantic interest in you. // It takes a DC 9 Charisma
check to keep the romance going and the Character must visit again in 1d6 months or the
romantic interest moves on. Roll 1d6 to see who the romantic interest is, there is a 50%
chance they are a member of your own race:
1. Farmer
011 2. Member of the Town Watch
3. Wandering musician
4. Merchant
5. Wealthy landowner
6. Government official
Your kind is not welcome in this town. // Goods and services can still be had here, but
never at a discount. The Town Watch will be extra suspicious of anything out of place. If the
Character stays longer than 1d4 days, someone throws a rock through the window of the
place they are staying and the owner demands the Character pay for it.
A caravan recently brought a wagonload of goods made by members of your race. //
This is a good opportunity for the Character to get weapons, armor, food, or other
013 equipment specially made for their race. Unless the item is particularly rare or
unusual, there is an 80% chance that they can find it. The price is 25% more than the
listed market price for such items.
A member of your race works as a government official. // If the Character needs a favor
014 or help from someone in authority, this official could be a starting point, provided the
Character’s reputation fits with how the official thinks a member of their race should act.
In one of the town squares, there is a large statue depicting a hero of your race. // The
Character should generally be treated well in this town, though everyone they meet
will likely ask if they are related to, or have personal knowledge of, the hero from the
An alchemist will pay you 1d8x100gp for a few vials of your blood. // This can appear
as benign or as sinister as you desire. When the Character next comes through town, there is
a 50% chance that the alchemist has had an interesting breakthrough and will now pay
1d4x500gp for more vials of blood, otherwise the alchemist will only pay 1d20gp for more
blood. If you want an adventure hook, the blood could turn up missing and lead to a terribly
personalized adventure or curse.
You find, or someone tells you about, a widely read book on your race that has several
egregious errors. // There is a 33% chance that the author of the book lives in this town,
017 otherwise they live in another town in the region. It takes a DC 10 Persuasion check to get
the author to agree to a reprint with the errors fixed but the author wants the Character to
stay in town for 1d4 weeks to help with research and editing for 2gp per day.
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You find a tattered scroll containing a prophecy about your people that was thought
lost. You must get it to a leader of your race. // It is up to you how urgent you want this to
feel for the Character, probably dependent on how accessible the Character’s race is to the
adventuring party.
Your host for the evening breaks a taboo of your people. // What kinds of things are
019 important to or forbidden by the Character’s race? Would the host have done so on purpose
or purely by accident?
A messenger of your race recently died in town. The Town Watch tells you that their
things contained a sealed message addressed to a member of your race you know or
020 have heard about. // If the Character agrees to carry the message (truthfully or not) the
Town Watch will surrender it. If the seal is opened, the scroll inside contains
incomprehensible formulae and diagrams.
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D100 Event
Someone from your acolyte days is now the head of the largest church in town. //
Depending on how the character acted as an acolyte, this may be a good opportunity to set
up a useful contact in town. The church could offer healing, basic room and board, and
spiritual guidance to all members of the party.
Your religion has all but disappeared in this town. The only meeting place is a
ramshackle barn for less than a dozen believers. // The character may spend time in
022 town asking for donations, looking for a better meeting place, or preaching. Once per day,
the character may preach using a Religion check, gaining one new convert for every number
above 15 rolled. On a natural 20, the character converts a wealthy person.
You meet a priest withholding food from beggars until they've listened to his lengthy
023 sermon. // It takes a DC 12 Religion or Persuasion check to convince the priest to act with
more charity.
One of your Flaws has been nagging at you. Perhaps you should seek the advice of an
experienced clergyman to talk about your feelings. // The character may roll a DC 14
024 Religion check to resolve the feelings of guilt and inadequacy and to work toward improving
their Flaw. If they seek spiritual guidance from a member of their religion, they may have
advantage on the roll.
You meet a member of another faith who strongly shares one of your Ideals. // This is
a good opportunity to build a contact of another faith.
Local churches are seeing fewer and fewer new converts these days. // A DC 13 Insight
or Religion check allows the character to suggest that the churches set up schools, soup
kitchens, and service projects. This community outreach will start the churches on the path
to more converts.
A priest informs you that one of your mentors from your days as a student has passed
away. The mentor wanted you to have an old prayer book which you will have to
027 travel 2d4 days to retrieve. // There are cryptic notes scrawled on some of the pages,
hinting toward some great discovery. These notes can be used as the catalyst for a personal
quest or as a device to drop hints about other events during the campaign.
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You open your travel pack to find your vestments for religious ceremonies have been
stained beyond use. You'll have to find and purchase some more. // Finding
appropriate vestments will require access to a church, temple, or monastery of the
character’s faith and will cost 1d6gp.
The younger acolytes follow you everywhere in town, begging for more stories of
your adventures. // If the character is rude or chases the acolytes off it may lead to poor
relations in the future. On the other hand, if the character encourages it too much it could
draw ire from church leaders as the acolytes neglect their duties.
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D100 Event
Someone you conned in a nearby town has started warning people against you. //
021 Unless in a convincing disguise that hasn’t been used before, the Charlatan faces difficulties
running a con in this town, perhaps with Disadvantage on the initial check.
This town recently saw a rash of fraud and trickery. Everyone is on their guard. //
022 Deception checks to get someone to buy something or believe anything outlandish will have
Disadvantage during this stay in town.
You start a con on a merchant only to hear about the family’s struggle with poverty in
the recent past. The family proudly to sends children to the city for an education,
though it makes things tight here at home. // A DC 13 Deception check allows the
Charlatan to defraud the family of 3d10x10gp.
You become "friends" with a noble who is rude to everyone you meet and constantly
flaunting wealth and status. One night, you discover evidence that the insufferable
noble actually has nothing and gets by on promissory notes and favors. The noble’s
only wealth is 1d8x100 in jewelry. // With a DC 12 Intimidation check, the Charlatan can
blackmail the noble into giving up the jewelry by threatening to reveal the poverty to debt
collectors who will take the noble to prison.
Someone you used to run cons with back in the day has been caught and is scheduled
for execution in 1d4 days. // It takes 2d4x100gp in bribes and a DC 11 Stealth check to get
the friend out of town. On failure, the Charlatan still escapes but the friend is caught and
A caravan guard company offers an insurance policy on caravans they protect. You
meet a fellow con artist who wants to take out an insurance policy on a load of goods
and then have you and your friends pose as bandits. You get to keep the goods and the
026 con artist gets the insurance money. The con artist assures you that the guards are in
on it and no one will get hurt. // If the Charlatan goes along with the scheme, it turns out
one of the guards isn’t in on it. There’s a 25% chance that this guard ends up getting killed.
The wagon is full of 2d6x100gp worth of goods.
You start a successful con but one of your Flaws makes it go terribly awry. You might
have to hide your face until things blow over. // Ask which of the Charlatan’s Flaws
027 might cause a failure like this. Is it likely to happen again of the Charlatan doesn’t learn to
change? The failed con means that the town watch or another group will be keeping an eye
out for the Charlatan during this stay in town.
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The mayor was recently defrauded and as a result has made punishments for fraud
and deceit especially severe. // Prison stays and fines will be doubled and an arrested
Charlatan is 50% more likely to be convicted. If you’re feeling particularly harsh and
medieval, convicted fraudsters may even lose a finger.
You learn that the Town Watch is planning a sting against a group of smugglers. They
are looking for someone with expertise in deception who can help catch the
smugglers in the act. Of course, you could also warn the smugglers. // The Town Watch
plans to pay the Charlatan 30gp but will pay up to double that with a DC 15 Persuasion
check. Success on a DC 14 Deception check means the sting is successful, on failure the
smugglers escape, swearing revenge against the Charlatan.
A street busker is cheating people with sleight of hand tricks. You might be able to
beat him at his own game or embarrass him. // It takes a DC 17 Sleight of Hand or
030 Insight check to beat the busker and get 1d6gp. There’s a 50% chance that the busker laughs
it off and the Charlatan makes a new friend. Otherwise, the busker angrily leaves and may
seek revenge later.
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D100 Event
Somehow, this town seems completely devoid of any organized crime. Either that, or
021 they're all in hiding. // Disadvantage on all checks to find black markets, fences,
smugglers, or any other type of criminal.
A senior member of the Town Watch singles you out and says they’ll be keeping an
022 eye on you. // If anything illegal happens in town, the Criminal character is an immediate
suspect. If taken in for questioning, the Criminal has Disadvantage on any Deception checks.
This town has replaced its prison with a rehabilitation center. Anyone caught
committing non-violent crimes must spend 2d4 weeks in rehab. Violent criminals are
023 taken to the nearest city in chains. // The rehabilitation seems to be working and crime is
down. If the Criminal had any contacts in this town, there’s a 50% chance they’ve been
through rehab and are trying to go straight.
There is an epidemic of drug use among the youth of the town. You can help put a stop
to it or get in on the profits. Or walk away, not everything is your problem. // It takes a
DC 13 Stealth or Deception check to disrupt the drug trade and help things get better. On
024 failure, the Criminal has to make a successful Attack Roll against AC 14 or be captured by
the drug lords for 1d4 days before escaping. If the Criminal wants to get in on the profits, it
takes a DC 14 Intimidation or Persuasion check to muscle in, which will net 3d6x10gp per
month for 1d4 months.
Someone discreetly asks you to smuggle something illegal out of town and to a nearby
village. The job pays 2d4x25gp and takes 1d4 days. // The smuggler pays half the fee
025 now and half upon successful return. It takes a DC 13 Stealth check to get the goods out of
the town. On failure, the Criminal escapes but has to ditch the goods. The smuggler will be
angry and demands 1d4x100gp as recompense.
You establish a new contact who can feed you news of underground doings in the
area. // Finding the black market, corrupt officials, blackmail-worthy rumors, and
representatives of organized crime becomes 50% easier as long as this contact remains in
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You learn that one of your contacts in another area has been arrested and is set to
hang. It will take 1d4 weeks for you go to save them yourself or you could hire
027 someone else to do it for 1d6x100gp. // It takes a DC 15 Stealth check to rescue the
contact, on failure, the contact hangs. If the Criminal hires someone else to do the rescuing,
they get +1 to the Stealth check for every 100gp spent hiring them.
You make friends with one of the local gangs. They're not bad sorts, especially to the
poorer citizens. If you need any help or protection, they are willing to offer it. // The
gang and the Criminal remain on good terms as long as the Criminal does nothing that
negatively affects the poor of the town and does not work with the Town Watch.
Someone has been arrested and they are claiming you were their accomplice. // If the
Criminal has done anything illegal in this town, the arrested party very well may be telling
the truth. It takes a DC 14 Stealth check to avoid being brought in for questioning. The
Criminal may have advantage on this roll if in disguise during this stay in town.
In a seedier tavern, someone drops hints that a team of burglars are looking for a
final team member. // It takes a DC 14 Stealth, Deception, or Intimidation check to help
with the burglary. On success, the Criminal’s cut is 2d4x50gp. On failure, several members of
the team are arrested and the team blames the criminal, swearing vengeance.
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D100 Event
For some reason, the locals are not enjoying your regular act and you are receiving
few tips. // Profits from performing in this town are cut in half during this stay.
A tavern owner confusingly greets you by the wrong name and then insists you are
playing a joke if you say differently. The owner and the patrons demand you sing a
favorite song that you do not know. // It takes a DC 14 Performance check to improvise
long enough to make the night twice as successful as a night of performing usually is. On
failure, or if the Entertainer refuses to perform under the false name, the tavern owner
grows angry and throws them out.
Your reputation proceeds you and the town is eager to see your act. So eager that if
you don't perform for at least 2d4 days they may think you are snubbing them and
023 their town. // The Entertainer may have Advantage on all Performance checks during this
stay but if they leave early, they have Disadvantage on all Performance checks next time
they come through this town.
A group of rowdy young nobles crash the taverns every night, drinking too much and
heckling anyone one stage. // It takes a DC 18 Performance check to impress the nobles
024 and avoid having the show ruined. If successful, the Entertainer can attempt a DC 14
Persuasion check to convince the young nobles to respect entertainers a little more, for
which the artistic community will be profoundly grateful.
There is a visiting dignitary from a faraway land. The officials showing the dignitary
around don't think any local entertainment is good enough. Would you step in and
perform for the evening? You should of course, pretend to be a local. // It takes a DC 11
Deception check to pretend to be a local. If successful, it takes a DC 13 Performance check to
impress the dignitary and the officials. Local entertainers might not take too kindly to the
Entertainer’s ruse, however.
Something you do rubs the local clergy the wrong way and soon they are passive-
aggressively denouncing such performances as yours as frivolous and distasteful. //
026 Performance checks among the commonfolk are at Disadvantage until the Entertainer can
smooth things out with the clergy by performing religious songs for free in one of the
temples or otherwise making amends.
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You impress one of the nobles who asks if you need a patron. // The noble offers the
Entertainer 75gp per month as long as every performance begins with the hearty thanks to
027 the patron. To keep the patronage, a performance must be held in the area at least once
every three months. If the Entertainer ever does something scandalous, the patron may
There is another performer with an act similar to yours. The performer resents the
intrusion challenges you to a duel to first blood. The loser may not perform in the
area for six months. // If the duel is refused, the performer does everything in their power
028 to undermine the Entertainer, paying hecklers, spreading rumors, and stealing or damaging
equipment. If the Entertainer agrees to the duel, make opposed Attack Rolls to see who
wins. The other performer has a +3 bonus on the Attack roll and a +5 bonus to Performance
A struggling tavern with good food and kind owners asks if you'll consider playing for
a few nights for just room and board. // If the Entertainer agrees and succeeds in a DC 11
029 Performance check, business seems to pick up for the tavern. When the Entertainer next
comes through town, there is a 50% chance that the tavern has either closed or is
There is a good-natured battle of entertainers going on for the next 1d4 days. At the
end, this town declares that the winner is the greatest entertainer in the region for
one year. // The Entertainer may participate by making a DC 15 Performance check every
day of the battle. If the Entertainer succeeds every day, they are declared the winner.
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Folk Hero
D100 Event
There is a “hero” in the area whose claim to fame sounds suspiciously like yours. // A
DC 10 Investigation or Insight check reveals that the other hero is a fraud. It takes a DC 12
Persuasion or Intimidation check to get the fraud to back down and admit that the story is
really about you.
You see a member of the Town Watch taking small items from market stalls and
shaking his spear at anyone who complains. // If confronted, the Guard says, “Mind your
022 own business.” If pressed, the Guard tries to arrest the character but quickly backs down in
the face of any resistance. It takes a DC 10 Persuasion check to convince a superior that the
Guard was abusing authority.
Someone who seems jealous of your reputation calls you a liar and says you've never
done anything for common folk. // If the Folk Hero has done anything heroic in the area,
the locals quickly come to the character’s defense. If not, perhaps the commonfolk think
twice about the Folk Hero’s reputation until it’s proven.
Local merchants have come up with a dastardly thing called "internships" where they
exploit the youth without paying them. After a year, interns are given a piece of paper
stating they now have “experience.” // It takes a DC 5 Persuasion check to get the youth
to rise up in revolt against this evil practice. The Folk Hero can have advantage on this roll
because the merchants should be ashamed of themselves. On success, the practice is
stopped and people in town are paid a fair wage for their labor.
Some locals are angry at you because one of their youth heard your story and got
killed adventuring. Now they are shorthanded on the farm and grief stricken. // The
Folk Hero can try to make amends by giving money but there’s only a 50% chance the family
will accept it.
The child of a refugee family is missing and none of the locals seem particularly
interested in helping out. The family does not speak Common. // It takes a DC 13
Investigation or Nature check to find the missing child in the nearby wilderness. This check
can be made once per day. The family has nothing to offer in reward but their gratitude.
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Taxes and rents in this area have grown onerous as wealthy landowners try to outdo
one another with lavish spending. // It takes a DC 13 Persuasion, Intimidation, or Insight
check to crash a party, overturn the tables of exotic food, and give an impassioned speech
about the duty of those in power to take care of those less fortunate. It won’t change things
overnight, but it makes an impression. On failure, building security manages to keep the
Folk Hero out of the party.
Someone's cat is stuck in a tree in the town square. // It takes a DC 13 Athletics check to
028 get the cat down. On failure, the Folk Hero falls out of the tree, taking 2d6 falling damage
and the cat comes down on its own.
There is evidence that a member of the town council cheated during the last election.
However, the council member owns several businesses in town and threatens to
029 move them elsewhere if ousted from office. // The Folk Hero can sway the townsfolk
either way with no check. Sometimes it just comes down to whether or not someone is
willing to make the hard choice in the name of what’s right.
An inn offers you free room and drink if you'll tell stories of your adventures in the
common room and if you don't mind them spreading it about that you're staying
there. // If the Folk Hero agrees, the inn names a menu item after them. Fame may come at
a cost, however, if any enemies or rivals are in the area.
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Guild Artisan or Merchant
D100 Event
You learn there is a conspiracy among caravan drivers in the region to misrepresent
the demand for local goods. The caravan drivers have been charging more than
agreed and pocketing the difference. // The character can either expose the caravan
drivers or get in on the scheme for 1d4x50gp per month for 1d6 months.
Your craft or goods are sorely needed in this area. You can charge double the normal
price if you want during this stay in town. // If the Character elects to do this, there is a
50% chance that the townsfolk will remember the price gouge and no one will do business
with the Character during their next stay in town.
A fellow merchant confides in you that as soon as a chief investor dies, the wastrel
heir will waste the fortune and ruin several businesses. Perhaps the investor can be
023 persuaded to name a different heir? // It takes a DC 14 Insight or Persuasion check to
convince the investor to name a different heir. Success or failure, the wastrel heir will
eventually learn of the attempt and could become a future antagonist.
The mayor has a stake in a local monopoly and is trying to pass laws that protect it at
the expense of citizens and other businesses. // It takes a DC 13 Insight or Investigation
check to expose the mayor’s corruption. On success, the mayor is arrested, swearing
vengeance against those involved.
A young artisan or merchant reminds you of yourself at a young age. A little
patronage could go a long way toward a promising career. // It costs 1d6x10gp per
025 month to support the fledgling business. Ever month the character does this, roll 1d6, on 6
the business flourishes and becomes profitable, now paying the character double the
monthly amount.
The local chapter of the guild is in complete shambles. Almost no one pays their dues
and the chief guild officers meet in a tavern and rarely discuss business. // It takes a
026 DC 13 Insight or Persuasion check to oust the old officers and help install replacements. This
check can only be made once per visit to town. If the character wishes to become a guild
officer, they may do so but will then be obligated to attend quarterly meetings in town.
Someone has been selling shoddy goods in this area with your company stamp on
them. // It takes a DC 12 Investigation check to find the perpetrator. When the character
seeks to shut down the operation, the counterfeiter attacks. The character must succeed in
an Attack Roll against AC 12 or get wounded while the counterfeiter escapes.
Someone who knows you or your reputation asks if you'll come along for a tough
negotiation deal in a nearby area. The venture will take 2d4 days to go and come back
and pays 2d6x10gp in consultation fees. // Successful negotiations require a DC 13
Persuasion or Insight check.
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You spot the telltale signs of a crooked salesman but he only takes advantage of the
rich and foolish, giving fair goods and prices to all others. // It takes a DC 13 Persuasion
029 check to convince the salesman to become business partners. Doing so doubles the amount
the character can get for practicing their craft or business. Alternately, it takes a DC 14
Investigation check to find enough evidence to convict or blackmail the salesman.
A company in the area is trying aggressively to corner the market on a certain good or
service. There are whispers that they have criminal ties and that their rivals end up
with broken legs, stolen merchandise, or worse. // A DC 13 Investigation check yields
enough evidence to bring the company to the attention of the authorities. Alternately, it
takes a DC 14 Persuasion or Deception check to convince the company to let the character in
on their business. If successful, the character enjoys the profits of running their own
business for 1d4 months but only have to practice their craft once per month. Roll 1d6 every
month. On a 1, the authorities find out and put out a warrant for the arrest of the character.
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D100 Event
You hear of a hermit in the area renowned for great wisdom. Once per week people
gather around the hermit’s cave and one person is chosen at random to ask a single
021 question before the hermit retreats once more. // If the character attends, roll 1d10. On
10, the wise hermit selects the character to ask a question. If the character is not selected,
there is a 50% chance that the hermit says something related to the character’s Discovery.
You see someone you knew, years ago, before your time as a hermit. You could avoid
022 them if you want. // Why did the character become a Hermit? Is there someone or
something in their past they wish to avoid?
There is a monastery nearby open to all those who will do simple chores in exchange
for plain food and a small cell. All are welcome, as long as they obey the vow of silence
within the walls. // The monastery also has access to a library that could be used for
A member of the local clergy asks to meet with you alone. // If the Hermit agrees, the
025 clergyperson imparts a terrible secret heard during confession. It was driving them crazy to
be the only one who knew.
Locals avoid a nearby grove of trees because they say it is haunted by the ghost of the
old hermit who used to live there. // If the character goes to investigate, they find a
simple hut and the bones of the old hermit. An errant breeze pushes aside a curtain,
revealing a scroll in an unfamiliar language.
There are several hermits who live in a nearby forest. You hear that the noble who
owns the forest plans to drive the hermits out to create a private hunting ground. // It
takes a DC 17 Persuasion check to convince the noble to change the plan. The character can
help the hermits relocate but it takes 1d4 weeks.
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Debating philosophy has become popular among the young and rich. If you listen in
for only a few minutes, it's clear they have no idea what they are talking about and
028 they all argue in useless circles. You could probably teach them a lesson or two if you
had the mind. // A DC 10 Insight, Religion, or History check allows the character to either
guide or humiliate the young philosophers.
You hear of a quiet a hermitage in the nearby hills, a place to meditate and escape the
bustle of town. // If the Hermit seeks the hermitage, after wasting an entire day the only
029 thing that can be found is a hunting lodge full of drunken nobles and their extramarital
lovers. If asked about the hermitage, they burst into uproarious laughter at the rumor
they’ve spread as a joke to see who comes into the hills.
A madhouse has imprisoned several hermits and is seeking to "cure" them with
exposure therapy. // It takes a DC 13 Medicine, Insight, or Religion check to convince
030 authorities to shut down the madhouse. Alternately, the hermits can be snuck out of the
town with a successful DC 12 Stealth check. Failure results in the recapture of all the
hermits and a night in jail for the character.
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D100 Event
Luxury goods in the city are temporarily scarce. It will cost double to maintain a
021 Wealthy, or Aristocratic lifestyle for this week. // If other nobles see the Noble character
unable to live the proper lifestyle, they will think less of them.
Your family has an ancient feud with a house in this area, though you’ve never met
any of them personally. // It takes a DC 15 Persuasion or Insight check to convince the
local family to start a new chapter of peace. On failure, the family has the Noble forcibly
removed from their land.
Nobles are extremely unpopular in this area and most have fled to the city, fearing
023 violence. // If the Noble wears expensive clothing and/or maintains a Wealth or
Aristocratic lifestyle, they have Disadvantage on all social rolls with anyone but the nobility.
You hear a rumor that a nearby landowner claims to be noble but may have faked
their pedigree. // The noble in question is fairly popular, throws parties, pays taxes, and
024 runs their land prosperously. It takes a DC 20 Investigation check, which can be made once
per week, and 1d6x10gp to uncover the truth. There is a 50% chance that the family is real
and 50% they are not real nobles. With this knowledge, they can be blackmailed or ruined.
A group of bored nobles has taken to recapturing escaped criminals for sport. After
making one of their acquaintance, they offer to let you join in on the fun. // The next
025 escape happens in 1d4 days. If the Noble character goes along, they discover that the nobles
bribe the guards to let the prisoners escape and when the nobles catch up to the criminal
they administer a severe beating before returning the criminal to prison.
In 1d4 days there will be a tournament of horsemanship, martial skill, and historical
knowledge that is only open to those of noble blood. // If the Noble character wishes to
026 participate, have them make a Handle Animal check, a History check, and an Attack Roll.
Contrast these scores with three other 1d20+4 rolls for each category. A win in any category
grants 300gp and the approbation of genteel folk in the area.
You catch wind of a plot among commonfolk to depose one of the nobles in the area.
The noble is harsh but is doing nothing illegal. // A DC 13 Investigation check uncovers a
plot to fabricate evidence of wrongdoing and get the noble arrested. Once alerted,
authorities quickly take care of the plotters.
You and your companions are invited to a party at a country manor to share your
adventures. // The noble is treated cordially enough but if any companions come along and
are not of noble blood the guests soon begin making fun of them and their manners,
especially, Barbarians, Hermits, Outlanders, Soldiers, and Urchins.
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High fashion is radically different in this area and unless you outfit yourself in
fashionable clothing that costs 3d4x10gp in the next 2d4 hours you're sure to be a
029 laughing stock amongst the wealthy. // If the Noble complies, they should have favorable
social interactions with high society during their stay. If they do not, high society treats
them as an out-of-town curiosity at best and as a jumped up commoner at worst.
There is an artistic fair going on where painters, musicians, playwrights, and
sculptors look for patrons. If you can't or don't want to patronize an artist yourself,
030 perhaps you could put in a good word? // It costs 60gp per month to patronize an artist
of the Noble’s choice. It takes a DC 13 Persuasion or History check to convince a local noble
to patronize an artist the Noble character likes.
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D100 Event
The wealthy elite of the area find you a charming curiosity. You are invited to several
social gatherings over the next 1d4 days. // As long as the Outlander does nothing
intentionally offensive, the noble and wealthy merchant hosts continue to express goodwill
toward the character the next time they are in town.
You seem to make the locals nervous with your outlandish dress and manners. //
022 Getting any kind of deal or convincing anyone to help will be more difficult for the Outlander
in this town. Authorities might be more suspicious than usual.
A merchant has a stall dedicated to trinkets from outlandish places, your culture
included. // Depending on the Outlander, this display of cultural items might be seen as
023 welcome or offensive. It takes a DC 14 Persuasion or Intimidation check to get the merchant
to stop selling the items. On failure, the merchant calls the Town Watch on you for
You hear news that your homeland is suffering under war or famine. Now would be a
025 good time to send money or supplies back to family or friends. // It takes 1 day for the
Outlander to find a reputable caravan or agency to accomplish sending help home.
The Town Watch announces that you are under arrest for a crime you know you did
not commit. // If the Outlander cooperates with the authorities, it takes 1d4 days to clear
up, during which the Outlander is imprisoned but not in terrible conditions. If the Outlander
026 knows anyone wealthy, or is on good terms with a church, the Town Watch will accept
house arrest instead. If the Outlander resists arrest you may declare that they escape town
but the authorities take it as an admission of guilt and the Outlander will be on wanted
posters in the region for 1d6+3 months.
There is work to be had as a hunting guide for the nobility. // A successful hunting trip
requires a DC 8 Survival check and takes 1d4+1 days and pays 10gp per day plus tips if the
Outlander is especially charming or obsequious. On failure, disaster strikes and one of the
nobles is killed with the blame falling squarely on the Outlander.
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A noble family asks you to investigate a beast taking animals from their land. // A DC
028 13 Investigation or Survival check shows that the “beast” is actually starving peasants
leaving false tracks.
A priest, trying to foster better understanding of faiths across the world, asks if you
will give a lecture on the beliefs of your homeland. // If the Outlander refuses, the priest
politely leaves. If the Outlander accepts, call for a DC 11 Persuasion, Performance, or
Religion check. On success, the Outlander has the goodwill of the church and many
commonfolk of the area. On failure, the priest interrupts the speech halfway through and
politely asks the Outlander to leave.
A merchant tries to cheat you. You get your money back but you also don’t get any of
the items you were trying to buy. If someone calls the Town Watch, who are they
going to believe? // If the Outlander makes trouble or contacts the authorities, there is a
75% chance that the authorities believe the merchant and ask the Outlander to leave town.
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D100 Event
A noble family asks you to spend a few days tutoring their absolutely rotten children.
// If the Sage accepts the job, it pays 2d6gp per day (roll once for the rate) and can go on as
long as the Sage can stand it. It takes a DC 16 History, Insight, Persuasion, or Intimidation
check to get the children to listen. On failure, the children splash ink on the Sage’s clothing,
light hair or eyebrows on fire, fill backpacks full of animal droppings, and play other nasty
There is a literacy crisis in the area and a local church is asking all learned people to
022 help teach while they are in town. // The church offers modest room and board but
otherwise cannot pay.
You find a bookshop that sells magical writing tools. // Offerings include a phoenix
feather quill that can burn messages onto any surface, an aboleth bone quill that can write in
or on liquids, and a dryad pen that can plant a seed that sprouts into a message in a few
You are invited to write a philosophical essay or scientific article for a scholarly
journal circulated in the area. // It takes one day and a DC 13 History, Religion, or Arcana
check to write a decent article. On failure, the Sage can try again the next day but the journal
will only wait for 1d4+1 days before rescinding the offer.
This area is home to the publisher of a wealthy, popular writer whose lengthy books
are factually inaccurate. // If the Sage wants to take issue with the publisher, it takes a DC
13 History, Arcana, or Religion check to convince the publisher that something is wrong
025 with the books. The publisher is so impressed that the Sage is offered a book deal if a
manuscript can be delivered within one year. It takes 90 days of work to produce the
manuscript and the Sage may work on it while adventuring but if anything happens to the
manuscript, (fire, water, etc.) it must be recreated from scratch.
You meet an old friend from your studying days. The friend explains how closing the
area to non-human immigration will be better for everyone. // If the Sage disagrees, it
takes a DC 17 Persuasion, Insight, or History check to change the friend’s mind, otherwise
the relationship ends angrily.
This area is home to a famous repository of knowledge in a secure castle or tower. If
you can convince the caretaker of your good reputation and honest intentions, you
can have access to an excellent place for research. // If the Sage doesn’t have a good,
established reputation in the area, it takes a DC 16 History, Arcana, or Religion check to
convince the caretaker to allow access. Alternately, if the Sage performs some notable
service for the community, this may be used as leverage.
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A scholar is struggling to establish a school for learning in the area. Donations of time
or money could go a long way. So could keeping your eye out for investors. // The Sage
028 may spend time teaching to help the school grow. A successful DC 12 History, Arcana, or
Religion check (one check per stay in town) draws 1d6 new students. It takes a DC 18
Persuasion or Insight check to find and convince a wealthy investor.
A wealthy relation or friend of yours has taken up alchemy in the middle of town. The
government is nervous about the fires, explosions, and noises at all hours but they
don't want to chase someone wealthy out of the area. Can you convince the alchemist
to move the loudest and most dangerous experiments outside of town? // It takes a DC
14 Persuasion or Insight check to convince the alchemist to build a tower just outside of
town. The check may only be made once per visit to town. On success, the tower will take
1d4+2 months to finish and once it is the Sage will have a ready source of potions,
alchemical agents, and spell components at a 25% discount. On failure, the alchemist refuses
to move and there is a 50% chance that when the Sage next visits this town that the
alchemist and 1d20 civilians have been killed in a magical explosion.
The Town Watch comes to arrest you on suspicion of indecent and dangerous writing.
// It takes 1d4 days to clear up the charges. If the Sage is on good terms with a wealthy
person, a school, or a church the Guard will accept house arrest. If the Sage resists arrest or
escapes the town, there will be wanted posters for them for the next 1d4+2 months.
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D100 Event
The local army garrison has arrested a young man accused of deserting. The young
man asserts he never signed up. // A DC 10 Insight or Investigation check reveals there's
021 no proof of the young man signing up and it seems like the officer has a personal vendetta. It
takes a DC 11 Persuasion, History, or Insight check to convince a superior officer that the
young man has been kidnapped.
This is the hometown of a comrade who died while you were serving. // It takes a DC
022 11 Investigation check to find survivors of the comrade. There is a 50% chance they are on
hard financial times.
You run across an old friend from a past war. The friend has lost a leg and fallen on
023 hard times. // It takes 20gp to fit the friend with a prosthetic leg and set them up with food
and lodging for a month.
There is a retired general who lives in the area, a living legend who probably has
some stories to tell. // It takes a DC 11 History check to impress the general enough to act
024 as a mentor for the character. The general probably has a store of historical texts, weapons,
armor, equipment, and perhaps even treasure to share if the right adventurer proved their
After a few drinks, a new friend confesses to deserting and how it weighs heavily on
their conscience. // It takes a DC 14 Persuasion or Insight check to convince the confessor
025 to return to the military, though it may mean their execution or imprisonment. On failure,
the confessor angrily, drunkenly dismisses the character. If the authorities are alerted, the
confessor will be arrested.
Mercenaries passing through town are rude to locals and intimidate them into
lowering prices. The mercenaries show no signs of military training and are little
more than thugs. // It takes a DC 13 Intimidate check to get the mercenaries to leave
without a fight. On failure, or if the character wants to use force, it takes a successful Attack
Roll against AC 15 to beat the mercenaries soundly and run them out of town. On failure of
the Attack Roll, the mercenaries beat the character up and take something from them.
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You hear that one of your old army companions has taken up banditry "for the good
of the people." // It takes 1d4 days and a DC 14 Investigation or Survival to track down the
bandits (one check per 1d4 days). Once found, there is a 50% chance that the bandits steal
027 from the rich and give to the poor and a 50% chance that they steal from everyone and give
to themselves. If the character opposes them, it takes a successful Attack Roll against AC 14
to defeat the bandits and either kill them or deliver them to the authorities. On failure, the
bandits wound the character but for old time’s sake they don’t steal anything before leaving.
A unit of the army is marching through the area and has stopped in town to rest and
resupply for 1d4 days. The young officer in charge is unnecessarily strict and
asserting far more power than necessary. If someone doesn't do something, there
may be a mutiny soon. // It takes a DC 12 History or Insight check to convince the young
officer that there is a better way to lead. On failure, there is a 50% chance that the young
officer ends up murdered on the last night before the unit leaves town.
A recent publication criticizes a war you fought in and is proving divisive in the area.
// If the character makes it known that they fought in the war, there is a 50% chance that a
given person in this area will treat them better or worse, depending on what they think of
the publication.
A recent publication criticizes a war you fought in and is proving divisive in the area.
// If the character makes it known that they fought in the war, there is a 50% chance that a
given person in this area will treat them better or worse, depending on what they think of
the publication.
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D100 Event
There is a pack of children who roam the streets and steal what they can. So far, they
have proved resourceful in escaping the authorities. There is talk of a concerted
effort to round them all up and send them to an orphanage in the city since this town
doesn’t have one of its own. // It takes a DC 12 Persuasion, History, or Religion check to
convince community leaders that the children are their own responsibility. It won’t happen
overnight, but the community can be set on the right path.
You notice several urchins who have mud, leaves, scratches, and other tell-tale signs
that they live in the forest nearby. // It takes a DC 15 Survival, Nature, or Investigation
022 check to find the urchin’s hideout. Once found, the character can try to convince the urchins
to join an orphanage with a DC 12 Persuasion check or can help them find an even better
hideout in the woods.
You don't seem to see any urchins or beggar children at all in this town. This could be
a good sign that the community is taking care of them. Or is something more sinister
going on? // It takes a DC 14 Investigation check to find out the truth. There is a 50%
023 chance that the character discovers that local churches house and educate the urchins and a
50% chance that several unscrupulous merchants have created sweatshops for the children
to work in. Once brought to light, the sweatshops are broken up, the merchants arrested,
and the fortunes divided amongst the urchins and their new caretakers.
You receive a message that someone you have a Bond with is looking for a runaway
child who was recently spotted in the area. // It takes a DC 14 Investigation or Survival
024 check to find the runaway and a DC 11 Persuasion or Intimidation check to convince the
child to return home. Depending on where the character has Bonds, returning the child
could take a number of days or weeks.
You spot a street performer who is playing tricks on children and robbing them of
their coins, even the ones who don't look like they can afford it. // It takes a DC 13
Sleight of Hand or Intimidation check to embarrass and expose the performer who will give
the children their money back and then leave town.
You find an orphanage with two caretakers who spend orphanage money on drink
and make the children take care of themselves. // It takes a DC 11 Investigation check to
find evidence and convince the authorities to step in. New caretakers will be found, but the
orphanage is dangerously low on funds.
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A group of well-meaning miners are passing through. They advertise that they will
take any ale-bodied people with them to work in the mines, including poor or
homeless children. The work is hard and dangerous but pay is fair and workers will
be clothed and fed. // A DC 10 Investigation check shows that the miners are sincere and
have a good reputation. It takes a DC 14 Intimidation check to get the miners to leave town
without hiring any children. A DC 11 Persuasion check will convince 2d6 children to sign up.
Someone is selling "magic" charms to the poor, the lonely, and the desperate. // It
028 takes a DC 13 Investigation, Intimidation, or Sleight of Hand check to expose the charlatan
and get them to leave town.
You meet an urchin who is resourceful and good-hearted. This urchin looks after
other children and dreams of one day having enough money to get an education or
029 apprenticeship. // It takes a DC 13 Persuasion or Insight check to convince a school or
tradesperson to accept the urchin, though they may ask the character to pay 30gp for the
urchin’s expenses for the first month.
The Town Watch has arrested a young urchin who has killed someone, supposedly in
self-defense. They don't want to hang a child and don’t know what to do. Some think
030 that maybe it would be better if the problem disappeared. // If the character is willing,
the Town Watch will surrender the child to their care provided that they take the urchin to
another town at least 20 miles away.
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Appendix 1: Town Record Sheet
Norcambrian City-States
Sheriff Alder, Mayor Kelendra (half-elf)
The Masked Monks hideout is beneath the Temple in the sealed catacombs.
Sheriff Alder asked the PCs to look into the link between the Masked Monks and
Havarra is distantly related to the Belsins
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Town Record Sheet
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Appendix 2: Town & NPC Names
Town Names NPC Commoners Inns & Taverns
1. Alderwood 1. Brenn 1. Abler’s
2. Banbury 2. Chent 2. Branch & Bough
3. Curewater 3. Danner 3. Champing Pony
4. Dornin 4. Frim 4. Dancing Dragonfly
5. Elmdale 5. Gil 5. Elmwater
6. Farword 6. Hadra 6. Frumpy Coven
7. Gustor 7. Jorlan 7. Purple Purse
8. Halfmeet 8. Lemi 8. Merchant’s Cousin
9. Kalmar 9. Merl 9. Muffled Drum
10. Ledenmule 10. Nedry 10. Laughing Ram
11. Mikailsborg 11. Pauleth 11. Howling Hippogriff
12. Norbridge 12. Quint 12. Darcy’s
13. Osterhome 13. Ramber 13. Platinum Draggone
14. Path Head 14. Shem 14. Broken Turtle
15. Ratherfar 15. Timmler 15. Gambling Crow
16. Shansbrook 16. Una 16. Summer Maiden
17. Tilson Mill 17. Venner 17. Poet’s Window
18. Valleymor 18. Wilbun 18. Lonely Gargoyle
19. Whistlerburg 19. Adra 19. Cup & Cloak
20. Yarburrow 20. Zeddidiah 20. Gray Pilgrim
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Appendix 3: Town Dweller Stats
Acolyte Priest
Medium humanoid (any race), any alignment Medium humanoid (any race), any alignment
Armor Class 10 Armor Class 13 (chain shirt)
Hit Points 9 (2d8) Hit Points 27 (5d8 + 5) Speed
Speed 30 ft. 25 ft.
10 (+0) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 14 (+2) 11 (+0) STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
10 (+0) 10 (+0) 12 (+1) 13 (+1) 16 (+3) 13 (+1)
Skills Medicine +4, Religion +2 Senses
passive Perception 12 Skills Medicine +7, Persuasion +3, Religion +4 Senses
Languages any one language (usually Common) passive Perception 13
Challenge 1/4 (50 XP) Languages any two languages
Spellcasting. The acolyte is a 1st-level spellcaster. Its
Challenge 2 (450 XP)
spellcasting ability is Wisdom (spell save DC 12, +4 to hit with
Divine Eminence. As a bonus action, the priest can expend a
spell attacks). The acolyte has following cleric spells prepared:
spell slot to cause its melee weapon attacks to magically deal
Cantrips (at will): light, sacred flame, thaumaturgy 1st level an extra 10 (3d6) radiant damage to a target on a hit. This
(3 slots): bless, cure wounds, sanctuary benefit lasts until the end of the turn. If the priest expends a
spell slot of 2nd level or higher, the extra damage increases by
Actions 1d6 for each level above 1st.
Club. Melee Weapon Attack: +2 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Spellcasting. The priest is a 5th-level spellcaster. Its
Hit: 2 (1d4) bludgeoning damage. spellcasting ability is Wisdom (spell save DC 13, +5 to hit
with spell attacks). The priest has the following cleric spells
Acolytes are junior members of a clergy, usually prepared:
answerable to a priest. They perform a variety of Cantrips (at will): light, sacred flame, thaumaturgy
functions in a temple and are granted minor 1st level (4 slots): cure wounds, guiding bolt, sanctuary 2nd level
spellcasting power by their deities.
(3 slots): lesser restoration, spiritual weapon 3rd level (2 slots):
dispel magic, spirit guardians
Mace. Melee Weapon Attack: +2 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
Hit: 3 (1d6) bludgeoning damage.
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Medium humanoid (any race), any alignment
Armor Class 10
Hit Points 4 (1d8) Speed
30 ft.
Club. Melee Weapon Attack: +2 to hit, reach 5 ft., one Noble
target. Hit: 2 (1d4) bludgeoning damage.
Medium humanoid (any race), any alignment
Commoners include peasants, serfs, slaves, servants, Armor Class 15 (breastplate)
pilgrims, merchants, artisans, and hermits. Hit Points 9 (2d8) Speed
30 ft.
Rapier. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
target. Hit: 5 (1d8 + 1) piercing damage.
Parry. The noble adds 2 to its AC against one melee attack
that would hit it. To do so, the noble must see the attacker
and be wielding a melee weapon.
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Town Watch or Guard
Medium humanoid (any race), any alignment
Armor Class 16 (chain shirt, shield)
Hit Points 11 (2d8 + 2) Speed
30 ft.
Skills Perception +2
Senses passive Perception 12
Languages any one language (usually Common)
Challenge 1/8 (25 XP)
Spear. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft. or
range 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 4 (1d6 +1) piercing damage, or
5 (1d8 + 1) piercing damage if used with two hands to make a Scout/Forest Ranger
melee attack. Medium humanoid (any race), any alignment
Armor Class 13 (leather armor)
Guards include members of a Town Watch, sentries,
caravan guards, and the bodyguards of merchants and Hit Points 16 (3d8 + 3) Speed
nobles. 30 ft.
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Medium humanoid (any race), any non-good alignment
Armor Class 11 (leather armor) Hit
Points 32 (5d8 + 10)
Speed 30 ft.
Multiattack. The thug makes two melee attacks. Armor Class 17 (splint)
Mace. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one Hit Points 58 (9d8 + 18)
creature. Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2) bludgeoning damage. Speed 30 ft.
Heavy Crossbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +2 to hit, range
100/400 ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d10) piercing damage. STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
16 (+3) 13 (+1) 14 (+2) 10 (+0) 11 (+0) 10 (+0)
Thugs are ruthless enforcers skilled at intimidation Skills Athletics +5, Perception +2
and violence. They work for money and have few Senses passive Perception 12
scruples. Languages any one language (usually Common)
Challenge 3 (700 XP)
Multiattack. The veteran makes two longsword attacks. If it
has a shortsword drawn, it can also make a shortsword attack.
Longsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
target. Hit: 7 (1d8 + 3) slashing damage, or 8 (1d10 + 3) slashing
damage if used with two hands.
Shortsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
target. Hit: 6 (1d6 + 3) piercing damage.
Heavy Crossbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, range
100/400 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d10 + 1) piercing damage.
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