Individual Educational Plan
Individual Educational Plan
Individual Educational Plan
Name: Switzel Respicio LRN: 103788130208 Age: 10 y/o Gender: Female Birthday: June 27,2009
Address: Salinungan, San Exceptionality: Speech Special Skills: Religion: Roman Catholic 4 P’s Recipient: Yes ____
Mateo, Isabela and mobility Socializations No √__
Language Spoken at Number of children in the family: 1 Birth Order: first child SPED Teacher: Sheryll
Home: Tagalog Grace C. Banaga
I, Myra Abaya, parent /guardian of Switzel Respicio acknowledge that I was properly oriented on the individualized Education Plan (IEP) and I
was given a copy. I agree and approved the educational placement of my child. And I am willing to participate in whatever decision that benefits
Myra Abaya_
Parent /Guardian
Prepared by: Sheryll Grace C. Banaga Approved by: ___ Felisa C. Carpiso_____
Teacher School Principal
October 4,2019
School: San Mateo East Central School LSENS:
Teacher: Sheryll Grace C. Banaga Area: Gross Motor Skills
Teaching Date/s & Time: M-Th, 7:30-10am Quarter : 1st and 2nd Quarter
Objective/s Do simple gross motor tasks Enjoy simple Develop manipulative skills Accomplish sensorial Can do bodily
: independently rhythmic activities movement
Date June 2019 July 2019 August 2019 September 2019 October 2019
Legend : MP: Modelling Prompt, VP: Verbal promt, PP: Physical Promt, I: Independent, X: Wrong, #: No React
Activity/ies Activity/ies Activity/ies Activity/ies Activity/ies
PP Perform locomotor Perform simple Move objects from one place to a. touch sticky liquid a. Crawli
movement dance another ng under the
movements table
I walk lifting b. touch hard and b. Climbing on
soft objects chairs and
Name: Switzel Respicio Birthdate: June 27,2009 Diagnosis/Impressions: Difficulty in mobility/difficulty in communication
Long Term Objective: Current Level Short Term Strategies Evaluation Standard Evaluation Tool/s
To express one’s Objectives
Area Strength/s
Wave a sign Use common Accomplishing Observation
of greetings greetings Modelling 70% for 5 times
Communication and farewell consistently promt continually
Skills and
appropriately Verbal promt Accomplishing 70 Interview with
Can follow To express % for 3 times the
simple needs continually parents/guardia
instructions consistently Physical ns
Need/s promt /putting Accomplishing 70
Cant follow To express –trough % for 3 times
simple mouth her thoughts continually
movement and feelings Positive Performance
Cant answer To give reinforcement
promply appropriate
when called responses
Daily Report For the Month of __JUNE 2019-OCTOBER 2019________________________
Name: Switzel Respicio Birthdate: June 27,2009 Diagnosis/Impressions: Difficulty in mobility/difficulty in communication