Overcoming Barriers To Multitier Supplier Collaboration
Overcoming Barriers To Multitier Supplier Collaboration
Overcoming Barriers To Multitier Supplier Collaboration
Overcoming barriers to
multitier supplier collaboration
Digitally integrated supply chains could generate billions in new value—if
industries find ways to manage perceived risks, realize the value at stake, and
distribute it fairly among partners.
This article was a collaborative effort by Eike Ebel, Tarek Kasah, Bodo Koerber, Niko Mohr, Daniel Müllerklein and
Matthias Roggendorf.
© Getty Images
July 2021
The COVID-19 crisis has disrupted production and of one another’s data. That makes it difficult for
logistics activities across the world, leaving many organizations to agree on the terms and incentives
organizations struggling with uncertain delivery for data sharing projects. And it can make them
times and critical shortages of parts and materials. reluctant to integrate external data into their own
Recent shortages of semiconductors, lumber, and management and planning systems.
steel are a reminder of how vulnerable today’s
globally integrated supply chains can be—and of
technology’s strategic value in revealing potential The value of integration
disruptions along the n-tier supply chain. In one McKinsey survey of more than 100 large
organizations in multiple sectors, companies that
The pandemic may have pushed supply chains to regularly collaborated with suppliers demonstrated
the top of the corporate agenda, but the topic was higher growth, lower operating costs, and greater
already on the rise. Ambitious environmental, social, profitability than their industry peers. To offer a
and governance (ESG) targets require original- more granular view of the potential impact of highly
equipment manufacturers (OEMs) and suppliers integrated supply chains, we modeled the supply
to track, manage, and communicate data on their chains of one major industry: the automotive sector.
carbon emissions and labor practices across all The car industry provides an informative test case
tiers of their supplier networks. And, with suppliers because its supply chain is complex, and industry
responsible for 80 percent of total product value in players have already worked hard to drive efficiency
industries such as automotive, supplier cost, quality, and squeeze out waste to increase their usually-low
innovation, and delivery performance remain critical margins.
to business success.
Our analysis took a deliberately narrow view of the
Companies know that closer collaboration with their supply chain, looking at the potential efficiency
suppliers is a powerful way to drive improvement gains generated through the integration of day-
across all these dimensions. But the vision of a to-day activities: supply-chain planning and
truly integrated supply chain has proved difficult execution, logistics planning and execution, and
to realize. OEMs and suppliers seeking to increase quality management. We modeled the impact of
data sharing and collaboration across their supply integration across the end-to-end value chain from
networks have faced three principal hurdles. “tier-n” suppliers through vehicle OEMs to dealers,
including the role of the logistics-service providers
Technology. The current technologies used to that manage and execute the flow of materials,
exchange data between supply-chain participants components, and finished vehicles (Exhibit 1).
tend to be relatively unsophisticated. The electronic
data interchange (EDI) standard widely used in the For the global automotive industry, we found that
automotive sector, for example, allows only limited integrating those activities could save OEMs and
information on forecasts, orders, and delivery their suppliers between €40 and €65 billion per year.
schedules to be shared between two companies. At the 5 to 7 percent margin typical in the industry,
that represents a 50 percent profitability boost.
Operating model. Participants have not yet
developed standards for the exchange of more The largest benefit we identified came from greater
complex data, from the carbon footprint of parts production efficiency at supplier sites. Integrated
to the real-time location of products as they move planning helps suppliers run stable operations, with
through logistics networks. fewer schedule changes, changeovers between
products, and extra shifts. The process also works
Trust. Trust is an important issue for participants the other way. If upstream suppliers cannot meet
from two perspectives. First, some data is a customer request, early warnings may allow
considered too sensitive to share with external downstream players to adjust their schedules,
partners. Second, participants often lack a minimizing disruption and maintaining output. In our
common understanding of the value or accuracy
End-to-end supply-chain planning and synchronization opportunities, starting from customer order
up to tier-n
Estimated maximum overall impact
Supplier OEM and supplier (joint planning) OEM Dealer Estimated minimum overall impact
Estimated Typical
impact for Industry ~3–4 ~40–65
suppliers ~2–4 ~1–2 4.0 levers ~1–2
equipment Total summarizes the efficiency
manu– gains realized along the entire
facturers supply chain (ie, efficiencies
(OEMs), Not in realized through OEM but also
€ billion1 focus tier-n suppliers)
Example Integrated Integrated Integrated Integrated Integrated Integrated Integrated Cumulative
use case supply– supply– logistics quality supply– logistics supply– value for
chain chain planning manage– chain planning chain OEM and
planning planning ment planning planning suppliers
(at least
Estimated based on public information and expert analysis
Source: McKinsey analysis
model, planning improvements accounted for €25 to The third largest impact came from improvements
€50 billion in benefits. in transportation efficiency. Increasing the overall
utilization of transport assets and reducing the
Another large benefit came from reducing number of emergency deliveries is expected to
inventories across the supply chain. High save the industry €2 to €4 billion. Better transport
inventory levels are often the result of unreliable utilization also improves the industry’s carbon
or uncertain forecasts, or lack of communication footprint, allowing it to keep components flowing
about production-schedule changes that will with fewer truck journeys and less airfreight.
affect material call-offs in a just-in-time operating
environment. Addressing these issues through Finally, integration would help companies manage
collaborative, end-to-end planning could save the quality in their production operations. Linking data
industry a further €6 to €8 billion on inventory costs, on production process parameters, test results,
freeing up capital. and transport and storage conditions to parts as
they move through the supply chain will aid the
identification of quality issues, accelerate root-
cause problem solving, and allow suspect parts
Exhibit 2
An integrated, end-to-end supply chain of the future promises seamless
An integrated,and
collaboration end-to-end supply chain of the future promises seamless
collaboration and transparency.
Supply information
Demand information
Plannning information
External Product flow
Collaborative Competitor
forecasting data
Full downstream
transparency Demand Supply Performance and
Forecasting S&OP1
review review risk management
Eike Ebel is a consultant in McKinsey’s Frankfurt office; Tarek Kasah is an associate partner in the Dusseldorf office, where
Bodo Koerber and Niko Mohr are both partners; Daniel Müllerklein is a consultant in the Munich office; and Matthias
Roggendorf is a partner in the Berlin office.