Lattttice Boltzmann
Lattttice Boltzmann
Lattttice Boltzmann
n the quest to model complex physical to a single-scale regime. This approach’s central
phenomena, overstating the need for simu- issue is dealing with the “hand-shaking” regions:
lational tools that can handle multiple space At these regions, the different schemes that han-
and time scales is hard. The capability of dle individual scales need to exchange informa-
addressing problems across several length and tion in a way that is physically meaningful, math-
time scales is a hallmark of modern computa- ematically consistent, and computationally
tional science, the goal of which is to tackle is- efficient. Two-level schemes combing atomistic
sues that straddle various traditional disciplines and continuum methods for crack propagation
of science and engineering. Some interesting ex- in solids, or strong shock fronts in rarefied gases,
amples of such phenomena that have received made their appearance in the early 1990s.1–3
considerable attention recently are drug design, More recently, researchers have applied three-
the brittle or ductile failure of structural mate- level schemes to study crack dynamics, combin-
rials, heterogeneous catalysis, and turbulent ing a finite-element (FE) treatment of contin-
combustion. We have come to know computa- uum mechanics in regions far from the crack, a
tional schemes aimed at such complex applica- molecular dynamics (MD) treatment of atomic
tions that involve multiple levels of physical and motion near the crack, and a quantum mechan-
mathematical descriptions as multiscale methods. ical (QM) description of bonding in the crack
One approach to multiscale modeling meth- tip’s immediate neighborhood.4 This FE-MD-
ods is to integrate schemes, which usually apply QM implementation represents a concrete ex-
ample of composite algorithms—that is, meth-
ods that involve seamless interfaces between the
1521-9615/01/$10.00 © 2001 IEEE different mathematical models associated with
different physical levels of description.
SAURO SUCCI An alternative approach is to explore methods
National Research Council, Italy that can host more than one physical level of de-
OLGA FILIPPOVA scription—for example, atomistic, kinetic, and
Duisburg University, Germany
fluid—within the same mathematical frame-
work. A potential candidate is the Lattice Boltz-
mann equation method. The LBE is a minimal
Harvard University form of the Boltzmann kinetic equation in
f ( x, v, t ) = ∑i f i ( x, t )δ ( v − c i ). (1)
The LBE combines the power of continuum Figure 1. The set of discrete speeds in a 3D lattice.
methods with the geometrical flexibility of atom- The set consists of one particle with zero speed
istic methods: It propagates smooth information, represented by the cube center, six particles with
the discrete populations f(x, ci, t), along simple speed unity represented by the arrows pointing
rectilinear trajectories prescribed by the lattice to the centers of the cube faces, and 12 particles
directions. The LBE could potentially play a with speed √2 represented by the arrows pointing
twofold function—as a telescope for the atom- to the cube-edge centers.
istic scale and a microscope for the macroscopic
scale. These aspects are useful and continue to
expand vigorously, even 10 years after the basic conditions consists of one particle with speed
theory’s inception, in both academic12 and com- zero, six particles with speed unity (connecting a
mercial environments.13 However, as we tackle cube’s center to its nearest-neighbor face cen-
multidisciplinary problems of growing com- ters), and 12 particles with speed √2 (connect-
plexity, it’s increasingly evident that we need to ing the cube’s center to its edge centers, as in
upgrade the method to extend the range of scales Figure 1).
the LBE can access and to couple it downward In Equation 2, the left-hand side represents a
or upward with micro- and macroscopic meth- forward discretization of the Boltzmann free-
ods. This article offers a cursory view of efforts streaming operator
in both directions, but let’s first review the LBE
theory’s salient features. Dt ≡ + v ⋅∇ (3)
along the discrete particle trajectories dxi = vidt.
Basic LBE theory The right-hand side represents intermolecular
This is the simplest and by now most popular collisions in terms of an effective relaxation to a
form of the LBE (often referred to as the lattice local equilibrium distribution fieq in a time in-
BGK14,15 for Bhatnagar, Gross, and Krook16): terval of the order ω–1. This local equilibrium is
usually taken in the form of a quadratic expan-
fi ( x + δt c i , t + δt ) − fi ( x, t )
sion of a Maxwellian
= −ωδ t f i ( x , t ) − f ie ( x , t ) ] (2)
eq u⋅c uu ⋅ ( c i c i − c 2s I )
fi = ρw i 1 + 2 i + , (4)
where fi(x, t) ≡ f(x, v = ci, t), i = 1,n is the proba- cs 2c 4s
bility of finding a particle at lattice site x at time
t, moving along the lattice direction defined by where ρ is the fluid density, u the flow speed, and
the discrete speed ci, and δt is the time unit. To I the identity tensor; cs is the lattice sound speed,
recover faithful fluid dynamics, we must choose defined by the condition
the set of discrete speeds so that it guarantees
mass, momentum, and energy conservation as c 2s I = ∑i wi c i c i (5)
well as rotational invariance. Only a limited sub-
class of lattices satisfies these conditions. For ex- and wi a set of directional weights normalized to
ample, in 3D space, the lattice that satisfies these unity.
Local equilibria must obey the following con- skog multiscale expansion. Fortunately, we can
servation relations (for simplicity, we take the liken such a purely numerical effect to a nega-
mass to be unity): tive viscosity. In particular, by choosing ω near
and smaller than ω = 2/δt, we can achieve small
∑ f ieq = ρ (6) viscosities, a basic prerequisite to simulating
i highly turbulent flows.
Historically, the LBE was derived as the one-
∑i f ieq c i = ρu (7) body kinetic equation resulting from many-body
lattice gas automata.17 Here, we wish to moti-
∑i f ieq c i c i = ρ[uu + c 2s I ] (8)
vate the LBE’s physical meaning without delv-
ing into the details of its derivation. In doing so,
we must invoke the values of certain dimension-
In the limit of long wavelengths, where a par- less numbers that are typically employed in fluid
ticle’s mean-free-path sets the scale, the fluid dynamics. Table 1 defines all the dimensionless
density and speed obey the Navier-Stokes equa- numbers mentioned in this article in terms of
tions for a quasi-incompressible fluid: physical quantities relevant to fluid flow: lm is the
particle mean-free path, lc is the flow’s charac-
∂ρ teristic length, δx is the grid spacing (shortest
+ ∇ ⋅ ρu = 0 (9)
∂t fluid-dynamic length scale), u is the fluid veloc-
∂ρu ity, cs is the speed of sound in the fluid, ν is the
+ ∇ ⋅ ρuu kinematic viscosity, D is the diffusivity of the
= −∇P + ∇ ⋅ [ µ ( ∇u ) S + λ ( ∇ ⋅ u ) I ], (10) molecular species of interest, and τc is a charac-
teristic time scale for chemical reactions. L and
where P = ρcs2 is the fluid pressure, (∇u)S is the H are a tube’s length and height and both repre-
symmetrized strain tensor, µ = ρν is the dynamic sent macroscopic quantities.
viscosity, and λ is the bulk viscosity. For all prac- The dimensionless numbers relevant to deriv-
tical purposes, we can neglect the last term in- ing LBE are the Knudsen number Kn and the
volving the bulk viscosity when dealing with Mach number Ma. The major conceptual steps
quasi-incompressible fluids. According to the in first deriving the LBE were low-Kn expansion
definition of the pressure P, the LBE fluid obeys around local equilibria and low-Ma expansion of
an ideal equation of state, which is reasonable the local equilibria around global equilibria. The
because molecules, as represented by the LBE, low-Kn approximation corresponds to the stan-
have no potential energy. Using standard linear dard picture of fluid dynamics as the mean-field
transport theory, with careful handling of arti- approximation of kinetic theory in the limit of
facts the lattice introduces, the LBE fluid’s kine- weak departures from local thermodynamic
matic viscosity becomes equilibrium. The low-Ma expansion is specific
to the lattice framework. We can readily confirm
1 δ
ν = c 2s − t . (11) that due to the finite number of discrete speeds,
ω 2 there is no way to fulfill the conservation con-
The appearance of the factor 1/ω in this expres- straints in Equation 4 with a Galilean-invariant
sion is not surprising, because it corresponds to local equilibrium of the form fieq = feq(vi – u) for
the relaxation time around local equilibria. In a generic value of the fluid speed u. However,
other words, cs /ω is the lattice fluid’s mean-free expanding around global equilibria (u = 0) and
path. The factor δt /2 is a genuine lattice effect, guaranteeing Galilean invariance term-by-term
which results from an underlying Chapman-En- in the expansion is possible. Because the Navier-
(a) (b)
Stokes equations are quadratic in the fluid speed, computational grid at the expense of significantly
a second-order expansion sufficiently fulfills this more complex data structures. Another popular
requirement but restricts the LBE approach’s va- option comes from locally embedded grids—reg-
lidity to low-Ma, quasi-incompressible flows. ular grids in which the local connectivity is un-
Researchers have developed modern variants changed but the lattice spacing is refined or
dealing with high-Ma flows in recent years, but coarsened locally, typically in steps of two for
we aren’t concerned with that in this article, nor practical purposes. Figure 2 shows examples of
will we discuss flows with thermal effects. unstructured and locally embedded grids.
A few years after its introduction, researchers Local embedding is a specific instance of a
realized that they could obtain the LBE mathe- more general framework known as multiscale (or
matically by standard projection of the contin- multigrid) algorithms. Other work has proposed
uum BGK equation on Hermite polynomials multigrid LBE schemes,19 and researchers have
and subsequent numerical evaluation of the ki- subsequently tested and validated for moderate
netic moments by Gaussian quadrature.18 This and high Reynolds number flows around cylin-
alternative route highlights the role of the dis- ders and blades.20,21 Keep in mind that people
crete speeds ci as Gaussian knots and shows that used LBE schemes that had finer resolution in
Gaussian integration works as an effective im- regions of larger gradients in commercial soft-
portance-sampling device of velocity space. This ware for years,13 and we have examples of sev-
property is indeed the key for capturing the eral LBE schemes working on single-grid
complexities of hydrodynamic flows by means of nonuniform meshes.22–25 In what follows, how-
only a handful of discrete speeds. ever, we concentrate on LBE schemes with lo-
cal embedding that use a specific algorithm, pre-
sented elsewhere.19–21
Multigrid Lattice Boltzmann High-Re flows present a major challenge to
simulations computational physics mainly because of fluid
Much of the LBE method’s simplicity stems turbulence. The range of active scales in a tur-
from the fact that within its formulation, discrete bulent flow goes from the macroscopic length L
physical particles move and interact on a regular down to the so-called Kolmogorov dissipative
uniform lattice. Many phenomena of fundamen- length ld, at which point dissipation takes over
tal and practical interest—such as shocks, bound- and turbulence dies out. We can estimate the
ary layers, and thin interfaces—involve wide Kolmogorov length as ld ~ L [Re]–3/4, and because
ranges of time and length scales. An accurate de- values of Re around 106 are commonplace in
scription of these phenomena on a mesh de- practical applications (for instance, a car moving
mands highly clustered grids that are locally at 100 Km/h), it is immediately evident that a
adapted to the problem’s physics. Unstructured fully resolved numerical simulation of flow past
grids—that is, grids in which the lattice coordi- a car involves four to five decades in scale,
nation number might change from place to namely 1012 – 1015 degrees of freedom. This is
place—provide a powerful response to this need. beyond the capabilities of any foreseeable elec-
They allow much stronger distortions of the tronic computer probably for decades to come
1. Move and collide F on coarse grid
2. For k = 0, ..., n – 1: δ xc 1 δt
ν= − . (12)
2.1. Interpolate F (Equation 18) on interface coarse-to-fine grid 3δ t ω 2
2.2. Scale F to f (Equation 17) on interface coarse-to-fine grid
2.3. Using scaled interpolated values move and collide f To achieve the same viscosity on both coarse
3. Scale back f to F on interface fine-to-coarse grid. and fine grids, we must rescale the relaxation
parameter in the LBGK scheme as
Figure 3. The algorithm for updating the populations F and f on the −1
coarse and fine grids through Equations 17 and 18. δ 1 δt
ω f = t + n − , (13)
2 ωc 2
and explains why, for most practical purposes, where ωf and ωc are relaxation parameters on the
we must resort to turbulence models based on fine and coarse grids, respectively, and n is the
closure approximations for the effects of unre- refinement parameter. We can split the discrete
solved scales on the resolved ones. distribution function into equilibrium and non-
Regardless of whether we use turbulence equilibrium components:
models or fully resolved simulations, the need
fi = fieq + fineq. (14)
for selective clustering of computational degrees
of freedom in the computational domain’s hot Using the LBGK equation, we can obtain the
spots remains, hence the motivation for multi- nonequilibrium component:
grid simulations. The starting point for the
1∂ eq
multigrid LBE theory is the LBGK formulation fi
ω ∂t
( )
+ c i ⋅∇ f i + O [ Kn ]2 , (15)
of fluid dynamics.14 Dividing the lattice spacing
by a refinement factor n refines the grid. The which is accurate to second-order [Kn] = δx/lc.
kinematic viscosity, defined in the LBGK It is important to realize that the scale lc can
model’s frame, depends on the lattice spacing δx: change significantly from place to place in the
flow. The task of the multigrid method is pre-
cisely to adapt the grid resolution to this change
1.2e–02 3.7e–02 6.1e–02 8.6e–02 1.1e–01 of scales. In the low-frequency limit δt/τ ~ [Kn]2,
where τ is a typical hydrodynamic time scale,19
1.0e–05 2.4e–02 4.9e–02 7.3e–02 9.8e–02 the distribution function’s nonequilibrium com-
ponent simplifies to
neq 1
ω i
c ⋅∇f i + O [ Kn ]2 . ) (16)
( )
f i′ = F˜i + F˜i′− F˜i Ω −1
eq eq
+ ( f ′− f )Ω,
60 eq eq
Fi′ = f i i i (18)
40 where capital symbols stand for coarse grid,
primed symbols stand for post-collision, and
20 symbols with a tilde stand for coarse-to-fine grid
interpolation. The variable Ω is defined as
50 100 150
(1 − δ tω c )ω f
Ω=n . (19)
r (1 − δ tω f )ω c
Figure 4. Modulus of the mean velocity u of the flow around the
NACA 4412 airfoil at Re = 1.5 × 106 and angle of attack α = 13.87°. The relations of Equations 17 and 18 define a
This calculation involves grid refinement between coarse and fine mapping between coarse- and fine-grid distrib-
grids (the region for the latter indicated by the black rectangle) of utions that clearly reduces to the identity in the
n = 5. Qref denotes the point of reference for the pressure and velocity. limit n → 1. We can cast these formal expres-
lated along the normal from the outer flow. The
Reynolds number value Re = 1.5 × 106 is related –4
to the length of the chord lc, which, in the pre-
sent example, is given by lc = 50δxc, where δxc is –5
the coarse grid’s spacing. The trailing edge’s po-
sition in respect to the lower-left corner of the
computational domain is 27.4391δxc, 73δxc. The –7
computational domain consists of 170 × 170
nodes. We apply grid refinement—defined by the –8
0.25 0.50 0.75 1
parameter n = δxc/δxf, where δxf is the fine-grid x/lc
spacing—to a box (66δxc, 25δxc) surrounding the
profile with the lower-left corner (22δxc,70δxc). Figure 5. Surface scaled pressure Cp distribution for NACA 4412
The values of the relaxation parameters on the airfoil at Re = 1.5 × 106 and angle of attack α = 13.870, as a function
coarse and fine grids are δtωc = 1.9, δtωc = 1.8, re- of scaled position x/lc, along the airfoil cord. The small magenta
sulting in the artificial numerical viscosity stabi- dots represent results from our runs with grid refinement between
lizing the solution of inviscid flow.18 The spac- coarse and fine grids n = 5, while the small blue dots correspond to
ing between the slip surface (where boundary grid refinement n = 7. The large white circles are numerical
conditions are applied), and the airfoil’s geomet- results,28 and the large blue squares are experimental data from
rical surface is uniform and equal to 0.0036 lc. other research.29
Table 2. Conversion efficiency η, defined in Equation 21, of the 2D reactive channel flow as a function of the Peclet (Pe)
and Damkohler (Da) numbers.
τc (chemistry) D (diffusion) Pe Da η
2 –1
10 (faster) 10 (faster) 50 250 0.47
102 (faster) 10–2 (slower) 500 2,500 0.18
103 (slower) 10–1 (faster) 50 25 0.09
103 (slower) 10–2 (slower) 500 250 0.07
work remains to be done to assess whether multi- centration of the chemical species obeys a con-
grid LBE simulations can take the lead in this im- vection-diffusion equation of the form
portant sector of computational aerodynamics.
+ u ⋅∇C = D∇ 2C + Rδ ( x − x w ), (22)
Coupling to macroscopic grids where C is the density of the reactive species
The LBE method can easily couple to finite- (pollutant) passively advected by the flow, D is
difference–volume–element methods for con- the pollutant’s molecular diffusivity, and R is a
tinuum partial differential equations partly be- catalytic reaction term that is only active at the
cause of its small time steps and geometrical solid wall boundary, labeled w.
flexibility. For example, take a millimetric flow In engineering practice, the fluid-wall chemi-
with, say, 100 grid points per side, yielding a cal interaction is expressed with a simple empir-
mesh spacing δx = 10 microns. Assuming a sound ical rate equation,
speed of the order of 300 m/s, we obtain a time
dC w C f − C w C w
step of order δt = 30 × 10–9 sec = 30 nsec. Such a = − , (23)
small time step permits the handling of relatively dt τw τc
fast reactions without having to resort to implicit where the subscripts w and f stand for the wall and
time stepping, thus avoiding the solution of large fluid cells that exchange mass, and τw and τc de-
systems of algebraic equations. The LBE’s flexi- note typical time scales for fluid-to-wall mass den-
bility is especially suited to heterogeneous catal- sity transfer and chemical reactions, respec-
ysis, because the simplicity of particle trajecto- tively—for simplicity, we take τw = τc. The relevant
ries permits the description of fairly irregular fluid scales are the advective transit time scale τA =
geometries and boundary conditions. L/u and the cross-channel diffusive time scale τD
Because of these two advantageous features, = H2/D, where H and L are the channel’s height
many researchers are using the LBE method to and length. These time scales define the major di-
simulate reactive flows over microscopically cor- mensionless parameters that control the conver-
rugated surfaces—an application of great interest sion efficiency—that is, the Pe and Da numbers,
for the design of chemical traps, catalytic con- which in this case take the form
verters, and related devices.30
uH L τD H 2 τD
The general problem of a fluid flow carrying Pe = = , Da = = . (24)
chemical species over a reactive surface is cen- D H τA Dτ c τc
tral to a variety of industrial and technological Because pollutant molecules must make it to
applications, such as the design of catalytic con- the wall to be chemically consumed, high chem-
verters for cars. An important quantity in these ical efficiencies of the device go with low-Pe and
systems is the chemical efficiency high-Da values. On the other hand, for fluids
moving at sizeable speeds—say, tens of meters
Φ out
η = 1− , (21) per second—molecular diffusivity is generally
Φ in too small to achieve sufficiently small Pe values.
where Φout and Φin are the chemical fluxes at the This motivates the use of corrugations to en-
inlet (where the chemical species is injected) and hance the fluid-to-wall mass transfer and in-
the outlet of the fluid domain, respectively. Here crease conversion efficiency. The corrugations
we consider 2D reactive flows to understand that can be manufactured into a channel are by
how the system’s efficiency is affected by the necessity of macroscopic dimensions. Their ef-
geometry, diffusivity, and surface reaction of the fect must be coupled to the microscopic scale at
chemical species at the catalytic wall. The con- which diffusion and chemical reactivity take
20 0.65
and corrugated
10 (b) channels.
0 Near the top
25 75 125 175 225 275
(a) x and bottom
1.00 particularly
around the
20 0.65
falls markedly
0 0.30
from its initial
25 75 125 175 225 275
(b) x value.
Figure 7. The D = 10–2; τc = 102)
difference in 50
40 0.20
∆C of the
chemical species
in the fluid,
between the 20
smooth and
corrugated 10 –0.20
channels, for the
faster chemistry 0
100 150 200
simulations (τc = (a) x
102), at slower D = 10 ; τc = 102)
is shown, close 20
to the
trapezoidal 10
100 150 200
effect of the obstacle in the concentration, which a positive flux difference develops before the cor-
on this scale is indeed small. Figure 7 indicates rugation, an effect that is much more pro-
the spatial distribution of changes in the concen- nounced in the faster chemistry simulations.
tration ∆C due to the obstacle’s presence: a neg- This results from the perturbation of the flow
ative value of ∆C indicates lower concentration field far from the obstacle. Although the chan-
in the corrugated channel. As Figure 7 shows, the nel is four times longer than the obstacle, near
concentration is significantly reduced in the the inlet and the outlet the velocity field has a
neighborhood of the obstacle (the small increase vertical component with a magnitude approxi-
in concentration in the region far above the ob- mately 10–5 of the maximum velocity in the x di-
stacle is an effect for the conservation of the total rection. This small perturbation, coupled with
pollutant in the two simulations). Remarkably, the rapid chemical reactions at the wall, results
the changes in concentration are as pronounced in the flux difference’s initial rise.
in front of the obstacle as behind it. There is also Figure 8 indicates that the flux difference be-
a significant change in concentration at the top gins decreasing just before the front of the ob-
surface of the obstacle. The results for the slower stacle. This does not appear to be due to en-
chemistry simulations are qualitatively similar but hanced absorption in the wall in front of the
involve less pronounced changes between the obstacle. In fact, the values of the concentration
smooth and corrugated channels. at the wall indicate that the difference in con-
To gain a more quantitative picture of where centration between the two simulations de-
along the channel length the difference in effi- creases right before the beginning of the obsta-
ciency originates, Figure 8 shows the difference cle. Instead, this decrease appears to be the result
in flux between the smooth and corrugated of the chemical species diffusing within the bulk
channels as a function of x, the position along fluid toward the region above the corrugation
the channel. The flux is defined as the concen- where there is a relative deficit of chemical
tration integrated along the vertical z direction species concentration. Interestingly, the decrease
at a given value of x, normalized by the channel begins earlier and has larger magnitude in the
cross section. The flux difference is actually simulations corresponding to faster diffusion.
small in the two simulations—less than 1 per- Figure 8 also indicates that directly on top of the
cent at any point along the channel. In all cases, obstacle there is a steady decrease of the flux dif-
Flux % difference
0 channel simulations as a function
–0.05 of length x along the channel. A
–0.4 negative value indicates that the
flux is smaller in the corrugated
D = 0.01 D = 0.01
–0.6 –0.15 channel simulation. (a) τc = 102
D = 0.1 D = 0.1
–0.20 for the faster chemistry
–0.8 simulation, and (b) τc = 103 for
100 200 300 100 200 300 the slower chemistry simulation.
x x The arrows mark the beginning
(a) (b) and end of the obstacle.
ference, which results from the increase in con- include the values of Pe, Da, and Re under arbi-
centration along the upper surface of the obsta- trary geometrical conditions. To this purpose,
cle produced by the squeezing of hydrodynamic besides upgrading the computational techniques,
flow lines due to the obstacle’s presence. Finally, a synergistic interplay with analytical scaling the-
after the obstacle, the flux difference begins in- ories could also prove valuable.
creasing—most sharply in simulations with
slower diffusion. We can expect that well beyond
the extent of the obstacle the flux difference will he LBE method has already proven
tend to zero, because at that point the flow is its remarkable versatility in address-
similar in the smooth and corrugated channels. ing a wide range of problems that in-
However, the smooth channel has a higher con- volve complex fluid motion at dis-
centration of chemical species in that region due parate scales. Multiscale simulations based on
to the higher consumption of the pollutant the LBE approach, two examples of which we
around the obstacle, so the difference never discussed here, are just beginning to appear.
quite reaches a zero value in the simulations. There are good reasons to believe that further
These considerations give only a flavor of the upgrades of the LBE technique as well as better
type of questions that you can address by nu- communication with related fields of computa-
merically simulating microreactive flows. Ulti- tional physics will make these types of multiscale
mately, the goal would be to map out a sensible applications flourish in the years to come.
expression of the chemical efficiency as a func- Figure 9 gives a more concrete picture of our
tion of the relevant control parameters, which vision for future multiscale approaches. This
Reactive substrate
Figure 9. Illustration of combined multiscale LBE/KMC/QM scheme. In the LBE regime, the system
length scale is ~ 1 mm, and the description is in terms of hydrodynamic fluid flows (gold lines). In the
KMC regime the scale of the cell is ~ 1µm, and the description is in terms of fluxes of reactants (blue
arrows) and reaction products (red arrows) determined by the diffusion, advection and chemical
reactivity rates. In the QM regime, the scale of the cell is ~1 nm, and the description is in terms of
individual molecules and atoms on the surface undergoing surface diffusion and chemical reactions.
type of problem is the epitome of multiscale Acknowledgments
physical phenomena32 involving fluid motion This work was supported in part by the Materials
and reactant transport at macroscopic scales, Research Science and Engineering Center that the
fluid-wall interactions at intermediate scales, National Science Foundation funds at Harvard University.
and chemical reactions on the wall at micro- The NATO Collaborative Link Grant PST.CLG.976357
scopic scales. At the highest length scale, of or- greatly facilitated the interaction between the authors.
der 1 mm, LBE-based simulations can handle Sauro Succi thanks the Physics Department of Harvard
the flow of fluids carrying macroscopic reac- University for his Visiting Scholar appointment and for its
tants around the substrate’s geometric features. hospitality during his stay. We thank Achi Brandt for
These simulations will determine the concen- discussions on mathematical aspects of multiscale
tration fields of the reactants and reaction methods and Howard Stone for discussions on the
products. At the next lower scale, of order 1 physics of fluids.
µm, Kinetic Monte Carlo
(KMC) simulations33 will de-
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toward the substrate and the
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