BCA Green Mark For Districts (Version 2.0)

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BCA Green Mark for Districts

(Version 2.0)
Green Mark for Districts (Version 2.0)

Framework – BCA Green Mark for Districts (Version 2.0)

To achieve Green Mark Award

Pre-requisite Requirement
All relevant pre-requisite requirements for the specific Green Mark Rating are to
be complied with

Energy Related Requirements Other Green Requirements

Minimum 10 points Minimum 50 points

Part 1 - Energy Efficiency Part 2 – Water Management

1-1 Energy Efficiency for Infrastructure and Public Amenities 2-1 Water Efficient Fittings for Infrastructure and Public
1-2 On-site Energy Generation Amenities
1-3 Site Planning and Building Orientation 2-2 Stormwater Management
1-4 Energy Management System 2-3 Alternative Water Sources
1-5 Minimise Energy Consumption During Off-Peak Hours 2-4 Water Efficient Landscaping
2-5 Water Efficiency Management

Part 3 – Material & Waste Management

3-1 Minimise Cut and Fill in Earthworks

3-2 Sustainable Construction for Infrastructure and Public
3-3 Sustainable Products for Infrastructure and Public Amenities
3-4 Waste Reduction
3-5 Waste Management and Segregation
3-6 Waste Conveyance
3-7 Waste Reuse and Processing
3-8 Green and Gracious Builders Scheme Certification

Part 4 – Environmental Planning

4-1 Self Sufficiency and Accessibility Within District

4-2 Green and Blue Spaces for the Public
4-3 Microclimate Optimisation
4-4 Outdoor Thermal Environment
4-5 Site Selection
4-6 Conservation and Integration of Existing Structures and
4-7 Habitat Conservation and Restoration
4-8 Minimise Site Disturbance
4-9 Environmental Management System
4-10 Future Provision and Connections

Part 5 – Green Buildings and Green Transport

5-1 Green Buildings Within District

5-2 Green Urban Design Guidelines
5-3 Green Transport Within District

Part 6 – Community and Innovation

6-1 Stakeholder Engagement, Feedback and Evaluation

6-2 Public Awareness, Education and Community Involvement
6-3 Green Lease
6-4 Intelligent Infrastructure
6-5 Safe Environment
6-6 Light Pollution Reduction
6-7 Other Green Features and Innovation
Green Mark for Districts (Version 2.0)

Points Allocations – BCA Green Mark for Districts (Version 2.0)

Category Point Allocations

Residential Industrial / Commercial
Districts Business Districts
(I) Energy Related Requirements
Part 1 : Energy Efficiency
Minimum 10 points

GMD 1-1 Energy Efficiency for Infrastructure and Public Amenities 10

GMD 1-2 On-site Energy Generation 6
GMD 1-3 Site Planning and Building Orientation 10
GMD 1-4 Energy Management System 5
GMD 1-5 Minimise Energy Consumption During Off-Peak Hours 1
Category Score for Part 1 – Energy Efficiency 32
(II) Other Green Requirements
Part 2 : Water Management
GMD 2-1 Water Efficient Fittings for Infrastructure and Public Amenities 4
GMD 2-2 Stormwater Management 8
GMD 2-3 Alternative Water Sources 4
GMD 2-4 Water Efficient Landscaping 2
GMD 2-5 Water Efficiency Management 3
Category Score for Part 2 – Water Management 21
Part 3 : Material and Waste Management
GMD 3-1 Minimise Cut and Fill in Earthworks 3
GMD 3-2 Sustainable Construction for Infrastructure and Public Amenities 7
GMD 3-3 Sustainable Products for Infrastructure and Public Amenities 5
Minimum 50 points (Parts 2 to 6)

GMD 3-4 Waste Reduction 2

GMD 3-5 Waste Management and Segregation 4
GMD 3-6 Waste Conveyance 2
GMD 3-7 Waste Reuse and Processing 4
GMD 3-8 Green and Gracious Builders Scheme Certification 2
Category Score for Part 3 – Material and Waste Management 29
Part 4 : Environmental Planning
GMD 4-1 Self Sufficiency and Accessibility Within District 5
GMD 4-2 Green and Blue Spaces for the Public 3
GMD 4-3 Microclimate Optimisation 4
GMD 4-4 Outdoor Thermal Environment 8
GMD 4-5 Site Selection 5
GMD 4-6 Conservation and Integration of Existing Structures and Assets 1
GMD 4-7 Habitat Conservation and Restoration 7
GMD 4-8 Minimise Site Disturbance 2
GMD 4-9 Environmental Management System 5
GMD 4-10 Future Provision and Connections 2
Category Score for Part 4 – Environmental Planning 42
(Parts 5 & 6 on next page)

Green Mark for Districts (Version 2.0)

Category Point Allocations

Residential Industrial / Commercial
Districts Business Districts
Part 5 : Green Buildings and Green Transport
GMD 5-1 Green Buildings Within District 20
GMD 5-2 Green Urban Design Guidelines 4
GMD 5-3 Green Transport Within District 11
Minimum 50 points (Parts 2 to 6)

Category Score for Part 5 – Green Buildings and Green Transport 35

Part 6 : Community and Innovation
GMD 6-1 Stakeholder Engagement, Feedback and Evaluation 8 6 6
GMD 6-2 Public Awareness, Education and Community Involvement 7
GMD 6-3 Green Lease 2
GMD 6-4 Intelligent Infrastructure 2 3 3
GMD 6-5 Safe Environment 1
GMD 6-6 Light Pollution Reduction 1 2 2
GMD 6-7 Other Green Features and Innovation 5
Category Score for Part 6 – Community and Innovation 26

Green Mark Score: 185 (Max)


1) The framework for the BCA Green Mark for Districts criteria has incorporated elements from other Singapore
agencies. These include PUB’s ABC Waters Design Guidelines and NParks’ Singapore Index for cities biodiversity.

2) The BCA Green Mark for Districts criteria is formulated based on Singapore’s Codes of Practices, practices, local
climate and weather patterns (i.e. tropical climate). For international projects which have a different climatic
conditions and weather pattern, the local planning guidelines/ Codes of Practices/ regulatory frameworks/ practices
shall take precedence.

3) For items not applicable for the district under assessment, points can be considered for pro-ration to other items
within the same category with evidence(s) provided.

Green Mark for Districts (Version 2.0)

Green Mark Award Ratings and Pre-requisite Requirements

Green Mark Score Green Mark Rating

100 and above Green Mark Platinum
90 to < 100 Green Mark Gold
75 to < 90 Green Mark Gold
60 to < 75 Green Mark Certified

Pre-requisite Requirements for Green Mark for Districts Criteria

1. Green Building within District

At least one building (GFA > 5,000 m ) at Phase 1 to achieve the corresponding Green Mark rating.

Minimum one Green Mark rated

Green Mark for District 2
building (GFA > 5,000 m ) at
Award Rating
Phase 1

Green Mark Certified Nil

Green Mark Gold Green Mark Gold
Green Mark Gold Green Mark Gold
Green Mark Platinum Green Mark Platinum

2. Minimum System Efficiency and Energy Monitoring (if using District Cooling System)

i) Where District Cooling System is being utilised in the district, the total system (chilled water plant)
efficiency must achieve a minimum of 0.75 kW/RT for Green Mark Gold, Gold and Platinum

ii) Permanent instrumentation for monitoring of the district cooling system efficiency to be provided in
accordance with the following requirement:

a) The installed instrumentation shall have the capability to calculate resultant plant efficiency (i.e.
kW/RT) within 5% of its true value and in accordance with ASHRAE Guide 22 and AHRI 550/590.

b) The location and installation of the measuring devices to meet the manufacturer’s recommendation.

c) Data acquisition system to have a minimum resolution of 16 bit.

d) All data logging with capability to trend at 1 minute sampling time interval.

e) Flow meters to be provided for chilled-water and condenser water loop and shall be of ultrasonic /
full bore magnetic type or equivalent.

f) Temperature sensors with minimum accuracy of ±0.05 ºC at 0 ºC. All thermo-wells shall be
installed in a manner which ensures that the sensors can be in direct contact with fluid flow.
Provisions shall be made for each temperature measurement location to have two spare thermo-
wells located at both sides of the temperature sensor for verification of measurement accuracy.

iii) Annual submission of building energy consumption data and operating system efficiency of the district
cooling system to BCA.

Green Mark for Districts (Version 2.0)

Pre-requisite Requirements for Green Mark for Districts Criteria (continued)

3. Sustainable Construction

Minimum score under GMD 3-2: Sustainable Construction for Infrastructure and Public Amenities
Green Mark Gold ≥ 3 points
Green Mark Platinum ≥ 4 points

4. Sustainable Products

Minimum score under GMD 3-3: Sustainable Products for Infrastructure and Public Amenities
Green Mark Gold ≥ 2 points
Green Mark Platinum ≥ 3 points

5. Environmental Planning

Minimum score under Part 4: Environmental Planning.

Green Mark Gold ≥ 15 points
Green Mark Platinum ≥ 21 points

Green Mark for Districts (Version 2.0)

Green Mark District Requirements

Part 1 – Energy Efficiency Green Mark Points
GMD 1-1 Energy Efficiency for Infrastructure and
Public Amenities

Site wide energy modelling or calculation to include 2 points for carbon calculation
energy demand and operating carbon emissions of
project baseline (as defined below) and proposed.

Baseline: Minimum efficiency requirement of 0.15 points for every percentage of saving over the total
mechanical and electrical systems as stated in energy consumption for infrastructure and public
SS530, SS553, CP 13, IESNA design guide, or amenities (Excludes energy consumption for those
equivalent local standards, or based on conventional under Green Mark for Buildings)
systems, etc.
Points awarded = 0.15 x (% improvement)
Baseline building energy efficiency index (EEI)
based on survey data of the year 2005 (for (Up to 8 points)
Singapore only).

The mechanical and electrical systems to be

included in the calculation shall include (but not
limited to) the following:

(a) Street lighting / landscape lighting / carpark

lighting / electric signages
(b) Water pumps
(c) Mechanical fans
(d) Lifts / escalators
[Total 10 points]
Pre-requisite Requirements:

Minimum System Efficiency and Energy Monitoring

(if using District Cooling System)

(i) Where District Cooling System is being

utilised in the district, the total system (chilled
water plant) efficiency must achieve a
minimum of 0.75 kW/RT for Green Mark
Gold, Gold and Platinum awards.

(ii) Permanent instrumentation for monitoring of

the district cooling system efficiency to be
provided in accordance with the following

a) The installed instrumentation shall have

the capability to calculate resultant plant
efficiency (i.e. kW/RT) within 5% of its
true value and in accordance with
ASHRAE Guide 22 and AHRI 550/590.

b) The location and installation of the

measuring devices to meet the
manufacturer’s recommendation.

c) Data acquisition system to have a

minimum resolution of 16 bit.

Green Mark for Districts (Version 2.0)

d) All data logging with capability to trend

at 1 minute sampling time interval.

e) Flow meters to be provided for chilled-

water and condenser water loop and
shall be of ultrasonic / full bore
magnetic type or equivalent.

f) Temperature sensors with minimum

accuracy of ±0.05 ºC at 0 ºC. All
thermo-wells shall be installed in a
manner which ensures that the sensors
can be in direct contact with fluid flow.
Provisions shall be made for each
temperature measurement location to
have two spare thermo-wells located at
both sides of the temperature sensor
for verification of measurement

(iii) Annual submission of building energy

consumption data and operating system
efficiency of the district cooling system to

GMD 1-2 On-site Energy Generation

Encourage the on-site generation of energy for self- Points scored for every percentage replacement of
supply in the common areas of the district (e.g. street electricity (based on total annual district energy
lighting, landscape lighting, etc). consumption) by systems:

(a) Energy generation by efficient combined 10% – 2 points

system such as co-generation, tri- 15% – 4 points
generation, etc >20% – 6 points

(b) Generation of renewable energy

(c) Energy recovery or regeneration

[Total 6 points]

GMD 1-3 Site Planning and Building Orientation

Minimise the heat gain / loss by use of passive solar

strategies to reduce the energy demand

(a) 50% or more of the plot have one axis within (a) Plot coverage
plus minus 22.5 degree of geographical 0.1 point for every percentage improvement in the plot
north / south, and north / south length is at coverage
least as long or longer than the east / west Points awarded = 0.1 x (% improvement)

(b) 50% or more of the project building GFA (b) GFA coverage
have one axis of each building is at least 1.5 0.15 point for every percentage improvement in the GFA
times longer than the other, and the longer coverage
axis is within 22.5 degrees of geographical Points awarded = 0.15 x (% improvement)
north / south axis
(Up to 4 points)
Green Mark for Districts (Version 2.0)

(c) Reduction of the area of the west facing 2 points

elevation of buildings, or application of inter-
block shading strategies to west / east facing

(d) Planning of buildings layout and massing to 2 points

avoid blocking prevailing wind

(e) Natural ventilation and daylighting for public 2 points

[Total 10 points]

GMD 1-4 Energy Management System

Design and incorporate energy monitoring and/or

control system to facilitate energy consumption
monitoring and management for public facilities

(a) Provide with sub-metering with remote 2 points

metering capability for subsystems > 15 kW
or with electric loads > 100 kVA

(b) Provide with district level energy monitoring 0.5 points for each control system (minimum of 90%
and automatic control systems for applicable coverage of the system capacity) to public facilities, such
energy consuming systems as motion or photo sensors for lighting control, etc. (Up
to 2 points)

(c) Provide with energy management plan at 1 point

design stage such as setting targets,
developing measures and strategies
[Total 5 points]

GMD 1-5 Minimise Energy Consumption During

Off-Peak Hours

Design and incorporate energy optimisation plan 1 point

(e.g. for night operation and weekends where there
is little occupancy) to ensure only the essential
energy consuming devices are running e.g. the
system configuration optimised for night loads

PART 1 – ENERGY EFFICIENCY Sum of Green Mark Points obtained

from GMD 1-1 to 1-4:
32 Points Maximum

[Minimum 10 points]

Green Mark for Districts (Version 2.0)

Part 2 – Water Management Green Mark Points

GMD 2-1 Water Efficient Fittings for Rating based on Water
Infrastructure and Public Amenities Efficiency Labelling
Scheme (WELS)
Encourage the use of water efficient fittings covered Very Good Excellent Points awarded based on the
under PUB’s Water Efficiency Labelling Scheme (2 ticks) (3 ticks) number and water efficiency
(WELS) or equivalent water labelling schemes rating of the fitting type used
2 4
(a) Basin taps and mixers OR
(b) Flushing cisterns
(c) Shower taps, mixers or showerheads Based on the water saving
(d) Sink/ bib taps and mixers compared to baseline model
(e) Urinals and urinal flush valves (Good/ One tick rated WELS

[Total 4 points]

GMD 2-2 Stormwater Management

Encourage the treatment of stormwater run-off

before discharge to public drains

(a) Provisions of the following infiltration features or (a) Can score under option A or B only
design features as recommended in PUB’s
Active, Beautiful and Clean (ABC) Waters Points scored based on the % of runoff from impervious
Design Guidelines: areas within the site that can be treated or retained by
ABC Waters design features
 Bioretention swales / other bioretention
systems OPTION A – Applicable only for the whole district
 Rain gardens including public realm, infrastructure and individual land
 Constructed wetlands parcels.
 Cleansing biotopes
 Retention ponds 10-35% = 2 points
35-50% = 5 points
>50% = 7 points


OPTION B – Applicable for the whole district excluding

individual land parcels.

25-50% = 2 points
50-70% = 5 points
>70% = 7 points

(b) Achieve ABC Waters Certification from PUB. (b) 1 Point

[Total 8 points]

GMD 2-3 Alternative Water Sources

Collection and use of alternative water sources for 100% of replacement using non-potable water –
non potable use such as irrigation, washing, water 4 points
features, and cooling tower make-up water to reduce
use of potable water. Water sources can include 75% of replacement using non-potable water –
rainwater, greywater, NEWater and recycled water 3 points
from approved sources
50% of replacement using non-potable water –
2 points

Green Mark for Districts (Version 2.0)

Points will be pro-rated based on the effectiveness of 30% of replacement using non-potable water –
use 1 points

[Total 4 points]

GMD 2-4 Water Efficient Landscaping

Reduce the water demand by selecting drought 2 points

resistant plants in landscaping design
[Total 2 points]

GMD 2-5 Water Efficiency Management

Design and incorporate water efficiency

management plans to reduce the demand of water
by public facilities and in common areas

(a) Provide the use of private water meters and 1 point for provision of individual sub meters; 2 points for
leak detection system to monitor the major sub-meters linked to district management system
water usage e.g. irrigation, water features
and swimming pools, etc

(b) Targets to improve public area water

performance should be set. To show intent, 1 point
measures and implementation strategies of
water efficiency improvement plans over the
next three years

[Total 3 points]

Sum of Green Mark points obtained

from GMD 2-1 to 2-5 :
21 points Maximum

Green Mark for Districts (Version 2.0)

Part 3 – Material and Waste Management Green Mark Points

GMD 3-1 Minimise Cut and Fill in Earthworks

Encourage reduction in the quantity of excavated

materials removed or transported into the district by
optimising the use of cut and fill material removed
during earthworks/ land preparation works for the

(a) Reusing of at least 50% of the topsoil 1 point

(b) Reusing of at least 50% cut and fill material 2 points

[Total 3 points]

GMD 3-2 Sustainable Construction for

Infrastructure and Public Amenities

Encourage recycling and the adoption of designs,

practices and materials that are environmentally
friendly and sustainable in the construction of
infrastructure and public amenities

(a) Use of sustainable and recycled materials

(i) Green Cements with approved industrial 2 points

by-product (such as Ground Granulated
Blastfurnace Slag (GGBS), silica fume,
fly ash) to replace ordinary Portland
Cement (OPC) by at least 10% by mass
for superstructural works.

(ii) Recycled Concrete Aggregates (RCA) Extent of Coverage: The total quantity used (in tonnage)
and Washed Copper Slag (WCS) from for replacement of coarse or fine aggregates must not
approved sources to replace coarse and be less than the minimum usage requirement that is
fine aggregates for concrete production [0.03 x Gross Floor Area (GFA in m )]
of main building elements
Note: For structural building elements, Quantity of RCA / WCS
the use of RCA and WCS shall be
limited to maximum 10% replacement ≥ 0.5 times (0.5X) minimum usage
1 point
by mass of coarse/ fine aggregates requirement
respectively or as approved by the ≥ 1 X minimum usage requirement 2 points
relevant authorities. ≥ 1.5 X minimum usage requirement 3 points
≥ 2 X minimum usage requirement 4 points

(Up to 4 points for GMD 3-2(a)(i) and (a)(ii))

(b) Recycle or salvage at least 50% of non- 0.1 point for every percentage improvement
hazardous construction waste by weight, or (Up to 3 points)
conserve at least 50% of existing structural
elements or building envelope by area
[Total 7 Points]
Pre-requisite Requirement:

Minimum score under this criterion:

Green Mark Gold ≥ 3 points
Green Mark Platinum ≥ 4 points

Green Mark for Districts (Version 2.0)

GMD 3-3 Sustainable Products for Infrastructure Weightage based on the Points scored based on the
and Public Amenities extent of environmental weightage and the extent of
friendliness of products coverage and impact
Promote use of environmentally friendly products that Good Very Excellent
are certified under by approved local certification Good 1 point for high impact item
body and are applicable to infrastructure works and 1 1.5 2 0.5 point for low impact
public amenities (including street furniture) item

*For overseas projects where low environmental

impact certified building materials are impossible to
source, points will be awarded for local products
sourced within a 400 km radius from the site.
[Total 5 points]
Pre-requisite Requirement:

Minimum score under this criterion:

Green Mark GoldPLUS ≥ 2 points
Green Mark Platinum ≥ 3 points

GMD 3-4 Waste Reduction

Minimise waste generation in a sustainable manner, 1 point for each item monitored and reduced
covering all kinds of waste including domestic (Up to 2 points)
household waste (e.g. food waste), commercial
waste (e.g. paper waste), construction waste, etc
[Total 2 points]

GMD 3-5 Waste Management and Segregation

Encourage waste recycling within district to reduce

waste going to landfill. Promote proper disposal of
waste and provide waste management

(a) Provision of at least one recycling station at

the district level dedicated to the separation,
collection and storage of recyclable materials
such as paper, glass, plastics and metals

(b) Provision of at least one drop-off point for

potentially hazardous waste such as paints,
solvents, batteries 1 point for every item of requirement that is met

(c) Provision of litter receptacles with integrated

recycle containers at public areas (including
at public amenities)

(d) Develop a community waste strategy and

education programme e.g. promotional
materials such as posters, circulars and
provision of recycling bags to promote waste
sorting, collecting and recycling of waste
[Total 4 Points]

Green Mark for Districts (Version 2.0)

GMD 3-6 Waste Conveyance

Reduce the negative impact on environment during 1 point for low impact applications
waste conveyance, such as use of odourless 2 points for high impact applications
pneumatic conveyance system, specific waste
transport design to minimise the disturbance
[Total 2 Points]

GMD 3-7 Waste Reuse and Processing

Encourage use of environmentally friendly waste

processing system

(a) Provision of local composting (kitchen and Up to 2 points*

garden wastes) /chipping facilities within the
boundary of the development and / or at
strategic locations. Compost should be
made available to local users (building
occupiers, owners, residents, maintenance

(b) Use of organic waste for energy generation Up to 2 points*

e.g. through bio-methanisation
*2 points for high impact applications, 1 point for low impact
[Total 4 Points]

GMD 3-8 Green and Gracious Builders Scheme


Main builder that has good track records in the Green and Gracious Builders Scheme Excellent Rating
adoption of sustainable, environmentally friendly and (1 point)
considerate practices during construction such as the
Green and Gracious Builder Scheme Green and Gracious Builders Scheme Star Rating
(2 points)
[Total 2 Points]

PART 3 – WASTE EFFICIENCY Sum of Green Mark Points obtained

CATEGORY SCORE : from GMD 3-1 to 3-5:

29 Points Maximum

Green Mark for Districts (Version 2.0)

Part 4 – Environmental Planning Green Mark Points

GMD 4-1 Self-Sufficiency and Accessibility
Within District

Ensure that a diverse range of facilities needed to GM Points for Residential Districts:
meet daily needs are suitably incorporated in the 2 points if (i), (ii) and (iii) are within the distances
masterplan and can be accessed suitably to stipulated in the local planning guidelines and are easily
minimise vehicle trips or distance travelled. accessible by public modes of transport
Increase the accessibility to key facilities by
ensuring that they are sited in accordance to the 1 point – for each additional item
local planning guidelines
(Up to 5 points)
[In the absence of local planning guidelines, the
following standards/ catchment radius shall apply: GM Points for Industrial / Business Parks:
3 points if (i) and (viii) are within the distances stipulated
(i) Basic Retail (e.g. Hawker centres, local in the local planning guidelines and are easily accessible
shops, markets) 400m by public modes of transport
(ii) Community & Leisure Facilities (e.g. 3G
exercise facilities, hardcourts, swimming 1 point – for each additional item
pools, children’s playground) 400m
(iii) Health Facilities (Pharmacy / GP / (vi) is not applicable
Polyclinic, Dentist) 400m
(iv) Educational facilities (e.g. Primary Schools, (Up to 5 points)
Secondary Schools excluding tertiary
institutions) 800m
(v) Communal facilities (e.g. Child care centres/ GM Points for Commercial Districts:
pre-schools/ kindergartens, elder care 1 point if commercial district includes (i), (iii) and (viii) and
centres, community centre, Resident's at least one major transport node (e.g. rail station, bus
committee centre, public squares) 800m interchange, etc) is located within the district
(vi) Employment Centres (e.g. mixed rental
Offices / Light industry) 800m Additional 1 point each if (ii), (v), (vii) and (x) are provided
(vii) Residential areas (e.g. mixed income within the distances stipulated in the local planning
housing) guidelines
(viii) Other supporting amenities (Post office,
ATM, Postal box) 800m (i), (iii), (vi) and (viii) are not applicable
(ix) Place of worship 1000m]
(x) Hotels (only for commercial districts) (Up to 5 points)

[Total 5 Points]

GMD 4-2 Green and Blue Spaces for the Public

Provide sufficient green and blue spaces for

residents and occupants

(a) Parks, green spaces or water body at least

800 sqm within 400 m walking distance

(b) Interconnectivity of green / blue spaces for 1 point for every item of requirement that is met
public and biodiversity

(c) Adopt native plant strategies in landscape

design - must demonstrate that >60 % of
the trees and shrubs are native

[Total 3 Points]

Green Mark for Districts (Version 2.0)

GMD 4-3 Microclimate Optimisation

Promote design optimisation, including site planning

and building massing, for better micro-climate, such
as use of natural planting and water body to
optimise microclimate, through modelling and
simulation, verifying by field measurements of major
climate data before and after the development:

(a) Solar analysis (sun path OR solar insolation 1 point each for design optimisation

(b) Ambient temperature simulation 1 point each for field measurement

[Total 4 Points]

GMD 4-4 Outdoor Thermal Environment

Encourage to use any combination of following

strategies to improve the outdoor thermal comfort
and reduce heat island effect

(a) Design and simulate to enable air flow 2 points for (a)
through the development (CFD analysis or
wind tunnel testing)

(b) Use of building vegetation, vegetated walls 1 point each for (b) to (i)
and green roofs (minimum 20% of the plot (up to 6 points)

(c) Street sidewalks/ pedestrian walkways

shaded over 40%

(d) Provide shade for open structures such as

covered walkways, vine pergolas > 50%

(e) Use of permeable paving materials with

Solar Reflectance Index (SRI) > 29 (Gravel
and wood chippings also encouraged to
hardscape areas)

(f) Open grid pavement system (at least 50%

pervious) for pedestrian paths at green
spaces> 40%

(g) Provide shading for open air carparks

> 50%

(h) Avoid building heat exhaust to pedestrian

walkways - Exhausts if fronting the public
realm must be >5m above pedestrian

(i) Any other suitable strategy

[Total 8 Points]

Green Mark for Districts (Version 2.0)

GMD 4-5 Site selection

(a) Avoid use of land with high agricultural or 1 point for (a)
ecological value

(b) Use of brownfield sites or reclaimed land, For (b) Area of site which is previously built-on:
reducing the use of greenfield sites 100% - 1 point
50% - 0.5 point
(c) Proper remediation measures carried out on
contaminated land to restore the land for 1 point for (c)

(d) Flood risk assessment – demonstrate that 2 points if 100% of buildings are in an area of low
the buildings are located in an area of low probability of flooding / non-flood plain, OR demonstrates
probability of flooding OR the development flood mitigation and escape routes
is appropriately flood resilient and resistant 1 points for 75% of buildings
including safe access and escape routes 0.5 point for 50% of buildings

1) There must be no vulnerable building
uses in the flood plain area such as
emergency dispersal depots (police, fire,
ambulance), or installations holding, using or
containing hazardous substances.

2) Infrastructure and services planning for

overall platform levels, roads, drainage
and sewerage must be demonstrated.
[Total 5 Points]

GMD 4-6 Conservation an Integration of

Existing Structures and Assets

Conservation, preservation or restoration of historic

remains, or buildings, or natural spaces or views
that characterise and have local or community 1 point

Note: Gazetted buildings will not be included as these are

already a mandatory requirement [Total 1 Point]

Green Mark for Districts (Version 2.0)

GMD 4-7 Habitat Conservation & Restoration

Determine the ecological value of the habitats in

and around the site in order to conserve and
enhance the biodiversity and prevent deforestation

(a) Conduct an Environmental Impact 2 points

Assessment or Biodiversity Impact
Assessment to identify habitats, migration
routes and potential damage from the
development, including justification of
developmental benefits versus the potential
ecological losses and mitigation measures

(b) Species protection plan or plans to increase 1 point

the local species diversity

(c) Prevent the loss of greenery in the district: No change – 1 point

Greenery area to be calculated on plan 5% GnP improvement 2 points
before and after project construction. 10% GnP improvement 3 points

(d) Use of the Singapore Index for Cities 1 Point

Biodiversity for Districts
[Total 7 Points]

GMD 4-8 Minimise Site Disturbance

Minimise negative impact on the site environment

by constraining construction activities.

Reduce site clearance and deforestation by 2 points

conserving at least 20% of the mature trees
(Transplanting may be considered)
[Total 2 Points]

GMD 4-9 Environmental Management System

Encourage the planning, design and management

integration to adopt an environmental friendly
management system and practices during

(a) Conduct site analysis and assessment 1 point

before district development

(b) Developer, masterplanner, and major 0.5 point for each party (up to 1.5 points)
contractor that are ISO 14000 certified

(c) Project team comprises one Certified Green 0.5 point for GMM or GMFM, 1 point for GMP (up to 1.5
Mark Manager (GMM) or one Certified points)
Green Mark Professional (GMP)

(d) Environmental policy with measurable 1 point

targets & programmes with management
review and corrective action records
[Total 5 Points]

Green Mark for Districts (Version 2.0)

GMD 4-10 Future Provision and Connections

To actively encourage the future adaptability and 1 point for showing potential of expansion for utilities
flexibility of the site, including expansion expansion and distribution.

Suitable design features have been specified to 1 point for demonstration that other elements have been
allow for future installation including: considered.

(a) Utilities expansion and distribution upgrades

(Gas, electricity, water, cooling)
(b) Transport and infrastructure expansion
(c) Others
[Total 2 Points]

PART 4 – ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION Sum of Green Mark Points obtained

from GMD 4-1 to 4-10:
42 Points Maximum

Green Mark for Districts (Version 2.0)

Part 5 – Green Buildings and Green Transport Green Mark Points

GMD 5-1 Green Buildings Within District Green Mark Building Points (GMBP)

Encourage the adoption of green building practices GMB Weightage GMBP = Weightage * GFA
in building design, construction and retrofitting Award Percentage%
within the district (includes buildings assessed Level
under Green Mark for New Developments and
Green Mark for Existing Buildings) P1 = 0.20 * % GFA of Green
Platinum 0.20
Mark Platinum Buildings
Pre-requisite Requirement:
Plus P2 = 0.15 * % GFA of Green
2 Gold 0.15 Plus
At least one building (GFA > 5,000 m ) at Phase 1 Mark Gold Buildings
to achieve the corresponding Green Mark rating. P3 = 0.1 * % GFA of Green
Gold 0.10
Mark Gold Buildings
Minimum one Green
Green Mark for
Mark rated building
District Award 2 Total GMBP = P1+P2+P3
(GFA > 5,000 m ) at
Phase 1
Green Mark Certified Nil [Total 20 Points]
Green Mark Gold Green Mark Gold
Green Mark Gold Green Mark Gold
Green Mark Platinum Green Mark Platinum

GMD 5-2 Green Urban Design Guidelines

Formulation of green urban design guidelines to

ensure that key green features at the district level are
carried through to development at the individual
parcel level

(a) For all land parcels in the district 4 points

(b) For all land parcels to be sold to other sub- 2 points
(c) For strategic land parcels to be sold to other 1 point
[Total 4 Points]

GMD 5-3 Green Transport Within District

(a) Conduct Traffic Modelling for the district to 2 points for (a)
assess and make improvements to the
district master plan
(b) Compact and walkable district pattern for Part (b) will be assessed at Masterplan level to determine
master plan; major building entrances with the overall efficiency of the district, up to 2 points.
good access to nearest LRT or bus stops in
accordance to local planning guidelines or
within a 500m walking distance, with
sheltered and connected linkage.

Public Transport: 1 Point for each Item (c) to (k)

(c) Transit options connecting outwards from (Up to 7 Points)
the main LRT nodes
(d) Provide dedicated shuttle services and
facilities to mass transit

Green Mark for Districts (Version 2.0)

Promote cycling as a real alternative to cars for
shorter journeys
(e) Network of bicycle lanes and routes that are
safe, well lit and segregated with direct links
to key areas and routes
(f) Provision for secure and sheltered bicycle
facilities to public amenities

Car Parking:
(g) Reduce carpark footprint by employing
underground or multi-storey carpark etc.
(h) > 10% of open air parking spaces can be
designated for flexible use when not being
used for parking, e.g. market stalls, play
(i) Provide hybrid / electric vehicle refuelling /
recharge stations

(j) Universal design features (barrier-free
accessibility) to improve the accessibility for
the physically challenged
(k) Way finding strategies
[Total 11 Points]

PART 5 – GREEN BUILDINGS AND GREEN Sum of Green Mark Points obtained
TRANSPORT from GMD 5-1 to 5-3:
35 Points Maximum

Green Mark for Districts (Version 2.0)

Part 6 – Community and Innovation Green Mark Points

GMD 6-1 Stakeholder Engagement, Feedback
and Evaluation

(a) Conduct residents/ building occupants’ GM Points for Residential Districts:

satisfaction survey or engage in public (a) Up to 2 points for consultation at design phase
consultation exercise to solicit feedback to (based on extent of consultation and community
enhance the quality of the living environment in involvement)
common facilities / public amenities. Up to 2 points for follow-up consultations with
Alternatively, provide effective feedback stakeholders during construction / post completion
channels (e.g. hotlines, emails, etc) for
residents to take ownership of the district (b) 1 point for consultation of at least 2 key stakeholder
i) At Design Phase
ii) During construction / Post completion (c) 1 point for providing proper evaluation of feedback/
survey findings
(b) Public consultation / feedback sessions to
include the following key stakeholders: (d) 1 point for release of findings and feedback received
1 point for addressing follow-up actions
• Public sector / government agencies
• Community / residents committee
• NGOs GM Points for Industrial / Business Parks:
• Professional bodies GM Points for Commercial Districts:
• Trade unions (a) 1 point for consultation with stakeholders during
construction / post completion (based on extent of
(c) Provide a proper evaluation of the feedback / consultation and community involvement)
(b) 1 point for consultation of at least two key
(d) Release of findings and feedback received stakeholder group
from the public consultation exercise or
residents/ building occupants survey, including (c) 1 point for providing proper evaluation of feedback/
the list of follow-up actions taken survey findings

(d) 1 point for release of findings and feedback received

2 point for addressing follow-up actions

[Total 8 Points (R)]

[Total 6 Points (I/BP) & (C)]

GMD 6-2 Public Awareness, Education and

Community Involvement

To encourage and promote sustainable lifestyle and

integration within the district through the production
of a dedicated outreach or education programme to
increase public awareness on environmental
sustainability and green features of the district

(a) User guide brochures, information portals and Up to 2 points can be scored based on extent of outreach
facilities (such as visitor centres and exhibits) or education programmes and contents.
should be provided where appropriate to
facilitate public awareness and education.
These areas may include:

• Online energy efficiency and energy

• Refuse collection
• Recycling facilities
• Water conservation and usage
Green Mark for Districts (Version 2.0)

• Environmental technologies and info

• Local transport information
• Local amenities and local information
• Community groups and activities
• Religious building locations
• Biodiversity of the area

(b) Encourage residents/ building occupants to 2 points for at least 1 activity per year
participate in green activities
Additional 1 point for each additional green activity
organised per year (Up to 3 points)

[Total 7 Points]

GMD 6-3 Green Lease

Master developer to encourage green lease as an 2 points

alternative to regular economic rental models within
the district [Total 2 Points]

GMD 6-4 Intelligent Infrastructure

(a) Provide easy access to high speed GM Points for Residential Districts:
communications infrastructure (digital, fibre 1 point each for (a) and (b)
optic, etc) and provisions to allow for future
growth and maintenance GM Points for Industrial / Business Parks:
GM Points for Commercial Districts:
(b) Provision of public access to intelligent 2 points for (a), 1 point for (b)
transport information, including transit routes
and schedules, carparking lot availability,
amenities nearby, etc. so as to reduce the
transport demand
[Total 2 Point (R)]
[Total 3 Points (I/BP) & (C)]

GMD 6-5 Safe Environment

Design for good natural surveillance of public 1 point

[Total 1 Point]

GMD 6-6 Light Pollution Reduction

Minimise light trespass from site, only light areas as GM Points for Residential Districts:
required for safety and comfort 1 point

GM Points for Industrial / Business Parks:

GM Points for Commercial Districts:
2 points

[Total 1 Point (R)]

[Total 2 Points (I/BP) & (C)]

Green Mark for Districts (Version 2.0)

GMD 6-7 Other Green Features and Innovation

Encourage the use of other green features which

are innovative and have positive environmental

• Dedicated bus and tram lanes on public
• Car-free district 2 points for each high impact item
• Use of pre-cast / pre-fabricated construction 1 point for each low impact item
materials for infrastructure and public (Up to 5 points)
• Common services tunnel
• Adoption of local labour to ensure economic
[Total 5 Points]

PART 6 – COMMUNITY AND INNOVATION Sum of Green Mark Points obtained

from GMD 6-1 to 6-7:
26 Points Maximum


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