Effects of Green Marketing On Consumer Behavior
Effects of Green Marketing On Consumer Behavior
Effects of Green Marketing On Consumer Behavior
Ankit Chauhan (B-07)
E-ID: ankit.chauhan2022@sims.edu
Abstract: Today majority of the consumers display their concern about environmental
degradation, there is expanding mindfulness with respect to environment which has
prompted a move in the everyday lives of buyers. Thus, there’s shift towards a green way
of life has led individuals to attempt to decrease human impression on the nature. Green
showcasing has developed specific significance in the cutting-edge market and mentality of
the shopper has constrained organization arrangement in accordance to shopper behavior,
and earth satisfying way. This investigation focuses on some purchaser response and
conduct with respect to green promoting and publicizing, thought, new green undertakings
in India, and exceptional publicizing mix. It also features future possibilities, advantages,
significance, and capability of Green advertising in India. Components like accessibility,
cost, and brand name are considered by a shopper before buying green items. Purchasers
are not excessively dedicated to their current circumstance since purchaser's see that they
are paying a lot for the items. Green showcasing ought to be converged with instructing
customers about the advantages; so, the purchaser may not feel being bamboozled when
buying green items.
Keywords: Green Marketing, Consumer Behavior, Sustainability, Environment, Strategies
pertinent literature; and concluding it with other reliable and pertinent text sources from
the systematic literature review results various academically relevant databases.
(Figure 1). This section will provide an Book chapters as well as non-academic
overview of the entire process which the articles, like editorials, interviews, magazine
authors followed to put together this articles, own or other individual’s
systematic literature review paper. It will viewpoints were ignored as these sources
give a thorough understanding of our haven’t been found to be very authentic or
research topic and how the final results for coherent. In regard to content, the focus of
our review were arrived at. All the steps this review is on consumer’s behavior when
have been covered which include what were it comes to green marketing. The research
our keywords are and what relevance they was started out with collection of data from
hold towards the topic along with the research articles after which they were
reasons, how the searches were made and segregated under various subsets according
which databases were chosen it. We ended to our research. Only English articles were
this section by briefly explaining what included in the research as the authors have
results were obtained, how relevant they a better understanding of English as a
were and the probable reason for the same. language than other languages. The search
was not done in regard to any particular
2.1 Scope of the review
industry or organization, but rather it was
To understand consumer behavior better in conducted generally on how Green
regards to Green marketing, this systematic marketing affects consumer behavior.
literature review was conducted. The
2.2 Identification of relevant literature
Systematic Literature Review guidelines by
Kichel (2008) were kept as our guidelines in Literature identification procedure and
order to develop our protocol. This protocol review was conducted by all the authors in
was used in addressing the different research October 2020 during the period of 2 weeks.
objectives as proposed in the study. It Numerous combinations of keywords related
describes the question, research strategy for to our topic “Effects of Green Marketing on
searching for relevant studies, selected Consumer Behavior” - ‘green marketing’,
studies analysis, as well as data analysis. ‘consumer behavior’, ‘consumer
The scope of the literature review was perception’, ‘ecological’, ‘environment’ and
majorly based on secondary data. The ‘sustainability’ were searched in 7
review focused on various systematic databases: Scopus, EBSCO, Emerald, Sage
literature reviews, articles, journals along Journals, Google Scholar, Science Direct,
and Research Gate. These databases were mentioned 6 keywords – This gave us a total
chosen because of relevant and quality of 318 searches. Some research papers
academic content available on them and due which gave a foreign view about the topic
to their pertinence for business and were also considered because of in-depth
management related research. and conclusive research. Important
information including the article’s title, year
For the first attempt at search, all the authors
of publication, author(s), document type,
searched on 7 different databases and that
database name was extracted from these
yielded 3956 results. This search was further
research papers. From these 318, the number
specified for the field of ‘Business
of duplicates eliminated were 122, resulting
Management’, ‘articles’, geographic
in a final grand total of 196 articles. These
location as ‘India’ and using the above
were divided equally among all the five process of the systematic literature review
authors who read the abstracts of 39 articles has been illustrated in Figure 2.
each and categorized each article under one
2.3 SLR Results
base topic directly related to Green
Marketing. The five topics decided under The final collection of selected articles for
green marketing were - Consumer the review process resulted in a total of 63
perception/behavior, Impacts, Effectiveness articles which were referred to as the base
and challenges, Strategies, and Importance database for the study out of which 41 have
and potential. This was done to substantiate been cited. It was noted that most of these
the relevancy of all the research material to articles that were selected for our study were
the extent of research. 133 articles were published after 2010, roughly between the
rejected for irrelevance to the initially years 2011 and 2019 with a sturdy and
predefined content and for being non- consistent trend (Figure 3).
academic or immaterial. This final result of
screened articles came out to be a total of 63 Figure 2. Flow diagram of SLR
Papers retrieved through
These articles were then extracted and database search (n=318)
equally divided among all the authors who
went through whole texts of the articles and
examined them thoroughly for a final
admittance to the systematic literature Removal of redundant
documents (n=122)
review in regard to the predetermined
criteria and topic.
In particular, the articles which were
excluded from the research were basically Shortlisting after reading
based on the topics which were very
abstracts (n=196)
irrelevant to green marketing and consumer
behavior and that superficially explored our
topic. A detailed database protocol has been
Irrelevant records
prepared for a clearer picture (Table 1). The
removed (n=133)
in the review(n=63)
concept is the one which would help the
future generations for their survival within
the surroundings. Even though it is a
comparatively new notion, with the
increasing trend of the publications on this
crucial topic, it can be concluded that
researchers have shown interest towards it
and its components related to sustainability
It was noticed that this accelerating growth and consumer behavior.
might reflect a trend of increased research
on green marketing (Figure 1). This might
be due to the reason that green marketing is 3. Methodological review
the burning topic of the hour which
everyone should be aware about as this To get an idea of the various methods used
in the study of effects of consumer green
Table 1. Database search protocol
Date searched
Data base Criteria for shortlisting Paper count
Search: Article title, Abstract Keywords
Scopus Document Type: Article and Review 20/10/2020 21
Search: Keywords, Abstract or Author-
supplied Abstract, Scholarly (peer-
EBSCO reviewed) Journals Publication Type: 20/10/2020 10
Academic Journal Document Type:
Emerald Search: Journals articles, Abstract 20/10/2020 6
Sage Journals Search: Keywords, Abstract 20/10/2020 13
Google Scholar Search: Keywords 20/10/2020 3
Search: All journals, Keywords, and
Science Direct Titles, Document type: Article and 20/10/2020 3
Review article
Research Gate Search: Keywords 20/10/2020 7
Total 63
marketing on consumer behavior, and in- Table 2. Research methodologies used in the
depth methodological review was done, reviewed literature
ignoring the thorough description of the
literature review and the research design. Number of Percentage
The main focus in the methodological papers (%)
review was on the abstract and excerpts Non-empirical 20 48.78
Quantitative 16 39.02
which described the applied method of each
Qualitative 2 4.88
article. Working together, 2 of our authors Mixed 3 7.32
along with consultation with other members Total 41 100.00
of the team segmented all the articles’
methodologies into the following groups
(a)non-empirical research, mainly consisting Most of our research papers use the non-
of theoretical and conceptual papers; (b) empirical and quantitative approach in the
quantitative research, mainly consisting of literature review of the effects of green
surveys and analyzing of data; (c) qualitative marketing on consumer behavior which
research, mainly consisting of cases and explain that our research topic is still
interviews; (d) mixed research, a relatively new. The dominance of non-
combination of both quantitative and empirical review explains that new
qualitative approach. researches mainly focus on understanding
the concept and theory behind a particular
While focusing on the different themes, topic.
method of analysis and research questions in
the research papers, we were able to The other dominant research methodology,
segment our research papers into the above- i.e. quantitative approach gives us an idea
mentioned categories. Most of our research that businesses in this sector being target
papers (n=20), about 48.78% of the total had focused, and therefore research papers also
a non-empirical approach, followed by the focus on getting definitive results regarding
quantitative approach in 39.02% of paper the various factors and variables that affect
(n=16), while the mixed method is 7.32% the employee behavior while choosing green
(n=3) and only 4.88% of total research paper products. Lack of research papers having
(n=2) has qualitative approach (Table 2). qualitative or mixed approach refers that the
research in this sector still lacks open-ended
question and cases which give us better
insights of green purchasing behavior
(Verma, 2016).
4. Thematic Review Intro
0 The aim of the investigation is covered by 5
19992001200320052007200920112013 201520172019
authors. All the authors combined have
Figure 3. Articles Published from 2010 to referred 41 research paper.
The main subject of the research is the Strategy 9
effectiveness and strategies with 17 research Importance and potential 8
papers, then comes the Consumer Behavior Total 56
with 12 research papers, Impacts with 10
research papers, Strategy with 9 research Table 3. Cited Paper Count
papers, Importance and potential with 8
papers (Table 3). Also, 15 of the research
papers were common and were reviewed by 2014) and cost factor related to waste
all the 5 authors. disposal or reductions in material usage are
forcing business organizations to change
Every research paper includes the
their behavior (U. Khandelwal et al., 2019).
Organization evolution, Consumer
awareness, Environment safety. All the 4.1.1 Opportunity
scholars have almost a similar view about
The curtain raiser to the fight against
the subject and they put out their knowledge
environmental degradation is Kyoto
on what practices are required to be done by
Protocol of 1997. The summit had initiated
the companies.
an assigned target to the developed countries
4.1 Importance and potential till year 2012. This initiative has prompted
and motivated many business organizations
Reasons to cite include, Organizations have
in India and all types of consumers, whether
a perception that green marketing is going to
industrial or personal are becoming
become a huge opportunity which can be
concerned regarding the environment. In a
beneficial for the organization in years to
1992 study of sixteen countries reveal that,
come (Shearer, 1990; Keller, 1987).
more than 60% of people in the world,
Organizations feel that they need to be more
indicated they were concerned about the
morally obligated and socially responsible
environment. These figures are evidence that
towards the society and the world (Freeman
businesses who are marketing goods with
and Liedtka, 1991; Davis, 1992;). The
environmental features will have an edge
Government institutions are forcing
over businesses who are marketing non
businesses to make them more responsible
ecofriendly products (P. K. Khandelwal,
(A. Maheshwari & Malhotra, 2011).
Environmental actions and activity of
competitors force many business Example: McDonald’s replaced their iconic
organizations to change their green clamshell packing with an ecofriendly
marketing activities (S. P. Maheshwari, message driven by waxed paper due to
escalating consumer concern and
McDonalds honoring consumer concern by
No. of shifting to green marketing strategy.
Topics Covered Research 4.1.2 Social Responsibility
Consumer behavior 12 Acknowledging the risk of many businesses
Impacts 10 are beginning to realize that they are
Effectiveness and members of the community and they must
behave in an environmentally responsible mirror this behavioral strategy. In some
manner. Business organizations believe that cases, it has been observed that this threat
they need to achieve these environmental has led the whole industry to alter and
goals and generate profit through displaying reduce its inimical behavior regarding
their commitment to these socially driven environment.
objectives. This leads to environmental
4.1.5 Cost Trimming
issues being introduced and merged with the
organizational culture. Business organizations need to utilize green
marketing in order to address profit related
Firms in this situation can take two views,
issues. Disposal of harmful wastes to
they can take advantage of environment,
environment, which have begun to become
portraying themselves as environmentally
extremely costly and difficult in some cases.
accountable as a marketing instrument or
Consequently, businesses who can reduce
else they start to become an active voice and
harmful wastes now sustain substantial cost
start becoming truly responsible without
savings. In order to reduce waste, businesses
promoting this fact.
are now forced to re look and inspect its
4.1.3 Governmental Coercion production processes. In cases like these
development of useful production methods
India has set its targets realistically with an
will not only reduce waste, but also lead to
aim towards future development regarding
reduction of few raw materials. Now
all marketing activities, the government’s
something like this leads to dual cost saving,
aim is to “safeguard” consumers and
since both scrap and raw material are
society; this safeguarding has significant
brought down in a cost-efficient manner.
green marketing implications.
4.1.6 Conclusion
Government rules relating to green
marketing are made to protect consumers in Green marketing uses an approach to protect
many ways, by reducing production of the environment using green marketing
environmentally harmful products; by techniques and processes in order to perform
modifying individual and industrial all business functions such as- green
consumption of environmentally deleterious production using eco-friendly raw materials,
products; or by making sure that all kinds of methods and green packaging, etc. This way
consumers have the ability to assess the of approach to marketing allows a business
environmentally friendly products (S. to act in a responsible manner and which in
Punithadevi, 2012). turn also lead to gaining competitive edge as
well (Singh, 2013).
4.1.4 Competitive Coercion
In competitive coercion; business
organizations use environmental marketing 4.1.7 Potential
in order to continue their desired
Green marketing has become a wide-spread
competitive standing. Business
phenomenon in the recent times. The share
organizations in majority cases have
of sales of the products which are
observed that competitors encouraging their
environment friendly has increased each
environmental behavior and attempt to
year. Green marketing, organic products and perception on green marketing. Since our
businesses all have become popular. The aim was to understand the consumer
winds of the American continent regarding behavior of India, the majority of our
green products have now spread into India research papers were based in India and few
(Shrikanth & Raju, 2012). research papers from other countries were
considered for a better understanding of
The businesses in India now focus on saving
concepts. Many research papers focus on the
energy and reducing the electricity costs.
various factors affecting consumer behavior
Natural replacement of artificial light made
in green marketing, namely environmental
possible through architectural solutions have
attitude, interpersonal influence, PCE
become popular across India. Alternative
(Perceived consumer effectiveness) and
sources of energy such as solar energy try to
altruism (Uddin & Khan, 2017).
preserve the sustainability in houses have
become popular (Jansson et al., 2010). The Researchers have noticed that when
green marketing industry is also victim of consumers are aware of environmental
natural disasters. Hybrid cars have become a issues, there is a change in the purchase
huge boom, hybrid and electric cars have intentions (Khandelwal, 2019) and
already started to rule the motor shows consumers consider the choice of green
across many countries especially India products (Sethi, 2015). Environmental
which targets to replace 100% conventional concern refers to how a consumer concern
cars with electric vehicles by 2030 (P. K. towards the various environmental issues
Khandelwal, 2003). (Nittala, 2015; Tandon & Dutta, 2018). It
also covers the awareness level of the
Environment friendly gift wrapping has
consumer in regards to the various issues
become extremely popular in the Indian
our planet is facing today and what needs to
market. The latest trend is to use old ruled
be done to reduce these issues. A lot of
paper and even old comic books instead of
businesses today consider this factor before
wrapping paper.
developing their product as due to climate
The idea of green marketing is to search for change, air pollution and ozone depletion,
inspiration for the future. The primary role environmental concern has taken center
will be played by companies who’ll be able stage (Gandhi & Sheorey, 2019).
to communicate their intent to the final
Environmental concern and awareness lead
consumers intelligibly. Predicting is also
to a change in environmental attitude, one’s
important facet of business organizations
attitude towards the environment and its
that focus on sustainability. However, these
changes (Taufique & Vaithianathan, 2018).
business organizations must carefully deal
It is one of the main factors governing
with environmental and economic objectives
consumer intentions (Kautish & Sharma,
and keep their goals in balance (Tiwari et
2019) and attitude towards purchasing green
al., 2011).
products (Chen & Tung, 2014). Researches
4.2 Consumer Behavior explored how environmental attitude link
with the change in behavior of a person in
The focus of most of our research papers, 28 terms of going for low emission vehicles
out of 62, was on consumer behavior and and purchasing green products even if it
costs more (Thapa & Verma, 2014). Even with their altruistic values should be
though these kinds of behavioral changes understood to influence them for going for
cause inconvenience to the consumer along more green products. But the main issue
with being costlier, the consumer still tends arises while implementing marketing
to go for it for the greater good and strategies to influence this behavior.
sustainability of the planet (Trivedi et al., Marketers need to focus on the barriers and
2018). drivers of purchasing behavior and come up
with marketing strategies that can translate
Altruism refers to the selfless concern of
the environmental concern to green
humans for the greater good of society and
purchasing behavior.
people having more altruistic behavior are
found to have a positive attitude towards the 4.3 Strategies
environment (Taufique & Vaithianathan,
Consequent to the literature review, 11
2018). The environmental attitude of
papers studied role of strategies used by the
consumers is the major factor driving the
companies to influence consumer
altruistic values of humans towards
purchasing behavior. Successful sales of a
choosing green products. Youth today in
product revolve around the correct use of
India show this altruistic attitude which has
marketing strategies, same is the case for
led to an increase in the consumption of
green marketing of products. Now that
green products (Yadav & Pathak, 2016).
Consumers are aware of the ecological
Interpersonal influence is a social influence disbalance there is a developing niche in the
wherein a group member influences, market. New green marketing strategies are
convinces and persuades the others. In India, being used by to adapt to the environmental
youth today influences their friends’ groups, situations (Sharma & Singh, 2015) and the
family and society are going for greener holistic marketing paradigm promotes the
products that have less effect on the idea that companies must create goods and
environment (Uddin & Khan, 2017). marketing strategies that meet the needs of
customers as well as protect their long-term
Environmental concern does not always
interests (Tiwari et al., 2011). Green
translate into the buying behavior of the
marketers will then be able to tap into the
consumer. Even though a lot of consumers
degree to which green advertising is
find environment protection important, that
receptive to members of their target group
doesn’t always translate to their change in
and therefore create ads to directly cater to
buying behavior due to inconvenience or
those consumers open to them.
simply because the green products are
costlier (Uddin & Khan, 2017). Businesses Segmentation and targeting scales are used
today therefore focus on the Perceived as consumers are expected to react variably
consumer effectiveness (PCE) which fills to green marketers depending upon the
the gap between the environmental concern levels of openness to green communication,
and the purchase behavior of the consumers especially through means of green ads
(Trivedi et al., 2018). (Bailey et al., 2016). Furthermore, the secret
to effective green marketing, in addition, is
In summary, the present generation’s
credibility. Never overstate or build
environmental awareness and concern along
unreasonable assumptions about 4.4 Impacts
environmental statements and communicate
All the studies done on impacts shows that
clearly and through media that people trust.
green marketing have really changed how
The aforementioned media, for several
people think about saving our environment.
forms of green brands, especially ads, has a
Branding of green products have been really
critical part to sustain managements
successful because of their good image in
relationship with the consumer. All Internet
front of the consumers. There are cases that
equipment outlets create some successful
green marketing has shown the Indian
forum for green buyers to outstretch
consumers about the benefits of eco-
(Ramesh & Samudhra Rajkumar, 2019). For
products but the factor which is missing is
a Green brand, from a consumer point of
the trust and if this factor is achieved, the
view, companies focus on is the designing
purchasing intensity will increase
and packaging of the product. Carbon
significantly. The significant increase in the
Footprinting and Eco-labelling (Sarkar,
purchasing power has been seen because
2012) are used to attract ecologically
Indian consumers believe in protecting the
conscious consumers to explore the brand.
environment (Ansar, 2013; Gupta & Nagpal,
For a developing niche market challenges 2020).
are preexisting in the form non-green, cheap
Studies reveals that the Indian consumers
and popular brands. Thus, innovative green
are worried about the environment and its
marketing strategies are paramount for the
growing concern which have made Indian
sustainability of the brand. Innovation for
Female consumers, in particular, spend extra
sustainability carries exciting opportunities
on green products because of their long-
for companies to expand their top-of-the-
lasting benefits and less harmful effects.
line revenues and even build and change
Improving and Recasting the green products
business models. To stay competitive while
in such a way which reduces its cost and can
also meeting the demands of sustainable
help business in improving its productivity
growth, forward-looking companies would
in such large markets. Awareness of the
need to merge creativity and ecology
surrounding, successful ads and affordable
through the power of eco-innovation (Singh,
products are some factors that attracts
females’ buyers to buy the product (Sethi,
To summarize the theme, research shows 2015; Jain & Kaur, 2006).
that green marketing focuses on advertising
Even the government have acknowledged
and goods promotion with sustainable
the importance of Green marketing in the
characteristics, and also on all practices of
sales of green products. Development
creating, manufacturing, and promotion of
department have started developing these
environment friendly goods. Building a
green products due to the safety and
brand image that a consumer can trust
necessity of environment protection. Many
through means of advertisement, labeling
surveys have been conducted and it has been
and social media is vital. Reduce, Reuse and
found that environment safety and products
Recycle are the underlying philosophies of
benefits are motivating the consumers to buy
green marketing (Chauhan, 2012).
green products. However, unawareness and
less availability of green products are some 4.5 Effectiveness and Challenges
demotivating factors for the consumers
From the reviewed 63 papers, 19 articles
(Shamsi & Siddiqui, 2017; Mishal et al.,
examined the effectiveness and challenges
of Green marketing.
Even the Organizations are on their toes to Green/environmental/sustainable marketing
safeguard the environment and have started is a relatively fresh marketing concept which
developing products that does not harm the not only concentrates upon, alters and
environment. They have started using the 3 amplifies the prevailing marketing concept
R’s strategy to promote these green and implementation but, it also challenges
products. The studies also show that even the regular marketing concept and provides
education is one of the factors that impacts a more substantial perspective (S.
consumer’s behavior and their awareness. Punithadevi, 2012). It was also noted that
Due to the consumer’s awareness, the the Customers want to make more
companies have changed their plans and sustainable choices to support their
adopted the production of green products, as environmental (Kapoor & Singh, 2019;
they know that evolution is required to Singh, 2013) and this has surged the demand
survive the current market trends and for for Green Products (Chopra, 2016) - These
this, they are making use of advertisements, green consumers do not mind paying a bit
so that the consumers can know about their extra for sustainable products with a higher
products. (Laheri et al., 2014; Shrikanth & quality (Chockalingam & Isreal, 2017). The
Raju, 2012). effectiveness of green marketing varies with
consumers as some consumers may be more
Factors like ozone layer depletion, change in
responsive than others (Bailey et al., 2016).
climate, deforestation and depletion of
natural habitat has made the consumers In a developing country like India, business
concerned about the environment and this firms have started opting for ‘corporate
has really changed the consumers behavior environmentalism’ because it’s the need of
in purchasing the green products. the hour and also due to the pressure from
Consumers are looking for the organization the government (Jain & Kaur, 2004; Laheri
which are more eco-friendly and this have et al., 2014). Corporate houses/Companies
made organizations to think more about their are trying to make conscious efforts to go
products and becoming a more eco- friendly green - as this would have a favorable effect
(Singh, 2013; Sethi, 2015). and would lessen the negative effect on our
planet, society and its residents (Sarkar,
India being a developing country, where
2012). Green consumerism has steered
hunger, poverty and social discrimination
corporate environmentalism and companies
are serious concerns, in addition to these,
have become more environment conscious
unsafe environment is a major setback for
and have paid attention towards a greener
this country. To change these, the
marketing orientation (Bahadur &
organizations needs to produce the eco-
Manjunath, 2019). and corporates are
products which doesn’t harm our
targeting for long term profitability and
environment and fulfil the necessity of
sustainability. Few of the top green brands
buyers (Das, 2002; Laheri et al., 2014).
as identified in India in 2011 were noted to
be Dabur India Ltd., Amul, Hindustan ecological quality and consumer satisfaction
Unilever Ltd., Taj Hotels, Britannia or concentrating more on the quality at the
Industries Ltd. and Infosys Ltd. (Shrikanth expense of satisfaction is called green
& Raju, 2012). marketing myopia (Bahadur & Manjunath,
2019; Choudhary & Gokarn, 2013) and a
Greendex Study in 2014 had ranked India
need for standardization of the Green
first among 18 countries for sustainable
products (Sharma & Singh, 2015).
consumer behavior for 2012 and 2014. but
despite this sustainability propaganda, the To summarize, the body of research on
sales of green products haven’t reached the effectiveness and challenges of Green
high that they should have- Consumers have marketing seems adequate in regard to both
awareness about the benefits of green methodologically and from the thematic
products, but the authenticity of these point of view. The strengthening advantage
organic products are often doubted and of this topic was that the research on the
hence, an attitude-behavior gap can be noted new concept was really thorough and the
(Gandhi & Sheorey, 2019). The information idea of Green marketing and its challenges
regarding sustainability of the product must were very clearly explained. The
be requisite, reliable, and should not give investigation had all the aspects of green
wrong unsubstantiated claims (Sharma & marketing covered. The effectiveness of
Singh, 2015). Price is another barrier as green marketing wasn’t covered very
these products are priced higher and some properly- sufficient qualitative data wasn’t
consumers are unwilling to pay premium. available to prove it and this can be counted
Consumers are sensitive about their as a weakness of this review.
surroundings and its environment and are
consciously driven to perform green
behavior but the quality and prices of these 5. Limitations
green products sometimes act as barriers.
Low availability along with misleading Major limitation for the study was the
advertisements-labelling/certifications often geographical location. As green marketing is
confuse the consumers and hence, these a new term in the developing countries, the
consumers end up buying the traditional development and production of such
products (Kapoor & Singh, 2019). Since products is really hard to start. Studies only
Green marketing is a new concept, still there focuses on the consumer behavior on the
are significant barriers towards the green product and not on a particular green
amalgamation of more sustainable product. Only few factors are studied to
consumption style (Bhatia & Jain, 2013). show the buying behavior.
While the shift from normal to green In comparison to the population only a small
marketing appears expensive in the short run sample was taken was small. Marketing of
- with low profits initially as green green products is done more for the urban
technologies are more costly; it proves to be consumer and rural consumer are generally
beneficial (financially too) in the prolonged ignored in the studies. Changes in the
run (Kiradoo, 2019; Mohammadi & Reed, company leads to more expense which is
2020). Another challenge for Green generally ignored by the profit building
marketing is Green Myopia - Misjudging
organizations. To advertise the product as research should focus more on these external
“Green”, a certification is required from the factors and their effects on changing
government which takes a very long consumer behavior (Zhang & Dong, 2020).
procedure. It is very difficult keep up with
MNC’s can use their product to know about
the technological innovation involving green
the consumers view about their product.
products. Organization is always at a risk if
They can get to know the view of consumer
they’re changing their products green and
on green products and non-green products.
many mistakes can be made which be
In order to speculate consumer behavior
threatening to the organization. Another
better, observed data can be used which
limitation of our research was the lack of
involves information of different
papers following qualitative approach,
geographical regions. Only limited factors
which would give us better insight of
have been explained in the previous studies
consumer's green purchasing behavior.
but if more factors are investigated, it can
provide more precise and relevant data.
Promotion of the products can be done with
6. Future Scope for Research
help of social media marketing using the
Most of the research papers we found in our help of apps such as Facebook, Instagram,
study focused on quantitative technique and Telegram and many other. Further,
analysis of green segmentation. Therefore, consumer can get to know more about the
our future research would focus more on green products, its importance, benefits and
qualitative or mixed-method which focuses also that these products don’t harm the
on more open-ended question giving us a environment. When the technology
better insight into consumer behavior with improves, the cost of the products is going
regards to green products (Verma, 2016). to get lower and lower which can improve
the sale growth of the product and likewise
We also found that this segment is well can help in the safety of the environment. In
researched with a lot of non-empirical and future, instead of taking survey from a
quantitative approach but these studies are particular sample, a huge sample can be
mainly generic. More focus on product and taken and used to conduct survey to get
industry-specific research will help us get more view about the consumer on green
better insights of consumer behavior and products. Consumers are becoming more
how much consumers ready to pay for these concerned about the environment day by
products especially in the case of countries day, due to the ozone layer depletion,
like India where environmental issues are pollution which has made consumer think
gaining more attention due to the high air about their buying behavior. Green
pollution levels in major cities (Narula & Marketing strategies can help organizations
Desore, 2016). and the government to increase awareness
Many of the past studies only focus on the among the consumers and get help in the
psychological behavior of consumers while safety of the environment and its resources.
completely ignoring the effects of education,
governmental policies and other external
environmental changes. Therefore, future 7. Conclusion
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