Service Manual: S-5200 Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope

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S-5200 Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope

Service Manual

Please read through this manual carefully before using the

• Before using the instrument, read the safety instructions and
precautions carefully.
• Keep this manual in a safe place nearby so it can be referred
to whenever needed.

Copyright  Hitachi, Ltd. 2001 All rights reserved. Printed in USA Part No. 595-8030
• Information contained in this document is subject to change
without notice for improvement.
• No part of this manual may be reproduced or transmitted in
any form or by any means without the express written
permission of Hitachi.
• Hitachi assumes no liability for any direct, indirect, or
consequential damages arising from use not described in this
• This document does not provide any warranty or permission
for industrial properties or any rights to grant license
lawfully and without infringement.
S-5200 Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope Table of Contents
Service Manual

Table of Contents
1 INTRODUCTION........................................................................................................................................ 1-1
1.1 DESCRIPTION OF THE INSTRUMENT ........................................................................................................ 1-1
1.1.1 Overview......................................................................................................................................... 1-1
1.1.2 Features.......................................................................................................................................... 1-2
1.2 SPECIFICATIONS.................................................................................................................................... 1-10
1.2.1 Standard Specifications................................................................................................................ 1-10
1.2.2 Standard Configuration................................................................................................................ 1-13
1.2.3 Main Custom Accessories (Option).............................................................................................. 1-13
1.3 LAYOUT ................................................................................................................................................ 1-15
1.3.1 Hardware ..................................................................................................................................... 1-15
1.3.2 Software........................................................................................................................................ 1-17
1.4 OUTER APPEARANCE ............................................................................................................................ 1-18
2 SAFETY ........................................................................................................................................................ 2-1
2.1 GENERAL PRECAUTIONS ........................................................................................................................ 2-1
2.2 WARNINGS.............................................................................................................................................. 2-1
2.2.1 Type of Warnings............................................................................................................................ 2-1
2.2.2 Warning Labels .............................................................................................................................. 2-3
2.3 ELECTRIC SYSTEM .................................................................................................................................. 2-6
2.3.1 Breaker ........................................................................................................................................... 2-6
2.3.2 Safety Circuit Function .................................................................................................................. 2-6
2.3.3 Hazardous Voltages and Maintenance Types .............................................................................. 2-12
2.4 POTENTIAL MECHANICAL HAZARDS.................................................................................................... 2-16
2.5 EARTHQUAKE PROTECTION .................................................................................................................. 2-16
2.5.1 Center of Gravity Locations ......................................................................................................... 2-17
2.5.2 Earthquake Protection ................................................................................................................. 2-20
2.6 MISCELLANEOUS .................................................................................................................................. 2-23
2.6.1 Leakage Detection........................................................................................................................ 2-23
2.6.2 Cooling Water .............................................................................................................................. 2-23
2.6.3 Personal Computer....................................................................................................................... 2-23
3 INSTALLATION ......................................................................................................................................... 3-1
3.1 INSTALLATION REQUIREMENTS ............................................................................................................. 3-1
3.1.1 General Requirements (Installation Site)....................................................................................... 3-1
3.1.2 Power Source ................................................................................................................................. 3-1
3.1.3 Ground Terminal............................................................................................................................ 3-1
3.1.4 Water Supply and Drainage ........................................................................................................... 3-2
3.1.5 Compressed Air .............................................................................................................................. 3-2
3.1.6 Stray Magnetic Fields .................................................................................................................... 3-2
3.1.7 Vibration......................................................................................................................................... 3-5
3.1.8 Room Temperature and Humidity .................................................................................................. 3-5
3.1.9 Power Line and Electric Field Noise ............................................................................................. 3-6
3.1.10 Sound Waves................................................................................................................................... 3-7
3.1.11 Space and Floor Requirements ...................................................................................................... 3-7
3.1.12 Items Needed at Installation Site.................................................................................................... 3-8

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3.2 UNPACKING ............................................................................................................................................ 3-9

3.2.1 Unpacking ...................................................................................................................................... 3-9
3.2.2 Carrying-in..................................................................................................................................... 3-9
3.2.3 Parts Quantity Check ..................................................................................................................... 3-9
3.3 SETUP...................................................................................................................................................... 3-9
3.3.1 Instrument Layout........................................................................................................................... 3-9
3.3.2 Setup Procedures............................................................................................................................ 3-9
3.3.3 Display Modification (For S2 Unit) ............................................................................................. 3-13
3.4 INSTALLATION SUMMARY .................................................................................................................... 3-14
3.4.1 Installation Test............................................................................................................................ 3-14
3.4.2 Operation and Maintenance......................................................................................................... 3-17
3.4.3 Hand-over..................................................................................................................................... 3-17
4 HARDWARE................................................................................................................................................ 4-1
4.1 SYSTEM CONFIGURATION ...................................................................................................................... 4-1
4.1.1 Main Unit ....................................................................................................................................... 4-1
4.1.2 Display Unit ................................................................................................................................... 4-4
4.1.3 Power Supply Unit Block Diagram ................................................................................................ 4-5
4.2 BASIC PRINCIPALS .................................................................................................................................. 4-6
4.2.1 Main Unit Basic Principals............................................................................................................ 4-6
4.2.2 Display Unit Basic Principals........................................................................................................ 4-7
4.2.3 Power Supply Unit Basic Principals .............................................................................................. 4-7
5 ELECTRIC THEORY................................................................................................................................. 5-1
5.1 SYSTEM ILLUSTRATIONS ........................................................................................................................ 5-1
5.1.1 Power Supply Unit.......................................................................................................................... 5-1
5.1.2 Main Unit ....................................................................................................................................... 5-2
5.1.3 Display Unit ................................................................................................................................... 5-3
5.2 AC POWER: WIRING DIAGRAMS AND FUSES ......................................................................................... 5-3
5.2.1 Power Supply Unit.......................................................................................................................... 5-3
5.2.2 Display Unit ................................................................................................................................... 5-5
5.3 DC POWER SUPPLY SYSTEMS ................................................................................................................ 5-7
5.3.1 Power Supply Unit.......................................................................................................................... 5-7
5.3.2 Display Unit ................................................................................................................................... 5-7
5.4 LENS SYSTEM ......................................................................................................................................... 5-8
5.4.1 Functional Descriptions ................................................................................................................. 5-8
5.4.2 Block Diagram ............................................................................................................................... 5-9
5.5 ECPU247 AND IMAGE MEMORY SYSTEM ............................................................................................ 5-13
5.5.1 ECPU247 Block Diagram ............................................................................................................ 5-13
5.5.2 Image Memory Block Diagram .................................................................................................... 5-13
5.5.3 ECPU247 Board (CPU Board) LED ........................................................................................... 5-16
5.6 SUPER IMPOSER AND CANCELLER (IMP-N P.C.B) .............................................................................. 5-19
5.6.1 Super Imposer............................................................................................................................... 5-19
5.6.2 Magnet Field Canceller................................................................................................................ 5-27
5.7 STAGE CONTROLLER ............................................................................................................................ 5-29
5.7.1 Stage Controller Configuration Diagram .................................................................................... 5-29
5.7.2 Tilt Board ..................................................................................................................................... 5-30
5.7.3 X-Y Stage Controller (S-67A)....................................................................................................... 5-30
5.7.4 Stage Adjustment .......................................................................................................................... 5-42
5.8 HIGH VOLTAGE UNIT ........................................................................................................................... 5-43
5.8.1 Block Diagram ............................................................................................................................. 5-43

S-5200 Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope Table of Contents
Service Manual

5.8.2 I/O Address................................................................................................................................... 5-43

5.8.3 Adjustment .................................................................................................................................... 5-44
5.9 EVAC SEQUENCE................................................................................................................................. 5-46
5.9.1 EVAC Configuration .................................................................................................................... 5-46
5.9.2 EVACSEQ Board Configuration .................................................................................................. 5-48
5.9.3 Adjusting the EVACSEQ Board.................................................................................................... 5-48
5.9.4 Flowchart ..................................................................................................................................... 5-50
5.9.5 Error Codes.................................................................................................................................. 5-58
6 MECHANICAL CONFIGURATION ........................................................................................................ 6-1
6.1 MAIN UNIT MECHANICAL CONFIGURATION .......................................................................................... 6-1
6.2 MAIN UNIT STRUCTURES ....................................................................................................................... 6-3
6.2.1 Electron Gun Structure .................................................................................................................. 6-3
6.2.2 C2 Lens Unit Structure................................................................................................................... 6-4
6.2.3 Objective Lens Unit Structure ........................................................................................................ 6-5
6.2.4 Specimen Goniometer Stage Structure........................................................................................... 6-6
6.2.5 Beam Blanking Unit Structure........................................................................................................ 6-7
6.2.6 ExB Coil Unit Structure ................................................................................................................. 6-7
6.2.7 Beam Monitor Aperture Unit Structure.......................................................................................... 6-8
6.2.8 Movable Objective Aperture Unit Structure................................................................................... 6-9
6.2.9 Secondary Electron Detector Structure........................................................................................ 6-10
7 SOFTWARE ................................................................................................................................................. 7-1
7.1 SYSTEM CONFIGURATION ...................................................................................................................... 7-1
7.2 SOFTWARE CONFIGURATION .................................................................................................................. 7-2
7.3 FILE ORGANIZATION .............................................................................................................................. 7-3
7.4 WINDOWS AND PROGRAMS .................................................................................................................... 7-6
7.5 INSTALLATION PROCEDURES AND SETTING YOUR PC......................................................................... 7-19
7.6 ERROR MESSAGES ................................................................................................................................ 7-21
8 SYSTEM OPERATION .............................................................................................................................. 8-1
8.1 SYSTEM OPERATION OUTLINE ............................................................................................................... 8-1
8.2 FLOWCHART ON ALL OPERATIONS ........................................................................................................ 8-1
8.2.1 Evacuation System Flowchart ........................................................................................................ 8-2
8.3 OPERATING PROCEDURES .................................................................................................................... 8-10
8.3.1 RAS function................................................................................................................................. 8-10
8.4 GETTING STARTED WITH THE SYSTEM ................................................................................................. 8-40
8.4.1 Confirming the Vacuum Level...................................................................................................... 8-40
8.4.2 Starting the DISPLAY................................................................................................................... 8-41
8.4.3 Filling the Liquid Nitrogen Trap.................................................................................................. 8-41
8.5 SYSTEM HALT....................................................................................................................................... 8-42
8.5.1 Standard Shutdown....................................................................................................................... 8-42
8.5.2 Emergency Shutdown ................................................................................................................... 8-43
8.6 STARTING THE SYSTEM ........................................................................................................................ 8-44
8.6.1 Standard Startup........................................................................................................................... 8-44
8.6.2 Starting the system after an emergency shutdown........................................................................ 8-44
8.7 TROUBLESHOOTING .............................................................................................................................. 8-46
8.7.1 Error Code ................................................................................................................................... 8-46
9 ADJUSTMENTS .......................................................................................................................................... 9-1
9.1 ADJUSTMENT OVERVIEW ....................................................................................................................... 9-1

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9.2 TOLERANCES .......................................................................................................................................... 9-1

9.2.1 Evacuation System Specifications .................................................................................................. 9-1
9.2.2 Micro-motion Specifications .......................................................................................................... 9-2
9.2.3 Electronic Engineering Specifications ........................................................................................... 9-2
9.3 ADJUSTMENT PROCEDURES.................................................................................................................. 9-14
9.3.1 Evacuation System Adjustment Procedures ................................................................................. 9-14
9.3.2 Superimposer Adjustment Procedures ......................................................................................... 9-16
9.3.3 Magnet Field Canceller................................................................................................................ 9-23
9.3.4 Micro-adjustment Procedures ...................................................................................................... 9-25
9.3.5 Electronic Engineering System Adjustment Procedures .............................................................. 9-31
10 MAINTENANCE ................................................................................................................................... 10-1
10.1 PERIODIC MAINTENANCE ..................................................................................................................... 10-1
10.1.1 Periodic Maintenance Items and Interval .................................................................................... 10-1
10.2 PURPOSE OF PERIODIC MAINTENANCE................................................................................................. 10-1
10.3 METHOD OF PERIODIC MAINTENANCE ................................................................................................. 10-1
10.3.1 Electron Gun Baking .................................................................................................................... 10-1
10.3.2 FE-Tip Replacement..................................................................................................................... 10-3
10.3.3 Dry Pump ................................................................................................................................... 10-11
10.3.4 Penning Gauge ........................................................................................................................... 10-12
10.3.5 Objective Movable Aperture....................................................................................................... 10-13
10.3.6 Scintillator Replacement ............................................................................................................ 10-14
10.4 ESTIMATED PERIODIC MAINTENANCE TIME ...................................................................................... 10-15
10.5 MAINTENANCE PARTS LIST ................................................................................................................ 10-15
10.5.1 Standard Maintenance Parts Lists ............................................................................................. 10-15
10.5.2 Recommended Maintenance Parts List ...................................................................................... 10-16
10.5.3 Consumables List ....................................................................................................................... 10-16
10.6 OPERATION CHECK AFTER THE PERIODIC MAINTENANCE................................................................. 10-17
11 TROUBLESHOOTING......................................................................................................................... 11-1
11.1 OVERVIEW OF TROUBLESHOOTING ...................................................................................................... 11-1
11.2 FAULT DIAGNOSTICS ............................................................................................................................ 11-1
11.2.1 Dry Pump ..................................................................................................................................... 11-1
11.2.2 Compressor .................................................................................................................................. 11-2
11.2.3 VRT Board.................................................................................................................................... 11-3
11.3 STAGE ................................................................................................................................................... 11-6
11.3.1 Malfunction .................................................................................................................................. 11-6
11.3.2 Protection Function...................................................................................................................... 11-7
11.3.3 Stage Adjustment .......................................................................................................................... 11-9
11.3.4 Self-test and Corrective Action................................................................................................... 11-10
11.4 ERROR MESSAGES .............................................................................................................................. 11-15
11.4.1 EVAC SEQ Error Codes............................................................................................................. 11-15
11.4.2 Software Error Code .................................................................................................................. 11-18
11.5 SETTING THE PC ENVIRONMENT ........................................................................................................ 11-27
11.6 S-5200 PC (DESKPRO EP/P450+/6B/4/64C) SETUP PROCEDURES .................................................. 11-31
11.6.1 Required Items............................................................................................................................ 11-31
11.6.2 Hardware Setup.......................................................................................................................... 11-31
11.6.3 BIOS Settings.............................................................................................................................. 11-31
11.6.4 Setting up the Operating System................................................................................................. 11-32
11.6.5 Screen Settings ........................................................................................................................... 11-33
11.6.6 Installing the Network Driver..................................................................................................... 11-35

S-5200 Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope Table of Contents
Service Manual

11.6.7 Installing the Service Pack ......................................................................................................... 11-41

11.6.8 Adding a User............................................................................................................................. 11-42
11.6.9 Setting the User Environment..................................................................................................... 11-44
11.6.10 Setting the Hyper Terminal .................................................................................................... 11-55
11.6.11 Installing the S-5200 Software ............................................................................................... 11-60

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S-5200 Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope Introduction
Service Manual

1 Introduction
1.1 Description of the Instrument
1.1.1 Overview
The scanning electron microscope (SEM) is used in diverse fields, from research and development to quality
control in manufacturing operations. SEMs with advanced capabilities are essential for the observation of ultra-
microstructures in the fields of electronics, functional materials, thin-films and other materials science fields, as
well as in biotechnology, such as yeasts and pharmaceuticals. With the increasing availability and advances in
personal computers (PC), there has been increasing importance of SEM operation under a Graphical User
Interface (GUI) environment, of the digitalization of high-definition image data, and of data management through
the use of networks.

To meet these needs, Hitachi Instruments has developed an ultra-high-resolution FE-SEM, the S-5200.

Incorporating the latest in electronic optical technology and PC control systems, the S-5200 offers a substantial
enhancement of the capabilities of the previous model, the S-5000, while at the same time achieving both
advanced capabilities and ease of operation, including SEM operation under a GUI environment, high-definition
image recording, and networking capabilities.

The external view of the S-5200 SEM is shown in Figure 1-1.

Figure 1-1: S-5200 Scanning Electron Microscope External View

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1.1.2 Features
As critical elements for high-resolution observations, the S-5200 incorporates significant improvements in (1)
secondary electronic image resolution, (2) signal detection, (3) contamination, and (4) vibration tolerance (floor
vibrations) (compared with the S-5000). As such, it is a high-resolution, high-operability in-lens SEM with the
following features:

Achieving the Highest Resolution in the World with a Low Accelerating Voltage
At 1 kV, the S-5200 guarantees a secondary electronic image resolution of 1.8 nm.

Figure 1-2: Secondary Electronic Image Resolution

(Accelerating voltage: 1 kV, Magnification: 150,000)
Guaranteeing the Highest Resolution in the World at a High Accelerating voltage
At 30 kV, the S-5200 guarantees a secondary electronic image resolution of 0.5 nm.

Figure 1-3: Secondary Electronic Image Resolution

(Accelerating voltage: 30 kV, Magnification: 600,000)

S-5200 Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope Introduction
Service Manual

Achieving Nanometer-level Observations at a Practical Accelerating voltage

Accelerating voltages ranging from 2 kV to 10 kV are frequently used in the observation of cross-sectional
profiles of semiconductors. The S-5200 makes high-resolution observations possible at such practical usage
conditions. Figure 1-4 shows the relationship (calculated values) between the attainable resolution of the S-5200
and the accelerating voltage. The “specimen height” shown in Figure 1-4 denotes the height of the observation
surface based upon the standard specimen position (the X-ray analysis position). The maximum accelerating
voltage that can be used under the condition of specimen height = 1.5 mm is 10 kV (Figure 1-5).

Figure 1-4: Relationship (Calculated Values) between Resolution and

Accelerating voltage for the S-5200

Figure 1-5: Relationship between Specimen Height and

Maximum Observable Accelerating voltage

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Quick-style Standard Specimen Holder without a Fastening Screw

For setting a specimen stub on the specimen holder, the conventional method (S-5000) involves fixing a holding
fixture with a fastening screw after the specimen stub is aligned. At most semiconductor customer sites, however,
the specimen height is generally constant, so that the specimen stub is always fixed at the same position on the
specimen holder. In view of this fact, the S-5200 features a quick specimen stub fixing method that does not use
screws and that eliminates the specimen stub alignment step (Figure 1-6).

Further, because the S-5200 uses a focusing range that is a 3.5 mm continuous area, you need not be super-
accurate in setting a specimen height. (You still need to be careful not let the specimen stick out from the
specimen holder.)

With the S-5200, you can set the specimen stub on the specimen holder by dropping the specimen stub onto the
specimen stub carrier on the specimen holder and moving a spring-actuated specimen stub attachment latch.

Figure 1-6: Tip of the Standard Specimen Holder

The Standard Holder and the Cross-sectional Holder for the S-5000 can be used with Some
Specimen holders for the S-5000 can be used on the S-5200 with the following cautionary notes:
• The STD position (on the same surface as the holder axis) for the S-5000 corresponds to a Specimen
Height: -1.5 mm position on the S-5200. (At this position, eucentric tilting cannot be performed.)
• Specimen tilt angles are subject to restrictions. Depending on the type of holder used, the following
specimen tilt angles can be supported:
Standard specimen holder for the S-5000: maximum tilt angle ± 15º
Cross-sectional specimen holder for the S-5000: maximum tilt angle ± 10º
• Because the S-5200 may require the tilting of a specimen for side take-off during X-ray analysis,
specimen holders designed for the S-5000 may not operate properly for X-ray analysis purposes (due to
a tilt restriction).
• Some S-5000 specimen holders cannot be used on the S-5200. If you encounter specific problems in
this regard, please contact Hitachi Instruments.

S-5200 Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope Introduction
Service Manual

Highly Efficient Detection of Secondary Electrons based on the ExB Method that does not produce
Axial Deviations
The S-5200 incorporates an ExB secondary electron detector that is field-proven as an “Upper” detector used with
the S-4500/S-4700, which achieves the highly efficient detection of secondary electrons in a manner that does not
produce axial deviations.

Control over the Detection Ratio between SE Signals and BSE Signals by means of a Secondary
Electron Detector
The secondary electron detector for the S-5200 can detect SE and BSE signals at a variable ratio, which produces
an optimum image according to a given application or objective.

Secondary Electron Image An image using Backscattered Electron Information

Specimen: A multi-layer film on glass; Accelerating voltage: 5 kV; Magnification: 50,000

Figure 1-7: Signal Control Function of the Secondary Electron Detector

Low-acceleration Reflection Electron Detector (Optional)

The S-5200 can accept an optional low-acceleration reflection electron detector capable of detecting low-
acceleration, reflected electrons that are generated at a high angle from the specimen. The reflection electron
detector can achieve relatively high detection sensitivity for reflected electrons with an energy level of 5 kV or
less. Reflected electron signals can be mixed with secondary electron signals at a variable ratio.

Figure 1-8 shows an example of the application of the low-acceleration reflection electron detector to a semi-
spherical capacitor insulator for DRAM.

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Low-acceleration reflection electron image (2 kV) High-acceleration reflection electron image (10 kV)
(S-5200 + low-acceleration reflection electron detector) (S-5200 + low-acceleration reflection electron detector)
Specimen: DRAM cross-section (semi-spherical capacitor insulator) Magnification: 200,000 0.2µm

Figure 1-8: Low-acceleration Reflection Electron Image

and High-acceleration Reflection Electron Image

Minimum Dose through the use of Electrostatic High-speed Beam Blanking

Viewing specimens sensitive to contamination, such as cross-sectional observations of a semiconductor often
reveals the presence of contamination residues in the upper left portion or the left edge of the resulting SEM
image. This problem results when the beam stops for a fixed time at the starting point of scanning signals (X, Y),
due to the fact that in power supply-synchronized beam scanning, the timing of scanning is synchronized with the
power frequency. In specimens sensitive to contamination, such as semiconductor cross-sectional specimens, a
stationary beam over the specimen can result in contamination deposition, which can leave contamination
residues in the upper left portion or the left edge of the resulting SEM image. To prevent such contamination
residues, the S-5200 incorporates an electrostatic high-speed beam blanking unit as a standard feature.

The high-speed beam blanking unit for the S-5200 blocks the beam when the beam becomes stationary at the
starting point of scanning signals (X, Y), which eliminates the possibility of contamination residues in the upper
left portion or the left edge of an SEM image.

The beam-blanking unit (electromagnetic system) for conventional systems (e.g., S-5000) blocks the beam only
when the image is frozen; therefore, it cannot eliminate the contamination residues that are produced at the
starting point of beam scanning.

Completely Dry Vacuum System through the use of a Turbo Molecular Pump and a Dry Pump
(Scroll Pump)
A significant cause contributing to a reduction in throughput in the evaluation of semiconductor cross sections is
contamination of the specimen. The S-5200 incorporates a completely dry evacuation system based on a turbo
molecular pump (pumping rate: 270 L/s) and a dry pump (sales department-supplied) that facilitate the
observation of cross sections without requiring a liquid nitrogen trap (contamination trap). Because a single dry
pump implements the functions of two roughing vacuum pumps (oil rotation pumps) that are used in conventional
systems, the S-5200 achieves improvements in both energy and space savings. Furthermore, when necessary, it is
also possible to achieve further improvement in the level of vacuum attained in the specimen chamber by

S-5200 Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope Introduction
Service Manual

configuring an optional tandem evacuation system, wherein a small turbo molecular pump (pumping rate: 50 L/s)
is connected to the exhaust outlet for the main turbo molecular pump (pumping rate: 270 L/s) in a cascading

Further Reductions in Contamination through Optional Features

In observations that are susceptible to the effects of contamination (e.g., high magnification rate observations at a
low accelerating voltage) and cryogenic observations, an effective contamination preventive measure can be
achieved by chilling the area around the specimen with a liquid nitrogen trap. For this purpose, the S-5200
contains a built-in liquid nitrogen trap with a larger specimen envelope area than conventional traps in the
objective lens unit. By installing an optional trap unit (a liquid nitrogen dewar) on the objective lens unit, you can
provide a chilling trap function around the specimen. The optional trap unit is equipped with a special heater that
removes gas from the trap.

Use of YAG-type Backscattered Electron Detector (option) without Restrictions on Specimen Tilt
Whereas in the conventional system (S-5000), the use of a YAG type backscattered electron detector restricted the
available specimen tilt angle to ±8º, the S-5200 does not require such restrictions due to the fact that the YAG
type backscattered electron detector is installed above the objective lens. Also, the S-5200 can simultaneously
detect both reflected electrons and X-rays (the side take-off method).

Use of an (optional) Bright Field Aperture for Transmission Electron Images without Restrictions
on Specimen Tilt
Whereas in the conventional system (S-5000), the installation of a bright field aperture for transmission electron
image (STEM image) observations restricted the available specimen tilt angle to ±15º. The S-5200 does not
require such restrictions due to a bright field aperture.

Improved Vibration Tolerance

Through the adoption of a high-performance internal anti-vibration mount and an improvement in the column
structure, the S-5200 offers a threefold improvement in tolerance to floor vibrations. Figure 1-9 shows the
allowable floor vibration amplitude for the guaranteed resolution (magnification: 600,000) of the S-5200.

Figure 1-9: Floor Vibration Tolerance of the S-5200 (Horizontal Vibrations)

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Achieving both the High-resolution Mode and the EDX Analysis Mode without requiring the
Switching of Aperture Holes
Whereas the conventional system (S-5000) required the switching of aperture holes each time high-resolution
observations and EDX analyses were repeated, which required the mechanical axis adjustment of the aperture.
In the S-5200, as in the case of the S-4700, you can switch the high-resolution observation mode to the analysis
mode that requires a large probe current simply by operating the mouse without touching the aperture, which
eliminates the cumbersome mechanical axis adjustment. Figure 1-10 shows probe current properties (changes
with respect to condenser lens conditions) in the analysis mode and another operating mode (high-resolution
observation mode).

Figure 1-10: Relationship between Standard Probe Current and Condenser Lens Conditions

Evacuation System in the Energy-saving Operating Mode (Eco Mode)

With the S-5200, you can set the evacuation system so that you can start observations at a specified time on the
following day by turning off the power for the system (except for the ion pump for the electron gun) after
finishing image observations. For example, if you need to start your observations at 9:00 a.m. on the following
morning after turning off the power at 6:00 p.m., you can set the evacuation system to run automatically so that a
sufficiently high vacuum level will be attained by the specified time (9:00 a.m.) on the following morning. Even
during a long vacation, the system can run in the energy conservation mode with the power for the evacuation
system turned off during the vacation, in such a manner that image observations can be started upon the end of the
Starting time of observation
ECO mode starts
4 hours

Evacuation system Evacuation system halted Evacuation system

running running
(vacuum maintained in the

Figure 1-11: Operation of the Evacuation System in the Energy-saving Mode (Eco Mode)

S-5200 Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope Introduction
Service Manual

Comfortable SEM Operation in GUI Environment

In the S-5200, SEM operation functions are built upon Windows NT that excels in network security and is an
operating system of choice for many companies. For focusing and stigma adjustments, the S-5200 supports knob-
based adjustments, as in conventional systems. For those of you who are familiar with the S-5000 and S-4000
SEM systems, the S-5200 can be provided with an optional operator panel that has the same functionality as the
conventional systems.

Window Display of SEM Images

When looking for spots of interest on a specimen or searching for optimal values by varying the focus or image
quality, you may want a SEM image display that faithfully follows changes in the knob. Ideally, such a SEM
image display should be embedded in the window and overlaid on a suitable position on the monitor. Toward this
end, Hitachi Instruments has developed special hardware and software that provide a comfortable operating

Data File Storage and Re-reading of SEM Images

SEM images written to the image memory can be stored on the hard disk of your PC as BMP (also TIFF or JPEG)
format files. As in the case of any other PC files, you can retrieve your SEM images at your convenience.
Windows NT-compatible analytical systems

SEM Image Output through a Network Connection

By connecting the S-5200 to a network by Ethernet, you can easily transfer your data to an office PC or a network
server PC. This eliminates the cumbersome offline transfer of SEM images through the use of floppy disks or MO

Compatibility with Off-the-shelf Image Processing Software Packages

You can easily create reports by purchasing Word and Excel that are widely used in the office environment, or
Photoshop, PageMaker, and other DTP packages, and by using software that suites a particular task at hand.
(Because some software that is installed on the PC can affect the operation of the SEM, please consult with
Hitachi Instruments when contemplating the use of such software. Also, Hitachi Instruments recommends that
you use the PC installed as part of the S-5200 system as a dedicated PC and use any off-the-shelf software by
installing it on a separate PC.

Installing an EDX Analysis System

As in the case of conventional systems, an optional DBC can be connected to analytical systems available from
different manufacturers. When using a Windows NT-compatible analytical system in conjunction with the S-
5200, you can enhance ease of use by installing software (option: Hi-Mouse) that allows the sharing of the
keyboard and the mouse between the two systems.

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1.2 Specifications

1.2.1 Standard Specifications

Item Specification Notes

Secondary Electron Image 0.5 nm guaranteed
Resolution (accelerating voltage:30 kV, sample height: 0.5 mm)
1.8 nm guaranteed
(accelerating voltage: 1 kV, sample height: 1.5 mm)
The resolution measurement specimen is used to measure the
Magnification Low magnification mode: 60 to 10k x (accuracy ± 10%)
High magnification mode: 800 to 2,000k x (accuracy ± 10%)
Electron Optics
Electron source Cold-cathode field emission type electron source
Butler lens assembled
Anode heater assembled
Accelerating voltage 0.5 to 30 kV (in 0.1 kV steps)
Lens system 3-stage electromagnetic lens, reduction type
Stigmator coil 8-pole electromagnetic type (X, Y)
Scanning coil 2-stage electromagnetic deflection type (HM mode)
1-stage electromagnetic deflection type (LM mode)
Objective lens aperture 4 openings selectable type (finely adjustable)
Aperture heating function assembled
Beam blanking Electrostatic type (synchoronize scanning signal)
Electromagnetic type (at image freezing)
Electric field of vision shift ± 5µm (when sample height = 0)
NOTE: The field of vision shift depends on the sampe
Detector • Secondary electron detector (ExB method)
• Upper backscattered electron detector (option)
• YAG backscattered electron detector (option)
• Transmitted electron detector (option)
• Energy dispersive X-ray detector (option)
Specimen stage
Method Side entry method
Traverse range
Specimen size X= ± 3.5 mm, Y= ± 2.0 mm, T= ± 40°, Z= ± 0.3 mm
Motor drive X-axis, Y-axis, T-axis (Z-axis is manually operated.)
Specimen size Flat specimen (1): 5.0 mm x 9.5 mm x 3.5 mm (H) (max.)
Flat specimen (2): 4.0 mm x 9.0 mm x 4.0 mm (H) (max.)
Phase specimen (1): 2.0 mm x 8.0 mm x 5.0 mm (H) (max.)
Vacuum System
Evacuation control Automatic pneumatic valve type
Vacuum pump Ion pump: 60L/sec x 1 ea, 20L/sec x 2

S-5200 Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope Introduction
Service Manual

Item Specification Notes

Turbo molecular pump: 270L/sec x 1 (for main evacuation)
Turbo molecular pump: 50 L/min (for Tadem [option])
Dry pump: ESDP12 x 1 (supplied by the customer)
Vacuum gauge Penning gauge x 1, Pirani gauge x 2 (for evacuation control)
Electron gun: < 1 x 10 Pa
Ultimate vacuum
Specimen chamber (main evacuation section): <7 x 10 Pa

Contamination reduction Anti-contamination trap (Liquid nitrogen dewer is optional.)

N2 purge N2 purge port (1/4 tapered internal thread) assembled.
(Supplied pressure when using N2 purge: 10 to 20 kPa)
Safety Device For protection against power failure, water failure, and vacuum
Water Supply/Drain Flow rate: 1.0 to 1.5 L/min (to cool objective lens)
Pressure: 50 to 100 kPa
Temperature: 10 to 20°C (variation: 0.5°C or less/10 min)
Supply faucet (Rc 3/8 tapered internal thread) x 1
Drain port (20mm dia. or more) x 1 (on floor, natural drain)
Accessory port • For side take-off EDX x 1
• For faraday cup port (objective lens aperture) x 1
• For anti-contamination trap x 1
• For YAG backscattered electron detector x 1
• For upper backscattered electron detector x 1
• For STEM detector x 1
• For STEM aperture x 1
User interface Graphic user interface (GUI) on the PC monitor
Scanning mode Normal scan, Reduced area scan, Line scan, Photo scan, Spot
position, Area analysis, Dual mag./split screen, Oblique
PC • Pentium III 450 MHz or higher
• Memory 128 MB
• HD 6.4 GB or more
• Microsoft Windows NT
Monitor Viewing: 17" color CRT (1024 x 768 pixels)
Photographing (option)
Signal Processing • Real-time image display
• Automatic image control (brightness, contrast)
• Gamma control
• Differential image display (empahsizes the outline)
• Reversal image display
• Auto focus/auto stigmator
• Photo in memory (2560 x 1920 pixels)
• S/N improvement by averaging
• Frame integration (1024 times max.)
• Contrast conversion (image in memory)
• 2-split screen image display

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Item Specification Notes

• Color disolay (2 colors overlap display or dummy color)
• Raster rotation/tilt compensation
• CD measurement function (option)
Scanning Speed TV, Slow, 0.5 to 40 msec/frame for viewing mode
40 to 320 sec/frame for capture and image recording mode
Electronic Image Shift ±15 µm (at WD = 12 mm)
Frame Memory • 640 x 480 pixel memory x 11
• 1280 x 960 pixel memory x 11
• 2560 x 1920 pixel memory x 2
Image Display Size • Standard (640 x 480 pixels x 1)
• 2-split screen display (512 x 480 pixels x 2)
• Full screen (1024 x 700 pixels x 1)
Operating Condition Storage Registerable
Signal Selection SE (secondary electron) signal
BSE (Upper: backscattered electron, option)
X-ray signal
AUX signal (2 systems)
Signal Control (SE) / (SE [changeable] + BSE) function
External Control DBC (Digital Beam Control) (option)
RS-232C communication interface (option)
Keyboardd/mouse sharing function
Data Display Fully automatic data display (on monitor), Film no.
Accelerating voltage, Magnification, Micron bar/Micron value
Focus position (sample height value),
Date/Time, Data display on image and in white on black screen
Data Input Desired alphanumeric characters and symbols can be overlaid
on image by using the keyboard.
Network Ethernet 10Base-T (option)
Recording Device Photographing CRT (option)
4 x 5 Polaroid film holder unit (option)
4 x 5 roll film holder unit (option)
Various external memories (option)
Dimensions/Weight (Width) x (Depth) x (Height) (Weight)
Column 890 1030 1700 (mm) 600 Kg
Display 1050 880 1200 (mm) 260 Kg
Power supply unit 520 600 905 (mm) 75 Kg
Dry pump 252 400 336 (mm) 25 Kg
Air compressor 230 400 550 (mm) 18 Kg
Weight 200 180 160 (mm) 40 Kg

NOTE: Due to the S2-93A modification, the height and weight of the power supply unit are 1443 mm and
145 Kg respectively.
NOTE: The dry pump is to be supplied by Hitachi Sales. The dimension/weight of ESDP12 is shown above.

S-5200 Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope Introduction
Service Manual

1.2.2 Standard Configuration

• Column 1
• Display unit 1
• Power supply unit 1
• Compressor 1
• Standard tools 1 set
• Spares/consumables 1 set
• Instruction manual 1 set
NOTE: The photographing unit is optional and does not come standard.
NOTE: The dry pump does not come standard and is to be supplied by Hitachi sales.

1.2.3 Main Custom Accessories (Option)

Photographing Unit
• Photographing unit (5" photographing CRT, camera)
• 4 x 5 Polaroid film holder (1 exposure)
• 4 x 5 Polaroid film holder (8 exposures)
• 4 x 5 Polaroid film holder (10 exposures)
• 6 x 7 roll film holder

• Upper backscattered electron detector
• YAG type backscattered electron detector
• Transmitted electron image detector (with contrast aperture)
• Energy dispersive X-ray analyzer (EDX)
• Faraday cup (objective lens aperture section)

Contamination Removal
• Anti-contamination trap device
• Tandem evacuation system

Specimen Holder
• Cross sectional specimen holder
• STEM mesh specimen holder
• SH holder
• Specimen rotation holder
• 2-axis tilting specimen holder

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• CD measurement
• DBC (Digital Beam Controller) connector
• RS-232C communication interface
• Ethernet network interface
• Keyboard/mouse sharing function (Hi-Mouse)
• Video amplifier
• Photomultiplier power supply

• Coolant circulator
• EDX system
• Autotransformer

S-5200 Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope Introduction
Service Manual

1.3 Layout

1.3.1 Hardware
Standard Layout
The S-5200 standard layout is shown in Figure 1-12.
• The auto camera («) and cooling water circulator («) are options.
• The recommended dry pump is ESDP12. (The dry pump is supplied by Hitachi Sales.)
• For the CE/S2 structure, the height and weight for the power supply unit (««) are 1443 mm and 145
kg respectively. The dry pump and compressor are to be obtained by the customer.

Cooling Power
Dry pump water source
circulator (««)


Auto camera («)


Figure 1-12: S-5200 Standard Layout

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Circuit Diagram
The S-5200 circuit diagram is shown in Figure 1-13.

Figure 1-13: S-5200 Circuit Diagram

S-5200 Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope Introduction
Service Manual

1.3.2 Software
The S-5200 software structure is shown in Figure 1-14. Refer to Chapter 7 for details.


PC_SEM.exe SemImg32.dll WinRT.sys


PciLib.dll Ftpserv.exe




Stage Control EVAC Control

Unit Unit

Figure 1-14: S-5200 Software Structure

PC Programs
• PC_SEM.exe: PC operation program
• SemImg32.dll: Imposer control program
• WinRT.sys: Imposer control driver
• ToyLib32.dll: Confirmation program (such as the size of PC memory)
• PciLib.dll: PCI program interface
• FtpServ.exe: PC FTP transfer program to download the VRT program or return the image
• Ras.exe: Self-diagnostic program
• SetIPAdr.exe: Program to set the IP address used by the instrument
• Other dll, ocx: Programs used for simple image processing, image DB and RS232C external

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VRT Programs
• vxWorks: SEM control program
• vxWorks.sym: SEM control program symbol file
• vxWorks.mapA: SEM control program map file
• vxWorks.mapL: SEM control program map file

Stage Control and Vacuum Evacuation Program

• Stage control unit
• Vacuum evacuation ROM

1.4 Outer Appearance

The S-5200 main, display and power supply units are shown in Figures 1-16, 1-16 and 1-17 (Standard and CE/S2
structures) respectively.

Figure 1-15: S-5200 Main Unit Figure 1-16: S-5200 Display

S-5200 Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope Introduction
Service Manual

Standard Structure CE/S2 Structure (option)

Figure 1-17: S-5200 Power Supply Unit

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S-5200 Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope Safety
Service Manual

2 Safety
2.1 General Precautions
Before operating the machine, read the following safety instructions carefully.
• Follow all the precautions described on the machine and in the manual. Failure to do so can cause
injury to you or damage to the machine.
• Keep in mind that the hazard warnings in this manual or on the machine cannot cover every possible
case, as it is impossible to predict and evaluate all circumstances beforehand. Be alert and use your
common sense.
• The worker is responsible for room ventilation when chemicals are to be used. Insufficient ventilation
may be harmful.
• Do not modify the machine, replace parts, use unspecified parts or use the machine without the proper
safety devices.
• The machine has alert labels (consisting of a symbol and a word) as shown in Table 2.1.

Table 2.1 Safety Alert Labels

Alert Label Description

Indicates an imminently hazardous situation that, if not avoided, will result in death
DANGER or serious injury.

Indicates a potentially hazardous situation that, if not avoided, can result in death or
WARNING serious injury.

Indicates a hazardous situation that, if not avoided, will or can result in minor or
CAUTION moderate injury, or serous damage to the instrument.

2.2 Warnings
2.2.1 Type of Warnings
Electric Shock Warning

• Voltages up to 200V AC and 30kV DC are used inside this instrument.
Touching the parts may result in electric shock.
• Do not remove the covers from the column, control or power units. Touching
the internal parts or circuits while the instrument is on may result in death or
Electric Shock serious injury due to electric shock.

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High Temperature Warning

• The electron gun and the ion pump are heated to 250°C or higher in order to
keep the electron gun in a high vacuum. While operating, the surface
temperature of the dry pump rises to about 70°C. Do not touch these sections to
avoid burns.
High Temperature

Low Temperature Warning

• Wear protection glasses and gloves when liquid nitrogen is injected in the anti
contamination trap (option).

Low Temperature

Heavy Equipment Warning

• Do not lift heavy equipment such as weights or the dry pump manually. It may
cause injury.

Heavy Equipment

Pace Maker Warning Label

• This ion pump for this instrument has a permanent magnetic field. People who
use a pacemaker must stay at least 0.6m from the instrument.


S-5200 Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope Safety
Service Manual

Repair/Inspection Label

• When repairing or checking the electrical parts of the system, follow the
customer’s procedures. Make sure that the main power or the switchboard is
turned off and that no one except the person working turns the power back on.

• Turning the power on while the unit is being repaired may result in electric
Repair/Inspection shock, or being caught in the mechanism.

2.2.2 Warning Labels

The locations of the Warning labels are shown in Figure 2-1 and 2-2.

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Figure 2-1: Warning Label Locations on the Main Unit
S-5200 Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope Safety
Service Manual
Figure 2-2: Warning Label Locations on the Display and Power Supply
Part No. 595-8030 2-5

2.3 Electric System

2.3.1 Breaker
Main Breaker (with handle key lock)
Capacity: 6 kVA
Maximum current: 30 A
Breaker Capacity: 30 kA
Leakage Current Breaker (SEM POWER 1)
Capacity: 6 kVA
Maximum current: 30 A
Sensitive current: 30 mA
Breaker Capacity: 2.5 kA
Leakage Current Breaker (SEM POWER 2)
Capacity: 5 kVA
Maximum current: 50 A
Sensitive current: 30 mA
Breaker Capacity: 5 kA

2.3.2 Safety Circuit Function

Interlock Operations
The interlock operations are shown in Table 2-2.

Table 2.2 Interlock Operations

No. Safety Device Operation Mode Notes
1 Emergency SW (PS unit) All stop.
2 Emergency SW (Main unit) All stop.
3 Leakage breaker All stop.
4 IP cover All stop.
5 COL-CN board cover All stop.
6 Baking cover Baking releases. Warning buzzer goes Evacuation panel displays
off. E32.
7 Baking HV cable protector Baking releases. Warning buzzer goes Evacuation panel displays
off. E31.
8 Post HV protector HV turns OFF
9 PMHV board cover HV turns OFF
10 HV cable position detector HV turns OFF
11 Lens coolant flow meter Valve closes. Warning buzzer goes off. Evacuation panel displays
12 Objective coil temperature Lens current turns OFF

S-5200 Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope Safety
Service Manual

No. Safety Device Operation Mode Notes

13 Dry pump motion current Evacuation system stops. Warning
monitor buzzer goes off.
14 Compressed air pressure Valve closes. Warning buzzer goes off. Evacuation panel displays
monitor E14.
15 DCPS board temperature Control power turns OFF. Error message
sensor appears.

Interlock Diagram
The interlock diagram is shown in Figure 2-3.

Emergency SW Circuit Diagram

The emergency SW circuit diagram is shown in Figure 2-4.

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Figure 2-3: Interlock Diagram
S-5200 Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope Safety
Service Manual
Figure 2-4: Emergency SW Circuit Diagram
Part No. 595-8030 2-9

Protection Circuits
The protection circuit operations are shown in Table 2-3.

Table 2.3 Protection Circuit Operations

No. Location Protection Function Part Part No. If Fault Detected Notes
1 AC DIST Leakage detection Leakage detector ELB 50A Circuit breaker
UNIT (SEM POWER1) opens.
2 Leakage detection Leakage detector ELB 30A Circuit breaker
(SEM POWER2) opens.
3 Emergency stop Switch EM SWITCH Circuit breaker
4 Ion pump HV protection Switch IP COVER
5 Outer bake heater short/overcurrent Overcurrent IELH 20A Circuit breaker
detector trips, turning off
the heater.
6 Display short/overcurrent Overcurrent IELH 20A Circuit breaker
detector trips, turning off
the display.
7 Stage short/overcurrent Overcurrent IELH 5A Stage operation
detector stops.
8 TMP short/overcurrent Overcurrent IELH 5A TMP operation Cannot create
detector stops. high vacuum in
9 Compressor short/overcurrent Overcurrent IELH 5A Evacuation valve Buzzer sounds.
detector stops.
10 ACC short/overcurrent Overcurrent IELH 5A For ACC Optional
11 DP short/overcurrent Overcurrent IELH 10A Evacuation
detector system stops.
12 Relay 24V circuit short/overcurrent Fuse F1 1A(T) Entire system
turns off due to
13 Entire system hold (100V AC) Fuse F2 1A(T) Relay turns off
(except 24V) due
to fusing.
14 Evacuation system self hold Fuse F3 1A(T) Evacuation 100V AC
system (except
DP) turns off due
to fusing.
15 EVAC PS primary side Fuse F4, 5 1A(T) EVACSEQ and
short/overcurrent IP turn off due to
16 IP PS primary side short/overcurrent Fuse F6, 7 1A(T) IP turns off. Cannot turn on
IP power
17 Inner bake heater short/overcurrent Fuse F8 1A(T) Heater turns off Cannot create
due to fusing. high vacuum
18 All system maintenance (24V) Fuse F9 1A(T) Entire system
turns off due to
19 Relay 24V circuit short/overcurrent Fuse FUSE3, 4 1A(T) Entire system
turns off due to
20 PE HV power short/overcurrent Fuse FUSE5, 6 1A(T) Cannot apply HV Cannot turn of

S-5200 Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope Safety
Service Manual

No. Location Protection Function Part Part No. If Fault Detected Notes
21 Stage power supply line Fuse FUSE9, 10 1A(T) Stage operation Stage control
short/overcurrent stops.
22 EVAC +5V short/overcurrent Fuse FUSE11 1A(T) EVACSEQ and
IP turn off due to
23 EVAC +24V short/overcurrent Fuse FUSE12 1A(T) EVACSEQ and
IP turn off due to
24 EVAC SEQ +15V Primary side Fuse F1 3.2A (T) IP, Pi and Pe
short/overcurrent vacuum display
25 EVAC SEQ -15V Primary side Fuse F2 3.2A (T) IP, Pi and Pe
short/overcurrent vacuum display
26 EVAC SEQ +12V Primary side Fuse F3 3.2A (T) Aperture heater
short/overcurrent turns off.
27 EVAC SEQ +15V Secondary side Fuse F9 2.0A (T) IP, Pi and Pe
short/overcurrent vacuum display
28 EVAC SEQ +15V Secondary side Fuse F10 2.0A (T) IP, Pi and Pe
short/overcurrent vacuum display
29 EVAC SEQ +12V Secondary side Fuse F11 2.0A (T) IP, Pi and Pe
short/overcurrent vacuum display
30 XY CONT, TILT-CTL +5V Primary Fuse F4 3.2A (T) Stage does not
DC DIST side short/overcurrent operate.
31 UNIT XY CONT, TILT-CTL +15V Primary Fuse F5 2.0A (T) Stage does not
side short/overcurrent operate.
32 XY CONT, TILT-CTL -15V Primary Fuse F6 2.0A (T) Stage does not
side short/overcurrent operate.
33 TILT-CTL +24V Primary side Fuse F7 2.0A (T) Stage does not
short/overcurrent operate.
34 TILT-CTL -24V Primary side Fuse F8 2.0A (T) Stage does not
short/overcurrent operate.
35 XY CONT, TILT-CTL +5V Primary Fuse F12 3.2A (T) Stage does not
side short/overcurrent operate.
36 XY CONT, TILT-CTL +15V Primary Fuse F13 2.0A (T) Stage does not
side short/overcurrent operate.
37 XY CONT, TILT-CTL -15V Primary Fuse F14 2.0A Stage does not
side short/overcurrent operate.
38 TILT-CTL +24V Primary side Fuse F15 2.0A Stage does not
short/overcurrent operate.
39 TILT-CTL -24V Primary side Fuse F16 2.0A Stage does not
short/overcurrent operate.

Part No. 595-8030 2-11


2.3.3 Hazardous Voltages and Maintenance Types

Hazardous Voltages and Maintenance Type for Each Board
The hazardous voltage for each board and the maintenance types are shown in Tables 2.4, 2.5, 2.6 and 2.7. The
maintenance types are as follows.
Type 1: No power is applied to the instrument.
Type 2: Power is applied to the instrument. The powered circuit is covered or insulated.
Type 3: Power is applied to the instrument. The powered circuit is exposed and it is possible to contact
accidentally. The exposed voltage is 30V rms (42.2V peak) and 60 VDC or 240 VA or less.
Type 4: Power is applied to the instrument. The powered circuit is exposed and it is possible to contact
accidentally. The exposed voltage is 30V rms (42.2V peak) and 60 VDC or 240 VA or more.
NOTE: Boards that do not require daily maintenance are marked as *1 in the “Notes” column.

Table 2.4 Hazardous Voltages and Maintenance Type for PS Unit boards
No. Unit Name Voltage Type 1 Type 2 Type 3 Type 4 Notes
1 PC-RL P.C.B. 100 V AC *1
70 V AC ¡
24 V DC
200 V AC CD/S2-0200 power
100 V AC supply only
¡ *1
70 V AC
24 V AC
2 DCPS COL P.C.B. 70 V AC *1
24 V AC
17 V AC
16 V AC
14 V AC ¡
8 V AC
24 V DC
12 V DC
5 V DC
3 TRANS 0 200-230 V AC CE/S2-0200 power
¡ supply only
4 TRANS 1 100 V AC *1
70 V AC
16 V AC
14 V AC
5 TRANS 2 100 V AC *1
24 V AC
17 V AC
8 V AC
6 IP DC P.C.B. 1,085 V AC *1
5,000 V AC
7 TRANS 1, 2, 3 1,085 V AC *1
100 V AC ¡
6.5 V AC

S-5200 Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope Safety
Service Manual

Table 2.5 Hazardous Voltages and Maintenance Type for Display Unit Boards
No. Unit Name Voltage Type 1 Type 2 Type 3 Type 4 Notes
1 AC PS P.C.B. 114 V AC *1
100 V AC
67.5 V AC
40 V AC
33 V AC
31.5 V AC
26.5 V AC ¡
19.4 V AC
16.4 V AC
13.3 V AC
11.5 V AC
8.5 V AC
5 V DC
2 DC PS P.C.B. 114 V AC *1
67.5 V AC
33 V AC
31.5 V AC
26.5 V AC
19.4 V AC
16.4 V AC
13.3 V AC
11.5 V AC
8.5 V AC
110 V DC
65 V DC
35 V DC
30 V DC
25 V DC
18 V DC
15 V DC
12 V DC
8 V DC
5 V DC
3 DEF.LENS P.C.B. 46 V AC *1
16 V AC
7.5 V AC
36 V DC
15 V DC
5 V DC
4 PC HVC P.C.B. 46 V AC *1
16 V AC
7.5 V AC
36 V DC
15 V DC
5 V DC

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No. Unit Name Voltage Type 1 Type 2 Type 3 Type 4 Notes

5 PC HVC2 P.C.B. 500-30,000 V DC ¡
6 PC HVC1 P.C.B. 500-30,000 V DC ¡
7 IMP-N P.C.B. 15 V DC
5 V DC
3.3 V DC
1.23 V DC
8 IO-CTL P.C.B. 5 V DC ¡
NSEM200 P.C.B. ¡
5 V DC
10 ECPU247 (VRT-250L) 5 V DC
11 SGVA P.C.B. 15 V AC
12.5 V AC
10 V AC ¡
5 V DC
1.5 V DC
12 PHOTO I/F P.C.B. 15 V DC
10 V DC
13 PC 100 V AC ¡
14 MONITOR 100 V AC ¡

Table 2.6 Hazardous Voltages and Maintenance Type for Main Unit Boards
No. Unit Name Voltage Type 1 Type 2 Type 3 Type 4 Notes
1 BAKE P.C.B. 100V DC *1
70 V DC
3 PMHV P.C.B. 800 V DC *1
200 V DC
100 V DC
80 V DC
50 V DC ¡
18 V DC
15 V DC
6.8 V DC
5 V DC
4 COL-CN P.C.B. 30 V DC
25 V DC ¡
15 V DC
5 HEAD AMP P.C.B. 600 V DC
15 V DC
6 BLK P.C.B. 100 V DC *1
15 V DC
8 V DC
5 V DC
7 BM PA P.C.B. 5 V DC ¡

S-5200 Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope Safety
Service Manual

No. Unit Name Voltage Type 1 Type 2 Type 3 Type 4 Notes

8 PC-DEF P.C.B. 35 V DC
15 V DC
15 V DC
12 V DC
5 V DC
10 EVAC PANEL 1 P.C.B. 5 V DC ¡
11 EVAC PANEL 2 P.C.B. 5 V DC ¡
12 EVAC PANEL 3 P.C.B. 5 V DC ¡
13 ST-DIST P.C.B. 24 V DC
15 V DC ¡
5 V DC
15 V DC ¡
5 V DC
10 V DC ¡
5 V DC
17 TMP ¡
18 FE GUN 500-30,000 V DC ¡
19 ION PUMP 1, 2, 3 5,000 V DC ¡
20 10 KV POWER SUPPLY 10,000 V DC
16 V DC

Table 2.7 Hazardous Voltages and Maintenance Type for Photo Unit (Option) Boards
No. Unit Name Voltage Type 1 Type 2 Type 3 Type 4 Notes
1 PHOTO 1 2,000 DC *1
600 V DC
100 V DC
15 V DC
2 PHOTO 2 15 V DC
6 V DC ¡
2 V DC
3 PHOTO CRT 10,000 V DC
2,000 V DC ¡
600 V DC
4 10 KV POWER SUPPLY 10,000 V DC
15 V DC

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Maintenance Type 4 Procedure

Perform the following maintenance procedure for the boards applicable to maintenance type 4.
1. Turn off all power to the instrument.
2. Remove the cover.
3. Connect all the check terminals to a digital voltmeter and an oscilloscope.
4. Clear the work area and turn on the power to the instrument
5. After checking the check terminal, turn off all power to the instrument.
6. Remove the digital voltmeter and the oscilloscope.
7. Perform the maintenance work.
8. Attach the cover.
9. Turn on power to the instrument.

2.4 Potential Mechanical Hazards

Potential hazards during maintenance are shown in Table 2.8.

Table 2.8 Potential Hazards during Maintenance

Item Potential Hazard
Jamming Fingers may be caught while replacing a cover, etc.
Powder dust Abrupt air release from the air compressor may cause dust to fly out of the
compressed air tank.
Fall • The instrument may fall if the proper transportation methods are not used.
• The normal handling may cause the column unit and mounting base to fall when
they are placed on the anti-vibration machine.
Heavy object Lifting heavy objects such as the dry pump during maintenance may cause injury.
Long and continuous Staring at the monitor and operating the keyboard for a long time without breaks may
operation cause eye fatigue and damage your wrists.

2.5 Earthquake Protection

In recent years earthquake protection Model Codes for non-structural building components and equipment are
being applied. Architects, engineers and contractors are relied upon to know, understand, design and install
earthquake protection in accordance with the requirements of those codes.
Follow the Hitachi drawings showing the locations of fixed metal fittings that are needed to provide earthquake
protection. It is recommended that earthquake protection be applied based on local government regulations.

S-5200 Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope Safety
Service Manual

2.5.1 Center of Gravity Locations

The Center of Gravity Locations are shown in Figures 2-5 (Main Unit), 2-6 (Display Unit) and 2-7 (Power
Supply Unit).

Figure 2-5: Center of Gravity Location for the Main Unit

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Figure 2-6: Center of Gravity Location for the Display Unit

S-5200 Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope Safety
Service Manual

Figure 2-7: Center of Gravity Location for the Power Supply

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2.5.2 Earthquake Protection

The earthquake protection diagrams are shown in Figures 2-8 (Main Unit), 2-9 (Display Unit) and 2-10 (Power
Supply Unit).

Figure 2-8: Earthquake Protection Diagram for the Main Unit

S-5200 Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope Safety
Service Manual
Figure 2-9: Earthquake Protection Diagram for the Display Unit
Part No. 595-8030 2-21

Figure 2-10: Earthquake Protection Diagram for the Power Supply Unit

S-5200 Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope Safety
Service Manual

2.6 Miscellaneous
2.6.1 Leakage Detection
This instrument does not come with a water leakage detector. Leakage may occur due to a crack or corrosion in
the flow route caused by the quality or pressure change of the cooling water. If a cooling water circulator cannot
be used, obtain and install a water supply kit. The water supply kit comes with a decompression regulator and a
leakage censor to prevent massive water leaks in emergency situations.

2.6.2 Cooling Water

• Use water with a chlorine residue of 0.5 ppm max. If the chlorine residue is higher, use a cooling water
circulator. High chlorine residue can cause water leakage due to corrosion in the flow route.
• The water flow rate must be 1 to 1.5 lit/min. (1 system)
• The temperature must be 10°C to 20°C. (Temperature variation must be 0.5°C max. for 10 minutes.)
• The cooling water supply port must be tightly connected to the hose using a pipe taper screw to avoid
• The drain hose must be connected and firmly attached to drain. Detaching the hose from the drain may
cause flooding.
• Make sure to close the cooling water supply faucet after use.
• Flexible PVC is used for the drain hose. The hose must be replaced periodically and checked for leaks
before use because the hose can become hard or cracked after prolonged use.
• Use an anti-freeze coolant circulator if cooling water may freeze during winter.
• Monitor the cooling water temperature. A large difference between the cooling water temperature and
the room temperature may cause dew condensation.

2.6.3 Personal Computer

Data Backup
Data may not be able to be used due to breakdown or incorrect operation of the instrument. The content of the
hard disk (HD) must be periodically transferred to a floppy disk (FD) or an optical magnetic disk (MO) as an
emergency measure. This periodic transfer is called back up.
Computer Application
Do not install any application software other than the software for this instrument in the PC. This may cause not
only unpredictable displays, but damage the instrument or prevent the software for the instrument from operating
correctly. If other applications are installed and the instrument stops operating correctly, Hitachi will not be
responsible for the instrument.

Computer Virus
If the program or data is scrambled suddenly, or an unpredictable operation or display is shown on the monitor,
the PC may be infected with a virus. The computer virus is a licentious program that manipulates the PC or
destroys the data by sneaking into the PC. The program to detect/remove a virus from the PC is called a virus
check program. The PC can be infected with a virus when an infected exchangeable storage media, such as the

Part No. 595-8030 2-23


floppy disk, is used or through network. Do not use a file that may be infected with a virus. If the file may cause
the PC to be infected with a virus, run the virus check program. The users of the instrument are responsible for
obtaining the virus check program and removing computer viruses. However, some virus check programs may not
remove the virus. Make sure to back up the hard disk beforehand.

Computer Setting Change

The settings described below are applied to the PC in this instrument in order to run the S-5200 program. Do not
change these settings.
• Network Setup
In the S-5200, the user interface PC and the SEM control processor are connected using Ethernet. The
SEM controller gets the SEM control program from the PC when the computer is logged on. Therefore,
if the network connection is changed, the instrument will not start.
• Display Setup
The S-5200 comes with the imposer to display the SEM image. The 1024 x 768 pixels, 65536 or more
colors and 75 Hz Refresh Rate are selected to operate this imposer correctly. If these settings are
changed, the image may be distorted.
• Task Setup for SEM
In the S-5200, an FTP server program starts automatically to transfer the files between the PC and the
SEM when the computer is logged on. If the setup is changed or stopped, the S-5200 will not operate
• Power Management Setup
Set Energy Save to OFF for the PC power management. If Energy Save is set to ON, the commands
between the PC and the SEM may be interrupted, causing the S-5200 to not operate correctly.
• Virtual Memory Setup
A large amount of memory is needed to process 2560 x 1920 SEM images. From the Performance tab
of the System Properties dialog box, set Virtual Memory to 200MB.
• The SEM data manager controls the saved image data files in the database. Do not move the image data
files, change the file names, or delete the files using Windows Explorer. Discrepancies between the
SEM data manager saved data and actual data can cause the SEM data manager to work improperly. If
such an error occurs, delete the data in question using the Remove List function in the Batch Process
window of the SEM data manager. If the image is needed and the file exists, the image can be restored
using the Add From File window.

S-5200 Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope Safety
Service Manual

Handling the Computer

• Handling the Files
The S-5200 program files are stored in the folders shown below. Do not delete or move the files in
these folders.
• Folder Properties
Do not change the property of the folders shown below, such as removing the sharing setting or
changing the access.

Power Failure
A momentary voltage reduction in the power supply due to a power failure or lightning strike may damage the
PC, the basic software, the application software or the data. It is recommended that an AC Uninterruptible Power
Supply (UPS) be used to prevent problems caused by momentary voltage reductions.

Personal Computer (PC)

Do not disconnect the power to the PC independently. Make sure to turn OFF the power with the display power
(DISPLAY) switch after the SEM system program is closed and the Windows NT program is shutdown. If the PC
is powered off while the HD or FD is being accessed, the stored data and software may be damaged. If the PC
freezes, press Alt, Ctrl and Delete simultaneously, and select the process that has stopped and then select Close.

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S-5200 Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope Installation
Service Manual

3 Installation
3.1 Installation Requirements
3.1.1 General Requirements (Installation Site)
When installing the Model S-5200, the SEM room should not be:
• near a transformer substation.
• near an elevator.
• near high power equipment (such as an electric furnace, or its power supply).
• near a spark discharge device or a high-frequency apparatus.
• filled with gas that corrodes metals.
• exposed to direct sunlight or a strong draft.
• dusty.
• subjected to severe vibrations.
• supplied with a ground wire common to other electric equipment
• adjacent to radio or sound wave sources.

3.1.2 Power Source

Alternating single phase: 100V AC (Order an autotransformer when the voltage is other than 100V.)
Voltage fluctuation: ±10%
Frequency: 50 or 60 Hz
Energy consumption: 4.0kVA

• Continuous power is required.

• The in-house wiring to the switchboard must be pipe wiring as much as possible. The distance between
the column unit and the wall breaker panel must be 1. 5m or more.
• Make sure to use a SW (with fuse) or a circuit breaker on the breaker panel.
• The input AC cord between the main unit and the breaker panel must be 10m long.
• An M5 crimp terminal (inside diameter: 5.3mm, outside diameter: 9.5mm) is put on the tip of the input
• An autotransformer comes with the power unit for CE S2 structure.

3.1.3 Ground Terminal

Connect the instrument to a ground terminal having a ground resistance of 100Ω or less (No. 3 type ground). Do
not share the ground terminal with any other electric power equipment (independent earth grounding is essential).

Part No. 595-8030 3-1


3.1.4 Water Supply and Drainage

Water flow rate: 1.0 to 1.5 lit/min.
Water pressure: 50 to 100 kPa (0.5 to 1 kgf/cm2)
Water temperature: 10 to 20°C
Temperature variation: 0.5°C/10 min
Water supply faucet: Rc 3/8 (tapered internal thread)
Drain port: 1 port (natural drainage, use one tapered internal thread when the cooling water
circulator is used.)
• It is recommended that the custom cooing water circulator be used.
• The water faucet and drain port must be near the column unit. The drain port must be located at a lower
level than the column unit.
• Use water with a chlorine residue of 0.5 ppm or less. If an appreciable amount of deposits are found, a
water filter should be attached.

3.1.5 Compressed Air

Air pressure: 350 to 500 kPa
NOTE: It is recommended that the applicable filter be used to remove water and oil from the
compressed air.

3.1.6 Stray Magnetic Fields

The stray magnetic field at the installation site should be measured before installation. If the intensity of the
magnetic field meets the allowable value described in Table 3.1, the image will not be affected. Upon receiving
an order, the Hitachi sales must verify that the stray magnetic field at the customer’s site meets the specification.
If there is a large magnetic clutch or power line near the SEM, it may result in sudden variations in the current or
the magnetic field. If the SEM is installed in an environment with many stray magnetic fields, the magnetic field
may cause the SEM image to expand, contract, distort or shift, and the electron scanning beam to sway, resulting
in expansion, contraction, distortion, high frequency noise or streaks in the SEM image.
Since synchronous scanning mode is used at the power source for recording the SEM images, the allowable stray
magnetic field is set based on the impact of the power source on the synchronous scanning mode. The image
distortion varies depending on whether or not the stray magnetic field component is synchronous with the power
source frequency.
The image distortion caused by a synchronous stray magnetic field (AC magnetic field) normally yields a mildly
distorted expansion and contraction (Figure 3-1) whereas the image distortion caused by an asynchronous stray
magnetic field (DC magnetic variation) appears as an image shift or high frequency noise (Figure 3-2).
When a direct current (DC magnetic field) in the stray magnetic field changes slowly, a flowing image will
appear. Therefore, the allowable values for the synchronous power source component, the asynchronous power
source component and the temporal change (drift) will vary.
Because the degree of impact on the electron scanning beam varies for the horizontal and vertical directions, the
allowable values of each direction varies. The allowable values described in Table 3.1 are stipulated as the values
for high resolution observation.

S-5200 Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope Installation
Service Manual

If the settings other than shown below are used, and the value is less than the allowable value, the image may still
be distorted. Generally the impact of the stray magnetic field (fluctuation of the electron scanning beam by the
stray magnetic field) is inversely proportional to the square root of the accelerating voltage (if other conditions
remain fixed).

Table 3.1 Allowable Stray Magnetic Field (excluding magnetic field drift)
AC Magnetic Field DC Magnetic Field Change
Resolution Settings (effective value) (peak to peak)
Horizontal Vertical Horizontal Vertical
Accelerating voltage: 1 kV
Magnification: 150,000 x
200 nT 50 nT 200 nT 50 nT
Specimen height: 1.5 mm
Probe current: Normal
Accelerating voltage: 30 kV
Magnification: 600,000 x
300 nT 70 nT 300 nT 70 nT
Specimen height: 0.5 mm
Probe current: Normal

• Since the power synchronous component (AC magnetic field) is an effective value, multiply the
allowable value by 2.8 if P – P value (peak to peak) is used for evaluation.
• DC magnetic field fluctuation indicates a sudden change of the stray magnetic field with time.
• The allowable value of the AC magnetic field will cause image distortion (expansion, contraction and
curvature) of 0.5 mm at the specified magnification.
• The allowable value of the DC magnetic field fluctuation will cause a disturbance (image shift or high
frequency noise) of 0.2 mm on the image at the specified magnification.
• Since a stable DC component does not cause electron line sway, it does not affect the image if the
amount is around 30 or 40 µT.
• The allowable values shown in Table 3.1 indicate the values at the specified resolution settings. If the
settings are other than this, the image becomes more susceptible to the stray magnetic field. The lower
the accelerating voltage, the more the image is susceptible to the stray magnetic field.
• If the value exceeds the allowable value shown in Table 3.1, one of the solutions shown below is
Ø Consider another facility location.
Ø Install a magnetic shield box.
Ø Install an active magnetic field canceller.

Part No. 595-8030 3-3


Image expansion/contraction Image distortion

Figure 3-1: Power Frequency Stray Magnetic Field (AC Magnetic Field)

Image distortion locations DC magnetic field fluctuations

Figure 3-2: Asynchronous Power Stray Magnetic Field (DC Magnetic Field)

S-5200 Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope Installation
Service Manual

3.1.7 Vibration
Before installing the instrument, measure floor vibration at the installation site. The image will not be disturbed if
the conditions given in Table 3.2 are met. The instrument performance will not be degraded on account of
vibration in a reinforced concrete or steel frame building if there is no vibration source nearby such as large
machine tools or transportation facilities (trains, etc) and if the instrument is placed on the first floor.

Vibration with 10 Hz or less

Table 3.2 Allowable Vibration

Allowable Value (X and Y direction) Allowable Value (Z direction)
Frequency (Hz) µmp-p)
Amplitude (µ Frequency (Hz) µmp-p)
Amplitude (µ
0.5 10 0.5 15
1.0 10 3.0 15
1.5 5 3.5 15
2.0 6 4.0 12
2.5 8 4.5 10
3.0 10 5.0 8
4.0 10 5.5 8
5.0 10 6.0 10
10.0 10 10.0 10

• The allowable amplitude corresponds to an image sway of 0.2 mm max. on a photograph taken at a
magnification of 600,000 x.
• The vibration waveform is regarded as a sine wave. Each frequency component is concentrated on the
peak frequency for waves that are not sinusoidal.
• Current technology cannot eliminate ultra low frequency vibrations with a frequency of 1 Hz or less.
• A linear line connecting each allowable value is interpolated for areas in the range of 1 Hz to 10 Hz.
• Contact HIG if the floor vibration exceeds the allowable values. (Measure the vibration if a harmful
vibration is suspected.)

Vibration with 10 Hz or more

Contact HID if the peak vibration exceeds 10 Hz.

3.1.8 Room Temperature and Humidity

Room temperature: 15°C to 25°C
Temperature fluctuations should be less than 5°C during operation of the instrument.
Humidity: 60% or less

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3.1.9 Power Line and Electric Field Noise

Image troubles may occur when a device listed in Table 3.3 or its power line is installed nearby, or even if it is
distant, if it is a heavy-duty type. When selecting of installation site, absence of such noise sources shall be
confirmed. When equipment energized by power of a frequency different from the commercial frequency
employed on the SEM/XMA (or the power line for such equipment) is located nearby, power synchronous
scanning will become ineffective.

Table 3.3 Source of Artificial Noise (external noise interference)

Classification Cause Interference Source
Small electrical Electrical device with Discharge noise Contact (neon sign, decoration
appliance contact (spark, arc) lamp), relay, electromagnetic
(household apparatus) conductor, thermostat (electric
kotatsu, electric mat, refrigerator,
iron), sash register
Device with commutator Discharge noise Electric drill, dental engine,
motor (spark, arc), noise by sewing machine motor, vacuum
sliding and contacting cleaner, mixer, razor, massager
Discharge tube Glow discharge Neon discharge tube, high
pressure mercury discharge lam
Control device with Phase control noise Thyristor dimmer, inverter
semiconductor (transient noise)
High frequency Industrial high frequency Unnecessary signal « Industrial high frequency heater,
facilities facilities high frequency welder,
microwave oven
High frequency medical Unnecessary signal « VHF medical equipment, UHF
facilities medical equipment, surgeon’s
electric knife
Ultrasonic facilities Unnecessary signal « Flaw detector, sounding
machine, fish finder, ultrasonic
Power facilities Power line (transmission High voltage, large Commercial frequency induction
line) current (electrostatic induction,
electromagnetic induction,
ground leakage current)
Discharge noise Corona noise, insulator of poor
(spark, arc) insulation, poor contact [arc
discharge] by corrosion of metal
Electric railways Discharge noise Trolley car, vehicle devise,
(spark, arc) rectifier
Reflection Reflection by vehicle
Internal combustion Automobile Discharge noise Ignition system
engine Miscellaneous Generator, voltage regulator,
wiper, horn, winker
Wireless High power transmission Signal radiation « Broadcasting equipment, radar
communication equipment equipment
equipment Unnecessary radiation High frequency from transmitter

« Signal in own system constitutes interference with other systems.

S-5200 Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope Installation
Service Manual

3.1.10 Sound Waves

Both low and high frequency sound waves (air vibration) are harmful to the instrument and will cause image
interference. When selecting an installation site, it must be checked whether there is a noise source. If such
equipment exists near the SEM, the noise level must be measured. If conversation is possible only in a loud voice
due to noisy equipment, sonic disturbance may occur.
The allowable noise level at the installation site is 80 dB (C property) with a frequency of 200 Hz or less. In the
area of 200 Hz or more, image distortion may occur even with 70 dB (C property) depending on its frequency. It
is necessary to analyze the sound to determine the impact of each noise frequency of 200 or more

3.1.11 Space and Floor Requirements

The desirable dimensions are 3.5 m x 3.5 m or more. The installation layout using a minimum installation area is
shown in Figure 3-3.

Figure 3-3: Installation Layout using Minimum Area

Part No. 595-8030 3-7


• The dotted line indicates the installation space for the cooling water circulator (reference value). The
actual installation space will vary depending on the maker and model of the cooling water circulator.
• Wiring and tubing pulling sections need the space of 300 mm.
• The supply and drainage water must meet the specification described in section 3.1.4 (Water Supply
and Drainage).
• The dimension of the dry pump is for ESDP12. (Dry pump: supplied by HIG sales)
• The CE S2 power unit (**) is 1,443 mm high and weighs 145 kg.

Entrance Dimension
The entrance dimensions must be 0.9 m (width) x 1.7 m (height) or more.

Floor Strength

FloorStrength N / m 2

AppratusTotalWeight ( Kg ) x9.8
3 FloorArea(m 2 )

3.1.12 Items Needed at Installation Site

The items needed at the installation site are shown in Table 3.4.

Table 3.4 Items Needed at Installation Site

No. Item Specification Notes
1 Power Single phase 100V ± 10V Crimp terminal
Capacity 4.0 kVa A: 9.5 mm dia.
Ground No. 3 type single ground B: 5.3 mm dia.
2 Water flow 1 – 1.5 l/min.
Water pressure 50 – 100 kPa
If the cooling water circulator is
Water temperature 10 – 20°C used, use a Rc 3/8 tapered female
Faucet Rc 3/8 x 1 (Tapered female screw) screw for the drain port.
3 Dry pump Evacuation speed: 12.5 m /h or more It is recommended that ESDP12
Ultimate pressure: 1.6 Pa or more (made by Edwards Co.) be used.
4 N2 gas pressure 10 – 20 kPa The filter, decompression valve
(when using N2 gas leak) and proper ventilation are needed.
Pipe connection plug Rc ¼ x 1 (Tapered male screw)
5 Compressed air pressure 350 – 500 kPa The filter, decompression valve,
Pipe connection plug Rc ¼ x 1 (Tapered male screw) pressure meter and pressure
protection (reducing pressure) are

NOTE: Item No. 5 is required for the CE and S2 units.

NOTE: The autotransformer is assembled into the power unit for CE and S2 Units.

S-5200 Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope Installation
Service Manual

3.2 Unpacking
3.2.1 Unpacking
1. Remove the top transport wooden frame (1 ea) and side wooden frames (4 ea).
2. Remove the transport wood to support the instruments attached to the bottom transport wooden frame
(1 ea).
3. Remove all transport vinyl covers.
4. Remove everything from the corrugated cardboard box.

3.2.2 Carrying-in
Move the instrument to the installation site manually or by forklift. Do not vibrate or give a strong impact to the
instrument while carrying-in. Move the instrument carefully because many parts are needed to be handled with

3.2.3 Parts Quantity Check

Check the number of delivered parts against the packing list.

3.3 Setup
3.3.1 Instrument Layout
Install the instrument according to Figure 3-3.

3.3.2 Setup Procedures

Standard Unit

1. Remove the TMP retaining board attached to the main unit, the anti-vibration rubber retaining bolt
and its spacer.
2. Connect the cables and the connectors to the power unit, the main unit and the display unit according
to the S-5200 Assembling and Wiring Diagrams (1) and (2) (Figures 3-4 and 3-5).
3. Connect the dry pump to the main unit using the rubber vacuum hose and clamp.
4. Connect the power cables of the compressor and dry pump to the CMP and DP terminals on the
power unit.
5. Check the power and grounding, and connect the power source and grounding conductor. If the
service voltage is other than 100V AC, connect the unit to a user supplied voltage converter (such as
an autotransformer).
6. Connect the main unit to the cooling water device using the attached coolant resistant hose.
7. Connect the main unit to the compressed air equipment using the attached pressure resistant tube.
8. Turn ON the power on the breaker panel.
9. Turn ON the breakers on the common power unit.
10. Turn ON the power of the ion pump to evacuate the electron gun section. Wait until the vacuum of
the ion pump reaches to 1 x 10-5 Pa or less and perform electron gun baking. See Figure 10-1.

Part No. 595-8030 3-9


11. Turn ON the EVAC SW to evacuate.

12. Turn ON the Display SW and check that the instrument operates normally.

CE and S2 Units (Compressor and dry pump to be obtained locally.)

1. Remove the TMP retaining board attached to the main unit, the anti-vibration rubber retaining bolt
and its spacer.
2. Connect the cables and the connector to the common power unit, the main unit and the display unit
according to the S-5200 Block Diagrams (1) and (2) (Figures 3-4 and 3-5).
3. Connect the dry pump power cable according to the dry pump installation manual.
4. Connect the dry pump to the main unit using the vacuum rubber hose and clamp.
5. Check the power and grounding, and connect the power source and grounding conductor. Verify that
the autotransformer primary side connection in the power unit is applicable to the service power
6. Connect the main unit to the cooling water device using the attached coolant resistant hose.
7. Connect the compressor power cable according to the compressor installation manual.
8. Connect the main unit to the compressed air equipment using the attached pressure resistant tube.
9. Turn ON the power on the switchboard.
10. Turn ON the breakers on the common power unit.
11. Turn ON the power of the ion pump to evacuate the electron gun section. Wait until the vacuum of
the ion pump reaches to 1 x 10-5 Pa or less and perform electron gun baking. See Figure 10-1.
12. Turn ON the EVAC SW to evacuate.
13. Turn ON the Display SW and check that the instrument operates normally.

Service Manual
HV cable Purple word : Items already connected before installation

Main Unit : Items to be attached or detached at installation

CN49 (SG VA board)
Q * indicates that the iterm is optional.
IP-1 (PS unit) R Items in brackets ( ) are located on the supply
IP-2 (PS unit) side.
BLK board
IP-3 (PS unit) Monitor
CN174 (DC PS board) DISPLAY Mouse
CN BLK (SG VA board) Keyboard
100 V AC
* Trap dewar * BSE detector Canceller coil Ethernet cable (ECPU board)
CN157 (IMP board)
Anti-vibration rubber
fastening bolt Keyboard Monitor
PS Unit
EVAC PNNL 3 Control panel
SG VA board
CN199 (IO board)

* TMP control unit IFboard
Video AMP
EVAC SEQ board board
TMP control unit (OPTION)

CN153 (IO board) * PHOTO1 board * PHOTO2 board

* CN22 (PHOTO2 board)
CN128 (AC PS)

Figure 3-4: S-5200 Block Diagram (1)


CN93 (BAKE board)

CN123 (EVAC SEQ board)
CN98 (EM SW)
CN169 (EVAC SEQ board)
OUTER BAKE (BAKE board) CN26 (SG VA board)
AIR COMP CN16 (DEF/LENS board) BAKE board
memory COL-CN board
CN161 (EVAC SEQ TMP fastening bolt board
CN6501 (XY CONT CN213
PM HV board
board) (Trackball) ECPU board
CN5003 (TILT CN8 CN5002 (IO board)
CONT board) (control panel)
PE-HV board CN6507 (ECPU board)
IO board
XY CONT board
Coolant OUT
DC PS board TILT-CTL board
Coolant IN

board PM HV
AC HV board
N2 port
PS tank

IMP board Relay port PC-DEF board

IP DC * CN18 (PHOTO2 board) PC HVC board
CN160 (Canceller coil) DEF/LENS board CN63 (SG VA board) CN17 (DEF/LENS board)
CN53 (DC PS board)
CN122 (EVAC SEQ board) CN163 (DEF/LENS board)

Figure 3-5: S-5200 Block Diagram (2)

S-5200 Installation
Service Manual

3.3.3 Display Modification (For S2 Unit)

The procedure to modify a standard display (Figure 3-6) to a S2 display (Figure 3-7) is shown below.
1. Remove the screws (4 ea) secured the display section and the PC storage section.
2. Pull the PC storage section forward.
3. Remove the left side cover from the PC storage section and install it by rotating it 180°.
4. Secure the display section and the PC storage section using the screws removed in step 1.
5. Secure the table extension support and table support using the supplied screws (4 ea.)
6. Remove the screws (4 ea) securing the display section to the monitor table.
7. Remove the monitor table from the display section, remove the top cover from the display section and
attach it by rotating it 180°.
8. Pull the monitor table forward as shown in Figure 3-7 and secure the display section and the monitor
table using the screws (4 ea) removed in step 5.

Figure 3-6: Standard Display (Top View)

Figure 3-7: S2 Display (Top View)


3.4 Installation Summary

3.4.1 Installation Test
Resolution Test
The secondary electron image resolution must be 0.5 nm for the conditions (1) and 1.8 nm for the conditions (2)
using the measurement conditions and methods described below.
[Measurement Conditions]
(1) (2)
Accelerating voltage 30 kV 1 kV
Display magnification 600,000 x 150,000 x
Specimen height 0.5 mm 1.5 mm
(Distance between specimen (2.5 mm) (1.5 mm)
and pole piece bottom)
Condenser lens 1 5 - 10 5 - 10
Observation mode Normal Normal
Objective lens movable aperture 50 µm dia. (No. 2, 3) 50µm dia. No. 2, 3)
Specimen Platinum particles on carbon Au-coated magnetic tape
NOTE: Only specimens approved by HID can be used.
[Measurement Methods]
• Without the photo CRT unit (Standard configuration)
Compare the image with a standard supplied image on the viewing monitor and verify that they are
Image acquisition conditions: Pixel: 640 x 480, Acquisition time: 80 sec
• With the photo CRT unit (Optional configuration)
Record a resolution image in direct photo mode (exposure time: 80 sec), and check the gap between the
particles on the photograph.
The gaps must be 0.30 mm for the conditions (1) and 0.27 mm for the conditions (2).

Magnification Test
Check that the magnification is within ± 10 % of the display magnification, using the measurement conditions and
methods below.
[Measurement Conditions]
Accelerating voltage: 5.0 kV
Display magnification: 2,000 x
Specimen height: 0.0 mm
Condenser lens 1: 5
Observation mode: Normal
Specimen: 1,000 grids (25.4 µm/pitch)

S-5200 Installation
Service Manual

[Measurement Methods]
• Without the photo CRT and CD measurement units (Standard configuration)
Measure the grid width with the coarse measurement cursor (measurement resolution 0.5 µm).
The difference between the measured vale and the actual value must be within ± 10%.
• With the photo CRT unit (Optional configuration)
Measure the grid width on the photograph.
The difference between the display magnification and the photographing magnification must be within
± 10%.
• With the CD measurement unit (optional configuration)
Measure the grid width with the measurement cursor (measurement resolution 0.1 µm).
The difference between the measured vale and the actual value must be within ± 10%.
NOTE: With the photo CRT and CD measurement units attached, the actual image magnification
should be measured on the photograph. Also, only specimens approved by HID can be used.

Evacuation System
• Vacuum
Measure vacuum for the electron gun, first intermediate and second intermediate chambers with a
vacuum meter.
The vacuum must be measured as shown below.
Electron gun chamber: 1 x 10-7 Pa or less
First intermediate chamber: 2 x 10-6 Pa or less
Second intermediate chamber: 1 x 10-5 Pa or less
• Evacuation speed
Measure the duration from when the specimen is exchanged to when the high voltage can be applied.
The time must be 1 minute or less.

Structure Check
• Specimen goniometer stage motion range
Move the specimen goniometer stage throughout its range and check the range of motion.
X-axis: ±3.5 mm
Y-axis: ±2.0 mm
Z-axis: ±0.3 mm
T-axis: ±40°
• Movable aperture motion check
Shift the objective lens movable aperture and the beam monitor aperture from No. 0 to No. 4, and check
that they can move smoothly.


Specimen Exchange
Check that the specimen can be moved from the Home Position to the specimen exchange positions described
below. Also, check that the specimen can be exchanged smoothly.
Specimen exchange positions:
X-axis: 0 mm
Y-axis: 0 mm
T-axis: 0°

Electron Optics System

• Mechanical axis alignment
Check that the electron gun and condenser lenses (first and second) can be aligned smoothly.
• Objective lens astigmatism correction
Check that the astigmatism can be corrected in the conditions described below.
[Measurement Conditions]
Accelerating voltage: 0.5 kV
Display magnification: 50,000 x
Specimen height: 0.0 mm
Condenser lens 1: 5
Observation mode: Normal

Checking Each Section’s Operation

• Frame memories must function normally.
• Memory photographing must work (with the photo CRT unit attached).
• Each function key must operate normally.

Safety Devices Operation Check

• At power failure, all valves must close.
• When the vacuum has degraded, the protection circuit must turn off the high voltage circuit.
• When water flow is interrupted, the high voltage circuit must be turned off.
• If the specimen holder is not inserted in the specimen chamber, high voltage cannot be applied.
• When the compressed air pressure drops below 250 kPa, all valves must close.

S-5200 Installation
Service Manual

Other Checks
• Scratches or other anomalies must not be visible.
• The evacuation sequence must operate normally.
• The dry pumps and air compressor must be free from abnormal sounds.
• The objective lens cooling water must not leak.

The accessories should be installed according to their installation section in the instruction manual shipped with
the main unit.

3.4.2 Operation and Maintenance

Explain the operation and maintenance of the instrument based on the instruction manual.

3.4.3 Hand-over
Record each check item's result on the installation check form. Record the necessary items in the installation
confirmation report, and obtain approval from the customer's person in charge.


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S-5200 Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope Hardware
Service Manual

4 Hardware
4.1 System Configuration
The major components of the system are the main unit, the display unit, and the power supply unit. The main unit
consists of the electron gun, the C1 and C2 lenses, the objective lens, the specimen goniometer stage, the
secondary electron detector, and the evacuation system. The display unit consists of the power supplies, the
control system, the image display system and the operation system. The power supply unit consists of AC
distribution, evacuation system power supply, specimen goniometer power supply and ion pump power supply

4.1.1 Main Unit

Main Unit
The main unit cross sectional view is shown in Figure 4-1.

IP-1 (60 l/s)

Electron source

Beam monitor aperture IP-2 (20 l/s)

First condenser lens Beam blanking

Objective movable aperture

Airlock valve (V-1)
IP-3 (20 l/s)

Second condenser lens

Deflection coil
Secondary electron detector

Objective lens


Specimen stage

Table 4.1: Main Unit Structure Cross Sectional View

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Evacuation System

Standard Evacuation System

The Standard Evacuation System is shown in Figure 4-2.

IP-1 60 l/s
IP-2 20 l/s

IP-3 20 l/s

OBJ aperture

Pe SE detector-2 (Option)
SE detector-1


N2 gas
LV-1 leak port


TMP tank LV-2
300 l/s
(8 L)
Dry Pump

Figure 4-2: Standard Evacuation System Diagram

S-5200 Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope Hardware
Service Manual

Tandem Evacuation System (Option)

Tandem Evacuation System is shown in Figure 4-3.

IP-1 60 l/s
IP-2 20 l/s

IP-3 20 l/s

OBJ aperture

Pe SE detector-2 (Option)
SE detector-1


Contamination N2 gas
trap (Option) leak port



Buffer LV-2
TMP tank Pi-1
300 l/s

Dry Pump
TMP (50 l/s)

Figure 4-3: Tandem Evacuation System Diagram

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4.1.2 Display Unit

The Display Unit Block Diagram is shown in Figure 4-4.


Control Panel



PHOTO CRT Electron gun HV power



Beam monitor
Electron gun amplifier
C1 lens

PC DEF Beam monitor aperture

Objective movable aperture

C2 lens
Deflection coil

Objective lens
Secondary electron detector

Figure 4-4: Display Unit Block Diagram

S-5200 Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope Hardware
Service Manual

4.1.3 Power Supply Unit Block Diagram

The Power Supply Unit Block Diagram is shown in Figure 4-5.
















Figure 4-5: Power Supply Unit Block Diagram

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4.2 Basic Principals

4.2.1 Main Unit Basic Principals

Electron Gun
The field emission electron gun consists of the 1st and 2nd anodes. The extracting voltage is applied between the
cathode and the 1st anode. Electrons are emitted from the cathode. Furthermore, the electrons will be accelerated
with an accelerating voltage. The surface of the cathode must be cleaned occasionally to remove absorption gas.

Condenser Lens (C1, C2 Lens)

The condenser lens is an electromagnetic lens that is used to focus the electron beam emitted from the electron
gun. It is mainly used to control the reduction condition of the irradiated electron beam incident on the objective
lens and the beam current.

Objective Lens
The objective lens is an electromagnetic lens that is used to focus a minimum diameter electron beam on the

Specimen Goniometer Stage

The specimen goniometer stage is a side-entry type. It consists of X, Y, Tilt and ∆Z mechanisms.

Beam Monitor Aperture

The beam monitor aperture detects the probe current in order to correct brightness changes due to probe current
fluctuations. It detects the probe current at low accelerating voltages of 7.4kV or less.

Objective Movable Aperture

The objective movable aperture is used to optimize the electron optics by controlling the electron beam current
and opening angle. It detects the probe current like the beam monitor aperture. However, it detects the probe
current at high accelerating voltages of 7.5kV or more.

Beam Blanking
The beam blanking intercepts the electron beam so that it will not shine on the specimen when electron beam
scanning is not being used in order to reduce contamination of the specimen.

Deflection Coil
The deflection coil is used to control the electron beam position. There are two types of deflection coils: one is to
scan the electron beam on the specimen in order to obtain the secondary image and another is to deflect the
electron beam in order to adjust the axis.

The ExB is used to prevent the primary beam from deflecting (axis shift) due to the electric field of the secondary
electron detector.

S-5200 Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope Hardware
Service Manual

Secondary Electron Detector

The secondary electron detector consists of a scintillator to convert secondary electrons into light and a photo
multiplier tube. It is mainly used to intercept the secondary electrons emitted from the specimen when scanned
with the electron beam.

Evacuation System
The ion pumps are used to evacuate the electron gun section. The turbo molecular pump and dry pump are used to
evacuate the specimen chamber, etc.

4.2.2 Display Unit Basic Principals

It is mainly used to operate the instrument and record the images.

It is used to receive control commands from the PC and convert them into signals to control each section.

It is used to convert the control signals from the ECPU into the proper I/O control signal for each unit.

Image Memory (NSEM200)

It is used to digitize the analog image data from the SGVA, store them in the image memory, and transfer them to
the IMP-N.

It is used to superimpose the digital image data from the Image Memory (NSEM200) onto the PC’s GUI.

It is mainly used to control the deflection scanning signal and the video signal.

It is mainly used to control the deflection coil that deflects the current for each lens and the electron beam.

It is used to control the accelerating voltage, the extracting voltage and the emission current.

4.2.3 Power Supply Unit Basic Principals

Ion Pump Power Supply

5.2kV DC is supplied to the ion pump using a step-up transformer and a rectification circuit.

AC Distribution Unit
100V AC is supplied to the baking heater, the display and the TMP controller.

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Specimen Goniometer Power Supply

5V, ±15V and ±24V DC are supplied in order to operate the X and Y stage controllers and the Tilt controller.

Evacuation System Power Supply

5V, 12V, ±15V and 24V DC are supplied in order to operate the EVAQ SEQ.

S-5200 Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope Electric Theory
Service Manual

5 Electric Theory
5.1 System Illustrations
5.1.1 Power Supply Unit

Figure 5.1: Power Supply Unit

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Electric Theory

5.1.2 Main Unit

Figure 5-2: Main Unit

S-5200 Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope Electric Theory
Service Manual

5.1.3 Display Unit

Figure 5-3: Display Unit

5.2 AC Power: Wiring Diagrams and Fuses

5.2.1 Power Supply Unit

Table 5-1: Fuses List (only AC line)

Unit Fuse No. Type Manufacturer Specifications Approval
AC Dist F3, F4 218 001 Little Fuse 250V AC/1A UL, IEC, SEMKO
F5, F6 218 001 Little Fuse 250V AC/1A UL, IEC, SEMKO
F9, 10 218 3.15 Little Fuse 250V AC/3.15A UL, IEC, SEMKO
PC-RL F1 218 001 Little Fuse 250V AC/1A UL, IEC, SEMKO
F4, F5 218 005 Little Fuse 250V AC/5A UL, IEC, SEMKO
F6, F7 218 010 Little Fuse 250V AC/10A UL, IEC, SEMKO
IP PS F1 – F6 218 001 Little Fuse 250V AC/5A UL, IEC, SEMKO
Bake F1 SM8 Nagasawa Denki 125V AC/8A UL, CSA
F2 – F9 218 3.15 Little Fuse 250V AC/3.15A UL, IEC, SEMKO

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Electric Theory
AC Power Distribution Unit
S-5200 Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope Electric Theory
Service Manual

5.2.2 Display Unit

Unit Fuse No. Type Manufacturer Specifications Approval
AC PS F1, F2 218 005 Little Fuse 250V AC/5A UL, IEC, SEMKO
F5 – F8
F3, F4 218 3.15 Little Fuse 250V AC/3.15A UL, IEC, SEMKO

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Electric Theory
AC Power Supply Unit
S-5200 Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope Electric Theory
Service Manual

5.3 DC Power Supply Systems

5.3.1 Power Supply Unit
Table 5.3 C-DCPS PCB
Use Check Terminal Display LED Fuse
EVAC. SEQ Analog +15V/1A TP1 LD1 F1, F9
-15V/1A TP3 LD2 F2, F10
ROM Write +12V/1A TP4 LD3 F3, F11
STAGE Logic +5V/2A TP6 LD4 F4, F12
Analog +15V/1.6A TP8 LD5 F5, F13
Analog -15V/1.6A TP10 LD6 F6, F14
«« +24V/1.4A TP11 LD7 F7, F15
«« -24V/1.4A TP13 LD8 F8, F16

5.3.2 Display Unit

Table 5-4 DCPS PCB
Use Display LED Fuse
SGVA, PHOTO Scan Gen., Photo Def +15V/3A LD1 F1, F10
-15V/3A LD2 F2, F11
DEF/LENS Col +25V/3.5A LD3 F3
-25V/3.5A LD4 F4
SGVA, Opt VA Video Amp +15V/2A LD5 F5, F12
-15V/2A LD6 F6, F13
DEF/LENS Obj +65V/5A LD10 F17
PHOTO-1, -2 Photo bias, PMHV +15V/1.5A LD7 F7, F14
PMHV Col electrode Bias +18V/1A LD8 F8
-18V/1A LD9 F9
MSEM200 Ethernet +12V/3A LD17 F16, F25
IMP-N Canceller +15V/0.5A LD18 F26, F28
-15V/0.5A LD19 F27, F29
DEF/LENS Cond +25V/2.8A LD11 F18
DEF/LENS Alignment +15V/3.5A LD12 F19, F23
-15V/3.5A LD13 F20, F24
DEF/LENS Image shift +30V/1.4A LD14 F21
-30V/1.4A LD15 F22
SGVA, Interface +5V/1A LD16 F15
BLK Blanking +110V/0.2A LD20 F30
BLK Logic for BLK +8V/0.5A LD21 F31

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Electric Theory

5.4 Lens System

5.4.1 Functional Descriptions

Table 5-5
Controller Name Maximum value IO Bank Address Bit
Root HV reference +10V 0 E20201, 03 12
1 COND 1.4A 0 E20205, 07 12
2 COND Coarse 1.4A 0 E20261, 63 12
2 COND Fine 15mA 0 E20265, 67 12
OBJ reference +10V 0 E20271, 73 12
OBJ Coarse 5A 0 E20247, 49 16
OBJ Fine 50mA 0 E2021D, 1F 12
Image shift Lower-X ± 250mA 0 E20209, OB 12
Image shift Lower-Y E2020D, OF 12
Image shift U/L ratio-X ± 150mA 0 E20235 8
Image shift U/L ratio-Y E20237 8
Aperture Align-X ± 75mA E20269 12
Aperture Align-Y E2026B 12
Stigma-X ± 191mA 0 E20211, 13 12
Stigma-Y E20215, 17 12
Beam Align-X ± 230mA 0 E20231 8
Beam Align-Y E20233 8
Stigma Align-XX ± 50mA 0 E20251, 53 12
Stigma Align-XY E20255, 57 12
Stigma Align-YX E20259, 5B 12
Stigma Align-YY E2025D, 5F 12
ExB1 reference +10V 0 E20219, 1B 12
ExB1-B-X 340mA 0 E20239 8
ExB1-B-Y E2023B 8
ExB1-Bias +50V 1 E20201, 03 12
ExB3-B-X ± 218mA 1 E20211, 13 12
ExB3-B-Y E20215, 17 12
ExB3-E-X ± 10V 1 E20219, 1B 12
ExB3-E-Y E2021D, 1F 12
Dynamic Focus 180mA 0 E2022D 8
Def Upper offset-X  1 E20231 8
Def Upper offset-Y E20233 8
Def Upper gain-X 0 – 100% 1 E20209, OB 12
Def Upper gain-Y E2020D, OF 12

S-5200 Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope Electric Theory
Service Manual

Controller Name Maximum value IO Bank Address Bit

Def round comp-X  1 E20221 8
Def round comp-Y E20223 8
Def Lower offset-X  1 E20225 8
Def Lower offset-Y E20227 8
VSE1 control -200V 1 E2022D 8

5.4.2 Block Diagram

Figure 5-4

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Electric Theory

Figure 5-5

S-5200 Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope Electric Theory
Service Manual

+10V EXB3-

Stig- DAC
X (12bit)
Stig- DAC
Y (12bit) Stigm a Align/
Stigm a Align-

+10V DAC EXB3-

Stig- DAC
X (12bit)
Stig- DAC
Y (12bit) Stigm a Align/
Stigm a Align-


ICS5,Q25 EXB1-B- X,Y

Figure 5-6

Part No. 595-8030 5-11

Electric Theory

+10V OBJ-Reference
Q27 3̀1

O BJ-Coarse
O BJ-Fine
+10V DAC

+10V DAC DEF-Upper Offset-

(8bit) X,Y

X,Y DAC DEF-Upper- X,Y



X DEF-Lower- X

(8bit) ICB4,B5,B6

Y DEF-Lower- Y

+10V DAC
(8bit) DEF-Upper Offset-

Figure 5-7

S-5200 Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope Electric Theory
Service Manual

5.5 ECPU247 and Image Memory System

5.5.1 ECPU247 Block Diagram
The ECPU247 Block Diagram is shown in Figure 5-8.

5.5.2 Image Memory Block Diagram

The Image Memory Block Diagram is shown in Figure 5-9.

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Electric Theory
Figure 5-8: ECPU247 Block Diagram
S-5200 Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope Electric Theory
Service Manual
Figure 5-9: Image Memory Block Diagram
Part No. 595-8030 5-15
Electric Theory

5.5.3 ECPU247 Board (CPU Board) LED

Figure 5-10: ECPU247 Board


Table 5.6
Silk Normal Silk Status
Color Description Color Description
Screen Status Screen (after self-
RUN Green CPU running Lamp ON LLED-1 Green During self- Lamp OFF
DMA Green I/O got DMA Lamp ON at LLED-2 Green During self- Lamp OFF
bass right DMA analysis
INT Green Interruption Lamp ON LLED-3 Green During self- Lamp OFF
occurred when analysis

S-5200 Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope Electric Theory
Service Manual

Silk Normal Silk Status
Color Description Color Description
Screen Status Screen (after self-
MBSY Green Memory bus Lamp ON LLED-4 Green During self- Lamp OFF
busy during analysis
bus use
FAIL Red CPU halted Lamp OFF LLED-5 Green During self- Lamp OFF
DIAG Red Lamp flashes: Lamp OFF LLED-6 Green During self- Lamp OFF
Self-analysis analysis
error LLED-7 Green During self- Lamp OFF
Lamp ON: Boot analysis
MERR Red Parity error Lamp OFF LLED-8 Green During self- Lamp OFF

After the reset starts, analyze the I/O function in the board. During self-analysis, [LLED] flashes and when the
analysis result is normal, [DIAG] LED turns OFF. If the analysis result is not normal, [DIAG] LED flashes and
the coded analysis result will be stored in a specific address ($0000F0) in the main memory.

Table 5.7
No. Error Code Description
1 $00 No error
2 $A0 MPU register check error
3 $A1 EPROM sun check error
4 $A3 Control register function error
5 $A4 DMAC register error
6 $A5 DMACC interruption check error
7 $A8 PTM register check error
8 $A9 PTM interruption check error
9 $AA Memory protection function error
10 $AD Main memory error
11 $B4 RTC register check error
12 $B6 EEPROM check error
13 $BB FDC register check error
14 $BC SPC register check error
15 $BD MBSI check error

NOTE: Because the memory that stores self-analysis is backed-up with battery, if self-analysis error
occurs, do not remove the battery and carry it without putting it in the conductive bag.

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Electric Theory

NSEM200/NMEM200/NOPD100 Board (Image Memory Board) LED

Figure 5-11

Table 5.8
Silk Normal Silk Status
Color Description Color Description
Screen Status Screen (after self-
FPGA11 Red FPGA load error Lamp OFF FPGA21 Red FPGA load error Lamp OFF
FPGA12 Red FPGA load error Lamp OFF FPGA22 Red FPGA load error Lamp OFF
FPGA13 Red FPGA load error Lamp OFF FPGA23 Red FPGA load error Lamp OFF
FPGA14 Red FPGA load error Lamp OFF FPGA24 Red FPGA load error Lamp OFF
FPGA15 Red FPGA load error Lamp OFF FPGA25 Red FPGA load error Lamp OFF

S-5200 Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope Electric Theory
Service Manual

Silk Normal Silk Status
Color Description Color Description
Screen Status Screen (after self-
FPGA16 Red FPGA load error Lamp OFF IHOST Green CPU load error Lamp ON
FPGA17 Red FPGA load error Lamp OFF OPDO Green Display option Lamp ON
FPGA18 Red FPGA load error Lamp OFF PHOTO Green Photo output Lamp ON at
SCNON Red Scan timing Lamp ON at
signal input signal input

Table 5.9
Silk Color Description Normal Status
BDSEL Green FPGA load error Lamp OFF
EXAB Green Double image retrieval display Lamp ON when displaying
EPGAOP1 Red Option board memory selection Lamp ON when selecting

5.6 Super Imposer and Canceller (IMP-N P.C.B)

5.6.1 Super Imposer
The function that a SEM image overlays on the GUI screen in the PC is called super imposer. The previous super
imposer function used in the S-4700 was improved in the S-5200.

The Differences between Previous Imposer and New Imposer

Table 5.10
Previous Imposer New Imposer
GUI pixels 1024 x 768 1024 x 768
Color 256 Tool color (16,700,000)
Frame frequency 70Hz or less 75Hz or less
(Horizontal frequency: 56kHz) (Horizontal frequency: 80kHz)

Part No. 595-8030 5-19

Electric Theory

New Imposer Block Diagram


CN10 8 bit
Memory RGB
8 bit controller RAMDAC

Memory CN20

(SEM Image)

Transfer CN158
pcb CN60 Video SW

Video Comparator

IMP-N p.c.b.

Figure 5-12: New Imposer Block Diagram

New Imposer’s Main Structure

Table 5.11
Previous Imposer New Imposer
NSEM100 PCB imposer 271-4220 NSEM200 PCB imposer 271-5200
NMEM100 PCB imposer 271-3950 NMEM200 PCB imposer 271-5203
IMP PCB imposer 537-5800 IMP-N PCB imposer 537-5851
  Transfer PCB imposer 537-5153
Video Card 537-7016  
PC-SW PCB imposer 537-5139  
CANCEL PCB imposer 537-5840  Be included in IMP-N
  Others 

S-5200 Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope Electric Theory
Service Manual

• Jumper pins
Short: J7, Open: J3
• Variable resistor
VR1: Turn it fully counterclockwise (IC N11-7, Output = approximately +2.7 V)
Adjust the other VRs.
• Confirming PC settings
Open [Properties] on the screen. Verify that the frequency is at 1024*768, 75 Hz.
Make sure that the power management function is disabled.

Chroma Key Adjustment

1. Start the SEM using SYSTEM-SEM.
2. Turn the reference voltage-tuning knob, VR2, for the chroma key detection comparator in the screen
display area to bring up a SEM image in the image display area. Turning the VR2 right and left
causes a noise to appear. Set the VR to an intermediate value. If a SEM image does not appear, open
the adjustment window for the Superimposer, and temporarily set the chroma key to R=80, G=10, B
= 80 (Figure 5-14).
3. For chroma key settings, enter values that are higher or lower than the default value to produce a
noise. When this happens, set appropriate intermediate values.

Adjusting the Display Area

1. Use the Data Manager to open a previously prepared 640x480 size BMP file, and transfer it back to
the image memory. For adjustment purposes, the desirable BMP file is one in which the outermost
frame has a box cursor. On the standard mode screen, set a PLL division ratio for the superimposer
adjustment window so that the width of the frame for the area in which the SEM image is displayed
will be the closest to the width of the frame for the area to be displayed by the superimposer. For ease
of adjustment, use the Windows application Paint program to create a canvas size sufficiently larger
than 640x480 and filled with R=128, G=0, B=128 colors. Display this canvas by superimposing it on
the SEM Manager (Figures 5-13, 5-14).
2. In the next step, adjust the Horizontal Start Offset for the IMP Register on the superimposer
adjustment window so that the left edge of the area frame in which the SEM image is to be displayed
will match the left edge of the area to be displayed by the superimposer.
3. Adjust both H-start and V-start of the IP register so that the aforementioned box cursor is coincident
with the SEM display area.

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Electric Theory

Filled with chroma key colors

SEM Manager Paint

Figure 5-13: Chroma Key Adjustment

Figure 5-14: Imposer Adjustment Screen

S-5200 Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope Electric Theory
Service Manual

4. If a noise is produced over the vertical edge of the display area when the PLL division ratio is
changed, turn the Clock Phase Invert and IP Clock Phase Invert checkboxes on and off. Confirm the
waveform. Fix the phase adjustment so that the fall edges of V-synch and H-sync, and the rise edge of
Clk are not very close to each other. Figure 5-15 shows the phase of the H-synch fall edge and that of
the Clk fall edge. In (a), the Clock Phase Invert checkbox is turned on to increase the margin.

(a) Little phase margin (b) Adequate phase margin

Figure 5-15: Phase Adjustment between Sync Signals and Clocks

Table 5.12 shows the signals to be checked and the places where adjustments are to be made.

Table 5.12. Phase Adjustments

Signal to be Checked Adjustment Location
Signal-1 Signal-2 (Adjustment Window)
H-sync (TP1) Both H and V must be
LD-CLK (TP2) IP Clock phase
V-sync (TP15) satisfied.
H-sync (TP1) Both H and V must be
Count-CLK (TP3) Clock phase
V-sync (TP12) satisfied.

5. After adjusting the phases, re-adjust the offset values in the adjustment window so that the display
area will match the display frame of the SEM.
6. Adjust the Window Offset value of the adjustment window between -2 and +2 so that the gap
between the SEM display area and the area indicated by the imposer will be at minimum. Check the
result by moving the screen from the left to the center and to the right.
7. Save the adjusted values.

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Electric Theory

Phase Adjustment of GUI Video Signals and Video Switch Signals

• As a quick method (coarse adjustment), use the SEM data entry function to enter white vertical lines
and characters at any position on the image, and perform phase adjustments of the video and switch
signals so that the characters will be white rather than violet.
• Following is a description of procedures for accurately making accurate adjustments on a waveform
level. The following description is intended as a reference; these adjustments are normally not required
because the system is shipped with these adjustments already made.
1. Launch Paint from the Windows Accessories and fill the background color with the aforementioned
chroma key on the full screen.
2. Draw a white vertical, one pixel wide. (Figure 5-16)
3. Hide the entire toolbar.

Figure 5-16: Phase adjustment between Sync Signals and Clocks

On the oscilloscope, observe the video signals represented by the vertical line. Apply synchronization
at H-sync (TPI). Apply Delay to observe the signals represented by a white line. While monitoring
the video switch signals on the oscilloscope, adjust the delay lines (DL7, DL8). Figure 3 shows the
monitoring of video signals by applying synchronization at H-sync. When GUI properties are
1024x768 and 75 Hz, the width of one pixel is approximately 10 ns, in which case make adjustments
so that the output signal width will be close to the pixel width. An incomplete adjustment results in a
white line tinged with violet. Use the SEM data entry function to enter characters and lines on the
image to make sure that the white lines are not tinged. Also, confirm the same effect by increasing
and decreasing the brightness of the SEM image.

S-5200 Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope Electric Theory
Service Manual

Figure 5-17 (a): Video Signal (ICG12-3)

Figure 5-17 (b): Video Switch Signal (ICG12-16)

Figure 5-17 (c): Video Signal Output (ICG12-1)

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Electric Theory

Adjusting the Display Area in the Dual, Full Screen Mode

1. Use the Data Manager to open a 640-480 size BMP file with a 512x480 box cursor drawn at the
center. Transfer this file back to the image memory.
2. Perform a Dual display position alignment on the adjustment window so that the size of the box
cursor matches the frame for the SEM display area.
3. As in the case of the standard adjustment, if a noise is produced over the vertical edge of the display
area, turn the Clock Phase Invert checkbox on the adjustment window on and off. Confirm the
waveform. Fix the phase adjustment so that the fall edges of V-sync and H-sync and the rise edge of
Clk are not close to each other (as in the case of the standard screen).
4. Confirmation operation 1
If Dual-B in IMP-H-Start is small, a horizontal noise stripe is generated when any of the signals is
unselected during the color synthesis process. Confirm that this condition does not occur.
5. Confirmation operation 2
If the value of Dual-B in IP-Output-H-Start is incorrect, an image deviation occurs when the same
image is color-synthesized. Confirm that this condition does not occur.
6. The correct vertical display position at Full (IP-Output V Start Offset) is when the lower edge of the
GUI matches the lower edge of the image. However, because it is difficult to effect an accurate
adjustment of the display position, in the coarse adjustment, use the same values as the Standard and
Dual adjustments and perform the following procedures in a final adjustment:
1) Freeze an appropriate SEM image at Full display. Use the data entry function to measure the size
of the image.
2) Save the image. If a regenerated size line agrees with the line before it was saved, the result is
considered acceptable.
Capture an Image using a Trans-Buffer Size
1. Capture a screen in a 1280x960 size.
2. Save the results and re-display them using the Data Manager. Make Input H-Start adjustments on the
adjustment window so that the joints at every 640 horizontal pixels match.
When changing the TV mode from NTSC to PAL, perform the following operations:
1. Change image memory jumpers. Replace XTAL (See PAL Modification Assembly.)
2. On TOOL-Imp-Adj of SEM Manager, change IP Input V start to 15 → 1B.
3. In TOOL-Option Setup of SEM Manager, change NTSC to PAL. Then, Close → Open the SEM

S-5200 Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope Electric Theory
Service Manual

5.6.2 Magnet Field Canceller

Block Diagram

Figure 5-18: Magnet Field Canceller Block Diagram


1. When the pushbutton switch SW1 is depressed, check to see that the relay RY10 comes on and turns
off in approximately 3 seconds.
2. Observe TP11 on the oscilloscope. Adjust VR11 and VR12 so that the waveform level remains
between 0 and 4 V.

Figure 5-19: Input Waveform

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Electric Theory

3. Place a flux meter near the column. While monitoring TP12 on an oscilloscope, simultaneously
observe the output waveform from the flux meter.

Figure 5-20: Observation Status

4. Adjust the VR13 so that the magnetic field waveform is at a minimum when V-sync on the monitor is
at the beginning of another cycle.
5. Adjust the VR10 so that the phase of the waveform of the canceller magnetic field matches the
waveform of the monitor magnetic field.

Figure 5-21: Inadequate Adjustment

S-5200 Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope Electric Theory
Service Manual

Figure 5-22: Complete Adjustment

5.7 Stage Controller

5.7.1 Stage Controller Configuration Diagram
A configuration diagram of the Stage Controller is shown in Figure 5-23.

Figure 5-23: Stage Controller Configuration

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5.7.2 Tilt Board

Determining the Angle
Do not start the VRT during this adjustment. Otherwise, the VRT will tilt more than necessary, resulting in
damage to the potentiometer.
1. Adjust the VR2 so that the voltage of TP7 is 2.3 V (41.4º).
2. Adjust the VR1 so that the voltage of TP8 is -2.3 V (-41.4º).

Adjusting the Zero-degree Angle

1. Adjust the VR5 so that the voltage of TP9 is the same as TP6.
2. Adjust the VR3 and VR4 so that the voltage of TP11 is +5 V.

Confirming the Operation

1. Start the VRT (when the axis is tilted, the angle automatically returns to 0º).
2. Start the SEM. Open the stage control panel.
3. Move the angle of the axis to confirm that the voltage of TP9 behaves as indicated in the following

Table 5-13
No. Angle TP Voltage (V)
1 0 0
2 -5 -0.278
3 -10 -1.111
4 5 0.278
5 10 1.111

4. Set the axis to –40º or greater; confirm that the motor does not move more than 40º.
5. Set the axis to 40º or greater; confirm that the motor does not move more than 40º.
6. Set the angle of the axis to an appropriate value other than 0º; turn off both the SEM and VRT.
7. Restart the VRT; confirm that the axis moves to 0º.
8. Start the SEM; on the display, confirm that the angle is at 0º.
9. Turn off both the SEM and VRT again. Restart the VRT; confirm that the axis does not move.

5.7.3 X-Y Stage Controller (S-67A)

Adjusting the Origin (0,0) of the X-Y Stage
Adjust the origin of the X-Y stage after adjusting its eucentric position (axis slope adjustments). If the origin of
the X-Y stage is adjusted before eucentric adjustments, the eucentric adjustment will require a re-adjustment of
the X-Y origin. The origin is adjusted through the detection of X and Y photocoupler positions, which can be
performed by aligning the position of the light-shielding plate for the photocoupler. The origin of the X-axis can
be adjusted by aligning the light-shielding plate, and the origin of the Y-axis can be adjusted by aligning the

S-5200 Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope Electric Theory
Service Manual

Adjusting the origin of the X-axis

1. Press the Reset button on the Stage controller panel to return it to the origin. The X,Y coordinates will
be displayed as:
X: 0000 µm
Y: 0000 µm
2. On the monitor, display an image in the Low Mag Mode.
3. Push and pull the middle axis in the fine-tuning nut so that the shade of the specimen will behave as
shown in the following figure when the X-axis is moved between +1000 µm and - 1000 µm. This
completes the adjustment of the way the X-axis swings.

+1000 µm

-1000 µm

Figure 5-24: Image on the TV Monitor during X-axis Adjustments

Adjusting the Origin of the Y-axis

1. Press the Reset button on the Stage controller panel to return it to the origin. Confirm that the light-
shielding plate stops at 000 µm after the origin of the photocoupler is adjusted and confirmed.
2. Move the Y-axis to either +1000 µm or –1000 µm by moving the Y-axis control field.
3. As in the case of the X-axis, move the viewing field in the Low Mag Mode. Confirm the splitting in
the + and – directions when the Y-axis is moved, as illustrated in the figure. Micro-adjust the view
field range by operating the photocoupler origin adjustment screw shown in the figure.
4. After the origin adjustment, depress the Reset button again to return the Y-axis to the 000 µm
position. Re-check the splitting of the view field, and confirm the splitting after the adjustment of the
photocoupler position.
5. Until the splitting adjustment is complete, repeatedly adjust the photocoupler and depress the Reset

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+1000 µm

-1000 µm

Figure 5-25: Image on the TV Monitor during Y-axis Adjustment

X-Y Stage Controller

The VRs for the adjustment of the X-Y Stage controller are adjusted at the time the system is shipped from the
factory. Therefore, these VRs should not be rotated by unauthorized personnel. If you need to adjust any of the
VRs, please contact factory personnel.

Error Display
Errors are displayed on an axis-by-axis basis.
X E − 2
E-2 indicates an error in the amp unit.
Error on the X-axis: X-axis display unit
Error on the Y-axis: Y-axis display unit
If an error occurs only on one of the two axes, the axis that does not have an error displays the current value “as
<Restoring the Origin>
When started or reset, the system X-Y Stage controller returns to the origin as follows:
1. The X- and Y-axes simultaneously begin to move to the origin.
2. The origin is detected from one direction, as illustrated in Figure 5-26.
3. After the move to the origin is complete, the X-Y Stage controller transmits its status.
4. The maximum moving speed is 200 kpps.

S-5200 Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope Electric Theory
Service Manual

Figure 5-26

Protection Function
Amplifier Error Detection Function
Table 5.14
Detected Parameter Detected Problem Post-detection Action
Power outage Drop in supply voltage • Power input less than 14 V • Servo off
• Indicator lamp (LD-
4204) is lit; indictor
panel E-2 is lit.
Over-speed Excessive output voltage • Motor fault and motor connection
(armature voltage) error (wire, bad polarity, poor
• Encoder connection error (line
breakage, A/B phases connected
in reverse, poor conduction)
• Encoder not connected
NOTE: For an XY stage controller,
the maximum output voltage is DC
23V relative to an input voltage of
DC24V. Therefore, the XY stage
controller is set to a non-
operating value.

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Detected Parameter Detected Problem Post-detection Action

Overload Excessive output current • Motor overload • Servo off
(armature current)
NOTE: The detected parameter is • Indicator lamp (LD-
subject to an inverse time limit 2303) is lit; indictor
characteristics such that panel E-2 is lit.

tf(I)=CONSTANT, as illustrated in
Figure 5-27.

Figure 5-27
Over-heating Excessive rise in output- • Controller overload (used • Servo off
stage power transistor continuously under an allowable • Indicator lamp (LD-
temperature output current anomaly) 2303) is lit; indictor
• Abnormal rise in ambient panel E-2 is lit.
• Abnormal rise in temperature due
to poor radiation
• Overheating due to a power
transistor failure
Over-current Excessive output current • Shorting between motor output • Servo off
pins • Indicator lamp (LD-
• Motor coils 2202) is lit; indictor
panel E-2 is lit.
Overflow Excessive reserve pulse in • Abnormal F/V voltage adjustment • Servo off
the deviation counter
• Abnormal motor response (motor • Indicator panel E-2
(±6144 pulses)
locked, falling torque) is lit.
• Control board error

Amplifier Indicator Lamps

The amplifier is equipped with the LED indicator lamp to indicate the operational condition.

Table 5-15:
Symbol Color Display
LD-8 Green Power ON
LD-1201 Green Controller enabled (servo ON)
LD-4204 Red Stop-on-power failure function running
LD-2202 Red Stop-on-over-speed function running
LD-3203 Red Stop on overload/overheat/overcurrent function running
LD-5205 Green In-position state

S-5200 Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope Electric Theory
Service Manual

Adjusting the Controller

Amplifier Unit Adjustment Volume and Check Pins

Table 5.16
Symbol Adjustment
Volume F/V F/V signal voltage adjustment
FV-0 F/V signal voltage offset adjustment
OFF Offset adjustment
VR6, 206 D/A conversion voltage offset adjustment
L-G Position loop gain adjustment
M-G Speed loop gain adjustment
C-L Current-limit settings
VR5, 205 Over-speed settings
(X-axis) (Y-axis)
Check pins F/V Velocity feedback (F/V) signal
CUR Motor output current
SPD D/A conversion voltage signal
COM Signal circuit COM

The signals in the 200s represent the Y-axis. Other than the numbers, the X- and Y-axes indicate the same values
with different locations. See the layout diagram for the various locations.

Amplifier Adjustment
Although the various volumes are adjusted before the system is shipped, power fluctuations may require offset
adjustments. Such adjustments should be performed according to the following procedures:

Offset Adjustment
1. Turn on the power to move the motor to the origin. In this step, confirm that the motor has stopped
even though the position adjustment for the actuator may not be complete (display panel: 000).
2. Align the FV-O pot (for both the X- and Y-axes) approximately to the center.

Figure 5-28: FV-0 Pot

3. Rotate the VR6 (X-axis) and the VR206 (Y-axis) so that the in-position LED (see the layout diagram)
lights up.
4. In the condition up to step 3, rotate the FV-O pot to confirm the range in which the in-position LED
lights up. Align the FV-O pot approximately to the middle of this range.

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Figure 5-29

Gain Adjustment (already adjusted)

Connect an oscilloscope (preferably a memory scope) between the pulse check pins “F/V” and “COM”.
Input the command pulses at the maximum desired speed. Observe the motor response signals (F/V voltage).
1. The type of motor waveform as illustrated in the figure indicates an appropriate gain setting (the rule
of thumb is a level just before an overshoot or undershoot condition occurs).
2. If the motor response waveform is not at an appropriate level, adjust the L-G pot. The rotation of the
CW increases the gain and the propensity to generate on overshooting.
« The adjustment of the L-G pot changes the Kp value (position loop gain). Reducing the L-G pot
too much can reduce position alignment precision, which should be avoided.

S-5200 Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope Electric Theory
Service Manual

Figure 5-30: Motor Response Waveform

3. If an appropriate waveform cannot be obtained by adjusting the L-G gain, adjust the M-G pot. The
rotation of the CW increases the gain.
« Adjusting the M-G pot changes the speed loop gain. Rotate the M-G pot clockwise to increase the
gain as much as possible without causing the motor response signal (F/V voltage) to oscillate.

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F/V Voltage Adjustment (already adjusted)

The F/V voltage can be verified by measuring the voltage of the “F/V” check pin. Standard F/V voltage values are
listed below. If there is a significant difference between the measured value and the standard value, use the F/V
pot to make appropriate adjustments. The rotation of the CW increases the voltage.
F/V standard settings Approximately 3V/200 kpps

« Because F/V voltage waveforms contain superimposed ripple components, when taking measurements using
an oscilloscope, please be sure to read average values.

Output Current Limit Adjustment (already adjusted)

The output current can be monitored using the voltage of a “CUR” check pin. A 5A/1A relationship holds
between the "CUR" pin voltage and the output current. The current limit value can be adjusted by operating the C-
L pot. The current limit value can be checked by applying a sudden acceleration to the motor and by setting the
peak value of the resulting start-up current.

Over-speed Adjustment
If the output voltage grows excessively, an abnormal condition is detected. A detection level can be set by means
of the VR5 (X-axis) and the VR205 (Y-axis). Because the maximum output voltage is approximately DC 23V
relative to an input voltage of DC 24V, the XY Stage controller is set to a non-operating value.
If the XY Stage controller runs, turn the volume in the direction of CW.

Controller Adjustment Volume

Symbol Adjustment
VR104 TILT angle gain adjustment
VR103 TILT angle offset adjustment
VR107 X-axis command speed adjustment
VR110 X-axis command speed offset adjustment
VR108 Y-axis command speed adjustment
VR109 Y-axis command speed offset adjustment

TILT Angle Adjustments

Adjust the TILT angle display. Use the offset adjustment volume to adjust the 0º display. Use the gain adjustment
volume to adjust the maximum angle display.

Command Speed Adjustments (already adjusted)

This step performs an adjustment of the maximum speed and offset for the X- and Y-axes. Because this
adjustment is made at the time the system is shipped, the volumes that are provided should not be touched.
NOTE: Perform offset adjustments after the TILT angle gain change width is adjusted.

S-5200 Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope Electric Theory
Service Manual

DIP Switch Settings

Start-stop synchronization
Data bits: 7/8 bits
Parity: even/odd/none
Stop bits: 1/1.5/2 bits
Baud rate: 1200/4800/9600
• Data bit switch
7 bits OFF
8 bits ON (default)
• Parity on/off switching
OFF: OFF (default)

Figure 5-31:
• Parity even/odd switching
Even: ON (default)
Odd: OFF
• Stop-bit switching
SW103-4 SW103-5
1 bit ON OFF (default)
1.5 bits OFF ON
2 bits ON ON
• Baud rate switching
SW106-6 SW103-7
12000 baud rate: ON OFF
48000 baud rate: OFF ON (default)
96000 baud rate: ON ON

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W Command Default Values

W command default value: SW101-1 SW101-2
10: ON OFF (default)
100: OFF OFF
1000: ON ON

r Data Output (yes/no)

Output, yes: OFF
Output, no: ON (default)
NOTE: SW101-3 should remain OFF.

Alarm Lamp Specification

Figure 5-32

S-5200 Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope Electric Theory
Service Manual

RS-232C I/F Board Setting

J1, J2 Settings

Figure 5-33:

Put the RS-232C board into the slot shown below and connect the cable to CN6507 on the hyper stage controller

Figure 5-34: Backside of the Display

PARAL I/F Board Settings

S1 & S2 Settings

Figure 5-35

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5.7.4 Stage Adjustment

When the power or the Reset SW is turned on, sometimes an ERROR-2 error occurs during low-speed operation,
which can cause a system malfunction (in some cases, by turning the power or the Reset SW on again, the system
may return to normal).

• The input command voltage for the V/F (voltage/frequency) conversion circuit IC in the stage
controller sags during low-speed operation due to a temperature drift, which causes an impaired pulse
transmission condition.
• In the controller board circuits, the V/F converter is output only when the operating speed command
output becomes a positive voltage at point A in the OPAMP at the lowest speed. However, a
temperature increase or other changes in the ambient conditions around the controller cause a negative
voltage, which hinders low-speed motions, thus generating an ERROR-2 error.

Figure 5-36
Adjustment Procedures

1. Do not make these adjustments immediately before or after the power is turned on. Instead, they
should be performed at least 30 minutes after the power is turned on.
2. Connect a frequency monitor (e.g., a synchroscope) to the X- and Y-axes.
X-axis: IC153-1 – GND (IC153-2)
Y-axis: IC154-1 – GND (IC154-2)
3. Turn the offset adjustment VR in the direction shown in the figure.
X-axis: VR110
Y-axis: VR109
4. After the power is turned on, restore the power (depress the Reset SW).
5. After the stage returns to the origin and the motor stops, use the offset VR to adjust the VR110 and
VR109 so that the V/F output will be 50 Hz (50 pulses).

S-5200 Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope Electric Theory
Service Manual

5.8 High Voltage Unit

5.8.1 Block Diagram

Flassing current
Flashing Flashing
control driver

DCPS Cathode

Regulation Vext Cockcroft-walton Vext

driver First
circuit driver Circuit Anode

Photo coupler
Vext Vext
control control

Emission current Emission current

detect circuit detect circuit

Vacc 0 -30‚ ‹V

Vacc Vacc Cockcroft-walton

control driver Circuit

Figure 5-37

5.8.2 I/O Address

Table 5.17
Control Address W/R Bit Signal
EMISSION E200F0 R 8 D [7..0]: Emission Read (0.5 µA/LSB)
STATUS E200F4 R 8 D0: High Vacuum
D1: HV-OFF (HV Hardware reset)
D2: Overheat (Head-sink)
D3: Overheat (Lens)
D4: MLV (Manual Valve) Close
D5: (Reserve)
D6: (Reserve)
D7: (Reserve)
V1 E200F8 W 8 D [7..0]: V1 set (25.49 V/LSB)
V0 [7..0] E200FA W 8 D [7..0]: V0 [7..0] set (7.326 V/LSB)
V0 [11..8], Control E200FC W 8 D [3..0]: V0 [11..8] set
D [6..4]: Flashing Intensity (1 – 3)
D7: (reserve)

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Control Address W/R Bit Signal

HV Control E200FE W 8 D7: V0 ON
D6: V1 ON
D5: Flashing ON
D [4..0]: EM Limit set (4 µA/LSB)

5.8.3 Adjustment
Reference Voltage
Check point: TP7 (HVC P.C.B.)
Output voltage: +10V ± 0.3V
Oscillation Frequency
Check point: TP15, 16 (HVC P.C.B.)
+15 V
+15 V


Flashing Time
Check point: TP1 (HVC P.C.B.)
Adjustment: VR6
+5 V


Flashing Intensity
Table 5.18. Flashing Intensity
Intensity Adjustment µA)
Indication (µ
1 VR1 0
2 VR2 30 - 40
3 VR3 40 - 50

Emission Current
Check point: TP10 (HVC P.C.B.)

S-5200 Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope Electric Theory
Service Manual

Accelerating Voltage Control

Check point: TP5 (HVC P.C.B.)
Output voltage: -10V/30kV
Check point: TP17 (HVC P.C.B.)
Output voltage: +10V/30kV

Extracting Voltage Control

Check point: TP6 (HVC P.C.B.)
Output voltage: 32V

DC Power Supply on HVC P.C.B.

Table 5.19
Output Check Point LED Fuse
+5V TP11 LD1 FUSE 1
+15V TP12 LD2 FUSE 2
-15V TP13 LD3 FUSE 3
+36V TP14 LD4 FUSE 4

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5.9 EVAC Sequence

5.9.1 EVAC Configuration
Standard Evacuation Configuration

Figure 5-38: Evacuation System Standard Configuration (Option)

S-5200 Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope Electric Theory
Service Manual

Tandem Evacuation Configuration

Objective: To increase the attainable vacuum by reducing the back pressure for TMP (300 L/s)

Figure 5-39: Evacuation System Tandem Configuration (Option)

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5.9.2 EVACSEQ Board Configuration

The EVACSEQ Board Circuit Diagram is shown in Figure 5-40.

Figure 5-40: EVACSEQ Board Circuit Diagram

5.9.3 Adjusting the EVACSEQ Board

Adjusting Pi1 (specimen chamber)

1. Set the specimen chamber to the normal atmospheric pressure.

2. Adjust the volume VR5 so that the voltage of TP12 will be 5.1±0.1 [V].
3. Set the vacuum level display option to S.C-Pi. Confirm that the display indicates a value of 9x104.

Adjusting Pi2

1. Set the specimen exchange chamber to the normal atmospheric pressure.

2. Adjust the volume VR6 so that the voltage of TP13 will be 5.1±0.1 [V].
3. Set the vacuum level display option to S.E.C-Pi. Confirm that the display indicates a value of 9x104.

Adjusting Pe

1. Adjust the volume VR4 to a mid-point.

Adjusting IP1

1. Check to see that the IP switch is OFF.

2. Adjust the volume VR3 so that the voltage of TP7 will be 0±0.1 [V].

S-5200 Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope Electric Theory
Service Manual

3. Adjust the volume VR1 so that the voltage of TP6 will be 0±0.1 [V].
4. Set the vacuum level display option to IP1. Confirm that the display indicates –x10.[Pa].
5. Turn on the switch for IP1.
6. Confirm that the LED for IP1 is on.
7. Confirm that the vacuum level indicator shows a normal value (2x10-8 – 2x10-6 [Pa]).

Adjusting IP2

1. Check to see that the IP2 switch is OFF.

2. Adjust the volume VR2 so that the voltage of TP9 will be 0±0.1 [V].
3. Adjust the volume VR1 so that the voltage of TP6 will be 0±0.1 [V].
4. Set the vacuum level display option to IP2. Confirm that the display indicates –x10.[Pa].
5. Turn on the switch for IP2.
6. Confirm that the LED for IP2 is on.
7. Confirm that the vacuum level indicator shows a normal value (2x10-8 – 9x10-6 [Pa]).

Adjusting IP3

1. Check to see that the IP3 switch is OFF.

2. Adjust the volume VR202 so that the voltage of TP201 will be 0±0.1 [V].
3. Adjust the volume VR200 so that the voltage of TP10 will be 0±0.1 [V].
4. Set the vacuum level display option to IP3. Confirm that the display indicates –x10.[Pa].
5. Turn on the switch for IP3.
6. Confirm that the LED for IP3 is on.
7. Confirm that the vacuum level indicator shows a normal value (2x10-8 – 9x10-6 [Pa]).

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5.9.4 Flowchart
Standard Configuration Flowchart
Starting Operation (Standard Piping)

Cooling Water MAIN POWER



SC Evacuation Control
(Separate page)


ON Normal
YES (Normal) Pi-1 NO
Dry Pump ON <10Pa
<10Pa 9S
NO Pi-2

NO Pe<9X10-3Pa


Dry Pump NO (MDP)

YES (Normal)

Pi-2 NO Pi-2 NO SW status NO (EVAC)

<5Pa <1Pa Keep



30S NO

IN S.C. : User operation
V3,V4 OPEN : Decision
NO (AIR) SW status

S-5200 Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope Electric Theory
Service Manual

Normal Operation






Stop Operation


TIME 3:30 set




TIME 0:00

YES SW status YES (OFF)




LV2 OPEN : User

: Control

COOLING : Decision

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Electric Theory

Specimen Removing Operation Specimen Inserting Operation





Dry Pump NO (MDP)


YES (Normal)
Pi-2 Pi-2
<5Pa <1Pa


30S NO


: User operation

: Control

: Decision

S-5200 Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope Electric Theory
Service Manual

SC Leak Operation SC Evacuation Operation


TIME 5:00set



Dry Pump NO



TIME 0:00



Dry Pump NO (Normal)

: User operation
V4 OPEN : Control

: Decision

Part No. 595-8030 5-53

Electric Theory

Tandem Configuration Flowchart

Starting Operation

Cooling Water MAIN POWER



SC Evacuation Control



ON Normal
YES (Normal) Pi-1 NO
Dry Pump ON <10Pa
<10Pa 9S
NO Pi-2

NO Pe<9X10-3Pa


Dry Pump NO (MDP)

YES (Normal)

Pi-2 NO Pi-2 NO SW status NO (EVAC)

<5Pa <1Pa Keep



30S NO

IN S.C. : User operation
V3 OPEN YES : Control
V3,V4 OPEN : Decision
NO (AIR) SW status

S-5200 Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope Electric Theory
Service Manual

Normal Operation






Stop Operation


TIME 3:30set




TIME 0:00

YES SW status YES (OFF)




MAIN POWER : User Operation

: Control



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Electric Theory

Specimen Removing Operation Specimen Inserting Operation





Dry Pump NO (MDP)


YES (Normal)

Pi-2 Pi-2
<5Pa <1Pa


30S NO


: User operation

: Control

: Decision

S-5200 Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope Electric Theory
Service Manual

SC Leak Operation SC Evacuation Operation



TIME 3:30set





Dry pump NO (MDP) NO

Dry Pump
YES (Normal)



TIME 0:00

Dry Pump NO (MDP)

Normal : User operation
YES (Normal) V5 OPEN : Control
: Decision

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Electric Theory

5.9.5 Error Codes

Table 5.20
Code Cause Status Countermeasure
E 01 Failure on the DC power Evacuation system will stop. Pull out the specimen holder to the
supply (+24 V) entrance of the specimen exchange
chamber, and turn the EVAC POWER
switch off. Then, turn it on again. If the error
occurs again, contact a service engineer.
E 03 Over heating of a Evacuation system will stop. Pull out the specimen holder to the
transformer in the power entrance of the specimen exchange
supply chamber, and turn the EVAC POWER
(the temperature sensor is switch off. Wait for about 30 min, and check
an optional accessory) the cooling water supply. Then, turn the
EVAC POWER on. If the error occurs
again, contact a service engineer.
E 04 Over heating of the dry Evacuation system will stop. Pull out the specimen holder to the
pump entrance of the specimen exchange
(the temperature sensor is chamber, and turn the EVAC POWER
an optional accessory) switch off. Wait for about 30 min. Then,
turn the EVAC POWER on. If the error
occurs again, contact a service engineer.
E 05 The dry pump stopped. Evacuation system will stop. Pull out the specimen holder to the
entrance of the specimen exchange
chamber, and turn the EVAC POWER
switch off. Check if the dry pump circuit
breakers are on. Wait until the turbo
molecular pump stops. Then, turn the
EVAC POWER on. If the error occurs
again, contact a service engineer.
E 06 Blown out the fuse Evacuation system will stop. Pull out the specimen holder to the pre-
connecting to the penning pumping position, and turn the EVAC
gauge unit. POWER switch off. Then, replace the fuse
and turn the EVAC POWER switch on
again. If the error occurs again, contact a
service engineer.
E 07 The turbo molecular pump Evacuation system will stop. Turn the EVAC POWER switch off. Wait
stopped. until the turbo molecular pump stops. Then,
(TMP-2) turn the EVAC POWER on. If the error
occurs again, contact a service engineer.
(The turbo molecular pump
of 50 liter/second is an
optional accessory)
E 08 The turbo molecular pump Evacuation system will stop. Turn the EVAC POWER switch off. Wait
stopped. until the turbo molecular pump stops. Then,
(TMP-1) turn the EVAC POWER on. If the error
occurs again, contact a service engineer.
E 12 Flow of the cooling water is The evacuation system will Check the cooling water supply.
larger than specified rate. be working normally. The The Water lamp is lit when water is
(The water lamp blinking) cooling water is used for supplied.
cooling the objective lens.

S-5200 Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope Electric Theory
Service Manual

Code Cause Status Countermeasure

E 13 Flow of the cooling water is The evacuation system will Check the cooling water supply.
smaller than specified rate. be working normally. The The Water lamp is lit when water is
(The water lamp goes out) cooling water is used for supplied.
cooling the objective lens.
Objective lens current will
be shut off.
E 14 Insufficient air pressure for The Air lamp on the When the system is using an air
the pneumatic valves. evacuation control panel will compressor, check its power supply and
be off. The power of the pressure. When using house air, check the
turbo molecular pumps will source of the air pressure. The system will
be shut off. recover when the air recovers at specific
E 17 S.E.C.AIR switch is on All valves are closed. Pull out the specimen holder to the
when the specimen holder entrance of the specimen exchange
is in the specimen chamber. Or set to EVAC the EVAC/AIR
chamber. switch on the specimen exchange chamber.
E 18 S.C. LOCK switch on the Alarm buzzer only. Pull out the specimen holder to the
evacuation control panel is entrance of the specimen exchange
released when the chamber. Or set to LOCK the S.C. LOCK
specimen holder is in the switch on the evacuation control panel.
specimen chamber
E 19 The specimen holder is not The evacuation system will Pull out the specimen holder to the
at the entrance of the not be working normally. entrance of the specimen exchange
specimen exchange chamber.
chamber when EVAC
process was started.
E 20 S.C. LOCK switch on the Alarm buzzer only. Release the S.C. LOCK switch on the
evacuation control panel is evacuation control panel until air leak is
set to LOCK when the completed.
specimen chamber is in the
air leak process.
E 25 EVAC power is on when The evacuation system will Insert the specimen holder to the entrance
the specimen holder is out not be off. of the specimen exchange chamber.
the specimen chamber.
E 31 Gun baking was started Gun baking power supply is Press the Baking stop switch. Remove the
while the HV cable head is shut off. HV cable from the electron gun and insert it
not removed. to the HV cable holder at the side of the
display unit. And then start gun baking
E 32 Covers around the electron Gun baking power supply is Press the Baking stop switch. Attach covers
gun are not attached. shut off. to the electron gun part. And then start gun
baking again.
E 33 Over heating of baking Baking power supply will be Stop gun baking. Contact a service
heaters. shut off. engineer.
(when optional temperature
sensor is installed)

Part No. 595-8030 5-59

Electric Theory

Code Cause Status Countermeasure

E 34 Ion pump 1 power supply is Baking power supply will be Stop gun baking. Wait for a few hours.
shut off while gun baking. shut off. Restart ion pumps. And then, start gun
The gun baking may cause baking again.
deterioration of gun vacuum
and in some cases ion
pump power supply will be
shut off.
E 35 Ion pump 1 vacuum When vacuum of the ion Stop gun baking. Wait for a few hours.
degraded. pump 1 degraded to lower Restart ion pumps. And then, start gun
than the specified value, baking again.
baking power supply will be
E 36 Cover around the trap heat Trap heat power supply is Press the Trap Heat stop switch. Attach
is not attached. shut off. covers to the trap heat part. And then start
(the trap heat is an optional trap heat again.
E 37 Gun baking was started Baking power supply will be Stop gun baking. Wait for a few hours.
while the ECO mode is shut off. Restart ion pumps. And then, start gun
carrying out. baking again.
E 38 Baking timer is not correct. Baking power supply will be Press the Baking stop switch. Set the
(Condition INNER TIME > shut off. baking timer correctly, and then start gun
OUTER TIME + 2) baking again.

E 51 Failure of the PI1 Contact a service engineer.

E 52 Failure of the PI2 Contact a service engineer.
E 97 EVAC power is off when The evacuation system will Pull out the specimen holder to the
the specimen holder is in not be off. entrance of the specimen exchange
the specimen chamber. chamber.
E 99 Error of ECO mode caused ECO mode will not start. Settle the problem, and then start ECO
by: mode
1. EVAC power off
2. The specimen holder is
in the specimen
3. While the baking is
carrying out.
4. SEC EVAC/AIR switch
is set to AIR.
5. Timer setting is failed

S-5200 Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope Mechanical Configuration
Service Manual

6 Mechanical Configuration
6.1 Main Unit Mechanical Configuration
Figures 6-1 and 6-2 show a mechanical configuration cross-sectional diagram of the main unit and a
configuration diagram of the electron optics system.

Electron gun

Electron source IP-1 (60 l/s)

Beam monitor aperture

1st condenser lens IP-2 (20 l/s)

Air lock valve (V-1)

C2 lens

Beam blanking IP-3 (20 l/s)

Objective movable aperture
(TMP) Objective lens
2nd condenser lens
Deflection coil

Secondary electron detector Objective lens

Objective lens coil

Specimen stage


Figure 6-1: Main Unit Mechanical Configuration Cross-sectional Diagram

Part No. 595-8030 6-1

Mechanical Configuration

FE Electron source

BM amplifier BM signal
BE aperture

C1 lens
(900T, 14 bit)

AL 1 (8 bit)
(Beam AL)

BLK-1 (2 steps)
[7P hermetic] (Max: 120V)
(Beam scan)

OBJ aperture
Aperture heater

C2 lens
Stigma coil (12 bit) (1000T, Coarse: 12 bit, Fine: 12 bit)

Corrective EXB electrode [7P hermetic]

Stigma AL (12 bit) (Max (X, Y): ±20V, ±40V

SE detector-2

Scan-U (X/Y, 12 bit) BSE converting electrode

SE-2 signal
IS-U/AL2: (X/Y, 12 bit) Mix signal
(Mix ratio variable)
Scan-L/LM-scan (X/Y, 12 bit) YAG/GW/ Robinson
SE-1 signal
IS-L (X/Y, 12 bit)

SE detector-1
EXB coil-1 (X/Y) (8 bit)
[7P hermetic] (
ExB mesh electrode (+Ve+Vbias)
ExB central electrode (+Vbias) [7p hermetic]
2nd pull-up electrode (+Vse2)
[BNC] 0, +50V ExB facing electrode (-Ve+Vbias)

1st pull-up electrode (+Vse1) OBJ lens

[BNC] -150 ~ 0, +100V (1550 T, Coarse: 16 bit, Fine: 12 bit)

Figure 6-2: Electron Optic System Configuration Diagram

S-5200 Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope Mechanical Configuration
Service Manual

6.2 Main Unit Structures

6.2.1 Electron Gun Structure
The electron gun consists of a cathode (tip), a first anode, a second anode, a beam monitor aperture, a first
condenser lens, and a beam alignment coil. The cathode (tip) and the first condenser lens can be moved
horizontally through the use of adjustment screws for an axial and electro-optical alignment.
Figure 6-3 shows a configuration cross-sectional diagram of the electron gun.

Figure 6-3: Electron Gun Configuration Cross-sectional Diagram

Part No. 595-8030 6-3

Mechanical Configuration

6.2.2 C2 Lens Unit Structure

This unit consists of a beam blanking coil, a movable objective aperture, a second condenser lens, a stigmator,
aberration-corrected coil, and a stigma alignment coil. The second condenser lens can be moved horizontally
through the use of adjustment screws for an axial and electro-optical alignment.
Figure 6-4 shows a configuration cross-sectional diagram of the C2 lens unit.

Figure 6-4: C2 Lens Unit Configuration Cross-sectional Diagram

S-5200 Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope Mechanical Configuration
Service Manual

6.2.3 Objective Lens Unit Structure

The objective lens unit consists of a deflection coil, an image shift coil, an ExB coil, an objective lens (pole
piece), and an objective lens coil. A block-type pole piece is used in the objective lens. The objective lens unit
has a structure that allows cooling water to flow in order to prevent heat generation around the objective lens coil.
Figure 6-5 shows a configuration cross-sectional diagram of the objective lens unit.

Figure 6-5: Objective Lens Unit Configuration Cross-sectional Diagram

Part No. 595-8030 6-5

Mechanical Configuration

6.2.4 Specimen Goniometer Stage Structure

The specimen goniometer stage features a side-entry design; it consists of T, Y, Tilt, and ∆Z mechanisms.
Figure 6-6 shows a configuration cross-sectional diagram of the specimen goniometer stage.

Figure 6-6: Specimen Goniometer Stage Configuration Cross-sectional Diagram

S-5200 Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope Mechanical Configuration
Service Manual

6.2.5 Beam Blanking Unit Structure

Figure 6-7 shows a cross-sectional diagram of the beam blanking unit.

Figure 6-7: Beam Blanking Unit Cross-sectional Diagram

6.2.6 ExB Coil Unit Structure

Figure 6-8 shows a cross-sectional diagram of the ExB coil unit.

Figure 6-8: ExB Coil Unit Cross-sectional Diagram

Part No. 595-8030 6-7

Mechanical Configuration

6.2.7 Beam Monitor Aperture Unit Structure

The aperture plate is a molybdenum plate that is 10µm thick, with the following hole diameters: 0.1 mm, 0.1 mm,
0.1 mm, and 0.1 mm. The aperture unit can be moved horizontally through the use of a tuning knob for an axial
and electro-optical alignment.
Figure 6-9 shows a cross-sectional diagram of the beam monitor aperture unit.

Figure 6-9: Beam Monitor Aperture Unit Cross-sectional Diagram

S-5200 Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope Mechanical Configuration
Service Manual

6.2.8 Movable Objective Aperture Unit Structure

The aperture plate is a molybdenum plate that is 10µm thick, with the following hole diameters: 30 µm, 50 µm, 50
µm, and 100 µm. The aperture unit can be moved horizontally through the use of a tuning knob for an axial and
electro-optical alignment.
Figure 6-10 shows a cross-sectional diagram of the movable objective aperture unit.

Figure 6-10: Movable Objective Aperture Unit Cross-sectional Diagram

Part No. 595-8030 6-9

Mechanical Configuration

6.2.9 Secondary Electron Detector Structure

The secondary electron detector consists of a scintillator that converts secondary electrons into light, and a
photoelectric amplifier tube.
Figure 6-11 shows a cross-sectional diagram of the secondary electron detector.

Figure 6-11: Secondary Electron Detector Cross-sectional Diagram

S-5200 Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope Software
Service Manual

7 Software
7.1 System Configuration
Figure 7-1 shows the system configuration of the S-5200.



Photo Panel Stage Track ball

Unit Controller


Figure 7-1: System Configuration

PC: IBM PC AT-compatible personal computer running under Windows NT 4.0. For SEM
operations and quick image processing.
VRT Control computer made by (Instruments), running under VxWorks and an electro-optical
system. For image memory operations.
Photo Unit: Photo unit.
Panel: Operator panel for persons who are familiar with knob-based adjustments.
Stage Controller: Specimen micro-adjustment unit.
Trackball: Trackball for the specimen micro-adjustment unit.
EVAC: Evacuation system.

Part No. 595-8030 7-1


7.2 Software Configuration

Figure 7-2 shows the software configuration of the S5200.


PC_SEM.exe SemImg32.dll WinRT.sys


PciLib.dll Ftpserv.exe





Stage Control EVAC Control

Unit Unit

Figure 7-2: Software Configuration

PC Programs

PC_SEM.exe: PC operation program

Semlmg32.dll: Imposer control program
WinRT.sys: Imposer control driver
ToyLib32.dll: PC memory status confirmation program
PciLib.dll: PCI program interface
FtpServ.exe: For downloading programs on the VRT side, and an FTP transfer program on the PC side
for uploading images
Ras.exe: Self-test program
SetLPAdr.exe: Program that sets IP addresses used on the system
Other dll, ocx files: Programs for quick image processing, image DB operations, and external communications
by RS232C

S-5200 Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope Software
Service Manual

VRT Programs
vxWorks: SEM control program
vxWorks.sym: Symbolic file for SEM control programs
vxWorks.mapA: Map file for SEM control programs
vxWorks.mapL: Map file for SEM control programs

Stage control, vacuum pump system programs

ROM for the stage control unit and the vacuum pump

7.3 File Organization

The S5200 program files and the directory structure of the files to be created or used are shown below.

Program Files
The following files exist in the directory c:\Program Files\PC_SEM\. This directory holds programs that pertain to
PC operations. For a description of these files, refer to Section 7.2.
• PC_SEM.exe
• PC_SEM.hlp
• PC_SEM.cnt
• Ras.exe
• SetlpAdr.exe

The following principal files exist in the directory c:\Winnt\systems32\, which holds shared programs on the PC.
For a description of these files, refer to Section 7.2.
• Semlmg32.dll
• ToyLib.dll
• PciLib.dll
• Other dll, ocx files

The following file exists in the directory c:\Winnt\Systems32\drivers:

• WinRt.sys

The following files exist in the directory C:\Vrtsys. This directory holds VRT control programs. When the system
is started, the files indicated by ∗ are downloaded onto the VRT. For a description of these files, refer to Section
• vxWorks∗
• vxWorks.sym∗
• vxWorks.mapA∗
• vxWorks.mapL∗
• Ftpserv.exe
• Ctr.bmp

Part No. 595-8030 7-3


Files that are Used

The following files, stored in the directory c:\Program Files\PC_SEM, are either created or used by S5200
• PC_SEM.mdb: Image DB file
• RasCodeJ.mdb (RasCodeE.mdb): Used in a self-test program
• EOAdjust.ini: Electro-optical system adjustment screen file
• MesParam.ini: Measurement parameter file
• MesCalib.mdb: Measurement calibration file
• Stage.ini: Stage registration coordinates file
• ImpAdj.ini: Imposer adjustment file

The following file is stored in the directory c:\Vrtsys:

• alignment_mem.dat

Files that are Created

The following files are user-generated during the operation of the S5200:
• Observation parameters are loaded from and defined in the files with an extension pm1 or pm2. The
extension pm1 denotes a file that is created during High Mag. The extension pm2 denotes a file that is
created during Low Mag. These files are saved in the directory c:\Program Files\PC_SEM, where
program files are stored.
The following window allows you to load observation conditions and set the requisite parameters.
Conditions can be loaded and saved using the Load/Set and Save buttons on the screen.

Figure 7-3

• Files with the extensions bmp, jpg, and tif are image files with the active formats. SEM can handle
these three types of image formats. The files are stored in an operator-specified directory.
The following window allows you to save image files. Images are saved by depressing the Save button.

S-5200 Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope Software
Service Manual

Figure 7-4

• Files with the txt extension are used to save observation conditions when the above image file, stored
by the operator, is saved. A txt file is created when the associated file format is either bmp or jpg; it is
saved in the same directory as the image file.

Log File
Listed below are communication log files that are used between a PC operating program and a VRT control
program. You can specify either to create or not to create these files by setting the Debug option on the [Tool]-
[System Adjust] menu.
• Socket.log
• RS.log

Condition Parameters
The S5200 stores observation parameters in a registry under the following key:

In addition, you can specify a temporary file directory in the Thumbnail Directory under the [SEM Data Manager]
tab on the [Option]-[Environment Setting] menu.

Part No. 595-8030 7-5


7.4 Windows and Programs

Starting and Terminating the System
The first step in starting your system is to turn on the power for the Display. (The power for the EO, which is
normally switched on, is interlocked with that for the Display.) When the PC is booted and Windows starts up,
you need to log in. You can start the system program by clicking on the following icon:

Figure 7-5
The figure below shows the initialization screen that appears when the operation program is started. To enter a
service engineer screen, you need to enter a user ID and a password specifically assigned for service engineer on
this screen.

Figure 7-6
To terminate the operation program, select [File]-[Exit] on the menu.
When the following message is displayed, select [OK] to terminate the program:

Figure 7-7

S-5200 Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope Software
Service Manual

Operation Screen
The figure below shows the operation screen, from which you can launch various setting screens for the operation
of the SEM and display an accelerating voltage and other high-voltage status information. You can operate the
S5200 principally from this screen and the Scanning Image Window screen that displays Standard/Dual/Full

Of the Title, Menu, and Toolbar options on this screen, you can toggle the Toolbar between the show/hide modes.
You can also customize the buttons on the Toolbar that is displayed on the screen launched from [Tool]-[Toolbar
Settings] on the menu.

Figure 7-8 (a)

The following menu [Tool] is displayed for the service engineer’s login. Service engineer mainly performs the
processing from this menu.

Figure 7-8 (b)

The figure below shows the Standard Screen Mode screen that allows you to observe images.

Part No. 595-8030 7-7


Figure 7-9
You can adjust the magnification, focus, and brightness on this screen. In addition, you can observe images by
adjusting the accelerating voltage and the image alignment.

S-5200 Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope Software
Service Manual

Electron Optics System Adjustment Screen

The figure below shows an adjustment screen for the electron optics system. This screen is launched from [Tool]-
[EO Adjust …] on the menu. Further details on adjustments may be found in the section on adjustments.

Figure 7-10 (a)

Part No. 595-8030 7-9


The following adjustment screen can be launched from [Tool]-[EO Adjust 2 …] on the menu.

Figure 7-10 (b)

S-5200 Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope Software
Service Manual

The following adjustment screen can be launched from [Tool]-[EO Adjust 3 …] on the menu.

Figure 7-10 (c)

Part No. 595-8030 7-11


Stage Adjustment Screen

The figure below shows an adjustment screen that allows you to correct the flow of stage motion quantity and to
improve the precision of stage stopping when moving the coordinates of the stage using the RISM option:

Figure 7-11

To enable the setting of the above corrections, you need to enable the settings on the following screen:

Figure 7-12

S-5200 Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope Software
Service Manual

Imposer Adjustment Screen

The figure below shows an Imposer adjustment screen that displays SEM images. This screen is launched from
[Tool]-[Imposer Adjustment] on the menu. Further details on adjustments may be found in the section on

Figure 7-13

Part No. 595-8030 7-13


Maintenance Screen
The S5200 requires regular maintenance of the pump. The figure below shows the screen on which scheduled
maintenance can be set for operator notification. This screen can be started from [Option]-[Maintenance] of the
menu. Maintenance intervals can be set in the Maintenance item of the electro-optical system adjustment screen
(Figure 7-9).

Figure 14 (a)

Figure 14 (b)
The specified schedule generates a message upon program start-up both one month before the scheduled date and
when the scheduled date has elapsed.

Figure 7-14 (c)

Figure 7-14 (d)

S-5200 Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope Software
Service Manual

The figure below shows a screen on which optional functions can be set. This screen can be started from [Tool]-
[Option Setup] of the menu. Any option parameters set on this screen can be verified on the following version
display screen:

Figure 7-15
[Connective System Group]
[Add] button: Adds an optional feature. Options are added by using a factory-supplied
options disk.
[Remove] button: Deletes optional functions that have been added. You can specify the
option to be deleted by selected an item on the list of installed options.
Text box in the Serial Number group: Enter the system production number, which is set when the system is
[Stage Control] checkbox: Sets a stage option.
[Cell Counting] checkbox: Sets the Cell Count option for the stage.
[Port Group]
[Aux-1] combo box: Sets the type of auxiliary port detector.
[Aux-2] combo box: Sets the type of auxiliary port detector.
[Aux-3] combo box: Sets the type of auxiliary port detector.
[Aux-4] combo box: Sets the type of auxiliary port detector.
[Service Group]
[Frequency] combo box: Sets the signal frequency.
[Video Form] combo box: Sets the image signal type (NTSC/PAL).
[Video Amp] checkbox: Sets a video amp option.
[Video Printer] checkbox: Sets a video printer option.
[Full Panel] checkbox: Sets an operator panel option.

Part No. 595-8030 7-15


[Photo] checkbox: Sets a photograph option.

[U-BSE] checkbox: Sets a variable SE-BSE Mix ratio option.
[Close]: Closes the Option Setup screen.
NOTE 1: The addition of a Connective System option requires a factory-supplied option disk. Option disks
whose serial number does not match the serial number of the system will be rejected.
NOTE 2: Depending on whether the Video Form is NTSC or PAL, settings on the Imposer Adjust screen or
Dip Switch settings may be required. Refer to the section on adjustments for details.
NOTE 3: Some options require the re-booting of the system. It is good practice to re-boot the system
whenever a new option is set.

The Option Setup screen can be used only in the Standard Screen Mode.

Version Display
The figure below shows a screen that displays program version information and option settings.

Figure 7-16
This screen displays Hitachi’s logo and copyright.
[Version Group]
Serial Number: Displays the Serial Number that is specified on the Option Setup screen.
Operation Part: Displays the version information on the PC operation program.
Control Part: Displays the version information on the VRT operation program
Options list box: Displays option information that is set on the Option Setup screen.
NOTE: During normal login, version information is displayed in two digits, e.g., 1.0; for service engineer
login, it is displayed in three digits, e.g., 1.0.1.

S-5200 Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope Software
Service Manual

Self Test
The figure below shows the main screen for the self-test program. This screen displays settings windows for
various self-test modes. This program is stored in the directory c:\Program Files\PC_SEM.

Figure 7-17
The buttons on this screen have the following functions:

(1) [Connect to VRT] button

This button connects the system to a command send/receive port (VRT) for the loading of data necessary for the
display of the system's operating status.

(2) [Display EVAC Condition] button

This button graphically displays the operating status of the system on the screen. When the system is started, this
button is cascaded (faint color: disabled). To use this button, Step (1) above should be performed.

(3) [Save File Sum] button

Determines the SUM value of the file necessary for SEM functions, and creates and displays the file (SUM table
file). To re-do the file creation process, you need to enter the password.

(4) [Check File Sum] button

Displays on the screen a comparison of the current file status (SUM value) and the SUM value from Step (3).

(5) [Display Error Log] button

Errors and output messages that are generated during the start-up of the SEM are recorded in a database file
(Ras.mdb). This screen displays the contents and meanings of such messages.

Part No. 595-8030 7-17


(6) [Save Log to FD] button

Selects and copies the following three files to a floppy disk: the database file (Ras.mdb) created by the SEM
function; the file (Ras_EvacCondition.txt) that is created when the “Save” button on the [Display EVAC
Condition] screen is pressed; and the debugger file (socket.log) created by the SEM.exe file.

(7) [Reset WorkCondition] button

This button resets the table “WorkCondition” (a table of chips used in the SEM and cumulative hours for oil,
battery, and other items that need to be replaced) in the database file “Ras.mdb”. Pressing this button causes the
cumulative data to be zero-cleared and any replacement date to be changed to the current system date and time.

(8) [Display History] button

This button displays on the screen the contents of the operating status table that is created and revised based on
the Etc table (containing SEM starting/ending times, HV on/off times, and so forth) in the database file
“Ras.mdb”. This button also displays graphs of the vacuum state created by the SEM function, emission current
values, alignment information, files that are created by pressing the “Save” button on the [Display EVAC
Condition] screen in Step (2) above, any vacuum data in the socket.log file, and emission data.

(9) [Restore DB from FD] button

This button either replaces the database file (Ras.mdb) on a floppy disk with the same file on the hard disk or
creates (adds) both files. Execution of this function requires a database file on the floppy disk. This function can
be used if the database file is lost or damaged for some reason (e.g., a PC breakdown). In order to use this
function, you need to periodically back up the Ras.mdb file to a floppy disk, using the function described in Step
(8) above.

(10) [Save Product Inf] button

This button creates a file (Ras_Insp.txt) that reflects the factory default settings for the system. The file can be
copied to a floppy disk.

(11) [Save SEM Inf] button

This button creates a backup file for the information contained in the registry

(12) [Set SEM Inf] button

This button creates a SemSetng.REG file from the file created in Step (11) above. Double-clicking on this file
causes the registry to be overwritten by the contents stored in the file.

This button, which is used in Steps (2) and (10) above, provides TMP settings for the system.

[Dry Pump]
This button, which is used in Step (10) above, provides Dry Pump settings for the system.

Text box
Displays the processing status and fault-indicating messages.

[Close] button
This button closes the Ras function.

S-5200 Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope Software
Service Manual

7.5 Installation Procedures and Setting Your PC

Installing an application program
• Close PC-SEM. Shut down any other programs that are currently running.
• Launch [Region] from the Control Panel. Make sure that the [Region] specification indicates the
Japanese language.

Load the S-5200 installation CD-ROM on the CD-ROM drive. On the Taskbar, select [Start] and [Run …]. Type
“E:\Setup.exe” and click on the [OK] button.

Figure 7-18 (a)

Figure 7-18 (b)

If the drive letter for your CD-ROM drive is other than “E:”, specify that drive letter.

After the Installer has checked the available disk space, the following screen appears:

Part No. 595-8030 7-19


Figure 7-19

Click on the [OK] button to commence the installation process. When a confirmation message appears upon
completion of the installation process, click on the [OK] button to close the installation program.

Upon completion of the installation process, shut down the PC and turn off the power for it. After that, turn on the
power again and start up the PC.

Refer to the installation manual for further information, including required PC settings.

The installation CD has the following directory structure:


When the system is started for the first time, the following batch programs, stored in the directories Common and
NewImp, should be run. This process is required only for a new installation; it is not needed in subsequent


S-5200 Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope Software
Service Manual

7.6 Error Messages


Error Code Message Cause & Remedy

1001 to Cannot execute at scan speed These messages will be shown when the operation is
1008 xxxx inhibited with the present scanning speed.
Change scanning speed and then, do the operation again.
1009 to Now running in xxxx Mode These messages will be shown when the operation is
1030 Executing xxxx inhibited with the present scanning mode or the present
xxxx ing executing function. Change scanning mode or wait until the
present executing function ends. Then, do the operation
2000 Invalid input data This message will be shown when input data is not correct.
Confirm acceptable data and then, input again.
2001 Invalid data (out of range) This message will be shown when input data is too large or
too small. Confirm acceptable range of data and then, input
2002 Only a number is acceptable This message will be shown when you input keys other than
2003 Invalid Data This message will be shown when input data is not correct.
Confirm acceptable data and then, input again.
2004 The name is used in the system. S-5200 uses this login name. Use other name.
2005 Specified value is invalid. Set [CD Measurement option] Combination of parameters
the value so as to satisfy the results in number of measurement lines.
following equation. Change parameters following the equation shown in the
[MeasurementPoint-1] × message.
[MultiPitch] +
[MeasurementPitch] ×
<= 480
2007 Invalid login name Use a login name already registered. “S-5200” is the default
login name.
Note that capital and small letters are distinguished for login
names. Confirm your input.
2008 The password you typed is You entered incorrect password. Note that capital and small
incorrect. letters are distinguished for login names.
Confirm your input.

2010 Specified file is different from the The file for operation condition is not correct. If this
condition file for S-5200. message is shown, check if other application is using files of
SEM Parameters will be extension “pm1” or “pm2”.
2016 Specified file not moved because This message will be shown when you have specified the
source and destination same directory as of the source files for the target directory
directories are the same. in Batch Process-Move File command. Specify other
directory than that of source files for the target directory.
2017 xxxx is already Exist. This message will be shown when the input User name
(or login name) is already used. Specify other name.

Part No. 595-8030 7-21


Error Code Message Cause & Remedy

2031 Use at Magnification lower than × This message will be shown when you click the Get Image
5,000. button at a higher magnification than ×5,000.
2032 Time-out error. This message will be shown when operations such as auto
focusing did not end within specified period.
If it happens frequently, contact a service engineer.
2040 This is not 8 bits image file. Some commands in the SEM Data Manager handle 8 bit
gray scale images only.
2041 The size of image exceeds the Some commands in the SEM Data Manager handle
maximum resolution 2560 × maximum of 2560 × 1920 pixels.
2042 Image size is not available Image transfer to Scanning Image window and photo replay
except 640 × 480, 1280 × 960, support the three image sizes shown in the message only.
2560 × 1920
2045 Captured images in memory Image transfer to Scanning Image window and photo replay
to areas of xxxx will be deleted. use image memory for storing captured image.
2047 Are you sure? This message is shown when the necessary area is not
empty. If you need the captured images in specified areas,
click No button and save these images. And then, use the
image transfer or photo replay command.
2060 Insufficient memory space in a This message will be shown when vacant area of the hard
temporary drive. At least 20 MB disk is not enough for the process to be executed.
free area is necessary for Delete unnecessary files and keep more space than
startup. specified.
2061 Insufficient memory space in a This message will be shown when vacant area of the hard
temporary drive. At least 5 MB disk is not enough for the process to be executed.
free area is necessary for Delete unnecessary files and keep more space than
executing this process. specified.
2062 Insufficient memory space in a This message will be shown when vacant area of the hard
temporary drive. At least 10 MB disk is not enough for the process to be executed.
free area is necessary for Delete unnecessary files and keep more space than
executing this process. specified.
2065 Free space in temporary drive is This message will be shown when vacant area of the hard
30 MB or less. System may disk is not enough for the process to be executed.
become unstable. Please quit Delete unnecessary files and keep more space than
S-5200 program and free up the specified.
disk space.
2101 Please input file name. Input a file name and then, click the Save Button.
2102 Please input user name Input or select a user name and then, click the Save button.
2105 Auto increment counter has Quick saving allows up to 99 files for a name.
reached 99. Please use another Use another file name.
file name
2107 Please input comment. [CD Measurement option-Calibration] Input a comment
before clicking the Apply button.
2108 File name is duplicated. This message will be shown when you have specified a file
name already used. Use other name.
2109 File name is too long.. Up to 255 characters are acceptable for a file name
including drive name, folder name, and extension.

S-5200 Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope Software
Service Manual

Error Code Message Cause & Remedy

2110 User table is not empty. Delete To delete a user name, image lists in the user table shall be
all lists or images by using empty. Use Batch Process-Remove List command (removes
Remove List Command or database list only) or Delete Image command (deletes
Delete Image Command before images).
deleting User table.
2120 A number of written items Number of texts or graphics exceeds allowable number.
exceed the maximum. Carry out Delete some of texts or graphics to add new one.
Combine. Or once execute combine command and save the image to
add new data in the image.
2121 The number of written items Number of texts or graphics exceeds allowable number.
exceeds the maximum. Delete some of texts or graphics to add new one.
More items cannot be input.
2130 Number of tool buttons is out of Not all buttons are able to be placed in the toolbar.
range. Please delete less Select buttons you will use frequently.
important buttons.
2140 Invalid file name. The file name possibly includes characters not allowed ( / : ,
; * ? “ < > | ).
2141 File name is too long. Up to 255 Use file name shorter than 255 characters including folder
characters are acceptable for a name and extension.
file name including folder name.
2142 Invalid User name. The User name possibly includes characters not allowed ( / :
, ; * ? “ < > | ).
2143 User name is too long. Up to 64 Use User name shorter than 64 characters.
characters are acceptable.
2144 Invalid Sample name. The Sample name possibly includes characters not allowed
( / : , ; * ? “ < > | ).
2145 Sample name is too long. Up to Use Sample name shorter than 40 characters.
40 characters are acceptable.
2146 Invalid Keyword. The Keyword possibly includes characters not allowed ( / : ,
; * ? “ < > | ).
2147 Keyword is too long. Up to 20 Use Keyword shorter than 20 characters.
characters are acceptable.
2149 Comment is too long. Up to 80 Use Comment shorter than 80 characters.
characters are acceptable.
2200 The new and confirmed Input both new and confirmation passwords again.
passwords do not match. Please Note that capital and small letters are distinguished.
type them again.
2202 Cannot delete this login name. This login name is not allowed to delete.
3001 Written data will be combined This message will be shown for confirmation.
into image.
3002 Written data will be transferred This message will be shown for confirmation.
into bitmap area for photograph.
3003 Caution! All captured images will This message will be shown when All Clear button in the
be deleted. Are you sure? captured Image window is clicked or when you change
capture resolution for confirmation.

Part No. 595-8030 7-23


Error Code Message Cause & Remedy

3004 Exit SEM Manager. This message will be shown for confirmation.
3010 XXXX already Exist. Overwrite? This message will be shown when the file name for saving
already exists. If you click the OK button, the file will be
3011 XXXX will be deleted. This message will be shown for confirmation.
Are you sure? Click Cancel button if you do not want to delete it.
3013 XXXX will be deleted (moved This message will be shown for confirmation if the original
former files). file may be deleted after moving it.
Are you sure?
3015 ~ already Exist. Overwrite? This message will be shown when saving the image on the
(Yes: Overwrite, No: Save by SEM Data Manager. Click Yes to overwrite. When you click
using different name.) the No button, the Save Image dialog window will be shown
for saving the image with new file name.
3016 ~ already Exist. Overwrite? This message will be shown when the specified file name for
(Yes: Overwrite, No: Append into saving measured data already exists. If you click the Yes
the existing file.) button, the existing data in the file will be overwritten by new
one. If you click the No button, the existing data in the file
will be kept and new data is added following the existing
3021 Caution! After deleting data, it When images are registered in multiple user names,
cannot be accessed by any other deleting, moving or renaming the images on a user may
user table it is registered in. cause troubles when opening the images on other user
Are you sure? names.
When this happens, removing the images using Batch
Process-Remove List command from the users will solve the
3022 Caution! After moving data, it When images are registered in multiple user names,
cannot be accessed by any other deleting, moving or renaming the images on a user may
user table it is registered in. cause troubles when opening the images on other user
Are you sure? names.
When this happens, removing the images using Batch
Process-Remove List command from the users will solve the
3023 Caution! After renaming data, it When images are registered in multiple user names,
cannot be accessed by any other deleting, moving or renaming the images on a user may
user table it is registered in. cause troubles when opening the images on other user
Are you sure? names.
When this happens, removing the images using Batch
Process-Remove List command from the users will solve the
3030 Print both A and B images? This message will be shown when Printing images in Dual
Screen mode. When you click the No button, the image on
the screen specified by the Record A/B buttons will be
3040 HV will be turned off. This message will be shown when closing the program while
OK? HV is still ON. If you click the OK button, HV will be shut

S-5200 Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope Software
Service Manual

Error Code Message Cause & Remedy

3100 Would you save measurement This message will be shown when closing the CD
data? Measurement without saving measured data.
Click Yes and save data if it is necessary.
3200 Please insert additional option Insert the option disk following the message.
3201 Delete this option. This message will be shown for confirmation.
Are you sure?
3210 The password has been This message shows that the password has been changed.
successfully changed.
3220 Preset count has been passed. Number of cell counting was over.
3502 Current Holder Type and Sample This message will be shown when applying HV. Check if
Height Mode are set to the the current Specimen Holder Type and Sample Height Mode
above conditions. Please in the message are correct.
change the condition with the
corresponding dialog Window if
the above setting are different
from the actual ones. [Caution]
The sample holder may touch
the objective lens if an incorrect
Holder Type is selected. Holder
3503 The combination of the present Change the setting of Sample Height mode or accelerating
3506 accelerating voltage and Sample voltage.
Height Mode which has been
3508 selected is not allowed. Change
the settings so that the following
relation is satisfied
3600 It is necessary to carry out the Carry out the maintenance of the scroll pump.
maintenance of the scroll pump
used with the S-5200 within 1
month. Please contact to the
nearest service organization and
carry out the maintenance by the
following date.
3601 The time has exceeded the date Shutdown the evacuation system and carry out the
when the maintenance of the maintenance of the scroll pump.
scroll pump is required. Please
shutdown the evacuation system
of the S-5200 and carry out the
maintenance of the scroll pump.
Please contact to the nearest
service organization for the
maintenance of the scroll pump
3802 Overwrite captured image in This message will be shown for confirmation when you
memory area of No.~. select a capture area where image already exists, or when
Are you sure? you capture an image when image exists in the next capture
3810 Delete Calibration No.~. This message will be shown for confirmation when you
Are you sure? delete a calibration data.

Part No. 595-8030 7-25


Error Code Message Cause & Remedy

3815 A date of the maintenance for Check the date of the maintenance for the scroll pump, and
the scroll pump will be update to click the OK button.
the following date. Are you
3901 The limit is ~ bytes. You entered too long a login name or password.
4200 Option disk is invalid. The option disk is not for this instrument.
Use the correct disk.
4201 Serial number is invalid. The serial number is incorrect. Or the option disk is not for
this instrument.
4300 Failure in auto focus. This message will be shown when auto focusing failed in
focus detection. Check if the observed specimen has fine
surface structure, the image brightness or contrast is
adequate, or the OBJ aperture is aligned correctly.
4301 Failure in auto stigma. This message will be shown when auto stigma failed. Check
if the observed specimen has fine surface structure, the
image brightness or contrast is adequate, the OBJ aperture
is aligned correctly or stigma alignment is adjusted correctly.
4500 Input value or measured value is This message will be shown when ratio of correct value and
not correct. measured value in the calibration operation is out of range.
4501 Magnification is out of step Magnification is set in stepwise by magnification operation
range. Please adjust and also changed finely by focusing operation. Calibration
magnification. of measured data is possible only when the step- set
magnification value. When this message is shown, once
make magnification operation using mouse on the
magnification area or using the knob on the operation panel
(option). And then, continue measurement operation.
4502 Please execute calibration. This message will be shown when you click the Apply button
before the Calibration Factors are calculated.
4700 Communication time out error This message will be shown when the control of the
between SEM and STAGE. motorized stage failed. Try once to restart the display unit
Please check the wiring for RS- and the stage controller.
232C and re-start the system.

S-5200 Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope Software
Service Manual


Error Code Message Cause & Remedy

5000 X-axis parameter error (Max) The axis position is at the limit. You can drive the stage towards
reverse direction.
5001 X-axis parameter error (Min)
5002 Y-axis parameter error (Max)
5003 Y-axis parameter error (Min)
5006 T-axis parameter error (Max) The axis position is at the limit. You can drive the stage towards
reverse direction.
5007 T-axis parameter error (Min) If it happens frequently, contact a service engineer.
5020 Cannot execute while drive X-axis Possibly the initialization is in progress. Wait for a few minutes.
5021 Cannot execute while drive Y-axis If the message is shown even when about 10 minutes have
passed, shut the stage power off once and then turn it on.
5023 Cannot execute while drive T-axis
5025 Cannot execute while drive stage This message will be shown when operation on the GUI and by the
by track ball track ball are generated simultaneously.
5026 Cannot execute while drive stage This message will be shown when operation on the GUI and by the
by panel operation panel are generated simultaneously.
5040 Cannot execute while not initialize X Initialization of the axis is in progress.
5041 Cannot execute while not initialize Y Wait until initialization ends.
5043 Cannot execute while not initialize T
5075 Stage over run error (X-CCW) These messages will be shown when the axis is driven over its
It will be recovered automatically.
5080 Stage over run error (X-CW)
5085 Stage over run error (Y-CCW)
5090 Stage over run error (Y-CW)
5101 Stage over run error (Z-CCW)
5102 Stage over run error (Z-CW)
5103 Stage over run error (T-CCW)
5104 Stage over run error (T-CW)
5200 Specimen exchange position error This message will be shown when the stage can not be set at the
(X) (Allowable value : 10 µm) home position correctly.
5201 Specimen exchange position error Restart the stage power switch. If this happens frequently, contact a
(Y) (Allowable value : 10 µm) service engineer.
5203 Specimen exchange position error
(T) (Allowable value : 0.1 deg)
5365 Time out error (X-axis) This message will be shown when the operation does not end
within specified time period.
5366 Time out error (Y-axis) If the message is shown frequently, contact a service engineer.
5368 Time out error (T-axis)

Part No. 595-8030 7-27


Error Code Message Cause & Remedy

5400 X-axis is out of range (MAX) This message will be shown when the present position data is out
Please check sample size with of the movable area of the axis.
Stage Control Window
5401 X-axis is out of range (MIN) If the message is shown frequently, contact a service engineer.
Please check sample size with
Stage Control Window
5402 Y-axis is out of range (MAX)
Please check sample size with
Stage Control Window
5403 Y-axis is out of range (MIN)
Please check sample size with
Stage Control Window
5406 T-axis is out of range (MAX)
5407 T-axis is out of range (MIN)
5982 Stage presently moving Internal error message. Ignore it. Click OK.
6510 Host not found. An error occurred while transferring files to or from a remote
computer. Check corresponding setting.

HV, Evacuation System

Error Code Message Cause & Remedy

7012 HV forced OFF due to one of the This message will be shown when the HV is shut off by
following items. degradation of the vacuum, safety protection activated, or
Cause : setting the specimen holder at the entrance of the specimen
exchange chamber. First check if the specimen holder is in
Degradation of vacuum. the specimen chamber. Next check the ion pump vacuum. If
Safety protection activated. the ion pump vacuum is not good, wait until the vacuum of
Setting the specimen holder at ion pumps recovers to the specified value (HV indication will
the entrance of the specimen start blinking in yellow). And then, turn the HV on. If this
exchange chamber. message is shown frequently, contact a service engineer.

7030 Emission current limit error This message will be shown when HV is shut off by emission
current limiter. Make flashing operation and then, turn HV on.
If this message is shown frequently, contact a service
7100 Long time has past since last This message will be shown when 24 hr have passed, or 8 hr
flash. of accumulative HV on time have passed since last flashing
Please execute flashing, or HV operation. Execute flashing within 30 min. If you do not flash
OFF. within 30 min., HV will be shut off automatically.
7101 HV turned off due to excessive This message will be shown when HV is shut off
time since last flash. Please automatically. Execute flashing and then turn HV on.
execute flash
7102 Long time has passed since last This message will be shown when 24 hr have passed, or 8 hr
flash. of accumulative HV on time have passed since last flashing
Please execute flash. operation. Execute flashing and then turn HV on.
7200 Abnormal temperature rise This message will be shown when temperature of high power
occurred in the power supply. electric circuitry exceeds specified value. Turn the EO
Shut down the PC and turn the control switch off. Wait for about 30 min. Then turn the
[DISPLAY] switch off. Restart switch on and start operation. If the message is shown
the microscope after about half frequently, contact a service engineer.

S-5200 Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope Software
Service Manual

Error Code Message Cause & Remedy

an hour. When this message is
shown again, contact service
7201 Detection of an error in the This message will be shown when temperature of the
cooling function for the objective objective lens coil exceeds specified value or cooling water
lens. flow value is not enough. If the message is shown frequently,
If the column temperature contact a service engineer.
around the objective lens is
about 40 , shut down the PC
and turn the [DISPLAY] switch
off. Wait for more than 5 hours.
When the temperature of
objective lens returns the room
temperature, turn the [DISPLAY]
switch on, and check the cooling
water flow and water
Water flow:1 to 1.5 L/min
Water temperature: 10 to 20
7202 Temperature has recovered. This message will be shown when the message code 7200 or
7201 has appeared and the temperature has recovered to
normal value. You may continue operation. If message code
7200 or 7201 is shown frequently, contact a service engineer.
7203 Specified Height mode not This message will be shown when specifying the Sample
allowed. Height that exceeds allowed value at the present accelerating
voltage. Use allowed Sample Height mode.
7204 Specified Accelerating voltage This message will be shown when specifying the accelerating
not allowed. voltage that exceeds allowed value at the present Sample
Height. Use allowed accelerating voltage.
7777 Host and SEM Controller are not The S-5200 system uses a microprocessor for controlling the
communicating. hardware. The microprocessor is linked with PC using
Confirm that power is on. Ethernet. The message [Host and SEM Controller are not
communicating. Confirm that power is on] shows that there
has been some failure on the initial connection of this
If this message appears, click OK button on this message
dialog and turn EO CONTROL switch off. Then, turn this
switch on again and start S-5200 program.
If the error message appears again and your SEM is using a
motorized stage, check if the power switch of the stage
controller is turned on.

Part No. 595-8030 7-29


This page intentionally left blank.

S-5200 Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope System Operation
Service Manual

8 System Operation
8.1 System Operation Outline
The basic system operation for this system consists of SEM operations under a GUI environment and evacuation
sequence operations. Under the GUI environment, you can operate the electron beam, the condenser lens, detected
signals and the specimen stage, in addition to performing image processing on acquired images. In the evacuation
sequence operations, you can perform evacuation operations using a turbo molecular pump and a dry pump, in
addition to baking and Eco mode operations.

8.2 Flowchart on All Operations

You can perform S-5200 SEM operations according to the flowcharts shown below. For details, please see the
individual sections in the Users Manual.

Part No. 595-8030 8-1

System Operation

8.2.1 Evacuation System Flowchart

Standard Configuration Flowchart
Starting Operation (Standard Piping)

Cooling Water MAIN POWER



SC Evacuation Control
(Separate page)


ON Normal
YES (Normal) Pi-1 NO
Dry Pump ON <10Pa
<10Pa 9S
NO Pi-2

NO Pe<9X10-3Pa


Dry Pump NO (MDP)

YES (Normal)

Pi-2 NO Pi-2 NO SW status NO (EVAC)

<5Pa <1Pa Keep



30S NO

IN S.C. : User operation
V3,V4 OPEN : Decision
NO (AIR) SW status

S-5200 Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope System Operation
Service Manual

Normal Operation






Stop Operation


TIME 3:30 set




TIME 0:00

YES SW status YES (OFF)




LV2 OPEN : User

: Control

COOLING : Decision

Part No. 595-8030 8-3

System Operation

Specimen Removing Operation Specimen Inserting Operation







Dry Pump NO (MDP)

YES (Normal)
Pi-2 Pi-2
<5Pa <1Pa


30S NO


: User operation

: Control

: Decision

S-5200 Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope System Operation
Service Manual

SC Leak Operation SC Evacuation Operation





Dry Pump NO



TIME 0:00


Dry Pump NO (Normal)

V4 OPEN : User operation

: Control

: Decision

Part No. 595-8030 8-5

System Operation

Tandem Configuration Flowchart

Starting Operation

Cooling Water MAIN POWER



SC Evacuation Control



ON Normal
YES (Normal) Pi-1 NO
Dry Pump ON <10Pa
<10Pa 9S
NO Pi-2

NO Pe<9X10-3Pa


Dry Pump NO (MDP)

YES (Normal)

Pi-2 NO Pi-2 NO SW status NO (EVAC)

<5Pa <1Pa Keep



30S NO

IN S.C. : User operation
V3 OPEN YES : Control
V3,V4 OPEN : Decision
NO (AIR) SW status

S-5200 Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope System Operation
Service Manual

Normal Operation






Stop Operation


TIME 3:30set




TIME 0:00

YES SW status YES (OFF)




MAIN POWER : User Operation

: Control



Part No. 595-8030 8-7

System Operation

Specimen Removing Operation Specimen Inserting Operation









Dry Pump NO (MDP)


YES (Normal)
Pi-2 Pi-2
<5Pa <1Pa


30S NO


: User operation

: Control

: Decision

S-5200 Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope System Operation
Service Manual

SC Leak Operation SC Evacuation Operation


TIME 3:30set




Dry pump NO (MDP) NO

Dry Pump
YES (Normal)



TIME 0:00

Dry Pump NO (MDP)

Normal : User operation
YES (Normal) V5 OPEN : Control
: Decision

Part No. 595-8030 8-9

System Operation

8.3 Operating Procedures

8.3.1 RAS function
A. Cautions on Using the RAS Function
• The RAS function uses a database file (RAS.mdb), which is generated by the SEM function. Therefore,
the RAS function should be used after SEM has been launched at least once.
• In step (2) of C, [Display EVAC Condition], the RAS function receives data from the VRT (VME bus
Real Time p.c.), which requires a connector.
• After the installation process is completed, execute the file SUM table creation application
(“MakesSUM.exe” that is contained in the same installation CD. This application calculates the SUM
values of the files coded in a setup log file (St5unst.log: a text file which is the output of files contained
in the Installer) and outputs the results as a text file, “SUM table file («1)”.
«1) c:\Program Files\Pc_sem\Ras\Ras_FielsSUMTable.txt

This backup for the original default conditions (normal state) can be useful in identifying problems that
may occur later.

S-5200 Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope System Operation
Service Manual

B. Explanation of the Maintenance Function and the Maintenance Screen

Figure 8-1: Main Screen

(1) [Connect to VRT] button

In order to load the data necessary for the display of operating conditions, this button connects the port
(VRT) through which commands are sent and received.
(2) [Display EVAC Condition] button
This button produces a graphical display of the operating status of the system. When started up, this button
is displayed in a cascading fashion (faint color, disabled), in which case you need to perform Step (1)
(3) [Save File Sum] button
This button determines the SUM value of the file necessary for the SEM function; it also creates and
displays the file (SUM table file). Re-doing the file creation process requires the password. (For details,
refer to the RasReset manual.)
(4) [Check File Sum] button
This button displays on the screen the results of a comparison of the current file status (SUM value) and the
SUM value obtained in Step (3) above.
(5) [Display Error Log] button

Part No. 595-8030 8-11

System Operation

This button displays the contents and meanings of any errors and output messages that are generated at
SEM startup time and recorded in a database file (Ras.mdb).
(6) [Save Log to FD] button
This button selects and copies the following three files to a floppy disk: the database file (Ras.mdb) created
by the SEM function, the file (Ras_EvacCondition.txt) that is created when the “Save” button on the screen
is pressed, and the debug file (socket.log) created by the SEM.exe program.
(7) [Reset WorkCondition] button
This button resets the table “WorkCondition” (a table of chips used in the SEM and cumulative hours for
oil, battery, and other items that need to be replaced) in the database file “Ras.mdb”. Pressing this button
causes the cumulative data to be zero-cleared and any replacement date to be changed to the current system
date and time.
(8) [Display History] button
This button displays on the screen the contents of the operating status table that is created and revised based
on the Etc table (containing SEM starting/ending times, HV on/off times, and so forth) in the database file
“Ras.mdb”. This button also displays graphs of the vacuum state created by the SEM function, emission
current values, alignment information, files that are created by pressing the “Save” button on the [Display
EVAC Condition] screen in Step (2) above, any vacuum data in the socket.log file, and emission data.
(9) [Restore DB from FD] button
This button either replaces the database file (Ras.mdb) on a floppy disk with the same file on the hard disk
or creates (adds) both files. Execution of this function requires a database file on the floppy disk. This
function can be used if the database file is lost or damaged for some reason (e.g., a PC breakdown). In order
to use this function, you need to periodically back up the Ras.mdb file to a floppy disk, using the function
described in Step (8) above.
(10) [Save Product Inf] button
This button creates a file (Ras_Insp.txt) that reflects the factory default settings for the system. The file can
be copied to a floppy disk.
(11) [Save SEM Inf] button
This button creates a backup file for the information contained in the registry
(12) [Set SEM Inf] button
This button creates a SemSetng.REG file from the file created in Step (11) above. Double-clicking on this
file causes the registry to be overwritten by the contents stored in the file.
(13) Sets the system and TMP. This button is used in Steps (2) and (10) above.
(14) Sets the system and the Dry Pump. This button is used in Step (10) above.
(15) Text box
Displays the processing status and fault-indicating messages.
(16) [Close] button
This button closes the Ras function.

S-5200 Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope System Operation
Service Manual

C. Functions of the Buttons

(1) [Connect to VRT] button
Function summary
In order to load the data necessary for the display of operating conditions, described in C (2) below, this button
connects the port (VRT) through which commands are sent and received.
Click on the Main Screen - [Connect to VRT] button. When successfully connected, the Main Screen - [Connect
to VRT] button is displayed in a cascading fashion (faint color, with the button disabled), and remains disabled
until the Ras function is closed (Figure 8-2). The port remains connected until the [Close] button on the main
screen is pressed and the Ras function is closed.

Figure 8-2: Successful connection to the VRT

If a connection fails, commands for requesting data cannot be sent, which prevents the display of system
operating status as described in C (2). If a connection failure occurs, check to see whether the SEM.exe program
is being started, whether an IP address is set incorrectly, or whether there are any loose wire connections.

(2) [Display EVAC Condition] button

Function summary
This button produces a graphical display of the operating status of the system on the screen.
1. Clicking on the Main Screen - [Display EVAC Condition] button brings up the screen shown in
Figures 8-4 and 8-5. This button cannot be pressed if a connection to the VRT failed in C (1) above,

Part No. 595-8030 8-13

System Operation

in which case you need to perform the operation in C (1). Every time it receives a command, the VRT
returns data. This screen allows you to set the timing in which commands are to be sent. The default
is to transmit a command once every five seconds.
2. The screen display varies, depending on whether the pump being used is a DP or a TMP (Figures 8-
4, 8-5). Pump settings can be changed on the main screen [more on this later in C (15)].
3. The system operating status is displayed on the screen in different colors. The vacuum level measured
with a vacuum gauge is displayed on the right of the screen. The text box located in the lower portion
of the screen displays an illegal state or a comment on illegal data. The READ command is re-issued
a specified number of seconds (default: 5 seconds) after it was issued. The time interval for command
re-issuance can be changed in the [Command Send Interval] combo box on the screen. When vacuum
data are received, the system displays a new screen. In other words, when an operating status screen
is displayed, commands are automatically sent at fixed intervals and data are received and displayed
until the [Close] button is pressed.
4. Pressing the [Snap Form] button causes the screen to be generated as a bitmap file and saved on a
floppy disk, in which case you need to have a floppy disk handy. If there is not enough available
space on the floppy disk, a “Copy the bitmap file to hard disk?” message (Figure 8-3) appears.
Pressing the [Yes] button causes the file to be saved in the directory c:\Program Files\Pc_sem\Ras
with the file name EVACCond.bmp. Pressing the [No] button returns control to the screen shown in
Figure 8-4 or 8-5.

Figure 8-3: Bitmap File Copy

5. Whenever the [Save] button is pressed during the screen display, any subsequently received vacuum
data are stored in the file “c:\Program Files\Pc_sem\Ras\Ras_EvacCondition.txt”. The file created in
this step can be used in C (8) for trend analysis using the [Display History] option (using the
[Vacuum-Save] button) and viewed as a graph. Pressing the [Save] button shifts the display to [End].
Pressing the [End] button terminates the file recording process and returns control to the [Save]
6. Click on the [Close] button to terminate the display and return control to the Main Screen.

S-5200 Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope System Operation
Service Manual

Figure 8-4: TMP is Standard

intervals can
be changed.

Figure 8-5: TMP is Tandem

Part No. 595-8030 8-15

System Operation

(3) [Save File Sum] button

Button to create SUM files

Button to display SUM file

Button to save SUM file to floppy disk

Button to close

Figure 8-6: File-SUM Screen

Function summary
This button determines the SUM value for the file necessary for the SEM function; it also creates and displays the
file (containing the SUM value determination results) and copies it to a floppy disk.
1. Pressing the [Save File Sum] button displays the [File-SUM] screen (Figure 8-6).
2. «1) does not exist, the system creates one.
Click on the [Register] button. If a SUM table file («
Version information on the S-5200 is downloaded and saved in the SUM file. The system determines
«2). The file paths for those files and the
the SUM value of the file recorded in a system log file («
SUM value are saved in the SUM file.
«2) C:\Program Files\Pc_sem\St5unst.log

3. If the SUM file is already created, the system displays a “Change SUM Table File” screen (Figure
8-7). When updating (re-creating) the SUM file, you need to enter the password and click on the
[Yes] button. When not updating the file, click on the [Cancel] button. Refer to the Ras Reset manual
for details.

Figure 8-7: Password Input Screen for Over-writing the SUM File
When the SUM file update process is completed, control automatically returns to the screen shown in
Figure 8-6 and a “Complete” message is displayed.
4. Pressing on the [Indicate] button causes the contents of the SUM file to be displayed. If a SUM file is
not found, a message to that effect appears. If the SUM file exists, the contents of the SUM table file
(the file path and the SUM value), the file created date, and the software version number are

S-5200 Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope System Operation
Service Manual

displayed on the “SUM Check Table” screen (Figure 8-8). Clicking on the [Close] button returns
control to the File-SUM screen (Figure 8-6).

Figure 8-8: SUM Check Table Screen

5. Clicking on the [Save to FD] button causes the SUM table file to be copied to a floppy disk. The
floppy disk should be saved as a backup for the table file.
6. Clicking on the [Close] button returns control to the Main Screen.

(4) [Check File Sum] button

Function summary
This button displays on the screen a comparison of the current file status (SUM value) and the SUM table file
«2) created in Step (3) above.

1. Click on the Main Screen-[Check File Sum] button.
If a SUM file is not found, a message to that effect appears in the text box on the Main Screen, and
the processing is terminated (Figure 8-9).

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Figure 8-9: “No Sum table file” Message

If a SUM file is found:

(i) The version of the S-5200 as of the time when the SUM file was created and the current version
are displayed in the “Table’s version” and “Present Register Version” fields on the SEM file
comparison screen (Figure 8-10).
«2) and compares
(ii) Determines the current SUM value of the file recorded in a SUM table file («
the result with the SUM value in the SUM file.
2. The result of the comparison is displayed on the SEM file comparison screen.
The [File] column displays the file paths of the files that are checked.
The [SUM] column indicates the current SUM value of each file.
The [Result] column shows the results of comparisons as follows:
“OK” Matching SUM values
“NG (File Changed)” Mismatched SUM values
“NG (File not found)” File not found
The entire results are displayed on the SEM file comparison screen.
All “OK” “OK”
NG Number of “NG” files
3. Clicking on the [Close] button returns control to the Main Screen.

S-5200 Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope System Operation
Service Manual

Current software version Software version when the table was created
Date and time when the table was created

Figure 8-10: Comparison Screen between SUM Files and Current Files

(5) [Display Error Log] button

Function summary
Errors and messages that are generated at the time the SEM function is started are recorded in a database file
(Ras.mdb). This button displays the times of error/message generation and the meanings of the message codes.
1. Pressing the Main Screen-[Display Error Log] button causes the system to reference the table [Error]
in the database file (c:\Program Files\Pc_sem\Ras.mdb). If this table does not exist, a message to that
effect appears on the Main Screen. If the table is found, the dates, the codes, and their meanings are
displayed, as illustrated in Figure 8-11.

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Figure 8- 11: [Error] Table Display Screen

For the meanings of the codes, the system references the file c:\Program Files\Pc_sem\RasCodeJ.mdb
in the case of a Japanese operating system; in other cases (English), it references file c:\Program
Files\Pc_sem\RasCodeE.mdb. These files, created in the respective operating systems, are provided
because an English OS cannot read a file created under a Japanese language OS.
2. Checking the Error checkbox causes the display of errors only.

[Save Log to FD] button

Function summary
This button copies database files and debug files to a floppy disk.
1. Pressing the Main Screen [Save Log to FD] button displays the screen shown in Figure 8-12. The
required files («3) are searched for and any non-existing file names are displayed in a faint color
(with the button disabled).
«3)  C:\Program Files\Pc_sem\Ras.mdb

‚ C:\Program Files\Pc_sem|Ras\Ras.ini
ƒ C:\Programs Files\Pc_sem\Ras_EvacCondition.txt
„ C:\Temp\socket.log

S-5200 Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope System Operation
Service Manual

Selection button

Figure 8-12: File Selection Screen

2. Select the file to be loaded onto the FD, and click on the [Save] button. Only one file can be selected
at a time.
3. By selecting option [1.] in Figure 8-12 and pressing the [Save] button, you can copy the stage and
pump settings files (Ras.ini). The reason for the provision of these files is that with these files and the
Ras.exe file, maintenance personnel can keep track of the operating status of your system without
visiting your site.
NOTE: Hitachi recommends that you copy the Ras.mdb file to a floppy disk, at regular
intervals such as once a week or once a month. As long as the Ras function is saved on a floppy
disk as a backup file, in the event of loss or damage to the Ras.mdb file the problem can be
repaired. To deal with such an eventuality, you may need to use the function described in Step
(11) below.
4. During the execution of option [1.] in Figure 8-13, i.e., during the copying of the Ras.mdb file to a
floppy disk, if the disk runs out of space or the Ras.mdb file cannot be fitted on one floppy disk, the
screen shown in Figure 8-13 appears.

Password input section

Table name
Default value
Number of data each
table possess currently

Ras.mdb file size

Figure 8-13: Copying to FD Failed

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To do nothing, press the [OK] button. In this case, control returns to Figure 8-13. For each table, the
number of data points to be loaded is given as a default value, as shown in the figure (the Setting
column). For example, if the [Alignment] table contains 20,000 data points, the FD copying process
loads 1,000 new data points with a date equal to the current date.
In the case of Figure 8-13, the copying process requires an available space of 754 kbytes on the
floppy disk, which a blank disk can accommodate. Alternatively, you can reduce the file size,
provided that you enter the password. In the password column shown in the figure, type “sar”, which
causes a data count change column to appear on the screen (Figure 8-14).

Figure 8-14: Data Count Change Screen

On this screen, you can specify any number of data points. As shown in the [Error] table example of
Figure 8-14, specifying a data count greater than the actual number of data points will not cause an
error. In this case, the system copies all existing data. Although a zero can be entered, a column with
nothing specified will cause an error and display a message.

When finished with the input of changes, press the [OK] button. When this happens, the system will
restart the copying process according to the specified number of data points. If an error still persists,
as shown in Figure 8-13, repeat the process by further reducing the number of data points. Upon
completion of the copying process, the screen displays “Complete”, as shown in Figure 8-12.
You can return from the screen in Figure 8-14 to the screen in Figure 8-13 by pressing the “x” button
located in the upper right portion of the screen.

S-5200 Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope System Operation
Service Manual

(7) [Reset WorkCondition] button

Function summary
This button resets the contents of the table [WorkCondition] in the database file c:\Program
Files\Pc_sem\Ras.mdb. Refer to the Ras Reset manual for details.

(8) [Display History] button

Function Summary
This button calculates and displays cumulative SUM uptime hours by reading data from the [Etc] table in the
database file Ras.mdb.

(a) Displaying the Uptime Status

Press the Main Screen [Display History] button.

Figure 8-15: Displaying Uptime Status

If the [Etc] table contains data with a date newer than the data loaded into uptime status data (created in the
[WorkCondition] table in the Ras.mdb file), the system reads the new data into the uptime status data (by adding
them to the cumulative time) and displays them as illustrated in Figure 8-15.

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• PC-SEM and StageX-T contain the cumulative hours of SEM uptime, from the time SEM is started until
it is closed.
• Tip contains the cumulative hours of HV, from the time the HV is turned on until it is turned off.
• PC-SEM, Dry Pump, TMP, Pi1, Pi2, Pe, PC, PC Battery, PC HD, and VRT Battery display the elapsed
time from the time these items were replaced (since the Exchange date in Figure 8-15) until the present
• V1 Valve is a count of the number of times the HV has been turned on.
• “Lock” in the lower right portion of the screen indicates the number of times the SEM.exe program has
ended (aborted) without a SEMOFF.
• “HV kicked off” is a count of the number of times in which HV-ON was issued without a
corresponding HV-OFF during the execution of SEM.exe.
If there are no uptime status data but some data exist in the [Etc] table, the system creates and displays new
uptime status data. Even if a Ras.mdb file does not exist or no uptime status tables exist in that file, the screen
shown in Figure 8-15 is displayed. In this case, however, buttons other than [Vacuum-save], [Vacuum-socket],
and [Emission-socket] are disabled.
If TMP on the screen is Standard, no Sub TMP items are displayed. The [Set] button will be explained in Item (b)
In the warning indicators (Wng), a yellow lamp comes on when usage approaches (85%) the value coded in the
“Life Time” column on the screen, and a red lamp lights up when this value is exceeded.
The button in the “Trend” column. from top to bottom, graphically display the following data: Evacuation table
data in a database file(Ras.mdb); the file created by the [Save] button on the operating status display screen in
«3 ƒ);
Step (2) above («
Vacuum data (GET STRD …) in the socket.log debug file;
Emission table data in the database file;
Emission current data (GET EMIS …) in the socket.log debug file; and
Alignment table data in the database file.
The [Set Install Date] button will be explained in Item (e) later.
The [Snap Form] button loads the named screen as a bitmap file. Refer to Item (2) 4. The file name is
Clicking on the [Close] button returns control to the Main Screen.

S-5200 Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope System Operation
Service Manual

(b) Resetting the Various Parts

The various parts can be reset by pressing the [Set] button on the screen shown in Figure 8-15.
1. Pressing the [Set] button brings up the password entry screen (Figure 8-16).

Figure 8-16: Password Entry Screen

2. An invalid password causes a message box to be displayed.

3. When the correct password is entered, Figure 8-17 appears with respect to Tip, and Stage X-T.

Figure 8-17: Uptime Status Table Time-setting Screen (1)

Selecting the “Normal Reset” option and pressing the “OK” button resets the time to the current date
and time, and cumulative hours to zero. By selecting the “Appoint Day for Reset” option and pressing
the “OK” button, you can specify the desired date and time. If blank or an invalid value is entered, a
message appears in the lower portion of the screen. A date should be entered in a “YYY/MM/DD” or
“YY/MM/DD” format.
With regard to PC-SEM, Dry Pump, TMP, Pi1, Pi2, Pe, PC, PC Battery, PC HD, and VRT Battery,
Figure 8-18 is displayed.

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Figure 8-18: Uptime Status Table Time-setting Screen (2)

Selecting the “Normal Reset” option and pressing the “OK” button causes the same action as
described above. By selecting the “Appoint Day for Reset” option and pressing the “OK” button, you
can set any desired date. In this case, the cumulative time will be the length of time that has elapsed
since a date was entered.
With regard to V1 Valve, the screen shown in Figure 8-19 will be displayed.

Figure 8-19: Uptime Status Table Time-setting Screen (3)

On this screen, you can change both the replacement date and the number of times the valves are
opened and closed.
This part of the uptime status data is reset and stored. For details, refer to the Reset Reference.

(c) Displaying Previous/next Data on Various Parts

By pressing the scrollbar on the screen shown in Figure 8-15, you can alternately display the extent to which an
older or newer part than a given part has been used. Each time the scrollbar is pressed upward, a newer date will
be displayed. Conversely, each time the scrollbar is pressed downward, an older date will be displayed. If you
continue to press the scrollbar until the end of data is reached, a “No more data” message appears in the lower
portion of the screen.

S-5200 Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope System Operation
Service Manual

(d) Trend Function

The buttons on the screen in Figure 8-15 generate different graphs, as follows:
[Vacuum – DB] button: The vacuum state of the database file (Ras.mdb)
[Vacuum – Save] button: The vacuum state created by the Screen “Save” button (« «3ƒ ƒ)
[Vacuum – socket] button: The vacuum state of the socket.log created by the SEM.exe program (««3„„)
[Emission – DB] button: The emission current value of the database file (Ras.mdb)
[Emission – socket] button: The emission current value of the socket.log created by the SEM.exe program
[Alignment – DB] button: Alignment information on the database file (Ras.mdb)
When a button is pressed, the system confirms the existence of the file; if a file is not found, it displays a message.
If a file is found, the system checks the file, and displays the starting and ending dates of the data on the screen
(Figure 8-20).

Figure 8-20: Date, Graph, and Time Specification Screen

Clicking on the [OK] button of Figure 8-20 causes data with a specified time period to be displayed on a full
screen. A graph can be specified only for the display of vacuum data.
Display of the [Vacuum–DB], [Vacuum–Save], and [Vacuum–socket] buttons (Figure 8-21):
The values of IP-1, IP-2, and IP-3 represent the values of the vertical axis on the left of the screen.
The values of Pe-1, Pi-1, and Pi-2 represent the values of the vertical axis on the right of the screen.

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Figure 8-21: Vacuum System Data Display Screen

Display of the [Emission–DB] and [Emission – socket] buttons (Figure 8-22):

The vertical axis on the left of the screen represents emission current values.
The vertical axis on the right of the screen represents extracting voltage values.
The red marks on the horizontal axis on the screen indicate flashing.

Figure 8-22: Emission Current Display Screen

S-5200 Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope System Operation
Service Manual

Display of the [Alignment–DB] button (Figure 8-23):

The values of the vertical axis on the left of the screen are in units of digits.

Figure 8-23: Alignment Data Display Screen

The [Snap Form] button shown in Figures 8-21 through 8-23 represents the function that reads a given screen as a
bitmap file. Refer to C-(2)–4 above. The following file names apply:
The bitmap file from the [Vacuum–DB] button: EvacDB.bmp
The bitmap file from the [Vacuum–Save] button: EvacSave.bmp
The bitmap file from the [Vacuum–socket] button: EvacSock.bmp
The bitmap file from the [Emission–DB] button: EmisDB.bmp
The bitmap file from the [Emission–socket] button: EmisSock.bmp
The bitmap file from the [Alignment–DB] button: AlignDB.bmp
(These files are located in the directory c:\Program Files\Pc_sem\Ras.)
On each screen, clicking on the [Close] button returns control to the screen of Figure 8-15.

(e) [Set Install Date] button

This button allows you to register the date of SEM installation or version upgrade.
Click on the button. A date entry screen (Figure 8-24) appears.

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Figure 8-24: Date Entry Screen

When a date is correctly entered and the [OK] button is pressed, the screen of Figure 8-25 appears. Once a date is
set, the [Set Install Date] button disappears from view. A date entered through this button is stored in a setup file
(Ras.ini: «3 ‚) For any subsequent change of this date, you need to directly modify the file. If blank or an
invalid date is entered, a message will appear. Pressing the [Close] button causes this screen to disappear.


Figure 8-25: After an Installation Date is Set

S-5200 Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope System Operation
Service Manual

(9) [Restore DB from FD] button

Function summary
This button loads a database file from a floppy disk and either rewrites the same file on the hard disk or adds it to
the hard disk. In the event of damage or loss of the database file (Ras.mdb), this function can be used to restore
the file, provided that the file had periodically (e.g., once a week or once a month) been backed up to a floppy
disk, using Step (8) above. When completely rewriting an existing database file from a floppy disk, select the
[REWRITE] button in Figure 8-26. When adding an FD file to a file on the hard disk, select the [SYNTHESIZE]

Indicates data retention periods

Figure 8-26: Database File Revision Selection Screen

A confirmation screen appears when the [REWRITE] or [SYNTHESIZE] button is pressed (Figure 8-27).

Figure 8-27: Confirmation Screen (the REWRITE button pressed)

The [OK] button executes the command. A message appears on the Main Screen upon completion of the
command. Clicking on the [Close] button returns control to the Main Screen.

(10) [Save Product Inf] button

Function summary
This button saves in a file (Ras_Insp.txt) the data necessary for filling out a check sheet before the system is
• Saved information:
• SEM version
• HV Total time

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• Total Flashing time

• NT version information
• Product ID
• CSD (service pack version)
• Time zone settings
• Logos.sys file, yes or no
• Option Setup information
Serial Number, Stage Axis, STAGE OPTION, Stage Cotnrol/Version, DETECTOR RD500W, AUX-1,
• Option Setup (Software) information
• Screen Saver settings
3D TEXT, bulletin board
As a rule, an “NG” comment is output when a character is set. However, in NT, the characters “Your
text goes here” are deemed acceptable.

1. Clicking on the [Save Product Inf] button causes the serial number («4) to be loaded.
«4) Registry value: SerialNumber in the file

If the system fails to get this value, a message appears on the screen and the processing terminates
2. The item file is created after the serial number is successfully loaded. At the same time, this step
makes two copies the EOAdjust.init file («5), one with the original name and the other with a
modified name. Taking a lot number and a subcode from the serial number creates the copy with a
modified name. For example, if the serial number is “HI-S004-0005”, the last two digits from “S004”
and the last two digits from “0005” are taken to form a file name, “EO_04_05.ini” (the “EO” from
«5) c:\Program Files\Pc_sem\EOAdjust.ini

3. The three files thus created are stored in a special folder, temporarily in the directory “c:\Program
Files\Pc_sem\Ras\”. The folder is also created by taking a lot number and a subcode from the serial
number, as described in step 2 above. In the above example, the folder name would be “52-04-05”
(the “52” from “S-5200”).
4. Subsequently, a message appears, asking the user whether the file is to be copied to the floppy disk.

Figure 8-28: Message asking whether the File is to be copied to the FD

S-5200 Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope System Operation
Service Manual

Pressing the [YES] button causes the three files to be copied to the FD on a folder-by-folder basis. If
a floppy disk is not loaded on drive A, a message to that effect appears in the text box of Figure 8-28.

5. Whether you press the [YES] button to end the copying process or the [Cancel] button to abort it,
either Figure 8-29 or Figure 8-30 appears if a file named EOAdjust.ini is not found or the file is set

Figure 8-29: EOAdjust.ini File not Found

Figure 8-30: EOAdjust Setting Error

Ie: 20 µA
Flashing Intensity: 24 hours
Flashing HV Total: 8 hours

If any of the above three parameters is set differently, the screen in Figure 8-30 appears. Clicking on
the [Close] button returns control to the Main Screen.

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(11) [Save SEM Inf] button

Function summary
This button creates a backup file for SEM registry settings. By using this file, you can restore the system to
normal condition in the event of damage to the registry for some reason. In order for the restoration process to
work, you need to create this file when the system is running normally. Hitachi recommends that you press this
button at least once after SEM is installed to create a backup file. The actual restoration process is described in
Step (14) below.
1. Press the [Save SEM Inf] button.
Pressing this button causes registry information («6) to be written to a file. Because it can be updated
to a new file, this file does not require a password or an overwrite confirmation. The file created in
this step will be saved under the name “SemSetng” (no extension, read-only, hidden file) («7).
(« All information under the directory HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\S5200
(« c:\Program Files\Pc_sem\Ras\SemSetng
Upon completion of the file creation process, a “Complete” message appears on the screen.
If the creation process fails, a message appears indicating that the file has not been set up.

(12) [Set SEM Inf] button

Function summary
Based upon the file created in Step (11) above, this button creates a registry revision file. If the SemSetng file
«7) does not exist, this button is displayed in a cascading fashion (disabled).

1. Press the [Set SEM Inf] button.
A password entry screen appears (see Figure 8-16).
2. When the password is correctly entered, a “c:\Program Files\Pc-sem \Ras\Semsetng.REG file created
– to be erased upon termination of RAS function” message appears. For details, refer to the Reset

(13) TMP setting combo box

TMP settings can be changed according to the specifications on the system. These settings, saved in the Ras.ini
«3 ‚), are used as default values when RAS is started next time.
file («

(14) Dry Pump setting combo box

Dry Pump settings can be changed according to the specifications on the system. These setting, saved in the
Ras.ini file as described above, are used as default values when RAS is started next time.

(15) Text box

The text box is used to display the processing status and various messages.

(16) [Close] button

This button closes the RAS function.

S-5200 Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope System Operation
Service Manual

D. About the Database File (Ras.mdb)

This section provides a detailed explanation of the database file (Ras.mdb: c:\Program Files\Pc-sem\Ras.mdb) that
is created by SEM.
The database file consists of six tables:
(1) Alignment table: maximum of 1,000 records
(2) Emission table: maximum of 3,000 records
(3) Error table: maximum of 2,000 records
(4) Etc table: maximum of 3,000 records
(5) Evacation table: maximum of 1,000 records
(6) WorkCondition table: maximum of 500 records
NOTE: This file cannot exist unless the SEM.exe program is started.
A table-by-table description follows.

(1) Alignment Table

In this table, each record consists of 11 fields.
Field Data Type Meaning
1) Date (Date/time) Record creation date (Date the record was read)
2) BeamX (Numeric: Long)
3) BeamX (Numeric: Long)
4) ApertureX (Numeric: Long)
5) ApertureY (Numeric: Long)
6) StigmaXX (Numeric: Long)
7) StigmaXY (Numeric: Long)
8) StigmaYX (Numeric: Long)
9) StigmaYY (Numeric: Long)
10) LowMagPositionX (Numeric: Long)
11) LowMagPositionY (Numeric: Long)

(2) Emission Table

In this table, each record consists of 3 fields.
Field Data Type Meaning
1) Date (Date/time) Record creation date (Date the record was read)
2) EmissionCurrent (Numeric: Long) Emission current value (µA (microamperes)
3) Vtext (Numeric: Long) Extraction voltage (V)

In graphs, the emission currents are plotted as “value x 0.1”. For example, the value “110” means “11.0 µA”.
In graphs, the extraction voltages are plotted as “value x 0.001”. For example, the value “4359” means “4.359

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(3) Error Table

In this table, each record consists of 2 fields.
Field Data Type Meaning
1) Date (Date/time) Record creation date (Date the record was read)
2) Code (Numeric: Long) Generated code

Although the table name is “Error”, because all codes generated other than “0000” are loaded, a given code does
not necessarily mean an error.

(4) Etc Table

In this table, each record consists of 3 fields.
Field Data Type Meaning
1) Date (Date/time) Record creation date (Date the record was read)
2) Command (Text)
3) Parameters (Text)

Command Meaning Applicable Parameters Meaning

SEMON SEM.exe started SYSTEM-SEM Login name
SEMOFF SEM.exe ended SYSTEM-SEM Login name
HVN HV On 20000,100:0,110,4435 (Se below.)
HVF HV Off 0
FLSH Flashing 2,0 Flashing intensity
The following HV On parameters apply from left to right:
“High voltage settings (v)”, “emission current setting (x0.1 µA)”, “current high voltage”, “current emission
current value”, and “current extraction voltage (v)”

(5) Evacation Table

In this table, each record consists of 10 fields.
Field Data Type Meaning
1) Date (Date/time type) Record creation date (Date the record was read)
2) Valve (Numeric: Long)
3) Lock (Numeric: Long)
4) Pe (Numeric: Long)
5) Pi1 (Numeric: Long)
6) Pi2 (Numeric: Long)
7) IP1 (Numeric: Long)
8) IP2 (Numeric: Long)
9) IP3 (Numeric: Long)

S-5200 Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope System Operation
Service Manual

10) HVStatus (Numeric: Long)

All numeric-type data in this table are converted into the binary format before they are used in Ras.
About Valve in 2):
bit0: Evac Power (0:OFF, 1:ON)
bit1: MV1 (0:OFF, 1:ON)
bit2: V1 (0:OFF, 1:ON)
bit3: V2 (0:OFF, 1:ON)
bit4: V3 (0:OFF, 1:ON)
bit5: V4 (0:OFF, 1:ON)
About Lock in 3)
bit0: DP_THERMAL_SW1 (0: OFF, 1: ON)
bit1: DP_THERMAL_SW2 (0: OFF, 1: ON)
bit3: WATER_SW (0: OFF, 1: ON)
bit4: COMP_SW (0: OFF, 1: ON)
bit7: Stge_Lock (0: FREE, 1: LOCK)

About HVStatus in 10)

bit0: Gun Evacation (0: Good, 1: Bad)
bit1: Emission Limit
When V1 is open (0: Limiter On, 1: Limiter Off)
When V1 is closed (Limiter Off)
bit2: DEF/LENS Power Over Heat (1: Over Heat)
bit3: Object Lens Over Heat (1: Over Heat)

In items 3) – 9), the high bits represent a coefficient and the low bits an exponent. These values are substituted
into the expression “coefficient x a power of 10”.

(6) WorkCondition Table

In this table, each record consists of 55 fields.
Field Data Type Meaning
1) PC-SEMSUM (Text) Cumulative hours
2) PC-SEMCHGDATE (Text) Replacement date
3) PC-SEMNUM (Numeric) Index
4) TIPSUM (Text)
6) TIPNUM (Numeric)
7) VISUM (Text)
9) VINUM (Numeric)

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Field Data Type Meaning

10) DPSUM (Text)
19) PI1SUM Text
21) PI1NUM Numeric
22) PI2SUM Text
24) PI2NUM Numeric
25) PESUM Text
27) PENUM Numeric
30) STAGEXNUM Numeric
33) STAGEYNUM Numeric
36) STAGETNUM Numeric
37) PCSUM Text
39) PCNUM Numeric
43) PCHDSUM Text
45) PCHDNUM Numeric

S-5200 Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope System Operation
Service Manual

Field Data Type Meaning

49) LASTDATE Date/time Date and time of latest data in [Etc] table
50) LASTCOMMAND Text Command for the above item
51) LASTPARA Text Parameter for the above item
52) SEMOFFERROR Numeric Number of times SEMOFF was missing
53) HVNERROR Numeric Number of consecutive HVNs
54) MAKEDATAE Date/time Date last record was created
55) TABLENUMBER Numeric Sequence number of record

In principle, each component (part) consists of three data items: cumulative uptime, replacement date, and index
(number of times the item has been replaced).

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System Operation

8.4 Getting Started with the System

8.4.1 Confirming the Vacuum Level
Before starting the operation of the system, confirm the following items regarding the evacuation operation panel:
• The lamps IP1, IP2, and IP3 are on.
• IP1, IP2, and IP3 have a vacuum level that exceed the following levels:
IP1: 2x10-7 Pa
IP2: 2x10-6 Pa
IP3: 7x10-5 Pa

In the case of a poor IP vacuum, baking processing should be conducted.

• The EVAC POWER switch is at the 1 position.
• The DP/MP, WATER, and AIR/PRES lamps are on.
• The HIGH lamp for S.C. VACUUM and S.E.C VACUUM is on.
• The AUTO lamp for GUN VALVE is flashing.
• The HIGH lamp for S.C. VACUUM and S.E.C VACUUM is on.
• The AUTO lamp for GUN VALVE is flashing.
• The OBJ.APT. switch is at the HEAT position.

When the objective lens aperture becomes contaminated due to an electron beam irradiation, the resulting
electrical charge can generate an irregular electric field, with a reduction in image quality and an image drift due
to micro-electric discharges. This phenomenon is especially pronounced at low accelerating voltages. The amount
of contamination can be reduced by more than one order of magnitude by heating the aperture (to approximately

<Normal operating method>

The OBJ.APT switch on the evacuation operation panel should always be set to the HEAT position.

If the evacuation power supply (EVAC POWER) is ON (1), the heating continues even if the display power
(DISPLAY POWER) is turned OFF (0).

The switch should be set to the OFF side only when introducing the atmosphere into the specimen chamber. An
image drift can occur for 30 minutes after the switch is changed from the OFF side to the HEAT side.

<Maintenance operation>
Introducing air into the specimen chamber
When introducing air into the specimen chamber, such as for cleaning the objective lens aperture, check to see
that no liquid nitrogen is in the anti-contamination trap. (The introduction of air into the specimen chamber with
the anti-contamination trap still chilled can cause fogging and deterioration of the vacuum.) Turn off the

S-5200 Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope System Operation
Service Manual

OBJ.APT. switch, wait for 20-30 minutes, and then let the specimen chamber leak. (This is to prevent the
objective lens aperture from coming into contact with hot air and becoming oxidized.) The alarm buzzer will
sound off if the SC/SEC switch on the evacuation operation panel is changed to the SC side in order to let the air
in with the OBJ.APT. still at the ON position.

After Cleaning the Aperture

When the HIGH lamp of S.C VACUUM lights up after the evacuation has started, set the OBJ.APT. switch to
the DEGAS side, wait for one hour, and then set the switch to the HEAT side. The purpose of this step is to
maintain the aperture at a temperature higher than the normal operating temperature in order to cause any
adsorbed gas to be released.

Aperture Cleaning Method

When using the SEM at a low accelerating voltage and a high magnification (e.g., 1 kV, 20,000 or higher), the
aperture should be sputter-coated with materials such as Pt-Pd or Au-Pd after baking.

8.4.2 Starting the DISPLAY

1. Confirm that the EO CONTROL switch is at the 1 position. Set the DISPLAY switch to the 1
position (in normal operations, it is not necessary to set the EO CONTROL switch to the 0 position),
and press the PC power supply switch to turn on the PC. (This step may be skipped in the case of a
system in which the power for the PC is interlocked with the DISPLAY switch.)
2. Selecting the normal mode on the Boot Selection Screen causes a login screen to be displayed. When
this happens, press the Ctrl + Alt + Delete keys simultaneously. When a login name and a password
have been entered, Windows NT is started.
3. Clicking on the S-5200 icon (which is automatically launched if it is registered in the [Start Menu])
causes a login dialog window for the S-5200 to be displayed. Enter your login name and the
password, and click on OK. The SEM operation screen appears.

8.4.3 Filling the Liquid Nitrogen Trap

For observation conditions that are susceptible to the effects of specimen contamination (due to hydrocarbons),
such as high-magnification observations and low accelerating voltage observations, an optional anti-
contamination trap should be used. If the system is equipped with an (optional) anti-contamination trap, fill the
trap dewar with liquid nitrogen. The trap chilled by liquid nitrogen absorbs the gas surrounding the specimen and
thus prevents any contamination of the specimen. The capacity of the trap dewar is approximately 0.9 liter.
Filling the trap for the first time may require approximately 1.3 liters of liquid nitrogen. At a 24ºC room
temperature, the trap, once filled, can last approximately five hours.
NOTE: When transferring liquid nitrogen into the trap, set a special funnel on the inlet. Be sure to wear
leather gloves and protective goggles. To prevent frost-bite, do not let your skin come into direct contact
with the liquid nitrogen. To prevent oxygen deficiency, be sure that the environment in which the liquid
nitrogen is handled has adequate ventilation.
NOTE: When the anti-contamination trap has been filled with liquid nitrogen, do not let the specimen
chamber leak (bringing it into the atmospheric pressure). Leakage can cause the formation of frost on the
anti-contamination trap, creating vacuum deterioration. Before letting the specimen chamber leak, empty
out any liquid nitrogen and wait for a few hours. The cold trap itself is unaffected by the introduction of air
into the specimen chamber even if some liquid nitrogen remains in the trap.

Part No. 595-8030 8-41

System Operation

8.5 System Halt

8.5.1 Standard Shutdown
1. Shut down the DISPLAY
1) Shut down the accelerating voltage.
2) Return the specimen holder to the “Home Position”.
3) Close the SEM screen.
4) Shut down the PC.
5) Turn off the DISPLAY switch.
2. Set the S.C. AIR LOCK VALVE switch on the evacuation panel to the CLOSE position.
3. Pull out the specimen holder to the specimen exchange chamber (the pre-evacuation position).
4. Set the EVAC POWER switch to the 0 (OFF) position.
NOTE: The timer (TMP stop time: 5 minutes) operates, after which the power for the
evacuation system shuts off.
NOTE: If the OBJ.APT HEAT/DEGAS mode is on, the HEAT/DEGAS lamp flashes, and the
timer (heater cool-off time: 30 minutes) operates, after which the TMP stop timer sets in.
5. Set the IP-1, IP-2, and IP-3 switches for the ION PUMP POWER (the evacuation operation panel) to
the OFF position.
6. Set the MAIN breaker for the power unit to the OFF position.
7. Set the power breaker on the power distribution panel to the OFF position to shut off the power
8. Turn off the cooling water.

S-5200 Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope System Operation
Service Manual

8.5.2 Emergency Shutdown

If an emergency shutdown is needed for some reason, perform the following procedures to shut the system down:
1. Press the emergency shutdown switch on the evacuation operation panel or the power supply unit.

Column Unit Evacuation Control Panel Power Supply Unit

Figure 8-31: Location of the Emergency Shutdown Switches

2. Set the MAIN breaker on the power supply unit to the OFF position.
3. Set the power breaker on the power distribution panel to the OFF position to shut off the power
4. Turn off the cooling water.

Part No. 595-8030 8-43

System Operation

8.6 Starting the System

8.6.1 Standard Startup
1. Turn on the cooling water.
2. Set the power supply breaker on the power distribution panel to the ON position.
3. Push in the power leak shutoff indicator button (white) on the MAIN breaker for the power supply
unit. While holding the POWER ON switch down, set the MAIN breaker to the ON position.
4. Set the IP-1, IP-2, and IP-3 switches for the ION PUMP POWER on the evacuation operation panel
to the ON position.
5. If the IP-1, IP-2, and IP-3 fail to start in Step 4, press the RESET switch for the IP-1, IP-2, and IP-3
on the evacuation operation panel for a few seconds. This should start the IP-1, IP-2, and IP-3.
6. Conduct baking if the vacuum levels of IP1, IP2, and IP3 fail to reach the following levels:
IP1: 2x10-7 Pa
IP2: 2x10-6 Pa
IP3: 7x10-5 Pa
7. Confirm that the specimen holder is in the specimen exchange chamber (at the pre-evacuation
8. Confirm that the OBJ.APT switch on the evacuation operation panel is at the OFF position.
9. Set the EVAC POWER switch on the evacuation operation panel to the 0 ON position.
10. If the S.C. LOCK switch is not on the LOCK side, set it to the LOCK side.

8.6.2 Starting the system after an emergency shutdown

1. Confirm that that system is in the normal operating condition. Turn the emergency shutdown switch
in the direction indicated in Figure 8-32 to reset the switch to its original position.

Figure 8-32: Resetting the Emergency Shutdown Switch

2. Turn on the cooling water.

S-5200 Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope System Operation
Service Manual

3. Set the power supply breaker on the power distribution panel to the ON position.
4. Push in the power leak shutoff indicator button (white) on the MAIN breaker for the power supply
unit. While holding the POWER ON switch down, set the MAIN breaker to the ON position.
5. Set the IP-1, IP-2, and IP-3 switches for the ION PUMP POWER on the evacuation operation panel
to the ON position.
6. The IP-1, IP-2, and IP-3 fail to start in Step 4, press the RESET switch for the IP-1, IP-2, and IP-3
on the evacuation operation panel for a few seconds. This should start the IP-1, IP-2, and IP-3.
7. Conduct baking if the vacuum levels of IP1, IP2, and IP3 fail to reach the following levels:
IP1: 2x10-7 Pa
IP2: 2x10-6 Pa
IP3: 7x10-5 Pa
8. Confirm that the specimen holder is in the specimen exchange chamber (at the pre-evacuation
9. Confirm that the OBJ.APT switch on the evacuation operation panel is at the OFF position.
10. Set the EVAC POWER switch on the evacuation operation panel to the 0 ON position.
NOTE: The system will not start if the EVAC POWER switch is at the 0 ON position. If the
EVAC POWER switch is at the 0 ON position, set it to the OFF position, and then set it again
to the 0 ON position.
11. If the S.C. LOCK switch is not on the LOCK side, set it to the LOCK side.

Part No. 595-8030 8-45

System Operation

8.7 Troubleshooting
8.7.1 Error Code
Code Cause Status Countermeasure
E 01 Failure on the DC power Evacuation system will stop. Pull out the specimen holder to the
supply (+24 V) entrance of the specimen exchange
chamber, and turn the EVAC POWER
switch off. Then, turn it on again. If the error
occurs again, contact a service engineer.
E 03 Over heating of a Evacuation system will stop. Pull out the specimen holder to the
transformer in the power entrance of the specimen exchange
supply chamber, and turn the EVAC POWER
(the temperature sensor is switch off. Wait for about 30 min, and check
an optional accessory) the cooling water supply. Then, turn the
EVAC POWER on. If the error occurs
again, contact a service engineer.
E 04 Over heating of the dry Evacuation system will stop. Pull out the specimen holder to the
pump entrance of the specimen exchange
(the temperature sensor is chamber, and turn the EVAC POWER
an optional accessory) switch off. Wait for about 30 min. Then,
turn the EVAC POWER on. If the error
occurs again, contact a service engineer.
E 05 The dry pump stopped. Evacuation system will stop. Pull out the specimen holder to the
entrance of the specimen exchange
chamber, and turn the EVAC POWER
switch off. Check if the dry pump circuit
breakers are on. Wait until the turbo
molecular pump stops. Then, turn the
EVAC POWER on. If the error occurs
again, contact a service engineer.
E 06 Blown out the fuse Evacuation system will stop. Pull out the specimen holder to the pre-
connecting to the penning pumping position, and turn the EVAC
gauge unit. POWER switch off. Then, replace the fuse
and turn the EVAC POWER switch on
again. If the error occurs again, contact a
service engineer.
E 07 The turbo molecular pump Evacuation system will stop. Turn the EVAC POWER switch off. Wait
stopped. until the turbo molecular pump stops. Then,
(TMP-2) turn the EVAC POWER on. If the error
occurs again, contact a service engineer.
(The turbo molecular pump
of 50 liter/second is an
optional accessory)
E 08 The turbo molecular pump Evacuation system will stop. Turn the EVAC POWER switch off. Wait
stopped. until the turbo molecular pump stops. Then,
(TMP-1) turn the EVAC POWER on. If the error
occurs again, contact a service engineer.
E 12 Flow of the cooling water is The evacuation system will Check the cooling water supply.
larger than specified rate. be working normally. The The Water lamp is lit when water is
(The water lamp blinking) cooling water is used for supplied.
cooling the objective lens.

S-5200 Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope System Operation
Service Manual

Code Cause Status Countermeasure

E 13 Flow of the cooling water is The evacuation system will Check the cooling water supply.
smaller than specified rate. be working normally. The The Water lamp is lit when water is
(The water lamp goes out) cooling water is used for supplied.
cooling the objective lens.
Objective lens current will
be shut off.
E 14 Insufficient air pressure for The Air lamp on the When the system is using an air
the pneumatic valves. evacuation control panel will compressor, check its power supply and
be off. The power of the pressure. When using house air, check the
turbo molecular pumps will source of the air pressure. The system will
be shut off. recover when the air recovers at specific
E 17 S.E.C.AIR switch is on All valves are closed. Pull out the specimen holder to the
when the specimen holder entrance of the specimen exchange
is in the specimen chamber. Or set to EVAC the EVAC/AIR
chamber. switch on the specimen exchange chamber.
E 18 S.C. LOCK switch on the Alarm buzzer only. Pull out the specimen holder to the
evacuation control panel is entrance of the specimen exchange
released when the chamber. Or set to LOCK the S.C. LOCK
specimen holder is in the switch on the evacuation control panel.
specimen chamber
E 19 The specimen holder is not The evacuation system will Pull out the specimen holder to the
at the entrance of the not be working normally. entrance of the specimen exchange
specimen exchange chamber.
chamber when EVAC
process was started.
E 20 S.C. LOCK switch on the Alarm buzzer only. Release the S.C. LOCK switch on the
evacuation control panel is evacuation control panel until air leak is
set to LOCK when the completed.
specimen chamber is in the
air leak process.
E 25 EVAC power is on when The evacuation system will Insert the specimen holder to the entrance
the specimen holder is out not be off. of the specimen exchange chamber.
the specimen chamber.
E 31 Gun baking was started Gun baking power supply is Press the Baking stop switch. Remove the
while the HV cable head is shut off. HV cable from the electron gun and insert it
not removed. to the HV cable holder at the side of the
display unit. And then start gun baking
E 32 Covers around the electron Gun baking power supply is Press the Baking stop switch. Attach covers
gun are not attached. shut off. to the electron gun part. And then start gun
baking again.
E 33 Over heating of baking Baking power supply will be Stop gun baking. Contact a service
heaters. shut off. engineer.
(when optional temperature
sensor is installed)

Part No. 595-8030 8-47

System Operation

Code Cause Status Countermeasure

E 34 Ion pump 1 power supply is Baking power supply will be Stop gun baking. Wait for a few hours.
shut off while gun baking. shut off. Restart ion pumps. And then, start gun
The gun baking may cause baking again.
deterioration of gun vacuum
and in some cases ion
pump power supply will be
shut off.
E 35 Ion pump 1 vacuum When vacuum of the ion Stop gun baking. Wait for a few hours.
degraded. pump 1 degraded to lower Restart ion pumps. And then, start gun
than the specified value, baking again.
baking power supply will be
E 36 Cover around the trap heat Trap heat power supply is Press the Trap Heat stop switch. Attach
is not attached. shut off. covers to the trap heat part. And then start
(the trap heat is an optional trap heat again.
E 37 Gun baking was started Baking power supply will be Stop gun baking. Wait for a few hours.
while the ECO mode is shut off. Restart ion pumps. And then, start gun
carrying out. baking again.
E 38 Baking timer is not correct. Baking power supply will be Press the Baking stop switch. Set the
(Condition INNER TIME > shut off. baking timer correctly, and then start gun
OUTER TIME + 2) baking again.

E 51 Failure of the PI1 Contact a service engineer.

E 52 Failure of the PI2 Contact a service engineer.
E 97 EVAC power is off when The evacuation system will Pull out the specimen holder to the
the specimen holder is in not be off. entrance of the specimen exchange
the specimen chamber. chamber.
E 99 Error of ECO mode caused ECO mode will not start. Settle the problem, and then start ECO
by: mode
1. EVAC power off
2. The specimen holder is
in the specimen
3. While the baking is
carrying out.
4. SEC EVAC/AIR switch
is set to AIR.
5. Timer setting is failed

S-5200 Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope Adjustments
Service Manual

9 Adjustments
9.1 Adjustment Overview
Prior to being shipped, the S-5200 is adjusted so that it can be used in optimal conditions. Because the
adjustments are made using special tools and measurement devices, if the need for further adjustments arises,
please adjust only the affected part.

9.2 Tolerances
9.2.1 Evacuation System Specifications
Ultimate Vacuum
Specimen Chamber 6 x 10 Pa max. (Reference Value)
IP-1 5 x 10 Pa max.
IP-2 5 x 10 Pa max.
IP-3 5 x 10 Pa max.

Checking the Evacuation of the Specimen Chamber

• When the EVAC LOCK switch for the S.C. is in the LOCK position (right), the specimen chamber
should never leak even when the AIR button is pressed.
• Even when the EVAC LOCK switch for the S.C. is on the left side, the specimen chamber should not
leak when the AIR button is pressed momentarily. Leaking should occur only after the AIR button is
pressed for at least two seconds.
• The specimen chamber should leak only when the specimen holder is pulled out (when the specimen
exchange chamber is in a leak-enabled state). The specimen chamber should not leak when the holder is
in any other position.
• The AIR, LOW, and HIGH lamps should not come on simultaneously.
• The AUTO (OPEN) – CLOSE lamp for the S.C. AIR LOCK VALVE switch should come on and blink
without any problems.

Checking the Evacuation of the Specimen Exchange Chamber

Specimen Exchange Chamber Evacuation time (ESDP12)
For the specimen exchange chamber, the EVAC lamp should light up within 15 seconds of evacuation from the
atmospheric pressure.
Anti-rotation Solenoid Stopper Operation for the Specimen Holder (Miss-operation Interlock)
• The insertion of the specimen holder when the specimen exchange chamber is at the atmospheric
pressure should never cause the specimen holder to rotate under the AIR condition.
• The stopper should operate in 20-45 seconds after the specimen exchange chamber is evacuated and the
EVAC lamp flashes (the EVAC lamp remains continuously lit).
• The specimen holder can move from the specimen exchange chamber to the specimen chamber only
when the EVAC lamp for the specimen exchange chamber is flashing. (When the EVAC lamp remains
lit, the specimen holder should not be insertable into the specimen chamber.)

Part No. 595-8030 9-1


Checking the Evacuation

• The EVAC-AIR switch should operate normally and the EVAC-AIR lamp should be lit normally.
• The AUTO (OPEN) side lamp should flash only when the S.C. AIR LOCK VALVE switch is on the
Close side ad the specimen holder is inserted into the specimen chamber.
• When the specimen holder is inserted into the specimen chamber, setting the EVAC-AIR switch to the
AIR position should never cause the specimen exchange chamber to leak.
• The specimen exchange chamber should AIR-leak only when the specimen holder is withdrawn and is
in the specimen exchange position.

9.2.2 Micro-motion Specifications

See the “Specimen Micro-motion Test” section of 9.3.4.

9.2.3 Electronic Engineering Specifications

Accelerating Voltage
• The system should permit the application of an accelerating voltage corresponding to the Sample
Height mode.
Sample Height Mode Applicable Accelerating Voltage Range
+2.0 0.5 ~ 5 kV
+1.5 0.5 ~ 10 kV
+1.0 0.5 ~ 25 kV
+0.5 ~ -1.5 0.5 ~ 30 kV
• When the Accelerating voltage is applied, the HV indicator lamp located in the column unit should
come on.

• Flashing should be actuated when the Flashing → Execute sequence on the HV Control is executed.
The flashing operation should be cancelable.
• The flashing intensity should be displayed in the emission indicator.
• INT (intensity) should be set using the Column SetUp option (INT2 is normally used).
• Check the flashing intensities.
Flashing intensity: 1 ð Specification: 0 ~ 10 µA
Flashing intensity: 2 ð Specification: 30 ~ 40 µA
Flashing intensity: 3 ð Specification: 40 ~ 50 µA

S-5200 Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope Adjustments
Service Manual

Axis Adjustment

• The Gun axis and the condenser lens axis should be smoothly adjustable.
• The BM and the objective movable aperture should be smoothly adjustable.
• The electromagnetic alignment operation should work at the full accelerating voltage and in various
• During the beam alignment, the aperture shadow should be round.
• Astigmatism should be corrected at the full accelerating voltage and in various modes.
• The alignment knob and image motions should behave appropriately as follows:
[Conditions]: Sample Height: 0.0 mm
Probe Current mode: Normal mode
C1 No.: 5
X Knob turned Clockwise Y Knob turned Clockwise
Cursor Motion Image Motion Cursor Motion Image Motion
(RR Off) (RR Off)
Beam Alignment → → ↑ ↑
LM Position → → ↑ ↑

NOTE: The motion is reversed when a knob is turned counterclockwise.

Beam Monitor
• The signal should switch to the BM movable aperture at an accelerating voltage of 7.4 kV or less, and
to the Objective movable aperture at 7.5 kV or greater.
• When the emission increases or decreases and deviates from the safe region, the Beam Monit. lamp
(red) on the Scanning Image window should flash. When the Adjust switch is pressed, the BMC should
operate and the lamp (green) should come on.
• When the accelerating voltage ≥ 10 KV, the beam monitor should turn off when the Adjust switch is


• The Auto Focus (AFC) should operate normally.
• The Auto Stigma (AST) should operate normally.
• The Auto Brightness Contrast Control (ABCC) should operate normally.


• The Baking Heater terminal should be covered.

• The INNER/OUTER BAKE timer should operate normally.

Part No. 595-8030 9-3


• The INNER BAKE HEATER should operate normally.

• The INNER BAKE should have an AC 70V±10% power supply.

Name Plate

• The main unit has the correct name plate and lot number.
• Products intended for export should have patent plate attached.
• Products to be shipped to NSA should have FCC labels attached.
• The VRT side connector in the Display must be removed and a “Service Only” label must be affixed.

• In all modes, no shade should be generated at the lowest magnification rate.
• Switching the SE Detectors (SE, BSE, Mix) should not cause a problem (BSE is optional).
• The TMP, WATER, and AIR PRESS lamps should light up normally.
• The TMP lamp and the TMP controller should display normally.
• The evacuation sequence should be manually operable.
• When switched to IP-1, 2, or 3, the IP vacuum meter should operate normally.
• When the specimen exchange chamber is switched from EVAC to AIR, the PE meter should operate
• When the vacuum level in the specimen chamber declines, the high-pressure OFF indicator should
come on.
• Cautions on specimen exchange should be provided on the name plate.
• Exchange of specimens (specimen holder in/out operations) should occur smoothly.
• When the main valve is manually closed, the compressor should not start in less than 2 hours.
• Check the heater objective aperture (Specifications: Heat: 12V±10%, Degas: 13.2V±10%).
• The menus and icons should operate normally.
• The magnetic field canceller should operate normally.
• The voltage applied to the electrodes (Vse1, Vse2) in the objective lens unit should be within the
normal range:
Vse1: -200 V ~ 0 V, +100 V
Vse2: 0 V, +50 V
• The maximum Ie setting in the HV Control should be at 20 µA.
• There should be no leakage of the cooling water for the objective lens.

S-5200 Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope Adjustments
Service Manual

Focus (Relative to Sample Height and Accelerating Voltage)

Relative to Accelerating Voltage
[Conditions]: Sample Height: 0.0 mm
Probe Current mode: Normal mode
C1 No.: 5
[Procedures]: Read off Focus indicator values under accelerating voltages of 0.8 kV, 5 kV, and 30 kV.
[Specification]: The difference between the maximum and minimum measured Focus values should be within
0.1 mm.

Relative to Sample Height

[Conditions]: Accelerating voltage: 5 kV
Probe Current mode: Normal mode
C1 No.: 5
[Procedures]: Read off Focus indicator values under sample heights +2.0, 0.0, and -1.5 mm.
[Specification]: The difference between the maximum and minimum measured Focus values should be within
0.1 mm.

Magnification (High Mag)

Reference magnification
[Conditions]: Accelerating voltage: 5 kV
Sample Height: 0.0 mm
Probe Current mode: Normal mode
C1 No.: 5
Magnification: 20 k
Specimen: Measure micro-scale 10 pitch (2.4 µm).
[Specification]: Magnification accuracy ≤±5% (2.28 µm ~ 2.52 µm)
Relative to Probe Current Mode
[Conditions]: Accelerating voltage: 5 kV
Sample Height: 0.0 mm
C1 No.: 5
Magnification: 20 k
Specimen: Measure microscale 10 pitch (2.4 µm).
Scanning speed: Slow3
Probe Current mode: Analysis mode
[Specification]: Magnification accuracy ≤±5% (2.28 µm ~ 2.52 µm)
Relative to Accelerating Voltage
[Conditions]: Sample Height: 0.0 mm
Probe Current mode: Normal mode
C1 No.: 5
Magnification: 20 k

Part No. 595-8030 9-5


Specimen: Measure micro-scale 10 pitch (2.4 µm).

Scanning speed: Slow3
Accelerating voltage: 0.5 kV, 1 kV, 5 kV, 15 kV, 30 kV
[Specification]: 0.5 ~ 4 kV ≤ ±10% (2.16 µm ~ 2.64 µm)
5 ~ 30 kV ≤ ±10% (2.28 µm ~ 2.52 µm)
Relative to Cond1 No.
[Conditions]: Sample Height: 0.0 mm
Probe Current mode: Normal mode
Magnification: 20 k
Specimen: Measure micro-scale 10 pitch (2.4 µm).
Scanning speed: Slow3
C1 No.: 1, 16
Accelerating voltage: 1, 5, 30 kV
[Specification]: ≤ ±10% (2.16 µm ~ 2.64 µm)

Relative to Sample Height Mode

[Conditions]: Probe Current mode: Normal mode
C1 No.: 5
Magnification: 20 k
Specimen: Measure micro-scale 10 pitch (2.4 µm).
Scanning speed: Slow3
Accelerating voltage, Sample Height mode: See the table below:
HV Sample Height Mode
1 kV +2.0 -1.5
5 kV +2.0 -1.5
30 kV +0.5 -1.5

[Specification]: ≤ ±10% (2.16 µm ~ 2.64 µm)

Magnification (Low Mag)

Reference Magnification
[Conditions]: Accelerating voltage: 5 kV
Sample Height: 0.0 mm
Probe Current mode: Normal mode
C1 No.: 5
Magnification: 1000
Specimen: Measure mesh 2 pitch (50.8 µm).
LM Mode Select: Normal
[Specification]: Magnification accuracy ≤ ±5 % (48.26 µm ~ 53.34 µm)

S-5200 Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope Adjustments
Service Manual

Relative to LM Mode Select

[Conditions]: Accelerating voltage: 5 kV
Sample Height: 0.0 mm
Probe Current mode: Normal mode
C1 No.: 5
Magnification: 1000
Specimen: Measure mesh 2 pitch (50.8 µm).
Scanning speed: Slow3
LM Mode Select: Wide/X-Ray
[Specification]: Magnification accuracy ≤ ±5 % (48.26 µm ~ 53.34 µm)
Relative to Accelerating Voltage
[Conditions]: Sample Height: 0.0 mm
Probe Current mode: Normal mode
C1 No.: 5
Magnification: 1000
Specimen: Measure mesh 2 pitch (50.8 µm).
Scanning speed: Slow3
LM Mode Select: Normal
Accelerating voltage: 0.5 kV, 1 kV, 5 kV, 15 kV, 30 kV
[Specification]: 0.5 ~ 4 kV ≤ ±10 % (45.72 µm ~ 55.88 µm)
5 ~ 30 kV ≤ ±5 % (48.26 µm ~ 53.34 µm)
Relative to Sample Height Mode
[Conditions]: Probe Current mode: Normal mode
C1 No.: 5
Magnification: 1000
Specimen: Measure mesh 2 pitch (50.8 µm).
Scanning speed: Slow3
Accelerating voltage, Sample Height mode: See the table below:
HV Sample Height mode
0.5 kV +2.0 -0.5
1 kV +2.0 -1.5
5 kV +2.0 -1.5
30 kV +0.5 -1.5

[Specification]: ≤ ±10 % (45.72 µm ~ 55.88 µm)

Part No. 595-8030 9-7


Split/Dual MAG
Magnification Ratio
[Conditions]: Accelerating voltage: 5 kV
Sample Height: 0.0 mm
Magnification: 1300 (x 1)
Specimen: Mesh
Scanning speed: Slow1
[Specifications]: x 5: Magnification ratio ≤ ±5 % [x (5 ± 0.25)]
x 10: Magnification ratio ≤ ±10 % [x (10 ± 0.5)]
Misalignment of Masks and High Magnification Images

[Specifications]: For both x5 and x10:

v/V ≤ 20 %
h/H ≤ 20 %

Current Center
Measuring the Normal Mode
[Conditions]: Accelerating voltage: 5 kV
Sample Height: 0.0 mm
Probe Current mode: Normal mode
Magnification: 5000
[Procedure]: Adjust the axis (electromagnetic) at C1:5. Measure image shifts at C1: 5→1, 5→16.
[Specification]: < 5 µm

Measuring the Analysis Mode

[Conditions]: Accelerating voltage: 5 kV
Sample Height: 0.0 mm
Probe Current mode: Normal mode
Magnification: 5000
[Procedure]: Adjust the axis (electromagnetic) at C1: 5. Measure image shifts at C1: 5→1, 5→ 16.
[Specifications]: < 5 µm

S-5200 Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope Adjustments
Service Manual

Compatibility between Normal Mode and Analysis Mode Images

[Conditions]: Accelerating voltage: 5 kV
Sample Height: 0.0 mm
Magnification: 5000
[Procedures]: 1. In the Normal and Analysis modes, adjust the axis (electromagnetic) at C1: 5 and adjust
the image (astigmatism, focus), respectively.
2. Measure the image shift when the Normal mode is switched to the Analysis mode (focus
and perform astigmatism adjustments in each mode).
[Specifications]: < 10 µm

Voltage Center
[Conditions]: Accelerating voltages: 15 kV, 5 kV, 30 kV
Sample Height: 0.0 mm
Magnification]: 5000
[Procedures]: 1. Perform electromagnetic alignments under accelerating voltages 15 kV, 5 kV, and 30 kV
2. Measure image shifts when the Accelerating voltage is changed from 15 kV to 5 kV, and
from 15 kV to 30 kV.
[Specifications]: < 15 µm

Magnification Center
[Condition]: Accelerating voltage: 5 kV
Sample Height: 0.0 mm
Magnification: 1500
[Specifications]: Slow scanning: within a 10 mm diameter from the center of the SEM screen
TV scanning: within a 10 mm diameter from the center of the SEM screen

Image Shift
Between Scanning Speeds
[Conditions]: Accelerating voltage: 5 kV
Sample Height: 0.0 mm
Probe Current mode: Normal mode
C1 No.: 5
Magnification: 1500
[Procedures]: Measure the shift based on Slow-3 as a reference.
Left side Center Right side
Slow-1 < 1.0 mm < 0.5 mm < 1.0 mm
Slow-2 < 0.5 mm < 0.5 mm < 0.5 mm
Slow-3 < 0.5 mm < 0.5 mm < 0.5 mm

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Between TV-1 and Slow1

[Conditions]: Accelerating voltage: 5 kV
Sample Height: 0.0 mm
Probe Current mode: Normal mode
C1 No.: 5
Magnification: 5000
[Procedures]: Measure the shift based on Slow-3 as a reference.
Left side Center Right side
X direction < 3.0 mm < 2.0 mm < 3.0 mm
Y direction < 3.0 mm < 2.0 mm < 3.0 mm

Line Analysis
[Conditions]: Accelerating voltage: 5 kV
Sample Height: 0.0 mm
Probe Current mode: Normal mode
C1 No.: 5
Magnification: 1500
[Procedures]: X direction: Measure any shift between the image and the waveform.
Y direction: Measure the position shift in the Y direction. (Use a line set to align the image
flush with the mesh, and determine the position using a line profile).
[Specifications]: X direction: In all scanning speeds: < 1.0 mm
Y direction: ≤ 1.0 mm
Power Supply Frequency
[Procedures]: Products to be shipped to regions where the power supply frequency is 60 Hz, modify the
products for 60 Hz compliance, and then take pictures of them.
[Specifications]: No Data Display deviations

Image Shift
Image Shift/RISM Accuracy (a shift 70-100% of the maximum shift)
• Relative to Accelerating Voltage
[Conditions]: Sample height: 0.0 mm (Focus: 0.0 mm)
Accelerating voltage: 1 kV, 5 kV, 30 kV
[Specifications]: ± (4.5 µm ± 0.45 µm) max.
• Relative to Sample Height Mode
[Conditions]: Accelerating voltage: 5 kV
Sample height: +2.0, -1.5 mm (Focus: 0.0 mm)
[Specifications]: Sample Height Shift
+2.0 ± (2.0 µm ± 0.2 µm) max.
-1.5 ± (7.0 µm ± 0.7 µm) max.

S-5200 Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope Adjustments
Service Manual

Direction of Image Shifting

[Specifications]: Appropriate movements of the image shift knob and the image are as follows:
Clockwise turn of X Knob Clockwise turn of Y Knob
Cursor Movement Cursor Movement
Image Movement Image Movement
(RR Off) (RR Off)
Image Shift → → ↑ ↑

NOTE: When the knobs are turned counterclockwise, the motions are reversed.
Shift Direction Misalignment
[Specifications]: ≤ ±5º

Orthogonality under Adjustment Conditions (HM/LM)
[Conditions]: Accelerating voltage: 5 kV
Sample Height: 0.0 mm
Probe Current mode: Normal mode
C1 No.: 5
Specimen: Mesh
[Specifications]: Both HM, LM ≤ ±0.5º
Orthogonality under Other Conditions
• High Mag Mode
[Conditions]: Accelerating voltage: 1, 5, 30 kV
Sample height: +2.0, 0.0, -1.5 mm
Specimen: Mesh
[Specifications]: ≤ ±2º
• Low Mag Mode
[Conditions]: Accelerating voltage: 1, 5, 30 kV
Sample height: 0.0 mm
Specimen: Mesh
[Specifications]: ≤ ±2º

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Image Rotation Correction

High Mag Mode
[Conditions]: Accelerating voltage: 1, 5, 30 kV
Sample height: +2.0, 0.0, -1.5 mm
[Specifications]: ≤ ±5º based on an accelerating voltage of 5 kV and a sample height of 0.0
Low Mag Mode (between Accelerating Voltage and Sample Height)
[Conditions]: Accelerating voltage: 1, 5, 30 kV
Sample height: +2.0, 0.0, -1.5 mm
LM Mode Select: Normal
[Specifications]: ≤ ±5º based on High Mag, when High Mag is switched to Low Mag
Low Mag Mode (between LM Mode Selects)
[Conditions]: Accelerating voltage: 5 kV
Sample height: 0.0 mm
LM Mode Select: Normal, Wide, X-ray
[Specifications]: ≤ ±5º based on High Mag, when High Mag is switched to Low Mag

Raster Rotation Function

• : 0.1º; 1º over scrollbar; freely variable on the scrollbar track; numeric value input
• No image rotation at a rotational angle of 0º
• Image rotation magnification ratio
[Conditions]: Accelerating voltage: 5 kV
Sample height: 0.0 mm
Magnification: 2000
R.R.: 0º, 90º
[Specifications]: Magnification ratio ≤ 5 % for both X and Y
• Dynamic focus correctable at a maximum specimen tilting angle
• Verification of tilt compensation operation
[Conditions]: Accelerating voltage: 5 kV
Sample height: 0.0 mm
Magnification: 1300
Specimen tilt angle: 20º, 40º
[Specifications]: Y correction ≤ 10%

S-5200 Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope Adjustments
Service Manual

Condition Memory
When any condition is saved, the following items are modified, and the previous condition is re-loaded, the Save
and Load operations should work properly. (This can be verified by substantially shifting the alignment data and
checking to see that they return to the original condition.)

• Accelerating Voltage • Emission Current • Sample Height

• Probe Current Mode • C1 Notch • Focus Depth
• SE Detector • Signal Mix Ratio • Signal Condition Number
• Low Pass/High Pass • Mag Mode • LM Mode Select
• Brightness • Contrast • Focus (Coarse/Fine)
• Stigma • Beam Alignment • Aperture Alignment
• Stigma Alignment X • Sigma alignment Y • Low Mag Position
• Low Mag Wobble

Guaranteed Resolution (30 kV)
[Conditions]: Accelerating voltage: 30 kV
Objective movable aperture: No. 2 or 3 (50 µm diameter)
Sample height: 0.5 mm
Probe Current mode: Normal mode
Magnification: 600 k
Specimen: Platinum sputtering particles on carbon
Image recording: Polaroid film, Capture image (1280 x 960)
[Specifications]: Resolution: 0.5 nm (limited sample)
Guaranteed Resolution (1 kV)
[Conditions]: Accelerating voltage: 1 kV
Objective movable aperture: No. 2 or 3 (50 µm diameter)
Sample height: 1.5 mm
Probe current mode: Normal mode
Magnification: 150 k
Specimen: Gold particles on carbon
Image recording: Polaroid film, Capture image (1280 x 960)
[Specifications]: Resolution: 1.8 nm resolution (limited sample)
Image Drift Measurement
[Conditions]: Accelerating voltage: 5 kV
Sample height: 0.0 mm
Probe Current mode: Normal mode
[Procedures]: Take measurements 1.5 hours after the display and the HV are turned on.
[Specifications]: Drift < 30 nm/10 minutes max.

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Tip (Emission) Stability Measurement

[Conditions]: Accelerating voltage: 30 kV
Sample height: 0.5 mm
Probe current mode: Normal mode
Magnification: 600 k
Specimen: Platinum sputtering particles on carbon
[Procedures]: Record images on Capture (1280 x 960) 1 hour and 2 hours after flashing.
[Specifications]: See the limited sample.
Tip Rounding
[Procedures]: Apply an accelerating voltage of 15 kV (emission current: 10 µA) after flashing; re-set the
emission current value 2 hours later.
[Specifications]: Extracting voltage < 5.3 kV
(The default flashing value should be in the 3.5 ~ 4.0 kV range when the system is shipped.)

9.3 Adjustment Procedures

9.3.1 Evacuation System Adjustment Procedures
Adjusting Pi-1 (Specimen Chamber)

1. Bring the specimen chamber to the atmospheric pressure.

2. Adjust the volume VR5 so that the voltage of TP12 will be 5.1 ± 0.1 [V].
3. Set the vacuum level display to S.C-Pi; confirm that the display shows 9 x 104.

Adjusting Pi-2

1. Bring the specimen chamber to the atmospheric pressure.

2. Adjust the volume VR6 so that the voltage of TP13 will be 5.1 ± 0.1 [V].
3. Set the vacuum level display to S.E.C-Pi; confirm that the display shows 9 x 104.

Adjusting Pe

1. Adjust the volume VR4 to a mid-point.

Adjusting IP1

1. Confirm that the switch for IP1 is OFF.

2. Adjust the volume VR3 so that the voltage of TP7 will be 0 ± 0.1 [V].
3. Adjust the volume VR1 so that the voltage of TP6 will be 0 ± 0.1 [V].
4. Set the vacuum level display to IP1; confirm that the display shows – x 10-- [Pa].
5. Turn the switch for IP1 ON.
6. Confirm that the IP1 LED comes on.
7. Confirm that the vacuum level display shows a normal value (2 x 10-8 ~ 2 x 10-6 [Pa]).

S-5200 Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope Adjustments
Service Manual

Adjusting IP2

1. Confirm that the switch for IP2 is OFF.

2. Adjust the volume VR201 so that the voltage of TP200 will be 0 ± 0.1 [V].
3. Adjust the volume VR2 so that the voltage of TP9 will be 0 ± 0.1 [V].
4. Set the vacuum level display to IP2; confirm that the display shows – x 10--.[Pa].
5. Turn the switch for IP2 ON.
6. Confirm that the IP2 LED comes on.
7. Confirm that the vacuum level display shows a normal value (2 x 10-8 ~ 9 x 10-6 [Pa]).

Adjusting IP3

1. Confirm that the switch for IP3 is OFF.

2. Adjust the volume VR202 so that the voltage of TP201 will be 0 ± 0.1 [V].
3. Adjust the volume VR200 so that the voltage of TP10 will be 0 ± 0.1 [V].
4. Set the vacuum level display to IP3; confirm that the display shows – x 10--.[Pa].
5. Turn the switch for IP3 ON.
6. Confirm that the IP3 LED comes on.
7. Confirm that the vacuum level display shows a normal value (2 x 10-8 ~ 9 x 10-6 [Pa]).

Confirming the Ultimate Vacuum Level

Close the AV-1 valve. Perform checks three hours later.
Specimen chamber: 6 x 10-5 Pa or less
IP-3: 1 x 10-5 Pa or less
(When the S.C.AIR LOCK VALVE is opened, the vacuum level should not be worse than 1 x 10-5.)
IP-2: 5 x 10-7 Pa or less
IP-1: 5 x 10-8 Pa or less

Checking the Evacuation in the Specimen Chamber

• When the EVAC Lock switch for the S.C. is in the LOCK position (right), the specimen chamber
should never leak even when the AIR button is pressed.
• Even when the EVAC Lock switch for the S.C. is on the left side, the specimen chamber should not
leak when the AIR button is pressed momentarily. Leaking should occur only after the AIR button is
pressed for at least two seconds.
• The specimen chamber should leak only when the specimen holder is pulled out (when the specimen
exchange chamber is in a leak-enabled state). The specimen chamber should not leak when the holder is
in any other position.
• The AIR, LOW, and HIGH lamps should not come on simultaneously.
• The AUTO (OPEN) – CLOSE lamp for the S.C. AIR LOCK VALVE switch should come on and blink
without any problems.

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Checking the Evacuation of the Specimen Exchange Chamber

Specimen Exchange Chamber Evacuation Time (ESDP12)
For the specimen exchange chamber, the EVAC lamp should light up within 15 seconds of vacuum-evacuation
from the atmospheric pressure.

Operation of the Anti-rotation Solenoid Stopper for the Specimen Holder (Mis-operation Interlock)
• The insertion of the specimen holder when the specimen exchange chamber is at the atmospheric
pressure should never cause the specimen holder to rotate under the AIR condition.
• The stopper should operate in 20 - 45 seconds after the specimen exchange chamber is evacuated and
the EVAC lamp flashes (the EVAC lamp remains continuously lit).
• The specimen holder can move from the specimen exchange chamber to the specimen chamber only
when the EVAC lamp for the specimen exchange chamber is flashing. (When the EVAC lamp remains
lit, the specimen holder should not be insertable into the specimen chamber.)

Checking the Evacuation

• The EVAC-AIR switch should operate normally and the EVAC-AIR lamp should be lit normally.
• The AUTO (OPEN) side lamp should flash only when the S.C. AIR LOCK VALVE switch is on the
Closed side and the specimen holder is inserted into the specimen chamber.
• When the specimen holder is inserted into the specimen chamber, setting the EVAC-AIR switch to the
AIR position should never cause the specimen exchange chamber to leak.
• The specimen exchange chamber should AIR-leak only when the specimen holder is withdrawn and is
in the specimen exchange position.

9.3.2 Superimposer Adjustment Procedures

Preliminary Steps
• Jumper pins
Short: J7
Open: J3
• Confirming PC settings
Open [Properties] on the screen. Confirm that the settings are at 1024*768, 75Hz, True Color. Verify
that the power management function is disabled.

S-5200 Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope Adjustments
Service Manual

Chroma Key Adjustment

1. Start the SEM as SYSTEM-SEM.

2. Rotate the reference voltage adjustment VR2 for the chroma key comparator in the image display
area. A SEM image appears in the image display area. Turning the VR2 right and left causes a noise
to appear. Set the VR at an intermediate value. If a SEM image fails to appear, open the Adjustment
window for the Superimposer, and provisionally set the chroma key to R = 80, G = 10, B = 80
(Figure 9-2).
3. When values higher or lower than the default value are entered, a noise appears. For chroma key
settings, enter an intermediate value of those values.

Adjusting the Display Area

1. Use the Data Manager to open a previously created BMP file, 640 x 480 in size, and transfer it back
to the image memory. For ease of adjustment, the BMP file should be one in which a box cursor is
drawn on its outermost frame. On the Standard Mode screen, set the PLL division ratio for the
Superimposer Adjustment window so that the width of the frame for the area in which the SEM
image is displayed is closest to the width of the frame for the area that the Superimposer displays. For
ease of adjustment, use the Windows application Paint to create a canvas substantially larger than 640
x 480, fill it with F = 128, G = 0, B = 128 colors, and display this area by superimposing it on the
SEM Manager (Figures 9-1, 9-2).
2. Adjust the Horizontal Start Offset for the IMP Register on the Superimposer Adjustment window so
that the left edge of the frame in which the SEM image is displayed is coincident with the left edge of
the area displayed by the Superimposer.
3. Adjust H-start and V-start of the IP register so that the box cursor is coincident with the SEM display

Part No. 595-8030 9-17


Filled with chroma key colors

SEM Manager Paint

Figure 9-1: Chroma Key Adjustment

Figure 9-2: Imposer Adjustment Screen

S-5200 Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope Adjustments
Service Manual

4. If the noise extends to the vertical edge of the display area when the PLL division ratio is changed,
turn the Clock Phase Invert and IP Clock Phase Invert checkboxes inside the adjustment window on
and off. Confirm the waveform. Fix the phase adjustment so that the fall edges of V-sync and H-sync
and the rise edge of Clk are not close to each other. Figure 9-3 shows the phases of the H-sync fall
edge and the Clk rise edge. In (a), the Clock Phase Invert is turned ON because of an inadequate
amount of available margin.

(a) No margin (b) Adequate margin

Figure 9-3: Phase Adjustment between Synchronization Signals and Clocks

Table 9-1 shows the signals to be checked and the places where adjustments are to be made.

Table 9-1: Phase Adjustments

Signals to be Checked Adjustment Locations
Signal-1 Signal-2 (Adjustment Window)
LD-CLK (TP2) H-sync (TP1)
IP clock phase Both H and V must be satisfied.
V-sync (TP15)
Count-CLK (TP3) H-sync (TP1)
Clock phase Both H and V must be satisfied.
V-sync (TP15)

5. After adjusting the phase, re-adjust the offset value on the adjustment window so that the display area
matches the SEM display frame.
6. Adjust the value of Window Offset for the adjustment window between -2 and +2 so that the gap
between the SEM display area and the area displayed by the Imposer will be smallest. Check by
moving the screen from the left to the center to the right.
7. Save the adjusted value.

Phase Adjustment for GUI Video and Video Switch Signals

1. Using a simple method (coarse adjustment) and the SEM data entry function, enter vertical white
lines and characters at any position on the screen. Adjust the phases of video signals and switch
signals so that these characters will be white, rather than violet.

Part No. 595-8030 9-19


2. Following are the procedures for accurately adjusting the waveform levels.
NOTE: Because this adjustment is made before the system is shipped from the factory, it is
normally not required. The following procedures are intended as a reference only.
Launch PAINT from Windows [Accessories]. On the full screen, completely paint the background
color with the aforementioned chroma key data. In the next step, draw a vertical white line that is one
pixel wide (Figure 9-4). After that, hide all toolbars.

Figure 9-4: Phase Adjustments between Synchronization Signals and Clocks

Observe the vertical video signal using an oscilloscope. Apply synchronization using H-sync (TP1) as
well as Delay; observe the white line signal. While monitoring the video switch signals on the
oscilloscope, adjust (DL7, DL8) for the delay line. Figure 9-5 shows an example where
synchronization is applied with H-sync and video signals are observed. In the case of a 1024 x 768 75
Hz GUI property, the width of one pixel is approximately 10 ns. Therefore, make adjustments so that
the output signal width will be close to that width. An inadequate adjustment causes the white line to
be smudged in violet. Use the SEM data entry function to enter characters and lines on the image.
Confirm that the white line does not smudge. Make similar checks by increasing and decreasing the
brightness of the SEM image.

S-5200 Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope Adjustments
Service Manual

Figure 9-5 (a): Video Signal (ICG12-3)

Figure 9-5 (b): Video Switch Signal (ICG12-16)

Figure 9-5 (c): Video Signal Output (ICG12-1)

Part No. 595-8030 9-21


Adjusting the Display Area in the Dual and Full Screen Mode

1. Use the Data Manager to open a 640 x 480 size BMP file with a 512 x 480 box cursor drawn at the
center. Transfer this file back to the image memory.
2. Perform a Dual display position alignment on the adjustment window so that the size of the box
cursor matches the frame for the SEM display area.
3. As in the case of the standard adjustment, if a noise is produced over the vertical edge of the display
area, turn the Clock Phase Invert checkbox on the adjustment window on and off. Confirm the
waveform. Fix the phase adjustment so that the fall edges of V-sync and H-sync and the rise edge of
Clk are not close to each other (as in the case of the standard screen).
4. Confirmation Operation 1:
If Dual-B in IMP-H-Start is small, a horizontal noise stripe is generated when any of the signals is
unselected during the color synthesis process. Confirm that this condition does not occur.
5. Confirmation Operation 2:
If the value of Dual-B in IP-Output-H-Start is incorrect, an image deviation occurs when the same
image is color-synthesized. Confirm that this condition does not occur.
6. The correct vertical display position at Full (IP-Output V Start Offset) is when the lower edge of the
GUI matches the lower edge of the image. However, because it is difficult to effect an accurate
adjustment of the display position, in the coarse adjustment, use the same values as the Standard and
Dual adjustments and perform the following procedures in a final adjustment:
1) Freeze an appropriate SEM image at Full display. Use the data entry function to measure the size
of the image.
2) Save the image. If a regenerated size line agrees with the line before it was saved, the result is
considered acceptable.

Capture an Image using a Trans-Buffer Size

1. Capture a screen in a 1280 x 960 size.

2. Save the results and re-display them using the Data Manager. Make Input H-Start adjustments on the
adjustment window so that the joints at every 640 horizontal pixels match.

When changing the TV Mode from NTSC to PAL, perform the Following Operations:

1. Change image memory jumpers. Replace XTAL (See PAL Modification Assembly.)
2. On TOOL-Imp-Adj of SEM Manager, change IP Input V start to 15 → 1B.
3. In TOOL-Option Setup of SEM Manager, change NTSC to PAL. Then, Close → Open the SEM

S-5200 Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope Adjustments
Service Manual

9.3.3 Magnet Field Canceller

Block Diagram

Figure 9-6: Magnet Field Canceller Block Diagram

Adjusting the Magnetic Field Canceller

1. When the push button switch SW1 is pressed, check to see that the relay RY10 comes on and turns
off in approximately 3 seconds.
2. Observe TP11 on the oscilloscope. Adjust VR11 and VR12 so that the waveform level remains
between 0 and 4 V.

Figure 9-7: Input Waveform

Part No. 595-8030 9-23


3. Place a flux meter near the column unit. While monitoring TP12 on an oscilloscope, simultaneously
observe the output waveform from the flux meter.

Figure 9-8: Observed State

4. Adjust the VR13 so that the magnetic field waveform is at a minimum when V-sync on the monitor is
at the beginning of another cycle.
5. Adjust the VR10 so that the phase of the waveform of the canceller magnetic field matches the
waveform of the monitor magnetic field.

Figure 9-9: Inadequate Adjustment

S-5200 Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope Adjustments
Service Manual

Figure 9-10: Complete Adjustment

9.3.4 Micro-adjustment Procedures

[Adjustment conditions]: Accelerating voltage: 15 kV
Sample height: 0.0 mm
R.R.: ON (0º)
Specimen holder: Rotation holder with mesh

Micro-motion Zero-center Adjustment (Adjusting the Origin of Micro-motions)

The zero-center position, in terms of both X and Y, is determined by detecting the position of the photocoupler.
Therefore, this adjustment can be made by aligning the light-shielding plate for the photocoupler. The origin of
the X axis can be adjusted by adjusting the light-shielding plate. Similarly, the origin of the Y-axis can be
adjusted by adjusting the position of the photocoupler.
NOTE: After the eucentric position is adjusted (tilted axis adjustment), any adjustment of the zero-center
should be re-checked. The position of the zero-center can be shifted by eucentric adjustments. If the zero-
center position becomes mis-aligned, it should be re-adjusted.
1. Turn off the image shift option.
2. After performing image adjustments in the HM mode, set the magnification to the lowest power.
3. Using the trackball, align the target on the specimen to the center of the Scanning Image window
(SEM screen).
4. Adjust the image in the LM mode. Use the Low Mag Position function of the Alignment window to
bring the target in Step 1 above to the center of the Scanning Image window (SEM screen).
5. Press the Stage Reset switch on the evacuation panel to set the stage coordinates, X and Y, to (0.000,
6. Set the magnification to the lowest power. Perform micro-adjustments (X, Y, mechanism) of the
specimen so that the center of the rotation holder will be at the center of the SEM screen.

Part No. 595-8030 9-25


Adjusting the Center of the Specimen Micro-motion Tilt Axis (Eucentric Position)

1. Loosen the four specimen screws to an extent that does not cause a vacuum leak.
2. Set a 1300 magnification rate. Move the target specimen to the center of the Scanning Image window
(SEM screen). (Use the Area Maker to display the center.)
3. Turn the tilt drive mechanism counterclockwise. Release the Tilt gear so that manual tilt adjustments
can be made.
4. Manually tilt the image. Using the Z-axis knob, return the target, which has shifted from the center of
the SEM screen, to the center.
5. Return the tilt angle to 0º. Return the target that has shifted from the center of the SEM screen to the
center by means of specimen micro-motions.
6. Tilt the image to +20º. Use the tilt axis center adjustment screw to return the target that has shifted
from the center of the SEM screen to the center.
7. Tilt the image to +20º. Return the target that has shifted from the center of the SEM screen to the
center by means of specimen micro-motions.
8. Repeat the above steps, 4 through 7. Perform adjustments so that ultimately the shift of the target
from the center of the SEM screen is less than ±2 µm. (Use the length measurement cursor.)
9. At a tilt angle of 0º, press the Reset button in the Column SetUp. Use the specimen position
correction screw to focus. Return the target that has shifted from the center of the SEM screen to the
center by means of specimen micro-motions.
10. Repeat the above steps, 4 through 9. Perform adjustments with the target in focus so that the shift of
the target from the center of the SEM screen is less than ±3 µm.
11. Turn the tilt drive mechanism clockwise to reset the Tilt gear.
12. At a tilt angle of ±5º (auto mode), confirm that the shift by the target is less than ±1 µm.
13. While performing adjustments using the specimen position correction screw so that the center of the
specimen tilt matches the in-focus position when the Reset button of the Column SetUp is pressed,
gradually tighten the specimen micro-motion fixing screws (four screws).

S-5200 Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope Adjustments
Service Manual

Field of vision A
Tilt axis center
adjustment screw

A Tilt axis driving

Specimen holder
Tilt axis micro-motion
fixing screw
Z-axis adjustment knob

Specimen position
correction screw

Figure 9-11: Micro-motion Adjustment Method

Adjusting the TILT Board

Determining the Angle
NOTE: Do not start the VRT during this adjustment. If the VRT is started before this adjustment, the
board will tilt more than necessary, resulting in damage to the potentiometer.
1. Adjust the VR2 so that the voltage of TP7 will be 2.3 V (41.4º).
2. Adjust the VR1 so that the voltage of TP8 will be -2.3 V (-41.4º).

Adjusting the 0º
1. Adjust the VR5 so that the voltage of TP9 will be the same as TP6.
2. Adjust the VR3 and VR4 so that the voltage of TP11 will be +5 V.

Checking the Operation

1. Start the VRT. (If tilted, the axis will automatically return to 0º.)
2. Start the SEM. Open the Stage Control Panel.
3. Move the angle of the axis. Confirm that the voltage of TP9 conforms to the figures given in Table 9-

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Table 9-2: Tilt Board Adjustment Specifications

No. Angle (ºC) TP9 Voltage (V)
1 0 0
2 -5 -0.278
3 -10 -1.111
4 5 0.278
5 10 1.111

4. Set the angle of the axis to -40º or greater. Confirm that the motor does not move more than -40º.
5. Set the angle of the axis to 40º or greater. Confirm that the motor does not move more than 40º.
6. Set the angle of the axis to an appropriate non-zero value. Turn off both the SEM and VRT.
7. Reboot the VRT. Confirm that the axis moves to 0º.
8. Start the SEM. On the display, confirm that the angle is at 0º.
9. Turn off both the SEM and VRT again. Reboot the VRT. Confirm that the axis does not move.

X-Y Stage Controller

The adjustment VRs for the X-Y stage controller are adjusted at the time the system is delivered. Therefore, they
should not be rotated by unauthorized personnel. If any adjustment of the VR is needed, please contact the

Confirming the Micro-motions of the Specimen

1. Confirm that the following position settings are in effect when the Go to Home button on the Stage
Control window is pressed:
X-axis: 0.000
Y-axis: 0.000
Tilt: 0.0 ± 0.1
2. Confirm the following: when the STAGE RESET switch on the evacuation control panel is pressed, a
short buzzer sounds off and the stage moves; upon completion of the motion, the short buzzer sounds
again, and the stage is set to the position indicated in step 1 above.
3. Confirming the limiter.
Set the lowest magnification power in the LM mode. Confirm the items below.
• When the trackball is continuously moved to the left, a buzzer sounds when the X position
indicator on the Stage Control window exceeds +3.600, and the indicator window lights in red.
• When the trackball is moved further to the left, both the position indicator and the micro-motions
stop in the +3.600 ~ -3.650 range.
• Similarly, when the trackball is continuously moved to the right, the buzzer sounds when the
position exceeds -3.600, and the indicator window lights in red; when the trackball is moved
further to the right, both the position indicator and the micro-motions stop in the -3.600 ~ -3.650

S-5200 Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope Adjustments
Service Manual

• When the trackball is continuously moved upward, a buzzer sounds when the Y position indicator
on the Stage Control window exceeds +2.000, and the indicator window lights in red.
• When the trackball is moved further upward, both the position indicator and the micro-motions
stop in the +2.000 ~ +2.050 range.
• Similarly, when the trackball is continuously moved downward, the buzzer sounds when the
position exceeds -2.000, and the indicator window lights in red; when the trackball is moved
further downward, both the position indicator and the stage stop in the -2.000 ~ -2.050 range.
4. Confirming the micro-motions and the direction of motion of the CRT screen
• When the trackball is turned to the right, the image should move to the right.
• When the trackball is turned upward, the image should move upward.
5. When values 40 and -40 are entered in the Tilt input box of the Stage Control window and the
specimen is tilted, the Tilt indicator should be within the ranges of 40.0±0.3º and -40.0±0.3º.

-T°→ Tilt direction +T°→ Tilt direction

Specimen Micro-motion Test

This test is performed by pressing the Reset button with Vacc=15 kV, Sample Height=0.0 mm

Micro-motion Shift
Read off the limit display value on the Stage Control window. Attach an angle indicator plate to the stage,
compare it with the value displayed on the window, and confirm that the extent of Tilt error is within ±1º.
Specifications X Y T
± 3.600 − ± 3.650 mm ± 2.000 − ± 2.050 mm ± 40° − ± 0.3°

Amount of Micro-motion Flow

Check the amount of micro-motion flow using the following method and parameters:
Magnification: 50,000; Probe Current mode: normal; C1: 5; both X and Y within ±1 mm
1. Fix a specimen target on the SEM screen. Move the trackballs X and Y independently to move the
target approximately 1 µm, and then stop it.
2. Set the scanning speed to Slow-3 (20 seconds). Using the length measurement cursor, measure the
amount of shift produced by one minute of motion. The amount of shift should be no more than 0.2
NOTE: Do not freeze the image during the measurement.
3. Hysteresis (reproducibility of parallel movement)
When the magnification is 50,000, the hysteresis should be no more than 0.2 µm.

≤ 0.2 µm

Figure 9-12: Hysteresis Measurement Method

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The backlash should be no more than 8 µm when the magnification is 2,000 and the amount of shift is
approximately 50 µm.
Start a reverse operation after stop.

Shift ≤ 8 µm

Figure 9-13: Backlash Measurement Method

Shift of Image when the Image is Tilted

• Shift in image position when the image is tilted
At 30,000x magnification and T = ±5º, the shift should be no more than 1 µm.
• Amount of image jump with image tilt reversed
At 30,000x magnification and T = ±5º, the jump should be no more than 1 µm.
Micro-motion Zero Center
Magnification: 100 (LM mode)
Measurements should be made using an adjustment rotation holder.
At the mid-point of X, Y, T (X = 0.000, Y = 0.000, T = 0.0º), the center of the specimen holder should be visible
on the SEM screen.

S-5200 Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope Adjustments
Service Manual

9.3.5 Electronic Engineering System Adjustment Procedures

Explanation of Abbreviations
C1 lens: First condenser lens
C2 lens: Second condenser lens
R.R.: Raster rotation
LM mode: Low magnification mode
HM mode: High magnification mode

Adjustment Procedures (Items)

Following are adjustment guidelines to be followed before the system is shipped. Because adjustments are made
using special tools and measurement devices prior to shipment, if the need for further adjustments arises, please
perform adjustments only on the affected part.
• Setting the flashing intensity
• Confirming the EO Adjustment default value
• Entering current values for the C1 and C2 lenses
• Adjusting the offset between deflection magnification ranges
• Adjusting ExB
• Adjusting the position in which the electronic gun is to be mounted (mechanical)
• Adjusting the axes and registering axis correction values
• Adjusting the orthogonality
• Coarse adjustment of scanning amplitudes (HM/LM modes)
• Adjusting the deflection top/bottom row ratio
• Adjusting the low-magnification distortion (adjusting peripheral blurring – normally confirmation only)
• Checking the Focus Comp condition
• Adjusting the Focus Comp (normally confirmation only)
• Adjusting the HM mode reference magnification (second range)
• Adjusting the magnification between HM mode ranges
• Adjusting the LM mode magnification
• Adjusting the image shift top/bottom row ratio
• Correcting the image shift axis
• Adjusting the maximum image shift value
• Adjusting the HM mode image rotation
• Adjusting the LM mode image rotation
• Correcting for TV distortion
• Correcting out-of-axis color aberration (ExB-3 correction)

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Setting the Flashing Intensity

Regarding flashing intensity values 1, 2, and 3, adjust the trimmer (see below) for HV tank: PC HVC board so
that the emission display during the flashing will show the following values:
<Emission Display Specifications at Flashing>
Intensity 1: 0 ~ 5 µA     VR3: FL1
Intensity 2: 30 ~ 40 µA     VR2: FL2
Intensity 3: 40 ~ 50 µA     VR1: FL3

Confirming the EO Adjustment Default value

Until the adjustment of EO Adjustment items is completed, perform adjustments using the following default
values (EO1, EO2, EO3):

([Ic1, Ic2 Adjustment] on the EO Adjustment 2 screen indicates stand-alone Display adjustment values.)

Figure 9-14: EO Adjustment 1 Screen Figure 9-15: EO Adjustment 2 Screen

S-5200 Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope Adjustments
Service Manual

Figure 9-16: EO Adjustment 3 Screen

Entering Current Values for the C1 and C2 Lenses

Confirm that the C1, C2 lens current values on the Display adjustment recording paper agree with the Ic1, Ic2
adjustment settings on the EO Adjustment 2 screen.

Adjusting the Offset between Deflection Magnification Ranges

[Adjustment Conditions]: Accelerating voltage: 3 kV
Emission: 10 µA
Probe Current mode: Normal
Aperture: No. 1 (100 µm diameter)
Specimen holder: Spring-actuated standard specimen holder
Specimen: Specimen stub (with mesh)
Sample Height: 0.0 mm
Electrical alignment: All mid-points (execute “Reset All” on the alignment screen)
Image shift: Mid-point (the reset condition)
R.R.: Off

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Axis Adjustment (Coarse Adjustment)

1. Perform a mechanical shaft adjustment (brightness control) of the electron gun under C1=Off,
C2=Off conditions.
(Perform this step under normal observation conditions without using the Beam AL mode.)
2. Perform a mechanical shaft adjustment (brightness control) of the C1 lens by setting C1=5.
(Perform this step under normal observation conditions without using the Beam AL mode.)
3. By setting the objective lens aperture to No. 1 (100 µm diameter), perform an aperture brightness
control (mechanical adjustment).
(Perform this step under normal observation conditions without using the Beam AL mode.)
4. By setting C2=ON, perform the mechanical axis adjustment of the C2 lens in the Apert. AL mode.
(Coarse adjustment acceptable)

Deflection Offset Adjustment between Magnification Ranges

1. By setting the LM mode (normal), click on Scan Offset (L) for EO Adjustment 2.
2. Adjust the alignment knob (X, Y) so that the image shift will be at a minimum when the
magnification is switched from 180 (third range) to 150 (second range). Perform the adjustment by
aligning the position of the 150-magnification image to the position of the 180-magnification image.
3. Upon completion of the adjustments, click on Get, Set, and Save, in that order.
4. Click on None (disconnect)
5. In the HM mode, set the magnification to 3.0 k, set the Apert. AL mode, and perform shaft
adjustments using the alignment knob. If the image distortion and peripheral blurring are
significantly large in this step, release the Apert. AL mode, and perform the procedure, “Adjusting
the Deflection Top/Bottom Row Ratio” using the current adjustment conditions.
6. By setting the magnification to 2.5k (first range), click on Scan Offset (U) for EO Adjustment 2.
7. Start the Apert. AL mode. Adjust the alignment knob (X, Y) so that the objective lens current centers
are aligned.
8. Upon completion of the adjustments, click on Get, Set, and Save, in that order.
[Adjustment Specifications]: The scanning center deviations on the CRT before and after the
magnification rate change must be within 2 mm.
9. Click on None (disconnect).

Adjusting ExB
[Adjustment Conditions]: Accelerating voltage: 0.8 kV
Emission: 10 µA
Probe Current mode: Normal
Specimen holder: Spring-actuated standard specimen holder
Specimen: Specimen stub (with mesh)
Sample Height: 0.0 mm
Electrical alignment: All mid-points (the reset condition)
Image shift: Mid-point (the reset condition)

S-5200 Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope Adjustments
Service Manual

Axis Adjustment (Coarse Adjustment)

1. From [Tool], open the EO Adjustment 1 screen. Turn off ExB.
2. Perform a Beam AL (mechanical shaft adjustment) of the electron gun under C1=C2=Off, objective
aperture = Off conditions.
3. Perform a Beam AL (mechanical shaft adjustment) of the C1 lens by setting C1=5.
4. By setting the BM aperture to No. 1 (400 µm diameter), perform an aperture Beam AL (mechanical
shaft adjustment).
5. By setting the objective lens aperture to No. 1 (100 µm diameter), perform an aperture Beam AL
(mechanical shaft adjustment).
6. By setting C2=On, perform Apert.AL (mechanical adjustment) (coarse adjustment acceptable).
NOTE: When adjusting ExB, always use an accelerating voltage of 0.8 kV.

Setting ExB
1. In the LM mode, perform focus and stigmator adjustments (ExB: off).
NOTE: When the EO Adjustment 1 screen is closed, ExB will be on. In this case, re-open the
EO Adjustment 1 screen and reset ExB to off.
2. Move the stage and move the mark to the center of the CRT (using the crossbar cursor).
3. Turn on the ExB on the EO Adjustment 1 screen. Click on [ExB adjustment item].
4. Adjust the alignment knob so that the mark in step 2 will be at the center of the CRT.
5. If the image shifts extensively when ExB is turned on and off, perform a coarse adjustment at a low
magnification, increase the magnification to 1.0 k (LM mode), turn the ExB on and off again, and
perform adjustments so that the amount of image shift will be at a minimum. After the adjustment,
turn the ExB ON.
[EXB Adjustment Specifications]: When the ExB is turned on and off, the amount of image shift
should be less than 5 mm on the CRT at an LM mode magnification of 1.0 k (less than 5 µm on the
6. Upon completion of the adjustment process, click on Get and Set, in that order. This operation saves
the ExB adjustment data.
7. On the Adjustment Screen, click on Save to save the adjustment data.
8. Click on None (disconnect) on the Adjustment screen.

Adjusting the Position in which the Electronic Gun is to be mounted (mechanical)

[Adjustment Conditions]: Accelerating voltage: 1 kV
Emission: 10 µA
Probe Current mode: Normal
Specimen holder: Spring-actuated standard specimen holder
Specimen: Specimen stub (with mesh)
Sample Height: 0.0 mm
Electrical alignment: All mid-points (the reset condition)
Image shift: Mid-point (the reset condition)

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1. Set C1 = C2 = Off, BM aperture = Off, objective aperture = Off. Perform a Beam AL (mechanical
axis adjustment) on the electron gun (FE tip).
2. In the Beam AL mode, adjust the electron gun-mounting location by rotating the adjustment screw so
that the outline flair is uniform when a round image is displayed on the CRT.
3. After making the adjustment, fasten the fixing screw for the electron gun to secure it. Fix another
screw on the adjustment screw (double screws).
4. Install a magnetic shield on the electron gun. (Note that the axis correction condition described below
[registered value] can vary depending upon whether or not a magnetic shield is provided in the
electron gun unit.)

Adjusting the Axes and Registering Axis Correction Values

The following operation should be performed in the HM mode with an magnetic shield for the electron gun
installed. If a magnetic shield needs to be installed later due to baking requirements, provisionally perform the
following axis adjustment without a magnetic shield, and re-do the axis adjustment after a magnetic shield has
been installed.
[Adjustment Conditions]: Probe Current mode: Normal
Specimen holder: spring-actuated standard specimen holder
Specimen: Specimen stub (with mesh)
Sample Height: 0.0 mm
Image shift: mid-point (the reset condition)
1. Set the accelerating voltage to 1 kV. Pull out the BM aperture and the objective aperture (the 0
2. Click on Reset All on the Alignment screen to set the electromagnetic alignment to a mid-point.
3. Set C1 = C2 = Off. Perform a Beam AL (mechanical axis adjustment) on the electron gun.
4. Set the BM aperture to 1. Perform a Beam AL (mechanical axis adjustment) on the BM aperture.
5. Set the objective aperture to No. 2 (50 µm diameter). Perform a Beam AL (mechanical axis
adjustment) on the objective aperture. The C2 lens should remain Off.
6. Set C1=5. Perform a Beam AL (mechanical axis adjustment) on the C1.
7. Open the EO Adjustment 2 screen. Click on 1 kV on Axial Comp (HM).
8. Start the Apert. AL mode. Rotate the alignment knob (X,Y). Adjust the current center of the objective
9. On the EO Adjustment 2 screen, click on Get, Set, and Save, in that order.
10. On the EO Adjustment 2 screen, click on None to disconnect the adjustment knob.
11. Turn on the C2 lens. Perform an Apert. AL (mechanical adjustment) on the C2 lens. Perform the
operation by adjusting the focus and the stigmator as necessary.
12. Adjust the stigma alignment (X, Y).
13. Perform the normal Apert. AL (electromagnetic adjustment) again. (A mechanical axis adjustment
performed after a stigma alignment will cause the stigma alignment to shift. Therefore, any axis
misalignment following the stigma alignment should be adjusted by means of an electromagnetic
14. Apply an accelerating voltage of 15 kV. Click on Reset All on the Alignment screen.

S-5200 Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope Adjustments
Service Manual

15. Perform a Beam AL (electromagnetic adjustment).

16. Open the EO Adjustment 2 screen. Check the 15 KV entry on the Axial Comp (HM).
17. Start the Apert. AL mode. Rotate the alignment knob (X,Y). Adjust the current center of the objective
18. On the EO Adjustment 2 screen, click on Get, Set, and Save, in that order.
19. On the EO Adjustment 2 screen, click on None
[Axis Adjustment Specifications]: Electromagnetic alignments (Beam AL, Apert. AL, Stig. AL)
should work properly on accelerating voltages: 0.5 kV, 5 kV, and 30 kV.

Adjusting the Orthogonality

[Adjustment Conditions]: Accelerating voltage: 5 kV
Emission: 10 µA
Probe Current mode: Normal
Magnification mode: HM/LM modes
Specimen holder: Rotation holder
Specimen: Mesh
Sample Height: 0.0 mm
Image shift: Mid-point (the reset condition)
R.R.: Off
1. Set the magnification mode to the HM mode. Sample Height = 0.0 mm.
2. On the EO Adjustment 1 screen, click on Off for R.R. Completely turn off the Raster rotation.
3. Adjust the image. Align the specimen rotation angle using the adjustment rotation holder so that the
mesh line on Slow-2 matches the horizontal line on the CRT. If there is a significant image distortion
or blurring on the periphery to an extent that impairs the adjustment process, perform the procedure,
“Adjusting the Deflection Top/Bottom Row Ratio” using the current adjustment conditions.
4. Select Too/Debug/Menu/Measure to display the length measurement cursor. Use this cursor as a
reference line for the determination of orthogonality.
5. Set the magnification to 2.0 k (first range). Adjust the following trimmer so that the horizontal and
vertical mesh lines are parallel to the horizontal and vertical lines of the length measurement cursor:
SGVA board: VR1 (HM)
[Adjustment Specifications]: an orthogonality of ±0.5º maximum at the adjustment point
6. Set the magnification mode to the LM mode.
7. Adjust the image. Align the specimen rotation angle using the adjustment rotation holder so that the
mesh line on Slow-2 matches the horizontal line on the CRT
8. Set the magnification to 500. Adjust the following trimmer so that the horizontal and vertical mesh
lines are parallel to the horizontal and vertical lines of the length measurement cursor:
SGVA board: VR2 (LM)
[Adjustment Specification]: an orthogonality of ±0.5º maximum at the adjustment point

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Trimmer Adjustment of Scanning Amplitudes (HM/LM Modes)

[Adjustment Conditions]: Accelerating voltage: 5 kV
Emission: 10 µA
Probe Current mode: Normal
Magnification mode: HM/LM modes
Specimen holder: Rotation holder
Specimen: Mesh
Sample Height: 0.0 mm
Image shift: Mid-point (the reset condition)
R.R.: Off

The following adjustments should be performed after confirming that both Magnification Adjust and Mag Range
Factor are 1.000 on the EO Adjustment 1 screen.
1. Perform image adjustment in the HM mode.
2. Set Slow-2 and magnification = 2.0 k. Using a length measurement cursor, measure the mesh pitch.
Adjust the following trimmers so that the measured value will be 25.4 ± 1.0 µm:
Amplitude in X-direction: VR3 (HM) for SGVA board
Amplitude in Y-direction: VR5 (HM) for SGVA board
3. Perform image adjustment in the LM mode.
4. Set Slow-1 and magnification = 500. Using a length measurement cursor, measure 4 pitches of the
mesh. Adjust the following trimmers so that the measured value will be 100 ± 5 µm:
Amplitude in X-direction: VR4 (LM) for SGVA board
Amplitude in Y-direction: VR6 (LM) for SGVA board

Adjusting the Deflection Top/Bottom Row Ratio

[Adjustment Conditions]: Accelerating voltage: 3 kV
Emission: 10 µA
Probe Current mode: Normal
Magnification mode: HM mode
Specimen holder: Spring-actuated standard specimen holder
Specimen: Specimen stub (with a micro-scale)
Sample Height: +2.0 mm
Image shift: Mid-point (the reset condition)
R.R.: Off

Adjusting the First Range

1. Set the magnification to 5.0 k (minimum magnification, first range). Perform an axis adjustment.
2. Click on Scan Adjustment on the EO Adjustment 2 screen.
3. Click on Mag Range 1 in Scan U/L Ratio on the EO Adjustment 2 screen.

S-5200 Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope Adjustments
Service Manual

4. Using a Slow-2 or even slower scanning speed (e.g., Reduce-2), adjust the alignment knob X so as to
minimize the peripheral blurring in the X direction at the center of the screen.
5. Upon completion of the adjustment in the X direction, click on Get and Set, in that order.
6. Similarly, adjust the alignment knob Y so as to minimize the peripheral blurring in the Y direction at
the center of the screen.
7. Upon completion of the adjustment in the Y direction, click on Get and Set, in that order.
NOTE: If a magnification is changed before step 7 (Get, Set), the adjustment condition will be
cleared to the initial state before the adjustment was made. Therefore, the magnification should
not be changed during the adjustment process. (This is also true of other magnification range

Adjusting the Second Range

1. Select 1 kV Acceleration and set the magnification to 7.0 k (minimum magnification for the second
2. Click on Mag Range 2 in Scan U/L Ratio on the EO Adjustment 2 screen.
3. As in first range adjustment procedures 4 – 7, adjust the deflection top/bottom row ratio for the
second range.

Adjusting the Third Range

1. At 1 kV Acceleration, set the magnification to 70 k (third range) (no image adjustments required).
2. Click on Mag Range 3 in Scan U/L Ratio on the EO Adjustment 2 screen.
3. Enter from the keyboard the top/bottom row ratio adjustment value (the registered value for Mag
Range 2) for the second range on the display window for Mag Range 3. Click on Set.

Adjusting the Fourth Range

1. Set the magnification to 700 k (fourth range) (no image adjustments required).
2. Click on Mag Range 4 in Scan U/L Ratio on the EO Adjustment 2 screen.
3. Enter from the keyboard the top/bottom row ratio adjustment value (the registered value for Mag
Range 2) for the second range on the display window for Mag Range 4. Click on Set.

Saving the Adjustment Conditions

Upon completion of the deflection top/bottom row ratio adjustments for the magnification ranges, click on Save
and None, in that order.
[Adjustment Specifications]: The image distortion should be the same as the limit sample. If these adjustments
fail to satisfy the distortion limit sample specifications, the following low-magnification distortion adjustments
should be performed:

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Adjusting the Low Magnification Distortion (adjusting peripheral blurring – normally

confirmation only)
NOTE: This step should be performed only if the distortion limit sample specifications of “Adjusting the
Deflection Top/Bottom Row Ratio”, are not satisfied.
[Adjustment Conditions]: Accelerating voltage: 3 kV
Emission: 10 µA
Probe Current mode: Normal
Magnification mode: HM mode
Specimen holder: Spring-actuated standard specimen holder
Specimen: Specimen stub (with micro-scale/mesh)
Sample Height: +2.0 mm (micro-scale), +0.5 mm (mesh)
Image shift: Mid-point (the reset condition)
R.R.: Off
1. Set the micro-scale to the position Sample Height=+2.0 mm. Perform image adjustments.
2. Click on Scan Adjustment on the EO Adjustment 2 screen.
3. Click on Scan Rot Adjust (H=2.0) on the EO Adjustment 2 screen.
4. Set the magnification to 5.0 k. Under a Reduce-2 scanning condition, move the scanning area to the
upper part of the screen. Adjust the alignment knob X,Y so as to minimize the peripheral blurring in
the right and left corners.
5. While keeping the Reduce-2 scanning condition, move the scanning area to the lower part of the
screen, confirm the peripheral blurring in the right and left corners, and confirm that it is
approximately equal to the peripheral blurring in the upper part of the screen.
6. Upon completion of the adjustment, click on Get and Set, in that order, and then click on None.
7. Align the mesh to the Sample Height = +0.5 mm position. Perform image adjustments.
8. Click on Scan Adjustment on the EO Adjustment 2 screen.
9. Click on Scan Rot Adjust (H=0.5) on the EO Adjustment 2 screen.
10. Set the magnification to 1.5 k. Perform the same adjustments as Sample Height = +2.0 mm.
11. Upon completion of the adjustment, click on Get and Set, in that order, and then click on None.
12. Upon completion of the San Rot Adjust adjustments, click on Save to save the adjustment data.

Checking the Focus Comp Condition

[Adjustment Conditions]: Accelerating voltage: (See below.)
Emission: 10 µA
Probe Current mode: Normal
Magnification mode: HM mode
Specimen holder: Spring-actuated standard specimen holder
Specimen: Dedicated specimen stub (H = 0.0/+1.0 mm, integrated specimen)
Sample Height: 0.0 mm
Image shift: Mid-point (the reset condition)
R.R.: Off

S-5200 Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope Adjustments
Service Manual

1. Perform image adjustments with an accelerating voltage of 5 kV and Sample Height = 0.0. Adjust the
Z knob for the stage so that the image is in focus with the Reset button of the Column SetUp screen
pressed (the Focus display value = 0.0).
NOTE: After performing the adjustments in Step (1), do not move the Z knob until this
confirmation is completed.
2. Perform image adjustments at an accelerating voltage of 0.8 kV. Read the Focus display value.
3. Perform image adjustments at an accelerating voltage of 30 kV. Read the Focus display value. (Use a
25 kV accelerating voltage when Sample Height = +1.0.)
Specifications: Relative to the focus value in step 1, those in steps 2 and 3 should be within ±0.1.
NOTE: If the above specifications cannot be satisfied, perform Focus Comp adjustments.

Adjusting the Focus Comp (normally confirmation only)

Perform this adjustment only if the change in Focus display value relative to a change in accelerating voltage in
“Checking the Focus Comp Condition” does not satisfy the above specifications.
[Adjustment Conditions]: Accelerating voltage: (See below.)
Emission: 10 µA
Probe Current mode: Normal
Magnification mode: HM mode
Specimen holder: Spring-actuated standard specimen holder
Specimen: Dedicated specimen stub (H=0.0/+1.0 mm, integrated specimen)
Sample Height: (See below.)
Electromagnetic alignment: All mid-points (the reset condition)
Image shift: Mid-point (the reset condition)
Vse1 = Vse2 = Off
NOTE: Do not change the Z value for the stage during the following adjustments.
1. Set the accelerating voltage to 3.0 kV, Sample Height = 0.0 mm. Perform image adjustments (axis,
focus, stigmator).
2. Click on Focus comp1.
3. Click on Degauss. Adjust the focus and the stigmator.
NOTE: Clicking on Degauss can cause the axis to shift. Should this occur, re-do the
electromagnetic alignment in the Beam AL and Apert. AL modes.
CAUTION: Perform focusing as accurately as possible, using an approximate magnification of
5.0 k. Inadequate focus adjustments can decrease the control accuracy of the optical system
(e.g., magnification computation, image rotation computation, and the accuracy of Sample
Height settings).
4. Repeat the Degauss and focus adjustments two or three times. Confirm that clicking on Degauss does
not cause a fuzzy image. Click on Get.
NOTE: Do not Save at this stage. Execute the SAVE command after performing the
adjustments Comp1 ~ Comp4.

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5. Perform image adjustments by setting the accelerating voltage to 20 kV (with the Sample Height
remaining at 0.0 mm).
NOTE: Before performing this adjustment, make sure that Vse1 and Vse2 are Off.
NOTE: If the stage Z has been inadvertently moved, re-do the procedures beginning with step
6. Click on Focus Comp2. Repeat steps 3 and 4.
7. Set the accelerating voltage to 10 kV and Sample Height = 1.0 mm. Perform image adjustments after
moving the stage X, Y to the position of the specimen to be focused on with Height=1.0mm. The
specimen height should not be changed using the Z knob.
8. Click on Focus Comp3. Repeat steps 3 and 4.
9. Set the accelerating voltage to 25kV without moving the stage Z.
10. If the stage Z has been inadvertently moved, re-do the procedures beginning with step 7.
11. Click on Focus Comp4. Repeat steps 3 and 4.
12. Click on Set. This operation executes the correction calculations of Focus Comp 1 ~ 4.
13. Click on Focus Comp Off, and then click on None.
14. Set Vse1 and Vse2 to Auto.
15. Click on Save to save the adjustment data.
Re-confirm the settings according to “Checking the Focus Comp Conditions.”

Adjusting the Reference Magnification (HM Mode)

[Adjustment Conditions]: Accelerating voltage: 5 kV
Emission: 10 µA
Probe Current mode: Normal
Specimen holder: Rotation holder
Specimen: Micro-scale
Sample Height: 0.0 mm
Image shift: Mid-point (the reset condition)
R.R.: Off
1. Confirm that the Magnification Adjust in EO Adjustment 1 in both X and Y is 1.000.
2. Set the magnification to 20 k. Measure the 10-pitch of the micro-scale using the length measurement
3. When the measured values for X and Y directions are Lx (µm) and Ly (µm), respectively, employ the
following procedures to register the calibration values:
1) Click on the Magnification Adjust of EO Adjustment 1.
2) Enter the following values from the keyboard into the numeric input columns of High Mag:
X = Lx/2.4 Y = Ly/2.4
3) Click on Set and Save, in that order.
4) Click on None.

S-5200 Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope Adjustments
Service Manual

NOTE: Calibrate the X and Y magnification rates by aligning the micro-scale pattern directions to the
vertical and horizontal directions, respectively, using a dedicated rotation holder.

Adjusting the Magnification between HM Mode Ranges

[Adjustment Conditions]: See “Adjusting the Reference Magnification (HM Mode).”
Adjusting the First Range Magnification

1. Confirm that the Mag Range Factor in EO Adjustment 1 in both X and Y is 1.000.
2. Using the following magnifications for the first and second ranges, load an image of the same object
(e.g., debris) at Slow-3, and measure the length of the image using the length measurement cursor. Set
the measurements at the first- and second range magnifications to L2 and L3, respectively. (On the
screen, the size to be measured must be in a 50-100 mm range.)
Magnification for Range-1: 2.5 k … measured value: L1
Magnification for Range-2: 3.0 k … measured value: L2
3. Click on Mag Range Factor. Enter the following values from the keyboard into the numeric value
input column of (Range) 1; click on Set, Save, None, in that order:
Input value: L1/L2
4. Confirm that when the size of the same object is measured in magnifications 3.5 k (second range) and
3.0 k (first range), any value deviation is within ±1%.

Adjusting the Third Range Magnification

1. Set the magnification to 35 k. Measure the 5-pitch of the micro-scale using the length measurement
2. Click on Mag Range Factor. Enter the following values from the keyboard into the numeric value
input column of (Range) 3.
When the measured values for X and Y directions are Lx (µm) and Ly (µm), set X = Lx/1.2, Y =
3. Click on Set, Save, None, in that order.
4. After changing the magnification, repeat the measurement in step 1. Confirm that the measurement
error is within ±1%.

Adjusting the Fourth Range Magnification

1. Set the magnification to 300 k (third range); use the length measurement cursor to measure the
spacing between the micro-scales. Let L3 be this value.
2. Set the magnification to 350 k (fourth range); use the length measurement cursor to measure the
spacing between the micro-scales. Let L4 be this value.
3. Calculate the value L4/L3 and substitute it into (Range) 4. Click on Set, Save, None, in that order.
4. Change the magnification. Measure pattern widths using magnifications of 300 k and 350 k. Verify
that the following specifications are met:
[Specifications]: (L4 - L3)/L3 = within ±0.01 (within ±1 %)

Part No. 595-8030 9-43


Adjusting the LM Mode Magnification

[Adjustment Conditions]: Accelerating voltage: 5 kV
Probe Current mode: Normal
Specimen holder: Rotation holder
Specimen: Mesh
Sample Height: 0.0 mm
R.R.: Off
LM Mode Select: Normal
1. Perform image adjustments using an accelerating voltage of 5 kV, C1 = 5 (normal), Sample Height =
0.0 mm and HM mode.
2. Switch to the LM mode. Set the Low Mag Mode/Mode Select on the Column SetUp screen to normal,
and perform focusing adjustments.
3. Use a rotation holder to perform adjustments so that the horizontal line of the mesh matches the
horizontal line on the screen.
4. Set the magnification to 500. Load the image using either Slow-3 or Slow-4.
5. Using the adjustment length measurement cursor, measure the 4-pitch (101.6 µm) Lx2, Ly2 of the
6. Click on Magnification Adjust of EO Adjustment 1.
7. Enter the following values into the input box X,Y of the LM 2nd Range. Click on Set.
Input value (X): Lx2/101.6 Input value (Y): Ly2/101.6
Adjustment precision: 101.6±1µm (within ±1%)
8. For the third and fourth ranges, enter the same values as the second range from the keyboard. Click
on Set.
9. Click on Save to save the data, and then click on None.

Adjusting the Image Shift Top/Bottom Row Ratio

[Adjustment Conditions]: Accelerating voltage: 5 kV
Specimen holder: Rotation holder
Specimen: Mesh
Sample Height: 0.0 mm
R.R.: Off
1. Reset the Image Shift to the mid-point to perform axis adjustments (electromagnetic). The Apert.AL
should be aligned accurately.
2. Click on Image Shift X-Max on the EO Adjustment 1 screen to maximize the X shift.
3. Click on Image Shift U/L Ratio of the EO Adjustment 1 screen.
4. Start of Apert. AL mode.
5. Adjust the alignment knob X only so as to eliminate any horizontal image fluctuations due to the
wobble. (The vertical image fluctuations will remain.) When the horizontal image fluctuations have
been removed, click on Get to display the current value. Perform final adjustments using a numeric

S-5200 Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope Adjustments
Service Manual

input value (X). (Repeatedly entering numeric values less than or greater than the current value and
clicking on Set in order to determine an optimum point.)
6. Exit from the Apert. AL mode. Click on Image Shift X-Mid to reset the image shift to a mid-point.
7. Click on Image Shift Y-Max on the EO Adjustment 1 screen to maximize the Y shift.
8. Click on Image Shift U/L Ratio of the EO Adjustment 1 screen (if already checked, this operation can
be skipped).
9. Start of Apert. AL mode.
10. Adjust the alignment knob Y only so as to eliminate any vertical image fluctuations due to the
wobbler. (The horizontal image fluctuations will remain.) When the vertical image fluctuations have
been removed, click on Get to display the current value. Perform final adjustments using a numeric
input value (Y). (Repeatedly entering numeric values less than or greater than the current value and
clicking on Set in order to determine an optimum point.)
11. Exit from the Apert. AL mode. Click on Image Shift Y-Mid to reset the image shift to a mid-point.
12. Click on Set to register the adjustment data.
13. Click on Save to save the adjustment data.
14. Click on None to disconnect the adjustment knob.

Correcting the Image Shift Axis

Perform this adjustment after the adjustments from “Setting the Flashing Intensity” through “Adjusting the
Image Shift Top/Bottom Row Ratio” are all complete.

[Adjustment Conditions]: Accelerating voltage: 5 kV

Specimen holder: Rotation holder
Specimen: Mesh
Sample Height: 0.0 mm
R.R.: Off
1. Set the image shift, both in X and Y, to a mid-point (shift quantity: 0). Perform image adjustments in
the Beam AL and Apert. AL modes. The Apert. AL should be adjusted especially accurately. Upon
completion of the adjustment, turn Off the AL mode.
2. Click on Image Shift Axis of the EO Adjustment 2 screen. Click on X.
3. After clicking on the Max of X, start the Apert. AL mode.
4. Adjust the Y alignment knob so as to obtain the current center conditions. Perform final adjustments
using a numeric input value. (Repeatedly entering numeric values less than or greater than the current
value and clicking on Set in order to determine an optimum point.)
5. Upon completion of the adjustment process, click on Get and Set, in that order (the Apert. AL mode
remains in operation).
6. Click on the Mid of X. Confirm that the Apert. AL mode is at the current center.
7. Reset the Apert. AL mode.
8. Upon completion of the adjustment of X, click on the Mid of X, and then click on Y.
9. After clicking on the Max of Y, start the Apert.AL mode, and adjust the Y alignment knob so as to
obtain the current center conditions. Perform final adjustments using a numeric input value.

Part No. 595-8030 9-45


10. Upon completion of the adjustment process, click on Get and Set, in that order (the Apert. AL mode
remains in operation).
11. Confirm that the Apert. AL mode remains at the current center even when the Mid of Y is clicked.
12. Reset the Apert. AL mode. Set Y to Mid.
13. Click on Save to save the adjustment data.
14. Click on None to disconnect the adjustment knob.

Adjusting the Maximum Image Shift Value

[Adjustment Conditions]: Specimen holder: Rotation holder
Specimen: Mesh
Sample Height: 0.0 mm
Focus: 0.0 (perform focusing using the Z knob by pressing Reset in Column SetUp).
R.R.: Off
1. By adjusting the stage Z, align the image to the focus position Sample Height = 0 mm.
2. Click on Image Shift X-Max on the EO Adjustment 1 screen.
3. Using the adjustment length measurement cursor, measure the amount of image shift that is caused
when Min is clicked from Image Shift X-Max.
4. Enter the image shift quantity (µm) in the Image Shift Full Width-X.
5. Perform similar adjustments on the image shift Y.
6. Click on Set to register the data.
7. Click on Save to save the data
8. Click on None to disconnect the adjustment knob.
NOTE: The Sample Height should be set accurately using the focus reference. If the focus setting
deviates from Sample Height = 0.0 mm, the accuracy of RISM due to an image shift will be reduced.

Adjusting the HM Mode Image Rotation

[Adjustment Conditions]: Accelerating voltage: 5 kV
Specimen holder: Rotation holder
Specimen: Mesh
Sample Height: 0.0 mm
R.R.: Auto (Rotation Offset (HM) = 0)
1. Adjust the raster rotation so that the direction of image shift matches the horizontal line on the screen
when the stage is moved only in the X direction by coordinate driving.
NOTE: The stage should be adjusted near the mid-point (within a ±0.1 mm range).
2. Click on Rotation Offset on the EO Adjustment 1 screen to enter an R.R. adjustment value (including
the sign) in the HM input box.
Adjustment accuracy: within ±0.5º
3. Click on Set to register the adjustment data.
4. Click on Save to save the adjustment data

S-5200 Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope Adjustments
Service Manual

5. Click on None to disconnect the adjustment knob.

Adjusting the LM Mode Image Rotation

[Adjustment Conditions]: Accelerating voltage: 5 kV
Specimen holder: Rotation holder
Specimen: Mesh
Sample Height: 0.0 mm
R.R.: Auto (Rotation Offset (LM) = 0)
1. Perform focusing using the stage Z in the HM mode.
2. Perform image adjustments using the normal LM mode (selected on Mode Select in Column SetUp).
3. Adjust the raster rotation so that the direction of image shift matches the horizontal line on the screen
when the stage is moved only in the X direction by coordinate driving.
NOTE: The stage should be adjusted near the mid-point (within a ±0.1 mm range).
4. Click on Rotation Offset on the EO Adjustment 1 screen to enter an R.R. adjustment value (including
the sign) in the LM input box.
Adjustment accuracy: within ±0.5º
5. Click on Set to register the adjustment data.
6. Click on Save to save the adjustment data
7. Click on None to disconnect the adjustment knob.

Correcting for TV Distortion

[Adjustment Conditions]: Accelerating voltage: 3 kV
Emission: 10 µA
Probe Current mode: Normal
Magnification mode: HM mode
Specimen holder: Spring-actuated standard specimen holder
Specimen: Specimen stub (with a micro-scale)
Sample Height: +2.0 mm
Image shift: Mid-point (the reset condition)
R.R.: Off
1. Perform image adjustments at Sample Height = +2.0.
2. Set the magnification to 5.0 k (lowest magnification, first range); set the scanning speed to Fast (TV).
3. Turn off the raster rotation link; set the raster rotation to 135º.
4. Click on TV-dist. Adjust (RR = 135) on the EO Adjustment 3 screen.
5. Click on Scan U/L. Adjust the alignment knob X, Y so that the periphery blurring on the right and
left, and at the top and the bottom is minimized.
6. Click on Get to display the current value.
7. Click on Scan Rot.

Part No. 595-8030 9-47


8. Adjust the alignment knob X, Y so that the periphery blurring on the right and left, and at the top and
the bottom is minimized
9. Click on Get to display the current value.
10. Repeat steps 5 through 9 to minimize periphery blurring.
11. Click on Set.
12. Set the raster rotation to 0º. Click on TV-dist. Adjust (RR=0).
13. Click on Scan U/L. Adjust the alignment knob X, Y so that the periphery blurring on the right and
left, and at the top and the bottom is minimized.
14. Click on Get, Set, in that order.
15. Set the raster rotation to 90º. Click on TV-dist. Adjust (RR=90).
16. Click on Scan U/L. Adjust the alignment knob X, Y so that the periphery blurring on the right and
left, and at the top and the bottom is minimized.
17. Click on Get, Set, in that order.
18. Upon completion of the adjustment process, click on Save to save the adjustment data.
19. Click on None to disconnect the adjustment knob.
[Adjustment Specifications]: See the limit sample.

Correcting Out-of-axis Color Aberration (ExB-3 Correction)

[Adjustment Conditions]: Accelerating voltage: 0.8 kV
Emission: 10 µA
Probe Current mode: Normal
Magnification mode: LM mode
Specimen holder: Rotation holder
Specimen: Mesh
Sample Height: 0.0 mm
Image shift: Mid-point (the reset condition)
R.R.: Off
Adjusting the Control Coefficients
1. Perform image adjustments under the following conditions: accelerating voltage: 0.8 kV, Sample
Height: 0.0 mm, HM mode.
2. Switch to the LM mode. Perform image adjustments.
3. Click on ExB-3 Adjust. (0.8 kV) on the EO Adjustment 3 screen.
4. Click on Off in ExB-3 Auto/On/Off.
5. Using the stage, move a marking on the SEM image to the center of the CRT.
6. Click on On in ExB-3 Auto/On/Off.
7. Click on X in ExB-3 Adjust. (0.8 kV).
8. Adjust the alignment knob X, Y so that the movement of the field of view (marking) is minimized
when ExB-3 Auto/On/Off is toggled between On and Off.

S-5200 Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope Adjustments
Service Manual

9. Upon completion of the adjustment process, click on Get, Set, in that order.
10. Click on Y in ExB-3 Adjust. (0.8 kV).
11. Adjust the alignment knob X, Y so that the movement of the field of view (marking) is minimized
when ExB-3 Auto/On/Off is toggled between On and Off.
12. Upon completion of the adjustment process, click on Get, Set, in that order.
13. Click on Save.
[Adjustment Specifications]: The amount of image shift on the CRT when ExB-3 is toggled between
On and Off should be within 5 mm at an LM mode magnification of 1.0 k.
Adjusting the Out-of-axis Color Aberration Correction Conditions
The input value should be set to 0 (no adjustments required).

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S-5200 Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope Maintenance
Service Manual

10 Maintenance
10.1 Periodic Maintenance

10.1.1 Periodic Maintenance Items and Interval

The periodic maintenance items and intervals are shown in Table 10-1.

Table 10-1 Periodic Maintenance Items and Interval

No. Item Interval Note
1 Electron gun baking • If the IP ultimate vacuum does not reach the
values shown below.
IP-1: 1 x 10 Pa or less
IP-2: 2 x 10 Pa or less
 IP-3: 7 x 10 Pa or less
• If IP is stopped for 3 days or more due to a
power failure or vacation.
• If the tip noise exists
• If V1 rises rapidly
2 FE-Tip replacement • If V1 initial value reaches 6.5 kV
• If V1 initial value reaches 5.5 kV or more
 (recommended)
• If V1 is 6.0 kV but the stable emission
cannot be obtained
3 Dry pump 10 months or 8,000 hours The interval varies depending on the pump
(EDSP12) maker
4 Penning gauge 6 months
5 Objective lens movable When astigmatism cannot be obtained with

aperture STIGM
6 Scintillator replacement 3 years

10.2 Purpose of Periodic Maintenance

It is very important to perform periodic maintenance to maintain the instrument in the best condition.

10.3 Method of Periodic Maintenance

10.3.1 Electron Gun Baking

Perform the electron gun baking according the Figure 10-1.

Part No. 595-8030 10-1


1. Pull out the HV cable head and remove the column cover.
2. Insert the HV cable head into the baking interlock in the display

3. Secure the gun heater with the heater band.

4. Connect the Inner Bake lead wire to the heater terminal. Either
side of the lead wire (red or white) can be connected.

5. Connect the Outer and Inner Bake lead wires to the Bake Fuse
board located in the back of the column.


6. Attach the baking safety cover.

7. Set the baking timer and start.

8. After baking has stopped, allow six or more hours for the
column to completely cool.
9. Check the vacuum.
10. Remove the safety cover and the outer and inner baking lead
11. Reattach the column cover and the HV cable head.
12. Check the image.

Figure 10-1: Electron Gun Baking

S-5200 Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope Maintenance
Service Manual

NOTE: The baking timer should be set as follows.

Outer bake time: 8 hours
Delay time: 6 hours
Inner bake time: 4 hours

10.3.2 FE-Tip Replacement

• Wear plastic gloves and never touch the internal vacuum parts with bare hands when assembling.
• The assembly tools must be washed with an ultrasonic wave or cleaned with acetone, ether, etc.
• Check the tip point using an optical microscope (~x100) and use a tip that has a straight sharp point.
• Do not blow on the tip point with a dust spray, blower, etc.
• Check that the vacuum seal surface and gasket surface of the flange is not scratched. If there is a
scratch, remove it with #800 to #1,000 emery paper.
• Tighten flange bolts with a torque wrench.
• Remove dust, etc, from the part with a dust spray or blower.

Returning the Electron Gun Section to Atmospheric Pressure

1. Close valve MV1 (GUN Valve).

2. Turn Off switches IP-1, 2 and 3 on the evacuation panel of the main unit.
3. Open MV-2, 3 and 4 in this order.
4. Change the EVAC LOCK switch on the evacuation panel to the release side (left).
5. Press the AIR button to let air into the specimen chamber and electron gun.
6. Remove the HV cable from the electron gun. (Protect the cable head from dust by wearing the
polyethylene gloves.)
7. Remove the electron gun covers.

Removing the Tip

1. Loosen the flange tightening bolts (16 places) with the attached torque wrench. (The 4” dia. flange is
located in the upper section of the electron gun chamber.)
2. Remove three of the bolts as shown in Figure 10-2 and attach supports (A) and (B) as shown in
Figure 10-3.
3. Lift the flange slowly while keeping it horizontal and remove it from the electron gun chamber.
(Though the heater pin may not come off occasionally, lift the flange slowly since it is OK to stretch
the spring.)
4. Set the flange on the table with the flange up.
5. Install the 4” dia. cover flange to the upper part of the electron gun chamber right away so that the
inside does not get contaminated.

Part No. 595-8030 10-3


6. Loosen the two M3 screws that support the tip with a hexagonal wrench. See Figure 10-4.
7. Remove the tip from the holder with tweezers. See Figure 10-5.

Figure 10-2: Electron Gun Flange Top View Figure 10-3: Cross Sectional View of
Mounting Supports (A) and (B)

NOTE: Insert tip into the large hole of the pin

holder from which the C shape was removed (and
is not covered with gold plating).

Figure 10-4: Mounting the Tip Figure 10-5: How to Grip Tip

S-5200 Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope Maintenance
Service Manual

Mounting a New Tip to the Tip Holder

1. Mount the prepared new tip in the holder using tweezers. See Figure 10-4. (If mounted in reverse
order, flashing cannot be done.)
2. Hold the tip parallel (not slanted) to the holder and tighten the M3 tip holder screws with a hexagonal
3. Replace the spring with a new one.
4. If the connector pin (heater pin) is not aligned with the internal heater, adjust so that the spring and
the heater pin become straight. (Figure 10-6) If the heater pin has poor contact, INNER BAKING
cannot be done.
5. Verify that the tip holder surroundings and high voltage ceramic insulator is not contaminated. If dust
or contamination is detected, clean it with an electric vacuum cleaner by attaching a thin pipe to the
tip of the vacuum cleaner. (Clean the tip of the pipe thoroughly beforehand using acetone or ether.)

NOTE: The spring must be replaced with a new one every time. Adjust the spring so that it is
aligned with the heater pin

Figure 10-6: A Part of Electron Gun

Part No. 595-8030 10-5


Mounting Tip Holder to the Electron Gun Chamber

1. Remove the cover flange from the upper part of the electron gun chamber.
2. Check the inside of the electron gun. If the dust or contamination is detected, clean it with an electric
vacuum cleaner by attaching a thin pipe to the tip of the vacuum cleaner. (Clean the tip of the pipe
thoroughly using acetone or ether beforehand.)
3. Install a new metal gasket. Before installation, verify that both sides of the gasket and the surface of
the flange are not contaminated.
4. Install the tip in the electron gun chamber so that the tip terminal comes to the front of the electron
gun chamber. (Figure 10-7) The electron gun is aligned parallel by supports (A) and (B).
5. Attach the INNER BAKING terminal to the anode heater terminal, and check for continuity with an
ohmmeter. The heater resistance is about 30 Ω at room temperature. (Figure 10-7) If there is no
continuity, lift the electron gun section again and reinstall.
6. Detach supports (A) and (B), install the bolts and tighten the nuts with a torque wrench. Nut
tightening torque must be increased in the following sequence: 10 Nm → 12 Nm → 15 Nm → 18
Nm. Tighten the nut diagonally as shown in Figure 10-8.

Figure 10-7: Mounting into the Electron Gun Chamber

S-5200 Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope Maintenance
Service Manual

NOTE: Tighten 1 through 16 in this order.

Figure 10-8: Nut Tightening Sequence

Evacuating the Electron Gun

1. Turn ON the EVAC switch to evacuate the specimen chamber and electron gun.
2. Wait 1 - 2 hours after the HIGH lamp flashes to display the vacuum of the specimen chamber.
3. Install the baking heater on the electron gun chamber.
4. Remove the IP-1 connector from the ion pump and turn ON IP-1 on the evacuation panel. Because
high voltage is applied to the IP-1 connector, do not touch it to avoid electric shock.
5. Set the OUTER BAKING timer only. (Do not attach the INNER BAKING terminal rod.) Set the
OUTER BAKING timer to 14 hours or more. (Set the OUTER BAKING to complete two hours prior
to turning ON all IPs.
6. Turn OFF the IP-1 switch on the evacuation panel and connect the IP-1 connector.
7. Turn ON switches IP-1, 2 and 3.
8. Close valves MV-2, 3 and 4. (Close the associated valve as each IP turns ON.)
9. Check the evacuation condition in one hour or so. (Verify that the ultimate vacuum of each IP is 1 x
10-5 Pa or less.)
10. Attach the INNER BAKING terminal rod to the electron gun and connect the connector.
11. Start normal Baking. See Figure 10-1.
12. Verify that the ultimate vacuum of each IP and that there is no vacuum leakage.
IP-1 ≤ 1 x 10-7 Pa
IP-2 ≤ 2 x 10-6 Pa
IP-3 ≤ 1 x 10-5 Pa

Part No. 595-8030 10-7


Breakdown Voltage Test

1. Attach the discharge protection tool to the electron gun as shown Figure 10-9.
2. Attach the HV cable.
3. Set the IP vacuum meter to display the IP-2 vacuum.
4. Set V0 to 20 kV, select bombard in the EO Adjustment 1 window and HV to ON. When the MV-1 is
not OPEN, select bombard to turn HV ON.
5. Verify that there is no discharge or HV leakage using the IP-2 vacuum meter. Increase V0 to 25 kV
and then 30 kV in ten minutes intervals.
6. Set V0 to 30 kV and verify that there is no discharge by moving the electron gun X and Y axis.
(Check it at least one hour.)

NOTE: Make sure that the discharge

protection tool and the interior of the
electron gun insulator are free from dust.

Figure 10-9: Breakdown Voltage Test

S-5200 Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope Maintenance
Service Manual

Tip Rounding Operation

1. Wait until the flashing interval at degassing is between 30 seconds and 1 minute or IP-1 vacuum
2. Set the flashing strength to 1 and perform flashing. Set the flashing strength to 1 and verify that the
meter range is 0 to 10 µA. If not, adjust it.
3. Repeat the flashing operation several times until there is no more out-gas from the Tip. (It is OK if
the deteriorated vacuum of IP-1 is 1 x 10-7 Pa or less at flashing.)
4. Set the flashing strength to 2 and repeat the flashing operation several times until there is no more
out-gas. (It is OK if the deteriorated vacuum of IP-1 is 1 x 10-7 Pa or less at flashing.) Set the flashing
strength to 2 and verify that the meter range is 30 to 40 µA. If not, adjust it.
5. Check an initial value of V1 when the accelerating voltage is 1 kV and the emission current is 10 µA.
If the initial value of V1 is 3.5 to 3.9 kV, it is not necessary to round the tip.
6. Set the flashing strength to 3 and repeat the flashing operation several times when the initial value of
V1 is 3.5 kV or less. Set the flashing strength to 3 and verify that the meter range is 40 to 50 µA when
flashing. If not, adjust it.
7. Check the initial value of V1 again.
8. Repeat steps 6 and 7 until the initial value of V1 becomes 3.5 to 3.9 kV.

FE Bombard

1. Set the accelerating voltage to 30 kV and the emission current to 10 µA, and observe for about 30
2. Select bombard in the EO Adjustment 1 window and set the emission current to 50 µA.
3. Set the accelerating voltage to 7 kV or 30 kV and bombard for 4 hours or more.
4. Set the emission current to 10 µA, and check the image quality.

Check Items after the Tip Replacement

• Set the accelerating voltage to 1 kV or 30 kV, and check the image quality.
• Repeat electron gun baking and FE bombarding if the tip noise exists.

Part No. 595-8030 10-9


Tip Replacement Procedure Flowchart

The Tip Replacement Procedure Flowchart is shown in Figure 10-10.

Prepare tip • Check tip.

replacement • Check gasket.
Check vacuum
• Obtain tools.

Replace tip Remove the bad tip and replace it with a

new tip. Vacc: 30 kV
Test breakdown
1 hour or longer
Assemble tip Tightening torque: 18 Nm
into electron gun V0: 30 kV or 7 kV
Perform FE
Emission current: 50 µA
4 hours or more
TMP Evacuation

Observe image
Tip V0: 1 kV or 30 kV
OUTER BAKING: ~ 14 hours noise?
Bake Set the baking time to complete two hours
prior to turning ON all IPs.
Evacuate Turn ON IPs.
IP Evacuation

Bake Standard baking

Bake Standard Baking

Test breakdown V0: 30 kV
Ultimate vacuum voltage 1 hour or more
IP-1: < 1 x 10-7 Pa
Check vacuum IP-2: < 2 x 10-6 Pa
IP-3: < 7 x 10-5 Pa
Perform FE
Test breakdown V0: 30 kV
1 hour or longer
Observe image
• Degass tip
Perform tip • Set to the flashing strength 2 or 3.
• When the emission current is 10 µA,
V1 must be 3.5 to 3.9 kV. End

Adjust image Verify that the Main Beam can be

axis obtained.

Standard baking

Figure 10-10: Tip Replacement Flowchart

S-5200 Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope Maintenance
Service Manual

10.3.3 Dry Pump

Dry Pump Maintenance

It is recommended that the ESDP12 dry pump be inspected at least once every ten months (if continuously used)
or every 8,000 hours by a service engineer from Edwards Co.
• One month before the maintenance, the message shown below will appear when the SEM starts.
One month remains before the periodic maintenance date of the dry pump that is used with the S-5200
main unit. Contact the nearest service person for the periodic maintenance by the date shown.
• After the maintenance date, the message shown below appears when the SEM starts or the HV is
The periodic maintenance date has passed. Stop the evacuation operation to prevent damage, and
perform the dry pump periodic maintenance.
• When the periodic maintenance is implemented, select Menu/Option/Maintenance and record the
maintenance date.
NOTE: For dry pumps other than ESDP12, refer to the instruction manual for each pump.

Dry Pump Replacement

1. Turn OFF the display power.

2. Turn OFF the EVAC SW and wait until the instrument stops completely.
3. Turn OFF the main breaker on the power supply unit.
4. Remove the power cable from the dry pump side.
5. Connect the power cable removed in step 4 to a new dry pump.
6. Turn ON the main breaker on the power supply unit.
7. Turn ON the EVAC SW and verify that the instrument operate correctly.

Part No. 595-8030 10-11


10.3.4 Penning Gauge

Set the specimen chamber to atmospheric pressure and remove the penning gauge from the main unit. Clean the
penning gauge following the procedure shown in Figure 10-11.

Figure 10-11: Penning Gauge Cleaning Procedure

Penning Gauge Maintenance



NOTE: Remove the O-ring from

the cathode assy. Using a bamboo
stick to avoid scratching it.

Cleaning NOTE: Boil the cathode assy. and

the anode cylinder for 10 to 15
minutes. Leave them in the air for
about 10 minutes, and clean them
by rubbing with cotton moistened
with cold water.

NOTE: Attach the cathode

without touching the anode.

S-5200 Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope Maintenance
Service Manual

10.3.5 Objective Movable Aperture

Replacing the Objective Movable Aperture

1. Set the specimen chamber to atmospheric pressure.

2. Remove the flange by loosening the fixed screws (4 ea).
3. Pull out the objective movable aperture straight while supporting the flange.
4. Remove the aperture holder screw using a jeweler’s screw driver.
5. Remove the aperture holder with tweezers.
6. Remove the objective aperture plate from the aperture board with tweezers.
7. Clean the aperture holder and aperture board.
8. Put the aperture plate on the aperture board after baking or coating.
9. Put the aperture holder on the plate and tighten the aperture holder screw.
10. Insert the objective aperture section straight into the flange and tighten the flange screws (4 ea).
11. Evacuate the specimen chamber.

Cleaning the Objective Aperture Plate

1. Use the evaporator for baking an aperture plate. Refer to the instruction manual comes with the
evaporator for handling of the evaporator.
2. Attach the molybdenum in the evaporator.
3. Establish a high vacuum in the evaporator and bake the molybdenum board only. Increase the current
until the molybdenum is white hot. Be careful not to apply too much current because the molybdenum
board may fuse.
4. Wait ten minutes after baking and put air into the evaporator.
5. Put the objective aperture plate on the center of the molybdenum board.
6. Establish a high vacuum in the evaporator, heat the molybdenum board until it is white hot and bake
the objective aperture plate. Be careful not to continuously apply a high current because the objective
aperture will melt.
7. Wait ten minutes after baking and put air into the evaporator.
8. Take out the objective aperture plate with tweezers.
9. Coat the baked objective aperture plate on both sides 10 to 20 nm thick with platinum-palladium (Pt-
Pd) using an ion coater.

Part No. 595-8030 10-13


10.3.6 Scintillator Replacement

• Make sure to turn off the DISPLAY switch when a scintillator is being replaced.
• Do not touch the surface of the scintillator.
• Wear plastic gloves when assembling the parts inside the vacuum. Do not touch the parts with bare

Scintillator Replacement Procedure

1. Establish the specimen chamber to atmospheric pressure.

2. Remove the flange by loosing the screws (4 ea).
3. Pull out the secondary electron detector straight while supporting the flange.
4. Remove the shield pipe. The shield pipe is a screwed type.
5. Loosen the scintillator suppression ring screw using a jeweler’s screw driver.
6. Remove the scintillator suppression ring.
7. Remove the scintillator with tweezers.
8. Attach a new scintillator and secure it with a scintillator suppression ring screw.
9. Put the aperture holder and tighten it with an aperture holder screw.
10. Insert the secondary electron detector into the flange straight and tighten with the flange screws (4
11. Evacuate the specimen chamber.
Scintillator suppression ring

Shield pipe

S-5200 Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope Maintenance
Service Manual

10.4 Estimated Periodic Maintenance Time

The estimated periodic maintenance time for each item are shown in Table 10.2.

Table 10.2 Estimated Periodic Maintenance Time

No. Item Maintenance Time Note
1 Electron gun baking 2 days
2 FE-Tip replacement 5 days
3 Dry pump  The maintenance time varies
depending on the pump maker.
4 Penning gauge 1 day
5 Objective lens movable aperture 1 day
6 Scintillator 1 day

10.5 Maintenance Parts List

10.5.1 Standard Maintenance Parts Lists
The standard maintenance parts list is shown in Table 10.3.

Table 10.3 Standard Maintenance Parts List

Part Number Part Name Location Q’ty
J821153 Fuse LM03 Main unit COL-CN 2
J821154 Fuse LM05 Display DCPS (F28, F29, F32) 3
J821155 Fuse LM10 Main unit PC-RL (F9) 1
J821157 Fuse LM20 Display DEF/LENS (F1, F2), DCPS, 13
Main unit DEF/AMP (F1, F2, F3, F4)
J821158 Fuse LM32 Display DCPS, Main unit EVAC (F1) 10
J821159 Fuse LM50 Display DCPS 8
J821032 Fuse ML10A Display DCPS (F17) 1
J821042 Fuse NGU-N15A Display ACPS 1
J821334 Time lag fuse 218001 Main unit ACPS, PC-LC 7
J821335 Time lag fuse 218002 Main unit PC-RL 2
J821336 Time lag fuse 2183.15 Display ACPS, Main unit ACPS 4
J821349 Time lag fuse 218005 Display ACPS, Main unit ACPS, PC-RL 10
J821351 Time lag fuse 218008 Display DEF/LENS 1
J821352 Time lag fuse 218010 Main unit PC-RL 2
J853101 Pilot lamp 8 V, 0.15 A IP power 1
L456759 O ring AS568-110FPM Specimen holder
L456801 O ring AS568-211FPM Specimen stage
L456802 O ring AS568-212FPM Specimen stage

Part No. 595-8030 10-15


Part Number Part Name Location Q’ty

L456804 O ring AS568-214FPM Specimen stage
L456765 O ring AS568-116FPM Objective lens movable aperture
585-4083 Helicoflex H15014 Specimen stage
Helicoflex H150 EDX port
Helicoflex H150 BSE port
Helicoflex H150 Extra-1 port
385-8819 Helicoflex H150016 Faraday cup port

10.5.2 Recommended Maintenance Parts List

The recommended maintenance parts list is shown in Table 10.4.

Table 10.4 Recommended Maintenance Parts List

Part Number Part Name Location Notes *
589-3565 Scintillator Upper detector 3 years
K433004 Pirani gauge ball Evacuation system 3 years
J386042 Optical electron image multiplier Secondary electron detector 5 years
(Photomultiplier) R6249
580-4289 Tip Electron gun 2 years
 Vinyl hose for cooling water Evacuation system, Objective lens 5 years
 Evacuation rubber tube Evacuation system 5 years
 PC monitor PC 3 years
 Hard disk PC 3 years
 Keyboard PC 3 years
 Mouse PC 3 years

NOTE: * Life expectancy (not guaranteed)

10.5.3 Consumables List

The consumables list is shown in Table 10.5.

Table 10.5 Consumables List

Part No. Part Use Notes
G370009 Conductive coating To protect nonconductive specimen 30 g/pack
from ionizing radiation
G370250 Metal abrasive For cleaning vacuum parts 50 g/pack
G743002 Bamboo stick For cleaning vacuum parts 10 ea/pack
S370061 Cotton For cleaning vacuum parts
S370057 Gauze For cleaning vacuum parts
S269003 Aluminum foil For cleaning vacuum parts
585-4267 Vacuum grease (in tube) For sealing hermetically (fixed part)

S-5200 Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope Maintenance
Service Manual

Part No. Part Use Notes

537-2320 Objective lens aperture plate 0.03, 0.05, 0.1 mm dia.
 Acetone For cleaning
533-1337 Molybdenum board For aperture plate baking
S263001 Polyethylene gloves For handing the vacuum parts
L474074 Air filter To open and close the valve
45891500 Cooling water filter To cool off DP/OBJ

10.6 Operation Check after the Periodic Maintenance

The operation check Items after the periodic maintenance are shown in Table 10.6.

Table 10.6 Operation Check Items after the Periodic Maintenance

No. Item Operation Check Result
1 Image quality Set the accelerating voltage to 1 kV or 30 kV and No distortion must be
the magnification to be more than the customer’s present.
actual use, and check the image quality.
2 Evacuation system • Vacuum
Measure vacuum for the electron gun, first Electron gun
intermediate and second intermediate chambers 1 x 10 Pa or less
with a vacuum meter.
1st intermediate chamber
2 x 10 Pa or less
2nd intermediate chamber
1 x 10 or less

• Evacuation speed
Measure the duration from when the specimen Must be 1 minute or less
is exchanged to when the high voltage can be
• Evacuation sequence
Check that high vacuum can be obtained. Must operate normally.
3 Each section • Movable aperture operation check
Shift the objective movable aperture and beam Must be able to change
monitor aperture from No. 0 to No. 4, and check between 4 positions
that they can move smoothly. smoothly.

• Specimen exchange
Check that the specimen can be moved from Must move from the Home
the Home Position to the specimen exchange Position to the specimen
positions. Also, check that the specimen can be exchange position and be
exchanged smoothly. exchanged smoothly.

Part No. 595-8030 10-17


No. Item Operation Check Result

• Mechanical axis adjustment
Check that the electron gun and condenser Must be able to align
lenses (first and second) can be aligned smoothly.
4 Safety device • At power failure, all valves must close. Must operate normally.

• When the vacuum has degraded, the protection

circuit must turn off the HV circuit.
• When water flow is interrupted, the HV circuit
must be turned off.
• If the specimen holder is not inserted in the
specimen chamber, HV cannot be applied.
• When the compressed air pressure drops below
250 kPa, all valves must close.
5 Miscellaneous • The dry pumps and compressor must be free Any problems must not be
from abnormal sounds. found.

• The objective lens cooling water must not leak.

S-5200 Field Emission Scanning Microscope Troubleshooting
Service Manual

11 Troubleshooting
11.1 Overview of Troubleshooting
The S-5200 SEM is comprised of complex mechanisms and electrical circuits, which can create unexpected
problems. Troubleshooting should be performed according to the safety information provided in Chapter 2.

11.2 Fault Diagnostics

11.2.1 Dry Pump
Table 11.1 shows a list of dry pump self-test items.

Table 11.1. Dry Pump Fault Diagnostic Items

Symptom Cause Action
Pump won’t run. Power failure, or voltage declining below Check the power supply.
The breaker often turns off. 90 V.
When switched on, the pump
makes a booming noise and
does not start.

Vacuum level won’t increase. Vacuum leak due to a faulty vacuum Locate and repair the leaks.
Contamination inside the vacuum pipes. Degas the pipes.
Pipes too narrow or long. Increase the inner diameter and
reduce the length as much as
High noise. Leaky pipes on the pump suction side. Repair the leaks.

« A strange noise may occur for the first 5 to 6 seconds of evacuation. This
is not a problem.

NOTE: If the dry pump itself should break down, the pump will be disassembled, checked, cleaned, and
repaired at a designated factory. Please consult the dealer from whom your system was purchased.

Part No. 595-8030 11-1


11.2.2 Compressor
Table 11.2 shows a list of compressor self-test items.

Table 11.2. Compressor Self-test Items

Symptom Cause Corrective Action
Leaks from the drain or stop valve If the leak continues after the drain is
closed, replace the compressor.
Faulty packing, screws, or seal Retighten the unit or replace the
No increase in pressure.
Faulty safety valves Replace with a new unit.
Takes long time for
pressure to rise. Clogged suction filter Clean or replace it.
Worn-out piston ring Clean or replace it.
Faulty starting unloader Repaired at service center.

Faulty pressure meter indicator Replace with a new unit.

Pressure increased Faulty pressure valves Adjust or replace it.
beyond the maximum Faulty pressure meter indicator Replace with a new unit.
Faulty push-solenoid Repaired at service center
Piston air valve impeded Repaired at service center
Strange noise Faulty bearings Repaired at service center
Worn-out ridering Replace the ridering.
Faulty installation Install on level floor.
Sliding part burned in Repaired at service center
Motor heats up.
Faulty motor Repaired at service center
Motor makes no booming Faulty pressure valves Replace.
Does not rotate

noise. Protector turned on Pause and restart.

Decrease in voltage Replace the wires with standard
Motor makes a booming wires.
noise. Air valve leaks. Replace with a new unit.
Faulty starting unloader Repaired at service center

NOTE: When requesting repair service, please provide the following information:
1. Model 2. How the problem occurred 3. Your address

S-5200 Field Emission Scanning Microscope Troubleshooting
Service Manual

11.2.3 VRT Board

LED Display on the ECPU247 Board (CPU)

ECPU247 Board

Silk Normal Silk Status
Color Description Color Description
Screen Status Screen (after self-
RUN Green CPU running Lamp ON LLED-1 Green During self- Lamp OFF
DMA Green I/O got DMA Lamp ON at LLED-2 Green During self- Lamp OFF
bass right DMA analysis
INT Green Interruption Lamp ON LLED-3 Green During self- Lamp OFF
occurred when analysis

Part No. 595-8030 11-3


Silk Normal Silk Status
Color Description Color Description
Screen Status Screen (after self-
MBSY Green Memory bus Lamp ON LLED-4 Green During self- Lamp OFF
busy during analysis
bus use
FAIL Red CPU halted Lamp OFF LLED-5 Green During self- Lamp OFF
DIAG Red Lamp flashes: Lamp OFF LLED-6 Green During self- Lamp OFF
Self-analysis analysis
error LLED-7 Green During self- Lamp OFF
Lamp ON: Boot analysis
MERR Red Parity error Lamp OFF LLED-8 Green During self- Lamp OFF

After the reset starts, analyze the I/O function in the board. During self-analysis, [LLED] flashes and when the
analysis result is normal, [DIAG] LED turns OFF. If the analysis result is not normal, [DIAG] LED flashes and
the coded analysis result will be stored in a specific address ($0000F0) in the main memory.

No. Error Code Description

1 $00 No error
2 $A0 MPU register check error
3 $A1 EPROM sun check error
4 $A3 Control register function error
5 $A4 DMAC register error
6 $A5 DMACC interruption check error
7 $A8 PTM register check error
8 $A9 PTM interruption check error
9 $AA Memory protection function error
10 $AD Main memory error
11 $B4 RTC register check error
12 $B6 EEPROM check error
13 $BB FDC register check error
14 $BC SPC register check error
15 $BD MBSI check error

NOTE: Because the memory that stores self-analysis is backed-up with battery, if self-analysis error
occurs, do not remove the battery and carry it without putting it in the conductive bag.

S-5200 Field Emission Scanning Microscope Troubleshooting
Service Manual

NSEM200/NMEM200/NOPD100 Board (Image Memory Board) LED

NSEM200/NMEM200/NOPD100 Board

Silk Normal Silk Status
Color Description Color Description
Screen Status Screen (after self-
FPGA11 Red FPGA load error Lamp OFF FPGA21 Red FPGA load error Lamp OFF
FPGA12 Red FPGA load error Lamp OFF FPGA22 Red FPGA load error Lamp OFF
FPGA13 Red FPGA load error Lamp OFF FPGA23 Red FPGA load error Lamp OFF
FPGA14 Red FPGA load error Lamp OFF FPGA24 Red FPGA load error Lamp OFF
FPGA15 Red FPGA load error Lamp OFF FPGA25 Red FPGA load error Lamp OFF
FPGA16 Red FPGA load error Lamp OFF IHOST Green CPU load error Lamp ON

Part No. 595-8030 11-5


Silk Normal Silk Status
Color Description Color Description
Screen Status Screen (after self-
FPGA17 Red FPGA load error Lamp OFF OPDO Green Display option Lamp ON
FPGA18 Red FPGA load error Lamp OFF PHOTO Green Photo output Lamp ON at
SCNON Red Scan timing Lamp ON at
signal input signal input

Silk Color Description Normal Status
BDSEL Green FPGA load error Lamp OFF
EXAB Green Double image retrieval display Lamp ON when displaying
EPGAOP1 Red Option board memory selection Lamp ON when selecting

11.3 Stage
11.3.1 Malfunction
Errors are displayed on an axis-by-axis basis.
E-2 indicates an error in the amp unit.
Error on the X-axis: X-axis display unit
Error on the Y-axis: Y-axis display unit
If an error occurs only on one of the two axes, the axis that does not have an error displays the current value “as
<Restoring the Origin>
When started or reset, the system X-Y Stage controller returns to the origin as follows:
1. The X- and Y-axes simultaneously begin to move to the origin.
2. The origin is detected from one direction as shown below
3. After the move to the origin is complete, the X-Y Stage controller transmits its status.
4. The maximum moving speed is 200 kpps.

S-5200 Field Emission Scanning Microscope Troubleshooting
Service Manual

11.3.2 Protection Function

Amplifier Error Detection Function

Detected Parameter
Cause Detected Problem Post-detection Action
Power outage Drop in supply voltage • Power input less than 14 V • Servo off
• Indicator lamp (LD-
4204) is lit; indictor
panel E-2 is lit.
Over-speed Excessive output voltage • Motor fault and motor connection
(armature voltage) error (wire, bad polarity, poor
• Encoder connection error (line
breakage, A/B phases connected
in reverse, poor conduction)
• Encoder damaged (A, B phase
• Encoder not connected
NOTE: For an XY stage controller,
the maximum output voltage is DC
23V relative to an input voltage of
DC24V. Therefore, the XY stage
controller is set to a non-
operating value.

Part No. 595-8030 11-7


Detected Parameter
Cause Detected Problem Post-detection Action
Overload Excessive output current • Motor overload • Servo off
(armature current) Note: The detected parameter is • Indicator lamp (LD-
subject to an inverse time limit 2303) is lit; indictor
characteristics such that panel E-2 is lit.
tf(I)=CONSTANT, as illustrated in
Figure 5-27.

Figure 5-27
Over-heating Excessive rise in output- • Controller overload (used • Servo off
stage power transistor continuously under an allowable • Indicator lamp (LD-
temperature output current anomaly) 2303) is lit; indictor
• Abnormal rise in ambient panel E-2 is lit.
• Abnormal rise in temperature due
to poor radiation
• Overheating due to a power
transistor failure
Over-current Excessive output current • Shorting between motor output • Servo off
pins • Indicator lamp (LD-
• Motor coils 2202) is lit; indictor
panel E-2 is lit.
Overflow Excessive reserve pulse in • Abnormal F/V voltage adjustment • Servo off
the deviation counter • Abnormal motor response (motor • Indicator panel E-2
(±6144 pulses) locked, falling torque) is lit.
• Control board error

Amplifier Indicator Lamps

The amplifier is equipped with the LED indicator lamp to indicate the operational condition.
Symbol Color Display
LD-8 Green Power ON
LD-1201 Green Controller enabled (servo ON)
LD-4204 Red Stop-on-power failure function running
LD-2202 Red Stop-on-over-speed function running
LD-3203 Red Stop on overload/overheat/overcurrent function running
LD-5205 Green In-position state

S-5200 Field Emission Scanning Microscope Troubleshooting
Service Manual

11.3.3 Stage Adjustment

When the power or the Reset SW is turned on, sometimes an ERROR-2 error occurs during low-speed operation,
which can cause a system malfunction. (In some cases, by turning the power or the Reset SW on again, the system
may return to normal.)

• The input command voltage for the V/F (voltage/frequency) conversion circuit IC in the stage
controller sags during low-speed operation due to a temperature drift, which causes an impaired pulse
transmission condition.
• In the controller board circuits, the V/F converter is output only when the operating speed command
output becomes a positive voltage at point A in the OPAMP at the lowest speed. However, a
temperature increase or other changes in the ambient conditions around the controller cause a negative
voltage, which hinders low-speed motions, thus generating an ERROR-2 error.

Adjustment Procedures

1. Do not make these adjustments immediately before or after the power is turned on. Instead, they
should be performed at least 30 minutes after the power is turned on.
2. Connect a frequency monitor (e.g., a synchroscope) to the X- and Y-axes.
X-axis: IC153-1 – GND (IC153-2)
Y-axis: IC154-1 – GND (IC154-2)
3. Turn the offset adjustment VR in the direction shown in the figure.
X-axis: VR110
Y-axis: VR109
4. After the power is turned on, restore the power (depress the Reset SW).
5. After the stage returns to the origin and the motor stops, use the offset VR to adjust the VR110 and
VR109 so that the V/F output will be 50 Hz (50 pulses).

Part No. 595-8030 11-9


11.3.4 Self-test and Corrective Action

If a fault of malfunction should occur, take corrective action according to the following diagnostic flowchart.

The actuator won’t run.

Actuator (motor) won’t run when

power is turned on.

NO Is control power NO Is power output NO • Power supply out

Is side LED LD8 supply +5V from the • Power failure
(green) on? correctly input? switching power • Faulty wiring

Faulty controller
NO Faulty wiring between
Control power switching power supply
±15V correctly and controller


Motor drive NO
±24V power on?


Motor cable and • Check motor cable.
connectors • Check connector.
connected? (Check contact.)


Voltage on between
motor cables Faulty controller
(black/white lead Approx. 20V is output to the ends of motor
wires)? cable [CN6502 (1) - (2), (3) – (4)] in the initial
state (reset to the origin)

Bad actuator Replace actuator and turn on power again.

• Broken motor coil (If actuator won’t run due to mechanical lock, red LED on controller side
• Burned out motor comes on.)

S-5200 Field Emission Scanning Microscope Troubleshooting
Service Manual

Actuator (motor) runs erratically.

Actuator (motor) runs erratically without

command signal input.

YES X-axis encoder NO • Correctly plug in

Side LED LD2 connector securely
(red) on? encoder connector
inserted? CN6504.


Side LED X-axis encoder YES
LD202 (red) on? Bad controller cable broken? Repair and replace
encoder cable.


Y-axis encoder NO • Correctly plug in

connector securely encoder connector X-axis encoder NO
inserted? CN6504. cable correctly


• Bad encoder
YES NO (Replace actuator)
Y-axis encoder Repair or replace X-axis encoder • Monitor cable
cable broken? encoder cable. signal output? between encoder
connectors (CN6504)
(15) - (1), (15) - (2)
NO YES with oscilloscope.

Bad controller
Y-axis encoder NO
cable securely


NO • Bad encoder
Y-axis encoder (Replace actuator)
signal output? • Monitor cable between encoder
connectors (CN6504) (15) - (4),
(15) - (5) with oscilloscope.

Bad controller

Part No. 595-8030 11-11


Actuator (motor) won’t stop at origin.

On return to origin, actuator (motor)


YES NO NO • Correctly plug in

X-axis actuator X-axis sensor X-axis origin
won’t stop? sensor securely origin sensor
signal input? connector CN6504.


YES Bad controller

Side LED LD3 X-axis origin YES
Repair and replace
(red) on? sensor cable


Y-axis actuator Side LED LD203 X-axis origin NO
won’t stop? (red) on? sensor cable
securely in?

YES Bad controller

Y-axis origin
sensor signal Bad controller


Y-axis origin
sensor securely • Correctly plug in origin
connected? sensor connector CN6504.


Y-axis origin
sensor cable Repair and replace
broken? cable.


Y-axis origin
NO • If actuator is touching machine, LD3 & LD203
sensor cable
securely (overload stopping) come on.


Bad controller

S-5200 Field Emission Scanning Microscope Troubleshooting
Service Manual

Actuator (motor) stops at origin, but indicator does not show [0.000].

On return to origin, actuator stops at origin, but indicator does not

show 0.000, and motor remains in shift mode.

Control power +5V NO

Voltage for switching power:
input as reference • Reference voltage: 4.67V ± 0.01V
value? (when loaded)


Voltage for switching power:

Control power NO • Reference voltage: +14.91V ± 0.04V
+15V input as -14.72V ± 0.04V
reference value? (when loaded)


Readjust controller offset voltage.

Controller resets itself.

Controller resets itself when running or stopped.

Control power +5V NO

Adjust switching power voltage
input as reference • Reference voltage: 4.67V ± 0.01V
value? NOTE: Below +4.65V, the IC function (when loaded)
resets controller.


Bad controller

Part No. 595-8030 11-13


Actuator (motor) stops.

Actuator stops.
(when controller protection on)

NO Overheat stop function
Side LED Bottom of controller
(red) on? on (thermostat kicks in at
abnormally hot? 90°)

Over-current stop Actuator motor cable
function running shorted or coil inside
motor shorted

Counter overflow stop

function running

Side LED Actuator
Overload stop Replace actuator.
LD3,203 (red) overloaded?
function running


Input reset signal. Verify

operation. If problem persists,
it’s bad controller.


Power fault stop Control power +5V low.
LD4,204 (red) Check switching power
on? function running


Side LED
Over-speed halt function
LD3,203 (red) running

See “Actuator (Motor) runs erratically.”

S-5200 Field Emission Scanning Microscope Troubleshooting
Service Manual

11.4 Error Messages

11.4.1 EVAC SEQ Error Codes

Table 11.3. EVAC SEQ Error Codes

Code Cause Status Countermeasure
E 01 Failure on the DC power Evacuation system will stop. Pull out the specimen holder to the
supply (+24 V) entrance of the specimen exchange
chamber, and turn the EVAC POWER
switch off. Then, turn it on again. If the error
occurs again, contact a service engineer.
E 03 Over heating of a Evacuation system will stop. Pull out the specimen holder to the
transformer in the power entrance of the specimen exchange
supply chamber, and turn the EVAC POWER
(the temperature sensor is switch off. Wait for about 30 min, and check
an optional accessory) the cooling water supply. Then, turn the
EVAC POWER on. If the error occurs
again, contact a service engineer.
E 04 Over heating of the dry Evacuation system will stop. Pull out the specimen holder to the
pump entrance of the specimen exchange
(the temperature sensor is chamber, and turn the EVAC POWER
an optional accessory) switch off. Wait for about 30 min. Then,
turn the EVAC POWER on. If the error
occurs again, contact a service engineer.
E 05 The dry pump stopped. Evacuation system will stop. Pull out the specimen holder to the
entrance of the specimen exchange
chamber, and turn the EVAC POWER
switch off. Check if the dry pump circuit
breakers are on. Wait until the turbo
molecular pump stops. Then, turn the
EVAC POWER on. If the error occurs
again, contact a service engineer.
E 06 Blown out the fuse Evacuation system will stop. Pull out the specimen holder to the pre-
connecting to the penning pumping position, and turn the EVAC
gauge unit. POWER switch off. Then, replace the fuse
and turn the EVAC POWER switch on
again. If the error occurs again, contact a
service engineer.
E 07 The turbo molecular pump Evacuation system will stop. Turn the EVAC POWER switch off. Wait
stopped. until the turbo molecular pump stops. Then,
(TMP-2) turn the EVAC POWER on. If the error
occurs again, contact a service engineer.
(The turbo molecular pump
of 50 liter/second is an
optional accessory)
E 08 The turbo molecular pump Evacuation system will stop. Turn the EVAC POWER switch off. Wait
stopped. until the turbo molecular pump stops. Then,
(TMP-1) turn the EVAC POWER on. If the error
occurs again, contact a service engineer.

Part No. 595-8030 11-15


Code Cause Status Countermeasure

E 12 Flow of the cooling water is The evacuation system will Check the cooling water supply.
larger than specified rate. be working normally. The The Water lamp is lit when water is
(The water lamp blinking) cooling water is used for supplied.
cooling the objective lens.
E 13 Flow of the cooling water is The evacuation system will Check the cooling water supply.
smaller than specified rate. be working normally. The The Water lamp is lit when water is
(The water lamp goes out) cooling water is used for supplied.
cooling the objective lens.
Objective lens current will
be shut off.
E 14 Insufficient air pressure for The Air lamp on the When the system is using an air
the pneumatic valves. evacuation control panel will compressor, check its power supply and
be off. The power of the pressure. When using house air, check the
turbo molecular pumps will source of the air pressure. The system will
be shut off. recover when the air recovers at specific
E 17 S.E.C.AIR switch is on All valves are closed. Pull out the specimen holder to the
when the specimen holder entrance of the specimen exchange
is in the specimen chamber. Or set to EVAC the EVAC/AIR
chamber. switch on the specimen exchange chamber.
E 18 S.C. LOCK switch on the Alarm buzzer only. Pull out the specimen holder to the
evacuation control panel is entrance of the specimen exchange
released when the chamber. Or set to LOCK the S.C. LOCK
specimen holder is in the switch on the evacuation control panel.
specimen chamber
E 19 The specimen holder is not The evacuation system will Pull out the specimen holder to the
at the entrance of the not be working normally. entrance of the specimen exchange
specimen exchange chamber.
chamber when EVAC
process was started.
E 20 S.C. LOCK switch on the Alarm buzzer only. Release the S.C. LOCK switch on the
evacuation control panel is evacuation control panel until air leak is
set to LOCK when the completed.
specimen chamber is in the
air leak process.
E 25 EVAC power is on when The evacuation system will Insert the specimen holder to the entrance
the specimen holder is out not be off. of the specimen exchange chamber.
the specimen chamber.
E 31 Gun baking was started Gun baking power supply is Press the Baking stop switch. Remove the
while the HV cable head is shut off. HV cable from the electron gun and insert it
not removed. to the HV cable holder at the side of the
display unit. And then start gun baking
E 32 Covers around the electron Gun baking power supply is Press the Baking stop switch. Attach covers
gun are not attached. shut off. to the electron gun part. And then start gun
baking again.
E 33 Over heating of baking Baking power supply will be Stop gun baking. Contact a service
heaters. shut off. engineer.
(when optional temperature
sensor is installed)

S-5200 Field Emission Scanning Microscope Troubleshooting
Service Manual

Code Cause Status Countermeasure

E 34 Ion pump 1 power supply is Baking power supply will be Stop gun baking. Wait for a few hours.
shut off while gun baking. shut off. Restart ion pumps. And then, start gun
The gun baking may cause baking again.
deterioration of gun vacuum
and in some cases ion
pump power supply will be
shut off.
E 35 Ion pump 1 vacuum When vacuum of the ion Stop gun baking. Wait for a few hours.
degraded. pump 1 degraded to lower Restart ion pumps. And then, start gun
than the specified value, baking again.
baking power supply will be
E 36 Cover around the trap heat Trap heat power supply is Press the Trap Heat stop switch. Attach
is not attached. shut off. covers to the trap heat part. And then start
(the trap heat is an optional trap heat again.
E 37 Gun baking was started Baking power supply will be Stop gun baking. Wait for a few hours.
while the ECO mode is shut off. Restart ion pumps. And then, start gun
carrying out. baking again.
E 38 Baking timer is not correct. Baking power supply will be Press the Baking stop switch. Set the
(Condition INNER TIME > shut off. baking timer correctly, and then start gun
OUTER TIME + 2) baking again.

E 51 Failure of the PI1 Contact a service engineer.

E 52 Failure of the PI2 Contact a service engineer.
E 97 EVAC power is off when The evacuation system will Pull out the specimen holder to the
the specimen holder is in not be off. entrance of the specimen exchange
the specimen chamber. chamber.
E 99 Error of ECO mode caused ECO mode will not start. Settle the problem, and then start ECO
by: mode
1. EVAC power off
2. The specimen holder is
in the specimen
3. While the baking is
carrying out.
4. SEC EVAC/AIR switch
is set to AIR.
5. Timer setting is failed

Part No. 595-8030 11-17


11.4.2 Software Error Code

Table 11.4. Error Messages


Error Code Message Cause & Remedy

1001 to Cannot execute at scan speed These messages will be shown when the operation is
1008 xxxx inhibited with the present scanning speed.
Change scanning speed and then, do the operation again.
1009 to Now running in xxxx Mode These messages will be shown when the operation is
1030 Executing xxxx inhibited with the present scanning mode or the present
xxxx ing executing function. Change scanning mode or wait until the
present executing function ends. Then, do the operation
2000 Invalid input data This message will be shown when input data is not correct.
Confirm acceptable data and then, input again.
2001 Invalid data (out of range) This message will be shown when input data is too large or
too small. Confirm acceptable range of data and then, input
2002 Only a number is acceptable This message will be shown when you input keys other than
2003 Invalid Data This message will be shown when input data is not correct.
Confirm acceptable data and then, input again.
2004 The name is used in the system. S-5200 uses this login name. Use other name.
2005 Specified value is invalid. Set [CD Measurement option] Combination of parameters
the value so as to satisfy the results in number of measurement lines.
following equation. Change parameters following the equation shown in the
[MeasurementPoint-1] × message.
[MultiPitch] +
[MeasurementPitch] ×
<= 480
2007 Invalid login name Use a login name already registered. “S-5200” is the default
login name.
Note that capital and small letters are distinguished for login
names. Confirm your input.
2008 The password you typed is You entered incorrect password. Note that capital and small
incorrect. letters are distinguished for login names.
Confirm your input.

2010 Specified file is different from the The file for operation condition is not correct. If this
condition file for S-5200. message is shown, check if other application is using files of
SEM Parameters will be extension “pm1” or “pm2”.
2016 Specified file not moved because This message will be shown when you have specified the
source and destination same directory as of the source files for the target directory
directories are the same. in Batch Process-Move File command. Specify other
directory than that of source files for the target directory.

S-5200 Field Emission Scanning Microscope Troubleshooting
Service Manual

Error Code Message Cause & Remedy

2017 xxxx is already Exist. This message will be shown when the input User name
(or login name) is already used. Specify other name.
2031 Use at Magnification lower than × This message will be shown when you click the Get Image
5,000. button at a higher magnification than ×5,000.
2032 Time-out error. This message will be shown when operations such as auto
focusing did not end within specified period.
If it happens frequently, contact a service engineer.
2040 This is not 8 bits image file. Some commands in the SEM Data Manager handle 8 bit
gray scale images only.
2041 The size of image exceeds the Some commands in the SEM Data Manager handle
maximum resolution 2560 × maximum of 2560 × 1920 pixels.
2042 Image size is not available Image transfer to Scanning Image window and photo replay
except 640 × 480, 1280 × 960, support the three image sizes shown in the message only.
2560 × 1920
2045 Captured images in memory Image transfer to Scanning Image window and photo replay
to areas of xxxx will be deleted. use image memory for storing captured image.
2047 Are you sure? This message is shown when the necessary area is not
empty. If you need the captured images in specified areas,
click No button and save these images. And then, use the
image transfer or photo replay command.
2060 Insufficient memory space in a This message will be shown when vacant area of the hard
temporary drive. At least 20 MB disk is not enough for the process to be executed.
free area is necessary for Delete unnecessary files and keep more space than
startup. specified.
2061 Insufficient memory space in a This message will be shown when vacant area of the hard
temporary drive. At least 5 MB disk is not enough for the process to be executed.
free area is necessary for Delete unnecessary files and keep more space than
executing this process. specified.
2062 Insufficient memory space in a This message will be shown when vacant area of the hard
temporary drive. At least 10 MB disk is not enough for the process to be executed.
free area is necessary for Delete unnecessary files and keep more space than
executing this process. specified.
2065 Free space in temporary drive is This message will be shown when vacant area of the hard
30 MB or less. System may disk is not enough for the process to be executed.
become unstable. Please quit Delete unnecessary files and keep more space than
S-5200 program and free up the specified.
disk space.
2101 Please input file name. Input a file name and then, click the Save Button.
2102 Please input user name Input or select a user name and then, click the Save button.
2105 Auto increment counter has Quick saving allows up to 99 files for a name.
reached 99. Please use another Use another file name.
file name
2107 Please input comment. [CD Measurement option-Calibration] Input a comment
before clicking the Apply button.
2108 File name is duplicated. This message will be shown when you have specified a file
name already used. Use other name.

Part No. 595-8030 11-19


Error Code Message Cause & Remedy

2109 File name is too long.. Up to 255 characters are acceptable for a file name
including drive name, folder name, and extension.
2110 User table is not empty. Delete To delete a user name, image lists in the user table shall be
all lists or images by using empty. Use Batch Process-Remove List command (removes
Remove List Command or database list only) or Delete Image command (deletes
Delete Image Command before images).
deleting User table.
2120 A number of written items Number of texts or graphics exceeds allowable number.
exceed the maximum. Carry out Delete some of texts or graphics to add new one.
Combine. Or once execute combine command and save the image to
add new data in the image.
2121 The number of written items Number of texts or graphics exceeds allowable number.
exceeds the maximum. Delete some of texts or graphics to add new one.
More items cannot be input.
2130 Number of tool buttons is out of Not all buttons are able to be placed in the toolbar.
range. Please delete less Select buttons you will use frequently.
important buttons.
2140 Invalid file name. The file name possibly includes characters not allowed ( / : ,
; * ? “ < > | ).
2141 File name is too long. Up to 255 Use file name shorter than 255 characters including folder
characters are acceptable for a name and extension.
file name including folder name.
2142 Invalid User name. The User name possibly includes characters not allowed ( / :
, ; * ? “ < > | ).
2143 User name is too long. Up to 64 Use User name shorter than 64 characters.
characters are acceptable.
2144 Invalid Sample name. The Sample name possibly includes characters not allowed
( / : , ; * ? “ < > | ).
2145 Sample name is too long. Up to Use Sample name shorter than 40 characters.
40 characters are acceptable.
2146 Invalid Keyword. The Keyword possibly includes characters not allowed ( / : ,
; * ? “ < > | ).
2147 Keyword is too long. Up to 20 Use Keyword shorter than 20 characters.
characters are acceptable.
2149 Comment is too long. Up to 80 Use Comment shorter than 80 characters.
characters are acceptable.
2200 The new and confirmed Input both new and confirmation passwords again.
passwords do not match. Please Note that capital and small letters are distinguished.
type them again.
2202 Cannot delete this login name. This login name is not allowed to delete.
3001 Written data will be combined This message will be shown for confirmation.
into image.
3002 Written data will be transferred This message will be shown for confirmation.
into bitmap area for photograph.

S-5200 Field Emission Scanning Microscope Troubleshooting
Service Manual

Error Code Message Cause & Remedy

3003 Caution! All captured images will This message will be shown when All Clear button in the
be deleted. Are you sure? captured Image window is clicked or when you change
capture resolution for confirmation.
3004 Exit SEM Manager. This message will be shown for confirmation.
3010 XXXX already Exist. Overwrite? This message will be shown when the file name for saving
already exists. If you click the OK button, the file will be
3011 XXXX will be deleted. This message will be shown for confirmation.
Are you sure? Click Cancel button if you do not want to delete it.
3013 XXXX will be deleted (moved This message will be shown for confirmation if the original
former files). file may be deleted after moving it.
Are you sure?
3015 ~ already Exist. Overwrite? This message will be shown when saving the image on the
(Yes: Overwrite, No: Save by SEM Data Manager. Click Yes to overwrite. When you click
using different name.) the No button, the Save Image dialog window will be shown
for saving the image with new file name.
3016 ~ already Exist. Overwrite? This message will be shown when the specified file name for
(Yes: Overwrite, No: Append into saving measured data already exists. If you click the Yes
the existing file.) button, the existing data in the file will be overwritten by new
one. If you click the No button, the existing data in the file
will be kept and new data is added following the existing
3021 Caution! After deleting data, it When images are registered in multiple user names,
cannot be accessed by any other deleting, moving or renaming the images on a user may
user table it is registered in. cause troubles when opening the images on other user
Are you sure? names.
When this happens, removing the images using Batch
Process-Remove List command from the users will solve the
3022 Caution! After moving data, it When images are registered in multiple user names,
cannot be accessed by any other deleting, moving or renaming the images on a user may
user table it is registered in. cause troubles when opening the images on other user
Are you sure? names.
When this happens, removing the images using Batch
Process-Remove List command from the users will solve the
3023 Caution! After renaming data, it When images are registered in multiple user names,
cannot be accessed by any other deleting, moving or renaming the images on a user may
user table it is registered in. cause troubles when opening the images on other user
Are you sure? names.
When this happens, removing the images using Batch
Process-Remove List command from the users will solve the
3030 Print both A and B images? This message will be shown when Printing images in Dual
Screen mode. When you click the No button, the image on
the screen specified by the Record A/B buttons will be

Part No. 595-8030 11-21


Error Code Message Cause & Remedy

3040 HV will be turned off. This message will be shown when closing the program while
OK? HV is still ON. If you click the OK button, HV will be shut

3100 Would you save measurement This message will be shown when closing the CD
data? Measurement without saving measured data.
Click Yes and save data if it is necessary.
3200 Please insert additional option Insert the option disk following the message.
3201 Delete this option. This message will be shown for confirmation.
Are you sure?
3210 The password has been This message shows that the password has been changed.
successfully changed.
3220 Preset count has been passed. Number of cell counting was over.
3502 Current Holder Type and Sample This message will be shown when applying HV. Check if
Height Mode are set to the the current Specimen Holder Type and Sample Height Mode
above conditions. Please in the message are correct.
change the condition with the
corresponding dialog Window if
the above setting are different
from the actual ones. [Caution]
The sample holder may touch
the objective lens if an incorrect
Holder Type is selected. Holder
3503 The combination of the present Change the setting of Sample Height mode or accelerating
3506 accelerating voltage and Sample voltage.
Height Mode which has been
3508 selected is not allowed. Change
the settings so that the following
relation is satisfied
3600 It is necessary to carry out the Carry out the maintenance of the scroll pump.
maintenance of the scroll pump
used with the S-5200 within 1
month. Please contact to the
nearest service organization and
carry out the maintenance by the
following date.
3601 The time has exceeded the date Shutdown the evacuation system and carry out the
when the maintenance of the maintenance of the scroll pump.
scroll pump is required. Please
shutdown the evacuation system
of the S-5200 and carry out the
maintenance of the scroll pump.
Please contact to the nearest
service organization for the
maintenance of the scroll pump.

S-5200 Field Emission Scanning Microscope Troubleshooting
Service Manual

Error Code Message Cause & Remedy

3802 Overwrite captured image in This message will be shown for confirmation when you
memory area of No.~. select a capture area where image already exists, or when
Are you sure? you capture an image when image exists in the next capture
3810 Delete Calibration No.~. This message will be shown for confirmation when you
Are you sure? delete a calibration data.
3815 A date of the maintenance for Check the date of the maintenance for the scroll pump, and
the scroll pump will be update to click the OK button.
the following date. Are you
3901 The limit is ~ bytes. You entered too long a login name or password.
4200 Option disk is invalid. The option disk is not for this instrument.
Use the correct disk.
4201 Serial number is invalid. The serial number is incorrect. Or the option disk is not for
this instrument.
4300 Failure in auto focus. This message will be shown when auto focusing failed in
focus detection. Check if the observed specimen has fine
surface structure, the image brightness or contrast is
adequate, or the OBJ aperture is aligned correctly.
4301 Failure in auto stigma. This message will be shown when auto stigma failed. Check
if the observed specimen has fine surface structure, the
image brightness or contrast is adequate, the OBJ aperture
is aligned correctly or stigma alignment is adjusted correctly.
4500 Input value or measured value is This message will be shown when ratio of correct value and
not correct. measured value in the calibration operation is out of range.
4501 Magnification is out of step Magnification is set in stepwise by magnification operation
range. Please adjust and also changed finely by focusing operation. Calibration
magnification. of measured data is possible only when the step- set
magnification value. When this message is shown, once
make magnification operation using mouse on the
magnification area or using the knob on the operation panel
(option). And then, continue measurement operation.
4502 Please execute calibration. This message will be shown when you click the Apply button
before the Calibration Factors are calculated.
4700 Communication time out error This message will be shown when the control of the
between SEM and STAGE. motorized stage failed. Try once to restart the display unit
Please check the wiring for RS- and the stage controller.
232C and re-start the system.

Part No. 595-8030 11-23



Error Code Message Cause & Remedy

5000 X-axis parameter error (Max) The axis position is at the limit. You can drive the stage towards
reverse direction.
5001 X-axis parameter error (Min)
5002 Y-axis parameter error (Max)
5003 Y-axis parameter error (Min)
5006 T-axis parameter error (Max) The axis position is at the limit. You can drive the stage towards
reverse direction.
5007 T-axis parameter error (Min) If it happens frequently, contact a service engineer.
5020 Cannot execute while drive X-axis Possibly the initialization is in progress. Wait for a few minutes.
5021 Cannot execute while drive Y-axis If the message is shown even when about 10 minutes have
passed, shut the stage power off once and then turn it on.
5023 Cannot execute while drive T-axis
5025 Cannot execute while drive stage This message will be shown when operation on the GUI and by the
by track ball track ball are generated simultaneously.
5026 Cannot execute while drive stage This message will be shown when operation on the GUI and by the
by panel operation panel are generated simultaneously.
5040 Cannot execute while not initialize X Initialization of the axis is in progress.
5041 Cannot execute while not initialize Y Wait until initialization ends.
5043 Cannot execute while not initialize T
5075 Stage over run error (X-CCW) These messages will be shown when the axis is driven over its
It will be recovered automatically.
5080 Stage over run error (X-CW)
5085 Stage over run error (Y-CCW)
5090 Stage over run error (Y-CW)
5101 Stage over run error (Z-CCW)
5102 Stage over run error (Z-CW)
5103 Stage over run error (T-CCW)
5104 Stage over run error (T-CW)
5200 Specimen exchange position error This message will be shown when the stage can not be set at the
(X) (Allowable value : 10 µm) home position correctly.
5201 Specimen exchange position error Restart the stage power switch. If this happens frequently, contact a
(Y) (Allowable value : 10 µm) service engineer.
5203 Specimen exchange position error
(T) (Allowable value : 0.1 deg)
5365 Time out error (X-axis) This message will be shown when the operation does not end
within specified time period.
5366 Time out error (Y-axis) If the message is shown frequently, contact a service engineer.
5368 Time out error (T-axis)

S-5200 Field Emission Scanning Microscope Troubleshooting
Service Manual

Error Code Message Cause & Remedy

5400 X-axis is out of range (MAX) This message will be shown when the present position data is out
Please check sample size with of the movable area of the axis.
Stage Control Window
5401 X-axis is out of range (MIN) If the message is shown frequently, contact a service engineer.
Please check sample size with
Stage Control Window
5402 Y-axis is out of range (MAX)
Please check sample size with
Stage Control Window
5403 Y-axis is out of range (MIN)
Please check sample size with
Stage Control Window
5406 T-axis is out of range (MAX)
5407 T-axis is out of range (MIN)
5982 Stage presently moving Internal error message. Ignore it. Click OK.
6510 Host not found. An error occurred while transferring files to or from a remote
computer. Check corresponding setting.

HV, Evacuation System

Error Code Message Cause & Remedy

7012 HV forced OFF due to one of the This message will be shown when the HV is shut off by
following items. degradation of the vacuum, safety protection activated, or
Cause : setting the specimen holder at the entrance of the specimen
exchange chamber. First check if the specimen holder is in
Degradation of vacuum. the specimen chamber. Next check the ion pump vacuum. If
Safety protection activated. the ion pump vacuum is not good, wait until the vacuum of
Setting the specimen holder at ion pumps recovers to the specified value (HV indication will
the entrance of the specimen start blinking in yellow). And then, turn the HV on. If this
exchange chamber. message is shown frequently, contact a service engineer.

7030 Emission current limit error This message will be shown when HV is shut off by emission
current limiter. Make flashing operation and then, turn HV on.
If this message is shown frequently, contact a service
7100 Long time has past since last This message will be shown when 24 hr have passed, or 8 hr
flash. of accumulative HV on time have passed since last flashing
Please execute flashing, or HV operation. Execute flashing within 30 min. If you do not flash
OFF. within 30 min., HV will be shut off automatically.
7101 HV turned off due to excessive This message will be shown when HV is shut off
time since last flash. Please automatically. Execute flashing and then turn HV on.
execute flash
7102 Long time has passed since last This message will be shown when 24 hr have passed, or 8 hr
flash. of accumulative HV on time have passed since last flashing
Please execute flash. operation. Execute flashing and then turn HV on.
7200 Abnormal temperature rise This message will be shown when temperature of high power
occurred in the power supply. electric circuitry exceeds specified value. Turn the EO
Shut down the PC and turn the control switch off. Wait for about 30 min. Then turn the
[DISPLAY] switch off. Restart switch on and start operation. If the message is shown
the microscope after about half frequently, contact a service engineer.

Part No. 595-8030 11-25


Error Code Message Cause & Remedy

an hour. When this message is
shown again, contact service
7201 Detection of an error in the This message will be shown when temperature of the
cooling function for the objective objective lens coil exceeds specified value or cooling water
lens. flow value is not enough. If the message is shown frequently,
If the column temperature contact a service engineer.
around the objective lens is
about 40 , shut down the PC
and turn the [DISPLAY] switch
off. Wait for more than 5 hours.
When the temperature of
objective lens returns the room
temperature, turn the [DISPLAY]
switch on, and check the cooling
water flow and water
Water flow:1 to 1.5 L/min
Water temperature: 10 to 20°
7202 Temperature has recovered. This message will be shown when the message code 7200 or
7201 has appeared and the temperature has recovered to
normal value. You may continue operation. If message code
7200 or 7201 is shown frequently, contact a service engineer.
7203 Specified Height mode not This message will be shown when specifying the Sample
allowed. Height that exceeds allowed value at the present accelerating
voltage. Use allowed Sample Height mode.
7204 Specified Accelerating voltage This message will be shown when specifying the accelerating
not allowed. voltage that exceeds allowed value at the present Sample
Height. Use allowed accelerating voltage.
7777 Host and SEM Controller are not The S-5200 system uses a microprocessor for controlling the
communicating. hardware. The microprocessor is linked with PC using
Confirm that power is on. Ethernet. The message [Host and SEM Controller are not
communicating. Confirm that power is on] shows that there
has been some failure on the initial connection of this
If this message appears, click OK button on this message
dialog and turn EO CONTROL switch off. Then, turn this
switch on again and start S-5200 program.
If the error message appears again and your SEM is using a
motorized stage, check if the power switch of the stage
controller is turned on.

S-5200 Field Emission Scanning Microscope Troubleshooting
Service Manual

11.5 Setting the PC Environment

Creating the File
The S-5200 program file and the directory structure for files to be used and created are shown below.

Program Files
The following files exist in the directory c:\Program Files\PC_SEM\. This directory holds programs that pertain to
PC operations.
• PC_SEM.exe
• PC_SEM.hlp
• PC_SEM.cnt
• Ras.exe
• SetlpAdr.exe

The following principal files exist in the directory c:\Winnt\systems32\, which holds shared programs on the PC.
• Semlmg32.dll
• ToyLib.dll
• PciLib.dll
• Other dll, ocx files

The following file exists in the directory c:\Winnt\Systems32\drivers:

• WinRt.sys

The following files exist in the directory c:\Vrtsys. This directory holds VRT control programs. When the system
is started, the files indicated by ∗ are downloaded onto the VRT.
• vxWorks∗
• vxWorks.sym∗
• vxWorks.mapA∗
• vxWorks.mapL∗
• Ftpserv.exe
• Ctr.bmp

Part No. 595-8030 11-27


NOT: If the software is restored or the PC is changed due to the PC malfunction, reset or reinstall the
program according the procedure shown below.

S-5200 Restore CD Creation

No. Item Procedure Check Notes
1 Check BIOS 1. After the PC is turned on, press [F10] when
Verify that secondary <F10=Setup> is displayed at the right bottom of the
drive 0 is set to PIO screen.
2. When the language menu appears, select Japanese
and press Enter.
3. Select storage/IDE drive timing from the menu.
4. Verify that secondary drive 0 is set to PIO Mode-4.
If secondary drive 0 is not set to PIO Mode-4, follow the
procedure shown below to correct the setting.
1. Select secondary drive 0 by using the down arrow key
to move the cursor.
2. Change the setting from Enhanced DMA (example) to
PIO Mode-4 by using the left arrow key.
3. Press [F10].
4. Select File/Save and Close, and then press [Enter].
5. Press [F10] when instructed.
2 Check SCSI • SCSI Adaptec 2940 (Hardware) must be installed in the
• SCSI Adaptec 2940 (software) driver must be installed
in the PC.

3 Create a restore CD. 1. Turn off the Display.

2. Connect a CD-R drive.
3. Turn on the CD-R drive.
4. Insert a CD-R blank media (x12 capable) into the CD-R
5. Insert Drive Image 4.0 setup disk 1 of 3 into the floppy
disk drive. (The English version will be 1 of 2.)
6. Turn on the PC. (Turn on the Display also.)
7. Insert disk 2 of 3 when prompted and press Enter. (The
English version will be 2 of 2.)
8. Insert disk 3 of 3 when prompted and press Enter. (No
English equivalent.)
9. When the Drive Image 4.0 menu appears, press Num

S-5200 Field Emission Scanning Microscope Troubleshooting
Service Manual

No. Item Procedure Check Notes

4 Create a restore CD 1. Click “Create image” using the mouse.
2. Select C drive from “Create image/ Select original
3. Press the Reference button in the “Create image”
4. Select the CD-RW drive for the new image file.
(//./pqcdl GENERIC CDR-BP2 2.21 11x31)
5. Type S52-#### (ex: S-52-0105 #### shows a
Production No.) and press OK.
6. Select Standard (Low) or High (High) level for
Compression (depending on the expected capacity.)
7. Select the Error detection, disk save and Image file
check options, and press Complete.
8. When requested, insert Drive Image 4.0 setup disk 1 of
3 into the floppy disk drive and press OK. (The English
version will be 1 of 2.)
9. When requested, insert Drive Image 4.0 setup disk 2 of
3 into the floppy disk drive and press OK to create the
restore CD. (The English version will be 2 of 2.)
10. After the restore CD check is completed, a completion
message will appear. Remove the CD when requested.
(If an error occurs, contact the person in charge.)
5 Check the restore CD 1. Insert the restore CD into the CD-ROM drive and
restart the PC by pressing Alt+Ctrl+Del.
2. When the Drive Image 4.0 menu appears, press
3. Press the Reference button for an image file selection,
and select CD-ROM drive as the drive selection.
4. When S52-####.PQI appears under File, click to select
and press OK.
5. Select “C:” for disk 1 for the selection of the targeted
partition or empty range, and press Next.
6. The confirmation message shown below appears.
“The selected drive is not empty. The disk image can
be restored only in the current location. Before the
image is restored, the partition is removed. Warning:
The deletion of the partition deletes all data from the
7. Select High Speed for the Disk Write mode.
8. When the message, “ready to restore” appears, press
Complete. (The process of restoring appears on the
screen to show the progress.)

Part No. 595-8030 11-29


No. Item Procedure Check Notes

9. When the message, “The image has been restored. Do

you want to see the results?” appears, select Yes to
confirm the results.
10. When a message asking to restart the computer
appears, remove the CD-R and press Restart.
11. Confirm that the SEM starts properly.

S-5200 Field Emission Scanning Microscope Troubleshooting
Service Manual

11.6 S-5200 PC (DESKPRO EP/P450+/6b/4/64c) Setup Procedures

11.6.1 Required Items
• PC (DESKPRO EP/P500+/6b/4/64c)
• Network board (Intel PRO/100+ COMPAQ)
• Transfer board
• Restore CD (DESKPRO ED Series Ver.4.1)
• Windows NT 4.0 CD-ROM
• Windows NT Service Pack 4 CD-ROM
• Intel PRO/100+ CD-ROM (Network board device driver)
• S-5200 software (CD-ROM)
• SCSI board (Refer to the manual that comes with SCSI for SCSI driver installation procedure.)

11.6.2 Hardware Setup

1. Make sure that the power for the PC is off; remove the cover.
2. Switch the CD and FD drives, placing them sideways.
3. Insert the expansion memory.
4. Install the Network, Video, and Imposer boards in the following slots:
PCI: Empty
PCI: SCSI board
PCI: Network board
PCI: Transfer board
PCI/ISA: Empty
ISA: Empty

11.6.3 BIOS Settings

1. Turn ON the power for the PC.
2. When [F1: Save Change] appears, press the [F1] key. (The system restarts.)
3. When [F10 = Setup] appears, press the [F10] key.
4. When prompted to select a language, specify [English], and press the [Enter] key.
5. Select [Power] → [Power Saver]. Press the [Enter] key.
6. Set the [Power Saver Mode] to [Disable]. Press the [F10] key.
7. Select [Custom] → [Power-on option]. Press the [Enter] key.
8. Set [State at Power-off] to [On]. Press the [F10] key.
9. Select [File] → [Save Changes and Exit]. Press the [Enter] key.

Part No. 595-8030 11-31


10. When [Are you sure you want to save changes and exit?] appears, insert the Restore CD into the CD-
ROM drive. Press the [F10] key. (The system restarts.)

11.6.4 Setting up the Operating System

1. When [Select Language] appears, select [English], and press the [Enter] key.
2. When the [Compaq Restore CD] window appears, click on [Begin].
3. When [Please select the operating system and language ...] appears, confirm [Windows NT 4.0] and
[English]. Click on [Next].
4. When [You have chosen to Restore the operating system ...] appears, click on [Next].
5. When [Please select the hard drive partitioning ...] appears, click on the [Arrow] button to effect the
following changes, and then click on [Next]:
C 2045MB FAT16 Boot partition
D 2045MB FAT16
E 2045MB FAT16
F 14MB FAT16
6. When [The contents of your hard disk are about to be destroyed....] appears, click on [Next].
7. When [WARNING] appears, click on [Yes].
8. When [For the Restore process to continue ...] appears, click on [Reboot] (the system restarts).
9. When [Select the applications you would like to restore to your system ...] appears, click on [Next].
10. When [You have chosen to Restore the software ...] appears, click on [Next].
11. When [Please remove the Compaq Restore CD ...] appears, replace the Restore CD-ROM in the CD-
ROM drive with the Windows NTCD-ROM. Click on [Next].
12. When [The operating system you have selected requires Service Pack ...] appears, replace the
Windows NT CD-ROM in the CD-ROM drive with the service pack CD-ROM. Click on [Next].
13. When [The Compaq Restore CD has formatted and prepared the hard disk ...] appears, click on
[Begin Setup].
14. When [Please remove the CD from your CD-ROM drive ...] appears, take out the service pack CD-
ROM from the drive. Click on [OK] (the system restarts).
15. When [Please read the following license agreement ...] is displayed, click on [I Agree].
16. When [Name and Organization] appears, type in [S-5200] and [HITACHI]. Click on [Next].
17. When [Registration] appears, type in your license number. Click on [Next].
18. When [Windows NT Setup] appears, click on [Next].
19. When [Date and Time properties] appears, set the region as [Tokyo...], and click on [Close] (the
restoring process begins).
20. When [The Compaq Restore CD process is complete...] appears, press the [Enter] key. (The system
21. When the [Begin Logon] screen appears, press the [Ctrl+Alt+Del] keys.
22. Log on by entering the user name [Administrator], the password [none], and clicking on [OK].
(Internet Explorer is installed.)

S-5200 Field Emission Scanning Microscope Troubleshooting
Service Manual

11.6.5 Screen Settings

1. When [Begin Logon] appears, press the [Ctrl+Alt+Del] keys.
2. Log on by entering the user name [Administrator], the password [none], and clicking on [OK].
3. When [Internet Explorer] appears, uncheck [Show this next time you log in], and click on [Close].

4. Move the mouse cursor to the background. Right click the mouse. Select [Properties] from the menu.
5. On [Display Properties], select the [Background] tag, and set [Pattern][Wallpaper] to [(None)].

Part No. 595-8030 11-33


6. On [Display Properties], set [Settings] to [16777216 Colors][Small Font][1024 × 768][75 Hertz].

Click on [OK].

7. When [You have not tried these new settings successfully ...] appears, click on [OK].

S-5200 Field Emission Scanning Microscope Troubleshooting
Service Manual

11.6.6 Installing the Network Driver

1. Select [Start] → [Settings] → [Control Panel] to open [Control Panel].

2. On [Control Panel], double click on the [Network] icon.

3. On the [Network] window, select the [Identification] tab. Click on [Change].

Part No. 595-8030 11-35


4. Change [Computer Name] to [S-5200]. Click on [OK].

5. When [Network Configuration] appears, click on [OK].

6. On the [Network] window, select the [Identification] tab, and click on [Change].
7. Change [Workgroup] to [PCSEM]. Click on [OK].

S-5200 Field Emission Scanning Microscope Troubleshooting
Service Manual

8. When [Network Configuration] appears, click on [OK].

9. On the [Network] window, select the [Protocols], and click on [Add].

Part No. 595-8030 11-37


10. When the [Select Network Protocols] window appears, select [TCP/IP protocol]. Click on [OK].

11. When [If there is a DHCP server on your network ...] appears, click on [No].

S-5200 Field Emission Scanning Microscope Troubleshooting
Service Manual

12. When the [Windows NT Setup] window appears, type in [C:\i386], and click on [Continue].

13. On the [Network] window, click on [Close].

14. When [Microsoft TCP/IP Properties] appears, enter the following information, and then click on
[IP Address]: []
[Subnet Mask]: []
(The other settings remain unchanged.)

Part No. 595-8030 11-39


15. When [You must shut down and restart your computer ...] appears, click on [Yes] (the system

S-5200 Field Emission Scanning Microscope Troubleshooting
Service Manual

11.6.7 Installing the Service Pack

1. When [Begin Logon] appears, press the [Ctrl+Alt+Del] keys.
2. Enter the user name [Administrator] the password [none], and click on [OK].
3. On [Desktop], double click on the [Service Pack4] icon.

4. On [Service Pack4], double click on the [Update] icon.

5. When [Welcome to Windows NT 4.0 Service Pack 4 Setup ...] appears, checkmark [Accept the
license Agreement], uncheck [Backup files necessary to uninstall ...], and click on [Install]. (The
installation process begins.)

6. When [Windows NT 4.0 Service Pack 4 installation is complete ...] appears, click on [Restart] (the
system restarts).
7. When [Begin Logon] appears, press the [Ctrl+Alt+Del] keys.

Part No. 595-8030 11-41


8. Enter the user name [Administrator], the password [none], and click on [OK].
9. When [No known Year 2000 issues detected on this system] appears, click on [OK].

10. On the [Service Pack4] window, click on [X] to close the window.

11.6.8 Adding a User

1. Select [Start] → [Programs] → [Administrative Tools (Common)] → [User Manager]. Open [User

2. Select [User] → [New User]. Open [New User]. Enter the following settings:
[Username]: [SEM]
[Full Name]: [SEM service]
[Description]: [SEM service]
[Password]: [PCsem]

S-5200 Field Emission Scanning Microscope Troubleshooting
Service Manual

[Confirm Password]: [PCsem]

[ ]: [User Must Change Password at Next Logon]
[√]: [User Cannot Change Password]
[√]: [Password Never Expires]
[ ]: [Account Disabled]

3. Click on the [Group] icon to open [Group Memberships].

4. On [Not member of], select [Administrators], click on [←Add], and then click on [OK].

5. On [New User], click on [OK].

6. Select [User] → [New User]. Open the [New User] window, and effect the following settings:
[Username]: [S-5200]

Part No. 595-8030 11-43


[Full Name]: [SEM user]

[Description]: [SEM user]
[Password]: [(none)]
[Confirm Password]: [(none)]
[ ]: [User Must Change Password at Next Logon]
[ ]: [User Cannot Change Password]
[√]: [Password Never Expires]
[ ]: [Account Disabled]

7. On [New User], click on [OK].

8. On the [User Manager] window, click on [X].

11.6.9 Setting the User Environment

1. Click on the [Speaker] icon. Place a checkmark on [Mute].

2. Select [Start] → [Settings] → [Taskbar], and open the [Taskbar Properties] window.

S-5200 Field Emission Scanning Microscope Troubleshooting
Service Manual

3. Select the [Taskbar Options] tab. Set the checkboxes as shown below, and click on [OK]:
[√]: [Always on top]
[√]: [Auto hide]
[ ]: [Show small icons in Start menu]
[√]: [Show Clock]

4. On [Control Panel], double click on the [System] icon.

Part No. 595-8030 11-45


5. On [System Properties], select the [Performance] tab. On [Virtual Memory], click on [Change].

6. On [Virtual Memory], set both [Initial Size][Maximum Size] to [200MB]. Click on [Set].

S-5200 Field Emission Scanning Microscope Troubleshooting
Service Manual

7. On [Virtual Memory], click on [OK].

8. On [System Properties], select the [Startup/Shutdown] tab. Set [Show list for] for the boot system to
[0 seconds].

Part No. 595-8030 11-47


9. On [System Properties], click on [OK].

10. When [You must restart your computer ...] appears, click on [Yes]. (The system restarts.)

11. When [Begin Logon] appears, press the [Ctrl+Alt+Del] keys.

12. Enter the user name [SEM] and the password [PCsem]. Click on [OK].
13. When [Internet Explorer] appears, click on [X].

S-5200 Field Emission Scanning Microscope Troubleshooting
Service Manual

14. Select [Start] → [Setting] → [Taskbar] to open the [Taskbar Properties] window.

15. Select the [Taskbar Options] tab. Set the checkboxes as follows, and click on [OK]:
[√]: [Always on top]
[√]: [Auto hide]
[ ]: [Show small icons in Start menu]
[√]: [Show Clock]

Part No. 595-8030 11-49


16. Move the mouse cursor to the background. Right click the mouse. Select [Properties] from the menu.
17. On [Display Properties], select the [Background] tab, and set [Pattern][Wallpaper] to [(None)].

S-5200 Field Emission Scanning Microscope Troubleshooting
Service Manual

18. Select [Start] → [Shut Down]. Select [Close all programs and log on as a different user?], and click
on [Yes].

19. When [Begin Logon] appears, press the [Ctrl+Alt+Del] keys.

20. Enter the user name [S-5200], the password [(none)], and click on [OK].
21. When [Internet Explorer] appears, click on [X].

Part No. 595-8030 11-51


22. Select [Start] → [Settings] → [Taskbar] to open [Taskbar Properties].

23. Select the [Taskbar Options] tab. Set the checkboxes as follows, and click on [OK]:
[√]: [Always on top]
[√]: [Auto hide]
[ ]: [Show small icons in Start menu]
[√]: [Show Clock]

S-5200 Field Emission Scanning Microscope Troubleshooting
Service Manual

24. Move the mouse cursor to the background. Right click the mouse. Select [Properties] from the menu.
25. On [Display Properties], select the [Background] tab, and set [Pattern][Wallpaper] to [(None)].

Part No. 595-8030 11-53


26. Select [Start] → [Shut Down]. Select [Close all programs and log on as a different user?], and click
on [Yes].

S-5200 Field Emission Scanning Microscope Troubleshooting
Service Manual

11.6.10 Setting the Hyper Terminal

1. When [Begin Logon] appears, press the [Ctrl+Alt+Del] keys.
2. Type the user name [Administrator], the password [none], and click on [OK].
3. Click on [X] on the [Control Panel] window.

4. Open [Start] → [Programs] → [Accessories] → [Hyper terminal] → [Hyper terminal].

5. Assign [029] to [Where area code] in [Location Information]. Click on [Close].

Part No. 595-8030 11-55


6. When [You need to install a modem before you can make a connection ...] appears, click on [No].

7. When [Name] is requested, type in [Vrt Term], and click on [OK].

S-5200 Field Emission Scanning Microscope Troubleshooting
Service Manual

8. Assign [COM1] to [Connect using]. Click on [OK].

9. Set the [COM1Properties] as follows, and click on [OK].

[Bit per second]: [9600]
[Data bit]: [8]
[Parity]: [None]
[Stop bits]: [1]
[Flow control]: [Hardware]

Part No. 595-8030 11-57


10. Select [File] → [Save As…].

11. Specify [C:\Winnt\Profiles\All Users\Desktop] as the directory in which the file is to be saved, and
click on [Save].

12. On [Hyper Terminal], click on [X].

13. When [You are currently connected ...] appears, click on [Yes].

S-5200 Field Emission Scanning Microscope Troubleshooting
Service Manual

14. Double click on the [Vrt Term] icon to open the [Hyper Terminal].

15. When [You need to install a modem before you can make a connection ...] appears, click on [No].

16. On [Hyper Terminal], click on [X].

17. When [You are currently connected ...] appears, click on [Yes].

Part No. 595-8030 11-59


11.6.11 Installing the S-5200 Software

1. Insert the S-5200 software CD-ROM into drive H:.
2. By selecting [Start] → [Programs] → [Windows NT Explorer], open the [Exploring] window.
3. Double click on [H:\Setup.exe] to launch the Installer.

4. When [Welcome to the EF-PC SEM installation program ...] appears, click on [OK]. (The installation
process starts.)

5. When [FE-PC SEM Setup was completed successfully.] appears, click on [OK].

6. Double click on [H:\Common\install.bat] to launch the batch program. (The batch processing starts.) )

S-5200 Field Emission Scanning Microscope Troubleshooting
Service Manual

7. When [Information in H:\Common\SetIniNt.REG has been successfully ...] appears, click on [OK].

8. Double click on [H:\NewImp\NewImp.bat] to launch the batch program. (The batch program starts.)

Part No. 595-8030 11-61


9. When [Information in H:\NewImp\Win RTPCI.REG has been successfully ...] appears, click on

10. Click on [X] for [Exploring].

11. Remove the S-5200 software CD-R.
12. Select [Start] → [Shut Down].
13. Select [Shut down the computer?]. Click on [Yes].

14. Turn off the power for the PC.

Circuit Diagrams for the S-5200 FE-SEM

No. Board/Unit Name P/N Note Page


2 AC DIST. UNIT (1/2~2/2) 537-5148 12-3~4
3 PC-RL P.C.B. 537-5824 12-5
4 C-DCPS P.C.B. 537-5865 12-6
5 EVASEQ P.C.B. (1/5~5/5) 537-5817 12-7~11
6 EVACPNL1 P.C.B 537-5861 12-12
7 EVACPNL2 P.C.B. 537-5862 12-13
8 EVACPNL3 P.C.B. 537-5863 12-14
9 COL-CN P.C.B. 537-5866 12-15
10 PMHV P.C.B. (1/2~2/2) 537-5864 12-16~17
11 HEAD AMP P.C.B. 566-5541 12-18
12 BEAM MONITOR P.C.B. 589-5514 12-19
13 ACPS UNIT 537-5144 12-20
14 DCPS P.C.B. (1/2~2/2) 537-5857 12-21~22
15 PC HVC P.C.B. (1/2~2/2) 537-5822 12-23~24
16 PC HV2 P.C.B. (1/2~2/2) 537-5821 12-25~26
17 PC HV1 P.C.B. 537-5820 12-27
18 SGVA P.C.B. (1/6~6/6) 537-5873 12-28~33
19 DEF/LENS P.C.B. (1/5~5/5) 537-5858 12-34~38
20 IO-CTL P.C.B. (1/5~5/5) 537-5871 12-39~43
21 PCPANEL1 P.C.B. 537-5809 OPTION 12-44
22 PCPANEL2 P.C.B. 537-5810 OPTION 12-45
23 PHOTO-1 P.C.B. 537-5878 OPTION 12-46
24 PHOTO-2 P.C.B. (1/2~2/2) 537-5879 OPTION 12-47~48
25 IMP-N P.C.B. (1/9~9/9) 537-5851 12-49~57
26 PE HV P.C.B. 589-5504 12-58
27 ION PUMP POWER SUPPLY 537-5149 12-59
28 CPU BOARD 271-3736 12-60
30 PIF P.C.B. 537-5875 12-62
31 TILT CTL P.C.B. 537-5877 12-63
32 ST-DIST P.C.B. 537-5868 12-64
33 BAKE P.C.B. 537-5825 12-65
34 BLK P.C.B. 537-5856 12-66
35 PC-DEF (DEFAMP) P.C.B. 537-5859 12-67
36 NEWPANEL P.C.B. 537-5850 12-68
37 TRANSFER P.C.B. (1/2~2/2) 537-5854 12-69~70
39 OPT-VA P.C.B. (1/3~3/3) 537-5834 OPTION 12-72~74
40 OPT-PMHV P.C.B. 537-5835 OPTION 12-75
42 EMO PROTECTION WIRING (1/2~2/2) 537-8716 12-77~78
44 TEMP. PROTECTION WIRING 537-8718 12-80

19.DEF/LENS P.C.B.(1/5)

19.DEF/LENS P.C.B.(2/5)

19.DEF/LENS P.C.B.(4/5)

19.DEF/LENS P.C.B.(5/5)

V C C I C T 3 V C C

T P 1 5 9
[ f r o m C P U ] C N 1 F P G A 1 6 0
T P 2 1 1 6 0

2 1 5 9

G N D A 3 0 3 1 5 8

G N D B 3 0 [ 5 D 2 ] S X A - P 4 [ 51B
5 5
7 ] T C T L - N

[ 5 D 2 ] T P 6 S X B - P 5 [ 51B
5 5
6 ] T D A T - N

T P 7 6 1 5 5

( M R D Y - P ) A 2 9 7 1 5 4

N C B 2 9 [ 5 D 2 ] S Y A - P 8 [ 11B
5 5
3 ] R E L A Y 2 - P

E - N A 2 8 [ 5 D 2 ] S Y B - P 9 [ 11B
5 5
2 ] R E L A Y 1 - P

N C B 2 8 1 0 1 5 1

( 1 M H z ) A 2 7 [ 5 D 2 ] S B T N 1 - P 1 1 1 5 0

E N A - N B 2 7 [ 5 D 2 ] T P 1 3 S B T N 2 - P 1 2 1 4 9 A U X 2
1 3 [ 31B
4 3
8 ] E V R E D - N V C C
[ 5 D 2 ] S B T N 3 - P 1 4 [ 31B
4 3
7 ] E V S E L - N I C X 8 R L 2 1

D V N 0 - N A 2 6 [ 5 B 2 ] X A I N - P 1 5 [ 31B
4 3
6 ] V L S E L - N R L 2
9 1 3
D V N 1 - N B 2 6 [ 5 B 2 ] X B I N - P 1 6 [ 31C
4 3
5 ] V L D A T - N ( f1
o4r V I D E O S E L8 E C T O R )
L S 0 6
D V N 2 - N A 2 5 [ 5 B 2 ] Y A I N - P 1 7 [ 31B
4 3
4 ] V L W R T - P [ 1 A 4 ] R
1 E L A Y 2 - P 2 6 21 7 2

D V N 3 - N B 2 5 [ 5 B 2 ] Y B I N - P 1 8 1 4 3 [ 1 A 4 ] R
3 E L A Y 1 - P 4

D V N 4 - N A 2 4 1 9 1 4 2 5 6 E L C O - 2 P

D V N 5 - N B 2 4 2 0 1 4 1 T P 1 4 0 9 8

D V N 6 - N A 2 3 [ 5 B 2 ] B T N 1 - P 2 1 1 4 0 1 1 1 0

D V N 7 - N B 2 3 [ 5 B 2 ] B T N 2 - P 2 2 1 3 9 1 3 1 2 A U X 1
I C U 1 [ 5 B 2 ] T P 2 4 B T N 3 - P 2 3 [ 11C
3 2
8 ] E N A - N
2 4 [ 11C
3 2
7 ] D V N 1 - N R L 1 1
L S 6 4 0 X A O U T - P 2 5 R - N
[ 5 B 2 ] [ 11C
3 2
6 ] R L 1
T S 9 1 3
A 0 0 - N A 2 2 1 8 [ 1 B 4 ]
7 B 7 A A < 0 >
2 [ 5 B 2 ] X B O U T - P 2 6 1 3 5 ( f1
o4r V I D E O P R I8 N T E R )
A 0 1 - N B 2 2 1 7 [ 1 B 4 ]
6 B 6 A
A < 1 >
3 [ 5 B 2 ] Y A O U T - P 2 7 1 3 4 6 2 1 7 2

A 0 2 - N A 2 1 1 6 [ 1 B 4 ]
5 B 5 A A < 2 >
4 [ 5 B 2 ] Y B O U T - P 2 8 1 3 3

A 0 3 - N B 2 1 1 5 [ 1 B 4 ]
4 B 4 A
A < 3 >
5 2 9 1 3 2 E L C O - 2 P
A 0 4 - N A 2 0 1 4 [ 1 B 4 ]
3 B 3 A A < 4 >
6 3 0 1 3 1

A 0 5 - N B 2 0 1 3 [ 1 B 4 ]
2 B 2 A
A < 5 >
7 [ 4 D 3 ] H V W R T 4 - N 3 1 [ 11B
3 2
0 ] A < 0 >

A 0 6 - N A 1 9 1 2
1 B 1 A 8 [ 4 C 3 ] H V W R T 3 - N 3 2 [ 11B
2 2
9 ] A < 1 >

A 0 7 - N B 1 9 1 1
0 B 0 A 9 [ 4 B 3 ] H V W R T 2 - N 3 3 [ 11B
2 2
8 ] A < 2 >

[ 4 B 3 ] H V W R T 1 - N 3 4 [ 11B
2 2
7 ] A < 3 >

[ 4 B 2 ] H V R E D 2 - N 3 5 [ 11B
2 2
6 ] A < 4 >
A 1 8 E D I R H V R E D 1 - N 3 6 A < 5 >
A 0 8 - N [ 4 B 2 ] T P 3 7 [ 11B
2 2
5 ] T P 1 2 4
A 0 9 - N B 1 8 3 7 1 2 4

A 1 7 3 8 1 2 3
1 9

A 1 0 - N M 1
A 1 1 - N B 1 7 3 9 1 2 2 T P 1 2 1
A 1 2 - N A 1 6 M 0 4 0 1 2 1

A 1 3 - N B 1 6 [ 1 B 4 ] D < 7 . . 0 > W D < 7 . . 0 > 4 1 1 2 0

A 1 4 - N A 1 5 T P 4 3
M 2 4 2 [ 11C
1 5
9 ] X C L K - P T P 1 1 8
A 1 5 - N B 1 5 I C V 1 I C V 2 4 3 1 1 8

4 4 [ 11C
1 5
7 ] X D A T A - P
L S 6 4 0 L S 2 4 5 E C 7 B - P 4 5 D < 0 >
[ 2 C 2 ] [ 11B
1 2
6 ]
D 0 - N A 1 4 1 8 7 B 7 A
D < 0 > 2 D < 0 > 1 8 7 B 7 A 2 [ 2WCD2<]0 > E C 7 A - P 4 6 [ 11B
1 2
5 ] D < 1 >

D 1 - N B 1 4 1 7
6 B
D < 61A> 3 D < 1 > 1 7
6 B 6 A
W D < 1 > 3 [ 2 C 2 ] E C 6 B - P 4 7 1 1 4

D 2 - N A 1 3 1 6
5 B
D < 52A> 4 D < 2 > 1 6
5 B 5 A
W D < 2 > 4 [ 2 C 2 ] E C 6 A - P 4 8 1 1 3

D 3 - N B 1 3 1 5
4 B
D < 43A> 5 D < 3 > 1 5
4 B 4 A
W D < 3 > 5 [ 2 C 2 ] E C 5 B - P 4 9 [ 11B
1 2
2 ] D < 2 >

D 4 - N A 1 2 1 4 3 B D < 34A> 6 D < 4 > 1 4 3 B 3 A

W D < 4 > 6 [ 2 C 2 ] E C 5 A - P 5 0 [ 11B
1 2
1 ] D < 3 >

D 5 - N B 1 2 1 3
2 B D < 25A> 7 D < 5 > 1 3
2 B 2 A
W D < 5 > 7 5 1 1 1 0

D 6 - N A 1 1 1 2 1 B
D < 16A> 8 D < 6 > 1 2 1 B 1 A
W D < 6 > 8 [ 2 C 2 ] E C 4 B - P 5 2 [ 11B
0 2
9 ] D < 4 >

D 7 - N B 1 1 1 1
0 B
D < 07A> 9 D < 7 > 1 1
0 B 0 A
W D < 7 > 9 [ 2 C 2 ] E C 4 A - P 5 3 [ 11B
0 2
8 ] D < 5 >
[ 2 C 2 ] E C 3 B - P 5 4 1 0 7

[ 2 C 2 ] E C 3 A - P 5 5 1 0 6

A 1 0 E D I R E D I R E C 2 B - P 5 6 D < 6 >
I N T 0 - N [ 2 C 2 ] [ 11B
0 2
5 ] V C C
I N T 1 - N B 1 0 [ 2 C 2 ] E C 2 A - P 5 7 [ 11B
0 2
4 ] D < 7 > T P 1 0 3 I C X 1
A 9 5 8

1 0 3
1 9

1 9

I N T 2 - N T P 5 9
I N T 3 - N B 9 [ 1 C 4 ] R E A D - P 5 9 [ 11C
0 2
2 ] R E A D - P 8 [ 1 B 4 ] 1 X D A T A - P
I N T 4 - N A 8 6 0 1 0 1

I N T 5 - N B 8 I C X 2 6 1 1 0 0 7 [ 1 B 4 ] 2 X C L K - P
I N T 6 - N A 7 [ 2 C 2 ] E C 1 B - P 6 2 [ 59C
9 3 ] Z U P - P
L S 2 4 5
X C 1 7 2 5 6
I N T 7 - N B 7 [ 2 C 2 ] E C 1 A - P 6 3 [ 59C
8 3 ] Z D N - P C 2 6 [ 1 C 3 ] 4 X C E - N
1 8
7 B [ 1 B 74A] E N 2A - N [ 2 C 2 ] E C 0 B - P 6 4 [ 59C
7 3 ] Z R S V - P 1 u

V M A - N A 6 1 7
6 B [ 1 B 64A] D V 3N 1 - N [ 2 C 2 ] E C 0 A - P 6 5 [ 59C
6 3 ] Z W E - P 5 [ 1 C 4 ] 3 X R E S - N
G N D O E / R E S
R - N B 6 1 6
5 B [ 1 B 54A] R -4
N [ 2 D 2 ] I S Y B - N 6 6 [ 59C
5 3 ] Z C T L 0 - P

( G R E S I N - N ) A 5 1 5
4 B 4 A 5 [ 2 D 2 ] I S Y A - N 6 7 [ 59C
4 3 ] Z C T L 1 - P

( I R Q - N ) B 5 R 3 1 4
3 B 3 A 6 [ 2 D 2 ] I S X B - N 6 8 [ 59C
3 3 ] Z C T L 2 - P V C C
4 7 0
G R E S - N A 4 1 3
2 B 2 A R E S E T7 0 - N [ 2 D 2 ] I S X A - N 6 9 [ 59C
2 3 ] Z C T L 3 - P

( N M I - N ) B 4 1 2
1 B 1 A
R E S E T8 1 - N 7 0 9 1 4 0 9 P
1 1
0 B 0 A
R E S E T9 2 - N 7 1 9 0 I C Y 1
+ 5 V A 3 C 4 1 u [ 2 B 3 ] L P W R T - P 7 2 8 9 R 2
+ 5 V B 3 [ 2 B 3 ] L P D A T - N 7 3 8 8 4 . 7 k
E D I R M B 3 7 7 1
+ 5 V A 2 [ 2 B 3 ] L P S E L - N 7 4 8 7 1 8
+ 5 V B 2 [ 2 A 3 ] S W S E L - N 7 5 [ 58C
6 3 ] Z S E T - N C 3 2 7
A 1 S W R E D - N 7 6 [ 58C
5 2 ] Z R E D - N 3 6
1 9

G N D [ 2 A 2 ] T P 8 4 1 u
O U T V S B/ R
B 1 7 7 8 4 4 5

T P 7 8 G N D V C C
7 8 8 3

7 9 [ 18C
2 5 ] X R E S - N

[ 1 C 5 ] X C E8
-0N 8 1

( F R C 5 - 6 0 P )


[ V C C ] R 1 L D 1

4 7 0

C N 2 8

F 1 T P 3
+ 5 V 1
[ ]
[ V C C 3 . 2 A ( M ) ]

C 1
C 2 1 C 2 2 1 0 0 u F C 2 3 C 2 4 C 2 5 C 2 6 C 2 7 C 2
C83 3 C 2 9 C 3
C13 0C 3 4 C 3 2 C 3 5 C 3 6 C 3 7 C 3
C93 8 C 4
C14 0 C 4 2 C 4 3 C 4 4 C 4 5 C 4
C74 6 C 4
C94 8 C 5 0 C 5 1 C 5 2 C 5 3 C 5 4 C 5 5 C 5 6
1 6 V 0 . 1 u 0 . 1 u 0 . 1 u 0 . 1 u 0 . 1 u 0 . 1 u 0 . 1 u 0 . 1 u 0 . 1 u 0 . 1 u 0 . 1 u 0 . 1 u 0 . 1 u 0 . 1 u 0 . 1 u 0 . 1 u 0 . 1 u 0 . 1 u 0 . 1 u 0 . 1 u 0 . 1 u 0 . 1 u 0 . 1 u 0 . 1 u 0 . 1 u 0 . 1 u 0 . 1 u 0 . 1 u 0 . 1 u 0 . 1 u 0 . 1 u 0 . 1 u 0 . 1 u 0 . 1 u 0 . 1 u 0 . 1 u

G N D 2

4 ( I C B(2 I)C E 1 ) ( I C G 4 ) ( I C J 4 ) ( I C B 1 ) ((
I)C F 2 ) ((
)) ( I C G 1 ) ( I C K 1 ) ( I C K 2 ) ( I C T 1 ) ( I C V 1 ) ( I C V 2 ) ( I C U 1 ) ( I C X 2 ) ( I C W 4 ) ( I C X 3 ) ( I C X 4 ) ( I C X 5 ) ( I C X 6 ) ( I C X 7 ) ( I C B 6 ) ( I C F 6 ) ((
) )( I C H 6 ) ( I C J 6 ) ( I C K 6 ) ( I C M 6 ) ( I C N 6 ) ( I C P 6 ) ( I C Q 6 ) ( S
I 6

A M P - 4 P T P 0
[ G N D ]
C 5 7 C 5 8 C 5 9 C 6 0 C 6 1 C 6 2 C 6 3 C 6 4 C 6 5
0 . 1 u 0 . 1 u 0 . 1 u 0 . 1 u 0 . 1 u 0 . 1 u 0 . 1 u 0 . 1 u 0 . 1 u

( I C V 5 ) ( I C W 5 ) ( I C V 7 ) ( I C U 8 ) ( I C U 7 ) ( I C T 3 ) ( I C T 3 ) ( I C T 3 ) ( I C W 7 )

C A D E F 1 2 5 A

( S - 5 2 0 0 )

I O - C T L P . C . B .
N . K A N E O K A 1 9 9 9 0 4 1 6

K . K A G E Y A M A 1 9 9 9 0 4 1 6

S . O O T S U K A 1 9 9 9 0 4 1 6

2 0 . I O - C T L P . C . B . ( 1 / 5 )

+ 5 V

B R 1 4 . 7 k
D < 7 . . 0 > W D < 7 . . 0 > C N 8

( P A N C N )
C N 8 I C E 1 I C F 1 I C B 1

L S 6 4 0

F 1 7 5
T S L S 0 6
S W _ D 7 - N A 5 1 8
7 B 7 A 2 D < 7 > 2 1 2 A 1 S W _ G 3 - N
Q 0
S W _ D 6 - N A 6 1 7
6 B 6 A 3 D < 6 > 3
Q 0
S W _ D 5 - N A 7 1 6
5 B 5 A 4 D < 5 > W D < 3 > 4 7 3 4 A 2 S W _ G 2 - N
D 0 Q 1
S W _ D 4 - N A 8 1 5
4 B 4 A 5 D < 4 > W D < 2 > 5 6
D 1 Q 1
S W _ D 3 - N A 9 1 4
3 B 3 A 6 D < 3 > 1 2 W D < 1 > 1 0 5 6 A 3 S W _ G 1 - N
D 2 Q 2
S W _ D 2 - N A 1 0 1 3
2 B 2 A 7 D < 2 > W D < 0 > 1 3 1 1 IN O U T
D 3 Q 2
S W _ D 1 - N A 1 1 1 2
1 B 1 A 8 D < 1 > 91 5 8 A 4 S W _ G 0 - N
Q 3
S W _ D 0 - N A 1 2 1 1
0 B 0 A 9 D < 0 > 1 4
Q 3
S W S E L - N 9 1 1 1 0

[ 1 C 3 ]
1 3 1 2

1 9

S W R E D - N

[ 1 C 3 ]
I C J 2

F 1 7 5 I C H 2
2 1 2
Q 0
3 1 1 A 1 3 L E D _ G 3 - N
Q 0
W D < 3 > 4 7 1 3
F 0 0
D 0 Q 1
5 W D < 2 > 6 9 I C H 2
D 1 Q 1
W D < 1 > 1 2 1 0 8 A 1 4 L E D _ G 2 - N
D 2 Q 2
W D < 0 > 1 3 1 1 1 0 F 0 0
D 3 Q 2
1 5 4 I C H 2
Q 3
1 4 6 A 1 5 L E D _ G 1 - N
Q 3
L P S E L - N 9 5
F 0 0

[ 1 C 3 ] 1 I C H 2
3 A 1 6 L E D _ G 0 - N
L P W R T - P 2
F 0 0

[ 1 C 3 ]

I C B 2
I C F 2

L S 6 4 0
L S 2 7 3
W D < 7 > 1 8 1 91 8 7 B 7 A 2 A 1 7 L E D _ D 7 - N
D 7 Q 7
1 7 W D < 6 > 1 6 1 7
6 B 6 A 3 A 1 8 L E D _ D 6 - N
D 6 Q 6
W D < 5 > 1 4 1 51 6
5 B 5 A 4 A 1 9 L E D _ D 5 - N
D 5 Q 5
1 3 W D < 4 > 1 2 1 5
4 B 4 A 5 A 2 0 L E D _ D 4 - N
D 4 Q 4
W D < 3 > 8 9 1 4
3 B 3 A 6 A 2 1 L E D _ D 3 - N
D 3 Q 3
7 W D < 2 > 6 1 3
2 B 2 A 7 A 2 2 L E D _ D 2 - N
D 2 Q 2
W D < 1 > 4 5 1 2
1 B 1 A 8 A 2 3 L E D _ D 1 - N
D 1 Q 1
3 W D < 0 > 2 1 1
0 B 0 A 9 A 2 4 L E D _ D 0 - N
D 0 Q 0

L P D A T - N 1 1

1 E D I R
[ 1 C 3 ] C L

R E S E T 0 - N B 1

1 9
[ 1 C 2 ] B 2 G N D
V C C B 3 G N D
C N 7 V C C B 4 G N D
B R 2 4 . 7 K B 5 G N D
B 6 G N D

V C C A 1 B 7 G N D
V C C B 1 I C G 4 B 8 G N D
B 9 G N D
L S 2 4 5 B 1 0

F O C U S _ C TS
E C 0 _ A A 2 A 2 5 1 8 7 B 7 A 2 E C 0 A - P [ 1 C 3 ] B 1 1 G N D
E C 0 _ B B 2 B 2 5 1 7
6 B 6 A 3 E C 0 B - P [ 1 C 3 ] B 1 2 G N D
F O C U S _ F E C 1 _ A A 3 A 2 6 1 6 5 B 5 A 4 E C 1 A - P [ 1 C 3 ] B 1 3 G N D
E C 1 _ B B 3 B 2 6 1 5
4 B 4 A 5 E C 1 B - P [ 1 C 3 ] B 1 4 G N D
S T I G _ X E C 2 _ A A 4 A 2 7 1 4
3 B 3 A 6 E C 2 A - P [ 1 B 3 ] B 1 5 G N D
E C 2 _ B B 4 B 2 7 1 3
2 B 2 A 7 E C 2 B - P [ 1 B 3 ] B 1 6 G N D
S T I G _ Y E C 3 _ A A 5 A 2 8 1 2
1 B 1 A 8 E C 3 A - P [ 1 B 3 ] B 1 7 G N D
E C 3 _ B B 5 B 2 8 1 1 0 B 0 A 9 E C 3 B - P [ 1 B 3 ] B 1 8 G N D
B 1 9 G N D
B 2 0 G N D
E D I R B 2 1
B 2 2 G N D
B 2 3
1 9

B R 3 4 . 7 K G N D
B 2 4 G N D

I C J 4

L S 2 4 5

S H I F T _ X E C 4 _ A A 6 A 2 9 1 8
7 B 7 A 2 E C 4 A - P [ 1 B 3 ]
E C 4 _ B B 6 B 2 9 1 7
6 B 6 A 3 E C 4 B - P [ 1 B 3 ]
S H I F T _ Y E C 5 _ A A 7 A 3 0 1 6
5 B 5 A 4 E C 5 A - P [ 1 B 3 ] A 3 8 V C C
+ 5 V
E C 5 _ B B 7 B 3 0 1 5
4 B 4 A 5 E C 5 B - P [ 1 B 3 ] B 3 8 V C C
M A G E C 6 _ A A 8 A 3 1 1 4
3 B 3 A 6 E C 6 A - P [ 1 B 3 ] A 3 9 V C C
E C 6 _ B B 8 B 3 1 1 3
2 B 2 A 7 E C 6 B - P [ 1 B 3 ] B 3 9 V C C
A U X E C 7 _ A A 9 A 3 2 1 2
1 B 1 A 8 E C 7 A - P [ 1 B 3 ] A 4 0 V C C
E C 7 _ B B 9 B 3 2 1 1
0 B 0 A 9 E C 7 B - P [ 1 B 3 ] B 4 0 V C C

A 1 0 E D I R
G N D B 1 0
1 9

8 8 5 0 - 0 8 0 - 1 7 0 L H
8 8 5 0 - 0 2 0 - 1 7 0 L H

I C G 1 C N 1 1 2
T P 1

L S 0 6
[ F G ] [ 1 C 3 ] I S X A - N 1 2 A 1 I S X _ A
[ 1 C 3 ] I S X B - N 3 4 A 2 I S X _ B
[ 1 C 3 ] I S Y A - N 5 6 A 3 I S Y _ A

[ 1 C 3 ] I S Y9 B - N 8 A 4 I S Y _ B
1 1 1 0

1 3 1 2

S T G 0 A 3 3 A 5 S T G 0
S T G 1 B 3 3 A 6 S T G 1
S T G 2 A 3 4 A 7 S T G 2
S T G 3 B 3 4 A 8 S T G 3
S T G 4 A 3 5 A 9 S T G 4
S T G 5 B 3 5 B 9 S T G 5
S T G 6 A 3 6 A 1 0 S T G 6
S T G 7 B 3 6 B 1 0 S T G 7
N C A 3 7

N C B 3 7 B 1 G N D
B 2 G N D
B 3 G N D
B 4 G N D
8 8 5 0 - 0 8 0 - 1 7 0 L H B 5 G N D
B 6 G N D

B 7 V C C
B 8 V C C

F R C 5 - 2 0 P
C A D E F 1 2 5 A

( S - 5 2 0 0 )

I O - C T L P . C . B .
N . K A N E O K A 1 9 9 9 0 4 1 6

K . K A G E Y A M A 1 9 9 9 0 41 6

S . O O T S U K A 1 9 9 9 0 4 1 6

2 0 . I O - C T L P . C . B . ( 2 / 5 )

C N 1 5 3 ( E V C C N )


V C C A 1 V C C B R 6 2 2 0
V C C B 1

A 2

V C C B R 4 2 2 0 B R 5 4 . 7 k C N 1 5 3
V C C B 2 I C X 4 I C Y 4 [ f o r E V A C S E Q ]
D < 7 . . 0 > W D < 7 . . 0 >

I C Y 8 I C X 7 F 1 7 5
P C 8 4 7
1 5 7 1 0 A 1 1 R E 3 - N
3 A 1 C 1
L S 6 4 0 1 4 8 9

P C 8 4 7 T S 3 K 1 E 1
7 1 0 1 8
7 B 7 A
D < 7 > 2 W D < 3 > 1 3 1 0 5 A C 1 2 B 1 1 R E 2 - N
A 1 C 1 3 2 A 2 C 2
R D A T A 7 - N A 3 8 9 1 7
6 B 6 A D < 6 > 3 W D < 2 > 1 2 1 1 6 1 1
K 1 E 1 2 2 K 2 E 2
5 A C 1 2 1 6 5 B 5 A
D < 5 > 4 W D < 1 > 5 7 3 1 4 A 1 2 R E 1 - N
A 2 C 2 1 1 A 3 C 3
R D A T A 6 - N B 3 6 1 1 1 5
4 B 4 A
D < 4 > 5 W D < 0 > 4 6 4 1 3
K 2 E 2 0 1 K 3 E 3
3 1 4 1 4
3 B 3 A
D < 3 > 6 2 1
K E 1 6 B 1 2 R E 0 - N
A 3 C 3 0 A 4 C 4
R D A T A 5 - N A 4 4 1 3 1 3
2 B 2 A
D < 2 > 7 3 2 1 5
K 3 E 3 0 K 4 E 4
K E 1 6 1 2
1 B 1 A D < 1 > 8 E V S E L - N 9
A 4 C 4
R D A T A 4 - N B 4 2 1 5 1 1
0 B 0 A
D < 0 > 9 [ 1 A 4 ]
K 4 E 4 C L


I C Y 7

1 9

P C 8 4 7
7 1 0 I C W 4 I C Y 3
A 1 C 1
R D A T A 3 - N A 5 8 9
K 1 E 1
5 A C 1 2 F 1 7 5 I C X 3
A 2 C 2 P C 8 4 7
R D A T A 2 - N B 5 6 1 1 1 5 1 2 7 1 0 A 1 3 W E 3 - N
K 2 E 2 3 A 1 C 1
3 1 4 1 4 1
81 9
A 3 C 3 3 K 1 E 1
R D A T A 1 - N A 6 4 1 3 W D < 3 > 1 3 1 0 1 3
F 0 0
5 A C 1 2 B 1 3 W E 2 - N
K 3 E 3 3 2 A 2 C 2
K E 1 6 W D < 2 > 1 2 19
1 I C X 3 6 1 1
A 4 C 4 2 2 K 2 E 2
R D A T A 0 - N B 6 2 1 5 W D < 1 > 5 7 8 3 1 4 A 1 4 W E 1 - N
K 4 E 4 1 1 A 3 C 3
W D < 0 > 4 6 1 0 F 0 0
4 1 3
0 1 K 3 E 3
E V R E D - N 2 4 I C X 3 1
K E 1 6 B 1 4 W E 0 - N
0 A 4 C 4
[ 1 A 4 ] 3 6 2 1 5
0 K 4 E 4
V L S E L - N 9 5
F 0 0

[ 1 B 4 ] 1 I C X 3

F 0 0

V L W R T - P

[ 1 B 4 ]

B R 7 2 2 0

I C X 6 I C Y 6

F 1 7 5
P C 8 4 7
1 5 7 1 0 A 7 W D A T A 7 - N
3 A 1 C 1
1 4 8 9
3 K 1 E 1
W D < 7 > 1 3 1 0 5 A C 1 2 B 7 W D A T A 6 - N
3 2 A 2 C 2
W D < 6 > 1 2 1 1 6 1 1
2 2 K 2 E 2
W D < 5 > 5 7 3 1 4 A 8 W D A T A 5 - N
1 1 A 3 C 3
W D < 4 > 4 6 4 1 3
D 0
Q 1 K 3 E 3
2 1
K E 1 6 B 8 W D A T A 4 - N
0 A 4 C 4
3 2 1 5
0 K 4 E 4


I C X 5 I C Y 5

F 1 7 5
P C 8 4 7
1 5 7 1 0 A 9 W D A T A 3 - N
3 A 1 C 1
1 4 8 9
Q 3 K 1 E 1
W D < 3 > 1 3 1 0 5 A C 1 2 B 9 W D A T A 2 - N
3 2 A 2 C 2
W D < 2 > 1 2 1 1 6 1 1
2 2 K 2 E 2
W D < 1 > 5 7 3 1 4 A 1 0 W D A T A 1 - N
1 1 A 3 C 3
W D < 0 > 4 6 4 1 3
0 1 K 3 E 3
2 1
K E 1 6 B 1 0 W D A T A 0 - N
0 A 4 C 4
3 2 1 5
0 K 4 E 4
V L D A T - N 9

[ 1 B 4 ]
A 1 5 G N D
B 1 5 G N D
A 1 6

R E S E T 0 - N B 1 6 G N D
[ 1 C 2 ] A 1 7 G N D
B 1 7 G N D

F R C 5 - C 3 4

C A D E F 1 2 5 A

( S - 5 2 0 0 )

I O - C T L P . C . B .
N . K A N E O K A 1 9 9 9 0 4 1 6

K . K A G E Y A M A 1 9 9 9 0 41 6

S . O O T S U K A 1 9 9 9 0 41 6

2 0 . I O - C T L P . C . B . ( 3 / 5 )

[ f o r H V C T L ] C N 9 ( H V C N ) + 5 V

V C C W D < 7 . . 0 > B R 1 2 2 2 0 [ f o r H V C T L ]
V C C A 2

B R 8 2 2 0 B R 1 0 4 . 7 k C N 9 ( H V C N )
V C C B 2 D < 7 . . 0 > I C Q 6 I C Q 8

I C F 6

I C F 8 F 1 7 5
P C 8 4 7
1 5 7 1 0 A 2 5 V 0 O N - N
3 A 1 C 1
L S 6 4 0 1 4 8 9

P C 8 4 7 T S
D < 7 > W D < 7 >
3 K 1 E 1
7 1 0 1 8 B A 2 1 3 1 0 5 A C 1 2 B 2 5 V 1 O N - N
7 7
A 1 C 1 3 2 A 2 C 2
8 9 1 7
6 B 6 A 3 D < 6 > W D < 6 >
1 2 1 1 6 1 1
K 1 E 1 2 2 K 2 E 2
5 A C 1 2 1 6
5 B 5 A 4 D < 5 > W D < 5 > 5 7 3 1 4 A 2 4
D 1
Q 1
A 2 C 2 A 3 C 3
6 1 1 1 5
4 B 4 A 5 D < 4 > W D < 4 > 4 6 4 3 1
K 2 E 2 0 1 K 3 E 3
3 1 4 1 4 3 B 3 A 6 D < 3 > 2 1
K E 1 6 B 2 4 L I < 4 >
A 3 C 3 0 A 4 C 4
A 3 4 3 1 1 3
2 B 2 A
7 D < 2 > 3 2 5 1
K 3 E 3 0 K 4 E 4
K E 1 6 1 2
1 B 1 A 8 D < 1 > 9
A 4 C 4
M V 1 - N B 3 2 5 1 1 1
0 B 0 A 9 D < 0 >
K 4 E 4 C L


I C E 8 I C P 6 I C P 8

1 9
F 1 7 5
P C 8 4 7 P C 8 4 7
7 1 0 1 5 7 1 0 A 2 3 L I < 3 >
A 1 C 1 3 A 1 C 1
O H ( L E N S ) A 9 8 9 1 4 8 9
K 1 E 1 3 K 1 E 1
5 A C 1 2 W D < 3 > 1 3 1 0 5 A C 1 2 B 2 3 L I < 2 >
A 2 C 2 3 2 A 2 C 2
O H ( H E A T S Y N C ) B 9 6 1 1 W D < 2 >
1 2 1 1 6 1 1
K 2 E 2 2 2 K 2 E 2
3 1 4 W D < 1 > 5 7 3 1 4 A 2 2 L I < 1 >
A 3 C 3 1 1 A 3 C 3
A 8 4 3 1 W D < 0 > 4 6 4 3 1
K 3 E 3 0 1 K 3 E 3
1 E 1 6 2 K
1 E 1 6 B 2 2
L I < 0 >
A 4 C 4 0 A 4 C 4
H I G H E V A C B 8 2 5 1 3 2 5 1
K 4 E 4 0 K 4 E 4
H V W R T 1 - N 9

H V R E D 2 - N [ 1 B 3 ] + 5 V
[ 1 B 3 ]
V C C B R 1 3 2 2 0

B R 9 2 2 0 B R 1 1 4 . 7 k
I C N 6 I C N 8

I C B 6

I C B 8 F 1 7 5
P C 8 4 7
1 5 7 1 0 A 2 1
L S 6 4 0 3 A 1 C 1
1 4 8 9

P C 8 4 7 T S 3 K 1 E 1
7 1 0 1 8
7 B 7 A 2 D < 7 > W D < 7 > 1 3 1 0 5 A C 1 2 B 2 1
D 3
Q 2
A 1 C 1 A 2 C 2
E I < 7 > A 7 8 9 1 7
6 B 6 A
3 D < 6 > W D < 6 >
1 2 1 1 6 1 1 F I 1
K 1 E 1 2 2 K 2 E 2
5 A C 1 2 1 6 5 B 5 A 4 D < 5 > W D < 5 > 5 7 3 1 4 A 2 0
A 2 C 2 1 1 A 3 C 3
E I < 6 > B 7 6 1 1 1 5
4 B 4 A 5 D < 4 > W D < 4 > 4 6 4 3 1 F I 2
K 2 E 2 0 1 K 3 E 3
3 1 4 1 4
3 B 3 A 6 D < 3 > 2 1
K E 1 6 B 2 0
A 3 C 3 0 A 4 C 4
E I < 5 > A 6 4 3 1 1 3
2 B 2 A 7 D < 2 > 3 2 5 1 F I 3
K 3 E 3 0 K 4 E 4
1 E 1 6 1 2
1 B 1 A 8 D < 1 > 9
A 4 C 4
E I < 4 > B 6 2 5 1 1 1
0 B 0 A 9 D < 0 >
K 4 E 4 C L


I C A 8 I C M 6 I C M 8

1 9

F 1 7 5
P C 8 4 7 P C 8 4 7
7 1 0 1 5 7 1 0 A 1 9 V 0 < 1 1 >
A 1 C 1 3 A 1 C 1
E I < 3 > A 5 8 9 1 4 8 9
K 1 E 1 3 K 1 E 1
5 A C 1 2 W D < 3 > 1 3 1 0 5 A C 1 2 B 1 9 V 0 < 1 0 >
A 2 C 2 3 2 A 2 C 2
E I < 2 > B 5 6 1 1 W D < 2 >
1 2 1 1 6 1 1
K 2 E 2 2 2 K 2 E 2
3 1 4 W D < 1 > 5 7 3 1 4 A 1 8 V 0 < 9 >
A 3 C 3 1 1 A 3 C 3
E I < 1 > A 4 4 3 1 W D < 0 > 4 6 4 3 1
D 0
Q 1
K 3 E 3 K 3 E 3
K E 1 6 2 1
K E 1 6 B 1 8
V 0 < 8 >
A 4 C 4 0 A 4 C 4
E I < 0 > B 4 2 5 1 3 2 5 1
K 4 E 4 0 K 4 E 4
H V W R T 2 - N 9

H V R E D 1 - N [ 1 B 3 ] + 5 V
[ 1 B 3 ]
B R 1 4 2 2 0
F R C 5 - 5 0 P

I C K 6 I C K 8

F 1 7 5
P C 8 4 7
1 5 7 1 0 A 1 7 V 0 < 7 >
3 A 1 C 1
1 4 8 9
3 K 1 E 1
W D < 7 > 1 3 1 0 5 A C 1 2 B 1 7 V 0 < 6 >
3 2 A 2 C 2
W D < 6 >
1 2 1 1 6 1 1
2 2 K 2 E 2
W D < 5 > 5 7 3 1 4 A 1 6 V 0 < 5 >
1 1 A 3 C 3
W D < 4 > 4 6 4 3 1
0 1 K 3 E 3
2 1
K E 1 6 B 1 6 V 0 < 4 >
0 A 4 C 4
3 2 5 1
Q 0 K 4 E 4


I C J 6 I C J 8

F 1 7 5
P C 8 4 7
1 5 7 1 0 A 1 5 V 0 < 3 >
3 A 1 C 1
1 4 8 9
Q 3 K 1 E 1
W D < 3 > 1 3 1 0 5 A C 1 2 B 1 5 V 0 < 2 >
3 2 A 2 C 2
W D < 2 >
1 2 1 1 6 1 1
D 2
Q 2 K 2 E 2
W D < 1 > 5 7 3 1 4 A 1 4 V 0 < 1 >
1 1 A 3 C 3
W D < 0 > 4 6 4 3 1
0 1 K 3 E 3
2 1
K E 1 6 B 1 4 V 0 < 0 >
0 A 4 C 4
3 2 5 1
0 K 4 E 4
H V W R T 3 - N 9

[ 1 B 3 ] + 5 V

B R 1 5 2 2 0

I C H 6 I C H 8

F 1 7 5
P C 8 4 7
1 5 7 1 0 A 1 3 V 1 < 7 >
3 A 1 C 1
1 4 8 9
3 K 1 E 1
W D < 7 > 1 3 1 0 5 A C 1 2 B 1 3 V 1 < 6 >
3 2 A 2 C 2
W D < 6 >
1 2 1 1 6 1 1
D 2
Q 2 K 2 E 2
W D < 5 > 5 7 3 1 4 A 1 2 V 1 < 5 >
1 1 A 3 C 3
W D < 4 > 4 6 4 3 1
0 1 K 3 E 3
2 1
K E 1 6 B 1 2 V 1 < 4 >
0 A 4 C 4
3 2 5 1
0 K 4 E 4


I C G 6 I C G 8

F 1 7 5
P C 8 4 7
1 5 7 1 0 A 1 1 V 1 < 3 >
3 A 1 C 1
1 4 8 9
3 K 1 E 1
W D < 3 > 1 3 1 0 5 A C 1 2 B 1 1 V 1 < 2 >
3 2 A 2 C 2
W D < 2 >
1 2 1 1 6 1 1
2 2 K 2 E 2
W D < 1 > 5 7 3 1 4 A 1 0 V 1 < 1 >
1 1 A 3 C 3
W D < 0 > 4 6 4 3 1
0 1 K 3 E 3
2 1
K E 1 6 B 1 0 V 1 < 0 >
0 A 4 C 4
3 2 5 1
0 K 4 E 4
H V W R T 4 - N 9

[ 1 B 3 ] A 1 G N D

B 1 G N D

R E S E T 1 - N
[ 1 C 2 ]
F R C 5 - 5 0 P

C A D E F 1 2 5 A

( S - 5 2 0 0 )

I O - C T L P . C . B .
N . K A N E O K A 1 9 9 9 0 4 1 6

K . K A G E Y A M A 1 9 9 9 0 4 1 6

S . O O T S U K A 1 9 9 9 0 4 1 6

2 0 . I O - C T L P . C . B . ( 4 / 5 )

C N 1 9 9 C N 5 0 0 2 [ f o r T I L T C T L ]
V C C B R 2 1
B R 1 7 4 . 7 k
B R 1 6 2 2 0 A 8 + 5 V W D < 7 . . 0 > 1 9 B 1 B W 7 - P
B 8 8 B 2 B W 6 - P

[ f r o m X Y V C C 7 B 3 B W 5 - P
T R A C K B A L L ] C N 2 1 3 I C U 7 I C T 8 A 5 + 5 V 6 B 4 B W 4 - P
I C S 6 B 5 5 B 5 B W 3 - P
1 4 B 6

+ 5 V B W 2 - P
L S 2 4 5 P C 8 4 7
7 1 0 A 1 0 X A - P 3 B 7 B W 1 - P
X A I N L S 0 6 A 1 C 1
X A - P 2 1 8 B A [ 1 B 3 ] 2 - P [ 1 B 3 ] 1 X A O U T - P 8
2 9 B 1 0 X A - G I C V 5 I C V 7 2 B 8 B W 0 - P
7 7
K 1 E 1
X B - P 3 1 7
6 B 6 A
3 - P [ 1 B 3 ] 5 A C 1 2 A 9 X B - P
A 2 C 2 L S 6 4 0
Y A - P 4 1 6
5 B 5 A Y A I N
4 - P [ 1 B 3 ] [ 1 B 3 ] 3 X B O U T - P 4 6 1 1 B 9 X B - G L S 2 7 3 2 2 0
K 2 E 2 T S
Y B - P 5 1 5
4 B 4 A
5 - P [ 1 B 3 ] 3 1 4 A 7 Y A - P W D < 7 > 3 2 1 1 9 A 1 B W 7 - N
A 3 C 3
1 4
3 B 3 A 6 [ 1 B 3 ] 5 Y A O U T - P 6 4 1 3 B 7 Y A - G W D < 6 > 4 5 1 2 8 A 2 B W 6 - N
K 3 E 3
B T N 1 6 1 3
2 B 2 A
B T N 1
7 - P [ 1 B 3 ] I N O U T 1
K E 1 6 A 6 Y B - P W D < 5 > 7 6 1 3 7 A 3 B W 5 - N
A 4 C 4
B T N 2 7 1 2
1 B 1 A B T N 2
8 - P [ 1 B 3 ] [ 1 B 3 ] Y B O U T - P 9 8 2 1 5 B 6 Y B - G W D < 4 > 8 9 1 4 6 A 4 B W 4 - N
K 4 E 4
B T N 3 8 1 1 0 B 0 A
B T N 3
9 - P [ 1 B 3 ] W D < 3 > 1 3 D Q 1 2 1 5 5 A 5 B W 3 - N
1 1 1 0 W D < 2 > 1 4 1 5 1 6 4 A 6 B W 2 - N
G N D 9 B 4 G N D W D < 1 > 1 7 1 6 1 7 3 A 7 B W 1 - N
E D I R 1 3 1 2 A 4 W D < 0 > 1 8 1 9 1 8 2 A 8
N C B W 0 - N
B 3 G N D
A 3 T D A T - N 1 1
1 9

B 2 1 E D I R
T C S 7 9 1 3 - 4 3 - 2 0 1 N C [ 1 A 3 ] C L
A 2 N C
B 1

1 9
A 1 S E L D B R 2 2

1 9

F R C 5 - 2 0 P 7

5 B 9 C T L 3 - P
I C W 5 4 B 1 0 C T L 2 - P
3 B 1 1 C T L 1 - P
L S 2 7 3 I C W 7 2 B 1 2 R E S E T - P
3 < 7 > 2

4 < 6 > 5 L S 6 4 0
2 2 0
7 < 5 > 6 1 1 9

C N 1 9 1 W D
8 < 4 > 9 1 2 8

V C C [ f o r Z _ C T L ] 1 3W D < 3 > D Q 1 2 1 3 7 A 9 C T L 3 - N
1 4W D < 2 > 1 5 1 4 6 A 1 0 C T L 2 - N
B R 1 9 2 2 0 1 7W D < 1 > 1 6 1 5 5 A 1 1 C T L 1 - N
2 B 1 0 W D A T A 7 - P 1 8W D < 0 > 1 9 1 6 4

3 B 1 1 W D A T A 6 - P 1 7 3 A 1 2 R E S E T - N
V C C 4 B 1 2 W D A T A 5 - P T C T L - N 1 1 1 8 2

5 B 1 3 W D A T A 4 - P [ 1 A 3 ] 1
B R 1 8 4 . 7 k 6 B 1 4 W D A T A 3 - P
D < 7 . . 0 > W D < 7 . . 0 > 7 B 1 5 E D I R A 1 3
W D A T A 2 - P

[ f r o m Z _ C T L ] C N 1 9 1 8 B 1 6 W D A T A 1 - P B 1 3

1 9 W D A T AB 0
1 7

1 9
I C Q 1 I C T 1 I C K 2 I C K 1 - P

L S 6 4 0 L S 6 4 0 R E S E T 2 - N

L S 2 7 3
P C 8 4 7 T S
D < 7 > W D < 7 >
W D A T A 7 - P B 1 7 1 0 1 8 B A 2 1 8 1 9 1 8 B A 2 A 1 0 W D A T A 7 - N [ 1 C 2 ] F R C 5 - 2 6 P
7 7 7 7
D 7 Q 7
A 1 C 1
W D A T A 7 -8 N A 1 9 1 7
6 B 6 A
D < 6 >
3 W D < 6 > 1 7 1
6 B 6 A 3 A 1 1 W D A T A 6 - N
D 6 Q 6
K 1 E 1
W D A T A 6 - P B 2 5 A C 1 2 1 6
5 B 5 A D < 5 >
4 1 4 W D < 5 > 1 5 1 6
5 B 5 A 4 A 1 2 W D A T A 5 - N
D 5 Q 5
A 2 C 2
W D A T A 6 - N A 2 6 1 1 1 5 4 B 4 A
D < 4 >
5 W D < 4 > 1 3 1
152 4 B 4 A 5 A 1 3 W D A T A 4 - N
D 4 Q 4
K 2 E 2
W D A T A 5 - P B 3 3 1 4 1 4
3 B 3 A
D < 3 >
6 W
8 D < 3 > 9 1 4
3 B 3 A 6 A 1 4 W D A T A 3 - N
D 3 Q 3
A 3 C 3
W D A T A 5 - N A 3 4 1 3 1 3
2 B 2 A
D < 2 >
7 W D < 2 > 7 6 1 3
2 B 2 A 7 A 1 5 W D A T A 2 - N
D 2 Q 2
K 3 E 3
W D A T A 4 - P B 4 1
K E 1 6 1 2
1 B 1 A
D < 1 >
8 W
4 D < 1 > 5 1 2
1 B 1 A 8 A 1 6 W D A T A 1 - N
D 1 Q 1
A 4 C 4
W D A T A 4 - N A 4 2 1 5 1 1
0 B 0 A D < 0 >
9 W D < 0 > 3 2 1 1
0 B 0 A 9 A 1 7 W D A T A 0 - N
D 0 Q 0
K 4 E 4

[ 1 C 4 ] Z S E T - N 1 1
E D I R R E S E T 2 - N 1 E D I R
I C N 1 [ 1 C 2 ] C L
1 9

1 9

P C 8 4 7
W D A T A 3 - P B 5 7 1 0
A 1 C 1
W D A T A 3 -8 N A 5 9 B R 2 0 2 2 0
K 1 E 1
W D A T A 2 - P B 6 5 A C 1 2 2 B 1 8 C T L 3 - P
A 2 C 2
W D A T A 2 - N A 6 6 1 1 3 B 1 9 C T L 2 - P
K 2 E 2
W D A T A 1 - P B 7 3 1 4 4 B 2 0 C T L 1 - P
A 3 C 3
W D A T A 1 - N A 7 4 1 3 5 B 2 1 C T L 0 - P
K 3 E 3
W D A T A 0 - P B 8 1
K E 1 6 6 B 2 2 W E - P
A 4 C 4
W D A T A 0 - N A 8 2 1 5 7 B 2 3 R S V - P
K 4 E 4
8 B 2 4 Z D N - P
Z R E D - N I C J 1 1 9 B 2 5 Z U P - P
B 9 [ 1 C 4 ]
A 9 L S 6 4 0
[ 1 C 4 ] Z C T L 3 - P 1 8
7 B 7 A 2 A 1 8 C T L 3 - N
[ 1 C 4 ] Z C T L 2 - P 1 7
6 B 6 A 3 A 1 9 C T L 2 - N
[ 1 C 4 ] Z C T L 1 - P 1 6 5 B 5 A 4 A 2 0 C T L 1 - N
[ 1 C 4 ] Z C T L 0 - P 1 5
4 B 4 A 5 A 2 1 C T L 0 - N
F R C 5 - 5 0 P [ 1 C 4 ] Z W E - P 1 4
3 B 3 A 6 A 2 2 W E - N
[ 1 C 4 ] Z R S V - P 1 3
2 B 2 A 7 A 2 3 R S V - N
[ 1 C 4 ] Z D N - P 1 2 1 B 1 A 8 A 2 4 Z D N - N
[ 1 C 4 ] Z U P - P 1 1
0 B 0 A 9 A 2 5 Z U P - N


F R C 5 - 5 0 P
1 9

[ f r o m Z V C C
T R A C K B A L L ] C N 2 1 4
I C U 8
+ 5 V 1
L S 2 4 5
X A - P 2 1 8
7 B 7 A
S X 2A - P [ 1 A 3 ]
X B - P 3 1 7
6 B 6 A
S X 3B - P [ 1 A 3 ]
Y A - P 4 1 6
5 B 5 A
S Y 4A - P [ 1 A 3 ]
Y B - P 5 1 5
4 B 4 A
S Y 5B - P [ 1 A 3 ]
1 4 B A 6
3 3

B T N 1 - P 6 1 3
2 B 2 A
S B T N 17 - P [ 1 A 3 ]
B T N 2 - P 7 1 2
1 B 1 A
S B T N 28 - P [ 1 A 3 ]
B T N 3 - P 8 1 1
0 B 0 A
S B T N 39 - P [ 1 A 3 ]

G N D 9
1 9

T C S 7 9 1 3 - 4 3 - 2 0 1

C A D E F 1 2 5 A

( S - 5 2 0 0 )

I O - C T L P . C . B .
N . K A N E O K A 1 9 9 9 0 4 1 6

K . K A G E Y A M A 1 9 9 9 0 41 6

S . O O T S U K A 1 9 9 9 0 41 6

2 0 . I O - C T L P . C . B . ( 5 / 5 )

C N 8 C N A C N 8 I C 1 I C 3 C N A C N 8 C N A

L S 2 4 5
F 2 7 3
S W _ D 7 - N A 5 A 2 2 S W _ C 7 - N L E D _ D 7 - N A 1 7 1 8 7 B 7 A 2 L E D < 7 > L E D < 7 > 3 2 A 9 L E D 3 7 - N A 2 5E C 0 _ A A 2 5 E C 0 _ A
D 0 Q 0
S W _ D 6 - N A 6 B 2 2 S W _ C 6 - N L E D _ D 6 - N A 1 8 1 7 6 B 6 A 3 L E D < 6 > L E D < 6 > 4 5 B 9 L E D 3 6 - N E C 0 _ B B 2 5 B 2 5 E C 0 _ B
D 1 Q 1
S W _ D 5 - N A 7 C 2 2 S W _ C 5 - N L E D _ D 5 - N A 1 9 1 6 5 B 5 A 4 L E D < 5 > L E D < 5 > 7 6 A 1 0 L E D 3 5 - N
D 2 Q 2
S W _ D 4 - N A 8 A 2 1 S W _ C 4 - N L E D _ D 4 - N A 2 0 1 5 4 B 4 A 5 L E D < 4 > L E D < 4 > 8 9 B 1 0 L E D 3 4 - N
D 3 Q 3
S W _ D 3 - N A 9 B 2 1 S W _ C 3 - N L E D _ D 3 - N A 2 1 1 4 3 B 3 A 6 L E D < 3 > L E D < 3 > 1 3 1 2 A 1 1 L E D 3 3 - N E C 1 _ A A 2 6 A 2 6 E C 1 _ A
D 4 Q 4
S W _ D 2 - N A 1 0 C 2 1 S W _ C 2 - N L E D _ D 2 - N A 2 2 1 3 2 B 2 A 7 L E D < 2 > L E D < 2 > 1 4 1 5 B 1 1 L E D 3 2 - N E C 1 _ B B 2 6 B 2 6 E C 1 _ B
D 5 Q 5
S W _ D 1 - N A 1 1 A 2 0 S W _ C 1 - N L E D _ D 1 - N A 2 3 1 2 1 B 1 A 8 L E D < 1 > L E D < 1 > 1 7 1 6 A 1 2 L E D 3 1 - N
D 6 Q 6
S W _ D 0 - N A 1 2 B 2 0 S W _ C 0 - N L E D _ D 0 - N A 2 4 1 1 0 B 0 A 9 L E D < 0 > L E D < 0 > 1 8 1 9 B 1 2 L E D 3 0 - N
D 7 Q 7
C 2 0 N C E C 2 _ A A 2 7 A 2 7 E C 2 _ A
1 1 C 9 V C C E C 2 _ B B 2 7 B 2 7 E C 2 _ B
B 5 B 1 7 E DIR C L C 1 0
G N D B 6 G N D B 1 8 C 1 1 V C C
B 7 B 1 9 L E D < 7 . . 0 > C 1 2 A 2 8 A 2 8

1 9

G N D G N D I C 4 V C C E C 3 _ A E C 3 _ A
G N D B 8 G N D B 2 0 E C 3 _ B B 2 8 B 2 8 E C 3 _ B
G N D B 9 G N D B 2 1 F 2 7 3

G N D B 1 0 G N D B 2 2 L E D < 7 > 3 2 A 5 L E D 2 7 - N
D 0 Q 0
G N D B 1 1 G N D B 2 3 L E D < 6 > 4 5 B 5 L E D 2 6 - N E C 4 _ A A 2 9 A 2 9 E C 4 _ A
D 1 Q 1
G N D B 1 2 G N D B 2 4 L E D < 5 > 7 6 A 6 L E D 2 5 - N E C 4 _ B B 2 9 B 2 9 E C 4 _ B
D 2 Q 2
L E D < 4 > 8 9 B 6 L E D 2 4 - N
D 3 Q 3
L E D < 3 > 1 3 1 2 A 7 L E D 2 3 - N
D 4 Q 4
L E D < 2 > 1 4 1 5 B 7 L E D 2 2 - N E C 5 _ A A 3 0 A 3 0 E C 5 _ A
D 5 Q 5
L E D < 1 > 1 7 1 6 A 8 L E D 2 1 - N E C 5 _ B B 3 0 B 3 0 E C 5 _ B
D 6 Q 6
S W _ G 3 - N A 1 A 2 4 S W _ R 3 - N L E D < 0 > 1 8 1 9 B 8 L E D 2 0 - N
D 7 Q 7
S W _ G 2 - N A 2 B 2 4 S W _ R 2 - N
S W _ G 1 - N A 3 C 2 4 S W _ R 1 - N 1 1 C 5 V C C E C 6 _ A A 3 1 A 3 1 E C 6 _ A
A 4 A 2 3 C L C 6 B 3 1 B 3 1
S W _ G 0 - N S W _ R 0 - N V C C E C 6 _ B E C 6 _ B
B 2 3 N C C 7 V C C

C 2 3 N C I C 2 I C 5 C 8 V C C
G N D B 1 E C 7 _ A A 3 2 A 3 2 E C 7 _ A
B 2 L S 2 4 5 B 3 2 B 3 2
G N D F 2 7 3 E C 7 _ B E C 7 _ B
G N D B 3 L E D _ G 3 - N A 1 3 1 8 7 B 7 A 2 L E D < 7 > 3 2 A 1 3 L E D 1 7 - N
D 0 Q 0
G N D B 4 L E D _ G 2 - N A 1 4 1 7 6 B 6 A 3 L E D < 6 > 4 5 B 1 3 L E D 1 6 - N
D 1 Q 1
L E D _ G 1 - N A 1 5 1 6 5 B 5 A 4 L E D < 5 > 7 6 A 1 4 L E D 1 5 - N
D 2 Q 2
L E D _ G 0 - N A 1 6 1 5 4 B 4 A 5 L E D < 4 > 8 9 B 1 4 L E D 1 4 - N C 3 2 G N D
D 3 Q 3
1 4 3 B 3 A 6 L E D < 3 > 1 3 1 2 A 1 5 L E D 1 3 - N 8 8 5 0 - 0 8 0 - 1 7 0 l H C 3 1 G N D
D 4 Q 4
S T G 0 A 3 3 A 1 9 S T G 0 1 3 2 B 2 A 7 L E D < 2 > 1 4 1 5 B 1 5 L E D 1 2 - N C 3 0 G N D
D 5 Q 5
S T G 1 B 3 3 B 1 9 S T G 1 G N D B 1 3 1 2 1 B 1 A 8 L E D < 1 > 1 7 1 6 A 1 6 L E D 1 1 - N C 2 9 G N D
D 6 Q 6
S T G 2 A 3 4 C 1 9 S T G 2 G N D B 1 4 1 1 0 B 0 A 9 L E D < 0 > 1 8 1 9 B 1 6 L E D 1 0 - N C 2 8 G N D
D 7 Q 7
S T G 3 B 3 4 A 1 8 S T G 3 G N D B 1 5 C 2 7 G N D
S T G 4 A 3 5 B 1 8 S T G 4 G N D B 1 6 1 1 C 1 3 V C C C 2 6 G N D
B 3 5 C 1 8 E DIR C L C 1 4 C 2 5
S T G 5 S T G 5 V C C G N D
S T G 6 A 3 6 A 1 7 S T G 6 C 1 5 V C C

1 9

S T G 7 B 3 6 B 1 7 S T G 7 I C 6 C 1 6 V C C P C N 1 0 9 6 P
C 1 7 N C 8 8 5 0 - 0 8 0 - 1 7 0 l H
V C C F 2 7 3

N C A 3 7 P C N 1 0 9 6 P L E D < 7 > 3 2 A 1 L E D 0 7 - N
D 0 Q 0
N C B 3 7 L E D < 6 > 4 5 B 1 L E D 0 6 - N
D 1 Q 1
L E D < 5 > 7 6 A 2 L E D 0 5 - N
D 2 Q 2
L E D < 4 > 8 9 B 2 L E D 0 4 - N
D 3 Q 3
D 1 R 1 L E D < 3 > 1 3 1 2 A 3 L E D 0 3 - N
D 4 Q 4
1 S 2 0 7 4 1 M L E D < 2 > 1 4 1 5 B 3 L E D 0 2 - N
D 5 Q 5
L E D < 1 > 1 7 1 6 A 4 L E D 0 1 - N
D 6 Q 6
V C C A 3 8 T P 1 L E D < 0 > 1 8 1 9 B 4 L E D 0 0 - N
V C C D 7 Q 7
V C C B 3 8 C 2
V C C A 3 9 C 1 1 u 1 1 C 1 V C C
B 3 9 C L C 2
V C C 1 0 0 u V C C
V C C A 4 0 C 3 V C C
B 4 0 C 4

V C C B Z 1 V C C

+ -
P C N 1 0 9 6 P

8 8 5 0 - 0 8 0 - 1 7 0 l H P K B 2 4 S P C - 3 6 0 1


I C 1 I C 2 I C 3 I C 4 I C 5 I C 6


C C5 3 C C6 4 C 7 C 8
0 . 1 u 0 . 1 u 0 . 1 u 0 . 1 u 0 . 1 u 0 . 1 u

C A D S F 3 2 5 B

( S - 5 2 0 0 )

P C P A N E L 1 P . C . B .
N . K A N 1E 9O 9
K 7A 0 9 2 5

K . K A G E Y A M A 1 9 9 7 0 9 2 5

S . O O T S U K A 1 9 9 7 0 9 2 5

2 1 . P C P A N E L 1 P . C . B .


S W _ C 7 - N A 2 2 C N B V C C C N B V C C C N B V C C
B R 1 B R 2
1 2 E C 1
L E D 1 7 - N A 1 3 K A 2 1 L E D 3 7 - N A 9 2 1 1 E C 1 _ V
S W 2 7
L E D 1 7 3 3 E C 0 _ A A 2 5 2 E C 1 _ A
( L O W M A G )
S W _ C 6 - N B 2 2 ( R E D 2 ) 4 4 E C 0 _ B B 2 5 3 E C 1 _ B
L E D 1 6 - N B 1 3 K A 5 L E D 3 6 - N B 9 5 4 E C 1 _ G
1 2 1 2 L E D 1 6 6 6

( R E D 1 ) 7 7 E C 2
S W 2 6 S W 0 6
L E D 1 5 - N A 1 4 K A 8 L E D 3 5 - N A 1 0 K A 8 1 E C 2 _ V
( B E A M ) ( D I R P H O T O )
S W _ C 5 - N C 2 2 L E D 1 5 9 L E D 3 5 9 E C 1 _ A A 2 6 2 E C 2 _ A
( S L O W 4 ) ( A F C ) E C 1 _ B B 2 6 3 E C 2 _ B
1 2 1 2 1 2 L E D 1 4 - N B 1 4 K A 2 2 0 L E D 3 4 - N B 1 0 K A 2 2 0 4 E C 2 _ G
L E D 1 4 L E D 3 4
S W 3 5 S W 2 5 S W 0 5
( S L O W 3 ) ( F S E A R C H ) E C 3
( A F C ) ( S T A G E ) ( M E M P H O T O )
S W _ C 4 - N A 2 1 L E D 1 3 - N A 1 5 K A L E D 3 3 - N A 1 1 K A 1 E C 3 _ V
L E D 1 3 L E D 3 3 E C 2 _ A A 2 7 2 E C 3 _ A
1 2 1 2 1 2 ( S L O W 2 ) ( A U T O A L I G N ) E C 2 _ B B 2 7 3 E C 3 _ B
L E D 1 2 - N B 1 5 K A L E D 3 2 - N B 1 1 K A 4 E C 3 _ G
S W 3 4 S W 2 4 S W 0 4
L E D 1 2 L E D 3 2
( F S E A R C H ) ( A B C C ) ( W O B B L I E R )
S W _ C 3 - N B 2 1 ( S L O W 1 ) ( A L I G N 2 ) E C 4
L E D 1 1 - N A 1 6 K A L E D 3 1 - N A 1 2 K A 1 E C 4 _ V
1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 L E D 1 1 L E D 3 1 E C 3 _ A A 2 8 2 E C 4 _ A
( F A S T 2 ) ( A L I G N 1 ) E C 3 _ B B 2 8 3 E C 4 _ B
S W 3 3 S W 2 3 S W 1 3 S W 0 3
L E D 1 0 - N B 1 6 K A L E D 3 0 - N B 1 2 K A 4 E C 4 _ G
( A U T O A L I G N ) ( C N T U P ) ( R E D 1 / 2 ) ( C A P T U R E )
S W _ C 2 - N C 2 1 L E D 1 0 L E D 3 0
( F A S T 1 ) ( S T I G M A ) E C 5
1 2 1 2 1 2 V C C C 1 3 V C C C 9 1 E C 5 _ V
V C C C 1 4 V C C C 1 0 E C 4 _ A A 2 9 2 E C 5 _ A
S W 2 2 S W 1 2 S W 0 2
V C C C 1 5 V C C C 1 1 E C 4 _ B B 2 9 3 E C 5 _ B
( C N T D O W N ) ( S L O W 3 / 4 ) ( R U N )
S W _ C 1 - N A 2 0 V C C C 1 6 V C C V C C C 1 2 4 E C 5 _ G

1 2 1 2 1 2 B R 3 E C 6
L E D 0 7 - N A 1 2 1 L E D 2 7 - N A 5 1 E C 6 _ V
S W 2 1 S W 1 1 S W 0 1
3 E C 5 _ A A 3 0 2 E C 6 _ A
( B R T U P ) ( S L O W 1 / 2 ) ( B )
S W _ C 0 - N B 2 0 4 E C 5 _ B B 3 0 3 E C 6 _ B
L E D 0 6 - N B 1 K A 5 L E D 2 6 - N B 5 4 E C 6 _ G
N C C 2 0 1 2 1 2 1 2 L E D 0 6
( D I R P H O T O ) 2 2 0 E C 7
S W 2 0 S W 1 0 S W 0 0
L E D 0 5 - N A 2 K A L E D 2 5 - N A 6 1 E C 7 _ V
( B R T D O W N ) ( F A S T 1 / 2 ) ( A )
S W _ R 3 - N A 2 4 L E D 0 5 E C 6 _ A A 3 1 2 E C 7 _ A
( M E M P H O T O ) E C 6 _ B B 3 1 3 E C 7 _ B
S W _ R 2 - N B 2 4 L E D 0 4 - N B 2 K A V C C L E D 2 4 - N B 6 V C C 4 E C 7 _ G
L E D 0 4
S W _ R 1 - N C 2 4 ( W O B B L I E R ) B R 4 B R 5
L E D 0 3 - N A 3 K A 2 1 L E D 2 3 - N A 7 K A 2 1

S W _ R 0 - N A 2 3 L E D 0 3 3 L E D 2 3 3 E C 7 _ A A 3 2

( C A P T U R E ) 4 ( L O W M A G ) 4 E C 7 _ B B 3 2

N C B 2 3 L E D 0 2 - N B 3 K A 5 L E D 2 2 - N B 7 K A 5

N C C 2 3 L E D 0 2 L E D 2 2
( R U N ) 2 2 0 ( B E A M ) 2 2 0
L E D 0 1 - N A 4 K A L E D 2 1 - N A 8 K A

S T G 0 A 1 9 L E D 0 1 L E D 2 1 G N D C 3 2

S T G 1 B 1 9 ( B ) ( S T A G E ) G N D C 3 1

S T G 2 C 1 9 L E D 0 0 - N B 4 K A L E D 2 0 - N B 8 K A G N D C 3 0

S T G 3 A 1 8 L E D 0 0 L E D 2 0 G N D C 2 9

S T G 4 B 1 8 ( A ) ( A B C C ) G N D C 2 8

S T G 5 C 1 8 V C C C 1 V C C C 5 G N D C 2 7
S T G 6 A 1 7 V C C C 2 V C C C 6 G N D C 2 6

S T G 7 B 1 7 V C C C 3 V C C C 7 G N D C 2 5

V C C C 4 V C C C 8

N C C 1 7

P C N 1 0 9 6 P P C N 1 0 9 6 P P C N 1 0 9 6 P
P C N 1 0 9 6 P

C A D S F 3 2 6 B

( S - 5 2 0 0 )

P C P A N E L 2 P . C . B .
N . K A N E O K A 1 9 9 7 0 92 5

K . K A G E Y A M A 1 9 9 7 0 9 2 5

S . O O T S U K A 1 9 9 7 0 9 2 5

2 2 . P C P A N E L 2 P . C . B .

+ 1 5 V _ B I A S D 3
1 0 5 V V 0 6 C

T F 2 + 1 0 0 V

6 2 P R 1 0
D 1
R 6 9 I C F 1 1 0 k
1 0 6 + 1 5 V
+ 1 5 V _ B I A S
u P C 4 9 4
1 0 k C 4 C 5 C 6
1 4 R E F C 1 8 1 R 1 1 R 6 5
R 5 2 5 0 V 2 5 0 V R 1 5 R 1 6 6 3 V
4 7 0 k
R 6 7 2 . 2 k 0 . 1 u 0 . 1 u 1 M 1 M 2 . 2 M 1 0 0 u
6 R T E 1 9 + 1 5 V _ B I A S
1 2 k
5 C T 2 5 R 1 4
4 D T . C C 2 1 1 R 1 2 1 k + 1 5 V
R 4 Q 2 Q 3

4 7 0 k
2 . 2 k R 1 7
1 N I 1 E 2 1 0 6
4 . 7 k C 4 1
R 8 0 2 I I 1 7 R 6 6
1 7 9 0 4 6 3 V
1 6 N I 2 5
2 . 2 M 1 0 0 u
2 2 k 1 5 I I 2 O . C N T 1 3 I C G 3
Q 8

F B R 1 3
R 7 1 C 3
R 6 8 V C C G N D 1 0 k 1 0 k 4 7 k C 1 8 8 1
1 k 2 5 V D 2 C N 8 9
C 4 4 1 2 7
R 7 0 4 7 u
0 . 0 0 1 u H Z 5
0 . 1 u

C 4 3 G N D _ B 1

R 6
C 8 C 1 0
+ 1 5 V _ B I A S 2 . 2 k 2
6 0 0 V 6 0 0 V

0 . 0 4 7 u 0 . 0 4 7 u
T F 3 R 2 2 R 2 3 + 1 5 V _ B I A S
G N D _ B 1 0 6
R 1 9 1 M 1 M

4 M 3
D 4 D 5 D 6 D 7 R 1 8
9 + 1 5 V
1 W

0 . 0 4 7 u 0 . 0 4 7 u
3 3 k R 2 4
2 5 2
4 . 7 k A M P - 3 P
R 7 Q 4 Q 5 R 2 0 1 7 9 0 4
C 9 C 1 1 3 + 6 0 0 V
2 . 2 k 1 0 k
6 0 0 V 6 0 0 V I C G 3

C 3 9 C 1 2 Q 9
6 0 0 V 6 0 0 V R 7 6 R 7 8
C 1 8 8 1
R 7 2 C 7 0 . 1 u 0 . 1 u 1 2 k 1 2 k
1 0 k R 7 3 1 0 k
0 . 0 3 3 u

C 4 0 C 1 3 R 7 7 R 7 9
G N D _ B 6 0 0 V 6 0 0 V 5 . 6 k 1 2 k

0 . 1 u 0 . 1 u

J P 3

C 1 5 C 1 7 C 1 9 C 2 1
C T 1 0 . 0 4 7 u 0 . 0 4 7 u 0 . 0 4 7 u 0 . 0 4 7 u
T F 4
1 0 6

D 9 D 1 1 D 1 3 D 1 5
9 D 8 D 1 0 D 1 2 D 1 4
C 1 4 R 3 3
0 . 0 4 7 u 0 . 0 4 7 u 0 . 0 4 7 u 0 . 0 4 7 u
1 0 u 1 0 0 k
2 5
2 K V / 1 0 u A

C 1 6 C 1 8 C 2 0 C 2 2 C 2 3 C 2 4
2 2 0 0 p 2 2 0 0 p

R 2 6 D 1 6 A W 0 1 - 1 2

1 k
+ 1 5 V
R 9 R 3 4
2 . 2 k R 2 7 1 0 0 M
+ 1 0 0 V

1 5 k
R 8 Q 6 Q 7 1 0 K + 1 5 V + 1 5 V
Q 1 0 I C F 3 C T 3
2 . 2 k

C 1 8 8 1 I C F 3
R 2 5 V R 1

V R 2
4 . 7 k I C F 4 D 1 8 D 1 7 R 3 5

7 3 1 0 0 K
R 7 5 1 7 9 0 4 4 7 k R 3 1 4 7 0 k
R 7 4 6 1 3 V R 3
1 0 k 1 0 k 1 7 9 0 4 1 0 k V K
2 6 1 0 0 K
O P - 0 7
R 5 6

G N D _ B R 2 9 C 3 4 + 1 5 V
R 4 8 4 7 M

C 2 5 0 . 4 7 u
R 2 8 4 7 k + 1 5 V
0 . 1 u

R 6 3 R 6 4
1 0 k 1 0 k
Q 1 7 : C 1 2 1 3 A 1 5 0 k 1 M
+ 1 5 V _ B I A S R 5 2 2 2 6 P R 6 1

1 1
R 3 0 R 4 6 + 1 5 V D 1 9 D 2 3
- 1 5 V I C B 2
1 0 0 k 1 0 k

1 0 k R 5 0 C 3 8
R 3 2 4 7 0 k 6 1 0
D E F - X 1 k 2 0 0 V
7 7 Q 1 5
1 7 0 8 2
L M3 1 9 N
0 . 0 1 u
C 2 6 0 . 0 0 1 u 5 9 D 6 6 9

I C F 2 R 5 3
D 2 0 D 2 4

D 1 7 D 1 8 : 1 S 2 0 7 4 X 4 C 3 5 1 0 0 k

- 1 5 V 0 . 4 7 u
R 3 6 - 1 5 V
C N 7 9 3 3 M

R 3 7 - 1 5 V
A 1 + 1 5 V _ B I A S 2 . 2 M R 5 7
C 3 6 R 5 8
R 4 9 4 7 M
C 2 7 C 4 2 0 . 4 7 u
+ 1 5 V 1 0 0 k
R 3 8 2 2 k R 6 2
2 2 0 P D 2 8
4 7 0 u 4 7 0 u 2 . 2 M 1 0 k
Q 1 4
B 1 2 5 V 2 5G
V N D _ B I C B 2
R 5 4

1 1
C 1 2 1 3 A
R 4 7 + 1 5 V D 2 1 D 2 5
1 0 0 k 1 S 2 0 7 4
P H O T O _ N

A 2 1 0 k R 5 1
C T 2 2 5
A C 2 V 1 k D 2 7 J P 1
1 1 2 1
1 7 0 8 2
B 2 E S P K _ P L M3 1 9 N
+ 6 0 0 V 3 4 1 S 2 0 7 4
Q 1 1
P H O T O _ N

I C F 2 R 5 5 + 1 5 V
A 3 D E F - X D 2 2 D 2 6

D 2 2 9 4 2
C 3 7 1 0 0 k

- 1 5 V 0 . 4 7 u
B 3 A C 2 V

C 3 0 R 4 3 C 3 1
R 4 0 R 4 4 - 1 5 V R 5 9
A 4 0 . 1 u 1 . 5 M 2 K V
4 7 k 1 . 5 M 1 0 k
R 6 0
D 2 9

1 S 2 0 7 4

1 S S 1 0 6
B 4 1 0 k
E S P K _ P

X ^ 2 + 1 5 V Q 1 3
A 5 R 3 9 1 S 2 0 7 4

1 0 k R 4 2 C 1 2 1 3
Y ^ 2 6 R 4 5
B 5 4 7 k
7 1
1 7 4 5 8
Q 1 2 3 3 k J P 2
C 3 2
X ^ 2 + Y ^ 2 5 D 2 2 9 4
A 6 2 2 0 0 p

I C E 5 2 K V 2

B 6

A 7 R 4 1
+ 1 5 V - 1 5 V
2 . 2 k
C 2 8 U S E D : C 1 C 3 8
4 7
R 1 R 6 4
1 0 u
B 7

A 8 J P 3 C L O S E ( C L O S E : 1 K V )

C 2 9
4 7

1 0 u
B 8 C A D S F 4 2 2 B
- 1 5 V

( S - 5 2 0 0 )
A M P - 1 6 P

P H O T O - 1 P . C . B .
K . K A G E Y A M A 1 9 9 7 0 1 1 3

N . K A N E O K A 1 9 9 7 0 1 1 3

S . O O T S U K A 1 9 9 7 0 1 1 3

2 3 . P H O T O - 1 P . C . B .

V R 7

+ 6 V - 6 V
+ 6 V
1 0 K

V R 1
R 1 R 2 R 3 4
1 0 K R 2 8
2 . 2 k 2 . 2 k 1 5 k

- 1 5 V + 1 5 V V R 8 1 0 k
R 4
5 K
4 . 7 k R 7
1 0 k

J P 1 I C H 5

1 + 1 5 V

( A D J ) I C H 5
R 3 M L T 0 4 V C C
+ 1 5 V

1 0 k R 5

2 6 1 6 X
1 0 k R 8 M L T 0 4 V C C
R 2 9
7 2
17 0 8 2
1 0 k 2 7 k
3 5 1 1 2 X 1 7 G N D W 1 8
1 7 0 8 2
X - I N ( N O R M A L ) C T 1

R 9 1 1 G N D W 1 0 1 5 Y

- 1 5 V V R 6

3 . 3 k

V E E R 3 5
- 1 5 V 1 3 Y
I C H 3 2 . 2 k


I C H 3 V E E R 3 2 R 3 3

1 4
1 0 k 1 0 k + 1 5 V

2 0 K

1 4

R 1 2 I C G 8
V R 2
- X
4 . 7 k I C E 8 1 0 0 u
+ 1 5 V + 1 5 V

C 3
2 0 K C 2

D 1 1 S S 1 0 6 6 2
R 1 3 2 2 0 0 p R 3 8
7 1 5
4 . 7 k - 6 V 1 7 08 2 1 7 08 2
1 0 0
5 3 7 Q 1
1 7 0 82

C N 8 8

V R 3 D 2 F 1

D 9

- 1 5 V - 1 5 V
+ 1 5 V C 1 5
R 1 0

0 . 0 0 1 u
1 0 k R 1 6 I C G 8 D 1 0

6 C 5

1 0 k

R 3 9
7 Q 2 0 . 1 u
1 7 0 8 2
1 0 0

5 X - r e f

R 1 8 C 6 3 R 4 0

3 . 3 k R 3 6 R 3 7 2 2 0
- 1 5 V 0 . 0 1 u 4 . 7 k 4 . 7 k 6

I C H 4
- 1 5 V
R 4 1
D E F - X

C 4 2 . 2

R 2 2
+ 6 V 1 0 0 u
1 0 k

+ 6 V

I C H 7

R 2 0


+ 1 5 V

M L T 0 4

1 0 k V C C
R 2 4 I C H 7
Y 1 0 k
1 3 X
1 70 8 2
M L T 0 4 V C C

R 2 6 2 G N D W 1 1 6 X

R 3 0

3 . 3 k
3 3 k

- 1 5 V 4 Y 1 7 G N D W 1 8

I C H 4
1 5 Y


1 4


V R 3
- 6 V

1 4
- 6 V

V R 2
+ 6 V
+ 6 V R 6 8

I C E 4 1 0 k

I C B 5 + 1 5 V

I C E 4
M L T 0 4 V C C

R 6 2
I C H 8 + 6 V R 3 1 6 V X
1 0 k + 1 5 V
1 0 0 k 1 7 0 8 2
7 3 X
M L T 0 4 V C C

R 6 6

2 5
1 k
1 1 2 X R 6 4 2 G N D W 1 6
1 70 8 2

3 3 . 3 k 7
17 0 8 2
- 1 5 V
1 1 G N D W 1 0 R 6 0 4 Y 5

- 6 V V R 1 1 D 1 1 I C E 3 V R 2 3

1 0 k V E E R 7 0 R 7 2
1 3 Y

R 5 0 V R 9
X - r e f 3 . 3 k 4 . 7 k
D 1 7
1 0 k V E E
X - r e f

1 4
+ 1 5 V
V R 1 2 D 1 2 - 1 5 V R 7 1


3 . 3 k
1 4

V R 1 0
- 6 V
D 1 8
17 0 8 2
7 V X + V Y
V R 2 4
- 6 V
1 0 K 1 S S 1 0 6

R 6 R 7 3
D 4 D 5
1 0 0 k 3 3 k
D 1 1 D 1 4 : 1 S S 1 0 6 X 4 I C E 2

V R 1 1 V R 1 4 : 1 0 K X 4 + 6 V - 1 5 V
H Z 2

R 6 9
1 0 k - 1 5 V

I C E 4
I C H 8 + 6 V I C B 5 + 1 5 V

R 6 3 M L T 0 4 V C C
+ 1 5 V

6 + 6 V
2 1 0 k V Y
7 7 X
1 70 8 2
1 R 6 7
1 7 0 8 2

3 1 k

I C E 4 R 6 5 8 G N D W 9 2

- 6 V 1

3 . 3 k 17 0 8 2

R 5 1 V R 2 5 - 1 5 V 6 Y 3
M L T 0 4 V C C
D 1 9 R 6 1
1 0 k V R 1 3 D 1 3

Y - r e f 1 6 X 1 0 k
I C E 3
Y - r e f
1 7 G N D W 1 8

1 4
V R 2 6
D 2 0 - 1 5 V
V R 1 4 D 1 4
1 5 Y
- 6 V
1 S S 1 0 6 V E E
1 0 K
R 1 1 R 4 6
D 6 D 7 J P 4
1 0 0 k 4 7 k
1 4

R 4 7
H Z 2
4 7 k
- 6 V 2

C N 2 2

C T 3
A 1 X - I N

R 4 3
B 1
1 0 k R 4 5
1 0 k
A 2 Y - I N

B 2 G N D - S G 1 + 1 5 V
R 4 2
+ 1 5 V

V I D E O 1 0 k R 4 4
A 3 2 R 4 8

1 0 k
1 6
1 7 0 82
1 0 0
B 3 3 1 7 0 8 2
7 V G R I D

A 4 E S P K _ P

- 1 5 V
B 4 - 1 5 V

I C A 5 I C A 5
A 5 P H O T O _ N

B 5 A C 2 V

( )
( A M P - 1 0 P )














V R 2 1

1 0 K

+ 6 V - 6 V

+ 6 V

R 1 1 3
V R 1 5
R 8 0 R 8 1 1 5 k
1 0 K R 1 0 7
2 . 2 k 2 . 2 k
- 1 5 V + 1 5 V V R 2 2 ( - Y ) 1 0 k

R 8 3
1 0 k R 8 6
1 0 k C T 2

J P 2 5 K I C H 5

1 + 1 5 V

( A D J ) I C H 5 M L T 0 4 V C C
R 8 2 R 1 1 4
+ 1 5 V
1 0 k R 8 4 1 k

2 6 R 8 7 7 X
1 0 k M L T 0 4 V C C
R 1 0 8 R 1 1 1 R 1 1 2

7 2
17 0 8 2
1 0 k 2 7 k 1 0 k 1 0 k + 1 5 V
3 5 1 3 X 8 G N D W 9

1 7 0 8 2
( N O R M A L )

1 0 K
R 8 8 2 G N D W 1 6 Y

- 1 5 V 3 . 3 k V R 2 0 + 1 5 V + 1 5 V
2 V E E I C E 8
- 1 5 V 4 Y ( Y )
I C G 3 C 1 1

I C G 3 6 2 R 1 1 7
V E E 3 2 2 0 0 p

7 1 3

1 4
J P 3 ( + Y ) 1 7 08 2 1 7 0 8 2
1 0 0
5 3 1 Q 3

( N O R M A L ) 1 7 0 82
1 2 0 K C N 8 8
Y - I N 2

1 4

K 1 0 5 7
R 9 1 V R 1 6
- Y F 2
2 4 . 7 k
D 2 3 2 A
- 1 5 V - 1 5 V
C 1 0 7
3 2 0 K D 1 5 1 S 2 0 7 4
( A D J ) 1 S S 1 0 6 I C F 8 I C F 8 0 . 0 0 1 u
R 9 2
- 6 V D 2 4 C 1 3
4 . 7 k R 1 1 8
1 0 0
Q 4 0 . 1 u Y
J 1 6 1
D 1 6 Y - r e f
X - I N V R 1 7 C 6 4 R 1 1 9
R 1 1 6
R 1 1 5 C 1 2 2 2 0 1 W
+ 1 5 V 0 . 0 1 u 4 . 7 k 4 . 7 k 0 . 0 1 u 8
R 8 9
1 0 k R 9 5 - 1 5 V

1 0 k ( Y )
7 R 1 2 0
1 7 0 8 2

4 . 7
( A M P - 8 P )
R 9 7 3 W

3 . 3 k

I C G 4 - 1 5 V

V R 1 7

+ 1 5 V
V R 1 8
C 4 7 C 4 9 C 5 1 C 5 2

2 0 K 0 . 1 u 0 . 1 u 0 . 1 u 0 . 1 u
R 9 3
1 0 k

C T 0 C 4 8 C 5 0
+ 1 5 V
0 . 1 u 0 . 1 u
R 9 0 V R 1 6
1 0 k
- 1 5 V


1 7 0 8 2

3 G
C N 1 8

O U T = X * Y / 2 . 5 A 1
I C G 4 - 1 5 V
R 1 0 1 + 1 5 V
+ 6 V C 2 0
8 . 2 k
2 5 V C 2 3 C 2 5 C 2 7 C 2 9 C 3 1 C 3 3 C 3 5 C 3 7 C 3 9 C 4 1 C 4 3 C 4 5
+ 6 V A 2 1 0 0 u
0 . 1 u 0 . 1 u 0 . 1 u 0 . 1 u 0 . 1 u 0 . 1 u 0 . 1 u 0 . 1 u 0 . 1 u 0 . 1 u 0 . 1 u 0 . 1 u

I C H 7
R 9 9 + 1 5 V 2
. A 3

M L T 0 4 V C C
( + XY )
1 0 k R 1 0 3 I C H 7

6 C 2 1 C 2 4 C 2 6 C 2 8 C 3 0 C 3 2 C 3 4 C 3 6 C 3 8 C 4 0 C 4 2 C 4 4 C 4 6
X 1 0 k
7 7 X 2 5 V
1 70 8 2
M L T 0 4 V C C
0 . 1 u 0 . 1 u 0 . 1 u 0 . 1 u 0 . 1 u 0 . 1 u 0 . 1 u 0 . 1 u 0 . 1 u 0 . 1 u 0 . 1 u 0 . 1 u
5 1 0 0 u

8 G N D W 9 1 2 X B 1
R 1 0 5
R 1 0 9 - 1 5 V
3 . 3 k
3 3 k
- 1 5 V 6 Y 1 1 G N D W 1 0 6
I C E 7
C 2 2
B 2 4
V E E 8 + 1 5 V _ B I A S
1 3 Y
1 6 V

V E E 4 7 0 u
B 3 G N D _ B R Y 1
1 4

R 1 3 1

1 4
- 6 V 1 8 0
1 6 1
( A M P - 6 P ) + 1 5 V

- 6 V

C N 7 9
C N 8 7
E L U C O - 2 P

A 1 + 1 5 V _ B I A S I C B 1
R 1 2 1 C N 8 8 C N 9 0
5 W
3 9
1 1 3 1
+ 1 5 V _ B I A S H A 1 7 8 M 1 2
B 1 G N D _ B + 1 5 V _ B I A S

C R T H e a t e r C C 1 4
A 2 P H O T O _ N 2

G N D _ B
t o 1 0 k H V D 7 6 8
B 2 E S P K _ P
V G R I D G N D _ B 2 Q 5
2 5 V
A 3 D E F - X + 1 5 V + 6 V
1 0 0 U 3

R 1 3 2
B 3 A C 2 V 4
1 k
1 0 0
E L U C O - 3 P C 5 3 C 5 5 C 5 7 C 5 9 C 6 1
1 6 V 0 . 1 u 0 . 1 u 0 . 1 u 0 . 1 u
D 2 5 R 1 3 4
4 7 U
H Z 7
( A M P - 8 P )
A 4

D 2 6
R 1 3 5
B 4 H Z 7 1 0 0 C 5 6 C 5 8 C 6 0 C 6 2
C 5 4
0 . 1 u 0 . 1 u 0 . 1 u 0 . 1 u
+ 1 5 V 1 6 V
A 5 V X

R 1 3 3 4 7 U
1 k
B 5 V Y 1 7 0 8 2

3 - 1 5 V - 6 V
A 6 V X + V Y

Q 6
B 7 2 7
B 6 - 1 5 V
I C E 7

A 7
+ 1 5 V

B 7

A 8

B 8
- 1 5 V

A M P - 1 6 P


( S - 5 2 0 0 )

P H O T O - 2 P . C . B .
K . K A G E Y A M A 1 9 9 7 0 1 1 3

N . K A N E O K A 1 9 9 7 0 1 1 3

S . O O T S U K A 1 9 9 7 0 1 1 3

2 4 . P H O T O - 2 P . C . B . ( 2 / 2 )

V D I 1 - 1 < 7 . . 0 >

( t o I C H 2 ) [ 7 B 3 ]

1 2M Hz
I C W 3 I CW 2
I C W 4

C N 1 0 L V C 1 6 4 2 4 5 L V C H 1 6 3 7 4 L V C H 1 6 3 7 4
V 1 D < 7 > 2 1 B 1 1 A 1 4 7 V 1D 0<7 > V 1D 0< 7> 4 7 1 D 1 1 Q 1 2 V D I 1 - 1 < 7 > V D I 1 - 1 < 7 4>7 1 D 1 1 Q 1 2 V D I 1 - 0 < 7 >
V 1 D < 6 > 3 1 B 2 1 A 2 4 6 V 1D 0<6 > V 1D 0< 6> 4 6 1 D 2 1 Q 2 3 V D I 1 - 1 < 6 > V D I 1 - 1 < 6 4>6 1 D 2 1 Q 2 3 V D I 1 - 0 < 6 >
B 3 0
V 1 D < 5 > 5 1 B 3 1 A 3 4 4 V 1D 0<5 > V 1D 0< 5> 4 4 1 D 3 1 Q 3 5 V D I 1 - 1 < 5 > V D I 1 - 1 < 5 4>4 1 D 3 1 Q 3 5 V D I 1 - 0 < 5 >
A 3 0 V 1 D < 7 >
V 1 D < 4 > 6 1 B 4 1 A 4 4 3 V 1D 0<4 > V 1D 0< 4> 4 3 1 D 4 1 Q 4 6 V D I 1 - 1 < 4 > V D I 1 - 1 < 4 4>3 1 D 4 1 Q 4 6 V D I 1 - 0 < 4 >
B 2 9
V 1 D < 3 > 8 1 B 5 1 A 5 4 1 V 1D 0<3 > V 1D 0< 3> 4 1 1 D 5 1 Q 5 8 V D I 1 - 1 < 3 > V D I 1 - 1 < 3 4>1 1 D 5 1 Q 5 8 V D I 1 - 0 < 3 >
A 2 9 V 1 D < 6 >
V 1 D < 2 > 9 1 B 6 1 A 6 4 0 V 1D 0<2 > V 1D 0< 2> 4 0 1 D 6 1 Q 6 9 V D I 1 - 1 < 2 > V D I 1 - 1 < 2 4>0 1 D 6 1 Q 6 9 V D I 1 - 0 < 2 >
B 2 8
V 1 D < 1 > 1 1 1 B 7 1 A 7 3 8 V 1D 0<1 > V 1D 0< 1> 3 8 1 D 7 1 Q 7 1 1 V D I 1 - 1 < 1 > V D I 1 - 1 < 1 3>8 1 D 7 1 Q 7 1 1 V D I 1 - 0 < 1 >
A 2 8 V 1 D < 5 >
V 1 D < 0 > 1 2 1 B 8 1 A 8 3 7 V 1D 0<0 > V 1D 0< 0> 3 7 1 D 8 1 Q 8 1 2 V D I 1 - 1 < 0 > V D I 1 - 1 < 0 3>7 1 D 8 1 Q 8 1 2 V D I 1 - 0 < 0 >
B 2 7

A 2 7 V 1 D < 4 >
2 B 1 V 2 D < 7 > 1 3 2 A 1 3 6 V 2D 0<7 > V 2D 0< 7> 3 6 2 D 1 2 Q 1 1 3 V D I 2 - 1 < 7 > V D I 1 - 1 < 7 3>6 2 D 1 2 Q 1 1 3 V D I 1 - 2 < 7 >
B 2 6
2 B 2 V 2 D < 6 > 1 4 2 A 2 3 5 V 2D 0<6 > V 2D 0< 6> 3 5 2 D 2 2 Q 2 1 4 V D I 2 - 1 < 6 > V D I 1 - 1 < 6 3>5 2 D 2 2 Q 2 1 4 V D I 1 - 2 < 6 >
A 2 6 V 1 D < 3 >
2 B 3 V 2 D < 5 > 1 6 2 A 3 3 3 V 2D 0<5 > V 2D 0< 5> 3 3 2 D 3 2 Q 3 1 6 V D I 2 - 1 < 5 > V D I 1 - 1 < 5 3>3 2 D 3 2 Q 3 1 6 V D I 1 - 2 < 5 > V D I 1 - 0 < 7 . . 0 >
B 2 5

[ 1 B 3 ]
2 B 4 V 2 D < 4 > 1 7 2 A 4 3 2 V 2D 0<4 > V 2D 0< 4> 3 2 2 D 4 2 Q 4 1 7 V D I 2 - 1 < 4 > V D I 1 - 1 < 4 3>2 2 D 4 2 Q 4 1 7 V D I 1 - 2 < 4 >

I P 0 1 _ C L K
A 2 5 V 1 D < 2 >
2 B 5 V 2 D < 3 > 1 9 2 A 5 3 0 V 2D 0<3 > V 2D 0< 3> 3 0 2 D 5 2 Q 5 1 9 V D I 2 - 1 < 3 > V D I 1 - 1 < 3 3>0 2 D 5 2 Q 5 1 9 V D I 1 - 2 < 3 >
B 2 4

V D I 1 - 1 < 7 >
V D I 1 - 1 < 6 >
V D I 1 - 1 < 5 >
V D I 1 - 1 < 4 >
V D I 1 - 1 < 3 >
V D I 1 - 1 < 2 >
V D I 1 - 1 < 1 >
V D I 1 - 1 < 0 >
V D I 1 - 0 < 7 >
V D I 1 - 0 < 6 >
V D I 1 - 0 < 5 >
V D I 1 - 0 < 4 >
V D I 1 - 0 < 3 >
V D I 1 - 0 < 2 >
V D I 1 - 0 < 1 >
V D I 1 - 0 < 0 >
2 B 6 V 2 D < 2 > 2 0 2 A 6 2 9 V 2D 0<2 > V 2D 0< 2> 2 9 2 D 6 2 Q 6 2 0 V D I 2 - 1 < 2 > V D I 1 - 1 < 2 2>9 2 D 6 2 Q 6 2 0 V D I 1 - 2 < 2 > V D O - 1 < 3 1 . . 0 >
A 2 4 V 1 D < 1 >


+ 3 . 3 V
2 B 7 V 2 D < 1 > 2 2 2 A 7 2 7 V 2D 0<1 > V 2D 0< 1> 2 7 2 D 7 2 Q 7 2 2 V D I 2 - 1 < 1 > V D I 1 - 1 < 1 2>7 2 D 7 2 Q 7 2 2 V D I 1 - 2 < 1 >

V D O 1 < 8 >
V D O 1 < 7 >
V D O 1 < 6 >
V D O 1 < 5 >

V D O 1 < 4 >
V D O 1 < 3 >
V D O 1 < 2 >
V D O 1 < 1 >
V D O 1 < 0 >

H S _ N
V S _ N
B 2 3

+ 3 . 3 V
2 B 8 V 2 D < 0 > 2 3 2 A 8 2 6 V 2D 0<0 > V 2D 0< 0> 2 6 2 D 8 2 Q 8 2 3 V D I 2 - 1 < 0 > V D I 1 - 1 < 0 2>6 2 D 8 2 Q 8 2 3 V D I 1 - 2 < 0 >
A 2 3 V 1 D < 0 >

M A 1 < 3 1 . . 0 >
B 2 2
1 O E 4 8 4 8 4 8 V - 0 - C L K V D I 1 - 2 < 7 . . 0 >
A 2 2 1 C L K 1 C L K
2 O E 2 5 4 2 5 4 2 5 V - 2 - C L K V C L K
B 2 1 2 C L K 2 C L K
4 1 DI R 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 ( f r o m F P G A )
A 2 1 1 OE 1 O E

I P 2 / I C H 2 )
V D I 2 - 1 < 7 . . 0 >
1 0 2 DI R 2 4 1 5 2 4 1 5 2 4

1 0 8

1 0 7

1 0 6

1 0 5

1 0 4

1 0 3

1 0 2

1 0 1

1 0 0
2 OE 2 O E

[ 7 C 3 ] , [ 2 A 1 ]
B 2 0

9 9

9 8

9 7

9 6

9 5

9 4

9 3

9 2

9 1

9 0

8 9

8 8

8 7

8 6

8 5

8 4

8 3

8 2

8 1

8 0

7 9

7 8

7 7

7 6

7 5

7 4

7 3
1 5 2 1 2 1
A 2 0 V 2 D < 7 > G N D G N D
2 1 3 1 + 3. 3V 2 8 7 2 8 7
B 1 9 G N D
2 8 V CC A 4 2 3 4 1 8 3 4 1 8
A 1 9 V 2 D < 6 >





P O D 8

P O D 7

P O D 6

P O D 5

P O D 4

P O D 3

P O D 2

P O D 1

P O D 0




P I D 9

P I D 8

P I D 7

P I D 6

P I D 5

P I D 4

P I D 3

P I D 2

P I D 1

P I D 0


P I D 1 5

P I D 1 4

P I D 1 3

P I D 1 2

P I D 1 1

P I D 1 0
3 4 3 9 3 1 3 9 3 1

B 1 8
3 9 7 4 5 4 2 + 3. 3V 4 5 4 2 +3 .3V
A 1 8 V 2 D < 5 > + 5 V 1 0 9 7 2

( t o
4 5 V CC B 1 8 G N D G N D
B 1 7 V D O 1 < 9 > 1 1 0 7 1 + 3 . 3 V
P O D 9 V D D
A 1 7 V 2 D < 4 > V D O 1 < 1 0 > 1 1 1 7 0 C A S - 1 0 1
P O D 1 0 C A S
B 1 6 V D O 1 < 1 1 > 1 1 2 6 9 R A S - 1 0 1
[ 5 V - - > 3 . 3 V ] P O D 1 1 R A S
A 1 6 V 2 D < 3 > V D O 1 < 1 2 > 1 1 3 6 8 M A 1 < 1 3 >
I C W 6 I C K 2 P O D 1 2 B A 1
B 1 5 V D O 1 < 1 3 > 1 1 4 6 7 M A 1 < 1 2 >
P O D 1 3 B A 0
A 1 5 V 2 D < 2 > V D O 1 < 1 4 > 1 1 5 6 6 M W R - 1 0 1
L V C H 1 6 3 7 4 L V C 1 6 4 2 4 5 P O D 1 4 M W R
B 1 4 1 1 6 6 5 + 3 . 3 V
B L K 0 B L A N K I N G 4 7 1 D 1 1 Q 1 2 B L K 4 7 1 A 1 1 B 1 2 [ 7 C 2 ] G N D V D D
A 1 4 V 2 D < 1 > + 3 . 3 V 1 1 7 6 4
H S 0 _ N H - S Y N C _ N 4 6 1 D 2 1 Q 2 3 R 1 1 6 H S _ N ( t o F P G A ) 4 6 1 A 2 1 B 2 3 [ 7 C 2 ] V D D G N D
B 1 3 V D O 1 < 1 5 > 1 1 8 6 3 M A1 <11 >
V S 0 _ N V -S YN C_N 4 4 1 D 3 1 Q 3 5 3 3 V S _ N 4 4 1 A 3 1 B 3 5 [ 7 C 2 ] P O D 1 5 M A 1 1
A 1 3 V 2 D < 0 > 1 1 9 6 2 M A1 <10 >
V C L K 1 V C L K 2 4 3 1 D 4 1 Q 4 6 ( V C L K _ N ) 4 3 1 A 4 1 B 4 6 [ 7 C 2 ]
+ 3 . 3 V P O A C T M A 1 0
B 1 2 1 2 0 6 1 M A1 <9>
4 1 1 D 5 1 Q 5 8 ( f r o m F P G A ) 4 1 1 A 5 1 B 5 8 ( f o r T R N S ) G N D M A 9
A 1 2 G - V S _ N 1 2 1 6 0 M A1 <8>
4 0 1 D 6 1 Q 6 9 4 0 1 A 6 1 B 6 9 [ 1 C 2 ] P O V S M A 8
B 1 1 G - H S _ N 1 2 2 5 9 M A1 <7>
3 8 1 D 7 1 Q 7 1 1 3 8 1 A 7 1 B 7 1 1 P O H S M A 7
A 1 1 R 14 0 1 2 3 5 8 M A1 <6>
D I V - O U T 3 7 1 D 8 1 Q 8 1 2 3 7 1 A 8 1 B 8 1 2 R 1 1 7 V C O - F I N [ 5 C 6 ] P O F L D I CI P1 -01 M A 6
B 1 0 ( f r o m F P G A ) 3 3 0 1 2 4 5 7 M A1 <5>
3 3 G N D M A 5
A 1 0 1 2 5 L D - 1 5 6 M A1 <4>
D I V - I N 3 6 2 D 1 2 Q 1 1 3 3 6 2 A 1 1 3 2 B 1 V C O - O U T 1 [ 7 B 2 ] P O C L K M A 4
B 9 [ 5 C 4 ]
+ 3 . 3 V 1 2 6 5 5

A 9
3 5 2 D 2 2 Q 2 1 4 ( t o F P G A ( b u t n o t u s e ) ) 3 5 2 A 2 1 4 2 B 2
1 2 7
V D D I P0 0C 70 2 G N D
5 4 + 3 . 3 V
R 14 1
3 3 2 D 3 2 Q 3 1 6 3 3 2 A 3 1 6 2 B 3 P O S Y R S T V D D
B 8 4 7 0 1 2 8 5 3 M A1 <3>
3 2 2 D 4 2 Q 4 1 7 3 2 2 A 4 1 7 2 B 4 D T I N 0 M A 3
A 8 1 2 9 5 2 M A1 <2>
3 0 2 D 5 2 Q 5 1 9 3 0 2 A 5 1 9 2 B 5 D T I N 1 M A 2
B 7 S S - 1 1 3 0 5 1 M A1 <1>
2 9 2 D 6 2 Q 6 2 0 2 9 2 A 6 2 0 2 B 6 S S M A 1
A 7 S _ C L K 1 3 1 5 0 M A1 <0>
2 7 2 D 7 2 Q 7 2 2 2 7 2 A 7 2 2 2 B 7
( f r o m F P G A ) S C L K M A 0
B 6 S I 1 3 2 4 9
2 6 2 D 8 2 Q 8 2 3 2 6 2 A 8 2 3 2 B 8 S I G N D
A 6 1 3 3 4 8
B 5 1 3 4 4 7 + 3 . 3 V
I CW 5 4 8 4 8 1 O E S O V D D
A 5 1 C L K 1 3 5 4 6 6 6M HZ- 1
4 2 5 V C L K 2 5 2 O E I N T M C L K
B 4 2 C L K 1 3 6 4 5 + 3 . 3 V
L V C 1 6 4 2 4 5
1 0 1 ( H : A - > B ) 1 1 D I R 4 G N D V D D
A 4 2 4 7 1 OE R E S E T _ N 1 3 7 4 4
1 B 1 1 A1
1 5 2 4 ( L : B - > A ) 2 4 2 D I R 1 0 R S T G N D
B 3 3 1 B 2 1 A2 4 6 2 OE 1 3 8 4 3
2 1 1 5 T E S T C S 1
A 3 5 1 B 3 1 A3 4 4 G N D 1 3 9 4 2 C S 0 - 1 0 1
( t o F P G A ) 2 8 7 + 3 . 3 V 3 1 2 1 P I E X T C S 0
B 2 V C L K 6 1 B 4 1 A4 4 3 R 1 1 0 V C L K G N D 1 4 0 4 1 D Q M 0 - 1 0 1
3 4 1 8 4 2 V CC A 2 8 P O E X T D Q M 0
A 2 8 1 B 5 1 A5 4 1 P I F L D( t o I P ) 1 4 1 4 0 D Q M 1 - 1 0 1
3 9 V C C 3 1 3 4 G N D D Q M 1
B 1 9 1 B 6 1 A6 4 0 R 1 1 1 6 6 M H Z - 1 1 4 2 3 9
4 5 4 2 + 3. 3V 7 3 9 G N D G N D
A 1 1 1 1 B 7 1 A7 3 8 R 1 1 2 6 6 M H Z - 2 + 5V 1 4 3 3 8 + 3+ .
3 3.V3 V
1 8 V CC B 4 5 V D D V D D
1 2 1 B 8 1 A8 3 7 R 1 1 3 6 6 M H Z - 3 M D 1 < 0 >1 4 4 3 7 M D 1 < 3 1 >
M D 0 M D 3 1

M D 1 0

M D 1 1

M D 1 2

M D 1 3

M D 1 4

M D 1 5

M D 1 6

M D 1 7

M D 1 8

M D 1 9

M D 2 0

M D 2 1

M D 2 2

M D 2 3

M D 2 4

M D 2 5

M D 2 6

M D 2 7

M D 2 8

M D 2 9

M D 3 0
M D 1

M D 2

M D 3

M D 4

M D 5

M D 6

M D 7



M D 8

M D 9




3 3
2 B 1 G - H S 0 _ N 1 3 2 A1 3 6 R 1 1 4 G - H S _ N F L D
( t o F P G A , I P )
2 B 2 G - V S 0 _ N 1 4 2 A2 3 5 G - V S _ N
[ 7 C 2 ]
2 B 3 [ 6 D 3 ] 1 6 2 A3 3 3 R 1 1 5 E P G A - C L K [ 3 . 3 V < - > 5 V ] ( V D I 1 - 3 < 7 . . 0 > )
1 7 3 2

1 0

1 1

1 2

1 3

1 4

1 5

1 6

1 7

1 8

1 9

2 0

2 1

2 2

2 3

2 4

2 5

2 6

2 7

2 8

2 9

3 0

3 1

3 2

3 3

3 4

3 5

3 6
2 B 4 2 A4
3 3
2 B 5 1 9 2 A5 3 0

M D 1 < 1 0 >
M D 1 < 1 1 >
M D 1 < 1 2 >
M D 1 < 1 3 >
M D 1 < 1 4 >
M D 1 < 1 5 >

M D 1 < 1 6 >
M D 1 < 1 7 >
M D 1 < 1 8 >
M D 1 < 1 9 >
M D 1 < 2 0 >
M D 1 < 2 1 >
M D 1 < 2 2 >
M D 1 < 2 3 >

M D 1 < 2 4 >
M D 1 < 2 5 >
M D 1 < 2 6 >
M D 1 < 2 7 >
M D 1 < 2 8 >
M D 1 < 2 9 >
M D 1 < 3 0 >
2 B 6 2 0 2 A6 2 9

M D 1 < 1 >
M D 1 < 2 >
M D 1 < 3 >
M D 1 < 4 >
M D 1 < 5 >
M D 1 < 6 >
M D 1 < 7 >

M D 1 < 8 >
M D 1 < 9 >
2 B 7 R s v 1 2 2 2 A7 2 7 R s v 1 1 [ 2 C 6 ]

[ 1 B 3 ]
2 B 8 R s v 2 2 3 2 A8 2 6 R s v 2 1 [ 2 B 4 ]

V D I 1 - 1 < 7 >
V D I 1 - 1 < 6 >
V D I 1 - 1 < 5 >
V D I 1 - 1 < 4 >
V D I 1 - 1 < 3 >
V D I 1 - 1 < 2 >
V D I 1 - 1 < 1 >
V D I 1 - 1 < 0 >
V D I 1 - 2 < 7 >
V D I 1 - 2 < 6 >
V D I 1 - 2 < 5 >
V D I 1 - 2 < 4 >
V D I 1 - 2 < 3 >
V D I 1 - 2 < 2 >
V D I 1 - 2 < 1 >
V D I 1 - 2 < 0 >
+ 3 . 3 V
I P 2 3 _ C L K
[ 9 B 6 ]

V D O 1 < 2 4 >
V D O 1 < 2 3 >
V D O 1 < 2 2 >
V D O 1 < 2 1 >

V D O 1 < 2 0 >
V D O 1 < 1 9 >
V D O 1 < 1 8 >
V D O 1 < 1 7 >
V D O 1 < 1 6 >
1 OE 4 8

+ 3 . 3 V

M D 1 < 3 1 . . 0 >

H S _ N
V S _ N
2 OE 2 5
V D O - 1 < 3 1 . . 0 >
4 1D I R 1

+ 5 V 1 0 2D I R 2 4

+ 3 . 3 V

+ 3 . 3 V

+ 3 . 3 V
( L : B - > A )
1 5

2 1 3 1 + 3. 3V

2 8 V C CA 4 2

1 0 8

1 0 7

1 0 6

1 0 5

1 0 4

1 0 3

1 0 2

1 0 1

1 0 0
O SC 1

9 9

9 8

9 7

9 6

9 5

9 4

9 3

9 2

9 1

9 0

8 9

8 8

8 7

8 6

8 5

8 4

8 3

8 2

8 1

8 0

7 9

7 8

7 7

7 6

7 5

7 4

7 3
3 4

5 3 9 7

O S C + 5V
4 5 V C CB 1 8





P O D 8

P O D 7

P O D 6

P O D 5

P O D 4

P O D 3

P O D 2

P O D 1

P O D 0






P I D 1 5

P I D 1 4

P I D 1 3

P I D 1 2

P I D 1 1

P I D 1 0

P I D 9

P I D 8

P I D 7

P I D 6

P I D 5

P I D 4

P I D 3

P I D 2

P I D 1

P I D 0
1 0 9 7 2

V D O 1 < 2 5 > 1 1 0 7 1 + 3 . 3 V
P O D 9 V D D
[ 5 V - - > 3 . 3 V ] V D O 1 < 2 6 > 1 1 1 7 0 C AS -1 23
P O D 1 0 C A S M A 2 < 1 3 . . 0 >
V D O 1 < 2 7 > 1 1 2 6 9 R AS -1 23
P O D 1 1 R A S
6 6 . 6 6 6 6 M H Z V D O 1 < 2 8 > 1 1 3 6 8 M A2 <13 >
P O D 1 2 B A 1
V D O 1 < 2 9 > 1 1 4 6 7 M A2 <12 >
P O D 1 3 B A 0
V D O 1 < 3 0 > 1 1 5 6 6 M WR -1 23
P O D 1 4 M W R
1 1 6 6 5 + 3 . 3 V
+ 3. 3V 1 1 7 6 4
V D O 1 < 3 1 > 1 1 8 6 3 M A2 <11 >
P O D 1 5 M A 1 1
1 1 9 6 2 M A2 <10 >
P O A C T M A 1 0
1 2 0 6 1 M A2 <9>
G N D M A 9
G - V S _ N M A2 <8>
[ 1 C 2 ]
G - H S _ N
1 2 1

1 2 2

M A 8

M A 7
6 0

5 9 M A2 <7>
M A2 <6>
[ C H 1 ]
1 2 3 5 8
P O F L D I C I P 1 - 2 3 M A 6
1 2 4 5 7 M A2 <5>
G N D M A 5
[ 5 C 4 ]
L D- 1 1 2 5 5 6 M A2 <4>
P O C L K M A 4
+ 3. 3V 1 2 6 5 5

1 2 7
V D D I P0 0C 70 2 G N D
5 4 + 3 . 3 V
1 2 8 5 3 M A2 <3>
D T I N 0 M A 3
1 2 9 5 2 M A2 <2>
D T I N 1 M A 2
S S - 1 1 3 0 5 1 M A2 <1>
S S M A 1
( f r o m F P G A ) S _ C L K 1 3 1 5 0 M A2 <0>
S C L K M A 0
S I 1 3 2 4 9
1 3 3 4 8
1 3 4 4 7 + 3 . 3 V
1 3 5 4 6 6 6M HZ- 1
1 3 6 4 5 + 3 . 3 V
R E S E T _ N 1 3 7 4 4
1 3 8 4 3
T E S T C S 1
1 3 9 4 2 C S0 -12 3
P I E X T C S 0
1 4 0 4 1 D Q M 0 - 1 2 3
P O E X T D Q M 0
1 4 1 4 0 D Q M 1 - 1 2 3
G N D D Q M 1
1 4 2 3 9
+ 3 . 3 V 1 4 3 3 8 + 3. 3V
M D 2 < 0 >1 4 4 3 7 M D2 <3 1>
M D 0 M D 3 1
M D 1 0

M D 1 1

M D 1 2

M D 1 3

M D 1 4

M D 1 5

M D 1 6

M D 1 7

M D 1 8

M D 1 9

M D 2 0

M D 2 1

M D 2 2

M D 2 3

M D 2 4

M D 2 5

M D 2 6

M D 2 7

M D 2 8

M D 2 9

M D 3 0
M D 1

M D 2

M D 3

M D 4

M D 5

M D 6

M D 7



M D 8

M D 9





1 0

1 1

1 2

1 3

1 4

1 5

1 6

1 7

1 8

1 9

2 0

2 1

2 2

2 3

2 4

2 5

2 6

2 7

2 8

2 9

3 0

3 1

3 2

3 3

3 4

3 5

3 6
M D 2 < 1 0 >
M D 2 < 1 1 >
M D 2 < 1 2 >
M D 2 < 1 3 >
M D 2 < 1 4 >
M D 2 < 1 5 >

M D 2 < 1 6 >
M D 2 < 1 7 >
M D 2 < 1 8 >
M D 2 < 1 9 >
M D 2 < 2 0 >
M D 2 < 2 1 >
M D 2 < 2 2 >
M D 2 < 2 3 >

M D 2 < 2 4 >
M D 2 < 2 5 >
M D 2 < 2 6 >
M D 2 < 2 7 >
M D 2 < 2 8 >
M D 2 < 2 9 >
M D 2 < 3 0 >
M D 2 < 1 >
M D 2 < 2 >
M D 2 < 3 >
M D 2 < 4 >
M D 2 < 5 >
M D 2 < 6 >
M D 2 < 7 >

M D 2 < 8 >
M D 2 < 9 >
+ 3 . 3 V

+ 3 . 3 V

+ 3 . 3 V

M D 2 < 3 1 . . 0 >


( S -5 200 )

I M P - N P . C . B .
K . K A G E Y A M A 1 99 8 0 7 0 8

N . K A N E O K A 1 99 9 0 7 0 8

S . O O T S U K A 1 99 9 0 7 0 8

2 5 . I M P - N P . C . B . ( 1 / 9 )

[ 1 B 3 ]

I P 0 1 _ C L K
+ 3 . 3 V


+ 3 . 3 V
H S _ N
V S _ N
V D I 2 - 0 < 7 . . 0 >

V D I 2 - 1 < 7 . . 0 >

V D I 2 - 1 < 7 >
V D I 2 - 1 < 6 >
V D I 2 - 1 < 5 >
V D I 2 - 1 < 4 >
V D I 2 - 1 < 3 >
V D I 2 - 1 < 2 >
V D I 2 - 1 < 1 >
V D I 2 - 1 < 0 >
V D I 2 - 0 < 7 >
V D I 2 - 0 < 6 >
V D I 2 - 0 < 5 >
V D I 2 - 0 < 4 >
V D I 2 - 0 < 3 >
V D I 2 - 0 < 2 >
V D I 2 - 0 < 1 >
V D I 2 - 0 < 0 >
V D O - 2 < 3 1 . . 0 >

V D O 2 < 8 >
V D O 2 < 7 >
V D O 2 < 6 >
V D O 2 < 5 >

V D O 2 < 4 >
V D O 2 < 3 >
V D O 2 < 2 >
V D O 2 < 1 >
V D O 2 < 0 >

T P 3
T d a t a - 2 < 7 . . 0 >

( G r a p h i c s )

p h i c s )
1 0 8

1 0 7

1 0 6

1 0 5

1 0 4

1 0 3

1 0 2

1 0 1

1 0 0

9 9

9 8

9 7

9 6

9 5

9 4

9 3

9 2

9 1

9 0

8 9

8 8

8 7

8 6

8 5

8 4

8 3

8 2

8 1

8 0

7 9

7 8

7 7

7 6

7 5

7 4

7 3

V R T _ W _ E N A _ N
T d a t a - 1 < 7 . . 0 >

V R T _ D V N 6 _ N

( G r a
T d a t a - 2 < 6 >

T d a t a - 1 < 7 >
T d a t a - 1 < 6 >
T d a t a - 1 < 5 >

T d a t a - 1 < 4 >
T d a t a - 1 < 3 >

T d a t a - 1 < 2 >
T d a t a - 1 < 1 >
T d a t a - 1 < 0 >
I P 2 3 _ C L K

E P G A - C L K





G _ S E L _ B _ N
P O D 8

P O D 7

P O D 6

P O D 5

P O D 4

P O D 3

P O D 2

P O D 1

P O D 0




P I D 9

P I D 8

P I D 7

P I D 6

P I D 5

P I D 4

P I D 3

P I D 2

P I D 1

P I D 0


P I D 1 5

P I D 1 4

P I D 1 3

P I D 1 2

P I D 1 1

P I D 1 0

V R T _ W _ P

V R T - E _ N
[ 1 C 2 ]

G - H S _ N
1 0 9 7 2

R s v 2 1

L B - B T

+ 3 . 3 V

+ 3 . 3 V

D A C _ C S
D A C < 1 >
G - V S _ N
V D O 2 < 9 > 1 1 0 7 1 + 3. 3V
P O D 9 V D D

+ 3 . 3 V
V D O 2 < 1 0 >1 1 1 7 0 C A S - 2 0 1
P O D 1 0 C A S M A 3 < 1 3 . . 0 >
V D O 2 < 1 1 >1 1 2 6 9 R A S - 2 0 1
P O D 1 1 R A S
V D O 2 < 1 2 >1 1 3 6 8 M A 3 < 1 3 >
P O D 1 2 B A 1
I C W 8 V D O 2 < 1 3 >1 1 4 6 7 M A 3 < 1 2 >
P O D 1 3 B A 0

R 1 1 8
V D O 2 < 1 4 >1 1 5 6 6 M W R - 2 0 1

3 3
L V C H 1 6 3 7 4 P O D 1 4 M W R
1 1 6 6 5 + 3. 3V
V D I 2 - 1 < 7 > 4 7 1 D 1 1 Q 1 2 V D I 2 - 0 < 7 > G N D V D D
+ 3 . 3 V 1 1 7 6 4
V D I 2 - 1 < 6 > 4 6 1 D 2 1 Q 2 3 V D I 2 - 0 < 6 > V D D G N D
V D O 2 < 1 5 >1 1 8 6 3 M A 3 < 1 1 >

1 4 4

1 4 3

1 4 2

1 4 1

1 4 0

1 3 9

1 3 8

1 3 7

1 3 6

1 3 5

1 3 4

1 3 3

1 3 2

1 3 1

1 3 0

1 2 9

1 2 8

1 2 7

1 2 6

1 2 5

1 2 4

1 2 3

1 2 2

1 2 1

1 2 0

1 1 9

1 1 8

1 1 7

1 1 6

1 1 5

1 1 4

1 1 3

1 1 2

1 1 1

1 1 0

1 0 9
V D I 2 - 1 < 5 > 4 4 1 D 3 1 Q 3 5 V D I 2 - 0 < 5 > P O D 1 5 M A 1 1
1 1 9 6 2 M A 3 < 1 0 >
V D I 2 - 1 < 4 > 4 3 1 D 4 1 Q 4 6 V D I 2 - 0 < 4 > P O A C T M A 1 0
1 2 0 6 1 M A 3 < 9 >
V D I 2 - 1 < 3 > 4 1 1 D 5 1 Q 5 8 V D I 2 - 0 < 3 > G N D M A 9
G -V S_N 1 2 1 6 0 M A 3 < 8 >
V D I 2 - 1 < 2 > 4 0 1 D 6 1 Q 6 9 V D I 2 - 0 < 2 > [ 1 C 2 ] P O V S I C I P 2 - 0 1 M A 8
G -H S_N M A 3 < 7 >





1 2 2 5 9
V D I 2 - 1 < 1 > 3 8 1 D 7 1 Q 7 1 1 V D I 2 - 0 < 1 > P O H S M A 7
1 2 3 5 8 M A 3 < 6 >
V D I 2 - 1 < 0 > 3 7 1 D 8 1 Q 8 1 2 V D I 2 - 0 < 0 > P O F L D M A 6
1 2 4 5 7 M A 3 < 5 > ( f r o m S R O M )
G N D M A 5 1 1 0 8 D A T A ( f r o m R O M )
[ 5 C 4 ] L D - 2 1 2 5 5 6 M A 3 < 4 > T C K D A T A 0
V D I 2 - 1 < 7 > 3 6 2 D 1 2 Q 1 1 3 V D I 2 - 3 < 7 > P O C L K M A 4 C O N F _ D O N E 2 1 0 7 D C L K
+ 3 . 3 V 1 2 6 5 5 C O N F _ D O N E D C L K
V D I 2 - 1 < 6 > 3 5 2 D 2 2 Q 2 1 4 V D I 2 - 3 < 6 >
1 2 7
V D D I P 0 0 C 7 0 2 G N D
5 4 + 3. 3V [ 9 B 5 ]
N C E 2 3
1 0 6

V D I 2 - 1 < 5 > 3 3 2 D 3 2 Q 3 1 6 V D I 2 - 3 < 5 > P O S Y R S T V D D 4 1 0 5

1 2 8 5 3 M A 3 < 3 > T D O T D I T d a t a - 2 < 7 . . 0 >
V D I 2 - 1 < 4 > 3 2 2 D 4 2 Q 4 1 7 V D I 2 - 3 < 4 > D T I N 0 M A 3 + 3 . 3 V 5 1 0 4
1 2 9 5 2 M A 3 < 2 > V C C I O G N D I O
V D I 2 - 1 < 3 > 3 0 2 D 5 2 Q 5 1 9 V D I 2 - 3 < 3 > D T I N 1 M A 2 6 1 0 3
S S- 2 1 3 0 5 1 M A 3 < 1 > R 1 1 9 V C C I N T G N D I N T
V D I 2 - 1 < 2 > 2 9 2 D 6 2 Q 6 2 0 V D I 2 - 3 < 2 > S S M A 1 [ 1 B 3 ]
V C L K 1 7 1 0 2 T d a t a - 2 < 4 >
S _C LK 1 3 1 5 0 M A 3 < 0 >
V D I 2 - 1 < 1 > 2 7 2 D 7 2 Q 7 2 2 V D I 2 - 3 < 1 > S C L K M A 0 S S - 2 3 3 8 1 0 1 B _ S E L _ B _ N
S I 1 3 2 4 9
V D I 2 - 1 < 0 > 2 6 2 D 8 2 Q 8 2 3 V D I 2 - 3 < 0 > S I G N D T d a t a - 2 < 3 > 9 1 0 0
( f r o m F P G A ) 1 3 3 4 8
G N D G N D T d a t a - 2 < 2 > 1 0 9 9
1 3 4 4 7 + 3. 3V
4 8 V - 0 - C L K S O V D D 1 1 9 8 G _ S E L _ A _ N
1 C L K 1 3 5 4 6 6 6M HZ- 1 R 1 2 0
4 2 5 V - 2 - C L K I N T M C L K I P 0 1 _ C L K 1 2 9 7 R _ S E L _ B _ N
2 C L K 1 3 6 4 5 + 3. 3V
1 0 1 G N D V D D T R - S E L - A _ N 3 3 1 3 I CB 5 9 6 B _ S E L _ A _ N
1 O E R ES ET_ N 1 3 7 4 4
1 5 2 4 R S T G N D V - 2 - C L K 1 4 9 5 R _ S E L _ A _ N
2 O E 1 3 8 4 3
2 1 T E S T C S 1 R 1 2 1 1 5 9 4
G ND 1 3 9 4 2 C S0 -20 1 G N D I O V C C I O
2 8 7 P I E X T C S 0 3 3 1 6 9 3 + 3 . 3 V
1 4 0 4 1 D Q M 0 - 2 0 1 G N D I N T V C C I N T
3 4 1 8 P O E X T D Q M 0 T - r e a d y 1 7 9 2 R 1 2 5 F I F O - W C L K
1 4 1 4 0 D Q M 1 - 2 0 1
3 9 V C C 3 1 G N D D Q M 1 T R - S E L - B _ N 1 8 9 1 3 3 T P 2
4 5 4 2 + 3 . 3 V
1 4 2
3 9
S S - 1 1 9
E P F 1 0 K 1 0 A T C 1 4 4 9 0 C E _ B T
+ 3. 3V 1 4 3 3 8 + 3 . 3 V
V D D V D D V - 0 - C L K R 1 2 2 2 0 8 9 R 1 2 6 S E L _ I P _ N
M D 3 < 0 > 1 4 4 3 7 M D 3 < 3 1 >
M D 0 M D 3 1 S I 3 3 2 1 8 8 R 1 2 7 F I F O - W E N _ N

M D 1 0

M D 1 1

M D 1 2

M D 1 3

M D 1 4

M D 1 5

M D 1 6

M D 1 7

M D 1 8

M D 1 9

M D 2 0

M D 2 1

M D 2 2

M D 2 3

M D 2 4

M D 2 5

M D 2 6

M D 2 7

M D 2 8

M D 2 9

M D 3 0
T d a t a - 2 < 0 > E N A B L E _ N

M D 1

M D 2

M D 3

M D 4

M D 5

M D 6

M D 7



M D 8

M D 9




2 2 8 7 3 3

S _ C L K 2 3 8 6 R 1 2 8 F I F O - R E N _ N
+ 3 . 3 V 2 4 8 5 3 3 V R T _ a d d < 5 . . 0 >
2 5 8 4

1 0

1 1

1 2

1 3

1 4

1 5

1 6

1 7

1 8

1 9

2 0

2 1

2 2

2 3

2 4

2 5

2 6

2 7

2 8

2 9

3 0

3 1

3 2

3 3

3 4

3 5

3 6
V R T _ d a t a < 7 > 2 6 8 3 V R T _ a d d < 0 >
V R T _ d a t a < 6 > 2 7 8 2 V R T _ a d d < 1 >

M D 3 < 1 0 >
M D 3 < 1 1 >
M D 3 < 1 2 >
M D 3 < 1 3 >
M D 3 < 1 4 >
M D 3 < 1 5 >

M D 3 < 1 6 >
M D 3 < 1 7 >
M D 3 < 1 8 >
M D 3 < 1 9 >
M D 3 < 2 0 >
M D 3 < 2 1 >
M D 3 < 2 2 >
M D 3 < 2 3 >

M D 3 < 2 4 >
M D 3 < 2 5 >
M D 3 < 2 6 >
M D 3 < 2 7 >
M D 3 < 2 8 >
M D 3 < 2 9 >
M D 3 < 3 0 >
V R T _ d a t a < 5 > 2 8 8 1 V R T _ a d d < 2 >
M D 3 < 1 >
M D 3 < 2 >
M D 3 < 3 >
M D 3 < 4 >
M D 3 < 5 >
M D 3 < 6 >
M D 3 < 7 >

M D 3 < 8 >
M D 3 < 9 >
V R T _ d a t a < 4 > 2 9 8 0 V R T _ a d d < 4 >
V R T _ d a t a < 3 > 3 0 7 9 V R T _ a d d < 5 >
V R T _ d a t a < 2 > 3 1 7 8 D I V - O U T
V R T _ d a t a < 1 > 3 2 7 7
M D 3 < 3 1 . . 0 > M S E L 0
3 3 7 6
M S E L 1
3 4 7 5 + 3 . 3 V

+ 3 . 3 V

+ 3 . 3 V

+ 3 . 3 V
T M S V C C I N T 4
( f r o m R O M ) N S T A T U S 3 5 7 4 N C O N F I G
V R T _ d a t a < 0 > 3 6 7 3 R s v 1 1 [ 1 C 2 ]









V R T _ d a t a < 7 . . 0 >

I P 2 3 _ C L K
[ 1 B 3 ]
+ 3 . 3 V


+ 3 . 3 V
H S _ N
V S _ N

3 7

3 8

3 9

4 0

4 1

4 2

4 3

4 4

4 5

4 6

4 7

4 8

4 9

5 0

5 1

5 2

5 3

5 4

5 5

5 6

5 7

5 8

5 9

6 0

6 1

6 2

6 3

6 4

6 5

6 6

6 7

6 8

6 9

7 0

7 1

7 2
V D I 2 - 3 [ 7 . . 0 ]
V D I 2 - 3 < 7 . . 0 >

V D I 2 - 1 < 7 >
V D I 2 - 1 < 6 >
V D I 2 - 1 < 5 >
V D I 2 - 1 < 4 >
V D I 2 - 1 < 3 >
V D I 2 - 1 < 2 >
V D I 2 - 1 < 1 >
V D I 2 - 1 < 0 >
V D I 2 - 3 < 7 >
V D I 2 - 3 < 6 >
V D I 2 - 3 < 5 >
V D I 2 - 3 < 4 >
V D I 2 - 3 < 3 >
V D I 2 - 3 < 2 >
V D I 2 - 3 < 1 >
V D I 2 - 3 < 0 >
V D O 2 < 2 4 >
V D O 2 < 2 3 >
V D O 2 < 2 2 >
V D O 2 < 2 1 >

V D O 2 < 2 0 >
V D O 2 < 1 9 >
V D O 2 < 1 8 >
V D O 2 < 1 7 >
V D O 2 < 1 6 >

R E A D - B A C K _ N
R 1 2 3

3 3

R 1 2 4
T d a t a - 2 < 5 >

T d a t a - 2 < 1 >

T d a t a - 2 < 7 >
V D O - 2 < 3 1 . . 0 >

3 3
T R N S _ N
L D - 0 _ N

D I V - I N

L D - C L K

I M G _ O N

D A C < 0 >
T P 1

+ 3 . 3 V
C 1 < 0 >

C E - 1
H S _ N

L B - 1

L D - 0
1 0 8

1 0 7

1 0 6

1 0 5

1 0 4

1 0 3

1 0 2

1 0 1

1 0 0

9 9

9 8

9 7

9 6

9 5

9 4

9 3

9 2

9 1

9 0

8 9

8 8

8 7

8 6

8 5

8 4

8 3

8 2

8 1

8 0

7 9

7 8

7 7

7 6

7 5

7 4

7 3

( V i d e o )

( V i d e o )
B t 4 9 8 )




P O D 8

P O D 7

P O D 6

P O D 5

P O D 4

P O D 3

P O D 2

P O D 1

P O D 0




P I D 9

P I D 8

P I D 7

P I D 6

P I D 5

P I D 4

P I D 3

P I D 2

P I D 1

P I D 0


P I D 1 5

P I D 1 4

P I D 1 3

P I D 1 2

P I D 1 1

P I D 1 0

( C L K )
C - 1 < 3 >

C - 1 < 2 >

C - 1 < 0 >
[ C H 2 ] V D O 2 < 2 5 >
1 0 9

1 1 0
7 2

7 1 + 3 . 3 V
T d a t a - 2 < 7 . . 0 >
P O D 9 V D D
V D O 2 < 2 6 > 1 1 1 7 0 C A S - 2 2 3
M A 4 < 1 3 . . 0 >

( t o
P O D 1 0 C A S
V D O 2 < 2 7 > 1 1 2 6 9 R A S - 2 2 3
P O D 1 1 R A S
V D O 2 < 2 8 > 1 1 3 6 8 M A 4 < 1 3 >
P O D 1 2 B A 1
V D O 2 < 2 9 > 1 1 4 6 7 M A 4 < 1 2 > C - 1 < 3 . . 2 , 0 >
P O D 1 3 B A 0
V D O 2 < 3 0 > 1 1 5 6 6 M W R - 2 2 3
P O D 1 4 M W R
1 1 6 6 5 + 3 . 3 V
+ 3 . 3 V

C O N F _ D O N E
1 1 7 6 4
V D O 2 < 3 1 > 1 1 8 6 3 M A 4 < 1 1 >
P O D 1 5 M A 1 1

1 1 9 6 2 M A 4 < 1 0 >
P O A C T M A 1 0

+ 3 . 3 V
+ 3. 3V 1 2 0 6 1 M A 4 < 9 >
G N D M A 9

+ 3 . 3 V
[ 1 C 2 ]
G -V S_ N 1 2 1 6 0 M A 4 < 8 >


P O V S I C I P 2 - 2 3 M A 8
G -H S_ N 1 2 2 5 9 M A 4 < 7 >
R 1 4 2 P O H S M A 7
1 2 3 5 8 M A 4 < 6 >
P O F L D M A 6
3 3 0 1 2 4 5 7 M A 4 < 5 >
G N D M A 5 N C O N F I G J 3
L D - 2 1 2 5 5 6 M A 4 < 4 >

P O C L K M A 4 B R1
[ 5 C 4 ]
+ 3 . 3 V 1 2 6 5 5 R 1 4 4 V R T - E _ N ( V R T e n a b l e )
1 2 7
V D D I P 0 0 C 7 0 2 G N D
5 4 + 3 . 3 V
1 K
R 1 4 3 1 k
P O S Y R S T V D D 1 2
4 7 0 1 2 8 5 3 M A 4 < 3 >
D T I N 0 M A 3

1 2 9 5 2 M A 4 < 2 >
D T I N 1 M A 2 C N 2 4
S S- 2 1 3 0 5 1 M A 4 < 1 >
S S M A 1
S _C LK 1 3 1 5 0 M A 4 < 0 >
S C L K M A 0 D C L K A 1
S I 1 3 2 4 9
S I G N D 1 EP C 1 8 + 3 . 3 V B 1
( f r o m F P G A ) 1 3 3 4 8
G N D G N D 2 7 C O N F _ D O N E A 2
1 3 4 4 7 + 3 . 3 V C L K V PP
S O V D D 3 6 B 2 + 3 . 3 V
1 3 5 4 6 6 6M HZ -1 O E C AS C
I N T M C L K 4 5 A 3
1 3 6 4 5 + 3 . 3 V C S G ND
G N D V D D B 3
R ES ET _N 1 3 7 4 4
1 3 8 4 3 I CB 3
T E S T C S 1 B 4
1 3 9 4 2 C S 0 - 2 2 3
P I E X T C S 0 D A T A A 5
1 4 0 4 1 D Q M 0 - 2 2 3
P O E X T D Q M 0 B 5
1 4 1 4 0 D Q M 1 - 2 2 3
G N D D Q M 1
1 4 2 3 9
+ 3 . 3 V 1 4 3 3 8 + 3. 3V
M D4 <0> 1 4 4 3 7 M D4 <31 >
M D 0 M D 3 1
M D 1 0

M D 1 1

M D 1 2

M D 1 3

M D 1 4

M D 1 5

M D 1 6

M D 1 7

M D 1 8

M D 1 9

M D 2 0

M D 2 1

M D 2 2

M D 2 3

M D 2 4

M D 2 5

M D 2 6

M D 2 7

M D 2 8

M D 2 9

M D 3 0
M D 1

M D 2

M D 3

M D 4

M D 5

M D 6

M D 7



M D 8

M D 9





1 0

1 1

1 2

1 3

1 4

1 5

1 6

1 7

1 8

1 9

2 0

2 1

2 2

2 3

2 4

2 5

2 6

2 7

2 8

2 9

3 0

3 1

3 2

3 3

3 4

3 5

3 6
M D 4 < 1 0 >
M D 4 < 1 1 >
M D 4 < 1 2 >
M D 4 < 1 3 >
M D 4 < 1 4 >
M D 4 < 1 5 >

M D 4 < 1 6 >
M D 4 < 1 7 >
M D 4 < 1 8 >
M D 4 < 1 9 >
M D 4 < 2 0 >
M D 4 < 2 1 >
M D 4 < 2 2 >
M D 4 < 2 3 >

M D 4 < 2 4 >
M D 4 < 2 5 >
M D 4 < 2 6 >
M D 4 < 2 7 >
M D 4 < 2 8 >
M D 4 < 2 9 >
M D 4 < 3 0 >
M D 4 < 1 >
M D 4 < 2 >
M D 4 < 3 >
M D 4 < 4 >
M D 4 < 5 >
M D 4 < 6 >
M D 4 < 7 >

M D 4 < 8 >
M D 4 < 9 >

M D 4 < 3 1 . . 0 >
+ 3 . 3 V
+ 3 . 3 V

+ 3 . 3 V


( S -5 200 )

I M P - N P . C . B .
K . K A G E Y A M A 1 99 8 0 7 0 8

N . K A N E O K A 1 99 9 0 7 0 8

S . O O T S U K A 1 99 9 0 7 0 8

2 5 . I M P - N P . C . B . ( 2 / 9 )

[ L EF T ] [ R] [ G ]
[ B ]
I C M 4 I C K 3 I C H 3 I C G 3
V D O - 1 < 3 1 . . 0 >
[ F I FO ] f r o m I P
L V C H 1 6 2 4 4 L V C H 1 6 2 4 4 L V C H 1 6 2 4 4 L V C H 1 6 2 4 4
V D O 1 < 3 1 > 4 7 1 A 1 1 Y 1 2 V D O 1 0 < 3 1 > V D O 1 0 < 3 1 > 4 7 1 A 1 1 Y 1 2 R < 3 1 > V D O 1 0 < 3 1 > 4 7 1 A 1 1 Y1 2 G < 3 1 > V D O 1 0 < 3 1 > 4 7 1 A1 1 Y 1 2 B < 3 1 >
V D O 1 < 3 0 > 4 6 1 A 2 1 Y 2 3 V D O 1 0 < 3 0 > V D O 1 0 < 3 0 > 4 6 1 A 2 1 Y 2 3 R < 3 0 > V D O 1 0 < 3 0 > 4 6 1 A 2 1 Y2 3 G < 3 0 > V D O 1 0 < 3 0 > 4 6 1 A2 1 Y 2 3 B < 3 0 >
V D O 1 < 2 9 > 4 4 1 A 3 1 Y 3 5 V D O 1 0 < 2 9 > V D O 1 0 < 2 9 > 4 4 1 A 3 1 Y 3 5 R < 2 9 > V D O 1 0 < 2 9 > 4 4 1 A 3 1 Y3 5 G < 2 9 > V D O 1 0 < 2 9 > 4 4 1 A3 1 Y 3 5 B < 2 9 >
V D O 1 < 2 8 > 4 3 1 A 4 1 Y 4 6 V D O 1 0 < 2 8 > V D O 1 0 < 2 8 > 4 3 1 A 4 1 Y 4 6 R < 2 8 > V D O 1 0 < 2 8 > 4 3 1 A 4 1 Y4 6 G < 2 8 > V D O 1 0 < 2 8 > 4 3 1 A4 1 Y 4 6 B < 2 8 >

V D O 1 < 2 7 > 4 1 2 A 1 2 Y 1 8 V D O 1 0 < 2 7 > V D O 1 0 < 2 7 > 4 1 2 A 1 2 Y 1 8 R < 2 7 > V D O 1 0 < 2 7 > 4 1 2 A 1 2 Y1 8 G < 2 7 > V D O 1 0 < 2 7 > 4 1 2 A1 2 Y 1 8 B < 2 7 >
V D O 1 < 2 6 > 4 0 2 A 2 2 Y 2 9 V D O 1 0 < 2 6 > V D O 1 0 < 2 6 > 4 0 2 A 2 2 Y 2 9 R < 2 6 > V D O 1 0 < 2 6 > 4 0 2 A 2 2 Y2 9 G < 2 6 > V D O 1 0 < 2 6 > 4 0 2 A2 2 Y 2 9 B < 2 6 >
V D O 1 < 2 5 > 3 8 2 A 3 2 Y 3 1 1 V D O 1 0 < 2 5 > V D O 1 0 < 2 5 > 3 8 2 A 3 2 Y 3 1 1 R < 2 5 > V D O 1 0 < 2 5 > 3 8 2 A 3 2 Y3 1 1 G < 2 5 > V D O 1 0 < 2 5 > 3 8 2 A3 2 Y 3 1 1 B < 2 5 >
V D O 1 < 2 4 > 3 7 2 A 4 2 Y 4 1 2 V D O 1 0 < 2 4 > V D O 1 0 < 2 4 > 3 7 2 A 4 2 Y 4 1 2 R < 2 4 > V D O 1 0 < 2 4 > 3 7 2 A 4 2 Y4 1 2 G < 2 4 > V D O 1 0 < 2 4 > 3 7 2 A4 2 Y 4 1 2 B < 2 4 >

V D O 1 < 2 3 > 3 6 3 A 1 3 Y 1 1 3 V D O 1 0 < 2 3 > V D O 1 0 < 2 3 > 3 6 3 A 1 3 Y 1 1 3 R < 2 3 > V D O 1 0 < 2 3 > 3 6 3 A 1 3 Y1 1 3 G < 2 3 > V D O 1 0 < 2 3 > 3 6 3 A1 3 Y 1 1 3 B < 2 3 >
V D O 1 < 2 2 > 3 5 3 A 2 3 Y 2 1 4 V D O 1 0 < 2 2 > V D O 1 0 < 2 2 > 3 5 3 A 2 3 Y 2 1 4 R < 2 2 > V D O 1 0 < 2 2 > 3 5 3 A 2 3 Y2 1 4 G < 2 2 > V D O 1 0 < 2 2 > 3 5 3 A2 3 Y 2 1 4 B < 2 2 >
V D O 1 < 2 1 > 3 3 3 A 3 3 Y 3 1 6 V D O 1 0 < 2 1 > V D O 1 0 < 2 1 > 3 3 3 A 3 3 Y 3 1 6 R < 2 1 > V D O 1 0 < 2 1 > 3 3 3 A 3 3 Y3 1 6 G < 2 1 > V D O 1 0 < 2 1 > 3 3 3 A3 3 Y 3 1 6 B < 2 1 >
V D O 1 < 2 0 > 3 2 3 A 4 3 Y 4 1 7 V D O 1 0 < 2 0 > V D O 1 0 < 2 0 > 3 2 3 A 4 3 Y 4 1 7 R < 2 0 > V D O 1 0 < 2 0 > 3 2 3 A 4 3 Y4 1 7 G < 2 0 > V D O 1 0 < 2 0 > 3 2 3 A4 3 Y 4 1 7 B < 2 0 >

V D O 1 < 1 9 > 3 0 4 A 1 4 Y 1 1 9 V D O 1 0 < 1 9 > V D O 1 0 < 1 9 > 3 0 4 A 1 4 Y 1 1 9 R < 1 9 > V D O 1 0 < 1 9 > 3 0 4 A 1 4 Y1 1 9 G < 1 9 > V D O 1 0 < 1 9 > 3 0 4 A1 4 Y 1 1 9 B < 1 9 >
V D O 1 < 1 8 > 2 9 4 A 2 4 Y 2 2 0 V D O 1 0 < 1 8 > V D O 1 0 < 1 8 > 2 9 4 A 2 4 Y 2 2 0 R < 1 8 > V D O 1 0 < 1 8 > 2 9 4 A 2 4 Y2 2 0 G < 1 8 > V D O 1 0 < 1 8 > 2 9 4 A2 4 Y 2 2 0 B < 1 8 >

[ 5 C 4 ]
V D O 1 < 1 7 > 2 7 4 A 3 4 Y 3 2 2 V D O 1 0 < 1 7 > V D O 1 0 < 1 7 > 2 7 4 A 3 4 Y 3 2 2 R < 1 7 > V D O 1 0 < 1 7 > 2 7 4 A 3 4 Y3 2 2 G < 1 7 > V D O 1 0 < 1 7 > 2 7 4 A3 4 Y 3 2 2 B < 1 7 >

F I F O - W E N _ N
V D O 1 < 1 6 > 2 6 4 A 4 4 Y 4 2 3 V D O 1 0 < 1 6 > V D O 1 0 < 1 6 > 2 6 4 A 4 4 Y 4 2 3 R < 1 6 > V D O 1 0 < 1 6 > 2 6 4 A 4 4 Y4 2 3 G < 1 6 > V D O 1 0 < 1 6 > 2 6 4 A4 4 Y 4 2 3 B < 1 6 >

F I F O - W C L K
1 1 1 1

V D O 1 < 1 0 >
V D O 1 < 1 1 >
V D O 1 < 1 2 >
V D O 1 < 1 3 >
V D O 1 < 1 4 >
V D O 1 < 1 5 >
4 8 4 4 8 4 4 8 4 4 8 4

V D O 1 < 0 >
V D O 1 < 1 >
V D O 1 < 2 >
V D O 1 < 3 >
V D O 1 < 4 >
V D O 1 < 5 >
V D O 1 < 6 >
V D O 1 < 7 >
V D O 1 < 8 >
V D O 1 < 9 >
+ 3 . 3 V O E O E O E O E

+ 3 . 3 V

L D - 3
2 5 1 0 2 5 1 0 2 5 1 0 2 5 1 0

R _ S E L _ A _ N

G _ S E L _ A _ N

B _ S E L _ A _ N
2 4 1 5 2 4 1 5 2 4 1 5 2 4 1 5

S E L _ I P _ N
2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1
R 1 4 5 G N D G ND G N D G N D
7 2 8 7 2 8 7 2 8 7 2 8
3 . 3 k
1 8 3 4 1 8 3 4 1 8 3 4 1 8 3 4

+ 3 . 3 V

+ 3 . 3 V

+ 3 . 3 V

+ 3 . 3 V
F I F O - R E N _ N
3 1 V C C 3 9 3 1 V C C 3 9 3 1 V C C 3 9 3 1 V CC 3 9

4 2 4 5 4 2 4 5 4 2 4 5 4 2 4 5

1 2 8

1 2 7

1 2 6

1 2 5

1 2 4

1 2 3

1 2 2

1 2 1

1 2 0

1 1 9

1 1 8

1 1 7

1 1 6

1 1 5

1 1 4

1 1 3

1 1 2

1 1 1

1 1 0

1 0 9

1 0 8

1 0 7

1 0 6

1 0 5

1 0 4

1 0 3
I C N 4 I C K 5 I C H 5 I C G 5

L V C H 1 6 2 4 4 L V C H 1 6 2 4 4 L V C H 1 6 2 4 4 L V C H 1 6 2 4 4
V D O 1 < 1 5 > 4 7 1 A 1 1 Y 1 2 V D O 1 0 < 1 5 > V D O 1 0 < 1 5 > 4 7 1 A 1 1 Y 1 2 R < 1 5 > V D O 1 0 < 1 5 > 4 7 1 A 1 1 Y1 2 G < 1 5 > V D O 1 0 < 1 5 > 4 7 1 A1 1 Y 1 2 B < 1 5 >


D A 0

D A 1

D A 2

D A 3

D A 4

D A 5

D A 6

D A 7

D A 8

D A 9




D A 1 0

D A 1 1

D A 1 2

D A 1 3

D A 1 4

D A 1 5

D A 1 6

D A 1 7


V D O 1 < 1 4 > 4 6 1 A 2 1 Y 2 3 V D O 1 0 < 1 4 > V D O 1 0 < 1 4 > 4 6 1 A 2 1 Y 2 3 R < 1 4 > V D O 1 0 < 1 4 > 4 6 1 A 2 1 Y2 3 G < 1 4 > V D O 1 0 < 1 4 > 4 6 1 A2 1 Y 2 3 B < 1 4 >
+ 3 . 3 V 1 1 0 2 + 3 . 3 V V D O 1 < 1 3 > 4 4 1 A 3 1 Y 3 5 V D O 1 0 < 1 3 > V D O 1 0 < 1 3 > 4 4 1 A 3 1 Y 3 5 R < 1 3 > V D O 1 0 < 1 3 > 4 4 1 A 3 1 Y3 5 G < 1 3 > V D O 1 0 < 1 3 > 4 4 1 A3 1 Y 3 5 B < 1 3 >
2 1 0 1 V D O 1 < 1 2 > 4 3 1 A 4 1 Y 4 6 V D O 1 0 < 1 2 > V D O 1 0 < 1 2 > 4 3 1 A 4 1 Y 4 6 R < 1 2 > V D O 1 0 < 1 2 > 4 3 1 A 4 1 Y4 6 G < 1 2 > V D O 1 0 < 1 2 > 4 3 1 A4 1 Y 4 6 B < 1 2 >
3 1 0 0 G - H S _ N
4 9 9 V D O 1 < 1 1 > 4 1 2 A 1 2 Y 1 8 V D O 1 0 < 1 1 > V D O 1 0 < 1 1 > 4 1 2 A 1 2 Y 1 8 R < 1 1 > V D O 1 0 < 1 1 > 4 1 2 A 1 2 Y1 8 G < 1 1 > V D O 1 0 < 1 1 > 4 1 2 A1 2 Y 1 8 B < 1 1 >
5 9 8 V D O 1 < 1 0 > 4 0 2 A 2 2 Y 2 9 V D O 1 0 < 1 0 > V D O 1 0 < 1 0 > 4 0 2 A 2 2 Y 2 9 R < 1 0 > V D O 1 0 < 1 0 > 4 0 2 A 2 2 Y2 9 G < 1 0 > V D O 1 0 < 1 0 > 4 0 2 A2 2 Y 2 9 B < 1 0 >
W X O A / H F A G N D
6 9 7 V D O 1 < 9 > 3 8 2 A 3 2 Y 3 1 1 V D O 1 0 < 9 > V D O 1 0 < 9 > 3 8 2 A 3 2 Y 3 1 1 R < 9 > V D O 1 0 < 9 > 3 8 2 A 3 2 Y3 1 1 G < 9 > V D O 1 0 < 9 > 3 8 2 A3 2 Y 3 1 1 B < 9 >
V D O 1 0 < 0 > 7 9 6 V D O 1 < 8 > 3 7 2 A 4 2 Y 4 1 2 V D O 1 0 < 8 > V D O 1 0 < 8 > 3 7 2 A 4 2 Y 4 1 2 R < 8 > V D O 1 0 < 8 > 3 7 2 A 4 2 Y4 1 2 G < 8 > V D O 1 0 < 8 > 3 7 2 A4 2 Y 4 1 2 B < 8 >
Q A 0 Q A 1 7
V D O 1 0 < 1 > 8 9 5
Q A 1 Q A 1 6
9 9 4 V D O 1 < 7 > 3 6 3 A 1 3 Y 1 1 3 V D O 1 0 < 7 > V D O 1 0 < 7 > 3 6 3 A 1 3 Y 1 1 3 R < 7 > V D O 1 0 < 7 > 3 6 3 A 1 3 Y1 1 3 G < 7 > V D O 1 0 < 7 > 3 6 3 A1 3 Y 1 1 3 B < 7 >
V D O 1 0 < 2 > 1 0 9 3 V D O 1 0 < 1 5 > V D O 1 < 6 > 3 5 3 A 2 3 Y 2 1 4 V D O 1 0 < 6 > V D O 1 0 < 6 > 3 5 3 A 2 3 Y 2 1 4 R < 6 > V D O 1 0 < 6 > 3 5 3 A 2 3 Y2 1 4 G < 6 > V D O 1 0 < 6 > 3 5 3 A2 3 Y 2 1 4 B < 6 >
Q A 2 Q A 1 5
V D O 1 0 < 3 > 1 1 9 2 V D O 1 < 5 > 3 3 3 A 3 3 Y 3 1 6 V D O 1 0 < 5 > V D O 1 0 < 5 > 3 3 3 A 3 3 Y 3 1 6 R < 5 > V D O 1 0 < 5 > 3 3 3 A 3 3 Y3 1 6 G < 5 > V D O 1 0 < 5 > 3 3 3 A3 3 Y 3 1 6 B < 5 >
Q A 3 V C C
1 2 9 1 V D O 1 0 < 1 4 > V D O 1 < 4 > 3 2 3 A 4 3 Y 4 1 7 V D O 1 0 < 4 > V D O 1 0 < 4 > 3 2 3 A 4 3 Y 4 1 7 R < 4 > V D O 1 0 < 4 > 3 2 3 A 4 3 Y4 1 7 G < 4 > V D O 1 0 < 4 > 3 2 3 A4 3 Y 4 1 7 B < 4 >
V C C Q A 1 4
V D O 1 0 < 4 > 1 3 9 0 V D O 1 0 < 1 3 >
Q A 4 Q A 1 3
1 4 8 9 V D O 1 < 3 > 3 0 4 A 1 4 Y 1 1 9 V D O 1 0 < 3 > V D O 1 0 < 3 > 3 0 4 A 1 4 Y 1 1 9 R < 3 > V D O 1 0 < 3 > 3 0 4 A 1 4 Y1 1 9 G < 3 > V D O 1 0 < 3 > 3 0 4 A1 4 Y 1 1 9 B < 3 >
V D O 1 0 < 5 > 1 5 8 8 V D O 1 0 < 1 2 > V D O 1 < 2 > 2 9 4 A 2 4 Y 2 2 0 V D O 1 0 < 2 > V D O 1 0 < 2 > 2 9 4 A 2 4 Y 2 2 0 R < 2 > V D O 1 0 < 2 > 2 9 4 A 2 4 Y2 2 0 G < 2 > V D O 1 0 < 2 > 2 9 4 A2 4 Y 2 2 0 B < 2 >
Q A 5 Q A 1 2
V D O 1 0 < 6 > 1 6 I C N 6 8 7 V D O 1 0 < 1 1 > V D O 1 < 1 > 2 7 4 A 3 4 Y 3 2 2 V D O 1 0 < 1 > V D O 1 0 < 1 > 2 7 4 A 3 4 Y 3 2 2 R < 1 > V D O 1 0 < 1 > 2 7 4 A 3 4 Y3 2 2 G < 1 > V D O 1 0 < 1 > 2 7 4 A3 4 Y 3 2 2 B < 1 >
Q A 6 Q A 1 1
V D O 1 0 < 7 > 1 7 8 6 V D O 1 < 0 > 2 6 4 A 4 4 Y 4 2 3 V D O 1 0 < 0 > V D O 1 0 < 0 > 2 6 4 A 4 4 Y 4 2 3 R < 0 > V D O 1 0 < 0 > 2 6 4 A 4 4 Y4 2 3 G < 0 > V D O 1 0 < 0 > 2 6 4 A4 4 Y 4 2 3 B < 0 >
Q A 7 V C C
V D O 1 0 < 8 > 1 8 8 5 V D O 1 0 < 1 0 >
Q A 8 Q A 1 0
1 9
I D T 7 2 V 8 0 5 Q A 9
8 4 V D O 1 0 < 9 > 1
V D O 1 < 2 3 > 2 0 8 3 V D O 1 < 2 4 > 4 8 4 4 8 4 4 8 4 4 8 4
D B 7 D B 8 O E O E O E O E
V D O 1 < 2 2 > 2 1 8 2 V D O 1 < 2 5 > 2 5 1 0 2 5 1 0 2 5 1 0 2 5 1 0
D B 6 D B 9 O E O E O E O E
V D O 1 < 2 1 > 2 2 8 1 V D O 1 < 2 6 > 2 4 1 5 2 4 1 5 2 4 1 5 2 4 1 5

S E L _ I P _ N

R _ S E L _ A _ N

G _ S E L _ A _ N

B _ S E L _ A _ N
D B 5 D B 1 0
V D O 1 < 2 0 > 2 3 8 0 V D O 1 < 2 7 > 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1
D B 4 D B 1 1 G N D G ND G N D G N D
V D O 1 < 1 9 > 2 4 7 9 V D O 1 < 2 8 > 7 2 8 7 2 8 7 2 8 7 2 8
D B 3 D B 1 2
V D O 1 < 1 8 > 2 5 7 8 V D O 1 < 2 9 > 1 8 3 4 1 8 3 4 1 8 3 4 1 8 3 4
D B 2 D B 1 3

+ 3 . 3 V

+ 3 . 3 V

+ 3 . 3 V
V D O 1 < 1 7 > 2 6 7 7 V D O 1 < 3 0 > 3 1 V C C 3 9 3 1 V C C 3 9 3 1 V C C 3 9 3 1 V CC 3 9
D B 1 D B 1 4
V D O 1 < 1 6 > 2 7 7 6 V D O 1 < 3 1 > 4 2 4 5 4 2 4 5 4 2 4 5 4 2 4 5
D B 0 D B 1 5

+ 3 . 3 V
2 8 7 5
P A E B D B 1 6
2 9 7 4 I C K 6 I C H 6 I C G 6
F L B D B 1 7
F I F O - W C L K 3 0 7 3
W C L K B G N D [ 5 C 4 ] L V C H 1 6 2 4 4 L V C H 1 6 2 4 4 L V C H 1 6 2 4 4
F I F O - W E N _ N 3 1 7 2 L D - 3
W E N B R C L K B V D O 2 < 3 1 > 4 7 1 A 1 1 Y 1 2 R < 3 1 > V D O 2 < 3 1 > 4 7 1 A 1 1 Y1 2 G < 3 1 > V D O 2 < 3 1 > 4 7 1 A1 1 Y 1 2 B < 3 1 >
3 2 7 1 F I F O - R E N _ N
W X I B R E N B V D O 2 < 3 0 > 4 6 1 A 2 1 Y 2 3 R < 3 0 > V D O 2 < 3 0 > 4 6 1 A 2 1 Y2 3 G < 3 0 > V D O 2 < 3 0 > 4 6 1 A2 1 Y 2 3 B < 3 0 >
+ 3 . 3 V 3 3 7 0
V C C L D B V D O 2 < 2 9 > 4 4 1 A 3 1 Y 3 5 R < 2 9 > V D O 2 < 2 9 > 4 4 1 A 3 1 Y3 5 G < 2 9 > V D O 2 < 2 9 > 4 4 1 A3 1 Y 3 5 B < 2 9 >
3 4 6 9
P A F B O E B V D O 2 < 2 8 > 4 3 1 A 4 1 Y 4 6 R < 2 8 > V D O 2 < 2 8 > 4 3 1 A 4 1 Y4 6 G < 2 8 > V D O 2 < 2 8 > 4 3 1 A4 1 Y 4 6 B < 2 8 >
3 5 6 8 G - H S _ N
3 6 6 7 + 3 . 3 V
F F B V C C V D O 2 < 2 7 > 4 1 2 A 1 2 Y 1 8 R < 2 7 > V D O 2 < 2 7 > 4 1 2 A 1 2 Y1 8 G < 2 7 > V D O 2 < 2 7 > 4 1 2 A1 2 Y 1 8 B < 2 7 >
3 7 6 6
W X O B / H F B G N D V D O 2 < 2 6 > 4 0 2 A 2 2 Y 2 9 R < 2 6 > V D O 2 < 2 6 > 4 0 2 A 2 2 Y2 9 G < 2 6 > V D O 2 < 2 6 > 4 0 2 A2 2 Y 2 9 B < 2 6 >
3 8 6 5
R X O B E F B V D O 2 < 2 5 > 3 8 2 A 3 2 Y 3 1 1 R < 2 5 > V D O 2 < 2 5 > 3 8 2 A 3 2 Y3 1 1 G < 2 5 > V D O 2 < 2 5 > 3 8 2 A3 2 Y 3 1 1 B < 2 5 >
Q B 1 0

Q B 1 1

Q B 1 2

Q B 1 3

Q B 1 4

Q B 1 5

Q B 1 6

Q B 1 7

V D O 2 < 2 4 > R < 2 4 > V D O 2 < 2 4 > G < 2 4 > V D O 2 < 2 4 > B < 2 4 >
Q B 0

Q B 1


Q B 2

Q B 3


Q B 4


Q B 5

Q B 6

Q B 7

Q B 8


Q B 9





3 7 2 A 4 2 Y 4 1 2 3 7 2 A 4 2 Y4 1 2 3 7 2 A4 2 Y 4 1 2

V D O 2 < 2 3 > 3 6 3 A 1 3 Y 1 1 3 R < 2 3 > V D O 2 < 2 3 > 3 6 3 A 1 3 Y1 1 3 G < 2 3 > V D O 2 < 2 3 > 3 6 3 A1 3 Y 1 1 3 B < 2 3 >
V D O 2 < 2 2 > 3 5 3 A 2 3 Y 2 1 4 R < 2 2 > V D O 2 < 2 2 > 3 5 3 A 2 3 Y2 1 4 G < 2 2 > V D O 2 < 2 2 > 3 5 3 A2 3 Y 2 1 4 B < 2 2 >
3 9

4 0

4 1

4 2

4 3

4 4

4 5

4 6

4 7

4 8

4 9

5 0

5 1

5 2

5 3

5 4

5 5

5 6

5 7

5 8

5 9

6 0

6 1

6 2

6 3

6 4

V D O 2 < 2 1 > 3 3 3 A 3 3 Y 3 1 6 R < 2 1 > V D O 2 < 2 1 > 3 3 3 A 3 3 Y3 1 6 G < 2 1 > V D O 2 < 2 1 > 3 3 3 A3 3 Y 3 1 6 B < 2 1 >
V D O 2 < 2 0 > 3 2 3 A 4 3 Y 4 1 7 R < 2 0 > V D O 2 < 2 0 > 3 2 3 A 4 3 Y4 1 7 G < 2 0 > V D O 2 < 2 0 > 3 2 3 A4 3 Y 4 1 7 B < 2 0 >

+ 3 . 3 V
V D O 2 < 1 9 > 3 0 4 A 1 4 Y 1 1 9 R < 1 9 > V D O 2 < 1 9 > 3 0 4 A 1 4 Y1 1 9 G < 1 9 > V D O 2 < 1 9 > 3 0 4 A1 4 Y 1 1 9 B < 1 9 >
V D O 2 < 1 8 > 2 9 2 0 R < 1 8 > V D O 2 < 1 8 > 2 9 2 0 G < 1 8 > V D O 2 < 1 8 > 2 9 2 0 B < 1 8 >
V D O 1 0 < 1 6 >
V D O 1 0 < 1 7 >

V D O 1 0 < 1 8 >
V D O 1 0 < 1 9 >

V D O 1 0 < 2 0 >

V D O 1 0 < 2 1 >
V D O 1 0 < 2 2 >
V D O 1 0 < 2 3 >
V D O 1 0 < 2 4 >

V D O 1 0 < 2 5 >
V D O 1 0 < 2 6 >

V D O 1 0 < 2 7 >
V D O 1 0 < 2 8 >

V D O 1 0 < 2 9 >
V D O 1 0 < 3 0 >

V D O 1 0 < 3 1 >

4 A 2 4 Y 2 4 A 2 4 Y2 4 A2 4 Y 2

V D O 2 < 1 7 > 2 7 4 A 3 4 Y 3 2 2 R < 1 7 > V D O 2 < 1 7 > 2 7 4 A 3 4 Y3 2 2 G < 1 7 > V D O 2 < 1 7 > 2 7 4 A3 4 Y 3 2 2 B < 1 7 >
V D O 2 < 1 6 > 2 6 4 A 4 4 Y 4 2 3 R < 1 6 > V D O 2 < 1 6 > 2 6 4 A 4 4 Y4 2 3 G < 1 6 > V D O 2 < 1 6 > 2 6 4 A4 4 Y 4 2 3 B < 1 6 >

1 1 1
4 8 4 4 8 4 4 8 4
2 5 1 0 2 5 1 0 2 5 1 0
2 4 1 5 2 4 1 5 2 4 1 5
2 1 2 1 2 1
7 2 8 7 2 8 7 2 8

1 8 3 4 1 8 3 4 1 8 3 4

3 1 3 9 3 1 3 9 3 1 3 9

+ 3 . 3 V

+ 3 . 3 V
4 2 4 5 4 2 4 5 4 2 4 5

+ 3 . 3 V
I C K 7 I C H 7 I C G 7

L V C H 1 6 2 4 4 L V C H 1 6 2 4 4 L V C H 1 6 2 4 4
V D O 2 < 1 5 > 4 7 1 A 1 1 Y 1 2 R < 1 5 > V D O 2 < 1 5 > 4 7 1 A 1 1 Y1 2 G < 1 5 > V D O 2 < 1 5 > 4 7 1 A1 1 Y 1 2 B < 1 5 >
V D O 2 < 1 4 > 4 6 1 A 2 1 Y 2 3 R < 1 4 > V D O 2 < 1 4 > 4 6 1 A 2 1 Y2 3 G < 1 4 > V D O 2 < 1 4 > 4 6 1 A2 1 Y 2 3 B < 1 4 >
V D O 2 < 1 3 > 4 4 1 A 3 1 Y 3 5 R < 1 3 > V D O 2 < 1 3 > 4 4 1 A 3 1 Y3 5 G < 1 3 > V D O 2 < 1 3 > 4 4 1 A3 1 Y 3 5 B < 1 3 >
V D O 2 < 1 2 > 4 3 1 A 4 1 Y 4 6 R < 1 2 > V D O 2 < 1 2 > 4 3 1 A 4 1 Y4 6 G < 1 2 > V D O 2 < 1 2 > 4 3 1 A4 1 Y 4 6 B < 1 2 >

V D O 2 < 1 1 > 4 1 2 A 1 2 Y 1 8 R < 1 1 > V D O 2 < 1 1 > 4 1 2 A 1 2 Y1 8 G < 1 1 > V D O 2 < 1 1 > 4 1 2 A1 2 Y 1 8 B < 1 1 >
V D O 2 < 1 0 > 4 0 2 A 2 2 Y 2 9 R < 1 0 > V D O 2 < 1 0 > 4 0 2 A 2 2 Y2 9 G < 1 0 > V D O 2 < 1 0 > 4 0 2 A2 2 Y 2 9 B < 1 0 >
V D O 2 < 9 > 3 8 2 A 3 2 Y 3 1 1 R < 9 > V D O 2 < 9 > 3 8 2 A 3 2 Y3 1 1 G < 9 > V D O 2 < 9 > 3 8 2 A3 2 Y 3 1 1 B < 9 >
V D O 2 < 8 > 3 7 2 A 4 2 Y 4 1 2 R < 8 > V D O 2 < 8 > 3 7 2 A 4 2 Y4 1 2 G < 8 > V D O 2 < 8 > 3 7 2 A4 2 Y 4 1 2 B < 8 >

V D O 2 < 7 > 3 6 3 A 1 3 Y 1 1 3 R < 7 > V D O 2 < 7 > 3 6 3 A 1 3 Y1 1 3 G < 7 > V D O 2 < 7 > 3 6 3 A1 3 Y 1 1 3 B < 7 >
V D O 2 < 6 > 3 5 3 A 2 3 Y 2 1 4 R < 6 > V D O 2 < 6 > 3 5 3 A 2 3 Y2 1 4 G < 6 > V D O 2 < 6 > 3 5 3 A2 3 Y 2 1 4 B < 6 >
V D O 2 < 5 > 3 3 3 A 3 3 Y 3 1 6 R < 5 > V D O 2 < 5 > 3 3 3 A 3 3 Y3 1 6 G < 5 > V D O 2 < 5 > 3 3 3 A3 3 Y 3 1 6 B < 5 >
V D O 2 < 4 > 3 2 3 A 4 3 Y 4 1 7 R < 4 > V D O 2 < 4 > 3 2 3 A 4 3 Y4 1 7 G < 4 > V D O 2 < 4 > 3 2 3 A4 3 Y 4 1 7 B < 4 >

V D O 2 < 3 > 3 0 4 A 1 4 Y 1 1 9 R < 3 > V D O 2 < 3 > 3 0 4 A 1 4 Y1 1 9 G < 3 > V D O 2 < 3 > 3 0 4 A1 4 Y 1 1 9 B < 3 >
V D O 2 < 2 > 2 9 4 A 2 4 Y 2 2 0 R < 2 > V D O 2 < 2 > 2 9 4 A 2 4 Y2 2 0 G < 2 > V D O 2 < 2 > 2 9 4 A2 4 Y 2 2 0 B < 2 >
V D O 2 < 1 > 2 7 4 A 3 4 Y 3 2 2 R < 1 > V D O 2 < 1 > 2 7 4 A 3 4 Y3 2 2 G < 1 > V D O 2 < 1 > 2 7 4 A3 4 Y 3 2 2 B < 1 >
V D O 2 < 0 > 2 6 4 A 4 4 Y 4 2 3 R < 0 > V D O 2 < 0 > 2 6 4 A 4 4 Y4 2 3 G < 0 > V D O 2 < 0 > 2 6 4 A4 4 Y 4 2 3 B < 0 >

1 1 1
4 8 4 4 8 4 4 8 4
2 5 1 0 2 5 1 0 2 5 1 0
2 4 1 5 2 4 1 5 2 4 1 5
R _ S E L _ B _ N O E O E O E
2 1 2 1 2 1
G ND G N D G N D B < 3 1 . . 0 >
G _ S E L _ B _ N 7 2 8 7 2 8 7 2 8

1 8 3 4 1 8 3 4 1 8 3 4
B _ S E L _ B _ N
3 1 V C C 3 9 3 1 V C C 3 9 3 1 V CC 3 9

+ 3 . 3 V

+ 3 . 3 V
+ 3 . 3 V 4 2 4 5 4 2 4 5 4 2 4 5

V D O - 2 < 3 1 . . 0 >

R < 3 1 . . 0 > G < 3 1 . . 0 >


( S - 5 2 0 0 )

I M P - N P . C . B .
K . K A G E Y A M A 1 9 9 8 0 7 0 8

N . K A N E O K A 1 9 9 9 0 7 0 8

S . O O T S U K A 1 9 9 9 0 7 0 8

2 5 . I M P - N P . C . B . ( 3 / 9 )

[ 0 1 p i x e l ] [ 2 3 p i x e l ]

M A 1 < 1 3 . . 0 > M A 2 < 1 3 . . 0 >

I C T 3 I CT 4 I C T 6 I CT 8

H M 5 2 6 4 1 6 5 H M5 26 416 5 H M 5 2 6 4 1 6 5 H M 5 2 6 4 1 6 5
M A1 <13 > M D 1 < 3 1 >2 0 M A 1 < 1 3 > 5 3 M D 1 < 1 5 >2 0 M5
A 32 < 1 3 > M D 2 < 3 1 >
2 0 M A2 <1 3> 5 3 M D 2 < 1 5 >
2 0 5 3
A 1 3 D Q 1 5 A 1 3 D Q 1 5 A 1 3 D Q 1 5 A 1 3 D Q 1 5
M A1 <12 > M D 1 < 3 0 >2 1 M A 1 < 1 2 > 5 1 M D 1 < 1 4 >2 1 M5
A 12 < 1 2 > M D 2 < 3 0 >
2 1 M A2 <1 2> 5 1 M D 2 < 1 4 >
2 1 5 1
A 1 2 D Q 1 4 A 1 2 D Q 1 4 A 1 2 D Q 1 4 A 1 2 D Q 1 4
M A1 <11 > M D 1 < 2 9 >3 5 M A 1 < 1 1 > 5 0 M D 1 < 1 3 >3 5 M5
A 02 < 1 1 > M D 2 < 2 9 >
3 5 M A2 <1 1> 5 0 M D 2 < 1 3 >
3 5 5 0
A 1 1 D Q 1 3 A 1 1 D Q 1 3 A 1 1 D Q 1 3 A 1 1 D Q 1 3
M A1 <10 > M D 1 < 2 8 >2 2 M A 1 < 1 0 > 4 8 M D 1 < 1 2 >2 2 M4
A 82 < 1 0 > M D 2 < 2 8 >
2 2 M A2 <1 0> 4 8 M D 2 < 1 2 >
2 2 4 8
A 1 0 D Q 1 2 A 1 0 D Q 1 2 A 1 0 D Q 1 2 A 1 0 D Q 1 2
M A1 <9> M D 1 < 2 7 >3 4 M A 1 < 9 > 4 7 M D 1 < 1 1 >3 4 M4
A 72 < 9 > M D 2 < 2 7 >
3 4 M A2 <9 > 4 7 M D 2 < 1 1 >
3 4 4 7
A 9 D Q 1 1 A 9 D Q 1 1 A 9 D Q 1 1 A 9 D Q 1 1
M A1 <8> M D 1 < 2 6 >3 3 M A 1 < 8 > 4 5 M D 1 < 1 0 >3 3 M4
A 52 < 8 > M D 2 < 2 6 >
3 3 M A2 <8 > 4 5 M D 2 < 1 0 >
3 3 4 5
A 8 D Q 1 0 A 8 D Q 1 0 A 8 D Q 1 0 A 8 D Q 1 0
M A1 <7> M D 1 < 2 5 >3 2 M A 1 < 7 > 4 4 M D1 <9> 3 2 M4
A 42 < 7 > M D 2 < 2 5 >
3 2 M A2 <7 > 4 4 M D 2 < 9 > 3 2 4 4
A 7 D Q 9 A 7 D Q 9 A 7 D Q 9 A 7 D Q 9
M A1 <6> M D 1 < 2 4 >3 1 M A 1 < 6 > 4 2 M D1 <8> 3 1 M4
A 22 < 6 > M D 2 < 2 4 >
3 1 M A2 <6 > 4 2 M D 2 < 8 > 3 1 4 2
A 6 D Q 8 A 6 D Q 8 A 6 D Q 8 A 6 D Q 8
M A1 <5> 1 3 M D 1 < 2 3 >3 0 M A 1 < 5 > 1 3 M D1 <7> 3 0 M A2 <5 > 1 3 M D 2 < 2 3 >
3 0 M A2 <5 > 1 3 M D 2 < 7 > 3 0
A 5 D Q 7 A 5 D Q 7 A 5 D Q 7 A 5 D Q 7
M A1 <4> 1 1 M D 1 < 2 2 >2 9 M A 1 < 4 > 1 1 M D1 <6> 2 9 M A2 <4 > 1 1 M D 2 < 2 2 >
2 9 M A2 <4 > 1 1 M D 2 < 6 > 2 9
A 4 D Q 6 A 4 D Q 6 A 4 D Q 6 A 4 D Q 6
M A1 <3> 1 0 M D 1 < 2 1 >2 6 M A 1 < 3 > 1 0 M D1 <5> 2 6 M A2 <3 > 1 0 M D 2 < 2 1 >
2 6 M A2 <3 > 1 0 M D 2 < 5 > 2 6
A 3 D Q 5 A 3 D Q 5 A 3 D Q 5 A 3 D Q 5
M A1 <2> 8 M D 1 < 2 0 >2 5 M A 1 < 2 > 8 M D1 <4> 2 5 M A2 <2 > 8 M D 2 < 2 0 >
2 5 M A2 <2 > 8 M D 2 < 4 > 2 5
A 2 D Q 4 A 2 D Q 4 A 2 D Q 4 A 2 D Q 4

[ C H 1 ]
M A1 <1> 7 M D 1 < 1 9 >2 4 M A 1 < 1 > 7 M D1 <3> 2 4 M A2 <1 > 7 M D 2 < 1 9 >
2 4 M A2 <1 > 7 M D 2 < 3 > 2 4
A 1 D Q 3 A 1 D Q 3 A 1 D Q 3 A 1 D Q 3
M A1 <0> 5 M D 1 < 1 8 >2 3 M A 1 < 0 > 5 M D1 <2> 2 3 M A2 <0 > 5 M D 2 < 1 8 >
2 3 M A2 <0 > 5 M D 2 < 2 > 2 3
A 0 D Q 2 A 0 D Q 2 A 0 D Q 2 A 0 D Q 2
4 M D1 <17 > 4 M D1 <1> 4 M D 2 < 1 7 > 4 M D 2 < 1 >
D Q 1 D Q 1 D Q 1 D Q 1
2 M D1 <16 > 2 M D1 <0> 2 M D 2 < 1 6 > 2 M D 2 < 0 >
D Q 0 D Q 0 D Q 0 D Q 0

1 5 M W R - 1 0 1 1 5 1 6 M W R - 1 0 1 1 5 1 6 M W R - 1 2 3 1 5 1 6 M W R - 1 2 3 1 6
D Q M L W E * D Q M L W E * D Q M L W E * D Q M L W E *
D Q M 0 - 1 0 1 C A S - 1 03 1
9 D Q M 1 - 1 0 1 1 7 C A S - 1 031
9 D Q1M7 0 - 1 2 3 C A S - 1 233
9 D Q M 1 - 1 2 3 1 7 C A S - 1 233
9 1 7
D Q M U C A S * D Q M U C A S * D Q M U C A S * D Q M U C A S *
6 6 M H Z - 2 R A S - 1 03 1
8 6 6M HZ- 2 1 8 R A S - 1 031
8 6 61M8 H Z - 2 R A S - 1 233
8 6 6M HZ- 2 1 8 R A S - 1 233
8 1 8
C L K R A S * C L K R A S * C L K R A S * C L K R A S *
C S 0 - 1 03 1
7 1 9 C S 0 - 1 031
7 1 9 C S 0 - 1 233
7 1 9 C S 0 - 1 233
7 1 9
C K E C S * C K E C S * C K E C S * C K E C S *

1 1 2 8 2 8 1 1 2 8 2 8
1 4 1 4 4 1 4 1 1 4 1 4 4 1 4 1
2 7 5 4 2 7 5 4 2 7 5 4 2 7 5 4
+ 3. 3V 3 6 + 3 . 3 V 3 6 + 3 . 3 V 3 6 + 3 . 3 V 3 6
9 1 2 9 1 2 9 1 2 9 1 2
4 3 4 6 4 3 4 6 4 3 4 6 4 3 4 6
4 9 5 2 4 9 5 2 4 9 5 2 4 9 5 2

M D 1 < 3 1 . . 0 > M D 2 < 3 1 . . 0 >

M A 3 < 1 3 . . 0 > M A4 <1 3.. 0>

I C T 9 I CT 11 I C T 1 2 I CT 14

H M 5 2 6 4 1 6 5 H M5 26 416 5 H M 5 2 6 4 1 6 5 H M 5 2 6 4 1 6 5
M A3 <13 > M D 3 < 3 1 >2 0 M A 3 < 1 3 > 5 3 M D 3 < 1 5 >2 0 M5
A 34 < 1 3 > M D 4 < 3 1 >
2 0 M A4 <1 3> 5 3 M D 4 < 1 5 >
2 0 5 3
A 1 3 D Q 1 5 A 1 3 D Q 1 5 A 1 3 D Q 1 5 A 1 3 D Q 1 5
M A3 <12 > M D 3 < 3 0 >2 1 M A 3 < 1 2 > 5 1 M D 3 < 1 4 >2 1 M5
A 14 < 1 2 > M D 4 < 3 0 >
2 1 M A4 <1 2> 5 1 M D 4 < 1 4 >
2 1 5 1
A 1 2 D Q 1 4 A 1 2 D Q 1 4 A 1 2 D Q 1 4 A 1 2 D Q 1 4
M A3 <11 > M D 3 < 2 9 >3 5 M A 3 < 1 1 > 5 0 M D 3 < 1 3 >3 5 M5
A 04 < 1 1 > M D 4 < 2 9 >
3 5 M A4 <1 1> 5 0 M D 4 < 1 3 >
3 5 5 0
A 1 1 D Q 1 3 A 1 1 D Q 1 3 A 1 1 D Q 1 3 A 1 1 D Q 1 3
M A3 <10 > M D 3 < 2 8 >2 2 M A 3 < 1 0 > 4 8 M D 3 < 1 2 >2 2 M4
A 84 < 1 0 > M D 4 < 2 8 >
2 2 M A4 <1 0> 4 8 M D 4 < 1 2 >
2 2 4 8
A 1 0 D Q 1 2 A 1 0 D Q 1 2 A 1 0 D Q 1 2 A 1 0 D Q 1 2
M A3 <9> M D 3 < 2 7 >3 4 M A 3 < 9 > 4 7 M D 3 < 1 1 >3 4 M4
A 74 < 9 > M D 4 < 2 7 >
3 4 M A4 <9 > 4 7 M D 4 < 1 1 >
3 4 4 7
A 9 D Q 1 1 A 9 D Q 1 1 A 9 D Q 1 1 A 9 D Q 1 1
M A3 <8> M D 3 < 2 6 >3 3 M A 3 < 8 > 4 5 M D 3 < 1 0 >3 3 M4
A 54 < 8 > M D 4 < 2 6 >
3 3 M A4 <8 > 4 5 M D 4 < 1 0 >
3 3 4 5
A 8 D Q 1 0 A 8 D Q 1 0 A 8 D Q 1 0 A 8 D Q 1 0
M A3 <7> M D 3 < 2 5 >3 2 M A 3 < 7 > 4 4 M D3 <9> 3 2 M4
A 44 < 7 > M D 4 < 2 5 >
3 2 M A4 <7 > 4 4 M D 4 < 9 > 3 2 4 4
A 7 D Q 9 A 7 D Q 9 A 7 D Q 9 A 7 D Q 9
M A3 <6> M D 3 < 2 4 >3 1 M A 3 < 6 > 4 2 M D3 <8> 3 1 M4
A 24 < 6 > M D 4 < 2 4 >
3 1 M A4 <6 > 4 2 M D 4 < 8 > 3 1 4 2
A 6 D Q 8 A 6 D Q 8 A 6 D Q 8 A 6 D Q 8
M A3 <5> 1 3 M D 3 < 2 3 >3 0 M A 3 < 5 > 1 3 M D3 <7> 3 0 M A4 <5 > 1 3 M D 4 < 2 3 >
3 0 M A4 <5 > 1 3 M D 4 < 7 > 3 0
A 5 D Q 7 A 5 D Q 7 A 5 D Q 7 A 5 D Q 7
M A3 <4> 1 1 M D 3 < 2 2 >2 9 M A 3 < 4 > 1 1 M D3 <6> 2 9 M A4 <4 > 1 1 M D 4 < 2 2 >
2 9 M A4 <4 > 1 1 M D 4 < 6 > 2 9
A 4 D Q 6 A 4 D Q 6 A 4 D Q 6 A 4 D Q 6
M A3 <3> 1 0 M D 3 < 2 1 >2 6 M A 3 < 3 > 1 0 M D3 <5> 2 6 M A4 <3 > 1 0 M D 4 < 2 1 >
2 6 M A4 <3 > 1 0 M D 4 < 5 > 2 6
A 3 D Q 5 A 3 D Q 5 A 3 D Q 5 A 3 D Q 5
M A3 <2> 8 M D 3 < 2 0 >2 5 M A 3 < 2 > 8 M D3 <4> 2 5 M A4 <2 > 8 M D 4 < 2 0 >
2 5 M A4 <2 > 8 M D 4 < 4 > 2 5
A 2 D Q 4 A 2 D Q 4 A 2 D Q 4 A 2 D Q 4

[ C H 2 ]
M A3 <1> 7 M D 3 < 1 9 >2 4 M A 3 < 1 > 7 M D3 <3> 2 4 M A4 <1 > 7 M D 4 < 1 9 >
2 4 M A4 <1 > 7 M D 4 < 3 > 2 4
A 1 D Q 3 A 1 D Q 3 A 1 D Q 3 A 1 D Q 3
M A3 <0> 5 M D 3 < 1 8 >2 3 M A 3 < 0 > 5 M D3 <2> 2 3 M A4 <0 > 5 M D 4 < 1 8 >
2 3 M A4 <0 > 5 M D 4 < 2 > 2 3
A 0 D Q 2 A 0 D Q 2 A 0 D Q 2 A 0 D Q 2
4 M D3 <17 > 4 M D3 <1> 4 M D 4 < 1 7 > 4 M D 4 < 1 >
D Q 1 D Q 1 D Q 1 D Q 1
2 M D3 <16 > 2 M D3 <0> 2 M D 4 < 1 6 > 2 M D 4 < 0 >
D Q 0 D Q 0 D Q 0 D Q 0

1 5 M W R - 2 0 1 1 5 1 6 M W R - 2 0 1 1 5 1 6 M W R - 2 2 3 1 5 1 6 M W R - 2 2 3 1 6
D Q M L W E * D Q M L W E * D Q M L W E * D Q M L W E *
D Q M 0 - 2 0 1 C A S - 2 03 1
9 D Q M 1 - 2 0 1 1 7 C A S - 2 031
9 D Q1M7 0 - 2 2 3 C A S - 2 233
9 D Q M 1 - 2 2 3 1 7 C A S - 2 233
9 1 7
D Q M U C A S * D Q M U C A S * D Q M U C A S * D Q M U C A S *
6 6 M H Z - 3 R A S - 2 03 1
8 6 6M HZ- 3 1 8 R A S - 2 031
8 6 61M8 H Z - 3 R A S - 2 233
8 6 6M HZ- 3 1 8 R A S - 2 233
8 1 8
C L K R A S * C L K R A S * C L K R A S * C L K R A S *
C S 0 - 2 03 1
7 1 9 C S 0 - 2 031
7 1 9 C S 0 - 2 233
7 1 9 C S 0 - 2 233
7 1 9
C K E C S * C K E C S * C K E C S * C K E C S *

1 1 2 8 2 8 1 1 2 8 2 8
1 4 1 4 4 1 4 1 1 4 1 4 4 1 4 1
2 7 5 4 2 7 5 4 2 7 5 4 2 7 5 4
+ 3. 3V 3 6 + 3 . 3 V 3 6 + 3 . 3 V 3 6 + 3 . 3 V 3 6
9 1 2 9 1 2 9 1 2 9 1 2
4 3 4 6 4 3 4 6 4 3 4 6 4 3 4 6
4 9 5 2 4 9 5 2 4 9 5 2 4 9 5 2

M D 3 < 3 1 . . 0 > M D4 <3 1.. 0>


( S -5 200 )

I M P - N P . C . B .
K . K A G E Y A M A 1 99 8 0 7 0 8

N . K A N E O K A 1 99 9 0 7 0 8

S . O O T S U K A 1 99 9 0 7 0 8

2 5 . I M P - N P . C . B . ( 4 / 9 )

B < 3 1 . . 0 >

+ 1 5 V

I C M 1 1
G < 3 1 . . 0 >

5 + 1 . 2 3 V
V C O + 3 V 7
1 7 9 0 4

2 . 7 5 . 2 V V 2R 1
2 K

R < 3 1 . . 0 > C 1 3 1

+ 5 V
+ 5 V C 1 3 0

R 7 1
+ 5 V

+ 5 V

L D - 0 _ N
F P G A )
+ 3 . 3 V
1 . 2 K 1 0 U
0 . 1 U

V A A 5 2 0 V
5 0 V

C 5 6
C 5 3 C 5 5 C 5 4 C 5 2 C 5 1 C 5 0
R 7 0

( f r o m

R < 1 6 >

R < 1 7 >

R < 1 8 >

R < 1 9 >

R < 2 0 >

R < 2 1 >

R < 2 2 >

R < 2 3 >
1 K
0 . 1 U 0 . 1 U
V C O - G N D 0 V

5 0 V 5 0 V

B < 2 8 >

B < 2 9 >

B < 3 0 >

B < 3 1 >

R < 1 0 >

R < 1 1 >

R < 1 2 >

R < 1 3 >

R < 1 4 >

R < 1 5 >
V C O - G N D

G < 1 6 >

G < 1 7 >

G < 1 8 >
R < 8 >

R < 9 >

G < 1 0 >

G < 1 1 >
B < 5 >

B < 6 >

B < 7 >

G < 8 >

G < 9 >
A .G

2 0 8

2 0 7

2 0 6

2 0 5

2 0 4

2 0 3

2 0 2

2 0 1

2 0 0

1 9 9

1 9 8

1 9 7

1 9 6

1 9 5

1 9 4

1 9 3

1 9 2

1 9 1

1 9 0

1 8 9

1 8 8

1 8 7

1 8 6

1 8 5

1 8 4

1 8 3

1 8 2

1 8 1

1 8 0

1 7 9

1 7 8

1 7 7

1 7 6

1 7 5

1 7 4

1 7 3

1 7 2

1 7 1

1 7 0

1 6 9

1 6 8

1 6 7

1 6 6

1 6 5

1 6 4

1 6 3

1 6 2

1 6 1

1 6 0

1 5 9

1 5 8

1 5 7
+ 3 . 3 V C o n e c t D G a t B a s e P o i n t
+ 3 . 3 V

V A A 3



P B 0

P B 1

P B 2

P B 3

P B 4

P B 5

P B 6

P B 7


P B 8

P B 9
P B 5 2

P A 2 1

P B 5 3

P A 2 2

P B 5 4

P A 2 3

P B 5 5

V A A 5

P A 2 4

P B 5 6

P A 2 5

P B 5 7

P A 2 6

P B 5 8

P A 2 7

P B 5 9

P A 2 8

P B 6 0

P A 2 9

P B 6 1

P A 3 0

P B 6 2

P A 3 1

P B 6 3

P A 3 2

P A 3 3

P A 3 4

P A 3 5

P A 3 6

P A 3 7

P A 3 8

P A 3 9

V A A 5

P A 4 0

P A 4 1

P A 4 2

P B 1 0

P A 4 3
C 6 6 C 6 3C 6 5 C 6 4 C 6 2 C 6 1 C 6 0

+ 3 . 3 V 1 1 5 6 + 3 . 3 V 0 . 1 U 0 . 1 U
V A A 3 V A A 3
B < 4 > 2 1 5 5 G < 1 9 > 5 0 V 5 0 V
P A 2 0 P B 1 1
B < 2 7 > 3 1 5 4 G < 1 2 >
P B 5 1 P A 4 4 V C O + 3 V
B < 3 > 4 1 5 3 G < 2 0 >
P A 1 9 P B 1 2
B < 2 6 > 5 1 5 2 G < 1 3 >
P B 5 0 P A 4 5
B < 2 > 6 1 5 1 G < 2 1 >
P A 1 8 P B 1 3 H Z 2
B < 2 5 > 7 1 5 0 G < 1 4 >
P B 4 9 P A 4 6
B < 1 > 8 1 4 9 G < 2 2 >
P A 1 7 P B 1 4
B < 2 4 > 9 1 4 8 G < 1 5 >
P B 4 8 P A 4 7 1 S 2 0 7 4 R 7
B < 0 > 1 0 1 4 7 G < 2 3 >
P A 1 6 P B 1 5 1 5 0
+ 5 V 1 1 1 4 6 + 5 V
V A A 5 V A A 5 2 1
1 2 1 4 5
G < 3 1 > 1 3 1 4 4 B < 8 >

P B 4 7 P A 4 8 1 S 2 0 7 4
G < 7 > 1 4 1 4 3 B < 1 6 > C 8 R 8

R 1 4 6
P A 1 5 P B 1 6
G < 3 0 > 1 5 1 4 2 B < 9 > 1 2 0
P B 4 6 P A 4 9 1 M
G < 6 > 1 6 1 4 1 B < 1 7 >

0 . 1 U
P A 1 4 P B 1 7 1 S 2 0 7 4
G < 2 9 > B < 1 0 >
G < 5 >
1 7

1 8
P B 4 5 P A 5 0
1 4 0

1 3 9 B < 1 8 >
C 7
[ P LL ]
P A 1 3 P B 1 8
G < 2 8 > 1 9 1 3 8 B < 1 1 > 1 U
P B 4 4 P A 5 1
G < 4 > 2 0 1 3 7 B < 1 9 > V C O - G N D
P A 1 2 P B 1 9
G < 2 7 > 2 1 1 3 6 B < 1 2 >
P B 4 3 P A 5 2
G < 3 > 2 2 I C H 9 1 3 5 B < 2 0 > V C O - G N D V C O - G N D
P A 1 1 P B 2 0
G < 2 6 > 2 3 1 3 4 B < 1 3 >
P B 4 2 P A 5 3 [ 1 B 4 ]
G < 2 > 2 4 1 3 3 B < 2 1 > V C O - F I N
P A 1 0 P B 2 1
G < 2 5 > 2 5 1 3 2 B < 1 4 >
P B 4 1 P A 5 4 ( - > I C E 2 ( 1 6 4 2 4 5 ) - > F P G A )
G < 1 > 2 6 1 3 1 B < 2 2 > V C O + 3 V
P A 9 P B 2 2 V C O - O U T
G < 2 4 > 2 7
P B 4 0
B T 4 9 8 P A 5 5
1 3 0 B < 1 5 >
[ 7 B 3 ]
G < 0 > 2 8 1 2 9 B < 2 3 >

P A 8 P B 2 3
+ 5 V 2 9 1 2 8 + 5 V R 9
V A A 5 V A A 5 I C M 1 0
3 0 1 2 7 3 . 3 K
R < 3 1 > 3 1 1 2 6

P B 3 9 P A 5 6
R < 7 > 3 2 1 2 5
T L C 2 9 3 2 I
P A 7 P B 2 4
R < 3 0 > 3 3 1 2 4 4 F I N - A 6
P B 3 8 P A 5 7 G - H S 0 _ N P F D O U T
R < 6 > 3 4 1 2 3 5 F I N - B
P A 6 P B 2 5 [ 6 D 3 ]
R < 2 9 > 3 5 1 2 2 9 P F D I H B
P B 3 7 P A 5 8
R < 5 > 3 6 1 2 1 R 1 3 5
P A 5 P B 2 6
R < 2 8 > 3 7 1 2 0 1 2 V C O I N V C O O U T 3
P B 3 6 P A 5 9
R < 4 > 3 8 1 1 9 R 7 2 1 3 B I A S
P A 4 P B 2 7 S e l e c t 1 / 2 f 3 3
R < 2 7 > 3 9 1 1 8 + 3 . 3 V 3 . 3 K 1 0 V C O I H B
P B 3 5 P A 6 0
R < 3 > 4 0 1 1 7 1 2 2 S E L E C T N C 8
P A 3 P B 2 8 V C O + 3 V
R < 2 6 > 4 1 1 1 6
P B 3 4 P A 6 1 V D D G N D
R < 2 > 4 2 1 1 5

P A 2 P B 2 9 I C N 8
R < 2 5 > 4 3 1 1 4 L O G V CVOC O L O G
P B 3 3 P A 6 2
R < 1 > 4 4 1 1 3 n e e d t p d < 1 0 n s
P A 1 P B 3 0
R < 2 4 > 4 5 1 1 2

1 4

1 1

C 9

J 7
P B 3 2 P A 6 3
R < 0 > 4 6 1 1 1 L V C H 1 6 2 4 4
P A 0 P B 3 1
4 7 1 1 0 4 7 1 A 1 1 Y 1 2 R 1 2 9 L D - 0
4 8 1 0 9 4 6 1 A 2 1 Y 2 3 3 3 ( t o F P G A )

4 9 1 0 8 4 4 1 A 3 1 Y 3 5

5 0
1 0 7
3 2 . 5 M H z 4 3 1 A 4 1 Y 4 6

V C O - G N D

V C O - G N D
5 1 1 0 6

V C O + 3 V
T C K M O N 0
5 2 1 0 5 4 1 2 A 1 2 Y 1 8

+ 3 . 3 V
T R S T M O N 1
4 0 9

C O M P 2


X T A L 2

X T A L 1





2 A 2 2 Y 2
V A A 3

V A A 5

V A A 5

V A A 5

V A A 5

V A A 5


V A A 5


V A A 5

V A A 5

M O N 3

M O N 2

V A A 3

3 8 2 A 3 2 Y 3 1 1











N / C

R / W





C 0

C 1


D 0

D 1

D 2

D 3

D 4

D 5

D 6

D 7

3 7 2 A 4 2 Y 4 1 2

L D - C L K 3 6 3 A 1 3 Y 1 1 3 R 1 3 0 L D - 1 [ 1 B 4 ] , [ 1 D 3 ]
3 5 1 4 3 3 L D - 2
5 3

5 4

5 5

5 6

5 7

5 8

5 9

6 0

6 1

6 2

6 3

6 4

6 5

6 6

6 7

6 8

6 9

7 0

7 1

7 2

7 3

7 4

7 5

7 6

7 7

7 8

7 9

8 0

8 1

8 2

8 3

8 4

8 5

8 6

8 7

8 8

8 9

9 0

9 1

9 2

9 3

9 4

9 5

9 6

9 7

9 8

9 9

1 0 0

1 0 1

1 0 2

1 0 3

1 0 4

3 A 2 3 Y 2 R 1 3 1
( f r o m F P G A ) [ 2 B 2 ] , [ 2 D 2 ]
3 3 3 A 3 3 Y 3 1 6 3 3 R 1 3 2 L D - 3 [ 3 A 2 ] , [ 3 C 2 ]
3 2 3 A 4 3 Y 4 1 7 3 3 R 1 3 3 L D - 4
3 3
T d a t a - 2 < 0 >
T d a t a - 2 < 1 >
T d a t a - 2 < 2 >
T d a t a - 2 < 3 >
T d a t a - 2 < 4 >
T d a t a - 2 < 5 >
T d a t a - 2 < 6 >
T d a t a - 2 < 7 >

3 0 4 A 1 4 Y 1 1 9

2 9 4 A 2 4 Y 2 2 0
R 2
2 7 4 A 3 4 Y 3 2 2
1 8 0
2 6 4 A 4 4 Y 4 2 3

R 5
+ 3 . 3 V


C E _ B T

C 1 < 0 >

L B - B T

1 0 0
4 8 4
+ 3 . 3 V
+ 5 V

+ 5 V

A .G 2 5 1 0
R 4 O E
+ 1 . 2 3 V

C 1 3 2
1 0 0 2 4 1 5

0 . 1 U
2 1
5 0 V G N D
+ 5 V

7 2 8

1 8 3 4
A .G
T d a t a - 2 < 7 . . 0 >

3 1 V C C 3 9

+ 5 V R 1 4 2 4 5
C 3 C 4
1 K
1 0 U
1 2
+ 3 . 3 V

0 . 0 1 U
+ 1 . 2 3 V 2 0 V
+ 3 . 3 V

5 0 V 1 0 0 k
L M 3 8 5
C 1 C 2
3 R 3
+ 5 V

1 7 8 P C 3 0
+ 3 . 3 V

0 . 1 U 0 . 1 U - I C G 1 0 1 0 u C 5
5 0 V 5 0 V
V - B L U E

1 0 0 P
V - G R E E N

V - R E D
V C O - O U T 1

A .G
R 6
4 7 K
[ 7 B 2 ]

R E S E T _ N

( t o I P ) U S E D L O C A T I O N N O . :
C 6
R 9 , R 7 0 , R 7 1 , 7 2 , C 9 , C 3 0 , C 5 0 C 5 6 , C 6 0 C 6 6 , C 1 3 0 , C 1 3 1
1 0 U

2 0 V


( S - 5 2 0 0 )

I M P - N P . C . B .
K . K A G E Y A M A 1 9 9 8 0 7 0 8

N . K A N E O K A 1 9 9 9 0 7 0 8

S . O O T S U K A 1 9 9 9 0 7 0 8

2 5 . I M P - N P . C . B . ( 5 / 9 )

+ 5 V

C 1 2

I C K 1 1


D L 1



R 3 2


R - S I G 3 5 1

6 1 2 1 3


R 1 1 2 R 4 7

D L 4
7 5 5 1

R 3 3


1 2 1 9

5 1 V - R E D




C 1 3 R 5 0


- 5 V 1 0 0


1 0

1 5
R 1 3
2 1

R 1 5 4 I C H 1 1
R 1 2


1 K

9 1 6
R 4 8
D L 5
5 1
1 0 1 5


+ 5 V 1 2 1 9
T d a t a - 2 < 7 . . 0 >

V - G R E E N


R 1 5 1 3 1 2

5 . 6 K I C M 1 3 R 5 1

H S M 2 2 1

1 2 8 1

1 0 0

1 0

1 5
1 4

D 2

R 1 6 1 3 7 2

1 0 K

1 1
4 5


R 3 6


1 1 3 R 4 9
I C M 1 4 + 5 V
R 1 4 2 2 0 D L 6


6 1 4 5 1


- 5 V

5 . 6 K


1 2 1 9
V - B L U E



T d a t a - 2 < 7 >

1 9 3
+ 5 V - 5 V R 5 2

T d a t a - 2 < 6 > 1 8 C 1 8 C 1 9

- 5 V
C 1 4 1 0 0



T d a t a - 2 < 5 > 1 7

1 0

1 5


T d a t a - 2 < 4 > 1 6
I C K 1 2 D L 2

T d a t a - 2 < 3 > 1 5






T d a t a - 2 < 2 >

1 4 2
G - S I G 3

T d a t a - 2 < 1 > 1 3

6 1 2 1 3


T d a t a - 2 < 0 >

1 2
R 1 7 2

1 1 R 3 7
7 5

1 0

5 1 R 3 8



9 2 7 5 1 I C F 1 2

R 6 1


C N 1 5 8

C 1 5 R Y 1


7 5


- 5 V




2 0 3 1 2 1




7 4 2 9 1
R 1 0 1 2
R 1 9



2 6 6 8 2

4 7 K
R 1 5 5


I C H 1 2

6 5 7 1 0 3

R 1 8




2 3 1 K 1 2 9 4

D A C _ C S


1 1 1 0 5

2 1 9 1 6 6
C 1 0 D A C < 1 >



2 2 2 8 1 6 7

D A C < 0 >



+ 5 V 1 0 1 5
I C G 1 3 8

R 5 4 I C 1 0 0




1 R 2 1 1 9
H S M 2 2 1

D L 7 8 2 0


1 3 1 2 2 1
R 6 2 1 0

5 . 6 K

L 1
0 0
1 0


I C M 1 3 V D S 1 1 2 0
3 2 1 1

1 5

1 4

1 3
7 5 R Y 2

L 1
0 0
1 0



D 3

6 1 9

1 0 8 1 4 3 2 1 8 1 2





8 4 9 1 3


R 2 2

9 7 2 1 0 1 4

2 5

2 4

1 0 K R 5 5 1 5


1 1

1 0

1 5
4 5 - 5 V

2 7 0



+ 5 V R 4 1 - 5 V

+ 5 V - 5 V


1 1 3
R 2 0 + 5 V



C 1 1 6 1 4 2 2 0 - 5 V
- 5 V

5 . 6 K




+ 5 V R 6 3

- 5 V

C 2 0 C 2 1
- 5 V

7 5 R Y 3

+ 5 V

C 1 6
2 1 8
R 5 6

+ 5 V 9
I C K 1 3 D L 3 1 0 0



1 0



R 4 2



B - S I G

3 R 1 4 7


+ 1 . 2 3 V

I C 1 0 1


6 1 2 1 3

D L 8 8 2 0 I C E 1 2



1 1 R 5 7
R 2 3 2 V D S 1 1 2 0 7

2 5 1 2 1 2 0

L 1
0 0
1 0


7 5



1 9 3

R 4 3
1 1

2 6 2 1 9

R Y 4

5 1 4



1 0 K

C 1 7
- 5 V

3 1 8 9


R 5 8

1 0

R 1 4 8 R 5 3


1 0

1 5
R 2 5 3 3 0
R 3 0 1 2 2 7 0 1 2 0 5 1 6


- 5 V


2 2 0 R 1 5 6

R 2 4
6 1 5

I C H 1 3

1 K

- 5 V
- 5 V




8 1 3

R 3 1


9 1 6
+ 5 V

1 0 K 9 1 2
H S M 2 2 1

R 2 7

1 0 1 5


5 . 6 K 1 1 4
D 4

I C M 1 3

+ 5 V



5 1 1 1 7

1 3 1 2


7 2 0



R 2 8

8 1


+ 5 V
1 1

1 0 K R 7 9 4 1 0

I C F 1 3 7 - 5 V

8 2

7 2


L 1
T 0
2 0
R 2 6

4 5 R 4 6 2




5 . 6 K
R 5 9


1 1 3

+ 5 V R 6 0

2 2 0 1 2 0


6 1 4

1 2 0
- 5 V

- 5 V

- 5 V
D 1 C 2 2 C 2 3 E N A B L E _ N


A K - 5 V



V 0 6 C
R Y 1


5 R - S I G


1 2 1

R Y 1





R Y 2

G - H S 4

G - V S 5 G - S I G


R Y 2

R Y 3

5 B - S I G


I C B 1 4



I M G _ O N





R Y 3 R 1 3 6

1 7 3

G - H S 0 _ N




R Y 4


R 1 3 9
1 5 5
G - V S 0 _ N



5 R 1 3 7

1 3 7


1 2 1


1 1 9



R Y 4




1 9








I C E 2

A B T 1 6 2 4 4
V D < 0 > R 8 0 2 1 3 3 2 1 Y 1 1 A 1 4 7 R E A D - B A C K - V D < 0 >
V D < 1 > R 8 1 2 1 3 3 3 1 Y 2 1 A 2 4 6 R E A D - B A C K - V D < 1 >
C - 1 < 3 . . 0 >
V D < 2 > R 8 2 2 1 3 3 5 1 Y 3 1 A 3 4 4 R E A D - B A C K - V D < 2 >
C N 6
V D < 3 > R 8 3 2 1 3 3 6 1 Y 4 1 A 4 4 3 R E A D - B A C K - V D < 3 >

V D < 4 > R 8 4 2 1 3 3 8 2 Y 1 2 A 1 4 1 R E A D - B A C K - V D < 4 > C - 1 < 3 > A 1 B 1

V D < 5 > R 8 5 2 1 3 3 9 2 Y 2 2 A 2 4 0 R E A D - B A C K - V D < 5 > C - 1 < 2 > A 2 B 2

V D < 6 > R 8 6 2 1 3 3 1 1 2 Y 3 2 A 3 3 8 R E A D - B A C K - V D < 6 > C - 1 < 1 > A 3 B 3

V D < 7 > R 8 7 2 1 3 3 1 2 2 Y 4 2 A 4 3 7 R E A D - B A C K - V D < 7 > C - 1 < 0 > A 4 B 4

C E - 1 A 5 B 5

R 8 8 2 1 3 3 1 3 3 Y 1 3 A 1 3 6 L B - 1 A 6 B 6
t o F P G A
R 8 9 2 1 3 3 1 4 3 Y 2 3 A 2 3 5 T d a t a - 1 < 7 > A 7 B 7

R 9 0 2 1 3 3 1 6 3 Y 3 3 A 3 3 3 T d a t a - 1 < 6 > A 8 B 8

C N 2 0 R 9 1 2 1 3 3 1 7 3 Y 4 3 A 4 3 2 T d a t a - 1 < 5 > A 9 B 9

T d a t a - 1 < 4 > A 1 0 B 1 0

A 1 V D < 0 > 1 9 4 Y 1 4 A 1 3 0 T d a t a - 1 < 3 > A 1 1 B 1 1

B 1 2 0 4 Y 2 4 A 2 2 9 T d a t a - 1 < 2 > A 1 2 B 1 2

A 2 V D < 1 > 2 2 4 Y 3 4 A 3 2 7 T d a t a - 1 < 1 > A 1 3 B 1 3

R 1 3 4 V C O - O U T
B 2 3 3 2 3 4 Y 4 4 A 4 2 6 T d a t a - 1 < 0 > A 1 4 B 1 4

A 3 V D < 2 > [ 5 C 6 ]
T - r e a d y A 1 5 B 1 5

B 3 1 A 1 6 B 1 6
A 4 V D < 3 > 4 4 8 T d a t a - 1 < 7 . . 0 > A 1 7 B 1 7
B 4 V C O - O U T 1 1 0 2 5 A 1 8 B 1 8
A 5 V D < 4 > [ 5 D 2 ] 1 5 2 4 A 1 9 B 1 9
B 5 2 1 A 2 0 B 2 0
A 6 V D < 5 > 2 8 7 A 2 1 B 2 1

B 6 3 4 1 8 + 5 V A 2 2 B 2 2

A 7 V D < 6 > 3 9 V C C 3 1 A 2 3 B 2 3
V D I 1 - 1 < 7 . . 0 >
B 7 4 5 4 2 A 2 4 B 2 4
[ 1 A 3 ]
A 8 V D < 7 > A 2 5 B 2 5 t o T R N S p c b
B 8 I C H 2 A 2 6 B 2 6

A 9 F I E L D A 2 7 B 2 7

B 9 L V C 1 6 4 2 4 5 A 2 8 B 2 8

A 1 0 V B L K _ N V D I 1 - 1 < 7 > 4 7 1 A1 1 B1 2 R 9 2 2 1 A3
2 9
3 B 2 9

I M B 1 0 V D I 1 - 1 < 6 > 4 6 1 A2 1 B2 3 R 9 3 2 1 A3
3 0
3 B 3 0

A 1 1 H B L K _ N V D I 1 - 1 < 5 > 4 4 1 A3 1 B3 5 R 9 4 2 1 A3
3 1
3 B 3 1
( V R T )
B 1 1 [ A c h ] V D I 1 - 1 < 4 > 4 3 1 A4 1 B4 6 R 9 5 2 1 A3
3 2
3 B 3 2

A 1 2 P I X E L I C G 2 V D I 1 - 1 < 3 > 4 1 1 A5 1 B5 8 R 9 6 2 1 A3
3 3
3 B 3 3

B 1 2 V D I 1 - 1 < 2 > 4 0 1 A6 1 B6 9 R 9 7 2 1 A3
3 4
3 B 3 4

A 1 3 T V - C L K A B T 1 6 2 4 4
V D I 1 - 1 < 1 > 3 8 1 A7 1 B7 1 1 R 9 8 2 1 A3
3 5
3 B 3 5

B 1 3 4 7 1 A 1 1 Y 1 2 O D D / E V E N _ N V D I 2 - 1 < 7 . . 0 > V D I 1 - 1 < 0 > 3 7 1 A8 1 B8 1 2 R 9 9 2 1 A3

3 6
3 B 3 6

A 1 4 4 6 1 A 2 1 Y 2 3 V S / V B L K _ N [ 1 B 3 ] R 1 0 0 2 1 A333
7 B 3 7
H S / H B L K _ N
B 1 4 4 4 1 A 3 1 Y 3 5 H S / H B L K _ N V D I 2 - 1 < 7 > 3 6 2 A1 1
2 B1 3 R 1 0 1 2 1 A333
8 B 3 8
V S / V B L K _ N
A 1 5 O - F I E L D 4 3 1 A 4 1 Y 4 6 V C L K / P I X V D I 2 - 1 < 6 > 3 5 2 A2 1
2 B2 4 R 1 0 2 2 1 A333
9 B 3 9
V C L K / P I X
B 1 5 V D I 2 - 1 < 5 > 3 3 2 A3 1
2 B3 6 R 1 0 3 2 1 A343
0 B 4 0
[ B c h ] B L K 0 - T
A 1 6 O - V B L K _ N 4 1 2 A 1 2 Y 1 8 T V - C L K V D I 2 - 1 < 4 > 3 2 2 A4 1
2 B4 7 R 1 0 4 2 1 A343
1 B 4 1
O D D / E V E N _ N
B 1 6 4 0 2 A 2 2 Y 2 9 V D I 2 - 1 < 3 > 3 0 2 A5 1
2 B5 9 R 1 0 5 2 1 A343
2 B 4 2
T V - C L K
A 1 7 O - H B L K _ N 3 8 2 A 3 2 Y 3 1 1 V D I 2 - 1 < 2 > 2 9 2 A6 2
2 B6 0

B 1 7 3 7 2 A 4 2 Y 4 1 2 V D I 2 - 1 < 1 > 2 7 2 A7 2
2 B7 2 R E A D - B A C K - V D < 7 > A 4 3 B 4 3

A 1 8 O - P I X V D I 2 - 1 < 0 > 2 6 2 A8 2 2 3
B8 R E A D - B A C K - V D < 6 > A 4 4 B 4 4

B 1 8 3 6 3 A 1 3 Y 1 1 3 R E A D - B A C K - V D < 5 > A 4 5 B 4 5

A 1 9 3 5 3 A 2 3 Y 2 1 4 T R - S E L - A _ N 4 8 1 OE R E A D - B A C K - V D < 4 > A 4 6 B 4 6

B 1 9 3 3 3 A 3 3 Y 3 1 6 T R - S E L - B _ N 2 5 2 OE R E A D - B A C K - V D < 3 > A 4 7 B 4 7

A 2 0 3 2 3 A 4 3 Y 4 1 7 1 1 DI R 4 R E A D - B A C K - V D < 2 > A 4 8 B 4 8
( H : A - > B )
B 2 0 2 4 2 DI R 1 0 R E A D - B A C K - V D < 1 > A 4 9 B 4 9

A 2 1 3 0 4 A 1 4 Y 1 1 9 R 1 5 2 R 1 5 2 1 5 R E A D - B A C K - V D < 0 > A 5 0 B 5 0
B L K 0 - T
B 2 1 2 9 4 A 2 4 Y 2 2 0 3 . 3 k 3 . 3 k
+ 3 . 3 V 3 1 2 1
A 2 2 2 7 4 A 3 4 Y 3 2 2 4 2 V C C A 2 8
+ 5 V
B 2 2 2 6 4 A 4 4 Y 4 2 3 3 4

A 2 3 7 3 9
+ 5 V
B 2 3 1 1 8 V C C B 4 5
A 2 4 4 8 4
B 2 4 2 5 1 0
V S 0 _ N

H S 0 _ N

V C L K 2

B L K 0

A 2 5 2 4 1 5
C 2 9
B 2 5 2 1
1 0 U G ND [ 3 . 3 V - > 5 V ]
7 2 8
2 0 V
+ 5 V 1 8 3 4
F P G A )

3 1 V C C 3 9
V C O - G N D

4 2 4 5 R B - V D < 7 . . 0 >
R 1 4 9
3 . 3 k
+ 1 5 V

( f r o m

3 . 3 k

R 1 5 0
R E A D - B A C K _ N

T R N S _ N

U S E D L O C A T I O N N O . : R 8 0 R 1 0 5


( S - 5 2 0 0 )

I M P - N P . C . B .
K . K A G E Y A M A 1 9 9 8 0 7 0 8

N . K A N E O K A 1 9 9 9 0 70 8

S . O O T S U K A 1 9 9 9 0 7 0 8

2 5 . I M P - N P . C . B . ( 7 / 9 )

C N 2 5

R 1 5 1
F 1
A 1 1 2
+ 5 V

0 . 4 7 3 . 2 A
C 7 0 C 7 1 C 7 2 C 7
C47 3 C 7 6 C 7 5 C 7 9C 7 7 C 8 0
C 7 8 C 8 1 C 8 2
2 W

B 1

f o r I C 1 , 3 , 7 ( X 4 ) , 8 , 9 , 3 4 , 3 5 , 5 0 5 2 = X 1 3 ( e x c e p t B T 4 9 8 )

I C X 1 0

L T 1 0 8 5 C T F 2
A 2 3 2 1 2 + 3 . 3 V

C 8 7 C 8 8 A D J C 8 9 3 A C 9 0 C 8 6 C 9 1 C 9 2
C 9 8 C 9 3
C 9 C
9 9 5 C 9 4 C 1C 09 0
6 CC19071 C 1 0 2 C 1 0 3 C 1 0 4
C 8 5

0 . 1 U 0 . 1 U 0 . 1 U 0 . 1 U 0 . 1 U 0 . 1 U 0 . 1 U 0 . 1 U 0

B 2

C N 1
A 3 + 1 5 V

G N D A 1

G N D B 1 B 3 V C O - G N D
T P - G 1
V R T _ d a t a < 7 . . 0 >
I C Y 1 4
D 5 T P - G 2
D 0 - N A 5 V R T _ d a t a < 0 > 8 . 5 V F 3
A 4 1 2 2 H 1 H A 1 7 8 M 0 5 P 3
D 1 - N B 5 V R T _ d a t a < 1 > + + 5 V T P - G 3
V R T _ d a t a < 2 > I N O U T R 6 4 L D 1
D 2 - N A 4 2 A C 2 4 C 2 6
C 1 2 A K
D 3 - N B 4 V R T _ d a t a < 3 > T P - G 4
D 4 - N A 3 V R T _ d a t a < 4 > 8 2 0
B 4 1 L

D 5 - N B 3 V R T _ d a t a < 5 > -
V R T _ d a t a < 6 > 0 . 8 A
D 6 - N A 2

V R T _ d a t a < 7 > D 2 S B A 2 0 I C X 1 5
D 7 - N B 2
D 6
V R T _ a d d < 5 . . 0 > 8 . 5 V F 4
A 5 1 2 2 H 1 H A 1 7 8 M 0 5 P 3
+ A .G
2 A I N O U T R 6 5 L D 2
C 2 5 C
C 2 7
1 2 A K
A 0 0 - N A 8 V R T _ a d d < 0 >
A 0 1 - N B 8 V R T _ a d d < 1 > 8 2 0
B 5 1 L

A 0 2 - N A 7 V R T _ a d d < 2 > - - 5 V
0 . 8 A
A 0 3 - N B 7 V R T _ a d d < 3 >
D 2 S B A 2 0
A 0 4 - N A 6 V R T _ a d d < 4 >
A 0 5 - N B 6 V R T _ a d d < 5 >

E N A - N A 1 0 V R T _ W _ E N A _ N

R - N B 1 0 V R T _ W _ P

V M E : ( E 2 0 3 0 0 3 7 F ) H
A 1 1 V R T _ D V N 6 _ N
D V N 6 - N
6 8 0 9 : ( 1 8 0 1 B F ) H
+ 3 . 3 V

C 1 0
C61 0 5
C 1 1 6 C 1 0 7 C 1
0 8 C 1 0C91 1 2 C C
08 C 1 1 1 C 1 1 3 C 1 1 9 C 1 1 4 C 1C2101 5 C 1 2 1 C 1 2 2 C 1 2 3 C 1 2 4 C 1C
2162 5 C 1 2 7 C 1 2 8
G N D A 1 3

G N D B 1 3
0 . 1 U 0 . 10U.01.U1 U 0 . 1 U 0 . 1 U 0 . 10U.01.U1 U 0 . 10U.01.U1 U 0 . 10U.01.U1 U 0 . 10U.01.U1 U 0 .01.U1 U 0 . 1 U

( F R C 5 - 2 6 P )

C 1 3
C41 3 3
C 1 4 4 C 1 3 5 C 1
3 6 C 1 3C71 4 0 C C
86 C 1 3 9 C 1 4 1 C 1 4 7 C 1 4 2 C 1C4184 3 C 1 4 9 C 1 5 0 C 1 5 1 C 1 5 2 C 1C
5145 3 C 1 5 5 C 1 5 6

0 . 1 U 0 . 1 U 0 . 1 U 0 . 1 U 0 . 1 U 0 . 1 U 0 . 1 U 0 . 1 U 0 . 1 U 0 .01.U1 U 0 . 1 U 0 .01.U1 U 0 .01.U1 U 0 .01.U1 U 0 .01.U1 U 0 . 1 U

C 1 5
C81 5 7 C 1 5 9 C 1 6 0 C 1 6 1 C 1 6 2 C 1 6 3 C 1 6 4

0 . 1 U 0 . 1 U 0 . 1 U 0 . 1 U 0 . 1 U 0 . 1 U 0 . 1 U 0 . 1 U

U S E D L O C A T I O N N O .

C 2 4 C 2 7 , C 7 0 C 8 2 , C 8 5 C 1 2 8

R 6 4 R 6 5


( S - 5 2 0 0 )

I M P - N P . C . B .
K . K A G E Y A M A 1 9 9 8 0 7 0 8

N . K A N E O K A 1 9 9 9 0 7 0 8

S . O O T S U K A 1 9 9 9 0 7 0 8

2 5 . I M P - N P . C . B . ( 8 / 9 )

I D A T A < 7 . . 0 >
V R 1 0

+ 5 V

1 0 K

I C 1
( P h a s e a d j . )

A D C 1 0 4 6 4


2 8 1 0 + 5 V
D B 0 V I N 0
2 7 D B 1 V I N 1 1 1

I D A T A < 0 > 2 6 D B 2 V I N 2 1 2

I D A T A < 1 > 2 5 D B 3 V I N 3 1 3 L 1

A D < 1 3 . . 0 >
I D A T A < 2 > 2 4 D B 4
R A M - W E _ N
I D A T A < 3 > 2 3 D B 5 V R E F - 9

I D A T A < 4 > 2 2 D B 6 V R E F + 1 4
R A M - O E _ N
I D A T A < 5 > 2 0 D B 7
I D A T A < 6 > 1 9 D B 8 S 0 6 D E T E C T _ N C 2 0 0 C 2 0 2 R 2 0 0
I D A T A < 7 > 1 8 D B 9 S 1 7 1 0 u 0 . 1 u 1 0


A V C C 8

D V C C 1

2 I N T
S H _ N C 2 0 1 C 2 0 3 C 2 0 4 C 2 0 5 I C 3 I C 4
3 S / H A G N D 1 5
1 0 u 0 . 1 u 1 0 u 0 . 1 u
4 R D D G N D 1 6

5 C S 1 7 H M 6 2 8 5 1 2 H M 6 2 8 5 1 2
S . A D J

R 2 2 2 1 91 8
A W E 2 1 9 1 8
A W E 2

1 8 k 3 0 A 1 7 3 0 A 1 7
2 A 1 6 O E 2 4 2 A 1 6 O E 2 4

3 1 A 1 5 3 1 A 1 5

2 1
3 A 1 4 C S 2 2 3 A 1 4 C S 2 2

A D < 1 3 > 2 8 A 1 3 A D < 1 3 > 2 8 A 1 3

( 5 0 0 n s ) A D < 1 2 > A D < 1 2 >
4 A 1 2 4 A 1 2
A D < 1 1 > 2 5 A 1 1
A D < 1 1 > 2 5 A 1 1
A D < 1 0 > 2 3 A 1 0 I / O 7 2 1 O D A T A < 1 5 > A D < 1 0 > 2 3 A 1 0 I / O 7 2 1 O D A T A < 7 >

C 2 0 6 A D < 9 > 2 6 A 9 I / O 6 2 0 O D A T A < 1 4 > A D < 9 > 2 6 A 9 I / O 6 2 0 O D A T A < 6 >

0 . 1 u A D < 8 > 2 7 A 8 I / O 5 1 9 O D A T A < 1 3 > A D < 8 > 2 7 A 8 I / O 5 1 9 O D A T A < 5 >
A D < 7 > 5 A 7 I / O 4 1 8 O D A T A < 1 2 > A D < 7 > 5 A 7 I / O 4 1 8 O D A T A < 4 >

T P 1 0 A D < 6 > 6 A 6 I / O 3 1 7 O D A T A < 1 1 > A D < 6 > 6 A 6 I / O 3 1 7 O D A T A < 3 >

+ 5 V A D < 5 > O D A T A < 1 0 > A D < 5 > O D A T A < 2 >
7 A 5 I / O 2 1 5 7 A 5 I / O 2 1 5
R 2 0 4
+ 1 5 V A D < 4 > 8 A 4 I / O 1 1 4 O D A T A < 9 > A D < 4 > 8 A 4 I / O 1 1 4 O D A T A < 1 >
2 2 0 k
T P 1 1 A D < 3 > 9
A 3 I / O 0
1 3 O D A T A < 8 > A D < 3 > 9
A 3 I / O 0
1 3 O D A T A < 0 >
A D < 2 > 1 0 A 2 A D < 2 > 1 0 A 2 + 5 V
D 1 2 A D < 1 > A D < 1 >
R 2 0 9 1 1 A 1 1 1 A 1

+ 1 5 V 3 H S M 2 2 1 C 2 1 9
C 2 0 7 2 . 2 k A D < 0 > 1 2 A 0 A D < 0 > 1 2 A 0
1 + 5 V + 5 V 0 . 1 u
1 7 0 8 2

0 . 1 u 2


R 2 0 1 R 2 0 7 D 1 3 I D A T A < 7 . . 0 >
I C 2

I D A T A < 7 >
I D A T A < 6 >
I D A T A < 5 >

I D A T A < 4 >
I D A T A < 3 >
I D A T A < 2 >

I D A T A < 1 >
I D A T A < 0 >
1 0 k

3 2

1 6

3 2

1 6
D 1 0 D 1 1 1 0 k
R 2 0 5 H S M 2 2 1

T P 1 5

2 2 k
- 1 5 V V R 1 2 0 . 1 u
7 0 . 1 u
1 7 0 8 2
1 0 k 1 0 K T P 1 6
+ 5 V

A D < 1 3 . . 0 >

C 2 0 8 + 5 V
H S M 2 2 1 C 2 0 9
R 2 0 2 C 2 1 7
R 2 0 3 0 . 1 u 0 . 4 7 u C 2 1 8
2 2 0 k
I C 2 R 2 0 8
R 2 0 6
2 2 0
4 7 k

1 4 4

1 4 3

1 4 2

1 4 1

1 4 0

1 3 9

1 3 8

1 3 7

1 3 6

1 3 5

1 3 4

1 3 3

1 3 2

1 3 1

1 3 0

1 2 9

1 2 8

1 2 7

1 2 6

1 2 5

1 2 4

1 2 3

1 2 2

1 2 1

1 2 0

1 1 9

1 1 8

1 1 7

1 1 6

1 1 5

1 1 4

1 1 3

1 1 2

1 1 1

1 1 0

1 0 9
- 1 5 V - 1 5 V + 1 5 V

V R 1 1





1 0 K + 1 5 V
C N 1 6 0 R Y 1 0
5 1 1 0 8 D A T A
T C K D A T A 0
1 4 C O N F _ D O N E 2 1 0 7 D C L K
C O N F _ D O N E D C L K
3 C 2 1 2 + 1 5 V R 2 1 8 I C 6 3 N C E 2 1 0 6
+ 1 5 V
1 0 0 p C 2 1 3 8 . 2 k 8 . 2 k 4 1 0 5
0 . 1 u 5 1 0 4
H A 1 7 0 0 8 P + 5 V V C C I O G N D I O
G 6 S - 5 R 2 1 7
M S B 6 1 0 3
C 2 1 0 1 0 0 k 1 4 V R E F + A 1 5 O D A T A < 8 > O D A T A < 1 5 > 7 1 0 2
R Y 1 0 C 2 2 0
0 . 0 0 1 u 1 5 V R E F - A 2 6 O D A T A < 9 > 8 O D A T A < 1 4 > 1 0 1
R 2 1 0 R 2 1 4 R 2 1 6 1 T C O N T A 3 7 O D A T A < 1 0 > 9 0 . 1 u
O D A T A < 1 3 > 1 0 0
2 9
4 . 7 k 5 . 6 k 2 I O A 4 8 O D A T A < 1 1 > O D A T A < 1 2 > 1 0 9 9
1 0 Q 1 0 T P 1 2
+ 1 5 V A 5 9 O D A T A < 1 2 > O D A T A < 1 1 > 1 1 9 8
D 7 6 8
V R 1 3 4 I O A 6 1 0 O D A T A < 1 3 > O D A T A < 1 0 > 1 2 9 7 A D < 1 3 >
R 2 1 5 O D A T A < 1 4 > O D A T A < 9 > A D < 1 2 >

2 A 7 1 1 1 3 9 6 I C 7
3 D 1 4 4 . 7 k
O D A T A < 1 5 >1 O D A T A < 8 > A D < 1 1 >

1 S S 1 0 6 6 1 1 6 C O M A 8 2 1 4 9 5
1 7 08 2
H S M 2 2 1
7 3 1 5 9 4

1 7 08 2 L S B
5 0 K I C 5 G N D I O V C C I O + 5 V

O D A T A < 1 5 . . 0 >
5 1 6 9 3

A M P - 3 P 1 S S 1 0 6 D 1 5 O D A T A < 7 > 1 7 9 2 A D < 1 0 > C 2 2 2
I C 5 0 . 1 u
H S M 2 2 1 C 2 1 5 O D A T A < 6 > 1 8 9 1 A D < 9 >
Q 1 1 O D A T A < 5 > 1 9 9 0
E P F 1 0 K 1 0 A T C 1 4 4 A D < 8 > 0 . 1 u

1 3
B 7 2 7 - 1 5 V 2 2 p
C 2 1 1 C 2 2 3 O D A T A < 4 > 2 0 8 9 A D < 7 >
C 2 1 4 O D A T A < 3 > A D < 6 >
0 . 0 0 1 u R 2 1 1 2 1 8 8
0 . 1 u 0 . 1 u
4 . 7 k
O D A T A < 2 > 2 2 8 7 A D < 5 >
- 1 5 V
O D A T A < 1 > 2 3 8 6 A D < 4 >
2 4 8 5
C 2 1 6 + 5 V V C C I O G N D I O
2 5 8 4
R 2 1 3 O D A T A < 0 > A D < 3 >
R 2 1 9 2 6 8 3
- 1 5 V + 1 5 V
4 . 7 k 1 0 0 k 2 7 8 2 A D < 2 >
- 1 5 V
- 1 5 V 2 8 8 1 A D < 1 >
2 9 8 0 A D < 0 >
3 0 7 9

R 2 1 2 3 1 7 8

1 0 3 2 7 7
M S E L 0
5 W 3 3 7 6
M S E L 1
3 4 7 5
T M S V C C I N T 4
N S T A T U S 3 5 N C O N F I G 7 4
T P 1 3 3 6 7 3









+ 5 V

3 7

3 8

3 9

4 0

4 1

4 2

4 3

4 4

4 5

4 6

4 7

4 8

4 9

5 0

5 1

5 2

5 3

5 4

5 5

5 6

5 7

5 8

5 9

6 0

6 1

6 2

6 3

6 4

6 5

6 6

6 7

6 8

6 9

7 0

7 1

7 2
+ 5 V

A D C - S T A R T _ N
T P 1 4

C N 1 5 5 R 2 2 0
D 1 6

D E T E C T _ N

R A M - W E _ N
R A M - O E _ N

F P G A - C L K
4 . 7 k R Y 1 0

G - V S 0 _ N
1 A D C - S T A R T _ N H S M 2 2 1 G 6 S - 5

1 2

S H _ N

R s v 1
R s v 2
2 S W 1
+ 5 V
C 2 2 1
I C B 1 3 0 . 1 u

( R e s e r v e )
U L N 2 0 0 3

E L U C O - 3 P D E T E C T 6 1 1

8 + 5 V + 5 V + 5 V + 5 V

T P 0

C N 1 5 6

+ 1 5 V

C 2 2 4
2 U S E D N O . : C 2 0 0 2 2 2 , R 2 0 0 2 2 2
4 7 u

C 2 2 5
4 7 u
- 1 5 V

( S - 5 2 0 0 )

E L U C O - 4 P

I M P - N P . C . B .
K . K A G E Y A M A 1 9 9 8 0 7 0 8

N . K A N E O K A 1 9 9 9 0 7 0 8

S . O O T S U K A 1 9 9 9 0 7 0 8

2 5 . I M P - N P . C . B . ( 9 / 9 )

C 1
2 . 5 k V D 2 C H 1 R 3
0 . 0 4 7 u D H M 3 G 8 0 6 M
T P 0 9 1 8 A 0 9 2
( 1 1 0 0 V )

R 4
C 2 C 3
6 M
2 . 5 k V 2 . 5 k V

0 . 0 4 7 u 0 . 0 4 7 u

T P 0 9 2 0
D 1
D H M 3 G 8 0 C 6
4 . 7 u
C 4 C 5
2 . 5 k V 2 . 5 k V

0 . 0 4 7 u 0 . 0 4 7 u

R 5
T P 0 9 1 9 T P 0 1 2
4 . 7 k

P E H V P . C . B .

C A D K 0 1 0 6

( S - 5 2 0 0 )

P E H V P . C . B .
K . K A G 2E 0Y 0
A 0M A 1 0 2 1

N . K A N E O K A 2 0 0 0 1 0 2 1

S . O O T S U K A 2 0 0 0 1 0 2 1

2 6 . P E H V P . C . B .

R L 1 M Y 2
T B 1
F U S E 1 5 A ( T ) T R A N S 1
T L 1 D C 5 k V
T L 3
A C 1 0 0 V 1 . 8 5 k V I O N P U M P 1
C N 9 2 K
W T L 2 T L 4
L I N E 1 K K

2 F U S E 2 5 A ( T ) C N 1
N E U T R A L W W 6 . 5 V

G N D 3
Y / G


R L 2 M Y 2 T R A N S 2
F U S E 3 5 A ( T ) K
K T L 5 D C 5 k V
T L 7
A C 1 0 0 V 1 . 8 5 k V I O N P U M P 2

T L 6 T L 8

C N 2
F U S E 4 5 A ( T )

Y / G 2

Y / G

Y / G


F U S E 5 5 A ( T ) M Y 2 K T R A N S 3
K K R L 3 T L 9
D C 5 k V
T L 1 1
A C 1 0 0 V 1 . 8 5 k V I O N P U M P 3

T L 1 0
W W T L 1 2

F U S E 6 5 A ( T )
C N 3
C N 1 2 2

A 1 B / W
B 1 B

A 2 B / W

B 2 B

A 3 B / W

B 3

A 4 B

B 4 B / W

A 5
B 5 B / W

A 6 B

B 6 B / W

A 7

B 7

A 8 B

B 8 B / W

A 9 B

B 9 B / W
S T O 3 X 1 6 A W G 1 . 3 m m

A 1 0 2
B U K 1 0 1 5 1 X 1 6 A W G 1 . 3 m m
B 1 0
B / W 2
U L 1 0 0 7 1 X 2 2 A W G 0 . 3 m m

U L 1 0 1 5 1 X 2 0 A W G 0 . 5 m m

U L 3 2 3 9 G 2 2 A W G 0 . 3 m m

U L 3 2 3 9 2 0 K V - D C 2 0 A W G 0 . 5 m m

K : B L A C K W : W H I T E B : B L U E B / W : B L U E / W H I T E


( S - 5 2 0 0 )

A . M O U R I 2 0 0 0 1 0 2 1

N . K A N E O K A 2 0 0 0 1 0 2 1

K . K A G E Y A M A 2 0 0 0 1 0 2 1

2 7 . I O N P U M P P O W E R S U P P L Y

R 1 6

1 0 k
1 2

+ 1 5 V + 1 5 V
C 2 9
+ 1 0 V 0 . 1 u

I C 7

R 1 5 I C 8
+ V S

1 0 k
A D 5 8 1 2 1 2 2 A .G

1 7 0 8 2
- 1 0 V
G N D 3

0 . 1 u

C 3 0
C 3 9

0 . 1 u

A .G

A .G

A .G

A .G
- 1 5 V
I C 6
D < 7 . . 0 >
C N P 1 I C 1 I C 3
C 4 0 A .G
H A 1 7 4 0 8 G
L S 2 4 5 0 . 1 u
L S 2 7 3
TS L S B R 1 0 2
D 7 _ P A 1 1 8
7 B 7 A 2 D < 7 > D < 7 > 1 2 1 3
D 7 Q 7 A 8 V C C + 1 5 V 1 0 k
D 6 _ P B 1 1 7
6 B 6 A 3 D < 6 > D < 6 > 1 1
D 6 Q 6 A 7
D 5 _ P A 2 1 6
5 B 5 A 4 D < 5 > D < 5 > 1 0
A 6
D 5 Q 5 V E E
D 4 _ P B 2 1 5
4 B 4 A 5 D < 4 > D < 4 > 9 0 . 0 1 u + 1 5 V I C 1 2 I C 1 2
D 4 Q 4 A 5
D 3 _ P A 3 1 4
3 B 3 A 6 D < 3 > D < 3 > 8 1 6 I C 8
D 3 Q 3 A 4 C O M P - 1 5 V
D 2 _ P B 3 1 3
2 B 2 A 7 D < 2 > D < 2 > 7 H D - N 1 6 8
A 3

D 2 Q 2 1 0 k
C 2
D 1 _ P A 4 1 2
1 B 1 A 8 D < 1 > D < 1 > 6 4 6 [ 1 C 2 ]
D 1 Q 1 A 2 I O 1 2 0 k
D 0 _ P B 4 1 1
0 B 0 A 9 D < 0 > D < 0 > 5 7 1 4 1 5 6 7
D 0 Q 0 A 1 1 7 0 8 2
5 6 0 R 1 0 1
M S B 2 5
4 . 7 k G N D
R 2 0
3 1 1 4
+ 1 0 V V +
R 1 9

C L 5k
V R 1 R 1 7
1 5 A .G A .G 0.1u
V -

- 1 5 V C 1
1 9

5 . 6 k

R 1 0 4
R 1 8 10k
+ 1 0 V + 1 5 V + 1 5 V
A .G

V R 2 C 3 5
R 1
5k 0.1u C 1 0 3
4 . 7 k
3 1 + 1 5 V + 1 0 V 0 . 1 u V C C
I C 1 2 I C 9 T P 1
R 6

I C 1 0

1 M

R 1 0 3 T P 1 1

2 3 2 A .G I C 1 1

6 2 A .G

R 1 0 7
V R 3 S < 4 > 1 3 1 5
17082 10k
R 2
3 7
6 . 8 k 5k 1 7 9 0 3
C 3 6
3 1 6

I C 1 3 A .G 0.1u
R 7
A .G

2 3
- 1 5 V A .G

V R 4 S < 3 > 1 A .G V C C
R 3 - 1 5 V
5k + 1 5 V
1 0 k
3 1
T P 1 2
I C 1 3 R 1 0 5
R 8

1 0 k R 1 0 8

6 8 0 k
7 6 3
V R 5 S < 2 > 8 2
R 4
1 0 k 5k
3 1

I C 1 1
I C 1 3 R 1 0 6
R 9
1 0 k A .G

2 7 0 k
1 0 1 1

R 1 1 R 1 3
V R 6 S < 1 > 9 A .G
R 5 10k 20k
1 0 k 5k
3 1

I C 1 3 + 1 5 V
R 1 0
1 2 0 k
C 3 7

A .G 1 5 1 4 0.1u T P 2

S < 0 > 1 6 I C 1 2 I C 1 0
I C 5 R 2 8 C N P 2

I C 4
2 0 k
S < 4 . . 0 >

1 0 1 1 6
- 1 0 V
L S 6 4 0 7 A .G
L S 2 7 3 P H O T O _ X - S
I C 2 T S 17082
D < 7 > 1 8 2 9 5

D 7 Q 7 7 B 7 A
D < 6 > 1 7
6 B 6 A 3 S < 4 > B 1 G N D
D 6 Q 6
L S 2 4 5 D < 5 > 1 6 4 S < 3 >
D 5 Q 5 5 B 5 A C 3 8
A 5 1 8
7 B 7 A 2 D < 4 > 1 5
4 B 4 A 5 S < 2 > A .G 0.1u
D 4 Q 4
R 1 2
B 5 1 7
6 B 6 A 3 D < 3 > 1 4
3 B 3 A 6 S < 1 >
D 3 Q 3
[ 1 D 2 ] 2 0 k
A 6 1 6
5 B 5 A 4 D < 2 > 1 3
2 B 2 A 7 S < 0 >
[ 1 A 4 ] D 2 Q 2 + 1 0 V
H D - N B 6 1 5
4 B 4 A
H D - N
5 D < 1 > 1 2
1 B 1 A 8
D 1 Q 1
V D - N A 7 1 4
3 B 3 A V D - N
6 [ 1 C 3 ] D < 0 > 1 1
0 B 0 A 9 A .G
D 0 Q 0
P I F D A C - N B 7 1 3 B 7 - 1 5 V
2 2 A

P I F S E T - N A 8 1 2 B A 8
1 1

B 8 1 1 9 E D I R
R E S E T - N 0 B 0 A C L
1 9

I C 1 4 I C 1 4

V D - N 9 1 6
1 9

[ 1 C 2 ]
1 1 1 0 1 4 1 5

R 2 4
1 0 0 k

T P 1 3 [ V C C ]

A .G C 4
I C 1 I C 2 I C 3 I C 4 I C 5
A 9 0 . 4 7 u
+ 5 V V C C
B 9 C 2 2 1 2 I C 1 5 R 3 1
R 2 5
( 2 5CV2
)3 C 2 4 C6
C 2 2 5 C 2 7
1 0 k 1 5 k
A21200 u 0 . 1 u 0 . 1 u 0 . 1 u 0 . 1 u 0 . 1 u 2 3

G N D B 1 0 + 1 5 V

C 4 3 + 1 5 V
R 2 6
+ 1 0 V 0 . 1 u C 4 7
1 0 k
T P 3 0 . 1 u
V R 7
C 3 I C 1 4 I C 1 4 I C 1 6 1 2 T P 4
R 3 3 5k R 2 3

0 . 0 0 1 u I C 1 5 I C 1 7

1 5 k 3 3 k R 2 7

22 3 7 6 2 A .G


1 0 k

6 7 6 2 A .G
O P A 1 1 1
1 8 3 1 A 2

R 2 2 1 7 08 2 P H O T O _ Y - S
I C 1 8 1 0 0 k 8 3
1 5

1 4

B 2

R 2 1 C 4 4 C 4 8 G N D

R / C C 1 5 k A .G 0 . 1 u 0 . 1 u

2 1 3 A .G A .G

L S 2 2 1 R 2 9
C N P 2
H D - N 1
A .G
( S G / V A ) A 2 0 k
V IB 4 A .G A .G
[ 1 C 2 ] Q + 1 0 V
- 1 5 V - 1 5 V
A 3

B 3

I C 1 2 + 1 5 V I C 1 3 + 1 5 V I C 1 4 + 1 5 V I C 1 5 + 1 5 V
A 4
+ 1 5 V
I C 1 5 I C 1 5 I C 1 7
B 4 D G 2 01 A D G 2 01 A DG 2 0 1A DG 2 0 1 A
1 3 1 3 1 3 1 3

1 4 1 5 1 1 1 0 6
V + V + V + V +
A 5
0 . 1 u 0 . 1 u 0 . 1 u 0 . 1 u 1 7 08 2
B 5
C 3 1 C 3 3 C 4 1 C 4 5 1 6 9 5

A 6 T P 1 4 5 5 5 5
B 6
0 . 1 u 0 . 1 u 0 . 1 u 0 . 1 u
- 1 5 V
C 3 2 C 3 4 C 4 2 C 4 6
A 7 A .G A .G A .G A .G
+ 1 5 V
+ 1 5 V B 7 U N V S 1 4 4 4 4
V - V - V - V -
C 2 0 T P 0 [GND]
A 8
B 8 2 2 0 u

A . G N D - 1 5 V - 1 5 V - 1 5 V - 1 5 V
A 9 C A D E F 1 3 2
U N V S 2 0
B 9 C 2 1 T P 1 5 [-15V]
A .G
(25V) ( S - 5 2 0 0 )
A 1 0 2 2 0 u

- 1 5 V B 1 0
- 1 5 V P I F P . C . B .
N . K A N E O K A 1 9 9 9 0 7 1 5

K . K A G E Y A M A 1 9 9 9 0 7 1 5

S . O O T S U K A 1 9 9 9 0 7 1 5

3 0 . P I F P . C . B .

+ 1 5 V

T P 4

I C 7


[ f r o m I O ] 6
+ 5 V R E F
V C C R E F -0 2 R 6
C N 5 0 0 2 1 0 k

F R C 5 - 2 6 P I C 1
T M P 3 TR I M
D [ 7 . . 0 ]
P C 8 4 7 C 6 + 1 5 V
B R 1 I C 4 G ND
C 7
B 1 7 1 0 0 . 1 u
B W 7 _ N 4 . 7 k
A 1 8 9 4 0 . 1 u

B 2 5 1 2 1 2 L S 6 4 0
B W 6 _ N T S
A 2 6 1 1 1 1 9 D 7 T P 5
B 3 3 1 4 3
B W 5 _ N D 6
R 5 I C 8 A .G
A 3 4 1 3 1 2 8 7
1 0 k
B 4 1 1 6 4 2
B W 4 _ N
A 4 2 1 5 1 3 7 D 5 6
A .G O P - 0 7 - 5 V R E F
5 3

1 4 6 D 4
I C 2 B A
P C 8 4 7 6 4 C 8
T P 6
B 5 7 1 0 1 5 5 D 3 R 7 0 . 1 u
B W 3 _ N
A 5 8 9 7
[ T . C O N T ]
4 . 7 k
( - 5 + 5 V )
B 6 5 1 2 1 6 4 D 2 + 1 5 V M
I C 9
B W 2 _ N
A 6 6 1 1 8
R 8 R 9 R 1 2 R 1 6
B 7 3 1 4 1 7 3 D 1
L S 1 7 5 A .G
B W 1 _ N 2 0 k 2 0 k 8 2 k 8 2 k R 1 9
A 7 4 1 3 9 2
Q 3 A .G - 5 V 1 5 / 1 W
B 8 1 1 6 1 8 2 D 0 3 - 1 5 V
Q 3 R E F
B W 0 _ N
A 8 2 1 5 D 7 4 7 C 1 2 C 1 8
D 3 Q 2 C 1 5
E D I R R 1 3 R 1 7
D 6 5 6 0 . 1 u 0 . 0 1 u 0 . 1 u
D 2 Q 2
1 . 8 k 1 . 8 k
D 5 1 2 1 0 + 1 5 V
1 9 1 D 1 Q 1
D 4 1 3 1 1 R 2 0 0 . 0 1 u C 2 1
D 0 Q 1
1 5
I C 1 2
Q 0
+ 1 5 V + 1 5 V
C 1 0 + 1 5 V
1 4 1 5 k
Q 0 0 . 1 u
A D 7 5 4 5 A L N
9 C 1 3 C 1 9
(M S B ) C 9
D B 1 1 R F B
2 0 0 . 1 u C 1 6
C L 3 3 p
5 0 . 1 u 0 . 1 u Q 2
D B 1 0

6 1 9 2 S D 7 6 8 R L 1
D B 9 V R E F
I C 5 1 - 5 V R E F [ f o r S T - D I S T ]
B R 2 7 A .G D I P - 1 M - 1 2 D
D B 8
I C 3 A .G
4 . 7 k 8 7 8 1 4
D B 7 I C 1 3 R 1 0
P C 8 4 7 1 2 L S 6 4 0 9 1 2 I C 1 4 A .G 7 1
D B 6 O U T 1 7 D 2
T S 1 0 k
B 9 7 1 0 1 8 2 1 0 6 2
R 1 1 A .G
D B 5
O P - 0 7
7 I C 1 5 C N 5 0 0 1
C T L 3 _ N 1 k R 1 5 1 S 2 0 7 4
A 9 8 9 3 1 1 3 3 6 2 7 H I F 4 - 1 6 P
D B 4 D G N D O P - 0 7 8 . 2 k I C 1 6
B 1 0 5 1 2 1 7 3 1 2 3 6 2
D B 3
O P - 0 7 F B
C T L 2 _ N 4
A 1 0 6 1 1 4 1 3
D B 2 V D D
1 8 C 1 1 3 6 R 2 1 R 2 2 A 1
V C C 4 O P - 0 7
B 1 1 3 1 4 1 6 4 1 4
D B 1
0 . 1 u C 1 4 3 3 9 k 1 0 k R L 2 B 1
C T L 1 _ N I C 1 0 4
A 1 1 4 1 3 5 1 5
D B 0 A G N D
2 A .G 0 . 1 u C 1 7 D I P - 1 M - 1 2 D
A .G
B 1 2 1 1 6 1 5 5 ( L S B ) 0 . 1 u 4
C 2 0 D 3 8 1 4
B A L S 1 7 5
R E S E T _ N C S W R M
A 1 2 2 1 5 2 0 . 1 u 7 1
Q 3 R 1 4 1 S 2 0 7 4
1 4 6 3 A 2
Q 3
1 0 0 k R 1 8
B 1 3 1 6 1 7
D 3 4 7 A .G 8 . 2 k Q 3 B 2
A 1 3 D 3 Q 2
1 3 7 D 2 5 6 - 1 5 V
D 2 Q 2 2 S B 7 2 7
A .G
D 1 1 2 1 0 - 1 5 V
D 1 Q 1 A .G
1 2 8 D 0 1 3 1 1
D 0 Q 1 A .G
1 5 - 1 5 V
Q 0 0 . 0 1 u
C 2 2 M
1 1 9 1 4
Q 0 A .G A .G A .G
9 - 1 5 V
R 2 3
1 5 k
1 9 1

R 2 4
1 5 / 1 W

T P 1 0
T . I N
I C 1 1 + 1 5 V
[ - 5 + 5 V ]

- 1 5 V M C 2 5
L S 1 7 5
2 0 . 1 u
Q 3
V C C 3
Q 3
D 7 4 7 T P 9
D 3 Q 2
D 6 5 6 [ T . R E F ] A 6 - 9 0
D 2 Q 2 A .G + 5 V
D 5 1 2 1 0 ( - 5 + 5 V ) I C 1 9
D 1 Q 1 R 3 3 R E F
D 4 1 3 1 1
D 0 Q 1 7 5 6
1 5 3 B 6
Q 0
1 4 6 5 k
Q 0 O P - 0 7
9 2
V R 3 R 3 4 R 3 6 C 2 7
3 1 A 7
R 2 C L
5 k 8 . 2 k 1 0 k 4 - 5 V
C N 1 7 9 R 3 I C 6 3 1 C 2 6
R E F + 9 0
D 1 1 0 k - 5 V V R 5 0 . 1 u
1 2 0 . 1 u B 7
E L C O _ 4 P 1 0 0 k
R 1 1 S 2 0 7 4 1 R E F 2 0 k
3 2
5 6
1 2 LS 0 8
A .G

+ 1 5 V
+ 1 5 V A .G A .G A 4
3 - 1 5 V + 1 5 V
C 4 C 2 3
C 5 0 . 1 u
4 0 . 1 u
1 u B 4

B 5
T P 1 1
- 5 V R E F + 5 V R E F
A .G
[ T . O U T ]

( 0 + 1 0 V ) A 5
V R 4 A .G - 1 5 V
R 3 5
5 k
7 I C 2 0
R 2 9 8 . 2 k
R 2 5 1 3 2
[ f r o m D C P S ]
1 . 8 k 1 . 8 k
6 A 8 T I L T O U T
O P - 0 7
2 3 B 8
C N 5 0 0 3 T P 3 [ - 2. 2 V ] [ 2. 2 V ] C 2 4 V C C
N F 1
A M P _ 1 0 P 4
0 . 1 u

Z J K 5 1 0 3 R 2 6 R 3 7

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