Select List of Approved Contractors - Performance Monitoring Form
Select List of Approved Contractors - Performance Monitoring Form
Select List of Approved Contractors - Performance Monitoring Form
Please complete the form below for each contractor working on a project, using the scoring criteria below. Please leave blank if no comment / not applicable.
Contractor Performance
Collaborative Approach
Financial Management
Customer Satisfaction
Contractor Design (If
Management of
Project Contractor
5 Excellent; contractor was proactive, identified major cost savings through innovation
5 Excellent; H&S management was exemplary with no issues or concerns throughout the project
How well did the contractor 4 Good; only very minor issues or concerns
manage health and safety?
Consider quality of H&S 3 Average; few minor incidents not caused by contractor
documentation, management of
Health and Safety H&S on site, compliance with
H&S plan, accidents and 2 Below Average; few minor incidents due to poor site management
incidents, site safety checks and
audits. 1 Poor; reportable incident resulting in contractor being placed on additional monitoring
Excellent; sub-contractors involved early, mostly through established supply chains. Excellent co-
ordination and management.
Did the contractor achieve a high 3 Average; workmanship, but some isolated areas requiring re-work
quality of work first time or was a
Quality of Workmanship need for re-work prompted by
other parties? 2 Below Average; workmanship, but several minor issues requiring re-work
How quickly did the contractor 3 Average; all defects resolved within 3 months of practical completion
Progress in Making resolve defects after practical
Good Defects completion? 2 Below Average: majority of defects resolved within 3 months of practical completion
1 Poor; some defects outstanding after 3 months; contractor reluctant to attend site
Did the contractor take on their 4 Good; contractor was a positive, proactive member of the team
responsibilities as a team player
enthusiastically? Were they an 3 Average; contractor worked well with the team but did not add value
active participant in the decision
Collaborative Approach making or issue resolution
processes throughout the project, 2 Below Average; contractual approach
or did they prefer to wait to be
instructed? 1 Poor; required instruction in collaborative team working
Consider the contractor's 3 Average; contractor performance was average in all these areas
communication, planning and
Contractor Performance organisation; site management;
consideration for other site users.
Consider the contractor's
communication, planning and
Contractor Performance organisation; site management;
consideration for other site users. 2 Below Average; issues/room for improvement in some areas
1 Poor; several issues due to poor performance in one or more of these areas
0 Unacceptable; major issue(s) due to poor performance in one or more of these areas
5 Excellent; quality, contractor was proactive and design provided well in advance of construction
How well did the contractor fulfil
their responsibilities, including the 4 Good; quality, design provided in accordance with agreed programme
quality and timeliness of
3 Average; quality, design provided in sufficient time to avoid delay to construction
Contractor Design For
design and build projects - how 2 Below Average; quality, design provided on time but putting pressure on programme
well did the contractor manage
and co-ordinate the design 1 Poor; quality, design provided late putting pressure on programme
contractors? How good was the
quality of the design information? Unacceptable; quality, design information only provided when pressure applied by other parties
with subsequent delays to programme
Excellent; reasonable provision has been made for people to gain access to and use the
building/building extension and its facilities. Also excellent understanding of KCC's requirements.
Confirmation that reasonable
provision has been made for 4 Good; performance good throughout project with regards to inclusive design
people to (a) gain access to; and
(b) use the building / building
Inclusive Access & extension and its facilities. 3 Average; Inclusive design provided throughout each stage of project
Corporate Standards Any reasons for departing from
KCC's Technical Standards, 2 Below Average; several minor issues resulting in delays and further advice to be given
Approved Document M or
BS8300 have been fully justified 1 Poor; lack of understanding leading to management issues surrounding inclusive design
in the Access Statement.
0 Unacceptable; no consideration of inclusive design
5 Excellent
4 Good
3 Average
Customer Satisfaction Customer satisfaction.
2 Below Average
1 Poor
0 Unacceptable