Green Warehouse
Green Warehouse
Green Warehouse
Points Available
IGBC Green Warehouses Owner Occupied Tenant Occupied
Applicable for Projects up to 3 warehouses
Existing New Existing New
Modules 100 100 90 90
Transport Efficiency 13 11 4 4
Access to Multi-modal
TE Credit 1 2 2 2 2
TE Credit 2 Transport Modal Mix 3 3 NA NA
TE Credit 3 Vehicular Routing 2 2 NA NA
Efficiency & Maintenance of
TE Credit 4 4 2 NA NA
Service Vehicles
TE Credit 5 Parking for Service Vehicles 2 2 2 2
Energy Efficiency 20 22 19 21
EE Mandatory
Minimum Energy Performance Required Required Required Required
Requirement 1
EE Mandatory Commissioning of Building
Required Required Required Required
Requirement 2 Equipment & Systems
EE Credit 1 Enhanced Energy Performance 13 15 11 13
EE Credit 2 Renewable Energy 5 5 6 6
EE Credit 3 Energy Metering and Management 2 2 2 2
IGBC Green Logistics Parks and Warehouses Rating System (Pilot Version) 28
Water Conservation 15 15 16 16
WC Mandatory
Rainwater Harvesting Required Required Required Required
Requirement 1
WC Mandatory
Water Efficient Plumbing Fixtures Required Required Required Required
Requirement 2
WC Credit 1 Rainwater Harvesting 5 5 5 5
WC Credit 2 Water Efficient Plumbing Fixtures 4 4 4 4
WC Credit 3 Water Efficient Irrigation Systems 1 1 1 1
WC Credit 4 Waste Water Treatment and Reuse 4 4 4 4
WC Credit 5 Water Metering 1 1 2 2
Resource Management 7 9 5 8
RM Mandatory Segregation of waste, Post
Required Required Required Required
Requirement 1 Occupancy
RM Credit 1 Green Packaging 2 1 NA NA
RM Credit 2 Green Procurement Policy 1 1 1 1
Eco-labelled materials, products &
RM Credit 3 1 3 1 3
Organic Waste Management, Post
RM Credit 4 3 3 3 3
Handling of waste Materials, during
RM Credit 5 NA 1 NA 1
IGBC Green Logistics Parks and Warehouses Rating System (Pilot Version) 29
IGBC Green Logistics Parks and Warehouses Rating System (Pilot Version) 30
Points Available
IGBC Green Interior Fit-Outs
Existing New
Modules 75 75
Transport Efficiency 13 11
TE Credit 1 Access to Multi-modal Transportation 2 2
TE Credit 2 Transport Modal Mix 3 3
TE Credit 3 Vehicular Routing 2 2
Efficiency & Maintenance of Service 4 2
TE Credit 4
TE Credit 5 Parking for Service Vehicles 2 2
Energy Efficiency 12 14
EE Mandatory
Minimum Energy Performance Required Required
Requirement 1
EE Mandatory Commissioning of Building Equipment
Required Required
Requirement 2 & Systems
EE Credit 1 Enhanced Energy Performance 7 7
EE Credit 2 Renewable Energy 3 5
EE Credit 3 Energy Metering and Management 2 2
IGBC Green Logistics Parks and Warehouses Rating System (Pilot Version) 31
Water Conservation 7 7
WC Mandatory
Rainwater Harvesting Required Required
Requirement 1
WC Mandatory
Water Efficient Plumbing Fixtures Required Required
Requirement 2
WC Credit 1 Rainwater Harvesting 2 2
WC Credit 2 Water Efficient Plumbing Fixtures 4 4
WC Credit 3 Water Efficient Irrigation Systems NA NA
WC Credit 4 Waste Water Treatment and Reuse NA NA
WC Credit 5 Water Metering 1 1
Resource Management 6 7
RM Mandatory Segregation of waste, Post
Required Required
Requirement 1 Occupancy
RM Credit 1 Green Packaging 2 1
RM Credit 2 Green Procurement Policy 1 1
Eco-labelled materials, products &
RM Credit 3 1 3
Organic Waste Management, Post
RM Credit 4 2 2
Handling of waste Materials, during
RM Credit 5 NA NA
IGBC Green Logistics Parks and Warehouses Rating System (Pilot Version) 32
Existing New
Certified 30-36 30-36 Best Practices
Silver 37-44 37-44 Outstanding
Gold 45-55 45-55 National Excellence
Platinum 56-75 56-75 Global Leadership
IGBC Green Logistics Parks and Warehouses Rating System (Pilot Version) 33
IGBC Green Logistics Parks and Warehouses Rating System (Pilot Version) 34
Regulatory Compliance
PPD Mandatory Requirement 1
Applicability and Points
Logistics Parks Warehouses Interior Fit-outs
Owner- Tenant- Owner- Tenant-
occupied occupied occupied occupied
Existing New Existing New Existing New Existing New Existing New
MR - Mandatory Requirement
Ensure that the project complies with the necessary statutory and regulatory codes.
Compliance Options:
The project shall comply with the following statutory approvals from competent
government authorities, as applicable:
❖ Approved master plan or site plan and/ or warehouse /building plans for
❖ Approved NOC issued by the Fire department
❖ Occupancy certificate from local authority (OR) Status of completion or Completion
certificate signed by Architect
Based on the built-up area of the Logistics Parks, Warehouses, Cold Storages, etc., as defined
in the latest amended MoEF&CC notification, the project shall submit ‘Environmental
Clearance Certificate’ or ‘Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Study Report’, as
applicable, approved by Expert Appraisal Committee (EAC) or State Level Environment
Impact Assessment Authority (SEIAA) or Technical Expert Committee (TEC) to show
compliance for provisional certification/ precertification/ certification.
IGBC Green Logistics Parks and Warehouses Rating System (Pilot Version) 35
Control soil erosion and sedimentation, thereby, reducing negative impacts to the site and
Compliance Options:
Implement the following measures, as applicable:
❖ Soil erosion control measures taken before, during and after construction
(post-occupancy) must conform to the best management practices highlighted in the
National Building Code (NBC) of India 2016, Part 10 - Landscape Development, Signs
and Outdoor Display Structures, Section 1 - Landscape Planning and Design and
Development, Chapter 11 - Protection of Landscape During Construction
❖ Fertile topsoil (10-20 cm) to be stockpiled prior to construction, for future reuse or
donation, as per NBC 2016 guidelines. (Not applicable for existing logistics parks/
❖ Develop appropriate measures to address soil erosion, such as desilting chambers,
sediment traps, after occupancy.
o Install oil and grease traps at petrol stations, bus stations and other buildings, as
applicable, to prevent water contamination.
• If the topsoil in the project is not fertile (or) suitable for preservation, then the project
shall provide relevant justification.
• Donation of substantial quantity of fertile topsoil could be to other projects, nurseries
and farmers.
IGBC Green Logistics Parks and Warehouses Rating System (Pilot Version) 36
Green Cover
PPD Credit 1
Minimise disturbances or restore natural topography and green cover on site, so as to
promote habitat and biodiversity.
Compliance Options:
Case A: Natural Topography and Green Cover (2 points)
Demonstrate that the site has retained or restored natural topography and / or green cover
for atleast 12.5% of the site area.
Points are awarded as below:
> 12.5% 1
> 15% 2
• Retaining ‘Natural Topography’ in its broad sense means preserving the natural
features of the terrain such as exposed natural rocks, water body, etc.,
• Development footprint includes building footprint and other hardscape areas such as
parking, footpaths, walkways, roads, grass medians, grass pavers, etc.,
• Only native/ adaptive vegetation (both maintained & un-maintained) shall be
considered in the areas covered with shrubs and trees, for this credit compliance.
• Vegetation/ Soft landscape shall not be designed with monoculture plant species,
as such species would not promote habitat and biodiversity.
• Vertical Landscaping on the external walls can also be considered for this credit
calculation. Plantation of Creepers would not be considered, as creepers are not
permanent throughout the year unlike trees/ shrubs.
• Partially vegetated areas and disturbed site areas such as grass pavers, grass medians
are considered as site disturbances and shall not be considered for credit compliance.
IGBC Green Logistics Parks and Warehouses Rating System (Pilot Version) 37
• This credit point is applicable only for those projects which have at least 10% of the site
area landscaped.
• Only native/ adaptive vegetation (both maintained & un-maintained) shall be
considered for this credit compliance.
• The project team can consider existing and transplanted trees within the project site to
demonstrate compliance.
• This credit point is applicable only for those projects which have at least 15 existing trees
per acre that are fully grown with medium to large canopy.
• If the Ministry of Environment & Forest (MoEF) or local authorities prescribe stringent
criteria, then the project shall comply with the respective criteria.
• Existing fully grown trees do not include those which are meant for harvesting
(eg: bamboo trees, eucalyptus trees, etc.,)
IGBC Green Logistics Parks and Warehouses Rating System (Pilot Version) 38
This credit is applicable only for those projects which have at least 10% of the site area
Exemplary Performance:
The project is eligible for exemplary performance under IDO Credit 1 - Innovation in Design
Process, if more than:
• 17.5% of the site area is restored (and/ or) designed with natural topography (and / or)
green cover including vertical gardening.
IGBC Green Logistics Parks and Warehouses Rating System (Pilot Version) 39
Minimise heat island effect so as to reduce negative impact on micro-climate.
Compliance Options:
Material with high solar reflectance index (SRI) include white / light coloured broken
China mosaic tiles or white cement tiles or other high reflective materials / coatings.
Minimum Solar Reflective Index (SRI) values for different roof types are provided below:
Table 1 - Solar Reflective Index (SRI) values for different roof types
Roof Type Slope Minimum SRI Maximum SRI
Value Value
Low-sloped roof < 2:12 78 -
Steep-sloped roof > 2:12 29 64
> 75% 2
IGBC Green Logistics Parks and Warehouses Rating System (Pilot Version) 40
Interior Fit-outs
• All roof areas, including podium, covered surface parking for staff & visitor, docking
areas / spaces, utility blocks and areas covered with solar photovoltaic & solar water
heaters, which are exposed to the sky (at and above ground level) shall be considered
for this credit calculation.
• Exposed roof area need not include equipment platforms, skylights, driveways, roads,
play areas, etc.
• Artificial vegetation shall not be considered
• For Interior Fit-out projects, the tenant can demonstrate compliance and claim points
under Heat Island Effect Roof even if the implementation and maintenance is in the
scope of developer.
Parking areas include uncovered surface parking areas and driveways.
IGBC Green Logistics Parks and Warehouses Rating System (Pilot Version) 41
General Notes:
• The compliance for SRI value shall be for a newly coated paint.
• SRI values of high reflectance materials shall be as per ASTM Standards. Broken
China mosaic tiles are exempted from showing SRI value.
• SRI materials that are certified by CII under Green Product Certification
Programme (GreenPro) can be used by the project.
• Trees / Saplings shall be in place at the time of occupancy.
• To demonstrate compliance for ‘Shade from existing warehouses / buildings, post
noon’, the project shall provide computer-based shading analysis. The simulation
shall be carried out considering clear sky conditions on 21st September at 3 pm.
Exemplary Performance:
The project is eligible for exemplary performance under IDO Credit 1 - Innovation in Design
Process, if more than:
• 95% of the exposed roof area is covered with high reflective material (and/ or)
vegetation, for logistics parks & warehouses (Not applicable for Interior Fit-outs).
• 60% of the uncovered parking areas are shaded by tree cover, existing warehouses /
buildings, post noon (and / or) with open grid pavers / grass pavers (and / or) gravel
(and / or) hardscape materials / Light coloured coatings with an SRI of at least 29
(and not higher than 64)
IGBC Green Logistics Parks and Warehouses Rating System (Pilot Version) 42
• 50% of the Roads and Pathways are shaded by tree cover, existing warehouses /
buildings post noon (and / or) with open grid pavers / grass pavers (and / or) Light
coloured coatings with an SRI of at least 29 (and not higher than 64).
IGBC Green Logistics Parks and Warehouses Rating System (Pilot Version) 43
Encourage use of public transport, so as to reduce negative impacts caused from
automobile use.
Compliance Options:
Exemplary Performance:
This credit is not eligible for exemplary performance.
IGBC Green Logistics Parks and Warehouses Rating System (Pilot Version) 44
Pedestrian Network
PPD Credit 4
Encourage safe and comfortable walking experience by providing well designed
interconnected pedestrian network.
Compliance Options:
Design pedestrian network in the park/ warehouse between warehouses and basic
amenities, with proper shading and adequate illumination levels.
• Provide shade for pedestrian network areas through tree cover or structured cover,
for comfortable pedestrian access.
• Provide adequate illumination (Lux levels) for pedestrian network within the park/
warehouse, as per National Building Code of India 2016, Volume – II, Part 8 - Building
Services, Section – 1 Lighting and Ventilation, Table - 4 Recommended Values of
Illuminance (Point 18 - Services, 18.4.1 - Walkways). The code recommends lux levels
in the range 30 to 100.
• Pedestrian network here refers to footpaths and pathways.
• Shade from existing warehouses / buildings, post noon, can also be considered to
demonstrate compliance for this credit.
o The project shall provide computer-based shading analysis. The simulation
shall be carried out considering clear sky conditions on 21st September at
3 pm.
• Trees/ Saplings shall be in place at the time of occupancy for shading.
• Newly planted tree saplings shall provide shade within 5 to 8 years of planting.
Exemplary Performance:
This credit is not eligible for exemplary performance.
IGBC Green Logistics Parks and Warehouses Rating System (Pilot Version) 45
Ensure adequate number of docking bays with dock levellers so as to optimise material
handling and reduce the lead time.
Compliance Options:
Case A: Number of Docking Bays:
(Not Applicable for Interior Fit-outs)
(1 Point for Owner-occupied Logistics Parks / Warehouses)
(2 Points for Tenant-occupied Logistics Parks / Warehouses)
IGBC Green Logistics Parks and Warehouses Rating System (Pilot Version) 46
• Total number of bays shall be designed considering maximum storage capacity and
peak operations.
IGBC Green Logistics Parks and Warehouses Rating System (Pilot Version) 47
Exemplary Performance:
The project is eligible for exemplary performance under IDO Credit 1 - Innovation in Design
Process, if:
Owner-occupied projects & Interior fit-outs:
• the projects comply with the dock leveller design in atleast 50% of the docking bays.
Tenant-occupied projects:
• the projects comply with the dock leveller design in atleast 25% of the docking bays.
Note: For Tenant-occupied projects, if the design and installation of dock levellers is in the
scope of tenant, then the point for exemplary performance would not be applicable.
IGBC Green Logistics Parks and Warehouses Rating System (Pilot Version) 48
IGBC Green Logistics Parks and Warehouses Rating System (Pilot Version) 49
Design and construct warehouses with green features to minimise negative environmental
impacts resulting from development.
Compliance Options:
Case A: Registered Built-up Area of Green Warehouses
Demonstrate the intent to design and operate individual warehouses in accordance with
the IGBC Green Warehouse (Interior Fit-outs) rating system.
Exemplary Performance:
This credit is not eligible for exemplary performance.
IGBC Green Logistics Parks and Warehouses Rating System (Pilot Version) 50
Encourage tenants to occupy green logistics park or warehouses, thereby saving on
resources and minimising environmental impacts.
Compliance Options:
Demonstrate that the tenant has occupied Interior fit-outs project which is registered (and /
or) certified under IGBC Green Logistics Parks or Warehouses rating system.
Exemplary Performance:
This credit is not eligible for exemplary performance.
IGBC Green Logistics Parks and Warehouses Rating System (Pilot Version) 51
Security Facilities
PFO Credit 3
Provide security facilities, so as to ensure a secure and safe environment for occupants and
Compliance Options:
(And/ Or)
Exemplary Performance:
This credit is not eligible for exemplary performance.
IGBC Green Logistics Parks and Warehouses Rating System (Pilot Version) 52
Encourage the use of non-fossil fuel vehicles, thereby reducing the negative impacts
resulting from fossil fuel-based automobiles.
Compliance Options:
Note: The electric powered vehicles can be owned or sourced through a third-party agency
on an annual contract.
IGBC Green Logistics Parks and Warehouses Rating System (Pilot Version) 53
Note: Park/ Warehouses which use CNG powered vehicles or vehicles operated on Bio-diesels
can also be considered to demonstrate compliance.
• Preferred parking spaces refer to the spaces that are easily accessible to the park/
warehouse entrance.
• The E-charging stations shall comply with the Model Building Bye-laws (2016) for
Electric Charging Infrastructure, including the revised guidelines and standards of
Ministry of Power - Charging Infrastructure for Electric Vehicles (Notification number
12/2/2018-EV; dated 1st October 2019).
• E-charging stations can be arranged through a third-party service provider.
• For Interior Fit-out projects, the tenant can demonstrate compliance and claim points
for E-charging Stations even if the implementation and maintenance is in the scope of
Exemplary Performance:
This credit is not eligible for exemplary performance.
IGBC Green Logistics Parks and Warehouses Rating System (Pilot Version) 54
Encourage the use of Warehouse Management System (WMS) to optimise space and
equipment utilization thereby enhancing the warehouse operations.
Compliance Options:
IGBC Green Logistics Parks and Warehouses Rating System (Pilot Version) 55
Exemplary Performance:
This credit is not eligible for exemplary performance.
IGBC Green Logistics Parks and Warehouses Rating System (Pilot Version) 56
Encourage Greenhouse Gas (GHG) study to account the GHG emissions generated and
implement mitigation measures, thereby reducing the associated impacts of GHG emissions.
Compliance Options:
Option 2: GHG Accounting as per WBCSD’s GHG Protocol: Corporate Accounting and
Reporting standard
Perform GHG Accounting and inventory in consistence with World Business Council for
Sustainable Development (WBCSD) GHG Protocol: Corporate Accounting & Reporting
standard (Revised Edition: 2015) and GHG Protocol: Corporate Value Chain (Scope 3)
Accounting & Reporting Standard (2011), at organisation level or project level, as applicable.
IGBC Green Logistics Parks and Warehouses Rating System (Pilot Version) 57
The mitigation measures shall include, but not limited to, operational improvement,
resource efficiency, mode of transport, switch to cleaner fuel, on-site renewable
energy, fleet optimization, technology upgradation, carbon offsets etc, as applicable.
2.5% 1
5% 2
❖ Provide a detailed action plan with strategies to reduce the GHG emission intensity
(e.g. kgCo2/ tonne of material handled, kg CO2 / revenue generated) scope 1, 2 & 3*
emissions by atleast 5% from the present year in-lieu of various mitigation actions,
over the next one year (financial / calendar year). *Scope 3 emissions is optional.
Option 2: GHG Accounting as per WBCSD’s GHG Protocol: Corporate Accounting and
Reporting standard
Perform GHG Accounting and inventory in consistence with World Business Council for
Sustainable Development (WBCSD) GHG Protocol: Corporate Accounting and Reporting
IGBC Green Logistics Parks and Warehouses Rating System (Pilot Version) 58
standard (Revised Edition: 2015) and GHG Protocol: Corporate Value Chain (Scope 3)
Accounting & Reporting Standard (2011), at organisation level or project level, as applicable.
❖ Provide a detailed action plan with strategies to reduce the GHG emission intensity
(e.g. kgCo2/ tonne of material handled, kg CO2 / revenue generated) scope 1, 2 & 3*
emissions by atleast 5% from the present year in-lieu of various mitigation measures,
over the next one year (financial / calendar year). *Scope 3 emissions is optional.
The mitigation measures shall include, but not limited to, operational improvement,
resource efficiency, mode of transport, switch to cleaner fuel, on-site renewable
energy, fleet optimization, technology upgradation, carbon offsets etc, as applicable.
Exemplary Performance:
This credit is not eligible for exemplary performance.
IGBC Green Logistics Parks and Warehouses Rating System (Pilot Version) 59
Green Education
PFO Credit 7
Promote green education by involving warehouse/ building occupants, facilities team and
visitors through outreach programmes & descriptive guidelines to create awareness and
enable them to adopt, implement & maintain green features.
Compliance Options:
IGBC Green Logistics Parks and Warehouses Rating System (Pilot Version) 60
IGBC Green Logistics Parks and Warehouses Rating System (Pilot Version) 61
Exemplary Performance:
This credit is not eligible for exemplary performance.
IGBC Green Logistics Parks and Warehouses Rating System (Pilot Version) 62
IGBC Green Logistics Parks and Warehouses Rating System (Pilot Version) 63
Ensure that the location of the project has access to multi-modal transportation, thereby
reducing the negative impacts resulting from vehicular emissions.
Compliance Options:
Demonstrate that the logistics park / warehouse is located with an access to atleast one of
the following modes of transportation:
(Maximum 2 Points; 1 Point for each measure)
Exemplary Performance:
This credit is not eligible for exemplary performance.
IGBC Green Logistics Parks and Warehouses Rating System (Pilot Version) 64
Optimise the transport modal mix for inbound and outbound operations thereby reducing
the associated vehicular emissions.
Compliance Options:
(And / Or)
➢ Waterways
(tkm)Ocean Container Ship > (tkm)Coastal Container Ship > (tkm)Roll on Roll off ferry
➢ Railways
(tkm)Electric > (tkm)Heavy Duty Diesel > (tkm)Light Duty Diesel
➢ Roadways
(tkm)Heavy Duty Vehicle, Large > (tkm)Light Duty Vehicle, Large > (tkm)Light Duty Vehicle, small
➢ Airways
(tkm)Long Haul Cargo Flight > (tkm)Long Haul Belly-hold passenger flight > (tkm) Short Haul Cargo Flight
IGBC Green Logistics Parks and Warehouses Rating System (Pilot Version) 65
• Credit Reference: Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) – Climate Change
2014, Mitigation of Climate Change - Working Group III Contribution to the Fifth
Assessment Report.
• A tonne-kilometre, abbreviated as tkm, is a unit of measure of freight transport which
represents the transport of one tonne of goods for one kilometre by a given transport
mode (Water, Rail, Road, Air).
• Tonne-kilometre data for existing projects shall be provided for the past one year and
for new projects the data shall be projected for the next one year.
Exemplary Performance:
This credit is not eligible for exemplary performance.
IGBC Green Logistics Parks and Warehouses Rating System (Pilot Version) 66
Vehicular Routing
TE Credit 3
Applicability and Points
Logistics Parks Warehouses Interior Fit-outs
Owner- Tenant- Owner- Tenant-
occupied occupied occupied occupied
Existing New Existing New Existing New Existing New Existing New
2 2 NA NA 2 2 NA NA 2 2
Optimise vehicular routing for inbound and outbound operations thereby reducing the
transportation lead time and associated negative impacts of excessive automobile use.
Compliance Options:
(And/ Or)
Exemplary Performance:
This credit is not eligible for exemplary performance.
IGBC Green Logistics Parks and Warehouses Rating System (Pilot Version) 67
Enhance the efficiency of service vehicles thereby reducing the associated negative impacts
of vehicular emissions.
Compliance Options:
➢ Electric Vehicles
Use electric vehicles catering to atleast 5% of the fleet, for short haul logistics
operations or last mile (within 50 km) during the last one year. The project shall
also install E-charging stations to cater to the electric vehicles.
➢ Biofuels
Use vehicles, which are compatible to run on biofuels, catering to atleast 5% of
the fleet, for short haul logistics operations or last mile (within 50 km) during the
last one year.
As per National Policy on Biofuels 2018 by Govt. of India, ‘Biofuels’ are fuels
produced from renewable resources and used in place of or in blend with, diesel,
petrol or other fossil fuels for transport, stationary, portable and other
IGBC Green Logistics Parks and Warehouses Rating System (Pilot Version) 68
❖ Case C: Periodic Vehicle Servicing and Awareness Programmes for Drivers (1 Point)
➢ Electric Vehicles
Use electric vehicles catering to atleast 5% of the fleet, for short haul logistics
operations or last mile (within 50 km). The project shall also install E-charging
stations to cater to the electric vehicles.
➢ Biofuels
Use vehicles, which are compatible to run on biofuels, catering to atleast 5% of
the fleet, for short haul logistics operations or last mile (within 50 km).
As per National Policy on Biofuels 2018 by Govt. of India, ‘Biofuels’ are fuels
produced from renewable resources and used in place of or in blend with, diesel,
IGBC Green Logistics Parks and Warehouses Rating System (Pilot Version) 69
petrol or other fossil fuels for transport, stationary, portable and other
➢ Emission Norms:
Ensure that atleast 75 % of the fleet (road fleet) complies with BS IV or latest
emissions norms.
➢ Plan for Periodic Vehicle Servicing
Demonstrate that the entire fleet (road fleet) of the service provider will be
periodically serviced to ensure efficient vehicle performance.
➢ Awareness Programmes for Drivers
Exemplary Performance:
This credit is eligible for exemplary performance under IDO Credit 1 - Innovation in Design
Process, if the project demonstrates compliance for atleast 10% use of cleaner fuel for
service vehicles.
IGBC Green Logistics Parks and Warehouses Rating System (Pilot Version) 70
Provide adequate parking facilities for service vehicles within the site, to minimise
disturbance caused due to parking on public roads, thereby enhancing the quality of civic
life and reducing transportation lead time.
Compliance Options:
• Service vehicles include trailers and trucks.
• The project team can also account the docking bays to show compliance.
IGBC Green Logistics Parks and Warehouses Rating System (Pilot Version) 71
• The project team can also account the docking bays to show compliance.
• For Interior Fit-out projects, the tenant can demonstrate compliance and claim
points for Parking Spaces even if the provision and maintenance is in the scope of
Provide a dedicated vehicle service zone capable of servicing atleast 1 large heavy-duty
truck /day.
The infrastructure for vehicle service zone shall be owned and / or operated by the owner
(or) can be arranged through a third-party service provider.
Exemplary Performance:
This credit is not eligible for exemplary performance.
IGBC Green Logistics Parks and Warehouses Rating System (Pilot Version) 72
IGBC Green Logistics Parks and Warehouses Rating System (Pilot Version) 73
Enhance energy efficiency of the equipment & systems, to reduce negative environmental
impacts from excessive energy use.
Compliance Options:
The project can choose any one of the following options, as applicable, to demonstrate
➢ Option 1 - Prescriptive Approach
➢ Option 2 - Simulation Approach
➢ Option 3 - Specific Energy Consumption (Measurement Approach)
Summary of Compliance Options for New & Existing Logistics Parks, Warehouses
and Interior Fit-outs
Applicability Type of Percentage of Compliance Compliance
Warehouse Built-up Area Option for Option for Credit
(Naturally (BUA) as Mandatory Requirement
Ventilated/ Air- Requirement
Air-conditioned) conditioned
New & Naturally NA NA Prescriptive
Existing Ventilated Approach with
IGBC baselines
New & Air-conditioned ≥ 50% BUA is Simulation Simulation
Existing Air- Approach with Approach with
conditioned ECBC 2017/ ECBC 2017/
ASHRAE 90.1 ASHRAE 90.1 2013
2013 baselines baselines
IGBC Green Logistics Parks and Warehouses Rating System (Pilot Version) 74
• Only exterior areas that require illumination from lighting should be considered
for lighting power density calculations.
• The LPD should include power consumption of complete fixture, including lamps
and ballasts.
IGBC Green Logistics Parks and Warehouses Rating System (Pilot Version) 75
2) Air-conditioning Systems:
(Applicable only if air-conditioned spaces are at least 10% of the warehouse and office
For projects having air-conditioners, compliance shall be demonstrated as per the ECBC
2017 (ECBC Building) or ASHRAE Standard 90.1 - 2013 base case criteria.
• For details of ECBC 2017 (ECBC Building) or ASHRAE Standard 90.1 - 2013 refer
Appendix III.
• Energy efficient materials, products and equipment that are certified by CII under
Green Product Certification Programme (GreenPro) can be used by the project.
• Project with multiple warehouses / buildings must independently meet the
Minimum Energy Performance criteria.
• For mandatory requirement, projects that use on-site renewable energy sources
(such as solar energy, wind power, biomass, etc.,) shall demonstrate compliance
without considering renewable energy.
• Existing warehouses/ buildings shall demonstrate compliance through Calibrated
Simulation Approach by considering schedules and equipment loads as per actuals in
both base case & proposed case. All the other parameters shall be as per the protocol
defined in the Standard/ Code.
• Projects that use solar hot water systems can model the systems in the proposed
case, as compared to electrical heaters in the base case, to show energy savings.
• Projects which have process loads (including cooling/ heating, lighting) not related to
warehousing/ building operations should be considered during simulation. While
reporting, such process loads can be excluded from the base case and proposed case
annual energy consumption. The process loads which are excluded shall be justified
with a narrative.
IGBC Green Logistics Parks and Warehouses Rating System (Pilot Version) 76
o For Cold storages, the refrigeration loads can be excluded from the base case
and proposed case annual energy consumption while reporting energy savings.
o For light manufacturing units, the process loads (including cooling/ heating,
lighting) not related to warehousing/ building operations should be considered
during simulation. While reporting, such process loads can be excluded from the
base case and proposed case annual energy consumption. The process loads
which are excluded shall be justified with a narrative.
• The default process energy is 25% of the total energy for the baseline warehouse/
building. If the warehouse’s/ building’s process energy is less than 25% of the
baseline warehouse/ building energy, the submittal must include documentation
substantiating such process energy inputs are appropriate.
• Energy efficient materials, products and equipment that are certified by CII under
Green Product Certification Programme (GreenPro) can be used by the.
Demonstrate that the project has maintained or reduced the Specific Energy
Consumption (SEC) from the defined baseline year (three years earlier) to the reporting
year (present year).
• The Specific Energy Consumption (SEC) of a warehouse/ building is its annual energy
consumption in kilowatt-hours per cubic meter of the warehouse/ building. While
calculating the SEC of a warehouse/ building, the area of basements for parking
(if provided) shall not be included.
• SEC can be determined by:
SEC = annual energy consumption in kWh / total volumetric area (m3)
• Annual energy consumption shall include energy generated from DG Sets & wheeled
off-site renewable energy and shall exclude on-site renewable energy.
• Specific Energy Consumption (Measurement Approach) is not applicable for tenant-
occupied logistics parks / warehouses and for those projects which have different
hours of operation 3 years earlier and in the base year.
• The project team shall include or exclude the process loads consistently.
IGBC Green Logistics Parks and Warehouses Rating System (Pilot Version) 77
Verify and ensure that the project’s equipment & systems are commissioned to achieve
performance as envisaged during the design stage.
Compliance Options:
(Applicable only for new projects with atleast 50% built-up area as air-conditioned in the
scope of owner/ developer/ tenant)
The project shall comply with the following requirements as per the scope:
❖ Demonstrate that the project owner/ developer/ tenant has signed an agreement with
a third-party commissioning authority, not involved in the design, for pre-occupancy
post-occupancy commissioning for a period of one year.
The commissioning authority is required to have at least 3 years prior experience in
equipment & systems and should be an ISHRAE Certified Professional to evaluate &
validate the performance of HVAC systems.
❖ Document the owners brief in terms of performance expectations from the warehouse/
❖ Commissioning plan to evaluate the warehouse/ building for its green warehouse/
building performance after occupancy, with regard to the following:
• HVAC systems - chiller, VRV systems, primary & secondary water pumps, cooling
tower, AHU fans, fresh air fans and flow settings, fresh air treatment units, heat
recovery wheel, VFDs and Temperature & RH measurements in individual spaces
Note: The Commissioning for HVAC Systems shall be in accordance with ISHRAE
Standard: 10003-2020.
• Pumps & motors
• Lighting systems
IGBC Green Logistics Parks and Warehouses Rating System (Pilot Version) 78
IGBC Green Logistics Parks and Warehouses Rating System (Pilot Version) 79
Enhance energy efficiency of the equipment & systems, to reduce negative environmental
impacts from excessive energy use.
Compliance Options:
The project can choose any one of the following options, as applicable, to demonstrate
➢ Option 1 - Prescriptive Approach
➢ Option 2 - Simulation Approach
➢ Option 3 - Specific Energy Consumption (Measurement Approach)
IGBC Green Logistics Parks and Warehouses Rating System (Pilot Version) 80
The project shall ensure to comply with the following warehouse/ building envelope
measures as outlined in Appendix - II.
Points are awarded as below:
Measures Points
Fixed Glazing Solar Heat Gain Coefficient (SHGC) 1
Skylights SHGC 1
Overall Roof Assembly U-value 2
Overall Wall Assembly U-value 2
IGBC Green Logistics Parks and Warehouses Rating System (Pilot Version) 81
Interior areas:
Points for Owner-occupied
Reduction in Lighting and Tenant-occupied
Points for Interior Fit-outs
Power Density Logistics Parks &
> 20 % 1 1
> 25 % - 2
> 30 % 2 3
• Only exterior areas that require artificial illumination should be considered for
lighting power density calculations.
• The LPD should include power consumption of the complete fixture, including
lamps and ballasts.
IGBC Green Logistics Parks and Warehouses Rating System (Pilot Version) 82
➢ Unitary Air-conditioners:
BEE Star Rating/ equivalent No of Points
4-star rated 1
5-star rated 2
Note: For details of ECBC 2017 (ECBC Building) or ASHRAE Standard 90.1 - 2013 refer
Appendix III.
IGBC Green Logistics Parks and Warehouses Rating System (Pilot Version) 83
• Pumps & motors which are installed only for domestic and sewage water
supply should be considered.
7) DG Sets: (2 Points)
➢ Install Diesel Generator sets with a minimum of BEE 3-Star rating or having
Specific Fuel Consumption (SFC) less than 272 g/kWh. (1 Point)
➢ Install Diesel Generator sets with a minimum of BEE 5-Star rating or having
Specific Fuel Consumption (SFC) less than 220 g/kWh. (2 Points)
IGBC Green Logistics Parks and Warehouses Rating System (Pilot Version) 84
• Oven
• Printers
• Projectors
• Refrigerator
• Television
• Vending machines
• Water Dispenser
• Any other rated appliances
• In tenant-occupied projects, if the Energy Conservation Measures (ECMs) such as
lighting controls, HVAC systems, HVLS fans, DG sets, energy saving appliances are in
the tenant scope, then the developer can demonstrate compliance through
declaration (for precertification projects) and signed lease agreements with the
tenants (for certification projects) or based on the actual details of such ECMs. Credit
points for such ECMs can be attempted by the developer, when either the developer
or the tenants comply with atleast 50% of the built-up area in the park/ warehouses.
• In tenant-occupied projects, the reduction in interior LPD would be allowed up to a
maximum of 30%, for a mandatory clause on interior LPD through declaration (for
precertification projects) and signed lease agreements with the tenants (for
certification projects) or based on the actual details of the interior LPD; else, the
project can consider a maximum of 10% interior LPD reduction.
• For Interior Fit-out projects, the tenant can demonstrate compliance and claim points
for HVAC systems, Precooling or Low Energy Mechanical Cooling Techniques, HVLS
Fans, DG Sets (as applicable), even if the installation and maintenance is in the scope
of developer.
• Energy efficient materials, products and equipment that are certified by CII under
Green Product Certification Programme (GreenPro) can be used by the project.
❖ Option 2: Simulation Approach
(Applicable only if air-conditioned spaces are at least 50% of the warehouse and office
Design the building to be compliant with Energy Conservation Building Code 2017 (ECBC
Building) or ASHRAE Standard 90.1-2013, Appendix - G through Whole building simulation.
The simulation is to be carried out at comfort temperatures of 26 + 2 deg C.
• In tenant-occupied projects, if the Energy Conservation Measures (ECMs) such as
lighting controls, HVAC systems, HVLS fans, DG sets, energy saving appliances are in
the scope of tenant, then the developer can demonstrate compliance through
declaration (for precertification projects) and signed lease agreements with the
tenants (for certification projects) or based on the actual details of such ECMs. Credit
IGBC Green Logistics Parks and Warehouses Rating System (Pilot Version) 85
points for such ECMs can be attempted by the developer, when either the developer
or the tenants comply with atleast 50% of the built-up area in the park/ warehouses.
• In tenant-occupied projects, the reduction in interior LPD would be allowed up to a
maximum of 30%, for a mandatory clause on interior LPD through declaration (for
precertification projects) and signed lease agreements with the tenants (for
certification projects) or based on the actual details of the interior LPD; else, the
project can consider a maximum of 10% interior LPD reduction.
• For Interior Fit-out projects, the tenant can demonstrate compliance and claim points
for HVAC systems, Precooling or Low Energy Mechanical Cooling Techniques, HVLS
Fans, DG Sets (as applicable), even if the installation and maintenance is in the scope
of developer.
• Projects that use on-site renewable energy sources (such as solar energy, wind
power, biomass, etc.,) can deduct renewable energy generated from the total annual
energy consumption of the proposed case, to show energy savings.
Points are awarded based on energy cost percentage savings as detailed below:
New Logistics Parks/ Warehouses/ Interior Fit-outs:
Percentage of Energy Cost Savings
over Energy Conservation Building Code 2017 or
ASHRAE Standard 90.1-2013 Appendix G Base case
Owner-occupied Tenant-occupied Interior Fit-outs
Logistics Parks / Logistics Parks / Points
Warehouses Warehouses
8% 8% 8% 1
10% 10% 10% 2
12% 12% 12% 3
14% 14% 14% 4
16% 16% 16% 5
18% 18% 18% 6
20% 20% 20% 7
22% 22% - 8
24% 24% - 9
26% 26% - 10
28% 28% - 11
30% 30% - 12
32% 32% - 13
34% - - 14
36% - - 15
IGBC Green Logistics Parks and Warehouses Rating System (Pilot Version) 86
• Existing Warehouse/ Buildings: To demonstrate compliance, projects should be in
operation for atleast one year.
• Major Renovation: Includes, but not limited to, major renovation of external façade
(wall & glazing), lighting and HVAC systems.
IGBC Green Logistics Parks and Warehouses Rating System (Pilot Version) 87
Percentage reduction Points for Existing Points for Existing Points for Existing
in SEC in the last 3 Owner-occupied Tenant-occupied Interior Fit-outs
years from the base Logistics Parks/ Logistics Parks/ (Including major
year Warehouses Warehouses renovations)
(Including major (Including major
renovations) renovations)
6% 1 1 1
8% 2 2 2
10% 3 3 3
12% 4 4 4
14% 5 5 5
16% 6 6 6
18% 7 7 7
20% 8 8 -
22% 9 9 -
24% 10 10 -
26% 11 11 -
28% 12 - -
30% 13 - -
• Specific Energy Consumption (Measurement Approach) is not applicable for tenant-
occupied logistics parks / warehouses and for those projects which have different
hours of operation 3 years earlier and in the base year.
• The project team shall include or exclude the process loads consistently.
Exemplary Performance:
This credit is eligible for exemplary performance under IDO Credit 1 - Innovation in Design
Process, if:
IGBC Green Logistics Parks and Warehouses Rating System (Pilot Version) 88
o Interior Fit-outs: Lighting Power Density (LPD) shall be reduced by atleast 35%
for interior areas over ECBC 2017 or ASHRAE Standard 90.1-2013 baseline.
• COP/ IPLV of Air-conditioning systems (VRF/Chillers) is atleast 7.5% over ECBC 2017
or ASHRAE Standard 90.1-2013 baseline.
• For tenant-occupied projects, if the interior lighting and air-conditioning systems are
in the scope of tenants for more than 50% of the built-up area, then the points for
exemplary performance would not be applicable.
IGBC Green Logistics Parks and Warehouses Rating System (Pilot Version) 89
IGBC Green Logistics Parks and Warehouses Rating System (Pilot Version) 90
1) Envelope Measures:
(* For Climatic Zones of India, please refer Appendix - I)
IGBC Green Logistics Parks and Warehouses Rating System (Pilot Version) 91
IGBC Green Logistics Parks and Warehouses Rating System (Pilot Version) 92
Encourage the use of renewable technologies, to minimise the environmental impacts
associated with the use of fossil fuel energy.
Compliance Options:
❖ Case A: On-site Renewable Energy (5 Points)
Owner-occupied Logistics Park/ Warehouses:
Demonstrate on-site renewable energy generation for at least 5% of total annual
energy consumption of the park/ warehouse (including HVAC, Interior & Exterior
Lighting, pumps & motors and excluding process loads).
> 10 % 2
> 15 % 3
> 20 % 4
> 25 % 5
• Process load includes, but not limited to, conveyors, fork lifts etc.
IGBC Green Logistics Parks and Warehouses Rating System (Pilot Version) 93
• Infrastructural equipment includes all pumps & motors of domestic water, STP,
OWC and exterior lighting for roads, landscape and façade.
Interior Fit-outs:
Demonstrate on-site renewable energy generation for at least 5% of total annual
energy consumption of the warehouse (including Interior lighting, HVAC, HVLS fans &
appliances, and excluding process loads for warehouse operations).
>5% 1 1
> 10 % 2 2
> 15 % 3 3
> 20 % - 4
> 25 % - 5
• Process load includes, but not limited to, conveyors, fork lifts etc.
IGBC Green Logistics Parks and Warehouses Rating System (Pilot Version) 94
Process load includes, but not limited to, conveyors, fork lifts etc.
• Infrastructural equipment includes all pumps & motors of domestic water,
STP, OWC and exterior lighting for roads, landscape and façade.
IGBC Green Logistics Parks and Warehouses Rating System (Pilot Version) 95
Interior Fit-outs:
Demonstrate that the project has invested in off-site renewable energy equivalent to
at least 50% of total annual energy consumption of the warehouse (including Interior
lighting, HVAC, HVLS fans & appliances, and excluding process loads for warehouse
• Process load includes, but not limited to, conveyors, fork lifts etc.
General Notes:
• Renewable energy sources include solar energy, wind power, biomass, etc.
• Solar hot water systems cannot be considered as power generation source and
cannot be subtracted from the total annual energy consumption of the proposed
• Projects shall estimate the total annual energy consumption based on the number of
hours of operation per day, for each system.
• Type of renewable energy source shall be in compliance with the Ministry of New and
Renewable Energy (MNRE), Government of India and respective State Regulatory
• Off-site renewable energy so generated shall be counted only once for any project
and double counting should be avoided.
• The contract with the off-site renewable energy developer to generate energy shall
be for a minimum period of five years.
IGBC Green Logistics Parks and Warehouses Rating System (Pilot Version) 96
Exemplary Performance:
This credit is eligible for exemplary performance under IDO Credit 1 - Innovation in Design
Process, as per the criteria given below:
IGBC Green Logistics Parks and Warehouses Rating System (Pilot Version) 97
Encourage sub-metering and continuous monitoring to identify improvement opportunities
in the projects’ energy performance, thereby reducing energy consumption.
Compliance Options:
Note: In tenant-occupied projects, if sub-metering is not in the developer scope, then this
credit cannot be attempted.
IGBC Green Logistics Parks and Warehouses Rating System (Pilot Version) 98
Interior Fit-outs:
Demonstrate compliance for the following measures:
❖ Separate energy meter for each of the warehouse, as applicable
❖ Separate energy meter for process loads
❖ Sub-metering for atleast two of the following energy use applications, as applicable:
• Interior area lighting
• Renewable energy generation
• Energy consumption for air-conditioning systems
• Power backup systems (Generators sets, Gas turbines, etc.,)
• Process loads
• Any other energy consuming equipment and systems
Exemplary Performance:
This credit is eligible for exemplary performance under IDO Credit 1 - Innovation in Design
Process, if the energy management system is integrated with data loggers.
IGBC Green Logistics Parks and Warehouses Rating System (Pilot Version) 99
IGBC Green Logistics Parks and Warehouses Rating System (Pilot Version) 100
Rainwater Harvesting
WC Mandatory Requirement 1
Enhance ground water table and reduce municipal water demand through effective
rainwater management.
Compliance Options:
Rainfall Information:
➢ For rainfall information, refer India Meteorological Department data → Customized
Rainfall Information System (CRIS) → Rainfall Statistics → District Wise Rainfall Last
5 years
o Choose the state and district from the dropdown boxes, to populate the
rainfall data of the district (project’s location)
o To arrive at average peak month rainfall, consider an average of minimum
5 years peak month rainfall (of the respective year).
IGBC Green Logistics Parks and Warehouses Rating System (Pilot Version) 101
1 Upto 250 9%
2 251 – 350 7.5%
3 351 – 500 6%
4 501 – 700 4.5%
5 701 & above 3%
Mandatory Criteria:
Type of Surface Rainwater Harvesting System
to Capture / Recharge
Roof areas ≥ 15% run-off volume from roof areas
(And/ Or) (And/ Or)
Non-roof areas ≥ 20% run-off volume from non-roof areas
• Consider Rainwater Harvesting Guidelines from the National Building Code (NBC) of
India 2016, Part 11 - Approach to Sustainability, Section 7.2 - Rainwater Harvesting-
Surface Runoff.
• In areas where the water percolation is limited, collection tanks may be provided to
meet the above requirement.
• Filtering of suspended solids/ sediments shall be ensured by providing suitable
filtering media before letting the water into the collection tanks, water bodies,
municipal storm water drains.
IGBC Green Logistics Parks and Warehouses Rating System (Pilot Version) 102
Table 5 - Run-off co-efficient for Typical Surface Types (Roof and Non-roof areas)
S No Surface Type Run-off Co-efficient
1 Cemented / Tiled Roof 0.95
2 Corrugated GI Sheets 0.95
3 Roof Garden 0.5
4 Turf 0.35
5 Vegetation 0.25
6 Concrete Pavement 0.95
7 Gravel Pavement 0.75
8 Rammed Earth 0.75
8 Open-grid Concrete Pavers 0.75
9 Open-grid Grass Pavers 0.5
10 Water Bodies (un-lined) Ex: Water Pond 0
IGBC Green Logistics Parks and Warehouses Rating System (Pilot Version) 103
Enhance efficiency of plumbing fixtures, thereby minimise the potable water use.
Compliance Options:
Use water efficient plumbing fixtures (as applicable) whose flush & flow rates meet the
baseline criteria in aggregate. The total annual water consumption of the warehouse/
building should not exceed the total base case water consumption computed.
Use of treated wastewater/ captured rain water shall not be considered to show water
savings for this mandatory requirement and base credit.
IGBC Green Logistics Parks and Warehouses Rating System (Pilot Version) 104
IGBC Green Logistics Parks and Warehouses Rating System (Pilot Version) 105
Rainwater Harvesting
WC Credit 1
Enhance ground water table and reduce municipal water demand through effective
rainwater management.
Compliance Options:
Note: For Interior Fit-out projects, the tenant can demonstrate compliance and claim
credit points for Rain Water Harvesting (Roof), even if the installation and maintenance
of rain water harvesting system is in the scope of developer.
IGBC Green Logistics Parks and Warehouses Rating System (Pilot Version) 106
* One-day rainfall can be derived from ‘percentage of average peak month rainfall’
given in Table - 4.
Rainfall Information:
➢ For rainfall information, refer India Meteorological Department data → Customized
Rainfall Information System (CRIS) → Rainfall Statistics → District Wise Rainfall Last
5 years
o Choose the state and district from the dropdown boxes, to populate the
rainfall data of the district (project’s location)
o To arrive at average peak month rainfall, consider an average of minimum
5 years peak month rainfall (of the respective year).
IGBC Green Logistics Parks and Warehouses Rating System (Pilot Version) 107
• Consider Rainwater Harvesting Guidelines from the National Building Code (NBC) of
India 2016, Part 11 - Approach to Sustainability, Section 7.2 - Rainwater Harvesting-
Surface Runoff.
• In areas where the water percolation is limited, collection tanks may be provided to
meet the above requirement.
• Filtering of suspended solids/ sediments shall be ensured by providing suitable
filtering media before letting the water into the collection tanks, water bodies,
municipal storm water drains.
• For Interior Fit-out projects, the tenant can demonstrate compliance and claim points
for Rain Water Harvesting (Roof), even if the installation and maintenance is in the
scope of developer.
Exemplary Performance:
This credit is eligible for exemplary performance under IDO Credit 1 - Innovation in Design
Process, if rainwater runoff from roof (or) non-roof areas is captured and / or recharged, as
listed below:
Requirement Applicability Type of Surface Rainwater Harvesting System
to Capture / Recharge
Case A: Logistics Parks
Rainwater /Warehouses / Roof Areas ≥ 45% from roof areas
Harvesting System Interior Fit-outs
Logistics Parks
Non-roof Areas ≥ 60% from non-roof areas
Case B: Logistics Parks
High Ground Water /Warehouses / Roof Areas ≥ 30% from roof areas
Table Interior Fit-outs
Logistics Parks
Non-roof Areas ≥ 40% from non-roof areas
Note: For Interior Fit-out projects, if the installation of RWH systems is in the scope of
developer, then the points for exemplary performance would not be applicable.
IGBC Green Logistics Parks and Warehouses Rating System (Pilot Version) 108
WC Credit 2
Enhance efficiency of plumbing fixtures, thereby minimise the potable water use.
Compliance Options:
Use water efficient plumbing fixtures (as applicable) whose flush & flow rates are at least
10% less than the baseline criteria given in Table - 6, in aggregate.
Use of treated wastewater/ captured rain water shall not be considered to show water
savings for the mandatory requirement and base credit.
IGBC Green Logistics Parks and Warehouses Rating System (Pilot Version) 109
• Water fixtures do not include irrigation systems.
• Faucets / Taps installed for hand wash in rest rooms and canteen shall be considered;
whereas, faucets / taps installed for dish washing and other process requirements need
not be considered.
• In existing buildings / warehouses, flow rates of the water fixtures can be measured on-
site through weighted average approach and report the flow rates.
• In Tenant-occupied Logistics Park & Warehouses, if the installation of plumbing fixtures is
in the scope of tenant, then the developer can demonstrate compliance for this
mandatory requirement and base credit WC Credit 2 by providing the information on
flush & flow rates of the water efficient plumbing fixtures through declaration (for
precertification projects) and signed lease agreements with the tenants (for certification
projects), as per the IGBC rating system requirements.
To claim credit points, the reduction in potable water use would be allowed up to a
maximum of 25%; else, the project can consider a maximum of 5% reduction.
Also, while calculating the wastewater generation from tenant-occupied warehouses to
the STP, the project shall consider the flow rates as indicated in the declarations or signed
lease agreements with the tenants or based on the actual data.
• For Interior Fit-out projects, the tenant can demonstrate compliance for mandatory
requirement and claim credit points for Water Efficient Plumbing Fixtures even if the
installation and maintenance is in the scope of developer.
• The baseline flows can be demonstrated at a flowing water pressure of 3 bar. Flowing
water pressure of 3 bar does not mean that the water supply in the warehouse/ building
is at 3 bar. The warehouse/ building fixtures can operate at lower pressures; however, to
show compliance under this credit, the design flow rates are to be submitted at 3 bar.
• Default occupancy shall be considered as 50% for male & female; else, the project can
define the occupancy ratio for male & female and justify the ratio considered.
IGBC Green Logistics Parks and Warehouses Rating System (Pilot Version) 110
• FTE occupancy shall be considered in the calculation, including visitors, and not regular
• Plumbing fixtures that are certified by CII under Green Product Certification Programme
(GreenPro) can be used by the project.
Exemplary Performance:
This credit is eligible for exemplary performance under IDO Credit 1 - Innovation in Design
Process, if water consumption is 30% lesser than the baseline criteria.
• For tenant-occupied projects, if the installation of water fixtures is in the scope of
tenants for more than 50% of the total built-up area, then the points for exemplary
performance would not be applicable.
• For Interior Fit-out projects, if the installation of water fixtures is in the scope of
developer, then the points for exemplary performance would not be applicable.
IGBC Green Logistics Parks and Warehouses Rating System (Pilot Version) 111
Reduce potable water demand for irrigation through water efficient management systems
and techniques.
Compliance Options:
Install highly efficient irrigation systems incorporating the features mentioned below:
(Minimum four features)
• Central shut-off valve
• Soil moisture sensors integrated with irrigation systems
• At least 75% of landscape planting beds shall have a drip irrigation system
• At least 75% of turf area shall have a sprinkler irrigation system
• Time based controller for the valves such that evaporation loss is minimised and
plant health is ensured
• Pressure regulating device(s) to maintain optimal pressure to prevent water loss
• Any other innovative methods of irrigation
• This credit is applicable only for those projects which have at least 10% of the site
area landscaped.
• Use of treated wastewater for landscaping shall not be considered to demonstrate
compliance under ‘other innovative methods of irrigation’ and the same is addressed
under WC Cr 4: Wastewater Treatment & Reuse.
Exemplary Performance:
This credit is not eligible for exemplary performance.
IGBC Green Logistics Parks and Warehouses Rating System (Pilot Version) 112
Treat wastewater generated on-site, so as to avoid polluting the receiving streams by safe
disposal. Use treated wastewater for non-potable applications, thereby reducing
dependence on potable water.
Compliance Options:
❖ Wastewater Treatment: (2 Points)
Have an on-site treatment system to handle 100% of wastewater generated in the
warehouse/ building, conforming to the quality standards suitable for reuse, as
prescribed by Central (or) State Pollution Control Board, as applicable.
• Wastewater here refers to both grey and black water.
• In case the local authorities mandate the project to divert wastewater to a
centralised / common wastewater treatment plant, then the project can show
compliance by diverting and reusing treated wastewater from the centralised /
common wastewater treatment plant.
IGBC Green Logistics Parks and Warehouses Rating System (Pilot Version) 113
• Treated wastewater sourced from other sites / local authorities through permanent
piped connections can also be considered to show compliance for ‘wastewater reuse’.
• Water from sources such as bore wells, natural wells, and municipal water systems is
considered as potable water.
• Captured rain water can also be considered to show compliance.
• The water requirement and average number of watering days for landscaping shall
be considered as 6 liters / sq.m. / day for a minimum of 300 days, (or) Justify if the
water requirement and the average number of watering days for landscaping is less
than the above requirement.
• Potted plants shall not be considered under vegetation.
Exemplary Performance:
This credit is eligible for exemplary performance under IDO Credit 1 - Innovation in Design
Process, if treated wastewater is used for at least 75% of the total water required for
landscaping, flushing and cooling make-up water (if the project uses water-cooled chillers).
IGBC Green Logistics Parks and Warehouses Rating System (Pilot Version) 114
Water Metering
WC Credit 5
Encourage sub-metering and continuous monitoring to identify improvement opportunities
in the projects’ water performance, thereby reducing potable and non-potable water
Compliance Options:
(1 Point for Owner-occupied & Tenant-occupied Logistics Parks and Warehouses)
Demonstrate compliance for the following measures:
➢ Separate water meter for each warehouse
➢ Sub-metering for at least three of the following major water use applications, as
• Municipal water supply
• Bore water consumption
• Tanker water consumption
• Treated wastewater consumption
• Water consumption for landscape requirements
• Water consumption for flushing
• Water consumption for air-conditioning cooling tower makeup
• Any other major source of water consumption
IGBC Green Logistics Parks and Warehouses Rating System (Pilot Version) 115
Warehouse Level:
(Applicable to Tenant Occupied Logistics Parks / Warehouses only)
(1 Point for Tenant occupied Logistics Parks and Warehouses)
Demonstrate sub-metering for atleast two of the following water use applications, as
• Municipal water supply / Water consumption through bore-well (Potable water)
• Water consumption for flushing (Non-potable water)
• Separate water meter for process requirements
• Any other major source of water consumption
Exemplary Performance:
This credit is not eligible for exemplary performance.
IGBC Green Logistics Parks and Warehouses Rating System (Pilot Version) 116
IGBC Green Logistics Parks and Warehouses Rating System (Pilot Version) 117
Facilitate segregation of waste at source to encourage reuse or recycling of materials,
thereby avoiding waste being sent to landfills.
Compliance Options:
❖ In addition to dry and wet waste bins, provide separate bins for safe disposal of the
following hazardous waste, at the centralised facility:
• Plastic
• Batteries
• ‘e’ waste
• Lamps
• Medical waste, if any
The waste shall be sold/ handed over to the identified / authorised vendors.
IGBC Green Logistics Parks and Warehouses Rating System (Pilot Version) 118
❖ In addition to dry and wet waste bins, provide separate bins for safe disposal of the
following hazardous waste at the centralised facility, catering to the waste generated in
the common areas:
• Plastic
• Batteries
• ‘e’ waste
• Lamps
• Medical waste, if any
The waste shall be sold/ handed over to the identified / authorised vendors.
Interior Fit-outs:
❖ Provide separate bins to collect dry waste (paper, plastic, metals, glass, etc.,), wet waste
and hazardous waste from the warehouses. Divert the collected waste to a centralised
facility within the park/ warehouse, which is easily accessible for hauling. The waste
shall be sold/ handed over to the identified / authorised vendors.
Hazardous waste includes, but not limited to, batteries, e-waste, lamps and medical
For hazardous waste, the project must follow the Hazardous Waste Management Rules
2016, as prescribed by the Ministry of Environment & Forest (MoEF), Government of India.
IGBC Green Logistics Parks and Warehouses Rating System (Pilot Version) 119
Green Packaging
RM Credit 1
Encourage green packaging so as to reduce the consumption of natural resources.
Compliance Options:
(And/ Or)
IGBC Green Logistics Parks and Warehouses Rating System (Pilot Version) 120
cost of total certified packaging materials is at least 10% of the total cost of
packaging materials per year.
Note: The list of GreenPro certified products can be accessed at
General Notes:
• As per ISO 21067-1:2016, tertiary packaging is designed to contain one or more
articles (item or commodity) or packages (and its contents), or bulk material, for the
purpose of transport, handling and/or distribution.
• ASTM D6868 2019: Standard Specification for Labelling of End Items that Incorporate
Plastics and Polymers as Coatings or Additives with Paper and Other Substrates
Designed to be Aerobically Composted in Municipal or Industrial Facilities
• The packaging material shall eliminate the use of non-hazardous packaging material
and chlorine & halogenated bleaching agents, and avoid the use of optical
IGBC Green Logistics Parks and Warehouses Rating System (Pilot Version) 121
Exemplary Performance:
This credit is eligible for exemplary performance under IDO Credit 1 - Innovation in Design
Process, if the reduction in packaging material (or) certified/ rapidly renewable/ recycled
content/ biodegradable packaging material is atleast by 15%.
IGBC Green Logistics Parks and Warehouses Rating System (Pilot Version) 122
Encourage projects to source products which have low environmental impact.
Compliance Options:
Have a policy and procurement guidelines in place to source warehouse/ building products
& materials, which have lower impact on the environment. The following aspects are to be
addressed while purchasing the products & materials, as applicable:
❖ Higher recycled content
❖ Local materials
❖ Products with enhanced energy efficiency
❖ Eco-friendly refrigerants
❖ Products with less water consumption
❖ Materials emitting fewer toxic substances during installation or use and upon
(E.g. Low VOC materials, Eco-friendly housekeeping chemicals)
❖ Avoid single use plastic for regular operations
❖ Alternate wood-based material
(E.g. Salvaged wood, Composite wood free from added urea formaldehyde, Rapidly
renewable wood, Certified wood)
The Green Procurement Policy shall be valid for a period of three years or more at the time
of Precertification/ Certification.
Exemplary Performance:
This credit is not eligible for exemplary performance.
IGBC Green Logistics Parks and Warehouses Rating System (Pilot Version) 123
Encourage use of eco-labelled materials, products, and equipment, so as to reduce
dependence on materials that have associated negative environmental impacts.
Compliance Options:
Have an organisational policy in place which mandates the adoption of passive or active
green building materials, products, and equipment that are CII-GreenPro eco-labelled (or)
any other Eco-labelled (Type-I/ ISO 14024 tested & verified). The policy shall be applicable
for retrofits or major renovation in the logistics parks / warehouses.
IGBC Green Logistics Parks and Warehouses Rating System (Pilot Version) 124
• Passive Products & Materials include glazing, insulation, paints & coatings, adhesives
& sealants, flyash blocks, cement, concrete, wood-based products, housekeeping
chemicals, false ceiling materials, flooring materials, furniture, gypsum-based
products, high reflective materials & coatings, etc.,
• Active Products include Electrical systems (Lighting Systems & Controls, Pumps &
Motors, etc.,), Mechanical systems (unitary air conditioners, etc.,), Plumbing Fixtures
(faucets, showers, etc.,)
• The project shall not consider the same Eco-labelled product for different applications
to demonstrate compliance. (e.g. Same adhesive used for both tiles and flooring
cannot be shown as two different applications)
• The list of GreenPro certified products can be accessed at
• In tenant-occupied projects, if the use of Eco-labelled materials, products &
equipment is not in the scope of developer, then this credit cannot be attempted.
• For Interior Fit-out projects, the tenant can demonstrate compliance and claim points
for Eco-labelled materials, products & equipment, even if the installation and
maintenance is in the scope of developer.
Exemplary Performance:
This credit is not eligible for exemplary performance.
IGBC Green Logistics Parks and Warehouses Rating System (Pilot Version) 125
Ensure effective organic waste management, so as to avoid waste being sent to landfills and
improve health & hygiene.
Compliance Options:
Install an on-site waste treatment system for handling organic (food and garden) waste
generated in the park, including warehouses. The processed manure or bio-gas shall be
utilised as appropriate.
Interior Fit-outs
IGBC Green Logistics Parks and Warehouses Rating System (Pilot Version) 126
• For calculation, food waste can be considered as 0.25 kg/ day for Logistics Park/
Warehouses with kitchen; else, 0.1 kg/ day or as prescribed by the local byelaw,
whichever is more stringent.
• Garden waste can be considered as 0.2 kg/ sq.m/ day.
• In tenant-occupied projects, food waste from all the warehouses shall be considered
to demonstrate compliance.
• In tenant-occupied projects, if the on-site organic waste treatment system (for food
waste) is in the scope of tenant, then the developer can demonstrate compliance for
those warehouses through declaration (for precertification projects) and signed lease
agreements with the tenants (for certification projects) or based on the actual details
of the on-site treatment system for food waste.
• For Interior Fit-out projects, the tenant can demonstrate compliance and claim points
for on-site treatment system of food waste, even if the installation and maintenance
is in the scope of developer.
Exemplary Performance:
This credit is not eligible for exemplary performance.
IGBC Green Logistics Parks and Warehouses Rating System (Pilot Version) 127
Compliance Options:
Demonstrate that at least 75% of waste generated during construction & demolition is
diverted from landfills, for reuse or recycling. Use consistent metrics, either weight or
volume, to show compliance.
> 75% 1
• Construction & demolition waste here refers to civil & interior building waste.
• Excavated earth & stones should not be considered under this credit, as these are
natural resources.
• Temporary materials such as materials used for formwork, scaffolding, etc., shall not
be considered for this credit calculation.
Exemplary Performance
IGBC Green Logistics Parks and Warehouses Rating System (Pilot Version) 128
IGBC Green Logistics Parks and Warehouses Rating System (Pilot Version) 129
No Smoking Premises
Minimise exposure of non-smokers to the adverse health impacts arising due to passive
Compliance Options:
• Option 1: No Smoking:
Demonstrate that smoking is prohibited in the premises.
Note: The compliance for Option 2: Outdoor Smoking Areas shall be in accordance with
the regulations of Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Government of India.
IGBC Green Logistics Parks and Warehouses Rating System (Pilot Version) 130
Ensure adequate and acceptable outdoor air ventilation, so as to improve occupant well-
Compliance Options:
Demonstrate that the fresh air ventilation in all regularly occupied spaces of warehouses
and offices meet or exceed one of the following requirements:
(And/ Or)
IGBC Green Logistics Parks and Warehouses Rating System (Pilot Version) 131
(And/ Or)
IGBC Green Logistics Parks and Warehouses Rating System (Pilot Version) 132
Ensure enhanced outdoor air ventilation, so as to improve occupant well-being.
Compliance Options:
Demonstrate that the fresh air ventilation in all regularly occupied spaces of warehouses
and offices meet or exceed one or combination of the following requirements:
Note: The gap between the window/ door/ docking bay and the louvers shall be
atleast two meters.
(And/ Or)
Note: For CFD analysis, all warehouses/ buildings (representative wind blocks) &
contours within 200 meters and weather file specific to the region with wind data
shall be considered.
IGBC Green Logistics Parks and Warehouses Rating System (Pilot Version) 133
• Ventilation Rates
Demonstrate that the fresh air ventilation in all regularly occupied areas of
warehouse/ office shall exceed the minimum ventilation rates by 10%, as prescribed
ASHRAE Standard 62.1 - 2013, Section 6.2.
(And/ Or)
• The project can calculate air changes per hour (ACH) through prescriptive approach
considering a combination of ventilation strategies such as cross-ventilated louvers,
ridge ventilators, turbo ventilators, HVLS fans, etc.
• For design details of ventilation, the project can refer National Building Code 2016,
Part 8, Section 5 – Ventilation.
• In Tenant-occupied Logistics Park & Warehouses, if the installation of ventilation
systems is in the scope of tenant, then the developer can demonstrate compliance for
this credit and mandatory requirement HWB MR 2 by providing the information on
ventilation systems i.e. Ventilation Rates or Air Changes per Hour through
declarations (for precertification projects) and signed lease agreements with the
tenants (for certification projects), as per the IGBC rating system requirements.
• For Interior Fit-out projects, the tenant can demonstrate compliance for mandatory
requirement and claim credit points for Enhanced Fresh air ventilation, even if the
installation and maintenance is in the scope of developer.
IGBC Green Logistics Parks and Warehouses Rating System (Pilot Version) 134
Exemplary Performance:
This credit is not eligible for exemplary performance.
IGBC Green Logistics Parks and Warehouses Rating System (Pilot Version) 135
HWB Credit 2
Ensure connectivity between the interior and the exterior environment, by providing
adequate daylighting.
Compliance Options:
The project can choose any one of the following options or a combination, to show
❖ Option 1 - Simulation Approach
❖ Option 2 - Measurement Approach
IGBC Green Logistics Parks and Warehouses Rating System (Pilot Version) 136
• Projects with multiple warehouses/ buildings must independently meet the
daylighting criteria for each warehouse/ building.
• Regularly occupied areas are those where people sit or stand as they work,
irrespective of the number of days occupied in a year. Regularly occupied areas shall
include only enclosed spaces.
• Regularly occupied areas include warehouses, workstations, cabins, meeting rooms,
etc.; whereas, areas with audio-visual facilities such as conference rooms, etc., can be
excluded from this credit calculation, with justification and supporting documents.
• Non-regularly occupied areas include toilets, staircases, etc.
• Non enclosed spaces shall be considered as Non-regularly occupied spaces.
• Regularly occupied areas which are used for multi-purposes, such as cafeteria-cum-
meeting room, can be considered as separate spaces based on the function. The room
boundary need not be a physical boundary.
• Rack aisle can be designed in such a way that the skylights can lit up aisle areas and
not rack areas.
Exemplary Performance:
The project is eligible for exemplary performance under IDO Credit 1 - Innovation in Design
Process, if the regularly occupied spaces in the warehouse/ building achieve daylight
illuminance levels of a minimum of 110 Lux (and a maximum of 2,200 Lux) as per the criteria
given below
IGBC Green Logistics Parks and Warehouses Rating System (Pilot Version) 137
Ensure access to basic amenities, so as to improve health & hygiene of occupants and
Compliance Options:
Provide the following basic amenities within the park/ warehouse(s) which are easily
accessible to all the staff and workers / drivers in a common area.
• The basic amenities shall be functional at the time of project completion.
• Drinking water shall cater to all the occupants & visitors and comply with the
drinking water specifications as per IS 10500-2012 ‘Drinking Water- Specification
• Toilets & Bathrooms: Provide at least 1 bathroom, toilet seat & urinal each for every
15 drivers to demonstrate compliance. The number of drivers shall be considered
based on the number of service parking spaces including docking bays.
IGBC Green Logistics Parks and Warehouses Rating System (Pilot Version) 138
Exemplary Performance:
This credit is not eligible for exemplary performance.
IGBC Green Logistics Parks and Warehouses Rating System (Pilot Version) 139
Promote welfare of the construction workforce by providing safe and healthy work
Compliance Options:
Provide basic facilities for construction workforce to meet or exceed the guidelines of ‘The
Building and other Construction Workers Act, 1996 & Rules, 1998’.
• Adequate housing as per local / labour byelaw requirement.
• Sanitary facilities as per local / labour byelaw requirement (or) Provide at least 3
toilet seats & 3 urinals for the first 100 workers and one additional toilet seat &
urinal for every 100 workers thereafter.
(The sanitary measures should be provided separately for men and women).
• First-aid and emergency facilities.
• Adequate drinking water facilities.
• Personal protective equipment (by owner / contractor).
• Dust suppression measures.
• Adequate illumination levels in construction work areas.
• Site emergency alarm.
• Day care/ crèche facility for workers’ children.
(Only if, more than 50 female building workers are employed full time)
Exemplary Performance:
This credit is not eligible for exemplary performance.
IGBC Green Logistics Parks and Warehouses Rating System (Pilot Version) 140
IGBC Green Logistics Parks and Warehouses Rating System (Pilot Version) 141
Encourage project design, construction and facility teams to showcase innovative concepts
in green logistics parks/ warehouses categories, not specifically addressed in the IGBC
Green Logistics Parks and Warehouses rating system, and exemplary performance above
the rating system requirements.
Compliance Options:
• Refer Table – 7 for list of base credits eligible for exemplary performance.
• If the green measures are documented through declarations or tenant lease
agreements, then the points for exemplary performance would not be applicable.
IGBC Green Logistics Parks and Warehouses Rating System (Pilot Version) 142
Transport Efficiency
TE Credit 4: Efficiency & • ≥ 10% use of cleaner fuel for service vehicles
Maintenance of Service
Energy Efficiency
EE Credit 1: Enhanced Energy Option 1: Prescriptive Approach
• Lighting Power Density:
o Owner-occupied: ≥ 40% for interior areas and 60% for
exterior areas reduction over ASHRAE Standard 90.1-
2013 or ECBC 2017 baseline.
o Tenant-occupied: ≥ 60% for exterior areas reduction
over ASHRAE Standard 90.1-2013 or ECBC 2017
o Interior Fit-outs: ≥ 35% for interior areas reduction
over ASHRAE Standard 90.1-2013 or ECBC 2017
• COP/ IPLV of Centralised Air-conditioning systems
(VRF/Chillers): ≥ 7.5% over ASHRAE Standard 90.1-2013 or
ECBC 2017 baseline
IGBC Green Logistics Parks and Warehouses Rating System (Pilot Version) 143
IGBC Green Logistics Parks and Warehouses Rating System (Pilot Version) 144
IGBC Green Logistics Parks and Warehouses Rating System (Pilot Version) 145
Encourage green measures beyond the fence for social well-being of occupants in nearby
communities and villages, thereby improving the standard of living and reducing the
associated negative environmental impacts.
Compliance Options:
Demonstrate that the project/ organisation has implemented at least one of the following
green measures beyond the fence within 50 km radial distance from the project site.
(2 points for each measure, Maximum 4 points)
❖ Rainwater Harvesting
Install rainwater harvesting system(s) in any public building(s) such as government
school/ college, community centre, etc. to capture 100% of the runoff from roof areas of
the respective building, for recharge and/ or reuse. The roof areas of the building(s)
should be atleast 2,000 sq.m. in aggregate.
Note: The approach and methodology to demonstrate compliance shall be followed as
defined in WC MR1: Rainwater Harvesting.
❖ Water Body
Develop/ Adopt and maintain a water body for a period of atleast three years. The
holding capacity of the water body should be atleast 1,500 cu.m.
IGBC Green Logistics Parks and Warehouses Rating System (Pilot Version) 146
❖ Public Parks/Avenues
Develop/ Adopt and maintain public parks or avenues for a period of atleast three years.
The area of park/ avenue should be atleast 1 acre.
❖ Mass Plantation
Organise or be a part of plantation drive to plant at least 10,000 tree saplings in one
year, for a period of three years.
• The saplings should not be monocultured species.
• The plantation should not be for commercial purpose.
❖ Renewable Energy
Install renewable energy systems such as solar PVs, wind turbines, biogas plant, etc. for
street lighting/ in any public building such as government school/ college, community
centre, etc. The RE system should generate atleast 15,000 units per annum.
❖ Basic Facilities
Provide atleast four of the following basic amenities at any public buildings such as
government school/ college, community centre and maintain for a period of at least one
o Bus shelters
o Street lighting
o Public toilets
o Play area and sports kit
o Tot-lot
o Drinking water ATM or equivalent
o Organic waste management
o Other basic facilities
• The green measures can be aligned with UN Sustainability Development Goals/
Central/ State Government initiatives; in case such initiatives are mandatory to be
IGBC Green Logistics Parks and Warehouses Rating System (Pilot Version) 147
adopted, then the implemented measures should be over and above the mandatory
• To demonstrate compliance for this credit, the green measures considered for one
project cannot be shown for another project, unless the measures/ impacts are
significantly higher than the credit requirement.
In case the project/ organisation has already implemented green measures,
document only those measures which have been implemented in the last 3 years
from the date of project registration with IGBC.
IGBC Green Logistics Parks and Warehouses Rating System (Pilot Version) 148
Enhance energy and water performance in the project, so as to reduce the associated
negative environmental impacts.
Compliance Options:
❖ Have established benchmarks to evaluate the energy & water saving measures and
implemented No cost, Low cost and Medium cost measures in the last one year.
❖ Demonstrate that the project has reduced atleast 5% of the energy & water
consumption from the defined baseline year (one year earlier) vis-à-vis the reporting
year (present year).
• The measures shall include, but not limited to, high-performance glass, lighting,
HVAC, pumps & motors, appliances, building automation, renewable energy
systems, rainwater harvesting, water fixtures, wastewater treatment, energy and
water meters, irrigation systems, improvements in process operations, etc.
IGBC Green Logistics Parks and Warehouses Rating System (Pilot Version) 149
❖ Commit to provide the annual total water and energy consumption data of the project
to IGBC for a period of 3 to 5 years.
❖ Develop a comprehensive audit plan to enhance the performance of energy and water
consuming systems in the project, in the next 3 to 5 years.
• The measures shall include, but not limited to, high-performance glass, lighting,
HVAC, pumps & motors, appliances, building automation, renewable energy
systems, rainwater harvesting, water fixtures, wastewater treatment, energy and
water meters, irrigation systems, improvements in process operations, etc.
• The plan shall address existing & proposed energy and water consuming systems.
Energy audit shall be carried out preferably as per ASHRAE Level 1 and 2 to evaluate
efficiency opportunities. Third-party BEE Certified Energy Auditor shall be engaged to
conduct the energy audit.
❖ Commit to provide the annual total water and energy consumption data of the project
to IGBC for a period of 3 to 5 years.
IGBC Green Logistics Parks and Warehouses Rating System (Pilot Version) 150
Optimise design, construction and operational efficiency of green features in the project, so
as to analyse the incremental/ decremental cost and the return on investment.
Compliance Options:
Develop a matrix to compute incremental/ decremental cost of the project for the green
features implemented.
The matrix shall include green features, conventional cost, incremental/ decremental cost,
tentative benefits/ estimated savings and return on investment.
• The cost for the green features implemented beyond the fence shall not be
considered for this credit calculation. The project shall consider only green features
implemented within the site for this credit calculation.
• For Existing logistics parks and warehouses, the projects can consider the cost of
retrofits for green measures during the last three years of operations as well.
IGBC Green Logistics Parks and Warehouses Rating System (Pilot Version) 151
Accredited Professionals
IDO Credit 5
Encourage involvement of Accredited Professionals in the project, so as to integrate
sustainable concepts in design, construction & operational measures.
Compliance Options:
The project team shall have atleast one principal participant with the following
IGBC Green Logistics Parks and Warehouses Rating System (Pilot Version) 152
IGBC Green Logistics Parks and Warehouses Rating System (Pilot Version) 153
Annexure I:
Alternative Compliance Strategies/Paths for Tenant Occupied and Interior Fit-out projects
IGBC Green Logistics Parks and Warehouses Rating System (Pilot Version) 154
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IGBC Green Logistics Parks and Warehouses Rating System (Pilot Version) 157
IGBC Green Logistics Parks and Warehouses Rating System (Pilot Version) 158
Annexure II: Summary of Credits with the defined baseline year vis-à-vis
the reporting year
Minimum Specific Energy Demonstrate that the project has maintained or reduced
Energy Consumption the Specific Energy Consumption (SEC) from the defined
Performance (Measurement baseline year (three years earlier) to the reporting year
Approach) (present year).
Enhanced Specific Energy Demonstrate that the project has reduced the Specific
Energy Consumption Energy Consumption (SEC) from the defined baseline
Performance (Measurement year (three years earlier) to the reporting year
Approach) (present year).
Green Existing Logistics Park Demonstrate a minimum of 10% reduction in tertiary
Packaging and Warehouses: packaging material intensity in the warehouse(s) in the
Reduction in last one year vis-à-vis various packaging reduction
Packaging Material strategies.
Water and Existing Logistics Have established benchmark to evaluate the energy &
Energy Parks & Warehouses: water saving measures and implemented No cost, Low cost
Performance Performance Based and Medium cost measures in the last one year.
Energy & Water Demonstrate that the project has reduced atleast 5% in
energy & water consumption vis-à-vis the last one year.
IGBC Green Logistics Parks and Warehouses Rating System (Pilot Version) 159
About CII Sohrabji Godrej Green Business Centre, Hyderabad
CII-Sohrabji Godrej Green Business Centre (CII-Godrej GBC) was established in the year 2004, as
CII's Developmental Institute on Green Practices & Businesses, aimed at offering world class advisory
services on conservation of natural resources.
The Green Business Centre in Hyderabad is housed in one of the greenest buildings in the world and
through Indian Green Building Council (IGBC) is spearheading the Green Building movement in the
country. The Green Business Centre was inaugurated by His Excellency Dr. A. P. J. Abdul Kalam, the then
President of India on 14 July 2004.
The Services of Green Business Centre include- Energy Management, Green Buildings, Green Companies,
Renewable Energy, GHG Inventorization, Green Product Certification, Waste Management and Cleaner
Production Process. CII-Godrej GBC works closely with the stakeholders in facilitating India emerge as one
of the global leaders in Green Business by the year 2022.
To address the growing need of sharpening India Inc's competitive edge through better Logistics and Supply
Chain practices, CII Institute of Logistics (CIL) was established in 2004 by the Confederation of Indian
Industry as a Centre of Excellence in Logistics and Supply Chain.
The vision of the CII Institute of Logistics is to become an International Centre of Excellence in Logistics
and SCM and to facilitate Indian industry to be referred in Global Business for its Best Practices in SCM
and Logistics.
With a relentless aspiration to enhance logistics competitiveness in the industry, CIL provides a complete
range of services such as: Supply Chain Consultancy, Corporate Training, Research, Warehouse
Certification - WAREX (for risk management and processes) and Supply Chain Transformation.
About CII About IGBC
(Confederation of Indian Industry) (Indian Green Building Council)
The Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) works The Indian Green Building Council (IGBC), part of
to create and sustain an environment conducive to the Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) was
the development of India, partnering industry, formed in the year 2001. The vision of the council is,
Government, and civil society through working "To enable a sustainable built environment for all and
closely with Government on policy issues, facilitate India to be one of the global leaders in the
interfacing with thought leaders, and enhancing sustainable built environment by 2025".
efficiency, competitiveness and business
opportunities for industry. The council offers a wide array of services which
include developing new green building rating
Founded in 1895 and celebrating 125 years in programmes, certification services and green building
2020, India’s premier business association has training programmes. The council also organises
more than 9,100 members, from the private as well Green Building Congress, its annual flagship event on
as public sectors, and an indirect membership of green buildings.
over 300,000 enterprises from around 291 national
and regional sectoral industry bodies. The council is committee-based, member-driven and
consensus-focused. All the stakeholders of
With 68 offices, including 9 Centres of Excellence construction industry comprising of architects,
in India, and 11 overseas offices in Australia, developers, product manufacturers, corporate,
China, Egypt, France, Germany, Indonesia, Government, academia and nodal agencies participate
Singapore, South Africa, UAE, UK and USA, as in the council activities through local chapters. The
well as institutional partnerships with 394 council also closely works with several State
counterpart organizations in 133 countries, CII Governments, Central Government, World Green
serves as a reference point for Indian Industry and Building Council, bilateral multi-lateral agencies in
the international business community. promoting green building concepts in the country.