Notes On Absolutely Continuous Functions of Several Variables
Notes On Absolutely Continuous Functions of Several Variables
Notes On Absolutely Continuous Functions of Several Variables
Let Ω ⊂ R be a domain. The result of J. Kauhanen, P. Koskela
and J. Malý [4] states that a function f : Ω → R with a derivative in
the Lorentz space Ln,1 (Ω, Rn ) is n-absolutely continuous in the sense
of [5]. We give an example of an absolutely continuous function of two
variables, whose derivative is not in L2,1 . The boundary behavior of
n-absolutely continuous functions is also studied.
1 Introduction.
Absolutely continuous functions of one variable are admissible transformations
for the change of variables in the Lebesgue integral. Recently, J. Malý [5] in-
troduced a class of n-absolutely continuous functions giving an n-dimensional
analogue of the notion of absolute continuity from this point of view. For the
recent development in the theory of n-absolutely continuous functions also see
[2] and [3].
Suppose that Ω ⊂ Rn is a domain. A function f : Ω → Rm is said to be
n-absolutely continuous if for each ε > 0 there is δ > 0 such that for each
disjoint finite family {Bi } of open balls in Ω we have
Ln (Bi ) < δ =⇒ (oscBi f )n < ε.
i i
the Czech Ministry of Education, Grant No. 201/00/0767 from the Grant Agency of the
Czech republic (GA ČR)
60 Stanislav Hencl
2 Preliminaries.
such that
∂Ω ∩ B(x0 , r0 ) = {x ∈ Rn : [x1 , . . . , xi−1 , xi+1 , . . . , xn ] ∈ D and
h(x1 , . . . , xi−1 , xi+1 , . . . , xn ) = xi }
We will need the following version of the Taylor theorem which holds for
C 1,1 (Rd ) mappings.
Proposition 2.1. Let h : Rd → R be a C 1,1 mapping. Let K denotes the
Lipschitz constant of h0 (i.e., |h0 (x) − h0 (y)| ≤ K|x − y| for every x, y ∈ Rd ).
h(x̃0 + x̃) − h(x̃0 ) − h0 (x̃0 )x̃ ≤ K |x̃|2
for every x̃0 , x̃ ∈ Rd .
If f : Ω → R is a mapping and x ∈ Ω, we write mlip(f, x) for the “maximal
function” version of Lipschitz constant
n f (x) − f (y)
mlip(f, x) = sup :
y ∈ Ω \ {x} and x, y ∈ B for some ball B ⊂ Ω .
We write oscB(x,r) f for the oscillation of f over the ball B(x, r), which is the
diameter of the image f (B(x, r)). The support of a function f : Ω → R is
denoted by spt(f ) = {x ∈ Ω : f (x) 6= 0}.
Throughout this paper, we use the letter γ for a continuous mapping γ :
[0, 1] → Ω. Set hγi = {γ(t) : t ∈ [0, 1]}. The length of the curve γ is denoted
by `(γ). For x, y ∈ Ω, we will denote by ρΩ (x, y) the distance of x and y in
Ω; i.e.,
We use the convention that C denotes some positive constant. The value
of this constant may differ from occurrence to occurrence but for a fixed n
(the dimension of the underlying space Rn ) it is always an absolute constant.
Given a function f : Ω → R, the n-variation of f on Ω is defined by
(oscBi f )n : {Bi } is a disjoint finite family of balls in Ω .
Vn (f, Ω) = sup
62 Stanislav Hencl
Moreover the results of M. Csörnyei [2] give RR(Ω) = AC n (Ω), but we will
not need this fact in this paper.
The Lorentz space Ln,1 (Ω, Rm ) is defined to be the class of all measurable
functions f : Ω → Rm such that
Z ∞
1 dt
t n f ? (t) < ∞.
0 t
For abbreviation, we write Ln,1 (Ω) instead of Ln,1 (Ω, R). For an introduction
to Lorentz spaces see for instance [7].
The following theorem of J. Kauhanen, P. Koskela and J. Malý [4] states
that functions with the distributional derivative in the Lorentz space Ln,1 are
n-absolutely continuous.
This result is quite sharp, because A. Cianchi and L. Pick [1] proved that
Ln,1 is the largest rearrangement invariant Banach space of functions on Rn
with the property ∇f ∈ Ln,1 (Ω, Rn ) ⇒ f ∈ C(Ω) (see also [4, Theorem F]).
The rest of this section is devoted to the proof that there are ε > 0 and
f ∈ AC 2 (B([0, 0], ε)) such that ∇f /∈ L2,1 (B([0, 0], ε), R2 ). It follows that
these two classes of functions do not coincide.
Proof. Since m(σ, f ) = Ln ({x : |f (x)| > σ}) = αn (g −1 (σ))n , it follows that
√ n
? −1 n
f (t) = inf{σ : m(σ, f ) ≤ t} = inf{σ : αn (g (σ)) ≤ t} = g n √ .
Remark 3.4. From Lemma 3.3 and Theorem 3.1 we have that AC n (Ω) func-
tions can have arbitrarily “bad” modulus of continuity even on compact sub-
sets of Ω. Note that functions from AC n (Ω) are not necessarily uniformly
continuous on Ω if ∂Ω is not “nice” (see Section 4 for details).
oscB f
≤ |f (a) − f (b)|.
Since |a − x| ≤ 2r and |b − x| ≤ 2r, we have
It follows that
Z oscnB(z,r) f Z
oscnB(z,r) f = C dx ≤ C g(x)dx.
B(z,r) rn B(z,r)
Hence f satisfies the RR-condition with weight Cg, and the desired conclusion
follows from Theorem 2.2.
Example 3.6. There is a function f : B([0, 0], 1/2) → R such that f ∈
AC 2 (B([0, 0], 1/2)), but mlip2 (f, x) /∈ L1 (B([0, 0], 1/2)).
Proof. Set (
| log |x||1/2
for x ∈ B([0, 0], 1/2),
f (x) =
0 for x = [0, 0].
Clearly, Lemma 3.3 and Theorem 3.1 give that f ∈ AC 2 (B([0, 0], 1/2)). An
easy computation shows that
f (x) − f (0) 2
mlip (f, x) dx = dx = dx
x − 0 |x| 2 log |x|
Z 21 Z log 12
1 1
=C 2 | log r|
r dr = C da = ∞.
0 r −∞ |a|
Theorem 3.7. There exist 0 < ε0 < 1/2 and F : B([0, 0], ε0 ) → R such that
F ∈ AC 2 (B([0, 0], ε0 )) and ∇F /∈ L2,1 (B([0, 0], ε0 )).
Proof. Set (
1 1
ln r r sin r for r ∈ (0, 1/2),
g(r) =
0 for r = 0.
We claim that the function F (x) = g(|x|) satisfies desired conditions if ε0 is
small enough. Plainly, F 0 ∈ C(B([0, 0], 1/2) \ {0}) and ∇F = F 0 a.e.
Absolutely Continuous Functions of Several Variables 65
[ 1
1 1 1 1
M = r ∈ 0, : cos ≥
= π , π . (3.1)
2 r 2 3 + kπ − 3 + kπ
We have
1 1 1 1 1 1 −1 1 1
|g 0 (r)| ≥ cos − sin − 2 sin ≥ − − 2
r ln r r ln r r ln r r 2r ln r ln r ln r
for every r ∈ M . Clearly, there is k0 ∈ N \ {1} such that for ε0 =
− π3 + k0 π
we have
|g 0 (r)| ≥ for every r ∈ M ∩ (0, ε0 ). (3.2)
4r ln r
f (x) = , x ∈ B([0, 0], ε0 ).
4|x| ln |x|
We claim that the nonincreasing rearrangements of F 0 and f satisfy
Since dr = ∞, we have f /∈ L2,1 (B([0, 0], ε0 )) by Lemma 3.2.
4r ln r
Thus (3.3) implies
F 0 /∈ L2,1 (B([0, 0], ε0 )).
Using Lemma 3.5 we will prove that F ∈ AC 2 (B([0, 0], ε0 )). Clearly,
mlip2 (F, x) = mlip2 (g, |x|).
For every r such that 0 < r < ε0 < 1/e we have
1 −1 1 1 1 1 −1 1
|g 0 (r)| = r 2 cos + sin + r sin
ln r r r ln r r r ln2 r r
−1 −1 1 −3
≤ + + ≤ .
r ln r ln r ln2 r r ln r
Fix r such that r < ε0 < 1/e and t such that 1/r + 2π ≤ 1/t ≤ 1/r + 4π
and define t̃ = t/(1 − 2πt) (i.e., 1/t̃ = 1/t − 2π). Since the function t/ ln t is
decreasing on the interval (0, 1/e), we obtain |g(t̃)| ≥ |g(t)| and therefore
sup |g(r) − g(t)| ≤ sup |g(r) − g(t̃)|.
t, 1 1
[ 1
t ∈ r +2π, r +4π ] t̃, 1
t̃ [
∈ r1 , r1 +2π ]
Analogously, we conclude that
sup |g(r) − g(t)| ≤ sup |g(r) − g(t̃)|.
1 1
t, t > r +2π t̃, 1
t̃ [
∈ r1 , r1 +2π ]
This and 5/r > 1/r + 2π for r < ε0 < 1/e give
g(r) − g(t)
= sup g(r) − g(t) .
sup (3.7)
0≤t≤ε0 r−t r
5 ≤t≤ε0
From (3.6) and (3.7) we obtain
g(r) − g(t)
mlip(g, r) = sup
g(r) − g(t) −3
= sup ≤ sup |g 0 (ξ)| ≤ .
5 ≤t≤ε0
r − t r
5 ≤ξ≤ε0 5 ln 5r
An easy computation yields
Z Z 2
mlip2 (F, x) ≤ |x|
dx |x|
B([0,0],ε0 ) B([0,0],ε0 ) ln 5 5
Z ε0 Z ln ε50
1 2 1
≤C r r dr = C 2
da < ∞.
0 r ln 5 −∞ a
Therefore F ∈ AC 2 (B([0, 0], ε0 )) by Lemma 3.5.
Absolutely Continuous Functions of Several Variables 67
( n
am m y ∈ B(x, am ) \ B(x, a2m ), m ∈ N,
g(y) =
0 y ∈ B(x, a2m ) \ B(x, am+1 ), m ∈ N.
From (4.1) and the definition of f it is evident that for every ball B ⊂ Ω
there is a ball B 0 ⊂ B such that oscB f = oscB 0 f and B 0 ⊂ B(x, am )\B(x, a2m )
for some m ∈ N. Thus
oscnB f = oscnB 0 f ≤ C g(y) dy ≤ C g(y) dy.
B0 B
Example 4.3. Let 0 < α < 1. There exist a domain Ω ⊂ Rn with C 1,α
boundary and f ∈ AC n (Ω) such that there is no continuous extension of f to
Proof. Set Ω = {[x1 , . . . , xn ] ∈ Rn : x1 > |[x2 , . . . , xn ]|α+1 }. It is not
difficult to show that Ω has C 1,α boundary and that for every ball B ⊂ Ω we
have 0 /∈ ∂B. Thus Theorem 4.2 shows that there is f ∈ AC n (Ω) such that
there is no continuous extension of f to the point 0 ∈ ∂Ω.
Absolutely Continuous Functions of Several Variables 69
The following example shows that it is not enough to assume that we can
touch every point of a boundary by a ball.
Example 4.4. There is a bounded, convex domain Ω ⊂ R2 with C 1 boundary
such that for all x ∈ ∂Ω we have x ∈ ∂B for some ball B ⊂ Ω. Moreover,
there is f ∈ AC 2 (Ω) such that there is no continuous extension of f to ∂Ω.
Proof. For i ∈ N0 set xi = 21i , 212i and
1 1 3 1
Ai = [x, y] ∈ R2 : x ∈ i+1 , i , y = i+1 x − 2i+1 .
2 2 2 2
Define Ω1 = conv(S), where we have set
S= Ai ∪ {[x, y] : x2 + (y − 1)2 = 1, y ≥ 1}
∪ {[x, y] : x2 + (y − 1)2 = 1, x ≤ 0}.
Let Bi = B(yi , dist(yi , ∂Ω1 )). Fix zi ∈ Ai ∩ ∂Bi and z ∈ ∂B([0, 1], 1) ∩ ∂B0 .
Ωi1 = Ω1 \ B(xi , |xi − zi |) ∪ Bi , i ∈ N,
0 z + z0 |z − z0 |
Ω1 = Ω1 \ B , ∪ B0 .
2 2
70 Stanislav Hencl
Let Ω = i=0 Ωi1 . Now Ω obviously satisfies all assumptions. Further,
f ∈ AC 2 (Ω) and there is no continuous extension of f to the point [0, 0] since
y→0+ y→0+
[0, y] −→ [0, 0] and f ([0, y]) −→ 0 but yi → [0, 0] and f (yi ) → 1.
Remark 4.5. In much the same way we can prove that there is a domain
Ω ⊂ Rn with the same properties as in Example 4.4.
xi → z, yi → z =⇒ ρΩ (xi , yi ) → 0. (5.4)
Then Ω has the property (P).
Proof. Set
g(t) = sup{ρΩ (x, y) : x, y ∈ Ω, |x − y| ≤ t} for t ≥ 0.
We claim that the function g is continuous at 0. Conversely, suppose that there
are δ > 0 and {xi }i∈N , {yi }i∈N ⊂ Ω such that |xi − yi | → 0 and ρΩ (xi , yi ) > δ.
Since Ω is compact, we may assume that there is z ∈ Ω such that xi → z and
yi → z. Clearly this would not be possible if z ∈ Ω and therefore z ∈ ∂Ω.
However this contradicts condition (5.4).
Fix η > 0 small enough such that for t < η we have 2g(t) < r. Set
h(t) = 2g(t) and k = 2 · 3n . We claim that Ω satisfies the property (P) with
the constants k, η and the function h.
72 Stanislav Hencl
∈ hγi we can find B(cz , h(|x − y|)) ⊂ Ω with z ∈ B(cz , h(|x − y|))
For every z S
since Ω = a∈A B(a, r) and h(|x − y|) < r. Applying Lemma 5.3 to R =
h(|x − y|) we obtain points z1 , . . . , zk ∈ hγi such that B(cz1 , R), . . . , B(czk , R)
join x and y in Ω.
xi → z, yi → z =⇒ ρΩ (xi , yi ) → 0. (5.5)
Let f : Ω → R be a function such that for every ε > 0 there is δ > 0 such that
B(c, r) ⊂ Ω, r < δ ⇒ oscB(c,r) f < ε. (5.6)
Theorem 5.6. Let Ω ⊂ Rn be a domain with C 1,1 boundary. Then for every
n-absolutely continuous function f : Ω → R there is f˜ ∈ C(Ω) such that f = f˜
on Ω.
Proof. We only give the main ideas of the proof. We can assume that Ω
is bounded, for the existence of the extension is a local property. Clearly,
every n-absolutely continuous function f : Ω → R satisfies (5.6) and hence it
remains to verify the assumptions of Theorem 5.5 about the domain Ω.
Let x0 ∈ ∂Ω and find r0 > 0, D ⊂ Rn−1 and a function h ∈ C 1,1 (Rn−1 )
occurring in (2.2). Without loss of generality we may assume that i = 1,
x0 = 0,
1 1 1 1
Bi = B , + , .
2i 2i 8 22i 2i
We claim that the domain Ω = conv A ∪ i=1 Bi has the desired properties.
Since ∂Bi ∩ ∂Ω 6= ∅ and diam Bi → 0, we have Ω 6= a∈A B(a, r) for any
r > 0 and A ⊂ R2 . Thus Ω does not satisfy the assumptions of Lemma 5.4.
The proof of the property (P) for Ω is straightforward and not difficult and
hence we omit it.
74 Stanislav Hencl
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