PG Ujian Masuk PPDS Periode Juli
PG Ujian Masuk PPDS Periode Juli
PG Ujian Masuk PPDS Periode Juli
9. Pasien 60 tahun dengan LBP. Nyeri saat berjalan and relieve in a seconds after cessation of activity.
Feel weakness from both legs ato her knee. Nyeri hilang saat lying supine. Kemungkinan besar
diagnosisnya adalah:
A. Spondylosis
B. Facet athropathy
D. Spinal stenosis
10. These deformities are found in advance stage rheumatoid arthritis, except
A. Subluxation MCP joint
B. Subluxation DIP joint
C. Boutonierre deformity
D. Swan neck deformity
E. Ulnar drift
12. Patient 58thn, stroke hemiplegia sinistra, difficult in speech, dressing, grooming, walking. What is
disability in this patient:
A. Difficult in dressing
B. Difficult in grooming
C. Difficult in walking
D. Difficult in speech
E. All above
22. Active process that makes the neuron cell membrane return to its resting potential is definition
A. Depolarization
B. Repolarization
C. Action potential
D. Potential difference
E. Irritability
25. Pulmonary bla bla bla (lupa, kyx ttg copd deh 😅?
a. Increased FVC and decreased FEV, decreased FEV/FVC ratio
b. Increased FVC and FEV
c. Decreased FVC and increased FEV, increase FEV/FVC ratio
d. Decreased FVC and FEV
e. Lupa
28. soal cerita OA genu. Laki2 50th dgn BMI 35: Jwbnnya OA
1. Faktor Risiko OA Genu
2. Kenapa facial weakness pada gangguan N VII beda sama weakness facial motor cortex cerebri
3. What causes disability pada DM
4. Beda Emphysema dan Bronchitis
5. Step ladder pain management WHO