Interview Preparation: Compiled and Prepared by
Interview Preparation: Compiled and Prepared by
Interview Preparation: Compiled and Prepared by
SAMPLE INTERVIEW QUESTIONS AND GUIDE TO ANSWER .............................................................. 1
-Explain your frustration and use example (STAR Method) on how you handle it. Connect the
answer to your future work.
5. How would a former supervisor describe your work?
- The easiest way to answer this question is to paraphrase a recent positive performance review.
Referencing specifically where you’re getting your information from makes it easier to
compliment yourself without cringing.
- Another way to do this is to start off with the story and conclude it with how your boss or
coworkers would describe you.
- Another way is name Three Positive Traits with Short Examples for Each
Company Or Organization
1. Why do you want to work for this organization?
- Be honest, but also do your research.
- Try to see what the company is focused on and incorporate some of that into your answer. This
will show the interviewer you have done your research.
2. Why should I hire you/ What makes you the best person for this job/What can you offer us/ Why
we should hire you?
- Explain your experiences and/ or unique abilities (jobskills, experiences, strength to differentiate
- Example of what you bring/ your contributions (Can use STAR method)
- Connect your experience with the position applied and how it can benefit the company (Can pull
out some keywords from job description)
3. What do you think it takes to be successful in a company such as ours?
- Talk about the company and what will be expected of you.
- Discuss your skills and how they apply to the position.
- Talk about your experiences with being successful at a previous place of employment.
- Relate skills you learned at past jobs to this current one.
4. Are you willing to work overtime? Are you willing to go where the company sends you?
- If yes: Express enthusiasm and readiness
- If no: Be honest, but do not get too into the specifics of why you can’t or won’t relocate. The
interviewer wants to know the reason so they can best tailor their response to you (and come up
with a plan should they decide to move you forward) but doesn’t need every detail of your
thought process or fears.
The Closing
1. Is there anything else I should know about you?
- Restating Excitement but do not sound desperate.
- Emphasize your skills, what makes you the best candidate and how you can be the best fit.
- Prepare story to tell how you can be best fit.
-Reiterate enthusiasm for the role.
2. When could you start work?
- Consider moving period etc.
- Immediately/ Ask about employer’s preferred date/ need notice.
3. Do you have any other questions?
Behavioral interviewing is a technique used by employers in which the questions asked to assist the
employer in making predictions about a potential employee’s future success based on past behaviors. In
behavior-based interviews, candidates are asked to give specific examples of when they demonstrated
particular behaviors or skills.
SKILLS and STAR Method
Below are some common required skills. Relate the skills with your story.
Skills STAR Story
Situation: Action:
Task: Result:
Situation: Action:
Decision Making
Task: Result:
Situation: Action:
Task: Result:
Communication Situation: Action:
Skills Task: Result:
Situation: Action:
Time Management
Task: Result:
Situation: Action:
Task: Result:
Situation: Action:
Task: Result:
Situation: Action:
Problem Solving
Task: Result:
Situation: Action:
Task: Result:
Goal Setting/ Situation: Action:
Achievement Task: Result:
Situation: Action:
Task: Result:
Conflict Situation: Action:
Management Task: Result:
Situation: Action:
Task: Result:
Situation: Action:
Task: Result:
The Position
1. Would you describe the duties of the position for me, please?
2. Can you tell me about the primary people with whom I would be working?
3. What skills do you see as most important to be successful in this position?
4. To whom would I be reporting?
5. What kinds of assignments might I expect the first six months on the job?
6. How and when would my performance be evaluated?
7. Can you tell me about the people who would be reporting to me?
8. Is this a new position or am I replacing someone?
9. May I talk with the last person who held this position?
Career Paths
1. Can you tell me about the career path this position offers?
2. What is the growth potential in this position? Where does this role fit in the growth strategy of the
3. About the people who have preceded me in this position and in the department, where are they now and
what are they doing?
4. Is it your usual policy to promote from within?
5. How are promotions or transfers determined within the company?
6. Does advancement to upper management usually require an advanced degree?
7. Have you cut your staff in the last three years?
General Questions for Interviewer
1. Can you tell me a little about your own experience with the company?
2. What do you like best about your job/company?
3. Are you happy here?
4. If you could change one thing about the company, what would it be and why?
5. When do you expect to make a hiring decision for this position?
6. Could you describe the hiring process?
7. Is there anything that we have discussed today that would give you concern regarding my candidacy?
8. In what ways is a career with your company better than one with your competitors?
9. What is the largest single problem facing your staff (department) now?