History of Set Theory
History of Set Theory
History of Set Theory
Richard Dedekind
Leopold Kronecker
• Cantor was tempted to withdraw
the paper but Dedekind
persuaded Cantor not to
withdraw it and Weierstrass
supported publication.
Karl Weierstrass
where ai is an integer.
• Cantor proves that the algebraic real numbers are
in one-one correspondence with the natural
numbers in the following way.
• For an equation of the above form define its index
to be
Ernst Schröder
• In 1897 the first published paradox
appeared, published by Cesare
✓Some of the impact of this
paradox was lost since Burali-Forti
got the definition of a well-ordered
set wrong!
• However, even if the definition was
corrected, the paradox remained. It
Cesare Burali-Forti basically revolves round the set of all
ordinal numbers.
✓The ordinal number of the set of
all ordinals must be an ordinal and
this leads to a contradiction.
• Itis believed that Cantor discovered this paradox
himself in 1885 and wrote to Hilbert about it in 1886.
✓This is slightly surprising since Cantor was highly
critical of the Burali-Forti paper when it appeared.
• The year 1897 was important for Cantor in another
way, for in that year the first International Congress of
Mathematicians was held in Zurich and at that
conference Cantor's work was held in the highest
esteem being praised by many including Hurwitz and
• In 1899 Cantor discovered another paradox which arises
from the set of all sets.
What is the cardinal number of the set of all sets?
✓Clearly it must be the greatest possible cardinal yet
the cardinal of the set of all subsets of a set always has
a greater cardinal than the set itself.
✓It began to look as if the criticism of Kronecker might
be at least partially right since extension of the set
concept too far seemed to be producing the
✓The “ultimate” paradox was found by Russell in 1902
(and found independently by Zermelo).
✓It simplify defined a set
A = { X | X is not a member of X }.
• Russellthen asked :Is A an
element of A?
✓Both the assumption that A is a
member of A and A is not a
member of A lead to a
✓The set construction itself
appears to give a paradox.
Bertrand Russel
• Russell wrote to Frege telling him
about the paradox. Frege had been
near completion of his major treatise
on the foundations of arithmetic.
Frege added an acknowledgement
to his treatise.
“A scientist can hardly meet with
anything more undesirable than to
have the foundation give way just
as the work is finished. In this position
I was put by a letter from Mr
Bertrand Russell as the work was
Gottlob Frege nearly through the press”
• By this stage, however, set theory
was beginning to have a major
impact on other areas of
✓Lebesgue defined 'measure' in
1901 and in 1902 defined the
Lebesgue integral using set
theoretic concepts.
Henri Lebesgue
✓Analysis needed the set theory of Cantor, it
could not afford to limit itself to intuitionist style
mathematics in the spirit of Kronecker.
Beppo Levi