Strength and Durability Studies of Concrete Containing Waste Foundry Sand

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A thesis
Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement
For the award of the degree of


Registration No. 950802003



Certify that the thesis entitled “Strength and Durability Studies of Concrete Containing Waste

Foundry Sand” which is submitted by Mr. Gurpreet Singh, in partial fulfillment of the

requirements for the award of degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Civil Engineering Department

of Thapar University, Patiala is a record of the candidate’s own independent and original

research work carried out by him under my supervision and guidance. The matter embodied in

this thesis has not been submitted in part or full to any other university or institute for the award

of any degree.

(Dr. Rafat Siddique)

Sr. Professor, Civil Engineering Department &
Dean of Faculty Affair
Thapar University

I hereby certify that the work which is being presented in this thesis entitled “Strength and

Durability Studies of Concrete Containing Waste Foundry Sand” being in partial fulfillment of

the requirements for the award of degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Civil Engineering submitted

in Civil Engineering Department of Thapar University Patiala is an authentic record of my own

work carried out under the supervision of Dr Rafat Siddique and refers other research’s work are

duly listed in the reference section.

The matter presented in this thesis has not been submitted in part or full to any other university

or institute for the award of any degree in India or abroad.

(Gurpreet Singh)

This acknowledgement is intended to be thanks giving to all those people who have been

involved directly or indirectly with my dissertation work.

First and foremost, I would like to express my thanks and indebtedness to my guide Dr Rafat

Siddique, Sr. Professor of Civil Engineering and Dean of Faculty Affair, Thapar University,

Patiala for his deep involvement, invaluable and continuous motivation throughout this work. I

am highly obliged to him for being there always whenever I needed him.

I would like to thank Dr. Maneek Kumar, Head, Civil Engineering Department, Thapar

University, Patiala who has been a constant source of inspiration for me throughout this work.

I do not find enough words with which I can express my feeling of thanks to entire faculty and

staff of Civil Engineering Department, Thapar University Patiala for their help, inspiration and

moral support, which went a long way in successful completion of my thesis

The cheerful support of my friend and colleagues is sincerely appreciated. Special words of

appreciation go to Sh. Amarjit and other laboratory staff, who helped me in my experiment work.

Finally, I would like to dedicate this project work to my parents and wife, Ajit Kaur and my

daughters Kawan and Hargun, who have always been a great source of support and

encouragement, especially in all my academic endeavors.

(Gurpreet Singh)

Due to ever increasing quantities of waste materials and industrial by-products, solid waste

management is the prime concern in the world. Scarcity of land-filling space and because of its

ever increasing cost, recycling and utilization of industrial by-products and waste materials has

become an attractive proposition to disposal. There are several types of industrial by-products

and waste materials. The utilization of such materials in concrete not only makes it economical,

but also helps in reducing disposal concerns. One such industrial by-product is Waste Foundry

Sand (SFS). WFS is major byproduct of metal casting industry and successfully used as a land

filling material for many years. But use of waste foundry sand (WFS) for land filling is

becoming a problem due to rapid increase in disposal cost. In an effort to use the WFS in

construction materials, research has being carried out for its possible utilization in making

concrete as partial replacement of fine aggregate. In India, approximately 1.71 million tons of

waste foundry sand and in Punjab region, approximately 0.17 million tons of waste foundry is

produced yearly.

This experimental investigation was performed to evaluate the strength and durability properties

of M20 (30 MPa) and M30 (40 MPa) grades of concrete mixes, in which natural sand was partial

replaced with waste foundry sand (WFS). Natural sand was replaced with five percentage (0%,

5%, 10%, 15%, 20%) of WFS by weight. A total of ten concrete mix proportions M-1, M-2, M-

3, M-4 and M-5 for M20 grade of concrete and M-6, M-7, M-8, M-9 and M-10 for M30 grade of

concrete with and without WFS were developed. Compression test, splitting tensile strength test

and modulus of elasticity were carried out to evaluate the strength properties of concrete at the
age of 7, 28, 91 and 365 days. In non destructive testing, rebound hammer and ultrasonic pulse

velocity test were conducted at the age of 28, 91 and 365 days. In case of durability property,

abrasion resistance, rapid Chloride Permeability and deicing salt scaling resistance was evaluated

at the age of 28, 91 and 365 days. Statistical analysis and comparative study between strength

and durability properties of both grade of concrete (M20 and M30) were carried out at the age of

28, 91 and 365 days. XRD study was done to identify the presence of various compounds in M20

grade of concrete with foundry sand in varying percentages replacement of fine aggregate.

Test results showed that there is increase in compressive strength, splitting tensile strength and

modulus of elasticity for both grades of concrete mixes (M20 and M30) with inclusion of waste

foundry sand (WFS) up to 15% replacement. Resistance of concrete against abrasion (wear),

rapid chloride permeability and deicing salt scaling were also improved for both grades of

concrete mixes. Quality of concrete in term of homogeneity and uniformity were also improved.

Results showed that there was better enhancement in strength and durability properties at 15%

replacement of fine aggregate with WFS.



Page No.




1.2.1 Green (Clay Bonded) Sand 2

1.2.2 Chemically Bonded Sand 3


1.3.1 Physical Properties 3

1.3.2 Chemical Properties 5

1.3.3 Mechanical Properties 6

1.3.4 Potential Contamination 6





1.7.1 Significance in Research Area 11

1.7.2 Gap in the Research Area 11

1.7.3 Objective of the Research Work 12


1.9 SUMMARY 13


2.1 GENERAL 14


2.2.1 Workability (Slump) 17

2.2.2 Water Absorption and Void Ratio 18

2.2.3 Compressive Strength and Modulus of Elasticity 18

2.2.4 Splitting Tensile Strength 22

2.2.5 Flexural Strength 23

2.2.6 Freezing and Thawing Resistance 23

2.2.7 Drying Shrinkage 24

2.2.8 Abrasion Resistance 25

2.2.9 Deicing Salt Surface Scaling 26

2.2.10 Chloride Penetration 27

2.3 SUMMARY 29


3.1 GENERAL 30


3.2.1 Cement 30

3.2.2 Fine aggregates 31

3.2.3 Coarse aggregates 32

3.2.4 Foundry Sand 33

3.2.5 Superplasticizer 35

3.2.6 Water 35


3.3.1 Design of Concrete Mix 36

3.3.2 Mix Composition 38



3.5.1 Strength Properties 41

3.5.2 Durability Properties 41

3.5.3 Non-Destructive Testing 41


3.6.1 Slump Test 42

3.6.2 Compaction Factor Test 43


3.7.1 Compressive Strength 44

3.7.2 Splitting Tensile Strength 44

3.7.3 Modulus of Elasticity 45


3.8.1 Abrasion Resistance Test 47

3.8.2 Scaling Resistance of Concrete Surfaces Exposed to Deicing 48

3.8.3 Rapid Chloride Permeability Test 49


3.9.1 Ultra Sonic Pulse Velocity 52

3.9.2 Rebound Hammer 53


3.11 SUMMARY 55


4.1 GENERAL 56


4.2.1 Compressive Strength of M20 Grade (30 MPa) Concrete 56

4.2.2 Compressive Strength of M30 Grade (40 MPa) Concrete 59

4.2.3 Comparison between M20 and M30 grade of Concrete 62


4.3.1 Splitting Tensile Strength for M20 Grade (30MPa) Concrete 64

4.3.2 Splitting Tensile Strength for M30 Grade (40MPa) Concrete 66

4.3.3 Comparison between M20 and M30 Grade of Concrete 68


4.4.1 Modulus of Elasticity of M20 Grade (30MPa) Concrete 70

4.4.2 Modulus of Elasticity of M30 Grade (40MPa) Concrete 72

4.4.3 Comparison between M20 and M30 Grades Of Concrete 74


4.5.1 Abrasion Resistance of M20 Grade (30MPa) Concrete 76

4.5.2 Abrasion Resistance of M30 Grade (40MPa) Concrete 80

4.5.3 Comparison between M20 and M30 Grades of Concrete 84


4.6.1 Rapid Chloride Permeability of M20 Grade (30MPa) Concrete 86

4.6.2 Rapid Chloride Permeability of M30 Grade (40MPa) Concrete 88

4.6.3 Comparison between M20 and M30 grade of concrete 90


4.7.1 Deicing Salt Scaling Resistance of M20 Grade (30MPa) 92


4.7.2 Deicing Salt Scaling Resistance of M30 Grade (40MPa) 95


4.7.3 Comparison between M20 and M30 Grade of Concrete 98


4.8.1 Ultra Sonic Pulse Velocity of M20 Grade (30Mpa) Concrete 100

4.8.2 Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity of M30 Grade (40MPa) Concrete 102

4.8.3 Comparison between M20 and M30 Grades of Concrete 104



4.10.1 Statistical Analysis of M20 Grade (30 MPa) Concrete 109

4.10.2 Statistical Analysis of M30 Grade (40 MPa) Concrete 121


4.12 SUMMARY 138


5.1 GENERAL 139


5.2.1 Compressive Strength 139

5.2.2 Splitting Tensile Strength 140

5.2.3 Modulus of Elasticity 140


5.3.1 Abrasion Resistance 141

5.3.2 Rapid Chloride Permeability Resistance 142

5.3.3 Deicing Salt Surface Scaling Resistance 142





5.8 SUMMARY 145


Table No. Title Page No.


1.1 Typical Physical Properties of Waste Foundry Sand 4

1.2 Chemical Composition of Foundry Sand 5

1.3 Typical Mechanical Properties of Spent Foundry Sand 6

1.4 Uses of WFS in Various Applications 10


3.1 Physical Properties of Portland Pozzolana Cement 30

3.2 Physical Properties of Fine Aggregate 31

3.3 Sieve Analysis of Fine Aggregates 31

3.4 Physical Properties of Coarse Aggregates 32

3.5 Sieve Analysis of Coarse Aggregates 32

3.6 Physical Properties of Foundry Sand 33

3.7 Chemical Properties of Foundry San 33

3.8 Sieve Analysis of Waste Foundry Sand 34

3.9 Specifications of Superplasticizer 35

3.10 Properties of Water 35

3.11 Mix Proportion M20 37

3.12 Mix Proportion M30 38

3.13 Detailed Description of Concrete Mixes 39

3.14 M20 Grade Mixes 39

3.15 M30 Grade Mixes 40

3.16 Rating for Deicing Salt Surface Scaling (ASTM C 672) 49

3.17 Chloride Ion Penetrability Based on Charge Passed 51

(ASTM 1202-97)
3.18 Velocity Criterion For Concrete Quality Grading 53


4.1 Visual Rating For Concrete Mixes As Per ASTM C 672 92

4.2 Visual Rating For M30 Concrete Mixes As Per ASTM C 672 95

4.3 Compressive Strength (MPa) by Rebound Hammer 106

4.4 Regression Analysis between Strength Properties 107

4.5 Regression Analysis between Durability Properties 111

4.6 Regression Analysis between Strength and Durability Properties 115

4.7 Regression Analysis between Strength Properties 121

4.8 Regression Analysis between Durability Properties 125

4.9 Regression Analysis between Strength and Durability Properties 129

Figure No. Title Page No.


1.1 Recycling of Foundry Sand 8


3.1 Particle Size Analysis of Waste Foundry Sand 34

3.2 Slump Test 42

3.3 Compaction Factor 43

3.4 Compressive Strength Test 44

3.5 Splitting Tensile Strength 45

3.6 Modulus of Elasticity 46

3.7 The Vacuum Pump, Desiccator With Specimens and A 50

Container With De-Aerated Water

3.8 Rapid Chloride Permeability Test Set Up 51

3.9 Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity Test 52

3.10 Rebound Hammer Test 54

3.11 X-Ray Powder Diffractometer 55


4.1 Compressive Strength verses Waste Foundry sand (M20) 57

4.2 Compressive Strength verses Age (M20) 58

4.3 Compressive Strength Verses Waste Foundry Sand (M30) 59

4.4 Compressive Strength versus Age (M30) 60

4.5 Compressive Strength (CS) verses Waste Foundry Sand 63

(28, 91 & 365 days)
4.6 Splitting Tensile Strength verses Waste Foundry Sand (M20) 64

4.7 Splitting Tensile Strength versus Age (M20) 65

4.8 Splitting Tensile Strength verses Waste Foundry Sand (M30) 66

4.9 Splitting Tensile Strength versus Age (M30) 68

4.10. Splitting tensile strength (STS) verses Waste Foundry Sand 69

(28, 91& 365 days)

4.11 Modulus of Elasticity verses Waste Foundry sand (M20) 70

4.12 Modulus of Elasticity verses Age (M20) 71

4.13 Modulus of Elasticity verses Waste Foundry sand (M30) 72

4.14 Modulus of Elasticity verses Age (M30) 73

4.15 Modulus of Elasticity (MOE) verses Waste Foundry Sand 75

(28, 91 & 365 days)

4.16 Depth of Wear (60 min.) verses Waste Foundry Sand (M20) 76

4.17 Depth of Wear (28 days) verses Abrasion Time (M20) 77

4.18 Depth of Wear (91 days) verses Abrasion Time (M20) 78

4.19 Depth of Wear (365 days) verses Abrasion Time (M20) 78

4.20 Depth of Wear (60 min.) verses Age (M20) 79

4.21 Depth of wear (60min.) verses Waste Foundry sand (M30) 80

4.22 Depth of Wear (28 days) verses Abrasion Time (M30) 81

4.23 Depth of Wear (91 days) verses Abrasion Time (M30) 82

4.24 Depth of Wear (365 days) verses Abrasion Time (M30) 82

4.25 Depth of Wear verses Age (M30) 83

4.26 Abrasion Resistance (AR) verses Waste Foundry Sand 85

(28, 91 & 365 days)
4.27 Rapid Chloride Permeability(RCPT) verses Waste Foundry Sand 86

4.28 Rapid Chloride Permeability (RCPT) verses Age (M20) 87

4.29 Rapid Chloride Permeability(RCPT) verses Waste Foundry Sand 88


4.30 Rapid Chloride Permeability (RCPT) verses Age (M30) 89

4.31 Rapid Chloride Permeability (RCPT) verses Waste Foundry 91

Sand (28, 91& 365 days)

4.32 Weight loss verses Waste Foundry Sand (M20) 93

4.33 Weight Loss verses Age (M20) 94

4.34 Weight Loss verses Waste Foundry Sand (M30) 96

4.35 Weight Loss verses Age (M30) 97

4.36 Scaling Resistance (SR) verses Waste Foundry Sand (28, 91 & 99
365 days)

4.37 Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity verses Waste Foundry Sand (M20) 100

4.38 Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity verses Age (M20) 101

4.39 Ultrasonic pulse velocity verses Waste Foundry sand (M30) 102

4.40 Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity verses Age (M30) 103

4.41 Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity verses Waste Foundry Sand 105

(28, 91 & 365 days)

4.42 Compressive Strength verses Splitting Tensile Strength 108

4.43 Compressive Strength verses Modulus of Elasticity 108

4.44 Compressive Strength verses Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity 109

4.45 Splitting Tensile Strength verses Modulus of Elasticity 109

4.46 Splitting Tensile Strength verses Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity 110

4.47 Modulus of Elasticity verses Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity 110

4.48 Abrasion Resistance verses Ultrasonic pulse velocity 112

4.49 Abrasion Resistance verses Rapid Chloride Permeability 112


4.50 Abrasion Resistance verses Scaling Resistance 113

4.51 Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity verses Rapid Chloride Permeability 113


4.52 Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity verses Scaling Resistance 114

4.53 Rapid Chloride Permeability (RCPT) verses Scaling Resistance 114

4.54 Compressive Strength verses Rapid Chloride Permeability 116


4.55 Compressive Strength verses Abrasion Resistance 116

4.56 Compressive Strength verses Scaling Resistance 117

4.57 Splitting Tensile Strength verses Rapid Chloride Permeability 117


4.58 Splitting Tensile Strength verses Abrasion Resistance 118

4.59 Splitting Tensile Strength verses Scaling Resistance 118

4.60 Modulus of Elasticity verses Rapid Chloride Permeability 119


4.61 Modulus of Elasticity verses Abrasion Resistance 119

4.62 Modulus of Elasticity verses Scaling Resistance 120

4.63 Compressive Strength verses Splitting Tensile Strength 122

4.64 Compressive Strength verses Modulus of Elasticity 122

4.65 Compressive Strength verses Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity(USPV) 123

4.66 Splitting Tensile Strength verses Modulus of Elasticity 123

Splitting Tensile Strength verses Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity 124

4.68 Modulus of Elasticity verses Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity(USPV) 124

4.69 Abrasion Resistance verses Rapid Chloride Permeability 126


4.70 Abrasion Resistance verses Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity(USPV) 126

4.71 Abrasion Resistance verses Scaling Resistance 127

4.72 RCPT verses Scaling Resistance 127

4.73 Scaling Resistance verses Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity 128

4.74 Ultrasonic pulse velocity verses Rapid Chloride Permeability 128


4.75 Compressive Strength verses Rapid Chloride Permeability 130


4.76 Compressive Strength verses Abrasion Resistance 130

4.77 Compressive Strength verses Scaling Resistance 131

4.78 Splitting Tensile Strength verses Rapid Chloride Permeability 131


4.79 Splitting Tensile Strength verses Abrasion Resistance 132

4.80 Splitting Tensile Strength verses Scaling Resistance 132

4.81 Modulus of Elasticity verses Rapid Chloride Permeability 133


4.82 Modulus of Elasticity verses Abrasion Resistance 133

4.83 Modulus of Elasticity verses Scaling Resistance 134

4.84 X-Ray Diffraction Pattern of Mix M-1(0%WFS) 135

4.85 X-Ray Diffraction Pattern of Mix M-2(5%WFS) 136

4.86 X-Ray Diffraction Pattern of Mix M-3(10%WFS) 136

4.87 X-Ray Diffraction Pattern of Mix M-4(15%WFS) 137

4.88 X-Ray Diffraction Pattern of Mix M-5(20%WFS) 137



Concrete is the most widely used man-made construction materials in the world. Slightly more
than a ton of concrete is produced each year for every human being on the planet

Fundamentally, concrete is economical, strong, and durable. Although concrete technology

across the industry continues to rise to the demands of a changing market place. The construction
industry recognizes that considerable improvements are essential in productivity, product
performance, energy efficiency and environmental performance. The industry will need to face
and overcome a number of institutional competitive and technical challenges. One of the major
challenges with the environmental awareness and scarcity of space for land-filling is the
wastes/byproducts utilization as an alternative to disposal. Throughout the industrial sector,
including the concrete industry, the cost of environmental compliance is high. Use of industrial
by-products such as foundry sand, fly ash, bottom ash and slag can result in significant
improvements in overall industry energy efficiency and environmental performance.

The consumption of all type of aggregates has been increasing in recent years in most countries
at a rate far exceeding that suggested by the growth rate of their economy or of their construction
industries. Artificially manufactured aggregates are more expensive to produce, and the available
source of natural aggregates may be at a considerable distance from the point of use, in which
case, the cost of transporting is a disadvantage. The other factors to be considered are the
continued and expanding extraction of natural aggregates accompanied by serious environmental
problems. Often it leads to irremediable deterioration of the country side. Quarrying of
aggregates leads to disturbed surface area etc., but the aggregates from industrial wastes are not
only adding extra aggregate sources to the natural and artificial aggregate but also prevent
environmental pollution.

Foundry industry produces a large amount of by-product material during casting process. The
ferrous metal casts in foundry are cast iron and steel, non ferrous metal are aluminum, copper,


brass and bronze. Over 70% of the total by-product material consists of sand because moulds
usually consist of molding sand, which is easily available, inexpensive, resistance to heat
damage, easily bonded with binder, and other organic material in mould. Foundry industry use
high quality specific size silica sand for their molding and casting process. This is high quality
sand than the typical bank run or natural sand. Foundries successfully recycle and reuse the sand
many times in foundry. When it can no longer be reused in the foundry, it is removed from the
industry, and is termed as waste foundry sand (WFS). It is also known as spent foundry sand
(SFS) and used-foundry sand (UFS).

Waste foundry sand are by-products which appears to possess the potential to partially replace
regular sand as a fine aggregate in concretes, providing a recycling opportunity for them. If such
types of materials can be substituted partly/fully for natural sand (fine aggregates) in concrete
mixtures without sacrificing or even improving strength and durability, there are clear economic
and environmental gains. Currently, very limited literature is available on the use of these by-
products in concrete. Waste foundry sand (WFS) is one of the major issues in the management of
foundry waste. WFS are black in color and contain large amount of fines. The typical physical
and chemical property of WFS is dependent upon the type of metal being poured, casting
process, technology employed, type of furnaces (induction, electric arc and cupola) and type of
finishing process (grinding, blast cleaning and coating).


Classifications of foundry sand mainly depend primarily upon the type of binder and binder
system used in metal casting. There are two types of foundry sand; Green sand (clay bonded) and
chemically bonded. Resin coated sand, cold box sand, hot box sand and Co2 sands are some
common type of chemically bonded sand. (Mold and core test handbook, American foundry

1.2.1 Green (Clay Bonded) Sand

Green sand (clay bonded) is used for mould making and is mixture of silica sand (80-95%),
bentonite clay (4-10%), carbonaceous additive (2-10%) and water (2-5%). Large portion of the
aggregate is sand which can be either silica or olivine. There are many recipes for the proportion


of clay, but they all strike different balance between moldability, surface finish and ability of the
hot molten metal to design. It still remains very cheapest way to cast metal because of easy
availability. Other minor ingredients are flour, cereals, rice hulls and starches. Silica sand is the
bulk medium that resist the high temperature, bentonite clay bind the sand grain together, water
activate the binding action of clay on sand and add plasticity. Carbonaceous additive prevent the
fusing of sand on to the casting surface. Minor ingredients absorb moisture, improve the fluidity
of sand. Green sand (clay bonded sand) also contains some chemical like Magnesium oxide
(MgO), Potassium dioxide (K2O), Titanium dioxide (TiO2). About 85% of green sand molding
used for cast iron in the world. Green sand is not green in color but green in the sense that it is
used in a wet stage.

1.2.2 Chemically Bonded Sand

Chemically bonded sand is used in both core making and mould making. In core making, high
strength is necessary to withstand against high temperature. Chemically bonded sand is mixing
of silica sand and chemical binder (1-3%) for mould and core. When binder mixes with the silica
sand, then catalyst start the reaction that cures the chemical resin and hardens the sand core or
mould. There are various chemical binder system used in foundry industry, some of the binder
are furfuryl alcohol, phenolic urethane, phenolic no bake-acid, phenolic resole-ester, sodium
silicate, phosphate, alkyd (oil) urethane, shell liquid/powered and flake resins. Some of the most
common chemically bonded sands are resins coated sand, hot box, cold box and Co2 sand.
Majority of binder used in the foundry are self setting chemical binder. The following sand
binder or binder system in their sand mold process are Sodium silicate, phenolic urethanes,
phenolic esters, phenolic hot box, phenolic nobake, furan nobake, furan warm box, sulphur
dioxide, alkyd urethane and alkyd oil based core oil and epoxy SO2. Colour of the chemically
bonded sand is light than clay bonded sand.


1.3.1 Physical Properties

Generally, waste foundry sand (WFS) is sub-angular to round in shape. Green sands are black or
grey, whereas chemically bonded sands are of medium tan or off-white color. Grain size


distribution of waste foundry sand is uniform with 85-95% of the material in between 0.6 mm to
0.15 mm and approximately 5 to 20% of foundry sand can be smaller than 0.075 mm. Dayton et
al. (2010) mentioned that sand (0.05 to 2 mm) was the dominant size fraction in the 39 spent
foundry sands ranging from 76.6% to 100% with a median of 90.3%.The specific gravity of
foundry sand varies between 2.39 and 2.79. Waste foundry sand has low absorption capacity and
is non-plastic. Physical properties of waste foundry as reported by Javed and Lovell (1994), Naik
et al. (2001), Guney et al. (2010) and Siddique et al. (2011), are given in Table 1.1

Carey and Sturtz (1995) have reported that physical properties of WFS such as Particle
gradation, fine contents, density, and absorption and specific gravity help to recognize its
workability and suitability in flow able fill. Deng and Tikalsky (2008) have reported that
variation in the density (1052–1554 kg/m3), specific gravity (2.38–2.72) and absorption (0.38–
4.15%) measurements may be attributed to the variation in sand mineralogy, particle gradation,
grain shapes and fine contents. Good gradation and round shape lead to a compact structure and
high density. Correlation of absorption with fine content and grain size can be interpreted by the
law that a finer particle leads to a higher specific surface area, which favors the absorption of
Table 1.1: Typical Physical Properties of Waste Foundry Sand

Property Javed and Lovell Naik et al. Guney et al. Siddique et al.
(1994) (2001) (2010) (2011)
Specific gravity 2.39-2.55 2.79 2.45 2.61
Fineness modulus - 2.32 - 1.78
Unit Weight (kg/m3) - 1784 - 1638
Absorption (%) 0.45 5.0 - 1.3
Moisture content (%) 0.1-10.1 - 3.25 -
Clay lumps and 1- 44 0.4 - 0.9
friable particles
Materials finer than - 1.08 24 18
75µm (%)


1.3.2 Chemical Properties

Chemical composition of the waste foundry sand depends on the type of metal, type of binder
and combustible used. The chemical composition of the foundry sand may influence its
performance. Waste foundry sand is rich in silica content. It is coated with a thin film of burnt
carbon, residual binder (bentonite, sea coal, resins/chemicals) and dust. Silica sand is hydrophilic
and consequently attracts water to its surface. Chemical composition of WFS as reported by
American Foundryman’s Society ( 1991), Guney et al. (2010), Etxeberria et al. (2010) and
Siddique et al. (2011) is given in Table 1.2

Johnson (1981) indicated that depending on the binder and type of metal cast, the pH of waste
foundry sand can vary between 4 and 8. It has been reported that some waste foundry sands can
be corrosive to metals (MNR,1992). Due to the presence of phenols in foundry sand, it raises
concerns that precipitation percolating through stockpiles could mobilize leachable fractions,
resulting in phenol discharges into surface or ground water supplies.

Table 1.2: Chemical Composition of Foundry Sand

Constituent Value (%)
American Guney et al. Etxeberria et al. Siddique et al.
Foundryman’s (2010) (2010) (2011)
Society ( 1991)
SiO2 87.91 98 95.10 78.81
Al2O3 4.70 0.8 1.47 6.32
Fe2O3 0.94 0.25 0.49 4.83
CaO 0.14 0.035 0.19 1.88
MgO 0.30 0.023 0.19 1.95
SO3 0.09 0.01 0.03 0.05
Na2O 0.19 0.04 0.26 0.10
K2O 0.25 0.04 0.68 -
TiO2 0.15 - 0.04 -
Mn2O3 0.02 - -
SrO 0.03 - -
LOI 5.15 - 1.32 2.15


1.3.3 Mechanical Properties

Waste foundry sand has good durability properties as measured by low Micro-Deval abrasion
(Ontario Ministry of Transportation, Canada 1996). Javed and Lovell (1994) have revealed
relatively high soundness loss, which may be due to the samples of bound sand loss and not a
breakdown of individual sand particles. The angle of shearing resistance (also known as friction
angle) of waste foundry sand varies between 33 and 40 degrees, which is comparable to that of
conventional sands. Typical mechanical properties of waste foundry sand are given in Table 1.3

Table 1.3: Typical Mechanical Properties of Spent Foundry Sand

Property Results
Micro-deval abrasion loss (%)
Magnesium sulfate soundness loss 5 - 15
(%)(MNR–1992) 6 - 47
Friction angle (deg) 33 - 40
California bearing ratio (%) (Javed
4 - 20
and Lovell 1994)

1.3.4 Potential Contamination

Casting processes used in foundries involve a variety of sands, inorganic or organic binders and
other additives, which generate residues in sand. The presence of these residues, mixing of waste
sand with dust and other fine-grained foundry waste materials, limit the reuse of foundry sand.
Foundries use screening systems and magnetic separators to segregate reusable sand from other
wastes and to separate particles of varying sizes. By carefully monitoring the casting process and
waste sand, foundries can ensure that their sand is largely free from excess contaminants and
qualifies as a non-hazardous industrial by-product (FIRST, 2004).

The binder system is the primary source of organic contaminants in sand. Green sand casting,
which generally does not involve the use of organic binders, has lower potential for leaching


organic compounds than chemically bonded systems depending upon the curing and pouring
process. The more reactive organic compounds commonly used in binders and resins are of
special concern because they can be transformed into new hazardous compounds under
incomplete combustion conditions. Testing has not indicated that these reactive compounds are
found at significant concentrations in sand (FIRST–2004).


In foundry processes, sand from collapsed moulds or cores can be reclaimed and then reused.
Some new sand and binder is then added to maintain the quality of the casting and to make up
for sand lost during normal operations (Javed and Lovell, 1994). Foundry sand is produced by
different foundry classes. The ferrous foundries (gray iron, ductile iron and steel) produce the
most sand and aluminum, copper, brass and bronze produce the rest. The sands from the brass,
bronze and copper foundries are generally not reused. Little information is available regarding
the amount of foundry sand that is used for purposes other than in-plant reclamation but waste
foundry sand has been used as a fine aggregate substitute in construction applications and as kiln
feed in the manufacture of Portland cement. Most of the waste foundry sand from green sand
operations is land-filled, sometimes being used as a supplemental cover. Fiore and Zanetti (2007)
studied the foundry sand reuse and recycling. They investigated the foundry sand of varying
sizes. On the grounds of the gathered results, they concluded that residues may be divided in
three categories according to the particle-size dimensions: below 0.1 mm, between 0.1 to 0.6 mm
and above 0.6 mm. The fraction above 0.6 mm, mainly made of metallic iron, may be reused in
the furnaces. The fraction between 0.1 mm to 0.6 mm may be reused in cores production after a
regeneration treatment. The fraction between 0.1 to 0.025 mm may be recycled as raw material
for the concrete industry and the below 0.025 mm fraction may be reused in green molding
operations. An economic evaluation of the proposed reuse and recycling solutions was
performed. Fig. 1.1 shows the recycling of foundry sand.


Return Sand Storage New Sand Storage

Excess Return
Sand to Waste Additives
Bentonite Sea Coal

Sand Waste Mold

Screen Sand Making Cores from Core Making

Return Sand
System Molten
Return Sand

Shakeout Casting to Cleaning

and Finishing
Cores and Mold Lumps to
Mechanical Reclamation

Fig.1.1: Recycling of Foundry Sand


Hindman et al (2008) conduct a green house experiment to determine the suitability of waste
foundry sand from ferrous and non ferrous foundry in soil by measuring the plant growth, plant
uptake and leaching of nutrient, trace metals, metalloids and organic. They observed that use of
waste foundry sand in soil will not increase the risk of trace element or organic contamination
transport to surrounding soil and water.


Dungan and Dees (2006) conducted a 28-day experiment with the earthworm Eisenia Fetida and
6 different waste foundry sands to assess the bioavailability of metals in soil blends up to 50%
foundry sands. Based upon the earthworm mortality and metal accumulation data, the study
suggests that waste sands from the iron, aluminum and steel foundries do not pose an
ecotoxicological or metal transfer risk. However earthworms in soil blends using sands from a
brass foundry suffered excessive mortality and metal uptake.

In 2002, in Unitted States, an effort to identify the risks and benefits of using foundry sand from
ferrous and aluminum foundries was initiated. Partners in the effort included the US Department
of Agriculture-Agricultural Research Service, the Ohio State University, the Pennsylvania State
University and US EPA. Using the metal and organic constituent levels from foundry sands from
more than 30 iron, steel, and aluminum foundries, EPA and USDA modeled several exposure
pathways associated with the use of foundry sands in a soil blend. Exposure pathways included:
inhalation, groundwater ingestion, and ingestion of vegetables grown in a home gardener
scenario. The draft study concluded that non-olivine sands from iron, steel and aluminum
foundries do not pose a threat to human health or the environment when used in roadway sub-
base or as an ingredient in manufactured soils or soil-less media. The study was submitted for
peer review and a final report is pending (US EPA 2010).


Indian foundries produce approximately 1.71 million tons of waste foundry sand each year
(Metal World, 2006). In United States of America, metal casting foundries dispose of
approximately 9 million metric tons of waste foundry sand (WFS) in landfills in 2000 (Winkler
and Bol’shakov, 2000). United States’s average land-filling tipping fee of foundry byproducts is
US $15-75 per ton inclusive of storage, transportation and labour costs (Winkler et al. 1999). The
annual cost of WFS disposal was around US $ 135- 675 million. The considerable disposal
expense has made the current practice of WFS disposal in landfills less favorable. Besides the
financial burden to the foundries, land-filling WFS also makes them liable for future
environmental costs, remediation problems and regulation restrict ions. This issue is increasingly
addressed by alternate options of reusing WFS beneficially. Waste foundry sand is made up of


mostly natural sand material. Its properties are similar to the properties of natural or
manufactured sand. Thus it can normally be used as a replacement of sand.

Beneficial reuses of WFS span a variety of applications related to infrastructure engineering and
rehabilitation works. Some of the researchers have reported the possible use of waste foundry
sand in different civil engineering applications, which are given in Table 1.4. These alternate
applications offer cost savings for both foundries and user industries and an environmental
benefits at the local and national level.

Table 1.4: Uses of WFS in Various Applications

Author’s Name Application

Javed and Lovell(1994), Traeger(1987), Kleven et al.(2000),
MOEE(1993), AFS(1991), Abichou et al.(1998), Mast and
Fox(1998), Kirk(1998) and Gunney et al.(2006)

. Nail et al. (2003; 2004), Tikalsky et al. (1998) and Siddique et

Controlled low strength
Dungan et al. (2006), Deng and Tikalsky (2008)
Geotechnical Field
Braham A. (2002)
Hot Mix Asphalt
Ham RK and Boyle (1981), Fero et al. (1986), Engroff et al.
Leachate Characteristic
(1989), Siddique et al. (2010) and Dungan et al. (2009)

Seung-Whee and Woo-Keun(2006), Naga and El-

Maghraby(2003), Pereiraa et al. (2006) and Quaranta et al. (2004) Ceramic material

El Haggar and El Hatow(2009)

Manhole cover
Periraa et al. (2004)
Refractory Mortars
Interization and Reuse of
Colombo et al. (2003), Ferraris et al. (2001),
Waste materials by
Geo and Drummond (1999)
Santurde et al. (2011)
Clay Brick



1.7.1 Significance in Research Area

With ever increasing quantities of industrial byproducts and waste materials, solid waste
management has become the principal environmental concerns in the world. Scarcity of land-
filling space and due to its ever increasing cost, utilization/recycling of byproducts/waste has
become an attractive alternative to disposal. Several types of byproducts and waste materials are
generated. Each of these waste products has specific effects on the properties of cement-based
materials. The utilization of such materials in concrete not only makes it economical, but also do
help in reducing disposal problems. Reuse of bulk wastes is considered the best environmental
alternative for solving the problem of disposal. One of such industrial byproducts is Waste
foundry sand (WFS). Waste foundry sand is a by-product of ferrous and nonferrous metal casting
industries. Foundries successfully recycle and reuse the sand many times in a foundry. When the
sand can no longer be reused in the foundry, it is removed from the foundry and is termed as
waste foundry sand.

1.7.2 Gap in the Research Area

The Indian metal casting is well established. Indian Foundry Industry is the 4th largest casting
producer in the world (Metal World, 2006). There are more than 5,000 foundry units in India,
having an installed capacity of approximately 7.5 million tons per annum. The majority (nearly
95%) of the foundry units in India falls under the category of small-scale industry (Metal World,
2007). These foundry units generate approximately 1710000t (1.71 million Tons) waste foundry
sand per year (The Institute of Indian Foundry men). In Punjab region, there are approximately
750 foundries. The main clusters of foundries are Batala (450), Ludhiana (150) and Jalandher
(150). Punjab region generate approx. 170000t (0.17 million tons) waste foundry sand per year.

Not much work has been reported on the use of waste foundry sand (WFS) in concrete. In the
present research, experimental investigations will be carried out to investigate the effect of waste
foundry sand (WFS) as partial replacement of fine aggregate on the strength and durability
properties of concrete.


1.7.3 Objective of the Research Work

Keeping in mind the gap in the research area, the objective of this study is to determine the
strength and durability properties of concrete of two Grades (20 and 30 MPa) of concrete
containing WFS (0 to 20% at an increment of 5%) as partial replacement of fine aggregate.
Following are the objectives of this study:
 Characterization (Physical and Chemical Properties) of waste foundry sand
 Study of strength properties such as compressive strength, splitting tensile strength and
modulus of elasticity at the ages of 7, 28, 91 and 365 days
 Study of durability properties such as chloride permeability, abrasion resistance, and
deicing salt scaling resistance at the ages of 28, 91 and 365 days
 Non-destructive testing (Rebound Hammer and USPV) on concrete cubes
 Comparative study of strength and durability properties results of both the grades of
concrete containing waste foundry sand
 Statistical analysis of the results would be carried out


The thesis consists in five chapters:

Chapter 1 introduces the need for concrete with industrial by-products; by products used i.e.
foundry sand their types and beneficial uses and global production in brief of these by-products
and the objectives of the present work.

Chapter 2 reviews the existing literature on the use of foundry sand in concrete, various fresh
properties, strength and durability properties of concrete using waste foundry sand.

Chapter 3 details the materials used with their properties, initial mix design, casting of
specimens for studying various properties and methodology adopted for testing of different

Chapter 4 presents the results, and their analysis for the fresh properties, strength properties
such as compressive strength, splitting tensile strength, modulus of elasticity and durability


properties like abrasion resistance, deicing salt surface scaling and rapid chloride penetration
resistance of the mixes with waste foundry sand along with the XRD to identify the presence of
various compounds of the concrete with foundry sand in varying percentages replacement of fine

Chapter 5 summarizes and concludes the findings of the study. Few recommendations for
further studies are also discussed.

References are placed at the end.


This chapter discusses about the (i) types, properties, uses and applications of WFS in civil
engineering; (ii) risk evaluation of waste foundry sand; (iii) significance of this research work
and the need to investigate the effect of waste foundry sand (WFS) as partial replacement of fine
aggregate on the strength and durability properties of concrete was discussed.


Due to ever increasing quantities of waste materials and industrial by-products, solid waste
management is the prime concern in the world. Scarcity of land-filling space, because of its ever
increasing cost, recycling and utilization of industrial by-products and waste materials has
become an attractive proposition to disposal. There are several types of industrial by-products
and waste materials. The utilization of such materials in concrete not only makes it economical
but also helps in reducing disposal concerns. Natural sand is getting depleted due to large scale
construction. So it is important to find out an alternative of natural sand, which can be used as
partial replacement of natural sand (fine aggregate). There are several types of waste
material/byproducts, which have been explored for possible use in concrete as a partial
replacement of fine aggregate. Such types of materials are coal bottom ash, recycled fine
aggregate, sewage sludge ash, stone dust and glass cullet, and waste foundry sand, etc.

Celik et al. (1996), Sahu et al. (2003), Tripathy and Barai (2006) and Shi-cong et al (2009) have
reported the use of stone dust (SD) as partial replacement of fine aggregate. Celik et al. (1996)
reported that increasing the dust content up to 10% improve the compressive strength and flexure
strength of concrete. Sahu et al. (2003) concluded that there is significant increase in
compressive strength, modulus of rupture and split tensile strength of concrete when sand was
partially replaced by stone dust up to 40 percent. Tripathy and Barai (2006) investigated the
compressive strength of mortar made with crusher stone dust (CSD) under normal, hot water
curing and autoclaving curing. They concluded that up to 40% cement replacement by crusher
stone dust and autoclave curing of mortar mix, gave same or better compressive strength than the
control mortar mix (without CSD and normal curing). Shi-cong et al (2009) investigated the
properties of concrete with crushed fine stone (CFS), furnace bottom ash (FBA) and fine
recycled aggregate (FRA) as a fine aggregate. The test results showed that when furnace bottom
ash and CSD was used as a fine aggregate to replace natural aggregates, the concrete exhibited

Literature Review

higher compressive strength, lower drying shrinkage and higher resistance to the chloride-ion

Cyr et al. (2007) used sewage sludge ash (SSA) in cement based materials. They observed that
compressive strength of mortars containing 25% and 50% of SSA was always lower than those
of reference mortars but it shown that SSA has a long term positive effect which might be related
to a slight pozzolanic activity.

Aggerwal et al. (2007), Kim et al. (2011) and Bilir (2012) reported the effect of coal bottom ash
as replacement of fine aggregate in concrete. Aggarwal et al. (2007) carried out experimental
investigation to study the effect of bottom coal ash. Compressive strength, flexural strength and
splitting tensile strength tests were carried out with 0% to 50% replacement. They concluded that
compressive strength of concrete containing 50% bottom ash is acceptable for most structural
application. Kim et al. (2011) investigated the mechanical properties of high strength concrete.
The compressive strength was unchanged and the flexural strength of concrete almost linearly
decreased as the replacement ratio of the fine bottom ash was increased. The modulus of rupture
was decreased to 19.5% and 24.0% in accordance with 100% replacement of normal aggregates
with coarse bottom ash (CBA). It was also found that compressive strength was not affected by
the replacement of fine aggregate with CBA. Bilir (2012) investigated the effect of non-ground
coal bottom ash (NGCBA) and non-ground granulated blast furnace slag (NGGBFS) on
durability properties of concrete. He concluded that replacement of fine aggregate up to 40%
NGGBFS and up to 30% NGCBA, concrete has very low chloride permeability.

Khatib (2005), Rakshvir and Barai (2006), Evangelista et al. (2007), Rao et al. (2007) and
Soutsos et al. (2011) studied the properties of concrete incorporating recycled aggregate. Khatib
(2005) used recycled fine aggregate to study mechanical properties. The fine aggregate in
concrete was replaced with 0, 25, 50 and 100% recycled aggregate. Beyond 28 days of curing,
the rate of strength development in concrete containing recycled aggregate was higher than that
of the control mix indicating cementing action in the presence of fine recycled aggregate.
Rakshvir and Barai (2006) studied on recycled aggregate based concrete. They studied various
physical and mechanical properties of recycled concrete. It was observed that compressive
strength showed a decrease up to 10% with the increase in recycled aggregate content.

Literature Review

Evangelista et al. (2007) concluded that the use of fine recycled concrete aggregates does not
jeopardize the mechanical properties of concrete, for replacement ratios up to 30%. Rao et al.
(2007) reported the use of aggregate from construction and demolition waste in concrete. They
reported that the use of these waste is suitable for making good qualityconcrete. Soutsos et al.
(2011) concluded that compressive and tensile splitting strength of paving blocks made with
recycled demolition aggregate determined levels of replacement which produced similar
mechanical properties to paving blocks made with newly quarried aggregates.

Park et al. (2004), Shayan et al. (2005) and Idir et al. (2011) studied the use of waste glass as a
partial replacement of fine aggregate in concrete. Park et al. (2004) reported that compressive,
tensile, and flexural strength of concrete containing waste glass aggregates demonstrated a
decreasing tendency along with an increase in the mixing ratio of the waste glass aggregates. The
concrete containing waste glass aggregates of 30% mixing ratio gave the highest strength
properties. Shayan et al. (2005) concluded that strength gain was slower in glass powder bearing
concrete up to 28 days, but at the age of 404 days all the mixtures exceeded the 40 MPa target
and achieved about 55 MPa strength and glass powder also reduced the chloride ion penetrability
of the concrete. Idir et al. (2011) investigated the pozzolanic properties of fine and coarse mixed
glass cullet. The result showed that the pozzolanic activity increases with glass fineness. Due to
this activity compressive strength of mortar is increased by 10%.

Aggarwal et al. (2006) investigated the use of fly ash, slag, silica fume and marble dust as
replacement of cement on the compressive strength of cement mortar. The result showed that the
replacement of various industrial wastes (up to 20%) improved the compressive strength of

Mishra et al. (1994) investigate the effect of blast furnace slag, fly ash and silica fume on
permeability of concrete. Rapid chloride permeability test was performed to check the quality of
concrete. They concluded that use of these waste in concrete decreased the permeability of
concrete and increases the quality of concrete.

Cwirzen A. (2010) reported the effect of nano-materials on physical properties of cementations

matrixes. The results showed that mechanical properties such as compressive and flexural
strength can be increased up to 50% by addition of 0.23wt% of carbon nano-tubes. Carbon nano-

Literature Review

tubes and carbon nano-fibres and/or nano-silica appeared to improve frost resistance. Other
properties such as autogenous shrinkage decreased significantly after addition of carbon nano-
fibres. Nano-silica enabled an immense densification of the hydrated binder matrix, which in
turn improved for instance the durability and mechanical properties.



There is another industrial waste, which is called waste foundry sand (WFS). It is also known as
spent foundry sand (SFS) and used-foundry sand (UFS). Use of waste foundry sand in concrete
and concrete related products like bricks, blocks and paving stones has been reported by Khatib
and Ellis (2001), Naik et al. (2003), Naik et al. (2004), Fiore and Zanetti (2007), Siddique et al.
(2009; 2011), Etxeberria et al. (2010) and Guney et al. (2010). Bakis et al. (2006) reported the
use of waste foundry sand (WFS) in asphalt concrete. In this section literature related to the,
effect of waste foundry sand in concrete, is reported properties wise.

2.2.1 Workability (Slump)

Guney et al. (2010) studied the effect of waste foundry sand (WFS) on the slump of concrete.
Fine aggregates were partially replaced with 0, 5, 10 and 15% WFS. It was observed that waste
foundry sand decreased the fluidity and the slump value of the fresh concrete. This may be
probably due to the presence of clayey type fine materials in the waste foundry sand, which are
effective in decreasing the fluidity of the fresh concrete
Etxeberria et al. (2010) determined the slump of concrete containing chemical foundry sand and
green foundry sand. The mixture proportion on concrete made with chemical foundry sand was
300 kg cement, 447.5 kg foundry sand, 399.6 kg natural sand and 1150 kg coarse aggregates per
cubic meter of concrete, with water/cement ratio of 0.61, whereas, proportion of concrete with
green foundry sand was 300 Kg cement, 326 kg foundry sand, 458 kg natural sand and 1150 kg
coarse aggregates with water/cement ratio of 0.69. Values of slump were 150 mm and 75 mm
for concrete made with chemical foundry sand and green foundry sand respectively.

Literature Review

2.2.2 Water Absorption and Void Ratio

Guney et al. (2010) determined the water absorption and void ratio of concrete containing WFS
as partial replacement of fine aggregates. Water absorption test for each mixture was conducted
at the age of 28 and 56 days. It was observed that (i) water absorption of the concrete with 5%
waste foundry sand are higher than that of the concrete without waste foundry sand at the age of
56 days; (ii) water absorption ratio decreased for the specimens having waste foundry sand of 10,
and 15%. This may be explained as the usage of waste foundry sand decreases the voids in the
concrete. Therefore water absorption values have tendency to decrease in the specimens with
greater waste foundry sand than 5%; (iii) void ratio of the samples with and without waste
foundry sand are similar to the water absorption test results. Greater than 5% replacement of
waste foundry sand with fine sand, void ratio decreases for all ages.

2.2.3 Compressive Strength and Modulus of Elasticity

Khatib and Ellis (2001) studied the influence of three types of foundry sand as a partial
replacement of fine aggregate on the compressive strength of concrete, up to the age of 90 days.
Three types of sand used in foundries were; the white fine sand without the addition of clay and
coal, the foundry sand before casting (blended) and the foundry sand after casting (waste). The
standard sand (Class M) was partially replaced by (0, 25, 50, 75 and 100%) these sands. They
concluded that (i) with the increase in the replacement level of standard sand with foundry sand,
the strength of concrete decreased; (ii) the concrete containing white sand showed somewhat
similar strength to those containing waste sand at all replacement levels; (iii) presence of high
percentage of blended sand in the concrete mixture caused a reduction in strength as compared
with concrete incorporating white sand or waste sand; (iv) increase in strength was not observed
at low replacement levels (less than 50%).

Naik et al. (2003) performed an investigation to develop technology for manufacturing cast-
concrete products using Class F fly ash, coal-combustion bottom ash, and used-foundry sand. A
total of 18 mixture proportions with and without the by-products were developed for
manufacture of bricks, blocks and paving stones. Replacement rates, by mass, for sand with

Literature Review

either spent foundry sand or bottom ash were 25 and 35%. Analysis of test data revealed that
bricks with up to 25% replacement of cement and blocks with up to 25% replacement of cement
and sand with recycled materials are suitable for use in both cold and warm climates. Other
bricks and blocks were appropriate for building interior walls in cold regions and both interior
and exterior walls in warm regions. For brick and paving stone, compressive strength was
measure at the ages of 5, 28, 56, 91 and 288 days whereas for blocks, it was done at the ages of
7, 14, 28 and 91 days. They concluded that;
(i) Bricks with partial replacement of cement with fly ash (FA) showed slightly higher
strength than the control while considerable reduction in strength was observed when a
part of sand was substituted with bottom ash (BA). This was attributed to the lower
strength of porous BA compared to sand. Substitution of part of the sand with spent
foundry sand in brick mixes caused a small reduction in strength. All mixes, except for
those with partial substitution of sand with BA, met the compressive strength requirement
of ASTM C 55 for Grade N (24MPa) bricks from about three to 18 days of age. Mixes
containing BA met the strength requirement for Grade S (17MPa) bricks from the age of
about 18 days.
(ii) All the paving stone mixes showed considerable strength gain with time. Paving stones
with FA showed higher strength than the control mix throughout the test. Partial
replacement of sand with BA caused a large reduction in compressive strength. Unlike
bricks and blocks, partial replacement of sand with SFS, as in paving stones caused
considerable reduction in strength. Overall, none of the paving stones met the compressive
strength requirement of ASTM C 936 for solid concrete paving units (55MPa).
(iii) All the block mixes except the one exceeded minimum compressive strength requirement
of ASTM C 90 (13MPa).
(iv) Up to 25% of sand in blocks could be replaced with either BA or SFS in cold regions; and
up to 35% of sand in bricks and blocks could be replaced with either BA or SFS for use
where frost action is not a concern.

Naik et al. (2004) investigated the effect of waste foundry sand on the compressive strength of
wet-cast concrete bricks and paving stones. It was observed that (i) wet-cast bricks that meet the
minimum compressive strength requirement of ASTM C 55 for Grade N (min. strength 24 MPa)
could be produced with concrete (having strength as low as 14 MPa cylindrical strength)

Literature Review

containing spent foundry sand; (ii) wet-cast paving stone that meet the minimum strength
requirement of ASTM C 936 (min. strength 55 MPa) could be produced with concrete (having
strength as low as 40 MPa cylindrical strength) containing spent foundry sand.

Siddique et al. (2009) investigated the effect of waste foundry sand (WFS) as partial
replacement of fine aggregate on the compressive strength and modulus of elasticity of concrete.
Compressive strength and modulus of elasticity of concrete mixtures made with and without
foundry sand was determined at 7, 28, 56, 91, and 365 days of curing. They concluded that (i)
there was marginal increase in the compressive strength of concrete mixtures with the inclusion
of foundry sand as partial replacement of regular sand. At 28 days, Control Mixture M-1(0%
WFS) achieved a compressive strength of 28.5 MPa, whereas Mixtures M-2 (10% FS), M-3
(20% FS), M-4 (30% WFS) achieved a compressive strength of 29.7, 30.0 and 31.3 MPa
respectively; an increase of 4.2%, 5.2% and 9.8% in comparison with the strength of Control
Mixture M-1 (0% WFS). Compressive strength of concrete mixtures also increased with age.
With the increase in age (from 56 to 365 days), percentage increase in compressive strength for
control mixture (0% WFS) was between 8 to 18%, between 11.4 to 18.8% for mixture M-2,
between 12 to 20% for mixture M-3, and between 12.4 to 20% for mixture M-4. Increase in the
compressive strength of concrete mixes incorporating used foundry sand indicated that foundry
sand could be successfully used in making concrete as partial replacement of fine aggregate. The
increase in compressive strength with the inclusion of foundry sand could probably be due to the
fact that foundry sand was finer than regular sand which resulted in the denser concrete matrix
and also due the silica content present in the foundry sand. Javed and Lovell (1994) reported
similar results, wherein they concluded that used foundry sand can be suitably used as partial
replacement of fine aggregates without affecting the performance of asphalt concrete. In this
research also, inclusion of foundry sand has not adversely affected the 28-day compressive
strength of concrete mixtures made with foundry sand but has shown an increase between 4.2 to
9.8% depending upon the foundry sand content. Increase in the compressive strength of concrete
mixes incorporating waste foundry sand indicated that foundry sand could be successfully used
in making concrete as partial replacement of fine aggregate. Foundry sand marginally enhanced
the modulus of elasticity of concrete mixtures. At 28-day, Control Mixture M-1 (0% WFS)
achieved a modulus of elasticity of 25.1 GPa, whereas Mixture M-2 (10% WFS), M-3 (20%
WFS) and M-4 (30% WFS) achieved a modulus of elasticity of 26.75, 27.60, and 28.4GPa
Literature Review

respectively. It is also evident that modulus of elasticity of all mixtures continued to increase
with age. Increase in modulus of elasticity varied between 5.2 to 12% depending upon foundry
sand content and age of testing.

Guney et al. (2010) examined the influence of inclusion of WFS as partial replacement of fine
aggregates on the compressive strength and modulus of elasticity of concrete up to the age of 56
days. Fine aggregates were partially replaced with 0, 5, 10 and 15% WFS. It was observed that
the concrete with 10% waste foundry sand replacement exhibited highest compressive strength at
the age of 56 days. Compressive strength decreased with an increasing amount of foundry sand.
The concrete with 10% waste foundry replacement may indicate the optimum reallocation
amount of waste foundry sand. The concrete with 10% waste foundry sand shows almost the
same strength of control concrete mixture; whereas the other entire waste foundry added
mixtures exhibit lower values than that of the control. This may indicate that the particle size
distribution of the mixture with 10% waste foundry sand has sufficient adherence than the other
mixtures with waste foundry sand. On the other hand, it is obvious that static modulus of
elasticity is a function of the compressive strength of concrete. If the compressive strength of
concrete increases then static modulus of elasticity also increases and vice versa.

Etxeberria et al. (2010) studied the effect of two types of foundry sands on the 28-day
compressive strength and modulus of elasticity of concrete. Types of foundry sand used were
chemical foundry sand and green foundry sand. The mix proportion of concrete made with
chemical foundry sand was 300 kg cement, 447.5 kg foundry sand, 399.6 kg natural sand and
1150 kg coarse aggregates per cubic meter of concrete, with water/cement ratio of 0.61 and
concrete mixture with green foundry sand was 300 kg cement, 326 kg foundry sand, 458 kg
natural sand and 1150 kg coarse aggregates with water/cement ratio of 0.69. Test results
indicated that concrete with chemical foundry sand achieved 28-day strength of 28.4 MPa, where
as it was 25 MPa for green foundry sand concrete. Modulus of elasticity values at 28 days were
27.92 GPa and 27.39 GPa for concrete incorporating chemical foundry sand and green foundry
sand, respectively.

Literature Review

2.2.4 Splitting Tensile Strength

Bakis et al. (2006) explored the possible use of waste foundry sand (WFS) in asphalt concrete.
In asphalt Concrete mixtures, fine aggregates were replaced with 0, 4, 7, 10, 14, 17 and 20%
WFS. Indirect tensile strength tests were conducted as per AASTHO (1989). As the percentage
of WFS was increased, the strength of the asphalt concrete mixtures linearly decreased, yielding
values from 1.39 MPa with 0% WFS to 0.94 MPa with 20% WFS.

Siddique et al. (2009) determined the effect of waste foundry sand (WFS) as partial replacement
of fine aggregate on the splitting tensile strength of concrete. The splitting tensile strength of
concrete mixtures made with and without foundry sand was measured at the ages of 7, 28, 56, 91
and 365 days. The variation in the splitting-tensile strength with foundry sand content was
similar to that observed in case of the compressive strength. Splitting-tensile strength of concrete
mixtures increased with the increase in foundry sand content. At 28-day, splitting tensile strength
of control mixture M-1 (0% WFS) was 2.75 MPa, whereas mixtures M-2 (10% WFS), M-3 (20%
WFS) and M-4 (30% WFS) achieved strength of 2.85, 2.9 and 3.0 MPa respectively; a marginal
increase of 3.6, 5.4 and 9% in comparison with the strength of the control mixture M-1 (0%
WFS). Splitting tensile strength was found to increase with age. At 56-day, mixtures M-1 (0%
WFS), M-2 (10% WFS), M-3 (20% WFS) and M-4 (30% WFS) achieved a strength of 2.93, 3.1,
3.17 and 3.24 MPa respectively; an increase of 6.5, 8.8, 9.3 and 8% in comparison with 28-day
strength. Similar trend was also observed with 91 and 365-day splitting-tensile strength results.
With the increase in age from 56 to 365 days, percentage increase in splitting tensile strength for
control mixture (0% WFS) was between 6.5 to 12.7%, 8.7 to 13% for mixture M-2, 9.3 to 14.5%
for mixture M-3 and 8 to 15% for mixture M-4.

Guney et al. (2010) determined the splitting tensile strength of concrete made with WFS as
partial replacement of fine aggregates. The splitting tensile strength values of 5 and 15% waste
foundry sand replaced specimens are lower than that of the control one; the specimens replaced
with 10% waste foundry sand have slightly higher values than control mix (without foundry

Etxeberria et al. (2010) investigated the effect of chemical foundry sand and green foundry
sand on the 28-day splitting tensile strength of concrete. The mix proportion on concrete made

Literature Review

with chemical foundry sand was 300 kg cement, 447.5 kg foundry sand, 399.6 kg natural sand
and 1150 kg coarse aggregates per cubic meter of concrete, with water/cement ratio of 0.61,
where was proportion of concrete mixture with green foundry sand was 300 kg cement, 326 kg
foundry sand, 458 kg natural sand and 1150 kg coarse aggregates with water/cement ratio of
0.69. Test results indicated that both concretes made with chemical foundry sand and green sand
achieved same strength (2.9 MPa).

2.2.5 Flexural Strength

Siddique et al. (2009) investigated influence of foundry sand (FS) as partial replacement of fine
aggregate on the flexural strength of concrete. The flexural strength of concrete mixtures made
with and without foundry sand was measured at the ages of 7, 28, 56, 91 and 365 days. Like
compressive and splitting-tensile strength, flexural strength of concrete mixtures increased
marginally with the increase in foundry sand content. At 28-day, splitting-tensile strength of
Control Mixture M-1 (0% WFS) was 3.41 MPa whereas Mixtures M-2 (10% WFS), M-3 (20%
WFS) and M-4 (30% WFS) achieved strength of 4, 4.1, and 4.18 MPa respectively; an increase
of 2.0%, 5.6% and 9% in comparison with the strength of the Control Mixture M-1 (0% WFS).
From these results, it is also evident that flexural strength increased with the age. Between 28
and 365 days, control mixture M-1 (without WFS) achieved an increase of 7.3 to 13.2%, whereas
increase was between 10.6 to 14.9% for mixture M-2 (10% WFS), 7 to 10.8% for mixture M-3
(20% WFS) and 7.1 to 12.3% for mixture M-4 (30% WFS).

2.2.6 Freezing and Thawing Resistance

Naik et al. (2003) studied the effect WFS on the freezing and thawing (F&T) resistance of
bricks, paving stones and blocks. Tests were performed according to ASTM C 1262. Freezing
and thawing tests on bricks and paving stones were started at the age of 74 days and for blocks, it
was 154 days. Based on the test results, they reported that (i) brick mixtures reached the critical
value (0.2%) of weight loss at about 92, 150, 30, 18, 40 and 12 cycles of F&T respectively.
Partial substitution of sand with WFS caused a sharp drop in F&T life of bricks, in spite of its
nearly negligible effect on strength, density, and absorption. This might have something to do
with the nature of the WFS. Weight loss of roughly 0.2% based on estimated initial oven-dry
weight of the paving stones was taken as a critical value; (ii) In case of paving stone; all

Literature Review

mixtures reached the critical value of weight loss (0.2%) at about 190, 200, 150, 120, 95 and 45
cycles of F&T respectively. Overall, the F&T life of the paving stones was about 2.3 times that
of the bricks. This was attributed to the lower water-cementitious materials ratio of paving
stones, which resulted in higher values of compressive strength compared to bricks. Partial
replacement of sand with WFS resulted in large reduction in F&T life of paving stones. The very
large decrease in F&T life of paving stones containing SFS could be attributed to the plastic and
slippery nature of moist SFS; and (iii) Blocks of all mixtures reached the critical value of weight
loss at about 250, 350 (estimated by extrapolation), 200, 10, 170, and 30 cycles, respectively.
Blocks with 25% replacement of sand with SFS showed a large reduction in F&T life compared
to FA. Blocks with 35% replacement of sand with either BA or WFS showed a very sharp
reduction in F&T life compared with FA. Although the strength of blocks containing WFS was
considerably higher than that of blocks containing BA, the F&T lives of the two groups of blocks
were about the same.

Naik et al. (2004) conducted tests for freezing and thawing resistance of bricks and paving
stones in accordance with ASTM C 140. The test procedure involved water saturated brick and
paving stone specimens, each with a 10mm layer of one bearing surface immersed in water
subjected to cycles of freezing to -17C and thawing to 24ºC and the mass of each specimen
determined. The resistance to cycles of freezing and thawing decreased with increasing amounts
of the three byproduct materials (fly ash, bottom ash and waste foundry sand in case of bricks. In
case of paving stones the wet-cast paving stones made with control mix showed a significant
amount of mass loss due to surface scaling between 60 to 150 cycles of freezing and thawing.

2.2.7 Drying Shrinkage

Khatib and Ellis (2001) investigated the influence of waste foundry sand as a partial
replacement of fine aggregate on the drying shrinkage of concrete. Three types of sand used in
foundries were considered, the white fine sand without the addition of clay and coal, the foundry
sand before casting (blended) and the foundry sand after casting (waste). The standard sand
(Class M) was partially replaced by (0, 25, 50, 75 and 100%) these types of sand. Concrete
shrinkage up to 60 days was determined. Based on the test results they concluded that (i) length
change of concrete increased as the replacement level of standard sand with the three types of

Literature Review

sand increased; (ii) drying shrinkage values were higher in concrete containing waste sand and
lower in concrete containing white sand; (iii) expansion was generally lower in concrete
containing white sand as compared with the other two types (blended and waste) at a low sand
replacement level of 25%.

Naik et al. (2003) measured the drying shrinkage of bricks and blocks containing waste foundry
sand (WFS). The tests were conducted at the age of 300 days for bricks and at 270 days for
blocks in accordance with ASTM C 426. They concluded that (i) drying shrinkage values of all
the brick mixtures were about 0.023, 0.041, 0.031, 0.034, 0.041 and 0.036% respectively; (ii)
bricks containing fly ash, bottom ash and waste foundry sand shrunk more than the control bricks
upon drying. Overall, bricks with WFS shrunk more than those with BA. However, all the bricks
met the maximum drying shrinkage requirement of ASTM C 55 (0.065%). While the drying
shrinkage values for all blocks were 0.023, 0.020, 0.031, 0.028, 0.038 and 0.040% respectively.
Blocks containing either BA or WFS shrunk more than the control upon drying. As in the case of
bricks, blocks with WFS shrunk more than those with BA. However, all the blocks met the
maximum drying shrinkage requirement of ASTM C 90 (0.065%).

2.2.8 Abrasion Resistance

Not much work has been reported on abrasion resistance of concrete containing waste foundry
sand. However, Nail et al. (1997) carried out experiments on non air entrained concrete and air
entrained concrete. The abrasion resistance of non air entrained concrete containing fly ash and
used foundry sand exhibited less than 2.0 mm depth of wear at 60 minutes of abrasion per ASTM
C 944 is considered to have adequate resistance to abrasion. In general, inclusion of used
foundry sand and fly ash caused a reduction in the concrete resistance to abrasion. However, the
maximum depth of abrasion for the 45% used foundry sand and 34% fly ash mixture was only
1.9 mm, while other mixtures exhibited less than 1.4 mm, for the 60-minute abrasion cycle, thus
all mixtures with and without foundry sand/fly ash exhibited excellent resistance to abrasion. At
the age of 182 days all concrete mixtures containing fly ash and used foundry sand showed an
increase in resistance to abrasion compared with the 28-day age results. The maximum depth of
abrasion was 1.4 mm, occurred in the 45% used foundry sand and 34% fly ash concrete mixture.

Literature Review

At the age of 28 days air-entrained concrete mixtures A6 (40% fly ash, 43% used foundry sand)
and A7 (40% fly ash, 47% used foundry sand) were found to be less resistant to abrasion
compared to other air entrained concrete mixtures. Irrespective of used foundry sand and fly ash
content, all air entrained mixtures displayed high resistance to abrasion. They all passed
ACI/ASTM accepted criteria. The depth of wear at 60 mints was 1.2 mm observed for the
control mixtures while the other concrete mixture showed about 2.3 mm or less depth of wear at
the age of 28 days. A similar trend was also observed at the age of 182 days. Abrasion resistance
for the A6 and A7 concrete mixtures improved. Mix A-6 had a maximum depth of abrasion of
2.0 mm while Mix A-7 improved to 1.7 mm. Thus, all air entrained concrete mixtures exhibited
very good resistance to abrasion regardless of used foundry sand content.

2.2.9 Deicing Salt Surface Scaling

The effect of WFS on deicing salt surface scaling resistance is not available in the literature.
Therefore in this section the literature related to deicing salt surface scaling resistance of
concrete is presented, to have an idea as to how the concrete responds to deicing salt surface
Fagerlund (1974; 1977) developed a testing concept in which the critical degree of saturation
serves as a criterion to evaluate the potential frost resistance of concrete. The critical degree of
saturation is the moisture content at which marked damage occurs to concrete during the freeze-
thaw test. According to this concept, if the critical degree of saturation was known from the
capillary absorption rate, it was possible to predict the number of cycles after which this
saturation level was reached. Basheer (1991) obtained a very good correlation between the water
permeability index and the weight loss due to freezing and thawing.

Marchand et al. (1995) concluded that saturated concrete exposed to repeated freezing and
thawing cycles can be affected by two types of deterioration: internal micro cracking and de-icer
salt scaling (also known as surface scaling). It has also been shown that, in practice, each
phenomenon can occur independently of the other.

Jacobsen and Sellevold (1996) investigated the self healing of concretes deteriorated by
internal cracking in the ASTM C666 procedure. Six different well cured concretes were

Literature Review

deteriorated to various degrees. Then the specimens (concrete beams) were stored in water for 2-
3 months. Resonance frequency, weight, volume and compressive strength were measured
during deterioration and self healing. Concretes that lost 50% of their initial relative dynamic
modulus during freeze/thaw could recover almost completely during subsequent storage in water,
somewhat varying with concrete composition and degree of deterioration. Compressive strength
showed reductions of 22 to 29% on deterioration, but only 4 to 5% recovery on self healing.
Freeze/thaw tests on deteriorated and self-healed specimens in partly sealed condition showed
clearly that the deterioration was governed by the ability to take up water; the more water that
leaked through the plastic foil during freeze/thaw, the larger the deterioration.

Bouzoubaa et al. (2001) studied the durability of the concrete to the repeated cycles of freezing
and thawing was determined from changes in length, mass, resonant frequency and pulse
velocity of the test specimens before and after the freezing and thawing cycling and by
calculating the durability factors. At the end of the 300 freezing and thawing cycling, the flexural
strength of the control and test prisms was also determined. The test data indicated that all the
test prisms had excellent performance in freezing and thawing cycling with durability factors
ranging from 95 to 102. The residual flexural strength of the prisms also demonstrated good
resistance of the concrete to the freezing and thawing cycling with values ranging from 72.6% to
93.0% of the control prisms.

2.2.10 Chloride Penetration

Chloride penetration into concrete from sea water or deicing salts is the most important, and
most complicated, process that initiates reinforcement corrosion. It is only the chloride
penetrations process but also the corrosion threshold level that has to be predicted to estimate the
initiation time. Chloride moves into concrete in several ways. In concrete members submerged in
sea water only pure diffusion occurs, except for the first month or so when certain convection
may contribute. Convection of chlorides is a process where chlorides move with the moving pore
water. When and where part of the pore water evaporates, the chlorides concentrate. In a splash
zone where the chloride and moisture conditions at the concrete surface vary with time, leaching
of chlorides must also be taken into account continuously when the concentration of free
chlorides in the concrete is higher than in the surrounding sea water and during those periods

Literature Review

when the concrete surface is washed by rain. The chloride penetration process is so far mainly
predicted in concrete submerged in sea water, i.e. where the boundary conditions are simple and
well known. The pure chloride diffusion process with constant boundary conditions, however, is
still not fully understood and prediction models are still not accurate enough to predict the
chloride profiles measured in structures.
Chloride in concrete may be present in either of the following forms
(i) Acid soluble chloride, which is equal to the total amount of chloride present in the concrete.
(ii) Bound chloride, which is the sum of chemically bound chloride with hydration products of
the cement, such as the C3A (Tricalcium aluminate) or C4AF (Tetracalcium aluminoferrite)
phases and loosely bound chloride with C-S-H gel.
(iii) Free or water-soluble chloride, which is the concentration of free chloride ions (Cl) within
the pore solution of concrete and is extractable in water under defined conditions. It is
generally recognized that only the ‘‘free chloride’’ ions influence the corrosion process. It is
reported that the resistivity decreases and corrosion rate increases with an increase in the
chloride content.

Naik et al. (1997) investigated the resistance to chloride-ion penetration of non-air and air
entrained concrete mixtures. They concluded that reference Mix NA-1 showed moderate
chloride-ion penetration at the age of 56 days. Use of used foundry sand and fly ash improved
chloride-ion penetration resistance of concrete. The chloride-ion penetration decreased from
moderate to low when used foundry sand content was increased up to 20% and fly ash increased
up to 34% at the age of 56 days. A similar trend was observed at the age of 182 days. The control
mixture showed low chloride-ion penetration while mixtures with up to 20% used foundry sand
and 34% fly ash improved to very low. The improved performance of used foundry sand/fly ash
concrete mixture was associated with improved density of concrete micro-structure resulting
from formation of pozzolanic reaction of fly ash and the finer used foundry sand. In general, all
concrete with used foundry sand performed equivalent to or better than no-foundry sand

Similar results obtained for non-air entrained concrete. At the age of 56 days addition of used
foundry sand and fly ash to the concrete improved the resistance to chloride. At the age of 182
days, all concrete mixtures, except one, had very low chloride permeability rating. The mixture

Literature Review

containing 43% used foundry sand and 40 % fly ash had only a slightly lower resistance to
chloride penetration and was rated low.

Schutter and Audenaert, (2004) also reported the effect of water absorption by immersion on
chloride migration with conclusion that water absorption by immersion is not a reliable
parameter for the estimation of chloride migration. They made the correlation between
compressive strength and chloride migration at the age of 28 days. The obtained correlation
values are rather low. Although some general trend might be noticed when comparing chloride
migration with compressive strength, this approach was criticized fundamentally.


Literature on the utilization of waste foundry sand in concrete is not extensive. Only few studies
have been reported on the strength and durability properties of concrete. Therefore, present study
is important and its findings will be very useful in concrete technology area, wherein, fine
aggregates are to be replaced with industrial byproducts in making structural grade concrete.


The chapter describes the details of experimental programs for the measurements of fresh
properties, strength properties (compressive strength, splitting tensile strength and modulus of
elasticity) and durability properties such as abrasion resistance, deicing salt surface scaling and
rapid chloride permeability of concrete mixes made with varying percentages of waste foundry
sand as partial replacement of fine aggregates.


3.2.1 Cement
Portland pozzolana (fly ash based) cement was used. It was tested as per Indian standard
specification (BIS-1489 part 1:1991). Test results are given in Table 3.1.

Table 3.1: Physical Properties of Portland Pozzolana Cement

Physical Properties BIS-1489:1991 Test Result

Soundness 10.0 Max 1.6
Le-chat expansion
Setting time (mm)
Initial 30 Min. 92
Final 600 Max 248
Compressive Strength (MPa)
3 day 16 18
7 day 22 36
28 day 33 47.8
Specific gravity _ 3.07

Standard Consistency (%) _ 35%

Drying shrinkage (%) 0.15 Max 0.024

Experimental Program

3.2.2 Fine aggregates

Locally available natural sand with 4.75mm maximum size was used as fine aggregate. Its
physical properties and sieve analysis are given in Tables 3.2 and Table 3.3 respectively.

Table 3.2: Physical Properties of Fine Aggregate

Sr.No. Observed values


1. Bulk Density (Loose), kg/m3 1690

2. Bulk Density (Compacted), kg/m3 1890
3. Specific Gravity 2.68
4. Water Absorption (%) 1.2
5 Moisture content (%) 0.16
6 Material finer than 75µ (%) 0.5

Table 3.3: Sieve Analysis of Fine Aggregates

Weight of the sample taken = 1.0 kg

I.S. Weight Percentage Cumulative Percentage IS: 383-1970
Sieve retained in weight retained percentage of passing Requirement
Size grams in grams weight for Zone II
10.0mm 00 00 00 100 100
4.75mm 10 1.0 1.0 99 90-100
2.36mm 62 6.2 7.2 92.8 75-100
1.18mm 235 23.5 30.7 69.3 55-90
600µm 170 17 47.7 52.3 35-59
300µm 338 33.8 81.5 18.8 8-30
150µm 145 14.5 96.0 4.0 0-10
Pan 40 4 100 0 --

Fineness modulus of fine aggregate = 2.64

The sand conforms to grading zone II as per BIS: 383-1970

Experimental Program

3.2.3 Coarse aggregates

Crushed stone with maximum 12.5mm graded aggregates (nominal size) were used. Physical
properties and sieve analysis results are given in Tables 3.4 and Table 3.5 respectively.

Table 3.4: Physical Properties of Coarse Aggregates

Properties Observed values

Maximum size (mm) 12.5
Bulk Density (kg/m ) 1650
Specific Gravity 2.7
Total Water Absorption (%) 1.14
Moisture content (%) Nil

Table 3.5: Sieve Analysis of Coarse Aggregates

Weight of the sample taken = 2.0 kg.

I.S. Weight Percentage Cumulative Percentage BIS: 383-1970
Sieve retained weight percentage of passing Requirement
Size in grams retained weight
in grams retained
80mm 00 00 00 100 ----
40mm 00 00 00 100 ----
20mm 00 00 00 100 ----
12.5mm 0.97 4.8 4.8 95.2 90-100
10mm 642 32.1 36.9 63.1 40-85
4.75mm 1184 59.2 96.1 3.9 0-10
pan 77 3.85 100 00 ----

Fineness modulus of coarse aggregate = 6.35

Coarse aggregates conformed to BIS: 383- 1970.

Experimental Program

3.2.4 Foundry Sand

Foundry sand obtained from Insaf foundry, Model Town, Mandi Gobindgarh, Punjab was used.
The physical, chemical properties and sieve analysis of foundry sand are given in the Tables 3.6,
3.7 and 3.8 respectively. Particle size analysis of waste foundry sand is shown in Fig. 3.1

Table.3.6: Physical Properties of Foundry Sand

Sr. No. Properties Observed Values

1. Color Grey (Blackish)

2. Bulk Density (Loose), kg/m 1336
3. Bulk Density (Compacted), 1638
4. Specific
kg/m Gravity 2.18
5 Fineness Modulus 1.89
6 Water absorption (%) 0.42
7 Moisture Content (%) 0.11
8 Material Finer than 75µ (%) 8

Table.3.7: Chemical Properties of Foundry Sand

% by Weight
(Used in present study)
Silica (SiO2) 83.8
Iron Oxide (Fe2 O3) 5.39
Alumina (Al2O3) 0.81
Calcium Oxide (CaO) 1.42
Magnesium oxide (MgO) 0.86
Titanium Dioxide (TiO2) 0.22
Sodium Oxide (Na2O) 0.87
Potassium Oxide (K2O) 1.14
Sulphur Trioxide (SO3) 0.21
Manganese Oxide (Mn3O4) 0.047
Strontium Oxide (SrO) Nil

Experimental Program

Table.3.8: Sieve Analysis of Waste Foundry Sand

Weight of the sample taken = 1.0 kg

I.S. Weight Percentage Cumulative
Sieve retained in weight retained percentage of weight
Size grams in grams retained
4.75mm 00 00 00 100
2.36mm 11 1.1 1.1 98.9
1.18mm 15 1.5 2.6 97.4
600µm 25 2.5 5.1 94.9
300µm 791 79.1 84.2 15.8
150µm 122 12.2 96.4 3.6
Pan 36 3.6 100 00

Fineness modulus of waste foundry sand = 1.89

foundry sand

% passing



10 100 1000
particle size

Fig. 3.1 Particle Size Analysis of Waste Foundry Sand

Experimental Program

3.2.5 Superplasticizer

It was observed that increase in waste foundry sand content in concrete mixes lead to decrease
the slump value of concrete. It could be due to the increase in fine particle of WFS in concrete
mixes lead to increase the surface area of the fine aggregate with constant water cement ratio. To
maintain the slump value, a polycarboxylic ether based superplasticizer (Sika viscocrete-10R) of
SIKA brand complying with BIS: 9103–1999 was used. Specifications of superplasticizer are
given in Table 3.9

Table 3.9: Specifications of Superplasticizer

Basis Aqueous solution of modified

Appearance Brown liquid
Density 1080g/l at 30°C
pH Approx. 5.0

3.2.6 Water

Water used for casting specimens conformed to the requirements of BIS: 456-2000. Test results
are given in Table 3.10

Table 3.10: Properties of Water

pH 8.0
Dissolved Solids (mg/l) 290
Suspended Solids Nil
Chlorides (mg/l) 20
Sulphates (mg/l) 74
MPN Value/100 ml. Nil

Experimental Program


Mix design is a process of selecting suitable ingredients for concrete and determining their
proportions which would produce, as economically as possible, a concrete that satisfies the job
requirements. The proportioning of the ingredients of concrete is an important phase of concrete
technology as it ensures quality and economy. In pursuit of the goal of obtaining concrete with
desired performance characteristics, the selection of component materials is the first step, the
next step is a process called mix design by which one arrives at the right combination of the
ingredients. There are many methods of designing concrete mixes.

3.3.1 Design of Concrete Mix

The compressive strength of concrete is considered as the index of its quality. Therefore the mix
design is generally carried out for a particular compressive strength of concrete with adequate
workability so that the fresh concrete can be properly mixed, placed and compacted. The
proportions for the mix were calculated adopting the requirements of water as specified in BIS:

The proportioning of concrete mixes consists of three interrelated steps.

(i) Selection of suitable ingredients-cement, supplementary cementing materials,
aggregates water and chemical admixtures.
(ii) Determination of the relative quantities of these materials in order to produce as
economically as possible a concrete, that has desired rheological properties i.e.
strength and durability.
(iii) Careful quality control of every phase of the concrete making process.

In the present study Mix Design for M20 (Design value at the age of 28 days) and M30 (Design
value at the age of 28 days) grade concrete is done according to BIS: 10262-1982.

Experimental Program

M20 design mix

Characteristic strength at 28 days = 20 N/mm2
Degree of quality control expected at site = Good
Maximum size of aggregate = 12.5mm
Degree of workability desired (C.F.) = 0.9 (Medium)
Type of exposure = Mild, no sulfate attack
Concrete use = Concrete structure
Target mean strength = 30 N/mm2

Ingredients of M20 concrete mix are given in Table 3.11

Table 3.11: Mix Proportion M20

Unit of Batch Water(Liters) Cement(Kg) F.A(Kg) C.A.(Kg)

Cubic meter content 195 390 569 1165

Ratio of ingredients 0.5 1 1.45 2.98

M30 design mix

Characteristic strength at 28 days = 30 N/mm2
Degree of quality control expected at site = Good
Maximum size of aggregate = 12.5mm
Degree of workability desired (C.F.) = 0.9 (Medium)
Type of exposure = Mild, No sulphate attack
Concrete use = Concrete structure
Target mean strength: = 40 N/mm2

Experimental Program

Ingredients of M30 concrete mix are given in Table 3.12

Table 3.12: Mix Proportion M30

Unit of Batch Water(Liters) Cement(Kg) F.A(Kg) C.A.(Kg)

Cubic meter content 189 450 554 1139

Ratio of ingredients 0.42 1 1.23 2.53

3.3.2 Mix Composition

Initially, two series of control mixes were designed to have 28-day compressive strength of 30
MPa (M20 grade of concrete) and 40 MPa (M30 grade of concrete). The concrete mixes were
designed with constant cement, fine aggregate, coarse aggregate and superplasticizer. The fine
aggregates were replaced with waste foundry sand varying from 0% to 20% at the equal interval
of 5%, to study the effect of replacement of fine aggregates with waste foundry sand on the
strength and durability properties of concrete.

Control mix (0%WFS) having 30 MPa strength was designated as M-1 and mixes made with
WFS were designated with M-2, M-3, M-4 and M-5. Similarly control mix (0% WFS), having
compressive strength 40 MPa was designated as M-6 and mixes with WFS were designated as
M-7, M-8, M-9 and M-10. The detailed descriptions of all mixes are given in Table 3.13. The
details of mix proportions of M20 and M30 grade of concrete mixes are given in Tables 3.14 and

Experimental Program

Table 3.13: Detailed Description of Concrete Mixes

M20 Grade of concrete

M-1 0% WFS
M-2 5% WFS
M-3 10% WFS
M-4 15% WFS
M-5 20% WFS
M30 Grade of concrete
M-6 0% WFS
M-7 5% WFS
M-8 10% WFS
M-9 15% WFS
M-10 20% WFS

Table 3.14: M20 Grade Mixes

Mixture No. M-1 M-2 M-3 M-4 M-5

Cement(Kg/m3) 390 390 390 390 390
Natural sand (Kg/m3) 569 541 513 484 456
WFS (%) 0 5 10 15 20
WFS (Kg/m3) 0 28 56 85 113
Coarse aggregate (12.5mm) (Kg/m3) 1165 1165 1165 1165 1165
W/C ratio 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5
Water (Kg/m3) 195 195 195 195 195
Super plasticizer(L/m3) 0.59 0.59 0.59 0.59 0.59
Slump (mm) 90 85 85 80 80
Air temperature (°c) 27 27 28 27 27
Concrete temperature (°c) 26 27 27 26 26

Experimental Program

Table 3.15: M30 Grade Mixes

Mixture No. M-6 M-7 M-8 M-9 M-10

Cement(Kg/m ) 450 450 450 450 450
Natural Sand (Kg/m3) 554 527 500 471 443
WFS (%) 0 5 10 15 20
WFS (Kg/m3) 0 27 54 83 111
Coarse Aggregate (12.5mm)(Kg/m3) 1139 1139 1139 1139 1139
W/C ratio 0.42 0.42 0.42 0.42 0.42
Water (Kg/m3) 189 189 189 189 189
Super Plasticizer(L/m3) 1.65 1.65 1.65 1.65 1.65
Slump (mm) 90 80 80 80 75
Air Temperature (°c) 27 27 28 27 27
Concrete Temperature (°c) 27 27 26 26 26


All the specimens were cast hav ing mix proportions as given in Tables 3.14 and 3.15. For these
mix proportions, required quantities of materials were weighed. The mixing procedure adopted
was as follows:

i. The cement and foundry sand were dry mixed in a tray for about 5 minutes. A uniform
color was obtained without any clusters of cement, foundry sand.
ii. Weighed quantities of coarse aggregates and sand were then mixed in dry state.
iii. The mix of cement and foundry sand was added to the mix of coarse aggregates and sand
and these were mixed thoroughly until a homogeneous mix was obtained.
iv. Water was then added in three stages as given below:
a. 50% of total water to the dry mix of concrete in first stage.
b. 40% of water and superplasticizer to the wet mix.
c. Remaining 10% of water was sprinkled on the above mix and it was thoroughly
mixed in the mixer.

Experimental Program

All the moulds were properly oiled before casting the specimens. The casting immediately
followed mixing, after carrying out the tests for fresh properties. The top surface of the
specimens was scraped to remove excess material and achieve smooth finish. The specimens
were removed from moulds after 24 hours and cured in water till testing or as per requirement of
the test.


After required period of curing, the specimens were taken out of the curing tank and their
surfaces were wiped off. Besides measuring the fresh properties (workability, air content and
concrete temperature), following tests were performed on hardened concrete.
3.5.1 Strength Properties
 Compressive strength (BIS: 516 – 1959)
 Splitting tensile strength (BIS: 5816 – 1999)
 Modulus of elasticity (BIS: 516 – 1959)

These properties were determined at the age of 7, 28, 91, and 365 days.

3.5.2 Durability Properties

 Abrasion resistance (BIS: 1237 – 1980)

 Rapid chloride permeability test (ASTM C 1202)
 Deicing salt scaling resistance (ASTM C 672)
The specimen properties were determined at the age of 28, 91, and 365 days.

3.5.3 Non-Destructive Testing

Rebound hammer and Ultrasonic pulse velocity tests were conducted on concrete cubes of both
the grades of concrete made with WFS

Experimental Program


The workability of fresh concrete is a composite property which includes the diverse
requirements of stability, mobility, compactability, placeability and finishability. There are
different methods for measuring the workability. Each of them measures only a particular aspect
of it and there is really no unique test which measures workability of concrete in its totality.
The fresh properties were studied in the following tests with the order of testing as mentioned
i. Slump test
ii. Compaction factor
For determining the fresh properties, slump flow and Compaction factor tests were performed as
envisaged by BIS: 1199-1959. All fresh test measurements were duplicated and the average of
measurements was given.

3.6.1 Slump Test

The vertical settlement of unsupported fresh concrete, flowing to the sides and sinking in height
is known as slump. Slump is a measure indicating the consistency or workability of cement
concrete. It gives an idea of water content needed for concrete to be used for different works. A
concrete is said to be workable if it can be easily mixed, placed, compacted and finished. A
workable concrete should not show any segregation or bleeding. The setup of the slump test is
shown in Fig. 3.2.

Fig. 3.2 Slump Test

Experimental Program

3.6.2 Compaction Factor Test

Compaction factor test is based on the definition, that workability is that property of the concrete
that determines the amount of work required to produce full compaction. The test consists
essentially of applying a standard amount of work to standard quantity of concrete and
measuring the resulting compaction as shown in Fig.3.3.

Fig. 3.3 Compaction Factor


Compressive strength, splitting tensile strength and modulus of elasticity of mixes were
determined at various ages as per BIS 516:1959 are given below:
i. Cube Compressive strength at the age of 7, 28, 90 and 365 days.
ii. Splitting Tensile strength of cylinders at the age of 7, 28, 90 and 365 days.
iii. Modulus of Elasticity at the age of 7, 28, 91 and 365 days.

Experimental Program

3.7.1 Compressive Strength

Cube specimens of size 150mm were cast for compressive strength as per Indian standard
specifications BIS: 516-1959. After casting, all tests specimens were finished with steel trowel.
Immediately after finishing, the specimens were covered with sheets to minimize the moisture
loss from them. Specimens were demoulded after 24-hours and then cured in water at
approximately room temperature till testing. Compressive strength tests for cubes were carried
out at 7, 28, 90 and 365 days. All the specimens were tested in an automated CTM shown in Fig.
3.4. The compressive strength was then calculated according to the formula:
σ =P/A
Where σ = Compressive Strength (N/mm2)
P = Maximum load (N)
A = Cross section area of cube (mm2)

Fig. 3.4 Compressive Strength Test

3.7.2 Splitting Tensile Strength

The splitting tensile strength is well known indirect test used for determining the tensile strength
of concrete. Tensile strength is one of the most important fundamental properties of concrete. An
accurate prediction of tensile strength of concrete will help in mitigating cracking problems,
improve shear strength prediction and minimize the failure of concrete in tension due to

Experimental Program

inadequate methods of tensile strength prediction. The splitting tensile strength was determined
at the age of 7, 28, 90 and 365 days on cylinders 150 mm x 300 mm as per Indian standard
specifications BIS: 516-1959. The test consists of applying compressive line loads along the
opposite generators of a concrete cylinder placed with its axis horizontal between the plates. Due
to the applied line loading a fairly uniform tensile stress is introduced over nearly two third of
the loaded diameter as obtained from an elastic analysis. The magnitude of this tensile stress
(acting in a direction perpendicular to the line of action of applied compression) is given by
σ = 2P/dL
Where σ = Tensile Stress (N/mm2)
P = Applied load at failure (N)
d = Diameter of cylinder (mm)
L = Length of cylinder (mm)

The load ‘P’ is applied (as line load) on the cylinder specimen in compression testing machine.
At failure load P the specimen fails by splitting along the loaded diameter as shown in Fig. 3.5.

Fig. 3.5 Splitting Tensile Strength

3.7.3 Modulus of Elasticity

The elastic modulus of concrete is very important mechanical parameter reflecting the ability of
the concrete to deform elasticity.

Experimental Program

The modulus of elasticity or Young’s modulus is defined as the slope of the stress strain curve
with the proportional limit of a material. For calculating the MOE of concrete, test were
conducting on 150 mm x 300 mm cylinder specimens at the age of 7, 28, 91 and 365 days as per
Indian standard specifications BIS: 516-1959. Before performing the MOE test, three concrete
cube specimens were broken first to determine the compressive strength of the concrete.
Compressometer was used for determining the change in length of concrete specimen on
compressive loading. The compressometer consist of two frames for clamping to the specimens
by means of five tightening screws with a hardened and tapered end. Two spacers hold the two
frames in positions. Dial gauge was attached with compressometer. Least count of dial gauge
was 0.025mm. Load was applied on specimen in accordance with BIS 516:1959. Rate of loading
was 14N/mm2/min. The cylinders for the modules of elasticity test were loaded and unloaded
three times. The data from the first load cycle was disregarded. The average value from the last
two cycles was recorded. The MOE then calculated according to the formula.

Fig. 3.6: Modulus of Elasticity

σ= , A= , ,E=

Where σ = Compressive stress (N/mm2)

P = Compressive force (N)
A = Area of cylinder specimen

Experimental Program

d = Diameter of cylinder (mm)

= Strain
= Change in length (mm)
L = Length of cylinder (mm)
E = Modulus of elasticity (mm)


For the measurement of durability resistance of mixes, following tests were performed.
i. Abrasion resistance of concrete according to BIS 1237-1980
ii. Scaling resistance of concrete surfaces exposed to deicing chemicals according to ASTM
C 672.
iii. Permeability of mixes by Rapid chloride permeability test (RCPT) according to ASTM C

3.8.1 Abrasion Resistance Test

For abrasion testing, specimens were weighed accurately on a digital balance. After initial drying
at room temperature for about 1-2 hours and weighing, the thickness of the specimens was
measured at five points (i.e. one at the center and four corners). The grinding path of the disc of
the abrasion-testing machine was evenly distributed with 20-gram of abrasive (aluminum)
powder. The specimens were fixed in the holding device of the abrasion machine, and a load of
300 N was applied. The grinding machine was then put in motion at a speed of 30 revolutions
per minute, and the abrasive powder was continuously fed back in to the grinding path so that it
remained uniformly distributed in the track corresponding to the width of the test specimen. The
thickness and weight of specimens were taken every 10 minutes interval until the end of the test
(60 minutes). The extent of abrasion was determined from the difference in values of thickness
measured before and after the abrasion test. Loss in thickness of specimens was also confirmed
by the calculation of average loss in thickness of the specimens using the following formula:
W1  W2 V1
T 
W1 A

Experimental Program

Where T is average loss in thickness in mm; W1 is the initial weight of the specimen in gram; W2
is the mass of the specimen after abrasion in gram; V1 is the initial volume of the specimens in
mm3; A is the surface area of the specimens in mm2

3.8.2 Scaling Resistance of Concrete Surfaces Exposed to Deicing Chemicals

The test method (according to ASTM C 672) deals with the determination of the resistance to
scaling of a horizontal concrete surface exposed to freezing and thawing cycles in the presence
of deicing chemicals. It is intended for the use in evaluating surface resistance qualitatively by
visual examination. Specimens of size 225 × 225 × 75 mm were prepared for all mixes. A dike
of 25mm wide and 20mm high was placed along the perimeter of the top surface of the
specimens. The specimens were removed from the moulds after 24 hours and then cured. Since,
the concretes with strength at different ages are to be compared, the specimen were cured till that
age. At the desired age, the specimens were removed from moist storage and stored in air for 14
days. After completion of moist and air curing, the flat surface of the specimen was covered with
6mm thick layer solution of calcium chloride solution and water. 100 ml of solution contains 4g
of anhydrous calcium chloride. The specimens were placed in freezing environment for 16 to 18
h. The specimens were removed from freezer and placed in air for 6 to 8 h. Water were added at
each cycle as necessary to maintain the proper depth of solution. Cycle is repeated after every 24
hours, flushing the surface at the end of each 5 cycles. After making the visual examination, the
solution was replaced and the test continued for 50 cycles. Visual rating on the basis of the
scaling is given in Table 3.16.

Experimental Program

Table 3.16: Rating for Deicing Salt Surface Scaling (ASTM C 672)

Rating Condition of Surface

0 No scaling
1 Very slight scaling (3mm depth, max., no coarse
2 Slight to moderate scaling
aggregates visible)
3 Moderate scaling (some coarse aggregate visible )
4 Moderate to severe scaling
5 Severe scaling (coarse aggregate visible over entire


3.8.3 Rapid Chloride Permeability Test

A durable concrete is the one that performs satisfactorily under anticipated exposure condition
during its service life span. One of the main characteristics influencing the durability of concrete
is its permeability to the ingress of chloride. The chloride ion present in the concrete can have
harmful affect on concrete as well as on the reinforcement. Swelling of concrete due to chloride
ion penetration is 2 to 2.5 times larger than that observed with water penetration. So this test
covers the experimental evaluation of electrical conductance of concrete to provide rapid
indication of concrete resistance against chloride ion penetration.

The test method (according to ASTM C 1202-97) covered the determination of the electrical
conductance of concrete to provide a rapid indication of its resistance to the penetration of
chloride ions. According to Table 3.17 the chloride ion penetrability was decided on the basis of
charge passed. The test method consisted of monitoring the amount of electrical current passed
through 2-in. (51-mm) thick slices of 4-in. (102-mm) nominal diameter cores or cylinders for a
6-h period. A potential difference of 60 V dc was maintained across the ends of the specimen,
one of which was immersed in a sodium chloride solution, the other in a sodium hydroxide
solution. The total charge passed, in coulombs, was related to the resistance of the specimen to
chloride ion penetration.

Experimental Program

Producing, conditioning and testing of the concrete specimen

The cylinders (100mm×200mm) were cast. Specimens were placed in the vacuum desiccator’s
bowl as shown in Fig 3.7 which illustrates the setup of the vacuum pump, desiccator with
stopcock, vacuum gauge and valve and the deaerated water container after the water has filled
the desiccators. The vacuum was maintained in the desiccators bowl for 3 hours. The de-aerated
water was allowed to flow into the desiccator, so that it completely covers the specimens and no
air was allowed to enter. Again the vacuum was maintained for another one hour. Then the
specimens were left to soak in the container water for another 18 hours. The specimens were
removed from the dessicator, dried and placed in gasket. The liquids (3.0% NaCl and 0.3 N
NaOH solutions) were filled in the two cells. Power supply was set to 60V, and initial current
reading was recorded. Set up of the apparatus is shown in Fig.3.8. Temperatures of the specimen,
applied voltage cell and solutions were maintained at 68 to 77°F (20 to 25°C) at the time the test
was initiated (when the power supply was turned on). During the test, the air temperature around
the specimens was maintained in the range of 68 to 77°F (20 to 25°C). The values for the current
were recorded.

Fig. 3.7: The Vacuum Pump, Desiccator with Specimens

and A Container with De-Aerated Water

Experimental Program

Fig. 3.8: Rapid Chloride Permeability Test Set Up

Table 3.17: Chloride Ion Penetrability Based on Charge Passed (ASTM 1202-97)

Charge passed (Coulomb) Chloride Ion Penetrability

> 4000 High
2000 – 4000 Moderate
1000- 2000 Low
100 – 1000 Very Low
< 100 Negligible

Experimental Program


In the non destructive method of testing the Specimen are not loaded to failure. Ultrasonic pulse
velocity and Rebound hammer tests were conducted on 150mm concrete cubes as per BIS 13311
(Part 1) and BIS 13311 (part 2) respectively.

3.9.1 Ultra Sonic Pulse Velocity

USPV method consists of measuring the time of travel of an ultrasonic Pulse passing through the
concrete to be tested. The Pulse generator Circuit consists of electronic circuit for generating
pulse and a transducer for transforming these electronic pulses into mechanical energy having
vibration frequency in the range of 20 to 150 KHz. The time of travel between initial on set and
the reception of the pulse is measured electronically. The path length between transducer divided
by the time of travel gives the average velocity of wave propagation
Battery operated fully portable digitized unit PUNDIT (Portable Ultrasonic Non-destructive
Digital Indicating Tester) was used shown in Fig. 3.9. The Direct transmission way was used for
measuring pulse velocity through concrete.

Fig. 3.9: Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity Test

Experimental Program

This method was used to check the quality of concrete in terms of density homogeneity and
uniformity of concrete. The quality grades of concrete are given in Table 3.18.

Table 3.18: Velocity Criterion for Concrete Quality Grading

Pulse velocity m/sec Concrete Quality Grading

Above 4500 Excellent
3500 – 4500 Good
3000 – 3500 Medium
Less than 3000 Doubtful

3.9.2 Rebound Hammer

Rebound hammer test is also called surface hardness method. The rebound hammer test measure
the elastic rebound of concrete and primarily for compressive integration. The test was
conducted on 150mm cube at the age of 28, 91 and 365 days. SCHMIDT rebound hammer
(digital) was used for testing as shown in Fig. 3.10. In this method a test hammer hits the
concrete at a definite energy 2.2Nm and compressive strength is directly obtained from rebound
hammer. The equipment was operated vertically downward. The plunger was pressed strongly
and steadily against the concrete surface to be tested at right angle. Normally grid was used to
locate impact points not less than 20mm apart from each other. BIS 13311(part 2) recommended
12 reading taken over an area mean of compressive strength values was calculated.

Experimental Program

Fig. 3.10 Rebound Hammer Test

According to BIS 13311 (part 2), the estimation of strength of concrete by rebound hammer
method cannot be held to be very accurate and probable accuracy of prediction of concrete
strength in structure is ± 25 percent.


X-ray powder diffraction technique is the most prominent technique used for unraveling the
structure of the materials in bulk and thin film forms. X-ray diffraction is a non-destructive
technique used to determine the elements present in any particular substance. X-ray diffraction is
based on the fact that, in a mixture, the measured intensity of a diffraction peak is directly
proportional to the content of the substance producing it. The samples for X-Ray diffraction
analysis were prepared in powdered form. The concrete sample was taken from the inner core of
the matrix.
X-ray diffraction analysis (XRD) was done on Philips PW 3071. Diffractometer operated at 45
KV, 40mA with CuKα radiation ( = 1.54060 Ao) has been used shown in Fig. 3.11

Experimental Program

Procedure for Deduction of Minerals

(i) For a given sample, XRD graphs are obtained with intensities on Y-axis and 2 on X-
(ii) Match the d values and intensities of peaks of respective minerals with the
fundamental peaks of X-ray powder diffraction files given in the software.
(iii) For any mineral to be present, all the strong peaks should be present in the XRD
graph, else the mineral is not present.

Fig.3.11 X-ray Powder Diffractometer

In this chapter various properties (specific gravity, fineness modulus, moisture content etc.) of
the materials (cement, fine aggregate course aggregate and waste foundry sand) that are used in
present work, are presented. Ingredients of M20 and M30 Grades of concrete mixes were
determined in accordance with Indian standard code. After this specimens were made and tested
for various strength and durability properties of both the grades of concrete mixes.



In this chapter, the findings of experimental investigations are presented. In which, various tests
were conducted to evaluate the effect of waste foundry sand on compressive strength, splitting
tensile strength, modulus of elasticity, abrasion resistance, rapid chloride penetration resistance
and deicing salt surface scaling resistance of concrete. In non destructive testing, rebound
hammer was used to determine the compressive strength and to check the quality of concrete,
ultrasonic pulse velocity test was conducted. Waste foundry sand was used as a partial
replacement of fine aggregate at the percentage of 0, 5, 10, 15 and 20%. Design of different
concrete mix and procedure of various tests are described in chapter 3.


4.2.1 Compressive Strength of M20 Grade (30 MPa) Concrete

Effect of WFS on compressive strength

Effect of WFS on compressive strength of M20 Grade concrete mixes M-1(0% WFS), M-2 (5%
WFS), M-3(10% WFS), M-4 (15% WFS) and M-5(20% WFS) at the age of 7, 28, 91 and 365
days are shown in Fig. 4.1.

Mix proportion of control concrete mix M-1 (0% WFS) was 390 kg cement, 569 kg fine
aggregate and 1165 kg coarse aggregate per cubic meter of concrete with water-cement ratio 0.5.
Compressive strength of control concrete mix was 30 MPa at the age of 28 days. It was found
that, at the age of 7 days, compressive strength of mix M1 (0% WFS) was 19.7 MPa and mixes
M-2 (5% WFS), M-3 (10%WFS), M-4 (15% WFS) and M-5 (20% WFS) were 22.4, 23.3, 25.3
and 24.8 MPa, respectively. Maximum compressive strength (25.3 MPa) was observed for M-4
(15% WFS) concrete mix; it was 28.42 % more than the control mix M-1(0% WFS). At the age
of 28 days, percentage increase in compressive strength was 14.6, 22.6, 26 and 23.3% for mixes

Results & Discussion

M-2, M-3, M-4 and M-5 than control mix M-1(30MPa). At 91 days, concrete mixes M-2, M-3,
M-4 and M-5 exhibited increase in compressive strength 11.69, 18.8, 20.8 and 18.2%
respectively than M-1 (34.5 MPa). Similarly, at the age of 365 days, there was 9.45, 17.82, 21.6
and 18.9 % increase in compressive strength for concrete mixes M-2, M-3, M-4 and M-5 in
comparison to control M-1 (37 MPa). In investigation, it was observed that compressive strength
of concrete increased with the increase in WFS content up to 15% as partial replacement of sand.

7 days 28 days days 365 days

Compressive strength (MPa)




0 5 10 15 20
Waste foundry sand (%)

Fig 4.1: Compressive Strength verses Waste Foundry sand

Effect of age on compressive strength

Effect of age on compressive strength of M20 Grade (30 MPa) concrete mixes are shown in Fig.
4.2. Compressive strength of all concrete mixes increased with age. Concrete mix M-1 (0%
WFS) achieved an increase of 52.3, 75.48 and 88.23 % at the age of 28, 91 and 365 days
respectively, when compared with 7 days compressive strength (19.7 MPa). For mix M-2 (22.4
MPa), compressive strength was increased by 54, 71.1 and 81.45% at the age of 28, 91 and 365
days respectively, whereas an increase of 51.4% was observed at 28 days, 65.6% at 91 days and
78.7% at 365 days for M-3 (10% WFS). When M-4 (15% WFS) was compared with 7 days
compressive strength (25.3 MPa), it was found that it increased by 50, 65.6 and 78.8%.

Results & Discussion

Similarly, increase in compressive strength for mix M-5(20% WFS) was 50, 65.4 and 78.7% at
the age of 28, 91 and 365 days, respectively than 7 days compressive strength (24.8 MPa).

Comparative study of compressive strength between 7 to 28 days indicate that % increase in

compressive strength was observed as 52.3, 54, 51.4, 50.1 and 50% for mix M-1, M-2, M-3, M-4
and M-5 respectively. Concrete mix M-1, M-2, M-3, M-4 and M-5 exhibited increase in
compressive strength by 15, 11.1, 11.4, 10.3 and 10.2% when comparative study was done
between 28 and 91 days, whereas % increased was 7.3% for M-1, 6.1% for M-2, 6.3% for M-3,
7.9 % for M-4 and 7.8% for concrete mix M-5 between 91 to 365 days.

Compressive strength (MPa)


30 0% WFS
5% WFS
20 10% WFS
15% WFS
10 20% WFS

7 28 91 365
Age (days)

Fig 4.2: Compressive Strength verses Age

Comparative study of compressive strength between all ages indicated that % increase in
compressive strength decreased with the increase in WFS content for all mixes. It decreased by
54% to 50% in 7 to 28 days, 15 % to 10.2% in 28 to 91 days and 7.9 to 6.1 in 91 to 365 days. 4%
and 4.8% decrease was observed when comparative study was done between 7 to 28 days and 28
to 91 days respectively. It was studied during 91 to 365 days, there was very less % reduction i.e.
1.8% in compressive strength.

Results & Discussion

4.2.2 Compressive Strength of M30 Grade (40 MPa) Concrete

Effect of WFS on compressive strength

Effect of WFS on concrete mixes M-6 (0% WFS), M-7 (5% WFS), M-8 (10% WFS), M-9 (15%
WFS) and M-10 (20% WFS) are shown in Fig. 4.3. Mix proportion of control concrete mix M-6
(0% WFS) was 450 kg cement, 554 kg fine aggregate and 1139 kg coarse aggregate per cubic
meter of concrete with water cement ratio 0.42. Compressive strength of control concrete mix M-
6, without waste foundry sand, was 40 MPa at the age of 28 days.

7 days 28 days days 365 days

Compressive strength (MPa)

0 5 10 15 20
Waste foundry sand (%)

Fig. 4.3: Compressive Strength Verses Waste Foundry Sand

It was observed that concrete mixes made with WFS exhibited higher compressive strength than
control concrete. Compressive strength of control mixture M-6 (0% WFS) was 26.8 MPa at 7
days. From these results, it was found that 7 days compressive strength increased by 8.2%, 9.3%,
17.4% and 15.17% for mixtures M-7 (5% WFS), M-8 (10% WFS), M-9 (15% WFS) and M-10
(20% WFS), respectively than control mix M-6 (0% WFS). At 28 days, increase in strength was
8.25%, 12.25%, 17% and 13.25% for M-7, M-8, M-9 and M-10 mixes, when compared with M-
6 (40 MPa) respectively. Percentage increase in compressive strength observed for mixes M-7,
M-8, M-9 and M-10 were 7.44, 9.36, 12 and 8.2% respectively than mix M-6 (42.8MPa) at the

Results & Discussion

age of 91 days. At 365 days, concrete mixes (M-7, M-8, M-9 and M-10) achieved an increase of
compressive strength 7.26, 15.2, 16.5 and 15.4 % when compared with compressive strength
46MPa for mix M-6.

Effect of age on compressive strength

Effect of age on compressive strength of M30 grade concrete is shown in Fig. 4.4. It is evident
that compressive strength of concrete mixes increased with age At the age of 7 days,
compressive strength of concrete mix M-6 (0% WFS) was 26.8 MPa. It increased by 48.8, 59.2
and 71.1% at 28, 91 and 365 days, respectively. At 7 days, mix M-7 (5% WFS) exhibited
compressive strength of 29 MPa. There was an increase of 50.1% at 28 days, 59.2% at 91 days
and 71.1% at 365 days. Percentage increase in strength of mix M-8(10% WFS) was 53.1, 59.2
and 80.3% at 28, 91 and 365 days respectively when compared with 7 days compressive strength
of mix M-8 (29.3 MPa). Concrete mix M-9(15% WFS) achieved an increase of 49, 52.2 and
70.4% strength at the age of 28, 91 and 365 days respectively than 7 days strength (31.5 MPa).
Similarly, compressive strength of mix M-10(20% WFS) was 30.9 MPa at 7 days. It was
increased by 48% (28 days), 50.5% (91 days) and 73 %( 365 days).

Compressive strength (MPa)


40 0% WFS

30 5% WFS
10% WFS
20 15% WFS
20% WFS

7 28 91 365
Age (days)

Fig. 4.4: Compressive Strength versus Age

Results & Discussion

In this paragraph, comparative study is done between the ages. Mix M-6 (0% WFS), M-7 (5%
WFS), M-8 (10%WFS), M-9 (15% WFS) and M-10 (20% EFS) achieved an increase of 48.84%,
50.1, 53.1, 49 and 48% in compressive strength, respectively when study was done between 7 to
28 days. With the increase in age from 28 to 91 days, % increase in compressive strength of
mixes M-6, M-7, M-8, M-9 and M-10 were 7%, 6%, 4%, 2.13% and 1.98%. Comparative study
of compressive strength between 28 and 91 days indicate that % increase in compressive strength
decreases with the increase in WFS content at 91 days in compression to 28 days, it was
decreased by 7% to 1.98%. Similarly % increased was observed 7.5% for M-6, 7.4% for M-7,
13.3% for M-8, 11.9 % for M-9 and 14.7% for concrete mix M-10 between 91 to 365 days.

In present investigation, compressive strength of concrete increased with the increase in WFS
content up to 15% as partial replacement of sand shown in Fig. 4.1 and 4.3 for both grade of
concrete (M20 and M30). This could be due to dense matrix because WFS is fine sand and its
particle size varies between 600µ to 150µ. Reduction in compressive strength with the inclusion
of 20% WFS could probably due to increase in surface area of fine particles led to the reduction
the water cement gel in matrix, hence; binding process of coarse and fine aggregate does not take
place properly.

Similar results were reported by Guney et al.(2010), Etxeberria et al. (2010) and Siddique et
al.(2009) in their investigation. Guney et al. (2010) reported that the concrete with 10% WFS
showed almost similar strength. It may indicate that the particle size distribution of the mixture
with 10% waste foundry sand has sufficient adherence than the other mixtures with waste
foundry sand. Etxeberria et al. (2010) reported that concrete made with green foundry sand and
chemical foundry sand obtained higher compressive strength than conventional concrete when
the concrete is produced with high water-cement ratio. Siddique et al. (2009) reported that there
was marginal increase in the compressive strength of concrete mixtures with the inclusion of
foundry sand as partial replacement of regular sand. With increase in WFS percentage,
compressive strength increased by 8% to 19% and modulus of elasticity varied between 5.2 to
12% depending upon foundry sand content and age of testing.

Results & Discussion

4.2.3 Comparison between M20 and M30 Grade of Concrete

Comparison between M20 and M30 Grade of concrete was evaluated on the basis of percentage
increase. Percentage increase in compressive strength for all mixes of M20 and M30 Grades of
concrete was calculated in comparison with 28-day compressive strength of mix M-1(0%WFS)
for M20 Grade of concrete and 28 days compressive strength of mix M-6(0%WFS) for M30
Grade of concrete. Percentage increased value are shown in Fig 4.5. It can be seen from these
figures that there was more percentage increase in compressive strength for M20 Grade of
concrete than M30 Grade of concrete. Maximum percentage increase was found at 15%
replacement at all age. At 15% replacement of fine sand with WFS, M20 Grade of concrete
showed better percentage increase than M30 Grade of concrete by 9% at 28 days, 19.5% at 91
days and 16.2% at 365 days.
It means that effect of WFS is more upon M20 Grade of concrete than M30 Grade of concrete. It
is probably due to the packing behavior of matrix particle. M20 Grade of concrete has more
voids between the particles than M30 Grade of concrete so voids of M20 Grade of concrete is
well packed by fine particles of WFS.


M20 M30
30 26
Comressive Strength

25 22.6 23.3
(% increase)

20 17
14.65 13.5
15 12.7
10 8.25

0 5 10 15 20
Waste foundry sand (%)


Results & Discussion


M20 M30

Comressive Strength
40 36.6 35.9

(% increase)
30 27.3
20 15 14.5 16.5 15.5

10 7

0 5 10 15 20
Waste foundry sand (%)


(365 days)

M20 M30
Comressive Strength

50 45.2 46.6

40 34.9 33.8
32.3 32.5
30 23.3
20 15

0 5 10 15 20
Waste foundry sand (%)

Fig. 4.5: Compressive Strength verses WFS at 28, 91 and 365 Days.

Results & Discussion


4.3.1 Splitting Tensile Strength for M20 Grade (30MPa) Concrete

Effect of WFS on splitting tensile strength

Effect of WFS on splitting tensile strength of concrete mixes is shown in Fig. 4.6.

7 days 28 days 91 days 365 days

Splitting tensile strength (MPa)




0 5 10 15 20
Waste foundry sand (%)

Fig. 4.6: Splitting Tensile Strength verses Waste Foundry Sand

The variations in splitting tensile strength with waste foundry sand content were similar to that
observed in case of compressive strength. Splitting tensile strength of concrete mixes increased
with the increase in WFS content. Splitting tensile strength of control mix M-1(0% WFS) was
2.15 MPa at 7 days. It increased by 5.1%, 10.7%, 16.3% and 11.6% for M-2 (5% WFS), M-3
(10% WFS), M-4 (15% WFS) and M-5 (20% WFS) respectively. Higher value of splitting
tensile strength was observed at 15% WFS. At the age of 28 days, increase was 8.2%, 12.5%,
12.8% and 8.2% for M-2, M-3, M-4 and M-5 concrete mixes respectively than mix M-1
(4.23MPa). At 91 days, splitting tensile strength of mix M-1(0% WFS) was 4.31 MPa. Concrete
mix M-2, M-3, M-4 and M-5 achieved an increase of 6.4, 11.48, 12.3 and 9.6%.. At 365 days,

Results & Discussion

percentage increase in splitting tensile for mixes M-2, M-3, M-4 and M-5 were 3.5, 8.6, 10.1 and
8.3% than that of mix M-1 (3.96MPa). It was observed that up to 15% replacement of natural
sand with WFS, concrete mixture M-4 (15% WFS) showed higher value of splitting tensile
strength among all mixes.

Effect of age on splitting tensile strength

Effect of age on splitting tensile strength of M20 Grade concrete mixes are shown in Fig. 4.7.
Splitting tensile strength of all concrete mixes increased with age.

Splitting tensile strength (MPa)

0% WFS
5% WFS
10% WFS
15% WFS
20% WFS

7 28 91 365
Age (days)

Fig. 4.7: Splitting Tensile Strength versus Age

Concrete mix M-1 (0% WFS) achieved an increase of 59.1, 73.9 and 84.2% at the age of 28, 91
and 365 days respectively, when compared with 7 days splitting tensile strength (2.15 MPa). For
mix M-2 (2.26 MPa), splitting tensile strength was increased by 63.6, 76.1 and 81.3% at 28, 91
and 365 days, respectively, whereas an increase of 61.7% was observed at 28 days, 75.21% at 91
days and 80.6% at 365 days for M-3 (10% WFS). When M-4 (15% WFS) was compared with 7
days splitting tensile strength (2.5MPa), it was found that it increased by 54.4, 70.2 and 78.9%.

Results & Discussion

Similarly, increase in splitting tensile strength for mix M-5(20% WFS) was 54.2, 70.9 and 78.9%
at the age of 28, 91 and 365 days respectively than 7 days splitting tensile strength (2.4 MPa).

The concrete mixes M-1, M-2, M-3, M-4 and M-5 showed an increase in splitting tensile
strength between 28 to 91 days, by 9.4, 7.6, 9.1, 8.1 and 10.8% respectively. Similar trend are
observed in between 91 to 365 days (Fig 4.6). Splitting tensile strength of all mixes are continue
to increase with increase in age. It was increased by 5.95% for mix M-1(0% WFS), 3.1% for mix
M-2 (5% WFS), 2.45% for mix M-3 (10% WFS) and 4.6% for mixes M-4 (15% WFS) and M-5
(20% WFS).

4.3.2 Splitting Tensile Strength for M30 Grade (40MPa) Concrete

Effect of WFS on splitting tensile strength

Influence of WFS as partial replacement of fine aggregate (sand) is shown in Fig. 4.8.

7 days 28 days 91 days 365 days

Splitting tensile strength (MPa)



0 5 10 15 20
Waste foundry sand (%)

Fig. 4.8: Splitting Tensile Strength verses Waste Foundry Sand

Results & Discussion

The variation in the splitting tensile strength with waste foundry sand (WFS) was similar to that
observed in case of splitting tensile strength (M20 Grade concrete). Splitting tensile strength of
concrete mixes increased with the increase in WFS content. At the age of 7 days, it increased by
11.91, 15.5, 18.4, and 11.9% for mixes M-7 (5% WFS), M-8 (10% WFS), M-9 (15% WFS), and
M-10 (20% WFS) when compared with 7 days strength (2.77 MPa). At 28 days, splitting tensile
strength of mixes M-7, M-8, M-9 and M-10 showed increase of 3.54, 8.26, 10.4 and 6.4%
respectively in comparison with the strength (4.23 MPa) of mix M-6 (0% WFS). At the age of 90
days, there was an increase of 3.3, 9.5, 11.4 and 9.1% for M-7, M-8, M-9 and M-10 was
observed, when compared to 91 days strength (4.31MPa) of mix M-6. Similar trend was
observed at 365 days. Strength was increased due to increase of WFS content in concrete mixes.
Concrete mixes achieved in percentage increase of splitting tensile strength of 5.1, 9.1, 14.1 and
11.8% for M-7, M-8, M-9 and M-10 respectively.

From Fig. 4.8, it can be seen that, the strength variation for the various percentage of
replacement of fine aggregate was observed to be linearly increasing from 0% to 15%. Mix M-9
(15% WFS) attained higher splitting tensile strength among all mix at all age. At 20 %
replacement of fine aggregate with WFS, it goes to decreasing. This trend was observed in all
mixes at all age. It could be probably due to the increasing of fine particle of waste foundry sand
in concrete mixes and led to decreasing the water cement gel.

Effect of age on splitting tensile strength

Effect of age on splitting tensile strength of concrete mixes made with and without waste
foundry sand is shown in Fig 4.9. Mix M-6 (0% WFS) achieved splitting tensile strength 2.77
MPa at 7 days. It increased by 52.7, 55.6 and 58.2% at 28, 91 and 365 days respectively. At 7
days, strength of mix M-7(5% WFS) was 3.10 MPa, and it attained a strength of 4.38, 4.45 and
4.60 MPa at the age of 28, 91 and 365 days; percentage increase of 41.4, 43.6 and 48.5% when
compared with 7 days strength. Mix M-8 (10% WFS) achieved splitting tensile strength of 3.2
MPa at 7 days, 4.48 MPa at 28 days, 4.72 MPa at 91 days and 4.78 MPa at 365 days. Maximum
increase was observed 4.78 MPa at 365 days. Similar trend was observed for mix M-9(15%
WFS) and for mix (20% WFS). Mixes M-9 and M-10 achieved strength 5 MPa and 4.9 MPa at
365 days. It increased by 52.4% and 58.1 % in comparison with 7 days strength 3.28 MPa and
3.10 Mpa respectively

Results & Discussion

Splitting tensile strength (MPa)


4 0% WFS
5% WFS
10% WFS

2 15% WFS
20% WFS

7 28 91 365
Age (days)

Fig. 4.9: Splitting Tensile Strength versus Age

Similar results were reported by Etxeberria et al. (2010) that splitting tensile strength increased
with inclusion of WFS in concrete when concrete made with higher water cement ratio. Siddique
et al. (2009) have also reported on splitting tensile strength. They observed that splitting-tensile
strength of concrete mixtures increased with the increase in foundry sand content and age of
curing. It increased from 3.6% to 9% at 28 day of curing and from 6.5% to 9.3% at 56 day of
curing Guney et al. (2010) has reported that splitting tensile strength value was higher at 10%
replacement of natural sand with WFS than control mixture. According to Gunny et al. splitting
tensile strength values can be acceptable when compared to ACI 318 relationship.

4.3.3 Comparison between M20 and M30 Grade of Concrete

Comparison between splitting tensile strength of M20 and M30 grades of concrete was
calculated in term of percentage increase. Percentage increase of splitting tensile strength of both
grade of concrete mixes at the age of 28, 91 and 365 days are shown in Fig. 4.10. M20 Grade of
concrete mixes (M-1 to M-5) showed higher percentage increase in splitting tensile strength than
M30 Grade of concrete mixes (M-6 to M-10). Percentage increase was determined in comparison
with the 28-day splitting tensile strength of M-1(0% WFS) and M-6(0% WFS) for M20 and M30

Results & Discussion

Grade of concrete respectively. Maximum increase was found at 15% replacement at all age. At
15% replacement, M20 Grade of concrete mix (M-4) achieved higher percentage increase by
2.4% at 28 days, 9.3% at 91 and 365 days than M30 Grade mix (M-9). It means that, particle size
distribution of M20 Grade of concrete mixes with 15% WFS has more adherence than M30
Grade concrete mixes.

(28 days) (91 days)

M20 M30 M20 M30

15 25
Splitting Tensile Strength

Splitting Tensile Strength

12 20 16.4 21.9
12.5 19.9

(% incrrease)
8.2 8.2
(% increase)

9 10.4 15

6 8.26 10 9.35 13.5 11.1

3.54 6.4 11.6
3 5 1.9 5.2
0 0
0 5 10 15 20 0 5 10 15 20
Waste foundry sand (%) Waste foundry sand (%)

(a) (b)
(365 days)

M20 M30
Splitting Tensile Strength

19.9 25.7 25.4
(% increase)

15 15.8
18.2 15.8
10 13.1
3.54 8.7
0 5 10 15 20
Waste foundry sand (%)

Fig. 4.10: Splitting tensile strength verses WFS at 28, 91 and 365 Days

Results & Discussion


4.4.1 Modulus of Elasticity of M20 Grade (30MPa) Concrete

Effect of WFS on modulus of elasticity

Effect of WFS on modulus of elasticity of concrete at the age of 7, 28, 91 and 365 days are
shown in Fig. 3.11. At 7 days, modulus of elasticity of mix M-1(0%WFS) was 20.5GPa; with
increase in WFS content in concrete, modulus of elasticity of mixes M-2 (5% WFS), M-3 (10%
WFS), M-4 (15% WFS) and M-5 (20% WFS) were 21.1, 21.3, 21.9 and 21.5 GPa respectively.

7 days 28 days 91 days 365 days

Modulus of elasticity (GPa)




0 5 10 15 20
Waste foundry sand (%)

Fig. 4.11: Modulus of Elasticity verses Waste Foundry sand

At 28 days, modulus of elasticity of mix M-1(0%WFS) was 23.8GPa. It increased to 25.2 GPa
with 15% WFS; 5.9% increase was observed for mix M-4(15%WFS) when compared with M-
1(0%WFS). Similar gain in modulus of elasticity was observed at the age of 91 days. Modulus of
elasticity of mix M-1 was 24.6 GPa. Mix M-2, M-3, M-4 and M-5 showed higher values of
modulus of elasticity than M-1. It was 24.9, 25.4, 25.8 and 25.7 GPa. Similarly, at the age of 365
days, concrete mixes M-2, M-3, M-4 and M-5 achieved modulus of elasticity of 26.4, 27.2, 27.5
and 25.7 GPa, respectively; 6.6% increase was observed for mix M-4(15% WFS) as compared

Results & Discussion

with control one (25.8 GPa). In investigation, it was observed that modulus of elasticity of
concrete increased with the increase in WFS content up to 15% as partial replacement of sand.

Effect of age on modulus of elasticity

Effect of age on modulus of elasticity is shown in Fig. 3.12. It is evident that, inclusion of WFS
in concrete mixtures led to increase in modulus of elasticity at all ages.

Modulus of elasticity (GPa)

0% WFS
20 5% WFS
10% WFS

15 15% WFS
20% WFS

7 28 91 365
Age (days)

Fig. 4.12: Modulus of Elasticity verses Age

Modulus of elasticity of mix M-1(0%WFS) increased by 16.2, 20.1 and 25.95% at the age of 28,
91 and 365 days, respectively when compared with 7-day modulus of elasticity (20.5GPa).
Whereas an increase of 15.5% was observed at 28 days, 17.7% at 91 days and 24.9% at 365 days
for M-3(10%WFS). Concrete mix M-3(10% WFS) achieved an increase of 15.5, 17.9 and 24.9%
at the age of 28, 91 and 365 days, respectively when compared with 7-day result (21.3GPa).
When mix M-4 (15% WFS) was compared with 7 days modulus of elasticity (21.9GPa), it was
observed that it increased by 15.2, 17.9 and 25.75%. Similarly, percentage increase found for
mix M-5(20% WFS) was 15.3% at 28 days, 19.7 at 91 days and 27.7% at 365 days than 7 days
modulus of elasticity (21.5GPa).

Results & Discussion

It can be seen in Fig 4.11 that, variation in modulus of elasticity was observed linearly increasing
up to 15% WFS content. Higher value of modulus of elasticity was observed for mix M-
4(15%WFS). At 20 % replacement of fine aggregate with WFS, it starts decreasing. This trend
was observed in all mixes at all age. It could be probably due to the packing behavior between
the particles. After 15% replacement, no more fine particles required for filling the voids
between the particles.

4.4.2 Modulus of Elasticity of M30 Grade (40MPa) Concrete

Effect of WFS on modulus of elasticity

Results of modulus of elasticity of concrete containing WFS at the ages of 7, 28 91 and 365 days
is shown in Fig. 4.13. It is evident that, inclusion of WFS in concrete mixtures led to increase in
modulus of elasticity.

7 days 28 days 91 days 365 days

Modulus of elasticity (GPa)




0 5 10 15 20
Waste foundry sand (%)

Fig. 4.13: Modulus of Elasticity verses Waste Foundry sand

Modulus of elasticity for mix M-6(0%WFS) at 7 days was 25.7 GPa. At same age with
increasing WFS content in concrete, it increased by 3.5, 5.4, 7.7 and 5.8% for mixes M-
7(5%WFS), M-8(10%WFS), M-9(15%WFS) and M-10(20%WFS), respectively. At 28 days,
modulus of elasticity of control concrete mix M-6 (0% WFS) was 29.9 GPa. Increase in MOE by

Results & Discussion

1.7%, 2.9%, 4.8% and 3.9% of M-7, M-8, M-9 and M-10 concrete mixes, respectively when
compared with control mix M-6 (29.9GPa). At 91 days, concrete mixes M-7, M-8, M-9 and M-
10 achieved an increase of 1.3, 3.9, 5.2 and 4.5% in modulus of elasticity values in comparison
with 30.6GPa. Similar trend was observed at 365 days. Higher value showed by mix M-
9(15%WFS) was 34.1 GPa. It increased by 5.6% than modulus of elasticity of mix M-1(32.3

Effect of age on modulus of elasticity

Effect of age on modulus of elasticity of concrete mixes made with and without waste foundry
sand (WFS) is shown in Fig 4.14. Mix M-6 (0% WFS) achieved MOE of 25.7 GPa at 7 days,
29.9 GPa at 28 days, 30.6GPa at 91 days and 32.3GPa at 365 days. Maximum increase was
observed 32.3 GPa at 365 days.

Modulus of elasticity (GPa)


30 0% WFS

25 5% WFS
10% WFS
20 15% WFS
15 20% WFS

7 28 91 365
Age (days)

Fig. 4.14: Modulus of Elasticity verses Age

At the age of 7 days, modulus of elasticity of mix M-7(5% WFS) was 26.6 GPa, it increased to
30.4, 31 and 32.9 GPa at the age of 28, 91 and 365 days; percentage increase of 14.1, 16.5 and
23.3%, when compared with 7 days strength. Mix M-8 (0% WFS) achieved modulus of elasticity
27.1 GPa at 7 days. It was increased by 13.3% at 28 days, 17.3% at 91 days and 24.4% at 365
days. Similar trend was observed for mix M-9(15% WFS) and mix M-10(20% WFS). Mixes M-9

Results & Discussion

and M-10 achieved MOE 34.1GPa and 33.6 GPa at 365 days; an increase of 23.1% and 23.7% in
comparison with 7-day modulus of elasticity 27.7 GPa and 27.2 GPa respectively.

With the increase in age from 28 to 91 days, % increase in MOE of mixes M-6, M-7, M-8, M-9
and M-10 were 2.3%, 1.97%, 3.6%, 2.9% and 2.9%. Similarly, percentage increase was observed
5.5% for M-6, 6.12% for M-7, 6% for M-8, 5.9 % for M-9 and 5% for concrete mix M-10
between 91 to 365 days.

According to Guney et al (2010) static modulus of elasticity is a function of the compressive

strength of concrete. If the compressive strength of concrete increases then static modulus of
elasticity also increases. Concrete exhibited similar modulus of elasticity as that of control
concrete mixture at 10% replacement of natural sand with WFS. Siddique et al. (2009) concluded
that foundry sand marginally enhanced the modulus of elasticity of concrete mixtures. Modulus
of elasticity increased from 5% to 12% at all age when percentage of WFS content increased in
concrete mixtures.

4.4.3 Comparison between M20 and M30 Grades Of Concrete

Comparison between the modulus of elasticity of M20 and M30 Grades of concrete is shown in
Fig 4.15 at the age of 28, 91 and 365 days. Percentage increase in modulus of elasticity increased
with the inclusion of WFS in concrete for both grades of concretes. M20 Grade of concrete
mixes showed better enhancement of value of MOE than M30 Grade of concrete mixes; similar
to the results of in compressive strength and splitting tensile strength, comparison was evaluated
on the basis of percentage increase. The percentage increase was calculated in comparison with
the 28-day modulus of elasticity of mixes M-1(0%WFS) and M-6(0%WFS) for M20 and M30
Grades of concrete. It can be observed from this figure that inclusion of WFS has more
pronounced effect on M20 Grade of concrete mixes than M30 Grade of concrete mixes. At the
age of 28 days, MOE of M20 Grade concrete mixes increased by 0.3% to 1.1% than M30 Grade
concrete mixes. It was increased by 0.4% to 1.1% at 91 days and 0.3% to 3.3% at 365 days of
curing. Maximum percentage increase was found at 15% replacement for both grades of
concrete. .

Results & Discussion

Modulus of elasticity is directly depends on compressive strength. If compressive strength

increases, Modulus of elasticity increases or vice versa. The same aspect has been reflected by
compressive strength and slitting tensile strength.

(28 days) (91 days)

M20 M30 M20 M30

10 15

8 12
MOE (% increase)

MOE (% increase)
4.2 8.4 8
6 9
4 4.8 6 4.6 7.6 7.1
2.5 3.4
3.9 6.3
2 2.9 3 3.7
0 1.7 2.3
0 0 0
0 5 10 15 20 0 5 10 15 20
Waste foundry sand (%) Waste foundry sand (%)

(a) (b)

(365 days)

M20 M30
15.5 15.6 15.1
MOE (% increase)

12 14.1
10.9 12.4
9 10.1

0 5 10 15 20
Waste foundry sand (%)

Fig. 4.15: Modulus of Elasticity (MOE) verses WFS at 28, 91 and 365 Days

Results & Discussion


Abrasion of the concrete occurs due to scraping, rubbing, skidding or sliding of objects on its
surface. The abrasion resistance of concrete is influenced by a number of factors such as
mechanical properties of concrete (compressive strength), surface finish, aggregate properties,
types of hardeners and curing. Abrasion resistance is measured in terms of depth of wear.
Reduction in depth of wear indicated enhanced (increased) abrasion resistance and vice-versa.

4.5.1 Abrasion Resistance of M20 Grade (30MPa) Concrete

Effect of WFS on abrasion resistance

Effect of waste foundry sand (WFS) on abrasion resistance of concrete mixes at the age of 28, 91
and 365 days is shown in Figs. 4.16 to 4.19. Fig. 4.16 presents the variation of abrasion
resistance (at 60 minutes) with varying percentages of waste foundry sand at various ages.

28 days 91 days 365 days

Depth of wear (mm)



0 5 10 15 20
Waste foundry sand (%)

Fig. 4.16: Depth of Wear (60 min.) verses Waste Foundry Sand

Results & Discussion

At 60 minutes of abrasion, depth of wear for control mix M-1 (0% WFS) was 2.96 mm at 28-
day, whereas it was found to be 2.69, 2.50, 2.39 and 2.42mm for mixes M-2(5%WFS), M-
3(10%WFS), M-4(15%WFS) and M-5(20%WFS), respectively. At the age of 91 days, depth of
wear for mix M-1 was 2.71 mm, 2.51mm for mix M-2, 2.33 for mix M-3, 2.1mm for mix M-4
and 2.15mm for mix M-5. Similarly, at 365days, 2.43mm wear depth was observed for mix M-
1(0% WFS). With increasing WFS content in concrete, it reduced to 2.29 mm for mix M-7, 2.09
mm for mix M-8, 1.83 mm for mix M-9 and 1.95 mm for mix M-10.

The inclusion of WFS enhanced the abrasion resistance (depth of wear decreased) with the
increase in WFS content. Mix M-4(15%WFS) showed maximum resistance against wear.
Abrasion resistance for mix M-4 increased by 19.25% at 28 days, 22.5% at 91 days and 24.6% at
365 days in comparison with the M-1(0%WFS).

Figs. 4.17-4.19, present the variation of resistance with time for all mixes at the ages of 28, 91
and 365 days, respectively. From these figures, it can be seen that the depth of wear increased
with abrasion time for all mixes. The depth of wear also decreased with the increase in age of

Depth of Wear (mm)

0 % WFS
1.5 5 % WFS
1 10 % WFS
0.5 15 % WFS
20 % WFS
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
Abresion Time (Minutes)

Fig. 4.17: Depth of Wear (28 days) verses Abrasion Time

Results & Discussion

Depth of Wear (mm)


1.5 0 % WFS
5 % WFS
10 % WFS
0.5 15 % WFS
20 % WFS
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
Abrasion Time ( minutes)

Fig. 4.18: Depth of Wear (91 days) verses Abrasion Time

Depth of Wear (mm)

0 % WFS
1 5 % WFS
10 % WFS
0.5 15 % WFS
20 % WFS
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
Abrasion Time ( minutes)

Fig. 4.19 Depth of Wear (365 days) verses Abrasion Time

Results & Discussion

Effect of age on abrasion resistance

Influence of age on abrasion resistance of concrete mixes with and without WFS at the age of 28,
91 and 365 days is shown in Fig 4.20. For all concrete mixes, the depth of wear decreased with
the increase in curing time (age) indicating better abrasion resistance (reduction in depth of

Depth of wear (mm)

0% WFS
5% WFS
2.5 10% WFS
15% WFS
20% WFS

28 91 365
Age (days)

Fig. 4.20: Depth of Wear (60 min.) verses Age

It can be seen from Fig. 4.20 that abrasion resistance of mixes M-2(5%WFS), M-3(10%WFS),
M-4(15%WFS) and M-5(20%WFS) containing 5, 10, 15and 20% waste foundry sand was lower
than that of the control mix M-1(0%WFS) at all ages. At 28 days, abrasion resistance increased
by 9.12% to 19.25% when compared with abrasion resistance of mix M-1(2.96mm). At 91 day,
depth of wear for mix M-1(0%WFS) was 2.71mm. It increased by 7.38% to 22.5%. Similar
result was observed at 365 day. 2.43mm wear depth was observed for mix M-1(0% WFS).
Percentage increase were found 5.76% for M-2(5%WFS), 13.99% for M-3(10%WFS), 24.6% for
M-4(15%WFS) and 19.75% for mix M-5(20%WFS).

Results & Discussion

4.5.2 Abrasion Resistance of M30 Grade (40MPa) Concrete

Effect of WFS on abrasion resistance

Effect of WFS on abrasion resistance of M30 Grade of concrete is presented in Figs 4.21 to 4.24.
For M30 Grade concrete mixes M-6 (0% WFS), M-7 (5% WFS), M-8 (10% WFS), M-9 (15%
WFS) and M-10 (20% WFS) exhibited more or less similar trends as that of M20 Grade concrete
mixes. Variations of wear resistance at 60 minutes with and without waste foundry sand at the
ages of 28, 91 and 365 days shown in Fig. 4.21.

28 days 91 days 365 days

Depth of wear (mm)

0 5 10 15 20
Waste foundry sand (%)

Fig. 4.21: Depth of wear (60min.) verses Waste Foundry sand

The depth of wear decreased (abrasion resistance increased) with increase in WFS content and
age of curing for mixes M-6 (0% WFS), M-7 (5% WFS), M-8 (10% WFS), M-9 (15% WFS) and
M-10 (20% WFS). Depth of wear of mix M-1(0% WFS) at 28 days was 2.84mm, whereas depth
of wear of concrete mixes containing waste foundry sand (5, 10, 15 and 20%) exhibited 2.6, 2.5,
2.31 and 2.4mm which are less than 2.84 mm for mix M-1 (0% WFS). Inclusion of WFS
enhanced the abrasion resistance (reduction in depth of wear) of concrete. At 91 days, wear
depth for mix M-6 was 2.61mm. It decreased to 2.42, 2.22, 2.05 and 2.1mm for mixes M-7, M-8,
M-9 and M-10 respectively. At 365days, 2.34mm wear depth was found for mix M-1(0% WFS).

Results & Discussion

With increasing WFS content in concrete, depth of wear reduced to 2.22mm for M-7, 2.05mm
for M-8, 1.80mm for M-9 and 1.9mm for M-10.

At 60 minutes of abrasion, all mix, with and without waste foundry sand, exhibited excellent
resistance to abrasion. However, best results were obtained for mix M-9 (15% WFS) where
depth of wear was 2.31mm, 2.05mm and 1.8mm at 28, 91 and 365 days, respectively.

Figs 4.22- 4.24 present the depth of wear of all mixes with respect to abrasion time at the ages of
28, 91 and 365 day of curing. It exhibited that with increase in abrasion time, depth of wear
increased but also reduced with inclusion of waste foundry sand in concrete mixes. Mix M-
9(15%WFS) shows better abrasion resistance against wear than all other mix at all age.

Depth of Wear (mm)

1.5 0 % WFS
5 % WFS
1 10 % WFS
0.5 15 % WFS
20 % WFS
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
Abresion Time (Minutes)

Fig. 4.22: Depth of Wear (28 days) verses Abrasion Time

Results & Discussion


Depth of Wear (mm)


1.5 0 % WFS
5 % WFS
10 % WFS
0.5 15 % WFS
20 % WFS
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
Abrasion Time ( minutes)

Fig. 4.23: Depth of Wear (91 days) verses Abrasion Time

Depth of Wear (mm)

0 % WFS
1 5 % WFS
10 % WFS
0.5 15 % WFS
20 % WFS
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
Abrasion Time ( minutes)

Fig. 4.24: Depth of Wear (365 days) verses Abrasion Time

Results & Discussion

Effect of age on abrasion resistance

Effect of the age on concrete mixes M-6 (0% WFS), M-7 (5% WFS), M-8 (10% WFS), M-9
(15% WFS) and M-10 (20% WFS) is shown in Fig 4.25. As can be expected, the abrasion
resistance of concrete mixes continued to increase with age.

Depth of wear (mm)

0% WFS
2.5 5% WFS
10% WFS
2 15% WFS
20% WFS

28 91 365
Age (days)

Fig. 4.25: Depth of Wear verses Age

Abrasion resistance for mix M-6(0%WFS) increased by 8.81% at 91 days and 17.6% at 365
days. Similarly, there was increase of 6.92% to 11.62% for mix M-7(5%WFS); 11.1% to 18%
for mix M-8(10%WFS); 12.68 to 22.1% for mix M-9(15%WFS) and 12.5% to 20.8% for mix M-
10(20%WFS), respectively when compared with 28-day depth of wear of the same mixes. For
all concrete mixes, the depth of wear decreased with the increase in age indicating better
abrasion resistance. Also the presence of increasing amount of waste foundry sand enhanced the
abrasion resistance in that the depth of wear decreased with the increasing in WFS content.

Abrasion resistance of concrete increased with the increase in WFS content up to 15% WFS for
both grades of concrete (M20 and M30), which indicate that concrete became more dense. This
aspect has also been reflected by the results of compressive strength, splitting tensile strength
and modulus of elasticity up to 15% WFS for both grade of concrete. This can be due to presence

Results & Discussion

of fine particle of WFS in concrete mixtures. This indicated that for a particular percentage of
WFS depth of wear decreased with increase in age, which means that wear resistance of concrete
mixes increased with age.

The wear resistance of concrete is primarily dependent on its compressive strength. Therefore,
air-entrainment, water-cement ratio and types of aggregates and their properties, which have an
influence on the compressive strength of concrete, should also have an effect on its wear
resistance. This is possibly due to the increase in compressive strength resulting from increased
maturity of concrete with age and densification of the concrete matrix. Wear test results indicate
that the compressive strength was an important factor affecting the wear resistance of the

Not much work has been reported on abrasion resistance of concrete containing waste foundry
sand. However, Nail et al. (1997) carried out experiments on non air entrained concrete and air
entrained concrete. They concluded that, all mixtures with and without foundry sand/fly ash
exhibited excellent resistance to abrasion. At the age of 182 days all concrete mixtures containing
fly ash and used foundry sand showed an increase in resistance to abrasion compared with the
28-day age results. At the age of 28 days air-entrained concrete mixtures with used foundry sand and fly
ash content, displayed high resistance to abrasion. They all passed ACI/ASTM accepted criteria

4.5.3 Comparison between M20 and M30 Grades of Concrete

Comparison between abrasion resistance of M20 and M30 Grades of concrete is shown in Fig.
4.26. Abrasion resistance was evaluated in term of depth of wear. Percentage increase was
calculated to know the effect of waste foundry sand (WFS) on both grades of concrete mixes.
Very marginal increase was observed for M20 Grade of concrete mixes than M30 Grade of
concrete mixes. Abrasion resistance directly depends upon the hardness of concrete surface.
With inclusion of WFS in concrete up to 15% replacement of fine aggregate, concrete surface
become harder than control mix for both grades of concrete. So due to increase in hardness,
abrasion resistance increased. This is due to the packing effect of fine particles of WFS. Particles
are well packed between the voids of M20 Grade concrete matrix than M30 Grade concrete
matrix. After 15% WFS content, abrasion resistance decreased. It could be probably due to the
presence of loose particles of WFS in matrix. It means that 15% WFS in concrete is sufficient to

Results & Discussion

fill the voids between the particles of matrix. For M20 Grade of concrete, abrasion resistance
increased by 0.67% to 3.53% at 28 days, 0.3% to 1.36% at 91 days and 0.3% to 1.59% at 365

(28 days) (91 days)

M20 M30 M20 M30

25 40
Abrasion Resistance


Abrasion Resistance
20 17.56 29.1
15.5 30 27.36
(% increase)

(% increase)
15 21.2
18.5 15.49 27.81 26
9.12 20 15.2
10 11.97 20.7
8.45 10 14.7
5 0
0 0 0
0 5 10 15 20 0 5 10 15 20
Waste foundry sand (%) Waste foundry sand (%)

(a) (b)
(365 days)

M20 M30
Abrasion Resistance

(% increase)

30 22.6 36.61 33.1
20 27.81

0 5 10 15 20
Waste foundry sand (%)

Fig. 4.26: Abrasion Resistance (AR) verses WFS at 28, 91 and 365 Days

Results & Discussion


4.6.1 Rapid Chloride Permeability of M20 Grade (30MPa) Concrete

Effect of WFS on rapid chloride permeability

Influence of WFS on chloride-ion permeability of concrete mixes M-1(0%WFS), M-2(5%WFS),

M-3(10%WFS), M-4(15%WFS) and M-5(20%WFS) are shown in Fig. 4.27.

28 91 365
Charged passed (Coulombs)





0 5 10 15 20
Waste foundry sand (%)

Fig. 4.27: RCPT verses Waste Foundry Sand

Chloride-ion permeability of concrete mixes decreased with the increase in WFS content. At 28
days, for mixes M-1 (0% WFS), M-2 (5% WFS), M-3 (10% WFS), M-4 (15% WFS) and M-5
(20% WFS), charges passed were 1519, 1410, 1320, 1250 and 1280 coulombs. Similarly,
coulombs charge passed were 1399, 1290, 1200, 1110 and 1150 the age of 91 days. At the age of
365 days, charges passed were 1249, 1120, 1010, 950 and 980 coulombs. Coulombs charges
passed at 365 days are less than those of 28 days and 91 days. Coulomb value decreased in mix
M-4 with the increase in WFS content up to 15% WFS, which indicate that concrete became
more dense. This aspect has also been reflected by the compressive strength results of concrete
mix made with WFS up to 15% WFS. However, at 20% WFS (M-5), there is slight increase in
coulomb value with references to 15% WFS. All concrete mixes have Low Permeability

Results & Discussion

(coulombs between 1000 and 2000) as per ASTM C1202. It can be seen that RCPT values
decreased with the increase in WFS content (%). Maximum reduction in RCPT value was
observed at 15% WFS. It can be concluded that at 15% WFS, concrete mix M-4 exhibited more
resistance to chloride-ion penetrability than control mix M-1 (0% WFS). According to ASTM C
1202, all concrete mixes have low penetrability to chloride-ion. At 365 days, mixes M-4
(15%WFS) comes under the category of very low chloride-ion penetrability.

Effect of age on rapid chloride permeability

Effect of age on rapid chloride penetration into concrete mixes of M20 Grade of concrete at 28,
91 and 365 days is shown in Fig. 4.28.

Charge passed (coulombs)

0% WFS
5% WFS
1200 10% WFS
15% WFS
1000 20% WFS

28 91 365
Age (days)

Fig. 4.28: RCPT verses Age

It can be seen that, RCPT value decreased with the increase in age. Total charge passed for mix
M-1(0%WFS) were 1519, 1399 and 1249 coulombs at the age of 28, 91 and 365 days
respectively. For mix M-2 (5%WFS), charges passed were 1410 coulombs at 28 days, 1280
coulombs at 91 days and 1120 coulombs at 365 days,. For mix M-3(10%WFS), charge passed
were 1320, 1200 and 1010 coulombs at 28, 91 and 365 days. Coulombs charge passed at 28, 91
and 365 days were 1250, 1110 and 950 for concrete mix M-4(15%WFS). Similarly, values of
RCPT for mix M-5(20%WFS) were 1280, 1150 and 980 coulombs at the age of 28, 91 and 365
days respectively. RCPT value for mix M-4 (15% WFS) was found to be less than mixes M-1,

Results & Discussion

M-2, M-3 and M-5. Minimum value was observed for mix M-4 at all age. The 15% replacement
of WFS acts as filler material and yields a significant reduction in total charge passed.

The concrete mixes M-1, M-2, M-3, M-4 and M-5 showed decrease in RCPT value between 28
to 91 days, by 7.9, 9.2, 9.1, 12.61 and 10.15% respectively. Similar trend was observed between
91 to 365 days (Fig 4.17). RCPT values of all mixes are continued to decrease with the increase
in age. It was decreased by 10.72% for mix M-1(0% WFS), 12.5% for mix M-2 (5% WFS),
15.8% for mix M-3 (10% WFS), 14.4% and 14.3% for mixes M-4 (15% WFS) and M-5 (20%
WFS) respectively.

4.6.2 Rapid Chloride Permeability of M30 Grade (40MPa) Concrete

Effect of WFS on rapid chloride permeability

Effect of WFS in M30 Grade of concrete mixes M-6(0%WFS), M-7(5% WFS), M-8(10% WFS),
M-9(15% WFS) and M-10(20% WFS) is shown in Fig. 4.29.

28 91 365
Charged passed (Coulombs)





0 5 10 15 20

Waste foundry sand (%)

Fig. 4.29: RCPT verses Waste Foundry Sand

Similar trends in results were observed for M30 Grade concrete mixes (M-6, M-7, M-8, M-9 and
M-10), like that of M20 Grade concrete mixes. At 28 days, coulombs charge passed were 1368,

Results & Discussion

1250, 1150, 1060 and 1130 for mixes M-6(0% WFS), M-7(5% WFS), M-8(10% WFS), M-
9(15% WFS) and M-10(20% WFS). Minimum charge was passed in Mix M-9(1060 coulombs).
Coulombs charged passed at 91 days were 1260, 1060, 990, 940 and 970 coulombs. Mix M-8
(10% WFS) and M-9 (15% WFS) and M-10 comes under very low chloride ions penetrability as
per ASTM C1202. Charge passed at 365 days were 1090, 950, 855, 820 and 840 coulombs.
Coulombs charges passed at 365 days are less than those of 91 days and 28 days, which indicate
that concrete microstructure become denser. This is possible because of presence of fine particle
of WFS in concrete mixes. These fine particles reduce the voids between ingredient of concrete
and makes dense matrix. It also helps to decrease the electrical conductance of concrete.

Effect of age on rapid chloride permeability

Effect of Age on rapid chloride permeability of concrete mixes of M30 Grade of concrete is
shown in Fig. 4.30. With increasing age, permeability of concrete mixes is found to decrease.

Charge passed (coulombs)

0% WFS
1200 5% WFS
10% WFS
1000 15% WFS
20% WFS

28 91 365
Age (days)

Fig. 4.30: RCPT verses Age

At the ages of 28, 91 and 365 days, total charge passed for mix M-6(0%WFS) were 1368, 1260
and 1090 coulomb respectively. Charge passed were 1250, 1060, 950 coulomb for M-7(5%
WFS) and 1150, 990, 885 coulomb for M-8(10% WFS) at the age of 28, 91 and 365 days
respectively. Mix M-7 comes under very low chloride permeability rating at 365 days, where as
mix M-8 comes under low chloride permeability at the age of 91 and 365 days. For mix M-

Results & Discussion

9(15%WFS), charge passed at 28 days were 1060 coulomb, 940 coulomb at 91 days and 820
coulomb at 365 days. Similarly, total charge passed were for mix M-10(20%WFS) were 1130,
970 and 840 coulombs at 28, 91 and 365 days. Maximum resistance against chloride
permeability showed by mix M-9(15% WFS) at all age. At 15% replacement of natural sand with
WFS, WFS gives better effect to internal pore structure of concrete as a filler material.

With the increase in age from 28 to 91 days, % decrease in chloride permeability of mixes M-6,
M-7, M-8, M-9 and M-10 were 7.9, 15.2, 13.91, 11.32 and 14.15% respectively. Similarly %
decrease was observed 13.5% for M-6, 10.37% for M-7, 13.63% for M-8, 12.76 % for M-9 and
13.40% for concrete mix M-10 between 91 to 365 days.

Not much work has been reported on rapid chloride permeability of concrete containing waste
foundry sand. However, Nail et al. (1997) carried out experiments on non air entrained concrete
and air entrained concrete. They concluded that, Use of used foundry sand and fly ash improved
chloride-ion penetration resistance of concrete. The chloride-ion penetration decreased from
moderate to low when used foundry sand content was increased up to 20% and fly ash increased
up to 34% at the age of 56 days.

Similar results obtained for non-air entrained concrete. At the age of 56 days addition of used
foundry sand and fly ash to the concrete improved the resistance to chloride. At the age of 182
days, all concrete mixtures, except one, had very low chloride permeability rating. In general, all
concrete with used foundry sand performed equivalent to or better than no-foundry sand

4.6.3 Comparison between M20 and M30 Grade of concrete

Rapid chloride permeability was evaluated on the basis of charge passed (coulombs). Charge
passed for M20 and M30 Grades of concrete mixes at different percentage of WFS are shown in
Fig. 4.31.

At 28 days, M20and M30 Grades of concrete mixes come under ‘low’ chloride ions penetrability
(1000 to 2000 coulombs). At the age of 91 days, M30 Grade of concrete mixes (M-8, M-9 and
M-10) come under ‘very low’ chloride ion penetrability (100 to 1000 coulombs) and M20 Grade
of concrete mixes (M-1 to M-5) come under ‘low’ chloride penetrability. Similarly, at the age of

Results & Discussion

365 days, concrete mixes of both grades of concrete falls under ‘very low’ chloride ions
penetrability except mixes of 0% replacement (M-1 and M-6). It means that increase in WFS
content in concrete led to the decrease in the chloride ions permeability at all age. Finer particles
of WFS act as a good filler material to make a stronger internal structure of concrete matrix. As
per ASTM C1202, chloride ions penetrability based on charge passed given in Table 3.18

(28 days) (91 days)

M20 M30 M20 M30

2000 2000

Charge passed (coulombs)

Charge passed (coulombs)

Low Low

1000 1000

Very Very
Low Low
100 100
0 0
0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 0% 5% 10% 15% 20%
Waste foundry sand Waste foundry sand

(a) (b)

(365 days)

M20 M30
Charge passed (coulombs)



0% 5% 10% 15% 20%
Waste foundry sand

Fig. 4.31: Rapid Chloride Permeability Verses WFS at 28, 91 and 365 Days

Results & Discussion


The test method (ASTM C 672) deals with the procedure for determining the resistance to
scaling of a horizontal concrete surface exposed to freezing and thawing cycle in the presence of
deicing chemicals. The surface scaling resistance was evaluated by visual examination and rating
for deicing salt surface scaling is given in Table 3.16. Scaling resistance was also evaluated on
the basis of total amount of scaling residue (mass loss).

4.7.1 Deicing Salt Scaling Resistance of M20 Grade (30MPa) Concrete

Effect of WFS on deicing salt scaling resistance

Effect of waste foundry sand on deicing salt scaling resistance of concrete mixes in the form of
visual rating as per ASTM C 672 is given in Table 4.1. At 28 days, Mix M-1(0%WFS) and mix
M-2(5%WFS) exhibited rating of 2 (slight to moderate scaling) whereas ratings of mix M-
3(10%WFS), M-4(15%WFS) and M-5(20%WFS) were 1 (very slight scaling). At 91 day,
concrete mixes M-1 (0% WFS), M-2 (5% WFS) and M-3 (10% WFS) exhibited rating of 1 (very
slight scaling) after 50 cycles of freezing and thawing in the presence of deicing salt. Mix M-4
(15% WFS) and M-5 (20% WFS) showed “no scaling”. Similarly at 365 day of curing, mixes M-
2, M-3, M-4 and M-5 exhibited “no scaling” whereas Mix M-1(0%WFS) showed very slight
scaling (rating 1).

Table 4.1 Visual Rating for Concrete Mixes as per ASTM C 672

Mix No. WFS (%) Visual rating (50 cycle)

28 day 90 Day 365 Day
M-1 0 2 1 1
M-2 5 2 1 0
M-3 10 1 1 0
M-4 15 1 0 0
M-5 20 1 0 0

Results & Discussion

Deicing salt scaling resistance of concrete mixes were also evaluated in term of mass loss (scaled
off residue) shown in Fig.4.32. The mass of scaling residue decreased with increase in WFS
content in concrete mixes.

At the age of 28 days, 1.06% to 0.78% of weight loss was observed for mixes M-1 (0% WFS),
M-2 (5% WFS), M-3 (10% WFS), M-4 (15% WFS) and M-5 (20% WFS). Minimum weight loss
was observed at 15% WFS content for mix M-4. At the age of 91 days, the percentage loss of
mass of scaling residue was found 0.96% for mix M-1(0% WFS), 0.85% for mix M-2(5% WFS),
0.7% for mix M-3 (10% WFS), 0.56% for mix M-4 (15% WFS) and 0.65% for mix M-5(20%
WFS). Similarly, at 365 days, concrete mixes M-1, M-2, M-3, M-4 and M-5 exhibited 0.79%,
0.70%, 0.57%, 0.50% and 0.55% mass loss respectively. The above results show that, at 15%
replacement of sand with WFS, all concrete mix exhibited maximum scaling resistance against
deicing chemical.

28 days 91 days 365 days

Weight loss (%)



0 5 10 15 20
Waste foundry sand (%)

Fig. 4.32: Weight loss verses Waste Foundry Sand

Results & Discussion

Effect of age on deicing salt scaling resistance

Influence of age on deicing salt scaling resistance of concrete is shown in Fig 4.33. Scaling
resistance was evaluated at the age of 28, 91 and 365 day. Scaling resistance of all concrete
mixes increased with the increase of curing age. Weight loss was found to be 1.06% at 28-day,
0.96 at 91-day and 0.79% at 365-day for mix M-1(0%WFS). For mix M-2(5%WFS), it was
0.99%, 0.85% and 0.70% at 28, 91 and 365-day. Similarly, it was reduced to 0.86%, 0.70% and
0.57% for mix M-3(10%WFS); 0.78%, 0.56% and 0.50% for mix M-4(15%WFS); 0.81%, 0.65%
and 0.55% for mix M-5(20%WFS) at the age of 28, 91 and 365 day. Minimum weight loss was
observed for mix M-4 (15% WFS).


Weight loss (%)

0% WFS
5% WFS
0.7 10% WFS
15% WFS
0.4 20% WFS

28 91 365
Age (days)

Fig. 4.33: Weight Loss verses Age

Results & Discussion

4.7.2 Deicing Salt Scaling Resistance of M30 Grade (40MPa) Concrete

Effect of WFS on deicing salt scaling resistance

Effect of WFS on deicing salt scaling resistance of concrete mixes is examined by visual rating
as per ASTM C 672 (given in Table 4.2). At the age of 28 days, visual rating of mixes M-
8(10%WFS), M-9(15%WFS) and M-10(20%WFS) were 1 (very slight scaling), and it was
observed as 2 (slight to moderate scaling) for mix M-6(0%WFS) and M-7(5%WFS). At the age
of 91 days, visual rating for mixes M-8, M-9 and M-10 were 0 (no scaling) and mixes M-7, M-8,
M-9 and M-10 showed no scaling at the age of 365 day. It means, due to increase in waste
foundry sand content in concrete and age of curing, concrete mixes (with WFS) become more
stronger than control mix (0%WFS) against deicing chemical. Mass loss was observed 1.06% to
0.73% at 28 days, 0.9% to 0.5% at 91 days and 0.7% to 0.42% at 365 days.

Table 4.2 Visual Rating for M30 Concrete Mixes as per ASTM C 672

Mix No. WFS (%) Visual rating (50 cycle)

28 day 90 Day 365 Day
M-6 0 2 1 1
M-7 5 2 1 0
M-8 10 1 0 0
M-9 15 1 0 0
M-10 20 1 0 0

The mass of scaling residue of all the mixes at the age of 28, 91 and 365 day is presented in Fig
4.34. The mass of scaling residue at the end of 50 cycles of freezing and thawing cycle was low
for the concrete mixes containing WFS (5, 10, 15 and 20%) at all age of curing.

Results & Discussion

28 days 91 days 365 days

Weight loss (%)


0 5 10 15 20
Waste foundry sand (%)

Fig. 4.34: Weight Loss verses Waste Foundry Sand

At the age of 28 days, percentage mass loss of 1.06%, 0.96%, 0.82%, 0.73% and 0.76% were
observed for mixes M-6(0%WFS), M-7(5%WFS), M8(10%WFS), M-9(15%WFS) and M-
10(20%WFS), respectively. Similarly at the age of 91 days, the percentage loss of mass of
scaling residue was found to be 0.90% for M-6, 0.81% for mix M-7, 0.63% for mix M-8, 0.50%
for mix M-9 and 0.59% for mix M-5. Concrete mixes M-6, M-7, M-8, M-9 and M-10 exhibited
0.79%, 0.70%, 0.57%, 0.50% and 0.55% mass loss at the age of 365 days. From the above
discussion, it is found that, mix M-9(15%WFS) is stronger than all other mix because it gives
better resistance against effect of deicing chemical.

Effect of age on deicing salt scaling resistance

Effect of age on scaling resistance of concrete mixes at the age of 28, 91 and 365 day is shown in
Fig 4.35. Scaling resistance of all concrete mixes increased with the increase in age. Weight loss
was observed as 1.06% at 28 days, 0.90 at 91 days and 0.70% at 365 days for mix M-
6(0%WFS). For mix M-7(5%WFS), percentage mass loss was 0.99%, 0.85% and 0.70% at the
age of 28, 91 and 365 day. Similarly mass loss was observed 0.82%, 0.63% and 0.49% for mix

Results & Discussion

M-8(10%WFS); 0.73%, 0.50% and 0.43% for mix M-9(15%WFS); 0.76%, 0.59% and 0.51% for
mix M-10(20%WFS) at the age of 28, 91 and 365 day. Maximum resistance against deicing
chemical was found at 15% replacement of fine sand with WFS.

Weight loss (%)

1 0% WFS
5% WFS
0.7 10% WFS
15% WFS
0.4 20% WFS

28 91 365
Age (days)

Fig. 4.35: Weight Loss verses Age

Minimum weight loss was observed at 15% WFS content for the both grades of concrete (M20
and M30). With 15% WFS content, concrete mix of both the grades achieved optimum
compressive strength and abrasion resistance, and that is possible because of concrete becoming
denser with optimum particle packing. Because of this reason, there was minimum weight loss
due to deicing salt scaling. Weight loss was slightly increased at 20%WFS content. It is
probably due to presence of extra fine particle of WFS in concrete. These fine particles reduced
the strength of water cement gel.

Scaling resistance of concrete has very close relationship with abrasion resistance of concrete.
At 15% WFS content abrasion resistance is increased in term of wear depth. It means that,
concrete surface become harder than other concrete mixes so this harder surface helps to increase
the deicing salt scaling resistance of concrete.

The effect of WFS on deicing salt surface scaling resistance is not available in the literature.

Results & Discussion

4.7.3 Comparison between M20 and M30 Grade of Concrete

Deicing salt surface scaling resistance was evaluated by visual examination as per ASTM C 672.
Scaling resistance is depending upon the surface condition (Given in Table 3.16, Chapter 3).
Surface conditions are represented by rating system.

Comparison of Deicing salt surface scaling resistance between the M20 and M30 Grades of
concrete mixes are shown in Fig 3.36. It can be seen from this figure that at the age of 28 days,
visual rating for mix M-1, M-6 (0%WFS) and M-2, M-7 (5%WFS) were “2”( slight to moderate
scaling) whereas other mixes come under rating “1” (very slight scaling). At the age of 91 days,
visual rating for mixes M-1, M-2, M-6 and M-7 were “1” whereas visual rating were “0” (no
scaling) for mixes M-3, M-4, M-5 (M20 Grade of concrete) and mixes M-8, M-9, M-10 (M30
Grade of concrete). similarly at the age of 365 days, all mix come under rating “0” except mix
M-1 and M-6 (0% WFS). It means that with increase in WFS in concrete, scaling resistance of
concrete increase. Scaling resistance increases if hardness of concrete surface increases. This
same aspect has been reflected by abrasion resistance and rapid chloride permeability of
concrete. Very marginal variations were found in scaling residual for M20 and M30 Grades of
concrete mixes.

(28 days)

M20 M30
Scaling Resistance

(Visual rating)

0% 5% 10% 15% 20%
Waste foundry sand


(91 days)

Results & Discussion

M20 M30

Scaling Resistance

(Visual rating)

0% 5% 10% 15% 20%
Waste foundry sand

(365 days)

M20 M30
Scaling Resistance

(Visual rating)

0% 5% 10% 15% 20%
Waste foundry sand

Fig. 4.36: Scaling Resistance (SR) verses WFS at 28, 91 and 365 Days

Results & Discussion


Ultrasonic pulse velocity (USPV) test basically involve the measurement of electronic wave
velocity through concrete. This test is used to diagnose the quality of concrete in term of
uniformity, determination of cracking and honey-combing, strength, estimation and assessment
of concrete deterioration

4.8.1 Ultra Sonic Pulse Velocity of M20 Grade (30Mpa) Concrete

Effect of WFS on USPV of concrete

Effect of WFS and age on ultrasonic pulse velocity of concrete mixes is shown in Fig.4.37 and
4.38. USPV value increased with the increase in waste foundry content in concrete mixes and it
also increased with age. The test was carried out at the age of 28, 91 and 365 day.

28 91 365
Ultrasonic pulse velocity (m/s)

0 5 10 15 20

Waste foundry sand (%)

Fig 4.37: Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity verses Waste Foundry Sand

At the age of 28 day, velocity measured for mix M-1(0%WFS) was 4010m/s. further velocity
increased to 4025 m/s for mix M-2(5%WFS), 4039 m/s for mix M-3(10%WFS), 4050 m/s for
mix M-4(15%WFS) and 4048 m/s for mix M-5(20%WFS). At the age of 91 day, ultrasonic pulse
velocity values for mixes M-1, M-2, M-3, M-4 and M-5 was 4025, 4042, 4075, 4090 and 4077

Results & Discussion

m/s respectively. similarly at the age of 365 day, USPV for concrete mixes M-1, M-2, M-3, M-4
and M-5 computed as 4036, 4065, 4089, 4105 and 4095 m/s respectively. Maximum value of
USPV was observed for mix M-4(15%WFS). It increased to 0.99% at 28 days, 1.99% at 91 days
and 2.36% at 365days when compare to 28 days USPV for mix M-1(0%WFS).

Effect of age on USPV of concrete

USPV was also increased with an increase of age of curing (shown in Fig. 3.38). It can be seen
that maximum increase was observed at 15% WFS. USPV increased from 4010m/s (M-1 at 28
days) to 4105 m/s (M-4 at 365 days). It increased with the difference of 95 M/s. Percentage
increase was observed 0.37% at 91 days and 0.65% at 365 days for mix M-1(0%WFS). For mix
M-2(5%WFS), USPV increased by 0.42% and 0.9% at the age of 28 and 91 days. Similar
percentage gain was observed for mix M-3(10%WFS), M-4(15%WFS) and M-5(20%WFS). It
increased in between 0.89% to 1.35%.


0% WFS
USPV (m/s)

5% WFS
4040 10% WFS
15% WFS
20% WFS

28 91 365
Age (days)

Fig 4.38: Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity verses Age

Results & Discussion

4.8.2 Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity of M30 Grade (40MPa) Concrete

Effect of WFS on USPV of concrete

Fig. 4.39 shows the effect of WFS on ultra sonic pulse velocity of M30 Grade of concrete. The
detail effect of WFS on USPV is explained below.

28 91 365
Ultrasonic pulse velocity (m/s)

0 5 10 15 20
Waste foundry sand (%)

Fig 4.39: Ultrasonic pulse velocity verses Waste Foundry sand

In case of control mix M-6(0%WFS), USPV was around 4231 m/s at the age of 28 days. But an
increase was observed after inclusion of WFS in concrete. It increased by 4245 m/s for mix M-
7(5%WFS), 4253 m/s for mix M-8(10%WFS), 4266 m/s for mix M-9(15%WFS) and 4255 m/s
for mix M-10(20%WFS). Slightly decrease was observed at 20% WFS content but still it remain
more than mixes M-6, M-7 and M-8. Similar trend was observed at the age of 91 days. USPV
increased from 4244 m/s (M-6) to 4284 m/s (M-9) but for mix M-10(20%WFS), it decreased to
4280 m/s. At the age of 365 days, USPV for mixes M-6, M-7, M-8, M-9 and M-10 computed as
4258, 4273, 4290, 4300 and 4295m/s. maximum value of USPV was observed for mix M-

Results & Discussion

Effect of age on USPV of concrete

Effect of age on USPV of concrete mixes made with and without waste foundry sand is shown in
Fig 4.40. As it can be seen in figure that, at the age of 28 days, USPV for mix M-6(0%WFS) was
4231 m/s. due to increase in age, it increased to 4244 m/s at 91 days and 4258 m/s at 365 days.
Very less difference (27 m/s) was observed from 28 days to 365 days. Similar trend was
observed for mix M-7(5%WFS), M-8(10%WFS), M-9(15%WFS) and M-10(20%WFS). For mix
M-7, 0.35% and 0.65 % increase was counted at the age of 91 and 365 days than 28 days USPV
(4245 m/s). Percentage increase in USPV of mix M-8(10% WFS) was 0.52 and 0.87% at 91 and
365 days respectively when compared with 28 days USPV value of mix M-8 (4253 m/s).
Concrete mix M-9(15% WFS) achieved an increase of 0.42% and 0.8% at the age of 91 and 365
days respectively than 28 days USPV (4266m/s). Similarly, USPV value of mix M-10(20%
WFS) was 4255m/s at 28 days. It was increased by 0.58 (91 days) and 0.9% (365 days).

Ultrasonic pulse velocity(m/s)


4240 0% WFS
5% WFS
4180 10% WFS
15% WFS
4120 20% WFS


28 91 365
Age (days)

Fig. 4.40: Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity verses Age

Concrete mixes of both grades of concrete exhibited same trend with inclusion of waste foundry
sand at the age of 28, 91 and 365 days. Value of ultrasonic pulse for all mixes of M20 and M30
Grade of concrete varied from 4010m/s to 4300m/s. According to BIS 13311 (part 1):1992,
Results & Discussion

mixes come under the zone of good quality if USPV value lies between 3500m/s-4500m/s. in
present investigation, all mixes were come under the zone of good quality of concrete. It also
satisfied ASTM 597-93.
With increase in the percentage of WFS, the ultrasonic pulse velocity increased. This indicate
that, the fine particle of waste foundry sand packed between the particle of concrete matrix and
become less permeable hence ultrasonic wave took less time to reach the receiving transducer.
Thus it decreased the transit time and hence pulse velocity increased.
It means that the quality of concrete in term of density, homogeneity and lack of imperfections
is good. Through this investigation, it has been established that up to 15% use of WFS results in
better enhanced strength and more durable concrete.

4.8.3 Comparison between M20 and M30 Grades of Concrete

Comparison of ultrasonic pulse velocity (USPV) of M20 and M30 Grades of concrete mixes at
the age of 28, 91 and 365 days, is shown in Fig 4.41. Percentage increase was found out to
examine the comparison between the concrete grades. Values of percentage increase were
calculated in comparison with the 28 days USPV of concrete mixes M-1 and M-6 at 0% WFS
replacement. It was found that there was better improvement in USPV for M20 Grade of
concrete mixes than M30 Grade of concrete mixes. it means that inclusion of WFS in concrete
mixes improve the internal micro structure and increase the densification of matrix for M20
Grade of concrete than M30 Grade of concrete. At the age of 28 days, maximum percentage
increase (0.99%) was observed for M20 Grade of concrete at 15% WFS replacement. Similar
trend was observed at 91 and 365 days. Values of percentage increase are shown in Fig 4.41.

Results & Discussion

(28 days) (91 days)

M20 M30 M20 M30

1.2 2.5
0.99 1.99

USPV (% increase)
1 2 1.62
USPV (% increase)

0.72 0.95
1.5 1.67
0.37 0.57 1 0.79
0.4 0.52 1.04 1.25 1.15
0.2 0.33 0.5 0.68
0 0.31
0 0
0 5 10 15 20 0 5 10 15 20
Waste foundry sand (%) Waste foundry sand (%)

(a) (b)
(365 days)

M20 M30
USPV (% increase)

2 2.11
1.63 1.51
0.65 1.39
0.5 0.64

0 5 10 15 20
Waste foundry sand (%)

Fig. 4.41: Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity verses WFS at 28, 91 and 365 Days

Results & Discussion


Rebound hammer is used to predict the compressive strength of the concrete. In this research,
compressive strength was found out for concrete mixes M-1, M-2, M-3, M-4 and M-5 (M20
Grade concrete) and M-6, M-7, M-8, M-9 and M-10 (M30 Grade concrete) by using rebound
hammer. It is not an accurate method. According to BIS: 13311 (part 2)-1992, accuracy of
prediction of concrete strength in structure is ± 25 percent. Values of the compressive strength
for both grades of concrete are given in Table 4.3. 15% error was found at 28 days compressive
strength of control mix M-1 (0%WFS) when compared with the 30MPa (28 days destructive
strength of control mix). Similar trend was observed in M30 Grade concrete. Destructive
strength control mix M-6 (0%WFS) was 40 MPa. Compressive strength of 36 MPa was found by
rebound hammer. The error was 9%. Due to inclusion of waste foundry sand content in concrete,
the compressive strength was observed higher than that of control one. It was also found that
compressive strength was increased with age (91days and 365 days) in both grades of concrete.

Table 4.3 Compressive Strength (MPa) by Rebound Hammer

M20 Grade of Concrete (MPa) M30 Grade of Concrete (MPa)

Mix WFS (%) 28 days 91 days 365 days Mix WFS (%) 28 days 91 days 365 days

M-1 0 25.5 29.1 33.6 M-6 0 36.2 38 42.6

M-2 5 28.4 35.5 37.2 M-7 5 37.1 41.5 45

M-3 10 33.4 37 38.5 M-8 10 41.5 43.2 47.9

M-4 15 33.5 37.4 41 M-9 15 42.7 45.1 49.4

M-5 20 32 36.5 38 M-10 20 42 44.2 48.8

Results & Discussion


4.10.1 Statistical Analysis of M20 Grade (30 MPa) Concrete

The correlation analysis was carried out between compressive strength, splitting tensile strength,
MOE, ultrasonic pulse velocity, abrasion resistance, scaling resistance and rapid chloride
permeability of concrete. It was observed that there is good correlation between these properties.
A polynomial relationship in the form of y = ax2+bx+c seems to best fit the data with R2 values.

The regression equations and value of correlation coefficient R2 between strength properties are
given in Table 4.4 and shown in Figs 4.42 to 4.47. As evident from these results that value of
correlation coefficient is varied from 0.8957 to 0.9775. The high values of correlation coefficient
indicate that there is strong relationship between various properties of concrete. Coefficient of
correlation amongst strength properties (compressive strength, splitting tensile strength and
modulus of elasticity) is very high (from 0.9584 to 0.9775). These strength properties also have a
very strong relation with ultrasonic pulse velocity (USPV). It means that, inclusion of WFS in
concrete gives better affect to its strength properties. It makes the matrix dense due to its particle
fineness. Due to this, the quality of concrete in term of its density, homogeneity and lack of
imperfections improved.

Table 4.4 Regression Analysis between Strength Properties


Compressive Strength verses Splitting Tensile Strength y = -0.0018x2 + 0.2157x - 1.6301 0.9775

Compressive Strength verses Modulus of Elasticity y = 0.0006x2 + 0.23x + 15.635 0.9606

Splitting Tensile Strength verses Modulus of Elasticity y = 0.7168x2 - 1.9039x + 21.746 0.9584

Compressive Strength verses USPV y = 0.2049x2 - 8.6701x + 4082.7 0.9635

Splitting Tensile Strength verses USPV y = 68.32x2 - 435.3x + 4703.5 0.9067

Modulus of Elasticity verses USPV y = -3.8682x2 + 222.87x + 894.08 0.8957

Results & Discussion

7 days 28 days 91 days 365 days

Splitting tensile strength (MPa)

4.7 y = -0.0018x2 + 0.2157x - 1.6301
4.3 R² = 0.9775
19 23 27 31 35 39 43
Compressive strength(MPa)

Fig. 4.42: Compressive Strength verses Splitting Tensile Strength

7 days 28 days 91 days 365 days

Modulus of elasticity (GPa)

y = 0.0006x2 + 0.23x + 15.635

26 R² = 0.9606



19 23 27 31 35 39 43
Compressive strength(MPa)

Fig. 4.43: Compressive Strength verses Modulus of Elasticity

Results & Discussion

28 Days 91 Days 365 days

y = 0.2049x2 - 8.6701x + 4082.7
4100 R² = 0.9635
USPV (m/s)
29 31 33 35 37 39 41 43 45
Compressive strength (MPa)

Fig. 4.44: Compressive Strength verses USPV

7 days 28 days 91 days 365 days

y = 0.7168x2 - 1.9039x + 21.746
Modulus of elasticity (GPa)

26 R² = 0.9584



2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5
Splitting tensile strength(MPa)

Fig. 4.45: Splitting Tensile Strength verses Modulus of Elasticity

Results & Discussion

28 Days 91 Days 365 days

USPV (m/s) 4100 y = 68.32x2 - 435.3x + 4703.5
R² = 0.9067
3.2 3.4 3.6 3.8 4 4.2 4.4
Splitting tensile strength (MPa)

Fig. 4.46: Splitting Tensile Strength verses USPV

28 Days 91 Days 365 days

4100 y = -3.8682x2 + 222.87x + 894.08
4080 R² = 0.8957
USPV (m/s)

23 24 25 26 27 28
Modulus of elasticity (GPa)

Fig. 4.47: Modulus of Elasticity verses USPV

Results & Discussion

Regression analysis was made to establish a general relationship between durability properties
(abrasion resistance, rapid chloride permeability and deicing salt scaling resistance) is given in
Table 4.5, and shown in Figs. 4.48 to 4.53 with the best fit established.

Table 4.5: Regression Analysis between Durability Properties


Abrasion Resistance verses RCPT y = -25.583x2 + 654.38x - 182.76 0.9629

Abrasion Resistance verses Scaling Resistance y = 0.0243x2 + 0.4421x - 0.4238 0.9695

RCPT verses Scaling Resistance y = 4E-07x2 + 5E-05x + 0.0963 0.9626

Abrasion Resistance verses USPV y = 16.368x2 - 171.72x + 4370.4 0.9458

Scaling Resistance verses USPV y = 2E-05x2 - 0.1341x + 284.6 0.9693

RCPT verses USPV y = 0.0095x2 - 82.233x + 179049 0.9274

Value of correlation coefficient varied from 0.9274 to 0.9695. Correlation coefficient value was
near to one. It means that, inclusion of WFS in concrete gives the significant influence to
durability properties. Finer particle of WFS filled the voids of concrete matrix and become
concrete surface harder and less permeable than control one. It decreased the wear depth and
chloride penetrability. Due to harder surface, deicing salt scaling resistance of concrete
increased. Higher values of correlation coefficient indicate that depth of wear has a strong
relationship with chloride penetrability, scaling resistance and USPV.

Results & Discussion

28 Days 91 Days 365 days

4100 y = 16.368x2 - 171.72x + 4370.4
R² = 0.9458
USPV (m/s) 4080
1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5
(Depth of wear mm)

Fig. 4.48: Abrasion Resistance verses Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity

28 Days 91 Days 365 days

Charged passed (coulomb)



1000 y = -25.583x2 + 654.38x - 182.76

R² = 0.9629
1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5
Depth of wear (mm)

Fig. 4.49: Abrasion Resistance verses RCPT

Results & Discussion

28 Days 91 Days 365 days

y = 0.0243x2 + 0.4421x - 0.4238
R² = 0.9695

Weight loss (%) 1


1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5
Depth of wear (mm)

Fig. 4.50: Abrasion Resistance verses Scaling Resistance

28 Days 91 Days 365 days

Charge passed (coulombs)



1000 y = 0.0095x2 - 82.233x + 179049

R² = 0.9274
4000 4020 4040 4060 4080 4100 4120

USPV (m/s)

Fig. 4.51: Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity verses RCPT

Results & Discussion

28 Days 91 Days 365 days


1.3 y = 2E-05x2 - 0.1341x + 284.62

Weight loss (%)

R² = 0.9693



4000 4020 4040 4060 4080 4100 4120
USPV (m/s)

Fig. 4.52: Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity verses Scaling Resistance

28 Days 91 Days 365 days

y = 4E-07x2 + 5E-05x + 0.0963
Weight loss (%)

R² = 0.9626



800 1000 1200 1400 1600
Charged passed (coulomb)

Fig. 4.53: RCPT verses Scaling Resistance

A regression analysis was made to establish a general relationship between strength and
durability properties. The analysis was carried out using the overall result data.

Results & Discussion

Correlation between the strength properties (compressive strength, splitting tensile strength and
modulus of elasticity) and durability properties (abrasion resistance, rapid chloride permeability
and deicing salt scaling resistance) is shown in Figs 4.54-4.62. Regression equations and
correlation coefficients (R2) are presented in Table 4.6. Correlation coefficient value varied from
0.949 to 0.9722 for relationship between compressive strength and durability properties.
Similarly R2 value varied 0.8734 to 0.9194 for relationship between splitting tensile strength and
durability properties. Relation of modulus of elasticity and durability properties provided R 2
value from 0.8709 to 0.9334. Higher values of coefficient indicate that a strength property has a
strong relationship with durability.

It means an increase in compressive strength with inclusion of WFS in concrete leads to a

decrease in chloride ion penetrability and improves the quality of concrete. Values of correlation
coefficient indicates that depth of wear has a strong relationship with strength properties
(compressive and splitting tensile and well as modulus of elasticity). Generally, an increase in
strength and modulus of elasticity lead to an increase in abrasion resistance of the concrete.

Table 4.6 Regression Analysis between Strength and Durability Properties


Compressive Strength verses RCPT y = -0.8108x2 + 22.478x + 1577.2 0.9722

Compressive Strength verses Abrasion Resistance y = -0.0007x2 - 0.0171x + 4.1157 0.9518

Compressive Strength verses Scaling Resistance y = -0.0006x2 + 0.0018x + 1.534 0.9495

Splitting tensile strength verses RCPT y = -248.09x2 + 1369.3x - 286.93 0.9194

Splitting tensile strength verses Abrasion Resistance y = -0.2722x2 + 1.0922x + 2.3414 0.8734

Splitting tensile strength verses Scaling Resistance y = -0.2226x2 + 1.1487x - 0.2738 0.9019

Modulus of elasticity verses RCPT y = 15.246x2 - 922.79x + 14821 0.9334

Modulus of elasticity verses Abrasion Resistance y = 0.0439x2 - 2.5069x + 37.733 0.8709

Modulus of elasticity verses Scaling Resistance y = 0.0305x2 - 1.7112x + 24.532 0.8752

Results & Discussion

28 Days 91 Days 365 days


Charge passed (coulombs)



1000 y = -0.8108x2 + 22.478x + 1577.2

R² = 0.9722
29 31 33 35 37 39 41 43 45
Compressive strength (MPa)

Fig. 4.54: Compressive Strength verses RCPT

28 Days 91 Days 365 days

Depth of wear (mm)


y = -0.0007x2 - 0.0171x + 4.1157
R² = 0.9518

29 31 33 35 37 39 41 43 45

Compressive strength (MPa)

Fig. 4.55: Compressive Strength verses Abrasion Resistance

Results & Discussion

28 Days 91 Days 365 days


Weight loss (%) 1

y = -0.0006x2 + 0.0018x + 1.534
0.4 R² = 0.9495

29 31 33 35 37 39 41 43 45
Compressive strength (MPa)

Fig. 4.56: Compressive Strength verses Scaling Resistance

28 Days 91 Days 365 days

Charge passed (coulombs)



1000 y = -248.09x2 + 1369.3x - 286.93

R² = 0.9194
3.2 3.4 3.6 3.8 4 4.2 4.4
Splitting tensile strength (MPa)

Fig. 4.57: Splitting Tensile Strength verses RCPT

Results & Discussion

28 Days 91 Days 365 days


Depth of wear (mm)


2 y = -0.2722x2 + 1.0922x + 2.3414

R² = 0.8734

3.2 3.4 3.6 3.8 4 4.2 4.4
Splitting tensile strength (MPa)

Fig. 4.58: Splitting Tensile Strength verses Abrasion Resistance

28 Days 91 Days 365 days


Weight loss (%)

y = -0.2226x2 + 1.1487x - 0.2738
0.4 R² = 0.9019

3.2 3.4 3.6 3.8 4 4.2 4.4
Splitting tensile strength (MPa)

Fig. 4.59: Splitting Tensile Strength verses Scaling Resistance

Results & Discussion

28 Days 91 Days 365 days


Charge passed (coulombs)



1000 y = 15.246x2 - 922.79x + 14821

R² = 0.9334
23 24 25 26 27 28
Modulus of elasticity (MPa)

Fig. 4.60: Modulus of Elasticity verses RCPT

28 Days 91 Days 365 days

Depth of wear (mm)


y = 0.0439x2 - 2.5069x + 37.733
R² = 0.8709
23 24 25 26 27 28
Modulus of Elasticity (MPa)

Fig. 4.61: Modulus of Elasticity verses Abrasion Resistance

Results & Discussion

28 Days 91 Days 365 days



Weight loss (%) 1


0.4 y = 0.0305x2 - 1.7112x + 24.532

R² = 0.8752
23 24 25 26 27 28
Modulus of elasticity (MPa)

Fig. 4.62: Modulus of Elasticity verses Scaling Resistance

Results & Discussion

4.10.2 Statistical Analysis of M30 Grade (40 MPa) Concrete

Figs 4.63 to 4.68 show the relationship between the strength properties (compressive strength,
splitting tensile strength and modulus of elasticity). Regression analysis was carried out to
understand the relationship between the properties. Equation and correlation coefficient are
presented in Table 4.7. A polynomial relationship in the form of y = ax2+bx+c seems to best fit
the data with highest R2 values. Value of correlation coefficient varied from 0.9314 to 0.981.
Higher values of correlation coefficient indicate that compressive strength has a strong
relationship with splitting tensile strength and modulus of elasticity.

Table 4.7 also presented the relationship between strength properties and USPV. Increase in
waste foundry sand content in concrete led to an increase of USPV. It means that quality of
concrete increased in term of uniformity and homogeneity. Due to increase in quality of
concrete, strength properties was also increased. The above statement is proved by higher values
of R2. This was varied from 0.8750 to 0.9311.

Table 4.7 Regression Analysis between Strength Properties


Compressive Strength verses Splitting Tensile Strength y = -0.0018x2 + 0.2236x - 1.9345 0.9787

Compressive Strength verses Modulus of Elasticity y = 0.0014x2 + 0.1838x + 20.215 0.981

Splitting Tensile Strength verses Modulus of Elasticity y = 0.7276x2 - 2.254x + 26.797 0.9314

Compressive Strength verses USPV y = -0.0929x2 + 13.788x + 3825.1 0.9311

Splitting Tensile Strength verses USPV y = 13.377x2 - 38.542x + 4160.1 0.9055

Modulus of Elasticity verses USPV y = -1.1022x2 + 85.037x + 2678 0.8750

Results & Discussion

7 days 28 days 91 days 365 days


Splitting tensile strength (MPa)

4.9 y = -0.0018x2 + 0.2236x - 1.9345
R² = 0.9787
26 30 34 38 42 46 50 54
Compressive strength(MPa)

Fig. 4.63: Compressive Strength verses Splitting Tensile Strength

7 days 28 days 91 days 365 days

Modulus of elasticity (GPa)

y = 0.0014x2 + 0.1838x + 20.215

R² = 0.981


26 30 34 38 42 46 50 54
Compressive strength(MPa)

Fig. 4.64: Compressive Strength verses Modulus of Elasticity

Results & Discussion

28 Days 91 Days 365 days


4300 y = -0.0929x2 + 13.788x + 3825.1

R² = 0.9311
USPV (m/s)



38 40 42 44 46 48 50 52 54
Compressive strength (MPa)

Fig. 4.65: Compressive Strength verses USPV

7 days 28 days 91 days 365 days

Modulus of elasticity (GPa)




y = 0.7276x2 - 2.254x + 26.797

R² = 0.9314
2.6 3.1 3.6 4.1 4.6 5.1 5.6
Splitting tensile strength(MPa)

Fig. 4.66: Splitting Tensile Strength verses Modulus of Elasticity

Results & Discussion

28 Days 91 Days 365 days


4300 y = 13.377x2 - 38.542x + 4160.1

USPV (m/s) R² = 0.9055



4 4.2 4.4 4.6 4.8 5 5.2
Splitting tensile strength (MPa)

Fig. 4.67: Splitting Tensile Strength verses USPV

28 Days 91 Days 365 days

y = -1.1022x2 + 85.037x + 2678
4300 R² = 0.875
USPV (m/s)




29 30 31 32 33 34 35
Modulus of elasticity (GPa)

Fig. 4.68: Modulus of Elasticity verses USPV

Results & Discussion

The regression analysis amongst durability properties (Abrasion resistance, deicing salt scaling
resistance and rapid chloride permeability) for all concrete mixes at different ages is shown in
Fig. 4.69 to 4.74. Regression equations and correlation coefficient are presented in Table 4.8. A
polynomial relationship in the form of y = ax2+bx+c seems to best fit the data with highest R2
value (0.9435 to 0.9823) indicating strong correlation. The high values of correlation coefficient
indicate that depth of wear has a strong relationship with other durability properties (scaling
resistance and rapid chloride penetrability) and USPV.

Table 4.8 Regression Analysis between Durability Properties


Abrasion Resistance verses RCPT y = 170.13x2 - 223.4x + 654.67 0.958

Abrasion Resistance verses Scaling Resistance y = 0.1795x2 - 0.1857x + 0.1708 0.9676

RCPT verses Scaling Resistance y = 1E-08x2 + 0.0013x - 0.5618 0.9435

Abrasion Resistance verses USPV y = 2.881x2 - 83.839x + 4444.1 0.9782

Scaling Resistance verses USPV y = 52.927x2 - 183.73x + 4368.5 0.9597

RCPT verses USPV y = 0.0446x2 - 388.94x + 847746 0.9823

Results & Discussion

28 Days 91 Days 365 days


Charge passed (coulombs)



900 y = 170.13x2 - 223.4x + 654.67

R² = 0.958
1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5
Depth of wear(mm)

Fig. 4.69: Abrasion Resistance verses RCPT

28 Days 91 Days 365 days


4300 y = 2.881x2 - 83.839x + 4444.1

R² = 0.9782



1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5
Depth of wear(mm)

Fig. 4.70: Abrasion Resistance verses USPV

Results & Discussion

28 Days 91 Days 365 days

y = 0.1795x2 - 0.1857x + 0.1708
R² = 0.9676
Weight loss (%) 1


1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5
Depth of wear (mm)

Fig. 4.71: Abrasion Resistance verses Scaling Resistance

28 Days
y = 1E-08x2 + 0.0013x - 0.5618
Weight Loss (kg/m2)

R² = 0.9435



700 900 1100 1300 1500
Charged Passed (coulomb)

Fig 4.72: RCPT verses Scaling Resistance

Results & Discussion

28 Days 91 Days 365 days

y = 52.927x2 - 183.73x + 4368.5
USPV(m/s) R² = 0.9597



0.1 0.4 0.7 1 1.3 1.6
Weight loss (%)

Fig. 4.73: Scaling Resistance verses Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity

28 Days 91 Days 365 days

Charge Passed (coulombs)

y = 0.0446x2 - 388.94x + 847746

1300 R² = 0.9823



4220 4240 4260 4280 4300 4320
Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity (m/s)

Fig. 4.74: Ultrasonic pulse velocity verses RCPT

Results & Discussion

Relationship between strength and durability properties is shown in Figs.4.75 to 4.83. A

polynomial equation was the best fit with correlation coefficient (R2) value varied from 0.8453 to
0.9443. Higher value of correlation coefficient indicates a strong relationship between strength
and durability properties. The voids between the particles of concrete matrix filled by the fine
particles of waste foundry sand, hence concrete matrix become denser which lead to an increase
the compressive strength and splitting tensile strength and decreased the rapid chloride
permeability of concrete. The high values of correlation coefficient indicates that depth of wear
has a strong relationship with strength properties (compressive and splitting tensile) and well as
modulus of elasticity.

Table 4.9 Regression Analysis between Strength and Durability Properties


Compressive Strength verses RCPT y = 1.8604x2 - 216.97x + 7109.1 0.9443

Compressive Strength verses Abrasion Resistance y = 0.0024x2 - 0.2981x + 10.928 0.8863

Compressive Strength verses Scaling Resistance y = 0.0023x2 - 0.2583x + 7.82 0.8675

Splitting tensile strength verses RCPT y = 328.51x2 - 3694x + 11075 0.857

Splitting tensile strength verses Abrasion Resistance y = -0.0813x2 - 0.4426x + 6.0527 0.8849

Splitting tensile strength verses Scaling Resistance y = 0.2526x2 - 3.0856x + 9.5397 0.8453

Modulus of elasticity verses RCPT y = 21.759x2 - 1512.1x + 27103 0.9086

Modulus of elasticity verses Abrasion Resistance y = 0.03x2 - 2.1245x + 39.512 0.8845

Modulus of elasticity verses Scaling Resistance y = 0.0301x2 - 2.0641x + 35.829 0.9109

Results & Discussion

28 Days 91 Days 365 days

Charge passed (coulombs)
y = 1.8604x2 - 216.97x + 7109.1
1300 R² = 0.9443



37 40 43 46 49 52 55
Compressive strength (MPa)

Fig. 4.75: Compressive Strength verses RCPT

28 Days 91 Days 365 days

Depth of wear (mm)


2 y = 0.0024x2 - 0.2981x + 10.928

R² = 0.8863

37 39 41 43 45 47 49 51 53 55

Compressive Strength (MPa)

Fig. 4.76: Compressive Strength verses Abrasion Resistance

Results & Discussion

28 Days 91 Days 365 days


1.3 y = 0.0023x2 - 0.2583x + 7.82

Weight loss (%)
R² = 0.8675



37 39 41 43 45 47 49 51 53 55
Compressive strength (MPa)

Fig. 4.77: Compressive Strength verses Scaling Resistance

28 Days 91 Days 365 days

Charge passed (coulombs)



y = 328.51x2 - 3694x + 11075
R² = 0.857
4 4.2 4.4 4.6 4.8 5 5.2
Splitting tensile strength (MPa)

Fig. 4.78: Splitting Tensile Strength verses RCPT

Results & Discussion

28 Days 91 Days 365 days


Depth of wear (mm)



y = -0.0813x2 - 0.4426x + 6.0527
1.8 R² = 0.8849
4 4.2 4.4 4.6 4.8 5 5.2
Splitting tensile strength (MPa)

Fig. 4.79: Splitting Tensile Strength verses Abrasion Resistance

28 Days 91 Days 365 days


1.3 y = 0.2526x2 - 3.0856x + 9.5397

Weight loss (%)

R² = 0.8453



4 4.2 4.4 4.6 4.8 5 5.2
Splitting tensile strength (MPa)

Fig. 4.80: Splitting Tensile Strength verses Scaling Resistance

Results & Discussion

28 Days 91 Days 365 days


Charge passed (coulombs)



900 y = 21.759x2 - 1512.1x + 27103

R² = 0.9086
29 30 31 32 33 34 35
Modulus of elasticity (GPa)

Fig. 4.81: Modulus of Elasticity verses RCPT

28 Days 91 Days 365 days

y = 0.03x2 - 2.1245x + 39.512
Depth of wear (mm)

R² = 0.8845


29 30 31 32 33 34 35
Modulus of elasticity (MPa)

Fig. 4.82: Modulus of Elasticity verses Abrasion Resistance

Results & Discussion

28 Days 91 Days 365 days

y = 0.0301x2 - 2.0641x + 35.829
1.3 R² = 0.9109
Weight loss (%) 1



29 30 31 32 33 34 35
Modulus of elasticity (GPa)

Fig. 4.83: Modulus of Elasticity verses Scaling Resistance

Results & Discussion


In present investigation, XRD analysis was carried out only for M20 Grade concretes mixes. It
was done with the view that in M20 Grade of concrete mixes, influence of WFS was more
pronounced in comparison with M30 Grades of concrete mixes.

The X-ray diffraction pattern and analysis of concrete mixes of M20 Grade of concrete at the age
of 28 day are shown in Fig 4.84 to 4.88. it can be seen from these figures that in all concrete
mixes, peak of the dicalcium silicate (C2S), tricalcium silicate (C3S) and tetracalcium alumino
ferrite (C4AF) are not visible indicating that they are totally consumed. Silica oxide (SiO 2) peak
indicated free silica present in concrete mixes. At 0% WFS, replacement peak observed was
3500. Same peak intensity was observed at 5% replacement (M-2). For mix M-3 (10%WFS)
peak was near to 2500. It was observed that for mix M-4(15%WFS) peak intensity was minimum
2000 and at 20% WFS replacement, it goes to increase by more than 2500. Similar types of
results are reported by Basar et al. (2012).

3000 SiO2 XRD (0% WFS)
Intensity (cps)

1000 SiO2
500 SiO2 CaCO3 Ca(OH)2 CaMg(CO3)2 SiO2
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
Angle (2θ)

Fig. 4.84: X-Ray Diffraction Pattern of Mix M-1(0%WFS)

Results & Discussion

3000 SiO2 XRD (5% WFS)
Intensity (cps)

1000 SiO2
500 SiO2 CaCO3 Ca(OH)2 CaMg(CO3)2 SiO2
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
Angle (2θ)

Fig. 4.85: X-Ray Diffraction Pattern of Mix M-2(5%WFS)

3000 SiO2 XRD (10% WFS)
Intensity (cps)

1000 SiO2
500 SiO2 CaCO3 Ca(OH)2 CaMg(CO3)2 SiO2
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
Angle (2θ)

Fig. 4.86: X-Ray Diffraction Pattern of Mix M-3(10%WFS)

Results & Discussion

3000 XRD (15% WFS)
Intensity (cps)

1000 SiO2
500 SiO2 CaCO3 Ca(OH)2 CaMg(CO3)2 SiO2
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
Angle (2θ)

Fig. 4.87: X-Ray Diffraction Pattern of Mix M-4(15%WFS)

3000 SiO2 XRD (20% WFS)
Intensity (cps)

1000 SiO2
500 SiO2 CaCO3 CaCO3 Ca(OH)2 CaMg(CO3)2 SiO2
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
Angle (2θ)

Fig. 4.88: X-Ray Diffraction Pattern of Mix M-5(20%WFS)

Results & Discussion

It was found that with the increase in waste foundry sand percentages in concrete mixes,
utilization of silica in C-S-H gel increased. This trend was observed up to 15% replacement of
fine aggregate with WFS in concrete. The presence of calcium hydroxide (Ca (OH) 2) is very less
in all concrete mix which confirms the maximum consumption in the hydration reaction. This
help to make dense microstructure and additional development of C-S-H gel, leading to the
improvement of microstructure of the concrete, which has resulted in the improvement of the
strength and durability properties.

In this chapter, the findings of experimental investigations were discussed. Various tests were
conducted to determine the effect of waste foundry sand on strength and durability properties of
both grades of concrete (M20 and M30). In non destructive testing, rebound hammer and
ultrasonic pulse velocity test was performed. Natural sand was replaced with waste foundry sand
by 0 to 20% at an interval of 5%. In this investigation it was found that at 15% replacement,
WFS showed considerable improvement on strength properties (compressive strength, splitting
tensile strength and modulus of elasticity) and durability properties (abrasion resistance, rapid
chloride penetration resistance and deicing salt surface scaling resistance) of both grades of




The present work investigated the influence of waste foundry sand as partial replacement of fine
aggregate (sand) on the properties of two grades (M20 & M30) of concrete. On the basis of the
results from the present study, following conclusions are drawn.


5.2.1 Compressive Strength

i. Compressive strength of both grades of concrete mixes (M20 and M30) increased due to
replacement of fine aggregate with waste foundry sand. However, compressive strength
observed for both grades of concrete mixes were appropriate for structural uses.

ii. M20 (30 MPa) grade concrete mix obtained increase in 28-day compressive strength
from 30MPa to 37.8MPa on 15% replacement of fine aggregate with WFS, whereas it
increase was from 40MPa to 46.8MPa for M30 grade of concrete mix. Maximum
strength was achieved with 15% replacement of fine aggregate with WFS. Beyond 15%
replacement it goes to decrease for both grades of concrete, but was still higher than
control concretes

iii. Effect of inclusion of WFS was better effect on M20 grade of concrete mixes rather than
M30 grade of concrete mixes. The rate of gain of strength for M20 grade of concrete
mixes observed to be more than M30 grade of concrete mixes at all percentage

iv. Compressive strength also increased with increase in age for both grades of concrete. The
rate of compressive development of waste foundry sand concrete mixes were higher
compared to no waste foundry sand concrete mixes.


5.2.2 Splitting Tensile Strength

i. Concrete mixes obtained linear increase in 28-day splitting tensile strength from 3.42MPa
to 3.86MPa for M20 grade of concrete mix (M-1) and 4.23MPa to 4.67MPa for M30
grade of concrete mix (M-6) on replacement of fine aggregate with waste foundry sand at
various percentages of 5% to 20%.

ii. Splitting tensile strength of all concrete mixes for both grades of concrete (M20 and
M30) was found to increase with increase in with varying percentage of waste foundry

iii. At the age of 28 days, splitting tensile strength of M20 grade of concrete mix (M-1)
increased by 12.8% whereas increase was 10.4% for M30 grade of concrete mix (M-6) at
same age. Development of splitting tensile strength was more in M20 grade mixes than
M30 grade mixes.

iv. Maximum increase in splitting tensile strength was observed at 15% replacement of fine
aggregate with waste foundry sand at all age for both grades of concrete mixes (M20 and

5.2.3 Modulus of Elasticity

i. At 28 days, modulus of elasticity increased from 23.8GPa to 25.2GPa for M20 grade of
concrete mix(M-1) and 29GPa to 31.3GPa for M30 grade of concrete mix (M-6) on
replacement of fine aggregate with waste foundry sand with various percentage from 0%
to 20%

ii. Modulus of elasticity for M20 and M30 grades of concrete mixes was observed to
increase with increase in age. Mix M-4 (15%WFS) exhibited better modulus of elasticity
compared to control mix M-1 (0%WFS) for M20 grade concrete. Similarly, mix M-
9(15%WFS) showed higher modulus of elasticity than control mix M-6(0%WFS) for
M30 grade of concrete. Beyond 15% replacement, with 20% WFS, modulus of elasticity
goes to decrease for both grades of concrete but it was more than control one.


iii. With inclusion of waste foundry sand, improvement in the modulus of elasticity of M20
grade concrete mixes was better than M30 grade concrete mixes.

In above conclusions, it was found that inclusion of waste foundry sand as a partial replacement
of fine aggregate in concrete mixes gives better effect on strength properties of concrete.
Enhancement in strength properties was observed due to addition of waste foundry sand.
Strength properties results indicate that waste foundry sand could be very conveniently used in
making good quality concrete and construction materials.


5.3.1 Abrasion Resistance

i. Waste foundry sand concrete mixes showed higher abrasion resistance (less depth of
wear) than that of concrete mixes which contain no waste foundry sand. Abrasion loss of
waste foundry sand concrete mixes decreased as the replacement of waste foundry sand

ii. Maximum abrasion resistance was observed at 15% replacement of fine aggregate with
waste foundry sand for both grades of concrete (M20 and M30). For example, at the age
of 28 day, concrete mix M-4(15%WFS) showed 19.25% more abrasion resistance than
control mix M-1(0%WFS) for M20 grade concrete whereas increase in abrasion
resistance was 18.6% for mix M-9(15% WFS) than control mix M-6(0%WFS) for m30
grade of concrete.

iii. Improvement in abrasion resistance was approximately same for both grades of concrete
mixes. Very marginal increase was found in M20 grade of concrete mixes than M30
grades of concrete mixes.

iv. Results have indicated that concrete made with (up to 15%) WFS could suitable be used
for making structural concretes, as well as for applications where abrasion is also
important parameter.


5.3.2 Rapid Chloride Permeability Resistance

i. Chloride permeability resistance of concrete mixes increased with the increase in waste
foundry sand content for both grades of concrete (M20 and M30).

ii. RCPT value (Coulombs) decreased with the increase in WFS content up to 15% WFS,
which indicate that concrete has become denser. This aspect has also been reflected by
the compressive strength result up to 15% WFS. However, at 20% WFS, there is slight
increase in coulomb value with references to 15% WFS but it more than control one. At
the age of 28 days, all concrete mixes for both grade of concrete (M20 and M30) show
Low Permeability against chloride.

iii. All concrete mixes (with and without waste foundry sand) for M20 grade of concrete
come under “low” permeability against chloride at all age as per ASTM standards. Only
concrete mix M-4(15% WFS) comes under very low permeability at 365 days of curing.
Whereas concrete mix M-7, M-8, M-9 and M10 for M30 grade of concrete come under
very low permeability at the age of 365 days.

5.3.3 Deicing Salt Surface Scaling Resistance

i. Waste foundry sand gave better effect on resistance of concrete mixes against deicing salt
surface scaling for M20 and M30 grades of concrete. Resistance increased with the
increase in waste foundry content in concrete mixes. Deicing salt scaling resistance also
increased with increase in age of curing.

ii. Scaling resistance was affected by the poor voids system in concrete matrix. Fine
particles of waste foundry sand filled the voids between the particles of concrete matrix
and increased its surface hardness. The hardness increases the resistance against deicing
salt scaling.

iii. The scaling resistance of concrete mixes for both grades of concrete (M20 and M30) was
significantly influenced by the waste foundry sand. Maximum resistance was observed at
15% replacement of fine aggregate with WFS. All concrete mixes for M20 and M30
grades of concrete showed weight loss lower than control mix (M-1 & M-6). At 28 days,


weight loss was reduced by 1.06% to o.78% for M20 grade of concrete mixes and it was
reduced by 1.06% to 0.73% for M30 grade of concrete mixes.

The test data for all the concrete mixes with and without waste foundry sand for M20 and M30
grades of concrete show excellent results with respect to abrasion resistance, rapid chloride ion
permeability and deicing salt scaling resistance. Results have indicated that concrete made with
(up to 15%) WFS could suitable be used for making structural concretes.


In this investigation, ultrasonic pulse velocity method was used to predict the quality of concrete
and to know the effect of waste foundry sand on quality of concrete in term of homogeneity and
uniformity of concrete.

Result showed that ultrasonic pulse velocity increased with the inclusion of waste foundry sand
in both grades of concrete (M20 and M30). All concrete mixes of both grades of concrete
satisfied the criteria of BIS 13311 (part-1) 1992 Ultrasonic pulse velocity of all concrete mixes
lies between 3500m/s to 4500m/s. it means that with addition of WFS in concrete, quality of
concrete mixes improved. Maximum velocity was observed at 15% replacement of fine
aggregate with WFS for both grades of concrete. It also increased with age.


Rebound hammer is used to predict the compressive strength of the concrete. It is not an accurate
method. According to BIS: 13311 (part 2)-1992, accuracy of prediction of concrete strength in
structure is ± 25 percent. Due to inclusion of waste foundry sand content in concrete, the
compressive strength was observed higher than that of control one. It was also found that
compressive strength was increased with age (91days and 365 days) in both grades of concrete.


In this analysis, correlation between the strength and durability properties was investigated. It
was observed that there is a good correlation between strength and durability properties for both


grades of concrete. A polynomial relationship in the form of y = ax2+bx+c seems to best fit the
data with R2 values.

i. Coefficient of correlation amongst strength properties (compressive strength, splitting

tensile strength and modulus of elasticity) is very high (from 0.9584 to 0.9775). These
strength properties also have a very strong relation with ultrasonic pulse velocity

ii. Very strong relationship was observed between the abrasion resistance, salt scaling
resistance and rapid chloride permeability resistance. Value of correlation coefficient
varied from 0.9274 to 0.9693. It means that inclusion of waste foundry sand in concrete
led to decrease the wear depth and increase the scaling resistance and chloride
permeability resistance.

iii. The high values of correlation coefficient indicates that depth of wear has a strong
relationship with strength properties (compressive and splitting tensile) and well as
modulus of elasticity. Generally, an increase in strength and modulus of elasticity lead to
an increase in abrasion resistance of concrete.


i. In all concrete mixes for M20 grade of concrete, C2S, C3S and C4AF are totally

ii. Up to 15% replacement of fine aggregate with WFS, utilization of silica in C-S-H gel

iii. The presence of calcium hydroxide (Ca(OH)2 )is very less in all concrete mix which
confirm the maximum consumption in the hydration reaction and additional development
of C-S-H gel led to improve the strength and durability properties of both grade of



This chapter deals with the conclusions based of the findings of strength and durability properties
of both grades of concretes. Inclusion of waste foundry sand as a partial replacement of fine
aggregate in concrete improved the strength and durability properties of both the grades of
concrete. Further, concrete made with 15% replacement of natural sand with WFS could suitable
be used for making structural concretes.


i. “Effect of waste foundry sand (WFS) as partial replacement of sand on strength,

ultrasonic pulse velocity and permeability of concrete”. Construction and Building
Materials, Volume 26, Issue 1, January 2012, Pages 416-422

ii. “Abrasion Resistance and Strength Properties of Concrete Containing Waste Foundry
Sand”. Construction and Building Material, Volume 28, Issue 1, March 2012, Pages 421-

iii. “Utilization of waste foundry sand (WFS) in concrete manufacturing”. Resources,

Conservation and Recycling, Volume 55, Issue 11, September 2011, Pages 885-892.


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