Fixed Point Theory and Applications: January 2011
Fixed Point Theory and Applications: January 2011
Fixed Point Theory and Applications: January 2011
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Instituto de Investigacion y This article discusses a more general contractive condition for a class of extended
Desarrollo de Procesos, Universidad
del Pais Vasco, Campus of Leioa
(p ≥ 2) -cyclic self-mappings on the union of a finite number of subsets of a metric
(Bizkaia), Aptdo. 644-Bilbao, 48080- space which are allowed to have a finite number of successive images in the same
Bilbao, Spain subsets of its domain. If the space is uniformly convex and the subsets are non-
Full list of author information is
available at the end of the article
empty, closed and convex, then all the iterates converge to a unique closed limiting
finite sequence which contains the best proximity points of adjacent subsets and
reduces to a unique fixed point if all such subsets intersect.
1. Introduction
A general contractive condition of rational type has been proposed in [1,2] for a partially
ordered metric space. Results about the existence of a fixed point and then its unique-
ness under supplementary conditions are proved in those articles. The general rational
contractive condition of [3] includes as particular cases several of the existing ones
[1,4-12] including Banach’s principle [5] and Kannan’s fixed point theorems [4,8,9,11].
The general rational contractive conditions of [1,2] are applicable only on distinct points
of the considered metric spaces. In particular, the fixed point theory for Kannan’s map-
pings is extended in [4] by the use of a non-increasing function affecting to the contrac-
tive condition and the best constant to ensure that a fixed point is also obtained. Three
fixed point theorems which extended the fixed point theory for Kannan’s mappings were
proved in [11]. On the other hand, important attention has been paid during the last
decades to the study of standard contractive and Meir-Keeler-type contractive cyclic
self-mappings (see, for instance, [13-22]). More recent investigation about cyclic self-
mappings is being devoted to its characterization in partially ordered spaces and to the
formal extension of the contractive condition through the use of more general strictly
increasing functions of the distance between adjacent subsets. In particular, the unique-
ness of the best proximity points to which all the sequences of iterates converge is pro-
ven in [14] for the extension of the contractive principle for cyclic self-mappings in
uniformly convex Banach spaces (then being strictly convex and reflexive [23]) if the p
subsets Ai ⊂ X of the metric space (X, d), or the Banach space (X, || ||), where the cyclic
self-mappings are defined are non-empty, convex and closed. The research in [14] is
centred on the case of the cyclic self-mapping being defined on the union of two subsets
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De la Sen and Agarwal Fixed Point Theory and Applications 2011, 2011:59 Page 2 of 14
of the metric space. Those results are extended in [14] for Meir-Keeler cyclic contraction
maps and, in general, for the self-mapping T : i∈p̄ Ai → i∈p̄ Ai be a p(≥ 2) -cyclic self-
mapping being defined on any number of subsets of the metric space with
p̄: = 1, 2, ..., p .
Other recent researches which have been performed in the field of cyclic maps are
related to the introduction and discussion of the so-called cyclic representation of a set
M, decomposed as the union of a set of non-empty sets as M = m i=1 Mi, with respect
to an operator f: M ® M [24]. Subsequently, cyclic representations have been used in
[25] to investigate operators from M to M which are cyclic -contractions, where :
R0+ ® R0+ is a given comparison function, M ⊂ X and (X, d) is a metric space. The
above cyclic representation has also been used in [26] to prove the existence of a fixed
point for a self-mapping defined on a complete metric space which satisfies a cyclic
weak -contraction. In [27], a characterization of best proximity points is studied for
individual and pairs of non-self-mappings S, T: A ® B, where A and B are non-empty
subsets of a metric space. In general, best proximity points do not fulfil the usual “best
proximity” condition x = Sx = Tx under this framework. However, best proximity
points are proven to jointly globally optimize the mappings from x to the distances d
(x, Tx) and d(x, Sx). Furthermore, a class of cyclic -contractions, which contain the
cyclic contraction maps as a subclass, has been proposed in [28] to investigate the con-
vergence and existence results of best proximity points in reflexive Banach spaces com-
pleting previous related results in [14]. Also, the existence and uniqueness of best
proximity points of p(≥ 2) -cyclic -contractive self-mappings in reflexive Banach
spaces has been investigated in [29].
In this article, it is also proven that the distance between the adjacent subsets Ai, Ai
+1 ⊂ X are identical if the p(≥ 2) -cyclic self-mapping is non-expansive [16]. This article
is devoted to a generalization of the contractive condition of [1] for a class of extended
cyclic self-mappings on any number of non-empty convex and closed subsets Ai ⊂ X,
i ∈ p̄. The combination of constants defined the contraction may be different on each
of the subsets and only the product of all the constants is requested to be less than
unity. On the other hand, the self-mapping can perform a number of iterations on
each of the subsets before transferring its image to the next adjacent subset of the p(≥
2) -cyclic self-mapping. The existence of a unique closed finite limiting sequence on
any sequence of iterates from any initial point in the union of the subsets is proven if
X is a uniformly convex Banach space and all the subsets of X are non-empty, convex
and closed. Such a limiting sequence is of size q ≥ p (with the inequality being strict if
there is at least one iteration with image in the same subset as its domain) where p of
its elements (all of them if q = p) are best proximity points between adjacent subsets.
In the case that all the subsets Ai ⊂ X intersect, the above limit sequence reduces to a
unique fixed point allocated within the intersection of all such subsets.
dr(x,x) (x, Tx) ≤ Pds(x,x) (x, Tx) ; dt(x,x) (x, Tx) ≤ Qds(x,x) (x, Tx) (2:3)
so that, since k: = < 1, one gets from (2.4) proceeding by complete induction
1 − αP
for n Î N0
β Q s(x,x) n+1
0 ← ds(x,x) T n+2 x, T n+1 x ≤ d T x, T n x ≤ kn ds(x,x) (Tx, x) → 0 as n → ∞ (2:5)
1 − αP
so that
⎛ ⎞1/s(x,x)
d T x, Tm n+1
x ≤⎝ j⎠
k d (Tx, x) ≤ d (Tx, x) → 0 as n, m → ∞ (2:7)
De la Sen and Agarwal Fixed Point Theory and Applications 2011, 2011:59 Page 4 of 14
what proves that {T n x}n∈N0 is a Cauchy sequence. Such a Cauchy sequence has a
limit z = lim T x in X if (X, d) is complete from the convergence property of Cauchy
sequences to points of the space X. If, in addition, T: X ® X is continuous then
Tz = T lim T n x = lim T n+1 x = z so that the limit of the sequence is a fixed point.
n→∞ n→∞
The uniqueness of the fixed point is now proven (i.e. z is not dependent on of x) by
contradiction. Assume that there exists two distinct fixed points y = Ty and z = Tz in
X. Then, from (2.5):
d Ty, y = d (Tz, z) = 0 ⇒ 0 < d y, z ≤ d y, Ty + d Ty, Tz + d (Tz, z) = d Ty, Tz
so that
dσ (y,z) y, Ty dr(y,z) (z, Tz)
0 < ds(y,z) Ty, Tz ≤ α +βdt(y,z) y, z = βdt(y,z) Ty, Tz ≤ βQds(y,.z) Ty, Tz
dσ (y,z) y, z
what implies βQ ≥ 1 if d(Ty, Tz) = d(y, z) > 0 contradicting d Ty, Tz = d y, z > 0.
Thus, y = z and hence the theorem. □
A simpler contractive condition leads to a close result to Theorem 2.1 as follows:
Corollary 2.2: Assume that the condition (2.2) is modified as follows:
ds (x, Tx) ds y, Ty
d Tx, Ty ≤ α
+ βds x, y (2:8)
d x, y
for some real constants s Î R+, a, b Î R0+, subject to a+b < 1. Then, Theorem 2.1
Proof: Taking P = Q = 1 then (2.3)-(2.7) hold by replacing r(x), s(x), t(x) ® s Î R+.
Thus, Theorem 2.1 holds for this particular case. Hence, the corollary. □
3. Main results for p(≥ 2) -cyclic self-mappings and extended p-cyclic self-
Let T : i∈p̄ Ai → i∈p̄ Ai be an extended p(≥ 2) -cyclic self-mapping where Ai ≡ Ai+kp
⊂ X; ∀i ∈ p̄: = 1, 2, ...., p , ∀ k Î N subject to the constraints T(Ai) ⊆Ai ∪ Ai+1, Tℓ(Ai)
⊆ Ai+1; ∀ ∈ ji − 1 and T ji (Ai ) ⊆ Ai+1 for some finite integers ji ≥ 1; ∀i ∈ p̄ (this implies
that q: = pi=1 ji ≥ p with equality standing if and only if ji ≥ 1; ∀i ∈ p̄, i.e. if the cyclic
mapping is of standard type) with T k = T ◦ T k−1 and T 0 ≡ id. It is noted that the
extended p(≥ 2) -cyclic self-mapping T : i∈p̄ Ai → i∈p̄ Ai is characterized by the p-
tuple of integers ji :i ∈ p̄ , where pi=1 ji = q ≥ p and if, in particular, ji = 1; ∀i ∈ p̄ then
T : i∈p̄ Ai → i∈p̄ Ai is the standard p-cyclic self-mapping. It is also noted that the
self-mappings T ji : i∈p̄ Ai → i∈p̄ Ai and the composed mappings
T q+ji : i∈p̄ Ai → i∈p̄ Ai satisfying the extended inclusion constraint T(Ai) ⊆ Ai ∪ Ai+1,
subject to Tℓ(Ai) ⊆ Ai, T ji (Ai ) ⊆ Ai+1; ∀ ∈ ji − 1; ∀i ∈ p̄, are not q-cyclic self-mappings
[13-17], except if q = p, since T q+j (Ai ) ⊆ Ai+ fails for i, ( = i) ∈ p̄ unless jℓ ≥ ji. The
contractive condition (2.1) becomes modified as follows:
dσ (x,y) (x, Tx) dr(x,y) y, Ty
d Tx, Ty ≤ αi + βi dt(x,y) x, y + γi Ds(x,y) (3:1)
σ (x,y)
d x, y
De la Sen and Agarwal Fixed Point Theory and Applications 2011, 2011:59 Page 5 of 14
or if x, y Î Ai+1, Tx, Ty Î Ai+1 for any i ∈ p̄, where D: = dist(Ai, Ai+1) being zero if
∀i ∈ p̄; ∀i ∈ p̄. Fix y = Tx then, one can get from (3.2) for x Î Ai:
(1 − αi Pi ) ds(x,x) Tx, T 2 x ≤ βi dt(x,x) (x, Tx) + (1 − γi ) D ≤ βi Qi ds(x,x) (x, Tx) + γi Ds(x,x) (3:3)
dr(x,x) (x, Tx) ≤ Pi ds(x,x) (x, Tx) ; dt(x,x) (x, Tx) ≤ Qi ds(x,x) (x, Tx) (3:5)
αi , βi , Pi , Qi ≥ 0
Thus, the following technical result holds which does not require completeness of
the metric space, uniform convexity assumption on some associated Banach space or
particular properties of the non-empty subsets Ai; ∀i ∈ p̄. The result will be then used
to obtain the property of convergence of the sequences of iterates to best proximity
points allocated in the various subsets.
Theorem 3.1: Let (X, d) a metric space and A i ≡ A i+kp ⊂ X; ∀i ∈ p̄. Assume that
T : i∈p̄ Ai → i∈p̄ Ai is an extended (p ≥ 2) p-cyclic map, subject to the extended con-
tractive condition (3.1), with T(A i ) ⊆ A i ∪ A i+1 , T ℓ (A i ) ⊆ A i+1 ; ∀ ∈ ji − 1 and
T ji (Ai ) ⊆ Ai+1 for some finite integers j i ≥ 1 and q: = i=1 ji ≥ p; ∀i ∈ p̄. Define
β i Qi p
ki : = , subject to k: = i=1 ki < 1, and gi = 1-ki; ∀i ∈ p̄. Assume also that
1 − αi Pi
s(x, x) > 0, s(x, x) > 0, 0 <r(x, x) ≤ s(x, x)+ln(P-d(Tx, T2 x)) if r(x, x) ≠ s(x, x) and
0 < t (x, x) ≤ s (x, x) + ln (Q − d (x, Tx)) if t(x, x) ≠ s(x, x); ∀x ∈ i∈p̄ Ai. Then, the fol-
lowing properties hold:
lim ds(x,x) T nq+ji x, T nq x = Ds(x,x) ; lim d T nq+ji x, T nq x = D ∀x ∈ Ai , ∀i ∈ p̄;(3:6a)
n→∞ n→∞
lim d T nq+ji +ji+1 x, T nq+ji x = D; lim d T nq+ =i j x, T nq+ji x = D (3:6b)
n→∞ n→∞
m m
lim d T nq+ =i j x, T nq+ =i j x = D; ∀x ∈ Ai ∀i ∈ p̄, (3:6c)
β i Qi
lim sup d T nq+ x, T nq x ≤ D; ∀x ∈ Ai ; ∀ ∈ ji − 1, ∀i ∈ p̄ (3:8)
n→∞ 1 − αi Pi
lim ds(x,x) T (n+m)q+ji x, T nq x = Ds(x,x) ; lim d T (n+m)q+ji x, T nq x = D; ∀x ∈ Ai , ∀m ∈ N, ∀i ∈ p̄ (3:9)
n→∞ n→∞
β Q
i i
lim sup ds(x,x) T (n+m)q+ x, T nq x ≤ Ds(x,x) ; ∀x ∈ Ai ; ∀ ∈ ji − 1, ∀m ∈ N, ∀i ∈ p̄ (3:10)
n→∞ 1 − αi Pi
β Q
i i
lim sup d T (n+m)q+ x, T nq x ≤ D; ∀x ∈ Ai ; ∀ ∈ ji − 1, ∀m ∈ N, ∀i ∈ p̄ (3:11)
n→∞ 1 − αi Pi
Proof: The proof of Property (i) follows from the following inequalities which follow
by recursion from (3.3) to (3.5):
β i Qi
T x, T x ≤ ds(x,x) (x, Tx) (3:12)
1 − αi Pi
ds(x,x) T ji x, T ji −1 x ≤ ki ds(x,x) (x, Tx) + (1 − ki ) Ds(x,x) (3:13)
ds(x,x) T q+1 x, T q x ≤ kds(x,x) (x, Tx) + (1 − k) D (3:14)
∀x ∈ Ai , T x ∈ Ai , T ji x ∈ Ai+1; ∀ ∈ ji − 1, ∀i ∈ p̄ since q: = i=1 ji ≥ p. One can get
from (3.12) and (3.14) and, respectively, from (3.13) to (3.14):
β i Qi β i Qi
ds(x,x) T q+ x, T q x ≤ ds(x,x) T q+1 x, T q x ≤ kds(x,x) (x, Tx) + (1 − k) D (3:15)
1 − αi Pi 1 − αi Pi
ds(x,x) T q+ji x, T q x ≤ ki ds(x,x) T q+1 x, T q x + (1 − ki ) Ds(x,x)
≤ ki kds(x,x) (x, Tx) + (1 − k) D + (1 − ki ) Ds(x,x)
for ∈ ji − 1, and
Ds(x,x) ≤ ds(x,x) T nq+ji x, T nq x ≤ ki kn ds(x,x) (x, Tx) + 1 − kn Ds(x,x) + (1 − ki ) Ds(x,x) (3:18)
; ∀x Î Ai; Tnqx Î Ai; T nq+ji x ∈ Ai+1; ∀i ∈ p̄. One can get (3.6a) from (3.18) and (3.7)-
(3.8) from (3.17), respectively, since k < 1 by taking limits as n ® ∞. Equations 3.6b
and 3.6c follow directly from (3.6a) as follows:
lim sup d T nq+ji +ji+1 x, T nq+ji x ≤ lim inf ki d T nq+ji x, T nq x + (1 − ki ) D
n→∞ n→∞
= lim ki d T nq+ji x, T nq x + (1 − ki ) D = D
Proceeding recursively:
m m−1
lim sup d T nq+ =i j x, T nq+ji x ≤ lim inf k d T nq+ji x, T nq x
n→∞ n→∞ =i1
m−1 (3:20)
+ 1− k D = lim ki d T nq+ji x, T nq x + (1 − ki ) D = D
=i1 i n→∞
with i <m(Î N) <p+i, j p+i = j p , T nq+ =i j x ∈ Ai+m+1; ∀i ∈ p̄ so that
∃ lim d T nq+ =i j x, T nq+ji x = D. In the same way, one can get:
m m−m
lim sup d T nq+ =i j x, T nq+ =i j x
m−1 m−m
≤ lim inf
k d T nq+ =i j x, T nq x + 1 − k D (3:21)
n→∞ =m−m =m−m
= lim ki d T x, T nq x + (1 − ki ) D = D
with i ≤ m’+i ≤ (Î N) ≤ p+i, j p+i = j p , T nq+ =i 1 j ∈Ai+m−m1 +1; ∀i ∈ p̄. Then,
m m−m
∃ lim d T nq+ =i j x, T nq+ =i j x = D. Property (i) has been proven. Now, note from
(3.16), (3.15) and (3.18) that
β Q
i i
Ds(x,x) ≤ ds(x,x) T (n+m)q+ x, T nq x ≤ ds(x,x) T (n+m)q x, T nq x
1 − αi Pi (3:22)
≤ ki k dn+m s(x,x)
(x, Tx) + 1 − k n+m
D + (1 − ki ) Ds(x,x)
Ds(x,x) ≤ ds(x,x) T (n+m)q+ji x, T (n+m)q x ≤ ki ds(x,x) T (n+m)q x, T nq x
≤ ki kn+m ds(x,x) (x, Tx) + 1 − kn+m Ds(x,x) + (1 − ki ) Ds(x,x)
m m
lim d T (n+n )q+ji x, T nq x = lim d T (n+n )q+ =i j x, T nq+ =i j x = D; ∀x ∈ Ai , ∀i ∈ p̄ (3:24b)
n→∞ n→∞
; ∀ x Î Ai, i ≤ m’ <m <p+i, jp+i= jp, m, m
∈ p̄, ∀n
∈ N ,∀i ∈ p̄. Furthermore, if Ai+1 is
convex, then T nq+ji x → zi+1 ∈ Ai+1 as n ® ∞. Also,
m m
=1 x → z
i+m+1 = T =1 zi (∈ Ai+m+1 ) as n ® ∞ with zi+m+1 ≡ zi+m+1-p, Ai+m+1 ≡ Ai
T nq+ j j
+m+1-p if m >p+1-i. Furthermore, if all the subsets Ai i ∈ p̄ are closed and convex,
then T qn x → z ∈ i∈p̄ Ai = T q z as n ® ∞ if D = 0, that is if i∈p̄ Ai = ∅, so that
z ∈ i∈p̄ Ai is the unique fixed point of T q : i∈p̄ Ai → i∈p̄ Ai in i∈p̄ Ai.
(ii) If Ai or Ai+m+1 is convex then
m m
lim d T (n+n )q+ =i j x, T nq+ =i j x = 0
; ∀ x Î Ai, jp+i = jp, ∀ n’ Î N, ∀i ∈ p̄ with Tnqx Î Ai, T nq+ji x, T (n+n
)q+ji x ∈ Ai+1 with Ai
+1 ≡ Ai+1-p if i >p-1, since (X, || ||) is a uniformly convex Banach space, d: X × X ®
R0+be a metric induced by the norm || ||, so that (X, d) is a complete metric space,
and Ai and Ai+1 are non-empty closed subsets of X and at least one of them is convex
(see Lemma 3.8 of [13]). Then lim d T (n+n )q+ji x, T nq+ji x = 0. On the other hand,
m m
lim d T ( n+n
)q+ =i j x, T nq+ =i j x = 0 is proven by replacing (3.26a) by
m m
d T nq+ =i j x, T nq x → D ∧ d T (n+n )q+ =i j x, T nq x → D
m m (3:26b)
⇒ d T (n+n )q+ =i j x, T nq+ =i j x → 0 as n → ∞
(3.24b), note from Equation 3.24a of Property (i) and the triangle inequality that the
following holds:
lim d T (n+n )q+ji x, T nq x ≤ lim d T nq+ji x, T nq x
n→∞ n→∞
+ lim d T (n+n )q+ji x, T nq+ji x = lim d T nq+ji x, T nq x (3:27)
n→∞ n→∞
m m
m m
lim d T (n+n )q+ =i j x, T nq+ =i j x ≤ lim d T nq+ =i j x, T nq+ =i j x
n→∞ n→∞
+ lim d T nq+ m=i j
x, T ( n+n
)q+ m=i j
x = lim d T nq+ =i j x, T (n+n )q+ =i j x
n→∞ n→∞
; ∀ x Î A i , i ≤ m’ <m <p+i, j p+i = j p , ∀m, m
∈ p̄, ∀n
∈ N , ∀i ∈ p̄.
m m
∃ lim d T (n+n )q+ =i j x, T nq+ =i j x = lim d T (n+n )q+ji x, T nq x = D. On the other
n→∞ n→∞
hand, note that T i x n∈N is a Cauchy sequence since
De la Sen and Agarwal Fixed Point Theory and Applications 2011, 2011:59 Page 9 of 14
m m
d T (n+n )q+ =i j x, T nq+ =i j x = 0 from (3.24a) which then has a limit in X
n→∞ n →∞
which is also in the closed and convex subset A i+1 of X. The proof of
T nq+ =i j x → zi+m+1 (∈ Ai+m+1 ) with A i+m+1 ≠ A i , since m <p+i, as n ® ∞ follows
from similar arguments since one of the subsets in each adjacent pair of subsets is
convex and both of them are closed by assumption so that
m m m
T nq+ =i j x = T =i+1 j T nq+ji x → zi+m+1 = T =i+1 j zi+1 as n ® ∞; ∀ x Î A i , ∀i ∈ p̄.
Finally, if the subsets intersect and are closed and convex then the composed self-
mapping T q : i∈p̄ Ai → i∈p̄ Ai is contractive, then continuous everywhere in its
definition domain, so that it converges to a unique fixed point in the non-empty,
closed and convex set i∈p̄ Ai. Hence, Property (i).
To prove Property (ii), note from (3.6d) with m = i and m1 = 0 that
m m
d T (n+n )q+ =i j x, T nq x → D ∧ d T nq+ =i j x, T nq x → D
⇒ d T (n+m)q+ji x, T nq+ji x → 0 as n → ∞
Proof: To keep a coherent treatment with the previous part of the manuscript and,
since (X, || ||) is a Banach space with norm || ||, we can use a norm-induced metric d:
X × X®R0+ which is equivalent to any other metric and then apply Theorem 3.1 to
the metric space (X, d) which is complete since (X, || ||) is a Banach space. Assume
the following cases:
(A) D = 0 so that Ai ∩ Aj = ∅ for i, j (= i) ∈ p̄; i.e. all the subsets have a non-empty
intersection. Then, d T nq+ji x, T nq x → 0, d(T(n+1)qx, Tnqx) ® 0 and d(Tnq+ℓx, Tnqx) ®
0; ∀ x Î Ai; ∀ ∈ k=i jk :m ∈ p , ∀i ∈ p̄ as n ® ∞ from Theorem 3.1, Equations 3.6
and 3.8, with Aj ≡ Aj-pfor 2p ≥ j >p. Thus, Tqnx(Î Ai) ® z, since {Tqnx}n Î N is a Cau-
chy sequence (and also Tqn+ℓx(Î Ai+ℓ) ® z) for some z ∈ i∈p̄ Ai, since i∈p̄ Ai is non-
empty, convex and closed from Banach contraction principle since k < 1. Since k < 1,
the composed self-mapping T q : i∈p̄ Ai → i∈p̄ Ai is contractive, and then continuous,
and since (X, d) is complete, since the associated (X, || ||) is a Banach space,
z ∈ i∈p̄ Ai is a unique fixed point of T q : i∈p̄ Ai → i∈p̄ Ai. Thus, again the continuity
of T q : i∈p̄ Ai → i∈p̄ Ai and the fact that it has a unique fixed point z leads to the
identities Tq(Tz) = Tq+1z = T(Tqz) = Tz = Tq(Tqz) = Tqz so that z = Tz and then z is
also a fixed point of T : i∈p̄ Ai → i∈p̄ Ai. Furthermore, z is also the unique fixed
point of T : i∈p̄ Ai → i∈p̄ Ai as follows by contradiction. Assume that z is not unique.
Then, such that z is the unique fixed point of T q : i∈p̄ Ai → i∈p̄ Ai and
∃y (= z) ∈ i∈p̄ Ai such that y and z are both fixed points of T : i∈p̄ Ai → i∈p̄ Ai.
Then, T qy = T(T qy) = Ty = y which contradicts that z is the unique fixed point of
T q : i∈p̄ Ai → i∈p̄ Ai. Finally, as a result of the uniqueness of the fixed point, it fol-
lows directly that any q-tuple (3.30) converges to a unique q-tuple ẑ: = (z, ...., z) = ẑi;
∀i ∈ p̄ for any x ∈ i∈p̄ Ai. Hence, Property (ii).
(B) D ≠ 0 so that Ai ∩ Aj = ∅ for ∀i, j (= i) ∈ p̄. One can get from (3.6) to (3.8):
β i Qi
lim d T nq+ji nq
xi , T xi = D, lim sup d T nq+
xi , T xi ≤
D, (3:32)
n→∞ n→∞ 1 − αi Pi
; ∀ xi Î Ai ; ∀ ∈ ji − 1, ∀i ∈ p̄. Thus:
β i Qi
lim d T (n+1)q+ji xi , T nq xi = D, lim sup d T (n+1)q+ xi , T nq xi ≤ D (3:33)
n→∞ n→∞ 1 − αi Pi
; ∀ xi Î Ai, ∀ ∈ ji − 1, ∀i ∈ p̄. One has from Lemma 3.3, Equation 3.24b and Propo-
sition 3.2 of [14]:
m m
lim d T mk q+ =i j xi , T nk q+ =i j xi = d (ωi+m+1 , ωi+m
+1 ) = D (3:34)
mk >(nk →∞)
, that is, the distance between the subsets Ai+m+1(≡ Ai+m+1-p if m >p+1-i) and Ai+m’+1
(≡ Ai+m’+1-p if m >m’ >p+1-i) of X equalizes that of two corresponding best proximity
points, for some convergent subsequences T mk q+ =i j xi ∈ Ai+m+1 and
T nk q+ xi ∈ Ai+m
+1 and two best proximity points: ωi+m+1 Î A i+m+1 ; ω i+m’+1 Î A i
=i j
+m’+1 . Then, again from Lemma 3.3 and (3.34), one can get
De la Sen and Agarwal Fixed Point Theory and Applications 2011, 2011:59 Page 11 of 14
m m
lim d T (n+n )q+ =i j xi , T nq+ =i j xi = lim d T (n+n )q+ji xi , T nq xi
∀xi ∈ Ai ; ∀ ∈ ji − 1, ∀j ∈ jm+1 − 1, ∀i ∈ p̄
m m
which is a contradiction. Then, ∃ lim d T (n+1)q+ =i j +j xi , T nq+ =i j xi = 0 and
T nq+ =i j +j xi is a Cauchy sequence with a limit in the closed and convex Ai+m+1
n∈N 0
Î X for any j ∈ jm+1 − 1, ∀xi Î Ai and i ∈ p̄. It has been proven that x̂qn → ẑi; ∀i ∈ p̄
and the set ωi :i ∈ p̄ is a set of best proximity points with ωi+1 = T ji ωi = T ji +q ωi; ∀i ∈ p̄
and ωp+1 = ω1. It remains to prove that the elements of the limit sequence ẑi are not
dependent on the initial point xi Î Ai; ∀i, m (≥ i) ∈ p̄ to construct any sequence of iter-
ates except, perhaps, in the order that the limiting points are allocated within such a
limiting sequence. Proceed by contradiction by assuming that there are two distinct
best proximity points ωi, zi Î Ai for some i ∈ p̄ so that:
D = d T ji ωi , ωi < d T ji ωi , zi = d T ji +nq ωi , T nq zi (3:37)
since ωi, zi(≠ ωi) Î Ai are best proximity points and T ji ωi ∈ Ai+1. Since that the above
property holds irrespective of the integers i, m (≥ i) ∈ p̄ and n Î N0, the following con-
tradiction follows from (3.37), and Theorem 3.1, Equation 3.6a:
D = d T ji ωi , ωi = d T ji zi , zi < d T ji ωi , zi
= d ωi , T ji zi = lim d T ji +nq ωi , T nq zi = D
irrespective of i ∈ p̄. Therefore, the best proximity points are unique within each of
the subsets. Furthermore, since T : i∈p̄ Ai → i∈p̄ Ai, the limit sequence (3.30) is
unique by successive iterations from any of the best proximity points. Since there is a
convergence to it from any initial point in i∈p̄ Ai, any q-sequence of iterates converges
to such a limit sequence, irrespective of the initial point, except for the order of the
elements. □
Remark 3.5. Concerning with Theorem 3.4 (ii), note that T : i∈p̄ Ai → i∈p̄ Ai is not
necessarily contractive when D = 0 although T q : i∈p̄ Ai → i∈p̄ Ai be contractive.
De la Sen and Agarwal Fixed Point Theory and Applications 2011, 2011:59 Page 12 of 14
However, the contractive property of T q : i∈p̄ Ai → i∈p̄ Ai leads to that of
T : i∈p̄ Ai → i∈p̄ Ai possessing also a unique fixed point in i∈p̄ Ai which is that of
T q : i∈p̄ Ai → i∈p̄ Ai. It is also noted that the limit sequence is unique except in the
order of the elements in the sense that if a sequence of iterates x̂qn Equation 3.31 con-
verges to ẑi Equation 3.30 for any initial point x Î A i , then for x Î A k the limit
sequence being asymptotically reached will be:
ẑk : = Tzk = T q+1 zk , ..., ωj+1 = T jk zk , T jk +1 zk , ..., ωk+2 = T jk +jk+1 zi ,
T jk +jk+1 +1 zk , ..., ωk+p = ωk = zk = T q zk
We consider the complete metric space (R2, d) with the Euclidean metric. It is clear
that such a space being considered as the Banach space (R2, || ||), endowed with the
Euclidean norm, is uniformly convex, then strictly convex and reflexive [23]. It is
noted that D = 2a0 = dist(A1, A2) and now consider the constraint (3.1) with functions
s, x, r, t: (A1 ∪ A2) × (A1 ∪ A2) ® R+ being constant identically unity. Assume that T
is some extended 2-cyclic self-mapping on A1 ∪ A2 with j1 = 2, j2 = 1. Thus, one can
g = x, y ∈ A1 ⇒ Tg ∈ A1 , T 2 g ∈ A2 , T 3 g ∈ A1 , T 4 g ∈ A1 , T 5 g ∈ A2 , (3:41a)
g = x, y ∈ A2 ⇒ Tg ∈ A1 , T 2 g ∈ A1 , T 3 g ∈ A2 , T 4 g ∈ A1 , T 5 g ∈ A1 , (3:41b)
proper or improper set inclusion) of radius 0 <a1 ≤ a-a’ for a’ Î [0, a). It is noted that
Âa ≡ A1. Next, we define constructively a self-mapping which is an extended cyclic one
and which verifies the properties. Now, consider a self-mapping T: A1 ∪ A2 ® A1 ∪ A2
defined as follows:
g 0 = x0 , y 0 ∈ A 1 ;
g1 = x1 , y1 = Tg0 = k̂1 x0 , y0 x0 , k̂1 x0 , y0 y0 ∈ Fr Âa1 ⊆ A1
= x, y : k̂1 x0 − a + k̂21 y02 = a21 ≤ a − a
The positive solution in k̂1 of the equality defining a circle Âa1 for a fixed a1 = a1(x0,
y0) ≤ a-a’ is defined below together with available point-dependent lower and upper-
De la Sen and Agarwal Fixed Point Theory and Applications 2011, 2011:59 Page 13 of 14
a ax0 2ax0 + 4a2 x20 − 4 a2 − a21 x20 + y02 2ax0 a a
≤ 2 2 ≤ k̂1 = k̂1 x0 , y0 = 2 2 ≤ 2 2 ≤ ≤ k̄1 : = (3:43)
2a + a0 x0 + y 0 2 x0 + y 0 x0 + y 0 x0 a0
g3 = x3 , y3 = Tg2 = T 2 g1 = T 3 g0 = max (−k2 x2 , −k2 a0 ) , −k2 y2 (∈ A1 )
⇒ x2 = −a0 , y2 = 0 ⇒ x3 = a0 , y3 = 0 ⇒ d g3 , g2 = D
β2 a 2 1 − α
< k−1
0 1
k2 : = = = (3:46)
1 − α2 1
a β1
The authors wish to thank the Spanish Ministry of Education for their support through Grant DPI2009-07197. They are
also grateful to the Basque Government for their support through Grants IT378-10, and SAIOTEK SPE09UN12. The
authors thank the referees for their useful suggestions.
De la Sen and Agarwal Fixed Point Theory and Applications 2011, 2011:59 Page 14 of 14
Author details
Instituto de Investigacion y Desarrollo de Procesos, Universidad del Pais Vasco, Campus of Leioa (Bizkaia), Aptdo. 644-
Bilbao, 48080-Bilbao, Spain 2Department of Mathematics, Texas A&M University- Kingsville, 700 University Blvd.,
Kingsville, TX 78363-8202, USA
Authors’ contributions
Both the authors contributed equally and significantly in writing this paper. All authors read and approved the final
Competing interests
The authors declare that they have no competing interests.
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Cite this article as: De la Sen and Agarwal: Some fixed point-type results for a class of extended cyclic self-
mappings with a more general contractive condition. Fixed Point Theory and Applications 2011 2011:59.