Activation Energy
Activation Energy
Activation Energy
Other uses
Although less commonly used, activation energy also applies to nuclear reactions[4][5] and various other
physical phenomena.[6][7][8][9]
At a more advanced level, the net Arrhenius activation energy term from the Arrhenius equation is best
regarded as an experimentally determined parameter that indicates the sensitivity of the reaction rate to
temperature. There are two objections to associating this activation energy with the threshold barrier for an
elementary reaction. First, it is often unclear as to whether or not reaction does proceed in one step; threshold
barriers that are averaged out over all elementary steps have little theoretical value. Second, even if the reaction
being studied is elementary, a spectrum of individual collisions contributes to rate constants obtained from bulk
('bulb') experiments involving billions of molecules, with many different reactant collision geometries and
angles, different translational and (possibly) vibrational energies—all of which may lead to different
microscopic reaction rates.
A substance that modifies
the transition state to
lower the activation
energy is termed a
catalyst; a catalyst
composed only of protein
and (if applicable) small
molecule cofactors is
termed an enzyme. A
Example of an enzyme-catalysed catalyst increases the rate
exothermic reaction of reaction without being The relationship between activation
consumed in the energy ( ) and enthalpy of formation
reaction. [10] In addition, (ΔH) with and without a catalyst, plotted
the catalyst lowers the activation energy, but it does not change the against the reaction coordinate. The
energies of the original reactants or products, and so does not highest energy position (peak position)
change equilibrium.[11] Rather, the reactant energy and the product represents the transition state. With the
energy remain the same and only the activation energy is altered catalyst, the energy required to enter
(lowered). transition state decreases, thereby
decreasing the energy required to initiate
A catalyst is able to reduce the activation energy by forming a the reaction.
transition state in a more favorable manner. Catalysts, by nature,
create a more "comfortable" fit for the substrate of a reaction to
progress to a transition state. This is possible due to a release of energy that occurs when the substrate binds to
the active site of a catalyst. This energy is known as Binding Energy. Upon binding to a catalyst, substrates
partake in numerous stabilizing forces while within the active site (i.e. Hydrogen bonding, van der Waals
forces). Specific and favorable bonding occurs within the active site until the substrate forms to become the
high-energy transition state. Forming the transition state is more favorable with the catalyst because the
favorable stabilizing interactions within the active site release energy. A chemical reaction is able to
manufacture a high-energy transition state molecule more readily when there is a stabilizing fit within the
active site of a catalyst. The binding energy of a reaction is this energy released when favorable interactions
between substrate and catalyst occur. The binding energy released assists in achieving the unstable transition
state. Reactions otherwise without catalysts need a higher input of energy to achieve the transition state. Non-
catalyzed reactions do not have free energy available from active site stabilizing interactions, such as catalytic
enzyme reactions.[12]
Relationship with Gibbs energy of activation
In the Arrhenius equation, the term activation energy (Ea) is used to describe the energy required to reach the
transition state, and the exponential relationship k = A exp(-Ea/RT) holds. In transition state theory, a more
sophisticated model of the relationship between reaction rates and the transition state, a superficially similar
mathematical relationship, the Eyring equation, is used to describe the rate of a reaction: k = (kBT / h) exp(–
ΔG ‡ / RT). However, instead of modeling the temperature dependence of reaction rate phenomenologically,
the Eyring equation models individual elementary steps of a reaction. Thus, for a multistep process, there is no
straightforward relationship between the two models. Nevertheless, the functional forms of the Arrhenius and
Eyring equations are similar, and for a one-step process, simple and chemically meaningful correspondences
can be drawn between Arrhenius and Eyring parameters.
Instead of also using Ea, the Eyring equation uses the concept of Gibbs energy and the symbol ΔG ‡ to denote
the Gibbs energy of activation to achieve the transition state. In the equation, kB and h are the Boltzmann and
Planck constants, respectively. Although the equations look similar, it is important to note that the Gibbs
energy contains an entropic term in addition to the enthalpic one. In the Arrhenius equation, this entropic term
is accounted for by the pre-exponential factor A. More specifically, we can write the Gibbs free energy of
activation in terms of enthalpy and entropy of activation: ΔG ‡ = ΔH ‡ – T ΔS ‡ . Then, for a unimolecular, one-
step reaction, the approximate relationships Ea = ΔH ‡ + RT and A = (kBT/h) exp(1 + ΔS ‡ /R) hold. Note,
however, that in Arrhenius theory proper, A is temperature independent, while here, there is a linear
dependence on T. For a one-step unimolecular process whose half-life at room temperature is about 2 hours,
ΔG ‡ is approximately 23 kcal/mol. This is also the roughly the magnitude of Ea for a reaction that proceeds
over several hours at room temperature. Due to the relatively small magnitude of TΔS ‡ and RT at ordinary
temperatures for most reactions, in sloppy discourse, Ea, ΔG ‡ , and ΔH ‡ are often conflated and all referred to
as the "activation energy".
The enthalpy, entropy and Gibbs energy of activation are more correctly written as Δ ‡ Ho , Δ ‡ So and Δ ‡ Go
respectively, where the o indicates a quantity evaluated between standard states.[13][14] However, some
authors omit the o in order to simplify the notation.[15][16]
The total free energy change of a reaction is independent of the activation energy however. Physical and
chemical reactions can be either exergonic or endergonic, but the activation energy is not related to the
spontaneity of a reaction. The overall reaction energy change is not altered by the activation energy.
The bluer the surface between the energy minima, the lower the energy barriers, and therefore the more easily
hydrogen travels along the surfaces.
See also
Activation energy asymptotics
Chemical kinetics
Fire point
Mean kinetic temperature
Quantum tunnelling
Hydrogen safety
Dust explosion
Spark plug
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