Hot Rolling Mills (Automatic) - LMMM, WRM, Etc
Hot Rolling Mills (Automatic) - LMMM, WRM, Etc
Hot Rolling Mills (Automatic) - LMMM, WRM, Etc
This safety guideline is applicable to High speed Automatic Rolling Mills Dept.
of an Integrated Steel Plant.
Rolling mills consists of different type of Mills based on the desired products
A. Long Product Mill
a) Light and Medium Merchant Mill/ Bar Mill.
b) Wire rod Mill.
c) Medium merchant structural mill/ Structural Mill.
B. Flat Product Mill
a) Plate Mill
b) Hot Strip Mill
All Long Product Rolling Mills (Automatic) are having following main
I. Charging grid:
In this section, the raw materials like Ingots/blooms etc. are received
from Steel melting shop. Visual inspection is made to detect any
defects like surface cracks, piping, bulge outs, Heat no’s etc. The
defective Ingots/blooms etc. are identified and is ejected from charging
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roller tables. The material to be heated is put on the charging grid for
charging into furnace. As per production/discharging rate, the material
is charged / pushed into furnace at regular intervals with the help of
motorized/ hydraulic pusher. Blooms/ billets etc. are charged into the
reheating furnace.
To roll the hot blooms / billets / slabs etc. into desired shape by passing
it between set of revolving rolls. The rolls may be plain or grooved rolls
depending on product. Rolling operation may contain one or more roll
stands depending on reductions required.
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The Flat Product Hot Rolling Mill has following main sections:
In this section, the raw materials like Ingots / Billets / Slabs etc. are
prepared for further rolling operation. Ingots / Billets / Slabs
charging in furnace scheduled through automated planning
management system and unique identification number / code
generated against the product to track the material till final
dispatch. The raw materials like ingots/billets/slabs etc. transported
to furnace for reheating through automated transfer trolley, roller
tables and EOT /charging cranes.
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To roll the hot crude steel products into desired shape by passing and
squeezing it between set of revolving rolls. The rolls may be plain or
grooved rolls depending on product. Rolling operation may contain
one or more roll stands depending on reductions required.
i. Primary Descaling
ii. Roughing stands/ Intermediate stands
iii. Roller tables
iv. Finishing Mill
v. Cooling bed/laminar area
vi. Down coiler
vii. Shearing section/finishing yard
viii. Dispatch yard
ix. Oil Cellars
x. Flume tunnels
xi. Scale pit/settling tank
xii. Drive mechanisms
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1 Rolling Caught in Coupling/Spindle guards to be in
between place.
machinery Loose clothes to be prohibited.
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1) The operating procedure as given in the write-up may vary from shop to shop
due to different equipment disposition and type. Safety precautions under each
head may be separately identified.
2) Other standard plant safety procedures shall be followed.
3) Signage’s and emergency escape route shall be shown covering the entire shop.
4) Provision & operability of safety fences should be ensured covering the entire
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5) The above safety guidelines have been prepared keeping in view standard
points applicable to the area of work in the steel industry. SOPs (Standard
Operating Procedures) & SMPs (Standard Maintenance Procedures) are to be
developed and followed by users as per specific processes / equipment/
technologies deployed as well as prevailing site conditions, in respective plants.
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