The Beasts of Baumdorf
The Beasts of Baumdorf
The Beasts of Baumdorf
THE BEASTS OF BAUMDORF an original fan adventure for WFRP 4E by
Ryan Graham. All respec)ve copyright and IP belongs to the relevant holders,
All art has been purchased for licensed use from Publisher’s Choice at
Publisher’s Choice Quality Stock Art © Rick Hershey / Fat Goblin Games
A big thank you to those members of the community that provided advice and
feedback in rela)on to this adventure, making it all the be5er for it.
Table of Contents
Cover ……………………………………………………………………………………………………….1
Copyright, credits and acknowledgement ……………………………………………………………………….2
Contents ……………………………………………………………………………………………………..3
Introduction ………………………………………………………………………………………………….4
Warning ……………………………………………………………………………………………………...5
Adventure Summary …………………………………………………………………………………………..6
Part One: Delivery to Baumdorf ………………………………………………………………………………7
Episode One: No Money, More Problems …………………………………………………………… .8
Episode Two: A New Dawn, A New Day …………………………………………………………… .8
Episode Three: The Nuln Docks ………………………………………………………………………...8
Episode Four: The Ferry Landing………………………………………………………………………..9
Episode Five: The Ferry Journey ………………………………………………………………………..9
Episode Six: The Long Road Ahead ……………………………………………………………………..10
Episode Seven: Beasts At Dusk ………………………………………………………………………...10
Part Two: A Description of Baumdorf And Its Denizens ……………………………………………………….12
Part Three:: The Village of Baumdorf …………………………………………………………………………17
Day One ……………………………………………………………………………………………….18
Day Two ……………………………………………………………………………………………….23
Day Three …………………………………………………………………………………………….24
Day Four ……………………………………………………………………………………………...26
Additional Events……………………………………………………………………………………….31
Part Five: The Face of Evil …………………………………………………………………………………...39
Concluding the Adventure …………………………………………………………………………………….41
Back Cover ………………………………………………………………………………………………….42
Started writing The Beasts of Baumforf a few days rewrite, moving existing events around and adding
after completing the Oldenhaller Contract Revised. many new ones. This took me until mid October to do
Having adapted that adventure to learn the new 4th and the second draft was further reviewed.
edition system and to help others, I wanted to create This is the adventure you have before you now and I
something new and original for it. feel it is better for it, I hope you will feel the same
I decided to make it a second tier adventure (though of way after having read and ran it.
course, you can adjust the stats to make it fit whatever It requires a separation of player and character
tier your players are in). I felt that the imminent knowledge, a place for the devious GM. Split the
release of the beginner’s box and other people’s fan players up when necessary, make them doubt what they
made efforts would provide a surfeit of low level know and see, sow character discord where you can.
encounters for the time strapped GM, but what then?
As always, it is your table, your world. Take what you
I personally, really like the themes of the first edition want, change what you want in order to give your
of the game, the dark and seedy underbelly where group a great experience.
chaos is unknown and lurks beneath the surface. I set
upon creating a short adventure wherein the players As Always,
must save a village from beasts, the beastmen, yet the From one Warhammer fan to another, yours,
real beasts are many of those that inhabit the village.
Ryan Graham Oct 2018.
I wanted it short as I had found creating and
maintaining the Warhammer Fan Player Aid (WFPA)
and writing the Oldenhaller Contract Revised
simultaneously exhausting. My insomnia meant I had
little sleep and what little I had was filled with the
Old World.
In my ambition, writing a short module that would fit
a few pages of classic White Dwarf, I failed. The cast
of characters was too big. The influences of Twin
Peaks and Hot Fuzz (which are hopefully there for
you to see) stretching out the required page count.
Nonetheless, the initial adventure was finished in late
September. After submitting this draft to select
members of the community, I received some great
feedback and suggestions.
It was clear, though bigger than I had intended, it
needed to be bigger still, to give the adventure room to
breathe. The suggestions provided some fantastic ideas,
but to incorporate those, I needed to do a complete
WARNING - This adventure contains mature content and themes that
some may find disturbing and uncomfortable. You as the GM know
your players, read the adventure carefully before running and consider
any modifications you need to make. Remember, gaming should be
fun for all at the table.
Plot and Adventure Summary
The following is a plot summary of how the plot “should” go. village, to create a trading post. So busy with building and
RPGs being what they are, chances are, it won’t flow that seDng it up, he too has missed sermons. He has been
way. This is the nature of the beast, especially in Part Three marked an outsider and been marked for death.
when the adventure becomes more open ended. Gre a’s goal is to turn the village into a base for the cult of
Don’t worry if that happens. You have the informa)on in Slaanesh, a point from which to spread corrup)on across the
Part Two and the events in Part Three to guide you. You can region and eventually, the Old World. Despite hiding behind
use that informa)on to adjust and help tell your story at your the face, she is the bea)ng heart of the corrup)on in the
table. This summary is to provide a guide to support you, not village
a straight jacket for the players. Adventure Summary
Plot Background The PCs are given a task to deliver goods by Ebert’s brother.
A woman called Gre a Betrüger was leading a cult of They set off. Gre a is worried about the repercussions of
Slaanesh in the Natem Woods. She and her kind had fled Ethel’s le5er. She tries to nego)ate with the Beastmen to
witch hunters in the north of the empire. The cult set up a form a protec)ve barrier around the village, outsiders are to
profane temple beneath some elven ruins. She would visit be killed. The nego)a)ons fail.
the village of Baumdorf for supplies and saw a field ripe to A search party is set up to find Gre a and eventually meets
sow seeds of corrup)on. up with the PCs. Impressed with how the PCs have handled
She tempted Gerhard, the priest’s assistant, pouring the Beastmen, Gerhard believes they’d be a fine addi)on to
honeyed words into his ear. He fell in love with her and the village, poten)ally able to deal with any trouble that
joined her in madness and damna)on. Alas, the cult fell to comes their way. He just needs to set about corrup)ng their
ruin, when it was a5acked by beastmen, so Gre a soul.
permanently relocated to the village. Unfortunately, the wheels of sanity are star)ng to come off
She whispered into Gerhard’s ear, playing on his pride, he in the village as the people fall further and further into their
deserved to be the main priest in the village. depravi)es and obsessions. Given enough )me, they would
Six months before the adventure begins, Father Berthold , a tear themselves apart, much to the delight of Slaanesh.
priest of Taal, who lived in Baumdorf was contempla)ng the Gre a remains unconvinced of the worthiness of the PCs.
natural environment near the cave retreat from his temple. They decide to test their abili)es and seek retribu)on against
Gerhard was hiding in the woods nearby saw him and struck the beastmen.
him down. When they prove adept, Gre a has the idea to use them to
He offered to guide the village in the place of the safely extricate her vile tome from the former cult temple.
disappeared Berthold. Bertram is to dispose of them, against Gerhard’s wishes.
With Gre a’s help, over )me, he distorted the sermons, When the PCs return triumphant, Gre a begins to take
encouraging the villagers to give in to their desires, their Gerhard’s idea seriously, they are truly capable.
base wants. He danced to Gre a’s strings, she didn’t have The next day, Ebert, worried about how the village is falling
dreams of conquest, nothing so brash. Slaneesh is far more into strangeness, tasks the PCs with inves)ga)ng the strange
insidious, falling to the pleasures offered claims your soul. sermons and disappearances of Ethel and the Tileans as he
Gerhard works on spreading this and is working on taking wasn’t there when it happened.
the corrup)ng influence to Nuln via the village’s lumber During this, a witch hunter, Fredreich Krüger arrives, drawn
export. by reports of unusual ac)vity.
Ethel Klatscher was an older woman, and regularly beset by As the PCs uncover evidence to suggest it was the villagers
illness. She missed many sermons and so missed the subtle themselves who did this, Gerhard grows worried and decides
changes and distor)ons. When she finally a5ended one, she a last gambit to corrupt them, frame Ebert, murdering
was horrified at what she saw, wri)ng so to her sister in Fredreich and blaming it on him. Then he asks the PCs to
Nuln. contribute to his execu)on, beginning the process of
Gerhard ins)lled a hatred in the village towards her, he damning them.
feared she would leave and bring witch hunters. The villagers Instead, they decide to inves)gate. As it proceeds, those
gave into their depravi)es and killed her. responsible for the most heinous acts know the game is up
The same happened when an unfortunate band of Tilean and slide further into their madness and passions, for what
travelling entertainers set up near the village. Many desired does it ma5er in this game of life anyway?
the perfect, quiet place it was and the Tileans upset that. So Eventually, the PCs find that Gre a is behind the corrup)on
the villagers fell upon them. and tackle her in Daemon form beneath the temple.
Ebert Braunhose has recently decided to set up shop at the
Part One:
Delivery to
Episode 1:
No Money, More Problems GM Call Out
The characters can make a Gossip Test to engage with Exits: Go to Episode 3.
Grasser about goings on with the city. As of late, things have
been quiet, nothing really to a5ract the a5en)on of
adventurers like yourselves! Feel free to make up any trivial Episode 3: The Nuln Docks
local news to embellish this. That is all Grasser has for the
PCs. They should eventually re)re to bed, ready to go to the You work your way through the busy docks district, dodging
Reiks platz tomorrow morning. carts and busy stevedores carrying loads.
Eventually, you find warehouse 13 and out front you see a burly
man with salt and pepper hair, grizzled with stubble and an
Rudolf Grasser—Innkeeper eyepatch on his sunbeaten face shouting directions to various
M WS BS S T I Ag Dex Int Wp Fel W
4 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 12 If the PCs approach him, they find that this is indeed Georg
If they men)on they are here about the job, he will laugh
Skills: Trade (Barman) , Slight of Hand (+5) hear)ly and lead them into the warehouse, up the creaky
Traits: Prejudice (Halflings), Dagger + 7 wooden stairs to his office overlooking the warehouse floor.
Talents: Read/Write,
Trappings: Dagger tucked in belt
Exits: Go to Episode 2
Georg’s office is small and cramped. A desk too large for the
room dominates the space. He sits behind it, shoving various
Episode 4: The Ferry landing
paper work aside, some onto the floor. Various crates and barrels
After collecting the horse and cart, you guide it down to the
are stacked to the ceiling and nestled against the back wall, a slim
ferry landing. A strange sight awaits you. Three people are
bookcase overflowing with more scrolls, books and various
kneeling silently side by side, as if in prayer, in front of the boat.
loose sheets.
He lights his pipe and draws out a long coil of smoke, licking his
dry, cracked lips, he begins: When the PCs make themselves known, the middle one
“Right, so here’s the job.. My brother, Ebert has recently set stands up, turns and smiles at them blissfully. He introduces
up shop in Baumdorf. It’s a small village deep in The Nattern himself as Hans Ho5erboot, a resident of Baumdorf.
forest, about halfway between Nuln and Grissenwald itself.” If asked what they were doing, he just states that they were
He unfurls a local map and points to the village. praying for safe travel. If a PC passes a successful Opposed
“The community hasn’t really had any amenities before so Intui7on/Charm Test, they get the sense that something
we’ve got a good opportunity for a captive market. We’ve
doesn’t seem to ring quite true, but Hans won’t offer
already negotiated a deal that they solely export their lumber
anything further on the subject.
to Nuln through us down the Reik river - when they can be
bothered that is; they seem to be a bit haphazard with delivery Hans will take the PCs for 5GC. If they try to nego)ate, he
schedule, but you know, country folk... will point out that for the distance, it is a greatly reduced
I need you to get a cart’s worth of sundries, you know, rate, (it should cost double that). If the PCs pass an Opposed
cheeses, tobaccos etc up to my brother’s store, the Braunhose Very Hard (-30) Haggle Test, Hans will reduce it further to
goods. He will be able to pay you when you arrive. I’ve not 3GC.
heard from him in a couple of months, so do check up on him Exits: Once the PCs are ready, they may board the ferry,
as well! Then, when you bring the cart back, I pay you the proceed to Episode 5.
other half. Simple.
There’s two options for getting there. By one of their log
shipment ferries, at a reduced rate, or by road. Either way, at
Episode 5: The Ferry Journey
some point, you will have to disembark the ferry or leave the
main road to travel along a small, dirt ‘road’ to reach the With the ropes untied and hauled aboard, the crew makes ready
village itself. As such, the cart is small, only a single horse and and the boat sets off down the Reik.
you will need to walk with it. Any questions? Nuln fades into the distance as the dense forests leer at you
either side of the river.
Here are some possible ques)ons the PCs may ask with The sun moves over head as the hours pass, the day growing
Georg’s responses. Feel free to add to or embellish as you see darker, darker until the dense trees block the sun’s face from
fit. your view.
Eventually, in the twilight gloom, on a cleared bank starboard
Why did you specify that you needed people who could
side, you can see a log mill and a jetty thrusting out into the
defend themselves? water, the boat begins to slow as the crew makes adjustments;
There’s poten)ally bandits and worse in the woods, and I pulling alongside the jetty.
don’t like losing my investments.
AGer the ferry is moored, the PCs can disembark. Hans will
What can you tell us about Baumdorf?
point to the dirt trail eastwards, through the forest and tell
He shrugs, “Not a lot really, it’s quite an isolated village in the the party that Baumdorf is 2 miles that way.
middle of the woods, folks tend to keep themselves to
The lumber mill next to the je5y is locked and dark, no one is
themselves. Some of the trader folk from there are a bit odd.
occupying it at this )me.
Far too cheery for my liking.”
Hans and his crew will stay by the boat, they have addi)onal
How far away is Baumdorf?
work to do and so will not accompany the PCs. If the party
About 28 miles as the crow flies. It’ll take about 7 or 8 hours looks back at the crew as they set off, they will no)ce them
either way. kneeling and praying again.
Where’s the cart? Exits: Go to Episode 7.
Right below you in the warehouse, just got to hitch the horse
and it’s ready to go.
Who do we talk to for the ferry?
Hans Ho1erboot, he’s down by the landing point geDng set
up to leave.
Exits: If the PCs choose to take the ferry, go to Episode 4. If
they choose to go by road, go to Episode 6.
Episode 6: The Long Road Ahead Outlaw leader No Appearing: 1
You hitch up the horse and cart and begin your trek. You walk
M WS BS S T I Ag Dex Int Wp Fel W
through the streets of Nuln to the West Gate. You are stopped
and asked to pay the toll of 1d per leg. 4 38 38 38 35 30 30 30 30 30 30 12
AGer the PCs pay, they can then proceed. Skills: Athletics (+8), Consume Alcohol (+5),Cool(+8), Endur-
ance (+5), Gamble (+5), Intimidate (+8), Melee basic (+10), Out-
After paying, you begin your journey north. door Survival (+5)
The road follows the river Reik, eventually Nuln fades into the Talents: Combat Aware (Challenging Perception Test to ignore
distance, the fields give way to the Nattern Forest, looming Surprise)
hungrily against the path you tread. Dirty Fighting (+1 dmg for melee fist.)
After a few hours, you see a hut set against the river ahead. A Rover (No passive perception to spot in rural env.)
toll house.. Opposite, the trees are dense next to the road, you
know you will have to pay the toll to proceed. Strike To Stun (ignore call shot penalty to hit head with pommel
Trappings: Sword(+7), Leather Jerkin (body 1AP), Bow with 10
arrows (+5, impale)
A PC can make a Challenging (+0) Intui7on Test to realise
something is wrong. At the distance they are at, the road Exits: Proceed to Episode 7.
warden would have leG the hut by now to approach them.
Any PCs that make a successful Opposed Percep7on/Stealth Episode 7: Beasts at Dusk
Test, will no)ce movement in the trees.
The twilight begins to fade as you proceed along the winding
The bandit leader is in the toll house with the corpse of the
dirt path.. The going is hard, patches of mud and the uneven
road warden, three others are in the tree line. The bandit
surface making traversal difficult. The branches of the thick
leader will demand the en)re party’s money to pass. Any PCs trees grasping at you as you pass.
that fail the opposed check gain the Surprised Condi on if Suddenly, the silence of the forest is broken by a loud, guttural
they refuese. roar. This is joined by another. And another. And another. You
When the PCs dispatch the bandits, amongst their corpses, lose count. The cries are close. They are joined by a female
they will find 20 shillings. There will be a further 12 shillings if scream.
they search the toll house. It is clear the bandits killed the Out of the gloom, through the trees, a young woman runs
road warden. towards you. Clothes tattered. Eyes wide in Terror. Tears and
blood streak her face.
AGer the PCs have dealt with the bandits, the rest of the Seeing you, she runs towards you, “Quickly,” she says.
journey will be free from any immediate danger. You should
note that the journey will take 7 or 8 hours total (depending She will urge them to jump into the nearby ditch with her and
on the PC movement rate) and they can only ordinarily travel hide. She won’t have )me to offer an explana)on. Within 3
for 6 hours. They may decide to push ahead for the remaining
rounds, five Ungors and three Gors will appear. If the PCs
two. In which case, they will need to make two Endurances
don’t choose to hide in the ditch with her, abandoning their
Tests or suffer Fa gue condi ons. If they decide to make
horse and cart, more fool them, they will be in for a
camp and con)nue later, adapt the events of Episode 7
challenging fight.
accordingly so that they occur at the camp.
Assuming they have taken the sensible op)on, peering over
Outlaws No Appearing: 3 the top of this ditch, read the following:
M WS BS S T I Ag Dex Int Wp Fel W Heavy foot falls and breathing announce their arrival. Through
the trees, dark shapes resolve into clear figures. Tall. Muscular.
4 35 35 35 35 30 30 30 30 30 30 12 Coated in fur. Horrific, deformed goats heads. Cloven hooves
pounding into the dirt, driving them forwards. Braying low and
deeply with savage delight. Red eyes glinting in the dark.
Skills: Athletics (+5), Consume Alcohol (+5),Cool(+5), Endur- Twisted weapons gripped tightly in anticipation of bloodshed.
ance (+5), Gamble (+5), Intimidate (+8), Melee basic (+8), Out- One of the larger ones cocks his head at the sight of the cart and
door Survival (+5) horse, the animal now whinnying in terror and trying to back
Talents: Combat Aware (Challenging Perception Test to ignore away unsuccessfully. Striding with purpose, the beast walks
Surprise) forward, swings his cruel axe in the air and brings it down in a
Rover (No passive perception to spot in rural env.) savage blow, embedding it halfway through the horse’s neck.
The terrified, wounded animal lets out an unnatural, distorted
Strike To Stun (ignore call shot penalty to hit head with pommel cry which is silenced as the axe is brought down again, replaced
weapon.) by the sound of the head falling in mud and the spurt of blood
Trappings: Sword(+7), Leather Jerkin (body 1AP), Bow with 10 spraying the ground as the body sags and collapses.
arrows (+5, impale)
The beastmen then begin to sniff around. You hear the woman days, since I took over from Father Berthold.
whispering quietly next to you, suddenly the air goes cold, your Anyone passing a Challenging Outdoor Survival Test will
breath mists in front of you. no)ce something odd about this. Beastmen would have no
One of the beasts’ head turns sharply to the other side of the
hesita)on a5acking an isolated village.
forest. He brays loudly and points in that direction with his
weapon. The group stalks off, the sound of their hooves growing Why not?
fainter. Who knows, perhaps my spiritual bond with Taal prevents
If the PCs engage in combat, they will need to make a What happened to Father Berthold?
successful Challenging (+0) Endurance Test or gain 1
Corrup)on point. He disappeared a few months back. I studied under him and
helped him at the village, so naturally, when he didn’t re
If the PCs ask the woman what that was, she will say she just appear, I stepped up. Taal leads us all on strange paths
u5ered a prayer to Taal. A PC with the relevant Lore through the wild.
knowledge will not have heard of any prayer like that, she will
simply respond: Did you search for him?
“The worship of Taal is ancient, much has been forgotten, especially Father Gerhard will lie and say yes, and that they had sent
by city dwellers, there is much that others still remember.” word to the City as well.
She introduces herself as Gre a Betrüger. She is from the
village of Baumdorf. If asked why she was in the woods at Ungors No Appearing: 5
night, she will say that she oGen takes midnight strolls, this
M WS BS S T I Ag Dex Int Wp Fel W
has been the first )me she has encountered beastmen in the
woods. A PC doing a Successful Opposed Intui7on/Cool Test
4 35 30 30 35 30 35 25 25 35 25 12
will realise that she is being less than truthful, but she will not
elaborate any further, geDng up from the ditch and
surveying the scene.
Skills: - Outdoor Survival (+5), Perception(+5), Stealth (+5),
After a couple of minutes, you hear a trundling sound. Down the Track (+5),
dirt road, you can see a faint, orange glow that gets brighter and Traits: Arboreal (Add Agi B to Climb and Stealth Tests)
closer. Armour 1 (body)
Three figures and a cart emerge in the darkness.
Corruption (Minor)
The figures and cart draw closer and look surprised at the Night Vision (See 20 yards in the dark as normal)
scene. The sta)s)cs of these can be found in Part Two of the Talents: Acute Sense (Perception test to smell imperceptible)
adventure. They are: Rover (No Passive Perception to spot in rural Environment)
Father Gerhard Gehilfer- Ostensibly a priest of Taal. A man Shadow (Use perception or stealth instead of combined test)
in his mid 40’s, clean shaven and closely cropped hair. Wears
Trappings: Sword(+7), Leather Jerkin (body 1AP),
a simple green robe.
Arnuld Schweinspalter - A portly, balding man. He is
Baumdorf’s butcher. His blood spa5ered apron and meat Gors No Appearing: 3
cleaver in hand a5est to this.
M WS BS S T I Ag Dex Int Wp Fel W
Bertram Jäger - The village’s huntsman. Messy brown hair,
dirty face and beard. He is clad in leather, bow slung over his 4 45 30 35 45 30 35 25 25 30 25 14
shoulder and sheathed short sword.
Father Gerhard looks relieved to see Gre a and clasps her
saying “Thank the gods you are safe my dear!” and thanks the Skills: - Intimidate (+7), Outdoor Survival (+7), Perception
PCs for their help keeping the young woman safe, dismissing (+7), Stealth (+7), Track (+7),
their protests if they try to correct him. He introduces the Traits: Arboreal ()
group if asked. He will ask the PCs their business and on Armour 2 (body)
hearing their des)na)on is the village will offer to accompany
Corruption (Minor)
them back. They can travel on his cart if they would like as
they looks so )red, Arnuld and Bertram happily volunteer to Fury (Can spend advantage to develop Hatred)
unhitch their dead horse and guide theirs. The PCs may have Horns ( Free attack on charge, +6)
ques)ons, the most likely ones and their responses are Night Vision ( See 20 yards in the dark as normal)
below: Talents: Acute Sense (Perception test to smell imperceptible)
What were you doing out here? Menacing 1 ( Add Menacing lvl to SL when intimidating)
We were looking for Gre a, you have seen for yourself how Rover (No Passive Perception to spot in rural Environment)
dangerous the forest can be, especially at night. Shadow (Use perception or stealth instead of combined test)
Are Beastmen a acks common round here? Trappings: Axe(+8),
They can be round the woods, the village, not so much these
Part Two:
A description of
Baumdorf and its
A Brief History of Baumdorf The Temple Of Taal
Baumdorf’s founding is long forgo5en, the details of which Descrip7on: This structure is possibly the oldest in Baumdorf.
were lost to )me due to a clerical error when a blind Originally built as a shrine to Ulric, but as his influence faded
administrator tore the relevant page out of a history book from this region, it was leG abandoned and fell into disrepair.
and used it as a napkin aGer a wine spill. The roof and sec)ons of the wall began to collapse. A miracle
It is a village that is within and part of the Natem Forest. It of nature occurred when nearby trees kni5ed their branches
exists inside a man made clearing that is being reclaimed by together to form a water )ght new ceiling for the temple.
nature as the boundaries of the forest grow back, trees PuDng this down as a blessing from Taal, it was rededicated
entering the village, almost choking the pathways and in his worship.
buildings. Notable NPCS: Father Gerhard Gehilfer
It has long been a place of controversy, situated where it is,
close to the borders of four separate provinces: Reikland, Father Gerhard Priest
Wissenland, Averland and S)rland. None of the regions could
agree who the village should belong to and in 1667IC, four M WS BS S T I Ag Dex Int Wp Fel W
counts were prepared to go to war. Each claimed that the
4 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 35 35 12
village owed fealty to them.
Marshalling their armies, they met in a field just northwest of
Nuln. Each appealed to their cousin, Baron Erhart von Skills: - Athletics (+5), Cool (+8), Endurance (+5), Intuition
Flockenstuffen from Talabecland to aid their cause. Von (+8), Lore Theology (+8), Perception (+5), Pray (+8), Research
Flockenstuffen rode down to the future ba5le site with but a (+5)
few men and arranged a parley between the par)es. Talents: Read/write, Suave
He pointed out that by raising an army, each had spent Trappings: Religious Symbols, Robes.
hundreds of )mes the annual taxable worth of the village, it
had all of thirty people in it, who cares? Realising their folly,
and also Baumdorf’s rela)ve remoteness from any of their Father Gerhard is a bald, closely shaved man in his late
major towns (making tax collec)on difficult), each offered the for)es. He outwardly presents a gregarious demeanour, calm,
other the village. and fatherly. Underneath, he is selfish, cold and calcula)ng.
Every count refused. Today, the villagers, much like then, are Beso5ed with Gre a, he will accede to any of her demands.
none the wiser as to where the boundaries lie, nor do they
care much. The tax man comes, from one province or the Location Two:
other and they pay their dues. Some)mes twice a year if one
comes from another province. It is considered an especially ill The Natem Nook Inn
omened year if all four tax men come! Descrip7on: The Natem Nook Inn is a small, well kept tavern
The Cult Of Slaanesh Members for the locals to come drink and socialise aGer a day of work.
It is mostly )mber, a thatched roof and has a flag stone floor.
Gre a Betrüger : The leader of the Cult. She is the corrup)ng It has four bedrooms upstairs that are rarely used due to the
influence in the village, having wormed her way in and lack of visitors to Baumdorf. An outhouse out back is where
poisoning the ears of many with her honeyed, forked tongue. Mia throws the waste if any guests do stay. The beer is kept
in barrels in the cellar below.
Father Gerhard Gehilfer : The face of the cult. Gre a played
on his pride so that he assumed the posi)on of priest. He uses Notable NPCS: Mia Aldrecht
this to sway the villagers to the cause, corrup)ng their souls
one at a )me. Mia Aldrecht Innkeeper
Arnuld Schweinspalter : The butcher. The passion for his
M WS BS S T I Ag Dex Int Wp Fel W
work and quest for new flavours was easy to pervert.
4 30 30 30 30 30 35 30 30 30 30 12
Bertram Jäger : The village hunter. His grief at the loss of his
family to Beastmen was twisted to Slaanesh’s own ends.
Klara Künstler : An ar)st, searching for a muse, she found this Skills: Trade (Barman) , Slight of Hand (+5), Stealth (+10)
in the teachings of the cult. Traits: Dagger + 7
Frieda Heiler - Creator of poul)ces and po)ons that can Talents: Read/Write,
distort the senses. A great cult addi)on.
Trappings: Dagger tucked in belt
Johan Sebas7ann - Another tortured ar)st. Much the same
as Klara, looking for perfec)on in his art. Mia is a portly, friendly woman, a bit too fond of gossip but
The other villagers are not yet full cul)sts, but their likes to ensure her patrons’ needs are taken care of. Her
sensibili)es have been distorted by cult influences and it is shameful secret is that she is a kleptomaniac, although this is
only a ma5er of )me. well known in the village. If things go missing, she is usually
the first port of call. This is more seen as annoyingly
Location One: endearing rather than a crime she should be punished for.
Location Three: Arnuld Schweinspalter Butcher
The General Store
M WS BS S T I Ag Dex Int Wp Fel W
Descrip7on: The General Store is a recent set up. Built in an
all )mber construc)on, Ebert Braunhose built it as a business 4 35 30 40 35 30 30 35 30 30 30 15
opportunity. A place where villagers can buy produce without
having to wait for travelling traders to visit. It has only been
Skills: Melee Basic (+5), Haggle (+5)
put together in the last few months and is s)ll not fully ready.
Traits: Cleaver (+8), String of Sausages in off hand (+4)
Notable NPCs: Ebert Braunhose, Karl Braunhose.
Talents: Hardy(Add TB to wounds, already included)
Tenacious( Double the length of time needed to take
Ebert Braunhose Shopkeeper endurance Test)
M WS BS S T I Ag Dex Int Wp Fel W Very Strong(permanent +5 to strength, already included)
4 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 12
Trappings: Cleaver, String of Sausages (Undamaging, Wrap)
Leather Jerkin (1AP body)
4 35 30 30 30 30 30 35 30 30 30 12
AGer his wife, Helda, died, Ebert has been raising his son Karl
by himself. A kind and caring man, he has aspira)ons of Skills: Melee Basic (+5), Haggle (+5)
be5erment. With an entrepreneurial spirit, he has set up shop Traits: Cleaver (+7)
here in Baumdorf. Unfortunately, construc)on and geDng the Talents: Trappings: Cleaver, Leather Jerkin (1AP body)
shop ready has leG him rather busy, li5le )me to interact with
the locals as of yet. This has leG him vulnerable to accusa)ons
of being an outsider in the community. earn praise.
Location Seven: Skills: Cool (+5), Endurance (+5), Perception (+5), Stealth urban
Klara Künstler’s house Traits: Scales (1 AP on all locations)
Descrip7on: A two storey house, built like many other in the 1 Tentacle 5 (1 free attack with tentacle, deals 5 dmg, can Entangle
village. It is li5ered with pain)ngs done by Klara. She has on dmg)
stored many in the aDc. The house is a mess, covered in Animalistic legs (+1 Movement included in stats)
paint and easels as she has li5le )me for chores when the Extra Leg joints (+5 Agility included in stats)
muse strikes her. Unarmed melee (+3)
Notable NPCs: Klara Künstler
Klara Künstler Artist Emilia is a kind hearted young woman. Over the last year,
she has been caring for her sister, Elsa who has developed
M WS BS S T I Ag Dex Int Wp Fel W muta)ons. Lacking the heart to turn her over to the
4 30 30 35 30 35 30 35 30 30 35 12
authori)es, she hid her in the house.
As Elsa’s mental state deteriorated, Emilia had to chain Elsa
Skills: Art(+5). Cool (+5), Consume Alcohol (+5), Evaluate(+5), in her room, to avoid her geDng out and causing harm. She
Endurance (+5), Gossip(+5), Perception (+5), Stealth urban (+5) has been desperately trying to seek a cure for her sister,
Traits: Scales (1 AP on all locations) resor)ng to stealing herbs from Freida’s garden. The constant
1 Tentacle 5 (1 free attack with tentacle, deals 5 dmg, can Entangle burden of lying to others and caring for her sister is taking its
on dmg) toll on her, she is looking more and more haggard every day.
Sharpened paintbrush(+7),
Talents: Artistic
Location Nine:
Trappings: Sharpened paint brush Heinrich and Sofia vergeblich’s
Spells: As a free action, Klara can will one of the paintings to fire
chaotic essence at the PCs. This functions as the Dart spell. house
Descrip7on: This is a small , single storey co5age, with a
Note that the statblock contains muta)ons which Klara living space/kitchen and a bedroom. It is decorated with as
won’t have when the PCs first arrive at the village. Klara is many fine things as Heinrich and Sofia can afford. Facsimiles
slightly sca5y and means well. A long term spinster, she is of the opulence in noble houses. It is clear their aspira)ons
shameless with handsome young men that come to visit. Her are far above their sta)on.
art is her passion and she originally created quite beau)ful
Notable NPCs Heinrich and Sofia Vergeblich
realis)c pieces before she became poisoned by the cult.
Recently, she is suffering pain as the influences of chaos are Use basic Human Stat block for these two.
taking hold of her and she will soon sprout muta)ons! Both of these people are incredibly vain and arrogant.
Heinrich is a stunning specimen of a man, ripped, chisel
Location Eight: jawed and works at the lumber mill. Sofia is slim and pre5y,
blond hair and green eyes, the envy of many a woman.
Emilia Sonnehart’s house Though not ac)vely part of the cult, their vanity has been
Descrip7on: Emilia’s house is a single storey co5age with a easy pray for the distor)ons of Slaanesh, slowly losing their
thatched roof. The front from is used as a living space and sanity. Sofia is convinced she is not pre5y enough and has
kitchen. There is a long hallway leading from it, Emilia’s taking to modifying her body permanently with a razor.
bedroom adjoining the living space and at the end, her Heinrich is taking pains to assert his masculinity more and
sister’s room. This room has been stripped bare save a more, feeling inadequate compared to other men.
ma5ress to stop Elsa making too much noise destroying
everything. Elsa is chained up with a long chain against the Location Ten: Lumber Mill
wall. Descrip7on: This lumber mill is about two miles east of the
Notable NPCs: Emilia and Elsa Sonnehart village, near the River Reik. Many of the villagers work here,
Use basic Human Stat block for Emilia preparing wood to ship down to Nuln. It has a roof but is
otherwise open to the elements to stop the saw dust making
it difficult to breather.
Notable NPCS: None
Location Eleven: Location Twelve:
Gretta Betrüger’s House Bertram Jäger’s House
Descrip7on: Gre a’s house is small and unassuming. A single Descrip7on: A small log cabin. It has two bedrooms and a
storey co5age with a living room/ kitchen and a bedroom. living room/kitchen. One bedroom contains two small beds
Beneath a book case and under a rug is a trap door. and children’s affects. It remains a mausoleum to Bertram’s
This leads to a basement with swinging censers and profane children.
symbols and texts abound. This is her personal sanctum which Notable NPCs: Betram Jäger
she visits most nights.
Notable NPCs: Gre a Betrüger Bertram Hunter
4 30 32 33 32 30 30 30 30 30 30 15
Part Three:
The Village of
Part Three At this, Bertram slams his fist against the wall, angrily he says:
“I can’t take this. Those beasts threaten our safety, I’m going to
Background information track them down and end them.”
After half an hour, the trees begin to open up into a small With rain starting to pour down, turning the dirt track into a
clearing. It is dark now, you can just make out the shapes of muddy river, Father Gerhard leads you in the dark.
buildings scattered around a winding path, not a light in any You arrive at a small, timber building with an adjoining stable,
window, it is late and everyone else must be asleep. Your group you can make out your horse and cart already in there, sheltered
has arrived at the village of Baumdorf. from the weather.
Father Gerhard hammers on the door, you stand there waiting,
The procession carries on before pulling up outside a large the cold water trickling down the back of your neck.
structure, made of a composite of wood and various rough hewn After a minute, you can hear the bolt slide open and a bleary
stones. A symbol, you can just make out, carved on the door eyed portly woman wearing a night cap and clutching a candle
reveals this is a temple of Taal. peers out at you.
“Mia,” says Father Gerhard, “May we come in?”
The priest unlocks the door and a feint glow from candle light
inside spills out into the inky darkness of night. He ushers you Mia Aldrecht will smile at the company and welcome you in.
all in, Father Gerhard will introduce the group, saying, “These are the
latest additions to the town”. She will greet them all warmly,
Father Gerhard leads the group into the large, main chamber asking if they intend to stay for long. If the PCs reply in the
of the temple. It is a simple, plain room with li5le nega)ve, Father Gerhard smiles and says, “Lets not be too
adornments. There are backless benches and a raised dais at hasty”. Mia will sort them out a room for 5/- , then lead the
the end with a lectern. Along the walls, a few candles burn, group up to their room.
illumina)ng the room, a tang of incense fills the air.
The priest opens the one door at the back which leads in to a The room is small, func)onal, with a couple of beds and a
spartan bed chamber and guides Gre a in. “Come child, you window with shu5ers. Mia will bid the party good night and
must rest. You are wounded.” leave if they have no further ques)ons for her.
She smiles and falls back on the bed, exhausted. Mia Aldrecht Innkeeper
He tells Arnuld to fetch the healer –Frieda - and Arnuld takes
his leave. He turns to the PCs and says: M WS BS S T I Ag Dex Int Wp Fel W
4 30 30 30 30 30 35 30 30 30 30 12
“Thank you for your help, without you, I fear we might not have
saved Gretta!
Skills: Trade (Barman) , Slight of Hand (+5), Stealth (+10)
It is late now, too late to make your delivery. Have no fear, I
Traits: Dagger + 7
shall ensure your horse and cart are stabled and arrange
accommodation at the Natem Nook inn. Come, you deserve to Talents: Read/Write,
rest.” Trappings: Dagger tucked in belt
You collapse into the beds, exhausted. It is a long night and you
sleep fitfully, all disturbed by the same dream.
You see yourself having obtained your life’s desire, whether it
be love, wealth, fame, status, you have accomplished it. Then it
Event Three:
dawns on you what you have done, what you must do to obtain
this. You are filled with sadness, bitterness and hatred. Your The Village Induction
loved ones, your family, your friends, they are holding you back
from this ultimate goal. You know what must be done. You You walk up the path to the Temple. You can hear the faint
know there is only one who can help you achieve what you strains of a fiddle grow louder as you get closer. Rounding the
desire. corner, you see an impromptu fete being held.
“ know my name. I can help. You know who I It looks like the whole village has turned out. Amongst the
am, you know my name. Sssay it…..sssay it...SAY IT!” crowd are many faces you already recognise. Tables are decked
The bile rises up in your throat, forcing your mouth open, the with various foods, the butcher, Arnuld Schweinspalter is there
name about to spill out... with plates of sausages, Mia Aldrecht with pies. The healer you
briefly saw from last night, Frieda, is there with a stall of
A knock on the door wakes the PCs up, drenched in sweat. poultices and charms. A woman with her greying hair cascading
Sunlight streams through the cracks of the shu5ers. They can in knots below her shoulder, paint splattered over her clothes,
remember the horrors of the dream but not the specifics. stands beaming besides various easels of paintings. The fiddler
dances a jig as he plays and you can see Father Gerhard and
Mia’s voice will call through the door, “Rise and shine sleepy Gretta stand outside the temple smiling at the scene before them.
heads, it’s almost midday! Nearly half the village has gathered to In the daylight, you can see the temple looks to be an old
meet you outside Taal’s place, come on!”
building in disrepair. Much of the original brick work has fallen
Mia will have prepared them a breakfast of sausages and away, patched up with scavenged timber or rough stones. Three
eggs. If the PCs decide to make the delivery first, she will try trees, one on either side and one behind the building have grown
to persuade them to meet the villagers instead, but will branches that entwine thickly over the building, creating a
accept if they want to do that aGerwards. She will head off to replacement roof.
the temple to prepare for the event.
Loca7on 1: Outside The temple of Taal.
As the PCs are about to leave, have them make a Very Easy
(+60) Percep7on Test to no)ce an old woman they didn't Almost everyone from the village is here. The excep)ons are
no)ce before sat in a corner table. She is clutching a ba5ered Bertram, and Ebert Braunhose who is sor)ng things out in his
book in one hand and the other is waving at them and store.
beckoning them over. This is your chance to roleplay and introduce the PCs to the
If the PCs approach, she asks them to sit with her. She villagers of Baumdorf (use the NPC descrip)ons in Part Two
introduces herself as Ethel Klatscher. Her grey hair is in a for guidance roleplaying the main people). Feel free to add
neat bun and her clothes are well made, yet old fashioned. your own addi)onal characters. Remember, everyone should
She says with a knowing smile, be friendly, almost overbearingly so.
“You’re not from around here are you?” On seeing the PCs, Father Gerhard will spread his arms, crying
over joyously ,
She is a kindly, if slightly sca5y old lady, alas for the PCs, she
tends to talk in riddles. She asks the PCs who they are and “Welcome to our new additions….guests of this village! The
what has brought them to Baumdorf. She says, heroes of last night and the reason for today’s celebrations!”
“Well, it’s a fine old village, at least it was. Every place has its
secrets, not everyone is guilty, not everyone is innocent. A cold wind At this, the villagers applaud the PCs. Father Gerhard will
chills the heart and what are the crew meant to do when the captain is beckon the PCs over. He will tell them that there will be a
leading them astray? Alas, here I am, an old woman with only her village council mee)ng at 5pm at the temple and asks them to
journal for company.” join them. Gre a says “We really hope you will be able to join
She clutches her book )ghtly. If the PCs ask her to explain, she us.”
giggles, “I said what I meant dearies.” A PC making a Successful Difficult (-10) Language Test will
Ethel can answer basic ques)ons about the village, where hear a slight twang of an accent in Gre a’s voice that is unlike
loca)ons are etc. AGer a while, she will say, the rest of the village.
“Alas, I am tired now and must rest. You, go, enjoy the festivities, If they men)on this, she will say that she is originally from
they are expecting you. But listen well!” further north and moved to this village about a year ago. A
Successful Opposed Intui7on/Cool Test reveals that she is
She will alight the stairs. If any PC thinks to follow her, when
uncomfortable with this line of ques)oning. She does not
they round the corner at the top, she will have vanished.
elaborate further on this. Father Gerhard, sensing her
The PCs won’t know it at this stage, but Ethel is already dead, discomfort will say, “Come, I must introduce you to everyone,”
and has been for the past five months. Her sacrificed body is and leads the PCs to the various villagers in turn.
lying in the basement of house. Her spirit s)ll lingers and it is
If the PCs ask what they can do about their lack of horse
that the PCs have spoken to, no one else can see her.
situa)on (if it has been killed by the beastmen), Father
Gerhard will explain they have none to spare in the village,
but Erick is due back from Grissenwald in three days from a
delivery and should be able to spare them a horse.
Erick does not exist, and if asked about to the other villagers, they will no)ce that her hands are stained an earthy green
will be met by much confusion. and are covered in cuts. These are from the herbs she has
Bertram Jäger - If the PCs ask why Bertram is not in been stealing from Frieda Heiler’s garden (for more
a5endance, Father Gerhard will explain that he is hun)ng in informa)on, see Event C: Herbal Hustle). Father Gerhard will
the woods for game. ask her how her sister is feeling, no)ng that he hasn’t seen
her for a couple of weeks. Emilia will say that she is s)ll ill and
Ebert Braunhose - If the PCs ask why Ebert is not in that she is looking aGer her. For the reason why, see Event D:
a5endance, Father Gerhard will explain that he is probably at Noises in the Night.
his store, look uncomfortable and explain:
Johan Sebas7ann - As the group approaches the fiddler, his
music changes to discordant shrieks. AGer thirty seconds of
“Ebert is a bit of an odd one. He came here a couple of months
ago. He’s never really fit in. He’s not attended any of my this, looking rapturous whilst he plays, he stops and looks
services as he claims he is too busy sorting out his new store. downcast, “Alas, my new composition will never capture the
splendour in my heart.”
The villagers here find that off putting, a threat to our
community.” Heinrich and Sofia vergeblich - Sofia is an otherwise pre5y
young woman, long, light brown hair and blue eyes. But she
Klara Künstler - When the PCs are introduced to Klara next to has a fresh, red scar along one cheek and a black eye. She is
her pain)ngs, she will greet them enthusias)cally. She will quite )mid, and if asked about the injuries, will claim she got
take a shine to one of the PCs (pick one randomly), remarking them falling in the woods. This is a lie (as an Opposed
how handsome they are. She will lead the group to her line of Intui)on/Cool Test will find). For more informa)on, see Event
easel pain)ngs and show them off, from earliest to latest. E: Beauty is in the Eye of the Beholder.
The earliest ones are quite good naturalis)c pain)ngs, Her husband, Heinrich, sits by the table. He is a lumberjack,
depic)ng the village and various scenes of nature. She and brawny, very handsome. He is challenging people to arm
dismisses these as amateurish works. As the group proceeds wrestling compe))ons. He is smiling, very jovial, leDng the
down the line, the pain)ngs get more surreal, more ugly, children win. The PCs can challenge him for a couple of
clashes of colours and bizarre shapes, at once childish and pennies (Opposed Strength Tests).
vaguely disturbing. These are ones she is most proud of. This If the PCs wish to find out more from others, they can make
should be a confusing experience for the PCs. an Average (+20) Gossip Test. For each SL above 0, they get
Frieda Heiler - She cackles on delight upon mee)ng the PCs, one of the following:
introducing herself as the village wise woman. “I use my herbs “It’s so nice to see you, we rarely get visitors to the village!
to patch up some nasty cuts and bruises, and sell ‘em for a bit o’ And you’re so lucky, this is the greatest village in the
cookin’.” She offers to sell the PCs some herbs. As the group is Empire!”
about to move on, she will say, “by the way father, is anyone “It was a stroke of good fortune Father Gerhard volunteered
looking into who’s been pinchin’ me herbs?” Father Gerhard will and stepped up not long after Father Berthold disappeared.”
reply that they have had no leads yet. For more informa)on “This is such an idyllic place, free from the worries of the
on this, see Event C: Herbal Hustle. outside world, we are blessed being where we are. Happy and
Arnuld Schweinspalter - The delicious aroma of sausages fills contented.”
the air as the group gets closer to Arnuld’s table. He says, “I reckon young Heinrich is a bit too handsy with ‘is wife if
“I’ve worked so hard on these, got to get the flavours just right, you know what I mean, you seen the state of her face?”
here, try some on the house!”. If the PCs try the sausages, they
You know, almost every night, I can barely sleep, some
will find them absolutely delicious, succulent with just the strange moaning and banging coming from Emila
right amount of crispy. Possibly the best sausages they’ve Sonnehart’s place next to mine.
ever had. If they express as much, Arnuld will beam and try
one, “Suppose I might as well sample one meself,” Upon chewing “That Ebert is a bit strange, doesn’t take much part in our
community events since he came here a few months ago.
it, his face turns to disgust and he spits it out on the floor. He Harms the harmony of this village I reckon!”
upends the pla5er to the ground, “Revolting! I try and I try, I
can’t get them good enough. The flavour should enrich your lives, “So sad Ethel disappeared. She was a lovely old lady. Strange
not this, eurrghhh.” Father Gerhard will explain that they will though, she disappeared not long after Father Berthold.
These things come in threes though don’t they? I wonder
have to excuse Arnuld as he is a bit of a perfec)onist.
what the third will be?”
Mia Aldrecht - “You’ve already met me me dearies, pleasure to
have you stay. Stay as long as you want. As long as you’ve got the “You know, I don’t usually like outsiders. Odd folk. Like
that Ebert. And those damned Tilean entertainers. Three
coin that is.” She laughs at her own bit of humour. If the PCs months ago, they set up camp near by, making nightly
ask about the old woman at the inn, she will look confused, performances, thieving ,crusty jugglers! Thank god it wasn’t
saying there is no old woman currently staying there. If they long before they took off.”
say her name, or describe her, Mia and Father Gerhard share
Eventually, the PCs should )re of the celebra)ons, make their
odd glances and insist the PCs must be mistaken.
excuses and head to the general store to conclude their
Emilia Sonneheart - On the way round, Father Gerhard will business, the reason they came to this village.
bump into Emilia and apologise. She is looking )red and run
down, bags under her eyes, pale skin and bedraggled hair. If
the PCs make a Successful Difficult (-10) Percep7on Test,
Event Four: The General Store The village council welcome the PCs. They say they have been
in deep discussion about the Beastmen problem and need
their help. Bertram has tracked a small group of them and
Loca7on 3: The General Store.
needs the PCs’ help to destroy them. Alas, they are a poor
You arrive outside a modest, timber building. A sign hangs village and can only afford to give the PCs 5/- each, but they
above, showing a symbol of a barrel filled with various produce. would be grateful if they could assist.
You walk in to a scene of chaos as a freshly cut pine smell
If asked to explain her ouXit, Gre a will say that it allows her
assaults you. Unplaced shelving resting against the wall, the
floorboards thick with saw dust, various barrels and crates to be closer to nature, as is Taal’s way. Father Gerhard will
scattered in front of the counter. Behind it, a portly match to remark that she oGen puts him to shame with her
Georg Braunhose and a skinny, scruffy boy next to him. devoutness. If the PCs accepts, Bertram will lead the way.
Ebert will greet the PCs warmly, no)ng that he doesn’t see
Event Six:
much new folk around here. When the PCs explain why they
are here, he will send his son, Karl to go to the stables and Hunting the Beastmen
fetch the goods.
He will pay the PCs the promised sum of 10/- each and then Loca7on Thirteen: Beastmen Encampment.
ask them how they are finding the village. Bertram will lead the party as he knows the general loca)on
He will express his own concerns, no)ng that he finds the the Beastmen will be. The encampment is about 2 1/2 miles
villagers strange. Just some odd things going about. He asks out. He will s)ll need to track and will need help tracking
if the PCs can wait a day or so for him to get some things from the party (if they can) to narrow it down to a specific
together to send back on the return trip to his brother’s. loca)on. It will begin raining and growing dark not long aGer
the group sets off.
Ebert Braunhose Shopkeeper This mini adventure can be as detailed as you want, you may
decide to add in more tests, hazards etc. There should be a
minimum of two Challenging (+0) Tracking Tests.
M WS BS S T I Ag Dex Int Wp Fel W
Eventually, the PCs will reach the clearing where the
4 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 12 Beastmen are:
Bertram Hunter Bray-Shaman No Appearing: 1
4 30 32 33 32 30 30 30 30 30 30 15 4 40 - 30 45 40 35 25 30 50 30 16
Skills: - Charm Animal(+5), Climb(+5), Cool(+5), Endurance Skills: - Intimidate (+7), Outdoor Survival (+7), Perception
(+5)Lore Beasts(+5), Melee Basic (+5),Outdoor Survival (+5), (+7), Stealth (+7), Track (+7),
Perception(+8), Ranged Bow(+8), Set Trap(+5), Spells: Aethyric Armour (CN 2 pg242), Blast (CN 4 pg243),
Talents: Accurate Shot(+1 dmg on ranged weapons, already Amber Talons (CN 6 pg245), Hunter’s Hide (CN6 pg246).
factored in.) Traits: Arboreal ()
Hardy(Add TB to wounds, already factored in.) Corruption (Minor)
Trappings: Sword(+7), Leather Jerkin (body 1AP), Bow +7, 10 Fury (Can spend advantage to develop Hatred)
Horns ( Free attack on charge, +6)
Night Vision ( See 20 yards in the dark as normal)
Gors No Appearing: 2
M WS BS S T I Ag Dex Int Wp Fel W The PCs will be able to snap him out of it and he will return to
“normal”. Bertram will lead them back to the temple, it will
4 45 30 35 45 30 35 25 25 30 25 14 be late, with only Father Gerhard wandering about in there.
He will pay the PCs the agreed sum. Bertram will bid the PCs
good night, congratulate them on their work and suggest they
Skills: - Intimidate (+7), Outdoor Survival (+7), Perception get a good sleep at the Natem Nook Inn.
(+7), Stealth (+7), Track (+7),
Traits: Arboreal ()
Armour 2 (body)
Corruption (Minor)
Fury (Can spend advantage to develop Hatred)
Horns ( Free attack on charge, +6)
Night Vision ( See 20 yards in the dark as normal)
Talents: Acute Sense (Perception test to smell imperceptible)
Menacing 1 ( Add Menacing lvl to SL when intimidating)
Rover (No Passive Perception to spot in rural Environment)
Shadow (Use perception or stealth instead of combined test)
Trappings: Axe(+8),
Day Two
“The worship of Taal is ancient, much has been forgotten, especially
by city dwellers, there is much that others still remember.”
Father Gerhard will ask the PCs if they wish to be blessed and
partake in the scene. Make a note of any who do. Regardless,
Event Seven: aGer the ques)on, Klara will double over in pain, clutching at
her side (this is her muta)on star)ng to take hold). “Father, it
Here comes the rain again
Father Gerhard will comfort her and say,
Loca7on 2: The Natem Nook Inn
“Easy child, the blessing will take hold soon.”,
After the events of the previous day, you awake, drenched in
he will explain to the PCs,
sweat. An uneasy feeling gnaws at you. The same dream as
before. The shadow of darkness touches you. “Alas, Klara has not been feeling well of late. I have prayed for her
The sky is dark grey and forlorn. Rain hammers at the window. and I’m sure relief will come.”
It has been carrying on all night.
Your stomach rumbles to the smell of sausages downstairs. If a PC a5empts a Heal Test on Klara, they will not find
anything obviously wrong with her.
Father Gerhard will then explain to the PCs why they have
When the PCs go downstairs, Mia will be rustling them up a sought them out, no)ng that they are doing a splendid job of
breakfast and tell them to sit, she will bring it shortly. Not integra)ng with the village:
long aGer, Ethel will come down the stairs, clutching her
journal (remember, only the PCs can see her). She will sit at “Bertram has found something….interesting in his scouting.
the PCs’ table and ask them how they are finding the village. He’s found what looks like an old ruin, possibly Elven not six
AGer exchanging pleasantries, she will say the following: miles east from here.
We don’t know its original purpose, what’s in it or whether it is
“They need your help again. Hidden away is a book. Do not read
safe.. There could be something there that benefits the village!
this book, it will work its horrors upon you. A priest pure of
We are but simple villagers and cannot risk just wandering in
heart can destroy it, no mortal ken can. Beware the worm that
blindly. If Bertram accompanies you, would you be so kind as to
explore it and report back to me at the temple of your findings?
If the PCs ask her to explain herself, she giggles in an old, As payment, you may keep any desired treasure you find in there.
endearing way and say “I’ve already said too much.”
If the PCs ask what is going on with the villagers, Father This event con)nues in Part Four: The Elven Ruin. It is
Gerhard will explain that they are worshipping the bounty assumed that it will take the PCs most of the day to
Taal has given them, enjoying the sensa)on of rain upon their accomplish and they will arrive back at the temple with the
skin. If a PC is a priest of Taal, he will not have heard of this book late at night. It might take them more or less )me, in
prac)ce before. Father Gerhard will give the same response which case, you might have to adjust the days here as
Gre a gave earlier: appropriate.
Event Eight: A Dark Return some of the folk are a li5le….odd.
He will wave down Mia, calling for a round of drinks for the
Loca7on 1: The Temple of Taal group. Ebert will say how lonely he is, being rela)vely
shunned by many of the villagers. Despite being here a few
months, he doesn’t feel like he fits in. Mainly from missing
With the rain still falling, you stumble back to the village in worship due to being busy seDng his store in order.
darkness. Pushing open the door of the temple, a rush of heady
At this, Mia comes with a tray of drinks, handing them out to
incense fills your nostrils and smoke billows out.
the PCs and slamming Ebert’s down in front of him without
Through the fog, you can see the temple interior changed. Lit by
care. AGer the drinks have been served, one of them will
candles, you see various brightly coloured drapes hang from the
walls, along with many swinging incense burners. begin boiling on its own. It grows ho5er and ho5er un)l the
Father Gerhard greets you, initially surprised at your arrival, it tankard sha5ers under the pressure. This is the result of the
soon turns to a warm smile. Chaos energies in the village beginning to take a firmer hold
and distor)ng reality.
Much surprised, Mia will give the affected PC another one on
Father Gerhard eagerly asks what the PCs have found. If
the house. On witnessing this, Ebert will feel his point proven.
asked about the change in décor, he will explain that he has He notes that the villagers are definitely stranger than normal
taken the discovery of the Elven ruin as a sign of good fortune aGer service. He will offer the group 12/- to a5end the service
for the village and is decora)ng the temple in celebra)on. tomorrow for him and inves)gate what goes on and to report
back to him.
If they try to draw parallels between the decora)on and the
here)cal temple beneath the ruins, Father Gerhard will
essen)ally gaslight them, playing dumb, just saying it is
celebratory decora)on. He will do the same if they relate the
Day Three
tale of hearing his voice at the temple.
If told about Bertram’s betrayal, he will sigh heavily and
Event Nine: Misgivings
Loca7on 2: The Natem Nook Inn
“Alas. It is not surprising. He has never been the same since his
family were killed by Beastmen a couple of years ago.” He has When you wake, you again feel disturbed by strange dreams
not been right in the head since. having visited you in the night.
It has finally stopped raining in the village. The skies remain
dark, the clouds pregnant and leering from above.
When the PCs state that they have found a book, Father
Gerhard will ask to see it. Upon seeing it, he knows what it is If a PC took part in the “rain dance” the day before, have
(a book of dark evil that will allow the Slaanesh Cult to them make a Successful Challenging (+0) Cool Test or they
perform even more powerful rituals). gain 1 Corrup)on Point. Explain that they feel especially
If the PCs leG the book at the ruins, Father Gerhard and disturbed by their dream.
Gre a will go and get it during the night. Over breakfast, Mia will note that today is service at the
He will openly admit that the book is pure evil and ask for it temple, no)ng that all the village will be there and asks if the
to be turned over. It is corrup)ng and far too dangerous in characters would like to join.
the PC’s hands, he can ritually destroy it. The characters may refuse, but they will find their op)ons for
If the PCs decline to hand it over, he will argue his points but the day limited as pre5y much every villager will be in
acquiesce if they insist. In which case use EVENT B Booking It a5endance at the service. What they choose to do is beyond
under Addi7onal Events. the scope of this wri5en adventure as it cannot account for
On their way out of the temple, the PCs will pass Frieda every conceivable course of ac)on.
Heiler who is heading in, carrying bags and bo5les. She will On the way to the temple, pick a PC at random. Ask that
claim she is seeking guidance with Father Gerhard if asked. player to temporarily leave the table. Tell the remaining
During the night, Father Gerhard and Gre a will meet. players that suddenly, that character just freezes, staring
Knowing that the PCs have defeated Betram, they realise that blankly, not responding to anything the PCs do.
they are poten)ally a strong force worth having and seek to Read the following to the frozen player separately:
corrupt them further to stay in the village.
When the PCs get back to the inn, they will find Ebert
Braunhose sat in the corner, morosely nursing a drink. Upon Everything in the village suddenly freezes. Even your comrades.
no)cing the party, he will flag them over. The silence is deafening. People form tableaus in mid
conversation. No one responds to your voice, your touch. A
From the alcohol )nged breath and rheumy, red eyes, he is voice whispers in your ear, a voice from the dream, “Your
well into his cups. He will ask the party how their day has friends will turn on you jealous of your skills. They only hold
been, and will be shocked if they give news of Bertram. you back. You know what to do…” Everything snaps back to
If asked what has prompted his drinking, he will ask them if life again, conversations resume, movement returns and sound
they no)ce how strange this village is, things keep happening, fills your ears once more.
Event Ten: The Service Colours of the air.
He looks at you and says, “Lesket or Weleth?”
Loca7on 1: The Temple of Taal
Walking up to the temple,, you see it a bustling hive of activity.
Father Gerhard and Gretta are welcoming the crowd through the If the PCs don’t immediately answer, he will repeat the
door. They smile and greet each person. On seeing you, Father ques)on. When they do, read the following:
Gerhard’s smile fills his whole face, it is one of pure joy.
Gerhard smiles and twists the demon shape, tearing its head off,
Father Gerhard will greet the PCs, thanking them for the it dissipates into coiling black smoke, rainbow coloured droplets
previous day’s work. AGer exchanging pleasantries, he will go rain over you and the crowd, tasting sweet and showering you all
inside and beckon the party in. in glorious technicolour.
You feel yourself lifted up, you are as air, floating, before being
The room is filled and loud with echoing chatter. The coloured placed in water, the cool waves washing over you.
drapes and swinging incense burners, the benches and crowd are The scene begins to sway, the colours merge together, sound
almost obscured by the thick smoke hanging in the air, filling grows further and further away, the scene grows fainter, dimmer,
the room with an overpowering sweet aroma. darker, black.
When the PCs take a seat on the crowded benches, have If any PC succeeds the check, they witness something very
them make a Very Difficult (-30) Endurance Test. different. The following occurs, provided the PC does nothing.
To any PCs that fail, read the following:
As Father Gerhard speaks, a vacant look descends on the people.
The crowd grows silent as Father Gerhard ascends the dais to the You feel a dull headache from the fumes of the incense, but
lectern, his footsteps reverberating around the room. manage to shake it off.
He spreads his arms wide, smiling, “Welcome all, it is so good Gerhard’s words begin to twist and lose all sense, you’ve not
to see you here on this glorious day. We wake and we feel the heard this language before.. It sounds bleak and harsh, yet
sensation of the cool air on our skin, the touch of our clothes everyone is enraptured. They begin to undress, stripping off their
upon our naked flesh as we put them on, we begin our day, clothes and descend into ungodly orgiastic excess.
preparing to work and - “ The view around you begins to swim From the back room, Father Gerhard drags a shivering, terrified
out of focus. The voice, distorted, echoing and distant. It no looking young woman, you recognise as Emilia Sonnehart. He
longer makes any sense, but the sound caresses and comforts you, rails in rage at her crime of hiding a blessed one, asking the
much like the sweet smell of incense, whose tendrils caresses crowd, “Shall we suffer the heretic to live?”
your cheek and slides into your nostrils and mouth. He will slit her throat, spraying her blood over the baying
Glancing at each other and the shapes of people around you, you crowd, who shower in it an d lick it up in ecstasy.
realise that in fact, you are all echoes of one conscience, Father Gerhard walks over to your group, “You are blessed and
reflecting back upon each other and yourself, oscillating and one of us now”. He,, Gretta, Arnuld, Frieda and Klara lift and
reverberating around time. Time itself is a construct, it is not carry your insensible comrades to the river, bathing them in the
linear, it folds and twists, loops around itself and branches out in stream.
infinite directions. Eventually, you are all returned to the inn.
You look down and see yourself loosely bound in ropes. They
cover your entire body. They itch, the sensation is
uncomfortable.. You notice that they are not tied, they are just
round you and weigh heavy. GM Call Out
Have the PCs make a Challenging (+0) Cool Test or gain 1 Father Gerhard is ini)ally reluctant to let this happen but
Corrup)on point as the horror of the scene overwhelms their eventually acquiesces to allow the party to inves)gate. In
senses. front of the jeering crowd, he proclaims:
If a PC makes a Successful Drama7c Challenging (+0) Heal
Test, reveal one of the following per SL scored in descending “Ebert Braunhouse will be interred in the cellar of the Natem Nook
order: Inn. This group will get to the truth of the matter, they have until
dawn or Ebert, you will meet the flames for your sin!”
One corpse has a snapped small wooden handle
jammed in an eye socket. A Successful Difficult (-10)
Trade (Ar7st) will reveal this is a paint brush handle. If the PCs inves)gate the store, inside, they will find the
There are various weapon wounds across the corpses. window smashed and the head of Fredreich, an expression of
None of the wounds seem consistent with Beastmen horror on his face on the floor, over a small patch of blood.
weapons that you have seen so far. An Average (+20) Percep7on Test reveals that there is a large
amount of glass shards over the floor from the window. This
Some corpses look as though they have been savagely suggests it was broken from the outside.
hacked by a sword. More than enough wounds to have
killed a vic)m. A Challenging (+0) Heal Test will show glass embedded in the
head, the lack of blood droplets on the floor and the small
Some wounds are consistent with small, sharp amount of coagulated blood where the head rests.
chopping blade such as a cleaver.
This suggests the head was cut off elsewhere and was thrown
Some scratch marks on the decayed flesh are too small through the window a fair amount of )me post mortem.
to have been caused by Beastmen claws, they are
more consistent with human sized hands. If anyone inves)gates outside by the window, they will find
much of the ground covered by the footprints of the now
If a PC makes a Successful Drama7c Challenging (+0) Track dispersing mob. Someone making a Difficult (-10) Track Test
Test, reveal one of the following per SL scored in descending will manage to find footprints that don’t match this pa5ern,
order: small, probably female. They also find small splotches of paint
Many of the entertainers s)ll have their daggers or ma5er.
other weapons sheathed. Sugges)ng they were
surprised and not expec)ng an a5ack. Event Fourteen:
There are no obvious hoof impressions in the ground
to suggest that Beastmen were here. Emilia Sonnehart’s house
There are many shoe imprints sca5ered about, more
varie)es than there are corpses. Loca7on 8: Emilia Sonnehart’s house
There aren't many signs of a struggle about the Refer to Event D: Noises in the Night for more informa)on
environment, sugges)ng that the Tileans were and change events accordingly based on if they have already
surprised and overwhelmed quickly. discovered her mutant sister or not.
A small scrap of torn clothing can be found snagged on The PCs will find the living area upturned, clearly in a struggle.
a branch. This is consistent with the kind of clothing A Challenging (+0) Percep7on Test will find small blood
peasants wear. spa5ers and a torn apron (Arnuld’s) amongst the detritus.
Allow the PCs to make any other Tests they feel may help Event Fifteen:
inves)gate the scene. The format should be the same as
above, the easiest bit of informa)on to obtain is that it is
clear Beastmen were not behind the a5ack. Higher successes The Klatscher House
should point to the fact that at least some people from the
village were the culprits. Loca7on 4: Ethel Klatscher’s house.
Remember that this event should only be run at night as the
Event Thirteen: Heads up! PCs are breaking and entering. As you can imagine, doing that
in broad daylight in front of the villagers has consequences.
Loca7on 3: The General Store.
Returning back to the village, the mist swirling around you, you Mannslieb shines bright over the village tonight. The
begin to hear a large commotion near the general store. A baying illumination of Ethel Klatscher’s house makes a forlorn sight.
mob is outside, surrounding Father Gerhad who is tightly It was clearly once a nice, grand house. That glory has faded. The
gripping Ebert Braunhouse, who stands there, tearful, hands front garden is overgrown with weeds, a shutter hangs off at an
bound. angle on an upstairs window.
The building stands quiet and decaying.
If the PCs enquire as to what is going on, they will hear from Allow the PCs decide on how to enter the building. There is a
crowd members that Ebert has killed Fredreich, his head at front and back door (the back door facing the forest). There
the store front like a trophy! are two ground floor and two first floor windows on each
On seeing the PCs, he will cry, side.
“I didn’t do this, help me! Sigmar preserve me, find the truth!”
Both doors are locked and will need an SL 2+ to unlock on a A Successful Challenging (+0) Percep7on Test will show that
Pick Lock Test (your players may get crea)ve, but think of the this room has been redressed to avoid signs of a struggle as
poten)al consequences to increase the drama). somethings are out of place. Checking under the bed, the PCs
will find a scrap of cloth with a faint aroma. A Successful
Challenging (+0) Herbalism Lore Test will iden)fy the smell as
Moonflower, a substance used to knock people out.
Reading the book on the desk, the PCs will find several pages
torn out. What is there are a few entries:
...The whole village is concerned, Father Berthold has not been
seen for a few days. Where could he be?
A rotten smell hangs in the air as you enter. A Stove and various
cooking utensils line the wall. A food preparation table occupies ...I followed him, half mile north. I found a cave passage, that’s
the centre of the room. An open cupboard that served as a pantry where he got in. I don’t think I was seen….
lies open with mouldy food on display. The back window shows
an overgrown garden, with an outhouse standing sentinel in front AGer the PCs have found the journal and read it (if possible),
of the forest. Next to the cupboard is a door. have them make an Average (+20) Percep7on Test. The best
score hears a few strains of piano below first. The rest will
The door is locked, requiring 4SL extended pick locks Test to quickly hear it aGer. The notes sound wrong and disturbing.
open. This door leads to the basement. Unbeknownst to the PCs, they were observed stealing in by
the musician, Johan Sebas7ann (the fiddler from Event
Room 3 - The Guest Bedroom. Three). He crept in as the PCs moved up stairs and seeing the
A small functional room, a single bed and a wardrobe. piano, couldn’t resist playing it. Soon, his voice joins the notes
carrying up stairs.
Room 4 - The Master Bedroom. “Naughty little mice, scurrying in the dark,
Poking where they shouldn’t, laying naked truth stark.
The door creaks open with a loud groan. . A large bed dominates Naughty little mice, need flesh flensed from bone,
the floor space, Upon it, sits Ethel, sobbing. One wall has an Skin hung on wall, skull ground by stone.
opulent wardrobe against it. The other, an ornate writing desk,
Naughty little mice, won’t you come out to play?
with a torn book lying open.
Come forth little ones, a hunter needs his prey.”
If the PCs creep down the stairs, make an Opposed
Ethel will weep that this is where she was taken in the night.
Percep7on/Stealth Test for PCs. If they pass, they will hear
She can’t remember much, not by whom or where. She him unlocking the door to the basement. If they don’t, they
knows she feels a sense of betrayal and was taken below. She will find him gone but will find the basement door unlocked
begs the PCs to restore order and fades away. and open if they choose to head into the kitchen.
When they come down the stairs, they will find the piano is
s)ll playing by itself. A horrifying, sound that cuts to the core. Johan Sebastiann Musician
Have the players make a Challenging (+0) Cool Test or gain 1 M WS BS S T I Ag Dex Int Wp Fel W
point of Corrup)on.
4 35 30 30 30 30 30 35 30 30 30 12
The Basement
As you walk down the uneven stone steps, A familiar scent fills
the air. It gets harder and harder to see, a thick veil of mist Skills: Entertainer (musician +8) , Slight of Hand (+5)
obscures your vision, overwhelming your senses. You can make Traits: Dagger + 7
out the swinging incense burners from the ceiling. Talents: Read/Write,
Trappings: Dagger tucked in belt
Johan’s now distorted voice calls out to you, “Yes, come to my
little sanctuary. The butcher bill has been paid here before,
and will again, embrace madam Frieda’s enhancements to your
GM Call Out
Have the PCs make a Very Difficult (-30) Endurance Test. If
the fail, they will be overwhelmed in a similar manner to
Event Ten. They will take a –30 Penalty to all Tests for an hour Interlude
and won’t be able to find their way out of the basement due
to disorienta)on. This interlude provides a good opportunity to address
you, the GM. By now, the PCs should have acquired
various clues and had encounters which suggests that
Running the Basement Encounter things are not right in the village.
If the PCs go through the back doorway, read the following: Frieda stands on the counter, wild look in her eyes, matching her
This is clearly the meat preparation area. Various utensils line hair. A gnarled hand raised clutching a small pouch of various
the tables, raw meat scattered about, a few flies buzzing around ingredients. She shrieks, sending flicks of spittle towards you.
raw steaks. A doorway stands the right of the room. A grinder “Interlopers! Thieves! Spoil the perfect garden that is this
looks overflowing with meat, some half processed, lying there, village! Father said you would bloom here. Instead you are
dripping blood which coats the table around it. weeds, choking the life out of us all!”
She Bawls,
“He was wrong! WRONG!”
The adjoining room is the bedroom, Arnuld is hiding there
along with his assistant for now. If the PCs inves)gate the If the PCs don’t take immediate ac)on, she will hurl the
grinder and dig through the mass of meat, they will find a half pouch at them (counts as Incendiary). If they do, go into
intact, unprocessed male finger (Fredreich’s). ini)a)ve order as per normal. Frieda will throw the
At this point, or if the PCs proceed into the bedroom, Arnuld incendiary pouch as soon as she is able (showing li5le regard
and his assistant a5ack, brandishing cleavers and crying: for her own safety. She will then draw her sickle and begin
“Fresh tasty meat!” a5acking with that.
Every round, Arnuld jus)fies himself by taun)ng and claiming To complicate ma5ers further, every 2 rounds, every square
he makes the greatest sausages, always on the lookout to (2 yards) next to a square on fire (from the incendiary)
expand tas)ng horizons etc. becomes consumed by flames. If a person is in that space,
they gain another Ablaze Condi)on.
4 35 30 40 35 30 30 35 30 30 30 15
Frieda Heiler Herbalist
Skills: Melee Basic (+5), Haggle (+5) M WS BS S T I Ag Dex Int Wp Fel W
4 35 30 30 30 30 30 35 30 30 30 12
Event Eighteen: Art Attack
Loca7on 7: Klara Künstler’s House
Skills: Melee Basic (+5), Haggle (+5)
If the PCs enter, the door opens with a creek. As their eyes
Traits: Cleaver (+7) adjust to the gloom, they can see a small room with a
Talents: Trappings: Cleaver, Leather Jerkin (1AP body) fireplace, a siDng chair and stairs against the back wall.
The room is covered with pain)ngs, along the walls, stacked
Event Seventeen: up along the floor, laying discarded, everywhere. Paint
spla5ers seem to fill the remaining space.
There is one easel set up with a mostly completed pain)ng on
Potions and Poultices it.
Loca7on 6: Frieda Heiler’s Herbs You stand outside Klara’s house. The shutters are closed. The
door, with chipped paintwork stands ajar. You can only see a
Whilst the PCs are inves)ga)ng, if they enter Frieda Heiler’s dark gloom beyond. A faint, foul smell catches your nostrils.
shop, read the following:
The smell is much stronger in this room. It is foul, a stench of
Event Fifteen: The Cave
If the PCs inspect the pain)ng, they will find it is of the party If the PCs travel half a mile north of the village, they will find a
member Klara took a shine to in Event 3. small cave near a babbling brook. This leads to Area 1 of the
Underpass in Part Four.
The painting is horrific. Though distorted, you can recognise one
of the figures. A face of agony and ecstasy, locked in an orgy
with demonic figures whilst being mutilated and dismembered.
You now realise the source of the smell, coming from the
browns used in this painting. The reds too are not paint, crimson
Additional Events
and dripping, contributing to the madness of this image.
Event A:
Have the PCs make a Challenging (+0) Cool Test or gain 1
Corrup)on point as the horror of the pain)ng begins to
unravel their mind. Trouble at the Stables
“Do you not like my painting? I made it for you…” Loca7on 2: The Natem Nook Inn
A taun)ng voice calls from upstairs.
If the PCs’ horse survived the encounter with the beastmen
If the PCs try to go upstairs, they can see Klara standing at the
and they check the stables for their horse and cart at any
top with a wardrobe )lted down it. She giggles and pushes it
point, read the following:
down. Have the PCs make an Average (+20) Agility Test to
dive out the way or take 1D10 + 2 damage. Opening the stable door, you see your cart on its side, half
buried in the hay. One wheel has been snapped off and lies
“You are not worthy to join us, turning your back on the father’s
teachings!” discarded on the floor. The horse is missing.
When the PCs go upstairs, they will find the stairs to the aDc Should the PCs inform Father Gerhard, he will console them.
pulled down. When they go up, Klara will be standing there, He states that he will send Bertram out to look for the horse
wai)ng for them. The room is li5ered with horrific, ghoulish (as the village has none to spare) and get Helmut
pain)ngs She holds her hand out to stop them and )lts her Zimmermann to repair the cart.
head at them coyly.
Bertram sabotaged the cart and guided the horse out to the
“Father said we would be blessed...and now I have…”
woods to slaughter on Father Gerhard’s orders to keep the
Her fingers begin to fuse and her arm expands, tearing at her PCs in the village. Father Gerhards’s consola)on of the PCs is
sleeve, it transforms into a hideous, dripping, fleshy tentacle. just a stall tac)c to sa)sfy them that something is being done.
The rest of her flesh seems to ripple, distort, bits of skin begin
to harden and become scales. Should the PCs wish to track the horse by themselves, they
“I am reborn….” She hisses. The PCs will also see the hideous will need to get an SL 8 on an Average Extended Tracking Test
faces on the pain)ngs ripple with laughter and glee. which will lead them about half a mile out where they find
Have the PCs make a Challenging (+0) Endurance Test or gain the mu)lated corpse of their horse.
1 Corrup)on point as the presence of the mutant touches A Successful Challenging (+0) Animal Care Test will allow the
PCs to determine that the wounds on the beast were caused
from savage hacking from a straight sword blade, very unlike
Klara Künstler Artist the weapons they saw the Beastmen wielding earlier.
M WS BS S T I Ag Dex Int Wp Fel W
Making a Successful Difficult (-10) Tracking Test also shows a
4 30 30 35 30 35 30 35 30 30 35 12 patch of mud and blood near the slain animal with boot prints
in it.
Skills: Art(+5). Cool (+5), Consume Alcohol (+5), Evaluate(+5),
Endurance (+5), Gossip(+5), Perception (+5), Stealth urban (+5)
Traits: Scales (1 AP on all locations)
Event B: Booking It
1 Tentacle 5 (1 free attack with tentacle, deals 5 dmg, can Entangle If the PCs don’t give the book they found at the Elven ruins to
on dmg)
Father Gerhard, he will order Mia to steal it from their rooms
Sharpened paintbrush(+7), that night.
Talents: Artistic
Trappings: Sharpened paint brush Have her make a Stealth Test on entering their room and
again on rifling through their things. If she fails, she will wake
Spells: As a free action, Klara can will one of the paintings to fire
chaotic essence at the PCs. This functions as the Dart spell. the PCs. If she is caught, she will make an excuse that she was
just curious. If the PCs wake to find their book missing,
everyone in the village will deny having seen it or taken it.
Event C: Herbal Hustle Event E:
If the PCs decide to help Frieda with her herbal problem, she
will say that another batch was stolen last night. Inves)ga)ng
Beauty is in the Eye of the
the garden, they will find small boot prints in the earth
(sugges)ng it was a female) and the herbs were neatly
clipped. Speaking to the villagers with a successful Average Loca7on 9: Heinrich and Sofia vergeblich’s house
Gossip Test will point the PCs to two suspects, Mia (who is a
well known kleptomaniac) and Emilia Sonnehart who has If the PCs wish to inves)gate the rumours of domes)c abuse,
been seen creeping around the village at night. Mia will have they can find Heinrich at the logging camp, half a mile north
an alibi as she was tending to the inn. If the PCs inspect west of the village.
Emilia’s back garden, they will find a pair of used shears.
He is vain, full of bravado but will react angrily to accusa)ons,
denying them. If the PCs check on Sofia at the house, they will
Event D: Noises in the Night find her staring at her reflec)on, no)ng how pre5y she is. But
there is always room for improvement. She will drag a razor
Loca7on 8: Emilia Sonnehart’s house
across her face and stare at her reflec)on again, sta)ng how
If the PCs choose to inves)gate the noises in the night at much be5er she looks.
Emilia’s, they will find that they get a guarded response from
her during the day. She will not let them in. Concluding Part Three
They can try and sneak in during the night (requiring a
Successful Challenging (+0) Pick Locks Test). Whilst the PCs are inves)ga)ng the murder of Fredreich, if
The house is comprised of three rooms: a siDng area/kitchen, the other villagers become aware of the violence that is
bedroom and backroom. happening, at this stage, they take no ac)on against them.
They cower from them in fear, going inside and locking doors,
The PCs will hear moaning and clanking coming from the back
or hurrying away from them in the street.
room. They will need to make a Successful Challenging (+0)
Stealth Test to walk past the bedroom to the back room. By now, the PCs should believe that Father Gerhard is behind
it all and want to confront him. They may take the cave
In the dim light of the back room, they will see a figure
entrance to the underpass or head to the temple. If they do
chained up. She looks exactly the same as Emilia, alas, she is a
so, he is not there, but the lectern lies on its side and where it
mutant. Emilia has been keeping her sister Elsa here for her
was, they find a hole in the ground with a rusted,
own protec)on, stealing herbs and trying to find a cure.
iron rung ladder leading down to Area 3 of the underpass.
Alas, Elsa has en)rely lost her mind and will a5ack anyone
she doesn’t recognised. The chain covers 3/4 the length of
the room.
5 30 30 35 30 35 35 35 30 30 35 12
Part Four:
The Elven Ruins
Part Four Background There is clearly too many for the party to take on directly.
Allow the players to briefly discuss an approach and then
interrupt with the following:
This part of the adventure sends the party to the elven ruins
not too far from the village of Baumdorf. Unbeknownst to the Suddenly, the cry of a horn call pierces the monstrous
PCs, these ruins were desecrated by a secret cult of Slaanesh, tranquillity, from the south east, twenty small, green figures
led by Gre a (for she is far older than she looks). charge forth wielding all sorts of wicked weaponry - Goblins!
One, slightly taller and ganglier than the rest, directs the others
She had to abandon the newly profaned temple when the
from the rear.
cult came under sustained beastmen a5ack. She did not have
The beastmen roar in a counter challenge and leap to meet these
)me to reclaim her “bible”. She ordered the main door locked intruders, the two sides clashing in blurs of green, brown and red.
and the cult to summon a daemon. Unfortunately, the ritual
suicide was disrupted by Gerhard (a junior priest and cul)st
at the )me) so they died in vain. Allow the PCs to decide what to do with this new turn of
events. They could try and sneak around the conflict to get to
She fled to the village, where she has been biding her )me
the ruins. They could try their own charge and enter a three
since, corrup)ng others, building her influence, ready to take
way engagement. This would give both Beastmen and Goblins
the temple back. The arrival of the PCs has proven to be an
opportunity for her, they have already proven themselves the surprised condi)on. They could also decide to wait it out
capable. and pick off the winners.
She has ordered Bertram to accompany the PCs, to ensure If they decide the last op)on, this could be resolved in the
they make it safely, kill them when they retrieve the book and following ways:
bring it back.
Pre run the encounter as the GM and create a
The Beastmen, for their part, are happy to cavort around the
narra)ve of the fight to read to the group.
ruins of the Elven fort, using it as the focus for their
gatherings. They have been content to leave the underground Allow the Players to take the part of the greenskins or
por)on unexplored. beastmen and run the encounter.
Travelling to the for through the dense woodland, staying You watch the furious melee between the two sides. It is frenetic
vigilant is tough going. Have the PCs make a Challenging (+0) and bloody: Beastmen cleaving goblins in two, halves and entrails
flying. A beastmen dragged down by two goblins leaping on it,
Endurance Test. If they fail, they gain 1 Fa gue Condi on.
thrusting daggers into it repeatedly as it sags down.
Randomly choose one of the PCs. Narrate that whenever the After a couple of minutes, the area is littered with corpses, intact
and in pieces. You see the largest beastman cleave a bloody path
party stops for a quick rest or for Bertram to get his bearings,
to the goblin leader. Before there is any time to react, he grabs
that PC no)ces all the insects, spiders and creepy crawlies him round the face, his hand fitting around his skull, lifting up
nearby seem a5racted to them. They begin to start crawling his muffled, screaming prize, he closes his fist, a sound of a
over them. sickening crunch and squelch as bone and brain matter fly
between his clawed fingers.
Eventually the party will come to a small river. It is filthy and At this, the other surviving goblins shriek in terror, and scatter,
slow moving. It is not too wide, only about 20 feet and is fleeing back the way they came. Four beastmen give chase, only
waist deep. A fallen, moss covered tree trunk forms a natural five remain.
bridge across it.
Of the remaining beastmen, two are Ungors, two are Gors
The party can make it across the “bridge” one at a )me with a and one is the Beastman chie5an. The sta)s)cs provided
Challenging (+0) Agility Test. Any more and the “bridge” below include the full groups of beastmen and goblins to
collapses under the strain and they fall in the water. The allow you to effec)vely run any plan the PCs may come up
party members can choose to wade through the water with a with during this encounter.
Difficult (-10) Agility Test, any one who fails, slips and falls in.
AGer combat, the PCs will need to make a successful
Anyone who falls in will need to make an Easy (+40) Challenging (+0) Endurance Test or gain 1 Corrup)on point.
Toughness Test or contract The Bloody Flux (pg186).
AGer dealing with the encounter in whatever manner the
Eventually, the trees part and reveal a clearing. Standing as an In the centre of the ruins, amongst the detritus of old building,
echo of former glory, the ruins of a former fortress. Parts of beastmen leavings and graffiti, you see a small grate, unlocked
walls and arches still proud and defiant, the rest, rubble scattered and a passageway below.
by the hand of time upon the ground. Once gleaming, white
stonework, now aged with hues of green and brown.
Cavorting in the centre of the broken ring, round make shift LiGing the small grate requires an Average (+20) strength
totems, twelve monstrous figures, raising deformed goat heads to Test. Medium sized creatures would have no problem fiDng
the skies braying. One especially large and fearsome. down the hole that leads to Room 2.
Ungors No Appearing: 6 Gor Chieftan No Appearing: 1
4 35 30 30 35 30 35 25 25 35 25 12 3 45 30 40 50 30 35 25 25 30 25 15
Skills: - Outdoor Survival (+5), Perception(+5), Stealth (+5), Skills: - Intimidate (+8), Outdoor Survival (+7), Perception
Track (+5), (+7), Stealth (+7), Track (+7),
Traits: Arboreal (Add Agi B to Climb and Stealth Tests) Traits: Arboreal (Add Agi B to Climb and Stealth Tests)
Armour 1 (body) Armour 2 (body)
Corruption (Minor) Corruption (Minor)
Night Vision (See 20 yards in the dark as normal) Fury (Can spend advantage to develop Hatred)
Talents: Acute Sense (Perception test to smell imperceptible) Horns ( Free attack on charge, +6)
Rover (No Passive Perception to spot in rural Environment) Night Vision ( See 20 yards in the dark as normal)
Shadow (Use perception or stealth instead of combined test) Mutation: Corpulent (Already Factored into stats)
Trappings: Sword(+7), Leather Jerkin (body 1AP), Size: Large
Talents: Acute Sense (Perception test to smell imperceptible)
Menacing 1 ( Add Menacing lvl to SL when intimidating)
Gors No Appearing: 5 Rover (No Passive Perception to spot in rural Environment)
M WS BS S T I Ag Dex Int Wp Fel W Shadow (Use perception or stealth instead of combined test)
Trappings: Axe(+9),
4 45 30 35 45 30 35 25 25 30 25 14
Goblins No Appearing: 19
Skills: - Intimidate (+7), Outdoor Survival (+7), Perception M WS BS S T I Ag Dex Int Wp Fel W
(+7), Stealth (+7), Track (+7),
Traits: Arboreal (Add Agi B to Climb and Stealth Tests) 4 25 35 30 30 20 35 30 30 20 20 11
Armour 2 (body)
Corruption (Minor)
Skills: - Outdoor Survival (+7), Perception(+7), Stealth (+7),
Fury (Can spend advantage to develop Hatred) Track (+7),
Horns ( Free attack on charge, +6) Traits: Animosity (The group may fall to infighting)
Night Vision ( See 20 yards in the dark as normal) Armour 1 (body)
Size:: Large Afraid, Elves (may not approach elves without cool Test)
Talents: Acute Sense (Perception test to smell imperceptible) Infected (If it causes wounds, opponent must pass easy endurance
Menacing 1 ( Add Menacing lvl to SL when intimidating) or contract Festering Wounds)
Rover (No Passive Perception to spot in rural Environment) Night Vision ( See 20 yards in the dark as normal)
Shadow (Use perception or stealth instead of combined test) Talents: Trappings: Weapon(+7),
Trappings: Axe(+8),
4 30 35 30 30 20 35 30 30 20 30 13
2. Profane Temple Entrance If the PCs pass a Hard (-20) Heal Test, they will determine
that the bodies have been here about a year.
Every room in this temple is dark. The descrip)ons assume Inspec)ng the doors, they will find the central one is ornately
the PCs are using their own light sources. decorated in unknown symbols that leave them feeling
disturbed. It has a round groove in the centre, something
After following a narrow tunnel, it opens into a large chamber. must fit there. The door will not open by any means.
There are three stone doors against the back wall, a central one The leG and right doors are plain stone. They push open
and one either side. Six unlit torch brackets line the room. Dusty
rela)vely easy. The leG leads to Room 3, the right to Room 4.
drapes of garish colours hanging from the ceiling. Long burnt
out incense holders swing gently, the faint scent mixing with
death from the scene before you. An array of thirteen, heavily
3. The Cult’s Quarters
decomposed corpses forms a circle around an eight pointed star.
This room is small and cramp. Bunk beds lie either side of the
All of them are clutching large knives they seem to have thrust
walls, unlit candles crammed into niches.
into their chests.
Another corpse lies on the floor, dagger buried into the chest.
The room is in disarray, dusty sheets and pillows pulled
If the PCs begin to step into the room, the long dormant everywhere.
chaos energies react to their presence. Read the following:
The torches spring to life, the roar of a new born fire heralding
the licking, purple frames that spring from the sconces, casting an A Successful Percep)on Test will find half the metal disc. It is
eerie, deep pink hue upon the scene. brass and inscribed with strange runes and markings. Scoring
Ghostly hooded images appear round the circle, translucent 2SL or above will also find 4/- sca5ered amongst the detritus.
echoes of the dead before you, the faces you can see look
panicked. 4. The Collapsed Hall
“Quick, the beasts come, you two, take these.” The lead figure
breaks a metal disc in two. He hands each piece to two others
Rubble lines this hallway. Much of the brickwork has fallen
who run through the left and right doors.
from the walls and lies scattered across the cracked flooring. At
“I’ve sealed the main entrance. We do this for our queen. She
the far end, not 25 feet away, the hallway has completely caved
says if our faith is strong enough, we can bring forth an
in, leaving a huge mound of dirt and rubble. Lying on the mound,
emissary of our prince, a divine being that will punish these
another dead body, another suicide, one hand clutching half a
heretical abominations!”
brass disc.
The leader begins a chant and the others follow. You do not
understand the words. They sound wrong. Sounds that no human
voice should be making. Utterances that cause the hairs on your In order to stop interlopers geDng the half disc, this cul)st
skin to stand on end. A feeling of nausea washes over you, the set a trap before he killed himself, a trap that would hopefully
room begins to spin. collapse the wall on the unsuspec)ng intruder.
You see them each draw a wicked blade from their robes,
holding them aloft. The chanting grows louder, more frantic, Trap: Trip wire.
ghostly sweat beads their faces. Echoing roars and screams can be Test: Challenging(+0) Percep)on check to spot.
heard in the distance. The chanting breaks, a moment of silence,
Success: The character no)ces there is a trip wire
tranquillity and resolve crosses their faces. Then, simultaneously,
they all plunge their daggers deep into their chests. amongst the rubble, and it is linked to a loose brick in a
All save one. His familiar sounding voice, though heavily sec)on of the wall.
distorted by the ghostly echo cries “I cannot do this!” and the Failure: The character no)ces nothing unusual.
figure flees. Ac7va7on: If the character moves 4 yards into the
Agonised screams emanate from them, sinking to the floor,
hallway, they trip on the wire, yanking the loose brick and
blood dribbling from their anguished mouths and pouring from
causing a par)al collapse.
their self inflicted wounds. They curl and twitch on the floor,
some taking longer to die than others. The trap was not set up well, it does not cause a total
A roar answers their deaths, in the centre of the circle, a ghostly collapse of the hallway, but causes enough brickwork to
tear of reality. An appendage of a being that should not be comes fall onto the unsuspec)ng PC to cause damage. 1D10 +3
forth, something is stepping out. Then, a scream of outrage and dmg, modified by toughness but not armour.
frustration as the tear begins to close, then vanishes.
The ghostly figures fade, their now rotting corpses are all that
With both halves of the disc, the PCs can put them into the
slot in the main door of Room 2. A loud thunk will be heard
AGer this scene, the PCs will need to make a successful and the door automa)cally opens, revealing Room 5.
Challenging (+0) Cool Test or gain 1 Corrup)on point.
If a PC Succeeds at a Very Hard (-30) Language Test, they will
recognise the voice as sounding very much like Father
Gerhard’s (it is, but do not make it defini)ve to the players).
5. The Main Temple Return to the Village
This room is a large, circular chamber. Torches spring to life as In order to get back to the village, the PCs will need to make
you enter, that same sickly purple glow cast over the room, an Extended Test, scoring 8SL. They can use any skills that
More garish drapes and incense holders. More disturbing graffiti they think are appropriate (provided they can explain how
lining the walls. In the centre, upon a raised dais, a lectern with a they are being used) such as Naviga)on, Endurance,
closed book upon it. Percep)on, Track, Athle)cs etc.
If the PCs examine the book, they will find it is bound in skin, If any of the PCs cri)cally fail a test, they may run into a
a lock upon it keeps it closed and the pages are gilded with group of Beastmen or goblins in the woods.
The PCs won’t know this, but to open the book, one must cut
themselves on the edges of it, enjoying the sensa)on of pain
and dripping the blood into the lock.
End of Part Four
Anyone touching the book will hear indecipherable whispers
fill their head. Anyone handling it for more than three turns,
will need to make a Challenging (+0) Cool Test or gain 2
Corrup)on Points.
Upon examining the book, the PCs will hear a thud behind
them as Bertram drops his bag and draws his sword.
“I’ll be taking that. They need it. Your usefulness, alas, has come to
an end.”
Bertram will begin his a5ack upon the party, the sudden
ferocity of which will grant them the Surprised Condi on for
the first round.
Bertram Hunter
4 30 32 33 32 30 30 30 30 30 30 15
The first )me Bertram takes a wound from the PCs, the
temple takes note of his corrupted soul and imbues him with
Slaanesh’s grace. Stroking the cut, he will note “Mmm, that
pain, it feels...exquisite”. Add 10 wounds to his current Wounds
and add +5 to his WS, T, Agi. “I can feel...strength coursing
through me”.
ThereaGer, once a round (and only once), when Bertram
takes damage, add +5 to WS, T and Agi up to a maximum of
50 in each stat.
Every )me he takes damage, make him more deranged,
deriving more and more pleasure from it.
Part Five:
The face of evil
Area One: The Tunnel “Such a shame. You could have joined us. You could have shared
in giving praise to the Prince of Pleasure. You...”
You proceed down the cave entrance, it stretches off into the
distance. The surface is rough and uneven, it’s slow going over
the loose rocks and stones. His eyes grow wide. He coughs up a spurt of blood and falls to
The light of the entrance fades as you go further, eventually the floor convulsing. Gre a steps out of the gloom behind
disappearing plunging you into darkness. him, holding a dripping dagger.
The tunnel twists and turns, narrows and widens, driving you
forward. Eventually, after fifteen minutes of scrabbling, you can “Fool, I told you they wouldn’t join us. Your weakness cost us
see a gloom in the distance. much. Still, I have no enjoyed one of the greatest pleasures,
betrayal of one that trusts you. I enjoy watching the pain and
confusion on your face, it is such a delicious sight. ”
“Well, well well. So you have found this place. I would have
shown you. When you were ready… Spells: Acquiescence (CN:5, pg 257)
You had such potential. I wanted you here, adding you to this Traits: Armour 1 (all locations)
perfect village. Can’t you see? We were happy, indulging in our Champion (When defending, if win oppose test, causes dmg as if
pleasures, free from the toil and concerns of others. Everything attacker.)
we did was for the greater good.”
Corruption Major (Endurance Test or 3 Corruption points)
Daemonic 4+ (roll 4+ to ignore blow)
The villagers intone in unison: Horns +7 (free horn attack on charge)
“The greater good….” Night Vision (Can see normally in the dark for 20yards)
Size Large
“You still have a chance, to enjoy the sweetest pleasures life has
to offer you. We can build something great, free from the taint Spellcaster (Slaanesh)
of imperial corruption. Will you stand by our side?” Terror 1,
Unstable (If opponent has greater advantage at end of round, loses
wounds equal to difference)
If the PCs accept Father Gerhard’s offer, this will take your
Weapon + 8
campaign in a very different direc)on. Award the PCs half the
xp at the end (giving in to your desires is a weakness aGer all).
If they decline, read the following:
Upon his defeat, Gre a Ascended will screech in indignant
rage, a blast of chaos energy thundering from her, pushing all
nearby back and the waves of energy slamming into the walls
and ceiling. The cavern begins to shake as rocks begin to
tumble. The characters need to make it to Area Three and
climb the ladder quickly. They have 10 rounds to do so before
the cavern collapses on them, burying them alive!
As they leave, Father Berthold uses the last of his life, “Taal is
with you!” He cries before finally, blessedly expiring.
The characters feel a warmth spread in them. This is the
Miracle of Taal.
GM Call Out
elcome to Baumdorf. A small
hamlet in the Natem Forest.
Enjoy the stay, folks are pleasant,
the village is quiet, a perfect place
to relax!
Sure the village has its problems, what place
doesn’t? Ours aren’t any worse than other places,
are they?
Make a simple delivery to the village. What could
go wrong?
Why is everyone so nice here?
Why is the art so strange?
Everyone has secrets, will they be taken to their
grave, or yours?
Will you leave with your soul intact?
Can you help rid the village of the beasts?
All this and more in The Beasts of Baumdorf