Hot Rolling Mills (Automatic) - LMMM, WRM, Etc

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Doc. No: SG/37

MINISTRY OF STEEL, Hot Rolling Mills
Rev no. : 00
GOVT. OF INDIA (Automatic)
Effective Date: --


Rolling is the process of plastically deforming the metal by passing it between

a set of rolls revolving in opposite direction. Rolling is the most widely used
metal forming process. It is employed to convert metal ingots, Blooms, Billets,
Slabs to products like Bars, Beams, Sections, Sheets, Plates and Strips etc.
The main objective of rolling is to decrease the thickness of the metal and
give it a desired profile. Rolled products are used for different engineering,
constructional & fabrication purposes.

As steel is not ductile at room temperature, heavier reductions require it to be

heated to temperatures of 1200-15000C to make it ductile by converting it's
crystal structure from BCC to FCC. In rolling mills, this operation is called
reheating process and is carried out in reheating furnaces. Hot rolling
operation is always preceded by reheating operation.


This safety guideline is applicable to High speed Automatic Rolling Mills Dept.
of an Integrated Steel Plant.


Rolling mills consists of different type of Mills based on the desired products
A. Long Product Mill
a) Light and Medium Merchant Mill/ Bar Mill.
b) Wire rod Mill.
c) Medium merchant structural mill/ Structural Mill.
B. Flat Product Mill
a) Plate Mill
b) Hot Strip Mill

A. Long Product Mill

All Long Product Rolling Mills (Automatic) are having following main

I. Charging grid:
In this section, the raw materials like Ingots/blooms etc. are received
from Steel melting shop. Visual inspection is made to detect any
defects like surface cracks, piping, bulge outs, Heat no’s etc. The
defective Ingots/blooms etc. are identified and is ejected from charging

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roller tables. The material to be heated is put on the charging grid for
charging into furnace. As per production/discharging rate, the material
is charged / pushed into furnace at regular intervals with the help of
motorized/ hydraulic pusher. Blooms/ billets etc. are charged into the
reheating furnace.

II. a) Reheating Furnace/ Walking beam furnace: Mixed/ Coke

oven gas is taken from the common gas network and is utilized for
reheating the blooms/billets/slabs up to a required rolling temperature.
The reheating furnace is walking beam type and uses mixed gas for
fuel and indirect water cooling system for cooling skids, charging
rollers and doors. The walking furnace is equipped with air
recuperators, for waste gas heat recovery from flue gas, which pre-
heats the combustion air from combustion fans before combustion.
Inside the furnace the blooms can be heated up to the rolling
temperature of around 1200°C. The heated blooms/ billets etc. are
discharged from furnace through the side discharging door and are
send to the roughing train of the mill for rolling process.

b) Roller table: To discharge the hot blooms/billets/slabs to rolling

mill for rolling operation.

III. Mill Section:

To roll the hot blooms / billets / slabs etc. into desired shape by passing
it between set of revolving rolls. The rolls may be plain or grooved rolls
depending on product. Rolling operation may contain one or more roll
stands depending on reductions required.

The Mill section comprises of the following sub sections:

I. Rolls & Guides preparation area
II. Roughing stands
III. Intermediate stands
IV. Finishing Mill
V. Cooling bed / Conveyors
VI. Shearing section /cold saw
VII. Oil cellars / Hydraulic room
VIII. Shipping area

Some of critical Equipments/ facilities in Rolling mills (Automatic) are

as follows:

Sl.No Area Major equipments

1. Charging grid Bloom Storage Yard Roller Table, Lever type
Pushers, Elevators and Take over devices.
2. Reheating Charging Roller Table, Bloom Pusher, Dilution
Furnace Air Fans, Combustion Air Fans, Air
Section Recuperators, Burners, Evaporative Cooling
System, DMDA (Demineralized and Deaerated)

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Sl.No Area Major equipments

Pumps, Gas and Air Control Valves, U-Seals
3. Rolling Mill Delivery Roller Table, Vertical & Horizontal
Section Stands , Pinch Roll, Measuring Roll, Flying
Shear, Runout Roller Table, Approach group
Roller Table, Turnover Cooling Beds, Oil cellars,
Scale Flume Tunnels, EOT Cranes, Cable
cellars etc.

B. Flat Product Mill

The Flat Product Hot Rolling Mill has following main sections:

I. Yard management Section:

In this section, the raw materials like Ingots / Billets / Slabs etc. are
prepared for further rolling operation. Ingots / Billets / Slabs
charging in furnace scheduled through automated planning
management system and unique identification number / code
generated against the product to track the material till final
dispatch. The raw materials like ingots/billets/slabs etc. transported
to furnace for reheating through automated transfer trolley, roller
tables and EOT /charging cranes.

II. Reheating Furnace:

Various sub-sections of reheating furnace section and their

functions are as follows:

a) Fuel management Section: The fuel management section may

include, Different gas lines like CO gas, Mixed gas, Nitrogen gas
etc., different Gas pipes, various types of electro pneumatic
valves, Pressure Relief Valve, injector blowers ,waste gas exhaust
system, chimney etc. The main function of this section is to
prepare fuel for proper/efficient combustion in reheating furnaces.

b) Roller Conveyor/Roller table: To transport and charge the

material into the furnace as well as transfer discharge heated
material to rolling mill for rolling operation.

c) Reheating Furnace: To convert chemical energy of fuels into

heat energy and heat the material to required temperature
efficiently and economically. Reheating furnace prepares the
material for further hot rolling operation. The reheating operation
includes Charging, Pushing, heating and discharging/conveying to
rolling mill.

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III. Rolling mill:

To roll the hot crude steel products into desired shape by passing and
squeezing it between set of revolving rolls. The rolls may be plain or
grooved rolls depending on product. Rolling operation may contain
one or more roll stands depending on reductions required.

The Rolling Mill comprises of the following sections:

i. Primary Descaling
ii. Roughing stands/ Intermediate stands
iii. Roller tables
iv. Finishing Mill
v. Cooling bed/laminar area
vi. Down coiler
vii. Shearing section/finishing yard
viii. Dispatch yard
ix. Oil Cellars
x. Flume tunnels
xi. Scale pit/settling tank
xii. Drive mechanisms

Some of critical Equipment/ facilities in Re-rolling Mills are as follows:

Sl. Area Major equipments

1. Yard management Slab/Billet handling transfer trolley,
section Roller tables and EOT /charging
cranes etc.
2. Reheating furnace Gas pipe line, blowers, burners,
section pressure regulators , explosion flaps,
extractor table etc.
3. Rolling Mill Section Roller Table, Mill Stand, Crop Shear,
Coil Box, Down coiler / Recoiler,
Power transmission mechanism
including oil cellars, Conveyors,
Motors etc.

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Typical Layout of Flat Product Hot Rolling Mill



A. Long Product Mill

Sl.No Area/Section Hazards Risk control measures

1 Charging Grid Fall of Material  Keep away from moving cranes.
Section Effective audible and visual
communication devices should be
installed on a crane or hoist.
 Crane operators are to be
instructed to not to place billet when
any person is working near
charging grid area.
 Use crane fingers while carrying
Ingots/blooms/billets/slabs etc. by
using magnetic crane.
 Battery backup for the magnetic
cranes to be ensured.
 Use of PPE’s to be ensured.

(Refer SG-13 : Safety Guideline for

Material handling (manual and
mechanized) & storage)
Material Stacking  Maintain floors in proper condition.
 Stack the material properly without
any bloom/billet ends protruding
 Clearly define walkways and proper
stacking of material.
 Ensure regular clearance of debris.

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Sl.No Area/Section Hazards Risk control measures

Hit by moving  Charging grid is to be stopped
billet during billet cutting operation.
 Shutdown/permit to work with
electrical isolation is to be ensured.

Slip & fall  Regular removal of over length

billet cutting pieces (Obstructions).
 Maintain clean surroundings by
following housekeeping plan.

Contact with hot  Use of PPEs like safety shoes,

billet leather gloves etc.
1 Reheating Gas poisoning  All the gas line to be insulated from
Furnace due to leakage of circuit by "U" seal and also fill up
gas water in water seal and ensure
overflow of water to drain.
 Blanking of gas line to be done
before removal of valves or
 Proper packing to be provided in
fixing of valves or flanges.
 Regular inspection of gas lines to
detect leakage if any.
 Use Portable & /Online “CO”
monitors to detect gas leakage.
 Ensure the closure of main valve to
cut off supply.
 Check all the flange/ welded joints
for gas leakage.
 Purge the gas pipe line with
nitrogen in small segments by
opening the bleeder valve.
 Control the gas flow and air to gas
ratio so that flame should not come
Fire/ Explosion  Purging of gas lines.
hazards Oil/ gas leakages to be arrested
 Give clearance for cutting/welding
etc. after ensuring that there is no
leakage of gas.
 Keep the Portable fire extinguishers
ready for any hazards.
 While lighting up or off of the
furnace, laid down procedures are to
be followed strictly.
 Pressure drop across gas

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Sl.No Area/Section Hazards Risk control measures

recuperators is to be checked
(Refer SG-16 : Safety Guideline for Fire
Safety, SG-21 : Safety Guideline for
Handling Fuel Gas)
Fire / Explosion  Purging of gas lines.
hazards  Oil/ gas leakages to be arrested
 Give clearance for cutting/welding
etc. after ensuring that there is no
leakage of gas.
 Keep the Portable fire extinguishers
ready for any hazards.
 While lighting up or off of the
furnace, laid down procedures are to
be followed strictly.
 Pressure drop across gas
recuperators is to be checked
(Refer SG-16 : Safety Guideline for Fire
Safety, SG-21 : Safety Guideline for
Handling Fuel Gas)
Burn injury  Ensure Furnace door in closed
hazards, condition.
Exposed to hot  Use of PPEs like Fire retardant coat,
flames and hot face shield etc.
Fire / Explosion  Purging of gas lines.
hazards  Oil/ gas leakages to be arrested
 Give clearance for cutting/welding
etc. after ensuring that there is no
leakage of gas.
 Keep the Portable fire extinguishers
ready for any hazards.
 While lighting up or off of the
furnace, laid down procedures are to
be followed strictly.
 Pressure drop across gas
recuperators is to be checked

(Refer SG-16 : Safety

Guidelines for Fire Safety, SG-21 : Safety
Guideline for Handling Fuel Gas)
Burn injury  Ensure Furnace door in closed
hazards, condition.
Exposed to hot  Use of PPEs like Fire retardant coat,

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Sl.No Area/Section Hazards Risk control measures

flames and hot face shield etc.
Hazards  Work permit system to be followed.
associated with  Monitor the temperature of area
re-lining of before starting work.
furnace with  Hand held 24 V bulbs to be used
refractory bricks during repairs in furnace.
 Detail job safety protocol may be
prepared to undertake the job, if job
is Non Routine.
(Refer SG-04 : Safety Guideline for Permit
to Work(Operation & Maintenance))
Material handling  Ensure proper condition and load
carrying capacity of slings before
 Ensure use of PPE’s.
 Material Handling practices training
to personnel to be given.
(Refer SG-13 : Safety Guideline for
Material handling (manual and
mechanized) & storage
Slip & fall  Maintain clean surroundings by
following housekeeping plan.

1 Rolling Caught in  Coupling/Spindle guards to be in
between place.
machinery  Loose clothes to be prohibited.

(Refer SG-11: Safety Guidelines

for Barricading)
Person hit by  Auto Announcement during
rolling hot pusher/ejector/ roughing operation.
material during  Proper guards to be provided to
cobble avoid material coming in the way of
 Proper pathways to be provided for
safe movement.
 All required safety Interlocks of the
Equipment & Process including
auxiliary system for sequencing of
 Provision of Emergency stop of Mill
during cobble.
 Reviewing previous incident reports
Periodic Check/Maintenance
including critical process safety

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Sl.No Area/Section Hazards Risk control measures

(Refer SG-11 : Safety Guidelines for
Barricading )
Burn injuries  Use of appropriate PPE hand
during removal of gloves, gum boots, Face shield,
cobble by Gas dust mask, goggles by persons
cutting/ Lancing working on stands and handling hot
 Proper leg/arm guard’s/safety
goggles/ Safety gloves/ Face shield
to be provided while removing
loops/ cobble.
 Maintain clean surroundings with
good housekeeping.
 Permit to work to be taken prior to
undertaking any maintenance job.
(Refer SG-07 : Safety Guideline for Gas
cutting & Gas Welding, SG-18 :
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
2 Roll Change/ Material handling  Ensure proper condition and load
Pass Change carrying capacity of slings before
 Ensure use of PPE’s.
 Proper crane signalling is to be
given and by one person only.
 Material handling and safety
practices training to personnel to
be given.
(Refer SG-13 : Safety Guideline for
Material handling (manual and
mechanized) & storage)
Caught in  Ensure to take Power Shutdown for
between objects Roller Table and connected drive.
 Ensure written Work Clearance to
be given to concerned personnel
for doing the work.
Burn injury  During Roll Change, rolls to be
cooled with water spray before
work to avoid burn injury.
Slip & Fall from  Suitable platforms are to be
height provided near roller table for
smooth entry of personnel.
 Use of Double lanyard safety belt
to be ensured.
Electric shock  Ensures safety precautions like
Power Shutdown/ LOTO procedure
to be followed before stating the

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Sl.No Area/Section Hazards Risk control measures

 Displaying of "Men at Work"
caution board near the electrical
 Proper earthing to be ensured.
(Refer SG-15 : Safety Guideline for
Electrical safety, SG-02 : Safety Guideline
for Working at Height & SG-04 : Safety
Guideline for Permit to Work(Operation &
Hazards during  Never use a grinder without the
Grinding grinding wheel guard which is
operation provided for protection.
 Check the grinding wheel for any
kind of crack or damage before
using the grinder.
 Wear safety goggles, dust-proof
mask and other necessary PPE
during operation.
 Check that the maximum operating
speed, dimensions and other
specifications of the grinding wheel
are correct for the machine where it
will be used.
 Pass Grinding/cleaning is to be
done from delivery side only
(Opposite direction of Roller
3 Mill maintenance Slippage of tools  Bent-out, open-ended spanners not
to be used.
 Ensure use of correct sized tools.
Hazards during  For safe working, ensure “Power
Working on EOT Shutdown,”
Cranes  Stoppers are to be welded on both
sides of crane on LT rails.
 All the lifting tools and tackles to be
checked every year as per
statutory requirement.
(Refer SG-14 : Safety Guideline for work
on Electric Overhead Travelling (EOT)
1 Shipping area Loco movement  Automatic siren system is to be
installed wherein the siren starts as
soon as the wagon enters the shed
in two places i.e. one at entry of
shed and the other inside the shed
caution the movement

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Sl.No Area/Section Hazards Risk control measures

of wagon.
 Barricading is to be done on both
sides of the track.
 Attendant from traffic department is
to be ensured along with moving
wagons at the front carrying the
signal lamp/flag alerting the
personnel along the track way.
 Blowing of horn by engine driver for
alerting the personnel.
 The maximum safe height of
stacking is up-to 2 meters.
 Track maintenance and levelling is
to be done regularly by traffic
maintenance group to prevent
unexpected rolling-over of idle
(Refer SG-13 : Safety Guideline for
Material handling (manual and
mechanized) & storage)
Trailer Movement  Loading areas are to be earmarked
 Systematic distribution of trucks
/trailers to various loading points to
be ensured to prevent congestion.
 In case of multi-layered loading of
trailers, coils are to be additionally
secured in place by proper lacing
arrangement before leaving the
shop floor.
 Ensure that the vehicles move
within the safe speed limits in the
shop floor as per state specific
 Vehicles personnel are not allowed
to crowd near the loading points.

(Refer SG-24 : Safety Guideline for

Transportation in steel industry)
Material handling  Keep away from moving cranes.
 Effective audible and visual
communication devices should be
installed on a crane.
 Battery backup for the magnetic
cranes to be ensured.
(Refer SG-13 : Safety Guideline for
Material handling (manual and
mechanized) & storage)

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Sl.No Area/Section Hazards Risk control measures

1 Shear Area Cut piece flying  The shears shall have safety cage.
away  Maintenance of shear shall be
done only after complete shutdown
of the shear drive. In hydraulic
operated shear, the line shall be
de-pressurised completely.
 Danger sign shall be put near to
the shear.
 The mesh of safety cage shall be
less than the minimum size rolled
(rod/bar mill).
1 Oil Cellars Hazards during  Proper Covering of all openings.
working in oil  Safety Slogans/Boards/Banners.
cellars  Proper Lighting in Cellars including
Tunnels etc.
 Suitable working Platforms
wherever required.
 All required safety Interlocks of the
Equipment & Process including
auxiliary system for sequencing of
 Safety guard for rotating part in
cellar like coupling Guard etc.
 More than one Entry & Exit in oil
cellar. The Entry & Exit should be
marked properly for easy escape in
case of fire.
 Proper Ventilation system as
 Proper Fire fighting system to be
provided for cellar to take care any
fire accidents.
 Anti Skid tiles to be provided for
flooring to avoid any slipping.
 Sump pump should be installed in
Cellar to avoid any flooding inside
1 General  The crossovers in the mill shall
have wire mesh.
 Emergency phone nos. shall be
displayed throughout the mill.
 The entire conduit opening shall be
sealed with fire clay.
 Emergency stop button shall be
installed near to major drives/roller

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Sl.No Area/Section Hazards Risk control measures

table group drive.
 Fumigation of tunnels shall be
done on regular basis to keep the
snakes/pests away.
 Fire alarm system shall be checked

B. Flat Product Mill


1 Yard Hazards due to  Avoid standing or moving near
Management material transfer material handling transfer trolley.
trolley  Audio visual hooter shall provide in
trolley to generate alert during its
auto movement.
 Never perform maintenance while
transfer trolley is in operation.
 Ensure correct operation sequence
of transfer trolley movement.
 Avoid loose clothing, long hair,
jewellery and other loose items
near moving equipment/transfer
trolley/Roller tables.
 Emergency "shut-off" devices to be
 Follow lock-out/tag-out procedures
for maintenance,
 Including all Energy source
isolation - like fluid energy gas
energy, power etc.
 Unauthorized entry prohibited in
billet / slab storage yards.
 No human interface/ ground
movement allowed in billet /slab
yard during material handling with
EOT/charging cranes.
 Only authorized/trained personnel
to operate or maintain the yard
management section equipment.
Ref: SG-13 : Safety Guideline for Material
handling (manual and mechanized) &
Hazards in  Good flooring and adequate
Material handling Illumination level to be maintained
& stacking area at material storage yards.
(Loading and  Stacked the materials safely to
unloading point avoid the Stack pile collapse in
hazards related yards.

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Sl.No Area/Section Hazards Risk control measures

with trailer and  Clearly define and marked the
wagon movement walkways maintain safe distance
inside yard area ) from material storage area.
 Walkways should well barricaded
and material stacking height should
less beside pathway area to
improve visibility for pedestrians
and crane operators.
 Unauthorized entry prohibited in
billet / slab storage yards.
 Access control deployment in yards
to minimize human machine
interface especially at trailer and
wagon loading points.
 Audio visual hooter/alarm provision
at wagon loading points.
 No human interface/ ground
movement allowed near roller table
or transfer trolley moving area.
 Follow lock-out/tag-out procedures
for maintenance,
Including all Energy source
isolation - like fluid energy, power
energy etc.
Refer: - SG-13 : Safety Guideline for
Material handling (manual and
mechanized) & storage and SG-24 :
Safety Guideline for Transportation in
steel industry
1 Furnace Gas exposure  All the gas line to be isolated from
due to leakage of main circuit by "U" seal and also
gas filled up water in water seal and
ensure continuous overflow of
water to drain.
 Blanking of gas line to be done
before Removal of valves or
 Follow lock-out/tag-out procedures
for maintenance,
Including all Energy source
isolation - like fluid energy, power
energy etc.
 Proper packing to be provided in
fixing of valves or flanges.
 Regular inspection of gas lines to
detect leakage if any.
 Use Fixed and Portable “CO”

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Sl.No Area/Section Hazards Risk control measures

detectors to detect gas leakage
and system should generate auto
alarm /hooter/ /siren in case of gas
 Ensure the isolation of main inlet
valve to cut off the gas supply.
 Check all the flange/ welded joints
for gas leakage.
 Purge the gas pipe lines with
nitrogen in small segments by
opening the bleeder valve.
 Oxy pack and stretcher should
readily available.
 Mock drills should conduct in
critical areas to evaluate the
emergency preparedness.
 Develop and Follow SOP.
Ref: SG-21 : Safety Guideline for
Handling Fuel Gas
2 Fire hazards  Hot work permit clearance should
implement before executing any
maintenance activity like Gas
cutting/welding etc. to eliminate fire
hazards in gas area.
 Keep the Fire hydrant line /Portable
fire extinguishers ready for mitigate
the Fire hazards.
 While lighting up or off of the
furnace, laid down
procedures/SOP to be followed
 Keep Emergency announcement/
Siren/Hooter system ready.
 At least 20% employees should be
imparted Emergency response
training and should participate in
mock drills.
Refer SG-16 : Safety Guidelines for Fire
3 Burn injury  Use fire resistant personal
hazards, protection equipment to protect
Exposed to hot from burn injury /heat exposure.
water, steam,  Keep the first aid kit at shop floor
flames, and hot and ensure availability of burn
billets/ingots injury medicines.
 Maintain safety shower /Eye
shower as per standard at shop
floor area.

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Sl.No Area/Section Hazards Risk control measures

 Follow work permit and positive
isolation procedures including
isolation of all Energy sources - like
fluid energy, power energy, etc
before executing any maintenance
 Develop and Follow SOP
 Competent and trained persons
should only deploy to work on
critical equipment.
Refer : SG-22 : Safety Guideline for
Energy isolation
4 Hazards  Follow work permit and positive
associated with isolation procedures Including
re-lining of isolation of all Energy sources - like
furnace with fluid energy, power energy, etc.
refractory bricks  Monitor the temperature of area
before starting work. Force drafting
/Cool Air arrangement should
provide to maintain the normal
temperature inside the furnace.
 24 Volt lighting arrangements to be
used during repair job inside
 Detail job safety protocol may be
prepared to undertake the job, if
job is irregular.
 Confined area permit to be taken
from competent person.
 Wes guard to be used in welding
machines inside furnace/confined
 Regular disposal of refractory
bricks and housekeeping to be
maintained in that area.
 Temporary material handling
conveyor may install to safely and
easily transporting of material
inside furnace.
 Develop and Follow SOP
Refer SG-03 : Safety Guideline for
Working in a Confined Space and SG-04 :
Safety Guideline for Permit to
Work(Operation & Maintenance)
5 Hazard due to  All electrical equipment/ machines
mechanical & to be earthed properly.
Electrical  Use electrical PPEs
Maintenance  Follow work permit and positive

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Sl.No Area/Section Hazards Risk control measures

isolation procedure including all
Energy source isolation (fluid
energy, gas energy, electrical
power etc.) before executing
maintenance activity.
 Competent and trained person
should only perform the job on
electrical equipment.
 Tested and calibrated machine
tools, lifting tools and tackles
should be used at site.
 All Tools and tackles should be
checked before use.
 Scaffolding and safety harness to
be used during work at height area.
 Mobile crane boom and overhead
crane should not operate
simultaneous on shop floor in close
 Develop and Follow SOP.
Refer SG-04 : Safety Guideline for Permit
to Work(Operation & Maintenance)
1 Rolling Mill Moving Roller  Follow work permit and positive
Table isolation procedure including all
Energy source isolation (fluid
energy, gas energy, electrical
power etc.)
 No work to be done on roller
table/walking beam conveyor in
running condition.
 Local emergency switch with key
arrangements to be operated for
approaching roller table /walking
beam Conveyor.
 Conveyor guards to be provided on
moving conveyor area.
 Siren system prior to restarting
walking beam conveyor/Roller
 Loose cloths prohibited.
 Area barricading if material is
removed from height.
 Develop and Follow SOP.
(Refer SG-09 : Safety Guidelines in
Equipment & machine Guarding)
2 Rotating  Coupling guards to be in place.
machineries  Loose cloths to be prohibited.

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Sl.No Area/Section Hazards Risk control measures

 Only Visual inspection from safe
distance may allow in rotating
 Moving equipment potential
hazards should display near
moving equipment.
 Develop and Follow SOP.
Refer SG-11 : Safety Guidelines for
3 Working on Mill  "Permit to work" practice to be
Stands followed strictly.
 Display of “Men at Work” board is
to be done at Operator Control
 Mill stop/Control Stop (Red and
Green signal) light to be used.
 Unauthorized entry should be
restricted at mill stand area.
 Hooter /Siren to be used before
start or stop the mill.
 Develop and Follow SOP.
Refer SG-04 : Safety Guidelines for
Permit to Work(Operation & Maintenance)
4 Roller Table  During Roll Change, Rolls to be
Change cooled with water spray before
work to avoid burn injury.
 Ensure safe distance of working
personnel from suspended load
/swing load.
 Follow work permit and positive
isolation procedure including all
Energy source isolation (fluid
energy, electrical power etc.)
before roll change activity.
 Cleanliness of area with respect to
presence of oil, grease, jute and
other inflammable materials before
gas cutting/ welding job.
 Availability of fire hydrant to be
ensured if job involves gas cutting
 Display “Men at Work” board at
Operator Control Panel.
 Place a plate on rollers table for
smooth entry of personnel.
 Use required PPE when changing
roll and after completion of jobs,
ensure that men and materials are

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removed from site.
 Ensure that “Job completion
Report” is given in writing and then
cancel “Power Shutdown,” remove
“Caution Tags” and give clearance
for operation.
 Ensure Hooter/ warning signal to
be used before taking trial /start the
 Develop and Follow SOP.
Refer SG-04 : Safety Guidelines for
Permit to Work(Operation & Maintenance)
5 Electric shock  Follow work permit and positive
isolation procedure including all
Energy source isolation.
 Displaying of "Men at Work" at HT
switching on panel.
 Use non-contact type testers to
check the residual voltage after
isolation of electrical power from
main source.
 Ensure Proper grounding of
electrical power before executing
job on electrical equipment.
 Competent and trained person only
allowed to perform job on electrical
 Use proper Electrical PPE’s for
working in HT line and ECR rooms.
 Ensure safety showers provision
near ECR buildings.
 Develop and Follow SOP.
Refer SG-15 : Safety Guidelines for
Electrical safety
6 Working on EOT  Follow work permit and positive
Cranes isolation procedure including all
Energy source isolation.
 Scotch Block /Stoppers are to be
welded on both sides of crane on
LT rails to restrict the entry of
running cranes in that area.
 Crane under shutdown Red flag to
be displayed to alert the other
moving crane operators.
 Indicative barricading (Red
tape/Ribbon) to be provided on
shop floor to restrict the pedestrian
movement below the crane till the

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shutdown job completes.
 Submit job completion report after
 All the lifting tools and tackles to be
checked every year as per
statutory requirement.
 Develop and Follow SOP.
Refer SG-14 : Safety Guidelines for work
on Electric Overhead Travelling (EOT)
7 Moving  Provide guards on all the motors
machinery having belt/chain type transmission
hazards mechanism, grinding machines,
1)Motors with blowers, moving walking beam
belt/chain drives conveyors etc.
2) Combustion  Smart fencing may implement to
blowers/Injector prevent man machine interface.
blowers  Loose cloths to be prohibited.
3) Grinding  Visual inspection from safe
machines distance.
4) Moving  Moving equipment potential
conveyors hazards should display near
moving equipment.
 Access control deployment.
 Use of relevant PPEs.
 Work permit and positive isolation
procedure to be followed before
performing any maintenance job.
 Develop and Follow SOP.
Refer SG/09 : Safety Guidelines for
Equipment and Machinery guarding
8 Handling of  Use appropriate lifting tackles like
Heavy loads ( Mill chain pulley block, hoist etc. to lift
gear box, Mill heavy spares.
motors, Blowers,  Use forklift, mobile cranes, trailers
etc.) to transport the materials from one
place to other place.
 No job should perform under
suspended load and maintain safe
distance from mobile equipment.
 Guy rope should be used to restrict
the swing of materials while
handling with cranes.
 Develop and Follow SOP.
Refer SG-13 : Safety Guidelines for
Material handling (manual and
mechanized) & storage

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9 Handling of Work  Audio visual hooter should activate
Rolls and Back in roll change car.
up Rolls  Indicative barricading to be used to
restrict the pedestrian movement
during roll changing car movement.
 Ensure safe distance of working
personnel from suspended load
swing load while handing the rolls
with EOT cranes.
 Display “Men at Work” board at
Operator Control Panel.
 Develop and Follow SOP.
Refer SG-13 : Safety Guidelines for
Material handling (manual and
mechanized) & storage
10 Mill maintenance  Follow work permit and positive
isolation procedure including all
Energy source isolation.
 Ring spanners and impact
wrenches should be used for
maintenance job in mill area.
 Bent-out, open-ended spanners
not to be used.
 Competent and trained persons
should only perform job on mill
 Tested and certified lifting tools
tackles, jacks to be used in mill
 Develop and Follow SOP.
(Refer SG-04 Safety Guidelines for Permit
to Work(Operation & Maintenance)
11 Oil Cellar hazards  Readiness of sump pump in cellar
 Adequate illumination inside cellar
 Access control deployment.
 CCTV surveillance.
 Active fire control system.
 Regular housekeeping.
 Hot job under strict supervision and
hot work permit deployment.
 Communication system in case of
 Mock drill to check preparedness.
 Oil Cellar to be checked every
day/week as per DM (Daily

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Management) checklist for
 Flume tunnels /Scale pit area
cleaning job executed as per
schedule or during the shutdown.
Refer SG-16 : Safety Guidelines for Fire
12 Scrap handling  Warning bell and Auto Audio alarm
hazards while crane running.

1. Handling of  Ensure no pedestrian movement

scrap bin through below suspended load.
EOT crane.  Access control deployment in
2. Handling of material handling area.
scrap coil /pup  Trained driver and flagman
coil/ transfer bar.deployment for mobile equipment.
3. Hoop iron/  Inspection of lifting tools and
trimmed scraptackles mobile equipment by
handling. competent person.
4. Chemical drum  Dyke wall provision at chemical
handling. drum storage area.
5. Sludge and  Fire hydrant and fire extinguisher
muck handling. provision.
 Safety shower provision near
chemical drums storage area.
 Use of relevant PPEs.
13 Major Repair Job  All the power shutdowns of the
in Rolling Mill required system to be taken as per
(Automatic) the dully filled work permit form
and necessary clearance from
concerned operation and electrical
 Using required PPE as per
 Ensure that all lifting tools &
tackles (winches, hydraulic jacks,
Chain Pulley Blocks, slings etc.),
Mobile cranes, Forklift should be
tested by a competent person and
certified driver should only operate
the mobile equipment.
 For working at height, a “Work at
heights pass” to be obtained from
safety department and use of
appropriate safety harness,
scaffold to be ensured before
executing the job at site.
 All portable electrical equipment,

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welding machines to be earthed
effectively (body earthing).
RCCB/ELCB to be checked in all
welding machine before the usage.
 Heavy structural member should
well be supported and guided by
ropes, chains or any other means
to prevent its falling or swinging
during gas cut or removal from site.
 Suitable fire extinguishers/ Fire
tender/Fire hydrant lines should be
provide at site before executing the
maintenance jobs at site.
 Rolling of gas cylinders to be
avoided and transferred / shifted by
proper trolleys.
 Proper protection to be provided to
conveyors and electrical cables to
prevent fall of sparks from welding/
gas cutting.
 Isolation of electrical power and
written clearance to be obtained
from electrical section before start
of dismantling operation.
 Adequate illumination to be
ensured before starting the job at
 Unauthorised entry should be
restricted at working site.
 All the openings created during
dismantling to be immediately
covered/ barricaded.
 Compressed air vessels and
pipelines to be de-pressurized
before dismantling.
 Combustible/Inflammable materials
should remove from the place
where gas cutting/ welding jobs are
to be carried out.
 HOT work permit to be
implemented during gas cutting
and welding in non-designated
 A charged water hose pipe may be
kept near the place of work.
 Emergency response training
should be imparted to working

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 Prior to actuation it must be
ensured that no persons are in the
active area of the dangerous
energy (mechanical, electrical,
hydraulic, pneumatic etc.). Only the
hydraulic/pneumatic specialist is
allowed to perform switching
operations on hydraulic /
pneumatic valves, provided the
following conditions are fulfilled:
 personnel involved in plant start-up
and control must be warned of any
operations that are to be carried
out in the enclosed area before
starting the machine
 No persons should present in the
danger zone,
 Voice contact must be established
with a responsible person at the
workplace in charge of monitoring
the sequence of functions.
 Develop and Follow SOP.
(Refer SG-13 : Safety Guideline for
Material handling (manual and
mechanized) & storage SG-02 : Safety
Guideline for Working at Height)
1 General General safety  All required PPEs are to be used
norms for Rolling while working.
Mills (Automatic)  Use properly maintained tools &
 Hand tools to be checked in every
six months.
 All the lifting tools and tackles to be
checked every year as per
statutory requirement.
 Permit-to-work to be filled up
before taking any job.
 Before starting any job Positive
isolation procedure to be ensured
by concerned agencies.
 Compliance of special measures to
be undertaken such as cooling of
rolls in hot areas, use of supports,
use of stoppers, closing of valves,
housekeeping in the area,
availability of fire

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 Standard Operation Practices
(SOPs) and Standard Maintenance
Practices (SMPs) are to be
followed strictly.
 All the mechanical moving
equipments are to be barricaded /
guarded properly.
 All electrical equipments to be
earthed properly.
 All high- pressure vessels are to be
tested as per statutory
 Oil Cellar to be checked every
day/week as per DM (Daily
Management) checklist for
 Flume tunnels /Scale pit area
cleaning job executed as per
schedule or during the shutdown.
 Proper loading / unloading
procedure for raw
materials/finished products to be
prepared and followed.
 Ensure the availability of fire
fighting equipment.
 Ensure proper illumination at shop
floor and working area.
 Proper housekeeping to be done.
 Before restoration of power of the
equipment, it is to be ensured that
men, materials including tools and
tackles, supports, scaffolding etc.
are removed.
Refer SG-04 Safety Guidelines for Permit
to Work(Operation & Maintenance) and
SG-22 : Safety Guideline for Energy isolation)
2 General safety  Safety signs are intended to
norms for rolling ensure the safety of personnel at
mills (Automatic) their workplace. Depending on the
kind of hazard, the following signs
must be placed:
 Prohibitive signs
 Warning signs
 Mandatory signs
 Rescue signs
 Informative signs
 Signs identifying permanent
danger areas.

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 Signs for operating areas requiring
individual safeguarding.
 In operating and danger areas of
the plant/machine, it is necessary
to place the signs listed above
before equipment is put into
 Before commencing their activities,
all personnel must be instructed as
to the significance of the safety
signs, and renewed instruction
must be given at appropriate
intervals, but at least once per
3 General safety  In addition to the signs listed
norms for rolling above, the user of the equipment
mills (Automatic) shall clearly and distinctly indicate
and place signs for the following:
 Escape routes/emergency exits.
 First-aid stations.
 Places where stretchers are
 Emergency showers/eye washing
4 General safety  The operational reliability and the
norms for rolling safe use of the plant /machine are
mills (Automatic) ensured (among other things) by
electrical and mechanical interlock
devices. These must be inspected
at regular maintenance intervals.
 Emergency push buttons /
switches to be checked for their
functioning at regular intervals.
 All fixed guards, when removed for
any work on the machine, must be
correctly replaced and secured at
the end of the work.


1) The operating procedure as given in the write-up may vary from shop to shop
due to different equipment disposition and type. Safety precautions under each
head may be separately identified.
2) Other standard plant safety procedures shall be followed.
3) Signage’s and emergency escape route shall be shown covering the entire shop.
4) Provision & operability of safety fences should be ensured covering the entire

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5) The above safety guidelines have been prepared keeping in view standard
points applicable to the area of work in the steel industry. SOPs (Standard
Operating Procedures) & SMPs (Standard Maintenance Procedures) are to be
developed and followed by users as per specific processes / equipment/
technologies deployed as well as prevailing site conditions, in respective plants.

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