3 World Changing Life Lessons From Matthew
3 World Changing Life Lessons From Matthew
3 World Changing Life Lessons From Matthew
from Matthew
revjgw@yahoo.com February 10, 2020 Bible Reading 0
When Jesus came, everything changed. Matthew records his revolutionary life along
with the many lessons he taught and still teaches. It has long been one of my favorite
books in the New Testament. The three lessons I will share with you today carry the
potential to change your life and change the world.
When we get this priority right, worry is banished from our lives. Here’s what
happens. As we seek the kingdom of God and his righteousness, we find all of God’s
promises to be true. We find purpose and fulfillment in life. God’s gift to us is
discernment and wisdom. He helps us to manage our lives so we can always know
that our needs are being supplied.
There is a destructive absence of love in the world. It is no wonder that Jesus called
this the greatest commandment.
We are to love God with our whole being. We express this love not only with words
but with obedience, worship, adoration and trust. When we truly love God, it changes
the way we think and talk and act. It infects our whole being with a transformational
power that changes us from the inside out. Our love for God is powered by his very
Spirit that dwells in us.
We are to love each other as well. That means we treat others as we would like to be
treated. So we respect, listen, honor, encourage and cherish each other. We are patient
and kind and forgiving. We love those who are like us and we love those who are
unlike us. There are no exceptions to this love.
The Great Commission
And Jesus came and said to them, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been
given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the
name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all
that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the
Matthew 28:18–20 (ESV)
These verses have been the impetus for every great missionary movement of the
church. There are four key takeaways from these words.
1. Authority. We live under Christ’s authority. He has all authority and when we
engage in this commission, we do so with the authority of Jesus. That authority
is greater than any earthly authority so we need never fear.
2. Lifestyle. Our lifestyle is one of making disciples. That means we are discipling
not just in formal settings like classrooms and small groups but in our daily
conversations and the examples we set in our daily conduct. As we follow
Jesus, we bring others along with us.
3. Teaching. Jesus told us to teach everything he taught. In this age of grace, we
are sometimes guilty of ignoring some of the things he taught us. But following
Jesus is a life of not just faith but also of obedience. Paul described this life as
the obedience of faith (Romans 1:5, 16:26). Everything Jesus taught is relevant
for us today and completely consistent with both the Old Testament and the
New Testament.
4. Presence. He promised that he would always be with us. We can rely on that
promise. He will never fail us or forsake us. He has given us his Holy Spirit to
be with us and in us!
Get Serious
Jesus changed the world. Through his life and teaching the world can be changed
again. It starts with each of us as we live out the things he taught us. So, let’s do it!
Let’s change the world.
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