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Teaching Aptitude [1]



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Teaching Aptitude [3]

Teaching Aptitude [4]

The progress and prosperity of a nation depends upon the development of its human
resources. For this purpose we need highly competent teachers.
Teaching aptitude is basically evaluating candidates who want to enter teaching
profession on the basis of their knowledge and skills. It refers to basic qualities required to
become a successful teacher. This includes qualification, intelligence, attitude and many other
qualities expected from a person who wants to become a successful teacher.
Apart from teaching concepts, teaching objectives, teaching methods and teaching aids
which are specifically mentioned in the syllabus, many questions have been asked on classroom
situations in NET Exam. The ensuing discussion can help candidates to comprehend these types
of questions correctly.

Concept of Teaching
Teaching can be formal as well as informal. Informal Teaching is carried out within the
family or in community, during initial years of life.

Teaching can be defined in the following ways:

1. Teaching is the purposeful direction and management of the learning process.
2. Teaching is skillful application of knowledge, experience, and scientific principles with an
objective to set-up an environment to facilitate learning.
(a) How clearly the students understand
(b) How accurately their learning can be measured
3. Teaching is a process in which the learner, teacher, and school, principle aids are organized
in a systematic way to attain some predetermined goals.
4. Teaching is an activity that causes the child to learn and acquire the desired knowledge and
skills and also the desired ways of living in the society.

Nature or Characteristic Features of Teaching

1. It has different levels of teaching
2. It takes place in a dynamic environment
3. It is essentially an intellectual activity
4. It tends towards self-organisation
5. It is a social service
6. Autonomy freedom
7. It is a continuous process
8. Teaching is a profession

Different levels of Teaching

 Memory level of teaching (MLT)
 Understanding level of teaching (ULT)
 Reflective level of teaching (RLT)

Teaching Aptitude [5]

Memory level of teaching (MLT)
1. Herbart is the main proponent of Memory Level of Teaching.
2. Memory is the initial stage of teaching
3. The teaching-learning process is basically 'Stimulus-Response' (S-R) in MLT.
4. The evaluation system mainly includes oral, written, and essay-type examination.

Understanding level of teaching (ULT)

1. Morrison is the main proponent of Understanding Level of Teaching.
2. It is 'memory plus insight' as it goes beyond just memorizing of facts.
3. It provides more and more opportunities for the students to develop the 'intellectual
4. The evaluation system mainly includes both essay and objective-type questions.

Reflective level of teaching (RLT)

1. Hunt is the main proponent of Reflective Level of Teaching.
2. It includes ULT and MLT.
3. It is problem-centred teaching.
4. The students are assumed to adopt some sort of research approach to solve the problem.
5. Classroom environment is to be sufficiently 'open and independent'.
6. The pupil occupies the primary place and teacher assumes the secondary place.
7. Mostly essay-type test is used for evaluation Attitude, belief, and involvement are also

Effective Teaching Practices

The Maxims of Teaching
1. From simple to complex – Simple things should be taught first followed by complex
things. This method of teaching creates interest among learners to acquire new knowledge
and helps in gradually building up the concepts.
2. From known to unknown – Retention is always better if new knowledge can be linked
with the known one.
3. From seen to unseen – The students should impart knowledge about the present and
then they can understand the past and the future better.
4. From concrete to abstract – The mental development of students happens with the
concrete objects and afterwards they gain micro-words for them eg. Astelonomy.
5. From whole to part – Gestalt psychologists have proved that we first see the whole
object and then its parts. For example, we first perceive the tree and then its trunk,
branches, leaves, etc. Thus, introduction or overview of the topics is important.
6. From psychological to logical – During initial stages, psychological order is more
important, whereas for grown up learners, logical order is emphasized more.
7. From analysis to synthesis – Initially, the knowledge of students is vague. Analysis
means dividing problems into its constituent parts and then these are studied.
8. Training of senses – Senses like sight, hearing, taste, smell, and touch are gateways
to knowledge.

Teaching Aptitude [6]

Classification of Teaching and Instructional Objectives
There are two ways of classifying instructional objectives. One classification is given by
Bloom et al, whereas another classification is given by Gagne and Briggs.

Bloom's Classification of Teaching and Instructional Objectives

According to Bloom's classification, instructional objectives fall under one of the
following three categories:
1. Cognitive domain : It is related to development of intellectual capability and it is the core
learning domain. The other domains least some cognitive components. It functions at six
levels, which are as follows:
(a) Knowledge : It is basically about recalling information or contents.
(b) Comprehension : It is the ability to grasp the meaning of a material.
(c) Application : It is applying the gained knowledge in practical situations, that is,
converting abstract knowledge into practice.
(d) Analysis : It involves breaking down a communication into its constituent parts in such a
manner that relationship of ideas is understood better.
(e) Synthesis : It is basically about combining the constituent parts to make it a whole. It is
antonym of analysis.
(f) Evaluation : It involves judgement made about the value of methods and materials for
particular purposes.
2. Affective domain : It deals with attitude, motivation, willingness to participate, valuing
what is being learned, and ultimately incorporating the values of discipline into a way of
life. It asks for better student participation. It includes the following levels of affective
(a) Receiving: Willing to listen
(b) Responding : Willing to participate
(c) Valuing : Willing to be involved
(d) Organizing : Willing to be an advocate of an idea
(e) Characterization : Willing to change one's behaviour, lifestyle, or way of life.
3. Psychomotor domain : It is mainly concerned with the acquisition of technical skills.
Following are the five different levels of instructional objectives in psychomotor domain:
(a) Imitation : Demonstration of a skill by another individual is essential for imitation. An
individual performs the act under the guidance of a skilled person.
(b) Manipulation : A learner tries to experiment with various aspects like manipulating
machinery, equipment, etc.
(c) Precision : Accuracy in performing various acts increases with practice.
(d) Articulation : Achieving a desired level of efficiency and effectiveness through practice.
(e) Naturalization : Skill is internalized and an individual is able to adapt, modify, or design
new techniques, methods, or procedures according to the requirements of a situation.

Teaching Aptitude [7]

Gagne and Briggs classification of Teaching and Instructional Objectives
According to Gagne and Briggs classification, the learning outcomes fall under one of
the following categories:
1. Intellectual skills : These skills are crucial for dealing with the environment. They include
concept learning, rule learning, and problem solving.
2. Cognitive strategies : These include methods and techniques for one's own learning,
remembering, and thinking skills.
3. Verbal information : It refers to organized bodies of knowledge that an individual acquires.
4. Motor skills : They are basically about motions carried out when the brain, nervous system
and muscles work together.
5. Attitudes : They refer to an internal state of an individual.

Methods of Teaching
The teacher has a number of methods at his disposal to select from. These methods are as
1. Large group teaching methods
2. Small group teaching methods
3. Individualized teaching methods

Large Group Teaching Methods

Lecture methods
The use of lecture method mainly depends on -
(i) the topic to be discussed
(ii) teaching philosophy of the teacher
(iii) the overall learning situation (such as size of the group)
Lectures can be either one-way or two-way depending upon the presence or absence of
the facility to seek further information, clarification, and explanation.

Team Teaching methods

Team teaching is an innovative approach in teaching large groups in which two or more
teachers are involved in planning, executing, and evaluating the learning experiences of a group
of students.
TV or Video Presentation
Television or video presentation is an improved presentation of radio or audio
presentation, and it can virtually bring the whole world inside the classroom.

Small Group Teaching Methods

Most of the methods of instructional delivery for the learning of smaller groups
numbering between 3 and 12 trainees lean towards trainee-centred approach.
Group Discussion methods
Group discussion method is one of the basic methods of delivering learning to smaller
groups. It can be described as communication and interaction within a group around a topic,
skill, issue, or problem presented to the group by the trainer or moderator for discussion.

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Teaching Aptitude [8]

Teaching Aptitude [9]
Research is the lifeblood of any institute of higher learning worth its name. It is a habit of
questioning what you do and a systematic examination of the observed information to find
answers. Research is more than a set of specific skills; it is a way of thinking; it examines
critically the various aspects of any professional work.
(1) The term research comprises of two words, namely ‘re’ and’ search’. Generally, re
means again and search means to find out. According to Advanced Larner’s Dictionary.
‘Research is a careful investigation or inquiry specially to search for new facts in any branch of
knowledge’. According to Creswell. ‘Research is a process of steps used to collect and analyze
information to increase our understandings of a topic or issue’.

(i) is a process of enquiry and investigation, (ii) is systematic and methodical, and (iii) increases
the knowledge

Research Objectives
Research adds to the existing stock of knowledge, making for its advancement. It is the pursuit
of knowledge with the help of study, observation, comparison, and experiment. The main
purpose of research is to discover answers to questions through the application of scientific
procedures. The purpose of research is to find out the truth that is hidden and not discovered so
The typical objectives of research can be summarized as follows:
1. Gain familiarity with a new phenomenon or develop new insight into a phenomenon.
2. Review and synthesize the existing knowledge.
3. Investigate some existing situation or problem.
4. Offer solution to a problem.
5. Explore and analyze more general issues.
6. Construct or create a new procedure or system.
7. Generate new knowledge.

Some important terms

Epistemology is a branch of philosophy that deals with the origin, nature, methods to acquire
knowledge, validity, and limits of human knowledge.

Positivist paradigm is mostly associated with quantitative research strategies.

Interpretive paradigm is usually associated with qualitative research strategies. It is
specifically applicable in social sciences like sociology, political science, etc.
Theory A theory is a set of systematically related statements, including some law-like
generalizations that can be tested empirically. These generalization provide hypotheses and
these hypotheses determine what must be measured.
Construct Construct is popularly termed as the concept. A construct is an abstract entity, that
is, it is not something physical.

Research characteristics
Objectivity: It is crucial for a successful research. We should rather say that all other
characteristics are built around it. Researchers usually take utmost precautions that results are
not affected by their own presence, behaviour, and attitude.

Teaching Aptitude [10]

Reliability in context of research is consistency. It refers to the extent to which an
investigation produces consistent results. Reliability means that whatever you conclude on the
basis of your findings is correct and can be verified by the researcher and also by others.
Validity: Validity in research mainly stands for accuracy of procedures, research instruments,
tests etc.
Validity is defined as the extent to which a measuring device measures what it intends or
purports to measure.
Validity means that research must be unbiased and fee from any systematic error as these
may impact the applicability of research.
Accuracy: It is closely related to validity. It is also the degree to which research processes
instruments, and tools are related to each other.
Credibility: It is the use of best source of information and the best procedures in the research.
Most of the times, it will become a questions of excessive reliance on secondary data when the
option of primary data is available.
Generalizability: It is closely related to validity. It refers to the degree to which research
findings can be applied to a larger population.
Empirical research: It is based on real-life experiences, direct experiences or observation by
the researcher.
Systematic: For a research to be effective, it has to be systematic. It is the only approach to
undertake any research work, and each step must follow the other.
Cyclical: Research is a cyclical process because it starts with a problem and ends with a
Logical: The statement, a good research is logical, implies that research is guided by the rules
of logical reasoning. Logical processes of induction and deduction are of great value in carrying
out the research.

S.No. Basis of Types

1. Descrive
2. Correlational
1. Objectives
3. Explanatory
4. Explaratory
1. Basic
2. Outcome
2. Applied
1. Deductive
3. Logic
1. Quantitative
4. Process
2. Qualitative
1. Structured
5. Inquiry mode
2. Unstructured
1. Conceptual
6. Idea or concept
2. Empirical

Classification of Research on the Basis of Objectives

1. Descriptive research
2. Correlational research
3. Explanatory research
4. Experimental research

Teaching Aptitude [11]

Descriptive Research
1. It is description of a ;situation as it exists atpresent.
2. It includes surveys and fact-finding enquires with adequate interpretation.
3. It just involves data gathering.
4. A researcher no control over the variables.
5. It attempts to describe systematically a situation, problem, or phenomenon.
6. It can provide information about, say for example, living condition of a community, or it can
describe the attitudes towards an issue.
7. It can be further cross-sectional or longitudinal. The cross-sectional study can be field study
or field survey at a point of time, and in longitudinal research, the data may be collected at
more than one point of time.

Examples: 1. Ministry of Agriculture would like to know about the crop patterns across
different states in India. 2. School principal may be interested to know about the result of his
own school in comparison to other schools in the district.

Ex post facto research

1. It is mostly used in social sciences and business.
2. It is conducted in context of a phenomenon after it has occurred or at the time of its
3. It basically deals with non-manipulated variables of a phenomenon.

Historical research
1. It is another dimension of description research and somewhat similar to ex post facto
2. It usually focuses on the historical aspect of an issue of interest or problem.
3. Examples are growth of trade unions in India, evolution of modern education system in
India, etc.

Analytical research
1. In this method, the researcher uses facts or information already available.
2. It attempts to make critical evaluation of the material.
In field study, the depth of the study is greater and the sample size is usually small, whereas
in field survey, there is greater coverage of population but the depth of study may not be

Correlational studies
1. It is undertaken to discover or establish relationship or interdependence between two
aspects of a situation.
2. It may identify factors leading to a certain situation.

Explanatory Research
Explanatory research attempts to answer how and why between two aspects of a situation
or a phenomenon.

Exploratory Research
1. It is generally done on starting a research. It is undertaken to explore an area where little
is known or to investigate the possibilities of undertaking a particular research study and
is akin to feasibility study or pilot study.
Teaching Aptitude [12]
2. Purpose of exploratory research is to gain background information, to define terms, to
clarify the problems, to develop hypotheses, to establish research priorities and
objectives, and to develop questions to be answered.
3. It mostly makes use of secondary data (mainly literature review), experience sur-verys,
case studies, interviews (mainly focus groups’ interviews), projective techniques, and
Delphi techniques.

Experimental Research or Causal Studies

1. It is cause-and-effect finding research; it seeks to uncover cause-and-effect relationships.

Classification of Research on the Basis of Application

Pure(or Basic)Research
1. The main purpose of basic research is to add to the existing stock of
knowledge and, thus, can be intellectually challenging.
2. The knowledge produced through pure research is sought in order to add to
the existing body of research methods.

Applied Research
1. Applied research is done to solve specific, practical questions facing the organizations or
2. It can be used for policy formulation, administration, and understanding of a
3. It can be exploratory but is usually descriptive.
4. It is always done on the basis of basic research and can be carried out by academic or
industrial institutions. For example, an academic institution such as a university will have
specific applied research program funded by an industrial partner interested in that

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Teaching Aptitude [13]

Teaching Aptitude [14]

Comprehension Passage:-
According to Wren and Martin, comprehension exercise can be defined as a passage,
upon which question are set to test the students' upon which questions are set to test the
students' ability to understand the content of the given text and to infer information and meaning
from it. To put it in simple terms, reading comprehension is the act of understanding what you
are reading.
It mainly requires tow inputs from the reader, that is, vocabulary knowledge and text the
comprehension. In order to understand a text, the reader must be able to comprehend the
vocabulary used in piece of writing.

1- Identification of key ideas:- There are always certain key sentences that determine the flow
of the ideas in a passage. To make comprehension simpler, these sentences are supposed to
be identified during the first reading of the passage. The paragraph/s should be read fairly
quickly to get a general idea. It should be read again, a little slowly so as to know the details.
They key idea can also be underlined.
2- Summarize the paragraph:- While reading the passage, develop a habit of mentally
summarizing each paragraph and keep linking them as you proceed.
3- Determine sentence links:- Usually, the sentences within a passage are directly or subtly
linked. Here, practice helps a lot in identifying such links, failing which the major ideas
could be missed out.
4- Ask questions:- Why has the author mentioned this example? What is the purpose of the
second paragraph? This kind of reflection helps in developing a deeper perspective about the
main ideas.

Main Question Categories:-

These type of question are based on the passage as a whole; they are typical in nature as
they reflect upon the author's motive to write the passage.

Solution Approach:-
Usually, the answers to such type of question lie in the introductory of the first or both
the paragraphs is helpful.
1- Cause and effect words- as a result, therefore.
2- Time words- meanwhile, before
3- Contrast words- in contrast conversely
4- Addition words- also, in addition
5- Emphasis words- more important, remember

Exercise 1
Alfred Nobel, the inventor of dynamite, is known to have died an unhappy man. He saw his
wonderful invention being used, not in the service of man as he wanted it to be. Dynamite was being
used for purposes of war. The power of the atom-to-day replaces dynamite in this respect. It has all the
potential to destroy the world twice or thrice over. It has all the power to make this world a better place
to live in. It is our choice what we make of it.
What the atom can do for a better future for us tomorrow, has been demonstrated to us time and
again right in our own country. We have nuclear power stations that use a few tones of uranium to
generate enormous power that normally would have needed millions of tones of coal. Take the Madras

Teaching Aptitude [15]

Atomic power project at Kalpakkam in Tamil Nadu. Its two reactors will together generate heat enough
to produce 410 MW (Megawatts) of power. As against some 40 tonnes of fuel needed to run these
reactors, a coal fired power station of this magnitude would have required several thousand tones of
coal to be hauled all the way from Bihar or Andhra over thousand and odd kilometers day after day.
From the used Uranium in this reactor we can separate Plutonium. A mixture of this Plutonium and
spent Uranium could again be used in what is called a fast breeder reactor as a fuel. And that is not the
end either. Because this type of breeder reactors would produce more of Plutonium than is put in, then
we have the phenomenon of a power house which generates more fuel than it uses. From there, a third
stage could also be seen. In this third stage, India's rich deposits of Thorium could be used in the fast
breeder to produce yet another Uranium based fuel for use in the third generation reactor. In this way all
that we need for taking care of our future electricity needs would be a few thousand tonnes of Uranium
and Thorium. This would suffice, theoretically at least, for the next 100 years or more.

Q.1 The atom has all the potential

(I) To make the world a better place to live in. (II) To destroy the world many times over.
(III) To establish world peace.
(a) I only is correct (b) II only is correct
(c) III only are correct (d) I and III only are correct
Answer : (D)

Q.2 Which of the following is not true about the Atomic power project at Kalpakkam?
(a) It has four or five reactors
(b) Its reactors together generate heat enough to produce 410 MW of power
(c) It is associated with Madras
(d) It needs about 40 tonnes of fuel to produce an amount of power which a coal-fired power
station would have needed several thousand tonnes of coal to produce
(e) From the used Uranium in this reactor we can separate Plutonium
Answer : (A)

Q.3 The author in the passage implies all of the following except
(a) Atomic power can be used both for destructive and peaceful purposes
(b) Atom can build a better future for mankind
(c) exploitation of atom can revolutionize generation of electricity at most cheap rates
(d) India has registered good progress in the use of atom for generation of power
(e) India intends to put atomic power to the manufacture of atomic weapons some day
Answer : (E)

Q.4 From what has been stated in the passage it is not difficult to infer that?
(a) The world is sitting on explosive material waiting to be annihilated by atomic weapons of war
(b) The world has made phenomenal progress in the exploitation of atom for peaceful purposes
(c) Man's constructive genius is as powerful as or rather more powerful than his destructive genius
(d) Both (B) and (C)
(e) None of these
Answer : (D)

Q.5 The title that best expresses the ideas of the passage may be
(a) Alfred Nobel, the Great Inventor (b) India's Achievements in the Nuclear Research
(c) Production of Uranium and Thorium (d) Multifarious Uses of Uranium and Thorium
(e) Nuclear Power Stations in India
Answer : (E)

Teaching Aptitude [16]

Exercise 2
India's role on the international stage was moulded by history rather than by the pomp and
circumstance of war. As a separate entity of the British Empire. India became a founder member of the
League of Nations in the same way as Australia and Canada, and thus acquired a somewhat unique
international status long before independence. During the days of the League when India's interests
were affected, such as in matters of trade or the position of Indians overseas, the India delegation did
not hesitate to make known its independent position, for what it was worth. Some Indian delegates were
in demand for chairing meetings riddled with contention and controversy, because of their reputation for
impartiality and talent for mediation.
These were the small beginnings of India's later entry into the United Nations in 1945, again as a
founder member before independence. The drafting of Chapter IX and X of the UN Charter, which deal
with international social and economic co-operation, was entrusted to a group that was presided over by
an India. It is important, however, to bear in mind the fact that the Government of Independent India
had no part in the drafting of the UN Charter, although it accepted the obligations contained therein.
The UN was primarily the creation of three powers. The USA, UK and USSR.
The size, population, resources and potential of India lent it the weight of a medium power in the
functioning of the United Nations. The fact that India was among the first nations to liberate itself from
imperialist domination through non-violent means endowed it with a moral obligation to work in and
outside the UN for the independence of nations still under colonial rule. India has served on the Security
Council for 10 years or 5 terms, on the Trusteeship Council for 12 years or 4 terms, and on the
Economic and Social Council for 21 years or 7 terms.
Q.1 Though a part of the British Empire, India enjoyed great prestige at the League in as much as
Indian delegates were in demand for chairing meetings to consider controversial issues. It was
because -
(I) Indian delegates were well known for their impartiality
(II) Indian delegates had talent for mediation.
(III) India was considered a power to reckon with.
(a) I and III are correct (b) I and II are correct
(c) II and III are correct (d) I only is correct (e) III only is correct
Answer : (B)
Q.2 Which of the following is not true?
(a) During the days of the League Indian delegates there pleaded for India's trade interests
(b) They espoused the cause of the Indians living overseas
(c) India acquired unique international prestige because of her immense contribution to the war
effort on the side of Britain.
(d) India entered the United Nations in 1945
(e) Some part of the UN Charter was drafted by a group which was presided over by an Indian.
Answer : (C)

Q.3 All of the following are wrong except

(a) The Government of India played a crucial role in the drafting of the UN Charter
(b) The Indian delegates at the League as well as at the United Nations enjoyed a great deal of
international prestige
(c) The covenant of the League of Nations was drafted by a group which included an Indian
(d) It was recognized from the very beginning that India was to be mighty power in the comity
of nations
(e) India has presided over Security Council meetings for 10 years
Answer : (B)

Teaching Aptitude [17]

Q.4 From the passage it may be inferred that
(I) India's voice was recognised at international forums even before the achievement of
independence by her.
(II) India has immense faith in the United Nations.
(III) India may play an increasingly important role in the functioning of the United Nations.
(a) I only is correct (b) II only is correct (c) III only is correct
(d) I and II are correct (e) I, II and III are correct
Answer : (E)

Q.5 Which country besides India has been mentioned in the passage as having liberated itself from
the colonial shackles?
(a) Australia (b) Canada
(c) Some African countries (d) Some temporary members of the Security Council
(e) None of these
Answer : (E)

Author's Opinion and Attitude:-

Such question are based on the author's view point and the answers are not explicitly
mentioned. They have to be derived from the key sentences used by the author to express his
thoughts and opinion's the question are so framed as to test one's ability to judge the author's
attitude or his stand on the subject by analyzing the content, style and phraseology used in the
passage. The candidate needs to be empathetic with the author while attempting such question.
Such a set of questions examine the candidate on many fronts.

Explicit or Direct Information:-

These are direct questions based on the names, dates, figures, data facts, or opinions
mentioned in the passage and are easily noticed during the first read itself. The answer option
may also be direct sentences picked up from the passage. Scan the passage to sspot the key
words for specific details.
Some specific detail questions are negative and are singled by the words like no except,
most and least, if your cannot find the correct answer for negative specific details, eliminate the
choices given and choose the one that remains as the correct response. If also makes a lot of
sense to read the questions first as it gives an idea of what to look for while reading the passage.
Question based on explicit information should be verified by reading specific parts of the
passage that contain the answer.

 Which one of the following options in true according to the passage.
 Which one of the following options is no longer a motivation for youth today?

Implicit information:-
The answers to these types of questions are not explicitly states but are
implied/inferred/deducted from the passage.
These questions test our comprehension skills as well as our ability to relate to author's

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Teaching Aptitude [18]

Teaching Aptitude [19]
Concept and definition:-
Communicate is most integral part of human nature. Human beings have a compulsive
urge to communicate with each other as more than 70% of their time is spent in communicating
with other. No meaningful understanding is possible without communications. Of all creatures,
man has the ability and power to express in words. The evolution of mankind is basically the
story of his/her progress in communication methods.
There are many definitions of communication. According to oxfords dictionary,
communication is transferring or conveying of meaning.
According to Wilbur Schramm, Communication is sharing of experience on the basis of
Berlo tried to explain commutation a S-R Model or sender receiver model where
Sender stands for stimulus and Receiver stands for response.
This was later extended to S-M-C-R Model that stands for sender Message Channel
Receiver. It is the basic communication process.

Functions and objectives of communication:-

1. Information to keep oneself updated and for decision making
2. Education and instruction
3. Smooth functioning of groups
4. Motivation and morale
5. Control
6. Cultural promotion
7. Integration
Nature and Characteristic of communication:-
1. Communication is continuous;-It is not a random exercise, it is always with some purpose.
It is predictable and dependable.
2. Communication is all pervasive:-Communication is omnipresent: it exists at all levels of
organizations. The top level conveys information to the middle level and vice versa.
Similarly the middle level conveys information to the supervisory staff and vice versa. There
is flow of communication in all directions in a workplace.
3. Effective communication is a two way process:-Communication can occur only when
there are at least two individuals.
4. Communication is always with content and a relationship aspect:- Both in terms of (i)
what you say and (ii) how you say the matter. Same message can be communicated
authoritatively or politely.
5. Communication exchanges are based on symmetry and complementary:-Symmetry
refers to similarity and complimentary refers to the differences in characteristics.
6. Common language:- To increase the possibility of effectual communication senders must
speak in a language the receiver is familiar with.
7. Communication always has a context:- Communication always takes place with a context.
According to Bateson, without context, words and action don't carry meaning at all. The
context of communication has four dimensions.

Teaching Aptitude [20]

a. Social context:- It refers to the place where communication is taking place in public
conference room, class room, etc. It may refer to the ambience of the place as well.
b. Cultural context:- If refers to the parties involved in communication process. What role,
status and relationship exist between them? What are the norms and the culture of the
society in which they communicate?
c. Psychological context:- Is the environment characterized by formality or informality
friendliness or unfriendliness.
d. Temporal context:- It refers to the time factor in communication such as at what time of the
day communication is taking place.
e. Historical context:- It involves the expectations of the speaker and the audience in
situations that happen regularly or have happened in the post.
f. Physical context :- It involves the actual location, the time of day, the lighting, noide level
and related factors.
Communication skills;-
Communication skills include the following.
1. Listening skill
2. Speaking skill
3. Writing skill
4. Reading skill
Elements in Basic communication Process;-
1. Source/sender:- A person, thing or event that provides verbal or non verbal clues to
which someone can respond.
2. Receiver:- A person who interprets a message sent by a source.
3. Message:- A set of verbal or non- verbal cues sent by a source. Message can be spoken
or written in words, gestures, movement, etc.
4. Symbols:-A symbol is something that represents something else, it can be verbal or non
5. Channel:-A channel is the means used to convey stimuli. The most common channels
are visual and auditory, and other channels utilize tactile (touch), gustatory (taste) and
olfactory (smell) senses.
6. Encoding:-Encoding is the process of selecting symbols to express an idea or feeling
that the source wishes to communicate.
7. Decoding:- It is the process by which the receiver translates the symbols provided by the
8. Feedback:- It is response a receiver gives to sender as a result of sender's massage.
9. Noise:- Noise is anything that distorts or interferes with the message; it can be external.

Process of classroom communication (Cole and Chan Model)

Communication is an integral part of any teaching learning process and its effectiveness
is one of the factors that determine the degree to which the intended learning outcomes are

Teaching Aptitude [21]

According to Cole and Chan, typical process of classroom communication (and
communication in general as well) includes five distinct stages.
1. Formulations of message
2. Encoding of message
3. Transmission of message
4. Decoding and interpretation of message
5. Feedback and evaluation
Formulation of message:-
1. All communication starts with an idea or a message that is to be transmitted to target
audience (individual) with a motive to get a positive response. Communicator (sender or
encoder) is the one who initiates the communication process.
2. A message is a set of verbal or non verbal cues sent by a source.
3. An effective communication depends on the communication skill, knowledge level and
attitude of the communicator and how he/she desires to affect his/her receiver.
4. As far as teachers are concerned, they conceptualize ideas to be conveyed to student by
arranging them in coherent and meaning full sequence.

Message Encoding:-
1. The internal shaping, sorting and sifting or ideas for clarification and organization is called
message formulation. Its purpose is to create a clear and meaningful message.
2. Encoding involves converting an idea into a form that can be transmitted to receives.
3. The communicator not only translates his/her purpose (ideas, thoughts or information) into a
message but also decides on the medium to communicate his/her planed message.
4. The communicator must choose the media (speech, writing signaling, or gestures) that 5he
receiver can comprehend well. For instance, an illiterate receiver may fail to understand a
written message but can understand it well if told orally.
5. Teachers encode their ideas in different ways according to the demand of the various
curricula. It is the teacher's responsibility to use appropriate symbolic forms for each subject
and to teach student to use these forms.

Teaching Aptitude [22]

Message Transmission:-

1. It is a critical stage in the communication process, and it answers haw a message is


Message Decoding and interpretation:-

1. Decoding is interpretation of the message by the receiver. Actually the receiver looks for
meaning in the message that is common to both the receiver and the communicator.
2. If the receiver possesses the background information and is familiar with the form of
language used, it becomes easier for him/her to decode and comprehend the message.
3. If the receiver does not have the ability to listen read and think he/she will not be able to
receive and decode the messages in the manner the communicator wants him/her to.
4. For effective communication the receiver is the most important link in the communication

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Teaching Aptitude [23]

Teaching Aptitude [24]

Reasoning is of two types, namely, verbal and non-verbal. Verbal reasoning is basically
about words rather than things. Verbal reasoning tests use words, letters, and numbers and
require logical reasoning and a reasonable knowledge of English. It is also necessary to be
familiar with simple, basic mathematical operations such as addition, subtraction, division, and
multiplication. Non-verbal is basically about figures.
As far as UGC NET Exam pattern is concerned, mathematical reasoning is covering
mainly verbal and basic mathematical skills such as series completion, coding and decoding,
classification (odd man out, and so on), and analogical relationship. Questions on direction
sense and seating arrangement also appear regularly in the exam.
Some topics such as Direction Sense and Venn Diagrams combine both verbal and non-
verbal skills.

Series Completion
A series may be a number series or letter series. There are several kinds of series such as
finding the missing numbers, replacing the wrong numbers, finding the missing letters, finding
the wrong group of numbers or letters, etc.


Prime Number Series

2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, …
a) 18 (b) 19 (c) 15 (d) 17
Solution: This series is a prime number series. So the next number in series is (d) 17.

2, 5, 11, 17, 23, 31, 37, ….
a) 29 (b) 31 (c) 43 (d) 39
Solution: The prime numbers are written alternately. (c) 43

Difference Series
2, 5, 8, 11, 14, 17, ….., 23, 26
a) 19 (b) 21 (c) 20 (d) 18
Solution: The difference between the numbers is (c) 2. (17+3=20)

Multiplication Series
2, 6, 18, 54, ….., 486, 1458
a) 152 (b) 182 (c) 162 (d) 108
Solution: The numbers are multiplied by 3 to get the next number. (54 x 3 = 162) (c)

3, 12, 48, ……, 768, 3072
a) 192 (b) 216 (c) 512 (d) 72
Solution: The numbers are multiplied by 4 to get the next number. (48 x 4 = 192) (a)
Teaching Aptitude [25]
Division Series
32, 48, 72, …., 162, 243
a) 84 (b) 96 (c) 108 (d) 132
Solution: Each number is being multiplied by 3/2 to get the next number. (c)

N2 Series
1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 36, …., 64
a) 42 (b) 44 (c) 45 (d) 49
Solution: The series is squares of 1, 2, 3, 4, and so on. (d)

0, 4, 16, 36, 64, ….., 144
a) 100 (b) 84 (c) 96 (d) 120
Solution: The series is squares of even number such as 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 and 12. So, the answer is
102 = 100. (a)



In this type of problem, a series of letters of English alphabet will be given, which follow
a pattern or a sequence. The letter series mainly consists of skipping the letters.
To solve these types of problems, assign numbers 1 to 26 to the letters of English
alphabet as shown below. In some cases, it is useful to assign the numbers in a reverse order.
One Letter Series
A,C E, G, ……, K
a) I (b) H (c) J (d) M
Solution: This series is A + 2 = C, C + 2 = E, E + 2 = G; G + 2 = I, I + 2 = K. The missing letter
is I (a).

B, E, H, K, N, …..
a) P (b) O (c) Q (d) R
Solution: The series is +3. The missing letter is N + 3 = Q (c).
Alternative Solution: Skip two letters to get the next letter, that is, skip O and P after N to get
Q. The missing letter is Q.

B, C, E, G, K, …..
a) M (b) N (c) O (d) P

Teaching Aptitude [26]

Solution: B = 2, …. K = 11 according to alphabet-series. Thus, according to the position, they
have prime number series. The next prime number is 13, and the corresponding letter is M. (a)

Combined Two Letter Series

AM, BN, CO, DP, ……, FR
a) HI (b) JK (c) KL (d) None of these
Solution: After every pair, one letter is skipped. (b)



The codes are based on various principles or patterns such that the message can be easily
deciphered at the other end. They are required to encode and decode words and sentences after
observing the pattern and principles involved.

If 'BELONGINGS' is coded as 'TABLESTESF', then how will you code 'LINEN'?
a) BTEAE (b) BTAEA (c) BATEA (d) None of these
Solution: The coding is done as follows
Letters B E L O N G I N G S
↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓
Codes T A B L E S R E S F
Accordingly, the code for LINEN is BTEAE.


If 'GREET' is coded as 'FQDDS', then 'CDDO' stands for
a) EDDP (b) DEEP (c) PEED (d) EPED
Solution: Here, it is -1 for each letter of the word 'GREET'.
Word G R E E T
-1 -1 -1 -1 -1
Code F Q D D S


Teaching Aptitude [27]


If A = 3, B = 4, Z = 28; if A = 5, B = 7, C = 9; and so on.
If 'FRANCE' is coded as 10-22-5-18-7-9, how will you code 'INDIA'?
a) 13-18-8-13-5 (b) 13-17-6-12-4 (c) 12-17-7-12-5 (d) None of these
Answer (a).


1. In a certain code language, 'do re me' means 'he is late'; 'fa me la' means 'she is early', and 'so
ti do' means 'he leaves soon'. Which word in that language means 'late'?
a) la (b) do (c) me (d) re

do re me → he is late

fa me la → she is early

so ti do → he leaves soon

Hence, the code for 'late' is 're'. Answer (d).



The questions that are asked in this section depend upon relation. The candidate should
have a sound knowledge of the blood relations in order to solve the questions.

Relations of paternal side

Father's father Grandfather
Father's mother Grandmother
Father's brother Uncle
Father's sister Aunt
Grandfather's son Father or Uncle
Grandfather's only son Father
Children of uncle Cousin
Wife of uncle Aunt
Children of aunt Cousin
Husband of aunt Uncle
Sister's husband Brother-in-law
Wife's brother Brother-in-law
Brother's son Nephew
Brother's wife Sister-in-law
Brother's daughter Niece
Grandson's or granddaughter's daughter Great grand daughter
Mother's or father's son/daughter Brother/sister
Son's wife Daughter-in-law
Teaching Aptitude [28]
Relations of maternal side
Mother's father Maternal grandfather
Mother's mother Maternal grandmother
Mother's brother Maternal uncle
Mother's sister Aunt
Children of maternal uncle Cousin
Wife of maternal uncle Maternal aunt
Children of same parents Siblings
Common term for husband of wife Spouse

Developing a Family Tree

Condition Sign
When M is Male +M
When N is Female –N
M and N are married to each other M=N
P and Q are siblings P↔Q
A is the child of B ↓

When A has two children B and C

X and Y are brothers. C and D are sisters. X's son is D's brother. How is Y related to C?
Explanation : Y is the brother of X; X's son is D's brother. This implies that D is the daughter
of X. As C and D are sisters, C is also the daughter of X. So, Y is the uncle of C.

As per the statement and family tree, X's son, D, and C are siblings. Y is the uncle of C.

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Teaching Aptitude [29]

Teaching Aptitude [30]
Reasoning is an important section in aptitude tests and the one the student needs to
master necessarily. To seek accurate explanation, we have to apply logic. Logic is applying
principles of reasoning to obtain valid inferences. Logical reasoning is largely about adopting
complete rational approach to solve a problem, with no chance for ambiguity.

Deductive and inductive reasoning

In deductive reasoning or inferencing, it is asserted that the conclusion is guaranteed to
be true if the premises are true in the deductive inference, the conclusion cannot be more
general than premises(s).
On the contrary, in inductive reasoning or inferencing, the conclusion has a high
probability of being true if the premises are true. Thus, in inductive inference, the conclusion is
more general than the premises(s)
In inductive reasoning, we can generalise beyond the known facts, but we can never be
sure that the generalization is correct. It also means that true premises never guarantee truth of
conclusion. Here, conclusion is just a likelihood.

Deductive Inference
Statement I: All vegetables contain vitamins.
Statement II: Carrot is a vegetable.
Conclusion: So carrot contains vitamins.

Inductive Inference
Statement I: Most vegetables contain vitamins.
Statement II: Carrot is a vegetable
Conclusion: So carrot contains vitamins.
Deductive inferences are further categorized into (i) immediate- where conclusion is
drawn from a single statement and (ii) mediate (where conclusion is drawn from two
statements, called syllogism).
Types of syllogism:
1. Categorical: Here, the relationship between the subject and the predicate is without any
2. Hypothetical: The relationship between the subject and the predicate is asserted
conditionally. For example, if it rains he will not attend.
3. Disjunctive: I. Either he is courageous or he is strong.
4. Relational : Here the relation between the various terms is shown in an order.

Structure of Arguments
Structure of arguments deals with basic terms, validity of arguments, converting
sentences into their logical form depending on the requirement, and then application of rules
follows so as to arrive at a conclusion.

A proposition is a sentence that makes a statement and gives a relation between two or
more terms. In logical reasoning, any statement is termed as a proposition.
Teaching Aptitude [31]
A premise is a statement or proposition that is assumed to be true and from which a
conclusion can be drawn.

Quantifier + Subject + Copula + Predicate

Thus, the proposition consists of four parts:
1. Quantifier: All, no, and some. They specify a quantity. ‘All’ and ‘no, are universal
quantifier and ‘some’ is a particular quantifier.
2. Subject (S): About which something is being said.
3. Predicate(P): Something that affirms or denies about the subject.
4. Copula : Relation between subject and predicate.
All bats are boys
Some players are doctors.

Classification of Propositions
Propositions are basically of two types, namely, universal and particular. universal
proposition is further divided into two parts:
1. Universal Positive or affirmative (A); It denotes inclusion.
Form: All S is P where S is the subject and P is the predicate. Example: ‘All cats are
animals’. It is basically about inclusion.
Distribution: It distributes the subject only. In the above statement, cats are distributed in
Predicate is not interchangeable with the subject while maintaining the validity of a
proposition. We cannot say that all animals are cats.

2. Universal Negative (E): It denotes exclusion.

Form: No S is P. Example: ‘No fish are birds’ would be a universal negative.
Distribution: Both subject and predicate. Here, an entire class of predicate term is denied to
the entire class of the subject term.

Particular Propositions: A particular proposition can also be divided into two parts.

Teaching Aptitude [32]

1. Particular Positive (I):It denotes ‘partial inclusion’.
Form: Some S is P. Example: Some men are foolish.
Distribution: Neither the subject nor the predicate. In the example, subject term, men is used
not for all but only for some men and similarly the predicate term, foolish is affirmed for a
part of subject class. So, both are undistributed.


2. Particular Negative (O):It denotes ‘partial exclusion’.

Form: Some S is not P or Not every S is P.
Example: Some bird are not carnivores’.
Distribution: Only of predicate.

Validity of Arguments
Deductive arguments may be either valid or invalid. If an argument is valid, it is a valid
deduction, and if its premises are true, the conclusion must be true. A valid argument cannot
have true premises and a false conclusion

Types and Main characteristics of Prepositions:

Sign Statement form Examples Quantity Quality Distributed
A All S are P All politicians are liars Universal Positive Only subject
E No S are P No politicians are liars Universal Negativ Both subject and
e predicate
I Some S are P Some politicians are liars Particular Positive Neither subject nor
O Some S are not Some politicians are not Particular Negativ Only predicate
P liars e
The conclusion of a valid argument with one or more false premises may be either true
or false.
Logic seeks to discover the valid forms, the forms that make arguments valid A form of
argument is valid if and only if the conclusion is true under all interpretations of that
argument in which the premises are true. Since the validity of an argument depends solely
on its form, an argument can be shown to be invalid by showing that its form is invalid. This
can be done by giving a Counterexample of the same form of argument with premises that
are true under a given interpretation, but a conclusion that is false under that interpretation.
In informal logic, this is called a counterargument.
Certain examples would help in better clarification about validity of arguments.
1. Some Indians are logicians; therefore some logicians are Indians.
Valid argument: It would be self contradictory to admit that some Indians are
logicians but deny that some (any) logicians are Indians.
2. All Indians are human and all humans are mortal; therefore, all Indians are mortal.
Valid argument: If the premises are true, the conclusion must be true.
3. Some Indians are logicians and some logicians are tiresome; therefore, some Indians
are tiresome.
Invalid argument: ...................
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Teaching Aptitude [33]
Teaching Aptitude [34]

Data Interpretation:-
Data interpretation is one of the easiest sections of UGC/CBSE Paper I. It is basically
about drawing conclusions and inferences from a comprehensive data presented numerically in
a tabular or graphical form by means of an illustration, namely, graphs, pie charts, and so on.
Thus, the act of organizing and interpreting data to get meaningful information is data
interpretation. The important aspects of data sources their acquisitions, and interpretation have
been covered in Unit II on Research Aptitude. In this unit, the focus is one solving practical
problems as per questions asked in the UGC/CBSE Net pattern.

A table is a systematic arrangement of data into vertical columns and horizontal rows.
The process of arranging data into rows and columns is called tabulations.

The purpose of tabulation is to present the data in such a way that it becomes more
meaningful and can be easily understood by a common man. However, in case of voluminous
data, it may require closer reading than graphs of charts and hence is difficult and time
consuming to interpret.

Essential Parts of a Table:-

A Statistical table is divided into eight, parts, which are explained below;

1- Title of the table:- A title is a heading at the top of the table describing its contents. It
mainly reflects upon the nature of the data, where the data is what time period the data
covers, and how the data is classified.
2- Caption:- The headings for various columns and rows are called column captions and row

3- Box head:- The portion of the table containing column caption is called box head.

4- Stub:- The portion of the table containing row caption is called stub.

5- Body of the table:- The body of the table contains the statistical data which has to be
presented in different rows and columns.

6- Prefatory notes or head notes:- Prefatory notes appear between the title and the body of
the table and are enclosed in brackets. They are used to throw some light about the units of
measurements, in lakhs, in thousands, and so on.

7- Footnote:- A footnote is always given at the bottom of the table but above the source note.
A footnote is a statement about something which is not clear from heading, title stubs,
captions and so on.

8- Source note:- A source note is placed immediately below the table but after the footnote. It
refers to the source from where information has been taken.

Teaching Aptitude [35]

Circle Graphs (or Pie Charts):-
Circle graphs are used to show how various sectors are in the whole. Circle graphs are
sometimes called pie charts, circle graphs usually give the percent that each sector receives.
In such representation the total quantity in question is distributed over a total angle of
360o. While using pie chart to find the ratios of various sectors, there is no need to find the
amounts each sector received and then the ratio of the amount. Find the ratio of the percents,
which is much easier.

Simple Bar Graphs:-

Bar charts are one of the easiest, graphically attractive, and hence most commonly used
methods of presenting all types of data. Given quantities can be compared by the height or
length of a bar graph. A bar graphs cab either have vertical or horizontal bars.
The width of the bars is largely inessential and is used only for clarity of presentation.
We can compare different quantities or the same quantity at different times.


During the year

State A B C D E F
Year Pre- Passed Pre- Passed Pre- Passed Pre- Passed Pre- Passed Pre- Passed
sented sented sented sented sented sented
1994 1200 105 1400 125 1650 140 1450 160 1700 185 1800 165
1995 1450 110 1250 130 1500 125 1600 145 1850 170 1650 170
1996 1100 120 1300 115 1400 150 1250 120 1400 160 1550 140
1997 1350 125 1100 120 1550 145 1300 140 1550 155 1700 155
1998 1400 135 1550 105 1750 155 1400 155 1650 175 1750 160
1999 1500 140 1450 110 1700 130 1500 165 1500 165 1600 175

Q.1 What is the approximate percentage of the passed candidates jointly from all the six
states to the presented candidates in the year 1994?
(a) 15 (b) 10 (c) 7 (d) 12 (e) 14

Q.2 Which one of the following states has maximum percentage of the passed candidates to
the presented candidates in 1996?
(a) B (b) D (c) C (d) E (e) None of these

Q.3 What is the percentage of passed candidates jointly from the state 'C' in the year 1995
and 1998 to the presented candidates jointly from the state 'B' in the year 1994 and 1997?
(a) 12.5 (b) 10.8 (c) 10.2 (d) 12.4 (e) None of these

Q.4 What is the approximate average number of passed candidates from state 'D' in the given
(a) 148 (b) 158 (c) 142 (d) 154
(e) 140

Q.5 Which one of the following years has least percentage of passed candidates to the
presented candidates from the state 'F'?
(a) 1998 (b) 1997 (c) 1996 (d) 1994 (e) None of these

Teaching Aptitude [36]


1. Total number of all presented candidates of all six states in the year 1994
= 1200 + 1400 + 1650 + 1450 + 1700 + 1800
= 9200
Total number of passed candidates of all six states in the year 1994
= 105 + 125 + 140 + 160 + 185 + 165
= 880
Requires percentage = = 10% (Approx.)
Therefore, the answer is (B).

2. The percentage of passed candidates to presented candidates of state A in 1996

The percentage of passed candidates to presented candidates of state 'B' in 1996

The percentage of passed candidates to presented candidates of state 'C' in 1996

The percentage of passed candidates to presented candidates of state 'D' in 1996

The percentage of passed candidates to presented candidates of state 'E' in 1996

The percentage of passed candidates to presented candidates of state 'F' in 1996

The percentage of state 'E' is the highest. Hence, the answer is (D).

3. The number of passed candidates of state (C) jointly in the year 1995 and 1998
= 125 + 155 = 280
The number of presented candidates of state 'B' jointly in the year 1994 and 1998
= 1400 + 1100 = 2500

Requires percentage = = 111.2

Hence, the correct answer is (E).

Teaching Aptitude [37]

4. Required average number
Therefore, the correct answer will be (A).

5. The percentage of passed candidates to the presented candidates from state 'F' in 1994

The percentage of passed candidates to the presented candidates of state 'F' in the 1995

The percentage of passed candidates to the presented candidates of state 'F' in 1996

The percentage of passed candidates to the presented candidates of state 'F' in 1997

The percentage of passed candidates to the presented candidates of state 'F' in 1998

And the percentage of passed candidates to the presented candidates of state 'F' in 1999

The least percentage is in 1996.

The correct answer will be (C).

(Q.6-10) Study the following given graphs and answer the questions

Distribution of male population Statewise

Total male population = 39 lakhs

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Teaching Aptitude [38]

Teaching Aptitude [39]
Computer Awareness
Charles Babbage (Father of Computer) after his invention and concept of Analytical Engine IN

Computer marks its birth in 1941 with the invention of by German engineer Konrad Zuse.

A computer is an electronic machine made to process, store and retrieve data and perform
calculations faster and efficiently than humans.
Based on the device used to attain this objective – process, store and retrieve data, computers are
classified into 5 generations.

1940 – 1956 Ist Generation (Vacuum Tubes)

First generation computers used vacuum tubes as components of memory and relied on machine
language (the most basic programming language).
A vacuum tube is a sealed glass tube containing a near – vacuum which allows the free passage
of electric current.
 These computers were limited to solve one problem at a time.
 No monitors were there ! Outputs were released in printout (Monitors appeared in 3rd
 Input was based on punched cards and paper tape.
 ENIAC (Electronic Numeric Integrated and calculator)was the world’s 1st successful electronic
computer which was developed by the two scientists namely J. P. Eckert and J.W. Mauchy.
 Other first generation computers were UNIVAC (Universal Automatic Computer), EDSAC
(Electronic Delay storage Automatic calculator), EDVAC (Electronic Discrete Variable
Automatic Computer) and LEO (Lyons Electronic Office).

1956 – 1963 : 2nd Generation (Transistors)

Transistor was invented in 1947, which upgraded the entire generation of computers to a more
advanced system. Transistor converts electronic signals and smaller, faster, cheaper and less heavy on
electricity use.
 The speed of computer performance depends on the speed of transistors.
 2nd generation computer still relied on punched cards for input and printouts for output.
 The symbolic language (assembly language) was developed and the programmers could create
instructions in words.
 High level programming languages – early version of COBOL (Common Business Oriented
Language) and FORTRAN (Formula Translation) were developed.
COBOL – a compiled English designed for business use.
FORTRAN – a language for scientific, engineering and numerical computation.

1964 – 1971 : 3rd generation (Integrated circuits)

The 3rd generation computers were the first computers where users interacted using keyboards
and monitors. Functions were based on monitor memory.
 This enabled these machines to run several applications at once.
 The invention of integrated circuits – the small circuits which can perform the functions of a
larger circuit, transistors were miniaturized and Put on silicon chips.

1972 – 2010 : 4th generation (Microprocessors)

The Intel – 4004 chip was developed in 1971, which positioned all Computer components (CPU,
Memory, input / controls) onto one single chip.
 The Intel – 4004 chip was developed by Ted Hoff.

Teaching Aptitude [40]

 These microprocessors allowed to make computers of smaller size with speedy and efficient

2010 on words : 5th generation (Artificial Intelligence)

 The intelligent machines who can work like humans or better.
 SIRI of iphones, automatic cars, robots, etc.
 Artificial intelligence today is properly known as narrow AI or weak AI.
 It is designed to perform a specified task like driving or solving complex mathematical

Artificial Intelligence;
It is a branch of Computer science dealing with the simulation of intelligent behaviour in
computers. In short, an AI machine can imitate the intelligence of a human brain.
 John Mc Cathy (Father of AI)
 Components of computer
1) Hardware :
Hardware means keyboard, monitor, mouse and printer, etc.

 Input devices;
Send data to a computer. Eg. Keyboard, mouse, scanner, trackball, touchpad, touch
screen, digital camera, web camera, micro phone, etc.
 Output devices;
Receive data from computer, usually for display, projection or physical reproduction.
Eg. Monitor, printer, plotter, projector, Computer output microfilm (Com), speaker, head
phone, sound card, video card, microfiche, etc.
 Processing devices ;
CPU and mother board are processing devices because they process information within
the computer system.

CPU 9Central Processing Unit);

It is the electronic circuitry within a computer that carries out the instructions by performing the
basic arithmetic, logical, control and input / output operations specified by the instructions.

CPU consists of:

A) Arithmetic and logic Unit (ALU):
It performs simple arithmetic and logical operations.
B) Control Unit (CU):
It manages various components of the computer. It reads and interprets instructions from
memory and trans forms them into a series of signals to activate other parts of the computer.

C) Memory / Primary Storage / Main memory:

It is the area in a computer in which data is stored for quick access by the computer’s processor.
RAM and cache are eg.
RAM is volatile i.e. whatever is stored in RAM is lost as soon as the computer is switched off.
Cache is a fast temporary storage where frequently or recently used information is stored to
avoid having a reload it from a slower storage medium.
Teaching Aptitude [41]
 Mother board:
It hold and allows communication between many of the crucial electronic components of
a system.
 Storage devices

(1) Primary storage: RAM, Cache

(2) Secondary storage: CD, USB, etc.

(2) Software:
It is a set of instructions that directs a computer’s hardware to perform a task.

(A) System software;

It is designed to operate the computer hardware and to provide a platform for running
application software.
(B) Application Software;
It is used to modify text, image graphics, etc. Eg. MS Word, Google chrome, calculator,
Notepad, etc.

BIDS (Basic Input Output System):

It is the link between the operating system software and the hardware. It is not actually the
software, it’s a program semi – permanently stored into one of the computer’s main chips, and it is
know as firmware.
Firmware is a combination of hardware and software.

Mobile Device Software;

Modern smart phones use both system and application software.
Android (Google), IOS (Apple), Windows Phone (Microsoft), Black berry (Research in
Motion), Symbian (Nokia)

RAM (Random Access Memory):

Here we use UPS (Uninterruptible Power System) is often used in computers.
Teaching Aptitude [42]
a) DRAM (Dynamic RAM):
It is used personal computers. The term dynamic means the content should be refreshed or it
loses its contents. It is economical.
b) SRAM (Static RAM):
It is faster and less volatile than DRAM but requires more power and is more expensive. The
word static means it is not required to be refreshed as in DRAM.
c) SDRAM (Synchronous Dynamic RAM):
A type of DRAM that has a much higher processing speed .

ROM (Read only memory):

The memory from which we can read but cannot write on it . It is non – volatile . The contents
are stored permanently. It stores such instructions which are used to start a computer, this operation is
referred to as bootstrap.
a) MTOM (Masked ROM):
It is inexpensive. The very first ROM were hard wired devices that contained a pre programmed
set of data. It cannot be programmed by user.
b) PROM (Programmable ROM):
It can be modified only once by a user. The user buys a blank PROM and enters the desired
contents using a PROM program.
c) EPROM (Erasable and programmable ROM):
It is a type of PROM which can be programmed by user multiple times. It is erased by exposing
it to ultra – violet light for a duration of up to 40 minutes.
d) EEPROM (Electrically EPROM):

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Deals with people and environment, Population is a near permanent group of
interbreeding individuals of a species found in a space or geographical area at a particular point.

The main factors affecting population are as follows:

(2) Natality (birth rate)
(3) Martality (death rate)
(4) Population dispersal (emigration, immigration, and migration)
(5) Age distribution (pre-reproductive, reproductive, and post-reproductive)
(6) Population growth rate
(7) Carrying resources mainly food, water, space-there are limited resources to support all life
Population density is number of individuals divided by space. The term environment is
derived from the French word environner. It means ‘to surround’. According to the
Environment (Protection) Act, 1986, environment includes all the physical and biological
surroundings of an organism and their interactions. Environment is defined as the sum of water,
air, and land, and the interrelation-ships that exist among them and with the human beings, other
living organisms, and materials.

The term ecology was coined by Ernst Haeckel in 1869. Ecology deals with the study of
organisms in their natural home.
It is the scientific study of the relations that living organisms have with respect to each
other and their natural environment the ecosystems.

It is present at three levels, which are as follows:

(1) The individual organism (how individuals are affected by the environment and how they, in
turn, affect the environment)
(2) The population
(3) The community.
Ecology is defined as the study of ecosystems.

Ecological Footprint: The ecological footprint measures human consumption of natural

resources in comparison to Earth’s ecological capacity to regenerate them. Calculation of the
footprint takes into account our consumption habits both at (i) micro (individual) level. The
objective of its calculation is also to educate people about the need to change our consumption
behaviour to make it more sustainable. Ecological footprint is measured in global hectares (gha)

A community is an assemblage of all the interacting populations of different species in a
geographical area. It is a complex interacting network of plants, animals, and microorganisms.

The term ecosystem was defined by Arthur Tansley in 1935. Ecosystem is a self-
regulating community of living organisms (populations of species), interacting with each other
and their nonliving, physical environment, for example, forest ecosystem and ocean ecosystem.

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Ecotone: An ecotone is the transitional area of vegetation between two different plant
communities, such as forest and grassland. The influence of the two bordering communities on
each other is known as the edge effect.

Biotic Components (Living Components)

Living components in an ecosystem are either the producers or the consumers. They are
also called the biotic components. Producers produce organic components, for example, plants
produce starch, carbohydrates, and cellulose by a process called photosynthesis.
(1) Producers (or Autotrophs) These produce their own food. Green plants produce food.
Green plants produce food through photosynthesis, by combining carbon dioxide and
water with the help of energy in the form of sunlight.
(2) Consumers: Consumers depend upon producers for their food, for example, human
beings and other animals.

They are of the following types:

(a) Herbivores feed on plants, for example, rabbit and insects.
(b) Carnivores are those animals that eat other animals.
(i) Secondary carnivores feed on herbivores, for example, a frog and a small fish.
(ii) Tertiary carnivores feed on other carnivores for example, a snake and a big fish.
(c) Omnivores feed on both plants and animals, for example, humans, rates, and many species
of birds.
(d) Detrivores feed on dead organisms, for example, earthworms, crabs, and ants. The living
beings that feed on dead or decayed organic matter are also called saprophytes. The are
fungi and bacteria.

(3) Decomposers: These are microorganisms that break down organic matter into inorganic
compounds and in this process, derive their nutrition.
In ecology, abiotic components are non-living chemical and physical factors in the
environment that affect the ecosystems.
Examples are water, light, wind, soil, humidity, minerals, and gases.

Trophic Levels and Ecological Pyramids

The trophic levels form a pyramid, with producers at the bottom, then primary consumers
(herbivores), secondary consumers(carnivores), and tertiary carnivores.

Ecological Pyramids-Trophic Levels

The concept of ecological pyramid was developed by Charles Elton. All ecologial
pyramids begin with producers like plants at the bottom and proceed through various trophic
levels such as herbivores (consume plants), carnivores (prey on herbivores), and so on. The
highest level is at the top of the food chain.

There are three types of ecological pyramids, which are as follows:

 Pyramid of energy
 Pyramid of numbers
 Pyramid of biomass

Teaching Aptitude [46]

(1) Pyramid of Energy
The pyramid of energy or the energy pyramid describes the overall nature of the
ecosystem. During the flow of energy form one organism to other, there is considerable loss of
energy in the form of heat.
 The energy pyramid is always upright and vertical.
 This pyramid shows the flow of energy at different trophic level and is maximum at the
lowest trophic level.
 It depicts the energy is minimum at the highest trophic level and is maximum at the
lowest trophic level.

(2) Pyramid of Numbers

The pyramid of numbers depicts the relationship in terms of the numbers of producers,
herbivores, and the carnivores at their successive trophic levels. There are three types of
pyramid of numbers, which are as follows:
 Upright pyramid of number
 partly upright pyramid of number
 Inverted pyramid of number

Upright Pyramid of Number This type of pyramid number is found in the aquatic and
grassland ecosystems.

Partly Upright Pyramid of Number It is seen in the forest ecosystem where the number
of producers are lesser in number and support a greater number of herbivores and which in turn
support a fewer number of carnivores.

Inverted Pyramid of Number

This type of ecological pyramid is seen in parasitic food chain where one primary producer
supports numerous parasites, which in turn support more hyperparasites.
Teaching Aptitude [47]
(3) Pyramid of Biomass
The pyramid of biomass is more fundamental. They represent the quantitative
relationships of the standing crops.
There are two types of pyramid of biomass, which are as follows:
 Upright pyramid of biomass
 Inverted pyramid of biomass.

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Teaching Aptitude [49]
Introduction to higher education:-
Higher education provides people with an opportunity to reflect on the critical, social
economical, cultural moral and spiritual issues facing humanity. It contributes to the national
development though dissemination of specialized knowledge and skills. It is therefore, a crucial
factor for survival. Being at the apex of the educational pyramid, it also has a key role in
producing teachers for the educational system Higher Education is a key element in
demographic dividend and also that it intends to make optimum utilization of human resources
specifically in age group of 15-95 years.
Formal education system can be categorized into three, namely primary, secondary and
tertiary education. Tertiary education is a wider term it is higher education plus vocational
education. According to the perspective of the NET paper I focus is on higher education.
Secondary education begins to expose students to the varied roles or science, humanities,
and social sciences and also to vocational streams. This is also an appropriate stage to provide
children with a sense of history and national perspective and give them opportunities of
understand their constitutional duties and rights as citizens. Board of Secondary Education plays
the main role in importing this education. Elementary or primary education adopts child-centred
approach. It continues up to 14 years.
There are three principle levels of qualification in higher education.
1. Undergraduate level leading to bachelors'
2. Postgraduate level leading to master degree
3. Research level leading to Ph.D. Fellowship, or Post doctorate

Evolution of Higher Education System in India

The origin of education in India can be traced to the Vedic age. Our ancient literature,
namely Vedas, Brahman as, and Upanishads revealed the highest knowledge to mankind
through our ancient rishis.

Teaching Aptitude [50]

1. During the Gupta period India became a centre of higher learning with Nalanda (all branches
of knowledge), Takshila (study of medicine), and Ujjain (Study of astronomy) among other.
2. During the advent of Buddhism Sarnath University became a great centre of learning to
study Buddhism. Ajanta was also a great place of learning to study Buddhism. Ajanta was
also a great place of learning art, architecture and painting. Indian society thrived and its
economy also dominated the world under this kind of education system.
3. Mughal education system consisted of primary and secondary schools and even colleges.
Colleges were established at Fatehpur Sikri, Agra, Delhi and other places. Education system
based on Hindu Philosophy also existed side by side.
4. In 2006 Singapore China India Japan, and other nations announced a proposed plan to
restore and revive the ancient site as Nalanda International University.

Key Developments of Modern Education System

CHARTER ACT (1813):- The objective was to spread scientific knowledge in British India.
The Christian missionaries were allowed in the country to preach their religion. In 1817, Hindu
College was established in Calcutta which later became Presidency College in 1855 and
Presidency University in 2010.

ELPHINSTONE REPORT (1823):- It recommended the appointment of district Examination

officers, School supervisors, and training to teachers.
Elphinostone Institution was set up in 1834 in Bombay which marked the beginning of
new developments in the field of higher education. It is one of the oldest colleges of Bombay

MACAULAY'S MINUTES (1835):- It suggested diffusion of English education in the

country. However these initiatives were mainly directed at elementary and secondary education.
Lord Macaulay wanted to build and education system that was secular and scientific, free of age
old prejudices and at par with the Western world. In this way, he played his part in building the
modern India.

WOOD DISPATCH (1854):- It was the first policy measure regarding higher education. It
recommended setting up of three universities namely at Madras, Calcutta and Bombay which
were set up in 1857.

HUNTER COMMISSION (1882-1883):- It emphasized the segregation of primary education

and higher education. It proposed that universities would have to manage the affiliated colleges.

UNIVERSITIES COMMISSION (1902):- Lord Curzon was the first person to appoint a
commission on university education. On January 27, 1902, the Indian Universities Act, 1904-
India University Commission was appointed under the Chairmanship of Sir Thomas Raleigh to
enquire into conditions and prospects of the universities established in British India and to
consider and report upon the proposals of the universities established in British India and to
consider and report upon the proposals for improving their constitution and working.
The Indian Universities Act of 1904, passed on March 21 was formulated on the basis of
the recommendations of the India University commission of 1902.
NATIONAL COUNCIL OF EDUCATION:- After partition of Bengal in 1905, national
council of education was set up by swadeshi nationalist leaders, which developed into Jadavpur
University after independence.
Teaching Aptitude [51]
RESOLUTION ON EDUCATIONS POLICY (1913):- This policy recommended that a
university should be established for each province the teaching activities of universities should
be encouraged, and that the colleges located in mofussil towns should be developed into
teaching universities in due course.

SADDLER COMMISSION (1917):- It is also popular as the Calcutta University commission.

1. It recommended the separation of intermediate education from Degree College and
suggested a special selection committee for selection of university teachers.
2. Calcutta university commission suggested the setting up of Central Advisory Board of
Education (CASE) CABE was set up in 1920 but was abolished in 1993 due to financial
3. Under the Government of India Act, 1919 education was made a provincial subject so as
to minimize the control of central government in the education system.

HARTOG COMMITTEE (1929):- The committee focused on improving the quality and
standard of university level education. It again recommended the setting up of CABE, which
was again established in 1935 and has been in existence since.

SAPRU COMMITTEE:- the committee appointed in 1934 by the United province (largely
present Uttar Pradesh) Government to enquire into the causes of unemployment in U.P came to
the conclusion that the system of education commonly prevalent prepared pupils only for
examination and degrees and not for any avocation in life.

ABBOT WOOD REPROT (1937):- It proposed the English should be the medium of
instruction at university level. It recommended vocational training through polytechnics and
setting up of vocational teacher's training colleges.

WARDHA SCHEME OF ECUCATION (1937):- It is also known as Nai Talim or Basic

Education or buniyadi Talim (Shiksha) or basic shiksha. The scheme is an outcome of the
philosophy of Gandhi ji. It was given a definite shape by the committee under the chairmanship
shape by the committee under the chairmanship of Dr Zakir Hussain who later on become the
president of India.

SARGENT REPORT (1944):- The Sargent report is also called scheme of post war
Educational development in India.

HIGHER EDCATION AFTER INDEPNEDENCE:- Government of India took several

initiatives to improve and promote higher education in the country after independence.

RADHAKRISHNAN COMMISSION (1948-1949):- Radhakrishnan commission also known

as university Education commission suggested the integration of secondary education and
higher education by setting up of UGC. It also recommended the setting up of rural universities.

MUDALIAR COMMISSION (1952-1953):- It is also popular as the Secondary Education

commission. It recommended introducing a three year secondary and a four year higher
education system. I also advocated setting up of multipurpose schools and vocational training

Teaching Aptitude [52]

COMMITTEE ON EMOTIONAL INTEGRATION (1961):- It was set up under the
chairmanship of Dr Sampurnanand to study the role of educational programmes for youth, in
general and students in schools and colleges, in particular in order to strengthen the process of
emotional integration.

KOTHARI COMMISSION (1964-1966):- The commission was titled as Education and

National Development report. Ti is a very progressive report. It proposed a three year degree
course and a four year honour degree course. Establishment course and a four year honours
degree course. Establishment of Indian Education Service (IES)to improve the quality of India
higher education with emphasis on quality teaching faculties to vocationalize secondary
education was recommended. It recommended the 6% of the national income should be spent
on education.

EDUCATION SUBJECT IN CONCURRENT LIST (1976):- India has a federal setup and
education is the concurrent responsibility of both the centre as well of states. Post independence,
education (including university education) was the responsibility of the states, while the centre
was given the function of coordination and determination of standards. However, in 1976,
through Entry 25 (42nd list of the constitutional Amendment) in the concurrent list of the
responsibility along with the states for all levels of education.

SAM PITRAODA COMMITTEEE (1917):- It was set up in 2007. It is also popularly known
as national knowledge commission (NKC). It recommended restructuring of curricula to meet
the demand for multidisciplinary professionals and criteria based resource allocation to ensure
maintenance of standards and strategic preferences to promote excellence in higher education.

YASHPAL COMMITTEE:- It suggested scrapping of all higher education, regulatory or

monitoring bodies and creation of a super regulator, that is a seven member commission for
higher education and Research (CHER). State Higher Education councils would form the
second tier of the system.
It also recommended that the deemed university statues be abandoned and that all
deserving deemed varsities be either converted into full fledged universities or scrapped. The
committee stressed the need for more attention to undergraduate gropgrammes and a
multidisciplinary approach to learning. Yashpal Committee also strongly recommended
reducing the burden of affiliation of colleges on the universities and a GRE like test be evolved
for university education.

SHARMA COMMITTEE:- Set up under Prof MM Sharma, it deliberated upon the

development of science and technology education in India. The committee suggested
establishment of India Institute of Science, Education, and Research (IISER). It also
recommended expansion of technical education, assuring quality and providing acces and
affordability for technical education.

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Teaching Aptitude [54]

The reform process of India’s indirect tax regime was started in 1986 by Vishwanath
Pratap sing with the introduction of Modified Valve Added Tax (MODVAT). A single common
goods & Service Tax (GST) was Proposed and given a go-ahead in 1999 during a meeting
between the then Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee and his economic advisory panel, which
included three former RBI Governors IG Patel, Bimal Jalan and C Rangarajan. Atal Bihari
Vajpayee set up a committee headed by the then finance minister of west Bengal, Asim Das
gupta to design a GST model.
In 2003, the Vajpayee Government formed a task force under Vijay Kelkar to
recommend tax reforms.
In February 2006 the then finance minister P. Chidambaram continued his effort on same
and proposed a GST rollout by 1 April 2010. In 2010 Asim Das gupta resigned as the head of
GST Committee ofter completion of 80% task of GST. In 2014, the NDA government of 80%
task of GST. In 2014, the NDA government was re-elected into power, this time under
leadership of Shri Narendra Modi.
Seven months ofter formation of Modi government, the new finance minister Arun
Jaitley introduced the GST Bill in the Lok Sabha, where BJP had a majority. In February 2015,
Jaitley set another deadline of 1 April 2016 to implement GST. The opposition, led by the
congress demanded that the GST Bill should again be revised in Rajya Sabha as dve to
disagreement on several statements relating to taxation. Finally GST got passed in August 2016.
GST was launched on midnight 30 June 2017 by our PM Narendra Modi.

Goods and Services Tax (GST) is an indirect tax applicable throughout India which
replaced multiple cascading taxes levied by the central and state governments. GST is governed
by a GST council and its chairman is the Finance Minister of India. GST was introduced as the
Constitution 101 Amendment Act 2017 following the passage of the constitution 122nd
Amendment Bill.

The GST is a valve added Tax (VAT) proposed to be a comprehensive indirect tax levy
on manufacture, Sale and national level. It replaced all as services at the levied on goods and
services by the Indian Central & State Government .

The goods and services tax (GST) is a valve-added tax levied on most goods and services
sold for domestic consumption.”

(1) Central goods and Service Tax (CGST):

CGST is one of the category of Goods and Service Tax. CGST falls under Central Goods
and Service Tax Act 2016. CGST simply means that due to CGST the present central taxes of
Teaching Aptitude [55]
Central Excise Duty, Central Sales Tax, Service tax, additional excise duties, etc are subsumed
in CGST. CGST is charged on the movement of goods & Services of standards commodities
and services which can be amended time to time by a separate body. The revenue collected
under on CGST is given to states and such input tax could be utilized only against the payment
of CGST.

(2) State Goods and Service Tax (CGST):

SGST is also one of the GST. It falls under State Goods and Service Tax 2016.
When SGST was introduced, the present state sales tax, VAT, Luxury tax, entertainment
tax, etc. were subsumed in SGST. The revenue collected under SGST is for state Government.

(3) Integrated Goods and Service Tax (IGST):

IGST is one of the category of GST which falls under integrated goods & service tax act
2016. IGST is charged when movement of goods and services from one state to another is done.
The revenue of IGST is shared by state government and central government as per the rates
fixed by the authorities.
Under Article 269 A of the constitution, the GST on supplies in the course of inter state
trade shall be levied and collected by Government of India and such should be apportioned
between Union and state in manner as may be provided by parliament by law on
recommendations of Goods & service tax council.

(4) Union Territory Goods and service Tax (UTGST):

UTGST is the port of Goods and Service Tax in India. As we know in India, duel GST is
implemented. CGST and SGST falls in intrastate supply while IGST falls in interstate supply.
GST under supply of goods and services takes place in Union Territories like Andaman
and Nicobar islands, Chandigarh, Dadra and Nagar Haveli, Daman and Diu, etc is accounted
under UTGST.
UTGST falls under UTGST Act.


State Tax Central Tax

 VAT/Sales Tax  Central Excise duty
 Entertainment Tax  Additional Excise duty
 Luxury Tax  Additional customs
 Tax on lottery  Service tax
 Octroi
 Purchase Tax

Rajesh, a dealer in Maharashtra sold goods to an and in Maharashtra worth I 10,000 The
GST rate is 18% comprising CGST rate of 9% and SGST rate of 9% , in such a case the dealer
collects I 1800 and I 900 will go to central government and I 900 will go to Maharastra
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