Table of Contents
Introduction 4
Background of the Study 5
Statement of the Problem 6
Purpose of the Study 6
Objectives of the Study 6
Hypothesis 6
Research questions 7
Justification of the study 7
Significance of the study 7
Assumptions of the study 7
Scope of the study 8
Limitations and Delimitations of the Study 8
Definition of terms 9
Chapter summary 9
Introduction 11
Technology and Technological advancement 11
Improvement and performance of the Education sector 12
Influence of COVID-19 on the technological advancement in the Kenyan education sector 13
Summary 14
Introduction 15
Research Design 15
Population of the Study 15
Sample Size and Sampling Technique 15
Types of Data 16
Data Collection Instrument 16
Data Collection Procedure 16
Data Analysis 16
Summary 16
This research is my own original work and has not been presented to any other institution and no part of
the study should be reproduced without the author’s consent or that of Moi University.
This work is dedicated to my family, the entire academic staff, the entire arts and social sciences
students for their continued support and guidance throughout the research work.
This chapter will examine the problem statement, purpose, objectives, research questions,
justification, significance, assumptions and scope of the study. In recent times the wave of
emerging technologies has swept radically through various important spheres of human life.
Technology is now one of the keywords of our world yet it is also one of the most confused.
Studies in the past concerning technology have shown that defining the concept of technology is
complicated and therefore; This study aims at breaking the ice and painting a vivid picture of
technology and its advancements especially in the education sector in the 21st Century.
The aim of this research will be of help to us in finding out the importance of these
advancements and the effects it must have on learning institutions, especially the Universities in
Kenya. Furthermore, we shall get to find out how technology has affected those learning
institutions which are advanced in technology and those which are lugging behind during this
COVID-19 Pandemic. We shall get to find out if these advancements in technology have
benefited the Universities, Students and Lectures and if they are helping in this challenging
period. In addition, we shall get to find out if there is any further advancement yet to come and if
they shall benefit the Universities and faculties.
In addition to that, we shall get to find out if there is any relationship between technology and
Covid-19 pandemic and if the effects are positive or negative towards the continued
advancements in technology in Kenya and the education sector.
With the recent developments around the world concerning COVID-19 which has hit hard and
stalled almost all the important sectors of our economies and human livelihoods. A closer look to
understanding and adoption of recent technologies has proved indispensable and for this reason
and among others, the researchers found it essential to look into recent technologies, their
advancements and effects especially on the education sector in Kenya.
The COVID-19 pandemic is exposing a large divide between high-income/upper-middle-income
countries and poorer countries in digital usage and the availability of technology solutions to
support the pandemic response, especially in their education systems.
Prior to this pandemic, many businesses, individuals and governments around the globe
increasingly relied on disruptive technologies such as digital platforms for a variety of activities
including financial transactions, commerce, logistics, education, and health.Mobile internet
traffic per user on the digital platforms was growing at a quarterly rate of 12 percent in high-
income countries and 10 percent in middle-income countries in 2019(Economist,2020).
However, the first few months of 2020 had witnessed an increased usage of these disruptive
technologies as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic and of lockdowns installed to contain the
Abrupt dramatic changes in how businesses and governments and their education sectors interact
came into effect immediately. At the onset of COVID-19 and the panic that came with it,
governments resolved to shutting down learning institutions and impose strict social distancing
regulations to curb the spread of the virus. Moreover, this came with the disruption of the school
calendars especially in Kenya where stringent measures like sending learners home were
implemented. Generally, individuals are devising innovative methods for social interactions and
consumption with limited physical contact (Economist,2020)
Schools and colleges in Kenya have had to quickly set up new ways to keep teachers and tutors
delivering from home so as to maintain relationships and contact with all the learners and
continue serving and teaching them with minimal physical contact if possible.
The first computer to be introduced into Kenya was in 1992 and this is how computing
technology officially entered Kenya. This led us to having the first computers/laptops being
embraced by a private school in Nairobi an example is Aga khan Academy.Later leading to
Kenya getting its first ICT policy in 2005 and with these advancements we were able to see the
gradual rise in students joining school and the percentage of students doing well academically
rising as well hence this information will help us understand how far the advancements in
technology have come and how beneficial they have been especially during this COVID-19
period in order to find out how helpful these advancements have been assisting Universities in
providing learning materials and assistance to students and whether students have positively
benefited or gained nothing from the technological advancements.
Statement of the Problem
To find out the effects of Technological advancements on the Education sector, in learning
institutions in Nairobi, Kenya.
Purpose of the Study
To find out how technological advancement has affected the education sector in Kenya,
especially in the improvement and performance of this sector. The study will be conducted in a
sample of fifteen learning institutions in the capital city of Kenya, Nairobi.
Justification of the study
There have been various studies conducted to analyze and determine the relationship between
technological advancements and the education sector. The recent developments around the world
concerning COVID-19 which has hit hard and affected almost all the important sectors of the
economy especially in education. Therefore, there has been a vital need to advance technology to
restore this sector.
This study therefore will aid in understanding the effects of technological advancements on the
education sector and how the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on the learning institutions
could be mitigated through emerging technologies.
Significance of the study
The significance of this study will rely on its ability to determine the actual effects of technology
on the Universities and Tertiary institutions in Nairobi, Kenya.
The study findings will help in informing the institutions about emerging technologies, their
shortcomings and equally their benefits and how to adopt them hence an informative background
for the institutions will be formed.
The study will set to find out the effects of the COVID 19 pandemic especially in the education
sector. The findings of the study will also indicate how the effects of the pandemic have highly
affected many sectors of the economy profoundly in this case, education through technological
advancements. The study will note that the pandemic has resulted in several disruptions in the
learning curricular and programs globally thus an increased need for adoption of technologically
advanced means such as online schooling to compensate for lack of physical learning.
The study will also establish the setbacks and types of challenges experienced with the adoption
of advanced technological forms to effect smooth online distance-learning.
Assumptions of the study
The study will be based on the following assumptions;
The researchers will not face resilience from the institutions regarding wastage of time by
the respondents during work time.
The learners, tutors and staff will be honest and objective with their answers on the
effects of technological advancements that they have experienced to base our findings
There will be tangible support from the administration of the institutions during data
collection period.
The respondents will have sufficient knowledge and time to answer the questions in the
questionnaires correctly and be available for the tape recordings thereafter.
The findings will be a true and fair reflection of the effects of technological
advancements on learning institutions in Nairobi, Kenya.
Scope of the study
The study will assess the effects of technological advancements on the education sector in Kenya
precisely in the learning institutions in and within Nairobi.This study will target students,
lecturers and the help staff from 15 learning institutions in Nairobi and assess how technology
has affected their way of learning, tutoring and carrying out their work during these challenging
times imposed by the COVID-19 pandemic.The study will be carried out in the month of
December 2021.
Definition of terms
Technology can be defined as a set of knowledge, skills, experience and techniques with which
human beings change, transform and use the environment they dwell in to create tools, machines,
products and services that meet their needs and desires(Sahal,1981).
Education sector refers to all the elements of an economy that consists of a variety of education
provider, schools, colleges, universities, organizations, agencies, businesses or form of unity
assembly, or national unity government that have the agreement, contract, role, responsibility
and purpose of providing a form of education to members of the public(MaryC,2016).
C0VID-19 is an acute respiratory illness in humans caused by a coronavirus, capable of
producing severe symptoms and in some cases death, especially in older people and those with
underlying health conditions. It was originally identified in China in 2019 and became a
pandemic in 2020(WHO,2020)
Chapter summary
This Chapter will discuss the background of the study with emphasis on how technological
advancement has affected the education sector especially the learning institutions in Nairobi,
Kenya. The chapter will look at statement problem, purpose of the study, objectives of the study,
research questions, and justification of the study, significance of the study, assumptions of the
study, scope of the study, limitations and delimitations and definition of terms.
This chapter will cover the literature review and empirical studies followed by a conceptual
framework of the effects of technological advancements and in turn the COVID-19 pandemic on
the education sector.This study will aim at breaking the ice and painting a vivid picture of
technology and its advancements especially in the education sector in the 21st Century.
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disconnect students experience when working on assignments at home without the assistance of
the tutor.
Moreover, It facilitates the access to information and opens opportunities for the variability of
learning activities. Many traditional teaching aids are replaced by new technologies and such a
replacement is very effective since it stimulates students to keep interest in the subject thus
creating an information environment.
Modern multimedia computer programs allow students to visualize the result of their actions
(Campbell,2019).We should not forget about the importance of technology in education. The use
of computers makes the lesson attractive and truly modern.
Communication and networking
Another way technology has impacted society is through communication, how we talk and
communicate with one another worldwide. According to Mickeel (2018), technology has brought
many new methods of electronic communication.For instance,the use of emails and social
networking enables one to facechat a person who lives on the other side of the world.
Nevertheless, there is video conferencing where conferences can be held electronically.
Increased Online business
Technology plays a vital role in enhancing business by promoting various businesses on the web,
on media and many other sources that technology created.Different companies spread their
branches all over the world and connect with them only with the help of technology find
employees with high skills and capabilities through technology. Technology has numerous
positive effects on modern business in this period.A good interactive communication is a key to a
successful business.
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Improvement and performance of the Education sector.
In the last few years, we have seen the development of massive open online courses conducted
over technological industry players such as zoom, google meetings and Microsoft teams. The
improvement has been witnessed in these ways:
Exchange of vital educational information between faculties, facilities, educators, and students.
Information within learning institutions can now be shared quickly and more systematically than
ever. Students’ educational history or attendance records can easily be accessed through a
onetime click on the school portals. Students therefore cannot find themselves being left behind
course-wise or repeating courses that they had already completed while the educators also do not
have to try and figure out a student’s abilities and attitude from scratch.Faculties and educators
can send and receive student details very quickly with the evolution of big data.
Distance learning has been made easier and more convenient plus online graduations have also
been actualized overtime. As mentioned before, technology has dismantled the traditional
classroom boundaries leading to classrooms no longer having walls. Most of the learning
institutions in Kenya are incapacitated resource-wise owing to the overwhelming intake of
students thus distance learning comes in handy. Online facilitations ensure that those students
who cannot attend physical classes are catered for and in turn creating more room for the
traditional learners. These large intakes also means that the numbers being churned out is also
overwhelming. Virtual graduations help in saving the resources that the institutions would have
otherwise spent in organizing costly physical graduation ceremonies on-campus.
Creation of jobs in the education sectors especially those of Data Analysis. Just like in any other
industry, Data Analysts are mining big-time in the education sector owing to the growth in big
data and other technologies in this sphere. Kenyan institutions have realized an urgent and
definite need for more data analysts who can sit down and study all the institutional data ranging
from student admissions to discontinuations to worker’s payrolls to grading systems to financial
inflow and then interpret their findings and make recommendations on how the details can be
effectively utilized by the management.
Technological advancements in the globe have spilled over into the Kenyan education sector’s
airwave. As technology drives change in world education, the education sector in Kenya is also
looking to keep pace with these developments and encourage innovation.Today’s Kenyan
classrooms are packed with technology as from smartphones, tablet computers, widescreen
televisions to projector whiteboards.
Various education stakeholders in Kenya have argued that the main idea behind new
technological advancements is to help teachers make school more exciting and interactive to
attract more students who would otherwise have decided to forego the basic education.
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Influence of COVID-19 on the technological advancement in the Kenyan education sector.
This crisis has led to an incredible amount of large-scale efforts to use technology in support of
remote learning to reduce dependence on physical in-person learning. At the same time, this
crisis has exposed the challenges for technology in education including many inequities starting
at the lack of access to computers and the internet in ensuring an efficient adaptation and
Kenya’s economic growth has been negatively impacted by COVID-19 shocks with direct
consequences to the poor, vulnerable and marginalized households who rely on informal
employment and businesses to fend for their children
The ability to finance school related expenditure such as school kits, meals, learning materials
has been severely compromised with the pandemic (Areba,2020). Areba (2020) argues that with
the Government adopting remote teaching to support distance learning and online education
delivered through radio and television and internet leads to leaners from poor, vulnerable and
marginalized household having no access to these mediums of learning further worsening
inequality in access and quality of education.
Because of its far-reaching impact, the COVID-19 pandemic has given us massive insights into
how the role of technology can radically shift. The COVID-19 virus has affected the education
sector globally resulting to the near-complete closures of schools, colleges and universities.
Institutional closures affect not only leaners, instructors, and household but has extensive societal
and economic consequences. Institutional cessations in reaction to corona virus has brought forth
numerous economic and social issues including digital learning, homelessness and food
insecurity as well as access to childcare, health care, internet, housing, and disability services.
Inability of access to technology or sound internet connectivity is a hurdle to continuous learning
particularly for learners from underprivileged families or those in remote locations.
Consequently, unequal access to educational resource by learners causes a serious challenge to
vulnerable groups. With the Government adopting remote teaching to support distance learning
and online education, learners from poor, vulnerable and marginalized households have no
financial ability to access the mediums of learning availed further worsening inequality in access,
relevancy and quality of education.
Upsurge of Anti-social behaviors among learners at home due to minimal supervision hence
leading to exacerbated cases of exposure to pornographic content, drug and substance abuse,
teenage pregnancies and gender-based violence as a result of prolonged closure of schools.
A recent publication by Live Journal (2020) certifies that digital online learning tramps the role
of schools as a protection hub for students especially girls in poor, vulnerable and marginalized
communities who would derive a sense of safety and security while at school as compared to
being ‘confined’ at ‘home’. These learners require home based learning in the so called ‘homes’
which is hardly available and are prone to other social distractions.
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-Technology and Technological
-The Education Sector
-COVID -19 pandemic
This chapter reviews all the relevant literature that will be used to discuss the study areas in
terms of Technological Advancements that are the independent variables that affect the
Education sector that is the dependent variable.
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Kothari (2004) cites that research methodology is the systematic analysis of the study’s research
methods applied in the field while conducting the study. The following chapter will dwell
majorly on the research details in relation to the research design and methodology that will be
used to carry out the study.
The goal of the chapter is to allow us as the researchers to decide on the research methodology
that is suitable for the topic of our study and to properly set up the research methodology that
will be used to determine the effects of technological advancements and in turn the COVID-19
pandemic in the education sector.
Research Design
Our study will adopt a diagnostic research design and a Non-experimental research design. A
diagnostic study is developed to examine the underlying cause of a certain situation or
phenomenon. Moreover, it goes on further to cite that it can help a researcher find out more
about the factors that lead to specific issues or challenges customers might be facing by giving
an analysis of a situation or a specific problem to explain the patterns of relationships between
variables. This can help us find out more about the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic and
applicable solutions. This design usually consists of three research phases namely; problem
inception, problem diagnosis and the problem solution.
Population of the Study
Population can be defined as a collection of events, individuals or objects that bear common
observable characteristic that make them unique from other populations.
The population of this study will consist of students and staff in 15 Universities and Tertiary
institutions in Kenya and it will include 7 Private universities, 5 Public universities and 3
Colleges. The target population’s central focus is the Universities in and within Nairobi county.
Sample Size and Sampling Technique
This will be the actual list of individuals that the sample will be drawn and will be a lesser
number of members targeted for the research.The target population will be students in fifteen
Universities and Colleges within Nairobi.
In this case study, we will adopt non-probability purposive sampling criteria and Probability
random sampling method (Simple random).This type of sampling will involve using judgement
and rationale to select a sample that is most useful to the purposes of the research.It will be used
in qualitative research where researcher wants to gain detailed knowledge about a specific
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phenomenon rather than make statistical inferences hence effective purposive sample will have
rationale for inclusion.
Types of Data
Primary data will be collected through observation and administration of questionnaires to
sampled respondents (learners and tutors) while secondary data will be collected from the help
staff statements and documentations in the 15 learning institutions and collecting the data from
relevant books, magazines and reliable internet sources. Our primary data will be designed in
line with the objectives of the study while the secondary data will include aspects such as the
influence of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Data Collection Instrument
There are several instruments of collecting data.For our study we will use observation,
taperecorders and questionnaires to be filled by the learners, tutors and subordinate staff in
these learning institutions in Nairobi, Kenya.The respondents will be required to read and
understand the questions carefully and write down their replies in the questionnaires provided.
Data Collection Procedure
Our research team will seek permission from the Universities and Tertiary institutions from
where we are to collect our data. An introduction letter from Moi University will also be sought
to ascertain that the research is purely for academic purposes. We will collect the data by use of
structured questionnaires and tape-recorders. The questionnaires will be dropped off at the
learning institutions at the beginning of December and the various respondents will be given a
period of three weeks to fill them in. The tape-recorders will be used in recording the
respondents immediately after the questionnaires are collected.
Data Analysis
The collected data will be edited, coded and entered in an excel spreadsheet for further analysis.
Analysis and description of the relationship between our independent variable, Technological
advancements and the dependent variable, Education Sector will be done using the descriptive
statistics and inferential which will entail correlations and frequency of the collected data. The
data will then be tabulated into percentages and then presented using charts and tables.A
technical report entailing all our tabulations will then be compiled.
This chapter will discuss the introduction, the adopted study research design which was
diagnostic and Non-experimental research designs, target population of the study, the various
sampling techniques used to derive the population sample size, the chosen sample size, our
preferred research instruments, the data collection procedures for data collection, data analysis
and presentation of the final technical report of our tabulations.
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