MYP Music 9 and 10: Teacher: Nancy Teskey Email
MYP Music 9 and 10: Teacher: Nancy Teskey Email
MYP Music 9 and 10: Teacher: Nancy Teskey Email
Should you wish to learn more about our course or to discuss your learner’s progress,
please reach out to the email above to schedule a time to meet.
In grade 9/10 Advanced Instrumental music, learners will continue to delve deeply into the
aesthetics, and the expressive intent of music in society. They will evaluate and compare the
musical intent from different cultures. Learners will expand upon music-specific terminology
as they explore, use, and create elements of music including texture, timbre, melody,
harmony, style, form, and music theory. By analyzing what they hear from recordings and
their own music, they will further develop their critical ear and voice. Learners will hone their
skills playing an instrument and use these skills throughout the year as they demonstrate
their ability to communicate through music. Learners will have opportunities to try new
instruments, and create their own projects to deepen their understanding of musical
aesthetics, expression and theory. They will interpret musical notation to generate, refine,
compose and present music as individuals and ensemble players. Learners will engage in
several inquiry projects using their instruments, digital sources, body percussion, and more,
as defined by their personal interests. For the most part, learners are in charge of
rehearsals. They will generate criteria for evaluating what they hear and develop rehearsal
protocols for refining their skills. Learners will use a digital process journal to document their
work. This learning portfolio will include periodic reflections, analyses, outlines for and
results of projects, and a place where they will upload video and audio recordings of their
progress. Regular daily at-home practice is required for musicians to develop and refine
their skills and to enable them to synthesize skills for public and in-class performance at the
highest level.
This year we have begun planning and implementing units of study based on our Critical
Learning Outcomes within the IB MYP and DP frameworks. Please see ManageBac for unit
overviews as they are taught throughout the year.
Across the Secondary School, we utilize ManageBac for sharing key activities and
assessments, as a digital workspace, for communication with learners, and for reporting on
learner performance to families. Some teachers may supplement the digital learning
environment with Google Classroom, and you can expect an emailed invitation to sign up for
regular updates from Google Classroom if so.
Any learning activity which is expected to take place outside of the classroom will appear as
assignments and tasks on ManageBac. Homework is most often an extension of activities or
projects either begun or included in the classroom, but may include common activities like
reading, reinforcement of content or skills within a unit of study, or distributed practice
activities, such as flashcards for example, to support learner recall of low-level content.
As a rough guide, learners and families can expect an update on performance every few
weeks. These updates, available in ManageBac, represent a check-in on learner
performance toward mastering critical course objectives and learning outcomes, prior to
each unit’s culminating sessment.