Plan AND: Informative Essay Writing Guide For Third Grade
Plan AND: Informative Essay Writing Guide For Third Grade
Plan AND: Informative Essay Writing Guide For Third Grade
PLAN 2. Write a Write a sentence that clearly states the focus of your writing; it
FOCUS should tell the reader exactly what you want to teach or explain to
ORGANIZE (also known as ❏ Write 2 or 3 statements.
a thesis ❏ Pick the one you like best (save the other statements for
statement) your conclusion)
FINISH Make needed changes to rough draft and write final draft. Use a
8. Revise, edit, checklist to check for:
❏ Content (opinion, reasons, and details)
and publish
❏ Organization (introduction, body, and conclusion)
❏ CUPS (capitalization, grammar, punctuation and spelling)
Use the 4 Type What type of writing does Tells you to write an informative
T’s to make ❏ Informative the prompt tell me to do? text such as an informational
sure you ❏ Opinion
❏ Narrative article or explanatory text.
understand Task What is the prompt telling Uses action words like: explain
what you me to do? prove inform describe examine
need to compare contrast tell how to…
write about
BEFORE Topic What is the prompt telling Provides background information
you start me to write about? and a focus for your writing
and writing. Texts What sources does the Tells you where to get the
prompt tell me to use? information you need to explain
or support your topic
Sentence #1 Sentence #2
Open with a “HOOK.” Add your TOPIC STATEMENT.
There are several steps in __________?
Ask a Question (or two)
It’s easy to __________?
● Did you know that __________? This is how you __________.
● I hope you ______________ _______ is different from __________ in several ways.
● Have you ever wondered ____? __________is like __________ in a couple of ways.
● Would you believe ___? Although _____ and ______ are alike, they are different in
● What’s so great about ______? a few ways.
● Are you aware _____? __________ because __________
● Why do _______________?
__________ so __________
● Have you ever thought about _________?
________ chose to _________ because __________.
Or make a bold statement: _____________ learned that _______________.
● _________ is/are ___________. There are three reasons that ____________________.
● You might be surprised to learn _________. Read on to find out more about ______________.
● You better believe that _______. The main qualities of ________ are _____ and _____.
● Imagine ________________. The _______ has several ___________ that _________.
● Most people agree that ___________.
● No one will argue that ___________.
● It is amazing to think about _______. Your introductory
paragraph may also need
● It is fascinating to learn about ____.
to include background
● Of course, most people agree that ___. information for your reader
● Suppose that you _____________. to better understand the
● Typically, ______________. topic you are writing about.
● There are many ways in which _________. Sometimes this information
can be found in a writing
● There are many reasons why ___________. prompt as a statement or
● Take a good look at _____________. question.
● Most people are unfamiliar with ________.
Use your
My main point Supporting facts notes from
(focus statement) (main ideas) the T-Chart
(Steps 3 &
Linking words are like a bridge between 4) to write
your ideas; they help your reader move the body
from one idea to the next. paragraphs
MAIN IDEA #1 ● In source #___, it says ________________.
First, ____________. ● The author points out __________________.
First of all, _____________. ● In the article, “___,” the author says _______.
To start, ________________. ● “________,” according to ______________.
One way that _____________. ● _______ (author) writes, “__________________.”
To begin, ______________.
In the beginning, ___________.
● For example, ______________.
MAIN IDEA #2 ● One way __________.
Second, ________. ● This is seen when _____________________.
Secondly, ________________ ● ________________.
Another way that _________. ● The best way to do this is ___________________.
In addition, ________. ● ___________ should ______________________.
While _____________.
Another _________________.
Although _______________. Explanations
Furthermore, ● This means that __________.
__________________. ● This is important because ___________.
● ___________________.
MAIN IDEA #3 ● _________________.
Last, _____________. ● Keep in mind _______________________.
Finally, ______________. ● This is because _________.
The last way _________. ● Don’t forget the importance of _______
Most importantly, __________. ● You might want to ______________.
Clearly, owls are able to As mentioned, they have These adaptations are all
survive in many different strong talons to grip prey, important to the owl’s
environments because of feathers that allow silent survival where ever it may
several adaptations that flight, and the ability to live.
make them amazing rotate its head so it can
hunters. spot prey
Have the
final word
Provide a concluding statement or section.
STEP 8: Revise, Edit, Proofread & Publish
Use the success criteria checklist to check your own
REVISE essay or exchange papers with a classmate and use to
Something could be check each other’s essays.
made better by...
● Rewording Opinion Essay Success Criteria
● Explaining further
❏ I used a hook
● Rearranging
paragraphs Introduction ❏ I have a clear focus statement
● Regrouping ideas that tells the reader the point of
● Adding linking my writing
words or phrases
● Adding, deleting, ❏ I have 2-3 main ideas to support
combining or Body my focus statement.
shortening Paragraphs ❏ I included key details like
sentences evidence, examples, and
explanations to support each main
Something is wrong and ❏ I used linking words and phrases
needs fixing like.. to introduce the main ideas and
● Missing parts connect them to the focus
● Mistakes in CUPS statement.
● Paragraphing
❏ I used linking words and phrases
to add key details that support
PROOFREAD the main ideas.
I checked to make sure
there are no mistakes ❏ My ending restates the focus
in... Conclusion statement using different words.
● Capitalization ❏ I summarized or reviewed the
● Grammar main ideas that support the focus
● Punctuation statement.
● Spelling
❏ I grouped ideas or sections of
Organization information together using
PUBLISH paragraphs.
My final project is a…
● Document I checked for mistakes in:
● Letter CUPS
❏ Capitalization
● Slideshow
● Video ❏ Usage (grammar)
● Poster ❏ Punctuation
● Other ❏ Spelling
Text features are extra visuals and print that authors include in books
and other texts to help the reader understand the information better.