Golden Jubilee Year of India's Victory in Indo-Pak War 1971: 1-15 January Vol 68 No 1

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1-15 January
Vol 68 No 1 Readers a
New Year

Golden Jubilee Year of India’s Victory in

Indo-Pak War 1971
Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi paying homage at the National War Memorial on the occasion of
launching Golden Jubilee Year celebrations of India’s victory over Pakistan in 1971 Indo-Pak war, in
New Delhi on December 16, 2020.

RRM Shri Shripad Naik at the Tri-Services’ Band Display marking Golden Jubilee Celebration of Indo-Pak War of
1971 – ‘Swarnim Vijay Varsh 2020’ at India Gate, New Delhi on 18 December 2020. Also seen are CDS Gen
2 Bipin Rawat, COAS Gen MM Naravane, CNS Admiral Karambir Singh and VCAS Air Marshal Harjit Singh Arora.
Since 1909
In This Issue
PM Lights Up ‘Swarnim Vijay Mashaal’

Initially published as FAUZI AKHBAR)
Vol.68 No. 1
11 Pausha - 25 Pausha 1942 (Saka)
1 - 15 January, 2021

The journal of India’s Armed Forces published every fortnight in thirteen

languages including Hindi & English on behalf of Ministry of Defence. It
is not necessarily organ for the expression of the Governement’s
defence policy. The published items represent the views of respective
writers and correspondents.

Ruby Thinda Sharma
Senior Editor Manoj Tuli
Sub Editor Sub Maj Baiju G
Coordination Kunal Kumar
Design & Layout Sub Maj Baiju G & Nirmit Kishore RM Addresses ASEAN RM Hands Over DRDO
Business Manager Dhirendra Kumar Defence Ministers’…. Systems to Armed Forces
Our Correspondents

Delhi: Col Aman Anand; Wg Cdr Indranil Nandi; Cdr Vivek Madhwal;
Nampibou Marinmai; Akram Khurshid; Divyanshu Kumar; Savvy Hasan
Khan; Azhagudurai; BENGALURU: S Punitha; CHANDIGARH: Anil
Gaur; CHENNAI: M Ponnein Selvan; GANDHINAGAR: Wg Cdr Puneet
Chadha; GUWAHATI: Lt Col P Khongsai; IMPHAL: Lt Col M
Vaishnava; JALANDHAR: Gagandeep Kaur; JAMMU: Lt Col
Devender Anand; Jaipur: Lt Col A Sharma ; KOCHI: Cdr Sridhar E
Warrier; KOHIMA: Lt Col SK Sharma; KOLKATA: Wg Cdr Mandeep
Hooda; Dipanita Dhar; LUCKNOW: Shantanu Pratap Singh ; MUMBAI:
Cdr Mehul Karnik, Himanshu Singh; NAGPUR: Gp Capt BB Pande;
PALAM: Wg Cdr Indranil Nandi; PRAYAGRAJ: Wg Cdr Shailendra
Pandey; PUNE Mahesh Iyengar,; SECUNDERABAD: H P
Kunappareddy; SHILLONG; Wg Cdr Ratnakar Singh; SRINAGAR: Col
Rajesh Kalia; TEZPUR: Lt Col Harsh Wardhan Pande;
THIRUVANANTHAPURAM: Ms Dhanya Sanal K; UDHAMPUR: Lt Col 10. Inauguration of Hypersonic …. Combined Graduation
Abhinav Navneet; VISAKHAPATNAM: Capt (IN) C G Raju. 11. RM Appeals Youth to Gain ……. Parade ...Dundigal
12. DGEME Confers Engineering ….
13. Naval Pilots Awarded ‘Wings’ ….
Published by: 14. 30 Gentlemen Cadets ……..
A Bharat Bhushan Babu, ADG (M&C) 15. Lady Officers Commissioned at…
16. Passing Out Parade at CME ……
Directorate of Public Relations, South Block,
17. GRSE Built Stealth Frigate Ship ….
Ministry of Defence, New Delhi-110011
22. Indian Army Constructs ……..
Editorial Office: 23. RVC Celebrates 242nd Corps Day
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On front cover : Raksha Mantri Shri Rajnath Singh released a logo marking the
beginning of Golden Jubilee of India’s victory over Pakistan in Indo-Pak War, at the National War
Memorial in New Delhi on December 16, 2020.

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Total pages 36 with cover
Prime Minister Lights Up ‘Swarnim Vijay Mashaal’ to Begin
50th Anniversary Celebrations of Indo-Pak War
I n December 1971, the Indian
Armed Forces secured a decisive
and historic Victory over Pakistan
Army, which led to creation of a
Nation - Bangladesh and also
resulted in the largest Military
Surrender after the World War – II.
50 Years of Indo-Pak War,
also called ‘Swarnim Vijay
Varsh’ celebrations started on
December 16, 2020. Various
commemorative events will take
place across the Nation
throughout the year.
The inaugural event was
held at the National War
Memorial (NWM) in New Delhi on
December 16, 2020 which was
attended by Prime Minister Shri
Narendra Modi. On his arrival,
the Prime Minister was received by the Eternal Flame of NWM. These wherein War Veterans and Veer
Raksha Mantri Shri Rajnath Singh Mashaals will be carried to various Naris will be felicitated alongwith
at the venue. parts of the country including to events like band displays,
The Prime Minister, Chief villages of Param Vir Chakra and seminars, exhibitions, equipment
of Defence Staff & Tri-Service Maha Vir Chakra Awardees of displays, film festivals, conclave
Chiefs laid wreath and paid 1971 War. Soil from the villages and adventure activities.
homage to the fallen soldiers. of these Awardees and from areas Raksha Rajya Mantri Shri
Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi where major battles were fought in Shripad Yesso Naik and other
lit up the ‘Swarnim Vijay Mashaal’ 1971, will be brought to the senior civil & military officials of
from the eternal flame of NWM on NWM. the Ministry of Defence were also
the occasion. Four Victory Various commemorative be present on the occasion.
Mashaals (flames) were lit from events will be conducted pan-India -PRO Defence

4 Sainik Samachar 1-15 January, 2021

RM Addresses ASEAN Defence Ministers’ Meeting Plus Online
“Need to address threats to rules based order, maritime security, cyber related crimes
and terrorism”, says Shri Rajnath Singh.

R aksha Mantri Shri Rajnath

Singh attended the 14th ASEAN
Defence Ministers’ Meeting Plus
domains including Maritime
Security, Humanitarian Assistance
and Disaster Relief, Counter-
organized online at Hanoi, terrorism and Peace Keeping
Vietnam on December 10, 2020 Operations.
that marked the 10th anniversary Raksha Mantri also
of ADMM Plus. addressed the thematic discussions
ADMM Plus is an annual during the ADMM plus meeting on
meeting of Defence Ministers of 10 the Regional and International
ASEAN Countries and eight Security Environment, where in, he
partner countries. This year marks presented India’s perspective. He
the 10th year of inception of emphasized that Indo-Pacific
ADMM Plus forum. A special region in particular confronts
commemorative 10th Anniversary numerous traditional and non-
Celebration was conducted which traditional security threats. Shri
was attended by the Prime Minister Rajnath Singh recalled the launch
of Socialist Republic of Vietnam, of the Indo-Pacific Oceans peaceful resolutions of disputes
Mr Nguyen Xuan Phuc and Raksha Initiative (IPOI) by Prime Minister through dialogue and adherence
mantri was extended the privilege Shri Narendra Modi in last year’s to International rules and laws. He
to address the celebratory session East Asia Summit and stated that also reiterated India’s support to
as a special gesture reflecting IPOI is an open global initiative freedom of navigation and over-
India’s recognition by the forum. which draws on existing regional flight for all in International waters
During his address, Shri cooperation architecture and in accordance with the UN
Rajnath Singh underlined the key mechanism. He noted the Convention on the Law of the Sea
role of ASEAN-centric forum in commonality between India’s IPOI (UNCLOS). Shri Rajnath Singh
promoting dialogue and and ASEAN Outlook on Indo- underlined the importance of
engagement towards a pluralistic, Pacific, both being opportunities mutual trust and confidence based
cooperative security order in Asia. for cooperation. In his speech on restraint in activities and
He highlighted the collective addressing the Defence Ministers actions that may further
achievements of ADMM Plus in the of ASEAN member countries, USA, complicate the situation in the
past decade in advancing Russia, China, Japan, South region.
multilateral cooperation through Korea, Australia and New Raksha Mantri stated that
strategic dialogue and practical Zealand, Raksha Mantri terrorism remains a major scourge
security engagements. He emphasized India’s call for a open for the region and world. He
complimented the achievements of and inclusive order in Indo-Pacific reiterated that the structures that
the seven Expert Working Groups based upon respect for sovereignty support and sustain terrorism
in sharing best practices in key and territorial integrity of nations, continue to exist, including in
India’s neighbourhood. He called
for stronger commitment and need
to strengthen International
mechanism to fight terrorism,
jointly and vigorously.
Shri Rajnath Singh thanked
Vietnam for the excellent conduct
of ASEAN related Defence events
including ADMM Plus despite the
restrictions imposed by COVID-19.
He also welcomed Brunei
Darussalam as new Chair and
wished them well for successful
conduct of events in 2021.
-PRO Defence

5 Sainik Samachar 1-15 January, 2021

RM Hands Over DRDO Systems to Armed Forces Chiefs

R aksha Mantri Shri Rajnath

Singh handed over three
indigenously developed Defence
technology spin-off awards, techno
managerial awards and awards in
other categories were also given.
Research and Development Complementing the DRDO
Organisation (DRDO) systems to scientists for their outstanding work
Army, Navy and Air Force at a in developing defence systems,
function held at DRDO Bhawan on Raksha Mantri said that DRDO has
December 18, 2020. been developing high level
Shri Rajnath Singh handed technologies for defence systems
over the Indian Maritime for increasing the capacity and
Situational Awareness System capability of armed forces.
(IMSAS) to the Chief of Naval Staff Shri Rajnath Singh lauded
Admiral Karambir Singh, ASTRA the role of DRDO scientists in
Mk-I Missile to Air Chief Marshal combating COVID-19 pandemic.
Rakesh Kumar Singh Bhadauria He congratulated all the scientists
and Border Surveillance System who received the awards and technologies. These three systems
(BOSS) to the Chief of Army Staff wished them the very best for their which have completed the design
General M M Naravane. The future endeavours. and development cycles and are
handing over of these products Speaking on the occasion, being deployed, were handed over
was done in the presence of Raksha Rajya Mantri Shri Shripad to the services.
Raksha Rajya Mantri Shri Shripad Naik said that DRDO is playing an Among the systems
Yesso Naik, the Guest of Honour important role in self-reliance of handed over was BOSS. An all-
and Chief of Defence Staff Defence. He appreciated the weather electronic surveillance
General Bipin Rawat. efforts of DRDO towards system successfully designed and
Raksha Mantri Shri Rajnath development of technologies and developed by Instruments Research
Singh also gave away awards to products for combating COVID- & Development Establishment
DRDO scientists for outstanding 19. (IRDE), Dehradun. The system has
contributions in various categories Chief of Defence Staff been deployed at Ladakh border
during the function. General Bipin Rawat in his address area for day and night
The awards include DRDO congratulated the scientific surveillance. The system facilitates
Lifetime Achievement Award – fraternity for their achievements monitoring and surveillance by
2018 to Shri N V Kadam for his and emphasised on the need of automatically detecting the
contributions for developing working at the fast pace so that the intrusions in harsh high-altitude
control and guidance schemes for country will have most of the sub-zero temperature areas with
missiles. Excellence awards were indigenous systems. remote operation capability. The
given to academia and industry for The development of these system is being produced by
technology absorption. Besides, high technology systems has led to Bharat Electronics Limited (BEL),
individual awards, team awards, higher self-reliance in Defence Machlipatnam.

6 Sainik Samachar 1-15 January, 2021

The IMSAS is state-of-the-
art, fully indigenous, high
performance intelligent software
system that provide Global
Maritime Situational Picture,
Marine planning tools and
Analytical capabilities to Indian
Navy. The system provides
Maritime Operational Picture from
Naval HQ to each individual ship
in sea to enable Naval Command
and control (C2). Centre for
Artificial Intelligence & Robotics
(CAIR), Bengaluru and Indian
Navy has jointly conceptualised
and developed the product and
the BEL, Bengaluru has
implemented it.
The ASTRA Mk-I is the
indigenously developed first
Beyond Visual Range (BVR) Missile,
which can be launched from production by Bharat Dynamics added that DRDO strives to create
Sukhoi-30, Light Combat Aircraft Limited (BDL), Hyderabad is a robust ecosystem of Defence
(LCA), Mig-29 and Mig-29K. major contribution towards design, development and
Globally, very few countries have ‘Atmanirbhar Bharat’. production along with academia,
expertise and capabilities to design Secretary, DDR&D & industry and armed forces.
and produce this class of weapon Chairman DRDO, Dr G Satheesh Several senior functionaries
system. Successful development of Reddy stated that DRDO is from Ministry of Defence and
ASTRA weapon system by Defence committed to the development of Government of India were present
Research & Development advanced systems and at the function.
Laboratory (DRDL) Hyderabad & technologies for Defence. He -PRO Defence

7 Sainik Samachar 1-15 January, 2021

Combined Graduation Parade at Air Force Academy,

Air Force
Parade (CGP) was held at
Dundigal, on December 19,
2020, which marked the
successful culmination of
Training for 114 Flight Cadets of
Flying and Ground Duty
Branches in the Indian Air
Force. Raksha Mantri Shri
Rajnath Singh was the Chief
Guest and Reviewing Officer of
the Passing out Parade, where
he conferred the ‘President’s
Commission’ on the graduating
Flight Cadets who successfully
completed their professional
training. The graduating
Officers also included 21 women
who joined the growing number highlight of the Parade was the them a successful career, in true
of women officers in the IAF. On ‘Pipping Ceremony’ in which IAF style.
this occasion, six officers from the the graduating Flight Cadets After the ‘Pipping
Indian Navy, fi v e officers from were awarded their ‘Stripes’ (Air Ceremony’ the Reviewing
the Indian Coast Guard and Force Rank) by the Chief Guest. Officer presented awards to the
three officers from Friendly The conduct of the event Flying Officers who excelled in
Foreign Countries (Vietnam-02 adhered to COVID protocols. various disciplines of Training.
and Nigeria-01) were also The newly commissioned Flying Officer Ashish Khattri from
awarded Wings on successful Officers were then administered the Flying branch was awarded
completion of flying training. the ‘Oath’ by the Commandant President’s Plaque and the
The Reviewing Officer of the Academy in the presence Chief of the Air Staff Sword of
was received by Air Chief of the Reviewing Officer and Honour for standing first in
Marshal RKS Bhadauria, Chief other dignitaries. A synchronised overall order of merit in the
of the Air Staff. He was Fly Past during the Ceremonial Pilots’ Course, while Flying
presented with a Ceremonial Salute and ‘Antim Pag’ (Last Officer Yash Kshirsagar was
Salute by the Parade followed by Step) added colour and cheer to awarded President’s Plaque for
an impressive March Past. The the ceremonial setting, wishing being first in overall order of
merit in Ground Duty branches.
Addressing the Parade,
the Reviewing Officer
complimented the newly
commissioned ‘Flying Officers’
for their immaculate turnout,
precise drill movements and
high standards of Parade.
Congratulating the passing-out
Cadets, the Reviewing Officer
said that “You are going to be
part of an organisation which
has had a glorious history. The
Indian Air Force has always
displayed indomitable spirit and
valour to protect the Sovereignty
and Integrity of the Nation”. He
added that “Modern Warfare is

8 Sainik Samachar 1-15 January, 2021

undergoing constant changes and
we need to keep ourselves abreast
to confront any challenges”.
The grand ceremony
culminated with the newly

in two columns in slow march

to the traditional notes of ‘Auld
Lang Syne’ , the poignant farewell
tune played by Armed Forces of
the world when bidding adieu
to colleagues and comrades,
acknowledging the first salute
given to them by their immediate
juniors. The newly commissioned
officers then passed through the
portals from where the best
pilots and ground duty officers
of the IAF have begun their
journey to take-on future
assignments and challenges.
On the eve of the
Graduation Parade, the
Reviewing Officer awarded
trophies to the Flight Cadets for
excellence in respective streams at
a ceremonial dinner hosted by Air
Marshal RD Mathur, Air Officer
Commanding-in-Chief, and
Training Command. Air Marshal
IP Vipin, Commandant, Air
Force Academy formally
introduced the graduating Flight
Cadets to the Raksha Mantri. the heart of every Air Force security, safety, sovereignty and
officer, as on this particular day honour of the country.
holds a special place in they pledge to safeguard the -PRO Secunderabad

9 Sainik Samachar 1-15 January, 2021

Inauguration of Hypersonic Wind Tunnel

R aksha Mantri Shri Rajnath Singh

visited DRDO’s Dr APJ Abdul
Kalam Missile Complex during his visit
management system, high firing
angular resolution and vision-based
target detection and tracking.
environmental conditions.
appreciated the efforts of DRDO for
developing such a large number of

to Hyderabad on December 19, On this occasion, Raksha systems. He said that he is happy that
2020. Union Minister of State for Mantri inaugurated the advanced so much of high technology work is
Home Affairs, Shri G Kishan Reddy Hypersonic Wind Tunnel (HWT) test happening in the Hyderabad region,
and Dr G Satheesh Reddy, Secretary, facility. The state-of-the-art HWT Test the region where he belongs.
Department of Defence R&D and facility is pressure vacuum driven Raksha Mantri addressed the
Chairman, DRDO accompanied him enclosed free jet facility having nozzle DRDO fraternity and applauded the
during the visit. Cluster DGs, Lab exit diameter of 1 meter and will phenomenal technological
Directors and Programme Directors simulate Mach No 5 to 12 (Mach achievements and recent series of
briefed the dignitaries about the represents the multiplication factor to successful missions and technological
ongoing projects and technological the speed of sound). After USA and achievements by various clusters of
developments. On this occasion, Russia, India is the third country to DRDO including Hypersonic
Hyderabad based DRDO labs have such a large facility in terms of Technology Demonstration Vehicle
showcased various indigenously size and operating capability. It is an (HSTDV), Anti-Radiation Missile
developed systems and technologies indigenous development and an (RUDRAM), Quick Reaction Surface to
in wide ranging areas including outcome of synergistic partnership with Air Missile (QRSAM), Supersonic
missiles, avionics systems, advanced Indian industries. The facility has the Missile Assisted Release Torpedo
materials, electronic warfare, quantum capability to simulate hypersonic flow (SMART) and Quantum Key
key distribution technology, directed over a wide spectrum and will play a Distribution (QKD) technology during
energy weapons, Gallium Arsenide major role in the realization of highly last six months. He lauded DRDOs
and Gallium Nitride technology complex futuristic aerospace and contributions, despite COVID
capabilities. defence systems. pandemic conditions, towards
During his visit, two anti-drone During the exhibition of a strengthening Atmanirbhar Bharat
technologies were demonstrated by range of missile systems, various and for leading the indigenous
DRDO labs to Raksha Mantri. DRDO avionic systems and other development of state-of-the-art
Young Scientists’ Laboratory- technologies, scientists explained all technology products and innovative
Asymmetric Technologies (DYSL-AT) the systems and technologies in detail solutions. He congratulated Dr G
and RCI demonstrated drone and and Raksha Mantri showed keen Satheesh Reddy for DRDO’s
innovative anti-drone technologies. It interest in the technical explanations contribution to the development of
has multiple capabilities including and demonstrations. technologies and products for
neutralizing ground targets and anti- Shri Kishan Reddy laid the combatting COVID-19 Pandemic.
drone applications to counter foundation stone of Explosive Test Also he acknowledged the
stationery as well as high-speed Facility for Propellant and Explosive tremendous efforts in establishment of
moving targets. Key features of the Systems. This facility will be used for COVID-19 hospitals at Delhi and
weapon system include secure design validation and evaluation of Bihar, development of indigenous
communication link, effective recoil missile sub-systems under different ventilators, PPE kits and other
protective equipment in short span of
Shri Rajnath Singh
appreciated the endeavors of
contributions of DRDO Young Scientist
Labs and said DRDO needs to focus
on next generation needs including
cyber security, space and artificial
intelligence and evolve
roadmaps. The immense potential
available in DRDO has been a catalyst
for the development of industries and
defence manufacturing sector. RM
urged DRDO scientists to make India
a Super Military Power thereby making
India a Super Power.
-PRO Defence
10 Sainik Samachar 1-15 January, 2021
RM Appeals to Youth to Gain Knowledge of Country’s
Military History
R aksha Mantri Shri Rajnath
Singh addressed the 4th
Military Literature Festival through
Shri Rajnath Singh said
several Armed forces veterans and
researchers publish periodicals
virtual link in New Delhi on and journals from time to time
December 18, 2020. In his with a focus to narrow the
address, Raksha Mantri said, such knowledge gap between the
innovative initiatives provide an people and experts.
opportunity for the people in Raksha Mantri said that
general and youth in particular to this year’s military literature festival
gain knowledge about the wars coincides with the Swarnim Vijay
fought by our Armed Forces and Diwas Celebrations of the 50th
get inspired from the experiences Anniversary of 1971 war during
of the veterans as also imbibe their which the valour displayed by our
patriotic fervour. Emphasizing on brave soldiers stands as a fine
the importance of military history, example even today. He appealed to be alert about the new security
Shri Rajnath Singh said that soon to the youth not to miss out on any challenges posed by the modern
after taking over the charge of the opportunity to interact with technology”, he added. Shri
Ministry of Defence, he constituted veterans and gain firsthand Rajnath Singh appealed to the
a committee to progress the work knowledge from their experiences. organisers to hold theme based
of writing border history of the Shri Rajnath Singh appreciated events in future and conveyed his
country. Its aim is to benefit future holding of various events and best wishes for the success of the
generations by bringing out border discussions during this literature Military Literature Festival.
history focusing on the battles festival that were not only limited Governor of Punjab,
fought there, sacrifices made by to the military subjects but also Shri Vijayendra Pal Singh Badnore
the soldiers in a lucid language covering the cultural aspects of our and Chief Minister of Punjab,
that is eminently readable and Nation. He said that nature of war Captain Amarinder Singh also
easily understood by general is changing with times, and with addressed the event.
public. evolving technologies. “We need -PRO Defence

11 Sainik Samachar 1-15 January, 2021

DGEME Confers Engineering Degrees to Army Officers
L t Gen Anil Kapoor, Director
General EME and Senior
Colonel Commandant of the
Corps of EME conferred
engineering degrees to 56 officers
of Degree Engineering Course
(DE-101) and Technical Entry
Scheme Course (TES-34), in a
solemn Convocation Ceremony
strictly adhering to all COVID-19
precautionary protocols at Military
College of Electronics and
Mechanical Engineering (MCEME),
Secunderabad on December 10,
2020. and upgrading the workshops in While delivering the
Lt Gen Anil Kapoor field, building User Synergy, inaugural address Commandant
congratulated the graduating Develop into a soldier first and of MCEME, Lieutenant General
officers and their families with craftsmen always and seek and TSA Narayanan said, “we at
special compliments to all the implement enhanced effectiveness. MCEME have a well-qualified and
award winners. He told that the He emphasized on the credos and self-motivated teaching staff, state
future role of all these officers will told the young graduates to have of the art facilities in the form of
be to absorb the latest POISE i.e. Purpose with passion, labs, integrated class room and IT
technologies and be also ready to Ownership with Optimism, infrastructure, our college has also
handle equipment ranging from Initiative with an innovative spirit, linked up with the National
obsolescence to the state of the Displaying skills and energy and Knowledge Network and have a
art. The General officer also spoke Efficiency and effectiveness. Lt Gen MoU with premier education
about the art of sustenance and Anil Kapoor concluded that the institutions like IIT, BITs, JNU and
the myriad challenges which above goals and credos will help JNTU Hyderabad”.
encompasses the modern principle the graduating Officers in helping The DGEME trophy and
of VUCART, i.e. Volatility, them to perform well in their units GOC-in-C, ARTRAC book prizes
and lead to their equipment were awarded to Captain Anurag
Responsiveness and Time bound performing with a higher level of Singh for best all round student
delivery. He informed the officers reliability with enhanced officer of DE Course. Captain DS
to prepare themselves and be effectiveness. He also said that Rajawat bagged the DGEME Gold
aware of Disruption, Convergence they have to exhibit commitment medal for standing overall first in
and Digitization to remain ahead and consciousness besides high order of merit in DE Course.
of the curve as far as technology levels of motivation for success in GOC-in-C, ARTRAC trophy &
and sustenance are concerned. their professional journey. book prize and DGEME Gold
The DGEME gave out six The conferring of the medal were awarded to Lieutenant
important goals and five credos of B Tech degree empowers the SP Sharma for best all round
the soldier craftsmen as guidelines officers to confidently undertake student officer and overall first in
for their future. The six goals he the challenging tasks of providing order of merit of TES Course. Best
talked about are enhancing the effective Engineering Solutions to project (Developing an intelligent
Technical threshold, Maximize the Indian Army during both Peace Chatbot system to identify the
Equipment readiness, Modernizing as well as War. languages spoken by the user and
translate to English) prize was
awarded to Captain Amritesh
Kumar, Captain Dhanjit Kumar
Singh and Captain Pankaj Bhatt of
DE Course. Best project (IETM
on BMP II - Automotive) prize was
awarded to Lieutenant Viwidh
Srivastava, Lieutenant Mayank
Singh and Lieutenant Vaibhav
Nigam of TES Course.
-PRO Secunderabad

12 Sainik Samachar 1-15 January, 2021

Naval Pilots Awarded ‘Wings’ at INS Rajali

E leven officers of the Indian

Navy were awarded the
prestigious ‘Wings’ by Rear
Admiral Puneet Chadha, Flag
Officer Commanding Tamil
Nadu & Puducherry Naval Area
during a special Passing Out
Parade (PoP) conducted to mark
the graduation of the 95th
Helicopter Conversion Course
(HCC) at Naval Air Station, INS
Rajali, Arakkonam on
December 18, 2020. The PoP
was organized adhering to all flying operations including daily are adjudged for Best in Flying,
laid down COVID-19 safety sanitisation of aircraft and Best in Ground Subjects, and
norms and social distancing. squadron premises whilst Best in Overall Order of Merit.
The officers of 95th HCC maintaining safe and The Flag Officer Commanding-
underwent rigorous flying and conductive training environment in -C h ief , Ea s t ern Na v a l
ground training for 22 weeks at adhering to social distancing Command Rolling Trophy for
the Indian Naval Air Squadron norms. Training for 95th HCC the trainee pilot standing first in
561, the Helicopter Training commended on August 4, 2020 order of merit in Flying was
School (HTS). and by methodical planning awarded to Lt Ajeesh Ayarotil.
and execution, resulting in time The Sub Lieutenant Kunte
When the global
bound completion. The Memorial Book Prize for
Pandemic COVID-19 affected
squadron personnel’s charter of standing first in order of merit
all operations worldwide
providing well trained and in ground subjects was
bringing things to a standstill,
professionally sound helicopter awarded to Lt Ajeesh Ayarotil.
with the enforcement of
pilots to the Indian Navy ‘on The Governor of Kerala Rolling
national lockdown across the
time’ remains unmatched. Trophy for standing first in
country, training activities for
overall order of merit was
95th HCC at HTS also had to be During the course, the
awarded to Lt Ajeesh Ayarotil.
severely restricted keeping in trainee pilots are introduced to
mind the safety aspects against several nuances of helicopter The newly qualified pilots
COVID-19. However, the unit, flying. The pilots undergo a will be appointed to various
whilst adhering to all safety challenging syllabus which front-line operational units of
precautions, promulgated new includes navigation, night flying the Indian Navy where they will
Standard Operating Procedures and operating over sea. At the take on varied missions such as
(SOPs) for the conduct of safe end of the course, the trainees Reconnaissance, Surveillance,
SAR and anti-piracy patrols.
INAS 561 (HTS) presently
commanded by Commander
Arun Singh Naruka, has trained
741 pilots of the Indian Navy,
Coast Guard as well as from
friendly foreign nations in the
last five decades.
-PRO Chennai

13 Sainik Samachar 1-15 January, 2021

30 Gentlemen Cadets Commissioned at MCEME

T hirty young and

Gentlemen Cadets (GCs) of
Technical Entry Scheme (TES-36)

course passed out from the portals

of Cadets Training Wing (CTW),
Military College of Electronics and
Mechanical Engineering (MCEME)
under the aegis of Army Training
Command at a solemn Passing Out
Parade Ceremony organised at
Cariappa Drill Square of CTW,
Secunderabad on December 12,
It was a memorable and
momentous day for the GCs who
were pipped as commissioned
officers in the rank of ‘Lieutenant’ by
senior military officers and
welcomed into the proud fraternity
of the officer cadre of the Indian
The parade was presided
over by Lieutenant General TSA
Narayanan, Commandant, MCEME
as Reviewing Officer. The General
Officer addressed the young and
vibrant cadets and welcomed them
into a life of valour and duty. He
stressed on the cadets of the Passing
Out Course, the importance of Rishab Shankar was awarded the tradition. However, these events
professionalism, commitment and prestigious Sword of Honour for were covered through electronic and
sacrifice which they will be required standing first in the Overall Order of digital media in real time to enable
to make during their journey as an Merit, while Shivaji Platoon was the families and nation to witness
officer. As the cadets embark on a awarded the coveted, GOC-in-C, the professionalism and
new chapter in their lives, Lt Gen ARTRAC Banner for winning the commitment of the Indian Army
TSA Narayanan apprised them of Inter Platoon Championship for despite prevailing pandemic and
the challenges to national security Autumn Term-2020. permitted parents, kith & kin of the
and the call of duty that awaits them In consonance with the Gentlemen Cadets to experience the
in their new role as officers of the existing instructions on COVID-19 pride and the emotional high in
mighty and technologically protocol, the parents and dear ones witnessing their sons don the ranks
advanced Indian Army. of the GCs were unable to attend of the Indian Army.
Platoon Cadet Captain R the Passing Out Parade as is the -PRO Secunderabad

14 Sainik Samachar 1-15 January, 2021

Lady Officers Commissioned at NCC OTA, Gwalior

A midst the historic

beautiful surrounding of the
NCC, Officers Training Academy,

Gwalior, 51 Senior Wing Lady

Associate NCC Officers were
conferred their ranks at an
impressive Passing Out Parade on
December 12, 2020. The
‘Associate NCC Officers’ (ANO)
are the most important interface
between the Military Establishment
and NCC Cadets from schools
and colleges. 51 trainees
nominated from various states of
the country successfully completed
their three months course while
following all the COVID-19
protocols and precaution in which
they were imparted training on
various aspects of Basic Military
Training, Physical fitness to include
Yoga, firing of small arms, to groom the NCC Cadets into trainees presented an impressive
Personality Development, responsible citizen and ‘Leaders of Guard of Honour to the Reviewing
Instructional Skills, Disaster Tomorrow’ and act as role models Officer.
Management training and NCC for the youth. During the passing out
Subjects. Brig Randeep Singh parade function outstanding
OTA, Gwalior is the only Dadwal, Commandant, NCC OTA trainees were awarded with
institution of its kind in the country Gwalior reviewed the smartly trophies and meritorious medals.
which trains Whole Time Lady turned out parade. Due to COVID- Lt Suparna Jain of Delhi
Officers, Associate NCC Officers 19 pandemic, restrictions and Directorate was adjourned as Best
and NCC Girl Cadet Instructors. safeguarding the trainees, No ANO and received the trophies
The training imparted at the outside guest were invited for the and she was also conferred with
Academy aims at empowering the Passing Out parade. Turned out in Best in academics and overall first
NCC Officers with skills required their smart ceremonial attire, the in the order of merit. The Parade
was commanded by Lt Anita Raj
Khera of Punjab, Haryana, HP and
Chandigarh directorate.
Post piping-in ceremony,
the trainees were entrusted with
Oath to serve the county and NCC
as per rules and regulation.
Trainees later departed for
different part country to motivate
NCC cadets and take on
additional responsibilities as
desired by Prime Minister of India
that from the 173 coastal and
border districts, one lakh cadets, a
third of them girls, will be trained.
The importance of NCC increases
many folds and responsibilities of
Lady NCC ANOs require greater
15 Sainik Samachar 1-15 January, 2021
Passing Out Parade at CME, Pune

P assing Out Parade at the

Cadets Training Wing, College
of Military Engineering (CME) at
Pune was held on December 12,
2020. The parade was reviewed
by Lt Gen PP Malhotra,
Commandant CME. Thirty-four
Gentlemen Cadets of the 36th
Technical Entry Scheme Course,
including four gentlemen cadets
from Bhutan, were commissioned
as officers.
The passing out parade
was conducted with traditional
military regalia and splendour.
Though parents of the passing out
course could not attend the Platoon in the Inter Platoon came into existence in the year
ceremony owing to COVID Competitions. 2000 to train and induct
restrictions, the parade was Addressing the parade, technically trained and competent
streamed live on several channels which included five Bhutanese officers into the Indian Army.
including YouTube. CME Gentleman Cadets, the General Nestled in a niche in the
Commandant, Lt Gen PP Malhotra Officer congratulated the salubrious and environment
also presented several awards to Gentlemen Cadets for their friendly campus of the renowned
the Gentlemen Cadets for performance in the training period College of Military Engineering,
excellence in training. The Officers at the wing and the immaculate
Training Academy Commandant’s parade in the morning. Lt Gen PP
Gold Medal and the GOC-in-C Malhotra highlighted that the for induction
Army Training Command Gold cadets were at the cusp of a new into the Indian Army through the
Medal were awarded to Wing beginning as military leaders and Technical Entry Scheme route.
Cadet Captain Shivanshu Singh on their broad shoulders lay the Aimed at creating a culture of
for all round excellence in training. future of our gallant Army and the technologically competent officers
The GOC-in-C Army Training nation. in the Indian Army, the motto
Command Silver Medal was He urged the future officers ‘Power through Knowledge’ aptly
awarded to Wing Quartermaster to make their nation and the alma epitomizes the underlying ethos of
Nageshwar Singh, the GOC-in-C mater proud by rendering selfless the Wing. Gentlemen Cadets join
Army Training Command Bronze and honourable service. He also the Wing after one year of military
Medal to Platoon Cadet Captain stressed on imbibing ethics and training at Officers Training
Abhishek and Foxtrot Platoon was values. The passing out parade Academy, Gaya and undergo a
awarded the GOC-in-C Army was followed by pipping and an physically and mentally
Training Command Banner for oath taking ceremony. challenging regime with technical
emerging as the Champion Cadets Training Wing training concurrent with training
on military aspects. Though
commissioned after three years at
the Cadets Training Wing, the
officers remain at the College for
another year to complete the last
year of their Engineering degree
course. Besides being a feeder
institution to the Indian Army,
Gentlemen Cadets from the
friendly neighbours also undergo
training at this wing and cadets
from Bhutan, Sri Lanka and
Myanmar are trainees currently.
-PRO Pune

16 Sainik Samachar 1-15 January, 2021

GRSE Built Stealth Frigate Ship ‘Himgiri’ Launched

17 Sainik Samachar 1-15 January, 2021


P akistan Lt Gen AAK Niazi signing the instrument of

surrender before India’s Lt Gen JS Aurora, GOC-in-C
Eastern Command in Dhaka on December 16, 1971.

18 Sainik Samachar 1-15 January, 2021

D ozens of Pakistani tanks laid scattered
over a vast expanse of the desert sand
at Longewala in Jaisalmer Sector of Rajastan,
speaking volumes of the bravery of our
Jawans and the immense striking power of
the Air Force. The Photo shows Jawans of
Armed Division performing Bhangra dance
on the captured Chinese-made tanks of

S hri Jagjivan Ram, the then Union Minister of

Defence, patting the Jawans during his visit to
the forward areas in the Eastern Sector.

L t Gen JS Aurora, GOC-in-C Eastern

Command, shaking hands with the
Jawans at Feni on December 8, 1971.
Following him is Lt Gen Sagat Singh, Corps

O fficers of the Indian Army listening to news of

surrender on All India Radio at Pubail.

19 Sainik Samachar 1-15 January, 2021


G OC-in-C Sapta Shakti Command,

Lt Gen Alok Kler paid homage to the martyrs
at Asafwala War Memorial, Fazilka.
-PRO Jaipur

C henab Brigade of Tiger Division

celebrated the 50th Victory Day. The
Victory Trophy of Chenab Brigade,
commemorating Golden Jubilee of this historic
feat, was inaugurated by senior most veteran
officer. The occasion was attended by the
veterans of 1971 War.
-PRO Jammu

20 Sainik Samachar 1-15 January, 2021

T o commemorate commencement of
Swarnim Vijay Varsh, GOC, PUPSA
received the Victory Flame at Babugarh.
GOC paid homage to the bravehearts who
made supreme sacrifice during 1971
India - Pakistan War.
-PRO Army

G eneral Officer Commanding of Reasi

based Counter Insurgency Force HQ
paid homage to the valiant soldiers by laying
a wreath at ‘Wall of Remembrance’ on the
occasion of Vijay Diwas 2020.
-PRO Udhampur

N ational Cadet Corps, 2 Gujarat Air Sqn

Ahmedabad organized a blood
donation camp to commemorate 1971
victory over Pakistan.

-PRO Gandhinagar

O n Vijay Diwas 2020, Eastern Naval

Command paid tributes to Veers of Indian
Armed Forces who made supreme sacrifice in
1971 War. Vice Admiral Kiran Deshmukh,
DGNP (V) placed a wreath at 'Victory at Sea'
War Memorial in Visakhapatnam.

-PRO Visakhapatnam

21 Sainik Samachar 1-15 January, 2021

Indian Army Constructs Bridge Over Irang River

T he Indian Army on November

27, 2020, completed the
reconstruction on Irang Bridge in
Taubam village of Tamenglong
District, restoring the road
connectivity of NH-37 connecting
Imphal to Jiribam much to the
relief of aggrieved local
population cut off due to severing
off of one of the most important
lifelines of Manipur. The old
bridge had collapsed on
November 1, with a sand laden
truck falling into the fast flowing
Irang River.
On receiving the Aid to
Civil Authority requisition from the
State Govt on November 2, (NHIDCL) and civil administration Shield Sappers, worked tirelessly
2020, the Engineer Regiment of to recover the bridge weighing day and night to complete the
Red Shield Division of Indian Army around 70 Tons. The bridge was reconstruction work. The entire
was tasked to undertake the finally recovered and dismantled work involved dismantling a
re-construction of the Irang Bridge. on November 16, which involved disused bridge, complex recovery
The re-construction work involved intricate technical planning and of the launched bridge that slipped
dismantling of a disused bridge at precision employment of into the gap due to technical
Tengnoupal, transporting the heavy machinery. Simultaneously, problems, transportation of 200
bridging stores over 152 Km to fresh Bailey Bridgestores were Tons of bridging stores over 700
the bridge site and launching the provisioned by Border Roads Km in 40 vehicles across two states
bridge. Organization from Tezpur and and successful launch of the new
Re-construction work on were shifted to the bridge site bridge. The efforts involved
the bridge started on November 9, in three days. The fresh launching dedicated work of 100 men/
2020 and due to technical issues of the bridge commenced on officials of various organizations
the bridge slipped into the River November 23 and was completed and most importantly all these
gap on November 11, 2020. A on November 27, 2020. activities were carried out in a
massive coordinated complex The bridge was opened for span of 25 days.
operation was launched by the traffic on December 2 after repair Shri N Biren Singh, Chief
team of Indian Army, National of approach roads to the bridge Minister of Manipur inaugurated
Highways and Infrastructure and concreting of abutments. The the bridge and opened it for the
Development Corporation team of officers and men of Red general traffic on December 2,
2020. Speaking on the occasion,
the CM commended and thanked
Indian Army for their astounding
efforts in execution of the task.
General Officer Commanding,
Red Shield Division who attended
the inauguration ceremony
reiterated that the Indian Army
and the people of Manipur
enjoy eternal friendship and
asserted that military assistances at
such critical junctures will go a
long way in fostering healthy civil -
military relationship.
-PRO Imphal

22 Sainik Samachar 1-15 January, 2021

RVC Celebrates 242nd Corps Day
R emount Corps is a true
epitome of chosen motto
“Service to Animals is our Duty”
evidenced by dedication of
personnel towards the welfare of
its mute silent warriors. The Corps
has taken gigantic strides in
production and training of quality
equines and canines for meeting
the operational logistic
requirements of Indian Army. The
proactive approach by Remount
Veterinary Corps (RVC) has kept
the dreaded disease like Glanders
and Rabies at bay despite its
prevalence in nearby areas.
Army Dogs have been a
force multiplier in fight against defence co-operation plan RVC
terrorism, in an exemplary manner has supplied trained dogs, horses
and saving precious lives and & mules to friendly foreign
properties. The silent warrior have
always stood the test of Combodia & Nepal which speaks
“Operational Challenges” and volumes about Indian Army high
came out victorious. The standards and professional
increased requirement of Army competence, and is sure to open
dogs in Counter Insurgency/ new vistas for strengthening
Counter Terrorism operation and foreign relations. The corps will
disaster management validate also be supplying trained army
their excellent result oriented dogs to Royal Combodian Armed
performance. Keeping in mind of Forces (RCAF).
the concept of Atmanirbhar Bharat RVC has also played
by GoI, Corps has introduced new important role in “Civic military has been conferred with
Indian breed like Mudhol Hound. co-ordination (CIMIC) of UN 72 commendation cards during
The Corps has also taken Missions and Op Sadbhavana and Army Day and Independence Day
meaningful strides in our Nation’s has played vital role in capacity since its inception. Similarly the
effort towards maintaining peace building of locals and trained riders and horses of RVC have
by being part of United Nation them as community Animal Health made commendable achievements
Peace Keeping Mission. The Workers. at national level also by bagging
humanitarian assistance rendered In recognition of the 95 Gold, 88 Silver & 77 Bronze
by the Corps in UN missions has services rendered by men and medals.
been commendable. Under animals of RVC Indian Army -PRO Pune

23 Sainik Samachar 1-15 January, 2021

Armed Forces

Big Boost to Make in India

India-Maldives Defence Cooperation Webinar and Expo

24 Sainik Samachar 1-15 January, 2021

Successful Trials of Joint Venture Protective Carbine

D efence Research
Development Organsiation
designed 5.56 x 30 mm Joint
and features make it a very potent
weapon for Counter Insurgency/
Counter Terrorism operations by
the MHA trials and procurement
action is initiated by the CAPFs
and various State Police
Venture Protective Carbine (JVPC) security agencies. organisations.
has successfully undergone the The carbine has been Raksha Mantri Shri Rajnath
final phase of User trials on designed as per Indian Army’s Singh had unveiled the 5.56 x 30
December 7, 2020, meeting all GSQR, by Armament Research mm JVPC during DefExpo- 2020
the GSQR parameters. This has and Development Establishment at Lucknow. Secretary DD R&D &
paved the way for induction into (ARDE), a Pune based laboratory Chairman DRDO, Dr Satheesh
the services. This was the last leg of DRDO. The Weapon is Reddy has congratulated DRDO
of trials in a series of user trials manufactured at Small Arms team, user team and all public
which have been carried out in Factory, Kanpur while the and private agencies involved in
extreme temperature conditions in Ammunition is manufactured at manufacturing for successful
summer and high altitudes in Ammunition Factory, Kirkee Pune. reaching this milestone.
winter. JVPC has successfully met The weapon has already passed -PRO Defence
the stringent performance criteria
of reliability and accuracy in
addition to quality trials conducted
by DGQA. JVPC is a Gas
Operated Semi Bull-pup automatic
weapon having more than
700 rpm rate of fire. The effective
range of the carbine is more than
100 m and weighs about 3.0 kg
with key features like high
reliability, low recoil, retractable
Butt, ergonomic design, single
hand firing capability, and
multiple Picatinny rails etc. These

Indian Army Celebrates 260th ASC Day

I ndian Army celebrated the

260th Corps Day of the Army
Service Corps (ASC) on December
8, 2020. The day was marked
by Lt Gen MKS Yadav, Director
General Supplies & Transport and
Senior Colonel Commandant
laying wreath at National War
Memorial, Delhi along with similar
events at various ASC
establishments across the country.
To commemorate this
occasion, a 260 kilometer Ultra
Run, themed ‘Run for Martyrs’ was
organised from War Memorial,
Chandimandir to National War
Memorial, Delhi from December
4-8, 2020. The thirteen member Army Commander Western were flagging in by the Director
team led by Lt Col Inderjit Singh Command paid homage to our General Supplies & Transport on
covered the distance in four days fallen heroes at various War December 8, 2020 at the
to promote the spirit of “Fit India Memorials enroute at Ambala, National War Memorial.
Movement”. The run which was Kunjpura and Motilal Nehru -PRO Defence
flagged off by Lt Gen RP Singh, Sports School, Rai before they
25 Sainik Samachar 1-15 January, 2021
Army Chief Reviews Security Situation in North East Region

C hief of Army Staff, General

Manoj Mukund Naravane on
a three days visit, reviewed the
security situation and Operational
Preparedness along the Northern
borders as well as operations in
hinterland of Assam, Nagaland,
Manipur and Arunachal Pradesh.
On arrival at Dimapur, Nagaland
on November 23, 2020, the
COAS was briefed by Lt Gen Anil
Chauhan, GOC-in-C, Eastern
Command & Lt Gen R P Kalita,
GOC Spear Corps on operational
preparedness. The COAS was also
briefed on the progress of ongoing
Naga Peace talks.
On November 24, 2020 and conduct of people friendly along the Indo-Myanmar border.
the COAS visited various Army operations. General MM Before termination of visit,
and Assam Rifles formation Naravane also called on the on November 25, the COAS
Headquarters in Nagaland and Governor of Nagaland, Mr RN inaugurated a new residential
Manipur to make a first-hand Ravi and Chief Minister, Mr facility at ‘Kohima Orphanage and
assessment of the ground Neiphiu Rio to discuss prevailing Destitute Home’ (KODH) in
situation. The COAS interacted security situation in the State and Kohima. This has all been
extensively with the troops assured wholehearted support of possible due to the Assam Rifles
deployed in the remote areas and the Army and Assam Rifles in assistance in the construction and
appreciated their state of maintaining peace and tranquillity furnishing of the facility.
operational preparedness, morale in the state and ensuring security -PRO Kohima

Commissioning Ceremony at NCC OTA, Kamptee

N ational Cadet Corps
inducted 100 Associate NCC
Officers of the Senior Division to
its fold at an impressive ceremony
held at the Chunni Lal Parade
Ground of NCC Officers Training
Academy at Kamptee on
December 12, 2020.
The Pipping and Oath
Taking Ceremony was reviewed
by Maj Gen Alok Beri,
Commandant, NCC OTA,
Kamptee. Officer Cadet Dr
Prakash Kumar won the Director duration, including PT, Yoga, The Commandant in his
General’s Baton and Gold Medal, Drill, Leadership & Personality address, urged the passing out
Lt Devi Bhushan won the Development and a host of other ANOs to uphold the aims and
Commandant’s Silver Medal & military and social awareness objectives of NCC and work
Officer Cadet Piyush P Gohil won subjects including Swachh Bharat towards effective Nation Building,
the Commandant’s Bronze Medal Abhiyan, Waste Management, through shaping the young minds.
of Senior Division. Disaster Management and several He called upon all ANOs to serve
The Officer Cadets went others; to empower them to as role models for the NCC
through a rigorous training conduct NCC training in their cadets and the society.
programme of three months respective units efficiently. -PRO Nagpur

26 Sainik Samachar 1-15 January, 2021

Quantum Communication between two DRDO Laboratories

S ecure communications are

vital for defence and strategic
agencies world over and
congratulated the DRDO team for
successful demonstration of QKD
photon avalanche detector (SPAD)
recorded arrival of photons and
key rate was achieved in the
distribution of encryption keys The technology is range of kbps with low Quantum
from time to time is an important developed by CAIR, Bengaluru bit error rate. Software was
requirement in this context. and DYSL-QT, Mumbai. Quantum developed for data acquisition,
Sharing of keys over the air or Communication using time-bin time synchronization, post-
wired links requires encryption, Quantum Key Distribution (QKD) processing, determining Quantum
which in turn requires encryption scheme was performed under bit error rate and extracting other
keys to be pre-shared. Quantum realistic conditions. The setup also important parameters.
based communication offers a demonstrated the validation of The work being done at
robust solution to sharing the keys detection of a third party trying to DRDO will be used to enable
securely. Defence Research & gain knowledge of the start-ups and SMEs in the domain
Development Organisation communication. Quantum based of Quantum information
(DRDO) undertook the project for security against eavesdropping technologies. It will also serve to
development of this technology. was validated for the deployed define standards and crypto
A milestone of this project system at over 12kms range and policies that can leverage QKD
was achieved on December 9, 10dB attenuation over fibre optic system in a unified Cipher Policy
2020 when DRDO developed channel. Committee (CPC) framework for
Quantum Key Distribution (QKD) Continuous wave laser more secure and pragmatic key
technology underwent trials in source was used to generate management for current and
Hyderabad between two DRDO photons without depolarization future military cryptographic
labs, DRDL and RCI, to show effect. The timing accuracy systems.
secure communication. Raksha employed in the setup was of the -PRO Defence
Mantri Shri Rajnath Singh order of picoseconds. The Single

DRDO Salutes the Contributions of Prof Roddam Narasimha

27 Sainik Samachar 1-15 January, 2021

Graduation Ceremony at Air Force Academy, Hyderabad

T he graduation Ceremony of
137 Air Traffic Surveillance
Services (ATSS) course and 104 Air
Traffic Management and Air Laws
(Basic) Course was conducted at
Air Traffic Control Officers
Training Establishment (ATCOTE)
at Air Force Academy, Hyderabad
on December 10, 2020. Air Vice
Marshal DK Awasthi, Deputy
Commandant, Air Force Academy,
graced the occasion as the
Reviewing officer.
ATCOTE is a premier
Training establishment of Indian
Air Force that undertakes training
for Officers from Indian Army,
Navy, Air Force, Coast Guard,
Hindustan Aeronautics Limited The three month long ATSS 137 ATSS Course and Flying
and Officer from friendly Foreign Course is a mid- level Course that officer Rishabh Gupta was
Countries in the field of Air Traffic trains qualified Air Traffic adjudged first in order of merit
Services. The six month long Controllers in the usage of Radar Aerodrome Controller after
rigorous training programme of for provision of Air Traffic Services. completing ATM and AL (B)
ATM & AL (B) Course was aimed Practical training for both the Course.
at imparting training to young courses were conducted using Air Vice Marshal DK
commissioned officers on Surface computer aided Audio Visual and Awasthi addressed the gathering,
Movement Control, Aerodrome Radar Simulators. acknowledging critical role of Air
Control and Approach Control Flight Lieutenant Kavita Traffic Controllers in Military
functions, graduating them into Bisht was Adjudged First in order Aviation.
qualified Air Traffic Controllers. of Merit in Radar Controller of -PRO Secunderabad

Model of Indian Navy's Destroyer INS Mumbai Dedicated to the City

28 Sainik Samachar 1-15 January, 2021

ICG in a Joint Operation with DRI Recovers 9 Kg of Gold

A joint anti-smuggling
operation by the Indian Coast
Guard (ICG) and officials from the
Directorate of Revenue Intelligence
(DRI), resulted in seizure of
approximately nine Kg of gold in
Gulf of Mannar, off Tamil Nadu
coast. The gold bars worth Rs 4.5
Crore were recovered from a
fishing boat named Sailor.
The two-day joint operation
took place after DRI sources
received a tip off that gold was
being smuggled into India through
sea route from Sri Lanka. Based
o n a c ti o nab l e i nte l l ig en c e
provided by DRI officials, a well-
coordinated operation was
launched by Coast Guard Station Pattinam close to Mandapam. number of successful anti-
Mandapam resulting in The seized items alongwith the smuggling operations have been
apprehension of five fishermen fishermen and boat were handed undertaken in the recent past in
alongwith fishing boat. During the over to the DRI for further close coordination with other
rummaging, it was found that, the investigations. Earlier in March stakeholders. The successful
seized gold bars were hidden 2020, in a similar operation operation reiterates Indian Coast
under the engine bay Indian Coast Guard has recovered Guard’s resolve for ensuring safe
camouflaged in a cloth bag. 15 Kgs of gold dumped from seas in the region through
During investigation it was fishing boat at sea near extensive surveillance for
revealed that, the apprehended Rameshwaram Coast. monitoring suspicious activities at
boat allegedly received the The Indian Coast Guard Sea.
contraband in Gulf of Mannar and has been maintaining enhanced
was proceeding to Marakkayar surveillance in the Region and a -PRO Chennai

Assam Rifles Unearths Large Haul of Narcotics and

Contraband in Moreh, Manipur
The Assam Rifles battalion, With the mandate to Rifles has been at the forefront to
IGAR(S) under the aegis of Spear curb cross border smuggling combat narco terrorism and
Corps in a well-planned and through the porous international insurgency in the North East.
orchestrated operation based on border with Myanmar, Assam -PRO Imphal
hard intelligence, raided two
locations in the border town of
Moreh in Manipur on December
7, 2020 morning alongwith Police
and NCB.
The raid unearthed a large
haul of narcotics and contrabands
estimated to be worth over Rs 165
crore. One foreign made pistol
and a gun alongwith ammunition
were also seized.
Two Myanmar and
four Indian traffickers were
apprehended by the team.

29 Sainik Samachar 1-15 January, 2021

Indigenously Built Interceptor Boat of ICG Commissioned at

I ndian Coast Guard Interceptor

Boat got commissioned by Shri
Ajay Kumar Tomar IPS,
Commissioner of Police, Surat on
December 15, 2020 at Hazira in
presence of Inspector General
Rakesh Pal PTM, TM Commander,
Indian Coast Guard Region (NW)
and distinguished central and state
government guests and civil
This Interceptor boat is built
indigenously by M/s L&T Jetty,
Hazira and is capable of high
speed of 45 knots having capability
to operate in shallow waters. Vessel
is fitted with latest state-of-the-art
navigation and communication
equipment designed for high speed
interception, close coast patrol, low and operational control of the also further augment patrolling and
intensity maritime operations, Commander Coast Guard Region prevent illicit activities such as
Search and Rescue and maritime (NW) and is a part of ongoing infiltration, smuggling and illegal
surveillance. efforts of Indian Coast Guard to fishing activities along the
Interceptor Boat will operate strengthen coastal security of international maritime borders.
from Gujarat under administrative Gujarat maritime borders. It will -PRO Gandhinagar

Colonel Prithipal Singh Gill (Retd) Issued Revised PPO on

Attaining 100 Years of Age

O n completion of 100 years

of age, Colonel Prithipal
Singh Gill (Retd), a World War-II
revised PPO
along with a memories with them. He lauded
the efforts of the Department in
providing services to the Defence
The officers spent some
Veteran, the Defence Accounts Forces.
quality time with Col Prithipal
Department (DAD) felicitated him
Singh Gill. The veteran was kind -PRO Defence/Chandigarh
at his residence in Chandigarh.
enough to share his fond
Col Gill is the only Indian to have
served in the Royal Indian Air
Force, Royal Indian Navy and after
Independence, the Indian Army.
On attaining the age of
100 years, the pension of the
veterans is raised by 100% of their
basic pension. The Defence
Accounts Department under the
guidance of Sh Sanjiv Mittal,
CGDA, made this once in a
lifetime occasion momentous by
deputing its senior officers posted
at PCDA (WC), Chandigarh to
personally deliver to the officer his

30 Sainik Samachar 1-15 January, 2021

Graduation Ceremony at Air Defence College
T he Graduation Ceremony of No
162 Fighter Controllers’ Course
(FCC) was held at Air Force Station
Navneet Mishra was awarded the
AOC-in-C, Central Air Command,
Indian Air Force Trophy for ‘Best in
Station Commander, Air Force
Station Memaura, and other
important functionaries of the
Memaura on December 17, 2020. Overall Performance’. Station.
The impressive function marked the The ceremony was attended -PRO Lucknow
culmination of the course which by Gp Capt Aditya Prakash Singh,
had commenced on July 6, 2020.
Sixteen Indian Air Force (IAF)
officers successfully completed the
course and donned the coveted
Fighter Controllers’ Badge.
The valedictory function was
presided over by Air Vice Marshal B
Saju, Assistant Chief of the Air Staff
Operations (Air Defence), Air
Headquarters. Wing Commander
Amit Sharma, Commanding
Officer, Air Defence College
presented the report highlighting
the salient training activities
undertaken during the course.
Meritorious trainees were awarded
with trophies and medallions by the
Reviewing Officer. Flying Officer

260 Km Ultra Marathon

T o commemorate the 260th
anniversary of the Army
Service Corps (ASC), a 260-km
School, Kunjpura, and Motilal
Nehru Sports School, Rai.
T he ma rat hon te a m
Anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi,
in Bengaluru on October 2, 2020.
The aim of the event was
ultra-marathon was run by the comprising of one officer and nine to foster the spirit of Fit
ASC Centre South Ultra Marathon soldiers was led by Lt Col Inderjit India Movement, adventure
team. Singh, a renowned ultra marathon camaraderie and brotherhood
The team ran from the runner and founder of the ASC among the participants and to
Veer Smriti War Memorial, Ultra Marathon Team. The team motivate the youth, to join the
Chandigarh to National War had also a stadium-run of 150 km Armed Forces.
Memorial New Delhi. The run was to commemorate the 150th Birth -PRO Chandigarh
conducted from December 4-8,
2020. It was flagged off by the
GOC-in-C, Western Command, Lt
Gen RP Singh, from
Chandimandir and Flagged in at
New Delhi by Lt Gen M K S
Yadav, DGST and Senior Colonel
Commandant, Army Service
The run culminated at the
National War Memorial, New
Delhi, after paying homage
enroute at three war memorials in
Ambala Cantonment, Sainik

Sainik Samachar 1-15 January, 2021


Vijay Diwas Celebration at National War Memorial, Pune

Western Command Celebrates Vijay Diwas 2020

H omage was paid during a
s o l em n w r ea t h l ay i n g
ceremony to the brave martyrs at
Bisht (Retd) and many other were
present during the solemn
ceremony of Wreath Laying.
Veer Smriti, the War Memorial, This Vijay Diwas also
Western Command, marks the commencement of
Chandimandir commemorating Golden Jubilee year of 1971
the Vijay Diwas . Indo-Pak War which is being
On behalf of GOC-in-C celebrated across the Nation as
Western Command, Lt Gen
Yogendra Dimri, Chief of Staff, also
Western Command laid the commenced at the National War campaigns of military history, a
wreath and paid tributes. A Memorial with lighting of the new nation Bangladesh was born
number of senior veterans of all Victory Flame. as a result of the swift lightening
three services also graced the Vijay Diwas campaign undertaken by Indian
occasion and paid their tributes. stupendous victory of the Army. The decisive victory
Among distinguished country in 1971 Indo-Pak War in culminated with 93000 prisoners
Veterans former Army Chief Gen V which the Western Command had of war of Pak Army surrendered to
P Malik (Retd) , Air Chief Marshal played a stellar role. The war was the might of the Indian Army and
B S Dhanoa(Retd), Admiral Sunil fought for a period 13 days from the liberation of Bangladesh.
Lamba (Retd), Lt Gen Sapru (Retd), December 3 to 16, 1971. In one
Lt Gen Aul, Vice Admiral HCS of the fastest and shortest -PRO Chandigarh

32 Sainik Samachar 1-15 January, 2021


Central Command Celebrates Vijay Diwas

S MRITIKA War Memorial in
Lucknow Cantonment was in
resplendent glory on December 16,
2020, when the brave soldiers of the
three services of the Armed Forces,
who gave the nation its biggest
military victory on December 16,
1971, were remembered and
The day began with a solemn
wreath laying ceremony at SMRITIKA
War Memorial. Lt Gen MU Nair, Chief
of Staff (COS), Central Command
accompanied by officers and soldiers
of Lucknow Garrison paid rich floral
tributes and laid wreaths at the
Memorial amidst soul stirring patriotic
tunes played by the military band. The
General Officer saluted the martyrs
and two minutes’ silence was
observed. the Romna Race Course, now Indian Army personnel fought with
On this day in 1971, the Suhrawardy Udyan, in Dhaka after exceptional valour in this war on both
Chief of the Pakistani forces, General their defeat in the war. The war which Eastern and Western fronts and
Amir Abdullah Khan Niazi, alongwith commenced on December 3, 1971 registered one of the most spectacular
93,000 troops, surrendered to the and lasted only 14 days, stripped victories ever achieved in world
allied forces comprised of the Indian Pakistan of more than half of its military history.
Army and Mukti Bahini, led by population and nearly one-third of its
General Jagjit Singh Arora of India in Army was taken into captivity. The -PRO Lucknow

Wreath Laying Ceremony organised at Secunderabad on

Vijay Diwas
T he Republic of India proudly
celebrates ‘Vijay Diwas’ on
December 16, 2020 every year to
commemorate the victory of Indian
Armed Forces in the 1971 Indo-
Pakistan War. On this day in 1971,
Independent India achieved a decisive
victory over East Pakistan, in a war
that the Indian Armed Forces planned,
executed and carried out with
precision resulting in capture of over
93000 prisoners of War and
liberation of Bangladesh.
This year also, ‘Vijay Diwas’
was celebrated on December 16,
2020 throughout the Nation to
commemorate the beginning of
Golden Jubilee year of the historic
victory when Eastern Army
Commander of Pakistan, Lieutenant
General AAK Niazi, signed the
“Instrument of Surrender”. Secunderabad by Headquarters and men attired in full military
As part of the nationwide Telangana and Andhra Sub Area ceremonial dress, paid homage to the
celebrations, a Wreath laying under Covid protocols. The occasion bravehearts who laid down their life in
Ceremony was organized at Veerula was a spectacular event, with display defending the nation.
Sainik Smarak, Army Parade Ground, of Military Band and all the Officers -PRO Secunderabad

33 Sainik Samachar 1-15 January, 2021

H igh Altitude Warfare School (HAWS)
commemorates 72nd Raising Day.
Recipient of three GOC-in-C Citations and
372 awards, HAWS strives as a team to
meet all the challenges in high altitude and
mountain warfare of Indian Army with

-PRO Army

M s Garima Abrol, now Flying Officer, wife of late

Squadron leader Samir Abrol who lost his life in an air
accident, passed out from Air Force Academy on December
19, 2020. “The real role model of our Nation“.

-PRO Shillong

2 39 Recruits were attested after

successful completion of their training
at Artillery Centre, Nashik Road.

-PRO Army

Sainik Samachar 1-15 January, 2021

General Izutsu Shunji, Chief of Staff, Japan Air Self Defense Force (CoS-JASDF) called on Shri Rajnath Singh,
Raksha Mantri at his office on December 9, 2020.

Gen MM Naravane COAS visited King Abdul Aziz Military Academy in Saudi Arabia on December 14, 2020
and exchanged views on military training. COAS visit will strengthen bilateral defence cooperation between the
35 two countries.
R.N.I. Regd. No.800/57 English
SAINIK SAMACHAR 16-31 December 2020

Paying homage to the fallen soldiers at the National War Memorial in New Delhi on December 16, 2020,
Pix by PRO IAF at the beginning of the Golden Jubilee of India’s victory over Pakistan in 1971 Indo-Pak War.
Licensed to post without pre-payment
License No. U(C)-50/2018-20
Postal Regd.No. DL(ND) 11-6075/2018-20

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