57 - Auto-Sanguis Therapy
57 - Auto-Sanguis Therapy
57 - Auto-Sanguis Therapy
According to the teachings of and subsequently re-introducing it cacy of the potentised auto-san-
Reckeweg’s homotoxicology, vir- by means of hypodermic injec- guis blood to an even higher
tually every illness may be tion, Reckeweg holds that precise- degree.
defined as either a defensive reac- ly these pathogenic poisons under- Auto-sanguis therapy is a treat-
tion by the organism against tox- go modification to yield a homeo- ment designed to exert a counter-
ins or as the expression of toxic pathically active therapeutic agent active effect against exogenic and
damage. It follows, therefore, that ideal for application in stimulation endogenic homotoxins (includ-
the blood of each patient contains therapy. This agent stimulates the ing toxic deterioration of by-
those pathogenic poisons (homo- body’s defense systems thus products from the body’s own
toxins) typical of the disease from increasing detoxification and pro- cells), thus promoting the healing
which that patient suffers. moting the healing process. of chronic disease in harmony
Through withdrawing a patient’s According to Burgi’s Principle, the with the laws of nature.
blood, then homeopathically injection of appropriate homeo-
potentising it over several levels pathic preparations intensifies effi-
1. Withdraw 2-3 cc of the patient’s blood
2. Expell contents of syringe
3. Using the syringe and needle initially used for blood withdrawal, aspirate the appropriate Heel remedy
(injeel, suis organ, etc.). It is best to use no more than 3 remedies. Once the remedy is in the syringe, cap
the syringe and shake vigorously, about 10 times to potentise the mixture.
This is the first potentisation which is then injected into the patient s.c. or i.m., (and i.a. & i.p. in an
experimental nature).
4 Intravenous injection is contraindicated in auto-sanguis therapy, as the degree of potentisation would be
lost, and the intended action on the immune system would become questionable.
Potentisation can be carried out up to 5 times. The number of stages you select should be adjusted accor-
ding to your prognosis, professional judgment and familiarity with the patient.
PROTOCOL FROM A CASE STUDY Case study by: Drs Ivo Bianchi & Jo Serrentino
RE: 40 year old female Caucasian
CONDITION: Lower back pain due to strain and possible cervical hernia. X- rays showed a small devia-
tion (less than 5 degrees) of vertebra #5, without arthrosis or calcification. This deviation was congenital
and no damage seemed evident. The condition worsened because of irritation of the sciatic nerve due to
PROCEDURE: 1-2 cc of patient’s blood was drawn into a sterile syringe. The blood was discarded, lea-
ving only minute traces of the patient’s blood in the syringe. 2cc of Discus compositum, 2 cc of Traumeel
and 2 cc of Zeel were then aspirated into the emptied syringe (that still had traces of the patient’s blood).
The injection was given s.c. in the region of the 5th vertebra.
RESULTS: Although this patient’s condition was not serious or degenerative, but rather from injury, it was
very painful and restricted movement. A treatment to relieve and, mostly halt the progress of the condition,
was imperative. The auto-sanguis treatment was followed with intravenous injection of Traumeel and with
the oral administration of Zeel, Traumeel and Discus comp. fragmented over two weeks.
The patient claimed relief almost immediately, with a slight exacerbation within hours of the treatment last-
ing about 4 hours. The following day the patient was able to resume normal movement which progressively
improved to full recovery without recurrence within the three year follow up period.