PV Elite Manual PDF
PV Elite Manual PDF
PV Elite Manual PDF
Page 1 of 39
Nov, 2007
0 Issued for use by DEL Engineers UES ARC Nov-07 1st issue
No Purpose Revs‟d by Appv‟d Date Remarks
* Limited use
Read the datasheet thoroughly from line to line, to acquire the necessary
data for the design. The important design data required is mainly
Corrosion Allowance
Minimum thicknesses (shell, head, nozzles)
Nozzle Projections
Vessel Dimensions
Nozzle types (self reinforced or with reinforcement pads)
Nozzle Sizes
MDMT, etc.
If you would like to have your thicknesses rounded to the nearest 1/16 of an inch (if
you are in English units) or the nearest 1mm if you are in MM units, usually this box is
Print Equations and Substitutions
By default PVElite will provide formulas and substitutions for internal and external
pressure calculations.
Usually this box is checked.
Increase Blind Flange Thickness for Reinforcement
Usually this box is unchecked.
Use OD as the basis for shell radius in Zick
By default PVElite uses the ID basis on which to perform the Zick analysis calculations.
In general, this is more conservative than using the OD.
Usually this box is unchecked.
Do not use the bolt space correction factor.
Usually this box is unchecked.
Use Eigen Solver for Natural Frequency Calc.
Usually this box is checked.
Use Pre-99 Addenda for Division 1
Usually this box is unchecked.
No Corrosion on Inside Welds
By default PVElite will always corrode the inner fillet weld when computing the area
available in the inside weld. This directive has no effect when using the PD: 5500
Usually this box is unchecked.
Use AD-540.2 sketch b and not sketch d for Normal Limit
Usually this box is unchecked.
Use Increased Nozzle Thickness
Calculate minimum nozzle wall to account for external loadings
In many cases pressure vessels are designed and built long before the piping system
is attached to them. This means that the nozzle loadings are unknown. If this field is
checked, then your minimum nozzle thickness (trn) will be then maximum of:
trn = (.134, trn for internal pressure) <= Nps 18
trn = (OD/150, trn for internal pressure) > Nps 18
Also open the COADE unit conversion utility to convert the different units given in
By entering the pressures and temperatures, from the datasheet, in these first four
fields, PVElite will use these values as the default values for the whole vessel. This
saves time later.
Enter the internal and external pressure according to datasheet. If external pressure is
not mentioned on the datasheet then enter 0.000001 psig in the field. The program will
assume this value as atmospheric external pressure. If external pressure on the
datasheet is mentioned as F.V (i.e. Full Vacuum) then enter in this field 15 psig, the
program will calculate it as Full Vacuum Condition.
If you look at your 3D model on the screen it will look something like this:
Once you have a skirt attached to the bottom of the vessel you may wish to mover the
datum line to the bottom of the skirt as it may be more convenient.
Normally the datum line usually used is the tangent line of the bottom head in the case
of vertical vessels. In horizontal vessel it is the tangent line of left head.
Hydrotest Type:
From the drop down box, you can tell PVElite how it must calculate the hydrotest
Select the Hydrotest type given according to datasheet.
If no instructions about hydrotest are given on the datasheet then use UG99b (33).
(Based on design pressure and not on MAWP)
Hydrotest Position:
These are the choices you have available to you:
Tall towers for example, are usually hydrotested in the horizontal position. Give careful
consideration to the position that is appropriate to your situation.
Usually Horizontal hydrotest position is assumed for vessels if it is not mentioned in
Nozzle Projections:
Enter the nozzle projection from the surface of the vessel pressure envelope. This
information is used by PVElite to compute any extra liquid level where the nozzle
project higher than the vessel envelope.
Enter the minimum metal temperature. PVElite computes the minimum allowable
metal temperature, and compares it with the required minimum metal temperature.
If MDMT is given in the datasheet, use that value. If MDMT is not given then the
default value is usually used.
Enter the distance from the centerline/face of flange to the top of the vessel. This value
will be used in case the flanges govern the MAP of the vessel
Construction Type:
It is most likely that the default „Welded‟ is used about 99.9 % of the time.
Service Type:
Enter the service type if any one of the above is given in datasheet. The type of
service is specific to ASME Section VIII, Division 1. The code (Section UW) imposes
special requirements for vessels in lethal and steam services.
This is usually left at the default value of „None‟ if no service is mentioned on
Degree of Radiography:
From the drop down box, click on the appropriate degree of radiography according to
datasheet. PVElite does NOT automatically set the joint factor (E) from this global
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If radiography is not mentioned on the datasheet, than RT-3 is normally used if no
lethal service is available. In case of lethal service use RT-1.
Design Code:
Click on the appropriate code according to datasheet. PVElite allows the user to
perform vessel calculations in several pressure vessel codes.
The following design codes are supported by PVElite:
ASME Section VIII, Division 1
ASME Section VIII, Division 2
The British PD 5500
The European EN 13445
Once a code is selected, the user will have to re-select the materials, as each code
has its own design stress tables.
Use the code mentioned on datasheet. In most cases ASME Section VIII, Division 1 is
usually used.
Use of other codes is restricted due to lack of code knowledge, at DEL
The ASME Section VIII, Division 1 code determines the Maximum Allowable Working
Pressure (MAWP) the vessel is able to sustain.
Usually this field is left to zero and MAWP is calculated by program.
In the cold condition, the flange ratings again could be exceeded. The user can set his
own value of Maximum Allowable Pressure New and Cold.
Usually this field is left to zero and MAPnc is calculated by program.
In the case of ASME Division 1, the hydrotest pressure is computed per UG-99 with
varying degrees of severity. The user can reduce or change the hydrotest pressure.
Usually this field is left to zero and Hydrotest is calculated by program.
If for example, the vessel had a piping system attached, the liquid contained in the
piping could add to the design pressure. If there are other factors that raise the
pressure during the operating condition, this added pressure can be catered for.
Usually this field is left to zero if not given in datasheet or specifications. If given the
vessel calculations for these loads are done by program.
The ASME Code (Section VIII, Division 1, Paragraph UG-23(d)) allows the allowable
stress for the combination of earthquake loading, or wind loading with other loadings
to be increased by a factor of 1.2.
Usually this box is checked in the case of tall towers.
By default PVElite uses the hydrotest stress times the allowable stress increase factor
for occasional loads (times the joint efficiency. on the tensile side). However, for
stainless steel vessels this value is often limited to 0.9 times the yield stress.
Usually this box is checked in the case of tall towers.
If this box is checked PVElite will perform vortex shedding calculations on the vessel.
Usually this box is unchecked. Unless it is a tall vertical vessel.
Note: This check box is for Heat Exchanger design case only.
To completely define an exchanger it is necessary to enter in the required information
regarding the tubes, tubesheets and the floating head (if any). With the exchanger
data, PVElite can then compute the weights and required thicknesses of the
exchanger components
Corroded Hydrotest:
By default PVElite uses the uncorroded wall thickness when the stresses on the
elements during the hydrotest are computed. In some cases it is necessary to
hydrotest the vessel after it has corroded.
Usually this box is unchecked. Unless it is advised by client.
For ASME Division 1, the hydrotest allowable stress is 1.3 times the ambient allowable
stress for the material. When the vessel is tested, the largest circumferential stress
should not exceed this value. If you wish to use 90 percent of the ambient yield stress
instead of 1.3 the ambient allowable, then you can check this box.
Usually this box is unchecked. Unless it is advised by client.
If any of the items is set to yes, PVElite will correct the item should it fail in the analysis.
For example, if „Select Wall Thickness for Internal Pressure‟ be set to „Yes‟, PVElite
will automatically increase the thickness of a component should it not be thick enough.
Usually three of the above mentioned values are set to “Yes”
Select Wall Thickness for internal pressure is normally set to YES
Select Wall Thickness for Axial stress is normally set to YES
The load Cases are normally not adjusted, but these load cases have provision to
enter three more cases if required by project vessel specifications.
1. MAWP + Static Liquid Pressure to the bottom of the Element the Nozzle is
attached to
2. Design Pressure + Static Liquid Pressure
3. MAWP + Static Liquid Pressure to the bottom of the Element that is governing
the MAWP
4. MAWP + Static Liquid Pressure to the Nozzle
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Element Description
Enter an optional alpha numeric description for this element.
Enter an element description according to vessel components. In case of vertical
vessel start from bottom head, shell then top head. In the case of horizontal vessel
start from left head, shell and then right head.
Element’s from Node
Element’s Distance
Enter the distance between the 'From' Node and 'To' Node.
Element Type:
Cylindrical: Change the current element to a Cylinder
Elliptical: Change the current element to an elliptical head
Torispherical: Change the current element to a Torispherical (F&D) head
Spherical: Change the current element to a spherical head
Conical: Change the current element to a conical head or shell segment
Welded Flat: Change the current element to a Welded Flat head
Body Flange: Change the current element to a Body Flange/Blind Flange etc.
Skirt: Change the current element to a Skirt with optional
The element type can be changed by this dropdown button.
Element Diameter
Enter the inside or outside diameter of the element as appropriate.
Element’s Finished Thickness
Enter the finished thickness of the element. This is typically the nominal thickness
minus any mill under tolerance, and taking into account any thinning due to forming.
Note that the corrosion allowance is automatically subtracted from this thickness by
the program and should not be subtracted by the user. The finished thickness initial
guess can be obtained from the bottom of the window.
From the above mentioned bottom strip of the window, T r is the thickness calculated
against internal pressure and Trext is the thickness calculated under external pressure.
The larger of these two values is rounded of and is generally considered as finished
Element Nominal Thickness
For most calculations PVElite uses the finished thickness to determine MAWP and
some other important results.
Nominal thickness is the finished thickness plus the mill tolerance of the plate. In the
case of pipe the mill tolerance of pipe is added.
Element’s Corrosion Allowance
Enter the corrosion allowance given in datasheet.
The analysis program will subtract this value from entered thickness and add this
value to inside diameter.
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Enter the design pressure for external pressure analysis. This should be a positive
value, i.e. 14.7 psig. For skirt, you should not enter a value other than zero, since
there can not be an external pressure on a skirt.
Examples of external pressure:
0 -- No external pressure calculation
15 -- 1 atmosphere external pressure (= "full vacuum”)
Step 9: Nozzle Input:
Nozzle Design Data
Nozzle Attachment
Nozzle Type
PVElite can evaluate 6 styles of nozzle. These 6 types are:
1: Inserted Nozzle with reinforcing Pad.
2: Inserted Nozzle with out reinforcing Pad.
3: Abutting Nozzle with reinforcing Pad.
4: Abutting Nozzle without reinforcing Pad.
5: Heavy Barrel Type, HB
6: Type “F” connection
Simply click the radio button for the type of nozzle you wish to evaluate and fill in all of
the information. Usually Type 1 & 2 is normally used.
Detail ID
Enter any alpha-numeric string to identify the detail, e.g. Noz A1
In the case of vertical vessels it is the distance from the tangent line of bottom head to
the centerline of the nozzle. In the case of horizontal vessel it is the distance from the
tangent line of the left head to the centerline of the nozzle.
Offset Dimension
The offset dimension is the horizontal dimension typically referred to as "L". For a
perpendicular nozzle, this dimension is 0. For a hillside nozzle you must enter this
When this dimension is entered the nozzle will plot in green indicating a hillside nozzle.
If it is a hill side nozzle then if the Hillside dimension is given the program will calculate
the angle automatically. In case of radial nozzle this value is usually set to zero.
Nozzle Direction
Usually there is no need to adjust or select this option. It is therefore usually neglected.
Nozzle Material
Enter the name of the material for this nozzle. This program contains a database
which includes most of materials in ASME Code, Section II, Part D, Table 1A, 1B, and
Press the "Material…" button to select material directly from database.
Select the material of the nozzle according to datasheet. Usually SA-106 B is normally
Nozzle Schedule
Enter the thickness of the nozzle by specifying the schedule of the nozzle neck pipe.
Acceptable schedules are:
Diameter Basis
The ASME code gives different equations for required thickness based on whether the
geometry is specified on inside or outside dimensions.
Usually ID is selected.
Nozzle Thickness Basis
If the nozzle is made up of pipe than the nozzle thickness basis is taken as “Nominal”.
If the nozzle is made up of plate or Long Welded Neck nozzle is to be used than the
nozzle thickness basis is taken as “Actual”
Nozzle Corrosion Allowance
Normally the corrosion allowance of the nozzle is equal to the corrosion allowance of
the component on which it is being adjusted.
Nozzle Outside Projection
This length will be used for weight calculations and for external pressure calculations.
If the nozzle outside projection is given in the datasheet then enter that value. If it is
not given in datasheet then usually 150mm is normally used.
Pad Material
Enter the name of the material for this pad. This program contains a database which
includes most of materials in ASME Code, Section II, Part D, Table 1A, 1B, and 3.
You may press the "Pad Material…" button to select material directly from database.
Select the material of the pad according to datasheet. Usually pad material is same as
the shell material.
Pad Diameter/Pad Width
Enter the diameter of the pad. The diameter of the pad is entered as the length along
the vessel shell - not the projected diameter around the nozzle. Alternatively, you can
enter in the width of the pad in the Pad Width cell. This will cause the program to
compute the Pad Diameter. At that instant the new pad diameter will appear.
By entering the pad dia the pad width is automatically calculated by program. If pad
width is mentioned pad diameter is automatically calculated. Usually pad width is taken
as 50mm if it is not mentioned in datasheet.
Pad Thickness
Usually thickness of pad is same as the thickness of shell if not mentioned on
Depth of Groove Weld between Pad and Nozzle Neck
Enter the total depth of the groove weld. Most groove welds between the pad and the
nozzle are full penetration welds. Thus the depth of the weld would be the same as the
depth of the component that is the thickness of the pad. If the pad is attached with a
partial penetration weld, or just a fillet weld, enter the depth of the partial penetration
or a zero, respectively, in this field.
Weld Leg Size for Fillet between Nozzle and Shell or Pad
Enter the size of one leg of the fillet weld between the nozzle and the pad or shell.
Weld Leg Size between Inward Nozzle and Inside Shell
Enter the size of one leg of the fillet weld between the inward nozzle and the inside
Nozzle Class
Select the pressure rating class for the nozzle. Typically this is based on the pressure
rating class for the attached flange. Allowable classes are:
150, 300, 400, 600, 900, 1500, 2500.
Select nozzle class given in datasheet. If not given in datasheet then firstly calculate it
from “Pressure Temperature Rating Tables” then select it.
Nozzle Flange Grade
Select the nozzle flange material grade (group). Please note that there are certain
advisories on the use of certain material grades.
Select Nozzle Flange Grade from “Pressure Temperature Rating Tables in ANSI B16.5
Neglect Area
In some vessel design specifications it is mandated that no credit be taken for the area
contributed by the shell or nozzle. You can enter the text "A1" or "A2" in this field. If
you do so, that area will be set equal to 0. You can also enter "A1 A2". This would give
you no credit for Area1 - available area in the vessel wall or Area2 - available are in
the nozzle wall.
Usually it is selected as “None”.
Joint Efficiency / BS-5500 C Factor
Enter the seam efficiency of the nozzle. Note that for shell and nozzle wall thickness
calculations, the seam efficiency is always 1.0. However it is important to enter the
correct value because the nozzle seam efficiency will be printed out in the input echo
and may be used in other calculations where it is required.
Usually Seamless Nozzle is assumed and this value is set to 1.
Joint Efficiency of Shell Seam
Enter the seam efficiency. The seam efficiency is used in the 'area available'
calculations to reduce the area available in the shell.
For shell and nozzle wall thickness calculations, the seam efficiency is always 1.0.
Local Shell Thickness
Some vessels have insert plates which are thicker than the surrounding shell. If your
vessel uses insert plates, enter the thickness of the plate here. This value will be
thicker than the shell course thickness this nozzle is located on. The maximum of this
value and the element thickness will be used in the nozzle reinforcement calculations.
User tr
Under special conditions, project requirements may specify that full area replacement
for nozzle reinforcement is required. To implement this you can enter the actual
thickness of the shell or head minus the corrosion allowance. This value will replace
what the program would normally compute for the required thickness based on internal
or external pressure.
Nozzle Blind
Check this box if there is a blind on the flange. Note that this is used only to determine
the weight of the nozzle - there is no structural effect.
Is this a Manway or Access Opening?
For PD 5500 this check box is not used for any computational purpose.
Paragraph UG-45 states that if the opening is a manway, access or inspection
opening the minimum thickness requirement per UG-45 is not required. Checking this
box will cause the program to bypass the UG-45 minimum nozzle neck thickness
For further clarification regarding inserting items refer to the help by pressing F1
If the model is built errors free than no warning or error will be shown during analyzing.
But if there are errors in the model than go to the model again and remove the errors
The Output Processor Now we have built our simple model, we need to get the
complete details of the calculations performed by PVElite. At the top of the screen
there is a button that looks like this:
The left window has the heading „Report List‟. In the right window, we are told „There
are no Reports Selected for Viewing‟. In the left hand window, click on „Internal
Pressure Calculations‟ The right hand window now shows the results of the item you
selected in the left hand window. The output window now looks as shown below:
The important output files which are usually reviewed are,
Internal pressure calculations
In internal pressure calculations the most important part to be observed is the
percentage elongations of shell and head. If the percentage elongation exceeds 5%
than it means that PWHT is required for the vessel. PWHT is not generally required for
stainless steel vessels and the vessels made from pipe.
Nozzle Summary
Thoroughly observe the nozzle schedules and nozzle diameter clashes
Vessel Design Summary
MAWP, Vessel summary and weights
Support Calculations
Thoroughly observe the vessel support calculations and check the stresses.