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Journal of Positive School Psychology http://journalppw.

2023, Vol. 7, No. 2, 975-993

Impact Of Green Marketing On Green Purchase Intention

And Green Consumption Behavior: The Moderating Role
Of Green Concern
Iqbal, 2Dr. Syeda Quratulain Kazmi, 3Adnan Anwar, 4Muhammad Sufyan Ramish, 5
Abdul Salam

Senior Lecturer, College of Management sciences, Karachi Institute of Economics and Technology
Assistant Professor, Institute of Business and Health Management, DOW University of Health Sciences
Associate Professor, College of Management sciences, Karachi Institute of Economics and Technology
Assistant Professor, College of Management sciences Karachi Institute of Economics and Technology
Lecturer, College of Management sciences, Karachi Institute of Economics and Technology


Purpose: The main purpose of this research is to identify the rising phenomena of eco- friendly green
environment in marketing domain. The research is mainly addressing the issue of how purchase intentions
of eco -friendly products would develop by using green marketing tactics and how the overall consumption
behavior of consumer would have turned to green consumption. In order to explore the phenomena four
independent variables green products, green value, perceived consumer effectiveness, environmental
sustainability is considered whereas green consumption behavior is taken as dependent variable. Green
purchase intention is the mediating variable whereas green concern is considered as moderating variable.

Methodology/Design: This research study follows the philosophy of positivism. Moreover, explanatory
research design has been posited. A self-administered questionnaire was developed and data has been
collected from 383 customers.

Approach/Sampling: Deductive approach is considered to reach out to conclusion. Non probability

convenience sampling technique is implied and for data analysis SMART PLS structural equation
modelling is used.

Results: The study found that green product quality and green value significantly contribute to green
purchase intention and green consumption behavior. At the same time, the research suggests that green
product quality, green value, and environmental concern are precursors of green consumption behavior.
However, perceived consumer effectiveness (PCE) was found insignificant among Pakistani citizens. In
particular, Green concern moderate interaction between green purchase intention and green consumption
behavior significantly. The study concluded that it is critical to educate Pakistani citizens at all levels about
Asif Iqbal 976

the importance of environmental education and to put forward initiatives to boost green behavior and
promote green marketing.

Keywords/ Acronyms: Green product quality(GPQ), green purchase intention(GPI), green concern(GC),
green value(GV), green marketing(GM), environmental sustainability(ESus), consumer behavior(CB)..

threaten the natural system has expanded and

1.0 Introduction consumers have been actively participating in
Corporations and consumers are paying more green behavior in terms of their consumption and
attention to green consumerism as a result of the daily use.
oil crisis and rising environmental concerns.
Consumers are willing to purchase green Recent studies have been actively focusing on
products because of environmental concerns. In green product utilization and analysis of the green
response to the rising demand for green product industry. Over the past few years, green
consumption, businesses are creating green awareness among the population has introduced
marketing strategies to show consumers their the concept of green consumption in the
positive corporate image and social mainstream market. The surge in ecological
responsibility. When companies "promise greater concern and green awareness has derived
environmental benefit than they provide," policymakers to promote green behavior which
consumers may view green marketing as proposes a meaningful effect on the environment.
"greenwashing" (Dahl, 2010). Therefore, this behavior will help reduce waste
(Ogiemwonyi et al., 2020) and will promote a
Businesses try to draw clients by delivering eco- healthier lifestyle. However, a person of
friendly or green products in response to the awareness exhibits form behavior about their
growing trend of environmental protection. healthy contribution to sustaining the
However, the true value of green production can environment would be committing to buy green
only be realized by connecting client purchasing products only including recyclable products,
intentions with environmental protection energy conserves, and naturally grown food this
objectives (Silva et al. 2021). Green products type of pressure items that will help protect the
stand out because they are recyclable, have environment is generally referred to as green
minimal pollution and toxicity levels, and consumer (Ogiemwonyi & Harun, 2021).
conserve resources (including energy and water)
(Sun et al., 2018). The many motives that Companies are participating in green product
influence consumer purchasing behavior are all awareness campaigns to increase public
included in product purchase intention, which can awareness about consuming products that are
forecast actual purchasing behavior. According to favorable to the environment with a motive to
Li et al., (2021) the term "green product purchase make a customer who supports this program buy
intention" refers to customers' propensity to the green that brands offer. Hence, to fulfill this
choose items with the best environmental purpose, companies must address the factors
attributes over more conventional ones. It also impacting consumers' green purchase intention
includes a variety of motives brought on by (Keni et al., 2020). This ultimately mediates the
actions. green consumption behavior among consumers.
According to Kumar and Anand (2013)
According to Minbashrazgah et al (2017) the organizations are reconsidering their products
practice of green consumption and use of and services based on environmental
environmentally favorable products which do not conservation. Products that are environmentally
977 Journal of Positive School Psychology

friendly incorporate jute bags, CFL bulbs, research explores the influence of moral identity
battery-run cars, natural soaps, eco- on green consumer behavior and involvement
accommodating paper, paper cups, energy-saving (Spielmann, 2020) which indicates that green
electronic items, natural food, and so on, and concern either positively or negatively influences
showcasing of such sustainable items is known as the relationship between green purchase intention
green product marketing. Marketers are using and green consumption behavior.
various advertising strategies focused on altering
consumers to induce a shift in consumer purchase 2.0 Literature Review
intention to make consumers buy the green 2.1 Theory of Planned Behavior
product by advertising a product's green features. The TBP model has proven to be highly essential
For instance, Toyota makes it certain to highlight in measuring an individual's intention to
Prius' low emissions and fuel consumption by participate in environmentally favorable
claiming that the car offers environmental behaviors. Steg and Vlek (2009) define
benefits whereas Tesla and BMW are often environmentally favorable behaviors as
reluctant to share such information and are more 'behaviors that do not pose any harm to the
focused on creating awareness about the environment". Such behaviors include several
performance of their product. Such strategies actions, for example, the consumption of
focus on behavior and consumer purchase products cordial to the environment, consuming
intention by making green attributes of products environmentally friendly goods and services,
prominent. These examples illustrated two natural products, and managing waste materials
entirely different advertising strategies which are for recycling purposes (Park & Ha, 2014). This
termed green emphasis and understatement, the research has been conducted about the intention
former strategy highlights the environmental and behavior of consumers concerning the use of
benefits of the products called explicit signals. green products.
The latter strategy inhibits the prominence of
Previously the literature has paid sufficient
such characteristics known as implicit signals.
attention to a variety of products and services that
Previous studies conducted in marketing and
are environmentally friendly such as electricity-
advertising record the ultimate need of applying
saving products (Ha & Jhanda, 2012), green
marketing strategies to assess consumer behavior
services sector (Kun- Shan & Teng, 2011), and
and consumer attitude (Usrey et al., 2020), and
gave calculated proofs about their availability and
point to the direction that this choice is always
predictions for calculating the purchase intention
related to reasonable conclusions made based on
and purchase behavior of ecological products
green products performance ability (Newman,
which explains that the constructs of theory of
Gorlin, & Dhar 2014). Studies conducted have
planned behavior; attitude, subjective norm an,d
focused entirely on either one of the constructs
perceived behavioral control impacts consumer's
but the collective impact is yet to be measured. A
intention of green products purchase
common explanation for the increase in Green
significantly. However, in some cases (Kim et al.,
consumer behavior refers to the social and moral
2013) the variables of the theory of planned
standards that green products are concerned with.
behavior partially or fully supported the intention
Literary terms such as goodness and virtue play a
and attitudes of consumers. This explains that the
vital role in the prospect of marketing green
TBP variables attitude, subjective norm, and
products for the reason that contributes to the
perceived behavioral control play an extremely
welfare of the environment and humanity is
crucial part in evaluating the purchase intention
linked with virtue and goodness. Previous
Asif Iqbal 978

of consumers to purchase green products (Yadav 2004). Likewise, numerous studies support the
& Pathak, 2016). strong relationship between product quality and
purchase intention. These studies prove that by
Value Belief Norm Theory
maintaining the quality of a product, customer
The theory of value belief and norms suggested satisfaction and loyalty would be generated
that values impact belief, which is which increased the level of consumer purchase
operationalized via environmental global, which intention (Kotler et al., 2005). Amidst the concept
as a result affects awareness of behavioral of environmentalism and international
consequences, a supposition of responsibility regulations about sustaining the environment,
which links with personal norms and behavior, companies should not only focus on embodying
and at last forecasts behavior. Values have the green features in their products, design, and
variable natures and they change over time that is package but should focus on making their product
why VBN theory is not very useful for distinguished; they should likewise fulfill the
environmental policies and their ecological expectation of their customers and
implementations. However, conflicting using generate a higher level of customer satisfaction
values rather than environment interchangeably and competitive advantage (Chang & Fong,
would be useful for analyzing influences of 2010).
environmental knowledge and behavior Brown &
Consumers' knowledge about the quality of the
Kasser, (2005).
product has always been centered on such quality
2.2 Green Product Quality and Green attributes of the product that can be
Purchase Intention individualized as user quality or technical quality,
The ultimate goal of any production line is to such as product performance, convenience, and
develop products of quality that conform to the durability. However, over the years several
expectation of consumers. It is vital to set up a discussions in the context of environmental
well-developed production procedure by threats related to consumer products became
customer needs, product design, and the evident. However, it steered clear of the
manufacturing process (Li, Chang, Chen & Liu, consciousness of consumers that consumption
2010). Product quality is an essential element and discarding of any product together with its
when it comes to generating satisfaction and production and distribution may pose a threat to
loyalty (chang & Fong, 2010). Johnson and natural systems. Hence, in some cases, it might
Kliener (1993) explained the quality of any be highly appreciated to highlight the general
product in context with its performance, which is facts about product quality, the attributes, and the
termed as the level of customization and direction of green product quality which is
perfection or the reliability of the product. The defined as the capability of a product to in
product quality attributes include its packaging, preserving the natural environment and must
design, features, guarantees, etc (Abdul-Muhmin, contain relevant attributes (Imkamp, 2000).
2002). Any product which is of high quality can
attract an increased amount of acceptance from its H1: Green product quality has a positive and
consumers together with leading to elevated significant impact on consumer green purchase
satisfaction levels for retailers (Schellhase et al., intention.
2000). Product quality has a direct relationship
with its performance and life which is linked to
satisfaction and loyalty leading to increasing
purchase intention of consumers (Eskildsen et al.,
979 Journal of Positive School Psychology

2.3 Green Value and Green Purchase 2021). The consumers actively take part in
Intention conserving the environment by making effective
According to Liao Wu and Pham (2020), an purchase decisions, this belief develops the
environmentally conscious consumer prefers to intention to purchase green (Kanchanapibul, et al,
buy environmentally favorable products only. 2014). In the same manner, several findings
The term green consumer refers to an individual indicate that consumer who possesses increased
who gives preference to utilizing products that perceived consumer effectiveness reflects a
are valuable to the environment (Mostafa, 2007; higher level of green purchase intention and
Lee, 2009). Oftentimes, the decision to buy a green consumption behavior (Zinoubi, 2020).
product is based on its value which is an This literature review brings us to the hypothesis
important factor that influences purchase that:
intention (Li & Cai, 2012; Hanaysha, 2018).
Green value reflects what consumer perceives H3: Perceived consumer effectiveness has a
about green products value (Song et al., 2019). positive and significant impact on green purchase
Chen and Chang (2012) argue that “green intention.
perceived value is an overall assessment of a
consumer’s actual income of a product or the 2.5 Environmental Sustainability and Green
service.” Green value is one of the crucial factors Purchase Intention
that impact green consumption behavior (Koller, Research in the context of sustainability found a
Floh & Zauner, 2011). The intention to purchase lack of focus on the social perspective of
and consume the green product is an important sustainability (Kumar et al., 2017).
indicator when it comes to evaluating green Environmental sustainability is the means of
consumption behavior, it represents an improving the natural ecological systems or
individual's will to buy the product based on its maintaining them. Environmental sustainability
value (Al-Gasawneh & Al-Adamat, 2020). is explained as a manner that helps enhance the
Through careful analysis of several studies, it has well-being of the planet by sustaining raw
been found that the green value of a product acts materials that are essential for human life which
as the core element that influences green purchase works as antecedent. Several studies performed
intention and green consumption behavior (Suki in the context of sustainability found two
& Suki, 2019; Ahmed & Zhang, 2020; Liao Wu dimensions of sustainability which includes
and Pham, 2020) hence: social sustainability and environmental
sustainability and explained their association
H2: Green value has a positive and significant with one another. The study argues that to take
impact on green purchase intention. necessary actions it is important to have some
basic or initial knowledge about the issue Steg et
2.4 Perceived Consumer Effectiveness and al. (2014) report that several factors generate
Green Purchase Intention feelings of responsibility towards conserving the
Perceived consumer effectiveness was initially environment (panda et al., 2019). People who
explained by Kinnear et al. (1974). This concept hold high consumer effectiveness standards
goes back to the 1970s and is described as a believe themselves to be highly valuable when it
consumer's effective behavior. Perceived individual to their ability to reduce pollution in
consumer effectiveness proposes the belief that a the environment comes to the improvement of
consumer's behavioral patterns prove to be environmental issues therefore these individuals
effective in solving issues (Aksoy & Kabadayi, are most likely to engage in behaviors that reflect
Asif Iqbal 980

their respect towards the environment (Wang, individual's conscious concern about ecological
Nguyen & Xiangzhi, 2020). Jaiswal and Kant problems and their eagerness to participate in
(2018) found that individuals who believed in bringing a solution to ecological problems
their effective behavior towards the environment (Dunlap & Jones, 2002). Numerous authors
tend to hold high green purchase intentions. Due developed a relationship between green concerns
to this reason, such green consumers are actively and eco-friendly behavior. Green concern can be
participating in environmentally sustainable characterized as the emotion and the level of
practices. Whereas environmental issues are on knowledge together with the eagerness to alter
the increase, similarly consumer awareness about behavior. Kim and Choi (2005) enlightened the
green products is also increasing (Liao, 2018; fact that those consumers who are worried about
Qiu, Hu & Wang, 2020). Hence we propose the environmental problems willingly take part in
following hypothesis: purchasing green products as compared to those
who are less concerned (Akehurst & Goncalves,
H4: Environmental sustainability has a positive 2012).
and significant impact on green purchase
Numerous studies have pointed out that green
concern impacts pro-environmental behavior
2.6 Green Purchase Intention Green either directly or indirectly (Zhang & Huang,
Consumption Behavior 2019), whereas how it moderates is rarely
One important factor that influences consumer mentioned. Consumers' level of green concern is
purchase decisions is motivation (Yii, Shein, & reflected in their consumption behavior in terms
Ming, 2020). Whitlark, Geurts, and Swenson of green products (Chan and Lau, 2000).
(1993) defined purchase intention as the intention According to Biswas and Roy (2015)
of buying a product after careful its careful "Consumers with high green concern tend to have
examination (Bhaskar & Kumar, 2016). It has a strong sense of environmental responsibility
been reported that consumer intention and actual and actively engage in environmentally friendly
behavior are two elements that can be activities" for instance, it has been reported that
green concern positively impacts consumers'
interchanged (AL-Obaidi & AlHaidous, 2020).
Goh and Balaji (2016) described green purchase green purchasing attitude and intention.
intention as a consumer's motivation to acquire According to Paul et al. (2016), green concern has
green products rather than easily available goods. a positive relation with consumer green purchase
Green purchase intention is linked to consumers' intention and consumer green consumption
preference to purchase green and create behavior. Consumers with an increased level of
awareness and pay premiums (Al-Majali & green concern are perceived to develop green
Tarabieh, 2020). consumption behavior, execute such behaviors,
and address environmental problems during the
H5: Green purchase intention has a positive and course of their consumption (Riva et al., 2022).
significant impact on green consumption H6: Green concern positively moderates the
behavior. relationship between green purchase intention
and green consumption behavior.
2.7 The Moderating Role of Green Concern
The green concern is also termed environmental H7: Green Concern has a positive and significant
concern and environmental consciousness. The impact on green consumption behavior.
green concern is generally described as an
981 Journal of Positive School Psychology

Conceptual Framework

Green Concern
Green Product quality

Green value
Green Purchase Green consumption
intention behavior
Perceived consumer


research either complete participation or partial

3.0 Methodology participation. The reason for the use of non –
3.1 Data Collection and Sampling probability sampling can be clarified on the basis
The research philosophy of this study is that for certain researchers it is difficult to attain
“positivism”. The research is explanatory in irregular probability-based examples of the
nature and holds a deductive approach. Close– population because of time and cost limitations.
ended type of questionnaire was utilized to In such a case, segments of individuals are
collect data from the sample population. The determined to evaluate individual judgment. Non
questions were answered using 5-point Likert – probability sampling utilizes the absolute
scales ranging from strongly agree to strongly judgment of individuals, also it is the most
disagree. Data collection through the supportive quantitative method of research
questionnaire method was determined for the (Saunders and thorn hill, 2012) the collected data
reason of convenient evaluation and analysis of will be analyzed by using SmartPLS software.
answers and ease of acquisition (Ngwenya & Data will further be illustrated through graphical
Aigbavboa, 2017). The geographical population representation i.e. tables and charts. To analyze
of the study is 16,094,000 people in Karachi. The data consistency Questionnaire will be
population consulted is the general public to see thoroughly examined. Based on the responses of
their views and perception about the green individuals, questionnaire items will be grouped
product. The sample size is calculated by G- and assigned codes for efficient data handling
Power. using SmartPLS software.

The present research utilized non – probability 3.2 Measurement

sampling. In non – probability sampling, all the The table represents the respondent's profile
individuals cannot participate in the research. consisting of their age and gender which is
This opposes the likelihood testing technique present in the first section of a questionnaire
where the entire population participates in the distributed among consumers of green products.
Asif Iqbal 982

Respondents of age 18 – 24, 25 – 34, 35 – 44, and individuals of age 18 – 24 are keener to conserve
45+ participated in the questionnaire. The table the environment and play their part by consuming
consists of a frequency column that highlights the environment-friendly products.
percentage of individuals who participated in the
The data suggests that 56.9% of females
questionnaire and further highlights the highest
participated in the questionnaire which suggests
percentage of the age group. However, the
that 218 female participants in total, where the
highest number of respondents belonged to the
percentage of male participants is 43.08% which
age group of 18 – 24, a relative percentage of 66.1
concludes that 165 male participants actively
%, and 24.1% of participants belongs to the age
participated in the study.The results explain the
group of 25 – 34. 7.1% belonged to the age group
number of green product consumers and how
of 35 – 44 and 2.75% of the respondents were 45+
their quality and considerations generate
years of age and least participated in the
consecutive consumption patterns in both
questionnaire. Because the target audience is
based on consumers of green products,

Table: 1 Respondents Profile

Frequency Percentage
Male 165 43.08%
Female 218 56.91%
Age group
26 to 31 years 73 19.0%
32 to 36 years 120 31.3%
37 to 41 years 190 49.0%
Income in PKR
1000 to 25000 145 38.0%
25001 to 50000 35 9.1 %
50001 to 75000 54 14.0%
75001 to 100,000 24 6.2 %
100,001 to 125000 35 9.1 %
125001 or More 90 23.5%
Matric 30 7.83%
Intermediate 39 10.1%
Bachelors 147 38.3%
Masters 155 40%
M.Phil 12 3.1%
983 Journal of Positive School Psychology

indicators. Furthermore, statistical tools such as

The demographic profile of respondents depicts descriptive, convergent, reliability and validity,
the gender, age, income level, and qualification discriminant validity, and path coefficients are
of the respondent. According to the table, 43% of utilized to measure constructs. Similarly,
males and 56% of females participated in the measurement and structural models helped
survey. 19% belong to 31 years of age, 31% describe statistical values as per the results of the
belong to 32036 years, and 49% belong to 37-41 calculation. This study considered all the details
years of age. The earning respondents share is to provide comprehensible information which led
38% earn up to 25K,9.1% earn up to 50K, 14% the study to a commendable conclusion to help
earn up to 75K, 6.2% earn 100,000, 9.1% earn provide future recommendations.
125K, and 23.5% earn more than 125K.
However, the education level they share is, 7.8%
just 10th standard, 10.1% cleared intermediate,
38.3% are bachelor, 40% have done Master and
3.1 % have done their MPhil

3.3 Result and data analysis

Statistical results are obtained using SmartPLS
software to find out the significant values of the

Figure 2: Measurement Model

Table 2 Measurement model results

Asif Iqbal 984

Constructs Outer Cronbach's Rho_A Composite (AvE)

loading Alpha Reliability

ES 0.839 0.788 0.798 0.875 0.699

GC 0.839 0.727 0.830 0.837 0.636
GCB 0.810 0.813 0.819 0.890 0.729

GPI 0.757 0.763 0.907 0.855 0.665

GPQ 0.795 0.800 0.815 0.883 0.717
GV 0.887 0.868 0.878 0.919 0.790
PCE 0.879 0.898 0.905 0.936 0.830
Note: CR = Composite Reliability; AVE = Average Variance Extracted
985 Journal of Positive School Psychology

Figure 3: Structural Model.

performed through Fornell & Larcker analysis,

3.4 Validity and Reliability Analysis and cross-loading analysis. The value of
It explains the results to finalize the strongest composite reliability represented is greater than
relationship of reflective constructs with other 0.7 hence significant and reliable (Hair, et al.
variables in the path model (Hair et al., 2022). 2017),
The analysis of Discriminant validity is

Table 2: Discriminant validity

Latent Variables 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Environmental 0.836
Green Concern 0.326 0.797
Green Consumption 0.254 0.328 0.854
Green Product 0.347 0.301 0.436 0.815
Green Purchase 0.451 0.265 0.472 0.610 0.847
Green Value -0.216 -0.081 -0.225 -0.259 -0.260 0.889
Perceived Consumer 0.417 0.404 0.340 0.444 0.366 -0.172 0.911
Asif Iqbal 986

3.5 Structural Model Analysis structural model analysis performed to evaluate

The structural model analysis is performed to examine prediction confidence and examine the constructs'
the predictability of the constructs hypothesis and their hypothesized relationships through covariance structure
relationship with the help of covariance structure analysis. The structural model's results are illustrated in
analysis. Table 1.5 represents the results of the Table

Table 3: a structural model analysis

Constructs Original Sample Standard T Statistics P

Sample Mean Deviation (|O/STDEV|) Values
(O) (M) (STDEV)
H1: Moderating Effect 1 -> Green Consumption 0.199 0.196 0.043 4.572 0.000
H2: Environmental Sustainability -> Green Purchase 0.252 0.253 0.050 5.009 0.000
H3: Green Concern -> Green Consumption Behavior 0.201 0.206 0.048 4.152 0.000
H4: Green Product Quality -> Green Purchase 0.491 0.488 0.043 11.369 0.000
H5: Green Purchase Intention -> Green Consumption 0.408 0.411 0.045 9.145 0.000
H6: Green Value -> Green Purchase Intention -0.073 -0.075 0.040 1.843 0.066
H7: Perceived Consumer Effectiveness -> Green 0.030 0.031 0.050 0.610 0.542
Purchase Intention
987 Journal of Positive School Psychology

The relationship between independent constructs

3.6 Conclusion (green product quality, green value, perceived
The present study contributes to the body of green consumer effectiveness, and environmental
marketing knowledge in the context of sustainability) and dependent constructs (green
developing countries like Pakistan. consumption behavior) is significant and positive
Understanding the buying behavior of green which authenticates previous literature. The study
products is very interesting because green further suggested that based on the value and
product quality, and environmental sustainability perceived effectiveness, the participation of
builds green value and becomes a consideration individuals in sustaining the environment is high
for choosing and purchasing green products. The (H1, H2, H3, and H4). The results of the
importance of green concern is considered critical hypotheses are consistent. H5 also confirms that
in the marketing strategy. This study explores the dependent variables (green product quality, green
effect of green PQ, GV, PCE, and ESus on green value, environmental sustainability, and
purchase intention by considering the moderating perceived consumer effectiveness) are also good
role of green concern. The result shows that green predictors.
product quality and value significantly contribute
4.1 Managerial Implications
to green purchase intention and consumption
This research suggests some implications for the
behavior. At the same time, the research suggests
manufacturers and consumers of green products.
that green product quality, green value, and
Organizations should pay significant attention to
environmental concern are precursors of green
all the captions to develop and maintain a
consumption behavior. However, perceived
significant relationship between consumers and
consumer effectiveness (PCE) was insignificant
manufacturers. The green industry should focus
among Pakistani citizens. In particular, Green
more on providing quality green products and
concern moderate interaction between green
come up with unique ideas to help promote
purchase intention and green consumption
environmental sustainability. They should also
behavior significantly. The study concluded that
encourage the use of green and should use their
it is critical to educate Pakistani citizens at all
position to promote green values among the
levels about the importance of environmental
population. Conducting seminars related to green
education and to put forward initiatives to boost
product and their benefits would also encourage
green behavior and promote green marketing.
consumers and manufacturers to play their part
wisely in sustaining the environment.
4.0 Discussion Universities should design the platform's
The major objective of the study was to evaluate promotion of green consumption.
factors that impact green purchase intention and 4.2 Limitations of the Study
green consumption behavior based on a theory of This study contains some limitations in terms of
planned behavior and the theory of value, norms, the conceptual model and the research
and beliefs previous studies have focused on hypotheses, which provide significant insights for
these two cognitive behaviors but the research future research directions. Despite these
was limited to individual behaviors only. limitations, the study nevertheless provides
However, this study measures the mediating valuable information. First, future research may
impact of green purchase intention on the find more factors that influence the green
dependent variable green consumption behavior purchase intention. This study only focuses on the
under the moderating impact of green concern. mediating role of green purchase intention and
Asif Iqbal 988

the moderating role of green concern, neglecting typology of personalization practices in

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