Martin's Conjecture: A Classification of The Naturally Occurring Turing Degrees
Martin's Conjecture: A Classification of The Naturally Occurring Turing Degrees
Martin's Conjecture: A Classification of The Naturally Occurring Turing Degrees
1 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1
Antonio Montalbán
This paper is about naturally occurring objects in comput- if it can be calculated using a mechanical, step-by-step al-
ability theory, the area inside mathematical logic that stud- gorithm. The informal notion of algorithm was already
ies the complexity of infinite countable objects. It is about known to the Greeks two millennia ago. But it was not un-
the structure that emerges when we look at almost- til the 1930s that Gödel, Turing, and Church, among oth-
everywhere behavior with respect to a measure called Mar- ers, proposed the first formal definitions of computable
tin’s measure. Posed in the 1970s, Martin’s conjecture was functions. Conceived before the age of computers, those
the first indication of this hidden structure. Martin’s con- three equivalent definitions capture what we still call the
jecture is currently one of the main open questions in com- class of computable functions: Let us use ℕℕ to denote the
putability theory and is of great foundational importance. set of functions from ℕ to ℕ. Today, we say that a function
Progress has been slow, and only recently we have started 𝑓 ∈ ℕℕ is computable if it can be calculated using a com-
to appreciate the extent to which Martin’s measure can be puter program in your favorite programming language.1
used to understand the behavior of naturally occurring ob- Which programming language you use is not important.
jects in computability theory. You always get the same class of functions as long as the
language has some minimum basic functionality. Some
Computability Theory languages might be faster or easier to use for certain types
Computability theory is the area of logic that studies the of functions, but the class of computable functions from
complexity of infinite countable objects. Computer sci- ℕ to ℕ is independent of the language. The restriction to
ence and set theory take care of the finite objects and un- functions on the natural numbers is just for simplicity. It
countable objects, respectively—well, not exactly, but is not even a real restriction, as any finite object can be
more or less. The main notion in computability theory coded by a natural number—that’s what your computer
is that of computable function. A function 𝑓 is computable does when it encodes everything you see on the screen
into numbers written in binary. In our examples below,
Antonio Montalbán is a professor of mathematics at the University of California,
Berkeley. His email address is
we will mention finite objects, like strings of characters or
The author was partially supported by NSF grant DMS-1363310 and by a Si- integer polynomials, and assume they are being encoded
mons fellowship. The author would also like to thank Pierre Simon for proof- by natural numbers in some standard way without even
reading this paper. mentioning it.
Communicated by Notices Associate Editor Stephan Ramon Garcia. A subset 𝐴 ⊆ ℕ is computable if its characteristic
For permission to reprint this article, please contact: 1We impose no restriction on time spent or memory used so long as, on each
input, the program gives an answer after finitely many steps, hence using only
DOI: finitely much memory.
functions ℕ ⇀ ℕ and let 𝒞𝑓 be the set of programs that, when run with ora-
Definition 2. A group 𝒢 is ∃-atomic over a tuple 𝑎 ̄ ∈ 𝐺<ℕ cle 𝑓, produce a partial function in 𝒞. The operator 𝑓 ↦ 𝒞𝑓 is then uniformly
if, for every tuple 𝑝 ̄ ∈ 𝐺<ℕ , there exist words 𝑣1 , ..., 𝑣𝑘 , ≡𝑇 -to-≡𝑇 -invariant.