Ax2012 - Enus - WN - SCM - 06 - Manufacturing and Scheduling
Ax2012 - Enus - WN - SCM - 06 - Manufacturing and Scheduling
Ax2012 - Enus - WN - SCM - 06 - Manufacturing and Scheduling
Microsoft Dynamics® AX 2012 introduces resources which are assigned to jobs
and operations. Resources can be of many types, such as tools, workers, and
machines. The scheduling engine aligns with the new resource model and can
schedule resources based on their capabilities.
Resources and capabilities replace work centers and task groups to provide for
more flexibility in setup and maintenance. Therefore, work centers and task
groups are obsolete in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012.
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Alternative resources with the same capabilities are considered, unless there are
requirements for a specific resource or resource group. This applies whether you
select to run job scheduling or operations scheduling. The selection process
consists of matching the requirements of the operation with the capabilities of the
resources. Other requirements, such as location, resource working time, and
resource type are also considered when planning the production.
• Separated the way resources are grouped for managing capacity from
the way resource requirements are specified for activities.
• Enabled resources to be used at multiple locations, just not at the
same time.
• Eliminated the need for defining resources multiple times.
• Added the functionality to view available capacity by capability and
simplifying manual scheduling and exception handling.
Setting up Resources
Operation resources are used throughout the production or project processes.
They can be machines, tools, people, or vendors that contribute to the production
of an item. They are considered as one unit for managing the planning of
capacity requirements and detailed scheduling. After an operations resource is
created, you can assign it to a resource group and specific productions.
You can reassign resources to different resource groups. However a resource can
only be assigned to one resource group at a time. The Effective and Expiration
date fields on the Resource groups tab represent when the resource in question
can be used for production.
This setup lets you share a resource across many sites. When a resource becomes
a member of the resource group, it represents the physical move from one site to
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Chapter 6: Manufacturing and Scheduling
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In the Skills form, you can create and manage competencies that you will specify
for employees or jobs. An operation may require a resource with a specific skill.
The scheduling engine can find resources with specific skills by searching for the
skill information on the worker to which the resource is linked. This is only
applicable for job scheduling, not operation scheduling. To set up skills open:
Human resources > Setup > Employee > Skills.
Courses can be created and maintained. This lets you track what courses your
employees have attended. An operation may require a resource with a specific
course. The scheduling engine is able to find resources with specific courses by
searching for the course information on the worker to which the resource is
linked. This is only applicable for job scheduling.
Certificates can be added to user in human resourcing, which lets you track what
certificate your employees have. An operation may require a resource with a
specific certificate. The scheduling engine can find resources with specific
certificates by searching for the certificate information on the worker to which
the resource is linked. This is only applicable for job scheduling.
The title an employee has can also be a requirement for a job. An operation may
require a resource with a specific title. The scheduling engine can find resources
with specific titles by searching for the title information on the worker to which
the resource is linked. This is only applicable for job scheduling.
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Chapter 6: Manufacturing and Scheduling
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Chapter 6: Manufacturing and Scheduling
• Resource type
• Resources
• Resource group
• Capabilities
• Skills
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• Courses
• Certificates
• Titles
For a specific route version, you can use the Check feasibility form for
validating whether there are resources that are available that match the resource
requirements of all operations in the route.
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Chapter 6: Manufacturing and Scheduling
To check the feasibility of a route, open: Production Control > Common >
Routes > Route Details > Versions > Check feasibility.
1. Open Production control > Setup > Routes > Operations and
select an Operation. Click Relations in the action pane.
2. On the Resource requirements tab, click New to create a new
resource requirement.
3. In the field, select a Requirement type. The requirement type
selected affects the options available in the fields that follow.
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You can limit where the action should apply, such as routes or hour forecasts.
The wizard can be used to gradually migrate old routes, where the operation
references a specific work center, to new routes. The new route states the
resource requirements are needed to complete the operation and not a specific
work center.
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Chapter 6: Manufacturing and Scheduling
Contoso has bought a new assembly robot for their speaker assembly workshop.
The assembly robot will reduce the need for manual labor in the speaker
assembly workshop. Therefore, some workers from this group may be reassigned
to perform other work, as the new assembly robot becomes fully operational.
Challenge Yourself!
Use the provided information to do the following:
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Step by Step
To switch companies, follow these steps:
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Chapter 6: Manufacturing and Scheduling
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Chapter 6: Manufacturing and Scheduling
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Resource Scheduling
You can run scheduling after the production order is created and estimated.
Production dates and other information important to the production process are
established at this point.
The role of the scheduling system is to plan the actual production process so that
each operation in the production route is assigned a starting and ending date and
time, and that the materials needed for production are available when the
operation starts.
Another important role of the scheduling system is to assign jobs and operations
to a resource or resource groups. This depends on whether job scheduling or
operation scheduling is used. Running scheduling raises the production status to
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Chapter 6: Manufacturing and Scheduling
• Specific resource
• Specific resource group
• Resource type
• Capability
• Skill
• Course
• Certificate
• Title
NOTE: Skills, Course, Certificate and Title are only applicable for job
• Operation
• Job.
The two scheduling types can be run independently of one another any number of
times. However, generally, operations scheduling is used for long-term
scheduling and job scheduling is used for short-term scheduling.
In addition, both scheduling types let you schedule multiple productions in order
of their priority.
The scheduling parameters on the plan let you define how scheduling should be
run. These parameters can be set up by company or by site. The engine can be
run to search for a better solution based on resource priority or duration. The time
out settings let you control how long the scheduling engine should search for a
better solution.
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Chapter 6: Manufacturing and Scheduling
Having bought a new assembly robot, Tony, the Production Manager, wants to
increase flexibility in their production. In the past, when he designed the
production process (route) for a product, he had to specify where each operation
was to be performed. Instead, he wants the allocation of where and by whom an
operation is performed to be deferred until the production is scheduled, and to
use excess capacity in other workshops to eliminate bottlenecks in heavily loaded
NOTE: Run the Resource Management first, which sets up the master data
needed for this lab.
Challenge Yourself!
Use the information that is provided to do the following:
• Locate the route for the 1101, High End Speaker - ash/12 inches
• Determine what resources might be used for performing operation 10
for today and tomorrow.
• Update operation 10 so that any resource with capability 20,
Assembly may perform the operation.
• Update operation 10 so that when the operation is job scheduled,
only resources of type Machine may perform the operation.
• Update operation 30 so that any resource with capability 30, Packing
may perform the operation.
• Check the feasibility of route 1001 for today and tomorrow, and on
Monday, by using both the requirements for job scheduling and for
operations scheduling.
• Create and confirm a sales order for 12 × 1101, High End Speaker -
ash/12 inches for customer 1203, Pelican Wholesales
• Run master scheduling.
• Locate the planned production order for the 12 of the 1101, High
End Speaker - ash/12 inches and review how the route is scheduled.
• Change scheduling method to Job scheduling.
• Change scheduling parameters to select resources by priority.
• Run master scheduling.
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1. Locate the route for the 1101, High End Speaker - ash/12 inches
product. Open Product information management > Common >
Released products.
2. Select the product and open Engineer > Route.
3. Determine what resources might be used for performing operation 10
for today and tomorrow. Open Product information management >
Common > Released products.
4. Select the product and open Engineer > Route.
5. Select operation > Applicable Resources.
6. Update operation 10 so that any resource with capability 20,
Assembly may perform the operation. Open Product information
management > Common > Released products >
Select the product > Engineer > Route > Select operation >
Resource requirements.
7. Update operation 10 so that when the operation is job scheduled,
only resources of type Machine may perform the operation.
8. Update operation 30 so that any resource with capability "30,
Packing" may perform the operation.
9. Check the feasibility of route 1001 for today, tomorrow, and on
Monday, and using both the requirements for job scheduling and for
operations scheduling. Open Product information management >
Common > Released products > Select the product > Engineer >
Route > Check Feasibility.
10. Create and confirm a sales order for 12 of the 1101, High End
Speaker - ash/12 inches for customer 1203, Pelican Wholesales.
Open Sales and Marketing > Common > Sales Orders > All sale
orders > New > Sales order.
11. Run master scheduling. Open Master Planning > Periodic >
Master Scheduling.
12. Locate the planned production order for the 12 of the 1101, High
End Speaker - ash/12 inches and review how the route is scheduled.
Open Master Planning > Common > Planned orders > Select
planned order > Planned order details > Route.
13. Change scheduling method to Job scheduling. Open Master
Planning > Setup > Master planning parameters.
14. Change scheduling parameters to select resources by priority. Open
Organization administration > Setup > Scheduling > Scheduling
15. Run master scheduling. Open Master Planning > Periodic >
Master Scheduling.
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Chapter 6: Manufacturing and Scheduling
Step by Step
To locate the route for the product, follow these steps:
4. Notice that all the resources from the 001 resource group are listed.
5. Click Scroll one day forward (green forward arrow icon) to browse
to tomorrow's date.
6. Notice how 00110, Assembly robot becomes applicable for operation
10 because it is now a member of the 001 resource group.
7. Close the Applicable resources form.
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Chapter 6: Manufacturing and Scheduling
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1. Open Sales and marketing > Common > Sales orders > All Sales
2. Click Sales order from the New group in the action pane.
3. Type "1203" for customer Pelican Wholesales in the Customer
account field.
4. Accept the default settings in all other fields. Click OK.
5. In the Sales order form, open the Sales order Lines fast tab.
6. Type"1101" in the Item number field.
7. Type "12" in the Quantity field.
8. Accept the default values for the remaining fields.
9. Click Sales order confirmation from the Sell tab in the action pane.
10. Accept all the default settings in the Confirm sales order form.
Click OK.
11. Click OK.
12. Close the Sales order form.
1. Open Master Planning > Common > Planned orders and select
the planned production order for the 12 of product 1101.
2. Click Route from the action pane.
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Chapter 6: Manufacturing and Scheduling
3. Notice how the operations in the route are scheduled on the resource
groups that contain resources that match the resource requirements of
those operations. Also notice the start times and end times are not
4. Close the Route form.
1. Open Master Planning > Setup > Plans > Master plans.
2. Select plan 10, Static master plan in the grid.
3. Select the General tab.
4. Select Job scheduling in the Scheduling method field.
5. Close the Master plans form.
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Period Templates
Period templates are added to Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 to make creating
schedules such as production, purchase, sales and final assembly schedules
You can set up a new period template that filters and displays data in user-
defined time buckets. The template can give structure to large volumes of data,
such as sales orders and forecast plans, by grouping the data in a time frame. The
period template is introduced to display the master scheduling requirements.
The period template can be applied independent of how the order is generated.
This provides an overview of data in a structure you define is important in your
enterprise solution.
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Chapter 6: Manufacturing and Scheduling
The grouping by days, week, and month provides Eduardo a quick one page
overview of the requirements and plans.
Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 introduces resources that replace work centers.
Resources can be anything needed to perform operations, and are defined by their
resource type. Each resource can be linked to specific skill and capabilities.
Operations on routes can be set up to require multiple resource types and specify
a specific skill or capability. A resource is not linked to a particular location, and
this allows for more flexibility in route setup.
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4. T/F: You can use the period template to create any type of schedule, such as
a production, purchase, sales, and final assembly schedule.
( ) True
( ) False
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Chapter 6: Manufacturing and Scheduling
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Test Your Knowledge
1. Categorize the following items:
4. T/F: You can use the period template to create any type of schedule, such as
a production, purchase, sales, and final assembly schedule.
(•) True
( ) False
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