BSBITU402 Learner Guide NewPi
BSBITU402 Learner Guide NewPi
BSBITU402 Learner Guide NewPi
Table of Contents
Unit of Competency...............................................................................................................................5
Performance Criteria...........................................................................................................................6
Foundation Skills.................................................................................................................................8
Assessment Requirements..................................................................................................................9
1. Prepare to develop spreadsheet......................................................................................................11
1.1 – Organise personal work environment in accordance with ergonomic requirements..................12
Organising personal work environment............................................................................................12
Ergonomic requirements...................................................................................................................12
Activity 1A.........................................................................................................................................19
1.2 – Analyse task and determine specifications for spreadsheets.......................................................20
What is a spreadsheet?.....................................................................................................................20
Analysing a task.................................................................................................................................20
Determining spreadsheet specifications...........................................................................................21
Activity 1B.........................................................................................................................................22
1.3 – Identify organisational and task requirements of data entry, storage, output, reporting and
presentation requirements...................................................................................................................23
Organisational and task requirements..............................................................................................23
Relevant legislation...........................................................................................................................25
Activity 1C.........................................................................................................................................27
1.4 – Apply work organisation strategies and energy and resource conservation techniques to plan
work activities.......................................................................................................................................28
Work organisation strategies............................................................................................................28
Energy and resource conservation techniques.................................................................................29
Organisational culture.......................................................................................................................31
Planning work activities....................................................................................................................31
Activity 1D.........................................................................................................................................32
2. Develop a linked spreadsheet solution............................................................................................33
2.1 – Utilise spreadsheet design software functions and formulae to meet identified requirements. .34
Meeting identified requirements......................................................................................................34
Activity 2A.........................................................................................................................................41
2.2 – Link spreadsheets in accordance with software procedures........................................................42
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Linking spreadsheets.........................................................................................................................42
Why link spreadsheets?....................................................................................................................43
Activity 2B.........................................................................................................................................44
2.3 – Format cells and use data attributes assigned with relative and/or absolute cell references, in
accordance with task specifications......................................................................................................45
Formatting cells.................................................................................................................................45
What are data attributes?.................................................................................................................46
Relative/absolute cell references......................................................................................................46
Activity 2C.........................................................................................................................................49
2.4 – Test formulae to confirm output meets task requirements.........................................................50
Testing formulae...............................................................................................................................50
Debugging formulas..........................................................................................................................51
Dealing with errors............................................................................................................................52
Hiding zeros.......................................................................................................................................53
Activity 2D.........................................................................................................................................54
3. Automate and standardise spreadsheet operation..........................................................................55
3.1 – Evaluate tasks to identify those where automation would increase efficiency............................56
Increasing efficiency..........................................................................................................................56
What is automation?.........................................................................................................................57
Custom toolbars................................................................................................................................58
Activity 3A.........................................................................................................................................59
3.2 – Create, use and edit macros to fulfil requirements of task and automate spreadsheet operation
What are macros?.............................................................................................................................60
Creating macros................................................................................................................................61
Using macros.....................................................................................................................................62
Editing macros...................................................................................................................................63
Activity 3B.........................................................................................................................................64
3.3 – Develop, edit and use templates to ensure consistency of design and layout for forms and
reports, in accordance with organisational requirements....................................................................65
What is a template?..........................................................................................................................65
Developing a template......................................................................................................................68
Activity 3C.........................................................................................................................................70
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4. Use spreadsheets.............................................................................................................................71
4.1 – Enter, check and amend data in accordance with organisational and task requirements...........72
Entering data.....................................................................................................................................72
Checking data....................................................................................................................................73
Activity 4A.........................................................................................................................................74
4.2 – Import and export data between compatible spreadsheets and adjust host documents, in
accordance with software and system procedures...............................................................................75
Importing and exporting data...........................................................................................................75
Adjusting documents........................................................................................................................76
Activity 4B.........................................................................................................................................78
4.3 – Use manuals, user documentation and online help to overcome problems with spreadsheet
design and production..........................................................................................................................79
Overcoming problems with spreadsheet design and production......................................................79
User documentation.........................................................................................................................79
Online help........................................................................................................................................80
Activity 4C.........................................................................................................................................81
4.4 – Preview, adjust and print spreadsheet in accordance with organisational and task requirements
Preview and print..............................................................................................................................82
Activity 4D.........................................................................................................................................85
4.5 – Name and store spreadsheet in accordance with organisational requirements and exit
application without data loss or damage..............................................................................................86
Naming documents...........................................................................................................................86
Storing documents............................................................................................................................87
Exiting without information loss or damage.....................................................................................88
Activity 4E.........................................................................................................................................89
5. Represent numerical data in graphic form.......................................................................................90
5.1 – Determine style of graph to meet specified requirements and manipulate spreadsheet data if
necessary to suit graph requirements...................................................................................................91
Determining style of graph................................................................................................................91
Activity 5A.........................................................................................................................................95
5.2 – Create graphs with labels and titles from numerical data contained in a spreadsheet file..........96
Creating graphs.................................................................................................................................96
Activity 5B.........................................................................................................................................99
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Unit of Competency
This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to use spreadsheet software to complete business
tasks and produce complex documents.
It applies to individuals employed in a range of work environments who require skills in creation of
complex spreadsheets to store and retrieve data. They may work as individuals providing administrative
support within an enterprise, or may be independently responsible for designing and working with
spreadsheets relevant to their own work roles.
No licensing, legislative or certification requirements apply to this unit at the time of publication.
Pre-requisite Unit
Unit Sector
Performance Criteria
Element Performance Criteria
Elements describe the Performance criteria describe the performance needed to
essential outcomes. demonstrate achievement of the element.
2. Develop a linked 2.1 Utilise spreadsheet design software functions and formulae
spreadsheet solution to meet identified requirements
2.2 Link spreadsheets in accordance with software procedures
2.3 Format cells and use data attributes assigned with relative
and/or absolute cell references, in accordance with task
2.4 Test formulae to confirm output meets task requirements
3. Automate and 3.1 Evaluate tasks to identify those where automation would
standardise increase efficiency
spreadsheet operation 3.2 Create, use and edit macros to fulfil requirements of task
and automate spreadsheet operation
3.3 Develop, edit and use templates to ensure consistency of
design and layout for forms and reports, in accordance with
organisational requirements
4. Use spreadsheets 4.1 Enter, check and amend data in accordance with
organisational and task requirements
4.2 Import and export data between compatible spreadsheets
and adjust host documents, in accordance with software and
system procedures
4.3 Use manuals, user documentation and online help to
overcome problems with spreadsheet design and production
4.4 Preview, adjust and print spreadsheet in accordance with
organisational and task requirements
4.5 Name and store spreadsheet in accordance with
organisational requirements and exit application without
data loss or damage
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Foundation Skills
This section describes language, literacy, numeracy and employment skills incorporated in the
performance criteria that are required for competent performance.
Recognises and interprets numerical and textual information within a range of sources to
determine and complete work according to requirements
Reviews information to determine accuracy and consistency.
Uses formal mathematical language to create formulas and enters routine data using a format
appropriate to requirements
Develops material using syntactic structure, required format and incorporating technical
functions to meet business needs.
Oral communication
Uses listening and questioning skills to clarify requirements.
Represents mathematical information in an alternative form and analyses information to
determine required spreadsheet formulae and macros.
Navigate the world of work
Recognises and follows explicit and implicit protocols and meets expectations associated with
own role.
Get the work done
Applies formal processes when planning more complex/unfamiliar tasks, producing plans with
logically sequenced steps
Uses formal thinking techniques to generate new ideas
Uses advanced features within applications to access, store, organise data and perform routine
and complex work tasks.
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Assessment Requirements
Performance Evidence
o ergonomic requirements
Note: If a specific volume or frequency is not stated, then evidence must be provided at least once.
Knowledge Evidence
To complete the unit requirements safely and effectively, the individual must:
Explain organisational requirements for ergonomics, work periods and breaks, and conservation
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Assessment Conditions
1.3. Identify organisational and task requirements of data entry, storage, output, reporting and
presentation requirements
1.4. Apply work organisation strategies and energy and resource conservation techniques to plan
work activities
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There are many injuries you can sustain from working at a computer, including:
Repetitive strain injury
Back problems.
In order to minimise the chance of injury, you should ensure that your personal work environment is
organised in accordance with ergonomic requirements.
Ergonomic requirements
When developing and using your spreadsheets, it is worth considering any ergonomic requirements that
may be relevant to you. Ergonomic requirements are related to improving visibility and accessibility
whilst keeping stress and mental fatigue from sounds, vibration, motion and shock at a minimum.
Document holder
Noise minimisation
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Screen position
Document holder
If required, a document holder should be available for supporting your documents. How you should
position your document holder on your work surface will depend on how your specific document is
going to be used.
If you cannot rest your feet comfortably on the floor whilst you are seated, then you should use a
Although working at a computer requires a lower overall light level than other tasks (around 300 lux),
the lighting within your work area should be set up in a way that minimises visual discomfort (e.g.
The glare from natural and overhead light sources should be minimised as much as possible,
for example:
Rather than directly below overhead lights, position computer between rows of lights
A good way to test whether there is a glare from the light around or above you is to hold an object (like
a book) at eyebrow level. Does the screen appear clearer? If so, there is a glare on your screen.
If you experience eye discomfort when using a computer screen, it is a good idea to give your eyes
short, regular breaks. You could adjust the brightness of your screen to see if this eases the discomfort
and change the colours of your backgrounds and text.
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Noise minimisation
Before you start your task, try to identify any distracting noises and think of ways you can reduce these.
Soft music
A quiet fan.
Key tips for maintaining good posture when sat at your computer include:
Keep elbows close to waist
Do not sit in a single, rigid position for too long. You should alternate between different postures
regularly but remain in a neutral position at all times. Regular breaks are encouraged to give your body
a rest.
Screen position
Ideally, the screen of your computer should be at about arm’s length and positioned so that the top of
the screen is around eye level. This usually means that the centre of the screen is at shoulder height and
your eyes are level with the toolbar. The distance between you and your screen should allow you to
easily focus on the screen. Individuals with poor eyesight will need to figure out a screen position that
allows them to see properly whilst avoid too much flexion in the neck.
Is it isolated?
Is it an open space?
Can it be personalised?
As well as the points discussed above, there are many other things to think about.
For example:
The layout of your desk
o Avoid the ‘hunt and peck’ technique – this makes you tense and strain your neck
Although the points discussed above give you a guideline of the ergonomic requirements you should
follow when working at your computer to develop and use complex spreadsheets, it is worth noting that
your ideal requirements may differ from someone else’s. You should work in the way that is safe and
comfortable for you. More information about safe work practices can be found at
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The process of assessing the ergonomic conditions of your working environment may need to be
handled by yourself on a daily basis.
For example, throughout your working day you should ask yourself:
Do I alter my posture often enough?
Other areas should be managed under a risk assessment; this is the responsibility of the Human
Resources (HR) department within an organisation. A risk assessment allows for the evaluation of
potential risks; it is the employer’s responsibility to provide a safe workplace.
The policies that may exist within an organisation may relate to:
Regular formal or informal health and safety meetings
Manufacturer instructions
Although it is the employer’s responsibility to provide a safe work environment, it is your responsibility
to show compliance with the policies that are in place. You should carry out all relevant procedures
effectively, safely and efficiently with as little inconvenience as possible. Policies may also relate to work
organisation strategies and energy and resource conservation techniques; these will be discussed in
Chapter 1.4.
Organisation of jobs
Your daily jobs should include a variety of tasks that use different
movements and postures. For example, computer-related tasks should
be accompanied by non-computer related tasks. If possible, the
computer related tasks should be shared around the workplace to
avoid one person spending too much time at the computer.
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Provide support
The image to the right summarises the ergonomic issues that have been discussed within this chapter.
The image can be found at
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What is a spreadsheet?
At the most basic level, a spreadsheet is a table of values that is arranged into different rows and
columns. The values within this table can have predefined relationships with each other. Data can be
sorted, manipulated and arranged easily within a spreadsheet with the use of formulas. The term
spreadsheet came from the format that was used to present bookkeeping ledgers; these involved cells,
rows and columns.
Analysing a task
Before developing a complex spreadsheet, you will need to analyse the task and determine the
specifications of what your spreadsheet needs to do and contain.
When analysing a task, you should detail how you will accomplish the particular task; how will you
develop and use your complex spreadsheet? A task analysis can provide you with a structure. This
structure can make the process of describing any activities that are involved with the task much easier.
It can also help you to describe how these activities fit together and explore any possible implications of
this. In order to complete a task analysis, you should break down your task into smaller, more
manageable activities. These activities should be broken down further until a sufficient level of detail is
Studying how people use existing products or services (in this case, spreadsheets).
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A task analysis can be as simple or as complex as deemed necessary. It can be a rough description of the
particular task or a detailed account of the task, the activities involved and exactly how to complete
these activities. Knowing when to stop analysing is important. Task analysis can be very time consuming
– you should stick to the important aspects.
In relation to developing spreadsheets, a task analysis should outline what the spreadsheet needs to
achieve. For example, the spreadsheet may need to store the incomings and outgoings of a business,
calculating the level of profit for each working month.
By determining the specifications, you are providing details so that anyone who comes to view or use
your spreadsheet at a later date can understand it. So, for any information that you don’t think is
obvious, you should note this down.
Generally, spreadsheets are used to list groups of numerical data. This numerical data can then be used
to create graphs and charts; these can be printed or inserted into another document. Microsoft Excel
allows you to create visually pleasing spreadsheets as it offers a wide range of presentation facilities.
Spreadsheets that are developed within Microsoft Excel can also be easily connected to other programs
(PowerPoint and Word).
The structure of a spreadsheet will depend on the different kinds of cells that
are used and the relationship between these cells. Cells within a spreadsheet
can be turned into data, header and computation cells, depending on their
content. Some of the rows and columns within spreadsheets are fixed and
some of the rows and columns can be duplicated if new data needs to be
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presentable. Using the presentable data, further conclusions can be made. This should be in line with
any relevant organisational or task requirements. There is a wide range of software that has been
developed to help with data output; these allow for different presentations of the findings. They can
also help with the required calculations, if necessary.
For example, is your spreadsheet going to be:
Sent as part of an email?
Included in a presentation?
Attached to a report?
Included within the body or a report?
Printed onto an overhead transparency?
Reporting and presentation requirements
Although they are designed to record, sort, calculate and store data, spreadsheets can also include
graphics. By adding graphics to a spreadsheet, the information can be communicated more effectively.
The presentation of a spreadsheet is something that will depend on the task and organisational
requirements; think about how the readability of the spreadsheet can be improved. Every organisation
will have standards which each spreadsheet should follow.
For example:
Paper sizes
Page style
Field definitions
Microsoft Excel has many tools that can be used for data visualisation (e.g. various charts and graphs).
Once created, these graphical presentations can be used within presentations, reports and other
publications. You can take an existing data set and present this in a chart, manually controlling the chart
type, the labelling and the colours. These aspects may depend on the task and organisational
requirements. For example, your organisation may use bar charts that incorporate different shades of
Data entry, storing data and data output will be discussed in more detail later in this unit, along with
example spreadsheets and step-by-step instructions.
Relevant legislation
When dealing with data, it is important that any relevant legislation is
considered. This may also be reflected in the organisational and task
requirements. Relevant legislation needs to be considered when
collecting, storing and transferring data and personal information.
Collecting data
Clients should be fully aware of any collection of personal information. Any personal information that is
necessary to collect should be available to the client if they wish to see it. The client in question should
also be made aware of how the information will be used and if it will be passed on to other
Unless it is absolutely necessary, an organisation should refrain from collecting personal and sensitive
information concerning their employees or clients. The Privacy Amendment (Enhancing Privacy
Protection) Act (2012), states that the collection of personal information must be deemed necessary for
the functions of the organisation. Find more at:
Examples of personal and sensitive information include sexual preferences, medical history and ethnic
In Australia, the Privacy Act (1988) is a law that regulates that handling of personal information,
including the way in which information should be collected, stored and transferred. The Information
Commissioner is the national Data Protection Regulator and is responsible for overseeing the Privacy
Act. Any breaches of the Privacy Act will be investigated; these investigations may be the result of a
complaint or simply the initiative of the Commissioner. Serious breaches can be costly; up to $340,000
for individuals and $1.7 million for organisations.
Although it is not a legal requirement, a person within an organisation may be given the responsibility to
ensure that the organisation as a whole adheres to the Privacy Act (1988). To find out more about the
Privacy Act, visit
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Storing data
Whilst in your organisation’s possession, a client’s personal information should be stored safely;
adequate security measures must be provided. By having these measures in place, the chances of
misuse, theft or loss can be minimised. When the information is no longer required, it should be
permanently destroyed or deleted in a secure way.
Transferring data
Any client information that you have can only be communicated with other organisations when
absolutely necessary. When this is the case, the client in question should provide permission to do so;
they should be made aware that the other organisation may not necessarily adhere to the relevant
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1.4 – Apply work organisation strategies and energy and resource conservation
techniques to plan work activities
Rest periods.
Exercise breaks
Whilst sat at your computer, you should do small exercises at regular
Shoulder lifts
Wrist drops.
Rest periods
When working at your computer, you should remember to take frequent mini breaks in order to refresh
and relax your muscles and joints. Have little ‘stretch’ breaks and look away from your screen every now
and then to give your eyes chance to rest too. Make sure your ‘lunch break’ actually involves a break;
get away from that computer. Remember to keep moving.
Using the information above, make sure that you plan your work activities with these work organisation
strategies in mind. When developing your spreadsheets, take into consideration the policies that may
be in place within your own organisation.
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Am I alternating my tasks?
Paper use.
When developing spreadsheets, the energy and resource conservation techniques you should
consider may include:
Double-sided paper use
To improve the paper usage within your organisation, first, you need to know exactly how much you are
using and what practices are already in place. Find out how much paper is bought per month, how much
it costs the organisation and what type of paper is bought. From this, you can create realistic targets
related to the correct use and disposal of paper. For example, your target may be to reduce the amount
of paper used over the next 12 months by ten percent.
To keep on top of paper usage, design a system for tracking how much paper is used and by whom.
For example:
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec T
Month t
Other tips for conserving the energy used by your electrical equipment include:
Switch them off when you are not using them, even if it’s just a break
Unplug devices (like scanners and cameras) when they are not in use
Plug your devices into a power strip; unplug it at the end of the day.
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In order to save energy, you need to know how much you are currently using. Once you know how
much energy is already being consumed, you can then develop ways to improve this. Can you achieve
the same results but use less energy?
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Cooking equipment
Air conditioning
Keep in mind that that average computer consumes around 100watts of energy whilst turned on; to
keep this computer on for 24 hours would consume a large amount of energy. To save energy, and
money, turn computers off when you are not using them.
Organisational culture
The culture within an organisation involves the messages that are sent within the organisation and the
behaviour that is demonstrated both internally and externally. The essential parts of the culture within
an organisation are the values and the level of commitment; both of these are essential for employees
and employers. This culture is an important element when recognising potential risks within the
organisation, the impact of these risks and how they should be dealt with.
Performance appraisal
How well is everyone doing their job? A performance appraisal will assess the performance of
employees and highlighting areas in which performance could be improved. This process can identify
any training needs and can help to use rewards to increase performance levels.
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2.3. Format cells and use data attributes assigned with relative and/or absolute cell references, in
accordance with task specifications
Linked formulae
Multi-page documents
Pivot tables
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This chapter will look at some of the examples above in more detail.
Rather than right-clicking each blank cell to delete it from your spreadsheet, there is a much easier way.
6. Click ‘OK’
9. Click ‘Delete’
Page numbers
4. Click on the header or footer text box that you wish to use (either on the left, on the
right or in the centre)
6. When you are finished, click anywhere in your spreadsheet to close your header or
Pivot tables
This is one of the most powerful features in Excel as it allows you to extract the significance from a
large, detailed dataset.
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3. Click ‘PivotTable’
4. Click ‘OK’.
More information on how pivot tables can be used can be found at
To apply the split screen operation, click the ‘View’ tab and click ‘Split’. See image below.
When designing a spreadsheet, there are many different functions and formulae within the available
software. You will only need to use the functions and formulae that apply to your particular
Date functions
Let’s take a look at an example of each of the functions above that you may come across when
developing your spreadsheet.
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ACCRINTM – returns the accrued interest for a security that pays interest at maturity.
467b31d721eb%5C for more information about these basic financial functions.
Date functions
The syntax for the DATE function is =DATE(year, month, day). For example, =DATE(02/06/2015).
The syntax for the TIME function is =TIME(hour, minute, second). For example, =TIME(6, 33, 40).
These functions may refer to specific cells. For example, =DATE(A3, B3, C3).
To add the current time and date to your spreadsheet, you can use the NOW function which looks like
this: =NOW(). This can be useful when using a spreadsheet to keep track of appointments and
To add today’s date to your spreadsheet, you can use the TODAY function which looks like this:
=TODAY(). This can be helpful to calculate how many days have passed since a particular date.
The vector form of the LOOKUP function looks for a value in a one-column or one-row
range. It then returns a value from the same position in a second one-column or one-
row range.
The syntax for the vector form of the LOOKUP function is =LOOKUP(lookup_value, lookup_vector,
The array form of the LOOKUP function looks for a specified value in the first row or column of an array
or that value. It then returns a value from the same position in the last row or column of the array.
The syntax for the array form of the LOOKUP function is =LOOKUP(lookup_value, array).
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For example, if you needed the square root of the number in cell B4, then you will need to use this
syntax: =SQRT(B4).
If your data is just a sample of the whole population, you will need to use =STDEV(VALUES). For
example, =STDEV(B2:B7).
However, if your data is a complete list of the whole population, you will need to use =STDEVP(VALUES).
For example, =STDEVP(B2:B7).
There will always be a difference between these two types of standard deviation as the sample standard
deviation has a formula that takes into account that there is a possibility that there will be more
variation in the whole population, rather than in the sample.
When using these functions within your spreadsheet, you may come across figures that don’t look right.
This means you may have to alter the formatting of the cell(s). The formatting of cells will be discussed
in more detail further on in this unit.
Combinations of above.
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To add values together within a spreadsheet, use the addition symbol within your formula (+). For
example, =B1+B2=B3.
If you wish to add several numbers that are within a single column or row together, you can use the
SUM function. This SUM function is a shortcut to creating a long addition formula. For example,
=AVERAGE(A1, A2, A3)
Finding a percentage
To apply the percentage number format to the required cells, then follow these steps:
1. Highlight the cells that need formatting
To calculate percentages within a spreadsheet, the basic formula is part/total = percentage. For
example, =B3/C3. Calculating percentages can get complicated. Visit for more information.
The functions and formulae that you will need to use will depend on the task and organisational
requirements that relate to your spreadsheet and what you need to find out.
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Linking spreadsheets
When you open up a new spreadsheet, you will have three different sheets (these are the tabs at the
bottom of the screen). From this, you will be creating a workbook; a collection of one or more
You can create links between sheets within the same workbook or between sheets from different
workbooks. Linking information between sheets and workbooks will streamline your data management.
A link will allow a cell in one spreadsheet (the destination spreadsheet) to include information from a
cell in a different spreadsheet (the source spreadsheet). For example, a formula that adds up a whole
column within one of your sheets (the source) can be carried over to another sheet (the destination)
should you require it to.
3. Now refer to the original sheet (source sheet) and click on the cell where the formula is
If you wish to do this for a whole row, then follow these steps:
1. Select the row in your original sheet (source sheet) that you wish to carry over to
another sheet by clicking and dragging
Once this is done, any change to the original cell will be mirrored within the copied cell.
It is worth noting that nonadjacent cells within a source spreadsheet cannot be mapped into a
nonadjacent cell within the destination worksheet; these must be copied individually.
Save time
When linking spreadsheets, it should be done so in accordance with software procedures. Consider how
your files are stored; you don’t want any links breaking.
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2.3 – Format cells and use data attributes assigned with relative and/or
absolute cell references, in accordance with task specifications
Create a simple spreadsheet that uses relative and absolute cell references,
explaining where and why each was used.
Formatting cells
The formatting of cells within your spreadsheet involves changing the way that the cell data appears
within the spreadsheet. By formatting a cell, you are only changing the presentation of your data, not
the actual value of the data.
To format cells within your spreadsheet, you will start with the ‘Format Cells’ dialogue box (see picture
below). You can get to this dialogue box by right-clicking on the cell(s) that you wish to format and
choosing ‘Format Cells’.
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Adding fractions
Fractions can be added to values within your spreadsheet by choosing the ‘Fraction’ option in the
‘Format Cells’ dialogue box.
Adding colours
You can use different colours to highlight the difference between the positive and
negative values within your spreadsheet. By doing this, you can keep track of your
values easily. You can also manipulate various aspects of the cells in your
spreadsheets; for example, fonts, backgrounds and borders. Again, all of these
elements are found within the ‘Format Cells’ dialogue box.
An advanced formatting option includes locking certain cells in your spreadsheet. The
locking of cells means that the values within these cells cannot be changed or the range of values that
can be entered is restricted.
Any formatting within your spreadsheet should be done in accordance with the task specifications.
By default, all cell references are relative. These relative references will change when a formula is
copied into another cell. They will change depending on the relative position of rows and columns.
For example, if you copy the formula =B1+C1 from row one to row two, the formula will automatically
become =B2+C2. This is helpful when you need to repeat the same calculation across multiple rows or
columns within your spreadsheet.
Absolute references will remain constant, no matter where you copy them to. To add an absolute
reference to a cell, you add a dollar sign to the formula. The position of this dollar sign will determine
what part of your formula becomes absolute.
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$B$1 – neither the row nor column will change when copied.
A shortcut that you can use to add absolute cell references within your formulas is the F4 key. Excel will
automatically make the cell reference absolute. Continue to press F4 to go through all of the options for
absolute references.
You need to calculate the prices of the items that you have in stock with two different price discounts.
Look at the formula in cell C4. By using this formula, you are making sure that when you copy it across,
the column will remain the same. Also, this formula allows the row to change when you copy it down.
This will accommodate for the various item prices. This formula will also allow the column to change to
reflect Discount B when copied across.
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By referring to the discount cells instead of manually inserting the discount into your formula, you can
easily experiment with different discount values. This way, you only have to change cell A13 or B13 and
all your values will change – you won’t need to rebuild any formulas.
Always use data attributes assigned with relative and/or absolute cell references in accordance with
your task specifications.
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Testing formulae
In order to confirm that your output meets the task requirements, you will need to test your formulae.
Although formulas are a very powerful feature of a spreadsheet, if you make a small mistake, they can
give you an incorrect result. This can obviously have extremely bad consequences. Unfortunately, Excel
will not tell you when these mistakes occur; you will just be given the wrong answer. Therefore, it is
your job to check any formula that you add to your spreadsheet.
Breaking it up
o if you have complicated formulas, break them into several smaller formulas to
check they are correct
o you can see all of your formulas at once making it easier to spot mistakes
o check for common mistakes like using the right cell references in the wrong
When using long formulas, the ‘Evaluate Formula’ dialogue box can help you to locate any errors in your
formulas. This dialogue box shows you how Excel works out the formula.
To evaluate a formula using this ‘Evaluate Formula’ dialogue box, follow these steps:
1. Click the cell that contains the formula that you wish to evaluate
This method can help you to identify where your complex formula has gone wrong.
4. The buttons to the right of the box allow you to analyse the error and look at how it can
be corrected.
Debugging formulas
There is a quick and easy way to debug a long, complex formula in your spreadsheet and fix the error.
You need to identify where in your long, complex formula the error is occurring.
6. Do this for each part of your long, complex formula until you have found where the
error is.
In the ‘Formulas’ tab in Excel, the ‘Watch Window’ option can also be used to debug formulas. See
image below.
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###### error
If you can see this in one of your cells, then the contents of that cell cannot fit into the space. For
example, if your cells are only small and you enter a very long number. This error is simple to fix; adjust
the width of your column to accommodate the data.
This error may also occur if you have formatted negative numbers as a date. If this occurs, change your
numbers to positive.
Remember that formulae can sometimes return an error if a range that it references contains an error
Hiding zeros
In some instances, you may not need to display or report on the zeros within your spreadsheet.
If you wish to hide every zero within your spreadsheet, follow these steps:
1. Click the ‘File’ tab
2. Click ‘Options’
3. Click ‘Advanced’
5. Uncheck the box ‘Show a zero in cells that have zero value.
3.2. Create, use and edit macros to fulfil requirements of task and automate spreadsheet operation
3.3. Develop, edit and use templates to ensure consistency of design and layout for forms and
reports, in accordance with organisational requirements
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Increasing efficiency
You will need to evaluate your tasks to identify those where automation would increase efficiency.
o Scheduling payments
o Forecasting profits
o Controlling stocks
o Bank reconciliation
o Preparing a budget
Scientific applications
Academic applications
You need to consider if your particular task would benefit from using automation.
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What is automation?
Automation means that information can be transferred and manipulated within your spreadsheet with
minimum intervention from the user.
Improving accuracy
You can automate practically any task that your computer can ‘see’ you doing. Automation software will
record the task that you are performing by capturing your mouse and keyboard actions. From this, a
script of this task is created that can be edited and replicated when necessary. You can devise a
schedule for your tasks to run whenever you need them to.
Sorting data
There are many existing templates in Excel that can be used for many common uses. These can be
modified to suit your needs. There are also many templates available to download for free. To have
something unique, you can create your own templates or hire someone to do this for you.
A macro is a tool that allows you to automate specific tasks and they add functionality to your work. The
use of macros means you don’t have to keep entering the same information over and over again.
Custom toolbars
In order to make your life easier, you can use custom toolbars for the actions that you use repetitively.
You can customise a toolbar to include your preferred buttons, any built-in menus that you use and your
own menus.
2. Click ‘Options’
3. Click either ‘Customise Ribbon’ or ‘Quick Access Toolbar’ (see image below)
3.2 – Create, use and edit macros to fulfil requirements of task and automate
spreadsheet operation
As discussed in Chapter 3.1, macros can help you quickly and easily:
Format your documents in a particular way
You can program macros for something as simple as entering names and addresses into your
spreadsheet or adding identical headers and footers. Macros can also be as complex as reading the data
from a particular file and entering it into your spreadsheet for you. There are also many existing macros
that available for you to use.
When using macros in Excel, you will need to ensure that you have enabled the ‘Developer’ tab.
2. Click ‘Options’
3. Click ‘CustomiseRibbon’
5. Click ‘OK’.
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Creating macros
To alter the security level to temporarily enable all macros, follow these steps:
1. Click on the ‘Developer’ tab
3. Under ‘Macro Settings’, click ‘Enable all macros (not recommended, potentially
dangerous code can run)
4. Click ‘OK’.
4. In the ‘Macro name’ box, enter the name of your new macro
5. To assign a CTRL combination shortcut key to run your new macro, type a letter that
you wish to use in the ‘Shortcut key’ box
6. In the ‘Store macro in’ list, choose the workbook where you want to store your macro
4. If required, click ‘Module’ in the ‘Insert’ menu in the ‘Visual Basic Editor’
5. In the code window of the module, type in the macro code that you wish to use
7. When finished, in the ‘Visual Basic Editor’, click ‘Close and Return to Microsoft Excel’
located in the ‘File’ menu.
After you have created a macro, you can assign in to an object, graphic or control.
3. In the ‘Macro name’ box, click the macro that you want to assign.
Using macros
There are many existing macros within Excel that are there to make your job a little easier. Just look at
the different shortcuts on your toolbar. These are there to save you having to open a formatting
dialogue box each time you need to alter something.
There are many ways to run a macro that you have created previously; this depends on how you have
assigned it to run. Before starting you will need to ensure that macros are enabled.
Editing macros
To edit a macro, you will need to use the ‘Visual Basic Editor’.
4. Click ‘Edit’
3. Click ‘Macros’
5. Click ‘Delete’.
When creating, using and editing macros, you need to ensure that they fulfil the requirements of the
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3.3 – Develop, edit and use templates to ensure consistency of design and
layout for forms and reports, in accordance with organisational requirements
What is a template?
A template is a starting point for any new document; it is preformatted to contain certain things. When
using Excel to create your complex spreadsheets, there are many existing templates available for to use
or to download for free. In order to ensure your organisational requirements are considered and
applied to a template, it may be more appropriate to create your own template. This chapter will look at
how to create your own template for Excel.
Page formats
A form is a file that can be filled in using limited and predefined options. In a spreadsheet, a form can
perform advanced calculations of the data that is entered.
To add the ‘Form’ shortcut onto your toolbar, follow these steps:
1. Right click on the toolbar that you wish to add the ‘Form’ shortcut
3. In the ‘Choose commands from’ drop-down menu, select ‘All Commands’ (see Image B)
5. In the ‘Customise the Ribbon’ section, add a ‘New Group’ to the tab you want your
shortcut to appear (see Image D)
7. Click ‘OK’.
Image A:
Image B:
Image C:
Image D:
Image E:
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Page numbers
10. Click on the header or footer text box that you wish to use (either on the left, on the
right or in the centre)
12. When you are finished, click anywhere in your spreadsheet to close your header or
To enter headings into your spreadsheet, you need to make the text slightly different. For example, for
your headings, you may want to use a bigger font or the bold attribute in order to make them stand out.
The formatting of your headings will need to be in accordance with your organisational requirements.
Page formats
There is a wide range of formatting that you can apply to the pages of your spreadsheets.
Any formatting that you apply to a spreadsheet should be done so in accordance with your
organisation’s requirements.
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Reports are documents that contain the data that is for viewing or reading. It can be as simple or as
complex as necessary. A report will not lead the reader to a predefined conclusion; they allow for the
reader to make their own judgement.
All of the elements discussed above can be added into a template for you to use when developing your
complex spreadsheets.
Developing a template
In order to ensure consistency of design and layout for the forms and reports you will be producing, you
may need to develop a template. This should be done so in accordance with your organisational
requirements. This chapter aims to cover how to develop a general template; it is your responsibility to
consider the requirements of your own organisation.
2. Click ‘New’
5. Click ‘Create’
2. Click ‘New’
3. Under ‘ Templates’, click the category of template that you wish to
4. Once you have chosen your template, select the thumbnail image
5. Click ‘Download’
2. Click ‘New’
5. Click ‘OK’.
4. Use spreadsheets
4.1. Enter, check and amend data in accordance with organisational and task requirements
4.2. Import and export data between compatible spreadsheets and adjust host documents, in
accordance with software and system procedures
4.3. Use manuals, user documentation and online help to overcome problems with spreadsheet
design and production
4.4. Preview, adjust and print spreadsheet in accordance with organisational and task requirements
4.5. Name and store spreadsheetin accordance with organisational requirements and exit
application without data loss or damage
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4.1 – Enter, check and amend data in accordance with organisational and task
Entering data
Before you start entering data, you should plan your spreadsheet.
Ask yourself:
What is your spreadsheet for?
What is its purpose?
What are your goals?
What questions are you aiming to answer?
How will the layout be designed?
When you are ready to enter your data, you should think about the best
way to do this.
List structures
Although Excel will allow you to enter data in many different ways, using a list structure can make your
work easier. A list is a rectangular set of cells in your worksheet, usually containing values of a number
of variables for each of many cases. In a list structure, the data for each case are displayed within
different rows of the spreadsheet and the data for each variable are shown in separate columns.
Usually, the first row in the spreadsheet contains the headings; the names of each of the variables. If
your data is too complicated to enter into a single list, then use a combination of lists. Each list that you
use should be stored on a separate sheet within the same workbook.
To enter text or a number into a cell, simply click on your desired cell, type your information then press
Enter. To enter the same data into multiple cells at the same time, highlight the cells that you want to
add the data to, type your required information into the active cell and press Ctrl and Enter.
You can also use the black handle at the bottom, right-hand corner of each cell – just drag it down to
where you want it. This is particularly useful when using months or days in your spreadsheet. If you type
‘Monday’ into a cell and drag the little black handle in the bottom, right-hand corner down to where you
require the days, Excel will do the rest.
For sets of data that you have to enter repeatedly, you can create custom lists.
Checking data
Once you have entered your required data, you will need to check that is correct and in accordance with
your task and organisational requirements.
Put zeros in all of the input cells and check that the output is zero
After checking your data, amendments may be necessary. Any amendments that are made should be
done so in accordance with your task and organisational requirements.
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4.2 – Import and export data between compatible spreadsheets and adjust host
documents, in accordance with software and system procedures
Outline the steps that would be taken to import data from Excel to Access in line
with organisational requirements
When you open Access,click on the ‘External Data’ tab. You will see the ‘Import and Link’ group
and the ‘Export’ group, both of which allow you to link your spreadsheets to Access.
If you want to import data from a spreadsheet, click the ‘Excel’ button in the ‘Import and Link group’.
This will open up the ‘Get External Data’ wizard, which will then take you through the relevant steps to
ensure your data is imported in the correct format.
A similar process will be followed if you wanted to export data from Access into a format you
could open in Excel. You should open the database you want to export information from, and
then click ‘Excel’ under the ‘Export’ group. This will again open up an ‘Export’ wizard that will
take you through the steps to correctly format the data.
For both importing and exporting data using Access, you can establish automation that will
repeat the process if you need to perform the same process again on future spreadsheets. At
the end of each wizard, you should be asked if you want to save the details of the operation.
Tick the ‘save import/export box’, fill in the relevant information and then close ‘Save
You will then be able to click on the ‘Saved Imports’ or ‘Saved Exports’ tabs to re-run the operation on
subsequent spreadsheets that take the same format. This can save you time if you have lots of similar
spreadsheets that you would run the same process on.
Adjusting documents
In order to correctly import and export data, you may need to consider:
The action of proofreading can help to detect errors in your spreadsheet. You should proofread any
data that you plan to import or export. This will help prevent one error being repeatedly replicated
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when data is imported or exported. You careful double check that there are no spelling errors, and that
all the numerical or formulaic fields are entered correctly.
When importing or exporting data between compatible spreadsheets, you may need to reformat your
data to keep it in accordance with organisational and task requirements. As discussed in Chapter 2.3,
the formatting of cells within your spreadsheet involves changing the way that the cell data appears
within the spreadsheet. To format cells within your spreadsheet, you will start with the ‘Format Cells’
dialogue box. You can get to this dialogue box by right-clicking on the cell(s) that you wish to format and
choosing ‘Format Cells’.
Split screen
The split screen option can be helpful when importing and exporting data between compatible
spreadsheets as it allows information to be moved or copied between areas easily. To find out how to
apply the split screen option, refer to Chapter 2.1.
Any adjustments made to your host documents should be in accordance with software and system
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4.3 – Use manuals, user documentation and online help to overcome problems
with spreadsheet design and production
By the end of this chapter, you should be able to:
Explain what is meant by a manual, user documentation and online help:
Manuals are documents that intend to give assistance to a person who is using a particular system. They
are often written documents that use accompanying images or diagrams (e.g. screen shots). Manuals
aim to use language that the user will understand and they use jargon minimally. If the use of jargon is
necessary, it is usually thoroughly explained. Manuals can usually be found as a hardcopy or as a digital
copy on the internet, stored on your computer or stored on CD or DVD.
A troubleshooting section
User documentation
Documentation is the information that is provided to help you use a particular program, including
technical manuals and online information. Although manuals are the most common form of
documentation, there is a wide variety of forms that they come in. User documentation is a valuable
tool for on-the-job training and can range from Installation guides to How-to guides and Administrator
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Operate as stated
Be consistent
Online help
There is a wide range of help available online too. A simple search on the internet will provide you with
almost anything that you need. Online help is often topic-orientated and delivered through some form
of computer software. Most online help provides assistance and can present information surrounding a
broad range of topics.
By using an outsourced technical documentation, you can ensure specific knowledge on the particular
issue. Although it can be costly, you only pay for the time that you use.
High quality
Good expertise
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From this, you can assess your spreadsheet and ensure that is in accordance with any relevant
organisational and task requirements. If necessary, amendments should be made. When any
amendments to your spreadsheet have been completed, reviewed and previewed, it is then time to
print. The way that you print your spreadsheet should also be in accordance with any relevant
organisational and task requirements.
Entire workbooks
Printing charts
You can print your chart with or without the worksheet data.
Before you print, you can adjust where your chart will be printed on the page using the ‘Page Layout’
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3. Click ‘Print’
4. You can preview how your chart will look on the printed page.
3. Click ‘Print’
4. You can preview how your chart will look on the printed page.
3. Click ‘Print’
5. Click ‘Print’.
3. Click ‘Open’
4. Hold down Ctrl whilst selecting each workbook that you want to print
4. Click ‘Print’
6. Click ‘Print’.
Printing worksheets
To print a worksheet, follow these steps:
1. Click the worksheet that you wish to print
3. Click ‘Print’
5. Click ‘Print’.
3. Click ‘Print’
Naming documents
Naming your spreadsheets appropriately will help in the future when you or others need to relocate
them. Each of your spreadsheet names should be clearly different and sorted into the correct order. If
necessary, use the date within the names of your spreadsheets. Your organisation may have a system in
place for naming your documents; make yourself familiar with it. You need to be able to find your
spreadsheet again so don’t worry if the name looks too long. For example, ‘spreadsheet’ is just not
going to cut it. Whichever naming system you decide on, ensure that you are consistent from then on.
Use date
Use descriptors
Use underscores
Be detailed
Be consistent.
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Storing documents
The efficient storage of your documents is necessary. You should have a good filing system that is
relevant to your own needs or your organisational requirements. Whichever storage method you decide
to use; be consistent. Remember to keep your document files separate from your program files; this will
eliminate any accidental deletions.
Make sure that the documents that you use every day can be accessed easily.
Locating files
You should take advantage of the folders within your computer (e.g. my documents and my library). You
can customise these files and add new folders to make it easier to locate your files. Using the ‘Start’ bar
or ‘Windows Explorer,’ you can search for the file that you need.In Microsoft Word, under the ‘File’ tab,
the ‘Recent’ tab holds all the recent documents that you have been working on, making it easier for you
to find them.
You can move files or folders to the appropriate locations by ‘cutting and pasting’ or ‘clicking and
Filing locations
Issues when naming and storing documents that often arise may include:
Too many characters (file names can only be up to 260 characters)
Restricted characters (<> ? \ / ; * are all characters that cannot be used in file names)
Compatibility issues.
Remember to:
Regularly back your files up
Click the save icon across the top of your document (see image).
Once you know that you have saved your spreadsheet, you can then close it. If your spreadsheet does
close without saving, you may find that your program recovers the unsaved version.
Damage to a document
Damage to a document usually involves a file corruption or a virus; you should close applications
properly to minimise the chance of these occurring. If Windows determines a program holds a security
risk, then it will close it and notify you of the risk. If this does occur, it is usually because that program
uses your computer’s Random Access Memory (RAM) in a way that may be exploited by a virus. A virus
can be harming to your computer. Data Execution Prevention (DEP) is a security feature that Windows
uses to track how the programs within your computer use memory. If this feature identifies that the
memory is being used incorrectly, it will close the program and notify you. You can add programs that
you trust to an exception list to stop this feature from closing it, but you should be sure.
If compatibility issues between documents occur and Windows closes a program, this could be due to
the possibility that the program may damage Windows if it is allowed to run.
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5.2. Create graphs with labels and titles from numerical data contained in a spreadsheet file
Overlapping of data
Composition of data
Comparison of data
Type of data
Distribution of data.
Bar graphs
Bar charts can be used when:
The axis labels are too long to fit in column chart
Two or more variables that have the same unit of measurement are being compared
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Example 3
Example 2
Example 1
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16
Line graphs
Line graphs can be used when:
You want to show ‘how much’ has changed over a long period of time
You want to show data trends (especially over a long period of time)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Pie charts
Pie charts can be used when:
You are summarising qualitative data
Scatter graphs
Scatter graphs can be used when:
You are analysing two variables that depend on each other
Stack graphs
A stack graph can be used when:
You want to look at changes over timeacross several variables
3D graphs
A 3D graph can be used when:
You want to look professional
Example 3D graph:
40 2012
30 2013
20 2014
Mar Jun 2012
Sep Dec
When introducing 3D graphs to your work, do so with caution; they can sometimes be difficult to
Whichever graph you choose to use, if necessary, you may need to manipulate your spreadsheet data to
suit your chosen graph’s requirements.
Chapter 5.2 will look at how to create graphs to represent the data within your spreadsheet.
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5.2 – Create graphs with labels and titles from numerical data contained in a
spreadsheet file
Creating graphs
Creating graphs may include:
Data range
X and Y axis.
Regardless of the type of chart you need to insert, the basic procedure is the same.
3. In the ‘Chart’ group, choose your chart type or open the ‘Insert Chart’ dialogue box in
the bottom right-hand corner of the group (see image)
5. Once inserted, you can add text boxes (headings and labels) using the ‘Chart Tools’ tabs
(see image).
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Once inserted, any changes that you make to your data will automatically apply to your graph too.
To link your axis titles to text within your worksheet, follow these steps:
1. Click the axis title text box that you want to add worksheet text into
2. On your worksheet, click inside the formula bar
3. Type an equal sign (=) and select the cell that contains the text that you want to use
4. Press Enter.
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Outline time management tips and apply these to your own role in the workplace.
Click the save icon across the top of your document (see image).
3. Click ‘Print’
4. You can preview how your chart will look on the printed page.
3. Click ‘Print’
4. You can preview how your chart will look on the printed page.
Your graphs should be saved, viewed and printed within the designated timelines.
Timelines are where key planned events and tasks are marked in the required sequence of their
occurrence on a suitable scale. You need to ensure that the graph you are producing is printed within
the designated timelines of your organisation.
Time management
In order to keep to your designated timeline, it is beneficial to have good
time management skills. This involves consciously planning and exercising
control over your time and how you use it. For example, in order to
increase efficiency and effectiveness when developing and using your
complex spreadsheets, you should plan the amount of time you need to
spend on individual activities.
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Summative Assessments
At the end of your Learner Workbook, you will find the Summative Assessments.
This includes:
Skills Activity
Knowledge Activity
Performance Activity.
This holistically assesses your understanding and application of the skills, knowledge and performance
requirements for this unit. Once this is completed, you will have finished this unit and be ready to move
onto the next one – well done!
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These suggested references are for further reading and do not necessarily represent the contents of
this unit.
Ergonomics image:
Pivot Tables:
All references accessed on and correct as of 02/05/17, unless other otherwise stated.