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SERVICE MANUAL SUPPLEMENT 22S LOADALL RANGE SERVO HYDRAULICS This supplement covers the servo hydraulic contro! system which is available as an option for the 525B-H. and the 5208 -HiL. It deals only with those features of Servo machines which differ from the standard build. Therefore it should be read in conjunction with Service Manual 9803/3350. This supplement covers the following Servo machines : 530B-HL from Machine No. 581641. 525B-HL from Machine No. 273492. PUBLISHED BY THE TECHNICAL PUBLICATIONS DEPARTMENT OF {JCB SERVICE; © ROCESTER, STAFFORDSHIRE, ST145LS, ENGLAND ‘Tel. ROCESTER (0888) 590812 PRINTED IN ENGLAND Publication No. 9803/3352 Issue 1Loadall Range Service Manual - Servo Hydraulics Supplement pace SECTION GENERAL Technet ro "General desenpon 27 SECTION 2 HYDRAULICS Proportional valve block 4 Proportional valve block dismantling and assembly 1-2 is node i Ta ide alg anna Tay ‘Main valve section 1-6 Tia vale socion donanihy and ssn mre | [Positive load module dismantling and assembly ~ 10/1 - 11 bc hair Sarin and asa ETE Cop vibe damming an sont erate [Hydraulic routs. —~S~=“‘S;~;~SCS”*”!”!”!”!”™”™”™”!”!”!”!™”™”CS 2] EINES — Electrical circuit description Crawdayan hcg the Sls ad or i [Cab control lever dismantling and assembly 3-18-2 |Platiorm control lever dismantling and assembly 4-14-2 SECTION 4 FAULT FINDING Check 1 900015952 Issue?1 General 1 ‘TECHNICAL DATA Loadall Models Proportional valve block pressure settings (5258-HL): Inlet module relit valve Tit valve positive load modules ‘Auxiliary valve positive load modules Proportions! valve biock pressure settings (530 B-HL): Inlet module relief valve Tit valve positive load modules Auxiliary valve positive load modules. 5258-HL, 50B-HL 220 bar (3190 loti?) 140 bar (2030 Ibn?) A port (Tit ram eye end) 220 bar (3190 l/n?) B port (Tit ram dump end) 145 bar (2100 loin’) A port (Left-hand aux. connector) 145 bar (2100 lbt/n') B pect (Right-hand aux. connector} ‘See Note 138 bar (2000 Ibf/in*) A port (Tilt ram dump end) 280’bar (4060 len!) B port (it ram eyo end) 198 bar (2000 Ibtfn') A port (Lett-hand aix. connector) 138 bar (2000 btn) B port (Right-hand aux. connector) Note: On the 530B-HL the system pressure is limited by the Stabliser Relist Vaive and not the inlet module role! valve. ‘The Stabilisor Relief Valve is set at 241 bar (3500 tbf/n®). To render the inlet module ralet valve inoperative the manutac- turer has set it at a pressure whichis higher than the Stabilser Relief Valve setting. ( Soe Soction 2, page 1 -5 ofthis ‘supplement for resetting the inlet module relief valve after dismantling.) 0513352, Issue 11 General 1 1-2 GENERAL DESCRIPTION (On machines fitted with this system all the loader actions are controlled by a single lever A which ‘operates an electro - hydraulic, proportional control valve block B, mounted on the boom pivot plate, ‘As an extra option, the loader raise/lower and extend! retract movements (but not tit) can also be controlled by remote levers Con a boom-mounted man platform. Machines with this option are also provided with a hand throttle D. ‘The speed of loader actions is proportional to the dogree of lover movement (as well as engine speed). ‘The auxiliary service, when provided, is operated by a rocker switch and does not have proportional control Machines with servo controls also have a modified ‘Safe Load Indicator, which automatically prevents the loader being moved into an unstable condition. As a futher safety measure, machines with the remote facility are also provided with an emergency stop button on the man platform, This cuts off al electrical power to the system and also de-enorgises a dump valve E. When the dump valve is de-energised, the ‘hydraulic pressure in the vaive block is reduced to a level wirich is insufficient to operate the system. In this condition, the feader can be manually retracted and lowered by means of fevors on the valve block (provided the dump valve is manually tld closed). ‘The system electrical relays are located in a terminal box F (6908 - HL) or G (5258 - HL). ‘The valves and terminal block F are protected by a cover assembly which incorporates access panels for the control valve hand levers and the dump valve, se0ara352, Issue t2 Hydraulics 2 1-4 PROPORTIONAL VALVE BLOCK The following description applies to the three valve sections which control the loader movements (raise/ lower, extend/retract and tt), These give proportional Control of the rams, depending on the amount of lever movement. The fourth valve section in the block operates the auxiliary service and does not give proportional control. The only physical difference between this section and the other three is that it does not incorporate an electronic unit D or a position, transducer E. Each valve section consists of a main valve A and an electric actuator B, The control lover C sends an elecirical signal (0 the electronic unit D in the actuator. The size of the signal depends on the positon of the lever. The electronic unit also receives a signal from the valve spool position tranducer E, The size of this signal depends on the position of the spool in ts bore The two signals are compared. If there isa difference, solenoid valve F or G is energised to direct oil to one cr other end of the spool via the hydraulic-amplfier J The spool will therefore move along its bore, progressively opening the main ports of the valve. As the spool moves towards its required position, the difference between the two signals decreases. When the difference between the two signals reaches zero (ie when the spool reaches its required position) the solenoid valve de-energises and the spool stops moving. Hydraulic amplifier J converts the relatively small oil signals from the solenoid valves into an oll flow which is large enough to move the spool rapidly along its bore. Solenoid valve H determines the speed of spool movement, Ifthe eliference between the two signals, is greater than a predetermined amount, this valve ‘energises ta increase the oi! signal, thus speeding up spool movement e0ai5352 Issue 12 Hydraulics 2 1-2 PROPORTIONAL VALVE BLOCK Dismanting and Assembly ‘The information on this page concerns the breaking down of the complete valve biock into its major units - ie the four valve sections, the pump modula and the cond plate. Note that spools etc can be removed without dismantling the valve section from the block. The valve block should normally need to be dismantled only in the event of leakage at the joints or to ronow a faully housing, Dismantling Note: Record the relative positions of the individual sections, to assist correct reassembly. Also make a note of the hose connections to ensure correct recon- nection. Slacken nuts 1 in diagonal sequence to provent pos sible distortion of the valve housings. Assombly ‘The illustration shows a typical sealing arrangement between adjacent housings. Renew all ‘0 rings. En- ‘sure that the dowel pins. 4 are in position and that the shim seals § are fitted the correct way round (to line Lup with the diilings in the housings). Tighten nuts 1 evenly and in diagonal sequence to provent distortion of the valve housings. Torque ~ tighton the nuls to the figure shown. When the correct, torque on all four nuts has been achieved, check that tho valve spools are free to move in their bores. ‘On 530 B-HL only, ensure that the make-up valve is ‘connected botwaon the ‘A’ port on the lift valve sec- tion and the 'B' port on the tilt valve section. Maka ‘sure that the valve is connected such that the flow ar- row marked on it points towards the’B' port on the tit valve section, ‘Torque Settings tem Nm kgf m bet 1 80 8.16 59 0273352 Tseve 12 Hydraulics 2 1-3 INLET MODULE Port A is connected externally to the pump outlet and internally to the inlets of the main valve sections B1 - B4.. With the loader system at ‘est’, ie with no load applied, the spool is held in the closed position by spring C. Oil from the pump enters at A and is fed through tho dling in spool D to the end of the bore. Oil pressure therefore moves the spool against the force of the spring to connect port Ato tank via port E. Therefore pressure in port A (and therefore at the main valve section inlets) equals the pressure created by the force of the spring When the system is under load, the pressure set up by spring C is supplemented by a load sensing signal F. (This signal will be the largest of the four load sensing signals from the main vaive sections, see page 1 - 6.) In this condition the pressure in port A will ‘equal the load sensing signal pressure plus the pressure created by the force of the spring. Pressure Limiting The load sensing signal is fed to one end af spool G in relist valve H. When the signal exceeds the setting cf spring J, the spool moves in its bore to connect the load sensing signal to tank. Pressure is therefore limited by the setting of spring J. (On 530B-HL machines only, this relief valve is red inoperative. See Technical Data in this supplament (Section 1, page 1 1). 9608/8952 Tesue 12 Hydraulics 22 Hydraulics 2 1-5 INLET MODULE Dismantiing and Assembly Dismanting Unscrew plugs 1 and 2 alternately by small amounts, 's0 as to release the force of spring § gradually. To remove the relief valve cartridge 12 it will be necessary to wind in the adjuster 9 to give sufficient depth for the Allen key. Note: Do not attempt to dismantle spool 6 into its component parts. itis renewable only as a complete unit. Plug 14 and ‘0’ ring 18, although provided on a new valve, will have been omitted to allow connection of the Load Sensing line, Assombly Renew al "0" rings Note: The spools are matched to their housings and should not be interchanged. The spools and housings have indentification numbers eiched on their outer surfaces, If a spool or housing is damaged, renew both itoms as an assembiy. Ensure that all orifices are clear before reassembling the unit, Ensure that the spool 6 is insorted the right way round (see illustration). When fiting plugs 1 and 2, make sure both of them are engaged before before tightening either of them fully. Note: On §30B-HL machines only, system pressure is limited by the Stabliser Reliat Valve. The inlet module rolief valve adjuster 9 should therefore be wound fully in, Pressure Setting ‘Connect a 0 - 400 bar (0 - 6000 Ibi) pressure gauge to test point X (630B-HL) or ¥ (S25B-HL) un the engine at fll sped, lower the boom and hold the ram fully closed while’ checking the maximum ‘gauge reading, which should be as stated in Technical Data. Adjust, if necessary, as follows: S90B-HL. Adjust the Stabilisor Reliof Valve Z , clock- wise to Increase the pressure or anticlockwise to de- crease the prossure, S25B-HL. Remove plug 7. Turn adjuster 9 clockwise to raise the pressure or anticlockwise to lower the pros- sure, Refit plug 7. 00913362,2 Hydraulics 2 1-6 MAIN VALVE SECTION ‘The main valve spoo! G is moved along its bore by the ‘electric actuatar (or the hand lever on the raise/lowor and extend /retract valve sections). Oil from the inlet ‘module enters through port A, passes through the drilings in pressure compensator spool B and out to the ram via port C of D. Oil returning from the ram flows to tank via the other port (C or D) and the appro- priate port E. ‘The outlet pressure (or ‘load pressure’) is sensed through drilings in the main spool and fed to tho shuttle valve F as a load sensing signal. # the load sensing signal from this valve section is greator than those from the other thrag, the shuttle valve will co noc! itto the inlet modu. If not, the shuttle vaive will remain closed as shown. (This means that the inlet module will control the pressure at A in all four main valve sections to suit the greatest load; see page 1-3) ‘The pressure compensator compensates for variations in load and system pressure to maintain a ‘constant flow to the ram for a given position of the main spool. System pressure is applied to the top of the compensator spool via a driling. It system pressure rises, tending to increase the flow, the spool moves downwards. This increases the pressure drop ‘across the spool so as to maintain the flow constant. The load pressure is fad to the bottom end of tho ‘compensator spoo! via drilings in the main spool G. Ht the load pressure rises, tending to decrease the flow, the compemsator spoot moves further upwards. This decreases the pressure drop across the ‘compensator spool so as to maintain the flow ‘constant. ‘Tho check valve H prevents oil flowing back from the ram into the main pressure line. Note: There ave two types of main valve sections and there are two of each type. Both types operate as, described above, but the ‘tt and ‘auxiliary’ valves have an additional section incorporating what are known as ‘positive load modules’, soe pagot - 9. senera952Hydraulics WL A aege< toni ata mc2 Hydraulics 2 1-8 MAIN VALVE SECTION Dismantiing and Assembly Note: Both typos of valve section are shown. The ‘components of both types are identical, but the wider type of section has an extra plug 20 and ‘O* ring 24 Dismanting “The main spool 1 is coupled to the mechanical actua tor and will be withdrawn when that assembly is re~ moved, see page 1-14. ‘Tho ends of plugs 2 and 6 are drilled and tapped to accept an M5 screw or sliding hammer attachment, which should be used for removal. ‘Assombly Note: ‘The spools are matched to their hcusings and. ‘should not be interchanged. The spools and housings have indentification numbers etched on their outer surfaces. If a spool or housing is damaged, renew both items as an assembly Ensure that al orfces are clear before reassembling the unit ‘The compensator spool assembly 13, 14, 15, 16, and 17 is renowablo only as a complete unt. Renow all ‘O'rings on assembly. Ensure that ‘O' ring 11 and back-up ring 10 are installed in the correct er- der as shown, 980978952 Issue 12 Hydraulics 2 1-9 POSITIVE LOAD MODULE ‘Tho tilt and auxiliary main valve sections incorporate ‘what are known as a ‘positive load module’ in each load line. A pasitive load module combines tha func- tions of a pressure rolief valva and an anti-cavitation valve. Pressure Relief (View 1) ‘it pressure in the load tine is sensod via a driling in the raliaf valve seat A. If the pressure is sufficient to ‘overcome the force of spring B tho valve will open, ‘connecting the load line to tank via drilings in the valve bushing and the suction piston C. ‘Therefore the setting of spring B determines the max- imum pressure that can be generated in the load line, Ant-Cavitaton (View 2) Ifthe pressure in the load line falls below tank pros- sure the relief valve asseribly will be forced towards, the end stop D. Oil will then flow from the tank into the load lino, via the drilings in the suction piston C and the raliaf valve bushing. 0038952 Tesue 1Hydraulics Issue tHydraulics POSITIVE LOAD MODULE Dismantiing and Assembly When Dismantling Note that the two relief valve assomblies 7 10 10 are identical, but may have different settings. Make a note of which end ‘A’ or ‘B’ each valve is removed from, to ensure correct reassembly. (‘A and 'B' are ‘marked on the valve block.) ‘Assombly Ensure that all orifices in the relief valves and the bushings § are clear. Coat all internal surfaces with hydraulic ol botore assembly. Note: The two end stops 12 and their springs 11 are different at each end of the housing. ‘Tho end stop with the thicker flange, together with the longer spring, should be inserted in tho ‘A’ end of the hous ing. Roliet Valve Setting WARNING: Release any trapped pressure in the load lines, by setting the starter switch to ‘on’ and operat ing the control lever a few times without the engine running. Remove the cover 3. Withdraw the relist valve and screw the adjuster 7 in fF out to ator the setting. With the adjuster flush wth the bushing as shown, the valve is set to opon at 50 bar (725 Ibtin’). Each compote tum of the adjuster ‘changes the sottng by 35 bar (500 ifn’). ‘Turning the adjuster clockwise increasos the setting and turning it anti-clockwise decreases the setting. ‘S00 Technical Data for the required settings. 1 9008/99521A) Hydraulics * se0se3522 Hydraulics 2 1-13 ELECTRIC ACTUATOR UNIT Dismanting and Assembly Note: Thera are two types of electric actuator unit, A and B. Type A is a proportional control device and type B is an on - off device. The type B actuator is in- stalled on the auxiliary valve section only. Da not interchange the plug assemblies 1 and 1. Dismanting ‘Tho actuator can only be dismantled to the extent shown on the illustration. Do not attempt to dismantle the main assembly 6 any further. Assembly Clean the filter 13 before refitting it. Renow all ‘O° rings. Ensure all orfices are clear. Note: Bofore reconnecting the plug assembly 1 smear its top surface with petroloum jelly, to keep out mois- ture and pravant corrosion. ‘96088852 Issue 1Hydraulics se09952 Tesve 12 Hydraulics 2 1-15 MECHANICAL ACTUATOR Diemanting and Assembly Dismantling Note: Do not separate seal nuts 3 from the flow adjusting screws 4, unless they are damaged, Other- wise the maximum flow settings will be disturbed unnecessarily. When the housing assembly 5 Is detached from the main valve section the main spool will be withdrawn with it, Items 9 to 12 aro attached to the spool. To
se0a352Hydraulics 2Hydraulics 590B-HL Tesve 1 ‘9808/83623 Electrics 3 14 ELECTRICAL CIRCUIT - DESCRIPTION Note: The terminal box whose circuit is shown on page 1-3 fs common to all machines fitted with this servo systom, whether or not the optional ‘platform control is installed, (On 5258-HL. machines the coll of stabiliser interlock relay 6 is connected directly to earth. Platform Control The circuit is shown in the de-energised condhion, with control selected to the man platform (relays 4, 5 de-enorgised). in this condition both keys 12, 13 can ‘be removed. (Safety feature + to ensure that platform control cannot be overridden by someone in the cab while the operator is on the platform.) Note: On §30B-HL machines, platform control is not possible unless the stabilisers are down, closing switches 18, 20 to enesgise relay 6, With relay 6 closed and starter switch 24 at ‘or’, power is available at levers 2 and 3 via the emergency stop switch 7. Moving a lever away from the central (hold) positon closes the neutral switch (2a/Ba) to energise relay 18, This applies power to the aise! lowor and oxtend/retract actuators 11a,b and energises the dump valve 16 to supply hydraulic power fo the systom. With a lever away from its central position a voltage signal from the potentiometer (2b/3b) is sent to the actuator via the contacts of de-energised relay 4 or 5 and the Safe Load Indicator 15. The actuator will therefore activate its associated valve spool to supply hydraulic power to the ram. The system will accopt signals from both control levers. simultaneously, allowing raise/lower and extend/retract to be operated at the same time if required {tthe loader approaches an unstable condition the Sale Load Indicator will inhibit the signals to the actuators. (Note that on ‘ower’ and ‘extend’ the Valves will not simply ‘slam shut’; they will close progressively as the loader gots closer to the maximum stability limit) Pressing the emergency stop switch will de-oner relay 18, removing supply power ftom the actuators and de-erergising the dump valve 16. The system will therefore be isolated fram both the electrical supply and the hydraute supply. Cab Controt With the starter switch 24 at ‘on’, moving the control selector switch 18 to the ‘cab" position onergises rolays 4, § and 17, Rolays 4 and § connect the cab control lever 1 extend/ratract and raise/lowar signal lines to their respective actuators 11a,b while at the ‘same time disconnecting the platform control lever signa! fines. Relay 17 prepares the tit actuator power ‘supply line (in series with the contacts of relay 18). ‘When the cab control lever is moved away from its cconttal (hold) position, neutral switch ta closes to energise relay 18. Supply voltage is therefore connected to the actuators 11 (via the contacts of relay 17 for the tit actuator) and the dump valve. With the contol lever away from its central position, signals from potentiometers 1b pass to actuators 114,b via the contacs of rolays 4 and 8 and the Safe Load Indicator 15, (There is no relay inthe tt signat ling; the potentiometer signal passes fo actuator 116 via the Safe Load Indicator only.) The actuators wil therefore activate their respective spools to supply frydraulic power tothe rams. Tho system will accept signals from all thros potentiometers simultaneously, allowing all loader actions to be performed at the same time il required. If the loader moves foo far towards an unstable condition the Safe Load Indicator will inhibit the signals to the actuators and the vaive will shut off. (Note that on ‘lower’ and ‘extend’ the valve will not simply ‘slam shut; it will close progressively to bring the loader to a smooth stop.) However, in ‘cab contro” only, the inhibit feature can be overridden by keyswitch 12, which interconnects terminals 1 and 8 ‘on the Safe Load indicator. Lamp 10 lights to indicate that overtide has been selected. The Sate Load Indicator will stil function as an indicator in this condition, ‘Auxiliary Service ‘The auxiliary service is operated by switch 9. With the ‘starter switch at ‘on’, rocking this switch forward or back er relay 18 and the dump valve 16. At the same time it sends a maximum voltage signal to the auxiliary actuator 11d. Depending on which direction the switch has been moved, the auxiliary valve section spco! will hen be forced to ona or other ‘and of fs travel to operate the auxiliary service, 9808/8952 Issu0 13 Electrics 3 1-2 1-2 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM ‘Main Components and Switches ‘Controt lever (cab) Raise/iowar control lever (platform) Extend/retract control lever (platform) Extend/retract signal relay Raiso/lowor signal rolay Stabilser interlock relay Emergency stop switch Cable reo! Auxiliary service control switch ‘Safe Load Indicator override indicator lamp Electric actuators (on valve block) ‘a Extend/retract, b Raisofower eTit d Auxiliary 12 Sale Load Indicator override switch 13 Control selector switch 14 Diodes 15 Safe Load Indicator 16 Dumpvalve 47 Titactuator power relay 18 Power relay for extenditetract, raiseviower actuators and dump BS eervounens valve 19 ‘Stabiliser Down’ limit switch 20. ‘Stabilser Down’ mit switch 5908-HL only 21 ‘Stabiliser Down’ indicator lamp| 22 Fuso 1 (see Electrics, page 7-9, 7 -10 in Loadall Manual) 23 Fuse 3 (see Electrics, page 7 9, 7 -10 in Loadall Manual) 24 Starter switch Note: Cable annotated E Is on 5258-HL only. Cable annotated F is on 530B-HL only. Cable Colour Code B Black S Slate G_ Green U_ Blue AG Light Green = W_ White N Brown Y Yellow P Purple K Pink R Red © Orange 00815362 Issue t3 Electrics eps [2\ Lr f | | Eg3 Electrics 2-4 CHECKING THE SAFE LOAD INDICATOR ‘The Sate Load Indicator on Servo machines has al the features of the one on standard machines, but it can also prevent the boom and carriage moving into ‘an unstabia condition For ‘carriage tit forward! tho signal is cut off imme ately, so the carriage will stop pivoting instantly. For ‘boom extend’ and boom lowar the signals are gradu ally reduced as the loader moves from 50% of the Sta- bility Limit up to maximum. So these movements of tho loader will got slower as the Stability Limit is ap- proached, Check the operation of the Safe Load Indicator as folows: 1. Stand the unloaded machine on level ground. 2. Select ‘cab controt. 3. Select ‘SLI override off, 4 With the engine running, press the SLI test but- ton. Check that all the visual display lights flash. 5 Kooping the test button pressed, check that the following loader actions cannot be operated from the control lever(s): 18) Carriage forward tk, 1b) Boom extend. ©) Boom lower. 0213352 Issue 1Electrics 9608138523 Electrics 3-2 ‘CAB CONTROL LEVER Dismantling and Assemisly Bofore Removing Note the orientation of the unit relative to the control ‘pane! before removing it, to assist correct positioning on assembly. Dismanting Note that the electronic unit 6 cannot be dismantled further than shown on the illustration. tit is defective renew it 960815852 Teva 1Lill yyak & &) LSS sy ~ Se R000:3 Electrics 3 4-2 4-2 PLATFORM CONTROL LEVER, Dismanting and Assombly Before Removing ‘The electronic unit 4 is marked on its top face with the lettors A and B. Note which way round these letters are compared with the control panel before removing the control unit assembly. Dismanting Note that the electronic unit 4 cannot be dismantled further than shown on the illustration. If tis defective renew it, ‘Separate the control handle assembly 9 to 22 from the electronic unit 4 by removing screws 8. Assembly When engaging the control handle assembly 9 to 22 with the electronic unit 4, before fiting scren make sure that the bottom of the handle 11 engages. with the slot in the potentiometer lever as shown. Also make sure that the slot in guide 9 Is aligned with the ‘slot In the lock fting 17. Fit new ‘O* rings for adjuster 10 on assembly. Note that it does not matter which way round the tronic unit 4 is positioned relative to the cover 2. Ratiting Ensure that the unit is installed the correct way round. (s00 Before Removing). ‘Adjusting The control range of the unit is set by means of ad- justers 10. Both adjusters should be tumed fully clockwise, 0513352, Issue 14 Fault finding 4 14 CHECKLIST Symptom ‘Action ‘Complete system inoperative. ‘One service inoperative from both control levers. Checkironew fuses 22, 23. Ghock dump valve eneigises when a control lever is operated, Chock relays 17, 18 energise when a control lever is, operated. Transfer the electrical connector on the inoperative valve section to an adjacont valve saction. it the faut ‘moves with it, the problem les inthe elacrcalcrcut. W not, the faut is in the electric actuator or the main valve section. To check fo a siazed spoo!in the main valve section, tty to operate the valve manually from its operating lover . (Only two of the main valve sections have op- crating lovers fited; if necessary, tomporariy trans for one of these tothe suspect valve section.) CAUTION: Ensure that the operating handle is re- placed in its original position, To check fora fauly electric actuator, swap the sus- pect one with a known serviceable one from an ada- cont valve section (Note that although the auxiliary vale section actuator is machanicaly interchanges bie withthe others it does nat give proporional con- trol) One or more service inoperative from ‘one control lover. ‘Check that the control salacior switch is in the correct, position. Check for output signals from the control lever Ifthe fault is in the platform control lever, check for voltage drops across the cable reel sliprings. All services except ‘auxiliary’ inoperative, ‘Check/renow fuse 23. Select ‘cab control’ and ‘SLI override’. if the servico ‘now operates, the SLIis faulty. Note: Fuse and relay numbers refer to the electrical ireuit diagram; see section 3 page t -2,1 3 ‘96089952 uo 1
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