This document outlines the content covered in 9 units for an introduction to nursing education question bank. The units cover topics such as the definition of education; philosophies of education; nursing as a profession; nursing curriculum development; teaching and learning processes; methods of teaching; educational technology; assessment; management of nursing schools; guidance and counseling; and in-service education. Some of the specific topics listed include defining terms, discussing types and steps, and outlining recommendations, requirements, and guidelines.
This document outlines the content covered in 9 units for an introduction to nursing education question bank. The units cover topics such as the definition of education; philosophies of education; nursing as a profession; nursing curriculum development; teaching and learning processes; methods of teaching; educational technology; assessment; management of nursing schools; guidance and counseling; and in-service education. Some of the specific topics listed include defining terms, discussing types and steps, and outlining recommendations, requirements, and guidelines.
This document outlines the content covered in 9 units for an introduction to nursing education question bank. The units cover topics such as the definition of education; philosophies of education; nursing as a profession; nursing curriculum development; teaching and learning processes; methods of teaching; educational technology; assessment; management of nursing schools; guidance and counseling; and in-service education. Some of the specific topics listed include defining terms, discussing types and steps, and outlining recommendations, requirements, and guidelines.
This document outlines the content covered in 9 units for an introduction to nursing education question bank. The units cover topics such as the definition of education; philosophies of education; nursing as a profession; nursing curriculum development; teaching and learning processes; methods of teaching; educational technology; assessment; management of nursing schools; guidance and counseling; and in-service education. Some of the specific topics listed include defining terms, discussing types and steps, and outlining recommendations, requirements, and guidelines.
1. Define education 2. Discuss aims of education 3. Enlist functions of education 4. List principles of education 5. Define philosophy in education 6. Discuss philosophies of education 7. Enlist factors influencing development of philosophy ofNursing education 8. Define nursing profession 9. Discuss importance of nursing profession 10. Enlist characteristics of nursing profession 11. Discuss nursing as a profession 12. Discuss development of nursing education in India 13. Describe Nursing education programmes in India . 14. Enlist High power committee recommendations for nursingeducation 15. Enlist qualities of a nursing teacher 16. Discuss role of teacher in nursing education 17. Describe responsibilities of a nursing teacher
Unit II: Nursing curriculum development
1. Define Nursing curriculum 2. Discuss types of curriculum 3. Describe the curriculum committee 4. Enlist the steps in planning of curriculum and explain the steps 5. Define Philosophy 6. Define educational objectives 7. Describe the Cognitive domain in detail 8. Explain the steps in Curriculum evaluation 9. Describe the philosophy of education 10.Discuss about social aim of education
Unit II: Teaching Learning Process
1. Define education 2. Enlist aims of education enumerate functions of education 3. Enlist principles of teaching 4. Define learning and its nature 5. Discuss nature of Learning 6. Discuss characteristics of Learning 7. Enlist principles of learning 8. Discuss maxims of learning 9. Discuss the domains of learning 10. Discuss factors influencing learning 11. Explain the learning process 12. Discuss the principles of classroom management 13. Describe essential characteristic of lesson planning 14. Explain the characteristics of educational objectives 15. Describe characteristic of good teaching
Unit IV : Methods Of Teaching
1. Define teaching 2. Discuss the Lecture method 3. Explain simulation as a teaching method 4. Advantages of case method 5. Demonstration Method 6. Explain the advantages and disadvantages of Micro-teaching 7. Explain the various methods of clinical teaching 8. Discuss the project method 9. Discuss symposium 10. Differentiate between symposium and Panel discussion 11. Discuss role plays 12. Describe self Instructional Module
Unit V: Educational Technology
1. Define communication 2. Explain communication process 3. Enlist factors affecting communication 4. Discuss communication process 5. Define Audio-visual aids 6. Enlist purposes of Audio-visual aids 7. Discuss types of Audio-visual aids 8. List principles of Audio-visual aids 9. Explain importance of Audio-visual aids 10. Discuss blackboard 11. Discuss bulletin board and its principles 12. Differentiate between blackboard and bulletin board 13. Discuss effective use of overhead projector 14. Discuss the role of a teacher in using teaching aids effectively 15. Enumerate the criteria for the selection of Audio-visual aids 16. Discuss Flash cards 17. Explain the importance of balckboard 18. Elaborate the advantages of computer as a teaching aid 19. Write about three dimensional aids used in nursing education 20. Discuss puppets 21. Write about tape recorders 22. Explain the use of Flannel board 23. Discuss advantages and disadvantages of of blackboards Unit VI: Assessment 1. Define evaluation 2. Differentiate between assessment and evaluation 3. Enlist purposes of evaluation 4. Describe scope of evaluation 5. Describe types of evaluation 6. Discuss criteria for selection of assessment techniques 7. Classify assessment tools and techniques 8. Describe advantages and disadvantages of essay type questions 9. Describe advantages and disadvantages of Multiple choice questions 10. Describe advantages and disadvantages of practical examination 11. Discuss short answer questions 12. Explain observational checklist 13. Explain Likert scale 14. Discuss Objective Structured Clinical Examination 15. Discuss reforms in nursing educational system
UNIT VII: Management Of School Of Nursing
1. Define planning 2. Explain steps in planning of School of Nursing 3. Define recruitment and explain the recruitment of teaching staff 4. Discuss Budget facilities required for the school 5. Discuss admission procedure for Basisc B.Sc. Nursing programme 6. Enlist Welfare service for students 7. Enlist various Records maintained in the school 8. Discuss INC guidelines for school of nursing
UNIT VIII: Guidance & counseling
1. Define the term guidance and counseling 2. List the purposes of guidance and counseling 3. Differentiate between guidance and counseling 4. Discuss the steps of counseling process 5. Describe the importance of guidance and counseling 6. Discuss the basic principles of counseling 7. Describe the approaches of counseling 8. Enlist areas of counseling 9. Explain the steps of counseling process 10. Enlist the skills of Counsellor 11. Enumerate tools for collecting information 12. Describe the issues of counseling services in nursingstudents 13. Describe the issues of counseling services in nursing personnel 14. Describe the scope of guidance and counseling in nursing education 15. Explain the organization of counseling services for First Year Basic B.Sc. Nursing 16. Explain problem solving approaches 17. Discuss management of crisis and referral
UNIT IX : Inservice Education
1. Define In-service Education 2. Explain nature of In-service Education 3. Discuss scope of in-service education 4. Define Adult learning 5. Enlist Principles of adult learning 6. Discuss steps in Planning for in-service programme 7. Enlist different techniques and methods of staff education programme 8. Discuss Evaluation of in-service programme 9. Enlist methods of Evaluation of in-service programme