Buyer - Full Transaction Checklist

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Contact & Property Info

Buyer 1 Contact Info Buyer 2 Contact Info

Property Address MLS #

MLS area
Legal Description Subdivision
Listing Agent Contact Info Seller Info

Loan Officer Contact Info Loan Info

Qualified up to $
Downpayment %
Rate %
Origination %
Escrow Officer Contact Info Inspector Contact Info

Pre-Qualify Buyers (ask these questions over the phone, prior to your first

“Mr./Ms. Buyer, in order for me to be prepared for our meeting a to avoid wasting your time, I have a few
questions to ask you—is now a good time?”

How did you find out about me? Who can I think for introducing us?

Why do you want to buy?

What general area are you interested in living in?

Where are you currently living? Do you own that property or rent it?

(If owner) Do you plan to sell that home? /When is your lease up?

(If renter) When is your lease up?

What’s your time frame for moving?

Will you be financing the home?

Are you already in touch with any lenders?

(If yes) Are you already pre-approved?

(If no) Do you have a rough idea of how much home you think you can afford?

Is anyone else buying the house with you?

What is their name/contact info?

Are you planning to live in the home yourself?

Have you ever bought or sold a home before?

Have you worked with any other Realtors?

Is there anything else I should know?

What’s the most important thing I can answer for you when we meet?

Will all the decision makers be there?

I look forward to seeing you on __ at ___

Initial Meeting

☐Set appointment
☐Buyer’s Presentation
☐Buyer’s Rep Agreement
☐One to Four (for their review only)
☐Send email to for Coach to review prior to sending to your client with the
Loop Name – you don’t need to send attachments unless requested by Coach.
☐Buyer’s Rep
☐Contact information
☐Full names

After Initial Meeting

☐Add to database
☐Buyer Rep
☐Sign General Information & Notice to a Buyer
☐Send Thank You Email to Buyer
☐Attach Cover Letter Examples
Hi __,

It was great sitting down with you today and talking about the home-buying process! In a moment, I will send
you an email with a link inside which will take you to DotLoop. There, you will be able to review and sign the
documents listed in your Home Buying Guide, as well as view the documents you signed today during our

As promised, I’ve given your information to the lenders we discussed, so you should hear from them soon to
begin the pre-qualification process. Once we know what you’re pre-approved for, I’ll get you set up on a
search so we may begin the hunt! Also, don't forget to get started on your cover letter. I’ve attached a couple
of samples for your reference if you need some inspiration!

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me.


☐Send docs via DotLoop
☐General Information & Notice to a Buyer
☐Information About Property Insurance
☐Protect Your Family from Lead in Your Home
☐ Wire Transfer Notification (KW Form)
☐(signed) IABS
☐(signed) Buyer Rep
☐Info blurb
Please read and review these documents and let me know if you have any questions! Afterwards, please sign
and initial where indicated and we will be all set!

☐Send Lender Introduction Email

Hi ___,

I met with some buyers today who are ready to begin the Pre-Approval Process. Would you reach out to them
when you have a moment? Their contact info is:

[[Buyer’s Contact Info]]

They will be interviewing a couple of lenders, and I’ve let them know that I highly recommend you!

Thank you,

☐Send Thank You Card

Dear ___,

Thank you so much for taking the time to sit down with me today, it was wonderful meeting you both! I’m really
looking forward to working together and hope you won’t hesitate to contact me with any questions as we move

☐General Information & Notice to a Buyer
☐Information About Property Insurance
☐Cover letter
☐Get pre-approved
☐Receive pre-approval letter
☐Call lender for introduction
☐Loan type
☐Down Payment %
☐Max. Seller contribution towards Buyer’s Closing Costs
☐Have you done a pre-qualification to a pre-approval for the borrower?
☐What’s a realistic timeline for closing?
☐MLS auto-search
☐Bounding streets:
☐# Beds:
☐# Baths:

☐Send Auto-Search Directions email

The link below will take you to view all of the properties currently for sale that meet your criteria. You will
receive an email each morning that new listings have come on the market. Be sure to click the link to activate
the search!

Once you’re inside your search portal, click “Change Display” and then “Customer Full” to see the full details
of each listing. As you view the properties, please mark all of them with one of three symbols located in the top
left-hand corner, above the photo:

A heart = you’re very interested in the property

A lightbulb = you would consider the property
A trash can = you would not consider the property

Keep in mind that some of the homes you view will not have professional photos. This can make the home
look less desirable than it is in person, so try not to rule them out just because it doesn’t have nice images or it
looks messy inside.

As we’ve talked about, homes are selling very quickly, so as soon as you’ve identified a property you’re
interested in, it’s very important for us to view it ASAP!

To start, your criteria is defined as:

— beds, baths
—North of , south of , east of , west of

If you would like me to change anything listed above, just let me know—it’s very easy to do.

Happy searching!


Once you’re inside your search portal, click “Change Display” and then “Customer Full” to see the full details
of each listing.

As you view the properties, please mark all of them with one of three symbols located in the top left-hand
corner, above the photo:
A heart = you’re very interested in the property
A lightbulb = you would consider the property
A trash can = you would not consider the property

View Homes

☐Call listing agent and ask if they currently have any offers
☐Set appointments with owner/listing agents
☐Print agent one page
☐Check for security codes

Submit Offer

☐Gather info
☐Send buyers CMA
☐Flood zone?
☐MUD? (Check “Assessment and Tax” section of Realist)
☐Receive seller’s disclosure
☐Send seller’s disclosure to buyers
☐Suggest getting new survey
☐Call Listing Agent and gather info
☐Do they have a survey?
☐Does the seller want a leaseback?
☐When does the seller want to close?
☐Does the seller want the fridge, washer, or dryer to convey?
☐Why are they selling?
☐When I send the offer, do you want it in in one PDF or separate PDFs?
☐When is seller reviewing offers?
☐When should we expect to hear back with their decision?
☐Misc. questions
☐Ask buyer about best & final offer
☐Send email to for Coach to review prior to sending to your client with the
Loop Name – you don’t need to send attachments unless requested by Coach.
☐Send to buyers for signature
Please read and review these documents and let me know if you have any questions! Afterwards, please sign
and initial where indicated and I will send your offer to the listing agent!
☐Submit offer
☐Send Offer Info email
☐Attach contract
Hi __,

I am pleased to present this offer on behalf of my client, _____, on your listing at ______. They fell in love with
this home because of _________.

My clients are pre-approved with ______, who is my preferred lender and who I trust for a smooth transaction.
___ is a fantastic communicator, so please feel free to reach out to ___ at the information below.

I have attached a personal letter from the buyers to the sellers for you to present along with the offer. Please

let me know if you would like me to share an electronic version of the contract with you and your seller via
DotLoop and I would be more than happy to do so.

You have been fantastic to communicate with--I can't tell you how much I appreciate that! We look forward to
working with you, and please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions! If you would please respond to
confirm receipt of this email, I would greatly appreciate it.

Lender info:

☐Attach documents
☐Cover letter
☐Contract & addenda
☐Pre-Approval letter
☐Signed Seller’s Disclosure
☐Call listing agent about offer
☐Have lender call listing agent
☐Receive Lead-Based Paint disclosure
☐Send documents to your Coach for review prior to sending to your Client (
☐Execute contract (executed on____)
☐Deliver executed contract to title company
☐Deliver executed contract to lender
☐Enter dates from contract into this checklist (bold lines)
☐Put closing date in calendar
☐Create MLS auto search for myself on the property

☐Send listing agent Option Period Questions email

Hi __,

Congrats to us on being under contract! I wanted to touch base about a couple of things:
• I wanted to verify that the option check should be made out to __?
• I’m available today from ___ or tomorrow from ___ to bring you the option check. When would work best for
• Are there any times that do not work for your sellers as far as the inspection is concerned? I’d like to give
my buyers a list of times to avoid, if there are any.
• Would you confirm that all utilities are currently turned on? I’ve learned the hard way that it’s always safest
to double check!

I’m really looking forward to working with you!

☐Send buyer Option Period Instructions email

☐Attach contract

Hi __,

Congrats on being under contract! I’ve attached the signed and executed documents for your records. Now
that your option period has begun, there are a few things we need to do to learn more about the property. We
are now coming up on a lot of deadlines, so please ensure you get these items done promptly as to not be in
breach of the contract. This email is lengthy, but please read it carefully as the information is very important.

Write option & earnest checks. I need to pick these up from you ASAP, as they need to be delivered by __.
• The earnest check should be made out to __ in the amount of $__.
• The option check should be made out to __ in the amount of $__.

Order an inspection. Below are the names of a few inspectors my clients have used in the past, if you don’t
already have someone in mind that you’d like to use. A few things…
• We want to schedule the inspection ASAP. Your option period will end at 5pmm on ____, so we want to
have at least a couple of days after the inspector comes out so that we have as much time as possible
to negotiate repairs, if needed.
• These inspectors should offer termite/WDI inspections as well for an additional fee. I suggest you include
that in your inspection so we know as much about the home as possible.
• Please avoid scheduling them on ___ at ___, as that time won’t work for the sellers.
• Let me know once you’ve scheduled someone to come out—I just need their name, the date, and the
start/end times.
• Ask the inspector how long it will take them to inspect the property. We will want to meet him/her there
about 30 minutes before they plan to finish so they can review the report with you. If you and/or I am
not able to be there, you will have PDF version of the report that we will review.
• If there are any measurements you’d like to take of the home, this is the best time to do it, so don’t forget to
bring a tape measure!

[[[List your 3 favorite inspectors and their contact info here]]]

Request a CLUE report. You should request this report from the insurance agent you would like to use to
insure your property. The CLUE report will contain information about the claims history of the property and of
the applicant for the insurance. I suggest contacting the agent/company you currently insure your vehicle(s)
with, as you typically get a discount for bundling car and home policies. If you want the names of other
options, let me know and I’ll send you some.

Check if the property is in a floodplain. Ask your insurance agent if the property lies in a floodplain, and
how that will affect your rates.

Check if the property has open permits. This can be done online (here for Houston). Open permits can
cause issues in the future, so we want to find out if there are any, and what may need to be done to close

Let me know if you have any questions!

☐Congratulatory FB status on Your Facebook Business Page
☐Share out on your Personal Facebook Wall
☐Disable Buyer’s auto-email Matrix search

Execute Option Period (Ends _______________)

☐Go to Dropbox, open the “How To’s” doc and read the page titled "Execution, Option Period, & Amendments"
☐Obtain Earnest Money
☐Obtain Option Fee
☐Deliver/receipt Option Fee (3 days after execution)
☐Deliver/receipt Earnest Money (1-2 working days)
☐Deliver executed & receipted contract to title company
☐Attach contract
Hi __,

Please find the fully executed and receipted contract attached!

[[[Buyer’s contact info]]]

Loan officer:
[[[Loan officer’s contact info]]]


☐Deliver executed & receipted contract to loan officer

☐Attach contract
Hi __,

Please find the fully executed and receipted contract attached!

Escrow officer:

Listing agent:

☐Receive executed & receipted contract from Title Company
☐Receive Seller’s Disclosure Notice (x days after execution – See Contract)
☐Ensure utilities are turned on (Call & Email Listing Agent to Confirm!)
☐Provide Buyer with PDF of List of Inspectors – have them initial and upload to DotLoop
☐List of inspectors at
☐Have Buyer order inspection
☐Inform the Listing Agent about the Inspection Time
☐Receive Survey (x days after execution – See Contract)
☐Receive notarized T47 (x days after execution – See Contract)
☐Submit Loop to MCA (3 days after execution – See Contract)
☐Receive inspection report
☐Negotiate Amendment (TAR 1903) & Exhibit A (if applicable)
☐Send to listing agent
☐Send to lender
☐Send to escrow officer

☐Request updated DA
☐Receive updated DA
☐Send DA to escrow officer
☐Verify DA $ is correct
☐Send DA to Escrow Officer
☐Receive HOA docs (x days after execution)
☐Send HOA Info email to buyer
Hi __,

Today you received the HOA information via the title company. These documents (rules, regulations, resale
certificate, etc.) are for your information and review. You do not need to sign anything at this time, though you
may see one or two of these again at closing. Other than reviewing this information, there is no action to be
taken in regard to these documents.

Because I am not an attorney, I cannot interpret or explain these documents to you. Should you have specific
questions about the HOA docs, the community’s management company can provide you with the best
answers (their contact info is below).

According to the contract, you have ___ days for your official review period. What this means is that you can
terminate the contract based upon the HOA documents by ____ at 11:59pm, should you find something you
cannot live with. If you have no objections, the purchase process will move forward as scheduled.

Please reply to confirm that you've seen this message and have received the documents. And of course, let
me know if you have any questions!

Escrow Officer’s contact info:


Management Company’s contact info:

☐Object to issues with HOA docs (3 or 5 days after receiving docs, depending on contract type)
☐Receive reply on HOA info email
☐*Terminate contract through option period (x days after execution)

Wait for Closing

☐Schedule closing
☐Send Home Warranty email
Hi __,

It's time to start thinking about which company you'd like to choose as your home warranty provider. According
the contract, the seller has agreed to pay up to $_____ towards the cost. Most warranties are in the $350-
$650 range, and if you choose one that costs more than what the seller will pay for, you will pay the difference
at closing.

Though you have to pay a service call fee (typically $60-$100) and occasionally some portion of the repairs,
it’s nice to have coverage for unexpected issues during your first year of getting to know the home. If for any
reason you would rather have your own service provider come out to address an issue rather than the
warranty company sending one, you will always retain that right.

You are welcome to choose any home warranty company you’d like, and here are a handful to start with. One
thing to keep in mind is that each company's plan is a little different. Some cover pre-existing conditions, some
do not. Some offer a re-key service (so that you can have your locks changed after closing), some do not…
etc. Be sure to read carefully so you know what will be covered!

[[[List 5 Home Warranty Companies here]]]

If you’ll let me know in the next couple of days which company and plan you’d like to use, along with any
“add on” options you’d like to include, I’ll have the title company order it for you.

Let me know if you have any questions!

☐Have escrow officer order home warranty
☐Send Utility Info email
Hi __,

I wanted to remind you to get your utilities set up sooner rather than later so the lights will be on when you
move in! Don’t forget to call and arrange for your electric, water, cable, internet, etc. to be set up prior to your
move in.

It’s no fun unpacking boxes in the dark!

☐Check if option was deposited
☐Receive title commitment (20 days after title co. has contract)
☐Send Title Commitment Info email to buyer
☐Attach Title Commitment explanation
Hi __,

You should have received an email from the title company with the Title Commitment documents. While these
documents are mostly informational, it’s important to review them and have a good understanding of the
property before purchasing it. They tell you what the title policy will/will not cover, plus things like any liens on
the property that must be cleared before closing (the seller’s responsibility), deed restrictions, etc. Schedule B
includes important information on restrictive covenants, easements, building setbacks, etc.

You have __ days to review these documents, based on what we wrote in the contract. Look them over and
let me know if you have any objections. If you have specific questions, the title company can provide you with
the best answers (their contact info is below). I’ve attached a form called “Title Commitments from A to D” that
gives an overview of the various parts (schedules).

If you have an objection to the title commitment information and want to terminate the contract, that must
happen by ___ at 11:59pm. If you have no objections, the purchase process will move forward as scheduled.

Please reply to confirm that you've seen this message and have received the documents. Happy reading!

Title’s contact info:

☐Receive reply on Title Commitment email
☐Object to issues with title commitment (x days after receiving commitment)
☐Have escrow officer order survey (5 business days before survey must be delivered)
☐Receive survey (x days after execution)
☐Repairs completed (x days before closing)
☐Have loan officer order the appraisal
☐Ask listing agent if they plan to pull lockbox and provide appraisal package
☐Receive appraisal
☐Negotiate Amendment
☐Send to listing agent
☐Send to lender
☐Send to escrow officer
☐Request updated DA
☐Receive updated DA
☐Send DA to escrow officer
☐Confirm funding for 3rd Party Financing (1 week before 3rd Party Financing Expire Date)
☐3rd Party Financing expires (___________days after Executed Date per Contract
☐Buyer to Obtain Home Insurance
☐Buyer to Obtain Flood Insurance (If Needed)
☐Schedule Buyer Final Walk Through

☐Send Closing Instructions email

☐Attach transaction documents
Hi __,

This email is a bit lengthy, but I promise each detail is important, so please read it very carefully.

A few things to note about closing:

• Both of you need to be present
• Please bring your driver’s licenses
• To pay your closing costs, you may either bring the funds to closing in a certified form, or you may wire
them to the title co. The title co will send you wiring instructions if they have not yet done so, and
please be sure to call them to verify the wiring details as there’s a lot of fraud occurring via email.
We do not yet know the final, exact amount—we should hear from __ about what that number is in
days leading up to closing. If you would like to wire the funds, you will need to do so a day or more
before closing to ensure they arrive in time—I would check with your bank to see how long the wire will
• If you haven’t yet received your escrow refund check from the lender of your __ home, be sure to call them
and give them your new address so they know where to send that check.
• Before we close, we will want to go by the house to do a final “walkthrough” and ensure it’s in the condition
we expect it to be in. It should only take about 15 minutes, so let’s plan to meet at __ at __ on ___ and
then we can go straight to title from there.

Closing is scheduled for ___ at ___. Their office is located at


I’ve also attached the documents from the transaction to this email so you’ll have them all in one place for your

Let me know if you have any questions!


☐Receive clear to close
☐Tell listing agent to have seller bring keys & garage openers to closing
☐Review CD statement
☐Send CD to buyer

Closing (DATE: ___________)

☐Final Buyer Walkthrough

☐Final Buyer Walkthrough form
☐After the Sale doc
☐Sold Sign
☐Get video testimonial (Optional but good idea)
☐Take picture with Sold Sign (Optional but good idea)
☐Gift & Handwritten Thank You Note

☐Buyer Handwritten Thank You Note

☐Business card magnet (Optional)
Dear ____,

Congrats—you’ve made it (almost) to the end of the transaction, which is the exciting part! I am so very
appreciative that you trusted me to guide you through this process. You were such a joy to work with—your
attitude and responsiveness really contributed to everything running smoothly, and I can’t tell you how much I
appreciate those qualities!

Cheers to your future,

☐Listing Handwritten Thank You Note

☐MREA book
(Start on top page of Handwritten Thank You Note)
Dear ____,

Congrats on a successful closing! I wanted to take a moment to thank you for your professionalism during the
transaction. Doing a deal with an agent who is both competent and pleasant like you are makes all the
difference in the world, and your hard work did not go unnoticed! I will be asking my office’s Team Leader to
give you a call to personally thank you because I am so truly appreciative. If all agents had your attitude and
level of dedication, I think our profession would have a much better reputation :)

Cheers to many more,

☐Lender Handwritten Thank You Note

Dear ____,

I wanted to take a moment to thank you for all of your hard work! Because of your professionalism and
wonderful attitude, we had a smooth transaction, and I am truly appreciative of that. I look forward to working
with you again in the future!


☐Congratulatory FB status on Facebook Business Page

☐Upload Buyer’s Walkthrough and Acceptance Form to Dotloop
☐Export texts
☐Update contact info
☐Purchase date to phone calendar for anniversary card
☐Update Buyer Home Address
☐Write notes on transaction at bottom of this page
☐Pick up commission check
☐Verify correct amount
☐Upload CDA to DotLoop
☐Upload video testimonial to YouTube
☐Upload video testimonial to FB business page
☐Send buyer thank you & review/testimonial request
Hi __,

It was truly a pleasure to work with you, and I am so happy we found you such a wonderful home!

I know your time is really precious, so I wouldn’t ask if it wasn’t really important—would you mind taking
about 2 minutes to write a quick review for me? If you write it on one of these websites, it should only take
a minute to copy/paste it to the other sites as well.

[[[List the top 3-5 websites you want reviews on, with links, here]]]

Thank you in advance!

☐Add testimonial to Buyer’s & Seller’s Guide
☐Recruit other agent to KW
☐Give contact info to Kenneth. Zarella or Cathy Coleman
☐Add buyer on FB
☐Add listing agent on FB
☐Check that I’m listed as Buyer’s Agent in MLS
☐Upload MLS printout S to DotLoop

Properties Viewed

Date Address

Transaction Notes


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