Lp-Grade 10 Music
Lp-Grade 10 Music
Lp-Grade 10 Music
References: K to 12 Basic Education Curriculum, MAPEH,
Learning Module, Page 8-16c.
Values: Appreciations
Learning Experiences:
b. Linking Statement :
The primary goal of the Musical elements is to develop skilled music by an intentionally
organized art form whose medium is sound and silence, with core elements of pitch (melody
and harmony), rhythm (meter, tempo, and articulation), dynamics, and the qualities of timbre
and texture.
c. Guided Instruction:
Organization The presentation was The presentation was The presentation The presentation
difficult to follow due not easy to follow. was easy to was very easy to
to disorganization of follow. follow.
the utterances.
Accuracy of It was hard to The student made The student made a The student
language use understand due to some mistakes in few mistakes in communicated well
incorrect use of vocabulary and vocabulary and using
vocabulary and grammar. grammar but there
grammar. were no patterns of correct
errors. vocabulary and
Understand The student did not The student clearly The student seemed to The student clearly
-ing of topic show an adequate understood most understand the main understood the
understanding of the aspects of the topic and points of the topic and topic in-depth and
presented presented those with presented his/her
his/her information ease. information
with ease. convincingly.
Music helps us
(Formerly Pagadian College of Criminology and Sciences)
Member: Philippine Association of Private Schools, Colleges & Universities (PAPSCU)
Philippine Educators Association for Criminology Education (PEACE)
017 Rizal Avenue, Tuburan District, Pagadian City
Tel No. (062) 214-4364
A. Describes the historical and cultural background of Afro-Latin American and Popular
Music by
b. Linking Statement :
The primary goal of the Afro-Latin American and Popular Music has always been an
important part in the daily life of African. Music and dance are also important to religious
expression and political that helps students to know the importance of Latin Music and dance.
c. Guided Instruction:
The origins of Latin American music can be traced back to the Spanish and Portuguese conquest
of the Americans in the 16th century, when the European settlers brought their music from
overseas. Latin America is comprised of different regions such as the Caribbean Islands, Mexico,
Central and South America. It combines elements of African – American gospel music, rhythm
and blues, and often jazz. The catchy rhythms are accompanied by handclaps and extemporaneous
body moves which are among its important features. http://bit.ly/2LuPIJv
Music is an important part of understanding the history and people of Latin America. The musical
diversity and complexity of Latin America is extraordinary, having developed over centuries as the
product of cultural exchange. Prior to European contact, native groups incorporated music and dance
as integral parts of daily life, in education, work, and leisure activities. Song and dance,
accompanied by percussion instruments and aerophones made from bones and shells, comprised a
large part of religious rituals, ceremonies for rites of passage and harvest, and leisure and work
activities throughout the Americas. It functioned as a medium of communication within and
between groups and with the spiritual world.
Music has always been an important part in the daily life of the African, whether for
work, religion, ceremonies, or even communication. Singing, dancing, hand
clapping and the beating of drums are essential to many African ceremonies, including
those for birth, death,
Guide initiation, marriage,
questions: and Oral
(Individual funerals. Music and dance are also important
to religious expression and political events.
1. What is African music?
2. What are the different African music?
3. What is the cultural background of Afro-Latin American and Popular music?
Content The speaker The speaker The speaker The speaker says
provides a variety focuses primarily includes some practically nothing. The
of types of content on relevant irrelevant speaker focuses
appropriate for the content. The content. The primarily on irrelevant
task, such as speaker sticks to speaker content. The speaker
generalizations, the topic. The wanders off the appears to ignore the
details, examples speaker adapts topic. The listener and the
and various forms the content in a speaker uses situation.
of evidence. The general way to the words and
speaker adapts listener and the concepts which
the content in a situation. are
specific way to the inappropriate for
listener and the knowledge
situation. and experiences
of the listener
(e.g., slang,
jargon, technical
Delivery The speaker The volume is not The volume is The volume is so low
delivers the too low or too loud too low or too and the rate is so fast
message in a and the rate is not loud and the that you cannot
confident, poised, too fast or too rate is too fast or understand most of the
enthusiastic slow. The too slow. The message. The
fashion. The pronunciation and pronunciation pronunciation and
volume and rate enunciation are and enunciation enunciation are very
varies to add clear. The speaker are unclear. The unclear. The speaker
emphasis and exhibits few speaker exhibits appears uninterested.
interest. disfluencies, such many
Pronunciation and as "ahs," "uhms," disfluencies,
enunciation are or "you knows. such as "ahs,"
very clear. The "uhms," or "you
speaker exhibits knows." The
very few listener is
disfluencies, such distracted by
as "ahs," "uhms," problems in the
or "you knows." delivery of the
message and
has difficulty
the words in the
Organization The message is The message is The organization The message is so
overtly organized. organized. The of the message disorganized you
The speaker helps listener has no is mixed up and cannot understand
the listener difficulty random. The most of the message.
understand the understanding the listener must
sequence and sequence and make some
relationships of relationships assumptions
ideas by using among the ideas in about the
organizational aids the message. The sequence and
such as ideas in the relationship of
announcing the message can ideas.
topic, previewing outlined easily.
the organization,
using transitions,
and summarizing.
Creativity Very original Some originality Little or no Repetitive with little or
presentation of apparent; good variation; no variety; insufficient
material; captures variety and material use of materials /
the audience’s blending of presented with media.
attention. materials / media. little originality or
Length of Within two minutes Within four Within six Too long or too short;
Presentation of allotted time . minutes of allotted minutes of ten or more minutes
time. allotted time . above or below the
allotted time.
___________1. Normally associated with a deeply religious person, refers here to a Negro
spiritual, a song form by African migrants to America who became enslaved by its white
___________2. Uses mostly percussion instruments such as the alfaia, tarol and caixa-deguerra
___________3. Term used to describe the fusion of West African with black American music.
___________4. Musical genre from Nigeria in the Yoruba tribal style to wake up the worshippers
after fasting during the Muslim holy feast of Ramadan.
___________5. A modern Trinidadian and Tobago pop music combining “soul” and “calypso” music.
1. Explain Contemporary
2. Identify the different contemporary Filipino Composers
b. Linking Statement :
The primary goal of the Contemporary Music, This allows us to generate new art and
contribute to the global music community. Through playing new music we, artists, are able to
find our own voice and play music that is meaningful to us.
c. Guided Instruction:
a. Francisco
Sr. g.
b. Francisco
Direction: Point out the characteristics of the musical style of the above-mentioned Filipino
Composer Characteristics of the Musical Style
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Contemporary music is
(Formerly Pagadian College of Criminology and Sciences)
Member: Philippine Association of Private Schools, Colleges & Universities (PAPSCU)
Philippine Educators Association for Criminology Education (PEACE)
017 Rizal Avenue, Tuburan District, Pagadian City
Tel No. (062) 214-4364
Learning Experiences:
Guide Question:
1. What have you observe about the picture?
b. Linking Statement :
The primary goal of the Musical and Western plays is to develop skilled and creative student
artists for future study and for avocational and professional careers in theatre, dance and
related arts. These student artists may be actors, actor-singers, dancers, directors, technicians,
or designers at the undergraduate or graduate level.
Music has been an integral part of theater in the Western world as far back as the
tragedies and comedies of Ancient Greece. Music can reveal the inner emotional life of a
character, foreshadow a vicious attack or budding love, or comment on the action
onstage.The theatre is a branch of the performing arts and it is concerned with the acting
out stories in front of the audience. The main benefits of performing arts include
improving life skills and academic performance. http://bit.ly/3bpsAHl
Play is a work of drama, usually consisting mostly of dialogue between characters and
intended for theatrical performance rather than just reading. The writer of a play is
a playwright.
Plays are performed at a variety of levels, from London's West End and Broadway in
New York City – which are the highest level of commercial theatre in the English-
speaking world – to regional theatre, to community theatre, as well as university or
school productions. There are rare dramatists, notably George Bernard Shaw, who have
had little preference as to whether their plays were performed or read. The term "play"
can refer to both the written texts of playwrights and to their complete theatrical
performance. http://bit.ly/3nyKBFN
CRITERIA 4 3 2 1
Critical The students can The students can The students The students
Thinking make a clear, somewhat make a showed less showed no
relevant and clear, relevant and evidence in evidence in
organized results organized result making clear, making clear,
from the gathered from the gathered relevant and relevant and
information. information. organized result organized result
from the gathered from the gathered
information. information.
Grammar, Usage Virtually no Few spelling and A number of So many spelling,
& Mechanics spelling, punctuation errors, spelling, punctuation and
punctuation or minor grammatical punctuation or grammatical errors
grammatical errors errors grammatical errors that it interferes
with the meaning
Sentence Sentence structure Sentence structure Sentence structure No sense of
Structure enhances meaning; is evident; is limited; sentence structure
flows throughout sentences mostly sentences need to or flow
the piece flow flow
f. Synthesis/ Concept Framing/ Closure
Direction: Complete the sentence