Ax2012 - Enus - WN - SCM - 06 - Manufacturing and Scheduling

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Chapter 6: Manufacturing and Scheduling


The objectives are:

• Discuss how to set up resources.

• Describe how resource requirements are defined on routes.
• Discuss how to perform resource scheduling and describe the basic
resource allocation principles.
• Describe the concept of using a period template to define schedules.

Microsoft Dynamics® AX 2012 introduces resources which are assigned to jobs
and operations. Resources can be of many types, such as tools, workers, and
machines. The scheduling engine aligns with the new resource model and can
schedule resources based on their capabilities.

Resources and capabilities replace work centers and task groups to provide for
more flexibility in setup and maintenance. Therefore, work centers and task
groups are obsolete in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012.

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Operations Resource Model

In Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009, task groups were used for specifying
alternative work centers, but only in job scheduling. In Microsoft Dynamics AX
2012, resources can be allocated to jobs and operations by matching the
capabilities of the resources with the requirements of the operation.

Alternative resources with the same capabilities are considered, unless there are
requirements for a specific resource or resource group. This applies whether you
select to run job scheduling or operations scheduling. The selection process
consists of matching the requirements of the operation with the capabilities of the
resources. Other requirements, such as location, resource working time, and
resource type are also considered when planning the production.

Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 has changed the following to the Operations

Resource Model:

• Separated the way resources are grouped for managing capacity from
the way resource requirements are specified for activities.
• Enabled resources to be used at multiple locations, just not at the
same time.
• Eliminated the need for defining resources multiple times.
• Added the functionality to view available capacity by capability and
simplifying manual scheduling and exception handling.

Setting up Resources
Operation resources are used throughout the production or project processes.
They can be machines, tools, people, or vendors that contribute to the production
of an item. They are considered as one unit for managing the planning of
capacity requirements and detailed scheduling. After an operations resource is
created, you can assign it to a resource group and specific productions.

You can reassign resources to different resource groups. However a resource can
only be assigned to one resource group at a time. The Effective and Expiration
date fields on the Resource groups tab represent when the resource in question
can be used for production.

This setup lets you share a resource across many sites. When a resource becomes
a member of the resource group, it represents the physical move from one site to

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Chapter 6: Manufacturing and Scheduling

To set up a resource open: Organization administration > Common >

Resources > Resources


There are five types of resources that are available:

• Vendor: Select this type when the group consists of external

operations resources, for example with a subcontractor. This type lets
you generate purchases for subcontractors based on bill of material
(BOM) lines or production lines.
• Human resources: Select this type when the operations resource
group consists of one worker. Only select this value if you want to
schedule individual workers. For both the operation and the
operations resource, you can specify several operators as standard,
and you can follow the operations resource consumption for the
operator time in the operator profile. Typically, you schedule human
resources type if the personnel capacity is limited.
• Machine: Select this type if the resource is considered a production
• Tool: Select this type if the resource is considered a tool. If you want
to schedule for tools, machines, or personnel at the same time, select
a primary operations resource that determines the capacity available.
• Location: Select this type if the resource is considered a location.

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A capability is the ability of a resource to perform a given activity relevant to

production. To set up capabilities open: Organization administration >
Common > Resources > Resource capabilities.

Capabilities are assigned to an operations resource. A resource can have more

than one capability assigned to it, and a capability may be assigned to more than
one resource. Capabilities can also be assigned to resources on a temporary basis
by defining a start date and expiration date on the capability assignment.
Capabilities that have expired on a resource will prevent the resource being
scheduled for production if the production requires that capability. A capability
that has expired can be later renewed. Also a capability can be assigned to any
type of resource


In the Skills form, you can create and manage competencies that you will specify
for employees or jobs. An operation may require a resource with a specific skill.
The scheduling engine can find resources with specific skills by searching for the
skill information on the worker to which the resource is linked. This is only
applicable for job scheduling, not operation scheduling. To set up skills open:
Human resources > Setup > Employee > Skills.


Courses can be created and maintained. This lets you track what courses your
employees have attended. An operation may require a resource with a specific
course. The scheduling engine is able to find resources with specific courses by
searching for the course information on the worker to which the resource is
linked. This is only applicable for job scheduling.


Certificates can be added to user in human resourcing, which lets you track what
certificate your employees have. An operation may require a resource with a
specific certificate. The scheduling engine can find resources with specific
certificates by searching for the certificate information on the worker to which
the resource is linked. This is only applicable for job scheduling.


The title an employee has can also be a requirement for a job. An operation may
require a resource with a specific title. The scheduling engine can find resources
with specific titles by searching for the title information on the worker to which
the resource is linked. This is only applicable for job scheduling.

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Chapter 6: Manufacturing and Scheduling

Scenario: Creating New Resources

Contoso has hired five new employees to work in the assembly workshop. After
the workers are created, Lars, the Production Supervisor, must create the resource
records and add the capabilities to each resource. Next, he will assign the new
resources to a resource group for operations and job scheduling.

Procedure: Setting up a Resource for Manufacturing and

To set up a resource for manufacturing and scheduling, follow these steps:

1. Open Organization administration > Common > Resources >

2. Click Resource from the New group of the action pane.
3. Type resource ID in the Resource field.
4. Type a brief description in the Description field.
5. Select the resource Type field.
6. Type necessary information for resource Type.
7. If you select Vendor as the Resource type, in the Vendor field on
the General tab, select the vendor this resource represents. If not,
leave this field blank.
8. If you are using the Human Resources module, and you want to
select Human resources as the Resource type, you can select the
worker in the Send list of products field on the General tab.
9. Close the Resources form.

Procedure: Adding Capability to a Resource

To add a capability to a resource, follow these steps:

1. Open Organization administration > Common > Resources >

2. Highlight the previously created resource.
3. Click Add from the action pane.
4. Select Capability from the drop-down list. Type the Effective and
Expiration dates.
5. Type Priority and Level for the capability.
6. Click OK.
7. Close the Resources form.

NOTE: This can also be done from the Capability form.

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Procedure: Adding a Resources to a Resource Group

To add a resources to a resource group, follow these steps:

1. Open Organization administration > Common > Resources >

2. Select the previously created resource in the grid.
3. Open the Resource groups fast tab.
4. Click View > All from the action pane strip.
5. Click Add from the action pane strip.
6. Select resource group in the Resource group field. Type the
Effective and Expiration dates.
7. Select the calendar in the Calendar field.
8. Select a warehouse or use the default for the Input warehouse.
9. Select a location or use the default for the Input location.
10. Close the Resources form.

Procedure: Checking Skills and Capability for a

To check skills and capability for a resource, follow these steps:

1. Open Organization administration > Common > Resources >

Resources groups.
2. Select the Resource group in the grid.
3. Click Capability map from the action pane.
4. Press the Arrow button to browse to date.
5. Notice what resources are available for the group.
6. Click the Certificates tab.
7. Notice how the resource either has or does not have certificates.
8. Close the Capability map form.
9. Close the Resource groups form.

Defining Resource Requirements on Routes

Operations represent the work that is required to produce items in your

You must know the following, to set up operations:

• What work or activity will be completed.

• The order of the operation process and operation priorities.

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Chapter 6: Manufacturing and Scheduling

An operation network is a series of operations linked in sequence. The network is

the route the item must take through the manufacturing process to emerge as a
finished product.

The major changes in defining a resource for a route in Microsoft Dynamics AX

2012 are as follows:

• Routes can be independent of specific resources.

• Routes are more descriptive.
• Resource selection is deferred to scheduling, unless requirements for
specific resources.
• Different requirements may be used for operations scheduling and
job scheduling.
• Estimation for a route can be based on a specific costing resource.
• Resource selection may be done based on competency information
from human resources.

An operation's requirements for a resource are defined on the Resource

requirements tab. The resource requirement can be one of the following:

• Resource type
• Resources
• Resource group
• Capabilities
• Skills

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• Courses
• Certificates
• Titles


Resources which match the requirements of an operation, for a particular date,

are considered applicable resources. The resource must satisfy all the resource
requirements for the operation in order to be applicable.

For a specific route version, you can use the Check feasibility form for
validating whether there are resources that are available that match the resource
requirements of all operations in the route.

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To check the feasibility of a route, open: Production Control > Common >
Routes > Route Details > Versions > Check feasibility.


Scenario: Resource Requirements on a Route

Contoso is expanding its warehouse to add another production line. Tony, the
Production Manager, is in charge of determining which requirements are needed
for each route on the production line. Many processes will be using new
equipment and all workers must take the suitable courses before they can work
on the new equipment. Using the Resource requirement on the route Tony can
make sure only the correct workers are assigned to the tasks.

Procedure: Set up and Define Resource Requirements for

a Route
To set up and define a resource requirement for a route, follow these steps:

1. Open Production control > Setup > Routes > Operations and
select an Operation. Click Relations in the action pane.
2. On the Resource requirements tab, click New to create a new
resource requirement.
3. In the field, select a Requirement type. The requirement type
selected affects the options available in the fields that follow.

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4. In the Requirement field, select the resource type, resource,

resource group, capability, skill, course, certificate or title of the
5. The Operation scheduling and Job scheduling check boxes will be
filled with default values which can be changed if it is necessary.
a. Select the Operation scheduling check box if the resource
requirement that you selected must be used for operations
scheduled. Only resource, resource group, resource type and
capability requirements can be used for operations scheduled
b. Select the Job scheduling check box if the resource. requirement
that you select must be used for job scheduling. All resource
requirements can be used for job scheduling.

6. Click Close on the Operation relations form.

7. Click Close on the Operation form.

Maintenance Resource Requirements Wizard

The Maintain resource requirements wizard lets you bulk update resource
requirements across all operations that match a specific search criteria. The
following actions are allowed:

• Add a set of resources requirements

• Replace resource requirement that matches a specify search criteria
• Replace all resource requirements
• Delete resource requirements that matches a specify search criteria
• Delete all resource requirements

You can limit where the action should apply, such as routes or hour forecasts.
The wizard can be used to gradually migrate old routes, where the operation
references a specific work center, to new routes. The new route states the
resource requirements are needed to complete the operation and not a specific
work center.

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Chapter 6: Manufacturing and Scheduling

Lab 6.1 - Resource Management

This lab will provide practice for you to use resource management.


Contoso has bought a new assembly robot for their speaker assembly workshop.
The assembly robot will reduce the need for manual labor in the speaker
assembly workshop. Therefore, some workers from this group may be reassigned
to perform other work, as the new assembly robot becomes fully operational.

Challenge Yourself!
Use the provided information to do the following:

• Create a new capability of 20 with description of Assembly and

another new capability of 30 with a description Packing.
• Assign the capability of 30 to all Packing Team members with a
priority 1.
• Assign the capability of 20 and the 30 capability to all Speaker
Assembly Team members with priority 2. The 30 capability should
be assigned by Monday next week.
• Assign the Production-cec certificate and the Quality-cec certificate
to the worker(s) associated with the Speaker Assembly Team
resources. Set the start date to today's date.
• Create a new resource 00110 of type Machine with a description of
Assembly robot.
• Assign the 20 capability to the 00110 resource with a priority of 1.
• Assign the 00110 resource to the 001 resource group that has
calendar set to 24Hours and an effective date of tomorrow.
• Move Speaker Assembly Team 1 and Speaker Assembly Team 2 to
resource group 003 (the packing workshop) with an effective date of
Monday, next week.
• Check the capabilities and certificates assigned to the resources in
the 001 resource group - both as of today, as of tomorrow, and as of
Monday next week.

Need a Little Help?

1. Switch company to Contoso Entertainment USA (West). From the

Jewel select Tools > Select company account.
2. Create a new capability of 20 with description of Assembly and a
new capability of 30 with description of Packing. Open:
Organization administration > Common > Resources > Resource

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3. Assign the 30 capability to all Packing Team members with priority

of 1. Open: Organization administration > Common >
Resources > Resource capabilities.
4. Assign the 20 and 30 capabilities to all Speaker Assembly Team
members with a priority 2. Set the effective date for the 30 (Packing)
the capability to Monday, next week. Open: Organization
administration > Common > Resources > Resources.
5. Assign the Production-cec and Quality-cec certificates to the
worker(s) associated with the Speaker Assembly Team resources. Set
the start date to today's date. Follow the: Organization
administration > Common > Resources > Resources.
6. Create a new resource 00110 of type Machine with description
Assembly robot. Open: Organization administration > Common >
Resources > Resources.
7. Assign the 20 capability to the 00110 resource with a priority of 1.
Open: Organization administration > Common > Resources >
8. Assign the 00110 resource to the 001 resource group that has a
calendar of 24Hours and an effective date of tomorrow.
Organization administration > Common > Resources >
9. Move Speaker Assembly Team 1 and Speaker Assembly Team 2 to
resource group 003, the packing workshop, with an effective date of
Monday, next week. Follow the menu path Organization
administration > Common > Resources > Resources groups.
10. Check the capabilities and certificates assigned to the resources in
the 001 resource group - both as of today, as of tomorrow, and as of
Monday next week. Follow the menu path Organization
administration > Common > Resources > Resources groups.

Step by Step
To switch companies, follow these steps:

1. Open Jewel > Tools > Select company accounts.

2. Select the CEU company and then click OK.

To create capabilities, follow these steps:

1. Open Organization administration > Common > Resources >

Resource capabilities.
2. In the Resource capabilities form, click New on the action pane
3. Type "20" in the Capability field and "Assembly" in the
Description field.
4. Click New on the action pane strip.

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Chapter 6: Manufacturing and Scheduling

5. Type "30" in the Capability field and "Packing" in the Description

6. Close the Resource capabilities form.

To assign capability to members, follow these steps:

1. Open Organization administration > Common > Resources >

Resource capabilities.
2. Click 30 from the list of capabilities.
3. Click the Resources fast tab.
4. Click Add from the action pane strip.
5. Select "00301", Packing Team 1, in the Resource field.
6. Accept the default Expiration date of Never.
7. Accept the default Level of 0.00.
8. Type "1" in the Priority field.
9. Repeat steps 4 through 8, for the resources 00302 and 00303.
10. Close the Resource capabilities form.

To assign capabilities to a resource, follow these steps:

1. Open Organization administration > Common > Resources >

2. Select resource 00101 in the grid.
3. Open the Capabilities fast tab.
4. Select View > All from the action pane strip.
5. Click Add from the action pane strip.
6. Type "20" in the Capability field.
7. Accept the default Effective date of today's date.
8. Accept the default Expiration date of Never.
9. Accept the default Level of 0.00.
10. Type "2" in the Priority field.
11. Select Add from the action pane strip.
12. Type "30" in the Capability field.
13. Type the date of Monday next week in the Effective field.
14. Accept the default Expiration date of Never.
15. Accept the default Level of 0.00.
16. Type "2" in the Priority field.
17. Repeat steps 2 through 17, for the resources 00102 and 00103.
18. Close the Resources form.

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To assign certificates, follow these steps:

1. Open Organization administration > Common > Resources >

2. Select resource 00101 in the grid.
3. Click the General fast tab.
4. Right-click the Worker field and select the View Details option to
open the Worker details page.
5. Click Competencies and development tab.
6. Click Certificates on the Competencies fast tab.
7. Click New from the action pane strip.
8. Select Production-cec in the Certificate type field.
9. Type today's date in the Start date field.
10. Leave the End date field blank.
11. Repeat step 6 through 9 for certificate Quality-cec.
12. Close the Certificates form.
13. Close the Worker details page.
14. Close the Resources form.

To create a new resource and assign capabilities, follow these steps:

1. Open Organization administration > Common > Resources >

2. Click Resource from the New group in the action pane.
3. Type "00110" in the Resource field.
4. Type "Assembly robot" in the Description field.
5. Accept the default of Machine in the Type field.
6. Open the Capabilities fast tab.
7. Click View > Current from the action pane strip.
8. Click Add from the action pane strip.
9. Select 20 in the Capability field.
10. Accept the default Expiration date of Never.
11. Accept the default Level of 0.00.
12. Type "1" in the Priority field.
13. Close the Resources form.

To assign a resource to a resource group, follow these steps:

1. Open Organization administration > Common > Resources >

2. Select the resource 00110 in the grid.
3. Open the Resource groups fast tab.
4. Click View > All from the action pane strip.

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Chapter 6: Manufacturing and Scheduling

5. Click Add from the action pane strip.

6. Type "001" in the Resource group field, type the next working day
in the Effective field and then accept the default Expiration date of
7. Select 24Hours in the Calendar field.
8. Accept the default Input warehouse.
9. Accept the default Input location.
10. Close the Resources form.

To move a resource to a resource group, follow these steps:

1. Open Organization administration > Common > Resources >

2. Select the resources 00101 and 00102 in the grid.
3. Click the Add to resource groups from the action pane.
4. Select 003 in the Group field.
5. Type Monday's date in the Effective field, and accept the default
Expiration date of Never.
6. Select Standard2 in the Calendar field.
7. Click Add.
8. Click Close on the Resource form.
9. Open Organization administration > Common > Resources >
Resources groups.
10. Select Resource group 001 in the grid.
11. Open the Resources fast tab.
12. Notice that the 00101 and 00102 resources' assignment ends on
Sunday, because they change groups on Monday.
13. Notice that the resource 00110 resource is currently not assigned to
the resource group 001.
14. Select View > All from the action pane strip.
15. Notice that the 00110, Packing robot resource is assigned to the 001
resource group as of the next working day.
16. Select the 003 resource group in the grid.
17. Notice that the 00101 and 00102 resources are assigned to the 003
resource group as of Monday.
18. Close the Resource groups form.

To check skills and capabilities of a resource in a resource group, follow these


1. Open Organization administration > Common > Resources >

Resources groups.
2. Select Resource group 001 in the grid.
3. Click Capability map from the action pane.
4. Press the Arrow button to browse to the next working day.

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5. Notice how the resource 00110 becomes available in the resource

group 001.
6. Press the Arrow button to browse to Monday's date.
7. Notice how the resources 00101 and 00102 are no longer available in
the 001 resource group.
8. Notice how the resource 00103 resource now also has the capability
of 30.
9. Select the Certificates tab.
10. Change Date field to today's date.
11. Notice how the Speaker Assembly Team 3 resource 00103 has both
the Production-cec certificate and the Quality-cec certificate.
12. Close the Capability map form.
13. Close the Resource groups form.

Resource Scheduling Improvements

The scheduling engine is aligned with the new resource model. This introduces
capabilities and priorities, and replaces work centers and work center groups by
using resources and resource groups. The scheduling engine can now
automatically search for a better solution, based on resource priority, and not
only order duration.

Resource Scheduling
You can run scheduling after the production order is created and estimated.
Production dates and other information important to the production process are
established at this point.

The role of the scheduling system is to plan the actual production process so that
each operation in the production route is assigned a starting and ending date and
time, and that the materials needed for production are available when the
operation starts.

Another important role of the scheduling system is to assign jobs and operations
to a resource or resource groups. This depends on whether job scheduling or
operation scheduling is used. Running scheduling raises the production status to

Resource Allocation Principles

Scheduling types differ from one another as measured by detail. Operations
scheduling is limited to scheduling by date (while calculating the duration of the
individual operation), and job scheduling calculates the starting and ending times
of individual operations. In addition, there is a significant difference in the way
operations are planned and in how scheduling is performed in resource groups.
Job scheduling splits the different operations up into jobs. These are planned in
detail for each operation resources.

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Chapter 6: Manufacturing and Scheduling

When allocating resources to an operation, the system examines the following

resource requirements types:

• Specific resource
• Specific resource group
• Resource type
• Capability
• Skill
• Course
• Certificate
• Title

NOTE: Skills, Course, Certificate and Title are only applicable for job

Performing Resource Scheduling

There are two types of scheduling:

• Operation
• Job.

The two scheduling types can be run independently of one another any number of
times. However, generally, operations scheduling is used for long-term
scheduling and job scheduling is used for short-term scheduling.

In addition, both scheduling types let you schedule multiple productions in order
of their priority.

The scheduling parameters on the plan let you define how scheduling should be
run. These parameters can be set up by company or by site. The engine can be
run to search for a better solution based on resource priority or duration. The time
out settings let you control how long the scheduling engine should search for a
better solution.

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Organization administration > Setup > Scheduling> Scheduling parameters

by site


Procedure: Change Scheduling to Select Resources by

To change scheduling to select resources by priority, follow these steps:

1. Open Organization administration > Setup > Scheduling >

Scheduling parameters by site.
2. Select site in the grid.
3. Select the General tab.
4. Select Priority in the Primary resource selection field.
5. Close the Scheduling parameters by site form.

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Chapter 6: Manufacturing and Scheduling

Lab 6.2 - Performing Resource Scheduling

This lab will provide practice for you to use resource scheduling.


Having bought a new assembly robot, Tony, the Production Manager, wants to
increase flexibility in their production. In the past, when he designed the
production process (route) for a product, he had to specify where each operation
was to be performed. Instead, he wants the allocation of where and by whom an
operation is performed to be deferred until the production is scheduled, and to
use excess capacity in other workshops to eliminate bottlenecks in heavily loaded

NOTE: Run the Resource Management first, which sets up the master data
needed for this lab.

Challenge Yourself!
Use the information that is provided to do the following:

• Locate the route for the 1101, High End Speaker - ash/12 inches
• Determine what resources might be used for performing operation 10
for today and tomorrow.
• Update operation 10 so that any resource with capability 20,
Assembly may perform the operation.
• Update operation 10 so that when the operation is job scheduled,
only resources of type Machine may perform the operation.
• Update operation 30 so that any resource with capability 30, Packing
may perform the operation.
• Check the feasibility of route 1001 for today and tomorrow, and on
Monday, by using both the requirements for job scheduling and for
operations scheduling.
• Create and confirm a sales order for 12 × 1101, High End Speaker -
ash/12 inches for customer 1203, Pelican Wholesales
• Run master scheduling.
• Locate the planned production order for the 12 of the 1101, High
End Speaker - ash/12 inches and review how the route is scheduled.
• Change scheduling method to Job scheduling.
• Change scheduling parameters to select resources by priority.
• Run master scheduling.

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Need a Little Help?

1. Locate the route for the 1101, High End Speaker - ash/12 inches
product. Open Product information management > Common >
Released products.
2. Select the product and open Engineer > Route.
3. Determine what resources might be used for performing operation 10
for today and tomorrow. Open Product information management >
Common > Released products.
4. Select the product and open Engineer > Route.
5. Select operation > Applicable Resources.
6. Update operation 10 so that any resource with capability 20,
Assembly may perform the operation. Open Product information
management > Common > Released products >
Select the product > Engineer > Route > Select operation >
Resource requirements.
7. Update operation 10 so that when the operation is job scheduled,
only resources of type Machine may perform the operation.
8. Update operation 30 so that any resource with capability "30,
Packing" may perform the operation.
9. Check the feasibility of route 1001 for today, tomorrow, and on
Monday, and using both the requirements for job scheduling and for
operations scheduling. Open Product information management >
Common > Released products > Select the product > Engineer >
Route > Check Feasibility.
10. Create and confirm a sales order for 12 of the 1101, High End
Speaker - ash/12 inches for customer 1203, Pelican Wholesales.
Open Sales and Marketing > Common > Sales Orders > All sale
orders > New > Sales order.
11. Run master scheduling. Open Master Planning > Periodic >
Master Scheduling.
12. Locate the planned production order for the 12 of the 1101, High
End Speaker - ash/12 inches and review how the route is scheduled.
Open Master Planning > Common > Planned orders > Select
planned order > Planned order details > Route.
13. Change scheduling method to Job scheduling. Open Master
Planning > Setup > Master planning parameters.
14. Change scheduling parameters to select resources by priority. Open
Organization administration > Setup > Scheduling > Scheduling
15. Run master scheduling. Open Master Planning > Periodic >
Master Scheduling.

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Chapter 6: Manufacturing and Scheduling

Step by Step
To locate the route for the product, follow these steps:

1. Open Product information > Common > Released products.

2. Select the product 1101 in the grid.
3. Click Route from the Engineer tab in the action pane.

To identify resources applicable for the operation, follow these steps:

1. Verify that route1001 is selected.

2. Verify operation 10 is selected in the Overview grid in the lower
part of the Route form.
3. Click Applicable Resources from the action pane strip above the
overview grid in the lower part of the Route form.



4. Notice that all the resources from the 001 resource group are listed.
5. Click Scroll one day forward (green forward arrow icon) to browse
to tomorrow's date.
6. Notice how 00110, Assembly robot becomes applicable for operation
10 because it is now a member of the 001 resource group.
7. Close the Applicable resources form.

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What's New - Application in Microsoft Dynamics® AX 2012 for Supply Chain
Management, and Manufacturing

To add requirements for a capability to an operation, follow these steps:

1. In the Route form, with route 1001 selected and operation 10

selected in the overview grid in the lower part of the form.
2. Select the Resource requirements tab.



3. In the Resource requirements grid, select the line where

Requirement type is Resource group and Requirement is 001.
4. Click Delete from the action pane strip above the grid, and then click
Yes to delete the record.
5. Click New from the action pane strip above the Resource
requirements grid.
6. Select Capability in the Requirement type field.
7. Type "20" in the Requirement field.
8. Leave the Operation scheduling and Job scheduling check boxes
9. Accept the default Minimum level needed of 0.00.

Microsoft Official Training Materials for Microsoft Dynamics®
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Chapter 6: Manufacturing and Scheduling

To add a requirement for resource type Machine to an operation, follow these


1. In the Route form, with route 1001 selected and operation 10

selected in the overview grid in the lower part of the form.
2. Select the Resource requirements tab and then click New from the
action pane strip above the Resource requirements grid.
3. Select Resource type in the Requirement type field.
4. Select Machine in the Requirement field.
5. Clear the Operation scheduling check box.
6. Leave the Job scheduling check box selected.
7. Click Overview tab.

To add a requirement for capability to an operation, follow these steps:

1. In the Route form, with route 1001 selected.

2. Select operation 30 in the overview grid in the lower part of the
Route form.
3. Select the Resource requirements tab.
4. In the Resource requirements grid, select the line where
Requirement type is Resource group and Requirement is 003.
5. Click Delete from the action pane strip above the grid, and then click
Yes to delete the record.
6. Click New from the action pane strip above the Resource
requirements grid.
7. Select Capability in the Requirement type field.
8. Type "30" in the Requirement field.
9. Leave the Operation scheduling and Job scheduling check boxes
10. Accept the default Minimum level needed of 0.00.

To check the feasibility of a route, follow these steps:

1. In the Route form, click Overview tab.

2. With route 1001 selected, click Route feasibility from the action
pane strip.
3. Select operation 10 in the Route grid.
4. Note how no resources can be found that satisfy the resource
requirements for operation 10 because the 00110, Assembly robot is
not a member of any resource group until tomorrow.
5. Click Scroll one day forward (green forward arrow icon) to browse
to tomorrow's date.
6. Notice how operation 10 becomes possible now that the 00110,
Assembly robot resource becomes a member of a resource group.
7. Click Scroll one day backward (green backward arrow icon) to
move back to today's date.

Microsoft Official Training Materials for Microsoft Dynamics®
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What's New - Application in Microsoft Dynamics® AX 2012 for Supply Chain
Management, and Manufacturing

8. Select Operations scheduling in the Use requirements for field.

9. Notice that operation 10 becomes possible because it is no longer
required that a resource of type Machine performs the operation
10. Select operation 30 in the Route grid.
11. Notice that all the Packing Team members can perform the
12. Press the button to browse to next Monday's date.
13. Notice that all the Speaker Assembly Team members can now also
perform the operation, because they are assigned the 30, Packing
capability as of Monday.
14. Close the Route feasibility form, and close the Route form.

To create and confirm a sales order, follow these steps:

1. Open Sales and marketing > Common > Sales orders > All Sales
2. Click Sales order from the New group in the action pane.
3. Type "1203" for customer Pelican Wholesales in the Customer
account field.
4. Accept the default settings in all other fields. Click OK.
5. In the Sales order form, open the Sales order Lines fast tab.
6. Type"1101" in the Item number field.
7. Type "12" in the Quantity field.
8. Accept the default values for the remaining fields.
9. Click Sales order confirmation from the Sell tab in the action pane.
10. Accept all the default settings in the Confirm sales order form.
Click OK.
11. Click OK.
12. Close the Sales order form.

To run master scheduling, follow these steps:

1. Open Master Planning > Periodic > Scheduling >Master

2. Select 10, Static master plan in the Master plan field.
3. Click OK, and then close the infolog.

To review how the route is scheduled, follow these steps:

1. Open Master Planning > Common > Planned orders and select
the planned production order for the 12 of product 1101.
2. Click Route from the action pane.

Microsoft Official Training Materials for Microsoft Dynamics®
Your use of this content is subject to your current services agreement
Chapter 6: Manufacturing and Scheduling

3. Notice how the operations in the route are scheduled on the resource
groups that contain resources that match the resource requirements of
those operations. Also notice the start times and end times are not
4. Close the Route form.

To change the scheduling method to job scheduling, follow these steps:

1. Open Master Planning > Setup > Plans > Master plans.
2. Select plan 10, Static master plan in the grid.
3. Select the General tab.
4. Select Job scheduling in the Scheduling method field.
5. Close the Master plans form.

To change the scheduling to select resources by priority, follow these steps;

1. Open Organization administration > Setup > Scheduling >

Scheduling parameters by site.
2. Select site 1 in the grid.
3. Select the General tab.
4. Select Priority in the Primary resource selection field
5. Close the Scheduling parameters by site form.

To run master scheduling, follow these steps;

1. Open Master Planning > Periodic > Scheduling > Master

2. Select 10, Static master plan in the Master plan field.
3. Click OK, and then close the infolog.
4. Open Master planning > Common > Planned orders.
5. Select the planned production order for the quantity of 12 of product
6. Click Route from the action pane.
7. Notice how the operations in the route are scheduled on individual
resources, and how, for each operation, the resource with the lowest
priority for the required capability is selected. Also notice the start
times and end times are estimated.
8. Close the Route form.

Microsoft Official Training Materials for Microsoft Dynamics®
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What's New - Application in Microsoft Dynamics® AX 2012 for Supply Chain
Management, and Manufacturing

Period Templates
Period templates are added to Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 to make creating
schedules such as production, purchase, sales and final assembly schedules

You can set up a new period template that filters and displays data in user-
defined time buckets. The template can give structure to large volumes of data,
such as sales orders and forecast plans, by grouping the data in a time frame. The
period template is introduced to display the master scheduling requirements.

Using Period Templates to Define Schedules

The period template describes the structure of a sequence of periods used to
format random requirements into a unified, comparable form that is easy to
recognize. Despite a different requirement profile, the structure of the plan is
always presented in the same, recognizable way.

The period template can be applied independent of how the order is generated.
This provides an overview of data in a structure you define is important in your
enterprise solution.

Microsoft Official Training Materials for Microsoft Dynamics®
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Chapter 6: Manufacturing and Scheduling

To set up period templates, open: Organization administration> Common >

Calendars > Period Template.


Scenario: Period Templates

A customer requires ten pieces of a product daily, or 50 pieces weekly. Eduardo,
the Production Planner, decides to analyze the demand by using a period
template. He set the Period Template as five days, three weeks and two months.

The grouping by days, week, and month provides Eduardo a quick one page
overview of the requirements and plans.

Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 introduces resources that replace work centers.

Resources can be anything needed to perform operations, and are defined by their
resource type. Each resource can be linked to specific skill and capabilities.

Operations on routes can be set up to require multiple resource types and specify
a specific skill or capability. A resource is not linked to a particular location, and
this allows for more flexibility in route setup.

Microsoft Official Training Materials for Microsoft Dynamics®
Your use of this content is subject to your current services agreement
What's New - Application in Microsoft Dynamics® AX 2012 for Supply Chain
Management, and Manufacturing

Test Your Knowledge

1. Categorize the following items:

_____ 1. a. Used to create and manage competencies for

Course employees
_____ 2. Skills b. Can be one of the following: Vendor, Human
_____ 3. Resources, Machine, Tool, or Location.
Capability c. Lets you track what classes your employees have
_____ 4. attended
Resource Types d. The ability of a resource to perform a given activity
relevant to production and the scheduling of resources
for production

2. The system examinest which of following resource requirements types when

allocating resources to an operation? (Select all that apply)
( ) Resource type
( ) Cost
( ) Capability
( ) Course

3. List the five types of resources:

4. T/F: You can use the period template to create any type of schedule, such as
a production, purchase, sales, and final assembly schedule.
( ) True
( ) False

Microsoft Official Training Materials for Microsoft Dynamics®
Your use of this content is subject to your current services agreement
Chapter 6: Manufacturing and Scheduling

Quick Interaction: Lessons Learned

Take a moment and write down three key points you have learned from this




Microsoft Official Training Materials for Microsoft Dynamics®
Your use of this content is subject to your current services agreement
What's New - Application in Microsoft Dynamics® AX 2012 for Supply Chain
Management, and Manufacturing

Test Your Knowledge
1. Categorize the following items:

c 1. Course a. Used to create and manage competencies for

a 2. Skills employees
d 3. b. Can be one of the following: Vendor, Human
Capability Resources, Machine, Tool, or Location.
b 4. c. Lets you track what classes your employees have
Resource attended
Types d. The ability of a resource to perform a given activity
relevant to production and the scheduling of resources
for production

2. The system examinest which of following resource requirements types when

allocating resources to an operation? (Select all that apply)
(√) Resource type
( ) Cost
(√) Capability
(√) Course

3. List the five types of resources:


1. Vendor 2. Human Resource 3. Machine 4. Tool 5. Location

4. T/F: You can use the period template to create any type of schedule, such as
a production, purchase, sales, and final assembly schedule.
(•) True
( ) False

Microsoft Official Training Materials for Microsoft Dynamics®
Your use of this content is subject to your current services agreement

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